abandon, okuleka, okusuula; a. a plan, okuyiwa amagezi. abandoned (deserted), fulukwa; (wicked) bi nnyo, gwagwa. abase, okutoowaaza, okujeeza, okukopiwaza. abash, okukwasa ensonyi, okuswaza. abate, okuggwerera, okukkakkana, okufeeba, okwaluka, okussuuka, okuwoleera, okusendekera. abbreviate, okusalako, okukutulako. abdicate, okuleka obwami, okuva mubwami. abdomen, olubuto; lower a., endira. abduct, okunyaga, okutwala olw’empaka. abet, okbbeora, okuyamba. abhor, okukyayira ddala, okutamwa ennyo. abide, okubeera, okulindirira, okutwala, okusigala. ability, amagezi; have a. for, okuyinza. abject, be, okwebwalabwala. abjure, okwevuma, okuziiza. able, be, okuyinza, okusobola. ablution, okunaaba, okulongoosa. abnormal, a kitalo, kikulekule. aboard, go, okusaabala. abode, n., e nnyumba, enju. abolish, okuggyawo, okudibya, okumenya, okutta, okujjulula, abominable, eky’omuzizo, ekigwagwa. abominate, okukyawa ennyo, okutamwa ennyo. abomination, eky’omuzizo, ekivve. aborigin, omuzaaliranwo, enzaalwa nnakabala. abort, okusowola, okutaasa, okutolooga, okwekaaka; vide okw eggyamuolubuto. abound, okwala, okusukkirira; a. with, okujjula, okufuggala, okufumbika, okufuŋŋama. about, prep, and adv., ku, nga. about to, be, okujja, okugenda, okutera. above, prep., wa gguluwa, kunguluku. above, adv., engulu. abreast, be, okwenkanankana. abridge, okusalako, okukutulako, okuyimpawaza. abscess, ekizimba, ekiwo, entunuka, amakajja. abscond, okudduka. absent, he is absent, taliiwo. absentminded, be, okulaajjala, okutakana. absolutely, geregere, gerengerere, kabiini. absolution, okusonyiyibwa, okuggibwa ko ebibi. absolve, okusonyiwa. absorb, okunywa. absorbent, use rel. form of for eg. abstain, okuleka, okwebalama, okw ewala, okwerekereza; (from food) okusiiba enjala. abstract, v., oku bba, okuggyamu. abstruse, zibu, kakanyavu. absurd, sirusiru. absurdity, obusirusiru, akayisanyo, okafeetote, akafukunya, ejjingirizi. abundance, obwaliri, obwaguuga, obtititimbe, omweror enfakaali, obungi. abundant, ngi, a lufulube; be a., okujeba. abundantly, mubungi. abuse, v., okbvuma, okugira ekyejo, okukola obubi, okwakira, okubambira, okuboggoleera. abuse, n., ekivume. abusive, vumi, a kuvumi; be a., okufuggalala. abyss, olukonko. acacia, omuseese, omweramannyo, omwoloola. accede, okukkiriza, okuganya; (to throne) okulya obwakabaka. accelerate, okwanguya, okwanguyiriza, okukubiriza, okwongera embiro. accent, enjogera. accept, okukkiriza, okutoola. acceptable, lungi, a kusanyusa. access, okusembera. accession (of king), okulya bbwaka baka, okulya obwami. accidental, obutanwa; vide okusolottoka, okutanwa, okuwuba. accommodate, okusuza (help), okuyamba. accommodating, a kisa, lungi. accompany, okuwerfekefa, okusendekereza. accomplish, okutuukiriza, okukome kkereza, okumaliriza, okumalira ddala. accomplished, adj., a magezi. accord, of one’s own accord, vide spontaneously, according, awo; vide tyo. according to, nga . . . bwe. account for, okubala omuwendo. account of, on, olwa. accountant, omubazi. accumulate, okukuŋŋaanya, okutuuma, okutereka. accusation, omusango. accuse, okuwaabira, okuloopa, okulanga, okumemeka, okuwemuukiriza, (falsely) okuwaayiriza, okulyolyoma, okuseekeeta, okuliikiriza, (face to face) okukobojjana. accuser, omuwaabi, omuloopi, omuwaayirizi, omulyolyomi. accustomed, be, okunana, okutera. accustomed to, become, okumanyiira. acerbity, ebboggo, obukaali, ekkayu. ache, okuluma, okumeketa, okubwatuka. ache, n., obulumi, nnakanyama. achieve, okutuukiriza, okukome kkereza. acid, adj., use rel. form of kaawa, kambagga. acknowledge, okwatula, okukkiriza, (a gift) okwebaza. acne, embalabe. acquaint, okubuulira, okutegeeza, okunnyo nnyola. acquaintance, omukwano, omumanyi. acquiesce, okukkiriza, okuganya. acquire, okufuna (chieftainship), okulya bbwami. acquit, okuggyako omusango, okusonyiwa; be acquitted, okusinga omusango, okwejjeerera. acrid, use rel. form of, kaawa. kambagga across, vide okutinda. across, go, okusomoka, okuwunguka. act, v., okukola, okugira. act, n., ekikolwa, ekigambo. active, nyiikivu, a maanyi, a mirimu, angu. activity, obunyiikivu, amaanyi. acumen, amagezi, obukabakaba. acute, amagezi; (of pain) balagavu. adapt, okwenkanyankanya, okufuula. add, okwongera, okuzzaako, okugatta; okuyimba, okubala. adder, embalasaasa, essalambwa (puff adder). addled, anziza. address, v., okubuulira, okutegeeza, okwogera na. adenitis, ommambavu. adieu, weeraba; bid adieuto, okusiibula. adjacent, a kumpi; use rel. of okuliraana. adjacent, be, okuliraana, okwesigama. adjoin, okuliraana. adjudge, okusala omusango. adjure, okulayiza. adjust, okutawulula, okulongoosa. administer, okugaba, oktuwa, okulabirira. admiral, gabunga. admiration, ettendo. admire, okusiima, okutenda. admit, okuyingiza, okusembeza; (confess) okwatula, okukkiriza. admittance, be refused, okukiikira eggimbi. admonish, okulabula, okubutilirira. adolescent, suumufu. adopt, okufula omwana; (a custom) okupakula empisa. adoption, okufuuka omwana. adoration, okusinza, okusuuta. adore, okusinza, okusuuta. adorn, okuyonja, okuwoomesa, okugulika, okulyoka. adornment, obuyonjo, obuyonjo. adrift, be, okubula. adroit, kabakaba, jagujagu, kugu. adroitness, amagezi, obukabakaba. adulation, obupansi. adult, n., omuntuomukulu. adulterer, omwenzi. adulterous, a bwenzi. adultery, obwenzi. adultery, commit, okwenda. advance, v.i., okukulembera, okugenda mumaaso. advance, v.tr., okuseesa, okuserula; (money) okuwola. advantage, enkizo. advantage over, get, okukiza. advent, okujja. adversary, omulabo, omuwakanyi, omulwanyi. adverse, be, okugaana, okuwakana. adversity, ennaku, obunaku, obuyinike. advice, okuteesa, amagezi. advise, okuwa amagezi, okuteeseza, okusalira amagezi. advocate, omuwolereza. adze, v., okubajja. adze, n., embazzi, eggya. afar, wala. affability, ekisa, obulungi. affable, a kisa, lungi. affair, ekigambo, ensonga. affect, okwefuusa. a. riches, okwejolabya. a. friendship, okwesanyiriza, be affected, okwerogoya. speak affectedly, okudaadiira, okuteregga. affection, okwagala, okwagalana, obuganzi. affectionate, a kwagala, ganzi. affinity (blood), a kika kimu. affirm, okukakasa, okwogera, okukaliriza, okulayira. affix, okuyungako, okuteekako, okusibako. afflict, okubonyaabonya, okuyigga nya, okuco ccacocca. affliction, ekibonoobono, obunaku, obuyinike. affluence, obugagga, nnasisi. affluent, gagga. affright, okutiisa, okukanga. affront, n., ekyego. affront, v., okuvuma, okugirira ekyejo. afoot, kubigere afraid, be, okutya. afresh, nate, omulundi ogw’okubiri ( . . . omulala). after, prep., ennyuma wa, oluvannyuma lwa. after, adv., ennyuma, oluvannyuma; also vide mala, afterbirth, ekisungwa, ekitanyi. aftermath, ebiddirira akabenje. afternoon, eggulo; in the a., olw’e ggulo. afterwards, luvannyuma. again, ate, nate; do a., okweyongera (with infin.), say again, ddamu. against, ku; also use okuwakana na. age, obukulu; (period) emirembe: (generation) omugigi. aged, kadde, a nvi. agent, omusigire, omuwanika. aggravate, okusunguwaza, okunyiiza, okusaakaanya. agile, angu, a mbiro. agility, obwangu, embiro. agitate, okweraliikiriza, okufuukuula, okutawiila, okuvujjula. agitated, be, okweraliikirira, okutye muka, okufuukuuka, okwediima, okuvuyana. aglow, be, okwaka. ago, long, edda, si lwa jjo; it is three days ago, wakayita ennakussatu. agony, ekibonyoobonyo, obulimi obunene, obubalagaze; be in last agonies, okutabunkana. agree, okukkiriza, okutabagana, okuganya, okukkaanya, okukwana, okulagaana, okwetaba. agreeable, a kisa, lungi. agreement, endagaano, okutabagana, okulagaana; make an agreement, okukola endagaano. agriculture, obulimi. ague, omusujja. ahead, mumaaso. aid, v., okubeera, okuyamba. ail, okulwalalwala. ailment, endwadde, obulwadde. aim, v., okuteeba, okutoma. aimless, sit, okulondobala. air, n., empewo, omukka; in the air, mu bbanga. air, v., okwanika; (display) okwolesa. airs, put on, okwekambazza, okw ejalabya, okwemanta, okukaga, okusongoka. ajar, vide mwogo. alarm, n., enduulu; sound the a., okukuba enduulu, okutakira. alarm, v., okutiisa, okukanga; be alarmed, okutya, okwesansabaga. alas! woowe! aa! baabawe! zinsanze! Albert Lake, Muttanzige. albino, nnamagoye. ale, omwenge. alert, angu. alien, omunnaggwanga. alienate, okwawukanya. alight, be, okwaka, okukoleera. alight, to, okukka wansi. alike, be, okufaanana. alive, lamu. all, onna; all day, do, okuzibya obudde; all night, do, okukeesa obudde. allay, okukkakkanya. allegation, omusango, ensonga. allegiance, okugonda. allegory, olugero. alleviate, okukkakkanya. allotment, ekibanja. allow, okukkiriza, okuganya, okuleka. allude to, okwogerako, okujulirako. allure, okukwenyakwenya, okusendasenda. ally, omukwano, omubeezi, omuyambi. Almighty, Ayinza byonna. almost, he almost died, yali kumpi n’okufa, yabulako katono okufa, katono afe. alms, ebiweebwayo, ebirabo. aloe, ekigagi. aloft, waggulu. alone, adj., kka, kw, omu, alone, adv., bulangasa, kikukku; go a., okugenda omu, okw’esowola, okw’ebwala, okwetongola, okwewunika; be left alone, okwekongola. along with, wamuna. aloud, speak a., okw’ogerera waggulu. alphabet, walifu. already, he has already gone, amaze okugenda. also, era, ate, nate. altar, ekyoto, ekyoterezo. alter, okukyusa, okujjulula. altercation, oluyombo, okukaayana. although, nnewaakubadde . . . nga. altitude, ebugulumivu, obuwanvu. altogether, awamuddala. always, bulijjo, edda n’edda lyonna, ennakuzonna, buli kaseera. amalgamate, okutabula, okugatta awamu. amanuensis, omuwandiisi. amass, okukuŋŋaanya, okukuma. amaze, okuwuniikirira, okusamaalirira, okwewuunyisa; be amazed, okuwuniikirira, okusamaalirira, okwewuunya, okukungiriza. amazement, okwewuunya, okuwuniikirira. ambassador, omubaka, omutume. ambatch, eddindi. ambidextrous, wankonokono. ambuscade, omutego, okutega, enkebe. ambush, okwekwekerera. amend, okulongoosa; a. one’s ways, okwesanyiriza. amend, v.i., okussuuka (in illness). amends, make, okuliwa, okutanga. amiable, lungi, a kisa, teefu. amid, wakati mu. . . among, wakati mu. . ku. . . amount, n., omuwendo. amount to, okuwera, okutuuka ku. ample, nene, ngi. amputate, okutemako, okusalako. amulet, ensiriba, ejjembe, akawambo, olusinga. amuse, okusesa, okusanyusa, okuzannya. amusement, omuzannyo, okuzannya. anaemia, omusana, nnakasiki (infantile), obusonko. anathema, ekikolimo. anathematize, okukolimira. ancestor, jjajja. anchor, ensika, essika. anchor, v., okusuula ensika, essika. anchorage, omwalo. ancient, kadde, kulunnyo, a dda. and, na, era; and not, sso si. anecdote, olugero. anew, nate, omulundi ogw’okubiri. angel, malayika. anger, obusungu, ekiruyi; vide e bbogo. angle, n. ensonda; v.i., okuloba. angler, omulobi. angrily, speak, okuboggola, okukabuka. angry, be, okusunguwala, okukwati bwa obusungu, okwekolobola, okwejuumuula, okutabanguka, okutuggubala; make angry, okusanguwaza, okukabiriza. angry, wa busungu. anguish, ennaku, obunaku, obuyinike, obulumi, okubonaabona; be in a., okunyolwa. animal, ensolo, ekisolo. animosity, obulabe. ankle, akakongovvule. anklet, eggemo, omusagga, ekikomo, empogo. ankylostomiasis, omusana. annex, okutwala, okukwata, okunyaga, okulya. annihilate, okuzikiriza. annihilation, okuzikirizibwa. announce, okulanga, okutegeeza, okubuulira; (visitor) okwanjula; a. death, okubika. annoy, okuteganya, okunyiiza. annoyance, okunyiiga. annoyed, be, okunyiiga. annual, buli mwaka. annul, okudibya, okuggyawo, okujjulula, okuteekulula. anoint, okufukako amafuta, okusiiga amafuta, okusaaba amafuta; a. face of the dead, okuziraga. another, lala, a kubiri, a beene. answer, okuddamu, okwanukula; (when called) okuyitaba. answer, n., okuddamu, okuwoza. ant, ensanafu, enkolooto, nnabe, wakka, ensolosozi, entalumbwa, akasagisagi, empawu, ekimomo, ekinyomo, ekirembwe, olukennembi, omunyama, munyeera; white ant, vide termite, antagonism, obulabe, obulwanyi. antagonist, omulabe, omuwakanyi. antbear, nnamulimi. anteater, scaly, olugave. antelope, ensolo; also vide ensunu, entalaganya, enjobi, etc. anthem, oluyimba, antifoona. anthill, enkulukuku, ekiswa; some names of the ants may be put into the ki-class to denote the hill built by that ant. antics, vide okwemonkoola. antidote, vide okuvumula. antiquity, ebiro eby’edda. antler, ejjembe. anus, ekitiiri, ekiniyo. anvil, oluyija. anxiety, okweraliikirira. anxious, be, okweraliikirira, okukulungutana; vide okutyemuka. any, onna, yenna. anyhow, kalonda, majenjeeke; as conj., kale. anywhere, buli gye wonna. apace, embiro. apart, okka ye kka; come apart, okusolokkana, okuwenjuka. apartment, ekisenge, enju. apathetic, be, okugayira. apathy, obuteefiirayo. ape, n., enkobe. ape, v., okugeegeenya; vide okuwakula. aperient, eddagala ery’okuwalusa. aperture, ekituli, eddirisa. apex, ekitikkiro, entikko. aphis, obwavu. apocalypse, okubikulirwa. apocrypha, apookolofa. apologise, okwetonda, okusaba okusonyiyibwa. apostle, omutume. apostolic, a batume. appal, okutiisa. apparel, ebyambalo. apparition, ekifaananyi, omuzimu. appeal, okujulira, okwegayirira (entreat). appear, ekulabika, okweyerula, okumwenyuka; (moon) okuboneka. appearance, ekifaananyi, enfaanana, embala; appearance sake, do for, okuseeneeka. appease, okuwooyawooya, okukka kkanya, okusiisiitira, okuwombeeka, okunyiiguula, okunyiigulula. appellation, erinnya. appetite, have, okulumwa enjala. applaud, okutenda, okusiima, okukulisa, okwebaza. applause, ettendo. applicant, omusabi. application (to a task), obunyiikivu; (meaning) amakulu. apply, okubambika, okuteekako; a. for, okusaba. appoint, okulagira, okussaawo, okuteekawo, okusiiga, okusigira. appointment, make an, okulaalika, okulagaana. apportion, okugabira; (spoil) okugereka; (tax) okulobola. appreciate, okusiima, okusanyiikira. appreciation, okusanyiika, okusiima. apprehend (arrest), okukwata, okusiba; understand, okutegbera, okumanya; (fear) okutya. approach, okusembera. approbation, ettendo. appropriate, okutwala, okutoola, okuwamba, okunayira. approve, okusiima, okusanyukira, okwagala, okutenda. April, Apuli. apt, tegeevu, a magezi, angu. Arab, Omuwalabu. Arabia, Buwalabu. Arabic, Luwalabu. arbitrate, okulamula. arbitrator, omulamuzi. arch, akabendebendo, ekiyitirirwa. arch, v. (its back), okukulumbala. archangel, malayika omukulu, ssaabamalayika. archbishop, Ssaabalabirizi. archdeacon, Ssaabadiikoni. archer, omulasi. architecture, enzimba. arduous, zibu, kakanyavu, kalubo. area (space), ebbanga. areola, ezigo. argue, okuwakana, okuyiraayirana. argument, empaka, ensonga, ekisoko. argumentative, a mpaka. arid, kalunnyo. arise, okugolokoka, okuzuukuka, okuyimuka. arithmetic, okubala. ark (chest), essanduuko; (vessel) ekyombo. arm, omukono; vide lukono; a. of the sea, ekikono. arm, v., okwambala eby’okulwanyisa. armour, engabo (for fighting eby’okulwanyisa). armpit, enkwawa. army, eggye. aroma, akaloosa, e vvumbe, akawoowo, okuwunya. around, go, okwetooloola. arouse, okugolokosa, okuzuukusa. arrange, okulongoosa, okuteekateeka, okutandika, okubembeka. array, v.tr., okwambaza. arrears, amabanja. arrest, okukwata, okusiba, okuvumba; (hinder) okuziyiza. arrive, okutuuka; (boat) okugoba. arrogance, amalala, okw’ekulumbaza. arrogant, a malala; be a., okudibuka. arrow, akasaale. artery, omusuuwa. artful, kabakaba, a magezi. artfulness, obukabakaba, amagezi. article, ekintu; (of creed) ennyingo; (of religion) okigambo ky’eddiini. artifice, olukwe. artificial, ekikalizo. artillery, omizinga. artisan, omukozi, ffundi. as, conj., nga, nga . . bwe. ascend, okulinnya, okwambuka. ascertain, okumanya, okutegeera, okwetbgereza. ashamed, be, okukwatibwa ensonyi, okuwemuka, okuswala, okukongoba, okwebbmbabomba. ashamed, make, okukwasa ensonyi, okuswaza, okuwemuukiriza. ashes, evvu, omuyonga. aside, kyama, ku bbali. ask, okubuuza, okubuulira, okukemereza; a. for, okusaba; a. in marriage, okwogereza; a. to do, okugamba, okwegayirira. askance, look, okutunulira kiyunja. askew, lubege. aslant, be, okwewunzika. asleep, fall, okwebaka, okwebaka otulo. asp, embalasaasa. asparagus fern, akadaali. asperity, obusungu, obukali. asphyxia, ekituyu. ass, endogoyi. assail, okulumba, okulwana na. assailant, omulumbi, omulwanyi. assassin, omutemu, omussi. assassinate, okutemula. assault, okulumba, okulwanyisa. assay, okukema, okugezaako. assemble, v.i., okukunnaana, okw ekukumba; v.tr., okukuŋŋaanya, okukuluumulula. assembly, ekibiina, olukuŋŋaana, olukiiko. assent, okukkiriza, okusiima. assess, okubalirira, okusala. assessment, endobolo; (royal, on cattle) ekikungo, empooza. assist, okubeera, oku:yamba, okuyuna, okuddukirira, okulwanirira. associate, v., okusseekimu, okubeera awamu. assort, okwawula. assuage, okukkakkanya, okugonza, okuteeka, okuweebuka. assured, be, okutegeereza ddala. astern, nnyuma. asthma, olufuba. astonish, okwewuunyisa, okwewuniikiriza, okusamaliriza. astonished, be, okwewuunya, okuwuniikirira, okusamalirira, okunyamaalirira. astonishment, ekyewuunyo. astound, vide astonish, astray, go, okubula, okukyama, okuwaba; lead a., okukyamya, okubuza, okutana, okutiriboosa. astride, stand, okweyanjala. astute, tegeevu, a magezi, kabakaba. asylum (refuge), obuddukiro; (for insane) ennyumba ya balalu. at, ku, e; at the house of, ewa. atmosphere; e bbanga. atone for, okutangirira. atonement, okutangirira. atrophied, become, okukonvuba, okukonziba. attach, okusibako, okuteekako, okugattako. attack, okulumba, okulwanyisa, okunaawa. attain, okutuuka, okutuukirira. attempt, okugezaako, okwewanga. attend, okutega amatu, okuwulira a. on, okuweereza; a. school or church, okusoma. attendant, omuweereza. attentive, be, okuwuliriza. attentiveness, embukutiro. attest, okukakasa. attire, v., okwambaza. attire, n., ebyambalo, engoye. attract, okusembeza. attracted, be, okulula. audacious, vide bold, audacity, obuzira. audible, be, okuwulikika. audience, ekibiina. audience hall, ekigango. auditory passage, entuttululu. augment, okwongera. August, Agusito. aunt, ssenga, nge, wo, we, etc. austere, kakanyavu, gumu. authentic, a mazima. author, (originator) omusoosi; (of book) omuwandiisi w’ekitabo. authority, obuyinza, obukulu, amaa nyi. autumn, akasambula. avail, okugasa. avarice, obukodo, omululu. avaricious, wa mululu. avenge, okuwalana (eggwanga), okuwoolera eggwanga. avenger, omuwalanyi. aversion, effutwa. avert, okuziiza, okugema. avidity, omululu. avocation, omulimu. avoid, okwewala, okwesamba, okw esuba, okwekooloobya, okwesulubabba. await, okulindirira. awake, v.tr., okusisimuka, okuzuukuka; be a., okulaba, okutunula. awaken, okugolokosa, okuzuukusa. away, run a., okudduka; take a., okuggyawo, okuggyamu; throw a., okusuula; go a., okuvaawo; empty, okuyiwa. awe, v., okutiisa. awe, n., entiisa. awful, a ntiisa. awkward, vide clumsy, kkono; turn a., okukaŋŋanta. awl, olukato. awning, ettandaluwa. awry, be, okwewunzika. awry, adv., lubege. axe, embazzi. aye (yes), weewaawo, yee. babble, okubujjabujjana, okujabiriza. baboon, ekigaya, ezzike. baby, omuwere, akaana. bachelor, omuwuulu, embula. back, n., omugongo, amabega; (of head) enkoona; (of hill) enzivuunuko. back, v., okuzibira, okubeera, okuyamba. b. out (agreement), okweyunjula. back water, okukuba nsoke, okusenda. turn back on, okukuba amabega. back, adv., nnyuma. at b. of house, emmanju. go b., okuddayo. come b., okukomawo. take or send b., okuzzaayo. bring b., okukomyawo. backbite, okugeya, okulyolyoma, okuseekeeta, okuseeseema. backbone, ekigongo, olugongo. backward, eky’ennyumannyuma. bacon, ennyama y’embizzi. bad, bi, vundu; go b., okwonooneka, okuvunda, okutota; go to the b., okuseeguuka, okugwenyuka, okiibiggya. badge, akabonero, olusamba. badger, v., okuteganya, okweralii kiriza. badly, bubi. badness, obubi, obuvundu. badtempered, lalu, yombi. baffle, okuziyiza, okulema, okusobera, okuteeba. bag, ensawo, endyanga; (matting) eki kapu; ( = spoil) omuyiggo. baggage, omugugu, ebintu. bail for, go, okweyimirira. bait, ekissi. bake, okwokya, okufumba. balance, n. (scales), minzaani. balance, v., okutengerera; b. self, okwetengeka. balcony, ebbalaza. bald, a kiwalaata. baldness, ekiwalaata, ekiwalakate, essega. bale, n., omutumba. baling bowl, olutiba. ball, omupiira, (dance) ddansi. ballad, oluyimba. bamboo, ebbanda. banana, ettooke, eryenvu, embidde, enkago, kabula, endizabawuulu, endyabalangira. immature b., akanyaala. wild b., ekitembe. twin b., nnabansasaana. b. plantation, olusuku. b. tree, ekitooke. b. leaf, olulagala. band, olwebagyo, ekisiba; vide bandage ; (company) ekibiina, ekitongole. bandage, n., ekiwero, ekisabiko, omulindi, omugaaga. bandage, v., okusabika. bandolier, amanzaamu. bandylegged, a bitege, a butagali. bang, v.i., okuvuga, okukomola. bangle, eggemo. banish, okugoba. bank (river, etc.), ebbali w’omugga, olubalama lw’ennyanja, (safe deposit) bbanka, bbengi. banner, ebendera. banquet, embaga. banter, okukiina, okusaaga, okuyee yereza, okuduuluka. baptise, okubatiza. baptism, okubatizibwa, (R.C.) batiisi mu, bar, n., ekisiba; b. of kraal, omuyingo. bar, v., okuziyiza. barbarian, mu nnaggwanga. barbarity, obukambwe, obukaali. barbarous, kambwe. barbel, ekisinja. barber, omumwi, barbet, enkonkonamuti. bare, adj., erefere, eru, sa. bargain, v., okulamula, okugulaana, okwasana. barge, eryato. bark, n., ekikuta, olukusakusa; b. of plantain, olugogo, ekigogo, ekyayi. bark, v., okubo ggola, okusama. barkcloth, olubugo; also vide empampagalu, ekitentegere, omusala, omutetere, nnakasatwe, endeebeeso, endogo, e nnenge, ssango. b.c. tree, omutuba. b.c. mallet, ensaamu, ensaasi, empuuzo, enzituzo, ensera. b.c. log, omukomago. b.c. maker, omukomazi. b.c., to make, okukomaga, okutenga,okuttula. barley, ssayiri. barm, ekizimbulukusa. barn, eggwanika. barrel, eppipa; b. of gun, omudumu. barren (land), kalu, a lunnyo; (female animals) gumba, ensaata; also vide olukumakuma, enkumba, olunnyo; become b., okusajja kula, okusaatawala. barricade, ekigo, ebbooma. barrier, olukomera, ekisaakaate. barter, okusuubula, okugulaana. base, n., omusingi, entobo; also vide okusinziira. base, adj., bi, kopi. baseless, a nsumattu. bashful, a nsonyi. basin, ebbakuli, ebbenseni. bask, okwota omusana. basket, ekisero, ekibbo, endiiro, endabi, enkanga, enzibo; fish b., omuya; b. for edible gnats (ssami), olutente. bat, ekinyira, akawundo. bath, ebaafu; (of leaf) oluleeba; bathroom, ekinaabiro. bathe, okunaaba, okuwuga. battle, n., olutalo. baulk, v., okuziyiza. bawl, okuyoogaana, okukaaba, okuleekaana, okujogoolikana. bay, n., ekyondo. be, okuba, okubeera. beach, ettale, omutala, olubalama. beacon, omunaala. bead, enkwanzi, akatiiti, olusinda, embira; (R.C.) ssappuli; (Moh.) masubbaawa. beak, ennyindo, omumwa. beam, enjaliiro, olukoma, omukiikiro. bean, ekijanjalo, akayindiyindi, mpokya, ekiyirigi, ekinyololo, akajereje, empindi, matamabbuuku, nnamunyi. bear, n., eddubuor eddubu. bear, v., (carry) okwetikka; (children) okuzaala; (puppies) okubwagula; (fruit) okubala; (endure) okugumii kiriza; b. down (in labour), okw ekema, okuweerera ebisa. beard, ekirevu. beast, ensolo; int. of abuse, kafulu, kookolirooko. beat, okukuba, okubaalinga, okuluuta, okusakata, okuwuttula. b. barkcloth, okukomaga, okusaaka; okutenga, okuttula. b. in hunting, okwandaaza. = to surpass, okusinga, okukira. =be too muchfor, okulema. beat, v.i., okubobba, okutujja, okulasira. beautiful, lungi, balagavu, sirii kirivu. beautify, okuyonja, okulongoosa. beauty, obulungi, obusaamu. because, kubanga, kuba, kubeera. beckon, okuwenya, okuwebya. become, okufuuka; cause to b., okufuusa, okufuula. bed, ekitanda, ekiriri, obuliri. bee, enjuki, kadoma, akazingirizi, essukkamugga. beeeater (bird), omudyolo. beef, ennyama y’ente. beer, omwenge, amalwa; vide enkenku, ekibombo, omuyiiro, enkaatu, entwere, essuumwa. beetle, ekiwuka, empanga, essikissiki, evvuuvuumira. befall, okubaako, okubeerako, okutuukako. before (of place), mumaaso ga; (of time) edda; also use the “ not yet ” tense. befriend, okukwana na, okubeera, okuyamba. beg, okusaba, okwegayirira; okusabiriza. beget, okuzaala. beggar, omusabi, omusabirizi, omupeekerezi, kacoolo. beggarly, a bukodo. begin, okusooka, okutanula, okutandika, okuyinama, okubanga, okubulula, okukkirira. beginning, oluberyeberye, okusooka, entandikwa. begone! (imperative), genda! vaawo! beguile, okusendasenda, okusemya, okulimba. behalf of, on, kubwa, kulwa. behave, okukola, okuyisa. behaviour, empisa. behind, ennyuma, emabega; as prep., ennyuma wa. behold, okulaba, okutunuulira. behove, okugwanira, okusaanira. being, n., obuntu. belabour, okukuba ennyo; vide thrash. belated, be, vide okuzibirira. belch, okubejjagala, okukuba empiiyi. beleaguer, okulumba, okuzingiza, okutaayiza. Belgian, Omubirigi. belief, okukkiriza. believe, okukkiriza. bell, ekide. belligerent, omulwanyi. bellow, v., okuŋooŋa. bellows, omuvubo. belly, olubuto. below, wansi, emmanga; as prep., wansi wa. belt, olukoba, amanzambu, omukandala, siripi omusipi. bemoan, okukaabirira. bend, n., akabina. bend, v.i., okugota, okuwetuka; (under weight) okuguggubira; b. down, okuvuunama, okuleeba. bend, v.tr., okuweta, okumenya; (bow) okujuta. beneath, wansi; as prep., wansi wa. benediction, okusabira omukisa. benefaction, ekirabo, ekitone. benefactor, omugabi. beneficence, obugabi. benefit, v., okuyamba, okubeera, okugasa. benign, a kisa. bent, adj., koŋŋontbvu; get b., okugooma. benumbed, get, okusannyalala. bequeath, okulaama, okuwakyo. bereave, okufiisa, okuggyako; be bereaved, okufiirwa, okuseega. bereavement, okufiirwa. berry, ensigo; (castor oil) ensogasoga; (coffee) emmwanyi. beseech, okwegayirira. beside, prep., kumabbaliga. besiege, okuzingiza, okutaayiza, okusegera. besmirch oneself, okwevulubanya. bespeak, okulagiriza. best, adj., vide singa. bestial, gwagwa. bestow, okugaba, okuwa. betake (oneself off), okwegendera, okw essa, okwewamba. betray, okulyamuolukwe. betroth, okwogereza. betrothal, okwogerezebwa. better, adj., vide singa. better, adv., use waakiri with subj. or infin.; better, get, okussuuka, okuwona, okulamuka, okukambakamba, okubampembawemba. between, prep., wakati wa. beverage, eky’okunywa. bewail, okukaabira, okukuba ebi woobe. beware, dkwekuuma, okwekengera. bewilder, okuwubyawubya. bewitch, okuloga, okukotoggera, okuloma; (with fumes) okufuuyira. beyond, mumaaso ga; take beyond, okuyisa; go b., okuyitirira, okusukka, okutwaliriza olugendo. bhang, enjaaye. Bible, Bbayibuli. biceps, nnawolovu, entungulu. bicker, okuyombagana. bicycle, eggaali, akagaali; motor b., ppikipiki. bid, okulagira. b. farewell, okusiibula. made a b., okulamula. b. high, okukansa. bier, olunnyo. big, nene, kulu; vide bbabbattu; grow big, okugejja. bilge, ekiyiwo. biliousness, enkaka; be bilious, okulwala enkaka. bill (of bird), omumwa. billow, ejjengo, essingiisira. biltong, omukalo. bind, okusiba, okunyweza. bird, e nnyonyi. birdlime, obulimbo. birth, okuzaalibwa. birth to, give, okuzaala. birthday, amazaalibwa. birthplace, vide okutema. birthright, obusika. biscuit, bisikuuti. bisect, okusala wakati, okuyita wakati, okwasaamu. bishop, omulabirizi; (R.C.) omwebisi koopi. bit, akatundu; bit by bit, vide okusonsoma. bitch, embwa enkazi, embwa mpala. bite, okuluma; (of snakes) okubojja. bitter, be, okukaawa, okukambagga. bitterly, ccocce. bitterness, obukaayi, obukaawu. blab, okusamwassanvwa, okulaasa; okuseetula. black, ddugavu. very b., ddugavuzigizigi. be b., okuddugala. go b. (fruit), okuswankula. blacken, okuddugaza, okubabira, okuziga. blacksmith, omuweesi. bladder, oluwago. blade (grass), akasubi; (of knife) omusa, ekikolokonda. blame, okunenya, okuloopa, okuvunaana; throw b. on another, okuwanjaga, okwekobereza. blameless, ataliiko kabi. blank, draw, okukuba embuyaga. blanket, bulangiti. blaspheme, okuvvoola, okuteefula ebigambo. blasphemer, omuvvoozi. blasphemy, okuvvoola. blaze, okwaka, okubuubuuka. bleach, okutukuza. bleak, ereere, eru. bleat, okulira, oktikaaba, okubejja gala. bleed, tr., okulumika; v.i., (at nose) okwerumika, okukanuka. blemish, n., akamogo, obulema, akabi, ekko. blend, okutabula, okukologa, okuvuluga. bless, okuwa omukisa, okusabira omukisa. blessing, omukisa. blight (on plants), omuwempe. blind, adj., zibe wa maaso; b. in one eye, a ttulu; b. man’s buff, kantuntunu. blind, v. (destroy sight), okuzibya amaaso; (deceive), okulimba, okuseemya. blindfold, okusiba kantuntunu. blindness, obuzibe bw’amaaso. blindworm, mugoya. blink, okutemya, okutemereza. bliss, essanyueringi. blister, n., e bbavu, e bbambavu, aka tuulituuli. blister, v.tr., okubambula; be blistered, okubambuka. blithe, sanyufu, a ssanyu. bloated, vide okuzimba. block, v.tr., okuzibikira, okuziyiza. be blocked, okuziyira, okuziba. block, n. (for drum), omuwulugwa; (for cap) effolooma; (pulley) essirlngi. blockhead, omusiru. blood, omusaayi. blood brotherhood, omukago. blood brother, omunywanyi. blood pudding, kafecce. bloody, a musaayi; kambwe. bloom, v.i., okwanya. bloom, n., empumbti. blossom, v.i., okwanya, okumulisa, okubala; (bananas) okwasa. blot out, okusangula. blottingpaper, ekinywa bwino. blow, v., okufuuwa; (of wind) okukunta; (gale) okufuuwuuka; (bellows) okufukuta; (out) okuzikiza; (nose) okunyiza; (fire up) okukuma omuliro; (on) okufuuyirira. blubber, v., okukaaba. bludgeon, embukuuli. blue, bbululu. bluestone, omuluutuluutu. bluff, v., okuseeneeka. blunder, v., okusobya, okwonoona, okulasana. blunt, adj., koŋŋontevu. blunted, be, okukoŋŋontera; (point) okufuubetera; blunt, make, okukoŋŋonteza, okubangulula. blurred, be, okuseeterera. blush, okumyuka, okukwatibwa enso nyi bluster, okwogera n’ebboggo, okw ekambuza. boar, embizzi ennume; (wild boar) embizzi ey’omunsiko. board, olubaawo; go on b., okusaabala. boarding school, essomero erisulwamu. boast, okwenyumiriza, okwekuza, okwegulumiza, okwekalakaasa. boaster, omwekuzi. boastful, a kwenyumiriza, a kwekuza. boasting, olunkulu. boat, eryaato, emmanvu. body, omubiri; (dead) omulambo; (person) omuntu; (headless) ekiwuduwudu; (company) ekibiina. bog, ekiteebe. boil, n., ejjute. boil, v.tr., okufumba. boil, v.i., okwesera, okutokota, okujagajjira; metaph., okwetabula. boisterously, play, okubinuka. bold, zira, gumu, kakanyavu, vumu, a mmizi; omusongole. boldness, obuzira, obuvumu. bolster, n., ekigugu. bolster up, okuwanirira. bolt, n., ekisiba. bolt, v. (food), okumira bugobo. bond, n., ekisiba, olujegere. bondage, obuddu, obusibe. bondman, omuddu; bondwoman, omuzaana. bone, e ggumba; b. of contention, akabattanya. boneless, ere; vide omuwula. bonesetter, omukyondwa, omuyunzi. bonfire, ekikoomi, ebirungu. bonnet, enkoofiira or enkuufiira. bonny, lungi, balagavu, bony, a magumba, kovvu. booby, omusiru, kinnamugwenyu. book, ekitabo. boor, omukatagga. boot, engatto. booth, ensiisira. bootlace, olulere, olukoba, ewuzi y’engatto. booty, omunyago. booze, vide tipple. border, ensalo, embibi, enkingi, omuzibo; (of mat) olusandaggo; (of cloth) olukugiro. border on, okuliraana. bore, n. (of gun barrel), omulenge. bore, v., okuwummula; ( = bother) okukooya, okweraliikiriza; be bored with, okuweerera, okutamwa. boring tool, omulumyo. born, be, okuzaalibwa. borrow, okwewola, okweyazika. borrowed, adj., ewole, eyazike. bosom, ekifuba. boss (of shield), ekkundi. both, ombi. bother, v., okuteganya, okweraliikiriza, okubigita; be bothered, okutegana, okutagala. bottle, eccupa. bottom, entobo; (of trousers) amagemuor amagemo. bough, ettabl. boulder, ejjinja eddene, olwazi. bounce, v.i., okubuuka; v.tr., okuwalaza. bound, v., okubuka, okucoppacoppa; (end) okukomekkereza. bound, be, okusibibwa. boundary, ensalo, embibi, enkingi, empero. bounds, vide foreg.; go beyond b., okusukkuluma. bounty, ekisa, obugabi. bow, v., okuvuunama, okukutama, okuyinama. bow, n., omutego; tie a bow, okusiba empuluttulizo. bowels, ebyenda. bowl, n., ebbakuli, ekibya, olutiba. bowlegged, a bitege; vide okutegula. bows (canoe), obulumba, ensanda. box, n., essanduuku, ebbweta. box, v., okufuntula, okuggunda; b. the ears, okukuba oluyi. boy, omulenzi. brace, n. (tool), omusukaano. bracelet, ekikomo, eggemu, eggombya, empogo, akanyere, omussagga, engaga. braces, olukoba. brag, okwenyumiriza, okwekuza, okweriisa enkuuli. braggart, omwenyumiriza. braid, n., omuyondo. brain, n., obwongo. bramble, akasaana. branch, ettabi, omusanvu. brand, n. (sort), engeri. brand, v., okwokya, okussaako akabo nero. brandish, okuwera, okugalula, okuwera enkolokooto. brass, ekikomo. brave, zira; gumu. bravery, obuzira. bravo! int., weebale! kulika! yogaayoga! brawl, okuyoogaana, okuleekaana. brawl, n.,oluyoogaano, akacwano. brawny, a maanyi, nene. bray, okwamuza, okwana. brazen, a kikomo. breach, ekituli, eddibu; (quarrel) oluyombo; make a b., okumenya. bread, omugaati. breadth, obugazi. break, v.i., vide be broken. b. free, okwesumattula, okubanduka, okutenduka. b. out (rash), okufuutuuka. break (day), okukeera, okumunzula. break, v.tr., okumenya, okwasa, okucencena, okuvunja, okucwacwana; (egg) okukoona; (in two) okumenyamu. b. off, okuwogola, okunuula, okumegula, okusonjola. b. through, okuwagula. b. into, okusima. b. law, okusobya, okuwubwako, okumenya etteeka. breakfast, eky’enkya. breast, ekifuba; (woman’s) ebbeere, q.v.; vide also nnansble, nnamba laala, empottowotto, lukambulizo, ekiwaama; inflamed breast, ebbanyi. breath, omukka; be out of b., okufuuwuka, okuwejjawejja. breathe, okussa omukka; b. hard, okuweevuuma, okuwejjawejja, okuteetera; b. irregularly, okuwookeera. breeches, sseruwale, empale, breechloader, emmunduemmenye, empenjule. breeze, empewo. brethren, ab’oluganda. brew, okusogola omwenge. brewer, omusogozi. brewery, essogolero. briar, kata zzamiti, bribe, n., enguzi. bribe, v., okuliisa enguzi, okuweerera, okudyekadyeka; take a b., okulya enguzi. brick, ettofaali. brick, adj., a matofaali. bridal, adj., a bugole. bride, omugole; father of b., ssewamuko, ssezaala; mother of b., nnyazaala. bridegroom, omugole omusajja. bridge, olutindo; (of nose) olukulukumbi lw’ennyindo. bridge, v., okutinda. bridle, olukoba. bright, nyirivu, tukuvu; (intelligence) b magezi; (joyful) sanyufu. bright, be, okumasamasa, okunyirira. brighten, okutukuza, okunyiriza, okuzigula. brim, omugo; (full) to the b., bute ngerera. brimstone, ekibiriiti. bring, okuleeta, okusomba. b. in, okuyingiza. bring on oneself, okwesiikulira, okwereetereza. b. back (vomit), okubooga. b. from a distance, okugemula. brink, enjegoyego, olubalama, ama bbali. briny, a munnyo. brisk, angu. bristle, v. (tail), okwekuluumulula. bristle, n., ekyoya, essisi. British, a Kingereza. brittle, be, menyekeka. broad, gazi, a kigaaga. broaden, okugaziya. brogue, enjogera. broil, v., okwokya, okukalirira, okusilka. broken, adj., menyefu, kutufu, atifu. broken, be, okumenyeka, okukutuka, okwatika, okutondoka, okubwaguka, okusonjoka. bronchitis, olufuba, oluyimbiro, bronze, ekikomo. brood over, okufumiitiriza, okubondeera; (fowls) okumaamira. brook, akagga. broom, olweyo; (the plant) oluvunvu. broth, ssupu, omucuuzi gw’ennyama. brother, muganda, ow’oluganda; (of a sister) mwannyina; (younger b.) omwana wattu; b.inlaw, omuko, mukoddomi, mulamu, musangi. brotherhood, oluganda. brow, ekyenyi; (of hill) entikko. browbeat, okujooga, okuyigganya, okuco ccacocca. brown, a kawemba. bruise, n., ekinuubule, bruise, v., okunuubula, okulunyula; be bruised, okunuubuka, okulunguula. brush, n., olweyo, bbulaasi. brush, v., okwera; (hair) okusunsula; (teeth) okusenya; b. off, okuwee weeta. brushwood, akabira, ekisaka. brusque person, n. embalangu. brutal, kambwe. brutality, obukambwe. bubble, v., okwesera, okutokota, okujugumba; b. with gas (wound), okufuukuula, okuvulula. bubo, ekizimba, lwekiika. bubonic plague, kawumpuli. bucket, endobo. buckle, ekizimi, akakondo. buckler, engabo. bud, n., omutunsi. bud, v., okwanya, okumulisa, okuto jjera. budge, refuse to, okwesimbiggiriza. buffalo, embogo. buffet, okukuba oluyi. bug, ekibo, ekiku. bugbear, engolo. bugle, bbuluugi. build, okuzimba; (boat) okusiba. builder, omuzimbi. building, ennyumba, enju, enzimba. bulbul, ssossolye. bulge out, okukukunala. bulk, obunene, obuzito. bulky, nene, zito. bull, ente ennume, sseddume. bullet, essasi. bullock, ente endaawo. bully, v., okujooga, okucoccacocca, okuyigganya, okutyanka, okukunnumba, okukongola. bully, omujoozi, empalamalanga. bulrush, olulago. bulwark, olukomera, bbugwe; (of boat) amabuto. bump, ekizimba. bunch (grass), enjole; (corn) omuganda, ekinywa, omuvumbo; (leaves) ekikoola; (fruit) ekirimba; (bananas) enkota, ekiwagu, ekisinja, oluwagala. bundle, omugugu, ekisaaganda, eki tuutuuli; (shells) omutwalo; (fish) olutala; (firewood), ekinywa, omuganda, olusekese; (salt) olubaya; (cloth) omutumba. bung, v., okusaanikira. bung, n., ekisaanikizo. bungle, v., okusobya, okutabulata bula, okudibaga. bungler, omutabuzitabuzi, burden, n., omugugu. burdened, be, okuzitoowererwa; burden oneself, okwekatanga. burglar, omubbi. burglary, obubbi. burialplace, amalaalo, amasiro. burly, nene, a maanyi. burn, v., okwaka, okwokya, okuteta; (be scorched) okusirilra; (anger) okubuubuuka; (mouth) okubaa laala; (nose) okusonsomola. burnish, okunyiriza, okuzigula, okutukuza. burnt, smell, okuwunya ebbabe or olubabebabe. , burr, ekikwasi, ssere. burrow, v., okuziikula, okufukula. burst, v.i., okuyulika, okubanduka, okutulika, okwabika; b. out, okufubutuka, okutuumuuka. bury, okuziika. bush, ekisaka; beat about the b., okusala amakeete. bushbuck, engabi. bushy, be, okusaakaatira; (hair) okutuukuuma. business, omulimu, emitawaana. bustard, oluyonkante. bustle, v., okutayira, okutawaana. busy, adj., amitawaana, nyiikivu; be b., okutawaana, okuse jjera, okutawuka, okwetawula mumirimu, okukabassana. but, naye; (except) wabula, wazira. butcher, omubaazi. butt, v., okutomera. butterfly, ekiwojjolo. buttermilk, amata amasunde. buttock, ettako, amakudde, obutuuliro. button, eppeese. buy, okugula; b. back, okununula. buyer, omuguzi. buzz, okuwuuma, okuvuumira, okuvuuvuuma. by, prep, of agent not expressed. byway, olwenda. byword, olugero. cabin, ekisenge, akasiisira. cabinet (council), olukiiko lwakafubo. cackle, okukekema, okwasiikana, okutoolokoka. cactus, ekigagi. caecum, nnamuguma. cage, ekiyonjo, ekiguli, eggiririzo. cajole, okusendasenda, okutiitiibya, okusemyasemya, okupanka, okuyiikiriza, okweyibaayiba. cake, keeki, omugaati gwa keeki. calabash, ekita, endeku, empaawo, eŋŋunda, ensaabo; vide gourd calamity, obunaku, kalasano, obubi. calculate, okubala, okuteebereza. caldron, sseffuliya, entamu. calf, ennyana; (of leg) entumbwe. calico, malekaani, amerikaani. call, okuyita, okukoowoola; (name) okutuuma; (names = abuse) okuvuma; call on, okukyalira, okulambula. calling, okuyitibwa; (trade) omulimu. callosity, ekikuyiro. callous, become, okukakanyala. calm, esiifu, teefu. calm, v.tr., okukkakkanya, okutereeza; become c., okukkakkana, okuteeka, okutereera, okulaala, okuwoleera, calm, n., obuteefu, emirembe. calumniate, okuwaayiriza, okulyolyoma, okuseketta, okukonjera. calumny, obuwaayize, obuwaayirizi, obulumirizi. camel, eqqemiye. camp, n., ekisulo, olusiisira, omugiini. camp, v., okusule, okusiisira. campaign, v., okutabaala. campaign, n., olutabaalo. can, n., akalebe. can, v., okuyinza, okusobola. canal, omukuto. cancel, okudibya, okujjulula, okuggyawo; be cancelled, okudika, okujjulukuka, okuggibwawo. cancer, kookolo; contract c., okukookola. candle, omusomaawa. candlestick, ekikondo. cane, oluga, eggulugungu; sugar cane, ekikajjo. canister, akalebe. cannon, omuzinga. canoe, eryato, emmanvu, akaduli; for parts of canoe, vide eggwamba, ebbasi, akasenso, ekigambira, ekirima, oluwamba, oluwero, empumi, omugonjo, endagire, endijjo, endigo, ensanda, ensinga, entabiro. canticle, kantikaali. canvas, egguniya, ekkutiya. cap, enkoofilra, enkuufiira; (of gun) effataaki. capability, amagezi. capable, a magezi, kalangafu; be c., okukalanguka. capacity, amagezi; the capacity of this bucket is two gallons, endobo eno ejjula ggalani bbiri, cape, omusoma; (at the junction of two rivers) ekisoko; (garment) ekizi baawo. caper, v., okuzannya, okuzina capital (town), ekibuga; (finance) ensimbi ez’ensibo. capitulate, okujeemulukuka. capsize, v.tr., okuyiwa, okuvuunika. captain, omugabe, omukulu, omuto ngole, kapitaani. captious, yombi. captivate (please), okusanyusa. captive, n., omusibe, omunyage. captivity, obusibe. capture, okukwata, okunyaga, okuwemba, okuzinda. caravan, ssaffaali. carcase, omulambo, omubiri. cards, playing, kalata. care (take care of), okukuuma, okutereka, okulabirira; care for (like) okwagala, okusiima. care, n., okweraliikirira. care, I don’t, si musango, si kigambo, sifaayo. career, n., ebikolwa, obulamu. careful, be, okwegendereza, okw ekuuma, okwerembereza. careless, be, okugalamba, okugala banja, okwekubira gudiikudde. carelessly, bulekwe; vide okwebutika. caress, okuwambaatira, okwagayaga, okusiimuulirira, okutiba, okuwee weeta. cargo, ebintu, emigugu; ship c., okusiika ebintu; unship c., okusiikula ebintu, okuteekulula ebintu. carp at, okuyeeyereza, okubigita. carpenter, omubazzi. carpenter’s shop, ebbajjiro. carpentry, do, okubajja. carpet, ekiwempe; (royal) ekiwu, carriage, eggaali. carrier, omwetissi, omupakasi. carrion, omulambo, omutulumbi. carry (on head), okwetikka; (on back) okuweeka; (on shoulders) okukongojja, okwambala; (in front of one) okutembeeta; c. off, okunyaga, okuwakankula; c. all before one, okwerula. cart, eggaali. carte blanche, mulagira. cartilage, akabebenu; sternal c., emmeeme. cartridge, ekyasi. carve (wood), okwola. carving, okwola, oluyola. case, ensonga, omusango; vide olufuubanja, oluyeeke, nnamunkukuulu; (box) essanduuku, ebbweta. casement, eddirisa, ekituli. cash, effeeza, enkalu, ensimbi, kaasi. cask, eppipa, casket, akabweta. cassava, omuwogo. cast (down), okusuula wansi; (away) okusuula; (stones at) okukasuukirira; (young) okusowola. castigate, okukuba, okubattula. castiron, ebbumba. castle, ekigo; build castles in the air, okweyibaayiba. castoroil (plant), omusogasoga; (berries) ensogasoga. castrate, okulaawa. castrated, laawe, laawo. casual, be, okulambya. casually, bulekwe, kasiiro. cat, kkapa; (wild cat) omuyaayu; (civet) effumbe; (genet) akasimba; (serval) emmondo. cataract, ekiyira, ekiyiriro. catarrh, ssennyiga. catch, okukwata; (disease) okusiigi bwa, okulwala, okuwakula obulwadde; (fish) okuvuba, okuloba; (ball) okubaka; (water) okulembeka. c. fire, okuggya omuliro. c. up, okukwata, okutuukako. try to catch up, okutuukirira. catch, n. (game), akawuna. catechise, okubuuza. catechism, katekiisimu. catechist, omuyigiriza, omusomasa. catechumen, asoma okubatizibwa, omulonde. category, engeri, olubu, ettuluba. caterpillar, akawuka, ekisiisa, nna beefunye, ekisaanyi, e kkomante, ekyonga. catheter, oluseke. Catholic, Katuliki. Catholicism, eddiini y’ekieziya enkatuliki, Obukatuliki. cattle, ente; c. plague, nsotoka. cattlefold, ekiraalo, ekisibo. caul, olububi. caulk, v., okukonja, okukuutiza. caulking, eggalwa ly’ebitooke. cause, ensonga; (at law) omusango. cause to do, use causative form of verb. causelessly, bwemage. causeway, olutindo. caution, okwegendereza, okwerinda. caution, v., okulabula, okubuulirira. cautious, be, okwerinda, okulembe reza, okulembya, okusotyasotya, okuteezateeza. cave, n., empuku, omuwulukwa. cavil, okutoma, okuleekema. cavity, empampagama, empokowooko. cayenne pepper, kaamulali. cease, okukoma, okulekeraawo; (come to an end) okumala, okuggwa; (rain), okukya; c. bearing, okusajjawala, okusaatawala. ceaselessly, olutata, olugenderezo, olunye, kasukunsalo. cedar, entolookyo. cede, okuwaayo. ceiling, obuzizi. celebrate, okutenda, okusuuta, okubbiramu. celebrated, atiikirivu, a kitiibwa; be c., okwatiikirira. celibacy, obuwuulu. celibate, omuwuulu. cell, ekisenge, ekisassalala. cement, n., ddongobulaaya, ekimma nje, ssbmenti. cement, v., okuvumbeza, okunyweza cemetery, amalaalo, ebiggya; (royal) amasiro. censure, okunenya, okubuulirira. centipede, ssigga, kasikisa. centre, mumakkati, obwengula. century, ekikumi. certain, make, okwetegeereza, okw ekkaanya. certainly, mazima, ddala, geregere; as int., kale! certificate, ebbaluwa. certify, okwetegeeza, okunnyo nnyola. chafe, okusabusa; (annoy) okutega nya, okweraliikiriza; be chafed, okusabuka, okukuubuuka, okuyaayuuka. chaff, ebisusunku, ebirerya. chagrin, obusungu, olunyiigo, okwemulugunya. chain, olujegere, essamba, omukuufu. chair, entebe. chairman, omukubirizi; be c., okukubiriza. chalk, ennoni. challenge, okulumba; accept c., okukuba enkanda. chamber, ekisenge, enju. chameleon, nnawolovu. champion, omuzira. change, v.i., okufuuka, okwefuula. change, v.tr., okukyusa, okufuusa, okufuula; (money) okuwaanyisa, okuvunja; keep changing subject, okulondobereza. changeable, be, okufuukafuuka, okukyukakyuka. channel, olusalosalo, omwala, omwogo. chant, n., oluyimba. chant, v., okuyimba. chanticleer, empanga. chap, old, int., baaba, wattu; poor c., ssempala. chapter, essuula. character, empisa. charcoal, amanda, eryanda. charge, okukuutira, okulagira, okukubiriza; (accuse) okuwawaabira, okuwaabira, okulanga; (as bull) okutomera, okukaga; (one another) okutomeragana. charitable, a kisa, omugabi (n.). charity, bbugabi, okusaasira. charm, n., ensiriba, ejjembe, eddogo, ouzinga, entabwa; (beauty) obulungi; (grace) ekisa. charm, v., okuloga; (snake) okuvumula; (please) okusanyusa. charmer, omulogo. charred, be, okusiriira. chase, v., okuyigga, okugoberera; c. away, okugoba. chasm, olukonko, empago. chaste, longoofu. chasten, okukangavvula. chastise, okukuba. chastity, obulongoofu. chat, okunyumya, okulojja. chatter, n., amalubya. chatter, v., okujabiriza, okugegejja, okuk’obaakoba, okwogera olulago. chatterbox, ow’amalubya, ow’ama tama, oluvenge. cheap, a mwero. cheapen, okuddiriza kumuwendo. cheat, okuseera, okulyazaamaanya, okulyakula, okucumpanyacumpa nya, okujeejeeka, okulimba, okukuusakuusa; c. at mweso, okubbira empiki. cheat, n., omulimba, omukuusa, omulyazaamaanyi. check, v., okuziyiza, okukomako. cheek, n., ettama; vide obusukuttu, ensolobotto; (impudence) ekyejo, eki tigi, e ttitimbuli; c. bone, akane nero, akabakko; suck the c., okwerya entama. cheer, v., okugumya, okusanyusa. cheerful, sanyufu, k ssanyu. cheerfully, n’essanyu. chef (royal), kawuuta. cherish, okwagala, okukuuma, okulabirira. cherry, wild, ensaali; c. tree, musaali. cherub, malayika. chest, ekifuba, emmanda; (box) essa nduuko. chew, okugaaya, okukambula, okumugunya; c. the cud, okuzza obw’enkulumo, okw’ekuluma. chicken, nkaana k’enkoko, omuseera. chickenpox, nnamusuna. chide, okunenya, okubuulirira, okusinya. chief, omwami, omukungu, omukulu; c.’s residence, embuga. chief, adj., kulu, a kitiibwa, lutikko, lukulwe. chiefly, okusinga. chieftainship, obwami. child, omwana; (in arms) omwana omuwere; boy (c.) omwana w’obulenzi; girl (c.) omwana w’obuwala, bandobere dde. childhood, obuto. childishly, luto. childless, gumba. chill, n., empewo, obutiti; have the chill off, okubuguumirira. chillie, kaamulali. chilly, a mpewo, a butiti. chimney, ekituli ky’omukka. chimpanzee, ezzike. chin, akalevu. china, ebbumba. chine, omugina. chip, n., ekibajjo. chip, v., okukoona, okubajja; (of teeth) okubongola; be chipped, okulibuka. chirp, okukaaba ng’ennyonyi. chisel, ensinjo, ekimbeewo. choice, n., okulonda. choice, adj., eroboze, londe. choke, okutuga; v.i., okulakira, okuyiriitira; c. with rage, okuwuukira. choler, obusungu, ekiruyi. choleric, a busungu, a kiruyi. choose, okulonda, okusiima; (pick out) okulondamu, okweroboza, okwebonanya; c. from, okwawulula; c. one’s words, okuwoomesa emboozi. chop, okutemaatema, okwasa, okusala, okusalaasala, okutyemula; c. small, okutuma; c. into shape, okubajja. chord, omwanjo. Christ, Kristo, Kristu. christen, okubatiza. Christian, Omukristaayo, Omukristu. Christianity, Obukristaayo, Obukristu, eddiini ya Kristo, eddiini ya Kristu. Christmas, Sikukkulu, Okuzaalibwa kwa Yesu Kristo, Okuzaalibwa kwa Yezu Kristu, Nnowele. chronic (illness), obutassuuka. chubby, be, okuwoomera abalezi. chuckle, okuseka empola. church, ekkanisa; (R.C.) ekkereziya. churchwarden, omukebezi w’ekkanisa. churn, n., ekisaabo. churn, v., okusunda. cicatrice, enkovu. cinder, ekisirinza; pile of c., ekittavvu. circle, n, ennamuziga, enkata. circle, v., okwetooloola. circuit, ekkerejje. circular, ekulunglrivu, etooloovu. circular, be, okwekulungirira. circulate, v.tr., okubunya. circumcise, okukomola, okulaawa, okutayirira. circumstance, ekigambo. circumvent, okukeba. cite, okuyita, okujulira. city, ekibuga. civet, effumbe. claim, v. (debt), okubanja; lay c. to, okukaayanira. clamber, okulinnya. clamour, oluyoogaano, akacwano, okukaayana, omulanga. clamour, v., okuyoogaana, okukaa yana, okutokota, okuwoowoola. clan, ekika, ennono. clandestine, a kyama. clanship, omukago. clap, 71. (thunder), ekibwatuko, okubwatuka. clap, v. (hands), okukuba mungalo, okuwaatula engalo. clash together, okugobongotana, okutomeragana. clasp, v., okukwata, okuwambaatira, okukwatirira. class (sort), engeri, olubu, ekibala; (school) ekibiina. clatter, akacwano. claw, v., okutaagula. clay, ebbumba, olukuusi. clean, longoofu, longoose, tukuvu, lungi. clean, v., okunaaza, okulongoosa, okutukuza. c. teeth, okusenya. c. nails, okwesokoola enjala. become clean, okutukula, okulongooka, okwamuka. clear, adj., eru, ere. become clear, okweruka. v. (of rain), okukya. make c., okwerula; (explain) okutegeeza, okunnyonnyola, okusobolola. clear, v.tr. (jungle), okusaawa; (one self) okwegaana. c. throat, okukolondola, okugogola. c. the table, okutanduukulula emmeeza. keep oneself c., okwetegula. clearing, ekisaawe, ekisabangirizi. clearness, ebweru. cleave, okwasa, okutemamu, okusalamu. clemency, ekisa, okusaasira. clement, a kisa, a kusaasira. clench (fist), okufunya; (teeth) okuluma emba, okusimba amannyo. clergyman, omukadde w’ekkanisa, ddiikoni. clerk, kkalaani, omuwandiisi. clever, gezi, a magezi, tegeevu, jagujagu; vide kagezi munnyo, nnakinku. cleverness, amagezi, obugezi, obuka bakaba, obukalabakalaba. click, v. (with tongue), okukontola. climate, obudde, empewo (in pl.). climb, okulinnya, okuwalampa, okutemba. cling to, okukwata, olnverippa, okulokompoka. clip, v., okukomola, okusala. clitoris, omusino. cloak, n., ekizibaawo. cloak, v., okukweka, okukisa. clock, essaawa. clod, effunfugu. clog, n., omutalabanda, omukalabanda. clog, v., okuziyiza. close, adv., kumpi close, n., bring to a c., okufundikira. close, v. (stopup), okuziba; (door) okuggalawo; (book) okubikka; (eyes) okuzibirira, okutunga enko we; (mouth) okubunira, okumira omukka. close, v.i. (of flowers), okwewumba; (of evening) okuwungeera, okw eyera, okugolooba, okuziba. closed, adj. (door), konkonere; a door closed and barred, oluggi konko nere. closet, eggwanika; (w.c.) akayu, eki yigo, mugwanya. clot, n., ebbuba, ekibembe. cloth, olugoye; see also amerikaani, bafuta, ejjowo, kitaani, kkaniki, enguuwo, ekiremba, e ssuuka, ekikwe mbe, leesu, empemba, ssemaaniini. clothe, okwambaza. clothes, engoye, ebyambalo; put on clothes, okwambala; take off clothes, okwambula. cloud, eblre ; vide mume. cloudless, yeru. cloudy, a kikome; become c., okw ebinduula. clown, omusiru; play the c., okw eginga, okwekonga. club, embuukuuli, endoddo, omuggo gw’akaloddo ; (meeting place) kiraabu; (drinking resort) ekirabo. club together, okussa ekimu, okukoobaana. cluck, okukukkuliza, okutolokoka. clump (of trees), akabira; (of plantains) ekiteekerero. clumsy, a ntono; c. person, omugomba; become c., okugalanga tana. cluster, n., ekirimba, ekivumbo, eki wagu. clutch, v., okukwata, okunyweza. coach, n., eggaali. coadjutor, omubeezi. coagulate, okukwata; (of blood) okukwata kigi. coal, amanda. coalesce, okutuukana. coarse, kapa, siiwuufu. coast, olubalama lw’ennyanja; empwa nyi. coast along, v., okukkirira. coat, ekizibaawo, ekkoti. coax, okusendasenda, okuwemba, okukumbiriza, okutiitiibya; vide okutwaliriza. cob (of maize), omunwe, ekikongoliro; cobus c., ensunu; Thomas c., entamu. cobbler, omukozi w’engatto. cobweb, akagoye ka nnabbubi. cock, empanga, sseggwanga, enkoko endaada; cockerel, enjuujulu. cockroach, ennyenje. coerce, okuwaliriza, okukaka, okukakaabiriza. coercion, okuwalirizibwa, okukakibwa coffee (bean), emmwanyi; (ground or decoction) kaawa. coffer, essanduuko, ebbweta. cogitate, okufumiitiriza. cohere, okukwata. coil, n., ekkata. coil self, v., okukuba ekkata. coin, effeeza, ensimbi. coin, v., okuweesa effeeza; (invent) okuyiiya. coincide, okutabagana, okwenkana nkana. cold, n., empewo, obutiti, omutinti, obunnyogovu, ekinnyogoga (rel.); c. in the head, ssennyiga. cold, adj. (food), wolu; (water) nyogovu; (weather) a mpewo. cold, be, okunnyogoga, okunnyo nyoga ; grow c., okuwola, okutitiwala. colic, kakenge, enjoka enkalu, enjoka ensaanuusi. collapse, okugwa, okwegulukuka, okuyegaayega; (faint) okuzirika. collar, n., omugogo, ebbona, ekisaggo, kkala. collarbone, essaabiro. colleague, omubeezi ; my c., omukozi munnange. collect, n., essaala. collect, v., okukuŋŋaanya, okukukumba, okukunga; (tribute) okusolooza; (market dues) okuwooza; (all sorts) okuyombolereza; (poles) okusonda; (earth, etc.) okuyoola. collector, omuwooza, omusolooza. collide with, okuguna, okutomera. colobus monkey, engeye. colocynth (berry), entengo. colon (intestine), ssebusa. colossal, nene nnyo; vide ggolomoka, obwaguuga, omuwaladdume; be c., okuwagamuka. colour, n., erangi; lose c., okufuma. column, empagi; (row) olunyiriri. coly (bird), omujjonkezi. coma, kibongoya. comb, v., okusunsula, okusanirira, okulambulula. combat, n., olutalo, obulwa, okulwana. combat, v., okulwanyisa, okuziyiza. combatant, omulwanyi, omutabaazi. combine, okutabagana, okussa eki mu, okweryana. combine, v.tr., okuyimbakanya. come, okujja; (come here) jangu! (come in) yingira! c. back, okukomawo. c. near, okusembera. c. out, okufuluma. c. out into, okufuumuuka, okuggukiramu. c. off, okubebbuka, okuwaguka. c. out (of handle), okukuukamu, okusowokamu. c. to an end, okukoma, okuggwa. c. upon, okusanga, okusisinkaniriza. c. on suddenly, okuzinduukiriza. c. up, okwambuka. c. down, okukka, okuwanuka. c. to one’s senses, okweddamu. c. and go, okwesussa, vide okuwalattana, okuyengeetana. comeliness, obulungi, obubalagavu. comely, lungi, balagavu. comet, kyesimba. comfort, v., okusanyusa, okukuba giza. comfort, n., e ssanyu. comfortable, be, okweyagala, okubooba. comforter, omubeezi, omusanyusa. command, v., okulagira, okukuutira. command, n., ekiragiro. commandeer, okwanuka, okukatula, okuwamba. commander, omugabe, omujaasi, omwami. commandment, etteeka, ekiragiro. commemorate, okujjukiza. commence, okusooka, okutanula, okutandika. commencement, entandikwa, entono. commend, okutenda, okutendereza, okusuuta, okusiima; c. to., okusigira, okukwasa. commendation, ettendo. commentary, ebitegeeza. commerce, obuguzi, obusuubuzi. commiserate, okusaasira, okutatira, okukubagiza. commission, ekiragiro. commit (a fault), okuzza omusango; (entrust to) okukwasa, okusigira. committee, olukiiko. common, adj., kopi; vide omuwuula; get c., okukyakaala; make c. cause, okulya ekinywi. commotion, oluyoogaano, akacwano. commune with, okunyumiza. communicant, asembera kummeezi, assa ekimu. communicate (news), okutegeeza, okubuulira; (H.C.) okussa ekimu, okusembera kummeeza; (R.C.) okusembera. communion, okussa ekimu; (H.C.) okussa ekimuOkutukuvu; (R.C.) Komunyo. commute, okuwaanyisa. compact, endagaano; make a c., okulagaana. companion, omukwano; vide also munnange, munno, munne, etc. company, ekibiina, ekitongole, omulundi, kampuni. compare, okugeraageranya. comparison, olugero, enjawulo. compartment, ekisenge, essa. compass, n., eddira. compassion, ekisa. compassionate, adj., saasizi, a kisa, a kusaasira. compassionate, v., okusaasira. compel, okuwaliriza, okukaka, okukakaabiriza, okukakajja, okuwambiriza, okukuluubiriza; c. one self, okwewaza. compensate, okugatta, okuliwa, okugerula, okusowerera. compensation, okugatta. compete, okuwakana, okuvuganya. competent, gezi, kalangufu, tegeevu, ffundi. competitor, omuwakanyi. compile, okukuŋŋaanya. complacence, obuteefu. complacent, teefu. complain, okwemulugunya, okw ekaanya, okuyomba, okwolooma, okutootatoota, okutoma. complainant, omuwaabi. complaint, n., okwemulugunya, enso nga, ekigambo; (illness) endwadde. complaisant, be, okusuulayo ogwa Nnagamba. complete, adj., tuufu, lamba, lambi rira; be c., okutuukirira, okumaliriza, okumala, okukome kkereza. completely, ddala. completeness, obutuufu. compliment, v., okutenda, okw ebaza, okuyozaayoza; to send compliments, vide okulaba. compose (invent), okuyiiya; (quiet) okukkakkanya, okugonza. compound, v., okutabula, okuvuluga. comprehend, okutegeera, okuma nya. comprehensible, be, okutegeerekeka. compress, v., okunyiga, okunyi giriza, okuwowojja, okukkata. compromise, self, okwetema. compulsion, obuwaze. compulsory, a tteeka. compute, okubala. comrade, omukwano; vide nna. conceal, okukweka, okukisa. concede, okuwa, okulekera. conceit, n., amalala, amamiima, kma mpaati, empyangira. conceited, be, okwewulira. conceive, okubeera olubuto; (mental) okugunja, okuyiiya. concern, n.t ekigambo, omusango, ensonga; vide ttembere. concerned, be, okweraliikirira, okunakuwala; be c. with, okufaayo. concerning, prep., ku, a. conciliate, okutiitiibya, okuwemba, okubendegera, okukwanya. conclude, v.i., okumala, okukoma, okulekeraawo. conclude, v.tr., okukome kkereza, okufundikira. conclusion, ekifundikiro, amava nnyuma. concoct, okugunja, okuyiiya, okutabula. concord, emirembe, omwoyo ogumu. concourse, ekibiina, olufulube. concubine, omuzaana. concupiscence, okwegomba, okuyaayaana, obubi. concur, okukkiriza, okuganya, okutabagana. condemn, okusala omusango, okusinga; censure (okunenya); be condemned, okusingibwa omusango. condense (speech), okufunza. conspiracy, okwekoba, obwekobi. conspire, okwekoba, obwekobaana. constant, esigwa, nywevu. constantly, bulijjo, ennakuzonna, emirundi mingi, lutata. consternation, entiisa, obuti, eki kuuno. constipated, be, okuzibikira, okuziyira. constipation, ekiziyiro, obuteeyabya. constrain, okuwaliriza. construct, okukola, okuzimba, okutinda; (boat) okusiba. construction, okukola; (meaning) amakulu. construe, okukyusa, okuduuma, okutegeeza. consult, okuteesa. consultation, okuteesa. consume, okulya; (fire) okwokya, okuseebenga. consumption (disease), akakono, aka fuba. contact, be in, okukwatana. contain, okugyamu, okubaamu. contaminate, okwonoona, okusiiga. contemn, okunyooma, okugaya, okufufula. contemplate, okutunulira. contempt, okunyooma, okugaya. contemptuous, be, okujolonga, okugayirira, okunuga, vide omuzizizizi. contend, okulwana, okuwakana, okukalambira. content, be, okwesiima, okusanyuka, okukkuta. contention, empaka, oluyombo. contentious, a mpaka. contentment, e ssanyu. contents, ebintuebirimu. contest, v., okulwana, okuwakana, okuwa nnaanya. contiguous, be, okuliraana, okukwatana. continent, n., kontinenti. continual, a bulijjo, a nnakuzonna. continually, bulijjo, ennakuzonna, lutata. continue (remain), okubeera; (persevere) okunyiikira; c. to do, okw ongera, okweyongera. continuously, vide okuleebuuka. contort oneself, okweziribanga, okw enyogontola. contour, ekifaananyi. contract, n., endagaano. contract, v., okulagaana; (debt) okulya ebbanja. contract, v.i., okukendeera, okuyimpawala. contradict, okugaana, okuwakana; c. report of death, okubikulula. contradiction, okugaana, empaka. contradictory,a mpaka, ekitatabagana. contrast, v.tr., okugeraageranya, okugeza. contribute, okuwa. contribution, ekirabo, ekiweebwayo. contrition, okubonerera, okwejjusa, okwenenya. contrive, okusala amagezi. control, okufuga okuziyiza. controversial, a mpaka. controversy, e`mpaka. controvert, okugaana, okuwakana. contumacious, a mputtu. contumacy, obutawulira, emputtu. contumely, ekyejo, ekitigi. contuse, okukosa, okunuubula. contusion, ekinuubule. convalesce, okukakamuka, okukalakala, okukuba amatu. convene, okuku ŋŋaanya, okuyita. conversation, emboozi, okunyumya. conversational, a mboozi. converse, v., okwogera, okunyumya, okulojja, okubeesabeesa, okulomba. convert, v., okukyusa, okufuula; be converted, okukyuka. convey, okutwala, okwetikka; (news) okubuulira, okutegeeza. convict, n., omusibe. convict, v., okusalira omusango, okulumiriza. convince, okukkirizisa. convolvulus, ekibowabowa. convulsion, ekikankano; have convulsions, okusansagala. cook, n., omufumbiro, omufumbi. cook, v., okufumba. c. partly, okubiza, okubandagaza. c. under ashes, okuvumbika. c. and put aside, okuboobera. cooked, adj., fumbe. well c., a lulata (of plantains). be c., okuggya, okugulumba. be overcooked, okufumbulukuka, okuyungulukuka, okuserebera. cookingstone, essiga; cookingpot, entamu. cool, adj., weweevu; be c., okunnyogoga. coolness, empewo. coop, ekiguli, ekiyonjo. cooperate, okussa ekimu, okubeera gana. cope with, okusobola, okuyinza. copious, ingi, ngi. copper, ekikomo ekya lwera. copper sulphate, omuluutuluutu. copse, ekisaka. copy, n., eky’okulablrako. copy, v., okufaananya; copy out, okuwanduukulula. cord, omuguwa, ewuzi; umbilical c., akalira. cordial, adj., a sanyu, a kisa. core, omulamwa; ekinyisi, omutunsi, enti. cork, n., ekisaanikizo, ekizibikiro. cork, v., okusaanikira, okuzibikira. cormorant, ekiyoyo, engadala, ennoo gwe. corn, e ŋŋaano, kasooli; grain of corn, empeke; c. on toe, akasumba. cornea, opacity of, ensenke. corner, ensonda, akagoda, akalikonda; (cloth) ekirenge. coronation, okutikkirwa engule; c. chair, nnamulondo. corpse, omulambo, omutulumbi; (headless) ekiwuduwudu. corpulence, obugevvu, obunene, ama fondogolo. corpulent, gevvu, nene; vide di byoto, omuwaladdume, ssebinaagina, ssekimpanika; become c., okugejja, okusembeesa ebbuto, okusunguka olubuto. correct, adj., golokofu, tuufu; be come c., okutuuka, okulongoosa. correct, v.tr., okulongoosa, okutuusa; (punish) okukangavvula. correspond (resemble), okufaanana, okwenkana; (write) okuwandiikira. corrode, okutala gga. corrosion, obutala gge, oluwugge. corrosive, ekitalazza. corrugation, akasunduba. corrupt, adj., vundu, ononyi; be come c., okutama, okuvunda. corrupt, v.tr., okwonoona, okuvunza; (judgment) okusaliriza. corruption, obuvundu; (bribery) enguzi. corvee, akasanvu; vide okusagga. cost, n., omuwendo; costs at law, ebitebe. cost, v.i., okutwala, okugula. costive, be, okuziyira. costly, adj., a muwendo. costume, ekyambalo, engoye. cot, akatanda. cottage, akayumba. cotton, pamba; (thread) ewuzl; silk c., obufumbo. coucal (bird), ettuttuma. couch, n., ekitanda, ekiriri. couch, v., okukwama. couch grass, olumbugu. cough, n., ekifuba, akakololo, akafuba, kya kyeggula. cough, v., okukolola. council, olukiiko, konsirio. counsel, v., okuwa amagezi, okusalira amagezi. count, v., okubala, okumenya c. on doing, okuteeba. countenance, n., amaaso. countenance, v., okukkiriza, okusiima. counter (in shop), emmeeza; (in game) oluyiki. crave, okwetaaga, okuyoya, okuyabyaana. craving, amaddu, omulaka. crawl, okwavula, okukuba enda, okw ewalula, okwekulula, okugaganyuka. c. along, okukenemuka; c. through hole, okukwebera. crazy, lalu; become c. for, okw esoma. creak, okukaaba, okukekera. cream, olububi. crease, n., olufunyiro, eggoda, olukoda. crease, v., okufunyaafunya. create, okutonda. creator, omutonzi. creature, ekitonde. credit, take, okwetenda. creed, enzikiriza. creek, ekikono. creep, okusooba, okutambula empola, okwewalula, okwekulula, okufeffetta, okumuluka; c. into, okusensera; c. up to, okwekoolya, okwesoonookereza. creeper, kiranda. crest (top), entikko; (of bird) essule, ejjoba; (of dog) e ggina. crevasse, olwatika olunene. crevice, olwatika olutono. cricket, akanyeenyenkule, ejjanzi, ejjenje, ennyaanyaagize. crimson, twakaavu; become c., okutwakaala. cringe, okwebwalabwala; vide okw ekoolya. cripple, n., omulema, kadduwannema. crippled, be, okulemala, okukata wala. crisis, entuuko, akabenje, akeediimo. critic, omukebezi. criticise, okukebera, okwekkaanya. croak, okukaaba ng’ekikere. crockery, bya obumba. crocodile, goonya. crooked, be, okukyama, okuwunja wunja, okweweta, okugooma, okugongobala, okukangabala. crookedness, obukyamu, amakete. crop, n. (harvest), ekyengera; (of bird) ekisakiro. crop, v., okujabula. cropped (ears), a nkuggu. cross, n., omusaalaba. cross, adj., a busungu; become c., okunyiiga. cross, v. (river), okusomoka, okuwunguka; (road) okusala; (legs) okugombera; (hands on shoulders) okwewumba. crossexamine, okubuuliriza, okukemereza, okusokaasoka. crossroads, amasaŋŋanzira, ensisi nkano. crosswise, kigaziigazi, kikijjama; tie c., okugomba; wear c., okutayira. crouch, okubwama, okubunda, bktt bundaala, okwetugga. crow, nnamuŋŋoona. crow, v., okukookolima. crowbar, omutayimbwa. crowd, n., ekibiina; in crowds, kumukumu. crowd, v., okunyigiriza, okufuutiika. crowd, v.i., okuyigaana, okukumuka, okusombooka; be crowded, okufembekera, okugoggottera. crowdedness, ekifuko. crown, n., engule; (of oracle) omukaaka; (of head) obwetikkiro. crown, v., okutikkira engule. crucify, okukomerera kumusaalaba. cruel, kambwe. cruelty, obukambwe. crumb, akakunkumuka, akakomwako mwa, akasennyente. crumble, v.tr., okumulungula, okubumbulula. crumble, v.i., okusebbuuka. crumple, v.tr., okufunyaafunya; be crumpled up, okwevuunya, okufungalala. crunch, okumemettula, okumeketa, okubebena, okumegenya. crush, v., okusekula, okubetenta, okusotta, okugotta, okugoya, okubwagula, okufumula, okutentena. crush, n., ekifuko. crutch, omuggo. cry, n., ekiwoobe, omulanga, enkooka. cry, v., okukaaba, okulira, okuŋaŋala; vide okunyiiba, okuwanjaga. c. aloud, okwamira, okukooka. c. for help, okukuba enduulu. lament, okukuba ekiwoobe, okuwobba. cub, omwana gwa. . . . cuckoo, sekkokko, kirimiriulu. cud, chew the, okuzza obwenkulumu, okwekuluma. cudgel, omuggo, embuukuuli. cuff (of coat), amagemu. cuff, v., okukuba oluyi. cultivate, okulima. cultivation, obulimi; vide empangi, ennimiro. cumbrous, zito, nene. cunning, adj., kabakaba, a magezi. cunning, n., amagezi, obukabakaba. cup, n., ekikompe, ekikopo cup, v., okulumika. cupboard, etterekero, eggwanika. cupidity, okwegomba. cupping horn, ekiwuubiiro, ekirumiko. curable, a kuwono, a kuwonyeze bwa. curb, v., okuziyiza. curdle, okukwata. curdled milk, ebbongo. cure, v., okuwona, okuloga, okugema, okuvumula. curly, a masadde. current, engezi. curry powder, ebinzaali. curse, n., ekikolimo. curse, v., okukolima, okuvumirira, okuvuma amagufa. curtail, okukomola; be curtailed, okukunguyira. curtain, eggigi, ekitimba, ongoye z’omumadirisa. curve, akabina. curve, v., okubina. curved, vide ngote; be c., okubenduka. cushion, ekigugu, omutto. custodian, omukuumi. custody, obusibe. custom, empisa, omuze. customary, be, okuyita. customs, empooza ; c. house, eggwoolezo; c. officer, ssentala. cut, okusala, obutema; (nails) obutondola; also vide okutyemula, obubanga, okubagulula, obusongola, okuginga, okusennya. to c. off, okukomola. to c. open, okutundula. to c. down, okusanjaga, okusonjola. cute, omuberege (n.), enkerettanyi. cutting, a (of plant), ekibibi, olukko, cycle, e ggaali. cyclone, kibuyaga. cymbal, ekitaasa. cyst, ekibuba. dabble, okudabankana. daftness, obugolokofu. dagger, empima. daily, bulijjo, ennakuzonna, buli lunaku. dally, vide linger, dam, n., olubibiro. dam, v., okubibira. damage, v., okwonoona, okutta ttana; be damaged, okwonooneka. damp, get, okutoba; okukukula. dance, okuzina, okujaagaanya, okucekeca, okwekinya, okwekiga. dandle, okubuusabuusa. dandy, omuyonjo, byomere, byoto, ennyaanyaali; be a d., okukenena. danger, akabi. rush into d., okw etunda, okwegabula. dangerous, bi, (eki) limuakabi. dangle, v.i., okulengejja. dare, okwaŋŋanga, okuguma, okw ewanga; d. to attack, okutantala. daredevil, enjasabiggu. daring, adj., gumu, zira. dark (in colour), ddugavu. be d., okuddugala. it is dark, obudde bukutte. grow d., okukunira, okuziba. be in the d., okwegumika. darken, okuziga. darkness, ekizikiza, enzikiza; vide akazimeera, ekibululu. darling, omwagalwa, omuganzi, omusuutwa. darn, okutunga. dart, n., akasaale. dart, v., okufubutuka, okugenda embiro. darter (bird), vide cormorant. dash, v.i., okuwamatuka, okuwulukuka. dash, v.tr., okutangira, okubemula, okuggunda. date, empirivuma, olunakulw omwezi; d. palm, olukindu. daughter, omwana omuwala; d.in law, mukaamwana. daunt, okutiisa. dauntless, zira, gumu. dawdle, okugayaalagayaala, okula tta latta, obulangajja, obunyookaana, obuzizi ŋŋana, okuzizittana. dawn, n., emmambya, matulutulu, olubungubungu; every d., buli lukya. dawn, v., okukya; day has dawned, obudde bukedde, emmambya esaze. day, olunaku; days (period), ebiro; today, leero. daybreak, vide dawn, daylight, omusana, emisana. dazzling, be, okumasamasa, okw akayakana. deacon, ddiikoni. dead, fu. dead heat, run a, okulemagana. deaf, zlbe wa matu, ggavuwa matu, kiggala; become d., okuzindaala, okuziba amatu, okwevumba. deafen, okuzibya amatu. dear, adj. (of price), kanufu; vide okuseera; beloved, agalwa. dearth, empambiiro. death, okufa, olumbe, malugumbya, nnawalyanga, Walumbe. debase, okutoowaza, okukwasa enso nyi, okukopiwaza, okujeeza. debate, n., empaka, akanyonyoogano. debate, v., okuwakana. debauchery, obutamiivu, obugwagwa. debility, obunafu. debris, ebisasiro, akalondwalondwa, ekikunkumuse. debt, ebbanja. debtor, alina ebbanja. decalogue, amateeka e kkumi aga Mmusa. decamp, okudduka, okusonguka. decant, okuttulula, okufukulula. decapitate, okutemako omutwe. decay, v., okuvunda, okubolerera, okugaga, okukaddiwa. deceased, n., nguli, omugenzi. deceit, obulimba, obukuusa. deceitful, a bulimba, a nkwe. deceive, okulimba, obukuusakuusa; oneself, okwewaana, okwerimba. deceiver, omulimba. December, Ddesemba. decent, lungi, a mpisa nnungi. deception, obulimba, omuyinooyino. deceptive, be, obuwungutuka. decide, okusala; (resolve) obuteesa, okukakasa, obumalirira. declare, okubuulira, obutegeeza. decline, okugaana; (of day) okuwungeera. decompose, okuvunda, okwonoo neka, okugaga. decomposition, obuvundu. decorate, okuyonja, okugulika, obw etojja. decoration, obuyonjo, majjolobera. decorticate, okugogola. decoy, n., omutego. decoy, v., obutega, okusendasenda. decrease, v.i., okukendera, okuggwerera. decree, n., etteeka. decree, v., okuteeka etteeka. decrepit, kadde nnyo. decry, okufumya, okugadya; d. oneself, okwegeya. dedicate, okuwaayo, okuwonga; d. oneself, okwewaayo, okwewonga; a church, okuyingira ekkanisa. deduct, okutoolako, okutwalako, okusalako. deed (action), ekikolwa. deem, okulowooza. deep, anvu; use a d. voice, okudoodooma. deep, n., okuziba, eddubi; vide entumbiizi. deepen, okwongera okusima, okuwanvuya. deeply, ddala, nnyo nnyini. deer, only antelope are found in Africa. deface, okwonoona. defeat, okuwangula, okugoba, okusinga. defecate, okweyabya, okucucuka. defect, ebbala, obulema, akabi, aka mogo, enkenyera. defective, be, okusoba. defence (in court), ompoza, okuwoza. defend, obukuuma, obuzibira, okutakabana; (in court) okuwolereza. defendant, omuwawaabirwa. defer, okulindiriza, okulagaanya lagaanya. deference, ekitiibwa, defiance, olujoogo, defile, okwonoona. define, okutegeeza amakulu. definition, amakulu. deflated, be, okufootoka. deflect, okukyamya, okuwunjula. deformed, lema; be d., obugongo bala. deformity, obulema; okugongobala. defraud, okuseera, okulyazaamaanya, okulyakula, obukumpanyakumpa, obujeejeeka, okweriikanya, okulyamukawubyo; be defrauded, okugwa amanu. defray, okusasula. defunct, nguli, genzi. defy, okusoomooza, obutyobola. degradation, ensonyi. degrade, okukwasa ensonyi, okukopiwaza. degree (rank), obukulu. deify, okusinza nga katonda. deign, okukkiriza. deity, katonda, lubaale. dejected, naku; vide kuna, dejection, obunaku. delay, v.i., okulwa, okwerabiriza; be delayed, okulabirirwa. delay, v.tr., okulwisa, obulindiriza, obulabiriza, obwezimbiriza. delectable, lungi, womeravu. delegate, n., omubaka, omulonde. delegate, v., okusigira, obulonda. deliberate, v., okuteesa, okufumii tiriza, okusala amagezi. delicious, lungi nnyo, woomerevunnyo. delight, n., essanyu. delight, v., okusanyusa; be delighted, okwesiima ennyo, okwejaga. deliquesce, okugererera, okunnyuukirira. delirious, be, okulogojjana, obubugaabuga, okwekubiira, okuboyaana. delirium, akalogojjo, akazoolezoole. deliver (save), okuwonya, okulokola; (hand over) obuwaayo. deliverance, obulokozi, obulokovu. delude, okulimba, okukuusakuusa, okugobyagobya. deluge, n., amataba. demand, v., okulagira. demeanour, empisa. demented, lalu. demolish, okumenya, okwabya. demon, ddaimoni. demonstrate, okutegeeza, okunnyonnyola. demur, okugaana. demure, teefu, gonvu. den, empuku. denial, okugaana. denied, be (a request), okwekongola. denomination, erinnya; (sect) eki tundu. denounce, okulanga, okuwawaabira, okuseekeeta, okumemeka. dense, ziivu; vide enzigotta; d. person, empunyiwunyi; be d. (as darkness), okukwata; (as forest), okuziyira, okuggumira, okukakala. deny, okugaana; d. oneself, okw ezira, okwegaanyisa, okwesiriba; d. guilt, okwegaana, okwekanga biriza. depart, okugenda, okwegendera, okuvaayo. depatriate, okuwakankula. depend on, okwesiga. dependant, omuwereza. dependent, be, okwerimba. depict, okukuba ekifaananyi kya. . . . deplore, okunakuwala. depopulate, okuyiwa (ekyalo). depose, okugoba. deposit, n., omusingo; (sediment) obukyu. deposit, v., okuteekawo, okusingawo. deprave, okuyinula. depraved, adj., gwagwa, onoonyi ; become d., okugwagwawala, okuseeguka, okwonooneka. depravity, obugwagwa, obubi. depressed, be, okunakuwala, okukekejuka. depression, ennaku, obunaku. deprivation, okufiirwa. deprived, be, okufiirwa. depth, obuwanvu; (of sea) obuziba; out of one’s d., vide okuzibirira; the depths, magombe, kawolongojjo. deputation, omubaka. depute, okusigira. deputy, omusigire, omumyuka. derange (mentally), okulalusa. derangement, eddalu, akabango. deride, okusekerera, okukiina, okuduula. derision, obusekerezi, obuduuzi. derive, okuggyamu. descend, okukka, okuserengeta, okw esulika, okuva muggulu; d. to, okukkirira. descendant, omuzzukulu; descendants, ezzadde. describe, okubuulira, okutegeeza, okunnyonnyola. desecrate, okwonoona, okujajamya. desert, n:, olukoola, eddungu. desert, v., okudduka, okusonguka, okwewangula; okufuluka, okube nguka, okuwagula olusiisira; (of wife), okunoba. desert, v.tr., okuleka, okwabulira. deserted (place), ekifulukwa, ekikande; (house) ekiwompoma; (village) e ttongo. deserter, omusengusi, omukunguzi. deserve, okusaana, okusaanira. design, n., ekifaananyi; amagezi. design, v. (plan), okusalk bmagezi. desire, n., okwagala, okwegomba. desire, v., okwagala, okwetaaga, okwegomba, okuyoya, okubuga. desist, okuleka, okudembuka, okw emenya. desolate, be, okwesansabaga; (persons) okwesunsulika. despair, be in, okwesalabya. despatch, n., ebbaluwa. despatch, v., okuweereza, okutuma. despicable, be, okugayika. despise, okunyooma, okugaya, okuŋoola, okunanula. destination, ekigobero. destitute, naku, avu; be d., okujeera, okwangaala, okudaaga; be come d., okujeeruka. destitution, obwavu. destroy, okuzikiriza, okuwe mmenta, oku tta, okw onoona; be destroyed, okufa, okuzikirira. destruction, okuzikirizibwa. detached, be, okutunguka, okuwaguka, okuyunguka. detail, v., okumenya, okusoggola, okutontogola. detain, okulwisa, okulabiriza, okulindiriza. detect, okulaba, okuketta. detective, omukessi, mbega. deter, okuziyiza. determination, amaanyi, obugumu. determined, a maanyi, gumu, ka kafu; be d., okumalirira, okukakata. detest, okukyawa ennyo, okutamwa ennyo, okukijja. detestable, bi nnyo, gwagwa. . detonate, okukoomoola, okuvuga. detour, make a, okwekooloobya, okwezlngulula, okubalama. devastate, okuzikiriza, okutta ensi. develop, v.i., okukula. deviate, okukyama, okuwunjuka, okuwaya, deviation, obukyamu. device, amagezi, olukwe. devil, Ssitaani. devise, okusala amagezi, okuteesa, okuwatanya, okujuba. devote, okuwaayo. devotion, obwesigwa. devour, okusikaasikanya, okukavvula, okugajambula, okubwe bwena, okukaanyuula, okukenyula, okumunkula, okumunkunya, okusontera. devout, be, okwegendereza, okw erembereza. dew, omusulo, ssuulwe. dewlap, nnagante. dexterous, a ntomo, gezi. dhow, ekyombo. diabolic, assitaani. diagram, ekifaananyi. dialect, olulimi, enjogera. diamond, alimansi. diaphragm, ekisembe. diarrhoea, okuwaluka, ekiddukano, ekidumusi, oluserenguzi; have d., okuddukana, okudumuka, okuwaluka. die, okufa, okutondoka, okukutuka; d. away, okuzaama; vide okubumbula, ekikutuko. diet, emmere; (council) olukiiko. differ, okwawukana. difference, enjawulo. different, lala. differentiate, okwawula. difficult, zibu, zito, kakanyavu, kalubo ; d. to get, a mpambiiro. difficulty, obuzibu, kalumanywera; vide okukaluubirira. dig, okulima; (a hole) okusima; (d. iip) okusimula, okubigula; (exhume) okuziikula; (potatoes, etc.) okusoggola, okusola; (d. out) okuwuukuula, okuwookoola. digit, engalo. dignified, a kitiibwa. dignify, okusaamuekitiibwa. dignitary, omukulu, ow’ekitiibwa. dignity, ekitiibwa, obukulu, essiimbo. digress, okusobya, okukyama. dike, olusalosalo. dilapidated, kadde, botofu. dilated, be, okuleruka. dilatory, gayaavu, a lulembe; vide lukobo. dilemma, ekibamba. diligence, obunyiikivu. diligent, nyiikivu, a maanyi; be d., okunyiikira, okufuba. dilute, adj., a lubosi. dilute, v., okufukamuamazzi, okujeebuula, okusaabulula. dim, be, okwaka empola; (of eyes) okuyimbaala. dimension, obunene. diminish, okukendeeza, okwawulako, okutoolako; be diminished, okuweebuuka, okukendeera, okuveera, okufeeba, okuggwerera, okusee benga, okutoniwa, okusereba. diminutive, tono nnyo. dimness (of sight), kifu. din, oluyoogaano, akacwano, olukaayano, oluyoogo; make a din, okukaayana, okuyoogaana, okuleekaana. dine, okulya. diningroom, eddiiro. dinner, ekyeekiro. Diocesan, n., Omulabirizi. dip, okunnyika, okusomyamu, okukoza. diploma, ebbaluwa. direct, v., okulaga, okuluŋŋamya; (order) okulagira. direction, obukiika, oludda; vide okulaga; (order) ekiragiro; changed., okuweta olugendo. dirk, empiima. dirt, ettaka, ekko, empitambi, obukokoliko, ettosi, ebikookobereze; sit in the d., okwetubika. dirty, ggulu; become d., , okw onooneka, okukongeera, okubembeera, okukuusiira, okukusiwala, okusootoola. disabled, be, okumenyeka, okulemala. disagree, okuyombagana, okubulaŋŋana. disappear, okubula, okuzaawa; in distance, okuzimirira. disappoint, okusaaliza; be disappointed, okufufuggala, okusalirwa. disarranged, be, okutaamuuka. discard, okufufula, okugadya. discern, okulaba, okwekkaanya. discerning, tegeevu. discharge, okugoba; (gun) okukuba. disciple, omuyiglrizwa. discipline, enfuga. disclaim, okugaana. disclose, okubikkula, okulabisa. disconcert, vide embarrass, discontented, nyiikaavu. discord, oluyombo, empaka. discordant, be, okulanguka. discourage, okukeŋŋentera. discourse, n., emboozi, okubuulira. discourse, v., okwogera, okunyumya, okulojja. discover, okuvumbula;(something lost) okuzaawula; be discovered, okwatuka. discredit, okufumya, okugadya. discreet, be, vide cautious, discretion, amagezi. discriminate, okwawula. discuss, okuteesa, okuteekanya. discussion, empaka, akanyonyoogano, olumokko. disdain, v., okugaya, okunyooma, okuŋoola, okutunula kiisooso. disdainful, nyoomi. disease, endwadde, olumbe. diseased, become (foliage), okugengewala. disembark, okuva mulyato. disentangle, okuzingulula, okutuggulula, okulambulula, okugombolola. disfigure, okwonoona. disgrace, n., ensonyi, obuwemu; fall into d., okuswala, okuseeseetuka, okusaabulukuka. disgrace, v., okukwasa ensonyi, okuswaza, okuwemuukiriza. disgraceful, a nsonyi. disguise self, okwefuusa. disgust, vi., ekyenyinyalo. disgust, v., okutama, okusina; be disgusted with, okutamwa, okukabirirwa. dish, essowaani, olutiba. dish up, okujjula, okusoosootola. dishonest, bbi, mulyazaamaanyi. dishonesty, obubbi. dishonour, v., okuswaza, okukwasa ensonyi, okuweebuula. disinter, okuziikula, okusimula. dislike, n., effutwa. dislike, v., okukyawa. dislocated, be, okunuubuka, okuwogoka. dislodge, okugobamu, okusegenya. disloyal, jeemu. dismantle, abya. dismay, n., obuti, entiisa. dismay, v., okutiisa. dismiss, okusiibula, okugoba, okw abya, okuta. disobedience, emputtu, obutawulira. disobedient, emputtu, tengu; be d., okwewanika. disobey, use neg. form of okuwulira. disown, okuboola, okuboolereza, okuzaalukuka, disparage, okufumya; d. oneself, okwegeya. dispensary, ennyumba y’eddagala. dispense, okugaba eddagala. disperse, v.i., okusaasaana, okwabulukuka, okwabuka, okwediima, okugumbulukuka. displace, okunyegeekereza, okusegee nya. display, n., ekivvulu. display, okwolesa, okulabisa; d. oneself, okwetengeka. displease, okunyiiza, okunyiikaaza; be displeased, okunyiiga, okunyiikaala. disputant, omuwakanyi. disputatious, a mpaka. dispute, empaka, emirerembe. dispute, v., okuwakana, okutoota toota, okukaakyana, okuguguutana, okuluubiragana, okuwanaanya. disrobe, okwambula; (another person) okwambuza. dissatisfaction, akamyozo; vide okutoma. dissemble, okukuusakuusa, okulimba. dissembler, omunnanfuusi, omukuusa. disseminate, okubunya. dissension, okwesalamu, ennyombo. dissever, okusalamu, okutemamu. dissipated, be, okutamiira, okwega yagula, okweseeguka. dissipation, obutamiivu. dissolute, tamiivu; be d., okwega yagula, okweseeguka. dissolution (end), enkomerero. dissolve, v.i., okusaanuuka, okuyenga, okwabya. distance, ebbanga; also expressed by wala. distance, see in the, okulengera. distant from, be, okwesamba, okw esuula. distasteful, be, okusina. distend, okuzimbisa, okuwaga; be distended, okutuutiira, okubimbikana, okubimbiira, okuwaga, okuwulubala. distinguish, okwawula, okwawuka nya, okusosola. distinguished, atiikirivu; be d., okw atiikirira. distort, okukyamya, okuweesa. distract, okubuguutanya, okuteganya. distrain (for debt), okubowa, okukwata mbowe. distress, n., ennaku, obunaku; vide ttayo. distress, v., okunakuwaza; be distressed, okunakuwala. distribute, okugaba, okugabira; d. among selves, okugabana; d. spoil of war, okugereka. distribution, okugaba. distributor, omugabuzi. district, ekitundu, essaza, ettwale. disturb, okweraliikiriza, okulajja. disturbance, akacwano. ditch, olusalosalo. dive, okubbira. diver, omukaya. diverge, okwawukana. divide, okwawula, okugaba, okugabana; (food) okubega, okubegulula. divination, obulaguzi. divine, adj., a katonda. divine, v., okulagula, okulenga. diviner, omufumu, kizuuzi. divinity, obwakatonda. division, okwawukana, okwawula; (in arithmetic) okutikkula, okugaba; (partition) ekisenge; (part) ekitundu, ekitongole. divorce, okugattululwa mubufumbo. divulge, okusamwa ssamwa, okulaa laasa, okumyamyansa; be divulged, oku ggya. v dizziness, ka mmunguluze, kantoo looze. do, okukola, okugira; (finish) okumala; (cheat) okuseera; (do again) okuddiramu. docile, teefu, gonvu, wombeefu; be d., okufugika, okugonda. docility, obuteefu, obugonvu. doctor, omusawo, ddekitaali, ddokita. doctrine, okuyigiriza. document, olupapula, ebbaluwa. dodge, n., olukwe. dodge, v., okwewoma, okwebengula, okutebukanya, bkwebalankanya. doff (clothes), okwambula; (hat) okutikkula. dog, embwa. dog steps of, okulunda. dogged, a mputtu, nywevu. doings, ebikolwa. dole, ekirabo. doleful, naku. dolt, omusiru; vide simpleton, domain, amatwale. domestic, n., omuweereza, omuddu, omuzaana. domicile, ennyumba, enju. dominate, okufuga. domination, obufuge, obukulu. domineer, okujooga, okufuga n’a maanyi. dominion, ettwale. don, okwambala, okwesiba. donation, ekirabo, ekiweebwayo. done up, be, okuggya, okugeŋŋe nyuka. donkey, endogoyi. donor, omugabi. doom, n., omusango. doom, v., okusalira