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Okwetooloola Enkulungo

[Ebyokukozesa - Tewali kyetaagisa.]

Abaana batuula nga bakoze enkulungo. Omwana omu atandika n’okukoona ekibegabega ky’oyo amuliraanye ku ddyo. Oyo gwe bakoonyeeko naye akoona muliraanwa we, nga byeyongerayo bwebityo okwetooloola enkulungo. Okukoona bwe kutuuka ku mwana asoose, akoona muliraanwa we ku kibegabega ne ku maviivi. Era ebyo nabyo byeyongera okwetooloola enkulungo, nga buli kiseera boongeramu akakoddyo akalala. Ekikulu eky’omuzannyo guno kwe kusigala ng’osirise nga bwe kisoboka. Oyo yenna asekaseka oba ataddamu akabonero obulungi ng’ava mu muzannyo.

Round and Round the Circle

[Materials - None.]

The children sit in a circle. One child begins by tapping her right-hand neighbour on the shoulder. The neighbour passes the tap to her neighbour, and so on around the circle. When the tap comes back to the first child, she taps her neighbour on the shoulder and on the knees.. Continue to go around the circle, adding a new gesture each time. The idea of this game is to be as quiet as possible. Anyone who giggles or does not repeat the gestures correctly is out of the game.

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