ENNYUMBA EY'ENSI YONNA EY'OBWENKANYA Riḍván 2017 To the Baha'is of the World %% Eri aba Bahá'í mu Nsi yonna, Dearly loved Friends, %% Ab'emikwano abaagalwa ennyo, 1.a See how the community of the Greatest Name arises! %% Kale mulabe engeri abagoberezi b’Erinnya Erisinga Gonna Obukulu bwe abagolokoka okukola emirimu gy’Enzikiriza! 1.b With but one year elapsed since the inception of the new Plan, reports testify to the scale of what is being attempted and beginning to be accomplished. %% Nga omwaka gumu gwokka gwe gwakayitawo kasookanga Enteekateeka empya eggibwako akawuuwo alipoota ziwa obujulirwa ku bugazi bw’ebyo ebigezebwako n’ebitandika okutuukirizibwa. 1.c Bringing greater intensity to 5,000 programmes of growth is demanding a level of effort quite without precedent. %% Okuteeka amaanyi mu nteekateeka 5,000 ez’enkulaakulana kwetaagisa omutendera gwa kaweefube atabangawo. 1.d With a firm grasp of the fundamentals of the Plan, large numbers of the friends are acting on its requirements, demonstrating rigour and sacrifice in the quality of their response. %% Okutegeerera ddala ebikulu ebisookerwako eby’Enteekateeka, abeemikwano bangi ddala kati bakola ku byetaago byayo, nga boolesa obuvumu n’okweweerayo ddala okusinziira ku mutindo gw’enkola y’emirimu gy’Enteekateeka gwe balaze. 1.e As envisaged, some intensive programmes of growth that have been long sustained are becoming reservoirs of knowledge and resources, lending support to surrounding areas and facilitating the rapid dissemination of experience and insight. %% Nga bwe kyasuubirwa, enteekateeka eŋŋundiivu ez’enkulaakulana ezimaze ebbanga nga ziwanirirwa kaakano zifuula amaterekero g’amagezi n’ebikozesebwa ebiyamba ebitundu ebyetoolodde era n’okuluŋŋamya mu kubunyisa amangu obumanyirivu n’amagezi. 1.f Centres of intense activity--those neighbourhoods and villages where the community-building work is most concentrated--are proving to be fertile ground for collective transformation. %% Ebifo ebibeeramu okukola okw’amaanyi – emiriraano n’ebyo omuli emirimu egizimba abantu b’omu kitundu mwe gisinga okukolerwa ennyo – bigenda byeragira ddala okubeera ebifo ebigimu ku lw’enkyukakyuka mu mbeera z’abantu abali awamu. 1.g An expanded and invigorated legion of Auxiliary Board members and their assistants are stimulating the endeavours of the believers, helping them acquire a vision of how to advance the growth process in various circumstances and identifying approaches that suit the conditions in each cluster. %% Eggye ly’abakiise ku Lukiiko Oluyambi n’abayambi baabwe erigaziyiziddwa era eryongeddwa mu amaanyi liri mu kukubiriza emirimu gy’abakkiriza, nga babayamba okufuna olwolesebwa mu ngeri y’okutwala mu maaso enteekateeka y’enkulaakulana mu mbeera ezenjawulo era n’okuzuula enkola ezisaanira embeera eziri mu buli kitendo. 1.h Supported by their respective National Spiritual Assemblies, Regional Baha'i Councils are learning how the momentum of the Plan can be built across a range of clusters simultaneously, while in some smaller countries without Councils, new entities at the national level are starting to do the same. %% Nga ziwagiddwa Enkiiko z’Omwoyo ez’Amawanga, Enkiiko za Bahá’í ez’Ebitundu Ebigazi ziri mu kuyiga engeri amaanyi agateekebwa mu ntambuza y’Enteekateeka gye gayinzi okusimbibwamu mu bitendo ebitali ku mutendera gwe gumu mu kiseera kye kimu, so nga ate mu mawanga agamu amatono agatalina Nkiiko, ebitongole ebipya ku mutendera gw’eggwanga bitandise okukola ekintu kye kimu. 1.i Although, as would be expected of any organic process, the swift progress being witnessed in some places is yet to appear in others, the total number of intensive programmes of growth in the world is already beginning to mount. %% Newaakubadde enkulaakulana ey’amangu erabibwa mu bifo ebimu tennalabika mu bifo ebirala nga bwe kyandisuubiddwa mu nteekateeka y’obutonde, obungi bw’enteekateeka z’enkulaakulana eŋŋundiivu mu nsi yonna bugenda bweyongera okulinnya. 1.j Further, we rejoice to see that participation in the activities of the Plan surged markedly during its first four cycles. %% Ekirala, tujaguza okulaba nti okwenyigira mu mirimu gy’Enteekateeka kutumbuse mu ngeri erabibwako mu biseera ebigereke eby’emyaka ena egyasooka. 