omusango. door, oluggi. doorframe omuzigo. doorway, omulyango. doorpost, omufuubeeto, omukom bero. lintel, akabuno. doorkeeper, omuggazi, doorscraper, ensimu. dormitory, ekisulo. dot, n., akatonnyeze. dot, v., okutonnyeza. dotage, obukadde; vide okuwutta. dotard (omukadde), ekiwutta. dote on, okwagala ennyo, okuluggalugga, okutikka, okutinkiza. dottel, olukoole. double, adj., biri wamu. d.barrelled, a midumuebiri. d.minded, a myoyo ebiri. d.tongued, kalimingobya. double self up, okwefunya, okw ekembakemba. doubt, v., okubuusabuusa, okuteerera, okutankana, okutta aga n’aga. dove, ejjiba. down, adv., wansi. down, n., olusisi, omuttunta. downcast, be, okunakuwala, okujoonajoona. downfall, okugwa. doze, okubongoota. draft, v., okubaga ebbaluwa. drag, okuwalula, okukulula, okukwekwesa. d. self along, okunyaama, okusonnyontoka. d. the feet, okukweya. d. into (fight, etc.), okuwakula. dragnet, ekiragala. dragonfly, nnamunkanga. drain, v., okukulukusa; (one’s glass) okwekamirira, okukatankira, okukutamira. drake, embaata ensajja. drape, okutimba, okugulika. draught, empewo; take deep d., okukatankira; at a d., kobonko, mbulaga. draw (drag), okuwalula, okukulubeesa; (depict) okukuba ekifaananyi; (water) okusena; (out) okusowola; (near) okusembera; (line) okukuba omusittale; (breath) okussa omukka; (lots) okukuba akalulu; (to a close) okuwungeera; (aside) okuseetula; (at a pipe) okufuuweeta; (out of water) okunnyula; (up legs) okwefunya; (teeth) okwekuulamuamannyo; (in games) okulemagana, okugwa amaliri. drawers, empale, kabbiiri. drawing, n., ekifaananyi. drawl, okulembeggerera, okulanza lanza, okugolooma, okunaaninga. dread, v., okutya. dread, n., okutya, ensisi. dreadful, a nsisi, a ntiisa. dream, n., ekirooto, endooto. dream, v., okuloota. dreamer, ssekalootera. dredge, okugogola. dregs, obukyu, ebbonda, ekikudumu, ebikanja. drench, okutobya, okutotola, okujeebuula; be drenched, okutoba, okujeba. dress, ekyambalo, olugoye, ekitee teeyi. dress, v. (self), okwambala; (another) okwambaza; (d. up) okwerokobya; (finely) okuyonja; (wounds) okunyiga, okuvumba. dribble, okugeregeza. drift, n. (meaning) amakulu. drift, v., okuseyaaseya, okuyenja. drill, n. (tool), ekiwummula, ekekeyu. drill, v., okukuba dwiro; (bore hole) okuwummula. drink, n., eky’okunywa; strong d., ekitamiiza, omwenge. drink, v., okunywa; d. with sucking sound, okuwuuta, okusolobeza; vide, drain; give drink to, okunywesa. drinker, omunywi; (drunkard) omutamiivu. drip, v., okutonnya, okukamuka, okukenenuka. drive, v., okugoba, okubinga, okusagala; (out) okugobamu; (into) okugobera mu. . (motorcar) okuvuga mmotbka. drivel, v., okugeregeza; (talk foolishly) . okubuyabuya. drizzle, n., obukubakuba. drizzle, v., okuwandaggirira, okutonnyerera, okunyenye ggera. dromedary, eŋŋamira. drone, n., enjuki ensajja; (termites) enswa; (lazy person) omugayaavu. droop, v.i. (of plants), okuyongetuka. drop, n., ettondo, akatiriginya. drop, v.i., okugwa, okusumattuka, okusolokka, okunogoka (fruit). drop, v.tr., okusumattula, okuta, okuwaatula. droppings, obulingo. dropsy, entumbi. drought, ekyeya, ekyanda. drove, eggana, ekisibo. drown, v.i., okusaanawo, okufa ama zzi. drown, v.tr., okusaanya. drowsiness, otulo. drowsy, be, okubongoota, okuka mbagga. drum,n.,eŋŋoma, sserumbeete, enga labi, engaabe, embuutu, endooda, enduubirizi, enkalaabirizi, entamiivu, entenga, ennyeenya. drum, v., okukuba eŋŋoma, okutuzza. drumbeat, omubala, ekikasa, omujaguzo. drumstick, omunyolo. drummer, omugoma, Kawuula. drunk, get, okutamiira. drunkard, omutamiivu. drunkenness, obutamiivu. dry, adj., kalu. dry, v.i., okukala, okukalirira; (go d. of cow) okukamiza; be imperfectly dried, okugaya, e.g. enswa. dry, v.tr., okukaza, okukalirira, okusiimuula, okutalika; (clothes) okw anika; “dry bread” = (with no relish), amaluma, makaya; vide okunyaata, duck, embaata. duck, v.i., okubbinkira. dudgeon, obusungu, ekinyiigo. dues, empooza, ekituuza. duiker, entalaganya, ensuku. dulcimer, amadinda, entaala. dull, adj. (of wits) siru; (blunt) koŋŋontevu; (weather) obudde obw’ekikome; be dull, okulungubala. dumb (man), omusiru, omuzibe w’omumwa, kasiru; become d., okusiriwala, okuziba emimwa. dumbfounded, be, okutunula mpwangali. dummy, kirangajja. dump, v., okubeteka. dun, v., okubanja. dunce, omusiru. dung, obusa, kalimbwe, eddimbwe, emizi, enkiringi, entalondwa. dungeon, ekkomera. dunghill, olubungo. dupe, v., okulimba, okucumpanya cumpanya, okukumpanyakumpanya. durable, gumu, a lubeerera; vide kalibobbo. duration, ekiseera. during, mu. dust, n., enfuufu, effufugge, ebikwa kwaya, empumbu. dustbath, ekiwugiro. duster, ekiwero, ekitambaala, ekifuvu. dutiful, teefu, gonvu, awulira. duty, omulimo; (toll) empooza. dwarf, nnakkwale, butyampa, omumbuti, nnakayirigi, nnakalanga. dwarfed, be, okukonoona, okwekulira. dwell, okusula, okubeera. dwelling, ennyumba, enju. dwindle, okuggwerera; vide diminish, dye, n., erangi; vide kasalabakesi, muzuukizi, akasaana, ekiwere. dye, v., okunnyika muddagala. dysentery, ekiddukano ky’omusaayi, okuwaluka omusaayi; have d., okuddukana omusaayi, okuwaluka omusaayi. dysmenorrhoea, vide enjoka. dyspepsia, ebigalanga, akakiki, ekyoka; vide enjoka. each, buli, kiisi. eager, nyiikivu; be eager, okw ewunta, okukalambira. eagerness, katinko. eagle, empungu, akadoma, nnakwanzi. ear, okutu; (of corn) ekirimba; ear hole, empulirizo; give ear, okutega amatu. early, mumakya, mumatulutulu, munkeera; vide nsonoosi; be e., okukeera, okuzinduuka. earn, okufuna, okukolera empeera; e. own living, okweyamba. earnest, n., omusingo. earnest, adj., nyiikivu. earth,(soil), ettaka; (land) ensi; go to earth, okusowottoka. earth up, v. (roots), okutemera. earthen, a ttaka. earthenware, adj., a bbumba, earthquake, musisi, ekikankano. ease, take one’s, okwekuukuubya, okukalira. ease, v.tr., okuwummuza, okukka kkanya. easier, grow, okwewojjeeka. easily, mangu. east, ebuvanjuba; e. wind, empewo ky’ebuvanjuba. Easter, Paasika, Amazuukira, Olunaku Olw’okuzuukira. easy, angu. eat, okulya. e. enough, okukkuta. e. greedily, okusikaasikanya, okubwagula, okujujubula. e. with closed lips, okumugunya. e. noisily, okweswanta, okufunkunya. eatable, be, okuliika. eatables, ebiriibwa, emmerk. eaves, akabendobendo. eavesdrop, okulumika. echo, n., eky’eyitabya. echo, v., okweyitabya. eclipse, v., okusinga, okubikka. economical, be, okuganiriza, okukekkereza, okuterekkereza. ecstasy, ekinyegenyege; be in, okusugumbya. ecthyma, omubazi. eczema, ekiyobyo. edge, omugo, amabbaii, olubuubuuto, enjegoyego, omuleboolebo; (of cloth) olukugiro ; (sharpness) obwogi, olukulukumbi; be set on e., okunyenyeera. edged, two, a nnajjolo. edgewise, put, okutekka obukiika, okusimba. edible, liibwa, liika. edict, etteeka. edifice, ennyumba, enzimba. edify, okuzimba. editor, omukuŋŋaanya. educate, okuyigiriza, okutendeka, okubangula, okugunjula; be educated, okugunjuka. educator, omuyiglriza. efface, okusangula, okusiimula. effect, okukola, okutuukiriza. effeminate, become, okukaziwaia. effervesce, okwesera, okutokota, oku bimba, okusuukira, okutyanka. efficiency, amaanyi, amagezi. efficient, a maanyi, a magezi. effigy, ekifaananyi. effort, make an, okufuba, okunyii kira, okukambiriza, okuwaza, okuwanira; lift with an effort, okb bagajja. effort, last, ekiwalazima. effrontery, ekyejo, ekitigi. effulgence, okumasamasa. egg, eggi ; (of locust) obusowe. e.shell, ekisosonkole. e.yolk, enjuba y’eggi. boiled eggs, amagi ag’empogola. egg on, v., vide instigate. Egypt, Misiri. eight, munaana. eighteen, kkumi na munaana. eighth, a munaana. eighty, kinaana. either, oba. ejaculate, okukungiriza. eject, okugoba, okusindika; (vomit) okusesema. elapse, okuyita. elastic, be, okunaanuuka. elated, be, okuisanyusa, okujaguza. elation, essanyu. elbow, olukokola. elder, n., omukadde. elderly, kaddekadde. elect, okulonda. elegance, obuyonjo. elegant, yonjo, a buyonjo. elephant, enjovu, enguuli; e. hunter, omutujju. elephantgrass, ekisagazi. elephantiasis, endwadde eyenjovu, enjovu. elevate, okuwanga, okuyimusa; (honour) okugulumiza. elevated, a waggulu, gulumivu, a kitiibwa. elevation, obugulumivu. eleven, kkumi na mu, Elgon, Mt., Masaaba. elongate, okuwanvuya. elope, okudduka, okuwambuka. eloquence, amaanyi mubigambo. eloquent, ogezi, a maanyi mubigambo; vide omunuza. elsewhere, kwalala. elucidate, okutegeeza, okunnyo nnyola. emaciated, become, okukogga, okugogomba, okunyaaluka. emaciation, obukovvu. emancipate, okufuula ow’eddembe, okufuula owa bowo. embank, okubibira. embankment, olubiblro. embark, okusaabala. embarrass, okuteganya, okweralii kiriza, okussa amabbabbanyi, okusoona. embarrassment, ensonyi. embassy, obubaka. embellish, okuyonja, okugulika. ember, olunyata, ekisiriiza. embezzle, okulyazaamaanya, okubba. embezzlement, obubbi. emblem, akabonero. embolden, okugumya omwoyo. embrace, okugwa mukifuba, okuwambaatira. embrasure, ekituli. embroider, okutunga amajoba, okw etojja, okudaliza. embroidery, ejjoba, amajoba, e ddalizi, amasiira, omuleera. embryo, vide foetus; be in e., okutonda. emerge, okulabika, okunnyulukuka, okunaawuuka, okupapankuka. emetic, eddagala erisesemya. emigrate, okuwaŋŋanguka. eminence, obukulu, ekitiibwa; (of hill) obugulumivu. eminent, a kitiibwa. eminently, ddala, nnyo ddala. emissary, omubaka, omutume. emit (smoke), okunyooka. emotion, ekisaasaazi. empale, okufumita obukwata. emperor, kabaka. empire, obwakabaka. employ, okusenza, okugulirira, okupakasa. employment, omulimu. empower, okuwa amaanyi, okuwa okuyinza. emptiness, ereere, sa; vide ekisa ssalala. empty, v., okuyuwa, okuyiwa, okuggyamubyonna, okufufunkula; adj., e.handed, bekkotoggo, bwaggu, manolo, katwe kasa, kkope. emulate, okwefaanaanyiriza, enable, okuyinzisa. enact, okuteeka etteeka. enactment, etteeka. enamoured of, be, okwagala, okw egomba, okukitiza. encamp, okusiisira, okusula. encampment, ekisulo, olusiisira, omugiini. enchant, okuloga; (delight) okusa nyusa nnyo. enchanter, omulogo. enchantment, obulogo. encircle, okwetoolooza, okuzingiza, okwebulungulula. enclose, okukombra. enclosed, be, okwetooloozebwa, okuzingizibwa. enclosure, ekisaakaate, ekigo, embuga, ekikubira. encompass, okwetooloola. encounter, olutalo. encounter, v., okusanga, okusisi nkana; okulwana na. . . . encourage, okugumya omwoyo, okukubiriza. encroach on, okunaayiriza. encumber self, okukakaatana. end, enkomerero; (of stick) aka sassa. end, v.i., okuggwowo, okukoma. end, v.tr., okumala, okukomya, okutuukiriza, okukomekkereza, okufundikira. endanger oneself, okwetunda, okw egabula. endeavour, okugezaako, okunyiikira. endlessly, kajegejege, katakku. endorse, okuwandiika erinnya; okukakasa. endow with, okuwa, okuwaayo, okuliisa. endurance, ekikami, okugumiikiriza. endure, okuguma, okugumiikiriza; vide okuwata. endwise, put, okusimba okuwanvu. enemy, omulabe. energetic, nyiikivu, a maanyi ; be e., okunyiikira, okufubirira, okuluubirira. energy, obunyiikivu, amaanyi, empapiro, endasi, entege. enervate, okunafuwaza. enfeebled, be, okugaganuka. enfold, okuwambaatira. enforce, okuwaliriza, okukaka, okukakaabiriza. engage (promise), okusuubiza; (agree) okulagaana; (for work) okugulirira, okusenza, okupakasa, okuwendula; (marriage) okwogereza; be engaged (work), okuba n’emirimu, okutawaana; (marriage) okwogere zebwa; (fight) olutalo. England, Bungereza. English, ngereza, a Bungereza; E. language, Lungereza. engrave, okwola. engraving, oluyola; (picture) ekifaananyi. engulfed, be, okutokomoka. enjoin, okulagira, okukuutira. enjoy, okusanyukira, okwagala. enjoyment, essanyu. enlarge, okugaziya, okuwaayira, okukookera, okuneneya. enlighten, okumulisa; okuyigiriza. enlightened, a magezi, tegeevu. enlist, v.i. (in new service), okusenga. enliven, okusanyusa. enmity, obulabe, ettemu. ennui, vide okuwuubaala. enormous, nene nnyo; vide colossal, enough, be, okumala, okutuuka; have e., okukkuta. enquire, okubuuza, okukemereza, okubuuliriza, obwekkaanya. enrage, okusunguwaza, okukabiriza. enrapture, okusanyusa nnyo. enrich, okugaggawaza. enroll, okuwandiika. ensign, ebbendera. enslave, okufuula omuddu. ensnare, okutega, okuliita. entangle, okuzingazinga. enter, okuyingira. entertain, okusembeza, okukyaza, okusuza, okwaliirira. enthral, vide enslave. enthusiasm, essanyulingi. entice, okusendasenda, okukwenya kwenya, okukema, okuseemya, okuseemeza. enticement, ekikemo, akawambo entire, lamba, lambirira, tuufu. entirely, ddala. entomb, okuziika, okuteeka muntaana. entrails, ekyenda. entrance, omulyango, wankaaki, vva nsanso. entrap, okutega, okuliita, okukeba. entreat, okwegayirira, okusaba. entreaty, okwegayirira. entrust, okusigira, okuteresa; vide okuwereka, okukwasa. entwine, okuzingazinga. enumerate, okubala, okumenya, okutontogola. envelop, okusiikiriza, okubikka. envelope,n., ebbaasa. envious, a buggya, a mpiiga. environ, v., okwetooloola. envoy, omubako, omutume. envy, n., obuggya, empiiga, ensaalwa envy, v., okukwatibwa okuggya. enwrap, okusabika. epiglottis, enkolo. epilepsy, ensimbu. Epiphany, okwolesebwa kwa YesuKristo; Epifaniya. episcopacy, okulabirizi. epistaxis, ekiraso. epistle, ebbaluwa. equal, be, okwenkanankana; vide okulabwa; make equal, okwenkanyankanya, okuttaanya. equally, butentwe. equivocation, obulimbalimba. eradicate, okusangula, okuggirawo ddala. erase, okusangula. erect, adj., golokofu. erect, v., okuzimba, okusimba, okuwanga. err, okukyama, okuwunjawunja. errand, obubaka. error, ekyonoono, obukyamu, ensobi. erudite, muyigirize nnyo. eruption (on body), obutulututtu, eggirikiti, ekibiribiri, ekyovu. escape (danger), okuwona; (prison, cage, etc.) okubomba, okucwa, okudduka, okwebba, okupuluka; e. being hit, okusuba. escarpment, ekikko. eschew, okwewala, okwerekera ddala, okwezlra. escort, okuwerekera. especially, okusinga. espionage, obukessi. espousal, obufumbo. espouse, okuwasa, okufumbirwa. establish, okunyweza, okukakasa. estate, ekyalo, obutaka, mmayiro, e. esteem, okussaamuekitiibwa. estimate, v., okubalirira, okutee bereza. estrange, okwawukanya. estuary, ekikono. eternal, k lubeerera, a mirembe n’emirembe. eternity, emirembe, egitaggwaawo. eucalyptus (tree), kalitunsi. eucharist, emmere ya Mukama waffe, okussa ekimu, eulogise, okutenda, okusuuta, eunuch, omulaawe. euphorbia, enkoni, enkuukuulu. Europe, Bulaaya, e. European, n., Omuzungu. European, adj., a kizungu. evacuate, okusenguka mu. evade, okusuba, okwewoma, okubengula, okukuba ekimmuuni. evangelist, omubuulizi ow’enjiri. evaporate, v.i., okufuumuuka. eve, n., akawungeezi. even, adj., tereevu; be e., okutereera, okwenkanankana; make e., okutereeza, okwenkanyankanya; (soil) okusaanya. evening, akawungeezi, kawansazi, ka wozamasiga. evenness, obutereevu. event, ekigambo. ever, ennakuzonna. every, buli, kiisi; e. day, bulijjo, buli lunaku; e. moment, buli kaseera. everywhere, buli wantu, buli gye . . . wonna. evict, okugoba, okulya nsowole; vide okuganduula. evidence, obujulizi. evil, obubi. evil, bi ; do e., okwonoona, okusobya, okuzzi omusango; speak e. of, okulonkoma, okuvuma. ewe, endiga enkazi. exact, adj., tuukirivu. exact, v., okuliika, okubowa. exacting, adj., a luwazo; vide okutunika. exactly, ddala, geregere. exaggerate, okuyunga ebigambo, okutiiwuuka, okukanika, okusaggula, okuyingiriza, okudongwa. exalt, okutenda, okusuuta, okugulumiza, okutendereza; e. oneself, okwegulumiza, okwekuza. examine, okukebera, okwekkaanya, okw ekenneenya; (pupils) oku buuza, okukemereza; (of a doctor) okwagayaga. example, eky’okulabirako. exasperate, okusunguwaza. exasperation, obusungu. excavate, okusima muttaka, okuligguula, okuwookoola. excavation, ekisimule. exceed, okusinga, okukira, okusukkirira, okuyitirira, okuyinga. exceedingly, ddala ddala, nnyo nnyini; vide very, excel, okusinga, okukira. excellence, obulungi. excellent, lungi nnyo. except, wabula, wazira. except, v., okufissa. excess, ejjingirizi. excessively, kabugira; vide kuka mala, kungwa. exchange, v., okuwaanyisa, okugulaana, okuwa ŋŋana. excite, okusaanuula; (dogs) okw asira; be excited, okujagalala, okukankanuka. exclaim, okukungiriza. exclude, okuziyiza, okugaana. excommunicate, okugoba mukka nisa, okuvumirira. excrement, emizi, empitambi. excrescence, ensunduba. exculpate, okusonyiwa. excusable, a kusonyiwa. excuse, n., ensonga; make idle excuses, okulonzalonza. excuse, v., okusonyiwa; e. self falsely, okwekekkeza, okwewampanya. execrate, okuvuma, okuvumirira, okukolimira. execration, ekivume. execute (work), okumala, okukola; (criminal) okutta. execution, place of, ettambiro. executioner, omumbowa, omutambizi. exemplar, eky’okulabirako. exempt, okusonyiwa. exercise, n., omulimu, omuzannyo. exercise oneself, okwemanyiiza. exert oneself, okufuba, okuluubirira, okwebaalinga, okwekalanga, okukanda. exhaust (finish), okumala; be exhausted (finished),okuggwawo; become e. (fatigue), okukoowa, okufumbuka, okuggya, okufumbulukuka, okubuta, okuvuya, okulebettuka. exhaustion, obukoowu. exhibit, okwolesa, okulabisa. exhort, okubuulirira, okukuutira, okukubiriza. exhume, okuziikula, okusima. exile, v., okugoba, okuzaaya; be exiled, okugobebwa. exist, okubeerawo. exonerate, okusonyiwa, okuwonya omusango. exophthalmia, have, okukanuka. exorbitant, be, okwekanika, okuliika, okutunika; vide okuwaniriza; grow e., okukangawala. exorcise, okukokola, okutambulula, okuzimulula. expand, v.i., okugaziwa, okunaanuuka; (leaf) okwanjulula. expand, v.tr., okugaziya. expect, okusuubira, okulindirira. expectorate, okuwanda amalusu. expedient, be, okugwana. expedite, okwanguyiriza. expedition (war), olutabaalo, ekikwe kweto. expeditious, angu, a mbiro. expel, okugoba, okufulumya. expend, okuwaayo. expense, omuwendo. expensive, a muwendo, kanufu. experience, v. (joy, etc.), okulaba. expert, n., ffundi. expert, adj., kugu; become e., okukenkula. expiate, okutangirira. expiation, okutangirira. expire, okufa, okuta omwoyo, okutondoka, okukutuka; (come to an end), okuggwawo. explain, okutegeeza, okunnyonnyoIa, okuttottola, okuvvuunula; (a dream) okulootolola. explanation, amakulu. explode, okutulika, okutuumuuka, exploit, ekikolwa eky’obuzira. exploration, olugendo, ssaffaali. explore, okuziga. expose, okwolesa, okutengeka, okubikkula, okwanika; e. oneself, okwetatankiriza; e. oneself in decently, okwetiiluula, okweya gaagula, okukunama. exposed, ereere, eru, eru. expostulate, okunenya. expound, okutegeeza, okunnyo nnyola. express, okwogera, okwatula, okutegeeza. expression (face), vide sad, pleasant, expunge, okusangula, okuggyamu. extemporise, okuyiiya. extend, v.i., okwebamba; e. to, okutuuka, okukoma. extend, v.tr., okugaziya, okuyongera. extensile, be, okunaanuuka. extensive, vide omuteeteema, nnakito kolo, nnamulanda. extent, obunene, obuwanvu. exterminate, okuzikiriza; (plants) okutta ziizi, okukandula. external, a kungulu. extinguish, okuzikiza. extol, okutenda, okutendereza, okusuuta, okukunga. extort, okunyaga, okulyazaamaanya. extortion, obulybke; vide okutunika. extra, give, okwongeza. extract,v., okuggyamu, okuviisamu; (jigger) okutundula. extraordinarily, bulala, kayingo; vide okuzimula. extraordinary, a kitalo, a kikuuno. extravagance, kaloboli. extravagant, be, okujoogoola; vide enkira. extremely, ddala ddala, nnyo nnyini, kayingo. extremity, enkomerero, ekidondi, aka sanso; (dilemma) ekibamba. exuberantly, grow, okubimbijjukana. exude, okukamuka. exult, okusanyuka, okujaguza, okukuba ejjebe, okwebuga. exultation, ekijaguzo, eye, n., eriiso, eddozo; (pupil of e.) emmunye; (of needle) empami, ennyindo, eŋŋango; (watery e.) ejjanga; show whites of e., okuzoola amaaso ; have staring e., okuzongola amaaso. eye, v.tr., okutunuulira, okwekkaanya. eyebrow, ekisige. eyelash, akakowekowe; falling out of e., obulangula. eyelid, ekikowe; disease of e., wamala. fable, olugero. fabricate, okuyiiya. fabulous, a kitalo,a lugero. face, n., amaaso; make faces at, okukongoola. face, v., okukobojjana. fact, ekigambo, ensonga. factious, a nnyombo, yombi. fade, kukaddiwa, kuwotoka; (colour) okufuma, okupeeruuka, okusa nguka. faggot, ekinywa, olusekese, omuganda, omuwakata. fail, I have failed, kinnemye; (in exam.) okugwa. f. of one’s word, okujwaŋŋanya. f. to score, okukubo busu. f. to obtain, okusubwa. faint, okuzirika. fair, adj., lungi. fairly, munnono. fairway, omwala. faith, okukkiriza; (in religion) eddiini. faithful, esigwa. faithfulness, obwesigwa. fall, v., okugwa, okwetujja ekigwo; (err) okukyama; (rain) okutonnya. f. from hand, okusumattuka. f. backwards, okugalanjula, okugwa bugazi. f. off stalk, okudyebuka. f. in, okwegulukuka. f. into debt, okugwa mubbanja. f. one on another, okwetlnda. f. to pieces, okumogoka. f. apart, okubumbulukuka. f. off head (of load), okutikkuka. f. open, okuwenjuka. fall, n., ekigwo; (roof) okwesulika. falls (water), ekiyiriro. false, a bulimba, limba. falsehood, obulimba. falsetto, talk, okukekkera. falter (in speech), okunaanaagira, okujegemera. fame, n., olulanga, ekitiibwa, okwatii kirira. familiarity, ekiyiboyibo, olummanyi mmanyi, olusuusuuto. family, ekika, oluse, eŋŋanda, olula, olulyo; large f., oluseregende. famine, enjala. famished, be, okulumwa enjala ennyi ngi. famous, atiikirivu; be f., okwatii kirira. fan, n., ekiwujjo. fan, v., okuwujja, okuwewa; f. one self, okwesaggira. fancy, v., okulowooza; okwagala. fancy for, omulaka. fang, erinnyo. far, adv., wala; vide okukunukkira, okutwaliriza. farfetched, vide okuvoogoola. farewell, weeraba; bid f., okusiibula. fascinate, okuloga. fascination, omulaka. fashion, v., okukola, okubumba, okutonda; be in f., okuyiita. fast, n., ekisiibo. fast, adj., angu, ambiro. fast, adv., mangu, mbiro. fast, v., okusiiba enjala, okulaagira. fast, make, okusiba, okunyweza, okunyuunyuula, okumyumyula. fasten, okusiba, okulijja, okunyweza. fastening, ekisiba. fastidious, be, okwenaanya, okwenankanya, okwekanala; a f. person, omwenanazzi. fat, amasavu, omuzigo, amafuta; roll of f., ekitogi. fat, adj., gevvu; (animals) sava, a ssava; vide omugo, nyeefu, agaa gavu, bikokye, bigoto; be very f., okufeeta, okugonnomoka, okw agaagala; grow f., okugejja, okunyeeta, okutinduuka; (animals) okusaatawala, okusavuwala. father, kitange, kitaawo, kitaawe, kita ffe, kitammwe, kitaabwe. f. of twins, ssaalongo. my father, int., Taata! my f.inlaw, mukoddomi, sse zaala, ssewamuko. grandfather, jjajja. fatherless, mulekwa, omufuuzi. fathom (understand), okutegeera. fatigue, v., okukooyesa, okukooya; be fatigued, okukoowa, okufuuyi rira. fatten, okugezza; (animals) okusavuwaza. fault, omusango, ensonga, ekyonoono; relapse by one’s own f., okwettula; find f., okuyomba, okujuuka, okujuukirira. faux pas, vide okusolottoka. favour, ekisa, omukisa. be in f., okuganja. go out of f., okugooka. curry f., okweroloma, okweguya. favour, v., okwagala; okuyamba, okubeera. favourable, lungi. favourite, n., omuganzi, omubiito, omwettanirwa; (girl) nnakabiito; be a f., okuganja; make a f. of, okubiibiita. favourite, adj., ganzi. favouritism, obuganzi. fawn upon, okwegonza, okupanka, okweguya. fealty, obwesigwa. fear, n., entiisa, obuti, ensisi. fear, v., okutya, okutekemuka. fearful, a ntiisa, a kutya. fearless, zira, a maanyi. feasible, be, okukoleka. feast, embaga; entujjo. feast, v., okulya embaga. feat, ekikolwa ky’obuzira. feather, ekyoya, eky’ensuti. feathery, a byoya. features, amaaso. February, Febwuali. fee, n. (wages), empeera, omusaala; (f. before case) empaabi, enkanamu; (after hearing) ebitebe; pay fees for, okuweerera. feeble, nafu, tene; vide okukenda; f. person, nkeremeke, bandoberedde. feeble, become, okunafuwala, okugondoba. feed, v.tr., okuliisa; (a fire) okukuma omuliro; f. in morsels, okugabirira. feel, okuwulira; (touch) okukomako, oku kwatako, okw agayaga; feel about, okuyanza engalo; I feel sick, emmeeme ensinduukirira. feet, ebigere; sore f., akageregere, kyassanga. feign, okwerowooza. f. sickness, okwerwaza. f. death, okwefiisa. f. ignorance, okwewubya, okw ewugguusa, okwewussa. f. sleep, okwefuluusa. f. inability, okwekekkezza. f. exertion, okwepacca. f. madness, okweralusa. f. assent, okuttikkirira. felicitate, okukulisa, okuyozaayoza. felicity, essanyu. fell, okutema. fellow, omusajja, omuntu; (my companion) munnonge; (f. countryman) bw’oluganda; vide nna. fellowship, okussa ekimu. female, omukazi. female, adj., kazi, wala; (animals) lusi; f. infant, omwana wa buwala, bandoberedde. fence, ekisaakaate, ekikaali, akasiira, akabanda, olukomera, olugo, ekigo, bbooma. fence, v., okukomera, okusita olukomera. ferment, n. (disorder), akacwano. ferment, v., okuzimbulukuka. fern, kayongo, kadaali. ferocious, kambwe, vide lukumbi. ferocity, obukambwe. ferret out, okwekkaanya, okukebera ennyo, okuvumbula. ferrule, omuwunda. ferry, n., omwalo. ferry, v.tr., okuwungula; be ferried over, okuwunguka. fertile, gimu. fertility, obugimu. fervent, nyiikivu, a maanyi. fester, okutana. festoon, olubaya, engudi. fetch, okunona, okukima, okugoberera; (come to f.), okuddukira, vide okuwoona. fetish, ejjembe, ensiriba, omwambo; f. hut, essabo. fetter, olujegere, essamba, ekisiba. feud, empaka. fever, omusujja, oluwujja; nnabuguma; East Coast f., amakebe. feverish, be, okubabirira; vide okususuukirira. few, tono in pl.; grow fewer, okutoniwa. fez, entalabuusi, enkuufiira emyufu, enkuufiira y’omujunga. fiat, etteeka. fibre (plantain), ekyayi; (hemp) obugoogwa, kansambwe, kifuula, oluvunvu, olubeera, omuzimbandegeya, ensinga. fickle, be, okupalappalanya, okusagaasagana. fiction, ekyobulombolombo. fiddle, akadingidi. fidelity, obwesigwa. fidget, okusegukaseguka, okusuguunyasuguunya, okukunkuna. fie! vvakwo! field, ennimiro, omusiri; f. glass, galubindi. fiend, ssitaani. fiendish, a ssitaani. fierce, kambwe, kakali, a nkanu. f. person, entakkutakku. turn f., okubama, okutaama. look f., okw’ekajanga, okutunula buswandi. fiercely, bukanga, bukanu. fierceness, obukambwe, obulalu. fiery (hasty), a busungu, sunguwavu. fife, endere. fifth, a kutaano. fiftieth, a makumi ataano; ataano. fig, e ttiini; (wild) entontogolo; f. tree, omutiini, omutuba. fight, 11., olutalo. fight, v., okulwana, okukontana, okutabaala; vide nkwangu. figure (appearance), ekifaananyi; vide situfu; (price) omuwendo. filch, okubba. file, n., mwamba. file, v., okuwagala. fill, okujjuza; (with food) okukkusa. f. very full, okubenga, okubigika. f. mouth, okufundiikiriza. fill pipe, okulunga. be filled, okujjula. fillet (meat), omwala. fillip, okukuba entoli. filter, v., okusengejja. filter, n., essengejjero, omubinikiro. filth, ettaka, empitambi, ekko, ekko kobereze, obukokkoliko; (moral) obugwagwa, ekiko. filthy, bi, gwagwa, seegu; be f., okujamawala. fin, eggindu. final, a nkomerero, a kamalirizo. finale, enkomerero. finally, kkomekkome. finch, akagugumunsi, akasanke, aka seese, kunguvvu, nnakinsige, ende geya. find, okulaba, okusanga, okusiŋŋaana, okuvumbula, okuzaawula, okuzuula; find out, okumanya, okuvumbula; look for, okunoonya. fine, ii,, omutango. fine, v., okutanza; pay a f., okutanga. fine, adj., lungi, ka; f. day, ensakkya; of f. mesh, a kayeya. finger, engalo. little f., nnasswi. first f., olunwe, nvamumba. second f., kkwemmembekedde. thumb, ekinkumu. finger, v., okutogaatoga, okutoŋŋoo nya. finish, okumala, okusonjola, okumaliriza, okutuukiriza, okukuba ssaanya, okumalamu, okulamya, okukunja, okusulikira, okuwemm enta. finish, n. (good surface), ensaana; (end) enkomerero. finished, be, okuggwa; be well f., okunana. fire, n., omuliro. grass f., oluyiira. bonfire, ekikoomi. make a f., okukuma omuliro; v. (set f. to), okwokya, okw okerera, okuteekera, okubabuukirira, okuyeekera. f. a gun, okukuba emmundu. firebrand, ekitawuliro. firefly, emmunyeenye. fireplace, ekyoto. firewood, enku; f. cut green, enkukku; go to fetch f., okusennya, okutyaba, okuziga. firm, gumu, nywevu, a maanyi; be f., okunywera, okwesimbiggi riza, okuguma, okubebeetera. firmament, ebbanga. firmly, geregere, gulugulu. firmness, obunywevu, obugumu. first, oluberyeberye, okusobka. be f., okusobka. use for f. time, okwangula. firstborn, omuggulanda. firstfruits, ebibala eby’omwaka; vide okutembula. firstly, okusooka, oluberyeberye. fish, ekyennyanja. names of f., emmale, ejjamba, aka lende, ekisinja, embegedde, embovu, omukene, omunyala, nnandere, endulumba, engagala, engege, enningu, enkakaalukanyi, enkejje, enkokoto, enkuyu, enkyulukyulu, ensoga, ensonzi, ensuma, ssemutundu. f. net, ekiragala. f. trap, ekigu, omugomo. f. hook, eddobo. f. line, omugonjo. fish, v., okuvuba, okusumbya; (with hook), okuloba. fissure, olwatika, omwagaanya, en keka. fist, ekikonde. fit, n., ensimbu; be ill with fits, okugwa ensimbu. fit, v., okutuuka, okugendegetana; f. into, okuluma. fits and starts, sleep by, okwebaka ebivumira. fitting, be, okugwana. five, taano. fix, okunyweza, okusiba; f. in handle, okuwanga; f. eyes on, okwekaliriza amaaso. fixed, adj., nywevu, a lubeerera, a nkalakkalira. fizz, v., okusaala. flabby, boofu; go f., okufootooka, okubootaboota, okuleenya, okunyootoka. flag", e bbendera. flagellate, okuswanyuula. flagon, eccupa, omudumu. flagstaff, emulongooti. flail, empuuzo. flame, n., olulimi lw’omuliro. flame, v., okwaka. flaming, use rel. form of for eg. flank, ebbali. flannel, jjowo. flare, v., okubuubuuka, okwaka ennyo. flash, in a, lukwayo. flash, v., okumasamasa, okwakaya kana, okunyereketa; (lightning) okumyansa. flask, eccupa. flat, tereevu, agaagavu, beebeetavu, a kibuutabuuta, a lutentezi; be f., okutereera, okwagaagala, okuba ndaala, okubebeetala; sound f., okugogooma. flatly, refuse, okuguguba. flatter, okupanka, okuwaana, okunyumiikiriza, okubinaabina, okujaaka, okwegonza, okuwenda, okwekugga; f. oneself, okwetenda; flatterer, omupansi. flattery, obupansi. flatulence, akawuna. flavour, n., omukka, ensa, e ddekeereke. flavour, v., okusomereza. flaw, n., e bbala, obulema, akamogo. flax, obugoogwa. flay, okuibaaga. flea, enkukunyi; fowl fleas, obuloolo. flee, okudduka, okubomba. fleece, n., ebyoya eby’endiga. fleece, v., okutunda bukanu; be fleeced, okugwa amanu. fleet, empingu. fleet, adj., k mbiro. flesh (living), omubiri; (dead) ennyama. fleshy, a kifuta. flexible, gonvu; be f., okugonda. flick, okulasa; (flies) okusagga. flicker, v., okukankana, okupapala, okutemireza. flight, okudduka; (bird) okubuuka. flinch, okutya. fling, okusuula, okukanyuga, okukasuka, okusimbaggula; f. down, okutandaggira; f. oneself about, okwaziirana. flintiness, embaalebaale. flip, okukuba entoli, okulasa. flippancy, okuzannya. flippant, be, okubadala. flit, okusenguka. float, v., okuseeyeeya, okuyenjeera, okubbulukuka, okutengejja. flock, n., ekisibo, eggana, ekirindi. flock together, v., okukuŋŋaanira awamu. flog, okubalula, okubandula, okuweweenyula. flood, n., amataba, omujjuzi, ebitaba, omutunga, ettumbiizi, mukoka. floor, on the, wansi. flop down, okugangalama. flounder, okwetubinkiriza. flour, obutta, mutere, ensaano. flourish, v.i., okugimuka, okubimbi jjukana. flourish, v.tr., okugalula, okuwera. flow, okukulukuta, okugenda, okugera; (of menses) okukuuluula; f. into (tributary), okufukako. flower, n., ekimuli; (of maize) ejjange, akanuunu, akatundwe. flower, v., okwanya, okumulisa, fluctuate, okupala ppalanya, okukyukakyuka; (abscess) okubola. fluent, a mboozi; vide okutontoma. flush, v.i., okumyuka. fluster, v.tr., okubigita. flute, endere, omulere. flutter, okupapala, okwewojjoola; be in a f., okupakala. fly, n., enswera, embwa, ekivu, akabu, akaduli, akatugu, akawawa. fly, v., okubuuka; (run away) okudduka. flycatcher (bird), engwizi. foam, n., ejjovu, engagize. foam, v., okubimba, okufuukuula, okusuukira, okujugumba. fodder, essubl. foe, omulabe. foetus, akakonkomi, empummumpu. fog, olufu. foil, okuziyiza, okufubira, okuteba. foist oneself, okwetulinkiriza. fold, n. (cloth), olufunyiro, eggoda, olukoda; (enclosure) ekisibo, ekiraalo, olugo. fold, v., okuzinga, okufunya; (arms) okwewumba. foliage, amalagala. folk, abantu. follow, okugoberera, okuyita na . . . okuyiriikirira, okukunakkuna, okuwondera; f. a road, okulembekera. folly, obusiru, ejjulume, katwewungu, embazuulu, ettembo. foment (surgically), okunyiga, okw eserera eddagala. fond of, be, okwagala. fondle, okuzannyisa, okugayaga. font, ebbatirizo. fontanelle, akawompo. food, emmere, eby’okulya; (for journey) entanda; f.money, pposo. fool, n., omusiru, kabandu, omutette, ssekibette; as int., kidoma! fool, v.tr., okuguumaaza. fool, v.i., play the f., okweginga, okw erigomba; f. about, okwewodoola; be fooled, okuguumaala. foolery, obusiru. foolhardy, be, okwetunda, okw eyinula, okwewanga. foolish, siru; become f., okusiruwala. foot, ekigere; (measurement) ffuuti; (of bed) emirannamiro. football, omupiira. footmarks, ebigere. footrule, effuuti. footsteps, sound of, enswagiro. fop, omuyonjo. for, prep., kubwa, kulwa, olwa. for, conj., kuba, kubanga. forage, v., okusaka. foray, n., ekizindo. forbear, okugumiikiriza, okuzibii kiriza. forbearance, okugumiikiriza. forbearing, use rel. form of v. to forbear. forbid, okugaana, okuwera; God forbid! kikafuuwe! forbidden, a muzizo. force, n., amaanyi, buwaze; by f., buwaka, butaagaane. force, v., okuwaliriza, okukaka, okukabiriza, okukoza amaanyi. f. way in, okuyingirira. f. way through, okubabalama, okw ewagaanya, okuwagga, okuwaguza. f. hand of, okuvunvubika. f. oneself, okukambiriza. f. a laugh, okwesesa. f. in., okubambalika. forced labour, akasanvu; vide okusagga; make a forced march, okulazima. forcible, a maanyi. ford, n., omwalo, omusomoko. ford, v., okusomoka. forearm, omukono. forecast, v., okutegeeza mumaaso. forefather, jjajja. forefinger, olunwe. forego, okuleka, okwegaanyisa, okwesiriba. forehead, ekyenyi, ebbiga, obwanga, empumi. foreign, genyi, amawanga. foreigner, omugenyi, omunnagwanga. forerunner, omukulembezi omukulembeze. foreskin, ekikuta. forest, ekibira. foretell, okutegeeza mumaaso. forewarn, okulabula, okuwabula. forfeit, v., okutanga. forfeit, n., omutango, forge, essasa. forge, v.y okuweesa, okuvunja. forgery, commit, okwewaayiriza. forget, okwerabira. forgetful, mwerabizierabize. forgive, okusonyiwa, forgiving, ‘a kisa. forgiveness, okusonyiibwa, ekisonyiwo. fork, ewuuma; (of tree) ekkabi. forlorn, naku, avu, lekwa. form, ekifaananyi; (bench) olubaawo; (class) ekibiina; for form’s sake, musondo. form, v.y okubumba, okutonda. formerly, edda, munnakuezaayita. formidable, nene, tiibwa, kafu. fornicate, okwenda, okulya embooge. fornication, obwenzi. fornicator, omwenzi. forsake, okwabulira. forsooth, mazima, anti, forswear, okugaanira ddala; okulayira eby’obulimba. fort, ekigo, ebbooma. forthwith, amanguago. fortieth, a makumi ana. fortify, okuzimba ekigo. fortitude, amaanyi, omwoyo omugumu. fortnight, e ssabbiiti bbiri. fortune, omukisa, obugagga. forty, amakumi ana. forward, adv., mumaaso; go f., okugenda mumaaso, okukulembera. forwardness, ekyejo, okujeguka. foster, okukuuma. foul, adj., gwagwa, bi. foul, v., okugwagwawaza, okwonoo na; f. oneself, okwesona. found, be, okulabika, okuzaawuka. found, v.tr., okubanga, okukuba. foundation, omusingi. fountain, ensulo, oluzzi. four, nnya, na. fours, on all, mate, fourteen, kkumi nannya, kkumi na na. fourth, okuna. fowl, enkoko, olusaanyi; (any bird) ennyonyi, fox, ekibe. fracas, akacwano, oluyombo. fractious, yombi. fracture, v., okumenyeka, okukutula. fragile, a bwerende. fragment, akatundu; pi. bucekuceku; (wood) akati; (food) a kakunkumuka. fragrance, akaloosa. frame, v., okukola, okuzimba. framework, ekitindiro, emikwero, omugala, lukangaga, olunnyo; (of house) omusekese; (of door) omuzigo. francolin, enkwale. frantic, be, okwaziirana. fraternise, okukwana. fraud, obulimba, akawubyo, okulyazaamaanya; commit f., okulyazaamaanya, okulimba, okulyamuakawubyo. frayed, get, okusattuka. freak, ekikulekule. free, adj., eddembe, wa busa. free, v., okusumulula, okuta, okufuula ow’e ddembe; f. oneself, okwesiimattula. freedman, wa boowo, ow’eddembe, omute, freedom, eddembe, essakki, essimba. freehold, obutaka. freeze, v.i., okukwata. French, adj., a Kifalansa; F. man, Omufalansa. frequently, emirundi mingi. fresh, adj., ggya; (milk) su, sununu; (meat, etc.) bisi. fret, okweraliikirira, okunakuwala, okutokooterera. friable, betentefu. Friday, Olw’okutaano, Fulaayide. friend, mukwano, munywanyi. friendless, naku. friendly, a kisa, lungi. friendship, omukwano; sham f., olukwano. fright, entilsa, ensisi; a f., kasajjaffuba. frighten, okutiisa; be frightened, okutya. frightful, a ntiissa. fringe, amatanvuuwa. frizzle, v.i., okusaala; v.tr., okukala ŋŋanya. fro, to and, eruuyi n’eruuyi; okuddiŋŋana. frock, ekiteeteeyi. frog, ekikere, akalenga, enkonga. frolic, n., omuzannyo. frolic, v., okuzannya, okuleriika, okusandaala. frolicsome, a mizannyo. from, ku, okuva, eri. front, n., amaaso, obuleega, mberi; vide obulumba, ejjaaye. go in f., okukulembera, okugenda mumaaso. in f. of, mumaaso ga . . . wa mberi. in f., kumanjo. frost, omuzira. frosty, a muzira. froth, ejjovu. froth, v., okubira ekyovu, okusuukiira. frothy, a jjovu. frown, v., okubiggya, okunyinyi mbwa, okubina ensige, okukanna nta, okwenyippanyippa, okwerumata. fruit, «., ekibala; vide katunkuma. fruit, v., okubala, okulembeera; (plantain) okussa. fruitful, gimu. frustrate, okuziyiza, okufubira, okulya empinga. fry, okusiika, okukalanga. fryingpan, ekikalango, fulampeni. fuel, enku, amanda. fugitive, omudduse. fulfil, okutuukiriza, okutuusa. full (moon), gwa ggabogabo.. full, become, okujjula, okufembe kera, okufeeta. full, to the, kampwerenda. fullgrown, kulu; vide musera. full number, be, okuwera. full weight, be, okutereera. fullness, okujjula, omusera. fumble, okuwammanta, okuyanza engalo. fume (be vexed), okunyiikaala, okusunguwala, okuloma; give off fumes, okufuumuuka, okunyooka omukka. fun of, make, okukiina, okuduula. function, omulimu. funeral rites, finish, okwabya olumbe. funnel, e bbinikiro, omuzindaalo. fur, ebyoya; (on tongue) omutetere, engeru. furious, a busungu; be f., okuswa kira, okwekalaga, okusunguwala ennyo. furiously, ccocce. furl, okufunyaafunya, okuzinga. furlough, okuwummula. furnace, ekyoto. furniture, ebintueby’omunnyumba. furrow, akasalosalo; (wrinkle) omutaafu, olulanga. furthermore, era, ate. furtively, kiserebetu. fury, obusungu, obukaali. fuse, v., okusaanuusa. fuss, n., amalunya, emirerembe, endoo looto; make a f., okugaŋŋamuka, okukakyana, okutayira. future, n., ennakuezigenda okujja; in the f., edda. gabble, okusabuiiza, okuvulungutana. gable, ekiwenda. gad about, okutambulatambula, okusalabatta, okutanta, okutazaataza. gadfly, ekivu, eddumambogo. gag, okuziba omumwa. gaiety, essanyu. gaily, n’essanyu. gain, n., amagoba, ensusso. gain, v. (reach) okutuuka; (battle) okuwangula, okugoba; make g., okugoba amagoba, okuviisaamuamagoba. gainsay, okuwakana, okugaana. gait, entambula, entambulire. gale, kibuyaga, omuyaga, kikuŋŋunta. gall, akalulwe; g. bladder, endulwe, ensawo ya kalulwe. gallant, zira. gallantry, obuzira. gallop, okuguluka, okusojjolimba, okusukumbuka. gamble, okukuba zzaala. gambol, v., okuzannya. game, n., omuzannyo; vide mweso, embirigo, enje, enziga; make g. of, okukiina, okuduula, okusekerera. gander, embaata ensajja. gang, fekibiina, dlugoldgombo, dmuluka. ganglion, ekizimba. gaol, ekkomera. gaoler, omukuumi w’ekkomera. gap, ekituli, eddibu, empungu, entala ga, omwagaanya. gape (yawn), okwayuuya; (in astonishment) okusamaalirira. garb, n., ebyambalo. garbage, ebisasiro. garden, ennimiro; (plantain) olusuku; (deserted) ekikande, ekifulukwa. gardener, omulimi. gargle, okunyumunguza, okufukuta. garland, engule y’ekimuli. garment, ekyambalo, olugoye. garnish, okugulika, okulongoosa, okuganyula. gas, omukka. gash, n., ekiwundu. gash, v., okutema, okubaagulula. gasp, okuweevuuma, okuwejjawejja, okulookalooka, okulaakira. gate, wankaaki, wansaso; vide ensigo. gatekeeper, omuggazi; (of royal house) Mulamba. gather, v.i., okukuŋŋaana, okugumba; (clouds) okubindabinda, okwekuluumulula. gather, v.tr., okuku ŋŋaanya; (plantains) okuyunja; (fruit, etc.) okunoga; g. up, okulonda, okuyoola, okusonda, okukukumba; g. up skirts, okukwata akalenge. gauge, ekigero. gaunt, kovvu. gay, adj., sanyufu, assanyu; be g., okusanyuka, okujanjaala. gaze at, okutunuulira, okulaba; okw ekaliriza amaaso. gear, n. (harness), amatandiiko; (of car) eggiya. gem, ejjinja ery’omuwendo. genealogy, okuzaalibwa, bajjajja. general, omugabe. generate, okuzaala. generation, omugigi. generative organs (male), obusajja. generosity, obugabi, ekisa. generously, give, okugabula. genesis, okusooka. genet, akasimba, embaki. genial, a ssanyu, sanyufu. genius, amagezi; a g., kagezimunnyo, nnakinku. Gentile, Munnagwanga. gentle, teefu, gonvu; be g., okukwata empola; become g., okukkakkana. gentleness, obuteefu, obukkakkamu, e ggonjebwa. gently, mpola, kasiiso, kimpowooze, nkuyo. genus, engeri. geography, joogolofiya. German, n., Omudaaki, Omugiri maani. German, adj., a Kidaaki. Germany, Budaaki. germinate, okumeruka. gesticulate, okuwenya emikono. get, okuweebwa, okufuna. g. up, okugolokoka, okuyimuka. g. better, okussuuka, okulamuka, okuwona. g. out of the way, okusegulira. g. ready, dkweteekateeka. g. away, okuvaawo. g. out, okuvaamu. g. off, okuvaako; (penalty), okuwona. ghost, omuzimu; Holy Ghost, Omwo yo Omutukuvu, Mwoyo Mutuukirivu. giant, erintu, omuntuomuwagguufu. gibe, okusekerera, okukiina, okuduula. giddiness, kantoolooze, kammunguluze, kaboyi. gift, ekirabo, ekitone, ekiweebwayo; g. of food to king, olukungo. gifted, a magezi gigantic, nene nnyo, agguufu; vide colossal. giggle, okusekaaseka, okufeenverera. gills, endaka. gimlet, kekeyu. gin, n. (trap), omutego, akakunizo, omuliiti; (drink), walagi. gin, v. (cotton), okusunsula. giraffe, entugga. gird oneself, okwesiba, okwambala, okwebaga, okwefungiza, okukekeera. girdle, olukoba, oluyina, omukandala, olwebagyo, biti. girl, omuwala; vide dduuda; (servant) omuzaana. girth (size), obunene. gist, amakulu. give, okuwa, okugaba, okutonera, okuweereza. g. birth to, okuzaala. g. place to, okusegulira. g. up, okuleka, okuta. g. oneself up, okwewaayo. g. ear to, okutega amatu, okuwulira. g. out, tr., okulanga, okubuulira. g. judgment, okusala omusango. be much given to, okuweebwa jjaliri. gizzard, ekisakiro, oluguve. glad, sanyufu; be g., okusanyuka; make g., okusanyusa. gladly, n’essanyu, gladness, essanyu. glands (inguinal), enkenga; (swollen) ensanjabavu, emmambavu. glare at, okutunulira obukanu. glass (mirror), endabirwamu; (tele scope) galubindi; (drinking) ekirawuli. gleam, v., okumaskmasa, okwakaaya kana. glean, okuyeera. glee, essanyu. glib, ogezi. glide, okuseeyeeya, okuyenjeera. glitter, v., okumasamasa, okutanga lijja, okunyereketa, okuteŋŋeenya. globe, ensi. gloom, ekizikiza; (sorrow) obunaku. gloomy, be, okulungubala. glorify, okugulumiza, okusuuta, okutendereza. glory, ekitiibwa. glossy, be, okunekaaneka. glow, v., okwaka, okusegenya. glowing (embers), ogi glowworm, emmunyeenye. gluteal, muscle, nayiga. glutton, omuluvu, ssedduvu, dduma bikalu. gluttonous, luvu, a mululu. gluttonously, gujuba, lumenku; eat g., okwevuubiika, okugujuba, okutuuba, okumenkula. gnash the teeth, okuluma obujiji. gnat, ensiri, obuzingiriri; (edible) essami. gnaw, okumeketa, okukesula; (of pain) okujigija. go, okugenda. g. back, okuddayo. g. down, okukka, okukkirira, okusere ngeta. g. in, okuyingira. g. into (space), okugyamu. g. round, okwetooloola. g. up, dkiilinnya, bkwambuka. g. with, okuyita na . . ., okutaba gana. g. off (gun), okwekuba, okuvuga. g. down (inflammation), okukka kkana, okutoowolokoka. g. to and fro, okuddiŋŋana. g. on one leg, okusejjera, okukongojja. g. out, okufuluma (fire) okuzikira. goad, omuwunda. goal (end), enkomerero, ekigobero; (at football) akagoba, eggoolo. goat, embuzi; (wild) embulabuzi. gobble, okumirungula, okufunkula. goblet, ekikompe, endeku. God, Katonda; heathen g,, lubaale. Godhead, Obwakatonda. godless, kaafiiri. godlike, nga Katonda. gold, zaabu, a zaabu. goloshes, engatto ez’emipiira ez’enkuba. gonorrhoea, enziku, enjoka ensajja, ekisununu, enjoka za kisombi, lukuumabintu, lukuumawaka. good, n., obulungi; for g., kagenderere, good, adj., lungi. goodbye, weeraba; (jesting) weema nyiize; say g. to, okusiibula. goodday, otyanno? osiibye otyanno? goodness, obulungi. goodnight, weeraba. goods, ebintu. goose, e mbaata, kabuzi. gooseskin, olutiko. gooseberries (Cape), entuntunu. gore, n., omusaayi. gore, v., okutomera, okufumita. gorge oneself, okwekakira, okufundeera, okuguga; be gorged, okugangayira. gorgeous, a kitiibwa; rel. form of okunekaaneka. gorilla, ezzike, engolo. gormand, omoluvu. gormandise, okukavvula, okwevuubiika, okufenkenya, gory, a musaayi. Gospel,Enjiri; (R.C.) Evvanjiiri. gossip, n., olugambo, olubobzi, olulago. gossip, v., okunyumya, okulojja, okulaalaasa, okutuula mumbobzi, okwogera kandolindoli, okulegejja, okujeejeema. gourd, endeku; vide kakudi, ekireere, ekigangaali, empaawo, olutafuka, omukabu, eŋŋunda, ensekula; g. plant, ekiryo; akatanga, akatundwe. govern, okufuga, okutwala. government, enfuga; the British G., Ggavumenti y’e Bungereza; the Protectorate G., Ggavumenti En kuumi. governor, omufuzi, Gavana. gown, ekkanzu, ekiteeteeyi. grab, okusikula, okusika, grace, ekisa; (R.C.) enneema. graceful, a kisa. graft on, okusimbako. grain, eŋŋaano, omuwemba, obulo; a g., empeke. granary, ekyagi, e ggwanika ly’eŋŋaano. grand, a kitiibwa; vide lwataata. grandchild, omuzzukulu. grandfather, jjajja. grandmother, jjajja. grant, n., ekirabo. grant, v., okuwa. granular lids, ensi. grape, enzabbibu; g. vine, omuza bbibu. grapple, okukwatako; g. one another, okukwatagana. grasp, okukwata, okuvumbatira. grasp, okukwata, okuvumbatira; (mentally) okwetegereza. grasping, mukodo. grass, essubi, omuddo, essenke, olumbugu, etteete, olukonzikonzi, embubbu, ebisagazi. grasshopper, enseenene, ejjanzi, eŋŋe nzigenzi, obwacaaka, nnabangogoma. gratification, essanyu. gratify, okusanyusa; be gratified, okukajjala. gratis, okuwa. grave, entaana, amalaalo; g.clothes, amabugo. gravel, enkokoto. gravy, amazzi g’ennyama, omucuuzi. gray, ambubi; g. hair, envi; grow gray, okumera envi, okutuuluula, okutebekera. graze, v.i., okulya; v.tr., okukolo bola, okunuubula. grease,amafuta, omuzigo. great, nene, kulu, a kitiibwa; (quantity) ngi. greatness, obukulu. greedily, eat, okweriira. greediness, omululu, omulugube. greedy, luvu, a mululu, a mulugube; be g., okululunkana, okununka. Greek (man), Omuyonaani; (language) Oluyonaani. green, n., erangi ya kiragala. green, adj., a kiragala; (unripe) bisi; greenshank (bird), enkobyokkobyo; greenfly, omuwempe. greet, okulamusa, okubuuza. grenadilla, akatunda. grey, vide gray. grief, ennaku, obunaku, obuyinike; come to g., okukuba amavumira, grievance, ekinyiigo, ensonga. grieve, v.i., okunakuwala, okwennya mira; v.tr., okunakuwaza. grievous, zito, nene. grim, a ntiisa. grimace, make, okwekonga, okw emoola, okwenyaata. grin, n., akamwenyumwenyu. grin, v., okumwenyamwenya, okufeenyeera, okusendula amatama, okuwena. grind, okusa; (teeth) okunena, okuluma ensubi; (tools) okuwagala. grindstone (upper), enso; (lower) olubengo. grip, v., okukwata, okuvumbagira, okukwata mavumbavumba. gristle, ekibebenu. grit, n. (moral), obuzira, obugumu, e mmizi. gritty, be (food), okulumira. groan, v., okusinda, okubolooga. groin, embalakaso, amakendegere. grope, okuwammanta, okumama gga, okuwumpuguma. gross, adj., vide mafembe. grotesque, be, okweswalinga. ground, fettaka; on the g., wansi; grounds (sediment), obukyu, ebi botya, enkanja; (reason), ensonga; vide okusinziira. groundnuts, ebinywebwa, ebinyoobwa. groundsheet, ettundubaali. group, n., ekibiina. group, v., okukuŋŋaanya. grovel, okwekulukuunya. grow, okukula, okusuumuka; (plants) okumera. g. fat, okugejja. g. lean, okukogga. g. old, okukaddiwa. g. luxuriantly, okugimuka, okubimbijjukana. growl, okuwuluguma. grudge, n., akamogo, endibu. grudge, v., okumma. grudgingly, lwa mpaka. gruel, obusera. grumble, okwemulugunya, okunyiiga, okwekaanya, okwebojja, okwekenya, okutolooma, okugangaza. grunt, okuwuuna, okukema, okufuma; (animals) okufugula. guano, kasiikolindo. guarantee, n., omusingo, akakalu. guarantor, omuyima. guard, n., omukuumi. guard, v., okukuuma; be on one’s g., okwekuuma, okwekeka, okwekengera. guardian (of child), omukuza, omula birizi. guardianship, obukuumi, omulabi rizi. guava, eppeera; g. tree, omupeera. guerdon, empeera. guess, okuteebereza, okuteerera. guest, omugenyi. guide, n., omusaale, omukulembezi. guide, v., okukulembera, okuluŋŋamya, okusaala. guile, olukwe, obukuusa. guilt, omusango, ekibi. guilty, alina omusango, asingibbwa omusango; look g., okweryanya. guineafowl, enkofu. guise, ekifaananyi, omutindo. guitar, ggita. gulf, ekyondo. gull, enkunga. gull, v., vide deceive, gullet, omumiro. gulp, v., okumira (o)bugobo, okumira amangota. gum, amasanda; blue g. (tree), kalitunsi; g. of mouth, akabuno; gumboil, essamasami. gun, emmundu, omuzinga; g. barrel, omudumu; g. cap, ffataaki. gunpowder, obuganga. gunsmith, omuweesi w’emmundu. gunwale, oluwero. gurgle, okuyira, okututubika. gush, okusulula, okutiiriika. guttapercha, omupiira. gutter, omufulejje. guzzle, okujenga. gyrate, okwekulungula. hartebeest, ennangaazi, ennyimeera. habiliments, ebyambalo. habit, empisa; give up a bad h., okwewangula. habitable, a kusulamu, a kubeeramu; be h., okubeeka. habitation, ennyumba, ekisulo. hack, okutema, okukikiitana. hackles, e ggina. Hades, Magombe, Ttanda. haemorrhage, ekikulukuto. haft, olunyago, omuguma, ekijugo. hag, omukazl omukadde. haggard, look, okuguŋŋumika. haggle, okulamula, okugulaana. hail, n., omuzira. hail, v., okuyita, okukoowoola. hair, oluviiri, enviiri; (of animal) ekyoya, ekikuzzi, essisi; (caterpillar) eggimbi; (pubes) ekiza; (eye brows) ekisige; (eyelashes) ekikowe kowe. gray h., envi. long h., ekijwenge, ekikuzzi. curly h., enviiri z’amasadde, enviiri za kaweke. straight h., enviiri za zigeye, enviiri za munyerere. half, n., ekitundu, ennusu. h. cooked, a makubu ggu, a mbwe bwe. h. full, ttengetenge. h. grown (jungle), ettoma. h. open (door), omuwogo. halloo, v., okukoowoola. hallow, okutukuza. halt, okuyimirira, okukoma; (limp) okuwenyera. haltingplace, ekisulo, omugiini. halve, okusala wakati, okutemamu, okwawiilamu. hammer, ennyondo; (stone) omuyindo; (of gun) firipi. hammer, v., okukuba n’ennyondo, okuweesa, okukomerera; vide pound. hammock, akatimba, akadyeri. hamper, n., ekisero. hamper, v., okuziiyiza. hamstring, okutemk bluteega. hand, omukono, ekibatu; h. over, go, okubaka; have hands full, okukwatagana, okugagalana. hand, v., okuweereza, okukwasa. handful, olubatu; two handfuls, ekiyi. handicraft, omulimugw’engalo. handkerchief, ekitambaala ky’ennyi ndo. handle, n. (hoe), omuyini; (knife) ekiti; (shield) omuwambiro, omukonda; (jaw) ekigingi; (pot) e’ŋŋ ngo. broken hoe h., ekiyinigi. fix in h., okuwanga. take out h., okuwangula. handle, v., okutoŋŋoonya, okutoga toga, okutiga, okukwatako. handmaid, omuzaana. handsome, balagavu, lungi. hang, v.i. (down), okuleebeeta, okulengejja, okubunduka, okulagaya; hang back, okuwalira; h. fire, okufenya. hang, v.tr., okuwanika, okwanika; (strangle) okutuga. h. oneself, okwetuga. h. curtain, okutimba. h. head, okutunula kibundaaza, okukoteka. hangings, n., ebitimba. hangnail, akatakkuluze. hank, akavumbo. hanker, after, okuyaayaana, okwoya, okululunkana. hapless, ennaku. happen, okubaawo; h. to, okubaako. happiness, essanyu. happy, sanyufu, assanyu; be h., okusanyuka, okwesiima; h.go-lucky, nnakigwanizi, sserulyamayenje. harangue, v., okubuulira, okukuutira. harass, okuteganya. harbour, n., omwalo. harbour, okukuuma, okukweka. hard, gumu, kakanyavu, kalubo, kakafu, kakummemme; vide kali bobbo. h. luck! int., manti! be h., okukakanyala, okukaluba. be h. for, okukaluubirira. harden, okukakanyaza, okugumya. hardhearted, a mwoyo mukakanyavu. hardihood, obugumu, obuvumu. hardly, use wasigadde (or waasigala) katono. hardness, obukakanyavu, obukalubo. hardship, obubi, ennaku. hardy, gumu, a maanyi. hare, wakayima. harelip, person with, nnakimu. hark! int., wulira! harm, n., akabi, obubi. harm, v., okuluma, okwonoona, okukola obubi. harmonise with, okutabagana, okwekwanya. harmonium, ennanga. harness, n., amatandiiko. harness, v., okutandiika. harp, ennanga, entongooli, endongo; play the h., okukuba ennanga. harp on, okuyeeyereza. harpoon, v.tr., okuswaga. harsh, abboggo, kambwe. harshness, ebboggo, obukambwe. harvest, amakungula, akasambula. haste, embiro, okwanguwa; make h., okwanguwa, okweyuna. hasten, okwanguya, okwanguyiza, okusambya. hastily, pakupaku. hasty (temper), a busungu. hat, enkuufiira, enkuffiira, seppeewo. hatch, v.i., okwaluka; v.tr., okumaamira, okwalula. hatchet, embazzi. hate, okukyawa, okukiiya, okukijja. hateful, bi nnyo. hatred, obukyayi. haughty, a malala, lalambavu; be h., okwenyumiriza, okwekuza, okunigga, okugaaga, okukuumiira. haul, okuwalula. haunt, n., ettabaaliro. haunt, v., okululuma. have, use verb to be with na . . . haven, obuddukiro. haversack, ensawo. hawk, akakubampanga, wonzi. hawk about (for sale), okukunza. hay, essubi ekkalu; make h. of, okubwagulira. haze, olufu; (of eyes) ekirandalanda. he, ye. head, omutwe, kasoomi, enseenene; (of bed) emitwetwe; (of drum) obusu; (of corn) ekirimba; (chief) omwami, omukulti; h. cloth, ekiremba. head, adj., kulu, a lutikko, a lukulwe. headache, kawango; my head aches, omutwe gunnuma. headband, omugaaga, omuge. heading, omusoso. headland, omusoma, ekisoko. headlong, vide ekinvulu. headman, omukoza, nnampala. heal, okuwona, okukala; v.tr., okuwonya. health (good), obulamu; (bad) enkonyera. healthy, lamu; vide kitiginya. heap, enkumu, omuteeko, ebbenga, emmiino, engululu. dung h., olubungo. h. of weeds, ekirungu. h. of dirt, entuumo. heap up, v., okukuma, okukuŋŋaa nya, okutuuma. hear, okuwulira. hearer, omuwulizi. heart, omutima, emmeeme; take h., okuguma omwoyo. hearth, ekyoto. heartily, nnyo, n’essanyu. heat, n., ebbugumu, olubugumu, olubenge,nnabuguma; (anger) obusungu. heat, v., okubugumya. heathen, n., omukaafiiri, omukaafu. heathen, adj., kafiiri. heathenism, obukaafiiri. heave (throw), okukasuka, okusuula; h. along, okusembeesa; h. a sigh, okussa ekikkowe. heaven, eggulu. heavily, walk h., okuggunda; dance h., okuguluba. heaviness, obuzito; = grief, obuyi nike. heavy, zito, a maanyi, kaloddo. heavy, be, okuzitowa, okuzitoowe rera; be h. with eating, okugalaata, okugayagana. hedge, olukomera. heed, take, okwekuuma, okwege ndereza. heel, ekisinziiro; fall head over heels, okugalanjuka. hefty, be, okunyuntuka, okugubira. heifer, enduusi. height, obuwanvu, obugulumivu. heighten, okwongera obuwanvu, okuwanvuya. heir, omusika. hell, Ggeyeena, omuliro ogutazikira. helm, enkasi egoba. helmet, seppeewo. helmsman, omugoba. help, n., okubeerwa. help, v., okuyamba, okubeera, okuyuna, okujuna, okuwaga, okwoloola; vide okusumbuusa; h. food, okubega; h. self, okwesanirira. helper, omubeezi. helpless, be, okutongojjera. helpmate, omukozi munnange, munno, etc. hem, olukugiro, akalenge; false h., ekibanduliro. hem, v.t okukugira. hemp, obugoogwa; (for smoking) enjaaye; h. seed, obuduli. hen, enkoko. henceforth, okuva kaakano, okusodka kkakano. henpeck, okusojja kuluwonzi. her, ye; (obj. prefix), mu. herald, omubaka. herb, omuddo, oluva. herd, n., ekisibo, e ggana. herd, v., okulunda, okusumba. herdsman, omusumba, omuwuula, omulunzi; royal h., Kawuka. here, wano, awo, wo. heresy, obukyamu. heritage, obusika. hermaphrodite, nnakinsungwa. hermit, kyewaggula; turn h., okw evunjavunja. hernia, omukundi. hero, omuzira. heroism, obuzira. heron, ebbalwa, ssekanyolya, eki mbala. herpes, ekisuyu. hesitate, okubuusabuusa, okwefettafetta, okutta aga n’aga, okufufuggala, okugalangatana; (in speech) okunaanaagira, okutamattama. hew, okutema. hiccough, kasikonda. hide, n., eddiba, ekyanjo. hide, v.i., okwekweka, okukukuma; v.tr., okukweka, okukisa; come out of hiding, okwekwekula. higgledypiggledy, ggogologgogolo, kintabuli, magalangaja. high, adj., wanvu, gulumivu; (honourable) a kitiibwa; (price) kanufu; at a h. price, bukanga; on h., waggulu. high, be, okugulumira; (of price) okukangaluka; vide okuseera. highly, nnyo. Highness, His, Ssaabasajja. high priest, kabona lukulwe. highroad, oluguudo. highwayman, omutemu. hilarity, enseko. hill, olusozi; vide akatunnumba. hillock, ekifunvu. hilly, a nsozi. hilt, ekiti. him, ye; (obj. pref.) mu. himself, ye nnyini. hinder, okulobera, okuziyiza, okulabiriza. hindrance, ekiziyizo. hinge, empeta. hip, bbunwe, embinabina. hippopotamus, envubu. hippotragus (antelope), empala. hire, n., empeera, omusaala. hire, v., okugulirira, okupakasa. hireling, omupakasi, omuntuw’empeera. hiss, okwesooza. history, ebyafaayo. hit, okukuba; h. when down, didi togoza. hither, wano. hitherto, okutuusa kaakano, kambwano. hive, omuzinga. hoard, okutereka. hoarse, saakaavu; be h., okusankaala. hoarseness, obusaakaavu, ekiyimbiro. hoary, adj., a nvi, kadde nnyo. hoax, okusaaga, okulimba. hobble, okugonoka, okupipira. hoe, n., enkumbi, eggezi, ensimu. hoe, v., okulima, okukabala. hog, embizzi. hoist, okuwanika. hold, okukwata; (contain) okugyamu. h. out, okugumiikiriza, okukungubala. hold forth, okubuulira. h, fast, okunyweza. h. breath, okutuyira. holdable, be, okukwatika. hole, ekituli, ekinnya, ekirombe, olusekeso, entwi; be in a h., okulemwa, okubutaabuta. holiday, olwoso, okuwu mmula. holiness, obutukuvu, obutuukirivu. hollow, enkompe, ennombe, eki wonvu, omuwulugwa. hollow, adj., wowongole, a kireereetu. hollow out, v., okubajjamu, okuwowongola, okusokoola; be hollowed out (by water etc.), okuwomoggoka. holocaust, okufa kizizi. holy, tukuvu; (R.C.) tuukirivu; Holy Ghost, Omwoyo Omutukuvu, Mwoyo Mutuukirivu. homage, pay, okusinza, wa kitiibwa, okweyanza. home, eka, ewange (ewuwo, etc.); make self at h., okweyinula, okubooba. homeless, be, okudaaga, okubungeeta, mbulakayu. homesick, be, okulumirwa eka omwoyo. homestead, amaka. honest, esigwa, amazima. honesty, obwesigwa, amazima. honey, omubisi gw’enjuki; take h., okuwakula enjuki. honeycomb, ebisenge by’enjuki, ekibembe, ekikambi. honour, n., ekitiibwa. honour, v., okussaamuekitiibwa, okugulumiza. hoodwink, okulimba. hoof, ekinuulo, ekiganja. hook, eddobo. hookah, omugwabi. hoop, ennamuziga. hop, okukongojja, okusejjera. hope, n., essuubi, okusuubira. hope, v., okusuubira, okwesunga. horizontal, put, okukiika. horn, ejjembe, ekkondeere; with branching horns, galama. hornbill, eŋŋaaŋa, enkunyukkunyu. horned, a miyembe. hornet, ennumba. hornless, a nkunku, soomi. horrible, a ntiisa, bi nnyo. horrid, bi nnyo. horrify, okutiisa, okutama. horror, entiisa. horse, embalaasi. horseman, omwebagazi. Hosanna, Ozanna, Ozaana. hospital, eddwaliro, ennyumba y’aba lwadde. hospitality, okwaniriza abagenyi, okusombeza abagenyi. host, nnannyini nnyumba; (army) eggye, olufulube, ekibiina. hostage, omusingo, ensingwa, omuwambe, ennunuzibwa. hostile, omulabe. hostility, obulabe. hot, use rel form of verb. be h., okwokya, okubuguma, okwaka, okukaalaama, okwebere ngula (as pepper) okubaalaala, okubalabaata; (body) okubabirira. be very h., okubanduka; vide lweje, make h., okubugumya. hotchpotch, omulondolondo. hotel, wooteeli, oteeri. hot-tempered, sunguwavu. hough, okutema oluteega, okutema olunywa. hound, embwa. hour, essaawa; (occasion), ekiseera. hourly, buli ssaawa. house, e nnyumba, enju; vide mwa mba, ekisuuwa, kalinaabiri; vide twekobe. house, v.y okusuza. house-breaker, omubbi. house-holder, ssemaka, nnannyini nju. houseless, he, okudaaga. housemaid, omuzaana. hovel, akayumba, akasiisira. hover (of bird), okuseeyeeya; h. about, okulattalatta. how, tya, nnabaki; (how many) meka; vide okwenkana. howl, okukaaba ennyo, okubaaluuka. hubbub, akacwano, omutumbikano, oluyoogaano; make a h., okukaayana, okuleekaana. huddle oneself up, okwewojjawojja, okweromoja, okwekomoma. hug, okuvumbagira,. okuwambaatira. huge, nene nnyo; vide muku. hull, v. (rice), okutwanga. hum, v., okuvuuvuuma. human, a bantu; h. nature, obuntubulamu. humane, a kisa. humble, wombeefu, kkakkamu; be h., okwewombeeka, okwetoowaza, okutoowaza; appear h., okweryanya. humbug, omukuusa, munnanfuusi. humbug, v., okubalaata, okuguumaaza. humiliate, okuswaza, okutoowaza, okujeeza, okuwombeesa. humiliation, okuswala, okutoowaza. humility, obuwombeefu, obukka kkamu, essimbo. hummock, ekifunvu. hump, e bbango, entumba. hunchback, omututuuli. hundred, ekikumi, ekyasa. hunger, enjala. hungry, yala, a njala; be h., okulumwa enjala; vide kagomba. hunt, okuyigga; (look for) okunoonya, okuwama; h. for thing visible, okuwuuzuuma. hunter, omuyi zzi; elephant h., omutujju. hurl, okusuula, okukasuka, okukanyuga; h. down, okutandaggira, okugonnomola, okulindigga. hurricane, kibuyaga, kikuŋŋunta. hurriedly, kisaabuuko, kitindiggu. hurry, v.i., okwanguwa, okwanguyiriza, okukanduka. hurry, v.tr., okwanguya, okusambya. hurt, n., ekirume, obubalagavu, okulumwa. hurt, v., okuluma, okubalagala, okunuubuka; be h., okulumwa, okusonsomola. husband, n., bba (baze, balo, bbaawe); vide omuwuuze. husband, v., okutereka. husbandman, omulimi. hush! int., okusirika! hush, v.tr., okusiisiitira, okusirisa, okuwobwootera. husk, ekikuta, ekisusunku. . huskily, malagolago. husky, get, okusaakaala. hut, akayumba, akayu, akasiisira. hyaena, empisi, entagya. hydrocele, empanama. hymn, oluyimba. hypocrisy, obunnanfuusi, obukuusa. hypocrite, munnanfuusi, omukuusa, omuguya. hypocritical, be, okukuusa. I, pron., nze. ibis, mpaabaana. idea, ekirowoozo, amagezi. identify, okwetegereza, okulonda. idiocy, obusiru. idiot, omusiru, omulalu, ekinyanyagga, ekisamasama. idiotic, siru, a busiru; be i., okubebeetala. idle, gayaavu; be i., okugayaala, okunaanya; okulagajjala, okuleeya, okulendera; make i., okugayaaza. idleness, obugayaavu, obunaanya. idler, omugayaavu, omunaanya, omufaadanga, enfamba. idly, gadigadi, gojegoje, bbende. idol, ekifaananyi. idolator, omuwonzi, asinza ebifaananyi. if, oba, obanga, bwe. ignite, okwokya, okukumamuomuliro. ignoble, kopi. ignominious, a nsonyi; rel. form of okuswaza. ignominy, ensonyi, okuswala. ignoramus, omusiru, atamanyi kigambo. ignorance, obutamanya. ignore, okunyooma, okugaya, okulatta. ill, lwadde, kosefu; vide omuyi. become i., okulwala. get ill constantly, okugozoobana. be very i., okukoseka, okuyinguka. make i., okulwaza. illegal, si b mateeka, a muzizo. illegitimate a bwenzi (child), a muzizo. illfeeling, akalumira, ekinyiigo. illluck, olubwa; bring i., okukungula; bringer of i., kannaaluzaala. fmannered, a mpisa mbi, wa kyejo. illnatured, sunguwavu, a ntondo, b ntozo. illstarred, kitaakule. illtreat, okuwanga. illness, endwadde, obulwadde; vide lukokkere; feign i., okwerwaza. illuminate, okumulisa. illusion, omuyinooyino. illustrate, okugera olugero. illustration (story), olugero; (picture) ekifaananyi. imagine, okulowooza. imbecile, omulalu, omusiru; vide okubebeetala. imbecility, obusiru. imbibe, okunywa. imitate, okugoberera, okugeegeenya. imitation, ekikalizo. immaculate, awatali kabi. immaterial, it is, si musango, si ki gambo. immature, to. immediately, amanguago. immense, nene nnyo. immerse, okunnyika mumazzi, okubbinkiza. immigrate, okuwaŋŋanguka. immodest, kaba, a nsonyi. immodesty, ensonyi, obukaba. immolate, okutta, okutamba. immoral, enzi, a bwenzi; become i., okukabawala. immorality, obwenzi. immortal, tafa. immortality, obutafa. immunise, okusibaga; i. oneself, okwegema. immure, okuteeka mukkomera, okusiba. immutability, obutajjulukuka. immutable, a lubeerera, si a kujjulukuka. impale, okufumita. impart, okuwa, okugaba. impatience, obutagumiikiriza, katinko. impatient, be, okubigita. impeach, okuwawaabira, okuwaabira. impede, okuziyiza. impediment, ekiziyiza, kalumanny wera; (in speech) okwogera ekirimi. impel, okuwaliriza, okukubiriza. impenetrable, be, okuggumira, okuziyira. impenitence, obuteenenya. imperceptibly, kimugunyu. impersonate, okwefaananya, okw . egamba, okwefuula. impertinence, ekyejo, ekitigi, eggenya. impertinent, a kyejo, a kitigi. impetuous, be, okusiitaana. impetuously, buziiziiri. implacable, kakanyavu, zibu. implant, okusiga, okusimbamu. implement, ekyuma ekikola. implicate oneself, okukanansa. implore, okwegayirira, okwesengereza. import, n. (meaning), amakulu. import, v., okuleeta munsi. importance, obukulu, ekitiibwa. important, kulu, a kitiibwa. importunate, a kacca. importune, okusaba olutata, okutayirira, okubeeba, okujegeekereza, okutawa, okuleeberera, obwekukuutiriza, okupeeka. impose (fine), okutanza; i. upon, okwekanyamuza. imposing, a kitiibwa. impossible, be, use neg. form of okuyinzika, okusoboka; an i. person, entambazi, entaate. impostor, omulimba. imposture, obulimba. impotence, obunafu. impotent, nafu. impoverish, okwavuwaza; be impoverished, okwavuwala. imprison, okuteeka mukkomera, okusiba. imprisonment, obusibe. improper, gwagwa; be i., okuwemuka. improve, v.tr., okwongera, okulongoosa. improve, v.i. (illness)] vide better, improvement, olukamu, bibkowe. impudence, ekyejo, akajanja, egge nya. impudent, a kyejo; be i., okugira ekyajo. impure (morally), gwagwa; this water is impure, amazzi gano galimuobuwuka. impurity (moral), obugwagwa. impute, okubalira; i. falsely, okulimbiriza. in, mu. inactive, mugayaavu. inactivity, obugayaavu. inasmuch as, nga . . . bwe, kubanga. inattentive, be, okutunula ekimama, okblabankana. incarcerate, okuteeka mukkomera. incarnate, become, okufuuka omuntu. incarnation, okufuka omuntu. incendiarism, okwokerera. incendiary, omwokerezi. incense, obubaane; i. tree, omuwafu; burn i., okwoteza obubaane, okunyookeza obubaane. incessant, a kagganyigganyi. incessantly, lutata, lunnye, lumoo nyere, lunyenyeegere, luleekereeke, lundikoobyo, lutaakome, lutankute, luteetera, ntakera, ssferebo; vide okulejja. incest, obwenzi; commit i., okwenda. incestuous, enzi, a bwenzi. incident, fekigambo, ensonga. incisor, brinnyo. incite, okukubiriza, okuweerera, okufukuutirira, okupikiriza, okusaakiriza, okusindirira, okuvugula; (dogs) obwasira. incline, n., akaserengeto, olukooto, oluyiringito, ekikko, akasirikko. incline, v., okwagaza; (slope) okw esulika (v.i.). include, okussaako, okubaliramu. incoherent, a kasalwe. incoherently, speak, okudaabaada, obwogera olutabirizo. incompetent, si aa magezi. inconsequently, talk, okulondobe reza. incontinence, obuteekomako; have i. (faeces), okwenyaga. incorruptible, si aa kuvunda, mwesigwa. incorruption, obutavunda. increase,n. (profit), amagoba. increase, v.i., okukanya, okwala, okwongera; i. in, okweyongera. increase, v.tr., okwongeza. inculcate, okukuutira, okuyigiriza. inculpate, okusiba ekibi, okutema ekigambo. incurable, tassuuka; vide lukokkere. indecency, ensonyi, obugwagwa. indecent, a nsonyi, gwagwa, seegu; vide okwetiiluula, okweyagaagula, okukunama, okuwolongerera. indeed, mazima, ddala. indefatigable, nyiikivunnyo. indemnify, okuliwa. indemnity, omutango; pay i., okutanga. independence, e ddembe. independent, eddembe; be i., okwetwala, okwesanirira; vide omusuluba. independently, kyeteeso., India, Buyindi. indiarubber, omupiira ogusangula, akasangula. Indian, Omuyindi. Indian corn, kasooli. indict, okuwawaabira, okuwaabira. indictment, omusango. indifferent, be, okwekubira gudii kudde, okugalamba, okuzinzibala. indigence, obwavu. indigenous, a kiganda, a buzaaliranwa. indigent, avu, naku. indigestion, vide enjoka, dyspepsia, indignant, be, okusunguwala. indignation, obusungu. indiscreet, a lumotolo. indiscretion, olulere. indispose (illness), okulwazalwaza; be indisposed, okulwalalwala. indistinct, vide okuseeterera, okuwunuuna. indistinctly, vide byenjeze, okulebetterera, okusabuliza, okuvulungutana. indite, okuwandiika. indolence, obugayaavu; be indolent, okugayaala, okubeyaabeya. indurated, be (skin), okuguba. industrious, nyiikivu; be indolent, okunyiikira. industry, omulimu, obunyiikivu. inebriate, okutamiiza. inert, be, okugajaba, okuyaba, okugalabanja. infamous, a lujeejeemo. infancy, obuto. infant, akawere, akaana. infatuated, be, okutinkiza. infect, okusiiga,’ okusomba obulwadde, okuwereba, okucuncumula. infectious, be, okusiigika. infer, okutegeera, okumanya. inference, amakulu. inferior, bi okusinga; a person’s inferiors, abantuabali wansi wa . . . infidel, omukaafiiri, atakkiriza. infinity (number), katabalika. infirm, nafu, kadde nnyo; vide kye kwaso; become i., okunafuwala, okukaddiwa. infirmary, eddwaliro. infirmity, obunafu. inflammation (eye), ejjanga, amalongojje; (nose) ekibobe. inflate, okufuuwamuomukka, okuwaga. inflated, a muwuwo. influence, amaanyi. influential, a maanyi. influenza, yegu. influx (of people), ekyepukulu. inform, okubuulira, okutegeeza; i. against, okuwawaabira, okuloopa. information, ebigambo, embuulira; lay. i., okudikyadikya. informer, omuloopi. infringe, okusobya, okwonona. infuriate, okusunguwaza; be infuriated, okusunguwala. infuse, okutabulatabula. ingathering, amakungula. ingenious, gezi, a magezi. ingenuity, amagezi. inhabit, okubeeramu, okutuulamu. inhabitable, be, okubeeka. inhale, okussa omukka, okweyoteza, okulerukana. inherit, okusika, okusikira. inheritance, obusika. inhospitable, be, okuzigama. iniquitous, bi ddala. iniquity, obubi. initiate, okutendeka, okutandika, okuleetereza. initiative, take the, okwejuuba. inject, okuyingiza munda; (surgically) okukuba empiso. injure, okuluma, okwonoona, okuwanga. injustice, okusaliriza, embyone, okusobya. ink, bwino. inmate, ow’omunnyumba. inn, omugiini, ennyumba y’abagenyi. innocence, obutayonoona. innovation, vide okuwakula. innumerable, obutabalika. inoculate, okukuba ekkato. inquire, okubuuza, okubuuliriza. insane, lalu. insanity, eddalu, obulalu. insatiable, luvu, takutta. inscribe, okuwandiikako. inscription, ekiwandiikibbwako. insect, akawuka; vide akasisi, ekitaakule, ssekirembwe, ekisokondwe, jjegeju, kasennyanku, kawuuzi, ekikutuzi, empuluwujju, enfuuyirizi, nkuuwe, endyabalangira, entonnyeze, endya menvu, enzirugaze, enziiziiri, ssemukkuto. inseparable, taawulwako (with rel.) insert, okuyingiza, okusenseza, okuteeka munda, okusonseka, okusekeeserera. inside, adv., munda. inside of, munda wa. insipid, be, okulanguka. insipidity, kajaalaala, insist, okulagirira ddala, okukakasa, okukanda. insobriety, obutamiivu. insolence, ekydjo, eggenya, akajanja, e ssukumbuli, e ssukutti. insolent, kyejo; be i., okwewanika, okusamaala, okugira ekyejo. insomnia, obuteebaka. inspect, okukebera, okwekkaanya, okwetegereza, okulambula. inspector, omukebezi, omulambuzi. inspiration, okussaamuomukka; (mental) okuluŋŋamizibwa. inspire (mental), okuluŋŋamya; be inspired, okusamira. instantaneously, amanguago; kkutu, bekkwa (ideophones). instead of, mukifo kya. instigate, vide incite, instruct, okuyigiriza, okusomesa. instructor, omuyigiriza, omulagirizi. instrument, ekyuma. insubordinate, jeemu, a mputtu. insubordination, obujeemu, emputtu. insufficient for, be, okuweeba. insult, n., ekivume, obuvumi, amavumirizi. insult, v., okuvuma. insure, okutegekera. insurrection, obujeemu. intellect, amagezi. intelligence, amagezi; (news) amagambo, ebifaayo. intelligent, gezi, tegeevu; become i. okwogiwa. intemperance, obutamiivu. intemperate, tamiivu; be i., okutamiira. intend, okwagala, okutera, okubulk. intentionally, use, okumanyirira, okulaba, okugenderera. inter, okuziika. intercede for, okuwolereza, okutakabanira, okusabira. intercessor, omuwolereza. interchange, okuwaanyisa, okuvunja. intercourse (talk), emboozi. interdict, v., okuwera. interest (profit), amagoba, enkizo; lose i. okuwola. interesting, be, okunyuma. interfere, okwetumiikiriza; (in fight) okutaasa, okubambagiza; i. in, okubambira, okwegerekereza. interference, entatankiriza. interloper, ow’entatankiriza. interior, use munda. intermarry, oku wasagana, oku fumbiriganwa. interminably, kajegejege. intermingle, okutabulatabula. interpret, okukyusa, okuduuma, okutegeeza, okugerula, okuvvuunula, (dream) okulootolola. interpretation, amakulu. interpreter, omuvvuunuzi, omuduumi. interrogate, okubuuza, okubuuliriza, okukemereza. interrupt, okuvubiikiriza, okulya kakesu, okusala ekirimi, okuvunvubika, okuvuvuba. intersect, okusalagana. intertwine, okulanga, okuyitanya, okusulinkanya. interval, ekiseera, ebbanga, ekibangirizi, olumagga, ettalaga; vide okwamuka; i. of silence, kasiriikiriro. intervene, okubambagiza, okutaksa. interview, okulaba intestine, ebyenda; large i., a kabuto buto; small i., olukinyikinyi; vide kinnamuguma. intimacy, omukwano, okukwana. intimate, a mukwano, a kafubo. intimidate, okutiisa, okukanga. into, mu. intoxicant, ekitamiiza, vide kkangala. intoxicate, okutamiiza; be intoxicated, okutamiira. intractable, vide kipamira. intrepid, zira, vumu; i. person, omuyanda, nnalukalala. intrepidity, obuzira, obuvumu. intrigue, olukwe, okwekoba. introduce, okulanga, okuyingiza. intrude, okweyitiriza, okwebereka, okwefeeteka. intruder, nnaabigwamu. inundation, omutunga, amataba. invade, okutabaala, okukwekweta, okusanjaala. invalid, omulwadde, empendeke. invaluable, a muwendo mungi nnyo. invasion, olutabaalo, okutabaala, okulumba. inveigh against, okwogerako, okuwawaabira. invent, okuyiiya, okuginga, okugunja, okuvumbula; vide okw ewaayiriza. invest (city), okuzingiza, okusala ekigo; (heir) okusumika. investigate, okukebera, okwekkaanya. invite, okuyita, okusembeza. invocation, okusaba. invoke, okusaba, okwegayirira. involved, be, okujabagira, okwedubika. inwardly, munda. iota, akatonnyeze. irascible, sunguwavu. ire, obusungu. iris, emmunye. iron, ekyuma, ekkalwe; (ore) amatale; (cast) ebbumba; (pig) omusinga; i. for clothes, ppaasi. iron, v., okugolola, okukubappaasi. irrelevantly, talk, . okuolondobereza, okusala ntotto. irretrievably, kagenderere. irreverence, obutatya Katonda, irritable, yombi, a busungu; be i. (body), okusiiwa. irritation, vide foreg. island, ekizinga. islander, ow’omukizinga. isolate oneself, okwebonga. isolated, a kifikkiriza. issue, n. (children), ezzadde. issue, v., okuvaamu, okufuluma. isthmus, akagolomolo. itch,n., obuwere; vide ekikeke, ekisunyi. itch, v., okusiiwa, okukolokoota. itinerate, okulambula. ivory, essanga. jabber, okwogera lubobbo, okujabiriza. jabberer, omwogezi, oluboozi. jackal, ekibe, ebbowa. jacket, ekizibaawo. jaded, be, okukoowa. jagged edge, olunnyonnyo, jammed, be, okuwagama. January, Jjanwali. jar, n., ensuwa, ensumbi. jaundice, enkaka. javelin, effumu. jaw, oluba; vide ejjuuga. jealous, buggya; be j., okukwati bwa obuggya, okuba n’obuggya. jealousy, obuggya, ebbuba, empiiga, enfubitizi. jeer, okusekerera, okukuna, okuduula, okugondola, okudidimbuka, okukomereza, okusunga. Jehovah, Mukama, Omukama. jeopardise oneself, okusingawo obulamu, okwetunda. jerboa, akayozi. jerk, okusika, okubuusabuusa. jest, v., okusaaga, okubalaata, okubaliila ebigambo. jester, vide joker, jesting, amajalya. jet, n. (blood), ensanke. jetblack, ddugavuzigizigi. Jew, Omuyudaaya. jewel, ejjinja ery’omuwendo. Jewish, a Kiyudaaya. jibe, okuyeeyereza, okwogera amakinnaggule. jigger, envunza. job, omulimo. jog along, okugenda empola. join, okuyunga, okutaba, okugatta, okuyimba. joiner, omubazzi. joint, ennyingo; crack the joints, okunonkola. jointed, menye. joke, okusaaga, okudalya, okudambya, okubalaata, okubalula ebigambo. joker, majwajwa, omusaazi, omubuya buya, nnakapanka. jollity, essanyu. jolly, sanyufu, a ssanyu. jostle, okuwagaanya, okusindikugana, okunyigiriza. jot, akatonnyeze. journey, n., olugendo, essaffaali, empitiro. journey, v., okutambula. jovial, sanyufu. joy, essanyu; cry of j., olube. joyful, a ssanyu, sanyufu. Judaism, eddiini y’e Kiyudaaya. judge, n., omulamuzi, omukubirizi w’emisango. judge, v., okusala omusango, okulamula; j. unfairly, okusaliriza omusango. judgment, okusala. jug, omudumu. juice, amazzi, amasanda; (banana) omubisi. July, Jjulaayi. jumble, v.tr., okuvulunga, okuwubanya. jump, okubuuka. j. about, okukejja; okwekandagga, okwekanga. j. for joy, okujaganya, okusamba muyenje. j. up, okuwawamuka. junction (of roads), amasaŋŋanzira. June, Jjuuni. jungle, ensiko, musunku. junket, ebbongo. just, adj., tuukirivu. just, adv., he just talks, amala g’ogera, ayogera bwogezi; j. so! int., weewaawo! justice, eby’ensonga, ebyobutuukirivu. justification, okuwebwa obutuukirivu. justify, okuweesa obutuukirivu, okuggyako omusango; j. oneself, okwewolereza. justly, act, okukola eby’ensonga. keel, omugongo. keen for, be, okusugumbira. keep, okukuuma, okutereka. k. on, okunyiikira, okufuba. k. up to work, okukalaabiriza. k. waiting, okukalanga. keeper, omukuumi. keg, eppipa keloid, entale. kernel, omulamwa. kerosene, amafuta g’Amerikaani, palafiini. kestrel, akakubampanga. kettle, ebbinika. key, ekisumuluzo; (explanation) amakulu. kick, olusambaggere. kick, v., okusamba, okusambagala, okusansagala. kid, akaana k’embuzi. kidnap, okunyaga. kidney, ensigo. kill, okutta; be killed (fall or accident), okufa. kiln, ekyokero. kilt, akajumbi, ekisenso. kind, n., engeri, embalk, omutindo. kind, adj., a kisa, lungi; be k., okuba n’ekisa, okukola eby’ekisa. kindle, okukuma omuliro, okukoleeza; be kindled (anger), okubuubuuka. kindness, ekisa, obulungi. kindred, ekika, eŋŋanda, olulyo. kine, ente. King, Kabaka. kingdom, obwakabaka. kingfisher, akasumagizi. kinsfolk, ab’ekika, eŋŋanda. kinsman, ow’ekika, ow’oluganda. kiss, v., okunywegera. kitchen, effumbiro, ekiyungu(indigenous). kite, kamunyi, magga. kitten, ekkapa ento. knead, okugoya; (massage) okukunya. knee, e’vviivi; k.cap, enso. kneel, okufukamira; k. upright, okufukamira amatiitiiri. knickers, empale. knife, akambe, ekiso, eggya. knit, okuluka; k. one’s brows, okwetippa. knob, ekitolima, ensunduba. knock, v., okukoona, okukuba; (announce oneself) okweyanjula; k. out, okutirimbula; k. up against, okuguuna, okutomera. knoll, ekifunvu. knot, n., ekifundikwa; k. in wood, enkovu, ekifunvuba, e ssunduba, eki tuttwa. knot, v., okufundikira, okutugga; k. cloth on shoulders, okusumika. know, get to, okumanya, okutegeera; for know use perf. tense of v., e.g I k.,mmanyi, ntegedde; become known, okwatuka, okwatiikirira. knowledge, amagezi, okumanya, okutegeera. known, well, manyifu, atiikirivu. knuckle, ennyingo y’engalo. Koran, Ekkolaani. kraal, ekiraalo, olugo, essaazi. labia minora, enfuli; l. majora, amaba bba. laborious, zibu, zito, kalangufu. labour, n., omulimu, okutawaana. labour, v., okukola emirimu, okutawaana. labour pains, ebisa, kawammansi. labourer, omukozi, omulimi. lace, n. (shoe), olukoba, olulere. lace, v., okutunga; l. self tightly, okwetippa. lacerate, v., okutaagula. lack, v., okweteega, okuweebuuka, okubulwa. lad, omulenzi. ladder, eddaala; amadaala. ladle, n., ekijiiko ekinene, alwendo, omulawo; (of leaf or fibre) akakaayi. ladle, v., okusenamu, okutawula. lady, omukyala, nnyabo. lag, okulembalemba. laggard, omugayaavu. lair, empuku, ekikulukuunya. lake, ennyanja. lakeside hut, eggogonya. lamb omwana gw’endiga. lame, lema; be l., okulemala, okusenvula, okuwenyera, okuyingira; make l., okulemaza, okuwenyeza. lameness, obulema. lament, n., ekiwoobe. lament, v., okuwooba, okukaaba, okukuba ekiwoobe, okuwowoggana, okudaaga, okwaziirana. lamentation, ekiwoobe, okukaaba. lamp, ettaala, ettabaaza, ettawaaza; l.stand, ekikondo; l. wick, olutambi. lance, v., okutundula. lancet, akambe. land, n., ensi, olukalu; (estate) emmayiro, obutaka. land, v., okugoba ettale. landholder, omutaka; (woman) nna kyeyombekedde. landingplace, omwalo. language, olulimi languid, yongobevu; vide enjeejeebe; be l., okugajaba, okuyongobera. languidly, speak, okugolooma. languish, okuyongobera, okuggwamu amaanyi. languor, obunafu, olulembe. lanky, kovvu; vide kawalucocco, omutaatiira (gw’omusajja). lantern, ettaala. lap, ekikondoolo. lap, v., okukomba, okulasa. larceny, obubbi. lard, amasavug’embizzi. larder, eggwanika. large, nene; a very large thing, lugomera. larynx, eddookooli. lascivious, egombi, gwagwa; be l., okwegomba. lasciviousness, obwegombi, obugwagwa. lass, omuwala. last, adj., a luvannyuma, a nkomerero; be l., okusemba, okukomerera(yo). last, v., okumala, okuwangaala, okwesibira. lastly, oluvannyuma, ekyenkomerero. latchet, olulere, olukoba. late, adj. (deceased), nguli, omugenzi. late, be, okulwa; vide okukeerera, okukeerererwa, okwekunya; make l., okulwisa. late, adv., kikekeezi, kibundugulu. latex, amasanda. lather, n., ejjovu. lather, v.i., okubira ekyovu. Latin, Olulattini. latrine, ekiyigo, mugwanya, ekyo looni, akasenge ( = primarily reed enclosure). latter, a luvannyuma. latterly, munnakuzino, kampegaano. land, v., okutenda, okusuuta, okutendereza. laugh, v., okuseka, okumwenyereketa, okukuba embeekuulo, okumwetuka, okutema akalali, okutyetyemuka; vide akakule, kimwege. laughter, enseko, akalali. launch, v., okugolomola. lave, v.tr., okunaaza. lavishly, give, okugabangula. law, etteeka; (custom), empisa; (Jewish) Ttawuleeti; make a l., okuteeka etteeka. lawyer, ow’amateeka. lax, lebevu; (lazy) gayaavu. lay, okuteeka. l. aside, okutereka. l. eggs, okubiika. l. on top of, okubambika. l. hold of, okukwata. l. a table, okutandiika emmeeza, l. waste, okuzikiriza. l. mats, etc., okwala. l. under one’s head, okwezizika. layer, omugigi, omuko. lazily, n’obugayaavu. laziness, obugayaavu. lazy, gayaavu; be l., okugayaala, okunaanya, okuleeya. lead, n., essasi; l. pencil, ekkalaamuenkalu. lead, v., okukulembera, okuluŋŋamya; l. good life, okuyisa obuluugi. leader, omukulu; (guide) omusaale, omukulembeze. leaf (of trees), ekikoola, eddagala; (of plantains) olulagala, omukumbu; (dried) essanja; (of book) olupapula, omuko; l. bud, omuziŋŋoonyo, omubumbu. leafy, a malagala mangi. league, make a, okulagaana endagaano. leak, v., okutonnya, okubiririra; (cork, stopper) okuzibukuka. lean, v., okwesigama, okwesimba ggiriza, okwesiira, okwerimba, okwekkaatiriza; (slant) okwesulika, okugonyoka. lean, adj., kovvu; become l., okukogga; make l., okukozza. leanness, obukovvu. leap, okubuuka, okulaliira, okuwalala, okucoppacoppa; l. up, okubattuka. leapfrog, play, okuzannya omuza nnyo ogw’okuwalampa abantu. learn, okuyiga; l. by heart (parrotwise), okukwata bukusu; l. how to do, okumanya. learned, gezi, yigiriize. learner, omuyigirizwa, omusomi. learning, amagezi leasehold (land), obwesengeze. leash, omugwa, olukoba. least, singa obutono; in the least, n’akatono; vide ka, leather, n., eddiba. leave, olukusa. leave, v.i., okugenda. take one’s l., okusiibula. take French l., okwewungula. l. off, okwerekereza, okulekeraawo, okukoma, okunnyuka; vide okumaamuka, okusekula. leave, v.tr., okuleka, okusigaza; (bequeath) okulaama. leaven, n., okizimbulukusi. leaven, v., okuzimbulukusa; be leavened, okuzimbulukuka. leaves, vide leaf; put forth l., okw anya; fallen l., ekikunkumusi. leavings, ebisige, ebisigaddewo, eki kamulo, obukunkumuka. lecturer, omuyigiriza. leech, ekinoso. lees, obukyu. left (hand), (gwa) kkono. left alone, be, okwegungumika. left, be, okufikka, okusigala. leg, okugulu; fore l., entumbugulu; stand on one l., okuyimirira kongojjo. legatee, omulaamire. legend, olugero, olugambo, ekyobulo mbolombo, olufumo. legging, ekisabika amagulu. legislate, okuteeka etteeka. leisure, ebbanya, ekiseera; have l., okweteesa, okwessa. leisurely, mpola, kasoobo; walk l., okwesiira. lemon, akalimaawa; l. tree, omulimaawa. lend, okwazika; (money) okuwola; l. a hand, okuyamba, okubeera. length, obuwanvu. lengthen, okuwanvuya, okuwaayira. lengthwise, adv., buwanvu; full length, vide kwegalangajja. lengthy wanvu. leniency, ekisa. lenient, a