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Lesson 51 – Exercises

Walya amaggi ameka? Nalya amaggi assatu. (How many eggs did you eat? I ate three eggs.)
Baalya bungi ki obw'omuceere? Baalya omuceere mungi. (How much of the rice did they eat? They ate much rice.)
Mwalya amatooke ameka? Twalya amatooke mangi. (How much matooke did you[pl.] did you eat? We ate a lot of matooke.)
Walya ebibala bimeka? Simanyi naye nalya ebibala bingi. (How many fruits did you eat? I don’t know but I ate much fruit.)
Walya bungi ki obw'ennyama? Nalya ennyama nnyingi. (How much meat did you eat? I ate a lot of meat.)
Mwalya emigaati emeka? Twalya emigaati mingi. (How bread did you (pl.) eat? We ate a lot of bread)
Baanywa bungi ki obwa kaawa? Baanywa ebikompe binna. (How much coffee did they drink? They drank four cups.)
Mwanywa bungi ki obwa caayi? Twanywa ebikompe bitaano. (How much tea did you drink? We drank five cups.)
Wanywa bungi ki obw'omwenge? Nanywa omwenge mungi, egirassi ssatu. (How much beer did you drink? I drank a lot of beer, three glasses.)