One of the signs of the breakdown of society in all parts of the world is the erosion of trust and collaboration between the individual and the institutions of governance. %% Akamu ku bubonero obulaga okusasika kw’abantu abali awamu mu bitundu byonna eby’ensi kwe kuggwawo okw’obwesige n’enkolagana wakati w’abantu n’ebitongole eby’obukulembeze. In many nations the electoral process has become discredited because of endemic corruption. %% Mu mawanga mangi enteekateeka z’okulonda ziweddemu ensa olw’enguzi ekudde ejjembe. Contributing to the widening distrust of so vital a process are the influence on the outcome from vested interests having access to lavish funds, the restrictions on freedom of choice inherent in the party system, %% Ekimu ku byongera okuleetawo obuteesiga enteekateeka ezo ez’enkizo ennyo kwe kutaataaganya ebyo ebiva mu kulonda olw’abantu abalina kyekuubira olw’okubeera nga be balina ensimbi ennyingi, obukwakkulizo obuli ku ddembe ly'okwesalirawo obubeera mu nkola y’ebibiina by’obufuzi, and the distortion in public perception of the candidates by the bias expressed in the media. %% era n’okulaga ekifaananyi ekikyamu eri abantu bonna ku abo ababeera besimbyewo nga basinziira ku kyekubiira okuva mu bibogerwako mu mikutu gy’empuliziganya. Apathy, alienation, and disillusionment are a consequence, too, as is a growing sense of despair of the unlikelihood that the most capable citizens will emerge to deal with the manifold problems of a defective social order. %% Obutafaayo, okulekebwa ebbali, era n’okuggwamu essuubi bye bivaamu, nate era, nga bongera okugwaamu essuubi n’obutasuubira, bannansi abalina obusobozi bavaayo okugonjoola embeera ennyingi egyasoba mu nteekateeka y’embeera z’abantu. Evident everywhere is a yearning for institutions which will dispense justice, dispel oppression, and foster an enduring unity between the disparate elements of society. %% Kyetulaba buli wantu kwe kuyaayaanira ebitongole ebiyinza okwemalirira mu by’obwenkanya, okumalawo okunnyigirizibwa, era n’okukuza obumu obunawangaala wakati mu mbeera ezenjawulo mu bantu. The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh is the divinely ordained system for which nations and peoples so desperately search. %% Enteekateeka ey’ensi eya Bahá’u’lláh y’enkola entukuvu eyalagirwa Katonda amawanga n’abantu gye banoonya obutaweera. Hailed by the Báb in the Persian Bayan, its foundational features prescribed by Bahá’u’lláh Himself, this Order is without precedent in human history for its standard of justice and its commitment to the practical realization of the oneness of mankind, %% Yagulumizibwa Báb mu Bayan y’Oluperusi, eri ku musingi gwayo ogwalambikibwa Bahá’u’lláh Mwenne, enteekateeka eno terina egifaanana mu byafaayo by’abantu ku lw’omutindo gw’obwenkanya era n’obumalirivu bwayo obw’okussaawo obumu bw’abantu bonna, as well as for its capacity to promote change and the advancement of world civilization. %% awamu n’obusobozi bwayo okuseesa enkyukakyuka era n’okukulaakulanya obugunjufu mu nsi yonna. It provides the means by which the Divine Will illumines the path of human progress and guides the eventual establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. %% Eteekawo engeri y’Ekigendererwa Ekitukuvu gye kimulisaamu ekkubo ery’enkulaakulana y’abantu era kyaddaaki eru??amya okutondawo okw’Obwakabaka bwa Katonda ku nsi. Throughout the entire planet the devoted followers of Bahá’u’lláh are labouring to develop further the Bahá’í Administrative Order described by the Guardian “not only as the