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Nagula ettikiti. Ettikiti eruwa gye wagula?
(I bought a ticket. Where is the ticket that you bought?)
Nayoza essaati. Essaati eruwa gye wayoza?
(I washed a shirt. Where is the shirt that you washed?)
Nafuna ebbaluwa. Ebbaluwa eruwa gye wafuna?
(I got a letter. Where is the letter which you got?)
Nawandiika ebbaluwa. Ebbaluwa eruwa gye wawandiika?
(I wrote a letter. Where is the letter that you wrote?)
Nalonda ensimbi. Ensimbi ziruwa ze walonda?
(I found money. Where is the money that you found?)
Naleeta omupiira. Omupiira guluwa gwe waleeta?
(I brought a ball. Where it the ball that you brought?)
Nalaba ebbaasi. Ebbaasi eruwa gye walaba?
(I saw a bus. Where is the bus that you saw?)
Nagamba omusomesa. Omusomesa aluwa gwe wagamba?
(I told the teacher. Where is the teacher that you told?)
Nafumba emmere. Emmere eruwa gye wafumba?
(I cooked food. Where is food that you cooked?)
A conversation
A: Mwema, toleekaana. Oba toyagala kuyimba, sirika.
♫ (Mwema, don't shout. If you don't want to sing, keep quiet.)
B: Ssi nze ndeekaana, Otiti ne Awuzu be baleekaana.
♫ (It's not I who is shouting, Otiti and Awuzu are the ones shouting.)
A: Bagambe baleme kuleekaana.
♫ (Tell them not to shout.)
B: Basirise.
♫ (They have kept quiet.)
A: Kirungi.
♫ (Good.)
B: Kyokka babadde bakyagala okuleekaanako.
♫ (But they still wanted to shout.)
A: Tebamanyi nti singa baleekaana bajja kulwala?
♫ (Don't they know that if they keep shouting they'll fall sick?)
B: Ndowooza tebamanyi.
♫ (I think they don't know.)
A: Bambi.
♫ (What a pity.)