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Omuzannyo ogw'Okuteeba

[Ebyokukozesa - Tewali]

Gamba abaana batuule mu nga bakoze enkulungo. Siba omwana omu kantuntunu omugambe atambule nga yetooloola abaana. Mugambe akwate omwana omu ali mu nkulungo ku kyenyi ne mu nviiri. Oyo omwana asibiddwa kantuntunu ateekwa okuteeba erinnya ly’oyo gwakuteko. Bw’ateeba erinnya ly’oyo gwakuteko mu butuufu, ye asobola okutuula wansi. Kati oyo omwana gwateebye y’addako okusibwa kantuntunu.

Guessing Game

[Materials - None]

Ask the children to sit in a circle. Blindfold one child. Make him walk around the children. Ask him to touch the face and hair of one of the children in the circle. The blindfolded child must guess who he/she is touching. If he/she can guess the name of the child correctly, he/she can sit. Then it is the turn of the other child whose name was guessed to be blindfolded.

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