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Mbarara kibuga kikulu.
♫ (Mbarara is a principal town.)
Kiri mu ssaza lya Mbarara.
♫ (It’s in the district of Mbarara.)
Mbarara kiri mu bugwanjuba bwa Uganda.
♫ (Mbarara is in the western side of Uganda.)
Abasinga obungi Banyankole.
♫ (The majority are Banyankole.)
Abantu bangi balunzi.
♫ (Many people are herdsmen.)
Balunda ente.
♫ (They keep cattle.)
Abamu balimi.
♫ (Some are farmers.)
Abalala bakola mu makolero.
♫ (Others work in industries.)
Try to make answers to the questions below from the sentences above:
Mbarara kiri mu Buganda?
♫ (Mbarara, is it in Buganda?) Nedda. (No)
Abasinga obungi bakola mu ofiisi?
♫ (Are the majority working in offices?)
Abantu abamu balimi?
♫ (Are some people farmers?)