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A: Enjala ennuma nnyo. Olinayo ki eky'okulya?
♫ (I'm very hungery. What do you have to eat?)
B: Ooo! Ggwe nnyabo olowooza tulina ki wano leero? Obadde oyagala ki - nnyama n'omuceere oba amatooke?
♫ (Oh, what do you think we have here today, madame? What did you want - meat with rice?)
A: Yee, mbadde njagala nnyama n'omuceere oba amatooke.
♫ (Oh yes, I wanted meat with rice or matooke.)
B: Ooo, amatooke?
♫ (Oh, matooke?)
A: Mmm.
♫ (Yes)
B: Eee, leero onoolya matooke?
♫ (Eee, shall you eat matooke today?)
A: Yee, ssebo, lwaki [obuuza]?
♫ (Err, ssebo, why [do you ask]?)
B: Ooo, bagamba nti mmwe Abamereka temulya matooke.
♫ (Oh, they say that you, Americans, don't eat matooke.)
A: Aaa, bwe tujja kuno, tugalya.
♫ (Aa, when we come here, we eat it.)
B: Ooo, kale.
♫ (Oh, okay.)
A: Mmm.
B: Kale, ojja kufuna matooke na nnyama ya ki? Ya mbuzi, nkoko oba ya nte?
♫ (Ok, you'll have matooke with what kind of meat? With goat, with chicken or with beef?)
A: Ya nte.
♫ (With beef.)
B: Ooo, kale. Lindako katono [ekutuukeko].
♫ (Oh, alright. Wait a bit [for it to come].)