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Lesson 39 – Classroom activities

Ŋŋenda ku luggi. Omusomesa agenda ku luggi.
(I go to the door. The teacher goes to the door.)

Nzigalawo oluggi. Omusomesa aggala oluggi.
(I shut the door. The teacher shuts the door.)

Nzigulawo oluggi. Omusomesa aggula oluggi.
(I open the door. The teacher opens the door.)

Nva ku luggi. Omusomesa ava ku luggi.
(I come from the door. The teacher comes from the door.)

Ntuula ku ntebe. Omusomesa atuula ku ntebe.
(I sit on a chair. The teacher sits down on a chair.)

Nnyimirira. Omusomesa ayimirira.
(I stand up. The teacher stands up.)

Ŋŋenda ku lubaawo. Omusomesa agenda ku lubaawo.
(I go to the blackboard. The teacher goes to the blackboard.)

Mpandiika ku lubaawo. Omusomesa awandiika ku lubaawo.
(I write on the blackboard. The teacher writes on the blackboard.)

Nzigadde oluggi. (Question) Nkoze ki? (Answer:) Oggadde oluggi.
(I closed the door. What did I do? You closed the door.)

Nnyimiridde mu kibiina. (Question)Nkoze ki? (Answer:) Oyimiridde mu kibiina.
( I stood up in class. What did I do? You stood up in class.)

Ndidde ekyenkya. (Question) Nkoze ki? (Answer:) Olidde ekyenkya.
(I ate breakfast. What did I do? You ate breakfast.)

Nnyambadde engatto. (Question) Nkoze ki? (Answer:) Oyambadde engatto.
(I put on shoes. What did I do? You put on shoes.)

Nzize mu kibiina. (Question) Nkoze ki? (Answer:) Ozze mu kibiina.
(I came to class. What did I do? You came to class.)

Ndabye enkulungo. (Question) Nkoze ki? (Answer:) Olabye enkulungo.
(I saw a circle. What did I do? You saw a circle.)