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Embiro z'Enfudu

[Ebyokukozesa - Tewali]

Abaana “badduka” okubeera omuntu ASEEMBAYO okutuuka ku lukoloboze lw’akamalirizo. Abaana tebasobola kuyimirira kumala wadde akaseera akatono kati, wabula okusigala nga batambula -- mpolampola -- okutuuka ku lukoloboze olw’akamalirizo, Oyo yenna akwatibwa nga tatambula ateekwa okusika oluta olunene ng’adda mu maaso.

Tortoise Race

[Materials - none.]

Children "race" to be the LAST person to reach the finish line. The children may not stand still even for an instant, but must keep moving - ever so slowly -- toward the finish line. Anyone caught not moving must take a giant step forward.

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