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Lesson 56 – Imperatives

Yimirira! (Stand up!) Oyimiridde? Yee, nnyimiridde.
(Did you stand up? Yes, I stood up.)
Genda ku lubaawo! (Go to the [black]board!) Ogenze ku lubaawo? Yee, ŋŋenze ku lubaawo.
Sangula olubaawo! (Erase the [black]board!) Olusangudde? Yee, ndusangudde.
Wandiika erinnya lyo! (Write your name!) Oliwandiise? Yee, ndiwandiise.
Ggala oluggi! (Close the door!) Oluggadde? Yee, nduggadde.
Ddayo mu kifo kyo! (Return to your place!) Ozzeeyo mu kifo kyo? Yee, nzizeeyo mu kifo kyange.
Tuula wansi! (Sit down!) Otudde wansi? Yee, ntudde wansi.

Olubaawo luli ludda wa? Luuluno.
(Where is the [black]board? It is here.)
Erinnya lyo liri ludda wa? Liirino.
Oluggi luli ludda wa? Luuluno.
Ekifo kyange kiri ludda wa? Kiikino.
Essanduuko yange eri ludda wa? Yiino.