kisa; be l., okusaasira, okukwatibwa ekisa, okubembereza. Lent, ennaku z’Okusiiba, Ekisiibo, Kalemi. leopard, engo. leper, omugenge; become a l., okugengewala. leprosy, ebigenge. less, tono okusinga; become l., okukendeera, okuweebuuka, okutoniwa. lessen, okukendeeza, okutoniya. lesser, to, tono okusinga. lest, use okulema, q.v. let, okukkiriza, okuganya, okuleka; l. alone, okulekesa; l. go, okuta, okusumulula; (hinder) okuziyiza. letter, ebbaluwa; (of alphabet) ennukuta. leucorrhoea, ekikulukuto ky’amazzi; have l., okubunduka amazzi. levee, olukiiko. level fadj., tereevu; vide omuseetwe. level, v., okutereeza, okwenkanya nkanya, okusenda, okuttaanya, okutuukanya; be l., okutereera, okw enkanankana. lever up, okubutula. leviathan, lukwata. Levite, Omuleevi. Levitical, a Baleevi. levy, omusolo. levy, v., okusolooza, okuwooza. lewd, gwagwa. liaison officer, akyungirizi. liar, omulimba, kalimbira. libel, v., okuwayiriza, okulyolyoma. libellous, use rel. form of foreg. liberal, adj., gabanguzi. liberate, okuta, okusumulula. libertine, omwenzi, omukaba. liberty, eddembe; have l., okw etaaya; at l., butaala. licentious, gwagwa. lick, v., kukomba. lid, n., ekisaanikizo, olubumbiro; (of eye) ekikowe, lie, n., ekyobulimba, obulimba, ekisala ganyi. lie, v., okulimba, okudyeka, okutema amagembe. l. down, okugalamira, okwebaka, okwegalika. l. as dead, okulambaala. l. in wait, okuteega. l. in pools, okulegama. life, n., obulamu; come to l., okuyimbuka, okuzuukira. lifeless, be, okugajaba, okugala banja. lift, v.tr., okusitula, bkwetikka, okubutula; (stick) okugalula. lift, v.i. (as boat to waves), okwetumbikiza. light, n., omusana, obutangaavu; a l. for fire, ekitawuliro. light, adj., angu; (of colour) eru, eru; vide ekirerya. light, v., okukoleeza, okwasa, okukuma (omuliro). lighten, okumulisa; (of weight) okuwewula. lightfingered, be, okuba n’ekinkumu, okuba n’akagklo. lighthearted, sanyufu. lightly, mangu. lightness, obwangu. lightning, eraddu. like, v.tr., okwagala, okusiima; be l., okufaanana, okwenkanankana. like, conj., nga. likely, mpozzi. liken, okufaananya. likeness, ekifaananyi. likewise, era, bw’etyo. lily, eddanga, ejjuuni, ekibukuta. lilytrotter (bird), akataasa. limb, ekitunduky’omublri; (of tree) ettabl; vide ekikunku. limbo, ekkomera. lime (mineral), cooka, ennoni. limit, n., enkingi, embibi, ensalo, empero. limit, v., okuziyiza, okukomekkereza. limp, adj., lebevu. limp, v., okulemala, okuwenyera, okuyigulira, okusejjera. limpid, lungi, longoofu, eru. line, olunyiriri, omusittale; (cord) omugwa. draw a l., okukoloboza, okukuba omusittale. set in l., okukolonga. get out of l., okusoolooba. lineage, okuzaalibwa. lineament, ekifaananyi. linen, kitaani. linger, okulattalatta, okulangajja, okulwa, okwesiisa, okwekonereza, okwesiira. linguist, omwogezi w’ennimi. lining, kabba, ekidaali. link, empeta. link, v., okuyunga, okugatta, okusiba. lintel, akabuno. lion, empologoma, entale. lioness, empologoma enkazi. lip, omumwa; groove in upper l., akalindaminyira; one with lips cut off, a kiŋaaŋaali. liquefied, be, okusaanuuka. liquefy, okusaanuusa. liquor, ekyokunywa. lisp, okwogera ekirimi. list, olukalala lw’amannya oba bbintu; make a l., okumenya, okuteetula. listen, okuwulira, okutega amatu. listener, omuwulizi. listless, nafu, yongobevu, lebevu; be l., okugojoba, okuyoobeera. listlessness, olulembe. lithe, gonvu. litter (rubbish), ebisasiro. little, tono, tiiriitu; a l., vide pref. ka and tu. littleness, obutono. live, adj., lamu. live, v., okuba omulamu, okulama; l. long, okuwangaala. liver, ekibumba. living, lamu. lizard, omunya, ekinya, ekkonkomi, akalumabalunda, esungulubebbe; water l., enswaswa. lo ! int., laba! load, n., omugugu, omutumba, omutwalo; (of fish) olutala, olukanda, olutakku; (of firewood) olusekese. load, v. (a man), okutikka; (ship) okusiika; (gun) okusindirira. loaf, omugaati, bboofulo, bboofu. loafer, omugayaavu. loan, make a, okuwola. loathe, okutamwa, okukyawa. loathsome, bi nnyo. lochia (after childbirth), oluzzizzi. lock, n., ekkufulu; (of hair) omuvumbo. lock, v., okusiba n’ekkufulu. locust, enzige; young l., akaacaaka, kalusejjera. lodge, v., okusula, okutuula. lofty, gulumivu, kulumbavu; be l., okugulumira, okulalambala. log, ekisiki, ekkokko, embiru, omuziziko. logical, be, okugoba ensonga. loin, ekiwato, ekimyu, emboobo; l. cloth, enguuwo, eddibwane, ekikooyi, ekyebagyo (olwebagyo), endoo be, enkutu, enfungo. loiter, okugayaala, okulattalatta, okulwa, okudagada, okulangajja, okwesiisa, okwenyinyongoza, okujeeruka. loiterer, use rel. form of v. foreg. loneliness, ekiwuubaalo, ekyobeera. lonely, be, okuguŋŋumala. long, wanvu, lukolongo; vide lubobye, lukwedenge, emiraatiira, omusisii rwa, omutiriba. make l., okuwanvuya. make of l. shape, okukolongola. longlegged, mucuumuule. long for, okwetaaga, okwebuga, okw egomba, oku wankawanka, okuyaayaanira, okwoya, okwettanira. longstanding, be of, okugundiira. longsuffering, be, okugumiikiriza. longevity, okuwangaala. loofah, ekyangwe. look, v., okulaba, okutunula. l. after, okulabirira. l. closely, okwekkaanya, okubeera. l. for, okunoonya, okwaza. l. hard, okwekaliriza amaaso, l. askance, okutunula ekiyumba. l. about, okumagamaga. l. down, okussa amaaso, okuwomba amaaso, okugenekera enkowe. looking-glass, endabirwamu. loop, n., ekyambika, eŋŋango. loose, adj., lebevu, a mwera; be l., okulebera, okujagaajagana, okunyegenya, okulagaya; break l., okutoloka. loose, v., okusumulula, okuta; (from trap) okutegula; (goats) okuyimbula. loosely, kadagado, majenjeeke. loot, n., omunyago, olwayo. loot, v., okunyaga. lop, v., okutemako, okusalako. lopeared, a matumpaggwa. loquacious, ogezi; vide luvenge. lord, omwami, mukama. lose, okusuula, okubuza, okuzaaya, okufiirwa; l. one’s head, okugwamuakajabangu; be lost, okubula, okuzaawa. loss, ekifiirizi; be at a, okubutaabuta, okwemagaza; sell at a l., okutunda ebyayanga. lot, n., akalulu; (portion) ekitundu; cast lots, okukuba akalulu; a l. (much), use adj., ngi. loud, ddene (eddoboozi), waggulu(okwogera). loudly (okukoowoola), waggulu. lounge, n., ekisenge ekituulwamu. lounge, v., okugalamira. louse, ensekere. lout, omukopi, omugomba. love, n., okwagala. love, v., okwagala. lovely, lungi nnyo. loving, a kwagala. loving-kindness, ekisa, obulungi. low, adj., mpi; (vulgar) kopi. low, adv., wansi. low, v., okuwoloma, okuvuumira, okukuga, okuŋooŋa. lower, v., okussaako wansi; l. one self, okwejeeguula. lower, adv., wansinsi. lowliness, obuwombeefu. lubricate, okuteekamu. amafuta. lucifer (match), ekibiriiti. luck (good), omukisa, eggwiiso; (bad) ekikwa, emberebezi; vide misfortune. lucky, a mukisa, a ggwiiso; be l., okuyiirwa. lucrative, a magoba. lucre, effeeza, ensimbi. luggage, ebintu, emigugu. lukewarm, be, okuba n’ekibugumirize, okubaamu ekisuususu. lull, n., okuteeka, okulaala. lull, v., okusiisiitira, okuwoowoota. lump, ekitole, ekiwumi; l. sum, omuzindo. lung, egguggwe. lungfish, e’mmamba. lurch, in the, ettayo; leave in l., okutiirira, okwebengula. lure, okusendasenda, okukema, okukwenyakwenya. lurk, okuteega, okubwama. luscious, woomerevu; be l., okuwoomerera. lust, n., okwegomba, obugwagwa. lust for, v., okwegomba, okululunkanira, okuyakyaanira. lustful, gwagwa, egombi. lustre, okumasamasa. lusty, a maanyi, gumu. luxuriant, gimu, lungi; be l., okw era, okuwakktira. luxurious, be, okufufuggala, okusi ttala. lyre, ennanga. machan, ennyonjo. machine, ekyuma; sewing m., ekyalaani. macintosh, omupiira gw’enkuba. mad, lalu; go mad, okulaluka; make m., okulalusa. madcap, empape, entangamalaala. madly, act, okubabaalukana. madman, omulalu. madness, eddalu, obulalu, obulogovvu, akabango, akazoolezoole. magazine (book), ekitabo. maggot, envunyu, ennyengere. magic, obulogo. magician, omulogo. magistrate, omulamuzi. magnate, omukulu. magnificence, ekitiibwa. magnificent, a kitiibwa. magnify, okukulumbaza; (extol) okutendereza, okusuuta. magnifying-glass, galubindi ezimbulukusa. magnitude, obunene. magpie, entalu. Mahomet, Muwamadi. Mahommedan, Omusiraamu. maid, omuwala, omuzaana; (virgin) omubiikira, embeerera, atamanyi musajja. mailman, matalisi. maim, okulemaza, okumenya; be maimed, okulemala, okumenyeka. main, kulu; mainland, olukalu, ettale; main road, oluguudo. maintain (feed), okuliisa. maize, kasooli; dry m., emberenge. majesty, ekitiibwa; His M., Ssaabasajja. make, v., okukola; (create) okutonda; (compel) okuwaliriza, okukaka; also the c. forms of verbs. m. a bed, okwala ekitanda. m. up a number, okuweza. m. way, okwesega, okusegulira. m. off, okudduka, okusenguka. m. time, vide okwerekereza. m. a profit, okuviisa amagoba, okugoba. m. sail, okuwanika amatanga. make, n., engeri. maker, omukozi, omutonzi. malady, endwadde, obulwadde. malaria, omusujja gw’ensiri. malcontent, jeemu; use v. okunyiiga. male, n., omusajja; (cattle) ennume. male, adj., lumb, sajja, mmandwa; (child) w’obulenzi. malediction, ekikolimo. malefactor, omubi, omwonoonyi. malevolence, ettima, enge, eggiri, malevolent, a ttima, a. nge. malformation, vide okikulekule. malice, ettima, ekkusunguyira, eggiri, enge. malice, bear, v., okuttukiza. malicious, a ttima, a nge. maliciously, n’ettima. malign, v., okuwaayiriza, okulyo lyoma. malingerer, omulyolyomi; v. okw ekenenkula. mallet, ensaamu, empuuzo. maltreat, okukola obubi, okwonoo na, okujooga. maltreatment, obubi, okwonoona. man, omusajja; (person) omuntu; become a m., okusajjakula. manacle, olujegere, essamba, ekisiba emikono. manage, okulabirira, okusobola, okufuga; be manageable, okusoboka. mandate, ekiragiro. mandible, enswiriri. mane, olugingirima, ekijwenge, olukirikimbi. manfully, masajja. manger, olutiba. mangle, okutaagulataagula. mango, omuyembe. mangrove, omukandwa. manhood, obukulu; grow to m. okwesusunkula. mania, eddalu, obulalu. maniac, omulalu. manifest, v., okwolesa, okulabisa. manifestation, okwolesebwa. manifold, a ngeri nnyingi. manikin, nnakkwale, kajeerejeere, lusa jjalala, nnakampiginyi, nnakalanga. manioc, muwogo. manipulate, okutogoonya, okutogaa toga, okuzinyisa. mankind, abantubonna. manliness, obuzira, amaanyi. manly, zira, a maanyi, a mmizi. manna, emaanu. manner, empisa; (method) engeri. manoeuvre, amagezl, olukwe. mansion, ennyumba ey’ekitiibwa. manslaughter, obussi. mantis, nnabankokola. mantle, ekizibaawo. manual, a mikono. manufacture, v., okukola, okubumba. manumit, okusumulula, okuta. manure, obusa, ebijimusa. manure, v., okuteekako obusa oba ebijimusa. manuscript, olupapula oluwandiikeko, ekitabo ekitannaba kukubwa mukyapa, map, mmaapu, ekifaananyi ky’ensi. mar, okwonoona, okusobya. marasmus (syphilitic), olukonvuba. marauder, omwayi. March, Makki (omwezi ogw’okusatu). march, a day’s, ekiramago. march, vokugenda, okutambula, okulamaga; m. boldly, ekituka nnamba. margin, ensalo, embibi, enkingi, olukingirizi; (of lake) olubalama; (of page) omuwaatwa. marine, a nnyanja. mariner, omulunnyanja. maritime, a nnyanja; (huts) eggogonya. mark, n., akabonero, akatonnyeze; (cutting on body) oluyola; (of favour) aka gayaliriro. mark, v., okutonnyeza, okuteekako akatonnyeze, okulamba, okutona. market, akatale; good m., ettunzi. marketable, a kutunda. marksman, omuteebi, ow’ensuso, ow’enkasu. marquee, eweema ennene. marriage, obufumbo, okufumbiriganwa. marrow (of bones) obusomyo; (vegetable) omungu, ensujju, wujju. marry, okufumbiriganwa; (of man) okuwasa, okuwayiza; (of woman) okufumbirwa, okuwayira. marsh, ekiteebe, olutabazzi. mart, akatale. martyr, omujulizi. martyrdom, obujulizi. marvel, ekitalo, ekikuimo, ejjano. marvellous, a kitalo, a kikuuno. mascot, omusasi. masculine, sajja; m. woman, kya kulasajja. mash, n. (bean), omugoyo, magera. mash, v., okugotta, okusogola. mask, n., akakookoolo. mason, omuzimbi, ffundi w’amayinja. masonry, onzimba, amayinja. mass, n., enkumu, olufulube; (R.C.) mmisa. mass, v., okukuŋŋaanya. massacre, n., okuzikirizibwa, okufa ekizizi. massacre, v., okuzikirira, okutta. massage, okukunya, okutenga, okuvumba. massive, nene, zito; be m., okuguggubira. mast, omulongooti. master, omwami omukulu, mukama. m. of ceremonies, omugabuzi. be own m., okwetwala. join a new m., okusenga, vide okulanda. masterless, vide ssemwandu (vagrant). masterpiece, omulimu ogusinga gyonna. masticate, okugaaya, okukambula. mastoid process, embuga y’okutu. masturbate (male), okufunula; (female) okuguna. mat, omukeeka, kyaki; (of spiral pattern) eggiringiti, jjiri; (of rectangular pattern) kalannamye; make a m., okuluka. match, n., ekibiriiti; (in games) okuwakana. match, v.i., okwenkanankana; v.tr., okwenkanyankanya. mate, vide nna and munne, material, olugoye, omulimu. maternity (home or ward), ezzaaliro. matrimony, okufumbiriganwa, maatirimonyo. matrix, enda. matter, ekigambo; (pus) amasira. matter, v., it does not m., si kigambo, si musango. mattress, omufaliso. mature, adj., kulu, gevvu. mature, v., okukula, okwetuuka, okusuumuka, okwengera. maturity, obukulu. maul, okuyuuya, okutaagulataagula. maw, olubuto. maxim, olugero. May, omwezl ogw’okutakno, Maayi. may, v., he m. come, mpozzi anajja; m. I come? njije? me, nze, n. meadow, oluse, ettale. meal, emmere, ekijjulo; (flour) obutta. mean, kodo; become m., okukodowala. mean, v., okugamba; use amakulu. meaning, n., amakulu, ennono. meanness, obukodo. means (of livelihood), ebintu, obuga gga; try every m., okugerenge tanya. meantime, in the, mu ntabiro. measles, olukusense; catch m., okukusensa. measure, v., okugera, okupima. measurement, ekigero, olugero. meat, ennyama; vide omuwula, ensa lwa, enkenku, kaabuuyi, amasagasaga, ekiyingula; dried m., omukalo. meatus, urinary, akawondoliro. mechanic, ffundi (w’ebyuma). meddle in, okwegereekereza, okutiga, okubambagiza. mediate, okutabaganya, okuwolereza, okutakabanira. mediator, omuwolereza, omutabaga nya. medicine, eddagala; m. man’s outfit, ekitambo. meditate, okufumiitiriza, okwebuuza, okwesonda. meditation, okufumiitiriza. meed, empeera. meek, teefu, gonvu, wombeefu, kakama. meekness, obuteefu, obuwombeefu. meet, okusisinkana, okusanga, okutuukana, okukuŋŋaana; bem., okusaana, okugwana. meeting, olukuŋŋaana; m.place, ekkuŋŋaaniro. melancholy, n., ennaku, obuyinike. melancholy, adj., bondeevu, nyiikaavu. mellow, engevu; grow m., okwengera. melt, v.i., okusaanuuka, okuseebenge rera, okukereketa, okwaga, okunnyuukirira, okwanjulukuka. melt, v.tr., use c.form of for eg. member (of body), ekitundu; (of a society) ow’omu. . . membrane, eddiba; foetal m., ensungwe, ensawo y’abaana. memorable, kulu; use rel. form of v. okujjukirwa. memorial, ekijjukizo. memory, n., okujjukira. slip the m., okuweba. commit to m., okukwata. memories, old, mazuuku. menace, n., entiisa. menace, v., okukanga, okuteekako obuswiriri, okutiisa. mend, v.tr., okulongoosa, okukola; v.i., okusuuka, okulamuka. mendacious, a bulimba, limba. mendacity, obulimba. menial, n., omuweereza. menial, adj., a buddu. menorrhagia, ekikulukuto. menstruate, okusuulumba, okutuulawo. mention, v., okwogerako, okumenya. merchandise, obuguzi. merchant, omutunzi, omusuubuzi. merciful, a kisa, saasizi; be m., okusaasira, okukwatibwa ekisa. merciless, kakanyavu, kambwe. mercury, zebaaki. mercy, ekisa, okusaasira; show m., okusaasira, okuddiramu. mere, adj., ereere, sa, salala. merit, v., okusaanira. merriment, essanyu, enseko. merry, a ssanyu, sanyufu, a nseko; be m., okusanyuka, akajaganya, okujanjaala. mesh, ekkowe. mess, ebisasiro, (portion of food), omuwumbo; make a m. of, okuvulunga. message, ebigambo, ebbaluwa. messenger, omubaka, omutume; vide courier. Messiah, Masiya (Kristo). metal, vide ekyuma, effeeza, ezzaabu, ekikomo, zebaaki. metamorphose, okukyusa, okufuula. metaphor, olugero. meteor, kibonoomu. method, empisa, engeri. metropolis, ekibuga ekikulu. mew, okukaaba nga kkapa. miasma, empewo embi. mica, ensozi. microscope, ekyuma ekigezza. micturate, okufuka amazzi, okuwanda amazzi, okukojoba, okunnyaala. mid, adj., a wakati. mid, omugoŋŋobnyo. m.stream, omwala. m.day, ettuntu. m.night, ettumbi. middle, n., makkati, masekkati; (sea) obwengula; in the m. of, wakati mu, kireebereebe. middle-sized, vvubufu(persons). midge, akawuka. midwife, omuzaalisa. might, n., amaanyi, obuyinza. mighty, a maanyi, a buyinza. migrate, okuwaŋŋanguka,okufuluka, okusenguka. mild, teefu, wombeefu. mildew, obukuku, ekigabi; become mildewed, okukukula. mile, mayiro. milk, n., amata; vide omusununu, amasunde, bbongo, enti. milk, v., okukama, okulamula; be a good milker (cow), okugabiza. mill, ekyuma ekisa. millet, obulo, omuwemba, empengere. million, akakadde. millipede, eggongolo. millstone (lower), olubengo; (upper) enso. mimic, v., okugeegeenya. mince, v., okutiima. mind, n., omutima. mind, v. (watch), okulabirira, okukuuma; (be careful) okwekuuma; (object) okunyiiga. mindful, be, okujjukira. mine, ange. mine, n., ekinnya ekiwanvu. mine, v., okusima ekinnya. mingle, okutabula; be mingled, okutabuka, okwetabika. miniature, adj., tono nnyo. minister, n., omuweereza. minister to, v., okuweereza. minstrel, omukubi w’ennanga. mint, n., nnabbugira, akayuukiyuuki, ekyawamala. minus (without), awatali. minute, n., eddakiika. minute, adj., tono nnyo; vide aka sirikitu, akatiiriitu, akatiiniinya, aka tiriginya. miracle, ekyamagero. miraculously, n’okwewuunyisa. mire, ettosi, ebitosi, ekisooto. mirror, endabirwamu. mirth, enseko. miry, a bitosi, a ttosi. misbehave, okujeguka. miscarry, okwekaka; vide abort, mischief, obubi, ettima. mischievous, a ttima. vide nnabe. miscreant, omuntuomubi. misdeed, ekikolwa ekibi. miser, omukodo, omufuta. miserable, nnaku; be m., okucoppoka. miserly, adv., n’obukodo; become m., okukodowala. misery, obuswegu, obuyinike. misfortune, nnaku, obunaku, obuswege, akabenje, obulwa, emberebezi, entata, obwowe. misgovern, okufuga obubi. misinform, v.c., okubuza, okubuiilira obubi. misinterpret, okugombya, okuvvuunula obubi. mislead, okukyamya, okubuza, okuwubyawubya. mispronounce, okunyoola. misrepresent, okusalaganya. miss, okusubwa, okukuba busu. m. one another, okubulaŋŋana, okubaŋŋana. m. fire, okukongoba, okukatala. m. a day, okwosa. mis-shapen, kikulekule. mission, obubaka, minsani. missionary, omusomesa, omumi nsani. missive, ebbaluwa. mist, olufu, kalenge. mistake, ekisobyo, ensobi. mistake, make a, okusobya, okuwumira, okuwubirwa. mistress, omukyala, mugole; as int., nnyabo! misty, adj., a lufu. misuse, okwonoona, okujaajamya. mitigate, okukkakkanya, okusaanyii kiriza. mix, okutabula, okugoya, okukologa, okuyimbakanya, okuvuluga. m. up a message, okugombya. moan, v., okusinda, okukaaba, okubolooga. mob, n., ekibiina, olugologombo. mock, okukuna, okuduula, okusekerera, okuguya, okufudumba, okujeeja, okuyina, okuyinula, okugeegeenya. mockery, okukiina, okuduula, okudibuka. mocking bird, ennyonza. mode, empisa, engeri. model, ekifaananyi. moderate, be, okukendeeza, okuziyiza; (in quality), yabayaba. modern, a munnakuzino. modesty, ensonyi, obuwombeefu. modulate (the voice), okwogera empola. Mohammedan, Omusiraamu; be come a M., okusiramuka, okuwadimuka. Mohammedanism, eddiini y’Ekisi raamu. moisten, okutobya, okumansira. moisture, amazzi. molar, eggego. mole (animal), effukuzi. molest, okulumba, okukwatako. mollify, okukkakkanya, okugonza, okunyiigulula. molten, saanuuse. moment, akaseera, eddakiika. monarch, kabaka. Monday, Mmande, Olw’okusooka, olw’ebbalaza. money, effeeza, ensimbi; obugagga, ebintu; m.changer, awanyisa effeeza oba ensimbi; m.lender, omuwozi w’ensimbi. moneyed, gagga, bintu. mongoose, akakolwa, akatulume, eggunju. mongrel, adj., tabike. monitor (lizard), enswaswa. monkey, enkima, engeye, ekigwagwa, emmunyungu, nnagawe. monkeyish, be, okwemonkoola. monster (giant), erintu; (marine) lukwata; (freak) ekikulekule. monstrosity, ekikulekule, eggeege, ekijjolooto. monstrous, nene nnyo. month, omwezi, ezooba, eddaaza. monthly, a buli mwezi. monument, ekijjukizo. mood, omwoyo. moon, omwezi, eddaaza; new m., omwezi ogubonese; full m., omwezi ogweggabogabo. moor, v., okusiba (eryato). mooring, n., omwalo. moral, adj. (pure), longoofu. morality, obulongoofu; (morals) empisa, empisa ennungi. morass, ekiteebe. more, vide okwongera; become m., okweyongera. moreover, nati, ate, era. morning, enkya, makya, amatulutulu. morose, be, okunyiigomba, okuzimbagala. morrow, jjo, enkya. morsel, akafi, akatundu. mortal, kufa; a m., omuntu. mortality, okufa. mortally (wounded), a kiwaawaalo. mortar, n. (for building), obudongo; (for pounding) ekinu, emmanvu. mortgage, ebbanja. mortification, okuvunda; (vexation) obusungu, ekinyiigo. mortify, v.i., okuvunda; (subdue) okufiisa. mortise, v.tr., okuwanga. Moslem, Omusiraamu. mosque, omuzigiti. mosquito, ensiri; m. net, akatimba k’ensiri. moss, enkonge, ebikukujju, ekibalaga. most, use singa with obungi. mostly, okusinga. mote, akantu, akati. moth, ekiwojjolo. mother (my, thy, m., etc.), mmange, nnyoko, nnyina; (as int.) maama! m.inlaw, nnyazaala. motion, v., okuwenya. motion, n., okuwenya. motionless, vide okulangaala, okuvumba. motive, ensonga; use c. form of verb, e.g., ekyakukoza bw’otyo kiki? what was your motive in acting so ? motley, adj., a bitanga. motorcar, mmotaka. motorcycle, ppikipiki. mottled, a mabala, a bitanga, a bijagijagi. mould, n., e ttaka; brick m., beeti. mould, v., okubumba. moulder, okukukula. mouldy, a bukuku; become m., okukukula. moult, okukunjubuka, okwekongola, okumaanyuuka, okukuunyuuka. mount, v. (horse), okwebagala; (hill) okulinnya, okwambuka. mountain, olusozi. mountainous, a nsozi. mourn, okukaaba, okukuba ekiwoobe, okuwowoggana, okukungubaga, okweskasaabaga, okutokooterera. mourner, omukungubazi. mourning, okukaaba; end m., okwabya olumbe; put on m., okuba mulumbe, okukuma olumbe. mouse, e mmese, omusonso,e mmende. moustache, ekirevu. mouth, akamwa. mouthful (of food), ennoga. move, v.i., okusembera, okuseetuka, okujjulukuka; m. off, okweyokola, okweseguunya, okuseguka. move, v.tr., okusembeza, okujjulula; make first m. (in omweso), okw alika. moving, be always, okusenguka. mow, v., okukungula, okusala omuddo. mower, omukunguzi, ekyuma ekisala omuddo. much, adj., ngi. much, adv., nnyo, nnyo nnyini. mucilage, amasanda. muck, empitambi, e ttaka. mucus (nose), eminyira. mud, ettosi, ebitosi, ekisooto, ebitoomi. mudfish, emmale. mudguard, ekipampagalu. muddle, n., vide kintabuli, ensanso. muddle, v.tr., okutabulatabula, okuvuluga, okuvulunga. muddle, v.i., be in a m., okuvvunkana, okwemakula, okwetabika. muddy, ebitosi. muffle up, okuwumba. mug, n., ekikompe. mulberry (tree), omutugunda. mulct, okutanza. mule, e nnyumbu. multiplication, n., okubala emirundi. multiply, v.tr., okubala emirundi. multitude, ekibiina, olufulube, enkuyanja, enkuzi. mum, be, okumumunyala. mumble, okuvulungutana, okutaavuujana, okubuguuya. mumps, amambulugga. munch, okugaaya, okumeketa. mundane, a munsi muno. munificence, obugabi. munificent, gabi. murder, n., obussi. murder, v., okutta, okutemula, okutirimbula. murderer, omussi, omutemu. murmur, v., okwemulugunya, okw emunyamunya. murrain, ensotoka. muscle, ekinywa, nnawolovu, ekivu, nayiga, entumbugulu, omufumbi. muscular, a maanyi; be m., okugubira, okunyuntuka. muse, v., okufumiitiriza. mushroom, akatiko, akasukusuku, ggudu, kigulumusu, kinyulwa, empeefu, mmusukundu, nsununwa. music, e ddoboozi ly’ennanga. musket, e mmundu. Mussulman, Omusiraamu. must, use okuteekwa. mustard, kalidaali. muster, v.i., okugumba, okukuŋŋaana; v.tr., okukuŋŋaanya. mustering place, ekigumbiro. musty, a bukuku; be m., okuwunya obutaala. mutilate, okusala enjola, okutema, okwonoona, okulibula. mutilated, omusale w’amatu, w’ennyindo, etc. mutilation, okwonoona. mutineer, omujeemu. mutiny, v., okujeema. mutter, okwogera ekyama, okw emunyamunya, okumuumuunya. mutton, ennyama y’endiga. mutually, awamu. muzzle, n., ekisiba, akamwa k’embwa; m.loader, olusindirizo. muzzle, v., okusiba akamwa. my, ange. myriad, ekitabalika. myrrh, omugavu. mysterious, a kyama; vide kukukuta. mystery, ekyama. mystify, okuwubyawubya. myth, ekyobulombolombo. nag, v., okubigita, okubojja, okugangaza. nail, «., omusumaali; finger n., olwala. naked, ereere, bwereere; vide bukunya, bukunyegeere. nakedness, obwereere. name, erinnya. name, v., okutuuma, okwatula, okw alula; (to give a bad n.) okussaako olukongoolo. nap, take a, okwebaka, okuwujjaala. nape, ensingo. napkin, ekiwero. narrate, okubuulira, okunnyonnyola. narrative, ebigambo, olufumo. narrow, funda, a kanyigo; be n., okufunda. nasal, a kinnyindwa; be n., gangala. nasty, bi, onoonefu; vide languka. nation, eggwanga. national, a ggwanga. native, n. (aboriginal), enzaalwa. nativity, okuzaalibwa. natural, a buzaaliranwa, a buwangwa. nature, obuzaaliranwa, obuwangwa, obuntu. naught, it is, si kigambo, si kintu. naughtiness, obubi; naughty, a kyejo, bambaavu; be naughty, okubambaala. nausea, okusinduukirira. nauseate, okusesemya, okusinduukiriza; (disgust) okutama. nautical, a nnyanja. navel, ekkundi. navigate, okugoba (eryato). navy, empingu. nay, kak, nedda. near, adj., a kumpi; (miserly) kodo. near, adv., kumpi, wampi, kinnya na mpindi. nearly, use v., okutera; vide almost, neat, yonjo, lungi. neatly, adv., bulungi. neatness, n., obuyonjo. necessaries, ebintuebyetaagibwa. necessary, be, okugwana, okwetaagi bwa. necessity, okwetaaga; of n,, olw embi. neck, obulago,ensingo, ensikya, enkoto, ekkosi; stiff n., olukya; wear round the n., okwambika. necklace, omukuufu, olutembe. necklet (iron), akadangadi. necromancer, omulogo. necromancy, obulogo. need, v., okwetaaga, okwedaaga. need, «., okwetaaga. needle, empiso, ekkato. needy, naku, avu. neglect, okuleka, okwerabira, okugalabanja, okusuulayo ogwa nnaggimba, okwerittira; n. oneself, okw efaakanya. neglectful, erabizi. negligently, kadagado. negligible, vide akakerenda, katono nnyo. negotiate, okuteesa. negro, omuddugavu; vide nnyonga. neigh, okukaaba ng’embalaasi. neighbour, muliraanwa. neighbourhood, omuliraano. neither, nnewa(n)kubadde, wadde. nephew, omujjwa. nerve, akasimu. nervousness, entengereze. nest, ekisu. net (fishing), ekiragala; (mosquito) akatimba; (hunting) ekitimba; also essamba, ekibanyi, olutuula, emi gamba, oluka, emmiimo, omutembo; make a n., okukuba amakowe. nettle, n., omwennyango, kibugga, nnakitiddabusa. nettle, v., okunyiiza. nettlerash, ekirogologo. neuralgia, omuteezi. never, ennakuzonna, with neg. form of v.; never mind, si kigambo, si musango. nevertheless, naye. new, gya; (different) lala; (fresh) su; vide moon, newcomer, omugwira. news, ebigambo, amagambo, ebifaayo;get n. of, okuwulirako. newspaper, olupapula lw’amawulire. next, a kubiri; use rel. form of v., okuddirira. nib, akafumu. nibble, okuliisa essimbo. nice, lungi, womerevu; vide okunyirira. nostrils, emivubo. notch, v., okusalirira, okuginga, okubanga; be notched, okulibuka. note, n., ebbaluwa; (mark) akabonero. note, v. (observe), okukenga, okw etegereza, okutunuulira. noted, manyi, atiikirivu. nothing, tewali kintu; with n., bukunya. notice, kulaba, kutunuulira, kw etegereza; give n. of, okulanga. notify, okutegeeza, okubuulira. notorious, manyi, atiikirivu(mil ngeri embi); make n., okuswaza. notwithstanding, naye. nought, zzeero, nnooti. nought, come to, okufaafaagana; bring to n., okufaafaaganya. nourish, okuliisa, okujjanjaba, okukuuma. nourishment, emmere, ekyokulya. novel, adj., gya. November, Noovemba. novice, omuggya, omuligo; (nun) omunooviisi. now, kaakano, kaakati, kampegaano, Ibero, mbwano. nowadays, munnakuzino, mubiro bino, mukakyo kano. nozzle, omumwa, enkero. nude, ereere. nudity, obwereere. nuisance, n., kyefuula. numb, become, okusannyalala, okuzingalala. numbness, amasannyalaze. numeration, okubala. numerous, ngi lukulubenje; vide nfaafa. nun (European), omubiikira, (African) omunnabiikira. nuptial, a bufumbo, a bugole. nurse, n., omulezi, omujjanjabi. nurse, v. (child), okulera; (sick) okujjanjaba, okulwaza. nut, ekinywebwa, empande. nutmeg tree, olunaaba. nutriment, emmere, ekyokulya. O ! int., Ai! E! Wobwe! oar, enkasi. oarsman, omuvuzi. oath, ekirayiro. oath, Jake an, okulayira. obduracy, obukakanyavu, obutawiilira, emputtu, e ggwale. obdurate, kakanyavu, a mputtu, zibu. obedience, okuwulira, okugonda. obedient, gonvu, wulize; be o., okuwulira, okugonda. obeisance, okuvuunama, okukutama, okusinza. obese, gevvu. obey, okuwulira, okugondera. object, n., ekintu; (purpose) ekigendererwa. object, v., okugaana, okukenya, okutootatoota, neg.form of okukkiriza. objection, okugaana. objectionable, bi. oblation, ekiweebwayo. obligation, ebbanja. obligatory, be, okugwana, okugwanira. oblige, okuwaliriza; (help) okuyamba, okubeera, okulyowa. obliquely, kikijjama, kigazigazi. obliterate, okusangula. oblong, vide oluwajjangwa. obloquy, ensonyi. obscene, gwagwa, a kiko. obscenely, speak, okuwemula. obscenity, obugwagwa, fekikb, okuwemula. oscure, zibu, (insignificant) kopi; be o., okuziba, okukunira. obscurity, ekizikiza. observation, okutunuulira; (remark) ekigambo; make an o., okwogera ekigambo. observe, okulaba, okukenga, okutunuulira; (say) okwogera; (obey) okuwuira. obsolete, become, okudiba. obstacle, kalumannywera, ekiziyiza, enkonge. obstetric ward, ezzaaliro. obstinacy, obukakanyavu, obutawulira, eggwale, ensuwa. obstinate, kakanyavu, a ggwale, a mputtu, waganyavu; be o., okugogottana, okuwaganyala. obstruct, okuziyiza. obstruction, ekiziyiza, enkonge, obtain, okufuna, okulaba, okuweebwa. obtainable, be, okufunika. obtuse, siru. obviate, okuggyawo. occasion (circumstance), ekigambo; (opportunity) ekiseera; (reason) ensonga occasionally, bbalirirwe, luusi na luusi. occult, a kyama. occupant, nnannyini. occupation (work), omulimu. occupy, v., okubeeramu. occurrence, ekigambo. ocean, ennyanja. ochre, red, eggerenge, ekikulwa. October, Okitobba. odd, a nsuusuuba; it is o., tekitegeerekeka. oddity, ekikulekule. odds, fight against, okwevunvubika. ode, oluyimba. odious, bi; make onself o., okwetamya. odium, obubi. odour, akaloosa, evvumbe, olusu, akasilkiro, olukulukumbo, ekkalalume. oedema, nnampwa. oedematous, be, okubootaboota. of, a. off, okuva ku; go o. (gun), okuvuga; (person) okwegendera, okuvaawo. offal, ebyenda. offence, omusango, ekisittaza, enkongo, akyonoono. offend, v.i., okusobya, okuzza omusango. offend, v.tr., okunyiiza; be offended, okunyiiga. offender, omwonoonyi. offer, okuwa, okuwaayo, okuwonga, okutamba, okutonera; (for sale) okusamya. offering, ekirabo, ekitone, ekiwee bwayo, ekyewongo, ekigali, ekirembeko, ssaddaaka, amawemuukirano. office, ofiisi; (post) obwami, obukulu, ekitongole. officer, omwami, omutongole, omukulu. official, omufuzi. official, adj., tongole. officious, be, okwekebejja. offspring, ezzadde, omuzzukulu; one with many o., nnakizaalizi. often, emirundi mingi. ogle, okutunula kimogo, okumogola amaaso. oh ! int., vide O ! oil, amafuta. oil, v., okuteekamuamafuta. ointment, eddagaia ery’okusiiga. old, kadde. become o., okukaddiwa. look o., okujuujuumuka. o. age, obukadde. o. fashioned, vide kinnawadda, kudidi. olive, ezeyituuni; o. tree, omuzeyi tuuni. omen, akabonero. omentum, olububi. omit, okwosa, okuleka, okwerabira. on,kd; forward, mumaaso. once, omulundi gumu; at o., amangwago, kaakati; o. upon a time, olwatuuka; edda. one, mu. o. by o., kinnoomu, musoolesoole, kimomozo. o. eyed, a ttulu. o.sided, be, okusaliriza. oneness, obumu. onerous, zito, zibu. onion, akatungulu. only, adj., okka. onward, adv., mumaaso. opacity (of cornea), ensenke. open, adj., eru, gazi; vide ekyere rezi. open, v.tr. (door), okuggulawo; (parcel) okusumulula, okuwenjula, okuwumbulula; (book) okubikkula; (month) okwasama, okusamaalirira; (eyes wide) okuvulumula; (abscess) okutundula; (a thing corked) okuzibukula. open, v.i. (flower), okwanya, okusansuka. opening, n., ekituli, omulyango. opening, adj., a kusooka, olubereberye. openly, adv., lwatu, mulujjudde. operate, okukola; (surgery) okubaaga. operation, omulimu; (surgery) okubaaga. ophthalmia, amalongojje, ejjanga. opium, enjaaye, enjaga; o. pipe, ekibindi. opponent, omulabe, omuwakanyi. opportunity, e bbanga, ekiseera. oppose, okuziyiza, okulwana na. opposite (facing), rel. form of okwole kera; (different), lala. o. side, emitala w’eri. go in o. directions, okuyisiŋŋanya. be o. to, okwolekera. opposition, okuziyiza. oppress, okukola obubi, okujooga, okuyigganya, okucoccacocca, okutyanka, okuzitoowerera; be oppressed (breathing), okukeeyerera. oppression, inf. form of v. foreg. oppressive, zito, kambwe. oppressor, omuyigganya, omujoozi. opulent, gagga; vide bikokyo, bigooto. or, oba, obanga. oracle, consult, okunyegera. oral, a kamwa. orally, mukamwa; to reply orally, okudda mu mukamwa; to read orally, okusoma akamwa. orange, omucungwa. oration, ebigambo, okubuulira. orator, omwogezi, omubuulizi. orchard, olusuku. orchitis, akatuuka. ordain, okulagira; (set apart) okw awula. ordeal, amaduudu, akalulu, akasera; one who gives drug in o., magunda; try by o., okunywa amaduudu, okunywa akasera. order, n., ekiragiro; (custom) empisa. order, v., okulagira. put in o., okulongoosa, okugonjoola, okutegeka. be in o., okuttira. be out of o., use okufa. ordinance, etteeka. ordinance, emizinga. ore (iron), amatale. organ, ennanga. organist, omukubi w’ennanga. organise, okulongoosa, okulagira. orgy, hold an, okukukuluma. oribi, ensirabo. orifice, empuliru, olusekeso. origin, okusooka, olubereberye; use v., okusinziira, okuvaamu; (cause) ensonga. original (song), yiiye. originate, v.i., okusinziira, okuvaa mu, okutandika, okuzabauka. originate, v.tr., okubanga, okuyiiya, okugunja. orison, essaala, okusaba. ornament, n., eky’obuyonjo; vide endege, entabwa. ornament, v., okuyonja, okuwunda. orphan, n., mulekwa, omufuuzi. oscillate, okutengeetera, okuweeba, okuwuuba, okuyuguuma. oscillate, v.tr., okunyeenya. osier, obuwerewere, enjulu. ostentation, ensako. ostrich, mmaaya. other, lala, a kubiri. o. people, abandi. other people’s, a beene; mantambutambu. the o. day, jjuuzi, otherwise, bulala. otorrhoea, have, okulwala amabeere. otter, eŋŋonge. ought, vide okugwana, okugwanira. our, affe. oust, okugoba. out, bweru; o. and out, geregere, wawu, majamba. out of, prep., okuva mu. outcast, n., omweboolereze. outcry, n., oluyoogaano. outer, a bweru. outflank, okutebuka. outgoings, amagenda. outlaw, omujeemu. outlive, okuwangala okusinga. outnumber, okusinga obungi. outrage, okukola obubi, okwonoona, okujooga. outright, adv., ddala. outside, bweru, wa bweru. outspread, v., okwanjuluza. outward, adj., a kungulu; o. show, kalungimutwe; o. journey, amagenda. outwit, okuseera, okulimba, okutebya. oven, akabiga. over, waggulu, kungulu; vide okusomoka, okutinda; be o. (remain), okusigala, okusooba; o. again, nate, omulundi ogw’okubiri; vide again, overawe, okutiisa, okukanga. overburdened, be, okukakaatana, oku luwirirwa, oku zimbagatana, okuzitoowererwa. overcast, become, okwebinduula, okubindabinda. overcharge, okuseera. overcoat, ekizibaawo ekinene overcome, okuwangula. overcrowded, be, okuziyira. overflow, okwanjaala, okufuuwa, okuwagulula. overgrow, okulanda; be overgrown, okuzika; vide ekkwaba, ekikande. overhang, okuleebeeta. overhaul, okukebera, okwekkaanya;vide overtake, overlap, okugereka; cause to o., okulimbika. overload, okubigika, okupiika. overlook, okumma, okulabirira, okw olekera. overpower, okuwangula, okusinga amaanyi. overrate oneself, okwekuluntaza. overreach, okuseera, okukiza, okulimba. overripe, be, okubolerera. oversee, okukuuma, okulabirira, okujjumbira. overseer, omukoza, nnampala. overshadow, okusiikiriza. overspread, okusanjaala. overstep, okusukka. overtake, okukwata, okutuukako, okwebinika. overtax one’s strength, okweginika. overthrow, okusuula. overturn, okuvuunika, okusulika, okugalanjula. overturn, v.i., okwevuunika, okuyiika, okulenduka. overvalue, okuwaniriza omuwendo. overwhelm, okufumula, okuseke mbula. overwork, v.tr., okutegunkanya. owe, okuba n’ebbanja. owl, ekiwuugulu, ekkufufu. own, adj., use poss. pron., with kka; e.g. kyange nzekka, my o.; vide bwe bange. own, v., okuba na. owner, nnannyini. ox, ente ennume, sseddume. pace, embiro, okugenda. pacify, okugonza, okukkakkanya, okunyiigulula, okugombolola, okutaba ganya; be pacified, okukkakkana, okuwoleera, okunyiigulukuka. pack, okusiba; (fill full) okujjuza, okusoka; p. in, okupiika. package, omugugu. packet, ettu, ekitereke, ekizingiiti, akalegete, ensuliko, ekibaya. pad, n. (for head), enkata. paddle, n., enkasi. paddle, v., okuvuga, okuyirika. paddler, omuvuzi, omuvunja; front p., omulambi. padlock, n., ekkufulu. pagan, n., omukaafiiri. page (of book), olupapula, omuko; (servant) omugalagala. pail, endobo. pain, n., obulumi, okulumwa, obubala gaze, amawenknge, nnadduma; have stabbing p., okubaluka; take pains, okufuba, okukagiriza. pain, v.tr.y okuluma, okubalagala; okumeketa, okujigija, okusennya, okujijiira; be in p., okunyolwa, okulumwa. painfully, go, okusenvula. paint, erangi, eddagala. paint, v., okusiigako erangi, okutona. pair, n., omugogo. palace, ennyumba ey’ekitiibwa, ennyumba ya kabaka. palatable, woomerevu, lungi palate (of mouth), akabuno. palaver, v., okuteesa. pale, adj., eru; grow p., okutukuulirira, okuyengeetuka. paling, ekisaakaate, olukomera. palisade, olukomera, bugwe. pall, v., okunyiya, okutama. palliate, okukkaanya. palm (of hand), ekibatu; (tree) olukoma, olukindu, akatuugo, ekkajjolye njovu, enkago; p. leaf, olusansa. palpitate, okupakuka. palsy, n., kanyenya. paltry, tono nnyo; vide trifle, pamper, okweyibayiba; p. oneself, okwesanyusa. pan, e ssufuliya, ekikalango. pancreas, ennuuni. pang, n., obulumi, obubalagaze. pangolin, olugave. panic, n., entiisa ennene, ekikaka; throw into p., okugugunga. pant, okuwejjawejja, okuweevuuma, okulookalooka, okuwankawanka.. pantry, eppantuli. pap, olutabu. papaw, eppaapaali; p. tree, omupaapaali. paper, olupapula. Papist, Omupaapa. papyrus, ekitoogo, ekigaaga; (spikes) empunga; (roots) olukongolo; (rope) olutoogo. parable, olugero. Paraclete, Omwoyo Omutukuvu, Omubeezi, Mwoyo Mutuukirivu. Paradise, Olusukulwa Katonda, Eggulu. paraffin, amafuta g’Amerikaani, palafiini. paragraph, ekitundu. paralysed, be, okusowoka, okukka; (infants) okuziŋŋama; (with fear) okutenguka. paralysis, ensowoko, obuko. paralytic, n., omuziŋŋamu. paraphernalia, ebintu. parasite, omugulungu, akakokobe; be a p., okuwummunta. parcel, ekitereke, empu, ekiteretebbwa, ekitwalotwalo. parch, okukaza; be parched, okukala, okukalira. parched place, ekiwalakate. parchment, olupapula lw’amaliba. pardon, okusonyiwa. pare, okuwaata. parent, omuzadde, omukadde; (of chief) nnakazadde; vide zooboota. parentage, obuzadde; have common p., okuzaalanwa. parish, omuluka. parliament, olukiiko. parrakeet, enkwenge. parrot, enkusu. parry, okuziyiza, okukiikiriza. parsimonious, kodo, a bukodo. parson, omwawule w’ekkanisa. part, ekitundu; (duty) omulimu. partake (of food), okulyako. partial, be, okusigiikiriza. participate, okussa ekimu. particle, akantuakasirikitu. particular, be, okwenankanya, okussaako omwoyo. particularise, okusoggola, okume nya, okwogera kinnakimu. parting, okwawukana, okusiibula. partition, ekisenge, eggigi, akayaaye. partly, kitundu. partnership, okwegatta. partridge, enkwale, entiitiri. parturition, okuzaala. party, ekibiina, omukumbo; (sect) ekitundu. Pascal, a Kuyitako, pass, n., ekkubo, akanyigo. pass, v.i., okuyita; p. over, okusomoka. pass, v.tr., okuyisa, okubalaamiriza. p. over (omit), okubuuka. p. round (coffee berries), okuterula. p. water, vide micturate, p. wind, okukuba mumunku, okunnyampa. passage, ekkubo; (journey) olugendo, empitiro. passenger, omutambuze, omuyisi. passion, obusungu, ekiruyi, (desire) okwegomba, omuwoggo; fly into a p., okutoka. passion fruit, akatunda. passionate, a busungu; be p., okusunguwala amangu. Passover, Okuyitako, Paasaka, Paasika. past, go, okuyita; take p., okuyisa. pastime, omuzannyo. Pastor, Omusumba. pasture, ettale, eddundiro, olusa. pat, adv., vide okutontoma. pat, v., okukubirira. patch, n., ekiwero; (barkcloth) entungiro; (on goat) bitanga. patchwork, make, okutobeka. pate, omutwe. patella, enso; tubercle of p., ennyingo y’evviivi. path, ekkubo, oluwonda. patience, okugumiikiriza. patient, be, okugumiikiriza. patois, enjogera. patriarch, jjajja. patriarchal, a bajjajja. patrician, omukungu. patrimony, obutaka, obusika. pattern, ekifaananyi, engeri, eky’okulabirako; marked with a p., tone; vide mat, okuwunda. paunch, olubuto, eggomo. pauper, omwavu, lunkupe. pauperism, obwavu. pauperise, okwavuwaza. pause, okuyimirira akatono. pavement, amayinja amaalire. paw, n., ekigere; p. the ground, okutakula. pay, omusaala, empeera, omukemba. pay, v., okuwa omusaala, okuwa empeera, okupokera, okusasula. p. attention, okuwulira. not p. attention, okwewojjoola. p. respects to, okukiikira. payment, delay, okulazaalazaanya. pea, kawo. peace, emirembe. peaceful, a mirembe, teefu, esiifu. peaceful, be, okubemba, okutebe nkera; vide kibonde, ntende, nterere. peacemaker, omutabaganya. peace-offering, ebiweebwayo olw’emirembe. peacock, ennyonyi muzinge. peak, ekitikkiro, entiko, empumi, akawaala, omusa. pearl, eruulu. peasant, n., omukopi, omutaka, omuwuula. pebble, akayinja. peccadillo, ekibi ekitono. peck, v., okubojja, okusojja, okusonsogola. pectoral, a kifuba. peculation, okulyazaamaanya ensimbi. peculiar, a kitalo. peculiarly, kirijja. pedagogue, omuyigiriza, omutwazi. pedal, n., ekigere ky’eggaali. pedal, vi.tr., okuvuga eggaali. pedestal, ekikondo. pedestrian, omutambuze. pediculosis, olukuku. pedigree, olulyo. peel, n., ekikuta, ekiwata. peel, v.i., okugagambuka, okukunjubuka, okuvako enkuta, okusasambuka. peel, v.tr., okuwaata, okusasambula. peep, v., okulingiza, okulenzalenza. peevish, yombi; be p., okwesooza, okutibula. peewit, olutuletule. peg, n., olubambo, enninga, olusuubo, akati. peg out, v., okubamba. pelican, ennunda. pellmell, mpyoke. pelt (of rain), okuwandagala. pelvis, ekinnyi. pen, ekkalaamu ya bwino; (nib) akafumu; p. holder, ekijugo. pen, v., okuwandiika. penalty, ekibonerezo; involve a p., okuzaala emineene. pencil, ekkalaamuenkalu; slate p., ekkalaamuy’ejjinja. penetrate, okuyingira, okutolontoka. peninsula, omusomo, omugomo. penis, embolo. penitence, okubonerera, okwejjusa. penitent, be, okubonerera, okwejjusa. penknife, akambe akamenye. penman, omuwandiisi. pennant, ebbendera. penniless, avu, lunkupe. pentateuch, ebitabo ebitaano ebya Mmusa, tawuleeti. penurious, kodo. penury, obwavu. people, abantu. pepper, piripiri peradventure, mpozzi, kazzi. perambulate, okulambula. per annum, buli mwaka. perceive, okulaba, okutegeera. percentage, take a, okulobola. perch, n. (for fowls), oluwe. perchance, mpozzi, kazzi. percolate, okuyitamu. percolator, omubinikiro. perdition, okuzikirizibwa. peremptorily, lwa maanyi. perennial, a buli mwaka. perfect, tuufu, tuukirivu; be p., okutuukirira; make p., okutuukiriza, okuyooyoota. perfectly, ddala. perfidious, a lukwe. perfidy, olukwe. perforate, okuwummula. perform, okukola, okutuusa. perfume, kalifuwa, akaloosa, evvumbe, akaleekereeke, e ddekende. perfunctory, lebevu, gayaavu. perhaps, mpozzi, kazzi, beppo, bobbo, wozzi. peril, akabi perilous, erimu akabi. perineum (male), akatabiro; (female) entabirotabiro. period, ekiseera, ebiro, ensangi, emirembe, ekisekka. perish, okufa, okufaafaagana, okuzikirira. perjure oneself, okulayirira obwereere. perk up, okugagamuka. permanent, a lubeerera, a nkalakka lira; vide bwanda, ekimmanje. permeate. okubuna. permission, olusa. permit, okukkiriza, okuganya. perpendicular, vide upright; be out of p., okubunduukirira. perpetrate, okukola. perpetual, a nnakuzonna. perplex, okusobera; be perplexed, okusoberwa, okulemwa, okubuusabuusa, okubutaabuta, okutuula muzingeteese. perplexity, ezingeteese. persecute, okuyigganya, okubonyaabonya, okujooga, okucocca, okujoonyesa, okuwalana, okuyigiikiriza. persecutor, omuyigganyi, omujoozi. perseverance, obunyiikivu, obufubi. persevere, okunyiikira, okufuudemba, okufunvubira, okunyonyoogana, okunyeeranyeera, okukanira. persevering, nyiikivu. persist, okunyiikirira, okunyiinyiitira. persistence, obufubi. persistent, nyiikivu, nyiinyiitivu. person, omuntu; (in theology) peresona. personate, okwefaananya, okwefuula. perspiration, entuuyo. perspire, okutuuyana. persuade, okusendasenda, okukwenyakwenya, okuyiikiriza, okuwendula, okusigula. persuasion, use inf. of v. foreg. pert, a kyejo. pertinacious, nyiikivu, a mputtu. pertinacity, obunyiikivu, obufubi. perturb, okweraliikiriza; be perturbed, okweraliikirira. peruse, okusoma. pervade, okubuna. perverse, kakanyavu, a mputtu, bambaavu; be p., okubambaala. pervert, okukyamya, okuwunjula, okuyinula, okusalaganya; p. judgment, okusaliriza, okulimbika. pester, okutawa, okuteganya, okubuga, okwogerereza, okupeekerera, okusojjogola. pestilence, olumbe, kawumpuli. pestilent, bi nnyo. pestle, omusekuzo, ekigotta. pet, n., omuganzi. petition, okwegayirira. petition, v., okwegayirira. petticoat, ekiteeteeyi. phalange (of finger), ekikunku. Pharisee, Omufalisaayo. phenomenal, a kitalo, a kikuuno, berengevu. phenomenon, eky’ekitalo, akatazi, ekikuuno, kiberengeru, ekijjo, ssebitalo. phial, eccupa. philosopher, omufirosoofo. philosophy, obufirosoofo, firosofia, amagezi. photograph, ekifaananyi. photograph, v., okukuba ekifaananyi. phraseology, enjogera. phthisis, akakono, akafuba, kalusu. physic, eddagala. physician, omusawo, ddekitaali. physiognomy, amaaso. pianist, omukubi wa ppiyano. piano, ppiyano. pick, okunoga, okunojjola, okukongola; (choose) okweroboza, okulonda, okusosola. p. up, okulonda. p. out, okusokoola. p. one’s steps, okusooba. pickaxe, ensuuluulu. picked, londe. pickpocket, omubbi. pictorial, a bifaananyi. picture, ekifaananyi. pie, grey (bird), ezzeeze. piebald, a bitanga. piece, ekitundu, ekifi, ekitole; (of cloth) ekiwero; (of gourd) ekikaayi; (piecework) ekkatala. piece, v. (together), okuyunga, okugatta. piecemeal, do, okubebbabebba. pied, a bitanga. pierce, okufumita, okuwummula, okukondogga, okusabaggula, okutundula, okufumuggula. piety, okutya Katonda, eddiini. pig, embizzi. pigeon, kaamukuukulu; green p., entawuiizi. pigheaded, a mputtu, kakanyavu. pigment, erangi. pigmy, nnakkwale, omumbuti. pile, n., entuumo. pile, v., okutuuma, okugotteka, okutindikira. pilfer, okubba, okwetoolatoola. pilgrim, omutambuze, omuyisi. pill, akakeronda, akalagala; vide e’mmumbwa. pillage, okunyaga, okunyakula, okwaya. pillar, empagi. pillory, envuba. pillow, ekigugu, omutto. pilot, n., omusable, omukulembeze, omugoba. pilot, v., okukulembera, okuluŋŋamya pimple, akatulututtu, embalabe, ekisukko. pin, n., ekikwaso. pin, v., okusiba n’ekikwaso. pincers, nnamagalo, entoozo. pinch, n. (of salt, etc.), use n. in tu-class, e.g. otunnyo. pinch, v,, okusuna, okumiima. pine, okukogga, okukonvuba; p. for, okubuga, okuyaayaanira. pineapple, ennaanansi. pinion, n., ekiwaawaatiro. pinion, v., okusiba. pink, myuukirivu. pinnacle, ekitikkiro. pious, a ddiini; be p., okwegendereza. pip, empeke, ensigo. pipe, oluseke, omufulejje; (tobacco) emindi; (flute) endere, omulere; (bhang) ekibindi; p. cleaner, olukaguzo. pipe, v., okufuuwa endere. piper, omufuuyi w’endere. pipit, akaliisa. pistol, basitoola. pit, n., obunnya, ekinnya. pitch, v., okusuula; okukasuka, okukanyuga; p. a tent, okusimba ewee ma; play p. and toss, okukuba zzaala. pitcher, ensuwa, omudumu, ensumbi; (wooden) ekyanzi. piteous, a nnaku. piteously, kayeke, kayirigombe. pith, ekinyuzi, ekkaso, enkusa, omututumba. pitiless, kakanyavu, kalubo; be p., okunaabira mu maaso. pitting (of smallpox), enkovu, enti. pity, v., okusaasira, okutaatira. placability, obuteefu. placable, teefu. place, ekifo, ekibanja; p. of departed, e ttanda; get out of p., okwebandula. place, v., okuteeka, okussa; p. one on the other, okubereka. placenta, ekitanyi, ekisungwa. plague, n., kawumpuli; (cattle) nsotoka. plague, v., okubonyaabonya. plain, n., olusenyi, omuseetwe. plain, adj., eru, salala, ere. plaint, n., ensonga, ekigambo. plaintive, a nnaku. plait, v., okulanga, okuluka; (reed work) okugomba; (fibre work) okuyonda. plan, n., ekifaananyi, okuteesa, amagezi. plan, v., okuteesa, okusala amagezi, okwejuba, okuwatanya; (conspire) okwekoba. plane, n., eranda (carpentry). plane, v., okukuba eranda, planet, nnabisaaniiko. plank, olubaawo, ekibangali, ekizingiiti. plant, n., ekisimbi. plant, v., okusimba, okubyala; (place) okuteeka, okussa. plantain, ettooke; (tree) ekitooke; (sweet p.) gonja, manjaaya; vide nnamunnyu, ebigomba, empogola, mutere, omuwumbo, enguju, emmere. plantain eater (bird), effulungu, ekkookootezi. plantation, olusuku, olusimbo; vide entembo; ennimiro. plaster, n., omwiko. plaster, v., okumaala, okusiiga, okukuba omwiko, okumetta. plate, essowaani. platform, ekituuti, amadaala, olugulumo, ekitabo. platter, essowaani. play, omuzannyo. play, v., okuzannya, okutiguka, okuligita; (musical instrument) okukuba .. (flute) okufuuwa; (football) okusamba omupiira; p. the fool, okweginga; p. the man, okw ekakasa, okuguma; (as cat with mouse) okugazaagaza; (be played out), vide exhausted, playful, a binyumu, a mizannyo. plea, ensonga, ekigambo, empoza. plead, okuwoza ; vide lujerenga, endoodi; p. for, okusaba, okwegayirira; p. for another, okuwole reza, okutakabanira. pleading, okuwoza, empoza; (asking) okusaba, okwegayirira. pleasant, lungi; vide okuwooma, okunyuma. pleasantry, enseko, ebinyumu, amajalya. please, okusanyusa; be pleased, okw esiima; be pleased with, okusiima. pleasure, essanyu. pledge, n., omusingo, akakalu, embereko. pledge, v., okusinga. Pleiades, Nnamakaaga. plenteous, ingi. plentiful, be, okubugaana. plenty, ekyengera, egingirizi. pleurisy, ekisonga. pleuropneumonia (cattle), nsotoka. pliable, gonvu, lebevu; (p. person) nnakigwanyizi. pliers, nnamagalo. plight, akabi, akacwano. plod, okunyiikira. plodding, nyiikivu. plot, n., okwekoba, okuteesa; p. of ground, ekibanja; (field) olubimbi, omusiri. plot v., okwekoba, okwekobaana. plough, it., ekyuma ekirima. plough, v., okukabala, okulima. ploughman, omulimi. plover, olutuletule. pluck, n., obuzira, emmizi. pluck, v. (fowl), okumaanya; (flowers) okunoga; (p. up), okusimbula, okukoola, okukandula. p. out (own hair), okwekongola. p. up courage, okuguma omwoyo. p. away, okusikula. plucky, zira, a mmizi. plug, n., ekisaanikizo; tobacco, aka oddo. plug, v.’, okusaanikira, okukuutiza, okuzibikira. plumage, ebyoya by’ennyonyi, e ssisi. plumb, v., okugera. plumbline, akaliiso. plume, ekyoya, omusule, ensuti. plume, v., okwekemba; p. oneself, okwenyumiriza, okwekuza. plump, gevvu, a katundwe. plumpness, obugevvu. plunder, v., omunyago, omwandu, endobblo. plunder, v., okunyaga, okunyakula, okukambula, okuvuvuba, okukwakwaba, okwaya. plunderer, omunyazi. plunge, v.tr., okunnyika; v.i., okubbira. ply, v. (trade), okukola; (with questions) okukemereza, okubuuliriza. ply, vide strand, pneumonia, lubyamira, munyinye. poacher, omubbi. pocket, ensawo. pockethandkerchief, ekitambaala. pockmarks, enkovuza kawaali, enti. pod (of cotton), ekituttwa; (of bean) bkinyololo. poem, oluyimba, ebigambo ebiyiiye. poet, omuyiiyi w’ennyimba. point, ensonda, akasassa; (of time) ekiseera, eddakiika; (meaning) amakulu; (of an argument) ekisoko, omusoso; be on the p. of, vide about to; keep to point, okugoba ensonga. point, v. (with lips), okutoobeza; (in defiance) okusoomooza; p. out, okulagirira; (sharpen) okusongola. pointed, adj., songovu. pointless, vide ntotto. poison, it., obutwa, ekkesula, obusagwa; vide obusukko. poison, v., okuwa obutwa, okussa obutwa mu. . . . poisonous, a butwa, a busagwa. poke, okusoka, okukoona; okukuma, okuseesa. pole, olukoma, empagi, omusituliro; (rafter) omulabba, enjaliiro. policeman, omupulisi, omupuliisi. policy, enfuga. polish, v., okunyiriza, okulongoosa, okukkulira; (boots) okukuba engatto; p. reeds, etc., okuwawula. polished, adj., nyirivu; (manners) empisa ennungi; vide okugunjuka. polisher (potter’s), olubbulo. polite, a mpisa nnungi; rel. form of verb, okugunjuka. politeness, empisa ennungi. polled (cattle), a nkunku, soomi. pollute, okwonoona, okugwagwa waza. poltroon, omuti. polygamy, okuwasa abakazi abangi. polyglot, e nnimi nnyingi. pomade, omuzigo gw’enviiri. pomegranate, ekkomamawanga. pomp, ekitiibwa. pond, ekidiba, omufubo. ponder, okufumiitiriza. ponderous, zito nnyo. ponderously, run, okugabattuka; dance p., okuguluba. pontiff, Ppaapa. pontoon, eryato. pony, embalaasi entono. poohpooh, v., okusooza. pool, n., ekidiba, ekitaba; lie in pools, okulegama. poor, avii, naku; vide lucoolo, lunkupe, lupere, munkula, munkuseere, nseraweeru, enswenke; become p., okwavuwala, okuseega. poorly, be, okubaamuenkenyera. pop! int., mmogo! Pope, Ppaapa. popliteal space, obuteega. populace, abantu. popular, ganzi. populate, okwaza abantu. population, abantu. populous, a bantubangi. porch, ekisasi, ekifugi. porcupine, nnamunnungu. porridge, poligi, obusera. port, omwalo. portable, angu; be p., okutwalika, okwetikkika. portend, okulagula. portent, akabonero. porter, omwetissi, omupakasi. portico, ekisasi, ekifugi. portion, ekitundu, omugabo; (marriage) obuko, akasimo, omutemwa. portliness, obunene, ebbuto. portly,n., olubasi. portrait, ekifaananyi. portray, okukuba ekifaananyi; (in words) okutegeeza. pose as, okwefuula, okwefaananya, okweboolya, okwejingisa. position, ekifo; (rank) obukulu; (take up a p.) okuyima. possess, okuba na; be possessed, okubanduka,okusamira, okubandwa, okubaako ekitambo. possession, take, okuyingira, okulya. possessions, emmaali, ebintu, ezziika. possessor, nnannyini. possible, be, okuyinzika, okukoleka. possibly, vide perhaps, post, empagi, olukoma, omukwero; centre p., eggwagi, sserugi; side p., essendeke, akasendwe; (office) omulimu. posterior, a nnyuma, luvannyuma. posterity, abazzukulu, ezzadde. postman, matalisi. postpone, okulagaalagaanya. pot, n., entamu, e bbiga, ekibya, ensaka, ensuwa; unbaked p., omwali; metal p., ssuffuliya. potation, ekyokunywa. potato, lumonde, lumonge; (dried) kasodde; vide ekisalala, ekiwoko, ekiwutta, embwagulo, nnakabanda, nnakamogoli, ensekwa; p. bed, omusiri gwa lumonde. potency, amaanyi, obuyinza. potent, a maanyi. potentate, omuntuomukuluennyo. potion, okyokunywa. potsherd, ekikaayi, oluggyo. pottage, omugoyo. potter, omubumbi, omujoona. potter’s earth, e bbumba. pottery, eby’ebbumba, ekisittaka. pouch, ensawo, ebbeeti, entaago. poultry, enkoko. pounce, okuwamatuka. pound, erateri. pound, v., okusekula, okugotta, okubebena, okusotta, okubetenta. pour, okufuka, okufukulula, okukenenula, okuttulula; p. away, okuyiwa, okuyuwa; v.i. (rain), okutonnya, okugonnomoka. pout, okusongoza emimwa. poverty, obwavu, obwolo, ngujuuba. powder, effufugge; gun p., obuganga; p. flask, ekkuti, empembe. powder, v., okusekulasekula. power, amaanyi, obuyinza. powerful, a maanyi, obuyinza. powerless, become, okukatagga. practical, gezi, a magezi. practice, n. (habit), empisa, omuze. practise, v., okugezaako, okwema nyiiza. prairie, olusenyi, omuseetwe. praise, n., ettendo. praise, v., okutenda, okutendereza, okusuuta, okweyanza, okwewaana, okwenyumiikiriza, prank, omuzannyo; vide okusukumbula. prate, okwogera olutata; vide chatter, pratincole (bird), akasala. prattle, v., okubujjabujja. pray, okusaba; vide essaala; (on behalf of) okusabira; (request) okwegayirira. prayer, okusaba, essaala. preach, okubuulira. preacher, omubuulizi. preamble, ebigambo ebisooka. precaution, n., okwekuuma; take p., okwekuuma. precede, okukulembera, okugenda mumaaso, okwetanga. precept, ekiragiro. preceptor, omuyiglriza. precincts (of palace), lubiri. precious, muwendo, vide ekkula, amakuti. precipice, ebbanga, oluwompogoma. precipitate, v., okwanguyiriza, okugonnomola. precipitately, kasaalimbo, ttuttuttu oba ttuttuttu; vide okukatuka. preclude, okuziyiza. precursor, omukulembeze. predicament, bkibamba. predict, okulagula, okutegeeza ebiri mumaaso. predilection, omulaka. preface, ebisooka. prefer, okusinga, okwagala, okubii biita, okubiita; p. to another, okusinza. preferably, waakiri, yadde. pregnancy, okuba olubuto; overdue p., obuleega; retard p., okuwanika olubuto. pregnant, be, okuba olubuto; vide okusembeesa olubuto, okusengeesa olubuto; (animals) okuba n’eggwako. prejudge, okusaliriza. prelate, omulabirizi. prelude, vide okunaga. premature (offspring), sowole, sogobe. prematurely, vide okubiba, okutuba. preparation, «., okuteekateeka. prepare, v., okuteekateeka, okutegeka; okulongoosa; (for marriage) okufumbirira; p. oneself, okweteekateeka, okwetegeka, okwekindikira. prepossessing, lungi. preposterous, a busiru, a kitalo. prepuce, ekikuta; absence of p., enkala. presbyter, omukadde w’ekkanisi. prescribe for, okulambira. present, n., ekirabo, ekitone; vide. envujjo. present, adj., a kaakano, a nnakuzino. present, v., okuwa, okutona, okutonera, okuvujja. present, be, okubaawo. presently, eddako. ddaaki, baalwa ddaaki. preserve, v., okukuuma, okutereka. preside, okukubirira. president, omukubirizi, omukulu, omufuzi. press, okunyigiriza, okukata, okukondekera, okuwagiikiriza; p. out, okukamula; (urge) okukubiriza. press, n. (printing), ekyapa, ekyuma ekikuba ekyapa. prestige, ekitiibwa. presume, okwaŋŋanga, okwetulinki rira, okwetema; (suppose) okulowooza; p. on one’s strength, okweginika. presumption, olwetumbu, ekyejo. presumptuous, rel. form of presume, a kyejo. pretence, in, makwekansaamo, ma nkwetu. pretend, okwegamba; vide feign; p. to be going, okwegenzagenza. prettiness, obulungi. pretty, samufu, balagavu; be p., okukaawa, okuwooma. prevail, okuwangula, okusobola, okusinga. prevaricate, okulimbalimba, okupalapalya, okugulungutanya. prevent, okuziyiza. prey, omuyiggo. prey on, v., okulya; p. on the mind, okweraliikiriza. price, n., omuwendo; (for wife) obuko, akasimo; vide kuwasiriza. price, v., okulamula. priceless, tagulika, a muwendo mungi nnyo. prick, okufumita, okubalabaata; p. the ears, okutega amatu. prickle, eriggwa. prickly, a maggwa. pride, amalala, okwenyumiriza. pride oneself, v., okwenyumiriza, okwekuza, okwewaana. priest (heathen or Jewish), kabona; (Protestant) omukadde w’ekkanisa; (R.C.) omusosodooti; high p., kabona lukulwe. priesthood, obwakabona; priest’s orders, obukadde. prig, omutyettye. primate, ssaabalabirizi. prime minister, katikkiro. prince, omulangira. princely, a balangira, a kitiibwa. princess, omumbejja. principal, n., omukulu. principal, adj., kulu. print, okukuba ekyapa. printer, omukubi w’ekyapa. prison, ekkomera, kolokooni. prisoner, omusibe; (of war) omuwambe, omunyage. private, a kyama, a kafubo. privately, mukyama; (talk p.) okukukuutana. privation, okwetaaga, obwavu. privily, mukyama. privy council, olukiiko olwakafubo. prize, n., ekirabo; (precious thing) ekkula. prize, v., okwagala ennyo. probably, vide perhaps, probe, v., okusokotta; p. to the bottom, okufumula. probity, amazima. proboscis, ennyindo. proceed, okugenda mumaaso. proceeds, ebiggibwamu. proclaim, okulanga, okulangirira, okwogerera waggulu. proclamation, ekirangiriro, okulanga. procrastinate, okulagaalagaanya, okw ezungulula. procure, okufuna, okulaba. prod, okusonga, okusoya. prodigious, nene nnyo; vide colossal. prodigy, ekikulejje, ekipeccu, makakaba. produce, ebibala. produce, v., okubala, okuzaala. productive, gimu. profane, adj., bi; use rel. form of v. okuvvoola. profane, v., okwonoona, okuvvoola. profess, okwegamba, okwefuula; (declare) okubuulira. profession, omulimu. professor, omuyigiriza. profit, amagoba, enkizo, ensusso; make a p., okugobamu amagoba, okuvisaamu amagoba. profitable, a magoba, a nkizo; be p., okugasa. profligacy, obukaba. profound (in knowledge), gezi nnyo. profoundly, nnyo nnyini. profusion, kijegera. progenitor, jjajja. progeny, ezadde, abazzukulu, abaana; numerous p., oluseregende. prognathism, ejjuuga. prognosticate, okulagula. prohibit, okuwera, okugaana. project, v.i., okubangalala, okubibi nala, okukikinala, okusamaala. prolapse (of rectum), ekiziri. prolific (of garden), gimu. prolong, okuwanvuya; (life) okuwangaaza; be prolonged, okuyitirira, okuwangaala, okutandagga. promenade, v., okutaalataala, okubaalabaala. prominent, samaavu, manyifu; be p., okusamaala, okwetengeka, okukulumbala, okumanyika. promise, n., essuubi, ekyasuubizibwa. promise, v., okusuubiza. promontory, omusoma, ekisoko. promote, okukuza. prompt, v., okujjukiza. prompt, adj., angu. promulgate, okubunya. prong, ekyuma ekisongovu, omuwunda. pronounce, okwogera; p. correctly, okukaza (ebigambo). pronunciation, enjogera. proof, ekijulirwa, obulumiriza. prop, n., empagi. prop, v., okuwangiza, okuwaga, okw egeka, okusigika, okuwana, okuwembejja, okuzizika. propagate, okubunya, okuzaaza. propel, okusindika, okusindiikiriza, okuvuga. property, emmaali, ebintu, ebiyengo, obugagga. prophecy, obunnabi. prophesy, okulagula. prophet, nnabi, omulaguzi. propitiate, okutangirira, okubende gera. propitiation, omutango; (for adultery) vide okukansira. proportion, be out of, okulenguka, okuswala. proposition, ekigambo. propound riddle, okukokkola. proprietor, nnannyini. prosecute, okuwaaba, okuwa waabira, okuwaabira; vide accuse, prosecutor, omuwaabi. proselyte, omukyufu. proselytise, okukyusa. prospect, n. (view), okulengera. prosper, v.i., okuyiira, okwagaagala, okucapala; v.tr., okuwa omukisa. prosperity, omukisa, obulungi. prostitute, n., omwenzi. prostitute, v. (oneself), okutabaana. prostitution, obwenzi, amakiro. prostrate oneself, okuvunaana, okw egalangajja. protect, okukuuma, okulabirira; p. oneself, okwegema. protection, obukuumi. protector, omukuumi. protest, okuwakana, okukaayana, okwekaanya; p. innocence, okwekangabiriza. Protestant, Omuprotestanti. protrude, okukukunala, okusamaala, okwanama, okubiblnala, okubanga lala. protuberance, akabanika. proud, a malala; be p., okwekulaata, okw ekunika, okukinnimba ; p. flesh, enkundi. prove, okulumiriza; (test) okukema, okugeza; p. in detail, okulonkoma. provender, emmere. proverb, olugero. proverbial, a lugero. provide for, okulabira, okujjanjaba. Providence, Katonda, okuteesa kwa Katonda. province, ettwale. provisional, vide kyekwaso, masee neeko. provisions, emmere; (for journey) entanda. provoke, okusunguwaza, okwesonsa, okuleekeeza; be provoked, okusunguwala. prow, ensanda. prowess, obuzira. prowl, okugoma, okusera. prune, okuwawagula, okukolombojja, okukongojjola. pry, okulingiriza, okwefulukuta. psalm, zzabbuli. psalmist, omuwandiisi wa zzabbuli. puberty, reach, okuvubuka. pubis, ekinnyi. public, a lwatu, a bantubonna. become p., okusansuka. p. house, ekirabo. p. labour, oluwalo. publication (book), ekitabo. publish, okubuulira, okulanga, okuttottola. pucker, n., akagoda. pudding, pudini; blood p., kafecce, oluwampa. puddle, ekitaba, ettoomi. puerile, a bato, a busiru. puff, v., okufuuwa, okuweevuuma, okuwejjawejja; p. oneself up, okwenyumiriza. puff adder, essalambwa. pugnacious, lwanyi, a lugono. pugnacity, olugono, obulwanyi. pull, okuwalula, okukulula. p. up, okusimbula, okukuula, okuggyamu, okubambula, okujjira. p. down, okwabya, okumenya; (brickwork) okuzimbulula. p. to pieces, okumenya. p. out (hair, etc.), okumaanya, okusokomola. p. down creeper, okulandula. p. off (grains, beads), okuwulula. p. aside, okuwunjula. p. tight, okuleega. pullet, ekitulazi, enkoko, ensenyi. pulp, n., obutogonya. pulpit, ekituuti (eky’okubuuliriramu). pulsate, okutujja, okubobba, okulooka, okutundugga. pulsation (in neck), ebisulo. pulse, entunnunsi; weak p., kalasira. pulverise, okusekulasekula. pump, n., ebbomba. pump up (tyre), okufuuwamuoba okupikamuomukka, okufukuta, okufukuutirira. pumpkin, wujju. pun, make, okugerenjula. punch, v., okukuba, okufuntula. punctuate, okutonnyeza. puncture, n., ekituli. puncture, v.tr., okufumita; be punctured, okufootooka. punish, v., okukangavvula, okubo nyabbonya, okubonereza. punishment, ekibonerezo, ekibonob bono. punt, v.tr., okusiirula. punt pole, omwoko. puny, tono; vide okwekulira, okukunuuma. pup, it., akabwa, akabulugu, embwansole. pupil, omuyigirizwa; (of eye) emmunye. purchase, v., okugula. purchaser, omuguzi. pure, longoofu, tukuvu; be p., okulongooka, okutukula. purgative, eddagala ery’okuwalusa. purge, v., okufulumya ebweru, okuwalusa. purification, okulongoosebwa. purify, okutukuza, okulongoosa. purity, obulongoofu, obutukuvu. purloin, okubba. purport, amakulu. purpose, n., okuteesa; to no p., busa, mukokko, ssemadaane. purpose, v., okuteesa. purposely, vide okumanyirira, okulaba. purr, okuvuuma. purse, it., ensawo. pursue, okugoberera, okubeeba, okutoloba, okutakula emisinde, okuyotta; (hunt) okuyigga, okucocca cocca; p. hotly, okuluubirira. pursuer, omugoberezi. pus, amasira, ekinyinyi. push, okusindika, okusindiikiriza. p. along, okuseetula. p. aside, okubabbalama. p. back, okusenda. p. forward, okuseesa, okuserula. push, v.i., p. forward, okujajjatta, okwerunga; p. way through, okw ewagaanya, okwesegeenya. puss, kkapa. pustule, akanojjo, empeke. put, okuteeka, okussa. p. back, okuzzakyo. p. by, okutereka, okweterekera. p. down, okussa wansi; (off head) okweti kkula. p. on (clothes), okwambala; (shoes, ring) okunaanika. p. outside, okufulumya, okugobera ebweru. p. out, okuzikiza. p. up (lodge), okusuza; (a tent) okusimba eweema. p. up with, okugumiikiriza. p. to rights, okulongoosa. p. to flight, okugoba. p. off (clothes), okwambula; (postpone) okulindiriza. p. the best face on, okusaanya. putrefy, okuvunda, okutuya. putrid, vundu. puzzle, n., ekikokko; set a p., okukokkola. puzzle, v., okuwubyawubya. python, ttimba, enziramire. quack, v., okukaaba ng’embaata. quaff, okunywa. quagmire, entubiro, ennyanga. quail, n., akagubi. quail, v., okutya, okwebwalabwala. quake, v., okukankana, okutintima, okutitiwala. quality, engeri; of good q., ka. quantity, omuwendo, obungi; a great q., kidoma, lufubanja, enkumu; vide abundance; a small q., ententwe, nteketwe; vide tu. quarrel, n., oluyombo, endasano; pick a q., okwesonsa, okwesosonkereza. quarrel, v., okutoŋŋana, okusottana, okuyombagana, okusoowaana, okuyirayirana; pick a q., okwefuubaana. quarrelsome, yombi, a kbbabba; vide katoloba; be q., okwetolobojja, okuto akaana; vide obwasira. quarter, n., erobo, ekitunduekyo kuna. quarter, v. (lodge), okusuza. quarters, at close q., bwezingirire. quash (rebellion), okujeemula. quaver, v., okukankana. queen, kabaka omukazi, Kaddulubaale, Nnaabagereka; q. mother, Nnamasole; q. sister, Lubuga, Nnaalinnya. quell, okukkakkanya, okugonza, okujeemula. quench, okuzikiza; be quenched, okuzikira, okuzaama. question, n., okubuuza, okubuuliriza, okukemereza, okusokaasoka. quick, angu, a mbiro; be q., okw anguwa; (intelligent) gezi, kabakaba, labufu; be q., okuba n’amagezi; (living) lamu. quicken, okwanguya; (make alive) okuzuukiza. quickly, mangu, kakku, kapapiiro, kafuufu, kkuutwe, kalaako. quickness, obwangu, embiro, ensawu. quiet, adj., a mirembe, teefu, sirise, bondeevu; be q., okulaala; become q., okusirika, okuteeka, okuweeza, okwewojjeeka. quiet, v.tr., okusirisa, okuwobwoota, okusiisiitira, okukkakkanya. quietly, mpola. quietness, emirembe, obuteefu. quinine, eddagala ery’omusujja, kwlniini. quit, okuleka. quite, ddala. quiver, n., omufuko. quiver, v., okukankana, okujugumira, okutintima, okutitiwala. quotation (price), omuwendo omulamule. quote (price), okulamula omuwendo; (saying) okujulira. rabbit, akamyu. rabble, ekibiina. rabid, lalu race, n., embiro; olulyo. race, v., okuwakana okudduka; okudduka embiro, okutoloba; (canoes) okuvuga amaato g’empaka. racket, akacwano, oluyoogaano; tennis r., ekiwujjo. radiance, okumasamasa. raft, ekibaya; build a r., okuganzika emiti. rafter, omulabba, enjaliiro, omukiikiro, omukomba, eŋŋanzikiro. rag, n., ekiwero, ekibukutu. rage, n., obusungu, ekiruyi; vide entwiri; fly into r., okusunguwala, okw esunguwaza, okw ejuumuula, okukwatibwa obusungu, okwesunguusula, okwekandula, okwesala akajegere, okwesumagga. rage, v. (epidemic), okunyooka; (of the sea) okusiikuuka. ragged, sensusbsfensiise, abifu; vide bluziina; be r., okusensuka. raid, blutabaalo, ekizindo. raid, v., okutabaala, okuzinda, okwaya. rail, n. (bird), enfulubiru. rail, v., okuvuma, okujunga. railway, ereerwe, eggaali y’omukka. raiment, ebyambalo, engoye. rain,enkubia. chief rains, ttoggo. lesser rains, ddumbi. first r., engulansigo, enkuba y’omwa nguka. torrent of r., omujumbi gw’enkuba. rain, v., okutonnya; r. very hard, okugonnomoka; r. persistently, okujegejja. rainbow, musoke. rainy, h nkuba; put aside for a r. day, okukusika. raise, okusitula, okuyimusa; (price) okuwanika. raise to life, okuzuukiza. r. the alarm, okukuba enduulu. r. oneself to a position, okwesusunkula. rake, okukalula. rake up (the past), okugugumbula, okuttukiza. rally, v.i., okweddamu omwoyo. ram, n., endiga ensajja, sseddume. ramble, okubulubuuta. rampart, bbugwe. ramrod, olusindirizo. rancidity, amalule. rancour, eggwanga, akadubudubu, ekkbnda, endibu. random, at, miromyo; vide okusaa tuuka; talk at r., okuvuya. rank, n., obukulu. rank, adj., r. smell, entoowooko. ransack, okutafuula. ransom, n., ekinunulo. ransom, v., okununula. rant, okujejbmba. rap, v., okukoona; r. with knuckle, okuikuba enkuku, okusisiira enkuku. rapacious, luvu. rapacity, obuluvu. rape, v., okukwata. raphia, obuso. rapid, a mbiro, angu. rapidity, embiro. rapidly, mangu, mbiro. rapids, ekiyiriro. rapier, ekitala. rapine, n., okunyaga. rapture, essanyueringi. rare, zibu; be r., okwekerenga. rarity, a, ebbula, kya kkekwa, ekye bonero. rascal, omubi, omukutu, nnantaga nyula rascality, obubi. rash, obutulututtu, ekirogologo, ekikuku, olumaama, eggirikiti, olusolo; break out in a r., okubutuka, okufuukuuka, okufuutuuka. rash, be, okwanguyiriza. raspberry, olukenene. rat, emmese, akabalaga, olubende; (edible) omusu, omwene, akabalanga. rate, n., omuwendo; (tax) omusolo, empooza. rate, at any, kavuna, kasita. ratel, entawiilira. rather, waakiri, wadde, yadde. ration, emmere, pposo, entanda. rational, a magezi. rattle, ensaasi, ejjebe, ekiyiritiro. rattle, v.i., okuwulunguta, okugulumba. raucous, get, okusaakaala. ravage, v., okuzikiriza, okwonoona, okunyaga, okunyakula. rave, v., okuyomba ennyo, okuboya, okulogojjana. ravelled up, be, okutujja. ravenous, be, okulumwa ennyo enjala. ravenously, eat, okubwagula, okuvuunya, okuliisa enjala, okwevumba emmere, okuwuwuggana. ravine, olukonko, empago, omuwaatwa. ravishing, lungi nsiiti. raw,bis!; vide embwagulo. rays (of sun), amalangalanga, entungizi; amagulug’enjubi. raze, v., okuzikiriza, okusangula. razor, akamwano, akamweso, ewembe. reach, okutuuka, okubuna, okuwera; vide okulengejja, okukunukkira. read, okusoma. reader, omusomi. readily, mangu. ready, get, okweteekateeka, okw etegeka, , okwetala (for battle); be r. (food), okuggya; make r., okuteekateeka, okutegeka. real, a mazima, we waawo, we waawo. really, ddala. realm, obwakabaka, amatwale. reap, okukungula; (pick) okunoga. reaper, omukunguzi. rear, adj., a nnyuma, a nkomerero, sembi; be in the r., okusemba. rear, v.tr. (child), okulera, okuganjula; (build) okuzimba; (on end) okuyimiriza. rearward, adv., nnyuma. reason, n. (intellect), amagezi; (cause) ensonga; vide okuvunaana. reason, v., okuteesa, okunnyonnyolagana. reasonable, a magezi, nsonga. reasoning, okuteesa, ensonga. rebel, n., omujeemu. rebel, v., okujeema, okujagalala. rebellion, obujeemu. rebellious, jeemii. rebound, okumasuka. rebuff, v., okuziyiza; be rebuffed, okukoggoka. rebuke, v., okunenya, okubuulirira, okujuukirira. recall, v., okukomyawo; (words) okugambulula; (remember) okujjukira; r. the past, okusimula eby’edda. recant, okuwuwuttanya. receive, okuweebwa, okutoola, okufuna; (welcome) okwaniriza, okukyaza, okusanyukira. recess, ekisegguusi, eddugulugu, aka nyomero, akalikondo. reckless, be, okulalagga, okwejeeguula. reckon, okubala; (think) okulowooza. reclaim, okukomyawo. recline, okugalamira, okwesigama, okusimba olukokola. recluse, kyewaggula. recognise, okutegeera, okutonda, okwetegereza. recoil, okudembuka; r. from, okwebangula. recollect, okujjukira. recommend, okusiima. recompense, n., empeera. recompense, v., okuliwa, okusasula. reconcile, okwetaba, okutabaganya, okugatta; be reconciled, okutabagana. reconnaissance, ekikwekweto. reconnoitre, okukwekweta. record, okuwandiika. recount, v.tr., okubala nate. recount (tell), okubuulira, okunnyonnyola, okumenya, okulombojja. recover, v.i., okussuuka, okuwona, okulamuka. recover,v.tr., okukomyawo; r. one’s wits, okwezimuukiriza. recreation, okuzannya, omuzannyo. recruit, n., omuggya, omusenze. rectangular (house), ya mwamba. rectify, okulongoosa, okusobolola. rectum, ekinyago, olwatiiti. red, myufu, twakaavu; (animals) gaaju, a lukunyu, a lujumba; become r., okumyuka, okutwaka, okutwakaala; r. earth, olukuusi, e ggerenge. redden, okumyusa, okutwakaaza. reddish, myukirivu, a kikuusikuusi. redeem, okununula. redeemer, omununuzi. redemption, okununulibwa. red hot, engereze; get r. h,, okwengerera. redletter day, olunakuolukulu. redness, obumyufu. redress, v., okulongoosa, okuliwa. reduce, okukendeeza, okukkakkanya; be reduced, okukendeera, okukkakkana; vide munyoto. reed, olumuli, essaalu, ekiwvuuwa, ekikaabugo. line of reeds, oluzizi. charred reeds, amagandaazi. unpolished reeds, emmuli z’abigomba. reedbuck, enjaza. reel, v., okutagatta. refer to, okujulira, okwogerako. referee, omulamuzi, omusazi. referee, v., okusala. reflect, v. (ponder), okufumiitiriza, okwebuuza; r. light, okutangalijja. reform, v.tr., okulongoosa; v.i., okwezza obuggya. reformation, okuzza obuggya. refractory, tengu, a mputtu. refrain, okwezira; r. from tears, okuzibiikiriza. refresh, okuwummuza. refreshment, omuzzo, emmere. refuge, ekiddukiro, obuddukiro, obwekwekero; take r., okweyuna, okweyamba. refugee, omuddusi, omwekwesi. refund, okusasula, okuliwa. refusal, okugaana. refuse, n., empitambi, ebisasiro. refuse, v., okugaana, okumma, okuwera, okuzira, okuguguba. r. to come, okuwambira. r. to answer, okukona, okuluma ensiwo, okwesirikira. r. to burn, okuvumbeera. r. reproof, okuwaganyala. refutation, okuddamu. refute, okuddamu, okuwakanya. regain, okukomyawo. r. health, okulamuka, okuddamuolungubanguba. r. path, okukyamuka. r. temper, okunyiigukuka. r. strength, okuddamuamaanyi. r. sight, okuzibuka. regal, a kabaka. regale, okuliisa. regard, v., okutunuulira, okulowooza, okutega amatu, okussaamuekitiibwa. regeneration, okuzaalibwa obuggya. Regent, Riijenti. regicide, omussi wa kabaka. regiment, ekitongole. region, ekitundu ky’ensi, ettwale. register, v., okuwandiika. regret, n., okunakuwala. regret, v.tr., okunakuwalira; v.i., okubonerera. regulation, ekiragiro. rehearse, okubuulira, okunnyo nnyola, okumenya, okutontoma. reign, n., emirembe, e.g. emirembe Emyanga, emirembe Emicwa, etc. reign, v., okufuga, okulya obwakabaka. reimburse, okuliwa, okusasula, okugerula. rein, olukoba. reject, okugaana, okuzira, okugoba, okuboola. rejoice, okusanyuka, okujaguza. rejoicing, essanyu. rejoin, okuyunga nate. relapse, v.i., okuttuka. relate, okubuulira, okunnyonnyola, okutegeeza, okuwanuula ebigambo. related, a lusi lumu, a kika kimu, a luganda. relation, muganda, ow’oluganda, ow’eŋŋanda. relative = foreg. relax, v.i., okunafuwa, okuleebeeta; v.tr., okulebeza, okuddiriza. release, okusumulula, okuta. relegate, okukwasa, okusigira. relent, okukkakkana, okukya, okukoma. relentlessly, tekya, tekkakkana. reliable, esigwa, a nkalakkalira. relict, nnamwandu. relieve (pain), okukkakkanya; (assist) okubeera, okuyamba; r. oneself, okunya, okweyabya. religion, eddiini. religious, a ddiini. relinquish, okuleka, okuta. relish, n., enva, eky’okuliira. relish, v., okuwoomerera. reluctant, be, okweganiriza. reluctantly, go, okwesisiggiriza, okwesiisa. rely on, okwesiga. remain, okubeera, okutuula, okusigala, okulindirira. remainder, ebisigadde; (dregs) obukyu, ebbonda. remark, n., ekigambo. remark, v., okugamba, okwogera. remarkable, a kitiibwa, atiikirivu. remedy, n., eddagala, ekiwonya. remedy, v., okuwonya, okulongoosa. remember, okujjukira. remembrance, ekijjukizo. remind, okujjukiza; r. one another, okujjukanya. remiss, okwerabiriza. remission, okusonyiyibwa. remit, okusonyiwa. remonstrate, okunenya. remorse, n., ennaku, okwejjusa. remorseful, a nnaku; be r., okwejjusa. remove, okuggyawo, okujjulula, okuteekulula. remunerate, okuwa omusaala, okuwa empeera. renal, a nsiga. rend, okuyuza, okutaagula. render, okuwa, okusasula; (translate) okukyusa. renew, okuzza obuggya, okuttukiza. renounce (refuse), okugaana; (disown) okuboola (persons); (give up) okuleka, okuta; r. blood brotherhood, okuvumirira omukago. renown, ettendo, ekitiibwa, ettutumu. renowned, a kitiibwa, atiikirivu; vide okututumuka. rent, v., okugulirira, okupangisa. rent, n., obusuulu; (tear) ekituli. rent, be, okuyulika. repair, okulongoosa, okuddaabiriza. repartee, okuddamu. repast, emmere. repay, okusasula. repeal, okudibya, okuteekulula. repeat, okuddamu, okujeejera, okuyeeya. repeatedly, emirundi mingi, lutata, lunye; do r., okuddiŋŋana. repel, okuziiza, okugoba, okuzzaayo ennyuma. repent, okwenenya, okwejjusa, okubonerera. repentance, use inf. of v. foreg. replenish, okujjuza nate, okuzzaa mu, okwongeramu. reply, okuddamu, okwanukula, okunyega; reply curtly, okumimiira. reply, n., okuddamu. report, n., ettutumu; evil r., olujeejeemo, emberebezi. report, v., okubuulira, okuleeta ebigambo. repose, v., okuwummula, okugala mira. represent, okwolesa; (in words) okubuulira. representative, omubaka. repress, okuziyiza. reprimand, okunenya, okuboggolera. reprisals, take, okuwalana endibu. reproach, n., ekivume. reproach, v., okunenya. reprove, okunenya, okubuulirira, okusiinya. reptile, ekyewalula. repudiate, okugaana, okwegaana, okwesammula, okwetakiriza. repugnance, okutamwa, ekyenyinyalo. repulse, n., enfuka,, entagi. repulse, okugoba, okukuba enfuka, okuzzaayo e nnyuma. reputation, use v., okumanyibwa; he has a reputation for strength = amanyiddwa nga ow’amaanyi. request, v., okusaba, okwegayirira. require, v., okwetaaga, okwagala. requite, okusasula. rescind, okudibya, okujjulula, okuteekulula. rescue, okulokola, okuwonya, okudduukirira, okutaakiriza, okuzibira. resemblance, ekifaananyi. resemble, okufaanana. resent, okunyiigira. resentment, ekinyiigo, akadubudubu. reserve, adj., a nsibo. reserve, v., okutereka; r. for, okubambira. reside, okubeera, okutuula. residence, ennyumba, enju. residue, obukyu. resign, okuvaamu, okuleka, okumaamuka. resin, amasanda, envumbo. resist, okuziyiza, okulwana, okuwalira, okukungubala. resolute, gumu, vumu. resolution, amaanyi, obugumu. resolve, okuteesa, okukakasa, okumalirira. resort, n., ettabaaliro. resort to, okwetuukira, okweyuna, okwewamba. resources, ebiyengo; collect one’s r., okwekukumba. respect, n. (honour), ekitiibwa. respect, v., okussaamuekitiibwa, okutya, okuwulira. respectable, lungi. respectful, rel. form of v. to respect. respire, okussa omukka. respite, ebbeetu, olwoso; without r., kamuleebu. resplendent, be, okunekaaneka. respond, okuddamu; there is no response, tewali kawuna. responsibility, obuvunaanyi. responsible, be, okuvunaana; hold r., okuvunaanya. rest, n., okuwummula; without r., kannamuntawu. rest, v., okuwumula, okugalamira, okugwa ebboki, okutoowolokoka, okuwujjaalako. rest, n. (remainder), lala; rel. form of v. okusigala. restingplace, ekisulo, ekiwummulo. restless, be, okwekubiira, okwese guunya, okutaawa, okuyigaayigana, okutiiratiira. restlessness, kamagumagu. restore, okuzzaayo, okuddiza, okusasula, okuliwa; (cure) okuwonya; be restored, okussuuka, okuwona. restrain, okuziyiza, okuzibiikiriza. restrict, okufunza. resurrection, okuzuukira. retail, to, okutunda lejjalejja. retain, okusigala na, okusigaza. retainer, omuweereza. retaliate, okuwalana eggwanga, okuwalana endibu. retard, okuziiza, okulobera. retch, okwegoga, okusinduukirira. retention of urine, have, okuggalira. retire, okudda ennyuma, okwesenda senda; (go out) okufuluma; r. from an assembly, okukiikulukuka. retract, okugambulula. retreat, n. (place), obuddukiro, ekiddukiro. retreat, v., okuddayo ennyuma. return, n., amadda. return, v., okukomawo, okudda, okuddirira, okubbuka; be long returning, okuzimirira. reunite, okutaba, okutabaganya. reveal, okubikkula; r. oneself, okw ekwekula. revelation, okubikkulirwa. revenge oneself, okuwalana eggwanga. revengeful, a ttima. revenue, omusolo, ensimbi ez’olukiiko. revere, okussaamuekitiibwa, okutya. reverence, okutya. reverence, v. = revere, reverie, n., okufumiitiriza, okw ewuunya. reverse, n. (in battle), entagi, enfuka, entatinda. reverse, v., oku kyusa, okuzza ennyuma. revile, okuvuma, okweyana, okw akira, okubojja, okubejjerera, okwekookera, okwenwenweka, okudidi mbuka. reviling, n., ekivume. revive, v.i., okweddamuomwoyo, okuzuukira, okuwona, okudda engulu. revive, v.tr., okuzuukiza; r. a name, okubbula. revoke, okukyusa, okujjulula, okudibya, okuteekulula. revolt, v.i., okujeema; v.tr. (disgust), okutama. revolution, obujeemu. revolve, v.i., okuzunga, okwekulungula. revolve, v.tr. (consider), okufumiitiriza. revolver, basitoola. reward, n., ekirabo, empeera. reward, v., okuwa empeera, okuwa ekirabo, okufuuwa. rhagades, ennungu. rheumatic, adj., a kimenyoomenyo. rheumatism, ekimenyoomenyo, embowa, ensowoko, akazimu, oluwata. rhinitis, ekibobe. rhinoceros, enkula. rib, olubiriizi; (of plantain leaf) omugo ŋŋoonyo; (of palm leaf) ekibo. ribald, gwagwa. rice, omupunga. rich, gagga; vide bijooto, bikokye, ssebintu, mwome, nnagajja, ssegaali; (of soil) gimu; get rich, okugaggawala, okufuggala. riches, obugagga, ebintu, emmaali, rickety (child), kagubiri, kagubungu. rid of, get, okugoba, okuggyawo. riddle, ekikokko, ekikokyo; propound, okuko kkola; speak in riddles, okugereesa, okugerenjula. ride, v., okwebagala, okwebereka; (cycle) okwebiriga. rider, omwebagazi. ridge, omugongo, olukulukumbi; r. pole, omulabba. ridicule, n., enseko. ridicule, v., okusekerera, okukiina, okuduula, rifle, n., emmundu. rifle, v., okunyaga. rifleman, omulasi. rift, olukonko. right (hand), ddyo; (good) lungi; vide kyawo; r. away! kibaaze! righteous, tuukirivu. righteousness, obutuukirivu. rightly, munnono. rigid, be, okukalambala. rigor, okukankana, okujugumira, ekitengo. rigorous, maanyi. rigour, amaanyi. rim, omugo. rind, ekikuta. rinderpest, nsotoka. ring, n., empeta, ekigambira; enkata. ring, v.i., okusaala; (bell) okuvuga; v.tr., okukuba (ekide, endege); rings of reeds in hut, ebizizi, ringleader, omukulembeze (mu kujeema), omukulu. ringworm, ebiguuna, oluwumu. rinse, okunyumunguza, okwewuuga, okubatika. riot, n., akacwano, akeediimu. riot, v., okusasamala. rip, v., okuyuza, okwabya. ripe, engevu; get r., okweng£ra, okuggya, okubuulukuka; r, on one side, kibogwe; (abscess) okutenguka, okutunguliita. ripen, v.tr. okwengeza. ripples, obuyanja. rise, okuyimuka, okugolokoka, okusituka; (as sun) okuvaayo; (rebellion) okujeema; (river) okusibuka; (yeast) okuzimbulukuka; (from death) okuzuukira; (in stomach) okukeeta, okusiikuuka emmeeme; (to great height) okutumbiira; (to surface) okubuulukuka; (give rise to) okuzaala. risks, take, okwegabula, okwetunda, okwevuubiika, okutunda omwoyo. rite, omukolo, empisa, ey’eddiini. rival, n., omuvuganyi. river, omugga. rivulet, akagga. road, ekkubo, oluguudo, mwasanjala; byr., oluwenda. roam, okubulubuuta, okukyama, okulalagga. roar, v., okuwuliiguma, okukuga; (fire) okutuntumuka; (water) okuyira. roast, okwokya, okusiika. roasted, okye, siike. rob, okubba, okunyaga, okuvuvuba. robber, omubbi, omunyazi. robbery, obubbi, obunyazi. robe, n., ekyambalo, ekijeero, busuuti. robe, v.i., okwambala. robinchat, ennyonza. robust, a