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Ŋŋenda ku luggi. Omusomesa agenda ku luggi.♫
(I go to the door. The teacher goes to the door.)
Nzigalawo oluggi. Omusomesa aggala oluggi. ♫
(I shut the door. The teacher shuts the door.)
Nzigulawo oluggi. Omusomesa aggula oluggi. ♫
(I open the door. The teacher opens the door.)
Nva ku luggi. Omusomesa ava ku luggi.♫
(I come from the door. The teacher comes from the door.)
Ntuula ku ntebe. Omusomesa atuula ku ntebe.♫
(I sit on a chair. The teacher sits down on a chair.)
Nnyimirira. Omusomesa ayimirira.♫
(I stand up. The teacher stands up.)
Ŋŋenda ku lubaawo. Omusomesa agenda ku lubaawo.♫
(I go to the blackboard. The teacher goes to the blackboard.)
Mpandiika ku lubaawo. Omusomesa awandiika ku lubaawo.♫
(I write on the blackboard. The teacher writes on the blackboard.)
Nzigadde oluggi. ♫ (Question) Nkoze ki? (Answer:) Oggadde oluggi.
(I closed the door. What did I do? You closed the door.)
Nnyimiridde mu kibiina. ♫ (Question)Nkoze ki? (Answer:) Oyimiridde mu kibiina.
( I stood up in class. What did I do? You stood up in class.)
Ndidde ekyenkya. ♫ (Question) Nkoze ki? (Answer:) Olidde ekyenkya.
(I ate breakfast. What did I do? You ate breakfast.)
Nnyambadde engatto. ♫ (Question) Nkoze ki? (Answer:) Oyambadde engatto.
(I put on shoes. What did I do? You put on shoes.)
Nzize mu kibiina. ♫ (Question) Nkoze ki? (Answer:) Ozze mu kibiina.
(I came to class. What did I do? You came to class.)
Ndabye enkulungo. ♫ (Question) Nkoze ki? (Answer:) Olabye enkulungo.
(I saw a circle. What did I do? You saw a circle.)