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Embaata, Embaata, Enkoko

[Ebyokukozesa - Tewali kyetaagisa.]

Lagira abaana batuule mu nkulungo. Loonda omwana omu okubeera “embaata”. Embaata egenda etambula okwetoloola emabega w’enkulungo nga bw’ekwaata ku mitwe gy’abaana nga bw’egamba nti “embaata, embaata, embaata”. Ate olwo akwaata ku mutwe gw’omwana omu n’agamba nti “enkoko”. Gwabeera akuteko afuuka “enkoko”. Enkoko eyimuka netandika okugoba embaata okwetolola enkulungo ng’egezaako okugikwata. Embaata edduka okugenda mu kifo awaavudde enkoko. Embaata bwe bagikwata nga tenatuuka mu kifo ekyo, olwo nedda wakati. Enkoko bweba tekute mbaata, esigala nga etambula okwetolola enkulungo ng’egenda ekwaata ku mitwe gy’abaana nga bw’egamba nti “embaata embaata, embaata”, era omuzannyo bwe gutyo ne gweyongerayo .

Duck Duck Chicken

[Materials - None]

Ask the class to sit in a circle. Choose one child to be the "duck." The duck walks around the outside of the circle touching the other children's head saying "duck, duck, duck..." Then he touches one of the children's head and says "chicken." The child who is touched becomes the "chicken." The "chicken" gets up and chases the duck around the circle trying to catch him. The duck runs to the empty space left by the chicken. If the duck is caught before reaching the empty space, he goes to the middle of the circle. If the chicken does not catch the duck, the chicken continues walking around the circle touching the children's heads saying, "duck, duck, duck," and the game continues.

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