ggume, nene. robustness, eggume. rock, n., olwazi, ejjinja. rock, v., okunyeenya, okuyuuguuma, okwesuuba; r. oneself to sleep, okweyibaala. rocky, a njazi. rod, omuggo. roe, obusowe, rogue, vide rascal, roll, n., omuzingo; (cloth) ejjoola. roll, v.i., okukulunga, okukulugguka, okwebiriga, okweyiringisa. roll, v.W., okukulungula. r. up, okuzinga. r. the eyes, okuzinyisa amaaso. r. self up, okweromola. r. letter r, okukululiza. roller (bird), enkambo. rollingstone, musenzaalanda. Roman, Omuluumi; R. Catholic, Omukatuliki, Omupaapa. Roman, adj., a kiruumi. romance, olugambo, enfumo; v., okulya amanoni. romp, v., okuzannya, okuleruka. roof, n., akasolya; (of mouth) akabuno. room, ekisenge; (space) ebbanga, omuwaatwa; find r., okugyamu, okweyabya; make r. for, okusegulira, okweyegulula. roost, n., oluwe. roost, v., okwewanika kuluwe. root, n., ekikolo, olusika, omuzi; r. of plantain, enkolo. root up, okusimbula, okukuula. rope, omugwa, olumaka; (of grass) omusasi; (of papyrus) olutoogo. rosary, ssapuli, yirizi; vide beads, rosin, vide resin. rot, okuvunda, okugaga, okubola, rotate, v.i., okwekulungula. rotation, do in r., okukola ebisanja. rotten, vundu, boofu; get r., vide rot. rotund, ekibumbuli. rough (of cloth), siiwuufu; (of persons) kambwe, kopi; get r. (of sea), okwefuukuula, okusiikuuka. roughly, kkakkakka, bikaakaalule; speak r., okwogera n’ebboggo, okukaayuukana, okuboggola, okutuntumuka. round, adj., ekulungirivu, a kitee teeyi, a kisuuwa, a kibumbuli. r. and r., okutawuka. be r., okwekulungirira. make r., okukulunga, okukulungi rira. go r., okuzungulula, okwetooloola, okwekooloobya. go r.’and r., okwetooloola. round about, go, okwekooloobya, okutambula olukingizi, okukiiyiriza. round-shouldered, be, okukootakoota. roundly, kungwa, ddala. rouse, v.tr., okugolokosa, okuzuukusa. be roused (angry), okutabanguka. rout, v.f okugoba, okubina, okutwala kirinnyamutikke. route, ekkubo. rove, okubulubutta. row, n. (line), olunyiriri, olubi. row, n. (noise), akacwano, oluyoogaano; make a r., okuyoogaana, okuleekaana. row, v., okuvuga. rowdy, be, okusukkuluma. rower, omuvuzi. royal, a kabaka, a katuuso. rub, v., okukunta, okukunya, okukulubuuta, okukuuba, okusiimuula; (polish) okunyiriza, okuzigula, okuwawula; (chafe) okukosa; r. self, okwekuusa; r. thin, okuwojjoola. rubber, omupiira. rubbish, ebisasiro, ebisaaniiko, ebirungu; r. heap, effumbiko. rudder, enkasi egoba. ruddy, myufu; be r., okumyuka. rude, kopi, a kyejo, si a mpisa (nnungi); be r. to, okukimbuula. rudely, makuumuule. rudeness, empisa embi, ekyejo. rudiments, eby’olubereberye. rue, v., okwenenya, okwejjusa. ruffle, v., okufunyaafunya; be ruffled, okujagalala. rug, ekikunta. ruin, v., okuzikiriza, okwonoona. ruins, ennyumba emmenyefu, amatonga. rule, n., ekiragiro; (dominion) enfuga. rule, v., okufuga, okutwala; (a line) okukoloboza, okukuba. ruler, omufuzi, omwami, omukungu; (for lines) akati, luula. rumble, okuwulunguta, okubukuta, okududuma, okukulumbuka. ruminate, okwezi obwenkulumo; (consider) okufumiitiriza. rummage, v., okutaganjula, okuwenja. rumour, n., kbigambo, olugambo, ettutumu, emberebezi. rumour v., okubunya ebigambo. rump, e ttako, omuzinga. rumple, okufunyaafunya, okugenyaagenya. run, v.i., okudduka, okusaalimba, okwetereekerera; (leak) okugenda; (spread) okugererera; (wheel) okuyiringita. r. out (end), okuggwawo. r. away, okubomba, okuwunga, okunoba, okuwkmbuka; (melt) okukereketa; (flow) okukulukuta; (of eyes) okubolokota. r. very fast, okwewenya, okweyera, okukwenyuka, okusirimuka, okupirimpya. run, v.tr., r. up (price), okuwanika omuwendo; r. down (abuse) okugeya, okuvuma. runaway, n., omubombi. runner, omuddusi. rupee, rupiiya. rupture, n. (quarrel), oluyombo; (hernia) omukundi. rupture, v., okukutula. rural deanery, ettwale. ruse, n., olukwe. rush, n., olulago, ekisaalu, oluyulu. rush, v., okudduka embiro, okufubutuka, okuwamatuka, okutwala nkiki, okupaala, okuboyaana; (of river) okwewagaanya. rust, n., obutalagge. rust, v., okutalagga. rustic, n., omukopi, omutaka. rustle, v., okukwakwaya, okubukuta, okukuutaana, okupakala. rut, n., olusalosalo. rut, v., okulundugga. ruthless, kambwe. Sabbath, Ssabbiiti. sable, ddugavu. sabre, ekitala. sac, ekibondo. sack, n., ensawo, egguniya. sack, v., okunyaga, okunyakula; (dismiss) okugoba. sackcloth, ebibukutu. sacrament, essaakalamentu. sacred, tukuvu, tuukirivu. sacrifice, n., ssaddaaka, ekiweebwayo, ekyokuwonga, ekiwendo, ekyonziira; place of s., ekitambiro, ettambiro. sacrifice, v., okuwaayo ssaddaaka, okuwonga, okutambira. sad, adj., naku, a bunaku; be s., okunakuwala, okwennyika, okwobeera; vide okusiyagira, okuwuubaala, okuwooteera. sadden, okunakuwaza. saddle, amatandiiko. saddle, v., okusaaka amatandiiko, okutandiika. sadness, ennaku, obuyinike, ekiwuubaalo. safe, adj., teriimukabi; (trusty) esigwa. safe, n., sseefu, essanduuko ey’ekyuma. safeguard, v., okukuuma, okulabirira. safely, mirembe, bulungi. safety, n., emirembe. saffron, adj. (colour), a kyenvu. sag, v., okuleebeeta. sagacious, gezi, tegeevu, a magezi. sagacity, amagezi, obutegeevu. sage, n., omuntu omugezi ennyo. sail, ettanga; set s., okuwanika amatanga. sailor, n., omulunnyanja. saint, n., omutukuvu, omutuukirivu. saintliness, obutukuvu, obutuukirivu. saintly, tukuvu, tuukirivu. sake of, for the, kubwa, kulwa. salary, omusaala, empeera. sale,n., okutunda. saleable, be, okutundika. salesman, omutunzi. salient, adj., kulu. saline, adj., a munnyo. saliva, amalusu. salivation, kaboole. sallow, eru, eru. salt, omunnyo, ekisula; vide ebiswazzi, fensero, fengugo. salt, adj., a munnyo. salt, v., okuteekamu omunnyo, okulungamu omunnyo, okusiwa. saltness, ensa. salutation, okulamusa; send s., okutuma okulaba. salute, okulamusa. salvation, obulokozi, obulokovu. salver, olutiba. same, mu; all the s., kye kimu; it’s all the s., kye kimu. sameness, obumu. sample, v., okulegako. sanctification, obutukuvu, obutuukirivu. sanctify, okutukuza. sanction, n., olukusa. sanction, v., okukkiriza, okuganya. sanctity, obutukuvu. sanctuary, ekifo ekitukuvu, ekkalizo. sand, omusenyu. sandal, engatto, musaasaane. sandbank, ekyereero. sandpaper, oluwawu. sandstone, ensibo. sandy, a musenyu. sane, lamu, gezi sanguinary, kambwe. sanity, magezi. sansevieria, ekigoogwa. sap, amasanda, akaleebo. sap, v. (weaken), okunafuwaza, okunafuya. sapient, gezi. sarcasm, n., okukiina, ekikiino. sarcastic, be, okukiina, okusaakaanya. sash, blwebagyo, olukoba, olufuvu. Satan, Ssetaani. satanic, a ssetaani. satchel, ensawo, ennyambalizo. satiate, okunyiya, okunyiyisa; be satiated, okunyiwa. satiety, to, bukolokolo. satisfaction, essanyu; (payment) okuliwa, okutangirira. satisfactory, lungi, esigwa, tuufu. satisfied, adj. (with food), kkufu; pleased, siimi; be s., okukkuta, okwesiima, okwesunyako, okumatira. satisfy (food), okukkusa; be satisfied, okwenyinya. saturated, get, okutoba, okubiririra. Saturday, Ssaatade, Olw’omukaaga. sauce, enva; vide ekipooli; (impudence) ekyejo. saucepan, essuffuliya. saucer, akasoosi. saucily, n’ekyejo. saucy, a kyejo; vide insolent, saunter, okulemba, okulattalatta, okubaalabaala. savage, adj., kambwe. save, okuwonya, okulokola, okweterekera. savings, ebitereke. saviour, omulokozi. savour, evvumbe, olusu, ensa, eddekende, ekinogezi, ekisomerezi; savourless, a kikanso. savoury, a kawoowo, nyuvu; savouries, bicepere. saw, n., omusumeeno; (saying) olugero. saw, v., okusala n’omusumeeno. sawdust, effufugge, empumbu. say, okwogera, okugamba; s. fare well to, okusiibula; have nothing to s., okubutantala. saying, n., ekigambo, olugero. scab, ekikuta, ekikakampa, eggamba, (disease of goats) nnaganga. scabbard, ekiraato. scabies, obuwere. scaffold, olubanyi, amadaala. scald, v.tr., okubambula. scale (of fish), eggamba; (for weighing) minzaani, ekigero, scalp, olukuta lw’obwetikkiro; disease of s., obwezinge, enfuuyirizi. scalpel, ekiso. scaly, a magamba. scamper, okudduka embiro, okuweebuuka. scan (look over), okwekkaanya, okukebera, okutunuulira. scandal, ekyesittaza, ensonyi, okwesittaza. scandalise, okukwasa ensonyi. scandalous, nsonyi. scant, tono. scapegoat, nnawalubwa, a lutwe. scapegrace, nnantaganyula. scapula, enkwakwa. scar, enkovu, obwavu, ekibambya. scarab beetle, kikulungamazi. scarce, tatera kulabika; rel. of okukeewa = be s., a kekwa, a mpambiiro. scarcity (of food), enjala, empambiiro. scare, n., entiisa, ensisi. scare, v., okutiisa, okukanga, okuguŋŋumula, okugugunga; be scared off (birds), okugugumuka. scarecrow, kasajjaffuba. scarf, olukoba, ekitambaala, scarify, okusalaasala, okutema omuziga, okuconcona. scarlet, adj., myufu, twakaavu. scatter, okusaasaanya, okusansa; v.i., okusaasaana, okwabulukuka. scattered, a magimbagimba; be s., okusaasaana, okwabulukuka, okutanta, okutaataagana, okugumbulukuka. scene (disturbance), akacwano, oluyombo. scent, kaliuwa, ekke. scent, v., okuwulira, okufuuwa. sceptical, takkiriza. scepticism, okubuusabuusa, obutakkiriza. sceptre, ddamula, omuggo gwa kabaka. scheme, n., okuteesa, amagezi. scheme, v., okuteesa, okwekoba, okuwatanya. schemer, omuwatanyi. scheming, a nkwe. schism, okwawukana. scholar, omusomi, omuyigirizwa; (learned man) omukugu. scholarly, a magezi, yigirize. school, essomero, ejjigirizo, essukuulu. schoolmaster, omuyigiriza, omusomesa, omusizi. sciatica, ekimenyoomenyo. scimitar, ekitala. scintillate, okutemereza. scissors, makansi. scoff at, okuduula, okusekerera, okujaagaana, okubereega. scoffer, omuduuzi, omusekerezi. scold, v.tr., okujuuka, okujunga; v.i. okuboggola, okuyomba. scoop, v. (out), okuyiikuula, okuwowoggola, okubajjamu; (up) okusena. scope, ebbanga. scorch, v.i., okusiriira; v.tr., okusiriiza, okuconcona, okwengula. score, n., omuwendo, obugoba, ekkwiri. score, v. (in game), okugoba, okunywa; fail to s., okukuba busu; (cut) vide scarify, scorn, n., obuduuzi, okunyooma, okujeeja. scorn, v., okunyooma, okukudaala, okwesigaanya, okwegaya. scorner, omunyoomi, omukudaazi. scornful, use rel. form of v. to scorn. scorpion, enjaba y’obusagwa. scoundrel, vide rascal, scour, okukuuta, okusiimula ennyo. scourge, n., olukoba, kibooko; (punishment) ekibondbono; (plague) olumbe. scout, n., omukessi; (boy scout) omusikaawutu. scout, v., okuketta, okukwekweta. scowl, v., okunyinyimbwa, okukalala. scrap, akantu, akatiriginya; (of meat) e bbaago; use n. in tu -class. scrape, v., okukalakata, okukokota, okukolokota, okuwala. scrapings, ebikuta, olukulo. scratch, n., olukoloboze, okukulubuka. scratch, v., okwagula, okutakula, okukolobola, okusuna; s. oneself, okwetakula, okweyagula; s. out, okutta, okusangula; be scratched, okukulubuka. scream, v., okubaaluuka, okukuba enduulu. screech, v., okujogoolikana. screen, n., ekisenge, akangodera, ekitimba, eggigi. screen, v., okukweka, okusiikiriza. screw, n., omusumaali gw’enjola. screw, v., okunyoola; s. oneself up, okwekabiriza. scribble, okuwandiika amangu, okuwandiika bikaakaalule. scribe, omuwandiisi. scrip, ebbaluwa, (bag) ensawo. scriptural, a mubyawkndiikibwa. scripture, ebyawandiikibwa. scroll, omuzingo gw’empapula. scrotum, ensawo y’ebinege. scrub, n., ekisaka, olukenke, enkungube, entuggu. scrub, v., okukuuta, okusiimula ennyo. scrutinise, okwekkaanya, okukebera, okutentegula. scud, v., okudduka embiro, okupaapiira. scuffle, v., okulwanagana, okukuba gana; (of noise) okufaakuuza. scum, ekisejja. scurrility, obuvumi. scurrilous, vumi. scurvily, bubi. . scuttle along, okutonta. sea, ennyanja. seal, n., akabonero. seal, v., okussaako akabonero. seam, n., entabiro, olukindo, awayungirwa. seaman, omulunnyanja. sear, v. (bum), okusiiriiza, okwokya; be seared (leaves), okuwotoka. search, okunoonya, okukenneenya, okutaga, okuwamma; search for stolen property, okwaza; (for things visible) okuwuzuuma, okusakatta. seashore, olubalama lw’ennyanja. season, n., omwaka, amasumi, ebiro, enfunda; wet s., ttoggo, ddumbi; dry s., ekyeya. season, v., okulunga, okunoza; be seasoned well, okunoga. seat, entebe; (in canoe) olubanga. seat, v.tr., okutuuza. seborrhoea, ebisukko. secede, okweyawula. seclude (oneself), okwewala, okweyawula. second, a kubiri; s. in command, omumyuka, kalabaalaba; vide omuwuula. secondly, eky’okubiri. secret, n., ekyama, enkiso. secret, adj., a kyama. secretary, omuwandiisi. secrete, okukweka, okukisa; okukamula. secretion (of eyes), akajonjo; (of mouth) olugeregeze. secretly, mukyama, mankwetu, munkukutu, kimugunyu; do s., okubbirira. sect, ekitundu. section, ekitundu, ennyingo, ekiba. secular, a munsi muno. secure, v., okusiba, okunyweza; (obtain) okufuna. security, emirembe; (pledge) akakalu, omusingo, embereko. sediment, obukyu, obukudumu, ebbonda. sedition, obujeemu. seditious, jeemu; be s., okujagalala. seduce, okusendasenda, okukyamya. seducer, omwenzi. sedulous, nyiikivu. see, okulaba, okutunula, okulengera; (understand) okutegeera, okwetegereza; (visit) okukyalira, okulaba ; (see off) okuwerekera. seed, n., ensigo, empeke, akasigirirwa; vide embo, empambo; (offspring) ezzadde. seedtime, omwaka ogw’okusiga. seedy, be, okubaamuenkenyera. seek, okunoonya; vide search, seem, okufaanana nga, okuba nga. seemly, lungi; be s., okusaana, okugwana. seen, be, okulabika. seer, nnabbi, omulaguzi. seethe, okutokota. segment, ekitundu. seize, okukwata, okuvumba; vide okuyisiŋŋanya, vide commandeer, select, adj., ekironde, ekyeroboze. select, v., okulondamu, okweroboza, okulondoba, okusiima. select, okulonda; (things selected) ebironde. self, mwene, kka, ennyini. self-conscious, be, okuloola. self-controlled, be, okuzibiikiriza. self-denial, okwegaanyisa. self-destruction, okwetta. self-restraint, obwetangize, essimbo. self-satisfied, be, okucacanca. self-sown seeds, kyemeza, ekimemerezi. self-sufficient, be, okweyagira. self-will, emputtu. self-willed, a mputtu, bambaavu; be self-w., okuwaganyala. selfish, kodo; be s., okweriira. selfishness, obukodo. sell, v., okutunda, okuguza, okubunza. semblance, ekifaananyi. semen, amaanyi. semi, a kiwuubaanya. seminary, sseminaariyo. semsem, entungo, ennyagi. senate, olukiiko. send, (things) okuweereza; (messenger) okutuma, okusindika; (army) okugaba. s. away, okugoba. s. back, okuzzaayo. s. for, okutumya. s. to greet, okutumira. s. spies, okusuula enkessi. senior, kulu. seniority, obukulu. sense, n., amagezi; (meaning) amakulu, ensa. senselessly, madiba. sensible, gezi, tegeevu. sensitive, rel. form of okuwulira amangu; s. plant, akafansonyi. sensual, egombi, gwagwa. sentence (judgment), okusala, ebisali bwa; give s., okusala omusango. sentinel, omukuumi. separate, v.i., okwawukana, okwawuka, okwabuka; s. oneself, okwewala, okwebonga, okwesumaga. separate, v.tr., okwawula, okutaasa; s. into heaps (wares), okulenga, okutabulula. September, Ssebutemba. septennial, a buli mwaka ogw’omusanvu. septic, get, okutana. Septuagesima, Sseputwagesima. Septuagint, Sseputwajinta. sepulchre, entaana, amalaalo. sepulture, okuziika. serf, omuddu. serious, taseka; (important) kulu, nene. sermon, okubuulira. serpent, omusota. serval cat, emmondo. servant, omuweereza, omuddu, omulenzi; (female) omuzaana. serve, okuweereza, okusenga; (be of use) okugasa; (give out) okugaba, okubega; s. up, okujjula, okusoosootola; s. him right! musango gwe! service, okuweereza, omulimu; (help) okuyamba, obuyambi, okubeera; (worship) okusinza, okusaba. serviceable, be, okugasa. servitor, omuweereza, omuddu. servitude, obuddu. set, okuteeka, okussa. s. down, okussa wansi. s. upright, okusimba, okuwangiza. s. sail, okuwanika amatanga. s. in line, okukolonga, okusimba olunyiriri. s. apart, okwawula, okutereka. s. the stroke, okulamba. s. at naught, okunyooma. s. a table, okutandiika emmeeza. s. out on a journey, okusitula. s. forth (explain), okutegeeza, okunnyonnyola. s. on (attack), okulumba. s. on fire, okwokya, okwokerera. s. a trap, okutega. s. right, okulongoosa. s. side by side, okuliraanya, okusengeka. s. to work, okukolo, okukoza. s. (dog) on, okuweerera. s. limb, okuyunga. s. teeth on edge, okunyenyeera. set, n., olubu, ettuluba. settle, v.i., okubeera, okusimba ama kanda, okusimba akanywa, okutuula obunkonge; (of sediments) okw esengejja. settle, v.tr., okugonza, okukkakkanya; (dispute) okumalawo empaka, okusonjola; (adjust) okulongoosa. settler, omuwaŋŋanguse. seven, musanvu. seventeen, kkumi na musanvu. seventh, a musanvu. sever, okusalamu, okutemamu. severe, kakanyavu. severity, obukakanyavu. sew, okutunga, okukinda, okusona; (beads in pattern) okuwunda; (reeds) okusiira. sewing, okutunga. shackles, ebisiba, enjegere. shade, shadow, n., ekisiikirize, aka zzikezzike, ekittuluze; vide envumbo. shade, v., okusiikiriza. shade, adj., a kisiikirize. shaft, olunyago, ekiti, ekirungu; (of mine) obuya. shake, v.i., okugulumba, okubaata baata, okukankana, okujugumira, oku tintima, oku tiitiira, oku tengeeta, okutengera. shake, v.tr., okunyeenya, okuyuugana, okuyuuguuma, okuyuuya, okusuukunda, okunyegeekereza. s. out, okukunkumula, okufukumula. s. off (water, as a dog), okukunkumula omusulo, okwessammula, okwemansula. s. head, okulanga ensingo. shaking, ekikankano, ensisi. shaky, be, okugulungujja. shallow, n., ekyereero. shallow, adj. (water), tono. sham, ekikalizo. sham, v., okwegamba; vide feign, shame, n., ensonyi. shame, v., okukwasa ensonyi, okuswaza. shamefaced, be, okulembeera. shameful, a nsonyi; rel. form of v. foreg. shameless person, omuwemu. shamelessly, act, okuwemuka. shank, okugulu. shanty, akasiisira. shape, n., ekifaanbnyi; out of s., vide olubyabya. shape, v., okubumba, okufaananya; (wood) okubajja. share, n., omugabo, ekitundu, omugereko, omutemwa. share, v., okussa ekimu, okugabana. sharp, adj., a bwogi; (clever) gezi; (quick) angu; be s., okubanguka, okutula; get s., okwogiwa. sharp-pointed, songovu. sharp-shins, akaberegenya. sharp-witted, gezi, a magezi, jagujagu. sharpen, ekiwagbla, okubangula, okubenga, okubalangula; (point), okusongola. sharpness, obwogi; (cleverness) amagezi; (s. in finding) obuzuuzi. shatter, okumenyaamenya; be shattered, okumenyekamenyeka. shave, v.tr., okumwa; s. oneself, okwemwa. shaving, ekibajjo. sheaf, ekinywa. shear, v., okusala. shears, makansi. sheath, n., ekiraato, ekibondo; (of plantain flower) empumbu. shed, n., ekigango ; (carpenters) ebba jjiro; (smiths) essasa. shed, v. (tears), okukaaba; (wings) okukuyeeya; (leaves) okuwaatula; (skin) okuyubula, okunuunyula; (branches) okwewbwagula. sheep, endiga. sheepfold, ekisibo. sheet, ekikunta, ettundubaali; (of paper) omuko. shelf, ekitindiro, olubaawo. shell, n. (cowrie), ensimbi; (snail) essonko; (egg) ekisosonkole; (tortoise) ekiwaawo. shell, v., okususa. shelter, n., ekiddukiro. shelter, v.i., okweggama, okwewo goma. shepherd, omusumba. shew, v., okulaga, okwolesa. shield, n., engabo. shield, v., okukuuma. shift, i., olubu, oluwalo. shift, v.i., okusegulira; v.tr., okujjulula. shillyshally, okubuusabuusa. shinbone, olulundulumduli. shine, okwaka, okwakaayakana, okumasamasa, okunyereketa. shiny, be, okubaako omubabiro. ship, ekyombo, emmeeri, malekebu. ship, v., okusaabaza. shipowner, nnanyini kyombo. shipwreck, okumenyeka kw’eryato. shipwright, omutuusa. shirk, okudaalimba. shiver, okukankana, okujugumira, okutintima, okutiitiira, okugugumuka, okutintimirira. shock v. (disgust), okutama. shoe, engatto. shoemaker, omukozi w’engatto, ffundi w’engatto. shoo, v.tr., okusiiya. shoot, n. (plant), ensibuka, ettenga; (plantain) endu, ensukusa. shoot, v., okukuba emmundu, okulasa. shoot up (suddenly), okwesusunkula. shooting-star, kibonoomu. shop, n., edduuka, ettundiro. shop, v., okugula, okugenda mukatale. shore, olubalama, ettale, olukalu, olubuto. short, mpi, agaagavu, a kitema; vide nnakimpina; wear s. clothes, okwambala kalengeru. shortage (food), akaseera, enjala. shorten, v.tr., okuyimpiwaza, eki salbkb; be shortened, okuyimpa wala. shortly (soon), mangu; (in few words) mubigambo bitono. shortness, obumpi. shot, good, ow’entomo. shoulder, n., ekibegabega; (round shoulders) entumba. shoulder, v., okukongojja, okubaga lira. shoulder-blade, enkwakwa, amakumi. shout, v., okukoowoola, okuleekaana, okuyoogaana; (for joy) okukuba olube, okukuba emizira; (for help) okukuba enduulu. shove, okusindika, okusindiikiriza, okuseetula, okujajjatta. show, n., ekyerolerwa. for s., maseeneeko. do for s., okuseeneeka. make a s. of refusing, okweggaggassa. show, v.i., okwoleka, okulabika; s. off, okwejalabya, okwemanyiikiriza. show, v.tr., okulaga, okwolesa, okutengeka; (prove). okutegeeza. s. off (as warriors), okugooma, okudaadira, okudaala. s. whites of eyes, okukanula amaaso. s. head only, okwesowola. shower, n., oluwandaggirize, olunywankoko. showery, a mpandaggirize. shreds, in, adj., abifu. shrewd, tegeevu, kalabakalaba. shrewdness, amagezi, obukalabaka laba. shriek, v., okubaaluuka. shrike, ekimbagaya, entoozitoozi. shrine, ekiggwa, essabo, omwaliro. shrink, okweveera, okuyimpawala, okukendeera, okwetugga; (fear) okutya. shrivel, okuwotoka. shroud, n., amabugo. shrub, ekisaka. shrug, okwesisiwala. shudder, vide shiver, shuffle along, okubambalika. shun, okwewala, okwebalama, okw ezlngotoka. shut, adj., ggavu; be s. in, okw egumika. shut, v., okusiba, okuggalawo; vide close: (mouth), okubunira, okubuniza akamwa; (umbrella) okumenya; s. up (slang), v.i., okutoowa. shutter, n., olubaawo lw’eddirisa. shuttle, obutanta. shy, be, okukwatibwa ensonyi. sick, be, okusesema, okutanaka; fall sick (ill), okulwala; (be disgusted) okutamwa. sick, adj., lwadde, kosefu. sicken, v.i., okulwala; (cause to vomit) okusesemya; (disgust) okutama. sick, feel, v., okwegoga; I f. s., emmeeme ensinduukirira. sickle, ekiwabyo. sickness, endwadde, obulwadde; sleeping s., mmongoota, kitenduka, kibongoya. side, n., obukiika, oluuyi, ebbali, eki balaaju, olusegere; (of body) embiriizi; (conceit) amamima. on this s., kuludda luno, emitala w’eno. on that s., emitala w’eri. lay s. by s., okuganzika, okukomeka. on both sides, eruuyi n’eruuyi. on all sides, enjuyi zonna. sideways, bukiika; vide okuwunjula. siesta time, eggandaalo; take a s., okugandaala. sieve, n., ekikuŋŋunta, olugali. sift, okuwewa, okukuŋŋunta. siftings, empulunguse. sigh, n., ekikkowe. sigh, v., okussa ekikkowe, okukema. sight, n., okulaba, ekyerolerwa; come into s., okulabika. sight, v., okulaba, okulengera. sign, n., akabonero. sign, v., okussaako omukono, okussaako akabonero, okuwenya. signal, n., okuwenya. signal, v., okuwenya. signature, erinnya, omukono. signet, empeta. significance, amakulu. silence, n., akasiriikiriro, okusirika; break s., okuwuuma. silence, v.tr., okusirisa, okuwooyawooya, okuwoowoota, okusiisiita. silent, be, okusirika. silently, kasirise. silk, liiri; vegetable s., obufumbo. silliness, obusirusiru. silly, sirusiru; turn s., okusiruwala, okugulika. silver, n., ffeeza. simile, olugero. similitude, ekifaananyi. simper, okufeenyerera. simple, angu. simpleton, omusiru, ekitooletoole, ekitwaggu. simulate, vide feign, sin, n., ekibi, ekyonoono. sin, v., okwonoona, okukola ekibi. since, conj., kasooka, kasookedde. sincere, a mazima. sincerity, amazima. sinew, ekinywa, omuziisa. sinewy, a maknyi, a muziisa; use rel. form of v. okugubira. sinful, bi, onoonyi. sinfulness, obwonoonyi, okwonoona, obubi. sing, okuyimba; (of birds) okukaaba; (of ears) okuwaawaala. singe, okusiriiza, okubabula. singer, omuyimbi. singing, n., okuyimba. single, muwith okka; vide omunwe. singly, kinna mu, musoolesoole. sink, v., okubbira, okwetutubika, okutubira, okusaanawo, okukka, okuyegaayega; I have a sinking feeling, emmeeme engudde. sinner, omwonoonyi. sip, okunywa enkambi. sir, ssebo. sister (s. of a s.), muganda; (s. of a brother) mwannyina; (s.in.law) mulamu. sit, okutuula, okusutama; s. anyhow, okugaŋŋalama, okwetubika; (on eggs) okumaamira; leave off sitting (hen), okumaamuka. site, ekibanja. situation, ekifo; (job) omulimu. six, mukaaga. sixteen, kkumi na mukaaga. sixth, a mukaaga. sixty, enkaaga. size, obunene. skeleton, eggufa, omugo gge; (of house) omusekese. sketch, ekifaananyi. sketch, v., okukuba ekifaananyi. skewer, oluti, olusika, olukalala. skid, okupinduuka. skill, n.y amagezi, obufundi. skilled, gezi, a magezi ; vide ffundi. skim (milk), okuggyako olububi; s. along, okuseeyeeya. skin, n.y eddiba, olukuta, olususu. hard s., ekikuyiro. cast off s. (of snake), ekiyubwe. s. garment, oluveera, ekisaato, ekijagali, enkenga, enkete. s. used as mat, enkeeto. s. disease, olukuku, ebisukko; vide rash. escape by the s. of one’s teeth, okweyokola emisinde. skin, v.tr., okubaaga, okubembula; s. over (of sore), v.i., okubemba. skip, okubuukabuuka. skipper, omugoba (w’eryato), omukulu. skirmish, n., olutalo olutono. skirmish, v., okulwanako. skirt, n., ekiteeteeyi, enkebo. skirt, v., okukiiba, okwekooloobya. skulk, okusala enkerere. skull, ekiwanga, ekiwalaŋŋanga. sky, eggulu. slack, lebevu, langa vvu, jenjeevu; (lazy) gayaavu; get s., okulebera, okulangaala, okujenjeba, okuddirira, okukennemba. slacken, okulebeza, okuddiriza, okujenjeeka. slackness, obulebevu, obugayaavu. slag, amasengere. slander, v., okuwaayiriza, okusee keeta, okubejjereza, okubejjerera, okugeya, okubonjola. slanderer, omuwaayirizi. slanderous, use rel. form of above. slant, be on a, okuwunzika, okubunduka, okubunduukirira. slap, v., okukuba oluyi, okuwungiza. slash, okutemaatema. slate, ejjinja; s. pencil, e kkalamuy’ejjinja. slaughter, v., okutta, okusala, okutambira. slaughterplace, ettambiro. slave, omuddu; (female) omuzaana, envuma; s. stick, ekikoligo. slavery, obuddu. slay, okutta. slayer, omussi. sledge, gogolo. sledgehammer, ennyondo ennene. sleep, n., otulo, endoolo, omulo. sleep, v., okwebaka; (spend the night) okusula. s. soundly, okugona. put to s., okwebakiriza. s. on (debated point), okusulirira. sleeper, omwebasi. sleepiness, otulo, omuloolo; (secretion in eyes) obujonjo. sleeping-place, ekisulo. sleeping-sickness, mmongoota, kitenduka. sleepless, be, okubulwa otulo. sleepy, be, okubongoota, okusimagira. slender, tono, a mubiri mutono, kuubukuubu; vide a nnalubiri. slice, n., akawayi. slide, v., okuseerera, okuterebuka. slight, adj., vide slender, slight, v., okunyooma, okugaya, okulagajjala. slightly, katono. slim, vide slender, sling, 11., envuumuulo; (for arm) ekyambalizo. sling, v., okuvuumuula. slink off, okuyiriba. slip, n. (for planting), ekibibi. slip, v.i., okuseerera. s. down, okutenduka, okuseesee tuka, okusumattuka, okumansuka. s. past, okwekooloota. s. out, okusowoka. s. away, okwebbirira, okwemulula. slip, v.tr., s. in, okusenseza, okusonseka. slipper, engatto y’ekiro. slipperiness, obuseerezi. slippery, seerevu, rel. form of v. okuseerera. slit, v.tr., okwasaamu. slobber, v., okugeregeza. slope, n., akasirikko, ekikko, entunnumba. slope, v.i., okwesulika. sloppy, a lubosi; vide olutabu. slops, omwozo. sloth, obugayaavu; (animal) ekikami, enjoga. slothful, gayaavu. slough, n., ekiyubwe. slough, v., okuyubula. slovenly, be, okwevulunkanya, okufankana, okuligaaliga. slow, a mpola; be s., okulwa, okulemba. slowly, mpola. slug, ekkovu; trail of s., olunaanu. sluggard, omugayaavu. sluggish, gayaavu. slumber, n., otulo. slumber, v., okwebaka. slut, n., omuggulu. sluttish, be, okujamawala. sly, kabakaba. slyness, obukabakaba, smack, v., okukuba n’engalo, okukuba oluyi; s. the slips, okweswanta, okuswankula, okwenuguuna. small, tono, tiiriitii. smallness, obutono. smallpox, kawaali, omuwempe; catch s., okuwaala, okukongojja. smart, n., obulumi, obubalagaze. smart, adj., yonjo; (clever) gezi. smart, v., okuluma, okubalagala, okusonsomola. smarten oneself up, okwejwalika, okwemosoggola. smash, v.tr., okumenya; be smashed, okumenyeka, okucekukacekuka. smear, v. (body), okusiiga, okusaaba, okuttaanya, okuwereba; (house) okumaala; be smeared, okujoo baana, okusaabaana. smell, ekke, evvumbe, akaloosa; (of body) olusu, olwayo; vide edduge, akasiikiro. smell, v.i., okuwunya, okusooloola; v.tr., okuwunyiriza, okuwulira. smelter, royal, kalindaluzzi. smile, n., akamwenyumwenyu. smile, v., okumwenya, okumwega; s. at, okusekera. smirk, v., okwerogoya. smite, okukuba. smith, omuweesi. smithy, essasa. smoke, n., omukka. smoke, v.i., okunyooka. smoke, v.tr. (plantain leaves), okubabula; (bark cloth) okwoteza, okubabira; make a s. smudge, okuwemba omuliro; s. tobacco, okunywa taaba, okunywa taba. smoked, adj., the milk is smoked, amata gawunya lukka. smoker, omunywi wa taaba, omuyaga. smooth, weweevu, seerevu, nyirivu. smooth, v.tr., okuweweeza, okuseereza, okunyiriza, okukuuba, okukwanya, okusiira, okuttaanya. smooth, v.i., be s., okuweweera, okunyirira, okuseerera, okusaana; get s. (sea), okuteeka, okulaala. smother, okubuutikira. smoulder, okusenkenya, okulenguka, okuvumbeera. snail, ekkovu. snake, omusota, empiri, embalasaasa, essalambwa, ttimba, ettemankima. snap, v.i., okumenyeka, okukutuka; v.tr., s. the fingers, okukuba entoli. snare, omutego, omuliiti, akakunizo, ekyambika, enkanda. snare, v.tr., okutega, okuliita. snatch, okukwakula, okusikula, okukatula, okusikambula. sneeze, n., omwasi. sneeze, v., okwasimula. sniff, v.i., okufeesa, okufulittikana, okukonga; v.tr., okuwunyiriza. snip, v., okusalako. snipe, enkobyokkobyo. snore, v., okufuluuta. snort, v., okufugula. snout, ennyindo, ekigalabi. snow, n., omuzira, sserugi. snuff, obugolo; take s., okununsa. snuffle, v., okufeesa, okufiza, okugogottera. so, adv., tyo, ti. so, conj., ate. soandso, ggundi. soak, v.tr., okunnyulukusa, okulogota; be soaked, okutoba, okunnyulukuka, okujeba, okujonjobala, okubiririra. soap, ssabbuuni. soapy, a ssabbuuni. soar, okutumbiira. sob, v., okujjonkera. sober, become, okutamiirukuka. socket, empuliru, enteeko; s. of eye, ennombe. sod, n., effunfugu. sodden, be, okubiririra; vide okusajjulukuka. sodomy, ebisiyaga; commit s., okulya ebisiyaga, okusikina. sofa, ekitanda, ekitebe. soft, gonvu, boofu, tene; be s., okugonda, okuweweera; go s., okunyeerera. soften, okugonza. softly, speak, okuwooya. softness, obugonvu. soil, n., e ttaka. soil, v.tr., okwonoona, okusiiga ettaka; get soiled, okwonooneka, okukongeera, okutoobaana. sojourn, v., okubeera, okutuula. sojourner, omugenyi munsi. solace, v., okusanyusa, okukubagiza. solder, n., essasi. solder, v., okusiba n’essasi. soldier, omuserikale, omulwanyi. sole, n. (of foot), munda w’ekigere, amala. sole, adj., vide only, solicit, okusaba. solid, adj. (firm), nywevu, gumu. soliloquise, okwewunuunya, okutontoma. solitary, vide alone, solitude, masosso. solve, okugombolola, okutuggulula. some, mu, in the pi.; (a little of) use suffix ko with the verb, e.g. mpaako, give me some, somebody, omuntu. somersault, okwegalanjula. something, ekintu, ekigambo. sometime, edda; sometimes, oluusi n’oluusi, olundi. somnolence, otulo, omuloolo. somnolent, a tulo, rel. form of v. okubongoota. son, mutabani, omwana (bw’obulenzi). song, oluyimba. songster, omuyimbi. soon, mangu. soot, enziro. soothe, okuwooyawooya, okukkakkanya, okuwoowoota, okusiisiita, okukantiriza. soothsayer, omulaguzi. sooty, a nziro; vide omunyale. sop, ekigaaga, ekitole. sorcerer, omulogo. sorcery, obulogo, obusukko. sore, n., ebbwa; vide ekiguuna, eki kindu, ekisuyu, ekituulituuli, ekya sanga, embeteza. sore, be, okulumwa. sorrow, ennaku, obunaku, obuyinike. sorrowful, a nnaku, a bunaku; vide okukungujja, okutungujja. sorry, be, okunakuwala, okuguŋŋumala. sort, n., engeri, ekikwanga, ekibala, embala, omutindo. sort, okusosola. sot, omutamiivu. sottish, tamiivu. soul, obulamu, omwoyo. sound, akanyego, e ddoboozi. sound, adj., esigwa, lamu, tuufu (trusty). sound, v., okuvuga. soundingboard, olutiba. soundly, nnyo. soup, ssupu. sour, kaatuufu; be s., okukambagga, okukaawa (of fruit), turn s., okukaatuuka, okusaakaala. source (of river), ensibuko. sourness, amalule. souse, okunnyulukusa. south, amaserengeta. souvenir, ekijjukizo. sovereign, kabaka. sovereignty, obwakabaka. sow, n., embizzi enkazi. sow, v., okusiga. sower, omusizi. space, ebbanga, ekibangaazi, omuwaatwa. small s., akatantalo. s. of time, ekiseera; vide empataanya. s. under bed, ekinkuliisi. space out, v., okusuulirira. spacious, gazi. spade, ekitiiyo. span, oluta spar, 11., omulongooti. spar, v., okufuntula. spare, adj. (thin), kovvu, tono; have s. time, okweteesa, okwessa. spare, v., okwesaasira, okwesonyiwa; I can’t spare youany, siyinza kukuwaako. sparing, be, okukekkereza. spark, n., ensasi, ekiyonga; throw off s., okubaluka. sparkle, okumasamasa, okwakaya kana. sparrow, enkazaluggya. spatter, okumansira. speak, okwogera, okugamba. s. about, okwogerako. s. loudly, okwogerera waggulu, okuleekaana. s. languidly, okugolooma. s. up, okuvumbula eddoboozi, okuvumbula obulago. s. very fast, okusabiiliza (ebigambo). s. roughly, okuboggola, okukaytika. speaker, omwogezi. spear, effumu, ekkabi, ekyanga, ekkobba. spear, v., okufumita, okusabaggula, okusogga; s. fish, okuswaga. specie, effeeza. species, engeri, ekibala. specimen, use nna, q.v. speck, akasirikitu, akakyu, akakoloboze. speckled, a mayenje, a bujagijagi. spectacle, ekyerolerwa. spectacles, gaalubindi. speech, enjogera, ebigambo, e ŋŋombo. speed, embiro; make s., okw anguwa, okuddukanako. speedy, a mbiro. spell, n., eddogo j put s. on, okuloga; take s. off, okutambulula. spell, v., okugattulula. spend, okumalawo; spendthrift, nnabyejeeguula. spent, adj., koowu. spew, okusesema, okutanaka. sphere (of work), omulimu. spherical, ekulungirivu. spicule, eggimbi, empunta. spider, nnabbubi. spike, omuwunda, ekyuma ekisongovu, eriggwa. spill, v.tr., okuyiwa, okuyuwa; v.i., okuyiika, okulunduka. spin, v.i., okwekulungula; v.tr. (top), okubonga; (cloth) okulanga. spinal cord, enkizi. spindle, omuti ogulanga. spine (backbone), omugongo; (thorn) eriggwa. spirit, omwoyo; (of dead) omuzimu; Holy Spirit, Omwoyo Omutukuvu, Mwoyo Mutuukirivu. spirt, v.i., okutiiriika, okusuuluula. spit, n., ewuuma. spit, v., okuwanda amalusu, okufujja; okuwandula. spite, ettima, enge, effutwa. spiteful, a ttima, a nge. spittle, amalusu. splayfooted, a mbaliga. spleen, akataago, ekikulumu; en larged s., akabengo. splendid, lungi nnyo. splendour, ekitiibwa, obulungi. splice, n., ekiyungiro. splice, v., okuyunga. splint, n., akannyo. splinter, n., akati, akabajjo. splinter, v.tr., okwasaayasaamu. split, v.i., okwatika, okukutuka, okulyebuka. split, v.tr., okwasa, okubajjula; (plantain stems) okugogombola, okuwoolera. splutter (of fire), ebbugabuga. spoil, n., omunyago; (of hunt) omuyiggo. spoil, v.i., okwonooneka, okugwe nyuka, okuvunda, okugaga, okubola. spoil, v.tr., okwonoona, okubiita (child). spokesman, 0mwogezi. sponge, ekyangwe, ekisuumwa, ekigogo; s. for dead body, essuumwa; metaph., akakokobe, omugulungu, ekinyinyiisi. sponsor, omuyima; stand s., okweyimirira, okuzaala. spontaneous fire, nnakibengeyi. spontaneously, do, okweteba, okw ettula, okwejuuba; go s., okwetwala. spoon, ekijiiko; (wooden) akakaayi, omulawo; (of leaf) akawujjo. sport, n., omuzannyo, okuzannya. sport, v., okuzannya. sportive, a muzannyo; rel. of v. okuzannya. spot, ebbala, eggondo; (of dirt) ekko; (blemish) akamogo. spot, on the, bukutuka. spotted, a bujagijagi, a bibalabala, a bumya, butembetembe. spouse, omugole, omukyala; omusajja, bba. spout, v.i., okutiiriika, okusuuluula. sprain, v., okumenya, okuwogola; be sprained, okuwogoka. sprawl, vide entalama. spray, v., okumansira. spread, v.i., okubuna, okulanda; (people) okujanjaala, okwala; (water) okwalaala, okutumbuka. spread, v.tr., okwala, bkwanjuluza, okwanja, okusasira. sprig, akati, akatabi. spring, n. (water), ensulo, oluzzi; (of trap) emmanduso. spring, v., okubuuka; (rise of river) okusibuka; (arise from) okusinziira. sprinkle, okumansa, okumansira, okusammula, okumamirirako, okutabira, okuvubiikiriza. sprout, ensibuka. sprout, v., okusibuka okuloka, okumeruka, okutojjera, okututunuka; (of hair) okufumitira. spue, okusesbma, okutanaka. spur, eggindu. spur, v., okukubiriza, okufukuutirira, okwasira. spurn, okugoba, okusamba. sputter, okuvulungutana (of speech). spy, omukessi. spy, v., okuketta, okulenzalenza. squabble, n., oluyombo. squabble, v., okuyomba, okukwa kwalikana. squall, n., kibuyaga. squall, v., okubaaluuka, okukaaba ennyo. squander, okusaasaanya, bitisere bya, okudiibuuda; be squandered, okusaasaana, okusereba. squash, okubetenta, okutogonyola, okusekulasekula, okubebeetaza; be squashed, okubebeetala. squat, v., okusutama, okusundaala, okutalama. squeak, v., okukaaba. squeeze, okunyigiriza, okutogonyola, okuwowojja, okumilma; s. out, okukamula; s. through, okuwagaanya. squint, n., endali, empujjo. squint, v., okuba n’endali, okutunula ekisooso, okutunula mpulunkanya. squirrel, enkerebwe. squirt, v.i., okutiiriika. stab, okufumita, okufumita bukwata. staff, omuggo. stagger, v.i., okuzunga, okutagatta, okujenjeera, okutagalimba. stagger, v.tr., okusamaaliriza; be staggered, okutunula mpwangali; okusamaalirira. staggering, n., enzimire. stain, n., akamogo, ekko, ebbala, ekibambya. stain, v., okwonoona. stainless, longoofu, tukuvu. stairs, amadaala. stake, n., omuti, enkondo. stake, v., okukuba zzaala. stale, adj., kadde, rel. form, suzeewo. stale, adv. (of smell), bulaala. staleness, obukadde. stalk, n. (of flower), ekiti, akati; (of maize) ekisoolisooli; vide ekikolo komba. stalk, v. (in hunting), okwekobya, okusooba. stalwart, a maanyi, a ggume. stamina, amaanyi, e’ggume. stammer, v., okunaanaagira, okubujjabujja. stammerer, omunaanaagize. stamp, n. (postage), sitampu. stamp, v., okusamba, okusambirira. stampede, okusaasaana, okudduka. stanch, okuziyiza omusaayi, okukaza omusaayi. stanch, adj., esigwa. stand, v.i., okuyimirira. s. up, okugolokoka, okuyimuka. s. fast, okunywera, okugumiikiriza. s. on head, okwefuula, okwesimba nnakakongo, okusimba omutwe, okwevuunika. s. on tiptoe, okukangalala. take one’s s., okuyima. be s. offish, okwewala. stand, v.tr. (put up with), okugumiikiriza, okusobola. standard, n., ebendera. staple, adj., kulu, a bulijjo. star, emmunyeenye, nnabaliwo, kibonoomu. stare, v., okwekaliriza amaaso, okutunula kimaka, okutunula oluusooso, okusamaalirira, okwetunuza. stark (naked), adv., bukunyegere. starling, omunyuli, enkwenge. start, n. (origin), ensibuko. start, v.i., okwekanga, okwegugumula; (on a journey) okusitula. start, v.tr. (begin work, etc.), okutandika, okwalika. startle, v., okukanga, okutiisa, okusisiwaza; be startled, okwekanga, okwesisiwala, okwegugumula, okumagalala. starvation, enjala. starve, okufa enjala. starveling, omuyala. state, n., embeera; (by nature) obuwangwa; (nation) eggwanga. state, v., okugamba; s. a case, okusimba ensonga. stately, a kitiibwa. statement, ekigambo. stature, obuwanvu. statute, etteeka. stay, okubeera; s. a long time, okubooba. stay, v.tr., okuziyiza. stayathome, embutanta. steadfast, enkalakkalira. steal, v., okubba, okupakula; s. along, okusooba. stealthily (come or go), v., okujooma, okukwetuka, okusolima, okusoonooka. steam, n., omukka. steamer, emmeeri. steed, embalaasi. steel, ppuwa. steep, adj., wanvu. steep, v., okunnyika, okunnyulukusa. steer, okugoba, okuluŋŋamya. steersman, omugoba. stellar, a mmunyeenye. stem (of tree), enduli; (of plantain) omugogo; (of mushroom) enkonda; (of flowers, etc.) ekiti; (of maize) ekisoolisooli. stem, v., okuziyiza. stench, n., okuwunya ekkalalume. stentorian, a bulago bunene. step, n., eddaala; (footstep) ekigere, enswagiro; (gait) entambula. step, v., okugenda, okutambula. step-brother or step-sister, omubbeere. sterile, vide barren, sterility, obukalu (land only). sterilize (medically), okusibaga. stern, adj., kambwe. stern, n., ekiwenda, ekirumba; astern, ennyuma. sternmost, enkomerero. stethoscope, ekiwuliriza. steward, omusigire, omuwanika. stewardship, obusigire, obuwanika. stick, n., omuggo; (cane) oluga; (iron shod), omuwunda; (hooked) ekkongolijjo. stick, v.i., okubereesera, okukwata; (in mud) okwetubika; s. at (keep on), okunnyikira; (fail) okulemera; s. up, okukikinala. stick, v.tr., okusiba, okukwasa; s. in, okuvumbeeza. sticky, a masanda. stiff, gumu, kakanyavu; be s. (limbs, etc.), okugogbjjana. stiffen, okukakanyaza. stiffness, obukakanybvu; (of limbs) nnakanyama. stigma, ensonyi. stiletto, empiima, ekkato. still, conj., naye; adv., vide kya. still, be, okutuula obutuuzi, okuteeka, okubondeera. still, v.tr., okukkakkanya, okutereeza, stillborn, sowole, sogabe. stilt, akayungo. stimulate, okukubiriza, okufukuutirira. sting, it., erinnyo. sting, v., okunywanywagala; (bee, etc.) okuluma, okwokya; be stung, okubutuka. stingy,kodo; vide mulenganda; be s., okufutaafuta, okusuuniika; be come s., okukodowala. stink, n., ekkalalume, okuwunya obubi. stink, v., okuwunya obubi, okucuuma; cause to s., okucuncumula. stipend, omusaala. stipulate, okulagaana; s. for, okulemera. stir, okutabula, okugoya; (fire) okuseesa; s. up > (mob), okusasamaza, okusaanuula; (dust.) okufuumuula; (mud) okufuukuula; (quarrel) okuwakankula ennyombo. stitch, n., entunga; (in side) ekisonga, ekifumu, akasaale. stitch, v., okutunga, okusatta, okusona. stock, n. (of gun), ekigala. stockade, ekigo, ebbooma. stocking, enkampa, sitookesi. stocks, envuba. stolid, a kikuuma. stomach, olubuto, enda. stone, n., ejjinja; vide ekisibosibo. stone, adj., a mayinja. stone, v., okukuba amayinja; vide enkwangu. stool, entebe. stoop, okukootakoota, okuvuunama, okukutama; vide okubendabenda, okusensera. stop, v.i., okukoma, okwesittala, okusikattira; (remain) okubebra, okutuula; (rest) okuwummula; (of watch) okusirika. stop, v.tr., okuziyiza; (leak) okukuutiza; (close) okuziba; be stopped, okuziba, okuzibikira; (ears) okuvumbeera, okuzindaala. stop, n. (point of stopping), amakoma stoppage, ekiziyiza. stopper, ekizibikira. store, n., eggwanika. store, v., okutereka. storied, two, kalinaabiri. stork, enkoonamasonko, ennundansige, ensombabyuma. storm, kibuyaga, enkuba, storm, okuboggola, okuyomba, okukalamuka. story, olugero, olufumo; vide lie. stout, gevvu; vide lubasi; get s., okugejja. stoutness, obugevvu, ebbuto. stow, okutereka. straggle, okusemba. straggler, omusembi. straggling, vide okulandiza. straight, golokofu, a masadde; be s., okugolokoka, okulaliira; go s., okuluŋŋama. straighten, okugolokosa; (edge) okukwanya; (oneself) okukotaamulukuka. straightforward, a mazima, golo kofu. straightway, amanguago; vide okulambika. strain, v. (lighten), okuleega, okutega; (liquids) okusengejja, okugenekera; be strained (muscle), okumyuka. strainer, ekisengejja, ekitaliri. strait, n., omukutu, omuvo, akanyigo; (difficulty) ekibamba. strand, n. (of sea), olubalama; (of rope) ekiba. strand, akasigaza. strange, genyi, a kitalo. stranger, n., omugenyi, munnaggwa nga. strangle, okutuga. strap, olukoba. strapping, be, okusituka. stratagem, amagezi, olukwe. straw, essubi ly’eŋŋaano; (for drinking through) ekituntugulu, oluseke. stray, okukyama, okuwaba, okubula. stream, omugga; (of people) vide okusombojja. street, olubu, oluguudo. strength, amaanyi, endasi. stretch, v.tr., okuleega, okutalika, okutege, okugolola; (logs) okulambiikiriza, okulannama; s. out for, okukunuukiriza. stretcher, olunnyo. strew, okusasira; be strewn about, okufumbika. strict, kambwe, a maanyi. stride, v.., okutanda; take long s., okunyabnyuuka. strife, n., oluyombo, empaka, oluyoo gaano, olutalo. strike, okukuba, okubaalinga, okukoona. s. a light, okukoleeza ekibiriiti. s. dead, okutirimbula. s. a tent, okusimbula eweema, string, n., ewuzi, ekyayi; (of harp) akalere, akatomyo; (of people) olukalala, omuyeeye. string, v., okutunga. stringent, a maanyi. strip, n., akayuuyo, ekipaapi, omutanda. strip, v.i. (undress), okwambula engoye. strip, v.tr. (harkcloth tree), okusubula, okuyimbula; (leaves) okumenyeza; (skin) okuyubula; (thatch) okusereekulula; (grain of maize) okukongola; (rib of plantain leaf) okuyubuluza. stripe, n., ekiwuuga; (weal) omuzizi. striped, a lubombwe, a luyina, a magabo. stripling, omuvubuka. strive, okulwana, okufuba, okuwakana. stroke, v., okuweeweeta. stroll, okubaalabaala, okutaalataala, okwesiira, okulemba. strong, a maanyi, gumu, ka; (of flavour) ka, vide lukalabule. stronghold, ekigo. strongly, ddala, nnyo. strop, ekibalangulo. struggle, n., olutalo. struggle, v., okulwana, okwevunvubika, okufunvubira, okugagalana, okubabbatta, okubakana; s. into (garment), okubambalika. strut, v., okugaaga, okweryanya, okwesimbiriza, okwejengisa, okwejolya. strychnia plant, oluwaanyi. stub toe on, okufubetera. stubble, ensambu; root up s., okusambula. stubborn, kakanyavu, a mputtu, a ggwale. stubbornness, e ggwale, emputtu. stuck, get, okulaalira, okuwagama. student, omusomi, omuyizi. study, v., okusoma. stuff, n., ebintu; (cloth) olugoye. stuff, v., okujjuza, okusembekera. stumble, okwesittala, okusinzittuka, okusirittuka. stumblingblock, enkonge, ekisittaza. stump, n., enkonge, ekikondo, enduli, enkolo. stumpy, vide mbidde, nnakimpi ginya. stunned, be, okutalanduka. stunted, be, okuyimpawala, okw ekulira, okukunuuna. stupefy, okusiruwaza. stupendous, vide colossal, stupid, sirusiru; become s., okusiruwala. stupidity, obusirusiru, olunderebu. stutter, okunaanaagira. stutterer, omunaanaagize. sty (in the eye), akasekere. style, engeri, ekifaananyi; vide empa ndiika, enjogera, entambulire. stylish (in dress), vide makoda. subchief, omwami omuto. subdeputy, omuwogozi. subdistrict, omuluka. subdue, okumenya, okujeemula, okufuga. subject (matter), ekigambo; (person) omuntu. subjection, obuddu. subjugate, okuwangula, okujeemula, okumenya. submit, okujeemulukuka, okujeemuka; (endure) okugumiikiriza. suborn, okuvugula, okuliyisa enguzi, okuweerera. subscription, ekirabo. subsequently, oluvannyuma. subside, okuyegaayega, okuteeka; (water) okukka. substance, omubiri, ekintu; (meaning) amakulu; (wealth) obugagga. substitute, n., omusigire. substitute, v., okuteeka mukifo kya. . . . subterfuge, obulimba. subtle, kabakaba, gezi, a magezi. subtlety, obukabakaba, amagezi. succeed (follow), okugoberera, okuddirira; (inherit) okusikira; (prosper) okulaka, okufuna omukisa. success, omukisa. successor (heir), omusika; (in an office) rel. form of okuddirira. succour, v., okubeera, okuyamba, okudduukirira. succulent, be, okumunkunya. succumb, okuwangulibwa; (die) okufa. such, adj., use v. okufaanana. suck (infant), okuyonka; (through reed) okunuuna, okunyuunyunta; s. the cheeks, okulya entama; (s. in noisily) okusolobeza, okuwuuta. sucker (of plant), vide shoot, sucking noise, make a, okusooza (sign of contempt). suckle, okuyonsa. sudd, ekifuuyi, ekisamba; be covered with s., okwetinda. sudden, a mangu; s. death, okufa okw’ekikutuko. suddenly, bekkwa, bukalaga, kibwatukira, kisabagire, mbagirawo; rise s., okubaguka. suds, ebiyovu. sue, okuwawaabira. suffer, okubonaabona, okugumiikiriza, okulumwa. sufferer, use rel. form of v. foreg. omulwadde. suffice, okumala, okutuuka. suffocate, okubuutikira; be suffocated, okupiikaana. suffocation, ekituyu. sugar, ssukaali. sugarcane, ekikajjo, ekirumbirumbi; one stick of sugarcane, empango. suicide, okwetta; commit s., okw etta, okwettoga. suit, v., okubukala, okutabagana. suitable, be, okugasa, okugwana. sulk, okwerumata, okwewagala, okwekanama. sulky, a kkabyo; be s., okwewagala, okwekanama. sullen, vide sulky, sulphate of copper, omuluutuluutu. Sultan, Ssulutaani. sum, omuwendo; (meaning) amakulu. sum up, v., okubala, okugatta; (in court) okukubira omusango. summit, entikko, obusammambiro, akawaala. summon, okuyita, okukoowoolera. sumptuous, a kitiibwa, lungi nnyo. sun, enjuba; (light of) omusana; hot s., essana. sunbird, akanuunansubi. Sunday, Ssande, Ssabbiiti; (R.C.) Ddominika. sunder, okwawulamu, okukutulako. sunflower, omulenganjuba. sunless, a kikoma. sunny, a musana mungi. sup, okulya. superabundant, yitirivu. superb, lungi nnyo. superficial, a kungulu, a lutentezi. superfluous, yitirivu, a musuusuuba; be s., okusukkirira, okufikka. superintend, okulabirira. superintendent, omukoza, nnampala, omukulu. superior, be, okusinga obulungi. superpose, okubereka. supine, lebevu, a lulembe. supineness, olulembe. supplant, okuyingira mukifo kya. . . supplanter, ssekkadde. supple, be, okuweteka, okugonda. supplicate, okusaba, okwegayirira. supply, v., okuwa, okuweereza. support, v., okusigika, okuwaga, okwegeka; s. oneself on, okwesigama, okwerimba, okwesimba ggiriza; (help) okuyamba, okuzibira, okukwatirira; (endure) okugumiikiriza, okusobola. suppose, okulowooza, okugamba; I suppose, mpozzi. suppress (emotion), okuzibiikiriza; (facts, etc.) okukweka, okukisa. suppurate, okutana. supremacy, obukulu. supreme, kulunnyo, singa onna. sure, a nkalakkalira; be s., okumanyira ddala. surely, adv., ddala; youwill surely die, okufa olifa. surely, anti, surety, omuyima. surf, amayengo. surfeited, be, okusisiwala, okunyiwa. surgeon, omusawo, omubaazi. surliness, ekkabyo; vide okumimiira. surmise, okulowooza, okuteebe reza. surmount, okuvvuunuka. surpass, okusinga, okukira, okulyamu ensusso. surplice, ekkanzuy’ekkanisa. surplus, ensobi, ensuusuuba. surprise, v., okusisinkanyiriza, okuzinduukiriza; okuwuniikiriza; take by s., okutana, okukanga, okutebya, okugimba; be taken by s., okwejjuukiriza. surprise, int. of s., Esi! surrender, v., okujeemulukuka. surround, okuzungulula, okwetooloola, okutalaaga, okuwumba (aba labe). survey, v., okulengera, okulambula; (land) okukuba mmayiro. survive, okuwona, okuwulunguka. survivors, empulunguse; vide nna munigina. suspect, okulowooza, okulowoolereza. suspend, okuwanika; (from office) okuyimiriza; be suspended, okulengejja. suspicious, be, okubuusabuusa. sustain, okubeezesaawo. sustenance, e mmere, eby’okulya. swagger, v., okukumba, okusuuyaaya, okugaaga, okubaliga, okwedeeya, okwewaga. Swahili (man), Omuluŋŋaana; (language) Oluswayiri. swallow, v., okumira, okumira obugobo. swamp, n., omugga, akateebe. swank, n., ensako. swarm, n. (of bees), akayuki; (of locusts) ekikuukuulu. swarm, v., okubuyaana. swarming (of termites), omugano. swarthy, ddugavu. sway, v.i., okuzunga, okwenjeera, okuyuuguuma; v.tr., okuwuuba, okunyeenya. swear, okulayira; s. at, okuvumirira. sweat, n., entuuyo; wipe off s., okwesala entuuyo. sweat, v., okutuuyana. sweep, v., okwera. s. up in hand, okukukumba. s. along (tr.), okufumbiikiriza. make a clean s., okufaakuuza. sweeper, royal, Masiko, nnakyeyo. sweet, adj., woomerevu; be s., okunyuunyuntula, okuwoomerera, okutuŋŋununa. sweet potato, lumonde, lumonge. swell, n. (dandy), omukomera gw’o musajja. swell, v., okuzimba, okufudumbala, okuyimbulukuka; (of waves) okwekuluumulula, okwesunda; (of limbs) okuwuukiira, okwetukuta. swelling, n., ekizimba; (of limbs) amakajja; (of eyes) nnampwa; (of neck) akasanga; (in ear) akawulukutu; (of fingers) olusomyo; (of cheek) endiga; (of knee) enkana; (of feet) enkenge; (of glands) ensanjabavu. swerve, v., okukyama. swift, adj., angu, a mbiro, a kawewuko. swiftly, mbiro, bunnambiro, kawunguko. swiftness, embiro. swill, v.tr., okwoza; v.i., vide tipple, swim, okuwuga. swimmer, omuwuzi. swimming (dizziness), akaboyi, kantoo looze, kammunguluze. swindle, v., okuseera, okulyazaamaanya, okucumpacumpanya, okukumpakumpanya, okulyakula. swindler, omulyazaamaanyi, empemmenku, enkucwa. swine, embizzi. swing, v.tr., okuwuuba, okusuuba. switch, n., akaswanyu. swoon, v., okuzirika. swop, okuwanyisa, okugulaana. sword, ekitala, olupanka. symbol, akabonero. symmetrical, vide ekiduuduli. sympathise, okusaasira, okumansa, okukubagiza. symptom, akabonero. synagogue, ekkuŋŋaaniro. synod, sinoodi. synovitis, ekkiravvi. syphilis, kabootongo; vide kabere benje, ebikaata, ebiwuukirizi, akabaata, kacuucuuke, ekikindu, oluko nvuba, amaga, amakajja, amawe nange, embaluka, embeteza, empindu, omunnyu, enkana, ensalika, e nnungu. syringe, n., ekitiiriiso. tabernacle, eweema, ttaaberenaakulu. table, emmeeza; turn the tables on, okwevuunulira; t. spoon, ekijiiko ekinene. tablet, ekipande. taboo, a muzizo; be t., okuzira. taciturn, be, okumumunyala, okutundubala. tack, v. (in sewing), okubaga. tact, amagezi, okwegendereza. tadpole, akakulwe. tail, omukira; (of snake) akawuuwo; (of fowl) ekyensuti; t. hair, olusinga, emboobo. tailor, omusonyi, omutunzi. taint, v., okuwunyisa. take, okutoola, okutwala, okuddira, okwemakula. t. away, okuggyawo. t. off, okuggyako, okubereekulula; (clothes) okwambula; (bedding) okwalula; (boots) okunaanula. t. out, okuggyamu; (tooth) okukuula. t. city, okumenya. t. in from drying, okwanula. t. inside, okuyingiza. t. care, okwegendereza. t. care of, okukuuma. t. a walk, okutambulako. t. hold, okukwata. t. off the head, okutikkula, okw etikkula. t. oath, okulayira. t. breath, okussa omukka. t. down, okuwanula; (house) okw abya, okuzimbulula; (tent) okusimbula. t. leave of, okusiibula. t. up, okusitula; (mats) okwalula; (choose) okulonda, okweroboza. tale, olugero, enfumo, olugambo. talebearer, omuloopi. talent, amagezi. talented, gezi, a magezi. talisman, royal, olukisa, olukenge, embajjwe. talk, ebigambo, embobzi, enjogera. talk, v., okwogera, okunyumya, okulojja. t. loudly, okuyoogaana. t. nonsense, okubuyaabuya, t. fast, okujabiriza. t. to oneself, okweyogeza. talkative, a bigambo bingi; vide chatterbox, talker, omwogezi. tall, wanvu, agguufu, gulumivu; vide omukoloddoli, omukolongo. tallness, obuwanvu. tallow, amasavu. talon, olwala. tame, adj., teefu, gonvu; grow t., okugayuka. tame, v., okufuga, okugonza, okujeemula. tamper with, okutogaatoga. tangent, go off at a, okubaama. tangle, v., okuzingazinga, okugo mbeza; get tangled, okwetugga. tankard, ekikompe. tanner, omuwazi w’amaliba, kiyini. tantalise, okukookoonya, okuyina, okuzannyiikiriza. tap, v., okukoona; t. out, okuwummula ( = bore), taper, v.i., okusongoka, okusondo wala. tapeworm, enfaana, oluvunyu. tarboosh, entalabuusu. tardily, mpola. tardiness, oluteererezo. tardy, be, okulwa, okugayaala. target, ssabbaawa. tarnish, v.tr., okwonoona; be tarnished, okupeeruuka, okusiiwuuka, okufuma, okuzigama, okwonooneka. tarpaulin, ekiguniya, ettundubaali. tarry, okulindirira, okulwawo. task, omulimu. task, take to, okunenya. taskmaster, omukozesa. tassel, omujunga, amatanvuuwa, ekituttwa, omuvumbo. taste, n., ekke; t. for, eddoowo. taste, v., okulegako, okuminsa. tasteful, lungi, woomerevu. tasty, adj., a kawoowo, nyuvu; be t., okuwooma, okuseeneekerera. tatters, ebibukutu, obukwina. taunt, ekikiino. taunt, v., okukiina, okukookoonya, okuyeeyereza. taut, be, okwereega. tax, n., omusolo, empooza. tax, v., okusolooza, okuwooza. tea, caayi. teach, okuyigiriza, okusomesa, okuyiza. teacher, omuyiglriza, omusomesa. teaching, okuyigiriza, enjigiriza. teapot, ebbinika ya caayi, ttipoota. tear, n., ezziga; (rent) ekituli. tear, v., okuyuza, okutaagula; t. out (hair), okumaanyuula; t. off, okukooza. tear, v.i., t. along, okupaapiira. tears, shed, okukaaba amaziga; vide ebiyenjeeze, ebiyengeyenge. tease, okukookoonya, okuzannyiiki riza. teat, enywanto. telegraph, n., essimu. telegraph, v., okukuba essimu. telephone, n., essimu. telescope, gaalubindi. tell, okubuulira, okugamba. t. tales of, okuloopa, okuneeneeka. t. a fable, okugera olugero. telltale, omuloopi. temper, obusungu, obulalu, ekkayu; be in a t., okwewagala. temperament, omwoyo. temperance, okwegendereza, okweziyiza. temperate, be, okwegendereza. temperature, e bbugumu. tempest, kibuyaga, enkuba, kikuŋŋunta, omuyaga. temple (Jewish), Yeekaalu; (heathen) essabo; (of head) ekyenyi. temporarily, maseeneeko; do t., okumala gassaawo. tempt, okukema, okusendasenda, okukwenyakwenya. temptation, ekikemo, okukemebwa. tempter, omukemi. ten, ekkumi. tenant, omusenze, omwesengeze. tend (carefor), okukuuma, okujjanjaba. tender, v., okuwa, okuwekereza. tender, adj., gonvu. tenderhearted, be, okukwatibwa ekisa. tenderness, obugonvu. tendon, olutegetege, ekinywa, ebikya, omuziisa, olunywa. tenets, okuyigiriza, enjigiriza. tenor, n. (meaning), amakulu. tent, eweema. tenterhooks, be on, okutuula ama tiritiiri. term (at school), olusoma, ettaamu. terminus, ekigobero. termite, enkuyege; (drone male) enswa, entenga; (warrior) ekkenda; (queen) nnamunswa; for different varieties, vide obuggalamatu, embaala, empawu, amakulubiru, obumpowooko, ense jjere, ennaka, entunda, entakke, ekkonezi. tern, akalerwe. terra firma, olukalu. terrestrial, a munsi muno. terrible, a ntiisa, a nsisi. terrify, okutiisa, okutengula. territory, ensi. terror, entiisa, ensisi, encukwe. test, v., okukebera, okugeza, okuloza. testament, endagaano; (will) eddaame. testator, omulaami. testicle, ebinege, amanege, enjagi, amalonda. testify, okutegeeza. testimony, okutegeeza, obujulirwa. testy, sunguwavu, yombi, a ntondo. tether, okusiba, okusibiikirira. than, conj. not expressed. thank, v., okwebaza, okweyanza; t. you, weebale! pl. mwebale! thank-offering, ekirabo eky’okwebkza. thanks, okwebaza. thanksgiving = foreg. thankworthy, be, okusaanira okwe bazibwa. that, conj. nti, nga, mbu. thatch, n., essubi (erisereka enju); old t., enkaajumbe. thatch, v., okusereka; vide okusulikira, okusereekerera. thee, ggwe, ku. theft, obubbi. their, abwe. then, conj., ate, awo; vide ko. then, adv., use lyokka, q.v. there, adv., eri, eyo, wali, awo, wo, yo. there, sb. pref., wa. therein, omwo. they, them, bo, abo, ba, ba. thick, nene, gazi, a mubiri munene, a kipempe; (of vegetation, etc.) ziivu; (smoke) vide okuttunka. thicken, v.i., okukwata. thicket, ekisaka. thickheaded, siru; vide simpleton, thickly, speak, okukululiza. thickness, obunene, omubiri. thief, omubbi. thieve, okubba. thievish, be, okuba n’akagalo, okuba n’ekinkumu. thigh, ekisambi; t. bone, bbunwe, ekinjagali, ekkugunyu. thin, kovvu, a lutitti; vide oluyongo yongo; (of paper) abiirivu. become t., okukogga, okukenena, okugejulukuka, okugoogomba, okukondoba, okukundugga, okusoosootoka. be t., okwabirira. to t. out (seedlings), okwabiza. thing, ekintu. think, okulowooza; (meditate) okufumiitiriza; (suppose) okugamba, okusuubira. third, a kusatu. thirdly, eky’okusatu. thirst, n., ennyonta, enkalamata, eŋŋa nzi. thirsty, adj., rel. form of follg., be t., okulumwa ennyonta, okulakasira, okulaakalaaka. thirtieth, a makumi asatu. thistle, ettovu. thither, eyo, eri. thong, olukoba, ekigodo. thorax, ekifuba. thorn, eriggwa, empingula. thorny, a maggwa. thorough, use rel. form of okutuukiriza. thoroughly, ddala. though,nnewaakubadde (nga), ssonga. thought, ekirowoozo. thoughtlessness, akabalali, obutalo wooza. thousand, lukumi; ten t., mutwalo. thrall, omuddu. thraldom, obuddu. thrash, okukuba, okwasanguza, okubattula, okuwa emiggo. thread, n., ewuzi; (of screw) ejjoola. thread, v., okutunga. threat, n., okukanga, ekikango. threaten, okukanga; (of rain) okubindabinda, okuyinda. three, satu; all t., onsatule. thresh, okuwuula. threshing-floor, egguuliro. threshold, omulyango. thrice, emirundi esatu. throat, omumiro, obulago, amalaka. throb, v., okubobba, okutujja, okulasira, okutundugga. throes (of childbirth), ebisa. throne, nnamulondo, entebe ya ka baka. throng, ekibiina; vide multitude. throng, v.i., okuyigaana; v.tr., okunyigiriza. throttle, v., okutuga. through, mu, use v., okuyitamu, okusowoka; go right t., okugguka; vide okusabika, okutolontoka, okutuukirira. throughout, use v., okubuna. throw, v., okukasuka, okukanyuga. t. away, okusuula, okuyiwa. t, down, okubemula, okutandaggira, okulekula, okuligajjula; (in wrestling) okumegga. t. up (earth), okufukula. t. over shoulder (cloth), okusuulira. thrush, ebbuukamugogo; (disease of infants) engeru, enkuyu. thrust, okusindika, okusindiikiriza; (with spears) okufumita. thumb, ekinkumu. thump, okufuntula, okututula. thunder, n., okubwatuka. thunder, v., okubwatuka, okududuma. thunderbolt, enjota. Thursday, Ssaazide, Olw’okuna. thus, tyo, ti. thwart, eggabi, olubanga, ensizi. thwart, v., okuziyiza. tibia, olulundulunduli. tick, n., enkwa, ekibo. tick off, okutonnyeza; (upbraid) okunenya. ticket, ttikiti. tickle, okunyonyoogera; (animal) okw agiriza; (throat) okusokotta. tidings, ebifa, amagambo, amawulire. tidy, v,, okulongoosa, okugonjola. tie, v., okusiba, okulijja, okumiimuula, okutugga, okugongola, okuyimba. t. a knot, okufundikira. t. tightly, okumyumyula, okutippa. t. loosely, okujenjeeka. tiff, have a, okusoowaana. tight, use nnyo. tighten, okwongera okusiba, okuleega. tile, n., ettegula. till, v., okulima. till, conf, okutuusa. tillage, obulimi. tilth, ennimiro, enkabala. timber, emiti, embaawo. time, n., obudde, ekiseera, enfunda, akakyo, ekisekka; (leisure) ebbanga; (hour) essaawa; (first, second, etc.) omulundi; (times) emirembe, ebiro, ensangi; at a t., kinna . . vide lejjalejja, oku somberera, okusomola; be a long t., okubandaala. timepiece, essaawa. timid, ti. timidity, obuti. timidly, kikingirizi; vide okumoga, okumulula. timorous, ti. tin, n., eddebe, akalebe, omukebe. tingling, ensolosozi, obubalagaze. tinkle, v., okuvuga. tiny,tono nnyo; vide walugungu. tip, n., ensonda, akasassa, akadondi, akasongezo, ettutu; (gift) ekirabo. tipple, okwewuiiga, okukairwuula, okuwawakgula, okwekaawa, okujenga. tipsy, tamiivu; get t., okutamiira. tiptoe, stand on, okukangalala; walk on t., okutambuza obunkenke. tire, v.i., okukoowa, okuggya, okuseŋŋenyuka, okufumbuka. tire, v.tr., okukooya, okukooyesa. tired, koowu, rel. form of v.i. foreg. tissue paper, olupapula olwabirira. tithe, ekitundu eky’ekkumi. tittle, . tonnyeze. titter, okusekaaseka, okufeenyerera. to, e, ku. toad, ekikere. toast, v., okwokya, okusiriiza. toast, n., omugaati omwokye. tobacco, ttaaba, taba. t. pipe, emmindi. t. pouch, entago. false t., ssetaaba. fill a t. pipe, okuganga. today, leero. toddle, okubambaga. toe, akagere, big t., ekigere ekisajja, little t., nnasswi. together, awamu; vide okutaba. toil, n., emitawaana, omulimu. toil, v., okutawaana, okulasana, okukola ennyo. token, n., akabonero, omusingo. tolerate, okugumiikiriza, okusobola. toleration, okugumiikiriza. toll, empooza, ekituuza. toll, v., okukuba ekide. tomato, ennyaanya. tomb, amalaalo, ekiggya. tomorrow, jjo, enkya; t. morning, kumakya. tone, eddboobzi. tongs, nnamagalo. tongue, olulimi. tonguetie (in infants), akanyaata. tonic herbs (put in bath), amagejjo. tonight, ekiro kino, too, adv. (also), era; (excessive) vide okuyinga, okuyitirira. tooth, erinnyo, eggego, essongezo. toothbrush, omuswaki. toothless, a kibungu. toothpowder, ensenyu. top, entikko, ensonda; (of trees) omusa, akasanso; on the t., waggulu, kungulu; on t. of, kunguluku. . ., wagguluwa. . . . toper, lujuuju. topheavy, be, okugulukira. topmost, komererayo waggulu. topple, okugalanjuka, okuwalannuka. torch, omumuli. torment, ekibonyoobonyo. torment, v., okubonyaabonya. torn, abifu, kutufu, yulifu, sensuse, atiikirivu; be t., okwabika, okukutuka, okusensuka, okuyulika. tornado, kibuyaga. torrent, mukoka; in a t., julujulu; vide okufukumuka, okutokomoka. tortoise, enfudu; t. shell, ekiwaawo. torture, okugugumbula, okugujula. toss, v.tr., okusuula, okukasuka; t. about, okusuukunda; t. head, okunyeenya, okumaguka; (with the horns) okusena. total, n., omuwendo omugatte. totem, omuziro, akabbiro. totter, okubambaga, okuyuuguuma, okuzunga, okuyenja, okukunkuna, okunnyulula, okutagalimba, okutagatta. touch, v., okukomako, okukwatako; (reach) okutuukako. touchy, a ntondo, a ntoozo. tough, kalubo, gumu, kapye; be t., okukaluba. toughness, obukalubo. tour, n., olugendo, olukyaia, okulambula. tourist, omutambuzi, omutambuze. tow, v., okuwalula. towrope, endigo. toward, feri; use gyali, etc. towel, e ttawulo, ekitambaala, ekiwero. tower, n., ekigo, omunaala. tower, v., okugulumira, okutumbira. town, ekibugi. toy, eky’okuzannyisa. trace, v., okuziga. trachea, omumiro. trachoma, obulangula. track, n., ekkubo, oluwenda, ekikuute, omugendo, omukululu, omukwekwe, ebigere. track, v., okuziga, okulondoola, okugoba ebigere. trade, n., obuguzi, obusuubuzi. trade, v., okusuubula, okutunda. trademark, olusamba. trader, omusuubuzi, omutunzi. tradition, obulombolombo. traditional, a bulombolombo. traduce, okuwaayiriza, okulyolyoma. traducer, omuwaayirizi. trail, n., ekisinde, omukwekwe, obuwufu, olunaanu, omukululu, omukwesese. trail, v., okukulula. train, n,, ggaali y’omukka, leerwe. train, v., okuyigiriza, okwola, okugunjula; (animals) okubangula. trainer, omuyigiriza. traitor, ow’enkwe. trammel, n., ekizikiza. tramp, n. (wanderer), omudaazi, omutambuze; (sound of feet) ekirinni muko, omusinde. tramp, v., okutambula. trample on, okulinnyirira, okusambirira, okusambajja. tranquil, teefu. tranquillity, obuteefu, emirembe. transfer, okuwaanyisa, okujjulula. transfigure, okuwaanyisa, okukyusa, okufuusa. transfix, okufumita, okufumuggula. transform, okufuusa, okukyusa. transgress, okusobya, okwonoona. transgression, okusobya, okwonoona, ensobi, ekyonoono. transgressor, omwonoonyi. transient, a kiseera, si a lubeerera. translate, okukyusa, okuduuma. transmit, okuweereza. transparency, obutangaavu, obwa birivu. transparent, be, okutangaala, okw abirira. transpire, okusansuka. transplant, okusigula, okubutula. trap, n., omutego, ekigu, omugomo, olutayo, ekisuwi, ekkolero, olusoggo, omuya, akamasu, ekidikya, ekigembe. trap, v., okutega. trash, ebisasiro, essanja. travail, okutawaana, okulumwi okuzaala. travel, n., eŋŋendo. travel, v. okutambula;, t. rapidly, okupaapiira. traveller, omutambuze. traverse, okuyitamu. tray, olubaawo, endiiro; winnowing t., olugali, ekiwewa. treacherous, a nkwe. treachery, olukwe. tread, emisinde, enswagiro. tread on, v, okulinnyako, okulinnyirira; t. on one’s corns, okukosa. treason, olukwe. treasure, obugagga, ekkula, amakuti. treasurer, omuwanika. treasury, eggwanika, enkuluze. treat, v., okukola; t. well, okusaanira; (sick case) okuganga, okujjanjaba. treaty, endagaano. tree, omuti. trellis, olukabazzi. tremble, okukankana, okutengeeta, okutintima. tremendous, nene nnyo; vide colossal. trench, n., olusalosalo, olunnya, oluwangiwangi. trepidation, okukankana. trespass, n., ensobi, ekyonoono. trespass, v., okusobya, okwonoona, okuyitirira; vide intrude, trespasser, nnabugwamu; rel. form of verb for intrude, trial (legal), okusala omusango, okuwoza; (test) okukema. tribal, a ggwanga; t. marks, enjola, enjokyo. tribe, e ggwanga. tribute, omusolo. trice, in a, amangu ago, bekkwa. trick, n. (score in game), ekkwiri. trick, v., okucumpanyacumpanya, okulyazaamaanya. trickle, olusununu. trickle, v., okukulukuta. trifle, n., ekigambo ekitaliimu, bya ddoledole, akakerenge, akanyiikuuli, ebyatere. trifle, v., okuzannyazannya, okw egayaazagayaaza. trigger, emmanduso, oluwero. trill, v., okugegenga. trills, n., ebisoko. trim, v., okulongoosa, okukomola (wick). trip, n., olugendo olutono. trip, v.i., okwesittala. trip, v.tr., okwesi ttaza, okusiba enkalu, okusiba akakaayi, okusiba ekkoligo. tripod, enkandaggo. triumph, n., okuwangula, ekivvulu. triumph, v., okuwangula. troop, n., ekibiina, ekitongole. trot, okukwejemba, okukutakkuta, okusattira, okutyagira, okusennye nta. troth, plight one’s, okulayira. trouble, it., ennaku, obuyinike, obulemu, obwemi trouble, v.i., okutegana, okweralii kirira, okwefulukuta, okukulubana, okutagala, okuteerukana; be in t., okulaba ennaku. trouble, v.tr., okuteganya. trough, ekibanvu, olutyatya. trousers, empale, sseruwale, endabada. truculence, obukambwe, obukaali. truculent, kambwe. true, mazima. truly, ddala, mazima, nnyini, weewaawo, mawangwa. trumpet, n., eŋŋombe, ekkondeere. trumpet, v. (of elephant), okwana. trumpeter, omukondeere. truncated (limb), ekikunku. trundle, okuyiringisa. trunk (of tree), enduli; (of elephant) omukono; (of corpse) ekiwuduwudu; (box) essanduuko. trust, 11., obwesigwa. trust, v., okwesiga, okweyabiza, okwessa. trustworthy, a mazima, esigwa. truth, amazima. truthful, a mazima, talimba. try, v., okugezaako, okugezaamu, okukema; (compare) okugeza, okugeraageranya; t. on, okugezaamu. trypanosomiasis, vide sleeping sickness, tsetsefly, ekivu. tub, eppipa. tube, oluseke; vide ekiwawangulo, omulenge. tuck in, v., okwefungiza, okukindikira; t. up, okufunga, okufungiza; make a t. in sewing, okukugira. Tuesday, Tyuzide, Olw’okubiri. tuft, ekikufiri, omusule, akabooya. tug, okuwalula, okusikaasikanya. tulip tree, ekifabakazi. tumble, n., ekigwo. tumble, v., okugwa, okugalanjuka. tumbler (glass), ekirawuli. tumour, ekizimba, enkufu, ekkuluba. tumult, akacwano, oluyoogaano, akabaate. tune, it., eddobobzi. tunic, ekkanzu. turban, ekiremba. turbid, become, okwesiikuula. turbulence, akacwano. turn, n., oluwalo, bkisanja; do in t.f okukola empalo, okukola ebisanja. turn, v.i., okukyuka. t. aside, okuwunjuka. t. sour (milk), okukwata. t. on the back, okugalika. t. over, okugalanjuka. t. back, okukomawo, okudda. t. over (as ankle), okubudama. t. up (be found), okuvumbuka. turn, v.tr., okukyusa. t. upside down, okuvuunika, okusulika, okutiiruula. t. right side up, okuvvuunula. t. out, okugoba, okufulumya. t. over in mind, okufumiitiriza. t. inside out, okufuula. t. up (lamp), okuseesa. t. down (lamp), okuddiriza. t. down (of screw), okunyoola. turtledove, ejjiba. tusk, erinnyo; (of elephant) essanga. tutelary deity, omusambwa. tutor, omuyigiriza, omusomesa. twaddle, obusiru; vide obubuyabuya. twang, with a, ekinnyindwa. twelfth, k kkumi na biri. twentieth, makumi abiri. twice, emirundi ebiri. twig, n., akati, akatabi, omusanvu. twilight, akalabiriza bazaana. twill, red, ebendera. twin, omulongo. t. bananas, nnabansasaana. father of t., ssaalongo. mother of t., nnaalongo. twine, n., ewuzi. twine, v., okwezingirira. twinkle, n., okumunyeenya. twinkle, v., okumunyeenya, okutemereza, okumasamasa. twist, v., okuzingirira, okunyoola; be twisted, okugongobala; t. about, v.i., okwegonyaagonya. twitch, v.tr., okusikula. two, biri; t. edged, a bwogi bubiri. type, n., ekyapa; (emblem) ekifaananyi;(kind) engeri. tyrannical, rel.form of v., okujooga. tyrannise over, okujooga. tyranny, obujoozi. tyrant, omujoozi. tyro, omuligo. udder, ebbeere. ulcer, ebbwa; vide kaboole, ekisejja, ekiwuukirizi, kyebaaga, amaddu. umbilical cord, ekitundwe, omulongo, akalira. umbilicus, ekkundi. umbrella, manvuuli, ekijenga, ssemusiya. umpire, omusazi. unable, be, neg. form of okuyinza, okusobola. unawares, vide surprise, unbaked, bisi; vide omwali. unbar, okusumulula. unbelief, obutakkiriza, unbeliever, omukaafiiri. unbidden, kyeteeso; enter u., okw eyitiriza; go u., okwegenza. unbind, okusumulula. unbolt, okusumulula, okuggulawo. unbosom, okubikkula. unburden, okutikkula. unbutton, okusumulula amapeesa. uncertain, a kalebule. unchain, okusumulula munjegere. uncircumcision, obutakomolebwa. unclasp, okuta, okusumulula. uncle, kojja; kita omuto; (of king) ssaabaganzi. unclean, si lungi, si longoofu, gwa gwa. uncleanness, obutali bulongoofu, obugwagwa. unclose, okubikkula. unclothe, okwambula. uncoil, okuzingulula. uncommon, a kyetere; ekitali kya bulijjo; be u., okwekerenga. unconscious, become, okuzirika, okupooca. unconsciousness, okuzirika; (ignorance) obutamanya. uncooked, bisi. uncork, okuzibukula, okusaanukula. uncouple, okugattulula. uncouth, kopi, si a mpisa nnungi, nnakifankenyere, ggulu. uncover, okubikkula, okukwekula, okusaanukula; u. oneself, okw eyerula; come uncovered, okubebbuka. uncultivated (land), ensiko, ettale; be u., okuzika. undaunted, zira, giimu. undeceive, okulimbulula. undecided, be, okusagaasagana. under, wansi wa . . ., mu. underbred, kopi. underdone, bisi; vide half-cooked, okukona. undergo, okulaba, okukolwa. underground, wansi, wansi muttaka. undermine, okusima wansi, okukotoggera. underneath, wansi mu..., wansi wa ... underrate, okunyooma, okugaya. understand, okutegeera, okwete gereza. understanding, amagezi, obukaba kaba; (agreement) endagaano. undertake, okwesibira, okwetema, okutoolera. undertaking, omulimu. undo, okusumulula, okufunduukulula. undress, okwambula. undulate, okusingiisira. unearth, okuziikula, okuvumbula, okwanjuluza. uneasy, be, okusitunkana. unequalled, vide okulabwa. uneven, si tereevu. unevenness, amakongolijjo. unexpectedly, kibanubanu, makutu. unfailing, a nkalakkalira. unfasten, okusumulula, okutuggulula. unfeeling, si a kisa; neg. rel. form of v. okusaasira. unfix, okusumulula, okugattulula. unflinching, gumu. unfold, okwanja, okwanjuluza, okufunyulula; be unfolded, okwanjulukuka. unfortunate, si a mukisa, naku. unfounded, kalebule. unfriendly, si a mukwano. unfurl, okwanjuluza; (sail) okuwanika. ungenerous, si a kisa, kodo. ungodliness, obutatya Katonda. ungodly, tatya Katonda. unguent, amafuta. unhappy, si a ssanyu, naku. unhook, okusumulula, okunaanula. unimportant, vide okusendeka, okutoowala. uninhabitable (land), enkalajje. uninhabited (land), olukoola. unintelligibly, speak, okujobojja oba okujoboja. unintentionally, butanwa. uninvited, kyeteeso; come u., okw ebereka; go u., okutwala omuyinoo yino. union, okussa ekimu, emirembe. unique, a kitalo, a kyetere. uniquely, emmommololo. unit, omunwe. unite, okuyunga, okugatta, okutabaganya; be united, okutaba gana, okwegatta. unity, obumu, okussa ekimu, okutabagana. universal, a bantubonna, a buli wantu; vide okubuna, okujanjaala. universe, ensi zonna, ebitonde byonna. unjustly, act, okukola mbyone. unkind, si kisa, kakanyavu. unlace, okusumulula, okutuggulula. unlade (ship), okusiikulula. unlawful, a muzizo. unlearn, okuyigulula. unless, wabula. unlimited, ngi nnyo, use v. okukoma in neg. form. unload, okutikkula; (ship) okusiikulula; (gun) okusindulula. unlock, okusumulula ekkufulu. unloose, okusumulula, okuta, okuyimbula. unlucky, si a mukisa, naku. unmannerly, si a mpisa nnungi; kopi. unmarried, a busa, omuwuulu. unmerciful, use okusaasira in neg. rel. form. unpack, okusumulula, okuggyamu. unpeg, okubambula. unpick, okutungulula, okusattulula, okuwundulula. unprepared, vide n’ekisubi kuliiso. unravel, okuzingulula, okutuggulula, okulangulula, okusambulula, okusaggulukuka, okusala ggoye. unrefined, ggulu. unrelenting, kakanyavu; use v. okusaasira in neg. rel. form. unremitting, nyiikivu. unrighteous, tali mutuukirivu. unrighteousness, obutali butuukirivu. unripe, bisi; vide a kibogwe. unrobe, okwambula. unroll, v.i., okunyoloka; v.tr., okuzingulula. unruly, be, okujanjaala. unsaddle, okutanduukulula. unsay, okugambulula. unscrew, okuggyamuemisumaali. unseal, okubembula. unseasonable, a nkiramwaka. unseemly, act, okwepaatiika. unsew, okutungulula. unshaven patch, ejjoba, ekisunsuli. unship, okusiikulula, okuteekulula. unskilful, si a magezi. unsociability, okuluma emba. unsound, vundu, a kalogojjo. unstable, lebevu; vide omuyuuganyi. unsteady, be, bkwetengerera, okugulungujja. unstitched, come, okutungulukuka, okusattulukuka. unstop, okuzibula, okukagula. unstring, okuleegula; come unstrung, okusolokkana. unthreaded, okuwuluttuka. untidy, be, okwevulunkanya; vide omugogolo. untie, okusumulula, okutuggulula, okufunduukulula, okubagulula; come untied, okusumulukuka, okusumuttuka, okutuggulukuka. until, okutuusa lwe. . . . untimely, born, sowole. untrue, si a mazima, limba. untruth, obulimba, ekisalaganyi. untruthful, limba, si a mazima. untwine, okuzingulula, okulambulula. untwist, okuzingulula, okuvootoola, okulangulula; come untwisted, okusansulukuka, okusattulukuka, okuzingulukuka. unusual, si a bulijjo, a kitalo. unveil, okubikkula. unwell, lwadde; vide nkenyera. unwieldy, nene nnyo, zito nnyo; vide omuzinzi. unwillingly, lwa buyingirwa. unwind, okuzingulula; (bandage) okusabuukulula; come unwound, okusansulukuka, okusattuuka, okusabuulukuka. unwisdom, obusiru. unwise, si a magezi, siru. unwrap, okuwumbulula, okusumulula, okusabuukulula; (food from leaves) okusoosootola. unyoke, okusumulula. up, adv., waggulu; vide okwambuka. up, prep., use v., okulinnya, okw ambuka; up to now, na guno gujwa, nnakuno, nnazikuno. upbraid, okunenya, okubuulirira. upon, ku. . ., kunguluku. . . upper, a waggulu; vide akatunnumba. uppish, be, okwekuluntaza, okw ekuza. upright, adj., a mazima, tuukirivu; a busimba. upright, adv., busimba, bulanga; set u., okusimba; stand u., okutereera, okukotaamulukuka, okukutaamulu kuka. uprightness, amazima, obutuukirivu. uproar, akacwano, oluyoogaano, aka baate, olubiika; make an u., okuyoogaana; be. in an u., okusasamala. uproot, okusimbula, okujjira, okukoola, okusaayirira, okusigula, okusiguukulula. upset, okubundula, okuvuunika, okuliga, okusulinka; (liquids) okuyiwa. upset, v.i, okwedoma, okulenduka; (liquids) okuyiika upshot, enkomerero. upside down, turn, okusulika, okutiiruula, okuvuunika. urbane, lungi, a kisa. urchin, akalenzi. urethra, akanyinyi. urge, okukubiriza, okwasira, okw amira; okubuga; (entreat) okwegayirira. urinal, ekinnyaalo. urine, enkali. urticaria, ekirogologo. use, v.tr., okukoza; u. sparingly, okukekkereza; be of u., okugasa, okuganyula. useful, use rel. form of v. okugasa; make u., okuganyula. useless, vide omulangaasira; become u., okufa. usher in, okwanjula, okuyingiza. usual, a bulijjo, tera okulabika. usually, do, okutera. usurious, use v. okuseera in rel. form. usurp, okunaayira, okuwaŋŋama, okwetulinkirira, okwetumiikiriza. usury, obuseezi. utensil, ekibya, ekikompe. uterus, nnabaana. utilise, okukoza. utter, v., okwogera, okwatula. utter, adj., use ddala. utterance, ebigambo, okwogera. utterly, ddala, togge. uvula, akamiro, akasondamumiro. vacancy, ekifo, ebbanga. vacant, fulukwa, ereere; be v., okwangaala; look v., okulolobala. vacate, okuleka, okuvaamu. vacation, okuwummulu. vaccinate, okusala emikono (okuziyiza kawaali). vacillate, okusagaasagana, okugala ngatana, okuekkiriranya, okuttaaga n’aga. vagabond, omutambuze, omudaazi. vagina, emmana. vaginitis, ekyalaalo. vagrant, ekireebereebe, emmomboze. vain, a malala, rel. form of v. okw enyumiriza; (foolish) siru; be v,, okwenyumiriza. vain, in, bwereere, busa, bekkotoggo, bireebwe, bukumbu; go in v., okugubagguba. vale, ekiwonvu. valediction, okusiibula. valet, omuweereza, omulenzi. valiant, zira; be v., okufuŋŋama. valid, kakafu, tuufu. validity, obutuufu, obukakafu. valise, ensawo. valley, ekiwonvu. valorous, zira. valour, obuzira. valuable, a muwendo. valuables, amakula. valuation, okusala omuwendo. value, omuwendo. value, v., okulamula omuwendo, okusala omuwendo; (prize) okwagala. vanilla, omulondo oba omulondo. vanish, okubula. vanity, okwenyumiriza. vanquish, okuwangula, okugoba. vapour, omukka, olufu. variance, oluyombo, empaka. variegated, a mabala, tobeke, a langi; vide okutobeka, okutolobojja. variety, enjawulo; (sort) engeri. various, lala na lala. varnish, v., okusiigako amasanda. vassal, omuddu. vast, nene nnyo; vide colossal, vastly, nnyo nnyini. vat, emmanvu, ettogero. vault (roof), akasolya; (grave) entaana. vault, v., okubuuka. vaunt, okwenyumiriza. vegetables, enva, ebikagga, emboga, etc. vegetation, omuddo. vehemence, amaanyi. vehement, a maanyi. vehemently, n’amaanyi. vehicle, e ggaali. vein, omusuuwa. velocity, embiro. vend, okutunda. vendetta, endibu. vendor, omutunzi. venerate, okussaamu ekitiibwa. vengeance, take, okuwalana eggwa nga, okuwoolera eggwanga. vengeful, a ggwanga, a ttima. venom, obusagwa. venomous, a busagwa, a kkalwekkalwe. vent, n., ekituli. venture, okugezaako, okwaŋŋanga, okwetantala. venturesome, be, okwetunda, okweyinula. veracious, a mazima. veracity, amazima. veranda, abbalaza, olubalaza. verbal, a kamwa. verbose, a bigambo bingi. verbosity, okwogera ebigambo ebingi; vide chatter, verdict, give, okusala. verdigris, oluwugge. verdure, omuddo. verdureless (place), ekiwalakate. verge, ebbali, enjegoyego. verify, okukakasa. verily, ddala, ngenye. veritable, a mazima. verity, amazima. versatile, a dangu. verse, olunyiriri. versicle, akanyiriri. vertebra, ettembe, ensengere. vertically, bulanga. vertigo, kantoolooze, kammunguluze. very, nnyo, ddala; also ideophones like ggulugulu, kaalaala, kabogo, kaakaaka, ttukutuku, ccekeceke, ccucucu, ddu, ddudduddu, kazigizigi, kkopokopo, mmyamyamya, mmyumyumyu, ppeppeppe, ssassassa, ssississi, twatwatwa. vessel, ekikompe, endeku; (ship) ekyombo, eryato. vest, effulaano. vestment, ekyambalo. vesture, ebyambalo. vetch, ekisambandege. vex, okunyiiza, okunyiikaaza, okunyiigombya; be vexed, okunyiiga, okunyiikaala, okunyiigomba, okujumba. vexation,okunyiiga, ekinyiigo, emirere mbe, emiroboli. vial, eccupa. viands, eby’okulya. vibrate, okutiribira, okukankana, okupapa, okusaalaala. vice (wickedness), obubi, ejjiribwa. vicious, bi, kambwe. victim (sacrificial), ssaddaaka. victor, omuwanguzi. Victoria, Lake, Nnalubaale. victorious, be, okuwangula. victory, okuwangula. victuals, eby’okulya. view, v., okulaba, okulengera. vigilance, okutunula. vigilant, be, okutunula. vigorous, a maanyi, a ggume. vigour, amaanyi, eggume, empapiiro, omuteega, ezzime. vile, bi nnyo. vileness, obubi. vilify, okuwaayiriza. village, ekyalo; vide lubandansi. villain, omuntuomubi; vide rascal, villainy, obubi. vindictive, a ttima. vindictiveness, eggwanga, endibu. vine, omuzabbibu; rubber v., omulemu, nnansaale. vinedresser, omulimi w’emizabbibu. vinegar, omwenge omukaatuufu. vineyard, olusukuolw’emizabbibu. vintage, okukungula emizabbibu. violate, okwonoona, okusobya; (girl) okwata. violence, amaanyi, ettemu, empapala. violent, a maanyi. violently, lwa maanyi. virago, nnambaalaala, nnakafuga. virgin, omuwala atamanyi musajja, embeerera. virile, a ggume. virility, amaanyi, eggume, olusajja. virtue, obulungi, obulongoofu. virtuous, lungi, longoofu, tuukirivu. visage, amaaso. viscera, ebyenda. visible, be, okulabika, okuboneka. vision, okwolesebwa. visit, v., okukyala, okubunga, okulambula; okulanya. v. constantly, okubeyuka, okuseya, okusereggana. make a short v., okubandagala. be on a v., okugenyiwa, okunyegera. visitor, omugenyi. vitiate, okwonoona. vituperate, okuvuma. vixen (metaphor), omukazi omuyombi. vizier, katikkiro. vocalist, omuyimbi. vocation, omulimu, okuyitibwa. vociferate, okwogera n’eddoboozi eddene. vociferous, a ddobooziddene. voice, eddoboozi, akanyego. void, ereere; make v., okudibya; become v., okudiba. volcano, olusozi olw’omuliro. volley, fire a, okutindikira. voluble, bigambo bingi; be v., okubabuukiriza ebigambo. volume, ekitabo, omuzingo. voluminous, ngi; vide olufulube, olufuubanja. voluntarily, lwa kisa; vide okw etettula, okwetunda. voluntary (act), kyeyendere. voluptuary, omwegombi. voluptuous, egombi. vomit, ekisesemye. vomit, v., okusesema, okutanaka; be vomited, okutunuka. voracious, a mululu, lulu; eat voraciously, okujujumbula. voracity, omulugube, omutuubo. vow, n., obweyamo. vow, v., okweyama obweyamo oba okweyama obweyamo, okulayira. voyage, n., olugendo lw’okunnyanja. voyage, v., okuyita kunnyanja. vulgar, kopi, ggulu. vulgarity, empisa embi, obuggulu. vulture, ensega. waddle, v., okubaatabaata. wag, v., okunyeenya; (tail) okutenga. wage, «., empeera, omusaala, omukemba; pay w. to, okupokera. wager, v., okusinga. waggish, be, okwekinika. waggon, eggaali. wagtail, nnamunye. wail, v., okukuba ekiwoobe, okuwooba. wailing, «., ebiwoobe, okukaaba. waist, ekiwato; vide olukende. waistband, olwebagyo, olukoba. waistcoat, ekizibaawo ekitono. wait, okulinda, okulindirira; (vainly) okwandaakalala. w. upon, okuweereza. w. a bit! lindako! ogira otuula awo! w. at table, okusumaama. w. over a day, okwosa. lie in w., okuteega. w. about, okuzimbirira. waiter, omuweerbza, omusumaami. waive, okuleka. wake, v.i., okuzuukuka; v.tr., okuzuukusa. wakeful, sit, okutuula busiga. walk, okutambula. w. carefully, okwegendereza. walk, backwards, okwesendasenda. w. slowly, okulemba. w. with difficulty, okubambaga, okuba ttira. w. throwing out