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Ennyama yonna twagirya.
♫ (We ate all the meat.)
Enva zonna twazirya.
♫ (We ate all the sauce.)
Emmere yonna twagirya.
♫ (We ate all the food.)
Emboga zonna twazirya.
♫ (We ate all the vegetables.)
Amagi gonna twagalya.
♫ (We ate all the eggs.)
Omugaati gwonna twagulya.
♫ (We ate all the bread.)
Ebibala byonna twabirya.
♫ (We ate all the fruit.)
Ennyama yonna yaliibwa.
♫ (All the meat was eaten.)
Enva zonna zaaliibwa.
♫ (All the sauce was eaten.)
Emmere yonna yaaliibwa.
♫ (All the food was eaten.)
Emboga zonna zaaliibwa.
♫ (All the vegetables were eaten.)
Amagi gonna gaaliibwa.
♫ (All the eggs were eaten.)
Omugaati gwonna gwaliibwa.
♫ (All the bread was eaten.)
Ebibala byonna byaliibwa.
♫ (All the fruit was eaten.)