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Lesson 54 – Often

Ebitongole bingi ebiri mu gavumenti. (There are many departments in government.)
Ekyo kisinziira ku bitongole ebiri mu gavumenti. (That depends on government departments.)
Bakola emirimu gya njawulo nga kisinziira ku bitongole ebiri mu gavumenti. (They do various jobs that are dependent on departments in government.)
Busia eri ku nsalo ya Uganda ne Kenya. (Busia is on the border of Uganda and Kenya.)
Batera okukola mu ofiisi. (They often work in offices.)
Bakola emirimu mingi, naddala ne gy'okulima. (They do many jobs, especially farming.)
Mulimu abantu ba Uganda ne ab'awalala. (Therein are people from Uganda and elsewhere.)
Bakola mu ofiisi. Batera okukola mu ofiisi.
(They work in offices. They often work in offices.)
Balima mu byalo. Batera okulima mu byalo.
Balunda ente. Batera okulunda ente.
Bazimba amayumba. Batera okuzimba amayumba.
Babeera mu kibuga. Batera okubeera mu kibuga.