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Lesson 40 – Exercises - Review Class [N-N] and [Ki-Bi]

Engatto zo ziri wansi wa mmeeza. (Your shoes are under the table.)
Ennyumba ya Paulo nnene nnyo. (Paul’s house is very big.)
Ensujju zino ziwooma! (These pumpkins are delicious!)
Ensiri nnyingi mu ffumbiro. (There are many mosquitos in the kitchen.)
Ensawo yaffe yabuze. (Our bag is lost.)
Nswadde, ensobi yange. (I’m ashamed of my mistake.)

Ekisenge kyange okusinga kya Nakitto. (My room is better than Nakitto’s.)
Ekitanda ky’ompadde kitono. (The bed that you gave me is small.)
Kiteeke muno. (Put it in here.)
Ebintu byo biri ludda wa? (Where are your things.)
Soma Ekigambo kya Katonda. (Read the Word of God.)
Ebibuuzo by’abayizi bingi. (The questions of the students are many.)