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Batandise okutambula mangu nnyo. ♫ | (They started walking faster.) | Amanyi Oluganda okusinga Olungereza. ♫ | (He/she knows Luganda better than English.) |
Amazzi gano gayokya okusinga ago. ♫ | (This water is hotter than that one.) | Omutima gwo munene okusinga ogwange. ♫ | (Your heart is bigger than mine.) |
Ekitabo ekyo kya mugaso okusinga kino. ♫ | (That book is more important that this one.) | Emirimu gyo gyasinga amakulu egyange. ♫ | (Your work is more important than mine.) |
Ggwe osingayo amagezi mu kibiina kyo? ♫ | (Are you the smartest in your class?) | Y'asingayo okudduka mu kibinja ky’abayizi? ♫ | (Is he/she the best at running in the student’s team?) |