nucleus but the very pattern of the New World Order”, %% Okwetooloola ensi yonna abagoberezi ba Bahá’u’lláh abeesigwa balafuubana okwongera okukulakulanya Enteekateeka ey’Enzirukanya y’Emirimu gya Bahá'í eyannyonnyolwa Omukuumi nti, “ssi nga akabondo kyokka naye enkola yennyini y’Enteekateeka Empya ey’Ensi yonna”, thus setting the foundation for a world civilization destined to yield its dazzling splendour in the centuries to come. %% bwetyo n’essawo omusingi ogw’obugunjufu obw’ensi obwolekedde okwakaayakanya ekitiibwa kyabwo mu byasa ebijja mu maaso eyo. They do so notwithstanding the conditions of turmoil and disorder alluded to by Bahá’u’lláh in affirming that “the world’s equilibrium hath been upset through the vibrating influence of this most great, this new World Order. %% Kino bakikola yadde ng’embeera ya nsasagge era n’obuvuyo ebyayogerwako Bahá’u’lláh bwe yakakasa nti, “Obutebenkevu bw’ensi gye tubadde tumanyidde buyuugumizibwa amaanyi g’Enteekateeka ey’Ensi Empya esingira ddala. Mankind’s ordered life hath been revolutionized through the agency of this unique, this wondrous System—the like of which mortal eyes have never witnessed.” %% Obulamu bw’abantu obubadde mu nteeko bukyusiddwa ddala nga buyita mu nteekateeka eno ey’enjawulo, enkola eno ey’ekyewuunyo – etalabwangako amaaso ag’omuntu omulamu yenna.” With the concerted worldwide endeavour to advance the process of entry by troops gathering momentum through implementation of the provisions of the Five Year Plan, %% Nga kaweefube ow’awamu okwetooloola ensi yonna okutumbula enteekateeka ey’okuyingira kw’ebibinja by’abayambi bw’agenda afuna amaanyi ng’ayita mu kussa mu nkola okw’Enteekateeka ey’Emyaka Etaano, it is now opportune that the believers everywhere give greater attention to strengthening the process by which Assemblies, national and local, are elected. %% guno kaakano gwe mukisa abakkiriza buli wantu gwe basaana okufaako ennyo basobole okunyweza enteekateeka eziyitwamu okulonda Enkiiko, ka zibeere za ku mutendera ow’ekyalo oba ogw’eggwanga lyonna. The manner of participation by all adult members of the community in these elections is a distinguishing feature of the System of Bahá’u’lláh; %% Engeri abagoberezi abakulu gye beetaba mu kulonda kuno ke kabonero akaawula Enkola ya Bahá’u’lláh okuva ku ndala; for it is a bounden duty that confers a high privilege upon every Bahá’í to select, as a responsible citizen of the new world being brought into existence, the composition of the institutions having authority over the functioning of the Bahá’í community. %% kubanga buvunaanyizibwa bukulu ddala obuwa buli Mubahá'í omukisa okulonda, ng’omutuuze ow’obuvunaanyizibwa ow’ensi empya obutandikiddwawo, abakola enkiiko ezirina obuvunaanyizibwa ku nkola y’Ababahá’í abali mu kitundu. In this regard, indifference and neglect on the part of any believer are alien to the spirit of the Cause. %% Mu nkola eno, obutafaayo era n’obulagajavu ku ludda lw’omukkiriza yenna biri wabweru w’omwoyo gw’Enzikiriza. The friends must strive ceaselessly to avoid being contaminated with these destructive attitudes, which have inflicted such damage on the integrity and authority of the institutions of a declining world order. %% Abeemikwano bateekwa okulafuubana obutaweera okwewala okuliibwa nga namuginga endowooza zino zinamutta, ezikoze obulabe obw’amaanyi ennyo ku bwesimbu era n’obuyinza bw’ebitongole eby’ensi eno egenda eseebeengerera. In describing Bahá’í elections, Shoghi Effendi, through a letter written on his behalf, conveyed that “Bahá’í electoral