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Lesson 84 – Ebyekukola birala

Abo abaagala okuyimba bayimba. (Those who want to sing are singing.)
Abo abataayagadde kuyimba tebaayimbye. (Those who didn't (near past) want to sing didn't sing.)
Abo abataayagala kuyimba tebaayimba. (Those who didn't (far past) want to sing didn't sing.)
Abo abatayagale kuyimba tebaayimbe. (Those who don't (near fut.) want to sing won't sing.)
Abo abatalyagala kuyimba tebaliyimba. (Those who don't (gen.fut.) want to sing won't sing.)

Abo abatalina bitabo kati tebasoma. (Those who don't have books now are not reading.)
Abo abataabadde na bitabo tebaasomye. (Those who didn't (near past) have books didn't read.)
Abo abataalina bitabo tebaasoma. (Those who didn't (far past) have books didn't read.)
Abo abatalina bitabo tebaasome. (Those who don't (near fut.) have books won't read.)
Abo abataliba bitabo tebajja kusoma. (Those who don't (far. fut.) have books won't read.)