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Tips + Techniques for Flashcards

a) Luganda Companion Opencards Sets

Like any learning, one needs to consider an approach. One such approach is briefly describe by these points:
  1. Study up to lesson 3
  2. Download and install the Opencards application (including the Java Runtime app)
  3. Create a subfolder in the .opencards folder called "luganda01" to hold level-1 cards sets.
  4. Download the first card set "FSI-Luganda-Lesson01-03.ppt" and place it in this folder.
  5. Start a daily routine to review the card set. Be sure to double-click regularly on the speaker icon.
  6. As one goes through the lessons at level one, add the additional card sets accordingly.
  7. When your skills reach level 2, create another subfolder called "luganda02".
  8. Increase the daily number of cards reviewed beyond the default of 30.
  9. Continue through to level 4 accordingly.
Other tips:
Consider customizing/addingcards to suit your learning.... adding/changing slightly the wording, eg. where it said "red", one uses "yellow"

b) Luganda Companion Mnemosyne

Sample database to feature shortly.

Useful tips at