procedures and methods have, indeed, for one of their essential purposes the development in every believer of the spirit of responsibility. %% Mu kunnyonnyola engeri Ababahá'í gye balondamu, Shoghi Effendi, ng’ayita mu bbaluwa eyawandiikibwa ku lulwe, yategeeza nti: “Mu mazima, emisoso Ababahá'í gye bayitamu n’engeri gye balondamu, ku lw’okukulaakulanya mu buli mukkiriza omwoyo ogw’obuvunaanyizibwa ng’ekimu ku bigendererwa byayo ebikulu ennyo. By emphasizing the necessity of maintaining his full freedom in the elections, they make it incumbent upon him to become an active and well-informed member of the Bahá’í community in which he lives.” %% Mu kukkaatiriza obukulu okukuuma eddembe ly’omuntu erijjuvu mu kulonda, bamulaga nti bubeera buvunaanyizibwa bwe okufuuka mmemba omunyiikivu era amanyi ebigenda mu maaso mu kitundu mw’abeera ekirimu Ababahá'í.” The manner in which the elector exercises the right and privilege to cast his vote is therefore of great significance. Shoghi Effendi’s instruction in this passage further explains that “to be able to make a wise choice at the election time, it is necessary for him to be in close and continued contact with all local activities, be they teaching, administrative or otherwise, %% Okuluŋŋamya kwa Shoghi Effendi mu kiwandiiko kino ayongera okunnyonnyola nti: “Okusobola okusalawo n’amagezi mu kiseera eky’okulonda, omulonzi kimwetaagisa okubeera bulijjo okumpi n’ebyo byonna ebikolebwa mu kitundu kye, ka kubeere kuyigiriza, enzirukanya y’emirimu, oba ekirala kyonna, and to fully and whole-heartedly participate in the affairs of the local as well as national committees and assemblies in his country. %% era n’okwenyigira mu bujjuvu n’emmeeme ye yonna mu nsonga z’akakiiko k’ekyalo wamu n’olukiiko lw’ensi ye. It is only in this way that a believer can develop a true social consciousness and acquire a true sense of responsibility in matters affecting the interests of the Cause. %% Eno y’engeri yokka omukkiriza gy’asobola okukuzaamu okutegeera embeera entuufu nga bweri mu kitundu kye era n’okufuna embeera entuufu eri mu buvuaanyizibwa mu nsonga ezikwata ku byettanirwa Enzikiriza. Bahá’í community life thus makes it a duty for every loyal and faithful believer to become an intelligent, well-informed and responsible elector, and also gives him the opportunity of raising himself to such a station.” %% Bwebutyo obulamu bw’Ababahá'í mu bitundu byabwe butikka buli mukkiriza omwesigwa obuvunaanyizibwa obw’okufuuka omulonzi omugezi era ow’obuvunaanyizibwa, era ate n’okumuwa omukisa okwelinnyisa atuuke mu mbeera ng’eyo.” While there should be no mention of personalities in connection with Bahá’í elections, it is quite appropriate for believers to discuss the requirements and qualifications for membership in the institution to be elected. %% Wadde nga tewasaana kubeerawo kwogera ku mbeera z’abantu kinoomu mu biseera by’okulonda kwa’Ababahá'í, kibeera kisaanidde abakiriza okukubaganya ebirowoozo ku bisaanyizo n’obukugu bwa bammemba b’olukiiko be bagenda okulonda. Shoghi Effendi offers clear guidance on this point: “I feel that reference to personalities before the election would give rise to misunderstanding and differences. %% Shoghi Effendi atuwa okuluŋŋamya okutegeerekeka ku nsonga eno: “Ndowooza nti okwogera ku mbeera z’abantu nga okulonda tekunabaawo kiyinza okuleetawo obutategeeragana era n’enjawukana. What the friends should do is to get thoroughly acquainted with one another, to exchange views, to mix freely and discuss among themselves the requirements