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Lesson 72 – Exercises2

Sijja ku genda mu kibiina. (I won’t go to class.)
Talikkiriza ensobi zo. (He won’t accept your mistakes.)
Toligula gaali? (You won’t be buying the bicycle?)
Temulirya emmere ye. (You [.pl] won’t eat his food.)
Tonseera ku bbeeyi. (Don’t overcharge me on the price.)
Mwattu tonsalileko? (Please won’t you reduce [the price] for me?)
Emiyembe ogitunda ssente mmeka? (How much do you sell mangos?)
Enaanansi ziri ludda wa? (Where are the pineapples?)
Tetugenda okugula ku bbeeye eyo. (We are not going to buy at that price.)
Nkuwa ssente mmeka? (How much money do I give you.)
Obanja ssente mmeka? (How much money do I owe you?)
Ssente nnina ntono. (I don’t have much money. [I've little money.])