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Lesson 38 – Exercises - Action

Tomasi ayimba bulungi. (Thomas sings well.)
Paulo, tovuga bubi! (Paulo, don’t drive badly!)
Daudi alya aswankula. (David eats noisily.)
Sam alya mu kimugunyu. (Sam eats silently.)
Alisi ne Diana basoma kasoobo. (Alice and Diana read slowly/carefully.)
Ben ayogera mpolampola. (Ben speaks slowly.)
Nakimuli atambula mangu. (Nakimuli walks quickly.)

Ebitabo byonna biri ku meeza? (Are all the books on the table?)
Engatto zonna ziri mu kisenge kyo? (Are all the shoes in your room?)
Emiyembe gyonna giri mu ffumbiro? (Are all the mangoes in the kitchen?)