2.a The signs could hardly be more promising, then, for what the coming year might bring. %% Kale nno, obubonero obulaga omwaka ogujja kye gunaaleeta tebuyinza kubeera bwa nkukunala kusingako wano. 2.b And what could be more fitting to offer the Blessed Beauty on the two hundredth anniversary of His Birth than the earnest striving of His loved ones to extend the reach of His Faith? %% Olwo kiki ekisaanidde okuweebwa Oyo Omubalagavu Eyaweebwa Omukisa mu kukuza Amazaalibwa Ge ag’emyaka ebikumi bibiri ekisinga okulafuubana okwa nnamaddala okw’abaagalwa Be okugaziya wonna Enzikiriza Ye? 2.c The first of the two bicentenaries to be celebrated by the Baha'i world is thus an occasion with prospects most thrilling. %% Bwekityo ekyasa ekyasooka mu byasa e bibiri okukuzibwa ensi ya Bahá’í kibeera kiseera eky’emikisa egisanyusa ennyo. 2.d Viewed aright, this year presents the single greatest worldwide opportunity there has ever been for connecting hearts to Baha'u'llah. %% Omwaka guno bwe tugutunuulira obulungi, gutuwa omukisa gwokka okwetooloola ensi yonna ogusinga gyonna egyali gibaddewo ogw’okugatta emitima ku Bahá'u'lláh. 2.e In the months ahead, let all be mindful of this precious chance and alert to the possibilities that exist in every space for acquainting others with His life and sublime mission. %% Mu myezi egijja, kigwanidde buli omu okujjukiranga omukisa guno ogw’omuwendo era n’okufaayo ennyo ku mikisa egiriwo mu buli mbeera ey’okumanyisa abalala ku bulamu Bwe n’obubaka Bwe obw’ekitiibwa ennyo. 2.f For the teaching opportunity that is now before the Baha'i world to be seized to its fullest extent, creative thought needs to be given to the conversations that could unfold with every kind of person. %% Omukisa abantu b’ensi ya Bahá’í gwe balina ogw’okusomesa ogulina okukozesebwa mu bujjuvu bwago, endowooza empya yeetagisa okuteekebwa mu mboozi ensonga eziyinza okuvaayo na buli kika kya muntu. 2.g In the course of such meaningful conversations, perception is heightened and hearts are opened--sometimes immediately. %% Nga emboozi ez’amakulu nga ezo, endowooza erinnyisibwa n’emitima giggulwa – oluusi mu bwangu ddala. 2.h In this worthy occupation all find a calling, and of the joy that comes from being engaged in this work none should deprive themselves. %% Mu mulimu guno ogw’ettendo bonna bazuulamu okuyitibwa, era tewali n’omu eyandisubiddwa ku ssanyu eriva mu kwetaba mu mulimu guno. 2.i We entreat the one Beloved that the whole of this bicentennial year may be filled with this joy that is purest and sweetest: telling another soul of the dawning of the Day of God. %% Twegayirira oyo Omwagalwa nti omwaka guno gwonna ogw’okujaguza amazaalibwa ag’emyaka bibiri gujjuzibwe n’essanyu lino erisinga obulongoofu era erisinga obulungi: okubuulira ku mulala nti Olunaku lwa Katonda lukedde. 3.a The obligations that must be met by the company of the faithful are made the more pressing by the confusion, distrust, and cloudiness in the world. %% Emirimu egiteekwa okukolebwa ekibiina ky’abakkiriza gisaana gikolebwe mu bwangu kubanga ensi yonna ejjudde obutabanguko, obuteesigaŋŋana, n’ekizikiza. 3.b Indeed, the friends should use every opportunity to shine a light that can illuminate the way and offer assurance to the anxious, hope to the despairing. %% Mazima ddala, abeemikwano basaana okukozesa buli mukisa okukoleeza omumuli ogunaamulisa ekkubo n’okuwa obukakafu eri oyo eyeeraliikirira, essuubi eri oyo aweddemu amaanyi. 