legs, okujaagira. w. fast, okweyaka, okweyasa, okwabuka, okweskawuula, okwesekula, okwesika, okwesikula, okwewawaagula, okwewuuba, okwewalakata, okupappuka, okusaabuuka, okusesegguka. walk, n., entambula; (path) ekkubo; (conduct) empisa; go for a w., okutambulako. walker, omutambuze. wall, ekisenge, olusebenju; (city) obugwe. wallet, ensawo. wallow, okwekulukuunya. wander, okukyama, okuseyaaseya, okuseyeggera, okuwambajja, okuleregga, okulalagga; (in delirium), okulogojjana. wanderer, ompiseeyise, empisiiyisi. want, okwetaaga, obwavu. want, okwetaaga, okwagala. wanton, kaba. war, olutalo; great w., olutalo sse matalo; go to w., okutabaala. ward, n. (of prison), ekkomera; vide ezzaaliro. ward off, v., okwewoma, okwegema. warden, omukuumi. warehouse, eggwanika. wares, eby’okutunda. warfare, olutalo, entalo. warily, mpola; use v. okwegendereza. warlike, a ntalo. warm, v.tr., okubugumya, okubuguumiriza; w. the body, okwota (omuliro, omusana). warm, v.i., be w.f okubuguma, okutakata. warmth, n., ebbugumu, akasuususu. warn, okulabula. warp, v.i., okweweta, okugonyoka, okulalambala; v.tr., okuweta, okweweesa. warrior, omulwanyi. wart, ensundo. warthog, engiri. wash, v.tr. (another person), okunaaza; (things) okwoza; w. up (on to the shore), okufumbiikiriza. washing, n., engoye ez’okwoza. wasp, bbumbuzzi, muyizzitasubwa. waste, v.i., w. away (in sickness), okukonvuba, okukoozimba, okuwolongoka. waste, ebisasiro, amasengere. wasteful, be, okujoogoola; vide nnalyambe. watch, n., essaawa; w. of the night, ekisisimuka. watch, v.i., okutunula; v.tr., okukuuma, okutunuulira, okwekkaanya. watchchain, omukuufu. watchman, omukuumi. water, n., amazzi; make w., okunnyaala, okufuka amazzi, okukojoba, okukunkumula omusulo. water, v., okufukirira; (cattle) okunywesa, okwesera. waterbuck, ensama, enjobe. watercloset, ekiyigo, mugwanya. waterfall, ekiyiriro. waterhen, akafubitizi, enfulubiru. wateringplace, ekyesero. waterjar, ensuwa. waterless, awatali mazzi. waterlily, kitengejji, akabbula. waterpipe, omufulejje. waterpot, ensuwa. watery (insipid), a kajaalaala, okuwutta. wave, 11., ejjengo, essingiisira. wave, v.i., okwewuuba, okuyuuguuma; v.tr., okuwuuba. waver, okubuusabuusa, okusagaa sagana, okufufuggala, okujenguka, okuttaaga n’aga. wax, n., ebisenge by’enjuki; (in ear) envumbo. way, ekkubo; (custom) empisa; (plan) amagezi; make w. for, okusegulira. wayfarer, omutambuze, omuyisi. waylay, okutega. we, ffe, tu. weak, nafu; become w., okuyenje buka, okuyongobera, okunafuwa, okujenjeba, okugangatika, okuyeba. weaken, v.tr., okunafuya. weakly, nafu, yongobevu. weakness, obunafu. weal, omuzizi. wealth, obugagga, ebintu, emmaali, obutitimbe. wealthy, gagga; become w., okugaggawala. wean, okuggya kumabeere; w. too soon, okwosera; be weaned, okuva kumabeere. weapon, eky’okulwanyisa. wear, v.tr. (put on), okwambala; w. out, okukansula. wear, v.i., w. out, okukaddiwa, okuseebenga, okubotoka; w. well, okwesibira. weariness, obukoowu. weary, koowu; become w., okukoowa, okuggya; make w., okukooya, okukooyesa. weasel, eggunju. weather, obudde. weave, okuluka, okulanga. weaver, omulusi w’engoye. web, n. (of spider), engoye za nnabbubi. wed, v.tr. (of matt), okuwasa; (of woman) okufumbirwa; (mutual) okufumbiriganwa. wedded, fumbo. wedding, obugole, embaga y’obugole. wedge, olubanda, empano. Wednesday, Wenzide, Olw’okusatu. weed, n., omuddo; pi. ebirungu. weed, v., okukoola, okukandula. weedy, zise. week, wiiki, ssabbiiti. weekly, a buli ssabbiiti. weep, okukaaba amaziga, okulira, okukoboka. weeping, okukaaba. weevil, akawuka, enjovu, omusontwa. weigh, okugera, okupima. weight, obuzito. weighty, zito, a buzito. welcome, adj., a ssanyu. welcome, v.tr., okwaniriza, okusanyukira. weld, okuyunga, okugatta. well, it., oluzzi. well, adj., lamu, lungi. well, adv., bulungi. well up, v., okutumbuka. well, int., kale; w. done, weebale, kulika, yogaayoga, buswagu. well, get, okuwona, okussuuka, okulamuka, okwekakamula; make w., okuwonya. well-known, atiikirivu. wench, omuzaana. wend (one’s way), okugenda. west, ebugwanjuba. westerly, a bugwanjuba. wet, adj., bisi, rel. form of v. follg.; get w., okutoba, okujojobala. wet, v.tr., okutobya; w. the clothes, okwesona. wether, endiga endaawo. wet season, ttoggo. whale, lukwata. what? ki? kiki? w. do youcall it? okiyita otya? what is his name? erinnya lye y’ani? whatever, buli with rel. pron. wheat, eŋŋaano. wheel, nnamuziga, ddudumo. wheel, v,, okusindika, okuyiringisa. wheeze, okuyiriitira. whelp, vide puppy, when, inter., ddi? rel., bwe, lwe. whence, wa? rel. gye. whenever, buli lwe. . . . where, inter., wa? rel. gye. whereas, ssonga. wherever, buli gye. . . . whet, okuwagbla, okubangula. whether, obanga, nnandiki. whetstone, ekibangulo, ejjinja eriwa gala. which, inter., ki? while, nga. whimper, okwekaanya. whip, n., kibooko, kibokko. whip, v., okukuba n’olukoba. whir, v., okuvuuma, okuvuuvuuma, okulinnimuka. whirl, okuzunga; v.tr., okuzunza. whirlwind, kibuyaga, embuyaga. whisk, fly, enkinga. whisker, ekirevu; (of cat) obuswiriri. whisper, v., okwogera ekyama. whistle, n., effirimbi, eddenge. whistle, v., okufuuwa oluwa, okufuuwa ekirenge, okufuuwa effirimbi. whistle, v.i., of wind, okuwuuma. whit, akasirikitu. white, eru, eru, erutukutuku; be come w., okutukula, okwamuka. white ants, vide termites, whiten, okutukuza, okwerusa. whiteness, obweru. whitewash, v., okusiiga ennoni. whither, wa? whithersoever, buli gye. . . . whitlow, akadalidali, entunuka. Whit Sunday, Olunakulwa Pentekooti. whizz, v., okuvuuma, okuvuuvuuma. who, inter., ani? whole, tuufu, Iamba, lambirira. wholesale, adv., kizizl; vide okutokomoka. whoopingcough, ekikololo ekiraa kiira. whore, omwenzi. whose ?, ’ani? why ?, lwaki? wick, olutambi. wicked, bi. wickedness, obubi. wide, gazi; w.mouthed, a luta gajjo; w.spreading, a ngalama. widen, v.i., okugaziwa; v.tr., okugaziya. widow, nnamwandu. widower, ssemwandu; become a w., okuwuula. widowhood, obwannamwandu. width, obugazi, omwanjo. wield, okukoza; (brandish) okuwera. wife, omukazi, muka, omukyala; vide kaddulubaale, kabejje, nnassaza; omukazimuggya, omusebeyi; wife’s home, eddya. wild, adj. (animals), a munsiko; (violent) lalu; become wild, okubaama, okutaaluuka, okutaama; run w. (garden), okuzika. wilderness, olukoola, eddungu. wile, olukwe. wilful, a mputtu, tengu. wilfulness, emputtu. wiliness, obukaba, amagezi. will, n., okwagala; against one’s w., buwaka; (testament) eddaame; make a w., okulaama. will, v., okwagala. willo’thewisp, nnamuyenga. wily, a nkwe. win (get), okufuna, okulaba; (conquer) okuwangula, okugoba, okumenya olutalo; w. over, okusenda senda. wince, okwesisiwala. wind, v., okunyoola; w. up (cotton), okuzinga; w. self round and round, okweziringirira. wind, n., empewo, kibuyaga; (breath) omukka. windpipe, omumiro. window, eddirisa, ekituli. wine, envinnyo. winepress, essogolero. wing, ekiwaawaatiro, ekiwawa. cooked w. of chicken, ekivu. hit on the w., okukuba butanga. be on the w. of army, okukoobera. wink, v., okutemya ekikowe, okusunyaako; w. at, okubaguliza. winks, take forty, okuwujjaala, okwebaka amavumira. winnow, okuwewa, okukuyeeya. winnowingtray, olugali. winter, ebiro eby’empewo. wipe, okusiimuula, okuttaanya; w. out, okusangula; w. sweat with finger, okwesala entuuyo. wire, n., olunyere; telegraph w., essimu, oluuma. wire, v. (send telegram), okukuba essimu. wisdom, amagezi. wise, magezi, kalabakalaba. wish, okwagala. wish, v., okwagala. wit, amagezi; at one’s wit’s end, vide okubunda. witch, omulogo. witchcraft, obulogo, obusezi, ettalo. with, na, awamuna. withdraw, v.L, okuvaayo, okweyungula; v.tr., okuggyawo, okujjulula; w. from ashes, okuvumbula; w. a guarantee, okuzaalukuka. wither, v.i., okuwotoka, okuwotookerera. withered, wotofu. withhold, okumma. within, adv., munda. within, prep., munda wa, munda mu. without, awatali witless, siru. witness, omujulirwa; bear w., okujulirwa; call to w., okujulira. wizard, omulogo, omusezi, omuganga, omukakali. wobble, okusagaasagana. woe, ennaku; w. is me! zinsanze! nnyaabula! woowe! wolf, omusege. woman, omukazi. womb, nnabaana. wonder, ekitalo, ekikuuno, ekyama gero oba eky’amagero, ekyewuunyo, makunale; the act of wondering, use inf. of v. follg. wonder, v., okwewuunya, okuwuniikirira. wonderful, a kitalo, a kikuuno. wonderfully, kitalo. wont, n., empisa; be w., okutera. wood, omuti; firewood, enku; (forest) ekibira; (plank) olubaawo. wooded, a miti, bibira. wooden, a muti. woodpecker, enkonkonamuti. wool, ebyoya by’endiga. woollen, vide jjowo. word, ekigambo; (news) amagambo, ebifa; (order) ekiragiro; (promise) okulagaana. wordy, a bigambo bingi. work, n., omulimu. work, v., okukola omulimu; w. very hard, okufaabiina, okufuba; w. way through, okwefubitika. workman, omukozi, omupakasi. workmanship, omulimu. workshop, ekkolero. world, ensi. worldly, a nsi. worm, olusiriŋŋanyi, ekisokomi,enjoka embisi; (intestinal) enfaana, kawuukuumi; cut w., omutemu. wormeaten, be, okuwumba. wormwood, omususa. worn out, kadde, botofu; get w. o., okukaddiwa, okubotoka, okugangatika. worry, v.i., okweraliikirira, okukulungutana; v.tr., okweraliikiriza, okuteganya, okukabiriza, okukeŋŋente rera. worse, get (illness), okwefuukuula. worship, n., ensinza. worship, okusinza. worst, adj., singa obubi. worst, v., okuwangula, okugoba. worth, n., omuwendo, obulungi. worth, be, okugula. worthless, use v. okugasa in neg. rel. form. worthy, be, okusaana, okusaanira; make w., okusaanyiza; deem w., okugwanyiza. wound, n., ekiwundu. wound, v., okuluma, okufumita. wounded, fumite, a biwundu. wrangle, okuyombagana, okuba bbatta, okutwatwalikana. wrangle, n., oluyombo, empaka. wrangler, omuyombi. wrap, v., okusiba, okusabika, okuwumba. wrath, obusungu, ekiruyi. wrathful, a busungu, sunguwavu. wreath, engule y’ebimuli. wreck, v.tr., okumenya eryato; be wrecked, okumenyeka. wrench, okusika, okusikula, okuwagula. wrestle, okumeggana, okulwana bukende. wrestler, omumegganyi. wretch, omubi, lunkupe. wriggle, okutiiratiira. wring, okukamula; (neck) okunyoola. wrinkle, n., omutaafu, embugubugu, olukanyanya; (in cloth) olufunyiro. wrinkled, be, okufungalala. wrist, ekiseke. write, okuwandiika. writer, omuwandiisi. writhe, okwegoloŋoonya, okweziri banga. writing, okuwandiika, empandiika, omukono. wrong, n., obubi, ensobi. wrong, adj., bi, a nsobi. wrong, v.tr., okwonoona, okukola obubi, okusobya, okusalirira aka nywa; be w.,okusoba; vide. okuwuba. wrongly, bubi, mawulu ttundu. xylophone, amadinda, entaala. yam, balugu, kaama, kandi, ekisebe; vide ekigalulira, ekikongo. yard, oluggya; (three feet) yaadi. yarn, ewuzi; tell yarns, okufuma, okukulungula. yawn, ekyayuuyo. yawn, v., okwayuuya; y. noisily, okweyayamula. yaws, kaberebenje, kabootongo ow’akacuucuuke. yea, weewaawo, yee. year, omwaka. yearly, a buli mwaka. yearn for, okwebaga, okwebuga, okwoya, okuyaayaanira, okujula. yearning, okuyaayaanira, amaddu. yeast, ekizimbulukusa, ensiwo. yell, okubaaluuka, okukaaba ennyo. yellow, a kyenvu. yelp, okuŋaŋala. yes, weewaawo, yee, kale; (in reply to a call) wangi! wampa! say yes, okukkiriza. yesterday, jjo; day before y., luli, jjuuzi. yet, naye; (still) use kya with verb. yield, okuta, okuleka; (submit) okujeemulukuka, okuwulira, okugonda; (produce) okubala, okuleeta, okuwa. yielding (weak), nafu, lebevu. yoke, n., ekikoligo; (pair) omugogo. yoke, v., okuyunga, okugatta. yolk, enjuba y’eggi. yonder, eri, eyo, enzivuunuko. you, ggwe, pl. mmwe. young, to. young, be with (animals), okuwaka, okuba n’eggwako. youngest, omuggalanda; vide omwana. youngster, omutoototo. your, o, pl. ammwe. yourself, wekka. youth, omuvubuka, omulenzirenzi, eki juujulu; obuvubuka, obuto. youthful, a buvubuka, lenzirenzi. Zanzibar, Lungujja. zeal, obunyiikivu, obuggya. zealot, omunyiikivu, omuzerote. zealous, nyiikivu; be z., okunyiikira. zebra, entulege. zephyr, obusango. zest, obufubi. zigzag, kyamukyamu; be z., okwenyoolanyoola, okwegonyaagonya, okukyamakyama. -a Commonly designated the -a of relationship (abbreviated -a of rel. A Its usual function is to link substantives in possessive, attributive and other relationships. The prefix attached to -a is determined by the class of the preceding noun, e.g., ebitabo ebya Mukasa, the books of Mukasa; entebe ey’omuti (ey’ = eya), the chair of wood, the wooden chair. An important function of a is that of forming ordinals from cardinals, e.g., mu myaka omusanvu, in seven years; mu mwaka ogw omusanvu (ogw’ = ogwa), in the seventh year. aa (low or mid tone) interj. I see! so that’s it! exactly! aa or more frequently aaa (low high mid tone) interj. no! not at all! aba, ab plur. of owa, q.v. abaffe poss. pron. & adj. our; ours (referring to plural personal nouns), as an interj. (to attract attention) you there! (to express surprise or impatience) for goodness sake, my word, gracious, cf. -affe. abange poss. pron. & adj. my; mine (refer- ring to plural personal nouns), as an interj. (to attract attention) you there! (to express surprise or impatience) for goodness sake, my word, gracious, cf. -ange, owange. abiri numer. two (with nouns of the li/ma class); twenty (with nouns of other classes), amayinja abiri, two stones, ensi abiri, twenty countries, amayinja amakumi abiri, twenty stones, cf. -biri. abo demons, pron. & adj. those, those people (referring to individuals relatively near the speaker as opposed to bali, those at some distance away). -abwe poss. pron. & adj. theirs; their. -affe poss. pron. & adj. ours; our; cf. abaffe. aganaaga: okutta aganaaga to be doubtful/ hesitant/in a state of indecision; do two or more things at once and risk doing them all ineffectively. -aki interrog. part, for what purpose? lwaki? why? Ebikopo byaki? What are the cups for? amiina interj. feng.J amen. Katonda amiina. Thanks be to God (that I have received this opportunity or favor). -aitimwe poss. pron. & adj. yours; your (plur.). ana numer. four (with the nouns of the li/ma class); forty (with nouns of other classes), cf. -na. -ange poss. pron. & adj. mine; my. cf. abange, owange. ani plur. baani interrog. pron. who? whom? Bali baani? "ho are those (people)? Eki- tabo kino ky’ani? Whose book is this? Erinnya lyo gw’ani? What is your name? ne bwe...ani, no matter who. Ne bw aliba ani n’atugamba okugenda tetuligenda. No matter who tells us to go, we shall not go. anti interj. as a matter of fact, you know; of course, oh, but; well now. cf. nanti. asatu numer. three (with nouns of the li/ma class); thirty (with nouns of other classes), cf. -satu. asiri invar, adj. CSt^.] genuine, real, true. ataano numer. five (with nouns of the li/ma class); fifty (with nouns of other classes). cf. -taano. ate conj. so, so then, and then. -atu poss. adj. our. eggwanga lyattu lino, this country of ours. cf. wattu. awali lit. where there is/are. See -li (under ba) and watali. awamu see wamu. awatali see watali. awo adv. there, conj. then, thereupon. interj. response to weebale, thank you. ebyo nga bikyali awo that being the case; meanwhile. awunzi (n/n) [Eng. ] ounce. ayi interj. (used in address or in expressing a strong emotion) oh! Ayi Katonda! Oh, God! ba- the pluralizing prefix for nouns of the mu/ ba and la classes. Before personal names it is written separately: ba Mukasa, the Mu- kasas or, less commonly Mukasa and his foil owers. For Other useses of ba- see the grammars. ba, a- the form of the -a of rel. used after plur, nouns of the mu/ba and la classes. For an additional function in noun phrases see^wa. ba (-badde, mbadde) v.i. be. In certain tenses ba is replaced by -li, Both may be used as primary verbs or as auxiliaries in compound tenses. bwe tuba mu ssomero, when we are in school. Yabadde anzise. He nearly killed me. Tuli mu kisenge. We are in the room. Twali tuli mu kisenge. We were in the room, ba and -li may be followed by na (-na in the case of -li) to express possession. Tulina ensimbi. We have money. Twabadde n’ensimbi. We had money. ba and -li both take the enclitics -ko, -yo, -mu, -wo. ba becomes baa- before such an addition, mbaako kye njogera, if 1 have something to say (note that this does not imply physical pos ses s ion as is often the case when -na is suffexed to -li), abo abanaabaawo enkya, those who will be present tomorrow. Bwe walibaamu amazzi mu mugga, tulivuba. If there is water in the river we will fish. Taliimu. He is stupid or He is not at home. beera (-badde) v.i. appl. be; be in/at, etc., stay, remain; dwell, reside. Baabeeranga ku kizinga e Ssese. They used to live on one of the Ssese islands. Yabuuza ogubadde. He asked what had happened/what was the matter. beerera (-beeredde) v.i. appl. 2 be (often with the implication of long or permanent duration). Ebiseera ebirungi tebibeerera. Good times do not last. Abaana abato teba- tera kubeerera awo. Young children are always on the go, lit. do not usually just stay there, kye kibeeredde, for that reason, that is why. -ebeerera (-ebeeredde) v.i. appl. 2 refl. mu nnyumba ya kitaawe eyali yeebeerera eyo mu Masaka, in the house of herfather who was living (there) in Masaka. beesa (-beesezza) v.tr. caus. cause to be; enable to survive; support. Lukwago ye yamubeesaayo. It is Lukwago who enabled beeza (-beezezza), beezesa (-beezesezza) v. tr. appl. caus. 1 & 2 cause to be; keep alive; maintain; cause to continue. Yamu- buuzizza ekyamubeezesa n’ebintu ebibbe. He asked him what caused him to be in the possession of stolen property. beeka (-beese) v. i. neut., beereka (-beerese) v. i. appl. neut. be habitable; be tenable. Wano tewabeereka. It is not easy/possible to live here. cf. oba, obanga, oboolyaawo, olubeerera, embeera, newaakubadde, waliwo, (a)watali. baaba (la) elder brother/sister; as a term of address to a friend or intimate friend, chap, fellow. baabwe or baabuwe interj. expressing sympathy, pity, compassion. I am sorry! the poor fellow! the poor woman! baaga (-baaze) v. tr. skin, flay; butcher (an animal); cut up; dismember; dissect; operate on (a patient), okubaaga amatooke, to peel bananas so ineptly that part of the meat is left in the skins. baagira (-baagidde) v. tr. appl. skin/flay at/for, etc. baaza (-baazizza), baagisa (-baagisizza) v. tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to cut/skin, etc.; cut/skin with/using. baagulula (-baaguludde) v. tr. (conv. in form) cut into pieces; cut deeply; cut carelessly. cf. ebbaago, ebbaagiro, kibaaga, omu- baage, omubaazi. baalaala (-baaladde) v. i. be hot/burning to the taste; be overly salty. baalaaza (-baalaazizza) v. tr. caus. cause to be hot (of spicy food); oversalt. Tobaa- laaza omunnyu. Don’t put in too much salt. cf. -baalaavu. -baalaavu adj. hot, spicy (of food); overly salted, cf. baalaala. baalabaala (-baddebadde) v. i. walk up and down, stroll around, take a leisurely walk. -ebaalabaala (-ebaddebadde) v. tr. redup. refl. avoid (because of fear); take precautions against. baalinga (-baalinze) v. tr. strike, beat. -ebaalinga (-ebaalinze) v. i. refl. try to do what nnp is impossible of doing; exert oneself in vain; walk/act in a careless or hasty manner. cf. akabaalingo. -baaluufu adj. screeching; raucous; wild, uncontrollable, eddoboozi ebbaaluufu, harsh/strident voice, omwana omubaaluufu, a loud/rowdy/aggressive child, cf. baaluuka. baaluuka (-baaluuse) v. i. scream, yell, shriek; cause an uproar; become uncontrollable. baaluukira (-baaluukidde) v. i. & tr. appl. scream/yell at, etc. cf. -baaluufu. baama or bama (-baamye, -bamye) v. i. become wild/fierce; go wild, run wild; act wildly. baamira (-baamidde) v. i. appl. go wild in/at, etc. baamya (-baamizza), baamisa (-baamisizza) v. tr. caus. 1 .] bowl. bbala, e- (li/ma) spot; stain; color; mark, brand; birthmark; type, kind, engo y’ama- bala, a spotted leopard, kuggya muntu mu bbala, to alter/damage the appearance of a person (of disease, extreme poverty, etc.) cf. ebibalabala, akabalabala, ekibala, 4mbala. bbalaafu no plur. (la) [P ers., Ste.] ice. eky uma ekya bbalaafu, icebox, refrigerator, amayinja ga bbalaafu, pieces of ice, chunks of ice. bbalanga, e- (li/ma) fury, rage, wrath; madness. bbalaza (n/n) veranda (less frequent than lubalaza, q. v.). Bbalaza, Monday. bbali, e- adv. aside, to the side, ebbali w’oluguudo, at the side of the road, ebbali n'ebbali w’olugundo, on both sides of the road. cf. mabbali, wabbali. bbalirirwe, e- with the -a of rel. rare, scarce. as an adv. occasionally, not too often, rarely, cf. ^bala, balirira. bbaluwa, e- (n/n) [Stv., Ar.] letter; certificate; diploma. bbalwa (n/ti) purple heron. bbambavu, e- less frequent var. of bbavu (li/ma) blister. bbambo: njoka za bbambo, dysmenorrhea. bbanda, e- (li/ma) hollow-stemmed perennial mountain bamboo, Arundinaria alpina. It is black in color as opposed to nkaawo which is yellow. bbandi e- (n/n) a brass drum carried by one marching in a band. bbandigi, e- (n/n) [Eng. ] bandage. bbando (la) meal cooked from com flour. bbanga, e- (li/ma) space; room; time, inter- val; opportunity, chance, amagye ag’omu bbanga, air force, mu bbanga lya myaka mitono, in the course of a few years, E — waliyo obuduukaduuka obwesudde ama- banga. At: — there are numerous poor little shops scattered around, cf. banga. bbango, e- (li/ma) hump on the back, ow’ebbango, hunchback, cf. akabango. bbanguliro, e- (li/ma) training center. cf. bangula. bbanja, e- (li/ma) debt. Tetutunda bbanja. We do not sell on credit, okufuna ku bbanja, to buy (lit. get) on credit, okulya ebbanja, to incur a debt, okugwa ku bbanja, to fall into debt. cf. banja. bbanvu, e- (li/ma) vat; trough for brewing beer. cf. ekibanvu, emmanvu. bbanyi, e- (li/ma) inflamed breast, mastitis. bbasi (li/ma) middle side plank of a canoe. bbatirizo, e- (li/ma) [Eng.] baptistery, place where baptism is performed, cf. batiza. bbavu, e- (li/ma) blister (on the palm of the hand or the sole of the foot), cf. ebbambavu. -bbe adj. stolen, ebibbe, stolen goods. cf. Ibba. bbeedi, e- (n/n) [Eng.] seedbed. bbeere, e- (li/ma) breast, in the plur. breasts; milk. Talina mabeere. She is without milk, okuggya ku mabeere, to wean, okuva ku mabeere, to be weaned. cf. ^ekibeere, lubeerebeere, omubbeere. bbeetu, e- (li/ma) liberty, freedom; free hand fin carrying on an activity); permission; relaxation; peace. bbeeyi, e- (n/n or li/ma) price; expensive price, ebbeeyi eza wansi, low prices, engoye ez' ebbeeyi, expensive clothes. bbega, e- from amabega, back, q.v. kukuba ku bbega, to carry on the back. bbendo, e- more frequently ebbendobbendo (li/ma) roof pad; edging of arch of porch of hut. cf. akabendobendo. bbenseni, e- (n/n) [Eng.] basin. bbereeje: kwefuula bbereeje, to become dangerous/terrifying/threatening. Envubu zeefudde bbereeje ku bizinga bino. The hippopotamuses have become a major threat on these islands. bbibiro, e- (1 i/m a) dam; embankment. ebbibiro ly’amazzi, water dam. cf. bibira. bbidde, e-: kukuba bbidde, colloq. to drink beer to excess, cf. embidde. bbiga, e- (li/ma) large flaming fire (for cooking, roasting, etc.) cf. akabiga. bbiikiriza see under ^ bba. bbiina, e- (li /ma) large group, multitude. cf. ekibiina. bbika (-bbise, nzibise) v. tr. dip, immerse. -ebbika (-ebbise) v.i. refl. immerse oneself; dive; fig. be/look unhappy/distraught. cf. lbbira, bbinkira, bbuka, bbulukuka, nnyika. bbika neut. of bba, q.v. bbinika, e- (»/") kettle, (li/ma) large kettle. bbinikiro, e- (li/ma) large funnel, cf. omu- binikiro. bbinkana (-bbinkanye) v.i. move up and down, bob up and down. cf. bbinkira. bbinkira (-bbinkidde, nzibinkidde) v.i. bob down, duck; bob up and down (especially in water). bbinkiza (-bbinkizizza) v. tr. caus. cause to bob down, etc. cf. ^bbira, ^bbika,^bbinkana. bbinu, e- (li/ma) celebration, big party; festival; ceremony; show, performance, okunywa omwenge mabinu, to drink large quantities of beer. bbira (-bbidde, nzibidde) v.i. dive; sink, go under water, bbiramu, fig., relig. become immersed in, be utterly dedicated to (God). bbirira (-bbiridde) v.i. appl. 2 sink in/ under, etc. bbiza (-bbizizza) v. tr. caus. cause to dive/sink. bbira, bbirira mod. forms of bba, q.v. cf. lbbika, bbinkira, bbulukuka, lubbira, ^omubbizi. bbiri the form of -biri ( 2) used in counting (one, two, three, etc.) and with nouns of the lu/n and n/n classes, cf. -biri. bbiri, e- (li/ma) large body. Eyeerabye ebbiri talagulwa. (prov.) lit. He who sees himself (as having) a mighty body does not accept prophecy. Pride cometh before a fall. cf. omubiri. bbirigi, e- (li/ma) plumb line. bbirinnanya (n/n) [Sw. ] eggplant, Solanum melongena. bbiya (n/n) [_F.ng.fi beer. bbisa caus. of ^bba, q.v. bboggo, e- no plur. (li/ma) harsh/rude/angry manner of speech, okwogeza ebboggo, to speak harshly/stridently, ‘bark out.’ cf. boggola. bbogoya (la) kind of eating banana, amenvu ga bbogoya, bananas of the aforementioned type. bbomba, e- (n/n) [Sw., Port.'] pump; air pump. bbombo, e- no plur. (li/ma) kind of climbing plant used in native medicine to cure measles, fever, etc. cf. ekibombo. bbona, e- (li/ma) collar/band of metal or wood; insulator for telegraph wires; sport discus. bbonda, e- (li/m a) sediment, dregs (of beer), c f. bondogga. bbongo (la) curdled milk, amata aga bbongo, curdled milk. bbooci, e-: kugwa bbooci ng’ensawo za kasooli, to sit in a relaxed position, to fall in a heap (lit. like sacks of com). bboofu or bboofulo (n/n) [Eng.f loaf, omugaati gwa bboofu, a loaf of bread. bboyi (la) [frag.] houseboy, servant, ttani-bboyi or bboyi-mmotoka, worker who loads and unloads trucks. bbuba, e- (li/ma) clot of blood; jealousy (especially between the sexes), cf. bubira. bbugga, e- (li/ma) kind of plant with edible leaves resembling spinach or doodo (q.v.). bbugo, e- (li/ma) large barkcloth. kugwa mu bbugo, to ask secretly for help. Yamukubira essimu ng’amugwa mu bbugo. He telephoned him and asked him in confidence to help. cf. olubugo. bbugubugu idea, the sound of crackling, splutter (of a fire when it is initially being induced). Bbugubugu, si muliro. (prov.) Mere spluttering is not a fire. Haste makes waste, cf. bugujja. bbugumu, e- no plur. (li/ma) heat, warmth, endwadde ez’omu nsi ez’ebbugumu, tropical diseases, cf. buguma. bbugwe, e- (li/ma) strong permanent wall; city wall; outer enclosure of royal residence^ bbujje, e- (li/ma) baby, very young child who is almost ready to walk. bbuka (-bbuse) v.i., probably conv. of bbika, q.v. come up, emerge (from water); be revived/restored; recover. Bbuka! Gesundheit! (Said to one who has sneezed.) bbula (-bbudde, nzibudde) v. tr. bring up (from water); restore to a former state; rescue, salvage; revive; name a child after (another person). bbulula (-bbuludde) = bbula. okubbulula amaaso, to look up, raise one’s eyes. bbulukuka (-bbulukuse) v.i. come to the surface; rise up (in a liquid); float. bbula, e- (li/ma) lack, shortage, scarcity. cf. bula. bbula (n/n) ekikooyi kya bbula, one of a variety of long pieces of cloth ( 3-4 yards) worn by Baganda women under the busuuti. bbuli, e- (n/n) teapot. bbuliro, e- (1 i/ma) place of the lost, place from which there is no return. Ensi eno mabuliro. The world is a desolate place. It is a hard world, cf. bula. bbulukuka see under bbuka. bbululu (la) [frag.] blueness; bluing, a preparation used in laundering, with the -a of rel. blue, embira ez' ebbala erya bbululu, blue beads, kutunula bbululu, to look blue/ sad; to be at a total loss. bbuluugi, e- (n/n) [frag.] bugle; trumpet. bbumba, e- no. plur. (li/ma) clay; potter’s clay. cf. bumba. bbumbiro, e- (li/ma) pottery, shop where earthen vessels are made. cf. bumba. bbumbuzzi (la sing., plur. bibbumbuzzi) black and yellow boring wasp, mason wasp. cf. bumbujja. bbungo, e- (li/ma) fruit of the rubber vine. bbuniza adv. kuseka bbuniza, to laugh quietly, laugh without opening one’s mouth. cf. bunira. bbunwe, e- (li/ma) hipbone; hip. bbuto, e- (li/ma) large stomach, cf. olubuto. bbuukamaziba (la) young heifer at age of bearing, lit. it jumps over (buuka) drinking pools (maziba). bbuukamugogo (la or n/n) kind of black songbird, lit. it jumps over (buuka) the trunk of a cut-down plantain (mugogo). bbuukizi (li/ma) jumping snake, cf. buuka. bbuutu, e- (li/ma) [from Eng. boot] trunk of a car. bbuyungu, e- (li/ma) ebbuyungu ly’ omwenge short gourd partially filled with beer. bbuziddume (la) kind of cooking banana, lit. male (-ddume from -lume) goat (bbuzi or embuzi). bbwa, e- (li/ma) sore, open wound, omusi- bira mu bbwa, policeman. bbwa ideo. expressing the sound made by a bbweta, e- (1 i/m a) [Sw., Port.] well-made box (not of the throw-away variety); chest; trunk; safe. bbya, e- (li/ma) hole where lungfish hide during the dry season. be poss. adj. with plural nouns of the mu/ba and la classes his; her. abantu be, his people. be rel. pron. with plur. pers. substantives whom, mmwe be nsasudde, you whom I have paid. be cop. part, they are. Be babazzi. They are the carpenters. be the initial element in many ideophonic phrases, be cce, be mmu, be mmyu, etc. These are listed under the second element. bebba (-bebbye) v.i. also bebbabebba (-bebbyebebbye) v.i. redup. do gradually/ slowly; chop for a long time and with great effort (e.g., a very hard tree), kubebba mpola, to eat or drink slowly. bebbera (-bebedde) v.i. walk; trudge along, walk with difficulty. bebbo more commonly beppo adv. unless, or else. bebbuka, bebbula less frequent variations of bembuka, bembula, q.v. bebeetala (-bebeetadde) v.i., less common var. of babaatala. be flat,-flattened. cf. -bebeetavu. -bebeetavu adj. flat; flattened; level. cf. bebeetala. bebena (-bebenye) v.tr. gnaw; crunch, munch; pound, cf. akabebenu, ekibebenu. bebentula (-bebentudde) v.i. crush, crumble; break into pieces. bebera (-bebedde) v.i. bleat (of a male goat or sheep during the rutting season). beeba (-beebye) v.tr. importune, nag, urge with troublesome persistence; pursue closely, follow behind. beebabeeba (-beebyebeebye) v.tr. redup. keep importuning. beeka, beekeka neut. forms of ba, q.v. beeka less common var. of peeka, q.v. beene indef. somebody else; other people (referring to the Kabaha, sup eriors, people of higher station, etc.). ekitabo kya beene, somebody else’s book. beera, beerera appl. forms of ba, q.v. beera (-bedde, mbedde) v.tr. help, assist. beerwa or beerebwa (-beereddwa) v.i. pass. be helped. -ebeera (-ebedde) v.tr. refl. avoid, help. Tayinza kukyebeera. He cannot help/avoid it. beeragana (-beeraganye) v.i. recip. help each other. -ebeereka (-ebeerese) v.i. neut. refl. be avoidable, be able to be helped (usually in neg). ensonga ezitebeereka, unavoidable reasons. cf. -beezi, obubeezi, omubeezi. beereka neut. of ba, q.v. beesa caus. of ba, q.v. beesabeesa (-beesezzabeesezza) v.tr. keep company with, keep (someonej company (a sick person, a child, a person who is lonely). Genda obeesebeese omwana aleme kukaaba. Go and stay with the child so that he doesn’t cry. beeteka see beteka. beeza, beezesa appl. caus. forms of ba, q.v. -beezi adj. helpful, cf. beera. bega (-beze) v.tr. serve, apportion (food). -ebegamu (-ebezemu) v.i. refl. divide itself, be divided. begera (-begedde) v.tr. appl. serve for/in, etc. Nkubegereyo eryokya? May I serve you a hot portion (of plantains)? begeka (-begese) v.i. neut. be servable, be easy to serve (of food). begula (-begudde) v.tr. = bega. begulukuka (-begulukuse) v.i. conv. divide; break up, split. begulula (-beguludde) v.tr. divide, divide into portions; open partly, okubegulula emimwa, to purse the lips (as one just beginning to cry), okubegulula amatama, to laugh foolishly, guffaw. cf. akabezo, olubega, (o)mbegedde. bega (-beze) v.tr. spy, spy on; detect, ferret out; follow for purposes of surveillance, ‘tail.’ cf. mbega. begabega (-bezebeze) v.tr. carry on the shoulder, shoulder, cf. ekibegabega. begeyera (-begeyedde) v.i. travel, go. bejjagala (-bejjagadde) v.i. belch, cf. ekibejjagalo; bajjagala. bejjerera (-bejjeredde) v.tr. revile; say foolish/stupid things (to). Tombejjererako. Stop your foolish talk (to me). bejjereza (-bejjerezza) v.tr. give as an excuse; justify, ensonga ezibejjerezebwa, reasons which are given as excuses. bejjuka (-bejjuse) v.i. be chipped; break off; split off. bejjula (-bejjudde) v.tr. chip; split off. cf. bajjuka (under bajja). bekkejenge = be kkejenge. See kkejenge. bemba (-bembye, mmembye) v.i., rare in the simple form, form a scab; form a crust. bembeera (-bembedde) v.i. appl. form a crust/coating form a scab; coagulate, clot; be covered; swarm, teem. Ebikopo byonna bibembeddeko enziro. All the cups are covered with soot. bembe(e)rera (-bemberedde) v.i. appl. 2 - intens. of bembeera, particularly in the sense of team, abound. Oluggya lu- bemberedde abajaasi. The courtyard is swarming with soldiers. bembeza (-bembezza) v.tr. appl. caus. neglect (a sore, wound, etc.). bembuka (-bembuse), bembulukuka (-bembulukuse) v.i. conv. 1 & 2 come off (of a scab, scales); peel (of skin); become unstuck, get detached. Langi yonna yabembulukuka ku kisenge. All the paint came off of the wall. bembula (-bembudde), bembulula (-bembuludde) v.tr. conv. 1 2 remove (a scab); detach; unstick; peel off (skin). cf. ekibembe, emmembe. bembeka (-bembese) v.tr. place/put on carefully; lay on top of; arrange in order, arrange carefully. -ebembeka (-ebembese) v.i. & tr. refl. attach to oneself; attach oneself to; impose oneself on. bembeza (-bembezezza, mmembezezza) v.tr. handle with care, treat with consideration. bembereza (-bemberezza) v.tr. appl. 2. caus. be gentle/tolerant/easy-going with. Naawe omwana omubembereza nnyo! You really are too lenient with the child. bemmommololo see mmommololo. bemula (-bemudde) v.tr. throw/hurl down forcefully. benawo adv., arch, perhaps, maybe. bendabenda (-benzebenze, mmenzebenze) v.i. hobble along, walk painfully, walk with the back bent forward, bendegera (-bendegedde, mmendegedde) v. tr. make restitution for; reimburse; pay for (lit. and fig.); be accountable to. Ojja okubende- gera ebinaddawo. You will suffer the consequences (lit. that which will follow). Aliba abatutteyo alimmendegera. Whoever takes them there will have to answer to me for it. bendera, e- (n/n) [Sw., Port.'] flag, banner. benduka (-benduse) v.i. ache, pain (of the back). bendula (-bendudde) v.tr. cause to ache; throw out of joint. Endwadde yammendula omugongo. The illness give me a backache. benga (-benze, mmenze) v.tr. fill to the brim; whet, sharpen (a knife, spear, etc.). cf. olubengo, Mmengo. bengeya (-bengeye) v.i. blaze, bum fiercely. bengeyera (-bengeyedde) v.i. appl. burn/ blaze in/at, etc. bengeyesa (-bengeyesezza) v.tr. caus. cause to blaze. cf. nnakibengeyi. benguka (-benguse) v.i. separate oneself from (e.g., a frie nd)j dissociate oneself; be lost to. Ebibye bimubenguse. He no longer has anything. bengula (-bengudde) v.tr. detach from; separate; acquit (of a charge). -ebengula (-ebengudde) v.i. & tr. refl. separate oneself (from); dissociate oneself (from); reject, break away from, okwe- bengula ku biragiro, to rebel against orders. Kyokka bino byonna yabyebengula. However he repudiated/washed his hands of all of these things. benguka (-benguse) v.i. be or become sharp. bengula (-bengudde) v.tr. sharpen, whet. cf. banguka. bennanya (-bennanyizza) v.i. be simple/very easy. v. tr. do with ease; perfect, improve, okubennanya ng’olutta ow’etlulu, to be simple, be a snap (like killing a one-eyed man). Ttiimu ya Ssemakula bwe yazze ewaffe okuzannya omupiira okugigoba twabennanyizza bubennanya. When Ssemakula’s team came to our place, it was the easiest thing in the world to beat them. Essomero libennanya bubennanya amagezi g’omuntu. School just sharpens a person’s wits. beppo (nga) also bebbo adv. unless, or else. -bereberye or -beryeberye adj. first. Eki- tabo ky'Qluberyeberye, the Book of Genesis. cf. olubereberye. bereega (-bereeze) v.i. speak deliberately; speak in such a way as to imply indifference/ lack of concern. bereega (-bereeze) v.tr. scoff, mock, make fun of. bereesera (-bereesedde) v.i. be shiny/glossy/ attractive (as the skin of a prospective bride smeared with butterJ; rare be Stuck together/ sticky. Omugole abereesedde. The bride looks beautiful. bereka (-berese) v.tr. superimpose, put (one thing on top of another); charge, load; add; reserve (by deposit on an item which will subsequently be purchased). berekebwa (-berekeddwa) v.i. pass, be put on, etc. -ebereka (-eberese) v.i. & tr. refl. attach oneself (often as an appendage or sup erfluous member); mount, climb onto; mate (of animals). okwebereka ku kagaali, to mount a bicycle. -eberesa (-eberesezza) v.tr. caus. refl. cause to mount/climb on, etc. bereekulula (-bereekuludde) v. tr. conv. 2 take off, remove, unload. beruukulula (-beruukuludde) = bereekulula. cf. kyebereka, embereko. berenguka (-berenguse) v.i. be shattered; break into pieces. berengula (-berengudde) v.tr. shatter; break into pieces. -eberengula (-eberengudde) v.i. refl. break into pieces; fig. burst out laughing; cry loudly; be very hot (of sunshine). Omusana gwali gweberengula bulala. The sun was shining with great intensity. berula (-berudde) v.tr. lift up; lift and throw; lift and drop; overthrow; overturn; open, uncover. -eberula (-eberudde) v.i. refl. turn over, overturn; topple; exrose/uncover oneself. Kyangu omusango okweberula ne gumuddira. It would be easy for the case to reverse itself and go against him. -beryeberye or -bereberye adj. first, cf. oluberyeberye. beteggera (-beteggedde) v.i. hobble along; limp; struggle along. -ebeteggeza (-ebeteggezza) v.i. refl. make oneself limp; pretend to limp. beteka also beeteka (-betese) v.tr. put down/lay down carelessly. -ebeteka (-ebetese) v.i. refl. sit down carelessly; flop down; sprawl out. -ebetesa (-ebetesezza) v.tr. caus. refl. cause to sit down carelessly/flop down, etc. betenta (-betense) v.tr. crush; crumble; squash; chew up; consume; eat up. betentuka (-betentuse) v.i. be crushed/ crumbled. betentula (-betentudde) v.tr. crush, crumble. betenteka (-betentese) v.i. neut. be crush- able; be easy to crush/squash. cf. -betentevu. betentala (-betentadde) v.i. sit in a sprawled out manner; plop down. -betentevu adj. crushed; squashed, cf. betenta. beyaabeya (-beyeebeye) v.i. redup. idle about, loiter, be lazy; wander from job to job. beyuka (-beyuse) v.i. be constantly moving about; be a vagabond. -bi adj. bad, evil; dangerous; in poor condition; dirty; Ugly. Saali mubi ne nneefubitika rnnvyniba. I did not hesitate but rushed into the house, cf. obubi, akabi, ekibi, embi. bibalabala, e- spots, redup. plur. of ekibala, q.v. bibigana (-bibiganye) also bibijjana (-bibijjanye) v.i. be busy/preoccupied/ burdened, cf. bigaabigana. bibikka, e- plur. (k j /bi) covers; sheets, bedding, cf. bikka, ekyebikkwa. bibinala (-bibinadde) v.i. stick out, protrude, project. bibinaza (-bibinazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to stick out/protrude. cf. kikinala. bibira (-bibidde) v.tr. dam up; separate, okubibira ebigambo, to keep a secret. Abantu ababiri babibira ebigambo, ate abasatu babisattula. fprov.) Two people keep a secret, but three people reveal it. cf. ebbibiro, ekibibiro, olubibiro. bibotya, e- plur. (ki/bi) soft/mushy/soggy substance (of food, soil, clay, etc.). bicepere, e- plur. (ki/bi) tasty sauces; tasty relish; delicacies. bidina (-bidinye) v.i. be gorged, full of food; be self-centered, live in one’s own little world. bifaayo, e- plur. (ki/bi) news, tidings. cf. 2fa. bifeekeera intens. used with -gagga (rich), omugagga bifeekeera, an extremely rich person, cf. feekeera. bifeetete, e- plur. (ki/bi) the remains of smoked tobacco (e.g., dottle in a pipe). bigaabigana (-bigaabiganye) v.i. be overburdened: have more to do than one can handle; be extremely preoccupied/busy, okubigaabigana n’ebigambo, to be bursting to talk, be anxious to speak but refrain from doing so (out of fear, etc.) cf. bibigana. bigagu, e- usually plur. (ki/bi) spoiled food; leftovers (not neces sarily spoiled). Yagenda wa jjajja kulya bigagu. He went to his grandmother’s where he knew that he would be pampered, lit. eat bigagu. cf. gaga. bigalanga, e- sing, rare (ki/bi) dyspeptic pains; chronic stomach ailment which often produces barrenness in women; psychosomatic ailment (esp. of women). bigenge, e- sing, rare (ki/bi) leprosy. cf. -genge, gengewala, omugenge. biggya var. spelling of bijja, q.v. bigika (-bigise) v.tr. fill to the brim (e.g., a basket, container); overload (e. g., a person, a ship). Obuvunaanyizibwa yabubigise ku muntu omu. He placed the responsibility on one man. He burdened one person with the responsibility. -ebigika (-ebigise) v.tr. refl. overload oneself with; carry (something excessively heavy ). bigimusa, e- plur. (ki/bi) fertilizers). cf. gimuka, gimusa. bigita (-bigise) v.tr., rare pester, importune, nag. v.i. be full, be filled up. bigomba, e- plur. (ki/bi) dried plantains when cooked, esp. beer bananas (mbidde) and hard bananas (gonja). bigondo, e- usually plur. (ki/bi) spots. cf. eggondo. -bigufu adj. having abnormally fat buttocks, steatopvgous. cf. -ebigula. biguka (-biguse) v.i. be uprooted/dug up; be levered up. bigula (-bigudde) v.tr. uproot, dig up (e.g., potatoes, plants with deep roots, etc.); fig. view with contempt, shrug one’s shoulders at (as an expression of contempt). -ebigula (-ebigudde) v.i. refl. waddle; walk heavily. cf. -bigufu; ^binuka. biguuna, e- plur. (ki/bi) ringworm, Taenia versicolor; scalp disease characterized by the flaking of the skin and (in serious cases) the loss of hair and the appearance of white spots on the head. biibiita (-biibiise) v.tr., partial redup. of biita, q.v. pamper; make a favorite of; adore. biibya (-biibizza) v.i. dance, cf. embiibya. biika (-biise, mbiise) v.tr. lay (an egg), cf. -biisi. biina (-biinye) v.tr. collect together; pile up. okubiina ensige, to frown, raise the eyebrows in scorn/contempt. -biisi adj. which lays/eggs), enkoko em- biisi, chicken which lay eggs. cf. biika. biita (-biise) v.tr. pamper, spoil; make an idol of; have as a favorite, cf. -biite, akabiite, omubiito; biibiita. -biite adj. pampered, spoiled; idolized; favorite, cf. biita. biiya older var. of bijja, q.v. bijerebevu, e- plur. (ki/bi) soft/mushy/ soggy substance (of food, soil, clay, etc.). bijja (-bizze) v.i. be or become ugly (often but not always referring to persons); put on a sour/ugly face. Leero ate ng’obudde bubizze bulala. My, how wretched the weather has become. bijjirira (-bijjiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 become ugly/wretched for, etc. Obudde bubabijjiridde. Things have become very gloomy for them. bijonjo, e- sing, rare (ki/bi) substance which accrues in the eyes during sleep. cf. obujonjo. bijooto (la) rich man, very wealthy person. as an invar, adj. very rich, wealthy, omusajja bijooto, a very rich man. bika (-bise) v.tr. announce the death of. Yabika kilaawe. He announced the death of his father. bikibwa (-bikiddwa) v.i. pass, be announced (of a death). Omufu yabikibwa. The deceased’s death was announced. bikira (-bikidde) v.tr. appl. announce a death to/at, etc. bikulula (-bikuludde) v.tr. conv. 2. contradict/deny the report of a death. Yatu- sanga tuli mu maziga n'atubikulula. He found us in tears and told us that the news of the death was untrue. cf. ekyebikiro. bikaata, e- usually plur. (ki/bi) scaly syphilitic rash on the palms and soles of the feet. cf. kaatawala. bikagga, e- usually plur. (ki/bi) beans, peas, etc., in the pod and not yet mature, ebijanjaalo ebito ebikyali ebikagga, tender. young beans. bikalu, e- from -kalu, dry, q.v. okutunula ebikalu, to look confused/worried/desperate, okwogera ebikalu, to quarrel. bikanja, e- see ekikanja. bikankanyiga, e- plur. .(ki/bi) waste stalks, waste products of sesame. biketegge idea., rare very tightly. Bikira Maria pr. n. the Blessed Virgin Mary. cf. obubiikira, omubiikira. bikka (-bisse) v.tr. cover, cover up; close (a lid, a book), okubikka ku maddu, to restrain one’s desires or passions, okubikka ebibiri, to do two things at once, both of which require considerable attention, okubikka emiggo, to give a sound beating to, lit. cover with sticks. Lugaba abadde akyatubisseeko akasubi. God was still protecting us, lit. covering us with a blade of grass. bikkwa, bikkibwa (-bikiddwa) v.i. pass. be covered, etc. -ebikka (-ebisse) v.i. refl. cover oneself. v.tr. refl. cover oneself with, okwebikka akabugo ku maaso, to cover one’s face with a small barkcloth, i.e., to die. okwebikka amazzi, colloq., to drink a lot of beer, lit. to cover oneself with water. Ojjukidde okwebikka nga bukedde. You have remembered to cover yourself when it is morning. Your action comes too late. bikkira (-bikkidde) v. tr. appl. cover for/ in, etc. bikkirira (-bikkiridde) v. tr. appl. 2 keep covering up; cover up completely. -ebikkirira (-ebikkiridde) v.i. appl. 2 refl. keep covering oneself up; cover oneself up completely. -ebikkiriza (-ebikkirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. refl. cause oneself to be covered completely; use for covering oneself; cover oneself with. bissa (-bissizza) v.tr. caus. cause to cover, etc.; cover with/using. bikkika (-bikkise) v.i. neut. be coverable; be easy to cover; be easy to close (book, lid). bikkula (-bikudde) v.tr. conv. uncover; open (a book); take the lid off; reveal. Ekitabo ky'Okubikkulirwa, the Book of Revelation. Sirina kirala kye nnyinza kumubikkulira. I have nothing else that I can reveal to ham. -ebikkula (-ebikkudde) v.i. conv. refl. uncover oneself; reveal oneself. bikkuka (-bikkuse) v.i. conv. become uncovered; be revealed. cf. ebibikka, ekyebikkwa. bikkete, e- adv. okuseka ebikkete, to laugh in spite of oneself. biko, e- plur. (ki/bi) lewdness; indecency; the sexual organs, cf. obuko, ekiko, 2 muko. bikokye (la) very wealthy person. bikoso, e- plur. (ki/bi) edible roots of a water plant; young beans. bikudumo, e- usually plur. (ki/bi) dregs (°f mubisi, tea, etc.). cf. obukudumu (obukudumo). bikukujju, e- plur. (ki/bi) wrong side, reverse side; rough/fibrous/unfinished surface, n’ essaati nnagyambalira ku bikukujju, and I even put on the shirt inside out. bikukujju, e- plur. (ki/bi) moss; lichen. bikwera, e- plur. (ki/bi) rash produced by syphilis. bikya, e- plur. (ki/bi) tendons of the neck. Yazze ng'ebikya bimwereeze. He arrived in a very tense/distraught frame of mind (lit. the tendons of his neck were taut), cf. ?rijlukya. bimba (-bimbye) v.i. froth, foam, foam up; overflow. Ebibimba bikka. Things which boil up (ultimately) simmer down. IVhat goes up comes down. Kyabimba (nga) si kisaanikire mu maaso ga kkanisa. There was an enthusiastic/lively crowd in front of the church. biuibiira (-bimbidde) v.i. appl. froth/foam in, etc.; swell up, bulge out (of the stomach, chest). bimbya (-bimbizza) v.tr. caus. cause to froth/foam. bimbijja (-bimbizze, mmimbizze) v.tr. pamper; extend the red carpet treatment to. bimbijjukana (-bimbijjukanye) v.i. grow close together/luxuriantly; press together, crowd together, cf. ekibimbijjukano. bimbikana (-bimbikanye) v.i. be obese/ distended (of the stomach from overeating or approaching childbirth); waddle (like a fat person). bimera, e- plur. (ki/bi) crops; plants, lit. those (things) which grow. cf. mera. bimpi, bimpimpi: mu bimpi(mpi), in short, in brief, cf. -mpi. bimpukumpuku see kimpukumpuku. bina (-binye) v.tr. bend; curve. -ebina (-ebinye) v.i. refl. bend oneself; bend in/inwards; collapse, cave in. cf. akabina, embinabina. binaabizaamu, e- plur. (ki/bi) kind of tree resembling the laburnum. bindabinda (-binzebinze) v.i. be overcast (of the sky); well up with tears; fig. loom, loom up, be imminent, cf. binduuka. binduuka (-binduuse) v.i. be cloudy; be overcast; be on the verge of rain. Twavaayo ng'obudde butandise okubinduuka. IVe left as it started to threaten to rain. -ebinduula (-ebindudde) v.i. refl. = binduuka. cf. bindabinda. binege, e- plur. (ki/bi) testicles. binga (-binze, mminze) v.tr. drive away, chase; drive (an automobile); ride (a bicycle). okubinga emisinde, to chase quickly; to run fast; to drive/ride fast. binika (-binise) v.tr. load; overload; burden down; fig. burden (with a difficult task). Nze nnabinikibwako gwa kuketta gusaawe gwa nnyonyi. I was assigned the difficult job of spying on a large airfield. -ebinika (-ebinise) v.i. refl. overload oneself, v.tr. refl. overload oneself with. Aaa, ogwo sigwebinika. Oh, no, I can’t undertake that. I can’t burden myself with that. binikula (-binikudde) v.tr. conv. unload /a heavy load). binikulula (-binikuludde) v.tr. conv. 2 - binikula. binnonoggo, e- plur. (ki/bi) tasty sauces; tasty relish; delicacies. binnyonkondo (la) rich person; influential person. binojjo (la) wealthy person, rich person. binuka (-binuse) v.i. frolic; play about; make merry; enjoy oneself; celebrate. cf. ekibinuko. binuka (-binnse) v.i. be raised/raised up; fig. be brought up (for consideration, handling). Omusango enkeera gunaabinuka buto. binula (-binudde) v.tr. raise up; lever up. binukula (-binukudde) v.tr. conv. overturn, turn over. binuukulula (-binuukuludde) v.tr. conv. 2 uproot, dig up. cf. ekibinuzo; biguka. binyweera (la) as invar, adj. big, strong, powerful, omusajja binyweera, a strong powerful man. binzaali, e- plur. (ki/bi) [Sui., dr.] curry powder, cf. amanzaali. bipapa, e- plur. (ki/bi) sumptuous food; delicacies. bira (-bize) v.i. be warmed up; be warmed over (of food). biza (-bizizza) v.tr. caus. warmup; warm over. biri: n’ebiri ng’ebyo, and the like, and so forth, etcetera, lit. and those which are like those. -biri numeral stem two. Initial modifications are made ac cording to the class of the noun to which the numeral refers. Note that bbiri is used in counting (one, two, three, etc.) as well as with nouns of the lu/n and n/n classes. Under certain circumstanc es (for which see the grammars) amakumi abiri, 20, is abbreviated to abiri. olw’ebbiri, at another time, on another occasion (olwa implies lunaku, day). Ensi emutaddeko abiri. He is the object of public attention, lit. The country has put two (amaaso, eyes, implied) on him. -biri -biri, two by two, two each. Baatambula babiribabiri. They walked two by two. Yatuwa ebitabo bibiri bibiri. He gave us two books each. cf. bbiri, okubiri, Olwokubiri, -mbi(riri). biriga (-birize) v.tr. play (the game of mbirigo, q.v.); turn/roll over and over; push back, repel; hurl, throw. -ebiriga (-ebirize) v.i. refl. roll on the ground; walk/travel at a fast rate; frolic, pi ay about. cf. embirigo. biriibwa, e- plur. (ki/bi) food, edibles, lit. (things) which are eaten, cf. lya, liira. birimbita (-birimbise) v.i. run fast. birimibwa, e- plur. (ki/bi) crops, lit. (things) which are cultivated, cf. lima. biririra (-biriridde) v.i. become sodden/ saturated with water (of food), cf. -biririvu. -biririvu adj. sodden; damp (esp. of food), cf. biririra. biriroliro: kutunula biriroliro, to look hopeless/dejected/desperate; to have a downcast look. cf. omuliro. birulerule, e-: kutunula birulerule, to look dejected/downcast. biruliruli, e- plur. (ki/bi) okutema ebiruli- ruli, to chop into logs. cf. ekiruli, enduli. bisa, e- also used in sing, (ki/bi) labor pains. Ebisa bijjira kumukumu. The labor pains are progressing fast. bisaabwa, e- plur. (ki/bi) cosmetics, lit. (things) which are smeared (on the body), c f. saaba. bisale, e- see ekisale. bisasiro, e* plur. (ki/bi) trash, litter, rubbish. See ekisasiro. bisesemye, e- plur. (ki/bi) vomit, cf. sesema. -bisi adj. raw; unripe; uncooked; fresh; wet; green; fig. naive, ignorant; rude, uncultured, ennyanya embisi, an unripe tomato, cf. bisibisi, bisiwala, obubisi. bisibisi idea, from -bisi. Alidde ekiwutta eki- bisi be bisibisi. He has eaten a raw/uncooked potato. bisibosibo, e- plur. (ki/bi) crumbly stone used in pottery, cf. lensibo. bisiriiza, e- plur. of kisiriiza, listed under kisirinza. bisisiro, e- plur. (ki/bi) grass used in making beer. bisiwala (-bisiwadde) v.i. be raw, uncooked (food); be green/fresh; get damp/wet; fig. be naive; be rude. bisiwaza (-bisiwazizza) v.tr. caus. hinder from becoming cooked; make raw; cause to get damp/wet. cf. -bisi, bisibisi. bisiyaga, e- plur. (ki/bi) sodomy, cf. olu- siyaga. bisoddoma, e- plur. (ki/bi) the waste of semsem. bisukko, e- always plur. (ki/bi) roughness and skin irritation caused by shaving. bisulo, e- plur. (ki/bi) twitching in the eyelids. (A twitch in the lower lids means that one will receive bad news; a twitch in the • upper lid signifies good news.) Not to be confused with bisulo, dormitories, the plur. of ^eklsulo, q.v. bisusunku, e- usually plur. (ki/bi) chaff; fig. disreputable people, riffraff. bisuyu, e- plur. (ki/bi) sores at the corners of the lips caused by fever, allergy, etc. biswazzi, e- less often ebiswazi, ebiswambaz- zi plur. (ki/bi) with the -a of rel. tasteless, of poor quality (referring to salt). Omunnyu gwa biswazzi. The salt is utterly tasteless. bitaaguju, e- plur. (ki/bi) meat of an animal which has been slain by wild beasts; the second totem (kabbiro) of the Leopard Clan (Ekika ky’Engo). bitaliimu, e- plur. (ki/bi) stupidities, stupid things. Leka kwogera bintu bitaliimu bw otyo. Don’t say such stupid things, cf. -li, obutaliimu. bitanga, e- plur. (ki/bi) spots, patches (on a goat). Embuzi ya bitanga. The goat is spotted. bitankuule, e-: okutunula ebitankuule, to look di sh evel ed/u nkem p t/di st urbed/wi 1 d. bitebe, e- plur. (ki/bi) fixed fees formerly charged to the plaintiff and accused before a court case could be held; court costs. bitege, e- always plur. (ki/bi) bowlegs, with the -a of rel. bowlegged. Wa bitege. He is bowlegged. Gye twakyadde baatufumbiddeyo enkoko, ekyemisana ne kigenda bitege. They cooked chicken for us where we went to visit, and it turned out to be a wonderful meal. biti, e- always plur. (ki/bi) string of beads. bitosi, e- also ebitositosi plur. (ki/bi) mud. with the -a o f rel. muddy, cf. ettosi. bittafuttafu, e- plur.- (ki/bi) tasty sauces; bitulenge, e-: okulaba ebitulenge, to see poorly, look at an object without being able to distinguish it clearly, okutunula ebitulenge, to look without seeing. biyengeyenge, e- always plur. (ki/bi) tears in the eyes. biyenjeeze, e-: kulaba biyenjeeze, to see poorly (esp. because of illness). biza caus. of bira, q.v. bo disjunct, pers. pron. 3rd plur. they (for nouns of the mu/ba and la classes). bobba (-bobbye) v.i. & tr. throb, ache, pain (of the head); puff (at a pipe). Yamubobba emiggo ku mugongo. He struck him hard on the back. Omutwe gumbobba. My head aches. bobbya (-bobbezza) v.tr. caus. cause to throb/ache, etc. bobbo adv. perhaps, maybe, cf. bebbo, beppo. bodingi (n/n) [from Eng. boarding (school)] one of the three names given to the national dress of Baganda women (see busuuti and gomesi). It was originally introduced by the missionaries for the girls at Gayaza High School and was worn as a uniform. boffe see waaboffe, waabommwe, waaboobwe. bogga (-bozze) v.i. (rare in the simple form.) boggerera (-boggeredde) v.i. appl. 2 become attractive, take on an attractive appearance (esp. of young girls or brides with the added implication that the skin is as fair and healthy as that of a baby). boggoka (-boggose) v.i. talk in a loud/offensive/domineering manner. boggola I a (-boggedde) »> /. bark (as a dog): speak in a loud/harsh/angry manner. boggolera (-boggoledde) v.i. & tr. appl. bark at; speak harshly to, speak to rn an angry manner. boggoza (-boggozezza) v.tr. caus. cause to bark; cause to speak harshly, okuboggoza essimu, colloq., to make a telephone call. cf. ebboggo. bojja (-bozze) v.tr. peck; pick up (termites); fig. nag, henpeck. Abikka e bi biri tabojja. (pwv.) He who (tries to) cover two (anthills) does not pick up (any termites), okubojja ku luwonzi, to humble, bring (someone) down a Peg- -ebojja (-ebozze) v.i. refl. peck oneself/ itself; fig. grumble, complain, be fussy. bojjagana (-bojjaganye, bojjana (-bojjanye) v.i. recip. peck one another; quarrel with one another. cf. embojjanyi, nnamwebozzi; bojjogola. bojjogola (-bo;jogodde) v.tr. peck at incessantly. cf. bojja. bola (-boze) v.i. rot, decay; fester (of an ab- cess); become overripe, become bruised and soft (o f fruit). bolerera (-boleredde) v.i. appl. 2 become overripe, get soft and mushy. cf. -bolu, -bovu, -bolerevu. -bolerevu adj. overripe, cf. bola, bolerera. bolokota (-bolokose) v.i. run, flow profusely (of tears, particularly in cases of diseases of the eyes). bolooga (-bolooze) v.i. moan, groan (in intense pain); overflow, flood. -bolu adj. overripe, cf. bola. bomba (-bombye, mmombye) v.i. flee, escape from custody. bombya (-bombezza) v.tr. caus. cause to escape/run away. cf. kibombya mbwa, omubombl; -ebomboola. -ebombabomba (-ebombyebombye) v.i. be ashamed; look ashamed. bombi or bombiriri pron. both of them (referring to persons). cf. -mbi(riri). bomboka (-bombose, mmombose) v.i. roam about, wander, wander about, cf. emmotnboze. -ebomboola (-ebombodde) v.i. make off, run away (esp. in shame or humiliation), cf. bomba. bommwe see waaboffe, waabommwe, waaboo- bwe. bomoka (-bomose) v.i. develop holes; be pierced; cave in, fall in. bomola (-bomodde) v.tr. put holes in; pierce; break into. cf. botoka. bona A Lunyoro verb meaning to see or experience (trouble). The simple form does not occur in L Uganda. bonaabona (-bonyeebonye) v.i. redup. suffer; be in misery/pain; experience trouble. bonyaabonya (-bonyaabonyezza) v.tr. caus. redup. cause to suffer; torture. -ebonyaabonya (-ebonyaabonyezza) v.i. caus. redup. refl. bring suffering on oneself; cause oneself to suffer. bonerera (-boneredde) v.i. appl. 2 repent; be penitent; be sorry. bonereza (-bonerezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. punish. -ebonereza (-ebonerezza) v.i. appl. 2 caus. refl. punish oneself; mortify oneself; do penance. boneka (-bonese) v.i. neut. become visible, be new (of the moon). Omwezi gubonese. There is a new moon. cf. obubonerevu, obubonerezi, kabona, aka- bonero, ekibonerezo, ekibonoobono, kibonoo- mu, ekibonyoobonyo, olubona, amaboneka, omubonerevu. -ebonanya (-ebonanyizza) v.tr. refl. chose, select; be finicky/selective about; adopt, eggwanga lya Katonda eryebonanye, God s chosen nation. bondeera (-bondedde, mmondedde) v.i. be quiet/ placid/calm; be docile; be dull; be or feel glum. bondeeza (-bondeezezza) v.tr. caus. make placid/docile, etc. cf. -bondeevu, kibonde. -bondeevu adj. placid; docile; dull; calm; glum, melancholy, cf. bondeera. bondogga (-bondozze) v. i. be thick/turbid; be full of dregs (beer, juice, etc.). cf. ebbonda. bonga (-bonze, mmonze) v.tr. cause to whirl around, spin, okubonga enje, to spin nje (a game flayed with the seeds of mpafu fruit). -ebonga (-ebonze) v.i. refl. whirl about, spin. cf. akabonge, olubongo. bongeera (-bongedde) v.i. be drowsy/sleepy. much less commonly used than bongoota, q.v. cf. kabongeera. -bongofu adj. chipped; knocked off; notched; cut off. cf. bongoka. bongojja (-bongozze), bonjola (-bonjodde) v.tr., rare slander. bongoka (-bongose) v.i. be chipped; be knocked off; be partially cut (of hair). bongola (-bongodde) v.tr. chip; knock off; make a notch in; cut a piece off of; break. cf. -bongofu. bongoota (-bongoose, mmongoose) v.i. be sleepy/drowsy; doze; fig. be caught napping, be asleep at the switch. bongoosa (-bongoosezza) v.tr. caus. make drowsy. -ebongoosa (-ebongoosezza) v.i. caus. refl. pretend to be sleepy/drowsy. cf. mmongoota; bongeera, kabongeera. bongoya (-bongoye, mmongoye) v.i., rare be dozing; be on the point of going to sleep; drop off to sleep, cf. kibongoya bonna pron. all of them (referring to people). See -nna. booba (-boobye) v.i. be subjected to a very long period of cooking, be cooked thoroughly (the traditional way of preparing matookej. boobera (-boobedde) v.i. appl. be cooked thoroughly in/for, etc. Ng’oboobedde! You are looking wonderful/great! boobeza (-boobezezza) v.tr. appl. caus. cook for a long time. cf. -boobevu. -boobevu adj. cooked for a long time; immaculate, well kept (e.g., of clothing), cf. booba. boobwe see waaboffe, waabommwe, waaboobwe. -boofu adj. [Sw. ] bad, rotten; dirty, unkempt; in bad shape; bad-mannered. booga (-booze) v.i. regurgitate/spit up food or drink (as of a child); overflow (as of a crowd or river). Amaaso ge gonna gaabooga ensisi. Her whole face was filled with terror. booki, e- var. spelling of bbooci, q.v. boola (-bodde) v.tr. expel (from a clan); disown; disinherit; excommunicate; ostracize; discriminate/show prejudice against. boolebwa (-booleddwa) v.i. be expelled/disowned, etc. -eboola (-ebodde) v.i. refl. have oneself expelled from a clan; have oneself disowned. booza (-boozezza) v.tr. caus. cause to expel/disown, etc. -ebooza (-eboozezza) v.i. caus. refl. act in such a manner as to get oneself expelled from the clan, etc. boolana (-boolanye) v.i. recip. repudiate each other, have a mutual antagonism based on alleged differences of family, clan, etc. boolanya (-boolanyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. cause to repudiate each other. -eboolereza (-eboolerezezza) v.tr. appl. 2 cans. refl. disown (a child), cf. -eboolereze, omuboole. -eboolereze adj. omwana omweboolereze, a child whose blood connections with the family, clan, etc., are held in doubt, cf. bool a, -eboolereza. -eboolya and -eboolyaboolya (-eboolyezza- boolyezza) v.i. refl. be shy/bashful; act sheepish. booseeTa (-boosedde) v.i, be ou'^e rinp have just the right degree of ripeness (of fruit, etc.). cf. emboosa, embooseera. boota (-boose) or bootaboota (-booseboose) v.i. be flabby; be soft to the touch (e.g., fruit); be soggy (of roads). bootonga (-bootonze) contract syphilis. cf. kabootongo, omubootongo. boo wo with the -a of rel. free-born; of noble birth; of the upper class, abaana ba boowo, free-born people, people of the upper class. cf. waaboffe. -botofu adj. containing holes, full of holes (as a consequence of long wear). Ebbinika mbo- tofu. The kettle has holes in it. cf. botoka. botoka (-botose) v.i. collapse, cave in, fall in; develop holes, become full of holes; become dilapidated. botola (-botodde) v.tr. wear holes through; beat holes through; fig. reveal; make public (something secret, significant), cf. -botofu; bomoka, toboka. bowa (-boye) v.tr. confiscate; appropriate, seize (often, but not always, as surety for a debt), cf. -bowe, embowe, omuboyi. -bowe adj. given over as security for payment of a debt, embuzi embowe, a goat held as security until payment of a debt. cf. bowa, embowe. bowo see boowo. boya (-boye) v.i., also boyaana (-boyaanye) v.i. be dizzy; be delirious, rave (of a sick person); toss about restlessly; be disturbed/ troubled; seethe, be in a turmoil, boyaanya (-boyaanyizza) v.tr. caus. make dizzy/delirious, etc. cf. akaboyi; boyonga. boyera (-boyedde) v.tr. surround, encircle, engulf, cf. oluboyera. boyonga (-boyonze) v.i., rare ~ boyaana Omutwe nzenna gumboyonga. My head is swimming, cf. boya. bu- a prefix of many functions, for which see the grammars. The following usages are important for lexical purposes because the derivatives formed cannot all be included in the dictionary. 1) bu + la ~ negative infinitive, often equivalent to an English noun which is not an infinitive in form. okumanya, to know; obutamanya, not to know; ingnorance. 2) bu + stem of a noun from another class often produc es an adverb which must be rendered by a phrase in English, enkofu, guinea fowl; bukofu, like a guinea fowl, kukaabya bukofu, to make cry like a guinea fowl, i.e., to cause to suffer. 3) bu + reduplicated stem of a noun of another class indicates plurality with the added notions of indefiniteness, scattered state or even contemp t. essomero, school; obusomerosomero, small, scattered schools which are inferior in quality. 4) normal verb form + bu + verb stem + i. Abalala bagamba nti... others say that; Abalala bagamba bugambi nti... others just/ simply/only say that. bubaane, o- also obubaani (bu/- ) incense. bubage, o- (bu/.) draft (e.g., of a resolution), cf. baga. bubaka, o- (bu/.) message; mission, assignment; ambassadorship, status as a diplomatic representative, cf. omubaka. bubalagaze, o- (bu/- ) sudden tingling pain; smarting sensation; sting; hurt. cf. bala- bubazi, o-: egy'obubazi (egy’ implies emirimu, work), accountancy, the job of an accountant. cf. ^bala. bubba, o- adv. stealthily, furtively, cf. ^bba. bubbi, o- (bu/. ) theft, stealing; robbery. cf. ^bba. bubeerevu, o- (bu/-) virginity, maidenhood. cf. embeerera. bubeezi, o- (bu/- ) help, assistance, cf. beera. bubi, o- (bu/-) evil, wickedness; badness; inferiority; ugliness; excreta, as an adv. badly; poorly. Bamuli bubi. They have it in for him. bubiikira, o- (bu/-) sisterhood, the state of being a nun. cf. omubiikira. bubira (-bubidde) v.tr. be jealous of, guard jealously; cup, bleed. Siriddayo kukubiranga. I will never be jealous of you again. cf. ebbuba, ekibubiro. Bubirigi, 0- pr. n. (n/n) Belgium. bubisi, o- (bu/.) wetness, dampness; state of being raw/uncooked (of food); stupidity. cf. -bisi. bubonerevu, o- less commonly obubonerezi (bu/-) repentance; penitence, cf. bona, bonereza. bubudamo, o- (bu/- ) asylum, refuge, sanctuary, omunoonyi w’obubudamo, seeker of refuge, refugee, cf. budama. bubula (-bubudde) v.i. rumble (of the stomach). Olubuto lumbubula. I feel overly full. I have indigestion, cf. embubu. bubunda, o- (bu/- ) distended stomach, potbelly, paunch. biibniitala (bnbmitadde) v.i. be swollen: swell, swell up; be obese; take up a lot of room (e.g., in sitting down). bubuyabuya, o- (bu/-) stupidity, idiotic behavior. cf. -buya. bubwa, o- adv. like a dog. kwefunya bubwa, to huddle oneself up, sit or sleep huddled up. cf. ^embwa. bubya, o- adv. like a bowl (kibya, q.v.). kutuula bubya, to sit like a bump on a log. bucaafu, o- (bu/-) [S^-] dirt, akayu ak’obucaafu, colloq. bathroom, cf. -caafu. bucu, o- (bu/- ) dregs in beer, okuggyako obucu, to strain beer, make beer. budaabuda (-buzeebuze) v.tr. be considerate of; be helpful to; extend good treatment to. Budaaki, 0- pr.n. (n/n) [from German deutsch] Germany, cf. Omudaaki. budama (-budamye) v.i. take shelter, take refuge; settle, dwell; take rest/repose. cf. obubudamo, omubudami. budde, o- (bu/.) time; weather; occasion, embeera y’obudde, weather, climate, obudde obw'okukyuka, half time (in football). okuzimba ng’obudde, to become sullen/gloomy/inorose lit. swell like the weather. Obudde bukedde. It has dawned. also The time has come (to act). Obudde bwali busse. It was late afternoon. Obudde ne butandika okukwata. And it began to grow dark. Yalaba obudde bukaaye. He saw that the situation had become very serious. Yazze mu budde bwennyini. He came right on time. Obudde bunkubye. Woe is me! Yajja obudde buyise. He came too late. Obudde bwaluzibirirako Kampala. Night fell when we were still in Kampala, cf. akadde. buddiro, o- (bu/-) recurrence. cf. zdda, ddi ra. buddizo, o- (bu/-) a second helping; time for the return of cattle to the kraal. cf. dda, ddiza. buddo, o- (bu/-) lawn, grassy area. cf. omuddo. Buddu pr. n. a country in southwest Bu- ganda. The county chief had the title of Ppookino. buddu, o- (bu/-) slavery, bondage, servitude. cf. omuddu. buddugavu, o- (bu/-) blackness; darkness; less commonly dirtiness, cf. ddugala, -ddugavu. buddukiro, o- (bu/-) refuge, shelter, retreat. cf. dduka, ddukira, ekiddukiro. buddusi, o- (bu/-) running; racing; ability to run/race. cf. dduka. budinda adv. like a madinda /a musical instrument resembling a dulcimer or xylophone), kukuba budinda, to know thoroughly, have down pat. Oluswayiri balukuba budinda. They know Swahili very well. cf. eddinda, amadinda. budongo, o- (bu/-) mud, mortar or clay used for building. buduli, o- see akaduli. buduuzi, o- (bu/-) mockery, scorn, derision. cf. duula. Bufalansa, O- pr.n. (n/n) France. bufo, o- lit. small places, plur. of afako. okubuna obufo, to be a rolling stone, to be i. cf. ekifo. bufubi, o- (bu/-) diligence, persistence, ef- fort, exertion. fubs. bufuge, o- (bu/-) subjection, forced rule, colonialism, mu biseera by'obufuge, in colonial days. cf. fuga. bufumbo, o- (bu/-) marriage, the marital state, obufumbo obw’ekitala, civil marriage, cf. fumba, fumbirwa. bufumbo, o- (bu/-) fluffy substance resembling cotton often used for stuffing mattresses and pillows; the plant from which this substanceis obtained, cf. olufumbo. bufunze: mu bufunze, in brief, in short. cf. (unda. bufuuyi, o- (bu/-) the act of blowing, obufuuyi bw’omuzannyo, refereeing. cf. fuuwa. bufuuzi, o- (bu/-) state of being an orphan, orphanhood, cf. ^enfuuzi. bufuzi, o- (bu/-) rule, governing; government. eby’obufuzi, politics, obufuzi bw’amatwale, colonialism, cf. fuga. buga (-buze) v.tr. importune; urge on; hurry, rush; pester, annoy, ‘bug.’ v.i. toss about (in illness); be very sick. Baasanga omwana abuga walumbe. They found the child extremely ill. -ebuga (-ebuze) v.i. refl. bustle about, fuss around; be excitedly active. bugiriza (-bugirizza) v. tr. appl. 2 caus. keep pestering, importune all the time. bugaabugana (-bugaabuganye) v.i. redup. be very busy/preoccupied; bustle about. bugaabuganya (-bugaabuganyizza) v.tr. redup. caus. keep busy/occupied. cf. bugujja, buguta, akeebugo. bugaana (-bugaanye) v.tr. be filled with, be full of; surround, go all around, v.i. be or feel satisfied/contented. Baatugabula ffenna ne tuwulira nga tubugaanye. They entertained us and we felt contented. bugaanya (-bugaanyizza) v.tr. caus. fill with, make full of; do completely. Amawulire ago gaatubugaanya essanyu. That news filled us with joy. bugaanyi, o- (bu/-) the negative (in grammar). bugabanguzi, o- (bu/-) wasteful generosity, prodigality, cf. gabangula. bugabe, o- (bu/-) the command of a military expedition, cf. gaba. bugabi, o- (bu/-) generosity; division (in arithmetic), cf. gaba. bugagga, o- (bu/-) richness, wealth, omusolo gw’ obugagga, income tax. Si mugagga muvundu. He is extremely rich, lit. he is not rich, he is rotten. Minista w’ eby’obugagga, Minister of Natural Resources, cf. -gagga. Buganda pr. n. with concords appropriate to nouns of the n/n class. Buganda, a former kingdom in Uganda. Obuganda with concords appropriate to nouns of the bu/- class. the entirety of Buganda, Buganda with all of its peoples, resources, etc. cf. -ganda, Oluganda, Omuganda. buganga, o- (bu/-) gunpowder; firecracker(s); disease of goats, cf. akaganga. buganzi, o- (bu/-) popularity, favoritism; affection; favor, good turn. cf. ganja, omuganzi. bugassi, o- (bu/-) joining; adding; addition. cf. gatta. bugayaavu, o- (bu/-) laziness; idleness. Obugayaavu buzaala obunafu. (prov.) Laziness produces weakness, cf. gayaala. bugazi, o- (bu/-) width; breadth; thickness, okugwa obugazi, to fall flat on one’s back. cf. -gazi. bugege, o- adv. like a ngege fish, kwekyusa bugege, to toss and turn (in bed); to fidget (in one’s seat), cf. engege. bugenderevu, o-: mu bugenderevu intentionally, on purpose, cf. genda, genderera. bugenyi, o- (bu/-) food or drink received by a guest; visiting, kugenda ku bugenyi, to go on a visit, kutta bugenyi, to receive food (of a guest), as an adv. as a visitor. Yajja bugenyi. He came as a visitor. He came visiting, cf. -genyi. bugeregere, o- (bu/-) disease of the feet characterized by an itching rash, athlete’s foot. cf. ekigere. bugevvu, o- (bu/-) fatness, obesity; plumpness. cf. gejja, -gevvu. buggalamatu, o- (bu/-) small inedible termites. cf. ggala, okutu. buggavu, o-: obuggavu bw’amatu, deafness. cf. ggala, -ggavu. buggereggere, o- adv. softly, quietly; stealthily, surreptitiously; on tiptoe. buggo adv., lit. like a stick, without anything, empty-handed; without resources, kusigala buggo, to be left alone, be bereft of friends; to have all one’s possessions stolen, kuvaayo buggo, to come back empty-handed, cf. omuggo. buggya, o- (bu/-) newness, adv. anew, again, cf. -ggya. buggya, o- (bu/-) jealousy, envy. bugibugi (la) light, poor quality of cloth. bugigi, o- also obujigi, obujiji (bu/-) bit. okuiuma obugigi, to grit/gnash the teeth. bugimu, o- (bu/-) fertility, fruitfulness; vigor; vitality, cf. -gimu, gimuka. bugira (-bugidde) v.tr. surround, enclose, confine. bugiriza (-bugirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. surround/enclose completely. cf. olubugirizo. bugobo, o- adv. kumira bugobo, to .bolt down, swallow with one gulp. Tamira bugobo buli ky’asoma. He isn’t taken in by everything he reads, ennyanja kamirabugobo, the fathomless sea. bugole, o- (bu/-) wedding; state of being a newlywed, embaga ey’obugole, wedding; wedding feast, ekyambalo ky’obugole, wedding garment, cf. omugole. bugolo, o- (bu/-) snuff, okunuusa obugolo, to take snuff, okugenda mu maaso nga bugolo, to spread, expand, progress, flourish. bugolokofu, o- (bu/-) straightness; rectitude, righteousness, okutambulira mu bugolokofu, to walk in righteousness. cf. golokoka. bugonvu, o- (bu/-) softness, suppleness, pliability. Obugonvu bw’olujegere, ge maanyi galwo. (prov.) The suppleness of a chain is its strength. A strong tree bends with the wind. cf. gonda, -gonvu. bugoogwa, o- (bu/-) sisal, hemp fiber. cf akagoogwa, ekigoogwa. -bugu adj. raw (of vegetables); fig. ignorant, naive, stupid. bugubi, o- (bu/-) darkness; hardship, pressure, difficulty; uncertainty, cf. guba. bugujja (-buguzze) v.i. crackle, blaze (of a fire); be burning hot (of a sick person), v.tr. pester; hurry (someone). Leka kumbu- gujja bw’otyo. Don’t keep rushing me like that. cf. buga, bbugubugu. bugule, o- adv. fully, to the brim. Ekleziya yajjula bugule. The church was filled to capacity. bugulumivu, o- (bu/-) height, tallness. cf. gulumira, -gulumivu. buguma (-bugumye) v.i. be or become warm/ hot (both of things and persons); fig. warm up (to a subject); become excited; get enthusiastic. Olwayanze omupiira luti, embooge yabadde tannaba na kubuguma aba Kenya ne bateeba eggoolo. The game had hardly started when the Kenya team made a goal, lit. the embooge had hardly warmed up. Ebifuba byababugumye. They wrestled furiously. buguumirira (-buguumiridde) v.i. appl. 2 be or become lukewarm; begin to warm up; be heated up (from exertion or sickness); fig. become cheered up; become enthusiastic. buguumiriza (-buguumirizizza) v. tr. appl. caus. 2 warm up; welcome warmly. bugumya (-bugumizza) v.tr. caus. make warm; warm up, heat; fig. cheer up; make enthusiastic, kubugumya kamwa, to talk for the sake of talking. cf. -bugumye, ebbugumu, akabuguumiriro; olubugumu, nnabuguma. bugumu, o- (bu/-) boldness, daring, toughness; durability, cf. -gumu. -bugumye adj. warm; hot; heated up. cf. buguma. bugunjufu, o- (bu/-) good breeding; culture; civilization, cf. gunjula, -gunjufu. buguta (-buguse) v.tr. pester, annoy, bother; rush, hurry; importune. buguutana '-buguutanye) v.i. be excited; be bothered; rumble (of the stomach). buguutanya (-buguutanyizza) v.tr. caus. bother; stir up, excite; rush, hurry. cf. akabuguutano; buga, ^bukuta. buguya (-buguye) v.i. munch/eat food in the manner of one who has no teeth, cf. mugunya. buguyala (-buguyadde) v.i. be partially cooked; fail to cook; fig. be stupid/ idiotic/senile. Gundi akaddiye n'okubugu- yala abuguyadde. So-and-so has gotten so old that he is even becoming senile. buguyaza (-buguyazizza) v.tr. caus. cook slightly; fig. cause to be/look stupid, etc. cf. -buguyavu. -buguyavu adj. raw, semi-cooked; fig. stupid; idiotic; senile, cf. buguyala. buguzi, o- (bu/-) buying; trade; commercial dealing, eby’obuguzi, merchandise, obuguzi obw’okuwaanyisaganya, barter, okusikana obuguzi, to make a business deal. cf. gula. bugwagwa, o- (bu/-) immorality, indecency, licentiousness; stupidity, cf. -gwagwa, gwagwawala. bugwanjuba, e- no plur. (n/n) west, lit. (where) falls-the-sun. See gwa, enjuba. Contr. ebuvanjuba. bujaasi, o-: eby’obujaasi, military affairs/ matters, cf. omujaasi. bujala: kukwata mu bujala, to shake hands. Yamukwatako mu bujala. He shook hands with him. cf. enjala. bujama, o- (bu/-) airt, liumness. cf. -jama, jamawala. bujeeke, o- (bu/-) poverty, poorness. bujeemu, o- (bu/-) revolt, rebellion. cf. jeema. bujega, o- (bu/-) gullibility, naivete. cf. omujega. bujigi, bujiji see obugigi. bujja: gye bujja, in the future, lit. when the time ( bu- implies obudde) comes. bujja (-buzze) var. o/bumbujja, q.v. bujjabujjana (-bujjabujjanye) v.i. stammer; stutter; jabber; speak hesitatingly. bujjadda, o- adv. in the long run, finally, in the end. bujjagijjagi, o- (bu/-) speckles. Embuzi ya bujjagijjagi. The goat is speckled. bujjajja, o- (bu/-) ancestry; ancestral home cf? jjajja. bujjukizi, o- (bu/-) memory, cf. jjukira. bujjumbizi, o- (bu/-) strong interest/concern. cf. jjumbira. bujonjo, o- (ka/bu) discharge of the eye, substance which collects at the corner of the eye after a long period of sleep. The sing, (akajonjo) is less frequently used, cf. ebijonjo. bujoozi, o- (bu/-) (act of) bullying, cf. jooga. bujulira, o-: obubonero obujulira, quotation marks, cf. ^jula, julira. bujulirwa, o- (bu/-) evidence, testimony; relig. witness, public testimonial of one’s religious convictions or experiences, cf. ljula, juliza. bujulizi, o- (bu/-) evidence, testimony. cf. ljula, juliza. bukaafiiri, o- (bu/-) [Su>., dr.] paganism; atheism, cf. omukaafiiri. bukaali, o- (bu/-) [Sw.] wrath, anger, fury. bukaawu, o- (bu/-) bitterness, cf. ^kaawa. bukaayi, o- (bu/-) bitterness, cf. ^kaawa. bukaba, o- (bu/-) immorality; sinfulness; depravity, endwadde ez’obukaba, venereal diseases. cf. -kaba. bukadde, o- (bu/-) old age; relig. Protestant ministry. Obukadde magezi. (prov.) Old age is wisdom, cf. -kadde. bukadde, -o plur. of akakadde, q.v. bukakafu, o- (bu/-) sureness, certainty; confirmation; proof, cf. -kakafu, kakata. bukakanyavu, o- (bu/-) stiffness; dryness (of clothes); coolness, coldness (of food); fig. obstinacy, stubborness. cf. kakanyala, -kakanyavu. bukala (-bukadde) v.i. & tr. suit, be suitable; fit well, fit into place; be harmonious; be presentable; be complete; look satisfied; sit/settle down contentedly/peacefully. Ekiteeteeyi kimubukadde. The dress fits her perfectly. Omwana mwambaze abukale bulungi. Dress the child so that he looks presentable. Enju eyo yabukala bulungi mu kifo omwo. The house was very appropriately situated in this location. bukalabakalaba, o- (bu/-) cleverness, shrewdness; artfulness, cunningness. cf. -kalabakalaba. bukalaga, o- adv. okufa obukalaga, to die suddenly and unattended. bukalubo, o- (bu/-) hardness; state of not being well done (of cooked food, meat); difficulty; fig. obstinacy, stubbornness. cf. kaluba, -kalubo. bukamba, o- (bu/-) acidity; bitterness. bukambwe, o- (bu/-) harshness, severity; fierceness, fury, anger; cruelty, cf. -kambwe. bukanga, o- adv. at an exorbitant/very high price; fiercely. Kiguze bukanga. It has cost a great deal. cf. kanguka, kanga- luka; obukanu. bukanu, o- adv. at a high price, dearly; fiercely (nkanu is more frequently used in this sense), cf. kanuka, enkanu. Bukatoliki, O- (bu/-) Catholicism, cf. Omukatoliki. Bukedi pr. n. a district in eastern Uganda through which Kintu, the first kabaka of Buganda, passed on his way to Buganda. bukende, o-: kulwana bukende, to wrestle. cf. olukende. bukessi, o- (bu/-) spying, espionage. c f. ketta. bukiika, o- (bu/-) side, direction, as an adv. sidewise, crosswise, horizontally, obukiika obwa kkono, north {lit. the left side), obukiika obwa ddyo, south {lit. the right side), kuba muntu bukiika, to have it in for someone, have a grudge against someone. Andi bukiika. He has it in for me or He is a thorn in my side. cf. ^kiika. bukkakkamu, o- (bu/-) meekness, humility; submissiveness; quiet, calmness, composure; coolness (of weather), cf. -kkakkamu. bukkufu, o- (bu/-) satiety, repletion, cf. -kkufu, kkuta. buko, o- (bu/-) in-laws; relationship acquired by marriage; relationship of a man to his wife’s brothers; disease or misfortune due to the violation of any of the prohibitions relating to in-laws; Parkinson’s disease, eby’obuko, bride price. Tugenda ku buko. We are going to visit our in-laws. cf. ebiko, ^njuko. bukodo, o- (bu/-) stinginess, miserliness. cf. -kodo. bukofu adv. like a guinea fowl, kutemya bukofu, to blink like a guinea fowl, i.e., be wide awake, cf. enkofu. bukojja, o- (bu/-) relationship on the maternal side. Nfaanana bukojja. 