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Lesson 24 – A series of everyday evening activities

Ndya ekyemisana. (I eat lunch.)
Oluvannyuma nzirayo mu kibiina. (Afterwards, I return to class.)
Njiga okubala. (I learn mathematics.)
Nva mu kibiina. (I come from class.)
Nzirayo eka. (I return home.)
Nzannya. (I play.)
Mpummula. (I rest.)
Nnaaba. (I bathe.)
Ndya ekyeggulo. (I eat supper.)
Nnyumya ne mikwano gyange. (I enjoy myself with my friends.)
Neebaka. (I sleep.)

A: Bw'omala okulya ekyemisana, oluvannyuma okola ki? (When you finish eating lunch, what do you do afterwards?)
B: Nzirayo mu kibiina. (I return to class)

Tuning the Ear to Tonality
oyiga , muyiga , bayiga , tuyiga (you learn, you [pl.] learn, they learn, we learn) owummula , muwummula , bawummula , tuwummula (you rest, you [pl.] rest, they rest, we rest)

Building Vocabulary
Baasi (It’s a bus) , Ennonyi ( A plane) , Tikiti (It’s a ticket) , Essanduuko (a suitcase) , Matatu (It’s a mini-bus) , Bodaboda (It’s a motorcycle for hire) , Ppikipiki (It’s a motorbike)