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[Ebyokukozesa - Tewali Kyetaagisa.]

Omwana omu agolola emikono gye, ng’agalise ebibatu, abaana abalala bateeka engalo zaabwe ensajja mu kibatu kye, nga tabalabudde afunya mangu engalo ze. Oyo gwakwatira mu kibato kye yafuuka agoba. Oyo agoba adduka ng’agezaako okukwata abaana abalala. Omwana yenna gwe bannatera okukwata, aleekanira waggulu nti, “Munyambe!” Bwe watabeerawo omwana amuyamba, agoba amukwata naye nafuuka agoba abaana abalala. Singa omwana omulala ajja okumuyamba, era n’akwata emikono gye, bombi tebatuukibwaako kabi konna akokukwatibwa. Omuzannyo gugenda bwegutyo, okutuusa abaana lwe bagukoowa ne baleekera awo.


[Materials - None]

One child holds out his hand, palm up, the others place their index fingers into his open palm. Without warning, the child quickly closes his hand. The one who is caught becomes the chaser. The chaser runs after the other children and tries to catch them. If any child is in danger of being caught, he shouts, "Help!" If no child-comes to his rescue, he can be caught and becomes the chaser. If another child does come to his rescue, and holds his hand, they are both safe from being caught. The game continues until the children decide to stop.

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