1 resemble my mother’s side of the family. cf. kojja. bukokkoliko, o- (bu/-) dirt, filth (esp. that which collects on the body). bukoko adv. like a chicken, kukaabya bukoko, to make (someone) cry like a chicken, to make suffer, cf. enkoko. bukolokolo, o- adv. whole, in entirety; in bulk form. Embuzi gifumbe bukolokolo. Cook the goat whole (i.e., do not cut it into pieces before cooking). bukolomooni: kukola bukolomooni, to demonstrate fancy footwork (in soccer). bukomera, o-: obubonero obukomera, parentheses. cf. koma, komera, olukomera. bukonge, o- adv. like a stump (ekikonge). kutuula bukonge, to stay put, sit like a ‘bump on a log.’ bukoowu, o- (bu/-) tiredness, fatigue; weariness, cf. koowa. bukosefu, o- (bu/-) tiredness; lack of vitality/strength; minor sickness, cf. koseka, -kosefu. bukovvu, o- (bu/-) thinness, leanness. cf. kogga. Bukristaayo, o- (bu/-) Protestantism; Christianity. Bukristu, o- (bu/-) Roman Catholicism; Christianity. bukubakuba, o- (bu/-) light rain, drizzle. cf. olukubakuba, lenkuba. bukubirire, o- adv. hurriedly; expeditiously, with speed and efficiency, cf. ^kuba, kubirira. bukuda invar, adj. very large, huge, ensolo bukuda, a huge animal. bukudaaze, o- (bu/-) mockery, scorn. cf. kudaala. bukudumu, o- also bukudumo, o- (bu/-) sediment, dregs (in a liquid), cf. ebikudumo. bukugu, o- (bu/-) expertness, expertise; specialization, cf. -kugu, kuguka, omu- kugu. bukujjukuj ju, o- (bu/-) craftiness, slyness, cunningness; cleverness, cf. - kuj jukujju. bukuku, o- (bu/-) mold; mildew; fungus, omusajja omukadde bukuku, an extremely old man, a man hoary with age. cf. kukula. bukula, o- adv. like a rhinoceros, kujja bukula, to come with great speed and fury/ violence, cf. ^enkula. bukulembeze, o- (bu/-) leadership. cf. kulembera, omukulembeze. bukuli, o- (bu/-) kind of tall grass used for thatching and for mashing mbidde. bukulu, o- (bu/-) age; importance; greatness; high position, high status; seniority, cf. kula, -kulu. bukulumbo, o- (bu/) bad smell. bukumbu, o- adv. in vain, vainly, unsuccessfully. Kye yava anvaako bukumbu. For that reason he left me empty-handed. He did not get anything from me. bukumu, o- (bu/-) ownership; authority, jurisdiction. bukundugulu, o- (bu/-) splash, spray (e.g., ejected from potatoes or cassava which is being peeled, from plantain fiber which is being beaten). bukundukundu, o- plur. (ka/bu) small bits of banana in strained juice; bits of sediment/dregs in beer. bukunya, o- adv. with nothing; naked. cf. obukuunyegere. bukusu adv. like a parrot. Yakikwata bukusu. He memorized it. lie learned it inside out. cf. enkusu. bukuta (-bukuse) v.i. rumble, thunder (of the sky); rustle, make a rustling/scuffling sound, cf. ekibukutu. bukuta var• °f buguta, q.v. bukute: kuba bukute, to be at close grips with one another. bukutu, o- adv. quickly. bukutubba, o- plur. (ka/bu) bits and pieces of dried leaves floating in drinking, water/ tea/mubisi, etc.; dregs or sediment in any beverage. bukutuka, o- adv. for cash, for cash on the line. bukuukuku, o- always plur. (bu/-) scraps of firewood, cf. oluku. bukuukuubira, o- adv. without hesitation; straightforwardly; forcefully. bukuunvegere, o- adv. stark naked, cf. obukunya. bukuusa, o- (bu/-) deceit; treachery; double-dealing; hypocrisy, cf. kuusa, omukuusa (kuusa). bukuusiira, o- (bu/-) messiness; flaky quality (of skin), cf. kuusiira. bukuute, o- adv. without condiments/sauce/ relish. bukuutu, o- (bu/-) (Buddu) arrogance. bukuza, o- (bu/-) regency; guardianship (of a person), cf. kula, kuza. bukwabaaya, o- (bu/-) tiny particles of matter which accrue at the top of a liquid or some solids; dust of dried herbs. bukwafu, o- (bu/-) darkness; gloom, cf. -kwafu, kwata. bukwakku, o- (bu/-) rapidity, speed, quickness. adv. in a hurry, quickly; instantly. cf. kwakkula. bukwakkulizo, o- (bu/-) conditions, terms, awatali bukwakkulizo, unconditionally. bukwata, o- adv. at close grips; face to face. cf. kwata. bukya conj. since. bukyali: nga bukyali, while there is still time. bukyamu, o- (bu/-) wrong, wrongness, error; going astray; crookedness, cf. -kyamu, lkyama. bukyawaganyi, o- (bu/-) mutual hate, mutual hostility, cf. kyawa, kyawagana. bukyayi, o- (bu/-) hatred, cf. kyawa. bukyu, o- var. spelling of bucu, q.v. bula (-buze) v.i. disappear; become lost; go astray; be lacking/missing, v.tr. be lost to. Ekitabo kimbuze. I have lost my book, lit. the book has become lost to me. obusungu ne bubula okumutta, and he became furious, lit. anger almost killed him. Akakiiko kaamaze ekiro kyonna nga kateesa, ne kabulako kye kamaliriza. The committee spent the whole night in discussion, but failed to reach a decision. Ebulayo eddakiika ttaano okuwera essaawa ettaano. It is five minutes to eleven, lit. there are lacking five minutes to eleven (five by Bantu time). Ennyumba ye yabadde ebulayo katono mu maaso. His house was a short distance ahead. Yajja abulidde mu mugugu. He came loaded down (lit. disappearing into) with a large bundle. Ssente te(zi)bula mukwate. Money is not lacking to one who is arrested/apprehended (i.e., a person charged with an offense will do everything possible to have himself exhonerated). gunaabula asala, lit. the case (omusango is implied by gu-) will lack any one who (can) pass judgment, i.e., it will be a cliff-hanger/a'thriller, ’ a contest whose outcome is in doubt to the end or it will be pandemonium, sheer chaos/confusion. bulwa (-buliddwa) v.i. pass, be lacking, lack; be at a loss for; lose. Yabulwa eky’ okuddamu. He was at a loss for an answer. Nnali siyinza kubulwa ddoboozi lye. I could not be mistaken about/fail to recognize his voice. Bwe yamunoonya n’abulwa n’ agenda. When he looked for him without success (lit. and he was missing) he went away. Omuntu bw’abulwa by'ayogera anuuna ne ku vvu. (prov.) When a person is at a loss for words he even sucks on ashes. (This is said of a person who talks for the sake of talking). bulira (-bulidde) v.i. appl. disappear in/ at, etc. ne bitubulira ku matama, and we were at a loss for something to say, lit. they (ebigambo, words, implied) disappeared from our cheeks. bulirira (-buliridde) v.i. appl. 2 disappear for a long time; become very scarce. buza (-buzizza) v.tr. caus. cause to lose; cause to disappear; cause to be lacking; mislead. Leka kumbuzaabuza. Don’t mislead me. -ebuza (-ebuzizza) v.i. caus. refl. pretend to disappear; cause oneself to disappear; hide oneself. bulaŋŋana (-bulaŋŋanye) v.i. recip. be away from each other for a long time; disappear from one another; disagree. bulaŋŋanya (-bulaŋŋanyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. cause to be misdirected, oku- bulajinanya ensimbi, misappropriate money, embezzle funds.cf. ^ebbula, ebbuliro, embulakalevu, embulakayu, embulakirevu, omubuze, ^wabula. bulaala, o- (bu/-) staleness, with the -a of rel. stale. Muwogo wa bulaala. The cassava is stale. bulaame, o- (bu/-) will, final testament. cf. Maama, eddaame. Bulaaya pr.rt. (n/n) Europe. Obulaaya, all of Europe including its peoples, resources, etc. (Note the effect of the l.V.) bulaaza plur. babulaaza (la) feng. 3 brother, member of a Catholic religious community. bulabe, o- (bu/-) hostility, enmity, cf. laba, omulabe. bulabirizi, o- (bu/-) office of overseer; overlordship; bishopric; diocese (Prot.). cf. laba, labiriza, omulabirizi. oulagajjavu, o- (bu/-; negligence, carelessness, inattentiveness. cf. lagajjala. bulago, o- (bu/-) throat; neck, kuba mu ga bulago, to be in real trouble, be in a crisis, lit. be in (water, amazzi implied by ga) up to one's neck. cf. ^olulago, amalagolago, endago. bulaguzi, o- (bu/-) prophesy, prophesying. cf. lagula, omulaguzi. bulakasiwavu, o- (bu/-) thirst, cf. lakasira. bulala, o- adv. otherwise; very, extremely. cf. -lala. bulalu, o- (bu/-) lit. & fig. craziness, madness, insanity, cf. -lalu, lauka. bulambalamba, o- adv. in an all out manner, wholeheartedly, wholely, completely, cf. -lamba. bulambuzi, o- (bu/-) tourism, eby’obulambu zi, iden. cf. lambula. bulamu, o- (bu/-) life; health; good health, okulya obulamu, to enjoy life, have a good time. cf. -lamu. bulamuzi, o- (bu/-) judgeship; justice, cf. lamula, omulamuzi. bulanga, o- adv. upright; vertically, cf. langaala. Bulange pr.n., formerly the name of the Parliamentary Building of the Government of Buganda; obs. kabaka’s court of justice. bulangiti (n/n) \jEng. J blanket. bulangula, o- (bu/-) disease of the eye affecting the eyelashes. bulaŋŋana recip. of bula, q.v. bulatti, o-: kukuba bulatti, to be utterly in- diiferent, not to care at an. Buje: kukwata e Buie n’e Bweya, to be abundant in quantity or numbers and cover a broad area (of crops, people, etc.). bulebevu, o- (bu/-) weakness; tiredness, exhaustion; looseness; softness; viscosity. cf. -lebevu, lebera. buleebo, o- plur. of akaleebo, ?he -a of rel. dark blue (of clothes). bulwa, o- (bu/-) trouble; danger. bulwadde, o- (bu/-) sickness, illness, disease, cf. -lwadde, ^lwala, omulwadde, endwadde. bulyake, o- (bu/-) extortion; thievery; injustice, unfairness; hate, bad feelings. cf. omulyake; lyakula. bumale, o- adv. like a mudfish, kugoba bumale, to arrive. Nzuuno ngobye bumale. Here 1 am. I have arrived, cf. emmale. bumalirivu, o- (bu/-) resolution, determination, steadfastness, cf. mala, malirira. bumanyi, o- (bu/-) acquaintance, accyiaint- anceship. (esp. with people), cf. manya. bumanyirivu, o- (bu/-) (knowledge or skill which is derived from) experience, cf. manya, manyiira, -manyirivu. bumba (-bumbye, mmumbye) / form/mold (out of clay); make (pottery); sculpt. bumbira (-bumbidde) v.tr. appl. mold for/ in, etc. bumbirira (-bumbiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 mold/fashion badly; encrust with earth (of termites). bumbulula (-bumbuludde) v.tr. conv. 2 cause to crumble, make disintegrate; wear away. bumbulukuka (-bumbulukuse) v.i. conv. 2 fall apart, crumble, disintegrate. cf. -bumbe, ebbumba, ebbumbiro, ekibumbe, olubumbiro, emmumba, emmumbwa, omu- bumbi. -bumbe adj. molded or fashioned from clay. cf. bumba. bumbujja (-bumbuzze) v.i. stammer; mumble; rumble (of drums); blaze, flare up (as a fire); rage, go on, be in progress (often of a violent or emotional event). Olutalo lubumbujja The battle is raging. Omusango gubumbujja. The trial is going on (and it has reached a high degree of intensity). cf. bbumbuzzi; 2bujja. bumbula, o- adv. forlornly; in an abandoned condition, kufa bumbula, to die unattended; to be in a miserable condition and have no one come to one’s aid. obufuzi bw’obumbula harsh/dictatorial rule. bumenye, o- (bu/-) med. fracture. See obuvune, a Lunyoro loanword which is more common, cf. menya. bumere, o- adv. like food. Ekyuma ekyo kiyitirivu mu kusa amayinja, kigalya bumere. This machine is very effective in crushing stones, it smashes them to bits, lit. eats them like food. cf. emmere. bumpowooko, o- ( bu/-) small inedible ter1 mites. bumpwakipwaki, o- (bu/-) snack, light food which does not constitute a meal. bumu, o- adv. identically, in the same way. cf. 2-mu. bumulumulu, o- (bu/-) small amounts/frag- ments/bits. bumwamwa, o- (bu/-) disease of the lips (of goats), cf. omumwa. bumyuka, o- (bu/-) deputyship, the position of one who is second in command, cf. ^myuka, omumyuka. buna (-bunye) v.i. spread, spread over; go/ reach all over; get one’s share, get enough; participate; be enough to go around (of food). Abaana bonna babunye. All of the children have gotten enough/their share. Amawulire geeyongedde okubuna wonna mu ggwanga. The news continued to spread all over the country, kubuna kkubo, to stagger along the road (like a drunken man). obudde ne bubuna emiwabo, and it was dawning, lit. was scattering in all directions. Eky’abangi kibuna engalo. (prov.) lit. Something used by many people has finger marks. What is used by many is soon spoiled. bunira (-bunidde) v.i. appl. be spread in, etc. bunya (-bunyizza), bunyisa (-bunyisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 spread; scatter; distribute; propagate; spread with/using. Leka kubunya bisasiro wano. Stop scattering trash here. Ebifo byonna ebikulu mu Qulaaya yabibunya. lie covered/visited all the major places in Europe. -ebunya (-ebunyizza) v.i. caus. refl. spread oneself; cause oneself to spread. bunaanya, o- (bu/-) laziness; idleness; finickiness, choosiness. cf. naanya. bunakanaka, o- plur. of akanakanaka, q.v. bunaku, o- (bu/-) distress, misery; poverty. Obunaku si ndwadde. (prov.) Poverty is not a sickness, i.e., a moral stain, cf. -naku, nakuwala, omunaku, ^ennaku. bunakuwavu, o- (bu/-) sadness, sorrow, unhappiness. cf. -naku, nakuwala. bundaala (-bundadde) v.i. crouch to spring. bundaaza (-bundaazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to crouch. cf. ki bundaaza. bundabunda (-bunzebunze) v.i. redup. crouch down; cower, cringe; be obsequious; move stealthily. -bundufu adj. slanting, leaning, cf. bunduka. bundugguka (-bundugguse) v.i. be emptied out; be poured out/down in great quantity; be spilled. bunduggula (-bunduggudde) v.tr. turn over and empty; pour out/down; spill; fig. bestow on. Paapa n’amubunduggulako Ob wassaabasumba. and the Pope made him an Archbishop (= poured the Archbishopric on him). -ebunduggula (-ebunduggudde) v.i. refl. overturn; capsize: fig. pour into, abantn abeebunduggula mu nsi eno, the people who poured into this country. bunduka (-bunduse) v.i. hang down (of breasts, hair); be bent/inclined; be on a slant; stoop, slouch; be poured. Olw’obuwanvu atambula abunduka. Because of his height he walks with a slouch. Ebintu ebiggya mu kiseera ekyo byabundu- kiranga kumu mu Buganda. At that time (all sorts of) new things were coming into Buganda at once. bundula (-bundudde) v.tr. slant, incline; pour out; spill; overturn. bunduukirira (-bunduukiridde) v.i. appl. 2 begin to slant; lean over, bend over. cf. -bundufu. bunene, o- (bu/-) bigness; area, size, extent. cf. -nene. bunga (-bunze, mmunze) v.i. ramble, wander around aimlessly. ‘Sifugibwa’ afa abunga. (prov.) (He who says) ‘I will not be ruled’ dies a vagabond. bunza (-bunzizza) v.tr. caus. cause to wander/ramble; hawk for sale, offer for sale. Ebyennyanja baabibunzanga mu byalo. They used to hawk fish in the villages. cf. omubunzi. bungeeta (-bungeese, mmungeese) v.i. be homeless; wander about aimlessly, be a vagabond. bungeesa (-bungeesezza) v.tr. caus. make homeless; cause to be a vagabond, oku- bungeesa olugambo, to spread gossip/a rumor. Bungereza, 0- pr.n. (concords of n/n class) England, cf. -ngereza. bungi, o- (bu/-) quantity, amount; large quantity, abantu abasir.ga ebungi, the majority of people, most people. cf. -ngi(-yingi), yinga. -ebungulula (-ebunguludde) v.tr. refl. surround, encircle, go around. bunira (-bunidde) v.i. keep one’s mouth shut, be quiet; be closed (of a door). buniza (-bunizizza) v.tr. caus. cause to be quiet; shut, close. -ebuniza (-ebunizizza) v.i. caus. refl. - bunira. cf. -bunivu, bbuniza. -bunivu adj. quiet, taciturn; closed (of a door), cf. bunira. bunkenke, o- noun used as adv. on tiptoe, okutambuza obunkenke, to walk on tiptoe, okubeera ku bunkenke, to be on one’s toes, be ready for action. Akulira oludda olu- tambuliza Gavumenti ku bunkenke. He is the head of the party which keeps the Government on its toes (i.e., the opposition party). bunkuseere, o- (bu/-) poverty, indigence. cf. omunkuseere. bunnabbi, o- (bu/-) [Ste., Ar.~\ relig. prophecy, cf. omunnabbi, nnabbi. bunnambiro, o- adv. quickly, swiftly (only of running), cf. embiro. bunnanfuusi, o- (bu/-) hypocrisy, cf. -nnanfuusi. bunnansi, o- (bu/-) citizenship, cf. -nnansi, ensi. bunnya, o- (bu/-) large hole, pit, abyss, ku mugo gw’obunnya, on the brink of disaster, kuggya mu bunnya, to save or help (someone who is in danger), to ‘get out of the hole.’ cf. ekinnya. bunnyikivu, o- (bu/-) dampness; moistness. cf. -nnyikivu, nnyikira. bunnyogovu, o- (bu/-) cold, coldness. cf. nnyogoga. buntu, o- (bu/-) humanity; manhood, with the -a of rel. humane. Okuwanika omuntu ku kalabba si kya buntu. It is not humane to hang a man on the gallows, eby’obuntu, human nature, mu buntu, in person, personally. okuddamu ak’obuntu, to recover one’s composure. Muntu buntu. He is a mere man. buntu is also the plural of kantu, small thing. From the root -ntu are also derived omuntu, ekintu, akantu, etc. buntubulamu, o- (bu/-) a very broad concept implying the possession of courtesy, compassion, good breeding, culture, etc. The editorial writers o/Munno have in the past dedicated considerable space to the definition of the word. cf. obuntu, omuntu bulamu. buntuntu, o- various things, a variety of things; little things, cf. akantu, bu- (3), ekintu. bunyaga, o- (bu/-) filthiness, dirtiness, squalor. bunyeera, o- adv. like tiny ants, in the manner of tiny ants, Ebidduka biteevuunya bu nyeera. The vehicles swarm like ants, i.e., there is a traffic jam. cf. omunyeera. bunyiikivu, o- (bu/-) diligence, perseverance; earnestness, cf. nyiikivu, nyiikira. bunyiivu, o- (bu/-) annoyance, irritation, anger, cf. nyiiga. bunyira, o- adv. like bats, in a batlike manner, kulengejja bunyira, to hang like bats. cf. ekinyira. bunyoomoofu, o- (bu/-) contempt, disdain. cf. nyoomooia. bunyunyunsi, o- (bu/-) exploitation, oppression; imperialism, cf. nyunyunta. bunyuvu, o- (bu/-) quality of being interest- int/entertaining/enjoyable. cf. -nyuvu. bunzaali, o- (bu/-) curry powder. cf. ebinzaali, amanzaali. bupumbaavu, o- (bu/-) [Su'-l foolishness, folly, stupidity. busa, o- adv. in vain; to no purpose; empty-handed, with nothing; naked, abawala ab’obusa, single/unmarried girls. Tali busa (or Tali yekka). He is not alone (implying that he is relying on the aid of spirits, that there is more to his situation than meets the eye, etc.). cf. -sa. busa, o- (bu/-) dung, excrement of animals. busaamu, o- (bu/-) rare beauty; fitness, suitability. busaasizi, o- (bu/-) sympathy, compassion. cf. saasira. busagvva, o- (bu/-) poison, venom. busajja, o- (bu/-) masculinity, manliness. cf. -sajja. busammambiro, o- (bu/-) summit; edge, extremity; outskirts. busanga, o- adv., lit. like ivory, expensive, costly, very dear. Emmotoka zigulwa busanga. Cars are very expensive. cf. essanga. busango, o- (bu/-) gentle southeasterly breeze. busanjasanja, o- (bu/-) kind of mushrooms which grow on withered plantain leaves (ssanja). busannyalaze, o- (bu/-) numbness; electric shock, cf. sannyalala, amasannyalaze. busanyuukirivu, o- (bu/-) okulaga obusanyuukirivu, to look happy, to ‘put on a happy face.’ cf. sanyuka. busasamavu, o- (bu/-) rebelliousness; riotousness, cf. sasamala. busawo, o- (bu/-) medical science, medicine. obusawo bw’ebisolo, veterinary science, cf. omusawo, ensawo; sawula. buseege, o- (bu/-) poverty; wretchedness. cf. seega. buseegu, o- (bu/-) wildness, profligacy, shamelessness, cf. -seegu. buseekende, a- plur. of akaseekende, q.v. buseenene, o- adv. like a grasshopper. Omubbi awenjebwa buseenene. The thief is being hunted everywhere, lit. like a grasshopper, cf. enseenene. buseerezi, o- (bu/-) slipperiness. cf. seerera. buseezi, o- (bu/-) overcharging, asking too high a price, cf. ^seera. busejjeresejjere, o- (bu/-) kind of mushrooms which grow on termite hills, cf. ensejjere. busenze, o- (bu/-) tenancy on another’s land. c f. Isenga. busera, o- (bu/-) gruel/porridge made from millet or banana meal, kuyoya busera, to be tired and hungry. Mpolampola, ayiisa obusera. (prov.) Very slowly, he cooks (good) porridge. Slow but sure. busezi, o- (bu/-) witchcraft, wild dancing and magical rites performed at night by the basezi. cf. sera, omusezi. busibe, o- (bu/-) imprisonment, cf. siba. buusiga, o- adv. kuiuula busiga, to sit for a long time wakeful; to stay by the hearth, busiga is also the plural o/kasiga, small cooking stone, cf. essiga. busigire, o- (bu/-) deputyship, position of one who is second in command/charge. cf. sigira, omusigire. busigirirwa, o- plur. of kasigirirwa, q.v. busika, o- (bu/-) inheritance, cf. ^sika. busiki (la) [£ng.] whiskey. busimba, o- also obusimbalala (bu/-) verticalness. as adv. vertically, upright, on end; fig. in an upright/just manner. -a busimba, vertical, upright, cf. simba. busiriikirivu, o- (bu/-) quietness, calmness. cf. sirika, -siriikirivu. Busiro pr. n. county of Buganda. Amasiro ga Bassekabaka b’e Buganda gali Busiro. The tombs of the kings of Buganda are in Busiro. cf. essiro. busiru, o- also obusirusiru (bu/-) foolishness, folly, nonsense, cf. -siru, omusiru(siru). buso, o- (bu/-) raffia fiber, fiber of the raffia palm, Raffia monbutlorum. cf. akaso. busobozi, o- (bu/-) ability, capability, competence. cf. sobola. busobya, o- (bu/-) fault, wrongness; mistake. cf. soba, sobya. Busoga pr. n. district to the east of Buganda. busomi, o- (bu/-) religiousness; spirituality, eby’obusomi, spiritual affairs, omwoyo ogw'obusomi, piousness, piety, cf. soma. busomyo, o- (bu/-) marrow of the bones. Yalabika ng’obulumi bumutuuse mu busomyo. He looked as if he had been hurt to the quick. busonko, o- (bu/-) infantile anemia. busosoze, o- also obusosozi (bu/-) selectiveness, selectivity; discrimination (usually in the sense of hostility to another person or group), cf. sosola. busowe, o- plur. (ka/bu) roe (of fish). bussi, o- (bu/-) murder; killing, cf. tta. busu, o- (bu/-) surface of a drum; empty space, nothing, kukuba busu, to miss, fail to hit. Ebyasi byakubye busu. The bullets missed the mark. busukka, e- adv. across, on the other side of. ebusukka kkubo, across the road. cf. sukka. busukko, o- (bu/-) sores on the feet and legs; originally charms or herbs placed in the road which caused sores on anyone who tried to pass. cf. sukka. busukusuku, o- see akassukussuku. busukuttu, o- (bu/-) congential enlargement of the cheeks, amatama ag’obusu- kuttu, enlarged cheeks. busungu, o- (bu/-) anger, ire, wrath. cf. -sungu, sunguwala. busuubuzi, o- (bu/-) trade, commerce. eby’obusuubuzi, trade, commercial matters. c f. suubula. Busuuli, 0- pr. n. (n/n) Syria. busuulu, o- (bu/-) land rent, ground rent; land tax; property tax. busuulubu, o- less often obusulubbu (bu/-) [Stu., dr.] moustache. busuuti (n/n) the national dress of Baganda women (see also bodingi and gomesi); long, broad-sleeved gown of Arab origin worn by '-.uicio on iormai occasions. buswa, o- adv. like a termite, i.e., naked, kusigala bu swa, to be left naked, cf. enswa. buswagu interj. salutation or congratulations (originally to a hunter or to one who has caught termites hut now used in a more general sense), cf. swaga, -swagu. buswandi, o- (bu/-) fierceness, fury, as adv. fiercely, furiously, kutunuza bu swandi, to have a fierce look. Yalwanyisa buswandi He fought furiously. buswavu, o- (bu/-) shame, disgrace, cf. swala. buswege, o- (bu/-) dire poverty; misery. buswiriri, o- (bu/-) whiskers (of a cat or other feline), cf. enswiriri. buta- the characteristic of the neg. inf. kugenda, to go; butagenda, not to go. kumanya, to know; butamanya, not to know; ignorance. buta (-buse) v.i. stagger around aimlessly/ at a loss/exhausted; be in confusion; be at the end of one’s wits. butaabuta (-buseebuse) v.i. redupl., bulaabutana (-butaabutanye) v.i. redup. + na - buta (but somewhat more emphatic). butaaba, o- adv. like tobacco, ennaku kuzinywa butaaba, lit. to drink the days (or sorrow; ennaku may mean either) like tobacco, i.e., to pass away the time; to spend long and dreary days. cf. taaba. butaagaane: Iwa butaagaane, by force,of necessity, against one’s will. Yakikola lwa butaagaane. He did it because he had no choice/out of necessity, cf. gaana. butaala. o- adv. untethered, unconfined (of an animal); free, having no commitments (of a person); on the loose, at large (of a criminal); free, offering freedom of movement and expression (of a country), okulya obutaala, to be untethered/free, etc. Omubbi akyalya butaala. The thief is still at large. butaamanvu, o- less often obutaamaavu (bu/-) fury, ferocity, wildness, cf. -taamaavu; taama. butaddira, o- neg. inf. as adv. for good, forever, lit. not to return, cf. ^dda, ddira. butafaayo, o- (bu/-) neg. inf. of %a, q.v. indifference, unconcern; carelessness; laziness. butagali, o- with the -a of rel. knock-kneed. Wa butagali. He is knock-kneed, cf. tagala. butaka, o- (bu/-) freehold estates of the clans; ancestral home; place where one was born, home, kugwa butaka, to be fruitless, have no result. Enteesaganya zigudde butaka. The negotiations have fallen through. Ssente zaffe zigudde butaka. Our money has been wasted. cf. ettaka, omutaka. butalagge, o- (bu/-) rust. cf. talagga. butali, o- (bu/-) neg. inf. of-li, not to be. mu butali bugenderevu, unintentionally, mu butali butongole, unofficially. butaliimu, o- (bu/-) stupidity, nonsense. cf. -li, ebitaliimu. butama (-butamye) v.i. bend down, bend over; squat; crouch; sit. cf. ekibutamu. butamanya, o- neg. inf. of manya, not to know; ignorance. butambi, o- adv. like a wick, kwaka butambi, to be extremely hungry/thirsty, lit. burn like a wick. ; /. olutambi. butambuze, o- (bu/-) travel; pilgrimage; fig. harlotry; unfaithfulness in marriage, Tunning around. ’ cf. tambula. butamiivu, o- (bu/-) intoxication, drunkenness. cf. tamiira. butamittami, o- (bu/-) uncertainty, doubt, hesitancy; hesitancy in speech, stuttering. cf. tamattama. butanga, o- adv. on the move; in flight, okufumita obutanga, to spear (an animal) in the open (as opposed to one which is in a trap). butangaavu, o- (bu/-) light; clearness; transparency, cf. tangaala. butannaluba lit. not yet to be on the (journey, olugendo is implied by -lu-). to be just beginning, to have a long way to go. Tetunnaluba. We are just beginning. butanta, o- (bu/-) shuttle used for embroidering by hand. butantala (-butantadde) v.i. sit around idly/ lazily/without doing anything, cf. embu- tanta. butanwa, o- adv. unintentionally, accidentally, mu butanwa, iden. cf. ztana. bute, o- adv. like cattle, kugumba bute, to huddle/cluster together like cattle, as a noun obute is the plur. of akate, q.v.' cf. ente. buteba: kukuba buteba, to dodge, evade; to trick, outwit, outsmart; to make a tricky move (in the game of mweso). butebenkevu, o- (bu/-) peace, obutebenkevu mu by’obufuzi, political stability, cf. tebenkera. buteddiza, o- adv. without limit/restriction, to an extreme degree, cf. -eddiza (under ^dda). buteerere, o-: nga buteerere adv. in vain, vainly, without result, to no avail. buteesagga, o- neg. inf. of-e sagga, to fan oneself, as adv. without delay, without hesitation; rapidly, quickly. butegeevu, o- (bu/-) intelligence, discernment, understanding, cf. tegeera. butego, o- adv. like a trap. Obulwadde bumuwese butego. He is all bent up from illness, cf. tega, omutego. butembetembe, o- (bu/-) tiny speckles on fowl, kumaamira ga butembetembe, to sit/ stay in one place without budging. butemu, o- (bu/-) murder, cf. temula. butengerera adv. okuyimirira butengerera, to stand at attention; to stand motionless/ rigid without moving, kwetikka butengerera, to balance on the head, kujjula butengerera, to be full to the brim. cf. tengerera. butengu, o- (bu/-) obstinacy; disobedience; reluctance/refusal to comply with a request. cf. - tengu, tenguwa. butenkanankana, o- neg. inf. of yenkana- nkana. obutenkanankana mu kusuubula- gana, unfavorable balance of trade. butereevu, o- (bu/-) evenness, levelness, obutereevu bw’ennyanja, sea level, as adv. straight, directly, ne bagenda butereevu mu kisenge gye yali, and they went straight into the room where he was. ababaka abalonde obutereevu, representatives who are elected directly (by the people). buti, o- (bu/-) fear; timidity; cowardice. Okwerinda si buti. (prov.) To be on one’s guard is not cowardice. Caution is the better part of valor, cf. tya. butiitiizi, o- (bu/-) cowardice, timidity. cf. ti:ti;-r. butika (-butise) v.tr. place carelessly, put in an improper place, okubutika amatama, to say nothing, be speechless. -ebutika (-ebutise) v.i. refl. plop oneself down, sit carelessly. butikkiro, o- (bu/-) top of the head; with caps., formerly the official residence of the Katikkiro (Prime Minister) of Buganda. butiribiri, o- adv. tightly, firmly, closely; rigidly, strictly, okukuuma obutiribiri, to guard closely, okukuuma essaawa obutiribiri, to be absolutely punctual. Omusawo omulwadde amukuuma butiribiri. The doctor is keeping a close watch over the patient. butiti, o- (bu/-) cold, low temperature, chilliness, cf. tiitiwala, omutiti. butitimbe, o- (bu/-) large amount, great quantity, obutitimbe bw’ensimbi, a large amount of money. buto, o- (bu/-) childhood, infancy, adv. again, anew, okudda obulo, return to childhood, grow childish (of old people); to regain health and plumpness after an illness; to come back again, recur (of a disease), cf.. -to. Butonda, O- (bu/-) heaven, nga ne Katonda e Butonda andaba, lit. as God in heaven sees me, i.e., let God in heaven be my witness, cf. tonda. butonde, o- (bu/-) nature (in a general sense); nature, essence, inherent characteristics. obutonde bw’ensi, the nature of the earth, cf. tonda. butongole, o- (bu/-) state of being official, mu butongole, officially, cf. tongola. butonsa, o- plur. of akatonsa, q.v. butonzi o- (bu/-) creation, cf. tonda. butooke, o- adv. like a plantain, kuggya butooke, to calm down, become as meek as a lamb (of persons), lit. become cooked like a plantain, cf. ettooke. butoola: kuba butoola, to be at close grips with each other, confront each other directly. butooletoole, o- (bu/-) stupidity, foolishness, idiocy, cf. -toole, ekitooletoole, omutooletoole. butta, o- (bu/-) meal of cassava, millet or corn (maize); thick porridge. butto, o- (bu/-) simsim oil, cottonseed oil. -ebutuggiza (-ebutuggizza) v.i. refl. move along slowly, drag oneself along. butuka (-butuse) v.i. get up, stand up, rise. butula (-butudde) v.tr. lift up. butuka (-butuse) v.i. be stung/bitten; break out in a rash. butula (-butudde) v.tr. cause to break out in a rash. cf. akatulututtu. Butuluki, 0- pr.n. (n/n) Turkey, cf. Omutuluki. butume, o- (bu/-) mission, task for which one is sent; relig. apostleship, disciple- ship. obutume obw’okwegayirira, apostleship of prayer, cf. tuma. butumi, o- (bu/-) habit or tendency to send others to get something/to delegate others to do something, cf. tuma, omutumi. butunga, o- (bu/-) dewlap of goats. butunzi, o- (bu/-) selling; trade, eby’obu- tunzi, handle rf tiinrja bututumufu, o- (bu/-) fame, renown, cf. tutumuka. butuufu, o- (bu/-) rightness, correctness; justice; legality, cf. -tuufu, tuuka. butuuliro, o- (bu/-) buttocks, cf. tuula, tuulira. butuulo, o- (bu/-) grave site; grave, cf. tuula. butuuze, o- (bu/-) residence, residing, ebbaluwa ez’obutuuze, residence permits. cf. tuula. butwa, o- (bu/-) poison. butwefuuke, o- adv. face to face, in direct confrontation. butyabirire, o- (bu/-) kind of mushrooms growing on hills of night-flying ants. butyampa (la) also kabutyampa very small child or animal; dwarf. buubuuka (-buubuuse) v.i. burn, blaze; burn with anger; spring up, grow quickly; walk quickly. buubuula (-buubudde) v.tr. cause to blaze; cause to go quickly; do quickly. okubuubuula ebigambo, to talk very fast. Olugoye yalubuubuula okutemya n’okuzibula nga luwedde. She made the dress in no time at all, lit. it was finished in the twinkling of an eye. buubuusa (-buubuusizza) v.tr. caus. cause to blaze, etc. buubuuta (-buubuuse) v.i. be lavish/extravagant (esp. in the use of money); be a squanderer, v.tr. spend lavishly (money); consume to excess (e.g., beer). buubuutuka (-buubuutuse) v.i. swell, swell up (o; a ooaiiy panj; be biislereu, uicaj, out in a rash. buugi, o- (bu/-) [Su>. ] commeal porridge. buuka (-buuse) v.i. fly; jump; die (of a twin or twins), v.tr. jump over; leave out, skip, omit, kubuuka be ceoppa, to run in leaps, kubuuka bibanda, to romp, frolic, kubuuka mugwa, to skip rope, kubuuka mmere, to interrupt one’s meal, particularly to take care of something urgent, kubuuka nga muddawo, to enjoy oneself, have a wonderful time (esp. at a party). Kyatu- buukako okuwulira nti yasenguka. It surprised us very much/took us aback to hear that he had moved. Olubuto lubuuseemu. There was a miscarriage. She has had a miscarriage. Gabuuse ensaka. The meal has been magnificent, lit, they (matooke implied) have jumped the pot. amaaso ne gabula n’okumbuuka mu kiwanga, and my eyes almost jumped out of my skull, i.e., I made a grimace of pain or gave a look of shock/amazement. Enviiri zaamubuuka ku mutwe. His hair stood on end. buukira (-buukidde) v.i. appl. jump/fly in, etc. Mukasa kati abuukira kuli. Mukasa is now in his seventh heaven. buusa (-buusizza) v.tr. caus. cause to jump; make fly. kubuusaawo kintu. to eat up completely; to finish completely (a task). Tayinza kubuusa bigambo ebyo maaso. He cannot overlook/ignore these matters. Yabuu saamu olubuto lwa myezi mukaaga. She had a miscarriage after six months. -ebuusa (-ebuusizza) v.i. caus. refl. flit about; flutter, flutter about. buusabuusa (-buusizzabuusizza) v.i. redup. be doubtful; waver, hesitate, v.tr. redup. doubt, have doubts about; suspect, awatali kubuusabuusa, without any doubt whatsoever. okubuusabuusa omwana, to throw a baby playfully up in the air. buusisabuusisa (-buusisizzabuusisizza) v.tr. caus. redup. cause to doubt/suspect/ waver. -ebuukiza (-ebuukizza) v.i. appl. caus. refl. hop; jump about/around. buukana (-buukanye) v.i. recip. fly off together; jump off together. Taludde abuukanye n’omusajja omulala. Before long (lit. she did not delay) she ran away with another man. cf. bbuukamaziba, bbuukamugogo, bbuukizi, omubuusi. buukula (buukudde) v.i. boom, make a booming sound (e.g., of a gun). buula v.tr., obs. propose, intend. It has been suggested that this obsolete verb is the simple form from which buulira, buuliri- ra, etc. were derived. -ebuula = -ewuula. See also omubuulo. buulira (-buulidde) v.tr. tell; inform; proclaim; preach. buulirwa (-buuliddwa) v.i. pass, be told/ informed, okubuulirwa ebya nnambuulirwa, to know by hearsay. -ebuulira (-ebuulidde) v.i. refl. tell oneself. buulirira (-buuliridde) v.tr. appl. 2. intens. admonish, exhort. -ebuulirira (-ebuuliridde) v.i. appl. 2. refl. meditate, engage in meditation. Note: buuliriza -see under buuza. Both from the point of view of form and meaning, buulira and buuza. appear to be derivatives of the Same rout buul-. They are here treated separately, primarily for reasons of tradition and practicality. cf. ekibuuliriro, embuulira, omubuulirizi, omubuulizi, nnantabuulirirwa. -buulukufu adj. fully ripe. cf. buulukuka. buulukuka (-buulukuse) v.i. be or become completely ripe. buulukusa (-buulukusizza) v.tr. caus. make ripe, ripen fully. cf. -buulukufu. buuma, o-: mu bigambo by’obuuma, in money matters, obuuma is the plur. of 2akuuma, the dim. of ekyuma, q.v. for further meanings. buusa, buusabuusa caus. forms of buuka, q.v. buutikira (-buutikidde) v.tr. cover completely; envelop completely. -ebuutikira (-ebuutikidde) v.i. & tr. refl. cover oneself completely (in, with). buuza (-buuzizza) v.tr. ask (a question); greet; visit, see. Yagendako mu Buddu abuuze ku bakadde be. He went to Buddu to visit his parents. -ebuuza (-ebuuzizza) v.i. & tr. ask oneself; wonder, wonder about; ask about; inquire; consult. Teyamala kwebuuzibwako. He was not consulted. Eyeebuuza engo, gw’erya. (prov.) The one who inquires about the leopard is the one it eats. buuzisa (-buuzisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to ask/question, etc. buuliza (-buulizza) v.tr. appl. caus. ask for/on behalf of, etc. -ebuuliza (-ebuulizza) v.i. appl. caus. refl. ask oneself, wonder; ask for oneself inform oneself. buuliriza (-buulirizza) v.i. & tr. appl. 2. caus. investigate, make an investigation into; inquire everywhere; interrogate; admonish. cf. ekibuuzo. See also the note at the end of buulira. buva, o- adv. like relish/sauce. See enva & wuuta. buvanjuba, e- no plur. (n/n) east, lit. (whence) comes-the-sun. See va, enjuba. Contr. ebugwanjuba. buvubuka, a- (bu/-) youth (a period in life). Also the plural of akavubuka, small youth, slender young person, cf. vubuka. Buvuma pr.n. a group of islands off of Bu- soga and former county of Buganda. buvumi, o- (bu/-) tendency to be insulting; habit of insulting, cf. vuma. buvumu, o- (bu/-) courage, boldness, daring. cf. -vumq. buvunaanwa, o* (bu/-) rare (the) charging/ prosecution {e.g., of a person for a crime or offense), cf. vunaana. buvunaanyizibwa, o- (bu/-) responsibility. cf. vunaana. buvune, o- (bu/-) fracture; dislocation; break, kwesiga nga buvune,.to have utter trust/beliance in (a person), cf. vuna. buvve, o- (bu/-) disease or illness resulting from the violation of a taboo by eating one’s totem. buvvoozi, o- (bu/-) blasphemy, cf. vvoola. buwa, o- adv. free, for nothing, gratis, as a gift. cf. ^wa. buwagizi, o- (bu/-) support, backing. cf. ^waga. buwaka, o- adv. by force, forcibly, cf. wakana, empaka. buwakanyi, o- (bu/-) argumentativeness. cf. wakana. buwala, o- (bu/-) female sex (but not of adults), akaana ak’obuwala, a baby girl, omwana ow’obuwala, a female child, cf. omuwala. Contr. obulenzi. buwanana, o- as an adv. or with the -a of rel. extremely expensive. Emiwendo gikyali gya buwanana. Prices are still very high. buwandiike, o- (bu/-) written form, mu buwandiike, in writing, cf. wandiika. buwangaazi, o- also obuwangaaliro (bu/-) durability, capability of lasting a long time; permanence; long life, longevity. cf. wangaala. buwanguzi, o- (bu/-) victory, conquest; achievement, success, cf. ^wanguka, wangula. buwangwa, o- (bu/-) nature, inherent nature; culture; tradition, cf. amawangwa. buwanvu, o- (bu/-) length; height; depth, as adv. lengthwise, cf. -wanvu. buwaŋŋanguse, o- (bu/-) exile; banishment. cf. waŋŋanguka. buwatanyizo, o- (bu/-) way out of a difficulty/dilemma. cf. watanya. buwaze, o- (bu/-) force, compulsion, lwa buwaze, under compulsion, by force. Ekyo nga temukikola lwa buwaze. You are not doing this because you are forced to. cf. waza. buweerero, o- (bu/'-j truce, cessation ot hostilities; peace of mind. cf. ^weera. buwejjere, o- (bu/-) poverty, cf. omuwej- jere. buwemu, o- (bu/-) impudence; shame; disgrace; scandal; immorality, okwogera eby’obuwemu, to use bad language, okukola eby’obuwemu, to engage in sexual activities outside of marriage, cf. -wemu, wemuka, omuwemu. buwere, o- (bu/-) itch; mange; scabies. buwere, o- (bu/-) infancy, cf. omuwere. buwolero, o- (bu/-) coolness; peace, quiet. cf. lwola, -wolu. buwombeefu, o- (bu/-) humility, deference. cf. wombeeka, -wombeefu. buwonero, o- (bu/-) salvation; refuge; remedy, cf. wona. buwoomerevu, o- (bu/-) sweetness, savor. cf. wooma, woomerera. buwoomi, o- (bu/-) tastiness, deliciousness. cf. wooma. buwufu, o- (bu/-) tracks, traces; footsteps; direction, okugoba obuwufu, to follow the steps of; to track (of a hunter), okuzza obuwufu, to go back, return, okukyusa obuwufu, to change one’s course, alter one’s direction. Ka tubagwe mu buwufu. Let’s trail them. cf. oluwufu. buwugiro, o- (bu/-) obuwugiro bw’ennyoni, bird bath. cf. wuga. buwulize, o- (bu/-) obedience; docility. cf. wulira. buwunga, o- (bu/-) flour. buwuulu, o- (bu/-) bachelorhood, single state, state of one who has never been married or who is separated from his wife, okuwona obuwuulu, to get married, lit. escape bachelorhood, cf. ^wuula, omu- wuulu. buya, o- (bu/-) deep pit/hole; game pit, trapping pit. -buya adj. stupid, silly, idiotic; naive, ignorant, cf. buyaabuyana. buyaabuyana (-buyaabuyanye) v.i. talk foolishly, talk nonsense; act foolishly. cf. -buya, obubuyabuya, omubuyabuya. buyaana (-buyaanye) v.i. swarm, crowd. buyambi, o- (bu/-) help, assistance, aid. cf. yamba. buyanja, o- (bu/-) kind of grass growing near lakes, also the plur. of akayanja, small lake. cf. yanja, lakayanja, ennyanja. buyeekera, o- (bu/-) eby’obuyeekera, acts of arson/incendiarism; revolutionary activities, cf. yeekera, omuyeekera. buyenjeyenje, o- (bu/-) gray spots (on fowls ). buyigirize, o- (bu/-) education, cf. yiga, yigiriza. Buyindi, 0- pr.n. (n/n) India, cf. Oluyindi, Omuyindi. buyingirwa, «- (bu/-) force, compulsion, lwa buyingirwa, by force, under compulsion, against one’s will. cf. yingira. buyinike, o- (bu/-) grief, sorrow; misery. cf. omuyinike. buyino (la) var. of bwino. ink. buyinza, o- (bu/-) power, authority; ability, capacity, ab’obuyinza, the authorities. cf. yinza. buyisi, o- adv. like a hyena, kutuuba buyisi, to be as greedy an a hvena. cf. empisi. buyiso, o- adv. like a needle, kuwenja buyiso, to search diligently for, search high and low for. kukutuka buyiso, to be terminated/broken off (of a frie ndship). cf. empiso. buyizzi, o- (bu/-) hunting (of game animals). cf. yigga, omuyizzi. buyombi, o- (bu/-) quarrelsomeness. Wa buyombi. He is quarrelsome, cf. yomba. Buyonaani, 0- pr.n. (n/n) Greece, cf. Oluyonaani. buyongobevu, o- (bu/-) sickly appearance. cf. yongobera, -yongobevu. buyonjo, o- (bu/-) neatness; cleanliness; sanitation; good appearance, ekinnya ky’obuyonjo, outhouse, latrine, eby’obuyonjo, health matters, sanitation, hygiene; cosmetics; fancy things, cf. yonja, -yonjo, - oluyonjoyonjo. buyunguluzi, o- (bu/-) analysis, cf. yunga, yungulula. buyunzi, o- (bu/-) the art or practice of bone-setting, cf. yunga, omuyun'zi. buzaale, o- (bu/-) quality of being natural/native/inborn/traditional; nature; origin. ebbaluwa ey’obuzaale, birth certificate. cf. zaala. buzaaliranwa, o- (bu/-) nature, inherited constitution or makeup, with the -a of rel. natural; native; traditional, ennyimba ez’obuzaaliranwa, native songs, native music, cf. zaala, -zaaliranwa. buziba, e- (bu/-) deep water; open water, mu buziba bw’ennyanja, in the middle of the lake. buzibu, o- (bu/-) difficulty, cf. -zibu. buziizi or ebuziizi adv. in the farthest/ most remote corner of the house or room. buzira, o- (bu/-) bravery, courage, cf. -zira, omuzira. buziziiri, o- adv. like an nziziiri (a kind of black beetle), kuddugala buziziiri, to be extremely black. buzza, o- (bu/-) rare fine paid by a convicted person, cf. ^dda, zza. bwabwagala (-bwabwagadde) v.i. be large and spread out, be expansive, kubwabwa- gala wansi, to plop down, sit in a spread- out manner, cf. -bwabwagavu. -bwabwagavu adj. spread out, expansive. cf. bwabwagala. bwacaaka, o- (bu/-) tiny/very small grasshoppers. bwagaagavu, o- (bu/-) area, extent, spread; broadness; enormity, cf. yagaagala. bwagala (-bwagadde) v.tr. bear, have pups (of dogs only). bwagazi, o- (bu/-) love, liking, cf. yagala, bwaguka (-bwaguse) v.i. break; snap, snap off (with a crackling noise, as a branch of a treej; fig. shout, speak in a harsh tone of voice, bark out. bwagula (-bwagudde) v.tr. break; snap off; crunch (as a dog eating food). bwagulira (-bwagulidde) v.tr. appl. break/ crack in/at, etc. Yabwagulira Mukasa oluyi. He gave Mukasa a resounding slap. cf. 2 bbwa, embwagulo. bwaguuga, o- with the -a of rel. enormous, huge, obwaguuga bw’entaana, an enormous grave, obwaguuga bw’emmotoka, a huge car. bwakabaka, o- (bu/-) kingdom; kingship; kabakaship. cf. kabaka. Bwakatonda, 0- (bu/-) divinity, deity, Godhead. cf. tonda, Katonda. bwakkalaani, o- (bu/-) clerical work, clerical position, cf. kkalaani. bwakkondo, o- (bu/-) armed robbery, burglary. cf. kkondo. bwala, o- plur. of akaala, q.v. -ebwalabwala (-ebwaddebwadde) v.i. grovel, cringe. bwaliri, o- (bu/-) abundance. Yatuuka mu bwaliri. He became rich. cf. ^yala, yalira. bwama (-bwamye) v.i. crouch, crouch down. bwamira (-bwamidde) v.i. appl. crouch down on/in, etc. Emmotoka bw’etambulako katono emipiira ebiri ne gibwamira ettaka. When the car had advanced a short distance two of the tires got stuck in the ground or had punctures/became flat. bwamalaaya, o- (bu/-) prostitution, cf. malaaya. bwami, o- (bu/-) chieftainship; position/ status of a high-ranking official, cf. omwami. bwana (la) [Stv.] master; sir, Mr. Bwanamukulu (la) father superior, pastor (of a Roman Catholic parish), cf. bwana, omukulu. bwanda, o- (bu/-) kind of weed which spreads rapidly and is difficult to eradicate, oku- simba obwanda or okutuula obwanda, to take up permanent abode, stay for good. bwanga, o- no plur. (bu/-) forehead, mu bwanga bwaffe, in front of us. bwangu, o- (bu/-) speed, facility, okukola mu bwangu, to work quickly. Yali mu bwangu. He was in a hurry, cf. -yangu, yanguwa. bwannakinku, o- (bu/-) expertness, exper- tise; great talent, cf. nnakinku. bwannakyemalira, o- (bu/-) dictatorship. cf. nnakyemalira. bwannamunigina see nnamunigina. bwannannyini, o- (bu/-) ownership; pol. ownership of private property, cf. ^nnyini, nnannyini. bwantoogo, o- adv. straight and erect (e.g., of a person standing). cf. ekitoogo, olutoogo. Bwappaapa, 0- (bu/-) the papacy, cf. Ppaapa. bwasira, o-: okulagako obwasira bw’omutwe, to have a quarrelsome disposition. bwatiikirivu, o- (bu/-) fame, renown, cf. yatiikirira. -bwatufu adj. crunchy (of food, esp. ma- tooke). cf. bwatuka. bwatuka (-bwatuse) v.i. crackle, make a crackling sound; go off (of a gun); burst, explode; thunder; ache (of bones); speak harshly, make an outburst, okubwatuka kw’engalo, a burst of applause. bwatukira (-bwatukidde) v.i. & tr. appl. burst/explode at/in, etc. okubw atukira omuntu, speak harshly to someone, make an outburst against a person. bwatula (-bwatudde) v.tr. cause to crack/ crackle, etc.; cause pain (of an internal physical nature); break; beat. Omutwe gumbwatula. I have a splitting headache, okubwatula engalo, to applaud, break out into applause, okubwatula emiggo, to beat severely (with sticks/canes). cf. -bwatufu, kibwatukira. bwavu, o- (bu/-) poverty, indigence. Obwavu si bbanja. (prov.) Poverty is not the same as indebtedness, cf. -(y)avu, yavuwala, omwavu. bwawule, o- (bu/-) Protestant ministry. cf. yawula, omwawule. bwayi, o- (bu/-) euph. excrement of children. bwayi, o- (bu/-) sacking, pillage, expropriation of property by force, cf. yaya. bwe rel. adv. & conj. when; if; as. Bwe tu- taamulaba ne tuddayo. When we failed to see him we returned, nga bwe is usually rendered as. Nga bwe batali wano, sirowooza nit tukyabalabye. As they are not here, I do not think we are likely to see them, ne bwe = although, even if. Sandi- genze Entebbe omwami ne bwe yandintu- myeyo. 1 would not have gone to Entebbe even if the master had sent me. bwe -ti, like this; bwe -tyo, like that. Kibuuka bwe kiti. It jumps like this. Toyogera bw’otyo. Don’t talk like that. The rel. adv. bwe must not be confused with the copula bwe, is/are; the poss. adj. bwe his/her; or the rel. pron. bwe which. The last three are used only in association with nouns whose class prefix is bu-. bwebange, o- with the -a of rel. personal, private, ebintu bye eby’obwebange, his personal/private possessions, cf. banga. bwebindu, o- plur. of akeebindu, q.v. bwebwena (-bwebwenye) v.tr. devour, eat up greedily. bwegassi, o- (bu/-) cooperativeness (of consumers, those engaged in commercial activities, etc.). cf. gatta, -egatta, -egassi. bwegendereza, o- (bu/-) care, attention; caution, cf. genda, gendereza. bwegera (-bwegedde) v.i. & tr. us tun ui, be filled up (with); be crammed (with). Baalya ne babwegera. They ate so much that they could hardly move. bwekobi, o- (bu/-) collusion; conspiracy; plot. cf. koba, -ekoba. bwekulumu, o- (bu/-) cud. okuzza obweku- lumu, to ruminate, chew the cud. cf. -ekuluma. bwekuzi, o- (bu/-) puffing oneself up, pride. cf. kula, kuza, -ekuza. bwekwekero, o- (bu/-) hiding place, cf. kweka. bwekyusizo, o- (bu/-) place to turn. Sikya- lina bwekyusizo. I have no place to turn. also fig. I am in a tight corner/difficult spot. cf. kyuka, -ekyusa. bwemage, o- adv. without reason, without cause. bwenene, o- (bu/-) delicate/dangerous situation. bwenge, o- adv. like beer. Kyamutamiiriza ddala bwenge. It intoxicated him just like beer. cf. omwenge. bwengula, o- (bu/-) great open space, awe some expanse; middle (of the sea, the heavens), obwengula bw’ennyanja, the open sea, the high seas. Ani eyasooka okugenda mu bwengula bw’ebbanga? Who was the first one to travel in space? bwenkanya, o- also obwenkamukamu (bu/-) equality; fairness, justice, cf. yenkana. bwenyi, o- (bu/-) forehead; front. Baabadde mu bwenyi bwaffe. They were in front of us/ahead of us. kugwisa bwenyi, to compete/struggle doggedly; to reach a deadlock (in a conflict); to lock horns with (e.g., a strong competitor in a sport), cf. ekyenyi. bwenzi, o- (bu/-) adultery; fornication. cf. yenda. bwerabize, o- (bu/-) forgetfulness, failure to remember, cf. -erabira. bweraliikirivu, o- (bu/-) worry, anxiety, concern. cf. -eraliikirira. bwerazi, o- (bu/-) boastfulness; showing off. cf. laga, -eraga. bwereere, o- adv. with nothing; empty-handed; naked; in vain; without cause, without reason; gratis, free, without charge. Oku- yingira kwa bwereere. Admission i'S free. Eky’obwereere kyaggwawo dda. (The time when you could get something) for nothing has long since passed, cf. -(y)ereere. bwerende, o- (bu/.) formerly a seven-day period of rest after the appearance of the new moon, current usage in the phrase olunaku olw’obwerende, a free day; a day off; a day of rest. bweru, o- (bu/-) whiteness; lightness (of color); brownness (of the skin); emptiness, empty space; cleanness, as an adv. with the formative of space prefix e- out, outside. ebweru wa Buganda, outside of Buganda. amawanga ag’ebweru, foreign countries. Minista ow’ensonga ez’ebweru, minister of foreign affairs, ag’ebweru mu bimpi, foreign news in brief (amawulire, news, is implied by ag’). abasibirwa ebweru, parolees. Yabasibidde ebweru. He put them on probation, cf. -(y) eru. bwesengeze, o- (bu/-) rare leasehold land (as opposed to obutaka, q.v.). cf. ^senga. bwesige, o- (bu/-) trust, confidence, cf. -esiga. bwesigwa, o- (bu/-) trustworthiness, reliability, faithfulness, fidelity, cf. -esiga. bwesimbu, o- (bu/-) uprightness; justness, fairness; reasonableness, cf. simba, -esimbu. bweso, o- adv. like (the game of) mweso. Ate n’ebyafaayo abimanyi bweso. And as for history, he knows that ‘cold’/to the tips of his fingers, cf. omweso. bwesulifu, o- (bu/-) steepness, precipitousness; slantedness. cf. -esulika, -esulifu. bwetaavu, o- (bu/-) need, necessity, requirement. cf. -etaaga. bwetangize, o- (bu/-) temperateness; temperance; abstemiousness; restraint, self-control, cf. tangira, -etangira. bweteefuteefu, o- (bu/-) readiness, preparedness. cf. Heeka, -eteekateeka, -eteefuteefu. bwetega (-bweteze) v.i. have a full/distended stomach (from overeating or pregnancy). bwetenga (-bwetenze) v.i. walk/move slowly (as one burdened by a heavy load). bwetikkiro, o- (bu/-) top of the head, crown of the head. cf. tikka, -etikka. bwetooloovu, o- (bu/-) roundness; circumference. cf. -etooloola, -etooloovu. bwetoowaze, o- (bu/-) humility, humbleness; meekness, cf. -to, toowala. bwetwaze, o- (bu/-) independence, self-rule. cf. twala, -etwala. bwewulize, o- (bu/-) pride; snobbery; arrogance. cf. wulira, -ewulize. bweyamo, o- (bu/-) oath, vow. cf. -eyama. bwezinge, o- (bu/-) misery, suffering; poverty, the state of being curled/coiled folded, obwezinge bw’enviiri, the way the hair is curled, cf. zinga, -ezinga. bwezizingirire adv. relentlessly, doggedly, kulwana bwezizingirire, to fight bravely without retreating. Enkuba yatonnya bwezizingirire. The rain came whirling down. cf. zizingirira. bwino no plur. (la) [Sw. J ink. bwogerero, o- (bu/-) right to speak, chance to speak, a ‘voice,’ a ‘say.’ cf. yogera. bwogi, o- (bu/-) sharpness; acuteness (of the senses); fig. sharpness, brightness (of intellect), with the -a of rel. -a yogi, sharp, cf. -yogi, yogiwa. bwokerezi, o- (bu/-) arson, cf. yokya, yokerera. bwolo, o- (bu/-) poverty, destitution, cf. omwolo. bwome, o- (bu/-) arch, wealth, affluence. cf. omwome. bwomu, o- adv. alone, by oneself. c/. -mu. bwongo, o- (bu/-) brain, brains, omuwala amulya obwongo, a girl who appeals to him/who is attractive to him, lit. who eats bis brains. Ki ekikulya obwongo? What’s eating you? What’s troubling you? bwosi, o- (bu/-) deficiency in a child caused by premature weaning, cf. yosera. bwoya adv., intensifier which usually occurs after a poss. pron. or adj. own, very own. mikwano gyange bwoya, my own friends. bwoya, o- plur. of akooya, q.v. bya, e- the initial element of many nouns (or noun phrases). It is composed of the -a of rel. and the pron. concord. It implies a preceding bintu, things, affairs, matters, obusuubuzi, trade; eby’obusuubuzi, trading matters/affairs, okulya, to eat; ebyokulya, food. The singular ekya is used in a similar manner. byabyatala (-byabyatadde) v.i. be flattened/ spread out/squashed; sit in a sprawled-out manner. byabyataza (-byabyatazizza) flatten out; squash. cf. babaatala. byafaayo, e- see ekyafaayo. byagi (la) with the -a of rel. huge; rich, wealthy, byagi w’oguyinja, a huge rock, abasajja babyagi, wealthy men. byala (-byadde) v.tr. plant (slips of sweet potatoes, corn, peas, etc.), byalika (-byalise) = byala. -ebyala (-ebyadde) v.i. refl. Weebyale! Thank you for planting (a greeting to a woman so engaged). Mammonde! You are welcome (the usual reply). byangota (la) crippled person, cripple. byangu: okuyita mu byangu, to state briefly, make a long story short, put it in a nutshell. cf. -yangu. byanguwa, e- plur. (ki/bi) light things (often with reference to a small number of items packed for a journey), kusiba byanguwa, to be gravely ill, lit. to pack one's things, kusibamu byanguwa, to move away from a place (because one dislikes it or is obliged to move). cf. -yangu, yanguwa. byayanga = bya yanga. See yanga. byaziyazi, e- rocky stretch, rocky patch. with the -a of rel. rocky, cf. olwazi. byenda, e- see ekyenda. byenge, e- plur. (ki/bi) bad/inferior beer. cf. omwenge. byerungiya, e- plur. (ki/bi) cosmetics. cf. lungiwa.-erungiya. byogo also byoto (la) very rich person. byomere: omusajja byomere, a rich or influential man. -caafu also spelled kyafu adj. dirty. cf. obucaafu. caaka (-caase) also caakaala (-caakadde) v.i. spread, become disseminated (rumors, illness, etc.); become common /commonplace/ widespread; become popular, become a fad. caayi no plur. (la) (jStc. ] tea. caayi omu- kalu, tea without sugar or milk, lit. dry tea. cacanca (-cacansizza) v.-i. be merry/visibly elated/gleeful. caccaliza (-caccalizza) v.i. & tr. do in a hasty manner; move in a lively/animated/ rhythmic manner, okucaccaliza amagulu, to prance, okucaccaliza ebigambo, to be two-faced, tell one person one thing and another person another. cakacaka ideo. for tke sound of dripping water. Ennyumba yatonnya cakacaka. Water kept dripping from the roof. cakala (-cakadde) v.i. enjoy oneself, enjoy life, have a good time; be jaunty/cocky; rattle (of seeds or small bells). -camufu adj. cheerful; pleasing, cf. camuka. camuka (-camuse) v.i. boil, be boiling; fig. be cheerful; become exulted; get excited. camula (-eamudde) v.tr. cheer up, amuse, give pleasure to. camusa (-camusizza) v.tr. caus. = camula. cf. -camufu. canga (-canze) v.tr. [Sw.] mix, shuffle (playing cards, lottery tickets), okucanga omu- piira, to demonstrate fancy footwork in soccer. -ecanga (-ecanze) v.i. refl. become excited/agitated/disturbed. cankula (-cankudde) v.i. smack the lips/ make noise while eating, cf. swankula. capala var. of cakala, q.v. -ecca v.i. feel satisfied/content. cce and cceccerere ideo. absolutely silent. N’asirika be cce. And he was completely silent. Naye nga wonna cceccerere- But there was absolute silence everywhere. ccepe, e- (n/n) decoration (on the uniform of a soldier). ccopa: be ccoppa ideo. in great leaps; in one big bound, okubuuka be ccoppa, to run in leaps; to make one big bound, cf. coppacoppa, amacco. ccungwa ccungwa, e- (li/ma) [Su>. ] large orange. cf. omucungwa. ccupa, e- (n/n) [Siu. ] bottle, (li/ma) large bottle. ccwa: be ccwa ideo. expressing the sound of cutting or rustling movements. ceekeera (-ceekedde) v.tr. worry; scare. The subject is usually emmeeme, omwoyo or omutima (sometimes implied but not expressed); the personal object corresponds to the English subject, ne gunceekeera buto, and 1 started to worry again/become scared again. ceekeeza (-ceekeezezza) v. tr. caus. kuceekeeza mmeeme, to cause to be worried/scared/frightened. ceerewa (-ceereye) also spelled kyerewa v.i. Qjta.] be late/delayed. cekeca (-cekese) v.i. creak; make a chugging sound (like a train); make a rattling sound / e.g., of the type produced by the bells on the anklets of Basoga dancers). cekera (-cekedde) v.i. go on, continue (of rain). Enkuba yacekera ekiro kyonna. It went on raining all night. cekeza (-cekezza) v.tr. ring (esp. a small bell, such as that on a bicycle). cekukacekuka (-cekusecekuse) v.i. be broken into pieces/smashed/shattered. cenca (-cencezza) v.i. run; runaway. cencena (-cencenye) v.tr. break to pieces. cocca (-coccezza or -cosse) v.tr. taunt, tease; bother, pester. coccacocca (-cossecosse) v.tr. redup. keep taunting; bother all the time; goad, pursue relentlessly. coccana (-coccanye) v.i. recip. quarrel with one another; bicker; be at one another’s throats. coccanya (-coccanyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. persecute; pick on (a person). coccacoccana (-coccacoccanye) v.i. recip. redup. quarrel/bicker incessantly.cf. cocce. cocce ideo. furiously; relentlessly, cf. cocca. cokooza (-cokoozezza) v.tr. bully, pick on. concona (-conconye) v.tr. scorch; scar, make marks on. coola (-codde) v-i- be in utter poverty, be destitute, cf. lucoolo. cooloolo intens. used with -kopi. Mukopi coolooio, He is an out-and-out peasant. coppa (-coppye) v.i. be or become very poor/destitute. coppacoppa (-coppyecoppye) v.i. run in leaps, cf. ccoppa. coppoka (-coppose) v.i. walk away dejected/in an unhappy frame of mind. cu, cucuccu see cuu. cucuka (-cucuse) v.i. fade; lose one’s freshness; lose one’s beauty. culuculu adv. in small quantities/amounts; in a trickling manner. Amaziga gajja culuculu. The tears came slowly trickling down (her) face. cuncumuka, cuncumula = Lunyoro cognates o/luntumuka, tuntumula, cunga (-cunze) also spelled kyunga v.tr.[Sw. ] order around, boss around, give commands to. cuu or cucucu (usually with a preceding be) ideo. offensively, in a foul manner (of sme Us). Kyali k iwunya be cuu ( be eucucu). It smelled awful, cf. cuuma. cuucu also spelled kyukyu (la) kind of tall spiky grass; with caps, a title of the Kabaka. cuueuuke also kacuueuuke: kabootongo wa cuucuuke, secondary syphilis. cuuma (-cuumye) v.i. emit an offensive odor, stink, cf. cuu, cucucu. cwa (-cwedde) v.i. escape, flee. cwacwana (-cwacwanye) v.tr. cut/break into pieces; fig. outrage. Probably from Lunyoro. The simple form is rare but the following derivatives are common. -ecwacwana (-ecwacwanye) v.i. refl. become furious/outraged/very angry; make a great commotion. -ecwacwalikana (-ecwacwalikanye) v.i. refl. become quarrelsome/contankerous/ angry. cf. akacwano. daabaada (-daabaaze) v.i. speak slowly and deliberately; speak flippantly. -daada adj. tall and thin; long-legged (of animals and human beings). daadira (-daadidde) v.i. walk deliberately/ slowly; strut; speak very slowly and deliberately. daadiza (-daadizza) v.tr. caus. cause to strut; cause to speak slowly. daaga (-daaze) v.i. lament, wail, mourn, weep; suffer; have no place to go, be homeless. -edaaga (-edaaze) v.tr. refl. be in great need of. daagira (-daagidde) v.tr. appl. mourn for; appeal to, beseech. Adaagira mwana we afudde. He is mourning for his child who. has died. daaza (-daazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to lament/wail; make destitute/homeless, cause to suffer, bring great suffering upon. daagana (-daaganye) v.i. lament, wail; suffer; be destitute; be homeless, have no place to go. daaganya (-daaganyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to be destitute; make lament, etc. cf. -etaaga, taagana. daala also daaladaalako (-daddedaddeko) v.i. (redup.) stroll around, wander about. daalimba (-daalimbye) v.i. take things easy; have a casual/indifferent attitude; be a shirker. daalimbya (-daalimbizza) v.tr. caus. cause to take things easy, etc. cf. omudaalitnbi. dabaga var. of dibaga, q.v. dabankana (-dabankanye) v.i. talk nonsense; be bungled, messed up. cf. dobonkana. dagada (-dagaze) v.i. walk gracefully and in a stately manner; walk in a seductive manner; be loose (e.g., of a belt), cf. akadagado. daliza (-dalizizza) v.tr. embroider (a border, edging); bind, place an edge on (an article of clothing), cf. -dalize, eddalizi, omu- dalizo. -dalize adj. embroidered, cf. daliza. dalya (-dalizza) v.i, be casual, treat matters lightly; banter, joke. cf. amadalya. dambya (-dambizza) v.i. act in a casual/trifling manner; treat lightly; be indifferent; be lazy. dda, e- adv. long ago, in former times; (with a future verb) in the future, eddako. a short time ago; (with a future verb) later on, in a short time, afterwards, edda n’edda lyonna, always (only with the past). Edda n'edda lyonna wali oli ludda wa? Where were you all that time? Tulibiraba edda. We will see them in the distant future. Tunaagenda edda. We will be going later on (in the near future). dda (-zze, nzize) v.i. return, come back; go back; go; come up (of crops); take effect (of medicine), kudda mu mbeera, to return to normal, kudda mu maziga, to burst into tears; kudda mu ddiiro, to do a job over (because it was poorly done the first time); to dance again, kudda ngulu, to regain consciousness; to wake up. kudda buto, to become childish, enter one’s second childhood (see buto for additional meanings). kudda ku mabbali, to stand aside, kudda mu bi- gere bya..., to follow in the footsteps of, succeed. Tayinza kudda awo kumala bi- seera bye. He can’t just stand around and waste his time, abanlu abatalina kadda eri mumwa, people who have nothing to eat, lit. who do not have (a little thing, kantu implied) which returns to the lip. Emmere ezze. The food has been vomited up or The crops have come up. Note the following usages of dda with enclitics: ddako v.i. come next, be next in order, oluddako, the next day, the following day (lu- implies lunaku, day). Nnambi y’anzirako. Nnambi is my younger sister/the one who comes after me. Namusoke azzeeko omubiri. N. has gained some weight. ddamu v.i. & tr. answer, reply; repeat, do again. Yaddamu okuwulira obulumi mu lu- buto. He again felt pain in his stomach, okuddamu amaanyi, to recover one’s strength. ddawo v.i. go next; go back, abaliddawo, future generations. ddayo v.i. go back there; do again. Baasalawo obutaddayo kuzannyira mu lu- guudo. They decided not to play in the street any more. Saddayo kubakubako gange. I never saw them again, lit. hit them with my (eyes, amaaso, implied). ddibwamu (-ddiddwamu) v.i. pass, be answered; be done again, be repeated. -eddako and -eddamu v.i. refl. reconsider; repent, mend one’s ways, change one’s attitude. ddira (-ddidde) v.i. appl. return/come back to/for, etc.; do again, v.tr. take, take hold of, take up; come for, come and take, ne bataddira kulabagana nate, and they did not see each other again. Note the special meanings of ddira with the enclitics: ddirako v.i. come after, follow. ddiramu v.i. & tr. have pity on; defend, put in a good word for; repeat, repeat to. -eddira (-eddidde) v.i. £ tr. appl. refl. adopt as a totem (of a member of a clan); consider anathema, hold as an abomination. Nze nneddira mpologoma. The lion is my totem. I am a member of the Lion Clan. Yeddira kutambula ekiro. He detests/considers it an abomination to go about at night. Omwana gwe twatuma yeddira mu kuzannya. The child we sent on an errand went playing instead. ddi za (-ddizza) v.tr. appl. caus. restore to. return to; give back; bring back; give a portion of one’s own meal to another as a sign of favor or friendship. Okuddiza guba mwoyo. (prov.) The capacity to share comes from the heart. ddi zibwa (-ddiziddwa) v.i. appl. caus. pass, be returned/given back, etc. -eddiza (-eddizza) v.tr. appl. caus. refl. get back, have returned, cause to be returned/restored to oneself; cause to adopt as a totem, obuteddiza, neg. inf. as an adv. without limit/restriction; to an extreme degree. ddizisa (-ddizisizza) v.tr. appl. caus. 2 cause to give back to, etc. ddirira (-ddiridde) v.i. <5- tr. appl. 2 come back to, return to; go and return on the same day; come after, follow, succeed; be next to, be contiguous to; become slack (of a drum); deteriorate (in one’s conduct, studies, etc.); behave badly. Amuddiridde ye Musoke. The one next to him is Musoke. Musoke takyasoma nnyo, addiridde. Musoke does not practice his religion much any more, he has become very lax. omwezi oguddirira, next month. ddiriza (-ddirizza) v.i. & tr. appl. 2 caus. relax; loosen; lessen, kuddiriza ku kibone- rezo, to lessen a punishment, kuddiriza ku muwendo, to lower a price. -eddiriza (-eddirizza) v.i. appl. 2 caus. refl. claim a second helping/portion for oneself. zza (-zzizza, nzizizza) v.tr. caus. cause to return/go back; restore, return to; send back; bear, produce (crops), okuzza omu- sango, to commit a crime/offense, okuzza ogwa Nnamunkululu (the name of a very cruel Katikkiro), to commit a serious offense/ an abomination, okuzza mu ddiiro, to make (someone) do over what was done poorly/ incorrectly, okuzza obuggya, to restore, renew. oku zza ekiwa munda, to draw a breath of astonishment, okuzza omuntu ku bbali, to take a person aside/to one side, okuzza ku mumwa, to eat; to spend money, buli we nnazzanga omutwe, everywhere I turned my head, abantu abanaku abatalina ke bazza eri mumwa, poor people who have nothing to eat, lit. to return to the lip. Katonda yazza bibye. God restored his own (said when a seriously ill person recovers ). Note the uses of zza with enclitics: zzaamu v.tr. okuzzaamu amaanyi, to hearten, encourage; to restore strength to. kizzaamu nnyo amaanyi okulaba nga... it is very encouraging to see that... zzaako v.tr. add another; have another (child) - kuzza ku mwana. zzaayo v.tr. okuzaayo ebibbe, to return stolen goods. Kizzeeyol greetings and thanks for a present (e.g., to a potter who brings you a new pot). -ezza (-ezzizza) v.i. & tr. caus. refl. take for oneself; keep for oneself (often what one should not keep or what belongs to somebody else), okwezza emabega (or ennyuma), to draw oneself backwards, recoil. zzisa (-zzisizza) v.tr. caus. 2 cause to bring back, restore, etc. ddiŋŋana (-diŋŋanye) v.tr. recip. do over and over again, v.i. come back again and again; be reconciled after a quarrel; play a return match. Omunafu addiŋŋana akira omulima nnabbimbi. (prov.) A weak cultivator who keeps working all the time is better than a good digger who works spasmodically. ddiŋŋanya (-ddiŋŋanyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. cause to do over/repeat, etc. ddiriŋŋana (-ddiriŋŋanye) v.i. appl. recip. follow each other, come after each other, be consecutive. ddiriragana (-ddiriraganye) v.i. appl. 2 recip. - ddiriŋŋana. ddika (-ddise) v.i. neut. be easy to go back, n’emabega tekyaddika, and it is no longer possible to go back. Yagamba nti ewa muganda we teddika. He said that to return to his brother’s was out of the question. cf. obuddiro, obuddizo, obutaddira, obu- teddiza, obuzza, akaddannyuma, amadda, amaddira, omuddirirwa, omuddinnano, omuddinnanwa, muzzannanda, lomuzzi, enziramu. ddaabiriza (-ddaabirizza, nziraabirizza) v.tr. mend; repair; adjust; fix up; restore; put (someone) at ease. -eddaabiriza (-eddaabirizza) v.i. refl. mend itself, etc.; primp up, freshen up. cf. enziraabiriza. ddaaki adv. after a while; finally, at last; eventually. ddaala, e- (li/ma) step; rank; grade, degree. plur. amadaala ladder; stairs, stairway, steps, ow’eddaala, someone who has acquired a high status/position, cf. aka- daala, ekidaala. ddaame, e- plur. amalaame (li/ma) final testament, will. cf. ^laama, ekiraamo. ddagala, e- plur. amalagala (li/ma) leaf (but not of a plantain); medicine; drug; chemical, in the plur. foliage, eddagala ly’engatto, shoe polish, eddagala eritta ebiwuka, insecticide, eddagala ly’amannyo, toothpaste, eddagala ly’enviiri, hair tonic, eddagala eryerusa, Jjlectuluiig cieain. tsdda- gaia erigonza olubuto or eddagala ly’oku- ddukana, laxative, eddagala^ ly’enjala, nail polish, cf. akalagala, kiragala, olulagaia. ddakiika, e- (n/n) [Ar., Sw. ] minute. ddakitaali also ddekitaali (la) [fng-] doctor, physician. ddala adv. of degree intensifying a preceding verb, adjective or adverb, completely, thoroughly; really; very, extremely. Kirungi ddala. It is very good, ddala requires the applied form of the verb. Bakyamidde ddala. They have gone completely astray, cf. naddala. ddalaasa, e- (li/ma) [Sw., dr.] class, classroom. ddalizi, e- (li/ma) embroidery; fringe. cf. daliza. ddalu, e- no plur. (li/ma) madness, craziness, insanity; extreme folly, kugwa ddalu, to go mad. cf. -lalu. ddamula no plur. (la) scepter, ceremonial staff handed by the Kabaka to the Kati- kkiro (Prime Minister) as a symbol of his office. cf. lamula. ddanga, e- plur. amalanga (li/ma) cannalily. ddaŋŋana recip. of dda, q.v. ddaza, e- plur. amadaza (li/ma) arch. moon; month. ddebe, e- plur. amalebe (li/ma) [Sw.,Hind. ] large tin can, 4-gallon tin container used for storing kerosine. Ennyumba y’amalebe, a house the roof of which is made out of flattened tin cans. cf. endebe, ekirebe. ddekabusa = leka (leave) + busa (empty) as an invar, adj. disastrous, cataclysmic; huge, tremendous. Musisi ddekabusa, a hideous earthquake. ddekende, e- (li/ma) pleasant smell, pleasant aroma, cf. akalekende. ddema, e-: okukuba eddema, to knock away an opponent’s stick in the game of mbirigo. ddembe, e- no plur. (li/ma) freedom; opportunity; leisure; lack of worry, peace and quiet, eddembe ery’okwogera, freedom of speech, ebiseera eby’eddembe, leisure time. Atunuza ddembe. He looks relaxed/ composed, cf. akalembe. ddembo, e- (li/ma) front of a house, courtyard; originally the narrow stretch connecting the road and the courtyard. ddembwe, e- plur. amalembwe (li/ma) large kirembwe (a kind of large ant). Enswa emu ekira eddembwe. (prov.) One nswa (small, edible termite) is better than a large, inedible ant. Usefulness cannot be measured by size, cf. ekirembwe, ssekirem- bwe. ddemeezi, e- (li/ma) road. ddemu, e- plur. amalemu (li/ma) fruit of the rubber vine, Landolphia florida (omu- lemu). ddene the form of -nene used with singular nouns of the li/ma class, ejjinja eddene, a big stone. ddenge, e- plur. amalenge (li/ma) small wind instrument, whistle, reed pipe made of bamboo; measure for a charge of gunpowder. Enjala wano efuuwa n’ama lenge. The hunger here is beyond belief, lit. is blowing whistles, cf. ^akalenge, kirenge, orau- lenge. See also fuuwa and fuuyira. ddenzi, e- plur. amalenzi (li/ma) fine strapping lad. cf. omulenzi. ddereeva (la) [Eng.'] driver. ddi interrog. adv. when/ at what time? ddi na ddi, forever, forever and ever, okuva ddi na ddi, from time immemorial, ne bwe buliba ddi, no matter when it may be. ddiba, e- plur. amaliba (li /ma) skin; hide; cover (of a book or magazine). Lugaba yabuggyako eddiba. [t dawned. Dawn came, lit. God took the skin/covering off of (day, daytime, implied by -bu- = obudde). okufuna ekigulira Magala eddiba, to make money, get some money, get something profitable. Bwe batusiba mu ddiba erimu tuliyuza. We just do not get along. We are mutually incompatible, lit. if they tie us in one skin we will tear it open (an almost hopeless feat), cf. ^akaliba, ekiriba. ddibu, e- plur. amalibu (1 i/m a) gap; breach. Omwana ow’amalibu agema enkuba. (prov.) A child with teeth missing prevents rain (from falling). Ow’amalibu akiina ow’engereka. (prov.) The person with missing teeth derides the person who has teeth which overlap. The pot calls the kettle black. ddooti ddibwane, e- (n/n) a variety of kikooyi, i.e., a long piece of cloth worn under the busuuti by Baganda women. ddigi, e- (n/n) motorcycle. ddigobe, e- (li/ma) cooked plantains, matooke which have been cooked to a turn, omufumbi w’eddigobe, wife. ddiikoni (la) [Eng. ] church deacon. ddiini, e- (n/n or li/ma) [Sto., Ar.~] religion. cf. munnaddiini. ddiirawamu, e- (n/n) Dai a buzzard, uopiey. ddiiro, e- plur. amaliiro (li/ma) dining room; dance floor; floor of the Assembly, okusala eddiiro, to change one’s affiliation, switch one’s allegiance, join the opposition. cf. lya, liira. ddimbo, e- plur. amalimbo (li/ma) big lie; great deceit, cf. limba. ddimbwe, e- plur. amalimbwe (li/ma) excrement of birds (in larger amounts than is expressed by kaiimbwe, q.v.). ddimu, e- plur. amalimu (1 i/m a) big job, great work, large undertaking, eddimu ssemalimu, enormous job, huge undertaking. cf. omulimu. ddimwa, e- no plur. (li/ma) soil, earth, ground, cf. lima. ddinda, e- (li/ma) hem or seam (of a garment); kind of xylophone/dulcimer (but in this case usually plur., amadinda, q.v.). cf. obudinda. ddindi, e- (li/ma) ambatch tree, Herminiera elaphroxylon. ddindirizi, e- plur. amalindirizi (li/ma) opportunist; hanger-on, someone who waits about to exploit any opportunity, cf. linda, lindiriza. ddiŋŋana, ddiŋŋanya recip. forms of dda, q.v. ddippo, e- plur. amalippo (li/ma) small stick (used in the game of nziga, also called zziga, q.v.). cf. lippa. ddira, ddirira, ddiza, etc. appl. form of dda, q. v. ddirisa, e- (li/ma) [Sw-, Pers.f window, amadirisa ag’ebyuma, steel window frames. ddobbi (la) [Sw., Hind. 3 laundryman, one who washes clothes. ddobo, e- plur. amalobo (li/ma) fishhook; hook. cf. loba, zakalobo. ddoboozi, e- plur. amaloboozi (li/ma) voice; sound; noise, cf. akaloboozi. ddogo, e- plur. amalogo (li/ma) charm, spell, incantation; object or combination of objects used to produce magic effects. cf. loga. ddogojjo, e- no pdur. (li/ma) delirium; craze; madness, cf. logojjana. ddola also ddoola (n/n) [Eng.[\ dollar. ddole also ddoleddole (n/n) [from Eng. doll] doll, ebya ddoleddole, trifles, insignificant things, trinkets, cf. kaddole. ddolera: kukuba ddolera, to trick; to play a certain children’s game in which the participants attempt to deceive each other. ddongooserezo, e- plur. amalongooserezo (li/ma) room where surgery is performed, operating room. cf. longoosa. ddookooli, e- plur. amalookooli (li/ma) Adam’s apple; goiter. Kaali kayisanyo malusu na ddookooli. They passed each other going in opposite directions. ddooti, e- more frequently looti ( n/n) [Sta., Hind. ] unit of measure for cloth (four yards). ddoowo, e- (li/ma) thirst; taste; liking, ddozo, e- (li/ma) rare eye. ddu also beddu (be ddu) and bedduddu ideo. full, full to the brim; complete. Eccupa yajjudde beddu. The bottle was full to the brim, emyaka 20 beddu, a full twenty years, twenty complete years. ddubi, e- (li /ma) deep water; depths, cf. -edubika. ddubu, e- (n/n) [Sw., Ar.J bear. ddubu also ddubudubu emvh. adv. absolutely, completely (used after-bisi, q.v.). ddudutno, e- (li/ma) thunder; distant rumble; crash; roar. cf. duduma. -ddugaalirivu adj. dark, darkish, rather black, cf. ddugala. ddugala (-ddugadde, nzirugadde) v.i. be or become black/dark blue; darken; be or become dirty. ddugaza (-ddugazizza) v.tr. cause. blacken; make dirty. cf. -ddugavu, -ddugaalirivu, obuddugavu, kaddugala, Omuddugavu, enzirugaze. See also ekizima & zigizigi. -ddugavu adj. black; dark blue; dirty. Note that -ddugavu becomes -zirugavu when the modified noun is of the n/n class, engatto enzirugavu, black shoes, cf. ddugala, obuddugavu, Omuddugavu, enzirugavu. ddugge, e- (1 i/ma) smell of the rotten pith of a gourd. dduka (-dduse, niziruse) v.i. run; run away; flee. ddukira (-ddukidde) v.i. & tr. appl. run to; flee to, take refuge at; run for help to, appeal to; come to get, come for. dduukirira (-dduukiridde) v. tr. appl. 2 run to the help of, come to the assistance of. ddusa (-ddusizza) v.tr. caus. cause to run; put to flight. ddukana (-ddukanye) v.i. (recip. in form) run, take to flight; run, progress (e.g., a project or work); have diarrhea. Emirimu gyabwe giddukana bulungi. Their work is progressing well, eddagala ery'okuddukana, laxative. ddukanya (-ddukanyizza) v.tr. caus. (recip. (of the bowels); manage, operate, run. Baminista abanaddukanya Gavumenti, the Ministers who will run the Government. cf. obuddukiro, obuddusi, ekidduka, eki- ddukano, ekiddukiro, ekidduko, okudduka, omudduse, omuddusi, omudduukirizi, enzirukanya. ddukundu, e- plur. amadukundu (li/ma) trunk (of an automobile). dduli, e- plur. amaduli or amalui (li/ma) Indian hemp seed. cf. akaduli, ^akaluli. ddulowa, e- (li/ma) [Eng.] drawer. ddulu, e- plur. amalulu (li/ma) pearl. cf. luulu. ddumabikalu (la) one who is willing to undertake/tackle anything, cf. luma, -kalu. ddumambogo, e- plur. amalumambogo (li/ma) gadfly, lit. bites (luma ) the buffalo (m bo go). ddumbi (la) lesser rains from September through November. Contr. ttoggo. ddumbiizi, e- also eddumbirizi no plur. (li/ma) middle of the hut; middle of the room. ddume, e- plur. amalume (li/ma) large male animal (used particularly of ruminants), cf. -lume, sseddume. ddumi, e-: enjoka z’eddumi pains before and after menstruation, periodic cramps. Ddunda pr. n. God. cf. lunda. ddundiro, e- plur. amalundiro (1 i/ma) ranch, stock farm. cf. lunda. ddundu (1 i/ma) kind of barkcloth made from the nseerere tree. cf. kidundu. Ddungu pr. n. a lubaale associated with hunters and animals. Ddungu ayizze. I am in luck. ddungu, e- plur. amalungu (li/ma) dessert, wilderness, wasteland, cf. akalungu. dduniya, e- (n/n) [Sw., dr.] world. ddusu, e- usually plur. amalusu (li/ma) spit, saliva, okumira ku ddusu, to experience a feeling of-relief (after a period of tension); to take a break/breather, okufiirwa amalusu, to waste one’s time in talking to someone who will not listen, lit. to waste one’s spit, ekibuuzo ekitu- maze amalusu mu kamwa, a question which has preoccupied us very much, lit. which has exhausted the spit in our mouths, cf. akalusu, olulusu. dduuda, e- (li/ma) pretty/attractive girl, edduuda ly’omuwala, a pretty young girl. dduuka, e- (n/n or li/ma) [Su).] store, shop. ddu-u-u: be ddu-u-u ideo. with a bang. Emmundu n’evuga be ddu-u-u! And the gun went off with a bang. ddwaliro, e- plur. amalwaliro (li/ma) hospital, cf. ^lwala, akalwaliro. ddwaniro, e- plur. amalwaniro (li/ma) battlefield; place of combat, arena, cf. Ifwana. ddya, e- plur. amalya (li/ma) marriage, married life (of a woman). Sirina ddya. I am not married or My marriage is not working out at all. Bulungi si ddya. (prov.) Beauty is not (the basis for a happy) marriage, cf. lya. ddyo (la) usually with the -a of rel. right (as opposed to left); right hand; right side; (political) right, omukono ogwa ddyo, the right hand, ku ludda olwa ddyo, to the right side. Wa ddyo- He is right-handed, obukiika obwa ddyo, south. See kkono. dedereza (-dederezezza) v.tr. court, woo, pay court to. -edeeya (-edeeye) v.i. be lazy; act sloth- fully. Alima yedeeya. She does field work in a slothful manner. dembuka (-dembuse) v.i. be cheap (of price). dembula (-dembudde) v.tr. buy at a low price; acquire with little effort. diba (-dibye) v.i. become obsolete; fall into disuse, go out of date; become unsaleable; be canceled/annulled. dibira (-dibidde) v.i. appl. Omuwala yadibira ku luggya. The girl failed to get a husband, lit. became unmarriage able in the yard (of her parents). Ensi endibiridde. The whole world looks gloomy to me. dibya (-dibizza), dibisa (-dibisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 Sc 2 cancel, annul; make obsolete, etc. dibizibwa (-dibiziddwa) v.i. appl. pass. be annulled/canceled; be outdated. dibaga (-dibaze) v.tr. spoil; mess up; bungle; confuse. dibaza (-dibazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to spoil/mess up, etc. cf. omudibazi. dibonkola (-dibonkodde) v.tr. waste; misuse, abuse. didimbuka (-didimbuse) v.i. speak in a mocking/jeering way; have things easy, have everything going one’s way. Ayogera adi- dimbuka. He speaks in a jeering way. digida (-digize) v.i. tap with the sole of one’s foot as a sign of impatience, disrespect or scorn; indicate by one’s movements an attitude of pride or contempt. diguli (n/n) [Eng. ] (academic) degree. diibuuda (-diibuuze) also diibuula (-diibudde) v.tr. be wasteful of, waste, squander. -ediibuuda (-ediibuuze) v.i. refl. waste oneself; act in a spoiled manner.cf. -diibuuzi; duubuuda. -diibuuzi adj. wasteful, prodigal, cf. diibuuda. diikula (-diikudde) v.tr. waste, squander, -ediima (-ediimye) v.i. refl. strike (of workers); agitate; protest; rebel. cf. akeediimo. diimuuka (-diimuuse) v.i. speed along; pick up speed (e.g., of a car). diimuula (-diimudde) v.tr. speed, speed up; move forward at a great speed, oku- diimuula emmotoka, to drive a car at a great spead. okudiimuula oraupiira, to kick a ball very high/very far. dikya (-dikizza) v.i. speak in a jargon, mutilate the forms of the language in a way roughly similar to that employed in speaking pig Latin. dikyadikya (-dikizzadikizza) v.i. redup. -frequentative and intensive of dikya. cf. ekidikya, oludikya. dimbuka = didimbuka, q.v. dimuka (-dimuse) var. of dumuka, q.v. dingisa (-dingisizza) v.tr. tease; kid along; pretend to make a gift to. Disi or Diisi pr. n. = D.C. = District Commissioner. dobonkana (-dobonkanye) v.i. spoil, go to waste, be bungied/messed up; taik nonsense. dobonkanya (-dobonkanyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to spoil, etc. cf. dabankana. -edoma (-edomye) v.i. refl. collapse, cave in, fall in. Olutindo lwedomye. The bridge has collapsed, cf. domoka. domoka (-domose) v.i. fall to the ground; cave in, collapse. domola (-domodde) v.tr. dash to the ground; drop with a thud; hurl down. -edomola (-edomodde) v.i. refl. collapse, cave in; fall down heavily, fall with a thud; be dashed down; fig. come to pass, happen; appear suddenly/without warning. dondolima (-dondolimye) v.i. go bad, spoil; become sour (of beer). dongolo (la) bad/inferior beer; nonsense. dongwa (-dongeddwa) v.i. talk nonsense; rave. dooba (-doobye) v.i. become impoverished; become destitute; suffer greatly. Bw’odooba bw’ogwa awabi ng’eyali munno akwerabira. (prov.) When you become destitute, when your situation becomes bad (lit. you fall into a bad place), then he who was your friend forgets you. doobya (-doobezza) v.tr. caus. impoverish; bring great sufferings upon. doodo no plur. (la) spinach. doodoodo ideo. in a deep voice, in a muttering manner, cf. doodooma. doodooma (-doodoomye) v.i. speak in a deep, low voice; speak in a hoarse voice; mutter; rumble. doodoomya (-doodoomezza) v.tr. caus. cause to speak in a deep voice, etc. cf. doodoodo. doomoola (-doomodde) v.tr. give in large quantities (either as an outright gift or as a merchant who gives liberal portions of what he is selling). Kitaawe amudoomoolera omusimbi omuyitirivu. His father gives him a huge amount of/far too much money, cf. ekidoma. -edubika (-edubise) v.i. refl. get stuck in the mud; become bogged down/enmeshed; sink down, be immersed; fig. become involved. cf. eddubi; -etubika. duda (-duze) v.i. become rotten (e.g., of fis h). dudula (-dududde) v.i. pound, make a pounding/thumping sound. Ejinoma zidudula. The drums are pounding, v.tr. beat, pound. Yamududula ennume y’ekigwo. He gave him a mighty fall (in wrestling). duduma (-dudumye) v.i. crash, making a crashing noise; rumble; thunder, cf. eddudumo; duma. duguda (-duguze) v.tr. trouble, disturb; make anxious; distress; hurt. duma (-dumye) v.i. thunder, rumble; hurry, rush, move quickly; race, run. okuduma embiro, to move at a great speed, dumya (-dumizza) v.tr. caus. cause to thunder; make rush/hurry/travel at great speed. cf. duduma. dumuka (-dumuse) v.i. have diarrhea, cf. ekidumusi. duubuuda (-duubuuze) also duubuula (-duubudde) v.tr. be wasteful of, waste, squander, vf. uiibuuda. duula (-dudde) v.tr. deride, scorn, scoff at, mock. duulira (-duulidde) v.tr. appl. be scornful towards. cf. obuduuzi, omuduuze, omuduuzi. duuma (-duumye) grow rapidly; spring up rapidly. Ensigo endala ne zigwa mu maggwa; amaggwa ne gaduuma ne gazitta. Other seeds fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up and destroyed them. cf. omuduumi. duuma (,-duumve) v.tr., more commonly duumira (-duumidde) v.tr. command, order (esp. of the police and military). cf. omuduumi. omuduumizi. duumuula (-duumudde) v.tr. hurl, discharge, okuduumuula ensimbi, to waste money, oknduumuula ekyasi, to fire a shot. duyiro (la) [from Eng. drill! mil. drill, parade. dyeka (-dyese) v.tr. dyekadyeka (-dyese- dyese) v.tr. redup. lie to; make a dupe of, fool, deceive; cajole, humor; flatter. ewa The initial y- of some verb stems beginning with ye- is lost in the infinitive and certain other forms, e.g., yera, sweep (imperative); okwera, to sweep (infinitive). Verbs of this type are listed under y- rather than e-. Reflexive verbs with the initial e- are listed immediately under their non-reflexive counterparts: esamba, kick oneself, is contained in the entry for samba, kick. Reflexive verbs which do not have non-reflexive counterparts are alphabetized on the basis of their second letter: -ebaka, sleep, is listed under b. e adv. formative of place frequently equivalent to the English prepositions to or at. Agenze e Kampala. He has gone to Kampala. It is not joined to proper nouns but is prefixed directlv to a number nf pronouns and common nouns, many of which acquire thereby an adverbial function, mabega, back; emabega, backwards, back, amaka, home; eka, at home, (in the direction of) home, waffe, our(s); ewaffe, at our house. cf. ewa. e (high or falling tone) interj. expressing surprise or admis sion of being in the wrong. ee interj. yes. eee (low high low tones) interj. expres sing realization of a situation So that’s it? I see now. Also: There now! What did I tell you! eklezi(y)a see klezi(y)a. -ene emph. pron. root -self, aze mwene, I myself. Katonda mwene. God Himself. Kye kyange kyenekyene. It is my very own. cf. ^mwene. eno demons, pron. & adj. for singular nouns of the n/n class, this, enkumbi eno, this hoe. as a. demons, adv. here, ne gye buli eno, until now, up to this time. cf. eyo, Wi. enya interj. It serves you right! So much the worse for you! era conj., adv. and; also, too; besides, era ne, and too. nate era, moreover. Era nno! Quite right! eradde see laala. eri demons, pron. & udj. for singular nouns of the n/n class, that (at