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Lesson 6 – Wangi?

Omukazi ono wa mu nsi ki? (Which country does this woman come from?)
Wangi? (~What is it?) - a response to an unclear question so that it is repeated or to a person calling to you

Omuntu ono ava wa? (Where does this person come from?)
Ava mu Amerika. (She comes from America)

Tuning the Ear to Tonality
emigga (rivers), amaduuka (shops), nkulungo (a circle, a sphere, a traffic roundabout)
Note: the softness of ‘w’ and ‘y’.
olunwe (a finger), embwa (a dog), okulya (to eat)

Building Vocabulary
ensingo (the neck), omumiro (the throat), ekibegabega (a shoulder), omukono (the arm) ekiseke (the wrist), ekibatu (hand), engalo (fingers)

Wangi? (~What is it?) - a response to an unclear question so that it is repeated or to a person calling to you