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Simanyi musajja ono. Simumanyi.
♫ (I don’t know this man. I don’t know him.)
Awadde omuyizi ekitabo. Amuwadde ekitabo.
♫ (He gave the student the book. He gave him the book.)
Awadde omuyizi ekitabo. Akimuwadde.
♫ (He gave the student the book. He gave it to him.)
Asuubizizza abaana emiyembe. Abasuubizizza emiyembe.
♫ (She promised the children mangos. She promised them the mangos.)
Asuubizizza abaana emiyembe. Agibasuubizizza.
♫ (She promised the children mangos. She promised them [the mangos].)
Nfumbira Nakimuli omuceere. Ngumufumbira.
♫ (I cooking rice for Nakimuli. I cooking it for her.)
Tawa mwana we ssukaali. Tamumuwa.
♫ (She doesn’t give her child sugar. She doesn’t give it to him.)
Tunaagenda mu katale enkya? Tunaagendeyo enkya?
♫ (Shall we not go to the market tomorrow? Shall we go there tomorrow?)