some distance away), enkumbi eri, that hoe. as a demons, adv. there (some distance away), cf. eyo, eno. eri ( = e, formative of place + -li, is/are) lit. where there is/are. This functions as a preposition rendered variously as to, towards, from. Genda eri Mukasa. Go to Mukasa (or Mukasa's). Ava eri omwami. He is coming from the chief, cf. -li. esi interj. expres sing unpleas ant surprise, feelings of hostility, suspicion. ewa or wa as prep., consisting of the place formatives e- and wa. to, from or at the house/place of (similar to French chez). Nnenda ewa Mukasa. I am going to Mu- kasa’s. Nva wa Mukasa gye banywa omwenge. I am coming from Mukasa’s where they are drinking beer. With the possessive prefixes are derived the forms ewaffe (less commonly ewattu), at or to our place; ewammwe (rarely ewannyu), at or to your place, and ewaabwe, at or to their place. See also waaboffe, etc. ewuwe adv. at/to/from his or her home/place. Yagenda jjo ewuwe. He left yesterday for his home. cf. ewa. fa (-fudde) v.i. die; be killed; be destroyed; get in trouble/in a jam; go out of order; become useless; spoil, go sour (e.g., of milk), kufa mwoyo, to become disheartened/depressed. kufaako nsonyi, to die of shame/embarrassment. (Ebintu) bifa bantu. You cannot always win/be successful/get what you want (said in self-commiseration after a failure). Akanaafa tekawulira nnombe. (prov.) lit. The little (animal, akasolo, implied) who is to die does not hear (the sound of) the horn. Danger comes unawares. The infinitive okufa or okufa obufi serves as an intensifier for a preceding verb. Yazina okufa. She danced a great deal/ with great intensity. Omuwala yafaanana Nnambi okufa obufi. The girl resembled Nnambi in every detail. She was the very image of N. fiira (-fiiridde) v.i. appl. die in/at, etc. fiirwa (-fiiriddwa) v.i. appl. pass, be bereaved of; lose; miss, miss out on. oku- fiirwa obulamu, to lose one’s life. Leka kufiirwa mukisa guno. Don’t miss this opportunity. Abaana bangi bafiirwako bannyaabwe nga bakyali mabujje. Many people lose their mothers while they are still small children. fiirira (-fiiridde) v.i. appl. 2 die for/on behalf of. fiiriza (-fiirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. cause to lose, cause to suffer loss; de- eyo demons, pron. & adj. for singular nouns of the n/n class, this, that (referring usually to something already mentioned), as a demons, adv. there (nearby). cf. eno, eri. deprive of; lose completely. Kijja kumufiiriza omulimu gwe. It will cause him to lose his job. -efiiriza (-efiirizza) v.i. appl. 2 caus. refl. act to one’s own detriment; lose out. v.tr. deprive oneself of; iose out on. Bwate- gendereza ajja kwefiiriza ebirungi byonna by’abadde ajja okufuna. If he is not careful he will lose/miss out on/sacrifice all of the good things he was going to get. fiisa (-fiisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to die, make die; lose. Omukazi ono yakafiisa abaana basatu. This woman has already lost three children. -efiisa (-efiisizza) v.i. caus. refl. pretend to be dead; think that one is dying; deny oneself, mortify oneself, undergo sacrifices. cf. -fu, ffeffeffe, effiire, effiiro, aka- fansonyi, akinfiira, kyafakirinaki, omu- fiirwa, omufiisa, omufu, enfiirabulago, ssemufu. fa (-fudde) v.i. happen, take place. Ebyafa mu nju endala saabimanya. I did not find out what happened in the other house. Agafaayo? What’s new? What is happening at your place? What’s happening over there? The reply is usually Ekyali. cf. ekyafaayo. fa (-fudde) with enclitics faako, faayo v.i. care, be concerned/interested; pay attention. Mukasa afa nnyo ku banne. Mukasa cares a great deal/pays attention to his companions. Omwana oyo talina amufaako. That child has no one who cares about him/ no one to take care of him. Nze sifaayo oba Byekwaso anajja oba tajje. I don’t care whether B. comes or not. fiibwako (mod. form not used) v.i. pass. Tebafiibwako. No attention/concern is being given to them. Nobody cares about them. cf. obutafaayo. faabiina (-faabiinye) v.i. work hard, toil, exert oneself; bother, trouble oneself. faabiinira (-faabiinidde) v.i. Sc tr. appi. work hard on, trouble oneself over. faafaagana (-faafaaganye) v.i. come to nought, fail; be destroyed/ruined/wrecked; be exhausted/tired out. faafaaganya (-faat'aaganyizza) v.tr. caus. ?destroy; ruin; wreck; exhaust. -efaafaaganya (-efaafaaganyizza) v.i. caus. refl. neglect oneself, let oneself go, go to pot;’ be messy/untidy. cf. omufaafaaganyi. -efaakanya (-efaakanyizza) v.i. refl. be or become dirty/unclean (esp. of the body and clothing); neglect oneself. faakuuza (-faakuuzizza) v.i. move with a scuffling/rustling noise (esp. of one moving through a trackless area). faanana (-faananye) v.i. Sc tr. resemble, be like; look like; be similar; seem, appear. Obulwadde buno bulaanana kawaali. This disease resembles smallpox. Mwenna mu- faanana. You are all alike. Banno ba- faanana batya? What are your friends like? Afaanana ng’alya. He seems to be eating, obutafaanana nga bulijjo, unlike the usual situation, in an unusual manner. oku- faanana ne + noun = like, just like. okufaanana n’amawanga amalala, just like other nations. faananya (-faananyizza) v.tr. caus. liken to; make like; compare to; cause to resemble; find resemblances with. Omwana bamu- faananya kitaawe. They say the child looks like his father. -efaananya (-efaananyizza) v.i. & tr. caus. refl. liken oneself; make oneself like; compare oneself; pretend, pretend to be; make oneself appear to be; imagine oneself to be. faanaanyiriza (-faanaanyirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. make like; cause to resemble. -efaanaanyiriza (-efaanaanyirizza) v.i. Sc tr. appl. 2 caus. refl. pretend; compare oneself; imagine oneself; imagine/visualize. Tayinza kubyefaanaanyiriza. He cannot visualize/imagine them. Yali annee- faanaanyiriza omuntu omu gwe yali azze okulindirira. He had thought (mistakenly) that 1 was a person whom he had come to wait for. faananika (-faananise) v.i. neut. Eki- teeteeyi tekikyafaananika. The dress is no longer recognizable/is in very bad condition. cf. ekifaananyi, enfaanana. falaasi (n/n) [Sir., Ar.f\ horse, less commonly used than embalaasi, q.v. falaasira (-falaasidde) v.tr. instruct; indoctrinate; teach. famba (-fambye) v.i. be or become weak (usually of the legs), entegetege ne zimu- famba, and he became timid/he stood shaking in his boots, lit. his tendons became weak. fankana (-fankanye) v.i. be slovenly; become dissipated; suffer a deterioration in personality. feeba (-feebye) v.i. be degraded; decline in importance; diminish, abate; be last (in class, in athletic competition). feebya (-feebyezza or -feebezza) v. tr.? cans, degrade; cause to diminish; disparage, belittle* -efeebya (-efeebyezza) v.i. caus. refl. degrade oneself; weaken oneself; belittle oneself. feedemba (-feedembye) v.i. be burdened down; be overwhelmed; struggle; be troubled. Yajja s'sbys n'ef'eJ'mh*. He came and ate his fill. cf. fudemba. feekeera (-feekedde) v.i. have the nose stuffed up; produce a sound similar to that characteristic of a congested nose. cf. bifeekeera; feesa. feenyerera (-feenyeredde) v.i. laugh stupidly, grin idiotically. feesa (-feesezza) v.tr. sniff at v.i. sniff, draw air into the nose; snuffle; snort, kufeesa bukula, to snort like a rhinoceros. cf. feekeera. feeta (-feese) v.i., rare be fat/corpulent; be short and stocky. feeteka (-feetese) v.tr. put down/place down carelessly; dump down. -efeeteka (-efeetese) v.i. refl. plop oneself down. feffetta (-feffesse) v.i. & tr. search/look everywhere (for); search in all directions, delve all over; move everywhere, go all through. Nnawulira embwa ng’ejja efeffetta. I heard a dog come sniffing all over. fenkenya (-fenkenyezza) v.tr. eat up, gobble up, stuff oneself with. cf. senke- nya. -efettafetta (-efessefesse) v.i. hesitate; hang back, waver; be timid. ffampewo (la) large banana at the extreme end of the first bunch of a gonja cluster. ffe disjunct, pers. pron. 1st plur. we; us. ffekka, only we, we alone, ffembi or ffembiriri, we two. ffenna, all of us, we all. ffeeza, e- (n/n) [Sto., dr.] silver; fig. money. ffeffeffe, ffuffuffu and ffuffululu (with a preceding be) ideophones used to intensify fu, dead. Fntpgpka eno nfu be ffeffeffe. These arrangements are completely upset/ ruined. Emmotoka nfu be ffuffululu. The car is a complete wreck, cf. ^fa, -fu. ffiifi (la) defective/low-grade cotton; fig. the bottom of the barrel, the short end of the stick. ffiire, e-: kubulako ffiire, to die without leaving a trace, cf. ^fa, fiira. ffiiro, e- (li/ma) place where many deaths occur, c f. ^fa, fiira. ffirimbi, e- (n/n) [Sio.] whistle (the instrument). ffitina, e- no plur. (li/ma) jealousy, rancor, hard feelings. ffolooma, e- (n/n) [Su>., Port.'f form for blocking caps or fezzes; colloq. head; big head. Yanyeenya effolooma ye. He shook his head (in amazement or disagreement). ffubutusi, e- (li/ma) kind of large poisonous lizard, omuntu ow’effubutusi, an abrupt/rude/short-tempered/unpleasantly aggressive person, cf. fubutuka. ffufugge, e- (n/n) dust; sawdust; fine powder, cf. olufufugge. ffugabbi, e- no plur. (li/ma) harsh/oppressive rule; misrule. cf. fuga, -bi. ffugge invar, adj. mugagga ffugge, an extremely rich person, one who is rolling in wealth, mubbi ffugge, great thief, master thief. ffujjo, e-: kukola bya ffujjo, to make a mess of, leave in a state of chaos/utter confusion. cf. fujja. ffukutu, e- (la or li/ma) kind of wild gladiolus. cf. fukuta. ffukuzi e- (li/ma) mole-rat ' fukiila -fukuzi. ffulaano, e- (n/n) [from Eng. flannel] undershirt. ffuluku (la) expert, very skillful person. Yali ffuluku mu kukwata emisota. He was very skillful in his ability to handle snakes. Abantu bamwogerako nga ffuluku mu kumannya eddagala ery’ekinnansi. The people described him as being an expert in (knowing) native medicine. ffulungu, e- (1 i/m a) kind of bird, plantain-eater, Ross’s turaco; reddish/purple velvet. ffumbe, e- (li/ma) civet cat. Ekika ky’Effumbe, the Civet Cat Clan. ffumbiko, e- (li/ma) rubbish heap. cf.fumbika. ffumbiro, e- (li/ma) kitchen, place where cooking is done. cf. fumba. ffutnu, e- (li/ma) spear; spear tip. cf. fumila, fumuggula, akafumu, ekifumu. ffundi (la) [5«;.] artisan; skilled workman; mechanic; repairman, cf. omufundi. ffunfugu, e- (li/ma) small lump of earth, broken-up piece of hard soil. ffutwa, e- no plur. (li/ma) hostility; aversion; dislike; malice; grudge; spite. ffuuti (n/n) [ring-] foot (unit of measurement). ffuvu, e- (li/ma) large sash (of cloth, usually barkcloth). cf. olufuvu. fiira, fiirira, fiiriza appl. forms of ^fa, q.v. fiisa caus. of Ifa, q.v. fiizi (la) fabric resembling silk. fikka (-fisse) v.i. be surplus, be left over; be emitted deft out. fikkira (-fikkidde) v.i. appl. be surplus in/at, etc. fissa (-fissizza) v.tr. caus. have left over, have to spare; cause to be left out. cf. enfissi. fissa caus. of fikka, q.v. fiza (-fizizza) v.i. snivel. Much less frequently used than feesa, q.v. foofootoka (-foofootose) also footoka (-footose) v.i. be or become soft/soggy/ flabby. -fu adj. dead; out of order, out of repair (of a mechanic al contrivance); sour (of milk); false. Ekyo mu kulaba kwaffe kifu ddala. This in our opinion is completely untrue/out of the question/lacking in validity. cf. Ifa, ffeffeffe. fuba (-fubye) v.i. exert oneself, work hard; try hard, make a great effort. fubaafuba (-fubyeefubye) v.i. redup. keep trying, keep working hard. fubira (-fubidde) v.i. appl. exert oneself in, etc. fubirira (-fubiridde) v.i. appl. 2 strive, Work hard (with frequency or intensity). fubya (-fubizza), fubisa (-fubisizza) v. tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to exert oneself, etc. cf. obufubi. fubitika (-fubitise) v.tr. push into, cause to go into. -efubitika (-efubitise) v.i. & tr. refl. rush into, dash into (followed either by a direct object or mu + noun). Yeefubitika ekisenge or Yeefubitika mu kisenge. He dashed into the room. cf. fubutuka. fubutuka (-fubutuse) v.i. rush out, dash out; burst out. fubutula (-fubutudde) v.tr. cause to rush out; drive out, chase out; flush out (an animal), okufubutula akagaali, to drive a bicycle at great speed. cf. effubutusi, akafubutuko, akafubutusi; -efubitika. -fudde mod. form of fa and of fuula, q.v. fudemba (-fudembye) v.i. persevere; goon and on, continue endlessly. Baalya ne bafudemba. They ate and ate/overate. -efudemba (-efudembye) v.i. refl. overeat. cf. feedemba. fudumba (-fudumbye), also fudumbala (-fudumbadde) v.i. put on airs, strut, flaunt oneself (often used in a very insulting sense). fufuggala (-fufuggadde) v.i. be deadened/ blunted (as an instrument); become crumpled; be crushed/disfigured; become handicapped; be blocked/stymied/frustrated. fufuggaza (-fufuggazizza) v.tr. blunt, deaden; crush, disfigure; destroy.; stifle, hold back, frustrate. fufula (-fufudde) also fufuza (-fufuzizza) v.i. search; sniff out, sniff around; be inquisitive. cf. fuuza. fufunkula (-fufunkudde) v. tr. empty completely, pour out the contents of (e.g., a bag). fuga (-fuze) v.tr. rule, govern; control, master; manage; domineer, iord it over; tame; keep (domestic animals). kufuga busungu, to control one’s anger, kufuga kidduka, to drive a vehicle with skill. -efuga (-efuze) v.i. refl. rule oneself; control oneself, okwefuga, self-rule, independence. fugira (-fugidde) v.tr. appl. rule in/at, etc. fugirira (-fugiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 rule/ domineer completely; rule ineffectively. fuza (-fuzizza), fugisa (-fugisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to rule, etc. okufugisa eryanyi, to rule by force. fugika (-fugise) v.i. neut. be governable/ manageable/docile/tamable. cf. -fuge, -fuzi, obufuge, obufuzi, effu- gabbi, omufuge, omufuzi, enfuga, nnaka- fuga. -fuge adj. ruled, governed; tame, domesticated (of animals), cf. fuga. fuggala (-fuggadde) v.i., rare be abundant; be luxuriant; be wealthy. fugula (-fugudde) v.i. grunt, snort (as an animal); grumbld. fugulira (-fugulidde) v.tr. appl. grunt at; snort at. fuguma (-fugumye) = fugula, q. v. fujja (-fuzze) v.i. spit. cf. effujjo. fuka (-fuse) v.tr. pour; spill, okufuka amazzi, to urinate, okufuka ebigambo, to let loose a torrent of words (usually of a hostile character). -efuka (-efuse) v.i. refl. pour oneself. fukira (-fukidde) v.tr. appl. pour in, etc. okufukira amazzi, to pour water; to urinate on. fukirira ( fukiridde) u.i,. appl. 2 keep pouring; water (plants). -efukirira (-efukiridde) v.i. appl. 2 refl. pour for oneself; pour over oneself. fusa (-fusizza), fukisa (-fukisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to pour/spill; pour with/ using. fukiriza (-fukirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. cause to water; use for watering. fukulula (-fukuludde) v.tr. conv. 2 pour out, decant. -efukulula (-efukuludde) v.i. conv. 2 refl. change one’s mind, revise one’s opinions; change all of a sudden. Obudde bwefu- kulula mangu ddala enkuba n’etonnya. The weather changed all of a sudden and it (started to) rain. cf. ekifuko, omufuko, enfuka. fukama (-fukamye) v.i. squat, squat down (esp. of small children). fukamira (-fukamidde) v.i. kneel, okufuka- mira amatiitiiri, to kneel and sit on the haunches, okufukamira ekiwanvuwanvu, to kneel in an erect position. fukaamirira (-fukaamiridde) v.tr. appl. kneel to, kneel in front of. Bangi baagendanga gy’ali okumufukaamirira. Many people used to go and kneel before him. v.i. kneel constantly; kneel all the time. fukamiza (-fukamizizza) v.tr. caus. cause to kneel; use for kneeling, okufukamiza amaviivi abiri, to kneel on two knees. cf. enfukaamirizi. fukula (-fukudde) v.tr. dig up; throw up (earth, as of a burrowing animal), okufukula emigongo, colloq. to dance, cf. fukuzi, effukuzi, enfukulo. fukulula, -efukulula conv. forms of fuka, q.v. fukuma var. of fuguma, q.v. fukumuka (-fukumuse) v.i. shake; be shaken out (as the contents of a container); be poured out. Enkuba efukumuse. It has rained in torrents. fukumula (-fukumudde) v.tr. shakeout (contents); pour out; pour forth forcefully, okufukumula amaziga, to cry profusely. fukunkula var. of fufunkula, q.v. fukuta (-fukuse) v.tr. blow, blow on. oku- fukuta emivubo, to blow with a pair of bellows. okufukuta amazzi, to gargle with water, okufukuta ekyuma, to melt metal (e.g., with a blowtorch), kuwoza gufukula, to talk nonsense (gu- implies muliro, fire), kufukuta lulimi, to speak a language (usually English) fluently. Bwe yatuuse mu dduuka n’afukutira omutunzi Oluzungu nga gw’alufukutira talina ky’aggyamu. When he arrived in the store he spoke English to the salesman, but the person to whom he was talking did not get anything out of it. fukuutirira (-fukuutiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 intens. blow on intensively; fig. incite; bring pressure to bear on, try to influence; instigate, banne ne bamufukuutirira nti essajja lya kumutta, and his companions incited him with the allegation that the man was going to kill him. Yatufukuutirira ebigambo naye yatuvaako bukumbu. He overwhelmed us with talk but he left us unchanged. cf. effukutu. -fukuzi adj. (which) burrows/digs, emmese enfukuzi, a digging rat, a mole-rat. cf. fukula, effukuzi. fulittikana (-fulittikanye) v.i. speak in a foolish and irritating manner; sniff around. -fulufu adj. empty, deserted, ekiswa ekifu- lufu, a deserted termite heap. cf. fuluka. fuluka (-fuluse) v.i. become deserted/abandoned/vacated (originally of a termite hill); go away; fig. become stupid/'empty in the head;’ become discredited. Obugagga bwe yalina bwonna bwafuluka. The wealth which he had has all disappeared. Yafu- luka mu busawo. He lost his reputation in (the profession of) medicine. fulula (-fuludde) v.tr. cause to desert/ vacate; turn out; drive out; supplant. cf. -fulufu, ekifulukwa, nnabefululabiswa (under nnabe). -efulukuta (-efulukuse) v.i. refl. busy oneself (often unnecessarily), fuss about; fumble, fumble about. fuluma (-fulumye) v.i. come out; go out. fulumya (-fulumizza) v.tr. caus. cause to go out; cause to come out; put out; eject, throw out; publish; issue; spend. -efulumya (-efulumizza) v.i. caus. refl. go/come out of one’s own accord. fulumizibwa (-fulumiziddwa) v.i. appl. caus. pass, be put out, issued, etc. fuluuta (-fuluuse) v.i. snore; swarm, teem. Abanlu abaali ku kisaawe okulinda Kabaka baali bafuluuta bufuluusi. There were droves of people at the airport awaiting the arrival of the Kabaka. -efuluusa (-efuluusizza) v.i. caus. refl. pretend to be snoring; pretend to be asleep. cf. omufuluusi. fuma (-fumye) v.i. Sc tell, recount (a legend, tradition, fable, tale). Bwe ndigenda e Kampala nga musigadde kunfuma bugumu When I go to Kampala you will never see me again. Jjajjange kati tufuma mufume. My grandfather is long since dead, lit. we talk (of him) only in legends. fumibwa (-fumiddwa) v.i. pass, be told/ recounted (of a tale). fumula (-fumudde) v.tr. - fuma. cf. olufumo, enfumo. fuma (-fumye) v.i. fade, lose color; become tarnished; fig. fade (of memories); become rusty (of knowledge, skills); fall into disrepute. fumya (-fumizza) v.tr. caus. cause to fade; tarnish; soil; fig. discredit, bring into disrepute. cf. -fumye. fumba (-fumbye) v.tr. cook; boil; fig. devise, ‘cook up.’ okufumba omutwe, to think, okufumba ku mutwe, to bother one’s head. Tewali n’omu afumbye ku mutwe. There is no one who has given any thought (to it), okufumba ennyimba, to compose songs, okufumba ebigambo, to make up stories. fumbafumba (-fumbyefumbye) v.i. Sc tr. redup. play at cooking (as children); cook in an indifferent/desultory way. fumba Emmere yamala gafumbafumba. She just threw the food together. -efumbe (-efumbye) v.i. & tr. refl. cook itself, be cooked; fig. be pained/bruised. Engalo zinneefumbye olw’okukola ennyo. My fingers are bruised from too much work, okwefumba ku kintu, to struggle hard with something, undertake a difficult task. Emmeeme etefumba bigambo ekwogeza munno by’atalyerabira. (prov.) lit. A heart which does not cook its words makes you say what your friend will never forget, i.e., think before you speak. fumbira (-fumbidde) v.tr. appl. cook for/in, etc. okufumbira omuntu omutwe, to outsmart/ outwit somebody. fumbirwa (-fumbiddwa) v.i. appl. pass. marry; be married (to) (of a woman, only disp aragingly of a man). fumbiza (-fumbizza or -fumbizizza) v. tr. appl. caus. have cook, cause to cook; cause to marry, marry off fa woman). fumbirira (-fumbiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 keep cooking; cook all the time, okufumbirira omugole, to wait on a bride (a series of functions traditionally performed by the paternal aunt and sister-in-law of the bride, including instructions, special care, etc.). -efumbirira (-efumbiridde) v.i. appl. 2 refl. withdraw oneself from normal duties and obligations (particularly hard work) for a period of time; take it easy (of women). fumbya (-fumbizza), fumbisa (-fumbisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 Sc 2 make cook, cause to cook; cook with/using. Afumbya masannya- laze/nku. She cooks with electricity/firewood. fumbiriganwa (-fumbiriganiddwa) v.i. appl. recip. pass, get married, be joined in marriage. fumbiriganya (-fumbiriganyizza) v.tr. appl. recip. caus. cause to marry; join in marriage. cf. -fumba, ^obufumbo, effumbiro, kifumba- mutuku (under mutuku), olufumbirwa, olu- fumbofumbo, mufumbakafu, ^omufumbi, omufumbiro, omufumbo, mufumbyannanda, enfumbiraganwa. -fumbe adj. cooked, boiled, amawulire ama- fumbe, ‘cooked-up’ or false news/information. cf. fumba. fumbeetera (-fumbeetedde) v.i. also fuubeetera be or become blunt/dull; fig. be blocked/ frustrated; be at one’s wits’ end, reach a dead end. fumbika (-fumbise) also fumbeka (-fumbese) v.i. be jammed/stuffed in; be full/crowded to capacity. fumbikira, fumbekera (-fumbikidde, -fumbe- kedde) v.i. appl. Twasanze ekkanisa efumbikidde (or efumbekedde). fumbiikiriza (-fumbiikirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. stuff, cram in; sweep, push (e.g., rubbish into a corner); corner (e. g., a criminal, a rat); solve, get to the heart of (a crime, a problem). cf. effumbiko. fumbuka (-fumbuse), fumbukuka (-fumbukuse), fumbulukuka (-fumbulukuse) v.i. (conv. in form) be poured out/emptied out; come out (of the contents of a container); come apart; issue forth (as smoke from a fire). fumbukula (-Fumbukudde) v.i. & tr. pour out; empty out. ne mpulira abantu nga bafumbukudde amaloboozi, and I heard people talking, lit. pouring forth voices. fumiitiriza or fumintiriza (-ffumiitirizza) v.i. think carefully, consider carefully; reflect, v.tr. ponder, think over carefully; figure out. -efumiitiriza (-efumiitirizza) v.i. refl. give careful thought; imagine. fumita (-fumise) v.tr. strike with a spear, spear; stab, pierce; prick. -efumita (-efumise) v.i. refl. stab oneself; pierce oneself. fumitira (-fumitidde) v.tr. appl. stab/ pierce for/in, etc. v.i. begin to sprout/grow (of hair, down, etc.). fumisa (-fumisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to stab/spear; use for spearing, stab with. cf. -fumite, effumu, akafumu, kafumita- bagenge, omufumisi, omufumite; fumuggula. -fumite adj. stabbed; pierced, cf. fumita. fumuggula (-fumuggudde) v.tr. jab; pierce; pierce deeply; dig deeply into. cf. wumuggula; fumita, effumu. fumuka (-fumuse) v.i. come out, issue forth. fumula (-fumudde) v.tr. dig up, dig out; fig. probe. -fumye adj. faded, cf. ^fuma. funa (-funye) v.tr. get, obtain, procure, okufuna olubuto, to become pregnant, okufuna erinnya, to acquire a reputation, kufuna bya kakule or kufuna bya ndola, to I obtain for nothing or to buy at a price far below the normal. funibwa (-funiddwa) v.i. pass, be obtained. funira (-funidde) v.tr. appl. get, obtain for; get in/at, etc. okufunira ku mukeeka, to get (something) without effort; to acquire by using shrewd means. -efunira (-efunidde) v.tr. appl. refl. get for oneself. funya (-funyizza), funyisa (-funyisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to get. okufunyisa olubuto, to make pregnant. funika (-funise) v.i. neut. be obtainable; be easy to get. cf. omufunyi, enfuna. funda (-funze) v.i. be or become narrow; be restricted/confined; keep/appropriate for oneself. Afunze n’ensimbi zaffe. He has kept our money for himself. funza (-funzizza) v.tr. caus. make narrow; limit; contract; shorten, abridge, condense; appropriate; include; cut short (one who is speaking ). -efunza (-efunzizza) v.i. contract oneself. v.tr. appropriate, take possession of. okwefunza ekintu, to take possession of something. Mwefunzeeko ne bannammwe batuule. Move closer together so your friends can sit too. Yefunzizza ensimbi zaffe. He has kept our money for himself. funzika (-funzise) v.i. neut. be capable of being shortened. Ebigambo byange tebifunzika. My comments cannot be easily reduced in length. cf. -funda, -funze, obufunze, kafunze. -funda adj. narrow; constricted, cf. funda. fundeera (-fundedde) v.i. strain oneself; do to the utmost. Embwa yalidde n’efundeera. The dog ate and ate/gorged himself, cf. omufundeero. fundika (-fundise) v.tr. tie, knot. (The simple form is obsolete, but the derivatives are in use.) fundikira (-fundikidde) v.tr. appl. tie, knot; bring to an end, conclude, oku- fundikira omugwa, to tie a knot in a rope, okufundikira enviiri, to braid the hair into knots, okufundikira olukunnaana, to close a meeting, okufundikira obuliri, to tuck in the sheets and blankets (when making a bed), okufundikira essaati, to tuck in one’s shirt. fundikirwa (-fundikiddwa) v.i. appl. pass. be knotted; be ended. -efundikira (-efundikidde) v.i. appl. refl. tie oneself (itself) up; become knotted; have rickets; fig. be so enraged that one cannot speak, okwefundikira embiro, to go at top speed. fundiikiriza (-fundiikirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. stuff into, cram into; drive into a corner. -efundiikiriza (-efundiikirizza) v.i. appl. 2 caus. refl. push oneself or get oneself into a corner. funduukulula (-funduukuludde) v.tr. conv. 2 untie; undo. cf. ekifundikwa (ekifundikiro, ekifundi- kizo), funduukululu; fumbiikiriza. funduukululu adv. & inv. adj. in great abundance; to the ultimate. Enkuba yali etonnya funduukululu. It was raining cats and dogs. Twalidde funduukululu. We stuffed ourselves. We ate an enormous amount, cf. fundika, funduukulula. funfumiza (-funfumizizza) v.tr. caus. push/ shove forcefully. funga (-funze) v.tr. tuck into the belt (as a kkanzu or other item of clothing preparatory to working or fighting). -efunga (-efunze) v.i. refl. gird oneself (e.g., with a loincloth); fig. gird oneself (for action). fungiza (-fungizza or -fungizizza) v.i. Sc tr. appl. caus. tuck one’s clothing into the waist; fig. gird oneself, become resolved/ determined. Ka nkufungize emiggo. Let me give you a good thrashing. -efungiza (-efungizza, -efungizizza) v.i. Sc tr. appl. caus. refl. roll up (pants or sleeves), tuck in (clothes); fig. gird oneself, prepare oneself (to do something). fungula (-fungudde) v.tr. conv. untuck; uncover, expose. -efungula (-efungudde) v.i. conv. refl. take off clothing, expose oneself (sometimes with the implic ation of indec ency). cf. enfungo. fungalala (-fungaladde) v.i. become crippled/ deformed; become disfigured; be smashed/ shattered; laugh in a stupid manner. fungalaza (-fungalazizza) v.tr. caus. disfigure, shatter, etc. funkula (-funkudde) v.i. make a gurgling sound; break wind. funkunya (-funkunye or -funkunyizza) v.i. eat slowly and with the mouth closed. funtula (-funtudde) v.tr. pound; punch; knock; strike, beat. funtulagana (-funtulaganye) v.i. recip. pound one another, pummel one another, fight one another, punch one another. funula (-funudde) v.i. masturbate ( m al e). funvubira (-funvubidde) v.i. persevere; persist; insist; exert oneself.. funya (-funye) v.tr. fold; bend; twist, okufunya akagalo (or akamwa), lit. to bend the finger (or mouth), i.e., to refuse to provide a person with information or with something which he had desired, okufunya engalo, to clench the fists. funyafunya (-funyefunye) v. tr. redup. , keep folding, bending, etc.; crumple. -efunya (-efunye) v.i. refl. become folded/ wrinkled/crumpled; fold oneself up; contract, double oneself up. funyira (-funyidde) v.tr. appl. fold for/at, etc. -efunyira (-efunyidde) v.i. appl. refl. be folded at, etc. Emikono gyefunyidde mu nkokola. The arms were bent at the elbows. funyirira (-funyiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 keep bendin.ff/foldins: fold all the time. -efunyirira (-efunyiridde) v.i. appl. 2 refl. work very hard; apply oneself diligently; concentrate (on a task). funyulula (-funyuludde) v.tr. conv. 2 unfold; unbend. cf. akeefunyiriro, olufunyiro, nnabeefunye. funya, funyisa caus. 1 & 2 of funa, q.v. funza caus. of funda, q.v. -funze adj. shortened; short, brief, mu bi- funze, in short, in brief, in resume, amawu- lire amafunze, news in brief, cf. funda. funnama (-funnamye) v.i. take a position, establish oneself, get oneself situated. futaafutana (-futaafutanye) v.i. be stingy. cf. omufuta. futika (-futise) v.tr. put down/dump down roughly. futyanka (-futyanse) v.tr. vilify, belittle; despise; abuse; undermine. fuubeetera var. of fumbeetera, q.v. fuudemba (-fuudembye) var. of fudemba, q. v. fuuka (-fuuse) v.i. become; change. fuukafuuka (-fuusefuuse) v.i. redup. keep changing, change constantly. fuukira (-fuukidde) v.i. appl. become; change in/at, etc. -efuukira (-efuukidde) v.tr. appl. refl. change one’s attitude toward; turn against; ignore. Yatwefuukira. He turned against us. fuula (-fudde) v.tr. cause to become; make into; change; change into; alter; turn over, upset. Leka kufuula bye nnayogera. Don’t distort what I said. -efuula (-efudde) v.tr. refl. transform oneself (into); be turned into; make oneself (into); pretend to be; disguise oneself. v.i. turn upside down, overturn; turn a somersault. Avunaanwa gwa kwefuula musawo. He is charged with impersonating a doctor. -efuulira (-efuulidde) v.tr. appl. refl. okwefuulira omuntu, to change one’s feelings towards a person, turn against a person; give someone the ‘cold shoulder.’ fuusa (-fuusizza) v.tr. caus. cause to become; change, transform; distort, v.i. perform magic. -efuusa (-efuusizza) v.tr. caus. refl. make oneself into; disguise oneself as; pretend to be; make oneself appear as. fuukana (-fuukanye) or, more emphatically fuukanafuukana v.i. (redup.) become unrecognizable; become completely changed/ transformed; become disfigured, fuukanya (-fuukanyizza) v.tr. caus. alter/change completely; change beyond recognition. cf. kyefuula, omufuusa, munnanfuusi, enfuukafuuka, -nnanfuusi. fuukuuka (-fuukuuse) v.i. be stirred up/agitated; be upset/troubled; fig. become annoyed. fuukuula (-fuukudde) v.tr. stir up, agitate; upset, trouble. -efuukuula (-efuukudde) v.i. refl. be stirred up/agitated; change rapidly (of weather); be rough (of the sea); grow worse (of illness); fig. become angry/annoyed. cf. -fuukuuvu, amafuukuule. -fuukuuvu adj. agitated, upset; annoyed; troubled, cf. fuukuuka. fuula see fuuka. fuurnuuka (-fuumuuse) v.i. be blown away; go away at great speed. Omukka gufuutnuu- ka. The smoke is blowing away, kufuu- muuka misinde or kufuumuuka mbiro, to run/ travel very quickly. fuumuula (-fuumudde) v.tr. blow out; drive away; expel; chase, pursue; fire (from a job), kufuumuula misinde, to pursue/chase closely, kufuumuula kagaali, to ride a bicycle at a very fast rate, kwefuumuula bwefuumuuzi, to try to cultivate but with no results; to putter around ineffectively. Talima yeefuumuula. He isn’t just cultivating but doing a great job of it. He is an expert cultivator. cf. kafuumuuko; tuumuuka. fuutiika (-fuutiise) v.tr. pile up, pile together; crowd together; heap carelessly. -efuutiika (-efuutiise) v.i. refl. be crowded together; be piled together; abound. cf. kifuutiiko. fuutuuka (-fuutuuse) v.i. break out (of a rash); become worse (of a sore, a wound). fuuwa (-fuuye) v.i. & tr. blow; blow against; blow up, inflate (e.g., a ball); blow on, play (a flute, or similar instrument). okufuuwa lulimi (olugwira), to speak a (foreign) language fluently, kufuuwa mukka mu kisero, to waste one’s time/breath, lit. blow air into a basket, kufuuwa kintu mu jinombe, to lose something, give up something for lost, lit. blow something through a trumpet, kufuuwa malenge, to do to extremes; to be extreme, lit. to blow on reed pipes. Tanywa mwenge afuuwa malenge. He drinks to great excess, okufuuwa omukka, euph. to pass wind, okuluuwa oluwa, to whistle, kufuuwa muntu bigambo, to rush to tell something to a person. Mukasa ye yabitu- fuuwa. Mukasa broke his neck to tell us about it. kufuuwa muntu ssente, to give a person money voluntarily as a token of appreciation. ekintu okujjula ne kifuuwa, to overflow, be completely full. Enkuba yatonnye n’omugga ne gufuuwa. It rained and the river flooded over. Yafuuwa ekiwa ng’akizza munda. He drew in his breath in surprise, lit. blew a whistle and brought it back inside, kafuuwe or (more often) kikafuuwe! God forbid! Don’t say things like that! kufuuwa musaayi, to spurt blood, kufuuwa taaba, to smoke (tobacco). Nnabbubi yamufuuye. The spider got on him and caused a rash. Ofuuwako? colloq. Do you drink (alcohol)? fuuyibwa (-fuuyiddwa) v.i. pass, be blown, etc. fuuyira (-fuuyidde) v.tr. appl. blow in/on, etc.; spray (e.g., insects), kufuuyira mbuzi mulere, to waste one’s time/breath, lit. blow a pipe for a goat, kufuuyira malenge, to drink a lot without having one’s thirst assuaged, kufuuyira mmindi, to smoke an empty pipe while reciting incantations for the purpose of putting a hex on someone; to wish someone bad luck. fuuyirira (-fuuyiridde) v. tr. appl. 2 keep blowing; blow with intensity; blow on to cool, kufuuyirira kanwe (or kagalo), to wish someone bad luck; to wait impatiently for a desired event, lit. to keep blowing on one’s little finger. Fuuyirira enkuba ereme kutonnya. Keep your fingers crossed (make a wish) that it won’t rain. Nga bw’ampisizza bw’atyo nja kumufuuvirira agwe ebibuuzo. Since he has treated me in this fashion, I hope/I am going to make a wish that he flunks his examinations. fuuyiza (-fuuyizza) v.tr. appl. caus. cause to blow. v.i. | blow the nose, okufuuyiza omusulo, colloq. to urinate, as an adv. in the phrase okulya fuuyiza, to eat too much; to eat without any discrimination/sense of selection. fuuyisa (-fuuyisizza) v.i. & tr. caus. cause to blow; vulg. urinate. cf. obufuuyi, omufuuyi, omufuuyiro, enfuuyirizi. fuuweeta (-fuuweese) v.tr. smoke (a pipe, cigarettes, etc.); blow, blow out. oku- fuuweeta oluyimba, to whistle a tune, okufuuweeta olulimi, to speak a language fluently, kufuuweeta bbidde, to drink alcohol. okufuuweeta erapewo, to show off, be snobbish/supercilious/high-hat. ennambo ezibadde zifuuweeta mu Kampala, the rumors which were spreading around Kampala. Omuntu oyo afuuweeta nnyo ebigambo. This person gossips a lot. cf. fuuwa. fuuwuuka (-fuuwuuse) v.i. blow about; blow very hard, rage (of a storm). fuuwuula (-fuuwudde) v.tr. sweep away, carry away (of a storm or hurricane). cf. kafuuwuuko. fuuyirira (-fuuyiridde) v.i. appl. 2 become tired/heaw with fatigus. Qmukono gun- fuuyirira olw’okuguwanika. My arm feels tired from holding it up in the air. fuuyiriza (-fuuyirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. fatigue; strain, entebe ezitafuuyiriza mugongo, comfortable chairs, chairs which do not strain the back. fuuza (-fuuzizza) v.tr. search (a person); search, carry out a search through (a house, building, premises, etc.). cf. fufula, fufuza. fuza caus. of fuga, q.v. -fuzi adj. ruling, governing, olukiiko olu- fuzi, executive council, cf. fuga. ga-: mala followed by ga- and a verb stem expresses indifference, carelessness, inevitability (in the sense of being obliged to do what one does not want to do) and even sheer exasperation. Tumaze ga- gendayo. We sent there just for the sake of going. Mumale gaddamu, temulowooza. Just give an answer, don’t think about it first. Mala gakola. Just go ahead and do it. Don’t spend too much time on it. Among the younger generation there is a tendency to drop the verbal stem which normally follows ga-. The meaning is implied from context, e.g., Twamala ga-. We simply went there (or simply did something else, dep ending on previous context). gaadimu (la) with the -a of rel. enormous; monstrous, gaadimu w’essolo, a monstrous animal. gaaga (-gaaze) v.i. strut, walk haughtily. gaaju adj. red (of the color of cattle). gaalubindi var. of galubindi, q.v. gaana (-gaanye or gaanyi; nnaanyi) v.i. & tr. refuse; forbid; prevent; deny; withhold. gaanibwa (-gaaniddwa) v.i. be refused, etc. -egaana (-egaanye) v.i. refl. deny a charge or accusation, v.tr. refl. deny, disavow. Omuwala yeegaana kitaawe olw'okuba nga mwavu. The girl denied her father because he was poor. gaanira (-gaanidde) v.i. & tr. appl. refuse for/in, etc.; defend, exculpate. Yagaani- rayo. He refused to come out/come back. Kiberu oyo mmugaanira, tasobola kubba. I stand up for/defend/exculpate Kiberu, he could not steal. Akambe nkamusabye naye akagaanidde. I have asked him for the knife but he has refused to let go of it/ part with it. -egaanira (-egaanidde) v.i. & tr. refl. refuse; deny, disavow; exculpate oneself. Ebyo byonna yabyegaanira mu maaso gange. He disavowed/denied all these things in my presence. gaanya (-gaanyizza, nnaanyizza), gaan(y)isa (-gaan(y)isizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2- make refuse, cause to refuse. Kaddu ye yannaanyisa omulimu. It was because of Kaddu that 1 was refused the job. or It was because of Kaddu that I refused to take the job. Yagaanya lyanyi. He emphatically refused, lit. with force. -egaanya (-egaanyizza) v.i. & tr. caus. refl. refuse (of one’s own volition); be reluctant/grudging; pretend to refuse. Leka kwegaanya, mmanyi oyagala oku- genda. Don’t pretend (that you don’t want to go), I know you do. cf. obugaanyi, butaagaane. gaata (-gaase) v.tr. okugaata amagulu, to spread the legs. -egaata (-egaase) v.i. refl. sit in a sprawled-out manner. gaaya (-gaaye) v.tr. chew, okugaaya ebi- gambo, to talk over matters, carry on a discussion with a view to reaching a decision. eaavagaava f-eaavegaave) v.tr. redup. chew constantly; fig. mull over, consider carefully. -egaaya (-egaaye) v.tr. refl. chew. Sirina kye nneegaaya. I have nothing to eat. Ng’essowani z’oyozezza ziriko obugenda bwegaaya. The dishes you washed still have specks on them, lit. (little things) which go chewing. gaayisa (-gaayisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to chew; chew with/using cf. entagaaya. gaayuuka (-gaayuuse) v.i. be opened, become wide open, spread apart (of the mouth, legs, usually in an exaggerated or unpleasant way); be/become tasteless (of food); become ineffective; diminish. gaayuula (-gaayudde) v.tr. open wide (the mouth, legs); distribute widely. Tongaayuulirako mimwa! Don’t give me any of your talk, lit. spread your lips to me! Bakigaayudde ng’enkoko eriibwa abantu omusanvu. (prov.) lit. They distributed it like the chicken which is eaten by seven people. (Said when the provisions of food or beer are insufficient for the guests). cf. olugaayu. gaba (-gabye) v.tr. give away; give as a present; divide; distribute, apportion; appoint, designate (e.g., a general as chief of a military expedition). Ky'ofa togabye, Walumbe y'akigaba. (prov.) What you have not given away by the time you die, Walumbe (death) gives it away. -egaba (-egabye) v.i. refl. divide oneself; share oneself, kutambula nga weegaba, to walk with open movements, throwing out one’s arms and legs (highly insulting if said of a woman). gabagaba (-gabyegabye) v.tr. redup. keep giving; give indiscriminately. gabira (-gabidde) v.tr. appl. give for/in, etc. gabiza (-gabizza) v.i. & tr. appl. caus. have/give a lot of milk (of breasts). gabirira (-gabiridde) v.tr. appl: 2 keep giving, give all the time; feed, take care of (a child). Omwana atalijko amugabirira takula bulungi. A child who does not have someone to feed him does not grow up well. gabya (-gabizza), gabisa (-gabisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to give/share/divide, etc.; use, employ (e.g., a container) in giving/distributing. gabana (-gabanye) v.i. & tr. recip. divide up, share with one another; distribute; be alloted, have a share. Ggwe wagabana ki? What was your share? What did you get? Okunoga emmwanyi ennaku zino kutuga- banye. At present (these days) the harvesting of the coffee is keeping us completely occupied/is our exclusive preoccupation. Enkomerero y’omwezi eneetuuka ddi ne tugabana? When will the end of the month come so that we can get paid? gabanya (-gabanyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. divide among, distribute among; allot; arrange to have divided/shared. gabanyiza (-gabanyizza) v.tr. recip. appl. caus. divide up among ... for/in, etc. gabula (-gabudde) v.tr. entertain (socially); treat generously; bestow lavishly. -egabula (-egabudde) v.i. refl. give oneself up; give oneself away; risk danger. Nnali nneegabula nzekka mu maala ga Walumbe. I was exposing myself/giving myself over to the claws of Walumbe (death). gabulira (-gabulidde) v.tr. appl. entertain in/at, etc.; give/hand over to/for, etc. Yatugabulira wa muganda we. He entertained us at his brother’s place. -egabulira (-egabulidde) v.i. & tr. appl. refl. entertain oneself at; help oneself to, take; expose oneself; give oneself up. okwegabulira abalabe. to expose oneself to the enemy. cf. obugabe, obugabi, omugabanyi, omu- gabe, omugabi, omugabo, omugabuzi; gabangula, omugabanguzi. gabangula (-gabangudde) v.tr. be overly generous/prodigal in giving/lavish, cf. -gabanguzi, obugabanguzi, olugabanguzi, omugabanguzi; gaba. -gabanguzi adj. overly generous; lavish; prodigal, cf. gabangula, obugabanguzi, olugabanguzi, omugabanguzi. gabattuka (-gabattuse) also gabattukana (-gabattukanye) v.i. move about in a clumsy/graceless/awkward/unsteady manner; run heavily. Gabunga (la) arch, title of the chief of the Kabaka’s canoes, admiral; title of a high- ranking chief of the Mmamba (Lungfish) Clan. -egadanga (-egadanze) v.i. be casual/unconcerned; act lazily. gadya (-gadizza) v.tr. treat with contempt; look down on, despise; discredit; discard. Naavve ogadyagadya nnyo ebya banno. You too, you are always belittling what others do/other people’s things or affairs. gadizibvva (-gadiziddwa) v.i. pass, be treated with contempt, etc. -egadiisa (-egadiisizza) v.i. caus. refl. behave in an offensively ostentatious way; demean oneself, belittle oneself. gaga (-gaze) v.i. decay; rot; spoil, go bad (of food). gaza (-gazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to decay, rot, etc. cf. ebigagu. gagalana (-gagalanye) v.i. recip. struggle (with); grapple (with). gagambuka (-gagambuse) v.i. peel, peel off (of skin, paint, etc.); lose scales (e.g., of a fish, snake); become unstuck; fig. come out of one’s shell. gagambula (-gagambudde) v.tr. peel, peel off; remove the scales from; unstick; fig. reproach, chide; insult. cf. eggagamba, eggamba, ekigagamba. gagamuka (-gagamuse) also gaganuka (-gaganuse) v.i. start up, get up suddenly, cf. gannamuka. gaganyuka (-gaganyuse) v.i., rare crawl along; trudge along. -gagga adj. rich, wealthy, cf. gaggawala, obugagga, omugagga, munnagagga, nnagagga, ssegagga. -egaggassa (-egaggassizza) v.i. be finicky/over-particular. gaggawala (-gaggawadde) v.i. be or become rich/wealthy. gaggawaza (-gaggawazizza) v.tr. caus. enrich, make wealthy. cf• 'gagga. gajaba (-gajabye) v.i. be languid/inert; become lazy. cf. engajaba; gojoba. gajambula (-gajambudde) v.tr. devour, eat up ravenously. -gajugaju rare var. of -jagujagu, q.v. gaiaata (-gaiaase) v.i. Lake tilings leisurely, loll around; be lethargic. galabanja (-galabanze) v.i. be neglectful. v.tr. neglect; treat carelessly, cf. egga- labanja. galabaya (-galabaye) v.i. be exhausted/very tired; be languid; lack vigor; be in a state of disarray. galama (-galamye) v.i. & tr. look up; raise the head. Omutwe gwamugalama. His head was inclined to one side (e.g., by p araly sis or a birth defect). galamya (-galamizza) v.tr. caus. okaga- lamya omutwe, to look up, raise the head. cf. lalama. galamba (-galambye) v.i. be indifferent; be careless/negligent; take matters lightly. galambira (-galambidde) v.i. & tr. appl. be indifferent/careless (about). cf. omugalambi. galatnira (-galamidde) v.i. lie; lie down; recline. okugalamira obugazi, to lie on one’s back. galamiza (-galamizza or -galamizizza) v.tr. caus. cause to lie; lay. Omwana mu- galamize awo. Have the baby lie over there. cf. olugalaamiriro, engalama. -egalangajja (-egalangazze) v.i. refl. sprawl out, spread oneself out full length. cf. amagalangajja (amagalangajjo). galangatana (-galangatanye) v.i. be unsteady; hesitate, vacillate; be clumsy. kugalanga- tana nga kigaali kya muyiga, to walk unsteadily; to be unsteady or clumsy in what one is doing, lit. to be unsteady like the bicycle of one who is learning (to ride). Ensonga ze bigalangatana. His affairs are in bad shape. galangatanya (-galangatanyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to vacillate/be clumsy, etc.; to rattle, okugalangatanya ekiwanga mu ngalo, to sleep, go to bed, lit. rattle the skull in one’s fingers. Yagalangatanya ensimbi za Gavumenti, kati ali mu kkomera. He embezzled government funds and is now in jail. cf. omugalangatano; golongotana. galanjuka (-galanjuse) v.i. fall and roll over, fall sprawling on the ground; roll over. galanjukira (-galanjukidde) v.i. appl. fall sprawling on/at, etc. galanjula (-galanjudde) v.tr. roll over; cause to roll on the ground. -egalanjula (-egalanjudde) v.i. refl. roll oneself on the ground; fall sprawling; writhe. cf. amagalanju, amagalanjula. galika (-galise) v.tr. set down on the back; turn over on the back. -egalika (-egalise) v.i. refl. lie flat; lie on one’s back. galubindi (n/n) [Stf., Pers.] spectacles, eyeglasses, galubindi eziraba ewala, binoculars, field glasses, galubindi ez’omusana, sunglasses, galubindi ezizimbulukusa or galubindi ezigezza, magnifying glass, microscope; telescope. galula (-galudde) v.tr. raise/lift (one’s hand, a weapon) in order to strike; brandish, flourish. -egalula (-egaludde) v.i. refl. refuse bluntly; deny vehemently; snarl; break out again. Obulwadde bwegaludde. The disease has recurred. galulira (-galulidde) v.tr. appl. brandish at, etc. Yatugalulira omuggo. He raised a stick against us. gamba (-gambye, nnambye) v.tr. say; say to, tell, kwe kugamba nti..., that is to say, i.e... abantu abalala gamba nga nze, other people such as myself. Mbadde jrinamba nti... I thought/supposed that. Ani agamba? Is there any question at all about that? That is too obvious. gambibwa (-gambiddwa) v.i. pass, be said, etc. -egamba (-egambye) v.i. refl. say to oneself, tell oneself; pretend; pose (as), present oneself (as). gambira (-gambidde) v.tr. appl. tell for/ at, etc. gambirira (-gambiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 keep saying; say all the time. gambiriza (-gambirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. cause to say; attribute words to; pester, annoy. Obwedda oyo yajigambiriza nti tugende. He is the one who has kept pestering me to go with him, lit. that we should go. gambya (-gambizza) v.tr. caus. cause to say/tell, etc. -egambya (-egambizza) v.i. & tr. caus. refl. make oneself say; pretend to say; say what one does not mean. gambulula (-gambuludde) v.tr. conv. 2 take back (what one has said), disclaim, retract; unstick. -egambulula (-egambuludde) v.i. conv. 2 refl. make oneself retract; get unstuck, peel off, come off. gambulukuka (-gambulukuse) v.i. conv. 2 retract what one has said; give in, yield. gainbika (-gambise) v.i. neut., usually m the neg. -tagambika, unspeakable, indescribable. obulwadde obutagambika, unspeakable/horrible disease. cf. eggambo, akagambo, kalirugambo, eki- gambo, olugambo, am again bo, entagambwa. Gambalagala pr. n. the Luganda name for the Ruwenzori Mountains, okuzimbagala nga Gambalagala, to become livid with rage. cf. balagala. gambulula (-gambuludde) v.tr. conv. 2 unstick, peel off. -egambulula (-egambuludde) v.i. conv. 2 refl. become unstuck; peel off. Note: gambulula resembles gamba in form but not in meaning; they may both be derived from the same verbal root. gana (-ganye) v.tr., arch, relate, tell (tales). -ganda stem from which are formed nouns designating Buganda, its language, people, etc. Buganda, (the former kingdom). Olu- ganda, the language of Buganda. Omuganda, a native of Buganda. Abaganda, the people of Buganda. -a kiganda, in the Kiganda style/manner, ennyimba ez’ekiganda, Kiganda songs, -ganda is an element in muganda, brother. H is also used as a simple adjective, ennyindo ejinanda, a Kiganda nose, i.e., a flat nose. gandaala (-gandadde, nnandadde) v.i. take a siesta; take a nap, lie down. cf. eggandaa- lo. ganduula (-gandudde) v.tr. drive out termites with the sap of the ggandu plant. cf. ggandu. ganga (-ganze) v.tr. treat (a sickness). Omuganga teyeeganga. A doctor does not treat his own iilness. cf. omuganga. ganga (-ganze) v.tr., arch, put tobacco in a pipe. gangatika (-gangatise) v.i. be worn out; be weak; be decrepit; be all skin and bones. cf. omugangatika. gangayira (-gangayidde, nnangayidde) v.i. be gorged/stuffed (with food or drink); be huge/immense. gangayiza (-gangayizizza) v.tr. caus. gorge, cause (someone) to eat or drink in great quantities. cf. olugangayira. ganira (-ganidde) v.tr. be solicitous about have consideration for; deal leniently with. -eganira (-eganidde) v.i. refl. be solicitous about oneself; look after oneself; take care of oneself. ganirira (-ganiridde) v.tr. appl. 2. intens. be extremely solicitous about; be constantly concerned with; attach oneself to. ganiriza (-ganirizza) v.i. <£ tr. appl. 2 caus. be stingy (with)/frugal (with)/ niggardly (about). Omukyala oyo aganiri- za nnyo. That lady is very frugal/makes every effort to economize. cf. omuganirizi. ganja (-ganze, ŋŋanze) v.i. be a favorite; be beloved; be popular. ganza (-ganzizza) v.tr. caus. make a favorite of; take a liking to; take a fancy to; love; prefer. Asinga kuganza Olufalansa. He prefers French. French is his favorite. Obuganzi bukaayanirwa. To win a favor is something for which one contends/strives. ganzisa (-ganzisizza) v.tr. caus. 2 cause to win favor; make popular. -eganzisa (-eganzisizza) v.i. & tr. cuus. 2 refl. ingratiate oneself with; win favor with. cf. -ganzi, obuganzi, omuganzi. gannemeredde (la) newborn female baby, lit. (strength, amaanyi, implied by ga-) failed me. Contr. nnaatuukirira. gantaala: kutunula gantaala, to look for something right under one’s nose. ganya (-ganyizza) v.tr. allow; permit; give approval to; authorize. ganyibwa (-ganyiddwa) v.i. pass., ganyizibwa (-ganyiziddwa) v.i. appl. pass. be allowed/authorized, etc. ganyisa (-ganyisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to permit/authorize, etc. ganyula (-ganyudde) v.i. be profitable; be of use. v.tr. be profitable to, profit. Obuyigirize bu ganyula buli muntu. Education profits everybody. ganyulwa (-ganyuddwa) v.i. pass. be profited by. cf. omuganyulo, nnantaganyula. -ganzi adj. favorite; popular; beloved, cf. ganja. ganzika (-ganzise) v.tr. lay; lay down; set down, okuganzika oluba wansi, to lie down, rest, lit. set one’s jaw down. -eganzika (-eganzise) lie; lie down. ganzikira (-ganzikidde) v.tr. appl. lay for/ in, etc. Yamuganzikidde emiggo. He beat him with blows (of a stick). cf. ennanzikizo. gannalama (-gannalamye, jjnannalamye) v.i. flop down; lie sprawled, lie sprawled out. gannamuka (-gannamuse, nnannamuse) v.i. start up, get up suddeniy/awkwaraly/ clumsily, cf. gagamuka. gasa (-gasizza) v.i. be of use, be profitable. v.tr. be of use to, be profitable to, profit, help. gasibwa (-gasiddwa) v.i. pass, be profited by. -egasa (-egasizza) v.i. refl. be able to get along on one’s own, be self-sufficient. gasisa (-gasisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to profit; make profitable/useful. gasagana (-gasaganye), gasannana (-gasannanye) v.i. recip. profit one another. cf. omugaso. gassa cans, of gatta, q.v. -egassi adj. cooperative, ekibiina eky- egassi, cooperative, cooperative society. cf. gatta, obwegassi. gatta (-gasse) v.tr. add; join; combine, put together; unite, unify; compensate. gattibwa (-gattiddwa) v.i. pass, be joined (in marriage); be added, etc. -egatta (-egasse) v.i. refl. unite; join together. -gatte -egayirira gassa (-gassizza) v.tr. caus. cause to join/add/unite/come together, etc.; make indemnify, cause to pay compensation. Bangassa ssiringi lukumi oiw’okuvuga mmo- toka ekimama. They made me pay a thousand shilling fine for careless driving. gattiriza (-gattirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. put together (things which do not belong together); bring together (e. g., people who are incompatible); mix up, jumble. Leka kugattiriza mirimu. Do not try to do more than one job at a time. gattulula (-gattuludde) v.tr. conv. 2 take apart, take to pieces; analyze; disengage; untangle. gattululwa (-gattuluddvva) v.i. conv. 2 pass, be taken apart/separated; get divorced (of a marriage). cf. -gatte, -egassi, obugassi, obwegassi, omugassi, engassi; gattika. -gatte adj. joined; united. Amawanga Ama- gatte, the United Nations, cf. gatta. gattika (-gattise) v.tr. unite; put together; combine (different things); mix; harmonize. cf. gatta. gavumenti (n/n) \jdng.~\ government. gaya (-gaye) v.tr. scorn; despise; have contempt for. -egaya (-egaye), -egayagaya (-egayegaye) v.i. refl. (redup.) despise oneself; think little of oneself; talk oneself down. gayira (-gayidde) v.i. & tr. appl. be disdainful (of); despise/scom/belittle for, etc. -egayira (-egayidde) v.i. & tr. appl. refl. humiliate oneself (before). gayirira (-gayiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 intens. be very scornful of; despise, belittle; mock. -egayirira (-egayiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 refl. beseech, entreat, implore; make a plea to. gayisa (-gayisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to scorn, etc. gayika (-gayise) v.i. neut. be capable of being scorned, be easy to scorn. Tagayika. He is not to be despised/a person whom one would despise. gayannana (-gayannanye) v.i. recip. despise one another. cf. eggayannana, omugayi, omugayizi. gayaala (-gayadde) v.i. be lazy/idle/indolent/slothful. gayaalira (-gayaalidde) v.i. tr. appl. be lazy in/at, etc.; be careless/indifferent about; treat lightly. gayaaza (-gayaazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to be lazy; cause to be negligent; throw off guard, give a false sense of security; cause to lose zeal or interest; distract, provide distraction for. -egayaaza (-egayaazizza) v.i. caus. refl. feel lazy; pretend to be tired; dally about, work half-heartedly; do busy work (as one recovering from an illness). cf. -gayaavu, obugayaavu, eggayaalo. -gayaavu adj. lazy, idle. Obutamiivu twain u fuula omugayaavu okusinga ekyennyan- ja. Drunkenness made him extremely lazy, lit. lazier than a fish. cf. gayaala. gayaggaya (-gayeggaye) v.i. deteriorate, become bad (with obudde, expressed or implied, as subject). Obudde bugayegga- ye. The situation has become worse. -egayirira (-egayiridde) v.tr. beseech, entreat, implore, make a plea to; pray to. Obutume obw’Okwegayirira, the Apostle- ship of Prayer, cf. gaya. gaza caus. of gaga, q.v. gazaagaza (-gazizzagazizza) v.tr. cause to waste away, consume slowly (of a disease), v.i. be dilatory, ‘beat around the bush.’ (probably the redup. caus. of gaga, q.v.) -egazaanya (-egazaanyizza) v.i. refl. act or behave in a free/easy/hnrestricted manner; sit in an unrefined manner, sit sprawled out; be at ease. cf. gaziwa, gaziya. -gazi adj. wide; broad; thick, cf. gaziwa, obugazi, ekigazigazi. gaziwa (-gaziye) v.i. become wide. gaziya (-gaziyizza) v.tr. cause, make wide, widen; expand. -egaziya (-egaziyizza) v.i. caus. refl. widen oneself; expand oneself; spread oneself; fig. act at ease. Mutuule mwegaziye, eno ennyumba yammwe. Make yourself comfortable, this is your house. cf. -gazi, ekigazigazi; -egazaanya. -ge emph. part, weebalege (plur. mwebalege) thank you very much. cf. ggereggere. geegeenya (-geegeenyezza) v.tr. ape, mimic; imitate. gegema (-gegemye) v.i. talk nonsense. gegemya (-gegemezza) v.tr. caus. cause to talk nonsense, kugegemeza kaloboozi, to talk with a squeaky/high-pitched voice. gegenga (-gegenze) v.i. talk in a high- pitched voice. -egegeza (-egegezezza) v.i. refl. be deferential and formal (often by lowering the voice with the motive of declining a request or denying a charge). gejja (-gezze) v.i. become fat/obese; increase, become greater. gezza (-gezzezza) v.tr. caus. fatten; fig. exaggerate. gejjulukuka (-gejjulukuse) v.i. (conv. in form but not in meaning) grow very fat; put on weight suddenly. cf. -gevvu, -gezze, obugevvu, amagejjo, omugejjo. gema (-gemye) v.tr. immunize; inoculate; forestall, avert, ward off (disease, bad weather, calamity). -egema (-egemye) v.i. & tr. refl. immunize oneself; inoculate oneself; protect oneself from (disease). okwegema okuzaala, to practice birth control. -egemerera (-egemeredde) v.i. appl. 2 refl. jeopardize one’s chances, bring bad luck on oneself. cf. -geme. -geme adj. immunized; inoculated; forestalled, averted, warded off. cf. gema. gemula (-gemudde) v.i. & tr. give; give away, donate; entertain; arch, bring gifts of food or drink. Bwe twatuuka awo n’atugemula okuyitira. When we arrived there she entertained us lavishly. Ogemula bitali bibyo. You give away things which do not belong to you. gemulira (-gemulidde) v.tr. appl. give to/for, etc.; entertain at, etc. Yatugemu- lira mu nnyumba ye empya. He entertained us in his new house. cf. omugemuzi. gena (-genye) v.i. become old; become tired/fatigued; become weak from illness. genda (-genze, nnenze) v.i. go, go away; relieve oneself, ‘go.’ Before a following infinitive it expresses future time. Tugenda kugenda. We are going to go. oku- lugenda, euph. to die, lit. to go on the journey (olugendo is implied by -lu-). Mu- naffe alugenze. Our friend is dead. gendera (-gendedde) v.i. appl. go in/at/ for, etc.; leak, leak out (of liquids). -egendera (-egendedde) v.i. appl. refl. depart, go away. genderera (-genderedde) v.i. & tr. appl. 2 go with the intention of; intend; do intentionally; observe, watch, kugenderera kwe- baka, to start falling asleep, be almost asleep. Agenderera kutuuka ku bwa Katik- kiro. He is aiming at attaining the premiership. Genderera ekyapa nti... Watch for the sign which (reads)... gendereza (-genderezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. advance with caution. -egendereza (-egenderezza) v.i. & tr. appl. 2 caus. refl. be careful/cautious; act with care; walk carefully; treat carefully, be careful with. Weegendereze. Be careful. Yegendereza ebirowoozo by’abalala. He gives careful consideration to/weighs seriously the opinions of others. genza (-genzezza), gendesa (-gendesezza) V.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to go; go by means of/using. -egenza (-egenzezza) v.i. caus. refl. go unbidden. gendeka (-gendese) v.i. neut. be manageable. Tagendeka. He is hard/impossible to deal with, okujjirwa obuzibu obuta- gendeka, to be faced with insurmountable difficulties. gendana (-gendanye) v.i. recip. go at each other (often in a verbal or physical fight). genyiwa cf. obugenderevu, obwegendereza, eggendere, eggendo, kagenderere, ekigendererwa, olugendo, olugenderezo, amagenda, amagendere, omugendo, omugenzi, omwegendereza, nnenzigenzi. genduka (-genduse) v.i. be worthwhile, be worth it, leave no regrets. Olugendo lwonna lugenduse. The whole trip has been worthwhile. geneka (-genese) v.i. be strained (of salt solution from ashes). genekera (-genekedde) v.tr. appl. strain, filter (salt). genekeka (-genekese) v.i. neut. be strain- able, be obtainable by straining. cf. ekigeneko, ekigenekere. -genge adj. leprous, cf. gengewala, ebi- genge, omugenge. gengewala (-gengewadde, nnengewadde) v.i. become leprous, contract leprosy. gengewaza (-gengewazizza) v.tr. caus. communicate leprosy; make leprous, cause to contract leprosy. cf. -genge, ebigenge, omugenge. genya (-genye) v.i. become old/weak; deteriorate; become deformed; break down (of machines). -genyi adj. strange; foreign; (relating to) visiting, cf. genyiwa(la), obugenyi, aka- genyi, ekigenyi, omugenyi. genyiwa (-genyiye, nnenyiye) also genyiwala (-genyiwadde) be or go on a visit. genyiwaza (-genyiwazizza) v.tr. caus. have as a guest, receive on a visit. genyuka (-genyuse) v.i. conv. terminate a visit, depart from a visit. genyula (-genyudde) v.tr. conv. send away/ send off from a visit. cf. -genyi, obugenyi, akagenyi, omugenyi. -gennenyufu adj. tired out; old, worn out. cf. gennenyuka. gennenyuka (-gennenyuse, nnennenyuse) v.i. become tired out; become old/worn out; get damaged, cf. -gejnnenyufu. gera (-geze) v.tr. weigh; measure; estimate; compare, okugera emmundu, to aim a gun. geraagera (-gezeegeze) v.tr. redup. keep measuring, measure several times. -egera (-egeze) v.i. refl. test/try oneself; compare oneself, okwegera amaanyi, to put one’s capacities to the test (in a fight, a drinking bout, etc.). gerera (-geredde) v.tr. appl. measure/estimate/compare for, etc. Buli muntu Katonda yamugerera ennaku ze z’alimala ku nsi. God has measured out for every person the days he will spend on earth. gererwako (-gereddwako) v.i. appl. pass. be used as a model/pattern/standard of measure/standard of comparison. -egerera (-egeredde) v.i. & tr. appl. refl. measure (out) for oneself; assess one’s own capacities. geza (-gezezza) v.tr. caus. try; test, put to test; take as an example; compare; take into account, okugeza, for example. Gezaako! Have a try! gezebwa (-gezeddwa) v.i. caus. pass, be tested/tried, etc. -egezaamu, -egezaako (-egezezzaamu, -ko) v.i. & tr. caus. refl. okwegezaamu, to try on, try out; to practice, rehearse; to train, okwegezaako ekiteeteeyi, to try on a dress. Ennyonyi yabadde egenda kwegezaa- mu. The airplane was going out for a test run. gezesa (-gezesezza) v.tr. caus. 2 cause to test/try; test ( another person); test/try with/ by means of. geranya (-geranyizza) v.tr., geraageranya (-geraageranyizza) v.tr. redup. compare; consider carefully, evaluate; imagine, think of; figure out. gezeka (-gezese) v.i. neut. be easy to test/trv: be testable. Omwenge tegugezeka- ko katono. Beer cannot be tried in small quantities, i.e., be limited to just a little. cf. -gere, eggerezo, ekigero, ekigezo, lolugero. gera (-geze) v.i., rare except in the following derived forms: gererera (-gereredde) v.i. appl. 2 dribble saliva; run, flow (as a pool of liquid on a solid); become stained/smeared. Essowaani zonna yazirese awo nga zigerereddeko emmere. She left all the plates there encrusted/stained with food. gerereza (-gererezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. stain with saliva; smear; make blots. cf. engeregeze, engezi. gera (-geze) v.tr. recount, tell (a story, parable, proverb, etc.). gerula (-gerudde) v.tr. tell (riddles, fables, proverbs). cf. gereesa, lolugero. -gere adj. measured, weighed; definite, specific, precise, mu biseera ebigere, at fixed times, at appointed times, cf. Igera. gereesa (-gereesezza) v.i. speak enigmatic- v ally/in riddles; speculate, hypothecate. c f. 3 gera> geregere var. of ggereggere, q. v. geregeza (-geregezezza) v.i. slobber, dribble at the mouth (particularly during sleep), cf. engeregeze; engagize. gereka (-gerese) v.tr. allot, apportion, parcel out; distribute; assign; estimate, omusolo omugereke, poll tax. Gy’otosula togerekerayo bibya. (prov.) Where you do not live, you do not apportion the dishes. It is best to mind one’s own business. cf. omugereko, omugeresi.^engereka, Nnamugereka. gereka (-gerese) v.i. overlap (of teeth), v.tr. provide by way of supplement, add (something different), kugereka nva, to add greens (to the main dish). gerekera (-gerekedde) v.i. & tr- = gereka. Yagerekera amannyo. He has overlapping teeth. c f. en gereka. gerengetanya (-gerengetanyizza) v.i. try every device, v.tr. figure out, workout, t devise means for. Nnemeddwa okugerenge-tanya eky’okukola. I couldn’t (lit. have failed to) figure out what to do. cf. omu- gerengetanya. gerenjula (-gerenjudde) v.i. speak in riddles; speak in parables; tell funny stories, joke. v.tr. okugerenjula ebigambo, to twist words, alter the meanings of words, cf. %era, omugerengejjo, omugerenjuzi. gerula (-gerudde) v.tr. reimburse; compensate. gerula see gera. geta (-gese) v.tr. bend; bend up; mangle; cripple, cf. Nnamugeta; gota. -gevvu adj. fat, plump, obese, cf. gejja, obugevvu. geya (-geye) v.tr. slander; talk about (someone) behind his back, backbite. -egeya (-egeye) v.i. refl. slander oneself; take counsel together, confer; collude, plot together. Abakulu beegeyaamu ne balabira ddala nga omwana waabwe ddala. The elder people conferred together and came to the conclusion (lit. saw) that the child was really theirs. cf. -geyi -geyi adj. slanderous, backbiting, cf. geya. geza caus. of Igera, q.v. -gezi adj. clever, smart; wise; learned. cf. geziwala, kalimagezi, olugezigezi, amagezi, omugezi; kagezimunnyo. geziwala (-geziwadde) v.i. grow learned/ wise; become clever; show off one’s knowledge. geziwaza (-geziwazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to become wise/learned; make clever. -egeziwaza (-egeziwazizza) v.i. caus. refl. make oneself wise; make a pretense of being wise, affect wisdom. For cross-references see -gezi. gezza caus. of gejja, q.v. -gezze adj. fattened; fig. exaggerated. cf• gejja. gga, e- (li/ma) crack in the foot caused by disease. gga gga gga= ideo. Loole yalinnya akasozi mpola gga gga gga. The lorry climbed the hill slowly, puffing as it went. ggaali, e- (n/n or li/ma) [Stu., Hind. ] wheeled vehicle; car; cart; bicycle, eggaali y’omukka, railroad train, cf. akagaali, ekigaali. ggaamu (la) [Eng. ] gum; glue. ggabi, e- (li/ma) thwart of a canoe. ggabogabo, e-: omwezi ogw’eggabogabo, the full moon. Omwezi gwa ggabogabo* It is a full moon. ggadi, e- less common var. of eggaali, q.v. ggagamba, e- (li/ma) scale (of a fish or reptile), cf. gagambuka, eggamba, ekiga- gamba. ggaggadde inv. adj. huge, enormous, very 1 arge. ggala often with the enclitic ggalawo (-ggadde, nzigadde(wo)) v.tr. shut, close; inclose; bring to an end; fig. discontinue. Amawanga ago gajja kuggalawo okukolagana ne Bungereza. These countries will discontinue their cooperation with England. Tumuggaddewo. We have refused him/ turned him down. ggalira (-ggalidde) v.tr. appl. shut/close in/for, etc.; lock up, imprison. -eggalira (-eggalidde) v.i. appl. refl. shut oneself in. cf. -ggavu, obuggalamatu, obuggavu, kiggala, omuggalanda, omuggavu, omuggazi. Contr. %guka, ggula. ggala, e- (li/ma) basket trap with a hole in the bottom used for catching lake fish. ggalabanja adv. in a neglected or abandoned state. Omulambo gwasangiddwa nga gugudde ggalabanja ku kkubo okumpi n’ennyumba ye. The corpse was found abandoned on a road near his house, cf. galabanja. ggalagamba, e- (li/ma) large scale (e.g., of a fish); large scab/crust, cf. ekigalagamba; eggamba. ggalagi, e- (n/n) [£ng.] garage. ggalamba (la) kind of large gonja banana. ggal'o, e- (li/ma) thumb, ow’eggalo, expert thief, cf. engalo. ggalwa, e- also eggalwe (li/ma) inside fiber of dried plantain bark used for caulking canoes. ggama, e- (n/n) [from Eng. mugj large metal drinking cup. -eggama (-eggamye) v.i. & tr. refl. take shelter from (the rain or sun). ggamba, e- (li/ma) scale (of a fish or reptile); scab; crust, cf. gagambuka, egga- gamba, ekigagamba, ekigalagamba. ggambo, e- (li/ma) bad word; dirty word, amagambo ag’olumottole, indiscreet words. The grammatical plural amagambo (q.v.) does not have the augm. or pej. meaning of the singular, cf. gamba, ekigambo, amagambo. ggana, e- (li/ma) flock; herd. cf. olugana, omugano. ggandaalo, e- (li/ma) siesta, early afternoon rest. cf. gandaala. ggandu (la) a kindof plant, the sap of which is repellent to termites, cf. ganduula. gganduula, e- (li/ma) gown, robe. -ggavu adj. shut, closed, omuggavu w’amatu, a deaf person, cf. Iggala, obuggavu. ggayaalo, e- no plur. (li/ma) sloth; idleness; boredom, blase feeling, cf. gayaala. ggayannana, e- no plur. (li/ma) mutual contempt/disparagement/belittling. cf. gaya, gayannana. ggeege, e- plur. more common amageege (li/ma) monster; monstrosity. ggego, e- (li/ma) molar tooth. ggemu, e- also eggemo (li/ma) bracelet or anklet of ivory, plur. amagemu, cuffs (of trousers, coats); hems. ggendere, e Abuze n’eggendere. He has gone without leaving a trace, cf. genda, gendera. ggendo, e- (li/ma) long voyage/trip, kukuba ggendo, to take a long trip. cf. genda. ggenge, e- (n/n) bogeyman, an imaginary terrifying creature. ggengere, e- (li/ma) colloq. beer, liquor, spirits. Ka tugende tukwate ku ggengere. Let’s go and have a drink. ggenya, e- (li/ma) impudence, insolence, effrontery. ggere, e- (li/ma) (augm. of kigere, q-v.) large foot, okulinnya eggere mu_, stop, block, suppress; intervene in. For a proverb with eggere see sambya. ggereggere also written geregere adv. inv. adj. absolutely, without doubt; out- and-out. Obwo bunyunyunsi ggereggere. That is out-and-out exploitation. Oyo mwana we ggereggere. That is his child without the slightest doubt, omubbi ggereggere, an out-and-out thief. Omuganda ggereggere, a real, genuine Muganda. ggerenge, e- no plur. (li/ma) red ocher used as a coloring substance. It was formerly smeared by warriors on their canoes and on their bodies. ggerezo, e- (li/ma) relig. novitiate of a religious order, cf. ^gera. ggero, e- rare sing, of amagero, q.v. ggezi, e- (li/ma) a brilliant pieceof advice; an excellent idea. The gramm. plur. ama- gezi (q.v.) differs in meaning from, the sing. ggi, e- (li/ma) egg. amagi amasii ke, fried eggs, kukuba za ku magi, to be a coward, act in a cowardly way, lit. strike the hens (enkoko is implied by za) (who are sitting) on the eggs. Kiriba kya nsonyi bwe mulirya eggi. lit. It will be a shame if you eat the egg. This derives from the proverb okulya eggi okwesub.ya omuwula, to eat the egg and miss the meat. The implication is that if one allows an egg to develop into a chicken the gain will be greater. Bulijjo afuna magi mu kubala. He always gets zeros in arithmetic, cf. ekigi. ggibwa pass, of lggya, q.v. ggigi, e- (li/ma) curtain; veil; screen; partition. ggimbi, e- (1 i/m a) spicule, hairy projection on elephant grass (reeds) or sugarcane; hair on a caterpillar, okuseka n’eggimbi ku mwoyo, to laugh bitterly; to laugh maliciously. ggina, e- (li/ma) bristles on the back, hair along the spine (of an animal); mane. cf. ejjinirizi, omugina. ggindu, e- plur. amayindu (li/ma) also spelled ejjindu spur/o/a cock, etc.). ggingirizi, e- var. spelling of ejjingirizi, q. V. gginirizi, e- var. spelling of ejjinirizi, q.v. ggira mod. form of -^ggya, q.v. ggiraasi, e- (n/n) [Eng.] drinking glass, tumbler. Ekyo kiri mu ggiraasi. That is quite obvious. ggiri, e- (li/ma) kind of mat. (la) kind of mat pattern in which the-plaiting is parallel and horizontal, cf. ggiringiti. ggiri, e- rare malice. ggirigimba, e- (li/ma) fin (of a fish), cf. akagirigimba. ggirikiti, e- also spelled ejjirikiti (li/ma) Red-hot Poker Tree, Uganda Coral, Erythrina abyssinica; irritating rash. cf. ekiyirikiti. ggiringiti, «- (li/ma) kind of mat; kind of mat pattern, cf. leggiri. ggirita, e- (n/n) (from Eng. Gillette) razor blade, cf. akagirita. ggisa caus. of %gya, q.v. ggiza (-ggizizza) v.tr. weed; thin out (seedlings), cf. Iggya. ggobe, e- (li/ma) finely ground powder made from dried greens such as mpindi, etc. Ky’onkoze entungo ekikola ggobe. You have put me in a bad/difficult/sticky situation. n’amanya nti luno eggobe lya kuggwa mu kibya, and he knew that things would turn out just right, lit. the ggobe would wind up in the bowl. ggodooli, e- (li/ma) large mat/carpet. A1 i mu ggodooli. He is sleeping. ggoga, e-: kwemala ggoga, to do to one’s heart’s content, fully satisfy one’s desires. Abaagala omwenge bajja kwemala eggoga. Those who like beer will have all they want, kwemalira ggoga ku muntu (or ku kintu), to take it out on somebody (or something). ggogolimbo (la) trash, garbage, refuse; fig. mess; corruption. ggogolo: kukuba ggogolo, to slide down a steep slope on a stem of a plantain (mu go go). ggogonnya, e- (li/ma) small peninsula. ggolo, e- (li/ma) type of insect resembling a grasshopper which lives on the young shoots of the plantain. Also called nnabangogoma. ggologolo, e- (li/ma) kind of palm tree. ggolomoka invar, adj. huge, very large, enju ggolomoka, a huge house. ggolomozi, e- (li/ma) place of launching (for boats), cf. golomola. ggoloofa, e- (n/n) [S«>.] upper story; upstairs. mu ggoloofa, upstairs, ennyumba eya ggoloofa, a house of more than one story. ggolu, e- var. of eggwolu, q.v. ggombolola, e- (n/n or li/ma) sub-county, administrative division immediately below the ssaza (county), ow’eggombolola, subcounty chief, cf. gombolola. ggomo, e- (li/ma) stomach of a non-ruminating animal (esp. a pig); amagomo, folds of fat on the sides, stomach and around the neck. ggondo, e- (1 i/ma) spot (either permanent, as the spot on a leopard, or temporary as a spot of dirt, etc.) cf. ebigondo. bones, skeletons; dead relative(s). okuvuma amagufa, to insult grossly (by offensive references to a dead relative). gguggwe, e- plur. amawuggwe (li/ma) lung. cf. ekiwuggwe. ggugu, e- (li/ma) kind of water grass. ggugu, e- (li/ma) large load/burden, cf. omugugu. gguka (-gguse, nziguse) v.i. come upon, happen upon; arrive at; come out onto or into, kugguka mu muntu, to become wise to a person, understand a person’s real motives. ggukira (-ggukidde) v.i. appl. come out at/ in, etc. ggukiza (-ggukizza) v.tr. appl. caus. to put first/provisionally. Ebintu bye yabi- ggukiza wano. He put his things here for the time being, ekintu kye tuggukizaako amaaso, the first thing which we notice. ggusa (-ggusizza) v.tr. caus. cause to come out at, etc. cf. omugguukiriro. gguka (-gguse) v.i. open. Oluggi lwagguka. The door opened. ggula (-ggudde, nzigudde), frequently with the enclitic -wo: ggulawo (-guddewo) v.tr. open (as a door), okuggula ebyama, to reveal secrets, okuggulawo omuwogo, to open (a door) slightly. ggulira (-ggulidde) v.tr. appl. open for/in, etc.; reveal to. kuluggulira gye lutaggulir- wa, to start trouble, cause trouble, lit. to ggongolo, e-: (li/ma) millipede (in general); arch, a kind of millipede, cf. kagongolo. ggonjebwa, e- usually sing, (li/ma) meekness, humbleness; courtesy, politeness, 2 kindness; gentleness, ow’eggonjebwa, a polite/respectful person. ggono, e- no plur. (li/ma) gentleness, mildness (of persons), with the -a of rel. clear, pleasant (of the voice), eddoboozi ery’e ggono, a pleasant, clear voice. ggoolo, e- (n/n) [£ng.] goal (in football). ggoonya, e- also goonya (n/n) crocodile. ggoye, e- (li/ma) lit. large cloth, okusa- lawo eggoye, to straighten out a misunderstanding, clear up a point, settle an unresolved situation. Eggoye lyasaliddwawo. The impasse was broken, cf. olugoye. ggu, e- (li/ma) partly ripened fruit of the muwafu or the musaali tree. Lukuba eggu ne luleka omuzima. (Death, olumbe) strikes the young fruit and leaves the ripe fruit (untouched). This saying refers to one who dies at a very young age. ggu, e- (li/ma) kind of large trap for capturing wild animals (leopards, hyenas, etc.). ggu: be ggu, ideo. with a bang. Yasamba oluggi be ggu be ggu. He kicked the door with a bang. ggufa, e- usually plur. amagufa (li/ma) open it (-lu- implies oluggi, door) where it should not be opened. cf. muggulanda. contr. Iggala. ggula see ^gguka. ggula, e- plur. amawula (li/ma) kind of creeper used for binding fences. ggule ffrom Eng- gray] with the -a of rel. gray. ggulire, e- big piece of news, major item of information. (Sate: the gram. plur. amawu- Iire lacks the augm. force of eggulire.) cf. wulira. gguliro, e- (li/ma) rare place where buying takes place, market; shop. cf. gula, gulira. ggulo, e- (li/ma) afternoon; early evening; (with a past tense verb) yesterday afternoon. olw’eggulo, this afternoon or some particular afternoon. Essaawa ez’olw'eggulo tubeera ka. We are at home in the afternoon hours, jjo olw’eggulo, yesterday afternoon or (with a future tense) tomorrow afternoon, enkya olw’eggulo, tomorrow afternoon. Bwe nnaakukwatako engalo tujja kudda ggulo. When I get my hands on you we are really going to have it out, lit. we will return late in the day. cf. ekyeggulo. ggulolimu, e- adv. last night; the night before, the previous evening. ggulu, e- no plur. (li/ma) heaven; sky; lightning. Yakubwa eggulu n’afiirawo. He was struck by lightning and died instantly. with caps. Ggulu, Heaven (the name of a lubaale), the father of Walumbe (death) and Nnambi (the first woman), and the fathei^in- law of Kintu (the first Muganda). cf. engulu, kungulu, waggulu. -ggulu adj. dirty, filthy; unrefined, uncouth. ggulugungu, e- usually plur. amawiilugungu (li/ma) kind of plant the bark of which is used in making baskets. ggulumu, e- (li/ma) slope, embankment; mound of earth, cf. ekigulumu. ggumba, e- (li/ma) bone, okusimba eggumba egganda, to walk. 01 uvannyuma lw’okuki- gaayagaaya baakizuula mpozzi nga kirimu eggumba. After thinking it over they realized that it might just be true, lit. after chewing it they found that perhaps it had a bone inside, okuggwa ku magumba, to lose weight, become all skin and bones, oku- tunguka ku magumba, to cook thoroughly (of meat). Ebigezo bino birimu eggumba. These examinations are quite difficult, lit. have some bone in them. Kirimu eggumba okugamba nti... It is difficult to maintain that. It is hard to say that. lit. There is a bone in saying that... Omwavu lw’alya ennyama amagumba asansa masanse. (prov.) When a poor man eats meat, he scatters the bones around (to impress others ). ggumbya: ekigwo ggumbya, an exciting/sensational wrestling bout, lit. which causes (a crowd) to gather, cf. gumba. ggume, e- with the -a of rel. quiet, reticent, reserved; of a sour disposition. ggumira (-ggumidde) v.i. be impenetrable; be thick (as a growth of foliage). ggumiza (-ggumizza) v.tr. caus. render impenetrable; thatch (thickly); cover (firmly); stress, emphasize; corroborate; do to an extreme degree, n’aggumiza nti, and he emphasized that. Ekifaananyi kyandinnyambye okuggumiza amazima gange. The picture would help me corroborate the truth of my statement. Yazinye n’okuggumiza n’aggumiza. She danced and danced. cf. -ggumivu, omuggumiro. -ggumivu adj. thick, impenetrable; firm, strong, cf. ggumira. ggunda (-ggunze, nzigunze) v.tr. dash down; hurl down; throw violently; stab. Yamu- ggunda agakonde mu kifuba. He punched him forcefully in the chest. -eggunda (-eggunze) v.i. refl. hurl oneself down; be dashed down; rumble; rock heavily. v.tr. refl. hurl oneself on; fall heavily on; land heavily on. gguniya, e- (n/n or li/ma) [Sue, Hind.'] gunnysack, sack made of gunny or burlap. cf. ekiguniya. ggunju, e- (li/ma) kind of wild cat. gguula (la) zest, gusto (in eating). gguuliro, e- plur. amawuuliro (li/ma) threshing floor, cf. 2wuuJa. gguzi, e- plur. amaguzi (li/ma) eby'amaguzi, merchandise, trade commodities, okuzira eby’amaguzi, to carry on a trade boycott. Ebintu bino birina egguzi. These things sell well/do well on the market/are profitable. cf. gula. ggwa (-wedde, mpwedde) v.i. be finished/ ended; be completed (e.g., of a job); be exhausted/worn out. Mpweddemu amaanyi. I have no strength left, obulamu obutaggwa- wo, eternal life, okuggwaamu akakunkuna, to be completely convinced, have one’s doubts removed, okuggwa ku muntu, to be ‘finished’ with a person, no longer to trust him; to be utterly amazed at a person, ku- ggwaamu mazzi, to be on the point of death; to have just died, lit. to be exhausted of water. Aweddeemu amazzi. He is on the brink of death. Yanywedde n’aggwa. He drank to excess/got drunk. Yayambadde n’aggwa. She was dressed ‘fit to kill.’ ggweebwako v.i. pass, run out of. Omu- sajja oyo taggweebwako nsimbi. This man never runs out of money. ggweera (-ggweeredde) v.i. appl. be finished, completed in/at, etc.; be contained, fit in; end up in, wind up in. Ffenna twa- ggweera mu mmotoka. All of us were (able to) fit into the car. Enju yaabwe ejja ku- ggweera mu myezi esatu. Their house will be completed in three months. -eggweera (-eggweeredde) v.i. appl. refl., used in the inf. to give emphasis to a preceding verb, okugenda mu birabo okwe- ggweera, to keep running to bars all the time. ggweerera (-ggweeredde) v.i. appl. 2 become exhausted; abate, dimish; end completely, disappear; be completely used up. ggweereza (-ggweerezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. cause to be finished/used up, etc. ggweesa (-ggweesezza) v.tr. caus. exhaust, use up; lose completely, lose all; complete, finish. cf. olutaggwa. ggwa-a-a: be ggwa-a-a ideo. with a thud. Ekit ereke ne kigwa be ggwa-a-a! And the parcel fell down with a thud. ggwaala, e- (li/ma) trombone. ggwaatiro, e- plur. amawaatiro (li/ma) place where food and vegetables are peeled before cooking. (This is usually located in the banana garden located near the house.) cf. waata. ggwaggali, e- (li/ma) stubborness, obstinacy,, argumentativeness, cf. mawaggali. ggwagi, e- (li/ma) large post; central post of a house (burned when the owner dies), cf. Iwaga, empagi. ggwako, e- plur. amawako (li/ma) conception, pregnancy (of animals), okufuna eggwako, to conceive, become pregnant. cf. 2waka. ggwala, e- also eggwalajjana (li/ma) big, robust, healthy girl. cf. omuwala. ggwandiikiro, e- plur. amawandiikiro (li/ma) place where documents are kept, archives. cf. wandiika. ggwanga, e- plur. amawanga (li/ma) ggwanga, e- (li/ma) vengeance; rancor, okuwoolera eggwanga, to take vengeance. country, nation; tribe, okubeera/mu mawanga or emitala w’amawanga, to be abroad, ggwangamujje {lit. country-come), kind of drum used to summon the people in time of danger, oluyimba Iw’eggwanga, national anthem. Ku lwa Katonda ne Ggwanga lyange, For God and my Country (the motto of Uganda). Amawanga Amagatte, the United Nations. Amawanga agali mu luganda olumu ne Bungereza, the British Commonwealth (of Nations), cf. munna- ggwanga. ggwango no plur. period between noon and 1P.M. ggwanika, e- plur. amawanika (li/ma) cupboard; place for storage; safe; treasury; treasury building, cf. wanika, akawanika, lomuwanika. ggwe disj. pers. pron. 2nd sing, you (referring to one person), ggwe wamma and wamma ggwe are interjectional phrases of high- frequency which have no close English eauivalent. They are used when there is good rapport between speaker and hearer. Perhaps ‘I say!’ is the nearest equivalent. gweekerera (-ggweekeredde) v.i., most frequently used in the inf. to intensify a preceding verb. Ayambala okuggweekerera. He dresses extremely well. Yayimba okuggweekerera. She sang magnificently. ggwiiso, e- (li/ma) good