and qualifications for such a membership without reference or application, however indirect, to particular individuals.” %% Abeemikwano kyebasaana okukola kwe kumanyagana obulungi, okuwanyisiganya ebirowoozo, okutabagana awamu mu mirembe, era n’okukubaganya ebirowoozo wakati wabwe ebyetaagisa n’ebisaanyizo by’omuntu okubeera mmemba nga teboogedde oba okusiinya, yadde si butereevu, ku bantu ssekinoomu.” Among the “necessary qualities” specified by the Guardian are those “of unquestioned loyalty, of selfless devotion, of a well-trained mind, of recognized ability and mature experience”. %% Mu “bisanyizo ebyetaagisa” Omukuumi bye yasimbako essira mwe muli “obwesigwa obutabuusibwabuusibwa, okwewaayo okw’obuterowoozaako, omwoyo ogutegeera obulungi, obusobozi obulabika n’obumanyirivu obw’ekikugu.” With a heightened awareness of the functions to be performed by the elected body, the believer can properly assess those for whom a vote should be cast. %% Nga yeyongedde okumanya emirimu egirina okulolebwa olukiiko olulondeddwa, omukkiriza asobola okwekenneenya obulungi abo basaana okulonda. From among the pool of those whom the elector believes to be qualified to serve, selection should be made with due consideration given to such other factors as age distribution, diversity, and gender. %% Okuva mu kibiinja ky’abo bonna bakkiriza okubeera nga balina ebisaanyizo okuwereeza, mwe musaana okulondebwamu abantu nga bassaayo nnyo essira ku nsonga y’emyaaka egitafaanagana, enjawulo, era n’ekikula ky’abantu. The elector should make his choice after careful thought over an extended period before the actual election. %% Omulonzi asaana okusalawo nga amaze okwerowooza ennyo okumala akabanga nga okulonda kwennyini tekunnaba kutuuka. When called upon to vote in a Bahá’í election, believers should be aware that they are carrying out a sacred task unique to this Dispensation. %% Bwe bayitibwa okukuba akalulu mu kulonda kw’Ababahá'í, abakkirizia basaana okumanya nti omulimu gwe bakola mutukuvu era gwanjawulo mu Mulembe guno. They should approach this duty in a prayerful attitude, seeking divine guidance and confirmation. %% Basaana batandike okukola omulimu guno mu mwoyo ogw’okwegayirira, nga banoonya okulu??amizibwa n’okukakasibwa okutukuvu. As Shoghi Effendi has advised, “they must turn completely to God, and with a purity of motive, a freedom of spirit and a sanctity of heart, participate in the elections.” %% Nga Shoghi Effendi bw’awabula, “bateekwa okukyukira ddala eri Katonda mu, era n’ekigendererwa eky’obutuukirivu, eddembe mu mwoyo n’omutima omutukuvu, olwo balyoke beetabe mu kulonda.” Through their wholehearted embrace of the Bahá’í electoral process, the believers will witness, day by day, a greater contrast between the emerging institutions of the Bahá’í Administrative Order and the decaying social order around them. %% Nga beeweereddeyo ddala mu kwaniriza enteekateeka y’okulonda okw’Ababahá'í, abakkiriza bajja kugenda nga balaba, buli lunaku olunaayitangawo, enjawulo ennene wakati w’ebitongole by’Enteekateeka y’Enzirukanya y’Emirimu gy’Ababahá'í n’embeera y’obulamu bw’abantu ababeetoolodde bw’egenda evunda. In this increasing distinction will be seen the promise of the glory of the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh — the System destined to fulfil the highest expectations of humanity. %% Mu njawukalo eno egenda yeyongera , mujja kulabibwamu ekisuubizo eky’ekitiibwa eky’Enteekateeka ey’Ensi Yonna eya Bahá’u’lláh – Enkola eruubirira okutuukiriza ebiyaayaanirwa abantu b’ensi yonna.