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Lesson 17 – First, Second and Third Person, Singular

Nze, nva mu Amerika. Ndi Mwamerika. (I come from America. I’m American)
Ggwe, ova mu Kanada. Oli Mukanada. (You come from Canada. You are Canadian)
Omuntu ono, ava mu Uganda. Munnayuganda. (This person comes from Uganda. He/she is a Ugandan)

A: Ggwe, oli Mwamerika? (Are you American?)
B: Nedda, siri Mwamerika. Ndi Mungereza. (No, I’m not American. I’m British)
A: Oyo Mungereza? /Ono Mungereza? (Is he/she British?)
B: Nedda, si Mungereza.. Mukanada. (No, he/she is not British. He/she is Canadian)

Tuning the Ear to Tonality
Ekikko kiri kumpi? (Is the valley nearby?), Ekikere kino (This frog), Kiikino! (Here it is!), Kino kiki? (What is this?)

A: Obeera wa? (Where do you live?)
B: Nze, mbeera Bukoto (I live in Bukoto)

A: Asula wa? (Where does he/she stay? [literally: sleep])
B: Ye, asula Ntinda. Ate ggwe, obeera wa? (He/she stays in Ntinda. And you, where do you stay?)