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Lesson 78 – Exercises

Ennyama yonna twagirya. (We ate all the meat.)
Enva zonna twazirya. (We ate all the sauce.)
Emmere yonna twagirya. (We ate all the food.)
Emboga zonna twazirya. (We ate all the vegetables.)
Amagi gonna twagalya. (We ate all the eggs.)
Omugaati gwonna twagulya. (We ate all the bread.)
Ebibala byonna twabirya. (We ate all the fruit.)

Ennyama yonna yaliibwa. (All the meat was eaten.)
Enva zonna zaaliibwa. (All the sauce was eaten.)
Emmere yonna yaaliibwa. (All the food was eaten.)
Emboga zonna zaaliibwa. (All the vegetables were eaten.)
Amagi gonna gaaliibwa. (All the eggs were eaten.)
Omugaati gwonna gwaliibwa. (All the bread was eaten.)
Ebibala byonna byaliibwa. (All the fruit was eaten.)