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Obukkakkamu kwe kuwummula kw’omwoyo.
(Serenity is tranquility of spirit.)
Kwe kubeera nga wesiga wamu n’okukkiriza nti buli kimu kiri bulungi.
(It is an abiding sense of trust and faith that all is well.)
Wakati mu kugezesebwa, tubeera bakkiriza era tulama.
(In the midst of trials, we are accepting and resilient.)
Tugenda na mugendo.
(We go with the flow.)
Tubeera abuteefu, abafumiitiriza era abafaayo.
(We practice calmness, reflection and mindfulness.)
Obukkakkamu buleeta obwerufu mu biriwoozo era butuganya okwekutula ku mbeera ez'amaanyi eziyinza okuziyiza ensalawo yaffe.
(Serenity gives us lucidity of thought and allows us to detach from strong emotions that can cloud our judgment.)
Okwelarikirira wadde okutya tetubiganya okutuyuuyayuuya.
(We do not allow worry or fear to throw us off balance.)
Tutondawo okubeerawo okw'emirembe.
(We cultivate peaceful presence.)
Tusobola okubeera obukkakkamu wakati mu mbuyaga.
(We are able to be the calm in the storm.)
“Katonda nsaba ompe obukkakkamu okkukiriza ebintu byesisobola kukyusa, obuvumu okukyusa ebyo bye nsobola era n’amagezi ag’okubyawula.”
(“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”)
Empisa y'Obukkakkamu
(The Practice of Serenity)
Nnina okukkiriza mu birungi ebiri mu bulamu.
(I have faith in the goodness of life.)
Nzikkiriza ebigezo mu kisa wamu n’okwesiga.
(I accept tests with grace and trust.)
Ŋŋondera entambula y’ebintu.
(I am flexible in the course of events.)
Numirirwa era nfumiitiriza ku abalala.
(I am thoughtful and reflective.)
Neekuumira mu mirembe.
(I keep my peace.)
Ntondawo okuwummula wakati mu kavuyo.
(In the midst of chaos I create tranquility.)
Neebaza ku lw'ekirabo ky’Obukkakkamu. Kiwooyawooya omwoyo gwange.
(I am thankful for the gift of Serenity. It soothes my soul.)
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