3.c We are reminded of the counsel given by the Guardian to one Baha'i community in words that seem intended for our own time: "As the fabric of present-day society heaves and cracks under the strain and stress of portentous events and calamities, as the fissures, accentuating the cleavage separating nation from nation, class from class, race from race, and creed from creed, multiply, the prosecutors of the Plan must evince a still greater cohesion in their spiritual lives and administrative activities, and demonstrate a higher standard of concerted effort, of mutual assistance, and of harmonious development in their collective enterprises." %% Tujjukizibwa okubuulirirwa kw’Omukuumi kwe yawa abantu ba Bahá’í abaali mu kitundu ekimu mu bigambo ebiringa ebyagenderera omulembe gwaffe guno gwennyini: “Nga enteekateeka y’obulamu bw’abantu ba leero bweri mu kubutaabutana n’okuggyamu enjatika olw’okweraliikirira okutatadde n’okunyigirizibwa olw’ebyo ebizze bigwawo eby’amaanyi era ebikankanya ensi, era nga enjatika zino, ezireeseewo enjawukana ez’amaanyi wakati w’amawanga n’amawanga, ebibiina n’ebibiina by’abantu ebyenjawulo, ebika by’abantu abenjawulo, era n’enzikiriza ezenjawulo bwe zeeyongera, aba abavunaanyizibwa okussa mu nkola Enteetakateeka eno bateekwa okwolesa nate obumu mu obwa nnamaddala mu bulamu bwabwe obw’omwoyo ne mu ndabirira y’emirimu, era n’okulaga omutindo ogusingako ogw’okukolera awamu, ogw’okuyambagana, era ogw’okukwatagana obulungi mu kukulaakulanya gyabwe gye bakolera awamu.” 3.d Always emphasizing the spiritual significance of the work of the Faith and the single-minded resolve with which the believers are to discharge their sacred duties, Shoghi Effendi warned too against having any share in political controversies, entanglements, and bickerings. %% Nga bulijjo assa essira ku bukulu obuli mu kululembeza eby’omwoyo nga bakola omulimu gw’Enzikiriza era n’obumalirivu obwa nga bakola emirimu gyabwe emitukuvu, Shoghi Effendi yalabula era obuteenyigira mu nkaayana z’ebyobufuzi, obulippagano, nokuneneŋŋana. 3.e "Let them rise above all particularism and partisanship," he urged on another occasion, "above the vain disputes, the petty calculations, the transient passions that agitate the face, and engage the attention, of a changing world." %% Ku mulundi omulala yakubiriza nti, “Kirungi beewale okuwagira obubiinabiina n’okulowooleza mu mawanga, okwewala okuwakanawakana okutaliimu, okweteekerateekera n’obwegendereza nga abantu abalala tebafiiriddwako, okwegomba okuggwawo okutaataaganya ekifaananyi ky’obuntu, era ebibakutte omubabiro mu nsi eno egenda ekyukakyuka.” 3.f These are the inevitable foam and spray cast up as wave after wave convulses a turbulent and divided society. %% Lino lye jjovu ne kalenge ebiteewalibwa ebitumbiira mu bbanga amayengo agatasalako bwe gatabangula abantu abatabangufu era abeeyawuddeyawudde. 3.g Too much is at stake to be occupied with distractions of this kind. %% Bingi nnyo ebiri mu katyabaga ebitatusobozesa okwemalira mu bituggya ku mulamwa eby’engeri nga eyo. 3.h As every follower of Baha'u'llah knows well, humanity's ultimate well-being is dependent upon its differences being transcended and its unity firmly established. %% Nga buli mugoberezi wa Bahá'u'lláh bw’akimanyi obulungi, embeera ennungi ey’abantu bonna yeesigama ku kubuuka ensalo z’enjawukana era n’okussaawo obumu obunywevu. 3.i Every contribution Baha'is make to the life of their society is aimed at fostering unity; every community-building endeavour is directed towards the same end. %% Buli kyonna aba Bahá’í kye bayinza okuwaayo ku lw’obulungi bw’abantu kirubiriwamu kukuza obumu; buli mulimu ogw’okuzimba abantu ab’omu kitundu kigenderera kutuukiriza kintu kye kimu. 3.j For those tired of contention, the communities growing under the shadow of the Greatest Name offer a potent example of what unity can achieve. %% Eri abo abakooye obunyoolagano, abantu b’ebitundu abakulira wansi w’ekisiikirize ky’Oyo ow’Erinnya Erisingira Ddala Obukulu balaga eky’okulabirako eky’amaanyi ennyo obumu kye buyinza okutuukiriza. 4.a We render praise to the Lord of Lords at seeing so many of His loved ones, in so many ways, giving their all that the banner of the oneness of humankind may be raised aloft. %% Tutendereza Mukama w’Abakama bwe tulaba bangi ku baagalwa Be, mu mbeera ennyingi ddala, nga beeweerayo ddala okusobozesa bendera y’obumu obw’abantu bonna okuwanikibwa waggulu. 4.b Most cherished friends: As a highly auspicious year now commences, might not each one of us contemplate what heavenly deeds His grace may aid us to perform? %% Abeemikwano abaagalwa ennyo: Omwaka ogw’obuwanguzi bwe gutandika, buli omu ku ffe teyandyefumiitirizza ku bikolwa ebitukuvu ekisa Kye bye kiyinza okutuyamba okukola?