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Lesson 9 – Present Indicative Negative

A: Nva mu Amerika; siva mu Congo. (I come from America; I do not come from Congo)
B: Ova mu Congo? (You come from Congo?)
A: Nedda, siva mu Congo. (No, I don’t come from Congo)
A: Nva mu Congo. (I come from Congo)
B: Nedda, tova mu Congo; ova mu Amerika. (No, you don’t come from Congo. You come from America.)

C: Ava mu Congo? (Does he come from Congo?)
D: Nedda, tava mu Congo; ava mu Amerika. (No, he doesn’t come from Congo. He comes from America)

Tuning the Ear to Tonality
Eno ofiisi ya posita. (This is a post office.), Eno nnyanja. (This is a lake.), Gano masaŋŋanzira. (This is a roundabout.), Luno luguudo. (This is a road.), Lino dduuka. (This is a shop.),

Building Vocabulary
olubuto [lu/n](stomach), omugongo (back), ekifuba (chest), okugulu [ku/ma] (leg), amagulu (legs), evviivi [li/ma] (knee), Olubuto lunnuma. (My stomach hurts.)

Siva (I don’t come…), Tova (You don’t come…), Tava (He/she doesn’t come…)