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Lesson 59 – Vocabulary

okuyingira (to enter) okuyimirira (to stand up)
Ayingidde mu kibiina. (He has entered the classroom.) Nnyimiridde. (I have stood up.)
okusirika (to be quiet) okudduka (to run)
Basirise mangu. (They have suddenly become silent.) Omudduse (a fugitive)
okuwuliriza (to listen to other) okutunula (to wake up)
Mubawulirizza (You [.pl] have listened to them.) Batunudde? (Have they woken up?)
okutambula (to walk) okuwummula (to rest)
Mutambudde wano? (You [.pl] have walked here?) Tuwummudde. (We have rested.)
okufuluma (to go out, away) okufumba (to cook)
Bafulumye. (They went out.) Bafumbye nnyo. (They have cooked well.)