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Lesson 42 – Exercises - Review Classes [Lu-N], [Ku-Ma] and [Tu]

Oluganda mmanyi lutonotono. (I speak only a little Luganda.)
Olubuto lunnuma. (I have a stomach ache.)
Mwattu longoosa engoye zange. (Please wash my clothes.)
Buli Lwokusatu tulina olukuŋŋaana lw’abazadde. (Each Wednesday, we have a meeting of the parents.)
Engalo z’omusajja oyo mpwanvu. (The fingers of that man are long)
Enviiri zo tezigonda. (Your hair is not soft)

Ffenna twetaaga okuyiga okubala - si kwangu. (We all need mathematics - it’s not easy.)
Okutu kwange tekuwulira bulungi. (My ear is not hearing well)
Buli mwaka, waliwo okulonda kw’olukiiko. (Each year, there is the election of the assembly.)
Amagulu gabadde gabaluma. (Their legs were hurting them.)

Otulo tubadde tubakutte mangu. (Sleep came upon them quickly.)
Yongeramu otuta. (Add in a drop of milk.)