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Enkya tetuuyige Luganda.
♫ (We shall not learn Luganda tomorrow.)
Enkya tetuugende mu ssinema.
♫ (We shall not go to the cinema tomorrow.)
Enkya tetuulye byannyanja.
♫ (We shall not eat fish tomorrow.)
Enkya tetuulabe mupiira.
♫ (We shall not watch soccer tomorrow.)
Enkya tetuunyumye ne mikwano gyaffe.
♫ (We shall not chat with friends tomorrow.)
Enkya tetuusomese baana.
♫ (We shall not teach children tomorrow.)
A: Enkya munaayiga Oluganda?
♫ (Shall you learn Luganda tomorrow?)
(B,C): Nedda, enkya tetuuyige Luganda.
♫ (No, we shall not learn Luganda tomorrow.)
A: Enkya munaakola ki?
♫ (What shall you do tomorrow?)
(B,C): Enkya tunaagenda mu katale.
♫ (We shall go to market tomorrow.)
A: Enkya onoolya ebyennyanja?
♫ (Shall you eat fish tomorrow?)
B: Nedda, enkya siirye byannyanja.
♫ (No, I shall not eat fish tomorrow.)
A: Enkya onoolya ki?
♫ (What shall you eat tomorrow?)
B: Enkya nnaalya nnyama.
♫ (I shall eat meat tomorrow.)