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Lesson 85 – Ebyekukola

Era sinnategeera. (I don't yet understand.)
Nsobozesa okutegeera. (Enable me to understand.)
Simanyi ngeri ki gye nnyinza kukusobozesa kutegeera. (I don't know how I can enable you to understand.)

Nkukozesezza. (I enabled you to do it.)
Osobodde otya okukikola? (How did you enable me do it?)

Njagala kuyingira. (I wish to enter.)
Nsobozese okuyingira. (Enable me to enter.)
Simanyi ngeri ki gye nnyinza kukusobozesa kuyingira . (I don't know how I can enable you to enter.)

Tebaagala kusoma. (They don't like to read.)
Basobozese okusoma. (Enable them read.)
Simanyi ngeri ki gye nnyinza kubasobozesaamu kusoma. (I don't know how I can enable them to read.)
Nabasobozesezza okusoma. (I enabled them to read.)
Wabasobozesezza otya okusoma? (How did you enable them to read?)

Baleekana. (They are making noise.)
Basirise. (Make them to be quiet.)
Simanyi ngeri ki ya kubasirisa. (I don't know how I can make them to be quiet.)
Nabasirisizza. (I made them to be quiet. [I silenced them.])
Wabasirisizza otya? (How did you make them to be quiet?)

Enjala ebaluma. (They are hungry.)
Baliise. (Feed them.)
Simanyi ngeri ki gye nnyinza kubaliisa. (I don't know how I can feed them.)
Nabaliisizza. (I fed them.)
Obaliisizza otya? (How did you feed them?)

Mbeebasizza (I have put them to sleep.)
Wabeebasizza otya? (How did you put them to sleep?)

Tebaagala kufuluma. (They don't want to get out.)
Bafulumye. (Get them out.)
Simanyi ngeri ki ya kubafulumyamu. (I don't know how to get them out.)

Mbasobozesezza okutegeera. (I enabled them to understand.)
Osobodde otya okubasobozesa okutegeera? (How did you enable them to understand?)