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Lesson 77 – Exercises 2

Omuyizi ono asinga oli obugezi. (This student is smarter than that one.)
John asinga Mary okumanya Oluganda. (John knows Luganda better than Mary.)
Musoke asinga Mukasa obunene. (Musoke is bigger than Mukasa.)
Nkusinga okuwandiika. (I write more than you.)
Mukyala wange ansinga obuwanvu. (My wife is taller than I am.)
Omwana ono y'asingira ddala obugezi. (This child is the cleverest.)
Ekitabo kino kye kisinga byonna obulungi. (This is the best book.)
Oluguudo luno lwe lusingira ddala obulungi. (This road is the best one.)
Nnina abaana basatu: asinga bonna obukulu muwala. (I have three children, [and] the oldest is a girl.)