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Lesson 73 – Exercises

Ka ŋŋende ngule ennyama. (Let me go buy meat.)
Genda ogule ennyama. (Go buy meat.)

Ka ntuule mpandiike ebbaluwa. (Let me sit and write a letter.)
Tuula owandiike ebbaluwa. (Sit and write a letter.)

Ka tugende tugule ennyama. (Let’s go buy meat.)
Mugende mugule ennyama. (Go [you] buy meat.)

Ka tutuule tuwandiike ebbaluwa. (Let’s sit and write a letter.)
Mutuule muwandiike ebbaluwa. (Sit [you] and write a letter.)

Ka tugende tubabuuze. (Let’s go and greet them.)
Mugende mubabuuze. (Go [you] and greet them.)

Ka tuyingire tutandike okusoma. (Let’s go in and start studying.)
Muyingire mutandike okusoma. (Go [you] in and start studying.)