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Lesson 39 – Exercises - Review Class [Mu-Ba] and [Mu-Mi]

Omusawo ono mulungi. (This doctor is good.)
Abasajja basoma amawulire. (The men are reading the newspaper.)
Omwana alya kyenkya. (The child is eating breakfast.)
Nsamba mupiira n'omuyizi ompya. (I am playing football with the new student.)
Abasomesa bali mu lukiiko. (The teachers are in a meeting.)
Abaana bange bonna balungi. (All my children are good.)

Omulimu guno mubi. (This work is bad.)
Okola mirimu ki? (What work do you do?)
Emifaliso gino gyetaaga okwegirongoosa. (These mattresses need cleaning.)
Omutwe gunnuma. (I have a headache.)
Omwaka ogw'okubiri guweddeko. (The second year is ending.)
Emitima gituluma. (Our hearts are hurting.)