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Playing with Tenses - Immediate Past
Nyambala engatto.
♫ (I’m putting on shoes),
Nyambadde engatto zange.
♫(I have put on my shoes.)
Oyambadde engatto?
♫ (Have you put shoes on?),
Yee. Nyambadde engatto.
♫(Yes, I have put on shoes.)
Akoze ki?
♫ (What has he done?),
Agenze mu kibiina.
♫(He has gone to class)
Make the correct choice:
1. Mu fumbiro - means: a. in the boat b. in the kitchen c. in the market
2. A small gift: a. Akaato b. Akasozi c. Akalabo
3. Kino kiki?: a. Is it near? b. Is it far? c. What is this?
4. Nnabubi (spider) is in class: a. [mu-mi] b. [n-n] c. [mu-ba]