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Lesson 83 – Ebyokukola

Ekibuga kye tulengera eri kiyitibwa kitya? (What is the name of the city that we are looking at over there?)
Ekibuga kye tulengera eri, ekyo ye Kampala. (The city that we're looking at over there, that's Kampala.)
Omugga gwe tulengera eri guyitibwa gutya? (What is the name of the river that we are looking at over there?)
Omugga gwe tulengera eri, ogwo guyitibwa Nnakivubo. (The river that we're looking at over there, that's Nnakivubo.)
Akasozi ke tulengera eri kayitibwa katya? (What is the name of the hill that we are looking at over there?)
Akasozi ke tulengera eri, ako kayitibwa Kololo. (The hill that we're looking at over there, that's Kololo.)
Eddwaliro lye tulengera eri liyitibwa litya? (What is the name of the hospital that we are looking at over there?)
Eddwaliro lye tulengera eri eryo liyitibwa Mulago. (The hospital that we're looking at over there, that's Mulago.)
Omuntu gwe tulengera eri ayitibwa ani? (What is the name of the person that we are looking at over there?)
Omuntu gwe tulengera eri oyo ayitibwa Mukasa. (The man that we're looking at over there, that's Mr. Mukasa.)