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Funa Akannyo

[Ebyokukozesa - Tewali kyetaagisa.]

Omwana omu yefuula omulwadde. Abaana abalala basimba enyiriri bbiri nga batunuliganye. Bagolola emikono gyabwe nga bagifunyiza mu nkokola ne bakwatagana ne banaabwe ababali ku ludda olulala mu maaso ne bakola akannyo. Oyo eyefudde omulwadde agalamira ku kannyo ne bamutwala Awajjanjabirwa Abalwadde. (omusomesa alonda omuti oba awalala wonna we basobola okufuula ng’Ekifo Awajjanjabirwa Abalwadde).

Get the Stretcher

[Materials - None]

One child pretends to be sick. The other children form two lines facing each other. They stretch their arms bent at the elbow and interlock them with those of the children across from them to make a stretcher. The sick child then lies on the stretcher and is taken to the Health Centre. (The teacher chooses a tree or another place that can be the Health Centre).

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