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Wava ddi ewammwe?
♫ (When did you leave home?)
Nava ewaffe mu mwezi ogayise.
♫ (I left home a month ago.)
Watuuka ddi wano?
♫ (When did you arrive here?)
Natuuka wano mu wiiki eyise.
♫ (I arrived here a week ago.)
Watandika ddi okuyiga Oluganda?
♫ (When did you start to learn Luganda?)
Natandika okuyiga Oluganda sabiiti bbiri eziyise.
♫ (I started to learn Luganda two weeks ago.)
Wagula ddi essaati eyo?
♫ (When did you buy that shirt?)
Essaati eno nagigula dda.
♫ (I bought this shirt long ago.)
Wayoza ddi essaati eyo?
♫ (When did you wash that shirt?)
Essaati eno nagyoza jjo.
♫ (I washed this shirt yesterday.)
Wasalibwa ddi enviiri?
♫ (When did you have your hair cut?)
Enviiri zasalibwa luli.
♫(I cut my hair the other day.)
Njozezza essaati eno leero. Nayoza essaati eri jjo.
♫ (I washed this shirt today. I washed that shirt yesterday)
Nguze essaati eno leero. Nagula essaati eri sabiiti eyise.
♫ (I bought this shirt today. I bought that shirt last week.)
Nnyambadde essaati eno leero. Nayambala essaati eri ennaku ssatu eziyise.
♫ (I wore this shirt today. I wore that shirt three days ago.)