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Tubadde tuyiga Oluganda okumala emyezi esatu.
♫ (We have been studying Luganda for three months.)
Tumaze emyezi esatu nga tuyiga Oluganda.
♫ (We have taken [finished] three months in studying Luganda.)
Tubadde wano okumala emyezi esatu.
♫ (We have been here for three months.)
Tumaze emyezi esatu nga tuli wano.
♫ (We have [finished] taken three months here.)
Tutudde mu kibiina okumala essaawa emu.
♫ (We have been sitting in class for one hour.)
Tumaze essaawa emu nga tutudde mu kibiina.
♫ (We have taken [finished] one hour in class.)
Twalindirira bbaasi okumala essaawa nnamba.
♫ (We have been waiting for the bus for a whole hour.)
Twamala essaawa nnamba nga tulindirira baasi.
♫ (We have taken [finished] a whole hour waiting for the bus.)
Tunaazannya omupiira okumala essaawa emu.
♫ (We will play soccer for one hour.)
Tunaamala essaawa emu nga tuzannya omupiira.
♫ (We will take [finish] one hour playing soccer.)