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Enkya ya leero onoosoma Oluganda? Yee, naasoma.
♫ (Shall you study Luganda this morning? Yes, I shall.)
Enkya ya leero ojja kusoma Oluganda? Yee, nja kusoma.
♫ (Are you going to study Luganda this morning? Yes, I going to study.)
Leero olweggulo mujja kusoma ki?
♫ (What will you be reading this afternoon?)
Leero olweggulo tunaasoma ebitabo by’okubala.
♫ (This afternoon we shall read books on Math.)
Tunaalya ki ku kyemisana?
♫ (What shall we eat at lunch?)
Tunaalya ennyama n’omuceere.
♫ (We shall eat meat and rice.)
Tunaanywa ki ku kyemisana?
♫ (What shall we drink at lunch?)
Tunaanywa omwenge.
♫ (We shall drink beer.)
Nnaawandiika ebbaluwa. Nnaagiwandiika.
♫ (I shall write a letter. I shall write it.)
Nnaateeka ensimbi ku mmeeza. Nnaaziteeka ku mmeeza.
♫ (I shall put the money on the table. I shall put it on the table.)