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Ekibuga kiri kye ndaba kiyitibwa kitya?
(What is that town that I see called?)
Omuzigiti guli gwe ndaba guyitibwa gutya?
(What is that mosque that I see called?)
Essomero liri lye ndaba liyitibwa litya?
(What is that school that I see called?)
Omugga guli gwe ndaba guyitibwa gutya?
(What is that river that I see called?)
Oluguudo luli lwe ndaba luyitibwa lutya?
(What is that road that I see called?)
Ennyanja eri gye ndaba eyitibwa etya?
(What is that lake that I see called?)
Essaati gye nayoza eddugala kaakati.
(The shirt that I washed is dirty now.)
Ekiteeteeyi kye nayoza kiddugala kaakati.
Enkufiira gye nayoza eddugala kaakati.
Essweta gye nayoza eddugala kaakati.
Engatto ze nayoza ziddugala kaakati.
Olugoye lwe nayoza luddugala kaakati.
Essuuka ze nayoza ziddugala kaakati.
Wano walungi.
♫ (This place is nice.)
Muno mulungi.
♫ (In here is nice.)
Kuno kulungi.
♫ (On here is nice.)
Eno nnungi.
♫ (Around here is nice.)
Wano wayitibwa watya?
(What is this place called?)
Muno muyitibwa mutya?
(What is this place inside called?)
Kuno kuyitibwa kutya?
(What is this place on called?)
Eno eyitibwa etya?
(What is this place called?)