luck, good fortune. ggwiso, e- plur. amayiso (li/ma) large needle, cf. empiso. ggwolezo, e- plur. atnawolezo (li/ma) tribunal, court of justice, cf. lwoza. ggwolezo, e- plur. atnawolezo (li/ma) place where clothes are washed. Less common than ekyolezo, q.v. cf. yoza, yoleza. ggwolu, e- also eggolu plur. amawolu (li/ma) leftover plantains; leftover food, leftovers; (in the plur., in addition to the preceding) jilted person, castoff. Amawolu galiibwa mujjukiza. (prov.) Leftovers are eaten by someone who makes his presence or desires known, cf. ^wola, -wolu. ggwombo, e- augm. of oluwombo, q.v. ggwoolezo, e- plur. amawoolezo (li/ma) customshouse; place where dues are collected. cf. wooza. ggwoowo, e- (li/ma) aroma; pleasant smell/ odor, okwogeza eggwoowo, to speak with a pleasant tone of voice, cf. akawoowo. ggya (-ggye, nzigye) v.tr. take; take away/ off/out, etc. (The enclitics -ko, -mu, -wo are frequently suffixed to ggya, performing a role analogous to that of the adverbs following take, i.e., away, off, etc.). Ggyawo ekitanda. fake the bed away.. Ggyako ekikopo. Take the cup off (e.g., of the table), okuggyako, except, excepting, okuggya ku mabeere, to wean, okuggya omwoyo ku kintu, to neglect/forget something. okuggya akagere, to start walking, try one’s first steps, okuggya obutiko, to pick mushrooms, okuggyawo omusango, to dismiss a case (at law). Kyanzigya enviiri ku mutwe okulaba nga... It made the hair stand up on my head to see that... Ebigambo bye yayogera byamuggya n’amaziga mu ki- wanga. The things which he said made her cry, lit. took tears from her skull. Temuggya okwo, mugende mu maaso. Don't stop there, go on. Keep up the good work. ggibwa(ko) (-ggiddwa) v.i. pass, betaken/ taken away, etc. -eggya- (-eggye-) v.i. refl. usually with the enclitics in the following forms: -eggyawo depart, leave, go away. Kita- yimbwa olwatuuka ne tweggyawo. As soon as K. arrived we left. -eggyamu, take upon oneself; undertake, okweggyamu olubuto, to abort oneself. ggira (-ggidde) v.tr. appl. take in/at, etc. okuggira essubi, to cut up grass (for thatch- ing) ggisa (-ggisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to take; cause to take away; cause to move. ggya (-yidde, njidde) v.i. burn, get burned (of persons or things); be done (of food), get cooked; be fermented (of beer); be exhausted /ment, a struggle). Njidde. I am worn out. Njidde amazzi. The water has scalded me. Njidde emikono. My arms have been burned. ggiira (-ggiiridde) v.i. appl. be burned/ cooked/brewed in, etc. ggiirira (-ggiiridde) v.i. appl. 2 = ggiira. yiisa (-yiisizza), yiisisa (-yiisisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 Sc 2 cause to cook/ferment, etc. Njiisizza emmere. I have the food ready. I have finished cooking. Kisitu ye yamuyii- sisa omwenge. It was Kisitu who made him brew the beer. cf. -yiifu, ggya, e- plur. amagya (li/ma) adze, knife with a curved blade. -ggya adj. new. /Is a modifier of nouns of the n/n class (or of plurals of the lu/n class) -ggya becomes -(e) mpya. enju empya, a new house, cf. lobuggya,2ekiggya, ‘-omuggya. ), remove from oneself; get rid of; abandon, give up (e.g., a bad habit). Yeggyako obubbi. He gave up stealing. ggye, e- plur. amagye (li/ma) army, amagye ag’oku ttaka, ground forces, land forces, amagye ag’omu bbanga, air force, amagye ag’oku nnyanja, sea forces, navy. Eggye lya Maria, relig. the Legion of Mary. -gidde (with normal subject prefixes followed by a verb in the subj.) as a conj. since, whereas, given that. Ogidde onvume, sikyatambula naawe. Since you have insulted me I will no longer go anywhere with you. Kintu agidde atuyise atyo, tumale gamuvaako. Since K. has treated us this way, let’s just leave him alone. giginala 1-giginadde) v.i. stick out, protrude, project (often used of the teeth or lips). giginaza (-giginazza) v.tr. caus. stick out, show (the teeth). cf. kikinala. giigiira var. spelling of jiijiira, q.v. gimba (-gimbye) v._tr. take by surprise. Abagenyi bano batugimbye. These guests have taken us by surprise. Otulo tuba- gimbye. Sleep has come upon them unexpectedly. -gimu adj. fertile, fruitful, cf. gimuka, obugimu. -gimufu adj. fertile, fruitful. The difference between -gimu and -gimufu is slight. -gimu seems to represent a permanent state; -gimufu, a transient state, cf. gimuka. gimuka (-gimuse) v.i. be fertile/fruitful; flourish; fig. prosper. gimula (-gimudde) v.tr., gimusa (-gimusizza) v.tr. caus. make fertile, fertilize; cause to grow well, ebigimusa, fertilizers. cf. -gimu, -gimufu, obugimu, ekigimusa. gindi indef. adv. such and such a place; a given place, a certain place; where-do-you- call-it. cf. 2-ndi, gundi. ginga (-ginze) v.tr. notch, ring (a tree); more commonly improvise, make up; forge, counterfeit; falsify, fake; camouflage, okuginga omukono, to forge a signature. gingaginga (-ginzeginze) v.i. & tr. redup. perform repeatedly or with intensity (the actions listed under the simple form). -eginga (-eginze) v.i. refl. make funny faces; play the clown; be humorous; be frivolous. -egingisa (-egingisizza) v.tr. caus. refl. clown/be funny using/employing. cf. -ginge, -gingeginge, -gingirire, omweginzi. -ginge, -gingeginge, -gingirire adj. make up; false; forged; falsified. Ebbaluwa yaliko omukono omuginge. The letter had a forged signature, enviiri enjingejinge, stylized hair, hair treated by a beauty operator. cf. ginga, gingirira. ginika (-ginise) v.tr. spoil, pamper. -eginika (-eginise) v.i. refl. be fastidious; show a reluctance to do work or to do what is supposed to be done; spare/hamper oneself; act in a silly manner, trifle, cf. -ekinika. ginnyimuka (-ginnyimuse) v.i. spring up; grow quickly; grow profusely. ginya (-ginyizza) v.tr. spoil, pamper, indulge, give excessive freedom to. gira (mod. form rare) v.i. & tr. do; act. okugira ekisa, to show kindness, okugira ekisa, to show kindness, okugira ekyejo, to act insolently, gira is used primarily as an auxiliary verb with no constant English equivalent. It indicates action at intervals or continuous action for a period suggested by the English phrases every now and then, once in awhile, keep on. Nnagira nga ne mbakubamu essasi. Every now and then I would fire a shot at them. Tosuula ngabo ogira owazaako. Don’t give up (lit. throw the shield), but keep on trying/just give it a try. Omu ku bakuumi kwe kugira nti... One of the guards went on to say. -egira v.i. refl. act peculiar/strange. girira (-giridde) v.i. Sc tr. appl. treat; behave towards. Nze tongirira kyejo. Don’t be insolent to me. -egiringijja (-egiringizze) v.i. refl. be lighthearted/carefree/unconcerned. goba (-gobye) v.i. arrive; land, reach shore. v.tr. drive away; dismiss; chase; defeat, beat (e.g., an opponent in a game); drive, steer (a boat or vehicle); seek, go after (an objective); reject (a request), okugoba ebigere, to follow in the footprints of, follow the tracks of. okugoba ensonga, to be fair, just; to stick to the facts; to dismiss a case for lack of evidence, okugoba emmotoka, to drive a car; vulg. to vomit, okugoba ettale, to land, arrive at the shore. -egoba (-egobye) v.i. refl. exclude oneself; expel oneself, -egobako, v.i. & tr. refl. drive from oneself, repel, get rid of. gobera (-gobedde) v.tr. appl. drive/chase in, etc. kugobera munya mu ssubi, lit. to drive a lizard into the grass/thatched part of a house, i.e., to tell a person to do something which he is very glad to do/which he would want to do anyway. goberera (-goberedde) v.tr. appl. 2 follow, go after; go to get, go to fetch. gobereza (-goberezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. cause to follow; follow with; approach; drive away with, okugobereza amaaso, to follow with the eyes, omwana abadde agobereza omwaka ogw'okubiri, a child who was nearing/approaching his second year. Omulabe bwe yatulaba n’atugobereza amasasi. When the enemy saw us he drove us off with bullets. gobya (-gobezza), gobesa (-gobesezza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to chase/go after; cause to be expelled; cause to arrive/land; cheat, kugobya nkaaga, to fail in one’s attempt. Ennyana togigobya muggo munene gutyo! Do not go after the calf with such a a big stick. gobyagobya (-gobezzagobezza) v.tr. caus. redup. defraud, cheat. gobaganya (-gobaganyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. keep driving/chasing away; badger incessantly- gobaagobanya (-gobaagobanyizza) = gobaganya. cf. akagoba, ekigobero, olugoba, amagoba, omugoba, omugoberezi, omugobya(gobya); ^gobola (gobolola). gobola (-gobodde) v.tr., rare draw the bolt of (a gun or rifle). gobola (-gobodde) also gobolola (-gobolodde) v.i. make a profit, profit, gain. Mu ppamba we yagobololamu ssente eziwera. He made quite a bit of money in cotton (lit. It is in cotton where, etc.). cf. goba, amagoba. -egobola (-egobodde) v.tr. refl., rare taste (food or drink to be given to a guest to prove that it is not harmful). gobongotana (-gobongotanye) v.i. clash together. gobongotanya (-gobongotanyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to clash together. cf. golongolana. gobottoka var. of gabattuka, q.v. -egoga (-egoze) v.i. make an effort to vomit, retch. gogojjana (-gogojjanye) v.i. arch, be stiff in the joints. gogola (-gogodde) v.tr. clear, clear up, clear out; dredge; clean up, clean out. okugogola emimiro, to clear the throat. gogolo var. of ggogolo, q.v. gogologogolo (la) disorder, confusion, turmoil. cf. omugogolo. gogomba (-gogombye) v.i. resist obstinately; be or become stubborn. gogombola (-gogombodde) v.tr. split and detach (the layers of a plantain stem preparatory to laying them out for drying). gogomoka (-gogomose) v.i. make a dull,flat sound; croak (as a frog). gogonoka (-gogonose) v.i. stand/rise to one’s feet with effort/in a clumsy manner; recover (from an illness); make a dull/flat sound; croak (as a frog). gogonosa (-gogonosezza) v.tr. caus. cause to struggle to one’s feet; raise with difficulty. gogottana (-gogottanye) v.i. turn out poorly, produce unfavorable results; present difficulties/complexities. gogottera (-gogottedde) v.i. be congested/encumbered/crowded. cf. -gogottevu. -gogottevu adj. congested, encumbered, crowded, cf. goeottera. gojoba (-gojobye) v.i., rare be lazy; be languid. cf. engojoba, gajaba. goloda (la) fold; crease. -golokofu adj. straight, erect; correct, right; upright, just. cf. golokoka. golokoka (-golokose) v.i. stand up; get up; arise; be straight/erect; be correct; be upright/morally correct. golokokera (-golokokedde) v.i. appl. rise at/in. okugolokokera ku Gavumenti, to rise up against the Government. golokosa (-golokosezza) v.tr. caus. cause to stand up; awaken; rouse; make straight, straighten; correct. cf. -golokofu, golola, obugolokofu. golola (-golodde) v.tr. raise up; stretchout; straighten out; press, iron; correct (an examination); correct (a defect, an error), okugolola omukono, to raise one’s hand, okugolola emimiro, to clear the throat. -egolola (-egolodde) v.i. refl. stretch oneself, stretch out. cf. omugolozi; golokoka. golomola (-golomodde) v.tr. launch, set (a boat or canoe) afloat. -egolomola (-egolomodde) v.i. refl. kwegolomola na kintu, to struggle hard with something, undertake something difficult. cf. eggolomozi, akagolomolo, omugolomozi. golongotana (-golongotanye) v.i. clatter, make a clattering noise; rattle. cf. galangatana, gobongotana. -egolonnonva (-eeolonnonvezzal v.i. refl. writhe, wriggle; twist oneself; roll on the ground. golooba (-goloobye) v.i. set (of the sun); come to an end (of the day), get dark. Enjuba egoloobye. The sun has set. Obudde bugolooba. It is getting dark. golooma (-goloomye) v.i. grumble; murmur, mutter. goloomerera (-goloomeredde) v.i. appl. 2 intens. keep grumbling; grumble a great deal. goma (-gomye) v.i. move about, go to and and fro; stampede; rampage. gomya (-gomezza) v.tr. caus. cause to move all over; cause to stampede. c f. gomoka. gomba (-gombye, nnombye) v.tr. tie crosswise; put crosswise; plait (with reeds). kugombamu bwala, to capture, apprehend. Abaserikale babagombyemu obwala. The soldiers have apprehended them. gombera (-gombedde) v.tr. appl. tie cross- wise/fclait for/in, etc. okugombera emikono, to fold the arms, okugombera amagulu, to cross the legs. gombeza (-gombezza) v.tr. appl. caus. cause to tie crosswise/^lait, etc.; entangle, tangle. Omubbi baamugombeza emikono ne bagisiba. They made the thief cross his hands and tied them up. -egombeza (-egombezza) v.i. appl. caus. refl. become entangled. gombya (-gombezza) v.tr. caus. cause to tie crosswise/plait, etc.; entangle; fig. complicate, make complicated. gombagana (-gombaganye) v.i, recip. become intertwined, get entangled. gombaganya (-gombaganyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. cause to get intertwined/tangled up. -egombaganya (-egombaganyizza) v.i. recip. caus. refl. get oneself intertwined; tangle oneself up. gombolokoka (-gombolokose) v.i. conv. 2 become untangled/unraveled. gombolola (-gombolodde) v.tr. conv. 2 untangle, disentangle, unravel; straighten out, settle. cf. -gombye, eggombolola. -egomba (-egombye) v.tr. refl. desire; crave; covet; lust after. -egombebvva (-egombeddwa) v.i. pass. refl. be desired; be coveted; be envied. -egombesa (-egombesezza) v.tr. caus. refl. cause to desire, etc. cf. -egombi. -egombi adj. desirous; covetous; envious. cf. -egomba. -gombye adj. intertwined, crossed; fig. complicated. gomesi (n/n) the national dress of Baganda women (see also bodingi and busuutij. gomoka (-gomose) v.i. roam, roam about, wander around aimlessly. gomosa (-gomosezza) v.tr. caus. cause to move about, okugomosa emmotoka, to drive a car everywhere, joyride. cf. goma. gona (-gonye) v.i. sleep soundly; become very tired/exhausted. gonda (-gonze) v.i. be or become soft; be pliable/flexible; be docile/obedient; yield, give in; feel worse (of a sick person). ebigambo ebigonvu, soothing words. gondera (-gondedde) v.tr. appl. be soft for/to, etc.; give in to, yield to; heed; obey, abatagondedde kiragiro kya kwediima, those who have not obeyed the order to strike. gonderera (-gonderedde) v.i. appl. 2 keep getting soft; grow very soft. gonza (-gonzezza) v.tr. caus. make soft, soften; appease; make obedient; flatter, ‘soften up.’ -egonza (-egonzezza) v.i. caus. refl. soften oneself; make oneself pliant/docile/ obedient; become obsequious, v.tr. ingratiate oneself to; flatter. cf. -gonvu, obugonvu. gonera (-gonedde) v.i. talk indistinctly/with difficulty (as one who has a cold). gongobala (-gongobadde, jtnongobadde) v.i. be or become twisted/deformed/disfigured/ crippled; become wrecked/ruined. gongobaza (-gongobazizza) v.tr. caus. deform, disfigure, etc. cf. -gongobavu, omugongobavu; kongobala. -gongobavu adj. twisted, deformed, disfigured; crippled, cf. gongobala. gonja (la) kind of large sweet banana, eaten after being baked or boiled. A single specimen is omugonja, plur. emigonja. gonjoola (-gonjodde, nnonjodde) v.tr. settle, put in order; rectify, regularize, straighten out. gonnomoka (-gonnomose) v.i. rain heavily; be poured down; collapse; go to waste; spoil, be ruined. Obugagga obwo bwonna bwagonnomoka. All that wealth went to waste/was spoiled. gonnomola (-gonnomodde) v.tr. hurl to the ground; pour down; ruin. Yagonnomolwako mangu ekifo ekisava. He was soon given a very good position. -egonnomola (-egonnomodde) v.i. refl. pour oneself down/into, bonna ne begonno- mola mu kibiina, and everybody joined (lit. poured into) the party. gonooka (-gonoose) v.i. hobble. -gonvu adj. soft; tender; gentle; docile, obedient; pliable; polite; weak; easy, simple, eby’okunywa ebigonvu, soft drinks. cf. gonda, obugonvu. -egonyagonya (-egonyezzagonyezza) v.i. refl. wriggle; twist; zigzag; get twisted/bent up. cf. gonyoka. gonyoka (-gonyose) v.i. give way, sag, tip; bend; move/walk in a sluggish manner. -egonyola (-egonyodde) v.i. refl. also -egonyolagonyola move sluggishly; move from side to side; writhe, wriggle. -egonyonnola var. of -egolonnonya, q.v. -egoŋŋomeka (-egoŋŋomese) v.i. refl. kwegoŋŋomeka wansi, to sit down, plop oneself down. -googofu adj. attractive looking, smart looking, trim and well built (of persons). googomba (-googombye) be or become emaci- ated/thin. cf. kagoogombe, omugoogombe. googomba (-googombye) also gogomba v.i. be stubborn; continue unabated. googoola (-googodde) v.tr. decorticate, break up fibers (for rope making); clean out, scrape out (e.g., the insides of a papyrus plant so that the outer fiber may be used for basket making or rope making); groom, trim, clean up (a person or thing). -egoogoola (-egoogodde) v.i. refl. dress oneself well, be well dressed/groomed. googooma (-googoomye) v.i. make a dull, flat sound; croak (as a frog). goojera (-goojedde) v.i. [s«j. ] wait; wait around; wait expectantly, v.tr. wait for; wait around for. gooka (-goose) v.i. retrogress; fall behind; go out of favor. Ekisa kye tekigooka. His kindness knows no bounds/is unequaled. gookya: kukwata mu gookya, to have a delicious meal/a feast, gookya lit. = the matooke (implied by ga- which here becomes go-) which are hot. cf. yokya. gooma (-goomye) v.i. bend, bend down, bend over; be bent; be warped; be crooked; be wrecked/damaged. goonya see ggoonya. -egoota (-egoose) v.i. refl. strut, walk with a proud/haughty gait. gootaana (-gootaanye) v.i. be in bad condition; be out of order; be spoiled/botched up; go badly (of matters, affairs). gootaanya (-gootaanvizza) v.tr. caus. put in bad shape; spoil, botch up; harm. gota (-gose) v.tr. fold; bend; twist. gotagota (-gosegose) v.tr. redup. bend completely; keep bending. -egota (-egose) v.i. refl. become twisted/ bent. cf. geta. gotta (-gosse) v.tr. mash, crush, pound. cf. ekigotla; sotta. gotteka (-gottese) v.tr. pile up, heap together (a mixture of things). goya (-goye) v.tr. mix, mix up; stir together; mash, mash up; crush. Ebigezo byangoya. I flunked the examination, cf. omugoyo. goyaana (-goyaanye) v.i. swerve, sway, wobble, rock; toss and turn (of a sick person); feel weak; be spoiled. goyaanya (-goyaanyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to swerve, etc.; spoil, mar. Enkuba nayo egoyaanye enteekateeka zaffe. The rain has spoiled our plans. goyegoye invar, adj. bad, not good /esp. of food). gozoobana (-gozoobanye) v.i. have difficulties, have a difficult time; go wrong (of devices, pfaris, etc.). cf. omugozoobano, engozoobana. gu- (plur. ga-) noun class prefix denoting abnormality in size and quality, often with a pejorative force. No nouns are inherently of the gu/ga class, omusajja, man; ogusajja, huge hulk of a man, giant, ekintu, thing, oguntu, huge clumsy thing. Since many hundreds of nouns may be shifted to the gu/ga them all in a dictionary. guba (-gubye) v.i. be or become dirty/filthy/ stained; be stunted; grow poorly; be badly cooked; become hardened/inured; be resistant to cleaning; become worn (e.g., of a path). gubira (-gubidde) v.i. & tr. appl. become dirty in, etc.; be hardened/inured to. Nze emiggo nnagigubira dda. 1 have long since become accustomed to/inured to beatings. Obudde bungubiridde. I am in trouble/difficulties/a trying situation. gubya (-gubizza) v.tr. caus. dirty; mess up; harden, inure. cf. -gubu, obugubi; gubaasiira, -gubaasiivu. gubaasiira (-gubaasidde) v.i. be dirty/filthy; look dirty, cf. -gubaasiivu; guba. -gubaasiivu adj. dirty, filthy, cf. gubaasiira; guba. gubagguba (-gubyeggubye) v.i. go in a state of anxiety and concern, hurry anxiously. -gubu adj. dirty; stunted; badly cooked. c f. guba. -gudde mod. form of gwa, q.v. gudiigudde: kukuba gudiigudde, to raise cain, engage in horseplay (of young children). gudu (la) kind of large, edible mushroom. gudumala (-gudutnadde) v.i. be unresponsive; be inert; stand by helplessly; stand by and do nothing. guga (-guze) v.i. & tr. gorge, eat greedily/ gluttonously; pasture in salty fields. cf. engugo. guggubira (-guggubidde) v.i. be massive; be thick-set/stocky; be implacable, cf. -guggubivu. -guggubivu adj. massive; thick-set, stocky. cf• guggubira. guguba (-gugubye) v.i. flatly refuse, reject categorically. gugula (-gugudde) v.i. rumble; thunder; thump, make a thumping sound. gugumbula (-gugumbudde) v.tr. reproach, rebuke, upbraid, rail against; abuse. gugumuka (-gugumuse) v.i. be panicked; make off in a panic; stampede. gugumula (-gugumudde) v.tr. cause to panic, etc.; build/construct at an unusual speed. -egugumula (-egugumudde) v.i. refl. start, be startled; be panicked. cf. akagugumuko. gugunga (-gugunze) more commonly -egugunga (-egugunze) v.i. refl. be startled/excited/ agitated; engage in disturbances; riot; rebel. Obudde bwegugunga. The sky looks threatening. -egugunza (-egugunzizza) v.tr. caus. refl. startle; cause to panic, etc. cf. akegugungo, omwegugunzi. gugutana (-gugutanye) v.i. work quickly; do quickly; rush. gujuba (-gujubye) more frequently gujuubana (-gujuubanye) v.i. be greedy; be gluttonous. gujuubanira (-gujuubanidde) v.tr. appl. be greedy for; be gluttonous about, okugujuuba- nira emmere, to be gluttonous about food.- gujula (-gujudde) v.tr. tear (meat) to pieces with the teeth; eat greedily, devour. gujumbula (-gujumbudde) v.tr. - gujula. gujwa: na guno gujwa, up to now, up to the present, to this day. gula (-guze) v.tr. buy, purchase, v.i. cost; be worth, okugula ennyonyi, lit. to buy an airplane, i.e., to flee in fear of the consequences of an evil or crime one has committed. gulira (-gulidde) v.tr. appl. buy for/in/at, etc. -egulira (-egulidde) v.tr. appl. refl. buy for oneself, okwegulira erinnya, to make a name for oneself. gulirira (-guliridde) v.tr. appl. 2 keep buying, buy constantly; hire; bribe. guza (-guzizza) v.tr. caus. cause to buy; sell; buy with/using. Omubbi aguza ngalo. (prov.) A thief makes purchases with his fingers. gulika (-gulise) v.i. neut. be easy to buy; be purchasable. gulaana (-gulaanye) v.i. recip. buy from one another; barter; bargain. cf. -gule, -gulirire, obuguzi, egguliro, egguzi, olugula, amagula. omugulirizi, omuguzi, engulansigo, enguzi. -gule adj. bought, purchased, enviiri engule, wig, lit. hair which has been purchased. cf. gula. gule, o- also guleerere, o- (gu/ga) big, ugly cloud; large, threatening cloud, cf. ekire. guli: bwe guii, that’s right, that is so, lit. (the matter; omusango, is implied) is thus. gulika (-gulise) v.tr. bewitch; entrance, cast a spell on. -egulika (-egulise) v.i. refl. put on airs, act proudly, pose. -gulirire adj. hired, abajaasi abagulirire, mercenaries, cf. gula, gulirira. gulofa (n/n) []Su). ] (upper) floor/story, ennyumba eya gulofa, a house with more than one story, cf. ggoloofa. guluba (-gulubye) v.i. gallop, trot; skip cavort about, frolic, cf. kannagguluba. gulugulu also gguluggulu ideo. commonly used with nywera and its derivatives, very firmly, very tightly. Eccupa nnywevu be gulugulu. The bottle is tightly sealed. Kino kyange gulugulu. This is my very own. guluka (-guluse) v.i. gallop, gambol, cavort about, frolic, romp (often of animals). -egulusa or -eguluusa (-eguluusizza) v.i. refl. = guluka. cf. okugulu. gulukira (-gulukidde) v.i. be top-heavy (of persons); be lopsided, lean to one side. cf. -gulukivu. -gulukivu adj. top-heavy; lopsided, cf. gulukira -egulukuka (-egulukuse) v.i. refl., rare fall in; collapse (esp. of walls). -eguluma see gulumira. gulumba (-gulumbye) v.i. shake; rattle; rumble; toss about; fig. be in an uproar, be in turmoil; be lively/agitated. Yasula agulumba. He spent a restless night. gulumbya (-gulumbizza) v.tr. caus. cause to shake/toss about, etc.; put in an uproar; bother, worry. cf. akagulumbo. gulumira (-gulumidde) v.i. be very high/tall. -eguluma (-egulumye) v.i. refl. assume an air of self-importance; overrate oneself. gulumiza (-guiumizza) v.tr. caus. make high, raise to a height; praise, glorify, exalt. Katonda agulumizibwe. May God be praised. -egulumiza (-egulumizza) v.i. caus. refl. praise oneself; overrate oneself; act important. cf. -gulumivu, obugulumivu. -gulumivu adj. very high/tall; lofty, cf. gulumira. gulungujja (-gulunguzze) v.i. be shaky/unsteady. gulungutana see golongotana, galangatana. guma (-gumye) v.i. be firm/solid; be faithful; be brave/courageous; dare; have the nerve/ boldness (to). gumira (-gumidde) v.i. appl. be firm/solid in, etc. Abakazi ba gumira nnyo enjala okusinga abasajja. Women endure hunger more easily than men. gumiza (-gumizza) v.tr. appl. caus. strengthen/encourage in/for, etc. gumya (-gumizza) v.tr. caus. make firm; encourage, hearten; cheer; give reassurance to. Kabwa kabbi kagumya mugongo. (prov.) A thieving dog must have a strong back. Those who play with fire must be prepared for the consequences. -egumya (-egumizza) v.i. & tr. caus. refl. strengthen oneself; give oneself courage; appropriate for oneself. gumyaŋŋana (-gumyaŋŋanye) v.i. caus. recip. encourage one another; comfort one another. cf. -gumu, gumiikiriza, ŋŋumyamutwe. -gumba adj. barren, incapable of giving birth. cf. gumbawala. gumba (-gumbye) v.i. gather in a group, mass, assemble, congregate. Awagumba ennume, n’enduusi we zibeera. (prov.) There where the male (animals) congregate, the females are sure to be. gumbya (-gumbizza) v.tr. caus. gather together/assemble. gumbulula (-gumbuludde) v.tr. conv. 2 disperse; disband. gumbulukuka (-gumbulukuse) v.i. conv. 2 be dispersed; be disbanded. cf. ggumbya, ekigumbo. gumbawala (-gumbawadde) v.i. become sterile, cf. -gumba. gumbula (-gumbudde, nnumbudde) v.tr. run into (e.g., a hostile animal); fail prey to; be a victim of, contract (an illness). -egumbulira (-egumbulidde) v.tr. appl. refl. fall into the habit of; become involved in. gumiikiriza (-gumiikirizza) v.i. be patient; hold out; endure, v.tr. be patient with, support patiently; endure. gumiikirizaganya (-gumiikirizaganyizza) v.i. recip. be tolerant of each other; have patience with each other. gumiikirizika (-gumiikirizise) v.i. neut. be easy to endure/put up with. F.bibonerezo ebyo tebigumiikirizika. These punishments are unendurable. cf. guma. -gumu adj. strong; durable; solid; tough; firm; steadfast; bold; brave, cf. guma, obugumu, oluggumuggumu. gundi plur. bagundi indef. pron. what’s-his- name; so-and-so; such and such a person; somebody, as an adj. such and such, ekintu gundi, something or other, such and such a thing. Leka tugambe nti omu- kunnaanya w’amawulire gundi asindise omusasi we ow'amawulire mu kifo gundi. Let us say that such and such a newspaper editor has sent his reporter in such and such a place. c(. gindi, ^-ndL gundiira (-gundidde) v.i. exist for a long time; be of long standing; stay or be in a place for a long time; be well preserved. gundiiza (-gundi izi zza) v.tr. caus. maintain/keep/have for a long time; cause to last. cf. -gundiivu. -gundiivu adj. long-lasting; of long standing; well preserved, cf. gundiira. gundula (-gundudde) v.tr. pain, causepainin (esp. the chest). gunduuka (-gunduuse) v.i. pass the marriageable age (of girls); be no longer marketable (of commodities ). gunja (-gunze) v.tr. invent; originate; found, form; devise, think up. cf. omugunzi. -gunjufu adj. cultured; civilized; educated; polished, cf. gunjuka. gunjuka (-gunjuse, nnunjuse) v.i. be or become cultured/civilized/educated/polished. gunjula (-gunjudde) v.tr. civilize; educate, train. cf. -gunjufu, obugunjufu, omugunjuzi. guŋŋumala (-guŋŋumadde) v.i. be sad/sorrowful/lonely; stand/sit there with a blank, stupid expression on one's face. guŋŋumika (-guŋŋumise) v.i. have a forlorn/' miserable/haggard look. v.tr. overload, overburden. -eguŋŋumika (-eguŋŋumise) v.i. refl. take refuge/shelter. guŋŋumuka (-guŋŋumuse) v.i. fly off; start up fas a flock of birds). guŋŋumula (-guŋŋumudde) v.tr. cause to fly off. guumaala (-guumadde) v.i. be fooled; be deceived. guumaaza (-guumaazizza) v.tr. caus. fool; deceive; trick; catch off guard. -eguumiika (-eguumiise) v.i. be depressed/ despondent. guuna (-guunye) v.tr. knock against, strike against. guya (-guyizza) also guyaaguya v.tr. (redup.) dupe; beguile; lead (someone) on. -eguya (-eguyizza) v.tr. refl. ingratiate oneself with; humor; gratify, please; cajole; flatter, v.i. refl. be obsequious. Teyeguya kugaggawala. He doesn’t stoop to obsequious practices to become rich. -eguyiriza (-eguyirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. refl. go out of one’s way/make great efforts to ingratiate oneself with. cf. lobuguya, ^omuguya. guyanja, o- (gu/ga) large lake; ocean, cf. ennyanja. guza caus. of gula, q.v. gwa (-gudde) v.i. fall; happen, occur; fail (in an examination), kugwa butaka, to fail to hit the mark, fail, be unsuccessful, kugwa mu bintu, to hit upon a good thing, have a stroke of luck, get a high or rewarding position, kugwa nsimbi, to go bankrupt, kugwa muntu, to become enamored of/‘fall for’ a person, kugwa ku muntu, to backbite/ slander a person in his absence, butagwa kintu, not to miss anything. Omukazi oyo tagwa mikolo. That woman never misses any big occasions, kukigwako, to experience misfortune/tragedy/disaster. Abaana abo bakiguddeko. Those children have really had their share of misfortune, kugwa mu ttaano, to finally receive/get what one has anxiously wished or expected, lit. to fall in five (fingers). Ku Lwomukaaga omu- fumbi w’ettooke ajja kungwa mu ttaano. On Saturday I am getting married/the girl will finally be mine, lit. the cooker of matooke will fall in my five (fingers), kugwa mu buwufu, to follow in the footsteps of; to follow what anotheris saying, ‘catch on.’ Yali tannaba kumalayo bigambo ne mmugwa mu buwufu. I understood what he was saying before he was finished talking. Akabenje ak’amaanyi kaaguddewo olunaku lw’eggulo. A serious accident happened yesterday. Kino kyamuguddeko bugwi. This came to him as a great surprise. Ekigambo kino olwamugwa mu kutu... When she heard this..., lit. when this word fell in her ear. Abagenyi baatuguddeko bugwi. The visitors came to us unannounced/unexpectedly. gwira (-gwiridde) v.i. appl. fall in/on, etc.; happen to. gwirira (-gwiridde) v.i. appl. 2, gwiririra (-gwiriridde) v.i. appl. 3 lean to one side, tilt, be inclined; become soft, supple (of barkcloth); be cooked to a turn, be just right (of prepared food), okugwiririra olubege, to tilt to one side. gwirirwa (-gwiriddwa) v.i. appl. 2 pass. have happen to one; have fall on one. Baagwirirwa ekikangabwa mutabani waabwe bwe yafa. They received a terrible shock when their son died. Twagwirirwa ennyumba. Our house fell down or The house fell down on us. gwisa (-gwisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to fall, make fall. gwannanako (-gwannanyeko) v.i. recip. fall on one another; come upon one another unexpectedly. gwirana (-gwiranye) v.i. appl. recip. fall all over oneself; fall on one another. cf. ebugwanjuba, ekigwo, omugwi, omugwira, engwira; gwikiriza. -gwagwa adj. immoral; licentious, indecent; filthy, cf. gwagwawala, obugwagwa, ekigwagwa, omugwagwa. gwagwawala (-gwagwawadde) v.i. be or become immoral/ licentious/indecent/filthy. gwagwawaza (-gwagwawazizza) v.tr. caus. make immoral, cause to become licentious, etc. cf. -gwagwa, obugwagwa, ekigwagwa, omugwagwa. gwana (-gwanye) v.i., as an aux. verb before a following inf. denoting desirability, suitability or obligation Ogwana okugenda okulaba ssengaawo. You ought to (should, have to) go and see your aunt. gwanira (-gwanidde) v.tr. appl. be suitable/seemly for; be fitting for; be worthy of; behoove. Kiryowa agwanira obwami. K. should be made chief. He is worthy of chieftainship. gwanya (-gwanyizza) v.tr. caus. make suitable, fitting, etc. gwanyiza (-gwanyizza) v.tr. appl. caus. judge worthy of; wish (something) for (someone). Tukugwanyiza obukulembeze. We think you worthy of the leadership. cf. nnakigwanyizi; Isaana. -gwenyufu adj. shameless; immoral; dissolute. cf. gwenyuka. gwenyuka (-gwenyuse) v.i. be or become shameless/dissolute/immoral. gwenyula (-gwenyudde) v.tr. make shameless; bring shame to, disgrace. gwenyusa (-gwenyusizza) v.tr. caus. make shameless/dissolute. cf. -gwenyufu. gwikiriza (-gwikirizza) v.tr. chance upon, come upon, fall upon by accident, cf. gwa. -gwira adj. foreign, alien, cf. gwa, omugwira. gya (-gyidde) often with the encl. -mu v.i. tr. fit in, have room; correspond to; be equivalent; be fitting/suitable/appropriate, omuwendo ogugya mu nsawo ya buli muntu, a suitable price, a price which ‘fits’ everyone’ s pocketbook. Omukazi gwe yawasa tamugyamu. The woman he married is not suitable for him. Oba nno ezo emboga zigyamu nsimbi ki? I wonder what that cabbage is worth. gyabazito (la) red stinkwood, kind of tall forest tree, Pygeum africanum. cf. engwabuzito. gye rel. adv. where. Before forms of -li, be, it is the equivalent of the English prepositions to or from, gye ndi, where I am; to me. Yali afuukidde ddala wa luganda gye ndi. He had become as much as a relative to me. With a change in tone gye becomes an emphatic adv. of place, there, gy’ali (= gye a I i) he is there; he is well (in answering salutations). Idioms: Ekyo kiri gy’ali. That is up to him. Katonda gy’ali! God will avenge me. gye bujja, in the future. God is there = God knows what is best or Nze gye nnali nga jinamba nti ajja. As for me, I kept thinking he would come. i- With the exception of a few interjections all words which were written with initial i- in the older orthographies are now written with initial yi-. ii (high tone) interj. expressing surprise and incredulity. jaabulula (-jaabuludde) also jaabula (-jaabudde) v.tr. dilute; water down; fig. cause to lose meaning. jaagaana (-jaagaanye) v.i. be proud/boastful; put on airs; strut about. jaagira (-jaagidde) v.i. walk with the legs far apart (due to a pathological condition). jaajaamya (-jaajaamizza) v.tr. caus. misuse; abuse; desecrate, defile; treat with disrespect. jaaka (-jaase) v.tr. flatter. -ejaaka (-ejaase) v.i. refl. flatter oneself; show off. jaalaala with the -a of rel. diluted, watered down; insipid, tasteless. Yatuwadde omwenge nga gwa jaalaala. He gave us beer that was watered down/diluted. jabagira (-jabagidde) v.i. reach a climax, reach a high point of intensity; be involved/ complicated (referring to a situation, either in a favorable or unfavorable sense). Gu- jabagidde: ng’omunafu azadde kaiiira. iii (low high low) interj. expressing surprise and flat contradiction I just don’t believe you. (prov.) It is complicated affair, just as when a lazy cultivator gives birth to a heavy eater. jabiikiriza (-jabiikirizza) v.tr. interrupt (someone who is speaking), v.i. talk fast; jabber. jabiriza (-jabirizza) v.i. talk very fast; jabber. jabula (-jabudde) or jabulajabula (-jabuddejabudde) v.tr. (redup.) do in a hasty/tentative/slapdash manner, kujabula- jabula mulimu, to do a slapdash job. kujabula nviiri, to cut the hair unevenly, n’atandika okutujabulirajabulira mu bimu- baddeko, and he began to tell us in a rough way the things that had happened to him. -ejaga (-ejaze) v.i. refl. bustle about; busy oneself; move around excitedly; openly express one’s excitement/pleasure. -ejagajaga (-ejazejaze) v.i. redup. refl. keep bustling about, etc. jeeguuka -ejagira (-ejagidde) v.i. & tr. appl. refl. bustle about/be busy with; be excited/ pleased about; be delighted with. jagaajagana (-jagaajaganye) v.i. move about; be loose (of a belt); be poorly fastened. jagajjira (-jagajjidde) v.i. boil; bubble up. jagajjiza (-jagajjizza) v.tr. caus. cause to boil; cause to bubble up. jagalala (-jagaladde) v.i. riot; rebel, revolt; be in a state of disturbance; stand up straight -»nd -‘t'ff <'a* a freshly ironed collar); be disrespectful (to), kujagalala ng’amafumu g’abatabaazi, to stand around doing nothing (of children). Ka njagaiale mbuuze. Let me dare ask a question. jagalaza (-jagalazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to riot/rebel, etc. cf. akajagalalo, omujagalaze. jagambiza (-jagambizza) v.i. be exuberant, feel and express joyfulness. cf. sagambiza. jaganya (-jaganyizza) v.i. rejoice, be exultant/happy/jubilant. jaganira (-jaganidde) v.tr. appl. be exultant about, rejoice over. jagatta (-jagasse) v.tr. pamper; flatter. -jagujagu adj. clever; cunning, shrewd; adroit, skillful, cf. omujagujagu. jaguza (-jaguzizza) v.i. rejoice greatly; celebrate, v.tr. celebrate (e.g., an anniversary). cf. ekijaguzo, omujaguzo. jajjatta (-jajjasse) v.tr. flatter, cf. omu- jajjassi. -ejalabya (-ejalabizza) v.i. refl. showoff, make a display, mu ngeri ya kwejalabya, ostentatiously, in an ostentatious manner, ebintu eby’okwejalabya, luxuries, luxury goods. jalama (-jalamye) v.i. sit, sit down. -jama adj. filthy, dirty, unclean, untidy. cf. jamawala, obujama, omujama. jamawala (-jamawadde) v.i. become dirty/ filthy. jamawaza (-jamawazizza) v.tr. make dirty, cause to p-et. filthv. cf. -jama, obujama, omujama. -ejangisa (-ejangisizza) v.i. caus. refl. be bold/unpleasantly aggressive; be insolent, show effrontery, cf. kajanja. janjaala (-janjadde) v.i. spread all over, overflow; fig. be carefree/gay. cf. eki- - janjaalo. jeeba (-jeebye) also jeba (-jebye) v.i. get drenched/soaked; become soggy/mushy; be lacking in consistency (e.g., a pudding). Ekikubo kyali kijebye. The road had become soft and soggy. jeebeeza (-jeebeezezza) v.tr. caus. make soft/soggy, etc. cf. -jeebeevu. -jeebeevu adj. soft, soggy; drenched; lacking in consistency, cf. jeeba. jeebulula rare var. of jaabulula, q.v. jeeguuka (-jeeguuse) v.i. dishonor oneself; lower/demean oneself; lose all reserve; be wasted/squandered/spoiled. jeeguula (-jeegudde) v.tr. dishonor; degrade; debase; waste, squander. -ejeeguula (-ejeegudde) v.i. refl. bring oneself into disrepute; harm oneself by lack of discretion/good sense, etc.; degrade oneself. cf. nnabyejeeguula. jeeja (-jeeze) v.tr. mock, jeer at, make fun of. jeejeeka (-jeejeese) v.tr. cheat; defraud. jeejeenia (-jeejeemye) v.i. talk nonsense; gossip, cf. olujeejeemo. jeema (-jeemye) v.i. rebel, revolt. jeemera (-jeemedde) v.tr. appl. rebel against, revolt against. jeemya (-jeemezza), jeemesa (-jeemesezza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2, incite to revolt, cause to rebel. jeemeseza (-jeemesezza) v.tr. caus. (with additional elements) cause to revolt. jeemesereza (-jeemeserezza) v.tr. caus. (with additional elements) cause to revolt against. jeemuka (-jeemuse) v.i. conv. end one’s revolt; submit, yield, give up; give in, cease one’s objections. jeemula (-jeemudde) v.tr. conv. subdue; force to end a revolt; make yield, make give in. jeemulukuka (-jeemulukuse) v.i. conv. 2 = jeemuka. cf. -jeemu, obujeemu, omujeemu, omu- jeemusi, majeemulukufu. -jeemu adj. rebellious; recalcitrant, cf. jeema. jeera (-njedde) v.i. be miserable; be wretched; be destitute/poor/in a state of squ alor. jeeza (-jeezezza) v.tr. caus. make miserable; render destitute; mistreat. cf. ejjeeza. jeeruka (-jeeruse) v.i. carouse; loaf about; become a derelict; become destitute. -jegefu adj. weak; unstable, omusingi omu- jegefu, a shaky foundation, cf. jegeka. jegeja (-jegeze) v.i. creak. jegejja (-jegezze) v.i. chatter; rain persistently. jegeka (-jegese) v.i. be weak/unstable. cf. -jegefu, omujega. jegemera (-jegemedde) v.i. falter, speak in a faltering voice, cf. -jegemevu. -jegemevu adj. faltering, eddoboozi ejjege- mevu, a faltering/trembling voice, cf. jegemera. jegera (-jegedde) v.i, talk incessantly; go on and on. Enkuba ejegedde. The rain has been going on and on. cf. ekijegera. jegula (-jegudde) v.tr. cut (meat) into very small pieces. jegulwa v.i. pass, talk nonsense, cf. aka- jegule. jejemba (-jejembye) v.i. talk in a noisy and foolish manner, talk nonsense, rant. jejjera (-jejjedde) v.i. keep on repeating. jenga (-jenze) v.i. drink habitually, be a habitual drinker (of beer, liquor). jenguka (-jenguse) v.i. wander from place to place, roam about aimlessly (used disparagingly of drunks, unemployed persons, loafers, etc.). jenjeba (-jenjebye) v.i. be weak/slack. cf. -jenjebu. -jenjebu adj. weak, slack, cf. jenjeba. -jenjeefu adj. loose, slack, cf. jenjeeka. jenjeeka (-jenjeese) v.tr. tie loosely; place loosely, cf. -jenjeefu, amajenjeeke. jenyeka (-jenyese) v.i., arch, lose one’s breath. jerega (-jereze) also jerenga (-jerenze) v.tr. deride; belittle; despise. jigija (-jigize) v.tr. cause to smart; cause to experience a tingling sensation; fig. gnaw, gnaw away at (of jealousy or strong feelings ). jiijiira (-jiijidde) v.tr. pain; produce a sharp painful sensation on; pinch; fig. pain, wound the feelings of. okutunula bijiijidde, to look tearful/woebegone/off the brink of crying. Yasanga omulenzi atunula bijiijidde n’amubuuza ogubadde. He found the boy on the verge of tears and asked him what the matter was. cf. akajiijiiri. jiijuula (-jiijudde) v.tr. sting painfully. jinga var. spelling of ginga, q.v. jinya (-jinyizza) v.tr. indulge, pamper. jj- characteristic of many nouns of the li/.na class with stems beginning with y-. jjiba (stem: -yiba), dove; mayiba, doves. Note that the stem is not altered in the plur. jja (-zze, nzize) v.i. come; arrive; happen. as an aux. verb before the inf. of another verb denotes the near future. Abawanguzi bajja kuweebwa ebirabo. The winners will be given prizes, jjangu! (= jja mangu) imper. come! come quickly! gye bujja, in the future, omwezi ogujja, next month. Nzija kubalombojjera buli kimu nga bwe kyajja. I will tell you just how everything happened, kuija ng’obulidde mu kintn, to come loaded down with something heavy (esp. on the head), lit. come disappearing into something. jjira (-jjidde) v.i. appl. come for/to/in, etc. jjirwa (-jjiddwa) v.i. appl. pass. lit. be come (upon) by. ne nzijirwa ekirowoozi nti..., and I was struck by the idea that... okujjirwa obulwadde/omusujja, to contract an illness/fever. Jjo nnajjirwa omugenyi. Yesterday I had a visitor. Tujjiddwa (said at the arrival of an unwanted guest). Look what the wind has blown in. jjirira (-jjiridde) v.i. appl. 2 come (with an express purpose); come upon, chance upon. Yajjirira kutuyamba. He came expressly to help us. jjisa (-jjisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to come. cf. omujjirano, ^omuzzi. jjaali: kwesimba jjaali, to become furious/ extremely angry. jjaaye, e- (li/ma) reed partition in the front of a hut. jjegejege jjajja plur. bajjajja (la) grandparent; forefather, ancestor; patriarch, jjajja omusajja, grandfather, jjajja omukazi, grandmother. The pos sessive pronouns, when used, are generally suffixed directly to the word: jjajjange, jjajjaawo, jjajjaawe, jjajjaffe, jjajjammwe, jjajjaabwe; bajjajjange, etc. cf. obujjajja. jjalaja, e- (n/n) [Sto.J pier< dock. jjaliri, e- no plur. (li/ma) unconcern; thoughtlessness, okukuba ejjaliri, to be carefree/easy-going; to act spoiled. Twala en ejjaiirt. Stop acting so spoiled. jjamba, e- plur. amayamba (li/ma) kind of small fish which lives in shallow water; colloq. money, cf. akayamba. jjambiya, e- (li/ma or n/n) [Sw>.] curved, long-bladed dagger; machete. jjanga, e- (li/ma) disease of the eye characterized by a continual flow of tears; conjunctivitis. Ensenke yeegasse n’ejjanga. Ensenke (another disease of the eye) joined with ejjanga. Things went from bad to worse. Matters reached their lowest ebb. jjange, e- plur. amayange (li/ma) much more commonly oluyange, plur. ennyange (li/ma) flower of the corn/maize plant. jjangu = jja mangu come! come quickly! cf- jja- jjanjaba (-jjanjabye, nzijanjabye or nji- janjabye) v.tr. nurse, attend (a sick person); take good care of, look after the needs of. okujjanjaba ebirime, to tend plants. jjanjabibwa (-jjanjabiddwa) v.i. pass, be nursed, etc. -ejjanjaba (-ejjanjabye) v.i. refl. nurse oneself; take good care of oneself. - jjanjabya (-jjanjabizza) v.tr. caus. cause to nurse, etc. cf.. ejjanjabiro, omujjanjabi, enzijanjaba. jjanjabiro, e- (li/ma) nursing home, ejjanjabiro ly’ebigenge, leprosarium. cf- jjanjaba. jjano, e- plur. amawano (li/ma) wonder, marvel; unheard of/astonishing event. jjanzi, e- plur. amayanzi (li/ma) large grasshopper, kusambira mabega nga jjanzi, to kick backwards; to be overconfident/sure of oneself; to be elated, cf. akayanzi. jjayo, e- (li/ma) moldy/musty smell. See llwayo which is more common. jjebe, e- plur. amayebe (li/ma) dried fruit of the muyebe tree used as a rattle, emmeeme ye n’ekuba ejjebe, and he felt overjo yed/exul tan t. -ejjeerera (-ejjeeredde) v.i. be exonerated; leg. be acquitted, receive a verdict of not guilty, okwejjeerera omusango, to be acquitted of a charge. -ejjeereza (-ejjeerezza) v.tr. caus. exonerate; leg. acquit. jjeeke (n/n) [from Eng. jack] kukuba jjeeke, to jack up (a car). Ndi ku jjeeke. I am in trouble/difficulty. jjeeza, e- no plur. (li/ma) isolated place; destitution, destitute state, cf. jeera. jjegejege also jegejege plur. zijjegejege (n/n) coin; in the plur. change, (metal) money, cf. kajegejege. jjegeju (la) insect which attacks fig trees. The forms kajegeju (plur. bujegeju/ also occur. jjejjerebu interj. Am I glad! Look what I’ve got! kukuba jjejjerebu, to be elated/exuberant. cf. kajjejjerebu. jjembe, e- plur. amayembe (li /ma) horn (of an animal); fetish; spirit associated with a fetish; spell, hex. cf. akayembe. jjembe, e- plur. amayembe (li/ma) large mango, cf. omuyemhe. jjembe-lya-mbogo (li/ma) lit. horn of the buffalo, kind of tree, Trimeria bakeri. jjengo, e- plur. amayengo (li/ma) wave. jjenje, e- plur. amayenje (li/ma) kind of large edible cricket. Kwali kumenya mu jjenje kkalu. It was extremely easy to do, lit. breaking into a dry cricket, cf. Sserulya-mayenje. jjenjeero with the -a of rel. common, commonplace. Okwediima kaakano kwa jjenjeero mu nsi. Strikes are now a common occurrence in the country. jjerengesa, e- (li/ma) leaf of the basket wattle. jjiba, e- plur. amayiba (li/ma) dove. jjigirizo, e- plur. amayigirizo (li/ma) rare school, cf. yiga, yigiriza. jjindu, e- also eggindu plur. amayindu (li/ma) spur (of acock, etc.). Atulinako ejjindu. He has a grudge against us. jjingirizi, e- no plur. (li/ma) abundance; excess. with the -a of rel. abundant; excessive; extreme, omulimu ogw’ej jingirizi, an enormous amount of work, omubbi ow’ejjin- girizi, a great thief, cf. yinga. jjinirizi, e- (li/ma) bristles on the back, hair along the spine (of an animal); mane. cf. eggina. jjinja, e- plur. amayinja (li/ma) rock; stone; colloq. phonograph record, ejjinja ery’omu- wendo, precious stone, jewel, okuyimbisa amayinja, to play phonograph records, kussaako jjinja, to start a conversation. cf. akayinja. jjira appl. form of jja; var. spelling of ggira, the appl. form of ggya. jjiri, e- var. spelling of ggiri, q.v. jjiribwa, e- (li/ma) [Stc. ] carpenter’s vise. jjirikiti, e- var. spelling of ggirikiti, q.v. jjo adv. yesterday (with a past tense verb); tomorrow (with a future tense verb), jjo luno, recently, not long ago. si lwa jjo, a long time ago. kuba mukalu wa jjo, to be dead, lit. the dry one of yesterday. jjoba, e- (li/ma) crest of a bird (esp. of cranes); tuft of hair on a shaven head, okutala ejjoba, to shave the head except for one tuft of hair. jjobyo, e- (li/ma) type of bitter green which produces white flowers. Okalya dda kadda dda, ejjobyo liddira mu mutwe, (prov.) lit. You eat it now, it comes back afterwards, the jjobyo comes back to the head (by producing gray hair). What you do now produces consequences later. jjoge, e- (li/ma) kind of tall forest tree, Parkia filicoidea. jjolobera, e- little used sing, of majjolobera, q.v. jjolyabalamu also jjo ly’abalamu adv. jast recently, not long ago, lit. yesterday of the living. ejjonjoli, e- (li/ma) also ekijonjoli (ki/bi) kind of bird resembling a bulbul. jjonkera (-jjonkedde, nzijonkedde) v.i. sob. cf. omujjonkezi. jjoogo, e- contempt, disrespect, mu ngeri ey’ejjoogo, contemptuously, in a bullying manner, cf. jooga. jjoola, e- (n/h) [Sw. ] large roll of cloth or or cloth-like material (originally about thirty yards j. jjovu, e- (li/ma) foam; froth; heavy suds. cf. ^akayovu, ekyovu, eryovu (lyovu). jjowo (n/n) [from Sw. jobo] woolen material; flannel. jjuguli, e- (li/ma) insolence, impudence. Wa jjuguli. He is an insolent/impudent person. jjukira (-jjukidde, nji- or nzijukidde) v.i. & tr. remember, recall. jjukiza (-jjukizza) v.tr. caus. cause to remember, remind. jjukizisa (-jjukizisizza) v.tr. caus. 2 cause to remember; remember with. Nze mmujjukizisa bwagazi. I remember him with affection. jjukiriza (-jjukirizza) v.tr. appl. caus. remind for/at/in, etc. -ejjuukiriza (-ejjuukirizza) v.i. & tr. appl. caus refl. remember, recall, think back to; realize. jjukanya (-jjukanvizza), jjukizaganya jjulukuka (-jjukizaganyizza) v.i. recip. caus. remind one another, emisomo egy’okwejjukanya, refresher courses. cf. obujjukizi, ekijjukizo. jjula (-jjudde, nzijudde or njijudde) v.i. be or become full; be filled up. kujjula ne kikubako, to be full to capacity. Okyali mu kulya Katonga ajjula. (prov.) You are still eating while the (river) Katonga is rising. You are fiddling while Rome burns. jjuza (-jjuzizza) v.ir. caus. fill, fill up, make full. jjuuliriza (-jjuulirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. fill up to overflowing; complete, add the missing parts to. cf. -jjuvu, jjulujulu, omujjuzi, omujjuzo. jjula (-jjudde, nzijudde or njijudde) v.tr. dish up, serve (food); uncover (food). (Ki- ganda food is cooked with a covering of banana leaves and therefore has to be uncovered before eating). Kye nnava nsigala ku bwa kinejjulira. For that reason I remained a bachelor, (kinejjulira means literally it will serve itself.) cf. -jjule, eki- jjulo, kinejjulira, lujjudde.^olujjula, olu- jjuliro, -jjule adj. served, ready (of food). Emmere njijule. The meal is ready, cf. Ajjula. jjulujulu adv. in torrents, okukaaba ga jjulujulu, to cry one’s eyes out (amaziga, tears, implied by ga). cf. Ajjula. jjulukuka (-jjulukuse, nzijulukuse) v.i. change, be altered in form or structure; move, go to a different location; come apart, become unraveled. jjulume jooma jjulula (-jjuludde) v.tr. move, cause to change location; change, alter. Teyajjulula kirowoozo kye. He did not change his mind. jjulume no plur. (la) rage, temper; fig. madness. okwesuulamu jjulume, to throw a temper tantrum; to make a scene. jjumbira (-jjumbidde, nzijumbidde) v.tr. take a great interest in; be diligent in; be zealous about, cf. -jjumbizi, obujjumbizi. -jjumbizi adj. diligent, zealous; devoted; interested, concerned r f. jjumbira. jjunju, e- plur. amayunju (li/ma) crest, comb (on the head of a fowl). -ejjusa (-ejjusizza) v.i. & tr. refl. regret; repent of; relig. confess, go to confession. jjute, e- plur. amayute (li/ma) boil. Sserukama mayute: olunyiga ku lirye ng’akaaba. (prov.) lit. Mr. Squeezer-of- boils: when his is pressed, he cries. He can dish it out but he can’t take it. cf. mwasajjute. jjuuga, e- usually plur. amayuuga (li/ma) jowls, swollen cheeks; loosely, among schoolchildren: mumps, ow’amayuuga, person with jowls. jjuule (la) thin, diluted drink (juice, beer, tea, etc.). jjuuni, e- plur. amayuuni (li/ma) plant of the arum family, Colocasia antiquorum. The leaves and roots are edible. jjuutuka (-jjuutuse) v.tr., used with the subject prefix ka- and a personal object. Kalibajjuutuka. They will suffer the consequences. jjuuzi adv. the day before yesterday; the other day; recently, luno jjuuzi, just recently; some time ago. -jjuvu adj. full. cf. Ijjula. jjuzu, e- (n/n) chapter (esp. of the Koran). joba (-jobye) v.i. get wet all over, get soaked; become messy (with mud, liquids, etc.) . cf. joobaana. joboja (-joboze) or jobojja (-jobozze) v.i. jabber, talk gibberish, speak unintelligibly. cf. omujobozi. jogoba (-jogobye) v.i. be languid, weak. Atambula ajogoba. He walks with a limp. He walks trailing his leg. jogoolikana (-jogoolikanye) v.i. screech, shout, yell, bawl, make a lot of noise. jolonga (-jolonze) v.tr. belittle, be contemptuous of, treat contemptuously; despise; misuse, abuse. jonjobala (-jonjobadde) v.i. be or become soaked/completely wet. joobaana (-joobaanye) v.i. become smeared/ messed up (with dirt, blood, etc.). cf. joba. jooga (-jooze) v.tr. bully, domineer; be inso- solent to, show contempt for; defy. joogebwa (-joogeddwa) v.i. pass, be bullied, etc. cf. obujoozi, ejjoogo, kalibujoozi, olujoogo, omujoozi. joogoola (-joogodde) v.tr. waste, squander. joojiina (-joojiinye) v.i. get drenched, become soaked. jooma (-joomye) v.i. stumble/stagger along in bad weather. joonajoona (-joonyejoonye) v.i. trudge along; walk gropingly. joonyesa (-joonyesezza) v.tr. mistreat, persecute, torture, afflict. juba (-jubye) also juuba (-juubye) v.tr. help; come to the aid of. jugumba (-jugumbye) v.i. boil; bubble. jugumbya (-jugumbizza) v.tr. caus. ebigambo ne biggwa bulungi awatali na ku- jugumbyako, and the matters were effectively concluded without any hitch/fuss. jugumira (-jugumidde) v.i. shiver, shake, tremble. jugumiza (-jugumizza) v.tr. caus. cause to shiver. -ejugumula (-ejugumudde) v.i. refl. bestir oneself; become excited; cause a commotion; become angry. jugunya (-jugunyizza) v.tr. throw, hurl (a spear, weapon, stone, etc.). jujubula (-jujubudde) v.tr. tear, tear off (skin, meat). jujuumuka (-jujuumuse) v.i. grow up quickly (of persons and living things). jula (-juze) v.tr. wish for, yearn for, desire; be wanting, miss; go without, v.i. be deprived, be in a state of deprivation. julira (-julidde) v.tr. appl. appeal to, call to as a witness; be a witness/martyr for; refer to; wish for. julirwa (-juliddwa) v.i. appl. pass, be a witness, bear witness. juliza (-julizza or -julizizza) v.tr. appl. caus. refer to, cite, quote; cause to bear witness. cf. obujulira, obnjulirwa, obujulizi, omujulirwa, omujulizi. jula (-juze) v.i. be on the point of, be on the verge of. Yali ajula kufa njala. He was on the point of dying of hunger. jumba (-jumbye) v.i. be or become vexed/ exasperated/furious; quarrel. juna (-junye) t/.w. help, assist. junga (-junze) v.tr. scold. jungulula (-junguludde) v.tr. dilute. Enva tozijungulula. Do not put too much water in the sauce. juuba (-juubye) also juba (-jubye) v.tr. help; come to the aid of. -ejuuba (-ejuubye) v.i. steel oneself; resolve firmly; make a great effort, redouble one’s efforts. juuka (-juuse) v.i. reverberate, boom forth; become enraged, rise up in anger; talk in a harsh/abusive tone of voice. juukira (-juukidde) v.tr. appl. become enraged at; berate, upbraid. juusa (-juusizza) v.tr. caus. enrage. -ejuumuula (-ejuumudde) v.i. refl. go wild; rebel, revolt; become furious/very angry. -ejwalika (-ejwalise) v.i. refl. adorn oneself, rig oneself up, dress oneself up (esp. in something objectionable). jwaŋŋanya (-jwaŋŋanyizza) v.i. & tr. fail to jweteka (-jwetese) v.tr. make up, invent keep one’s word; distort words, distort the (stories, lies); ascribe falsely. okujwaŋŋanya ebigambo, to twist/distort truth, be lacking in credibility. -ejweteka (-ejwetese) v.i. refl. ascribe falsely to oneself. cf. omujwetesi. ka particle used with the hortatory subjunctive ka tugende, let us go. ka bagende, let them go. cf. leka. ka, e- adv. at home; home(wards). Embaga bwe yaggwa ne tugenda eka. When the wedding was over we went home. cf. am aka, awaka. ka- a prefix of multiple functions, for which see the grammars. One usage which presents serious difficulties to the users of the dictionary must be mentioned here. ka- is the prefix for singular nouns of the ka/bu class. This class contains not only nouns proper to it, but in addition most other nouns can be converted to this class; in the latter case the resultant noun is a diminutive. In many cases sound changes obscure the relationship between the original noun and the diminutive: ente, cow; akate, small cow. ejjinja, rock; akayinja, stone, endabirwamu, mirror; akalabirwamu, small mirror. -ka adj. strong (of drinks, food, tobacco); fine, of good quality, omwenge omuka, strong beer, omuwala omulungi omuka, an extremely beautiful girl. kaaba (-kaabye) v.i. cry; weep; mourn; sing (of birds); bleat, neigh, roar (of animals); sound (of a drum, horn, motor, etc.). kaabira (-kaabidde) v.i. & tr. appl. cry in/ at/for, etc. Bw’ofuna akukaabirako naawe weeyongera. (prov. ) When vou find someone to cry with you, you even cry harder. kaabirira (-kaabiridde) v.i. & tr. appl. 2 keep crying for; keep mourning for. kaabiriza (-kaabirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. cause to cry/mourn for. kaabya (-kaabizza), kaabisa (-kaabisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to cry/weep, etc. cf. -kaabya, Mukaabya, Mikaabya. -kaabufu also -kabufu adj. snappish, irritable, peevish, cf. kabuka. kaabuga (-kaabuze) v.tr. close with green reeds (as one of the initial phases in the building process); lay the foundations for; fig. begin, cf. ekikaabugo. kaabula (-kaabudde) v.tr. start work/begin operations in a rough/provisional way. Guno omulimu tukyakaabula mukaabule. We are just starting the job (and we have a general idea of how we are going to go about it). kaabuuyi (la) meat obtained from the breast of a goat or ox. -kaabya adj. of the period of Mukaabya (another name for Kabaka Muteesa 1). cf. kaaba, Mikaabya. kaacaaka, e- (ka/bu) young locust. is an artist (painter) down to his fingertips. Yamukwata mu bwala. He shook hands with him. Abaserikale babagombyemu obwala. The soldiers have apprehended them. cf. ^olwala. kaalaala (-kaaladde) v.i. be excessively salty; have a hot taste (e.g., of hot pepper). kaalaala intens. used with -lungi Mulungi kaalaala. She is very/extremely beautiful. Kaalaala pr. n., formerly the name of the northern gate of the Kabaka’s palace (lubiri). kaalaama (-kaalaamye) v.i. be or become very hot (of the sun); be strong in flavor (e.g., of salt); raise one’s voice in anger. Obudde bukaalaamye. The weather has become very hot or The situation has become very serious/critical. kaalaamya (-kaalaamizza) v.tr. caus. cause to become hot; anger, provoke; goad, prolong an argument with. kaalakaala (-kaddekadde) v.i. walk proudly/ majestically; strut around; walk leisurely, stroll. -kaali adj. fierce, stem. cf. -kakali. -ekaaliisa (-ekaaliisizza) v.i. refl. strut about with an air of self-importance; show off, put on a show; pol. demonstrate, make a group protest. kaalo, a- (ka/bu) small village. Tosekera ku kaalo katono. lit. You don’t laugh in a small village, i.e., Your laughter is very loud. You laugh too much. cf. ekyalo. kaama, a- plur. obwama (ka/bu) whisper, whispering. oku(mu)kuba akaama, to talk (to him) in a whisper, whisper (to him). kaada (-kaaze) v.i. march, march around; strut around, move in a swaggering manner; walk majestically/proudly. kaada (n/n) [Eng. 3 card greeting card, 1 playing card, etc.). -kaaga numeral stem from which the following are formed: (o)mukaaga, six; (e)nkaaga, sixty; (o)lukaaga, six hundred; (a)kakaaga, six thousand; Olwomukaaga, Saturday. ekaajanga ( ekaajanze) v.i. refl. nave a fierce/furious look; storm about in a rage. cf. Mukaajanga. kaaka (-kaase) v.tr. crack; strain; stretch. -ekaaka (-ekaase) v.i. crack, creak, squeak, crackle; be strained; be sprained/ dislocated (of a limb); overstrain oneself. Oluggi lwekaaka. The door is rattling. kaakaabula (-kaakaabudde) v.tr. do or make in a hasty and slipshod manner. kaakaaka ideo. inlens, o/kaawa, be spicy/ bitter. Kaamulali akaawa be kaakaaka. The chillies are very hot. kaakano adv. now, at the present time. kaakati adv. now, at the present time. cf. ^kati. kaakiro: night. Lwa kwaka nga musana naye kaakiro tabulamu. (prov.) (Although the moon) is shining as bright as day, night is not lacking/is still present. (Said of a hypocrite, one whose public actions are different from his private thoughts). cf. ekiro. kaala, a- plur. obwala (ka/bu) small nail/ talon. Musiizi wa bifaananyi n’akaala. He is an artist down to his finger tips kaama (la) kind of small yam which grows wild and is eaten in time of famine. kaamuddiba (la) scrapings of flesh taken from the hide of an animal when readying it for drying. kaamugole (la) iris of the eye. kaamuje plur. bukaamuje kind of ground squirrel. kaamukujje (la) poor person (in the sense of lacking wealth); poor person (in the sense of being unfortunate and the object of pity). kaamukuukulu (la, collective) kind of bird, ringdove. A single specimen is kakaamu- kuukulu (plur. bukaamukuukulu). It is considered a bird of ill omen. kaamulali no plur. (la) pepper; hot pepper, kaamulali omuse, ground pepper, kaamulali ow’empeke, chillies. kaamuma (la) boor, lout, crude person. kaamuntu vocative sweetheart, darling, my beloved. -ekaamwana (-ekaamwanye) v.i. become exasperated/irritated/annoyed. cf. mukaamwa- na. kaana, a- plur. obwana (ka/bu) baby, small child, obwana bw’enkoko, young chickens, chicks, cf. omwana. -ekaanya (-ekaanyizza) v.i. & tr- refl- be grumpy in responding to a request; protest in a whining manner; refuse rudely; bristle up (at), okwekaanya omuntu, to be surly with somebody. Buli ky’omugamba okukola yeekaanya bwekaanya. He whines and protests at everything you ask him to do. kaanyuula (-kaanyudde) v.tr. bite into, eat (something which requires an effort to chew). kaapa, a- (ka/bu) sign (e.g., on a shop), cf. ekyapa. kaasa (la) kind of black soldier ant which bites fiercely. Eyawukana ku mugendo y'efuuka kaasa. (prov.) lit. (The nsan afu) which separates itself from the trail becomes a kaasa (an ant which is even fiercer). (Said of someone who flouts the accepted standards of the community and engages in questionable conduct.) kaasamanya (la) rare kind of insect resembling a soldier ant. kaasammeeme lit. sternum (mmeeme )-split- ting-(yasa). with the -a of rel. breathtaking; traumatic, shocking; precious, rare. Emmotoka yajjira ku misinde gya kaasammeeme. The car came at a shocking rate of speed. kaaso, a- plur. obuuso (ka/bu) small eye. okukuba akaaso, to wink at (in an amorous way, esp. of men), cf. eriiso (liiso). kaasuzekatya (la) a tin of kerosine or a gourd of beer given to the parents of one’s bride, lit. How did the little girl (akawala is implied by ka-) spend the night? kaatawala (-kaatawadde) v.i. be infected with the disease bikaata, q.v. kaati, a- adv. openly, publicly; frankly. kaato, a- plur. obwato (ka/bu) small boat; canoe; brewing vat. obwato obubbira, submarines. akaato ak'omuliro, motorboat. cf. eryato (lyato), nnakaato. -kaatuufu adj. sour. cf. kaatuuka. kaatuuka (-kaatuuse) v.i. become sour; go bad (of beer); fig. become an old maid, pass the marriageable age. cf. -kaatuufu, enkaatu. kaawa (-kaaye) v.i. be bitter/sour/unpleasant to the taste; become enraged/quarrelsome; become serious/bad (of a situation). Obudde abange bukaaye, omukyala wunno ataawa. The situation is indeed grave, the lady is on the brink of death. kaayira (-kaayidde) v.i. appl. be bitter for; fig. be bitter towards, quarrel with. kaayirira (-kaayiridde) v.i. appl. 2 be very bitter. Amazima gatera okukaayirira abamu. The truth is usually very bitter for some people. Emmere abantu yabakaayirira. The people felt very bitter/the situation was very bad for them, lit. the food became bitter to the people, okukaayirirwa kaamu- lali omuntu gw’aba talidde, to have a bitter taste from peppers one has not eaten, i.e., become worried or involved in matters which do not concern one. kaaya (-kaayizza) v.tr. caus. make bitter, etc. cf. obukaawu, obukaayi. kaawa no plur. (la) [S14’.] coffee (already ground and ready for consumption). See emmwanyi. Kaawa pr. n., Prol. Eve. Adamu ne Kaawa, Adam and Eve. (The Catholic word for Eve is Eva.) -ekaawa (-ekaaye) v.i. & tr. refl. drink hard; get drunk (on). kaawuula (-kaawudde) v.i. drink greedily; gulp down; eat/drink without minding the taste. kaaya caus. of kaawa, q.v. kaayana (-kaayanye) v.i. protest; argue; dispute. kaayanira (-kaayanidde) v.tr. appl. protest about; argue about; dispute over. kaayanya (-kaayanyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to protest, etc. cf. olukaayano, enkaayana. kaayo, a- (ka/bu) clamor, uproar, kukuba hflvn tn matp o crrAay clamor.doud outcry (esp. of a large group of people). cf. olwayo. kaayuukana (-kaayuukanye) v.i. be tasteless; be tough (of food); be harsh/rude (of speech ). kaayuula (-kaayudde) v.i. & tr. eat (something which is not tasty). kaazakaaza (-kaazizzakaazizza) v.tr. lead/ carry around in triumph (e.g., a new monarch); lead under guard (prisoners); parade around publicly and expose to shame; direct (one's look), ne nkaazakaaza amaaso, and I looked/directed my gaze. kaba, a- (ka/bu) dim. of oluba, jaw. ku- suulamu kaba, to die. kukuba mu kintu kaba, to die fighting for something. -kaba adj. immoral, profligate, depraved. cf. kabawala, obukaba, omukaba. -ekaba (-ekabye) v.i. refl. look very angry; put on a stern/serious look; pout; look or be determined. kabaala, a- (ka/bu) kind of mushroom which grows on termite heaps, cf. embaala. kabaalankoma, a- also kalaalankoma (ka/bu) kind of insect resembling a wasp. kabaalingo: okuseka akabaalingo, to laugh out loud, laugh raucously, cf. baalinga. kabaata, a- (ka/bu) syphilitic rash. kabaate, a- (ka/bu) tumult, uproar, disturbance, danger, trouble. kabaatiro, a- (ka/bu) difficulty, trouble; jam, ‘hot water.’ kababba, a- no plur. (ka/bu) orneriness, ill- natured disposition; bumptiousness, quality of being loud and bumptious. Omunafu ayinza kababba. (prov.) An idle person excels in boastful talk. It is easier to talk about something than to do it. Alina aka- babba or Wa kababa. He is a loud-mouthed person. kababi with the -a of rel. very red ( as is produced by burning), emimwa egya kababi, very red lips. cf. babuka. kabada (n/n) [E-ng. ] cupboard. kabaga, a- (ka/bu) social reception; small party, akabaga ak’eby’okunywa, cocktail party, cf. embaga. kabaggula (-kabaggude) v.tr. do/accomplish in a rough/slipshod way; throw/hurl down. -ekabaggula (-ekabaggudde) v.i. refl. work with too much effort at the outset and then come to a stop; throw oneself down. kabajjabajja plur. bakabajjabajja (la) one who does all sorts of carpentry; poor car- pentef, hack. cf. bajja, bajjabajja. kabaka (la) formerly kabaka, the king of of Buganda. The term is also applied to the Queen Mother (Nnamasole) and the Queen Sister (Lubuga). currently king (of any country); relig. queen. Kabaka wa Bamalayika, Queen of Angels, Regina Angelorum. cf. obwakabaka, ssekabaka. -kabakaba adj. shrewd, clever; wise; fas a redup. form of -kaba) immoral. kabakiro, a- (ka/bu) hiccough. kabakko, a- (ka/bu) cheekbone. kabala (-kabadde) v.tr. dig deeply into; dig up (roots or soil), okukabala amazina, to dance a great deal, dance with enthusiasm. -ekabala (-ekabadde) v.i. refl. go, stride along (moving up and down in such a fashion as to give the impression of digging one's feet into the ground). cf. enkabala. kabalabala, a- (ka/bu) small spot, speck. cf. ebbala. kabalaga, a- (ka/bu) striped grass-rat; foul smell, body odor. kabalira, a- (ka/bu) kind of medium-sized tree, Ficus capensis. cf. ?^bal a. kabamba, a- (ka/bu) small lungfish (emmamba). kabambaggulu (la) hair on the chest. kabandole plur. idea, or zikabandole (n/n) double-decker bus, lit. let them see me (-lole is from, rora, Lunyoro for see). Also bandol e. kabandu, a- (ka/bu) madness, folly, (la) fool. kabangala, a- (ka/bu) a kind of small edible rat, lesser cane rat. cf. emmangala. kabango, a- (ka/bu) small hump; projecting part. cf. ebbango. kabanika (ka/bu) protuberance; protruding stomach, with the -a of rel. bulging, protruding. olubuto lwa kabanika, a protruding stomach. kabanyi, a- (ka/bu) dim. of ekibanyi, q.v. also balcony; gallery (e.g., of Parliament). kabanzi, a- no plur. (ka/bu) obstinacy, stubbornness; craziness. kabasa, a- no plur. (ka/bu) danger, trouble. kabassana (-kabassanye) v.i. work hard; struggle; be very busy; be bothered. kabassanya (-kabassanyizza) v.tr. caus. work (someone) hard; bother, pester, annoy. -ekabassanya (-ekabassanyizza) v.i. caus. refl. keep oneself very busy; overwork oneself. kabattanya also kalibattanya, kabassanya (la) cause of dissension, cause of dispute, lit. that which causes them to kill each other, cf. tta. kabatukira: owa kabatukira, a person who is unstable/fickle/unable to carry a task through to its conclusion, cf. batuka. kabawala (-kabawadde) v.i. be or become profligate/sexually immoral. kabawaza (-kabawazizza) v.tr. caus. make profligate, corrupt. cf. -kaba, obukaba. kabba (n/n) lining of back of kkanzu. Kyusa kabba! Go away! Get lost! kabbalibbali, a- (ka/bu) foolishness, idiocy, madness. kabbiiri (n/n) pair of pants/trousers. kabbira plur. bakabbira (la) colloq. thief. cf. bba. kabbiro, a- (ka/bu) second totem of a clan. It differs from the first totem in that there is no taboo against eating it. kabbo, a- (ka/bu) dim. of ekibbo, kind of basket, q.v. kuwa kabbo kya nseko, to say something funny/humorous (to someone). kabbula, a- (ka/bu) water lily. kabe, a- (ka/bu) small|jackal. okuwulira akabe akakaaba, to hear the jackal crying (an omen of death), cf. ekibe. kabebenu, a- (ka/bu) cartilage, okutuuza akabebenu ku ntebe, to sit on the edge of a chair, cf. bebena, ekibebenu. kabega, a- from ekibegabega, shoulder, kuggyawo kabega, to avoid becoming involved, withdraw one’s support to avoid complications, lit. take away the shoulder. Kabejja (la) title of the second wife of the Kabaka; as a common noun favorite wife. kabekasinge adv. maybe, perhaps, for all I know; probably. kabendobendo, a- (ka/bu) arch, roll of reeds under the edge of the roof. cf. ebbendo. kabengo, a- (ka/bu) enlarged spleen; small grindstone, cf. olubengo. kabenje, a- (ka/bu) accident; misfortune, ebis eera eby'akabenje, period of emergency, kugwa ku kabenje ka mmotoka, to be involved in an automobile accident, kwabula kabenje, to miss being involved in an accident; to come out of an accident unscathed. kabezo, a- (ka/bu) plantain leaf used as a receptacle for serving food; saucer, plate. cf. Ibega. kabi, a- (ka/bu) danger, harm. cf. -bi. kabiga, a- (ka/bu) hole in the ground used as an oven; oven; furnace, cf. ebbiga, embiga. kabigo, a- (ka/bu) fish trap made of reeds for catching ngege, catfish, etc. kabiite, a- (ka/bu) loved one, sweetheart; wife. cf. biita. kabina, a- (ka/bu) curve, bend; buttocks. cf. bina, embinabina. kabindi, a- (ka/bu) small pipe. cf. emmindi. kabini plur. bukabini (ka/bu) [Eng. ] bathroom; toilet. kabinu, a- (ka/bu) pep, enthusiasm (usually misdirected); infatuation. kabira, a- (ka/bu) small forest; grove; thicket of shrubs and small trees, cf. ekibira. kabira, a- (ka/bu) small bead. cf. embira. kabiri: kuddako kabiri, to put on a little weight. kabiriginya (la) very short person, cf. omubiri. kabiriiti, a- (ka/bu) [Su;. ] match, cf. ekibiriiti. kabirinnage, a- (ka/bu) delicate, attractive, well-proportioned person (e.g., a woman with soft and beautiful skin), cf. omubiri. kabirirwa (-kabiriddwa) v.i. pass, be under a strain; be troubled/preoccupied; be imposed on; be depressed; be wearied. Nnakkiriza n’omwoyo ogukabiriddwa. I agreed reluctantly/with a troubled heart. kabiriza (-kabirizza) v.tr. caus. impose on; vex; displease, make discontent. -ekabiriza (-ekabirizza) short var. of -ekangabiriza, q.v. kabisi, a- (ka/bu) dim. of omubisi, q.v. okukuba akabisi, euph., to drink beer. kaboga, a- (ka/bu) kind of fig tree, Ficus congensis. kaboga or kahoga kaknhogn intendifiers with -ggya (new) and -to (young), engatto zange kaboga kakobogo, my brand new shoes. Omukyala yawasa muto kaboga. He married a very young girl. kabogo adv. intens. with ddugala and -ddugavu. Muddugavu nnyini kabogo. He is as black as a buffalo, cf. embogo. kabogolole (la) as an invar, adj. huge, very big. ekita kabogolole, an extremely large calabash. kabombo, a- (ka/bu) kind of creeping plant with fleshy leaves. It is used to wipe off banana sap. kabona (la) priest (of a non-Christian religion). cf. bona. kabonero, a- (ka/bu) sign, indication; symbol; signal; seal; mark; point, grade, akabonero ak'omusaalaba, the sign of the cross, akabonero ak’emikono, gesture of the hands. cf. bona. kabonge, a- (ka/bu) craziness, madness (lit. and fig.). Alimu kabonge. Heis crazy. c f. bonga. kabongeera (la) arch, sleeping sickness, trypanosomiasis. cf. bongeera, bongoota. kaboole (la) bleeding gums. kabootongo (la) syphilis, kabootongo omu- sikire, inherited/congenital syphilis. cf. bootonga, omubootongo. kabooya, a- (ka/bu) corn silk; tendril of wheat. kaboyi, a- (ka/bu) dizziness, giddiness. cf. boya. kabu, a- (ka/bu) very small fly which resembles a mayfly. It is attracted to fruit, particularly bananas. Omukwano gubasaza mu kabu. (prov.) lit. Friendship causes them to cut into (i.e., to share even) a kabu. They are very close friends. kabubi, a- (ka/bu) thin layer; thin covering; membrane, cf. olububi. kabudi invar, adj. dumpy; rotund. -kabufu also -kaabufu adj. snappish, irritable, peevish, cf. kabuka. kabugu (la) kind of convolvulus used by fishermen for making fish traps. kabuguumiriro, a- (ka/bu) exciting event, a ‘hot’ time. cf. buguma, ebbugumu. kabuguutano, a- (ka/bu) excitement, hubbub, bustle, rushing around, cf. buguutana. kabuka (-kabuse) v.i. speak in an irritable/ snappish/surly manner. kabukira (-kabukidde) v.tr. appl. speak angrily to; snap at; upbraid, scold. cf. -kabufu (-kaabufu), omukabusi. kabula (-kabudde) v.tr. slap. Yamukabu- lamu oluyi. He gave him a slap. kabula (la) kind of banana for making beer; per ext. beer. kabulabutugiro: omusajja kabulabutugiro, a short-necked man, lit. who is lacking (-bula-) a place where he could be strangled (see tuga). kabuladda (la) a beloved person who has been away or who has not been seen for a long time (sometimes used as a greeting), cf. bula, dda. Kabulamuliro a- (ka/bu) jail, r f. bula & omuliro. kabulugu, a- (ka/bu) rare puppy. kabundi (la) with the -a of rel. huge, very large, kabundi w’enkula, a huge rhinoceros. kabundu, a- (ka/bu) small gun, small rifle; pistol, cf. emmundu. kabuno, a- (ka/bu) roof of the mouth, palate; arch, lintel, transom (of a door or window) cf. ekibuno. kabuti [from German kaputt, Eng. kaputj adv. completely destroyed, ruined, ‘kaput.’ Enkoko zonna zaafa kabuti mu muliro. All the chickens were completely destroyed in the fire. Omupiira gwagwa kabuti. The ball missed the goal/went astray. kabutobuto, a- (ka/bu) side of the stomach, akabuto akato, iden. cf. olubuto. kabutyampa also butyampa (la) very small person or animal; dwarf. kabuuti plur. kabuuti or zi kabuuti (n/n) long heavy coat (esp. of the type worn by the night watchmen). kabuuza, a- (ka/bu) question mark. Ggyako kabuuza. There is no need to ask, the answer is of course yes, lit. take off the question mark. kabwa, a- (ka/bu) small dog; puppy, kuba kabwa na ngo, to be hostile to one another, be like cats and dogs together, lit. to be dog and leopard, cf. lembwa. kabwege invar, adj. huge, gigantic, ekyennyanja kabwege, a huge fish. kab-.vcjur.gira (la) person in charge, one who is in absolute charge fas opposed to a representative or deputy). kacaacaali no plur. (la) inferior variety of cassava characterized by extreme bitterness. cf. nnakacaacaali. kacaakuule: kubaamu kacaakuule, to be wild, uncontrollable. kacca, a- no plur. (ka/bu) impertinence, importunity; meddlesomeness; speaking out of turn. kaceppe, a- adv. n’akaceppe = n’akatono, not at all, not a bit (with a neg. verb). kaco, a- var. of akakyo, q.v. kacuucuuke also cuucuuke: kabootongo wa kaeuucuuke, secondary syphilis. kacwano, a- (ka/bu) tumult, disturbance, uproar. cf. cwacwana. kada: kuddako kada, to put on a little weight. kadaala, a- (ka/bu) small step/stair; platform (e.g., on which political speeches are made), cf. eddaala. kadaali, a- (ka/bu) asparagus fern; headdress/ tiara of a bride. kadagado, a- adv. loosely, okwesiba akada- gado, to fasten one’s belt loosely, wear one’s clothes loosely, okutambula akada- gado, to walk in a loose-jointed manner. cf. dagada. kadalidali, a- also kaddaliddali (ka/bu) inflammation of the toes. kaddannyuma, a- (ka/bu) going backwards; retrogression, as an adv. backwards, kukuba kaddannyuma, to go back, retrogress. Kuba akaddauuyuma oiowooze... try to think back... cf. ^dda, nnyuma. kadde, a- (ka/bu) time; time of day; weather. Ng’akadde kakaalaamye! How hot the weather is! cf. obudde. -kadde adj. old, aged (of people and animals); old, worn out (of things), cf. kaddiwa, ^obu- kadde, omukadde, nnakkadde, ssekkadde. kaddiwa (-kaddiye) v.i. become old/aged (of people and animals); become old/worn out (of things). kaddiya (-kaddiyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to grow old, make old, age; cause to wear out. cf. -kadde, ^obukadde, omukadde. kaddo, a- (ka/bu) blade of grass; in the plur. obuddo, patches of grass; lawn. cf. omuddo. kaddole (ka/bu) [from Eng. doll] small doll. cf. ddole. kaddugala plur. bakaddugala (la) Negro, black person, cf. ddugala. kaddulubaale plur. bakaddulubaale (la) principle wife of a kabaka; queen consort; principal wife of a chief. kadduwannema (la) crippled person; lame person. kadeeya, a- (ka/bu) small piece of jute cloth; type of thick fabric made of sisal and resembling fiber glass, used for tying cotton. kadingidi, a- (ka/bu) kind of musical instrument, one-stringed fiddle or harp. kadoma (la) bateleur eagle. kadoma (la) kind of small wild bee. kadondi, e- (ka/bu) point, tip; small spool, akadondi k’ewuzi, a small spool of thread. cf. ekidondi. kadubudubu, a- (ka/bu) rancor, grudge, resentment. kaduli, a- (ka/bu) (Buddu) hemp seed. cf. edduli, ^akaluli. kaduukulu, a- (ka/bu) prison, jail. kadyeri, a- (ka/bu) small raft. cf. ekidyeri. kafakalimba also kafaala (la) assortment/ variety of things; gear; junk. kafansonyi, a- (ka/bu) sensitive plant, plant which contracts when touched; shame. cf. 1 fa, ensonyi. kafecee (la) blood pudding = luwampa, q.v. kafeetete, a- (ka/bu) large quantity; large number; abundance. Ensimbi alina kafeetete. He has a great deal of money. kafiifi (la) second-grade cotton. kafu, a- (ka/bu) small, niggardly portion/ helping of food. cf. mufumbakafu. kafuba, a- (ka/bu) consumption, tuberculosis; small chest, cf. ekifuba. kafuba (la) kind of cooking banana. kafubo, a- no plur. (ka/bu) privacy; private session, with the -a of rel. private. Bali mu kafubo. They are in private session. kafubutuko, adv. rapidly, at breakneck speed. with the -a of rel. rapid, headlong, embiro z’akafubutuko, breakneck speed, cf. fubutuka. kafubutusi, a- (ka/bu) kind of small black waterfowl, cf. fubutuka. kafukunya, a- (ka/bu) large quantity, great amount- I have number abundance, nbu- fukunya bw’ensimbi, large sums of money. kafulu (la) expert; professional; one who has special knowledge or skills; implacable foe; scourge, terror (with reference to persons). omunywi kafulu, an inveterate drinker, omubbi kafulu, professional thief, kafulu mu kuddaabiriza emmotoka, an expert in repairing automobiles. kafumita-bagenge (la) kind of prickly, creeping plant, lit. it spears (fumita) the lepers (bagenge). kafumito, a- (ka/bu) brisket, part of animal’s chest usually containing a lot of fat. cf. fumita. kafumu, a- (ka/bu) nib, pen point; pen. cf. effumu, fumita. kafungulambugo, a- also akafungulankete lit. which expose the underclothes, as an adj. sensational; sweeping, enkyukakyuka ez’akafungulankete, drastic developments/ changes, cf. fungula, olubugo, enkete. kafunkula (la) kind of tree, Neoboutonia m elleri. kafunze (la) kind of banana with closely packed fruit, cf. funda. kafuufu, a- (ka/bu) dust, as an adv. quickly; without stopping; like dust (enfuufu). kulaga kafuufu, to race away in a car, leaving one’s pursuers behind, lit. to show dust. kafuumuuko adv. in a flash, at a great speed. cf. fuumuuka. kafuumuulampawu, a- adv. at a great speed, lit. (the breeze; akawewo is implied by ka-) which blows away (akafuumuula) the termites (mpawu). Emmotoka yabayitako kafuumuulampawu. The car zoomed past them, with cap. Kafuumuulampawu, the tenth month of the Kiganda calendar, corresponding to October, cf. ^mwezi. kafuuwe or kikafuuwe God forbid! Don’t say things like that! cf. fuuwa. kafuuwuuko, a- more commonly kafuumuuko adv. at a great speed, very fast. cf. fuuwuuka. kafuuyi, a- (ka/bu) small wave. kaga (-kaze) v.i. be proud and cocksure; adopt an attitude of defiance; be truculent/ arrogant. kagaali, a- (ka/bu) [S w., Hind.~\ bicycle; small vehicle; wheelbarrow, akagaali k’omwana, baby carriage; tricycle; small bicycle, cf. eggaali, ekigaali. kagadi, a- var. of akagaali, q.v. kagafumba (la) wife, lit. the one who cooks them, i.e., plantains (-ga- implies matooke). kagalo, a- (ka/bu) small finger. Alina akagalo. He is light-fingered/adroit in stealing, cf. engalo. kagambo, a- (ka/bu) small word, akagambo akayunzi, gramm. conjunction, cf. gamba, ekigambo. kaganga, a- (ka/bu) charge of gunpowder. cf. obuganga. Kaganga pr. n. okukkirira e Kaganga, to go down to Kaganga, i.e., to die. kagenderere adv. for good, irretrievably. Kagenderere, ng’omukadde akogga. (prov.) Gone for good like an old person who is getting thin. What is gone is gone. cf. genda, genderera. kagenyi, a- (ka/bu) gift given to a guest by the host. cf. -genyi, obugenyi. kagere, a- (ka/bu) toe; small foot, okwekuba akagere, to menstruate, okukuba akagere,to travel on foot, walk, okukuba obugere, to mock, scorn, okuggya akagere, to start walking, take one’s first steps, cf. obu- geregere, ekigere, olugere. kageregere, a- usually in the plur. See obu- geregere. kagezimunnyo (la) very learned person; expert; scientist, cf. -gezi, omunnyo. kagga, a- (ka/bu) small river, small stream. cf. omugga. See also akawonvu. kagganyigganyi adv. by force; whether (one) wants to or not. Kaggo pr. n. the title of the chief of Kyaddondo County. kaggoggo (la) children’s game, in which if a player is found without a stick, he is beaten until he obtains one. (Sn.) cf. omuggo. kaggwensonyi plur. bakaggwensonyi (la) brazen/shameless person, cf. ggwa, ensonyi. kaggwiggiri, a- (ka/bu) foul smell, stench, stink. kaggyo, a- (ka/bu) very small fragment of pottery; tile. Essomero lyaseresebwa bugyo. The school was roofed with tiles. cf. oluggyo. kagina, a- (ka/bu) nit, egg of a louse; egg of a chigger. cf. omugina. Kagingo var. spelling of Kajingo, q.v. kagiri, a- (ka/bu) kind of wild plant/weed, kukooza kagiri (often with the subject ennaku), to cause to suffer greatly, lit. cause to pluck off kagiri. Yankooza kagiri. He made me suffer greatly. Ennaku y’ensi ebakooza kagiri. They are having very hard times. kagirigimba, a- (ka/bu) small fin. cf. eggirigimba. kagirita, a- (ka/bu) [from Eng. Gillette] small razor blade, cf. eggirita. kagiriza (-kagirizza) v.tr. be sparing of, be frugal with; economize on. cf. omukagiriza. kagoba, a- (ka/bu) point, goal (scored in soccer), okunywesa akagoba, to score a goal. cf. goba. kagogo, a-: okukuba akagogo, to stand firmly on one foot and move the other one backwards touching the ground with the toes (a disrespectful and insulting gesture mostly- employed by girls). kagolomolo, a- (ka/bu) narrow neck of land, isthmus; narrow channel of water into which boats are launched, canal, cf. golomola. kagomba, a-: okusula akagomba, to go to bed hungry. kagombe, a- (ka/bu) small horn, akagombe ak’enkomerero, the last trumpet (at the end of the world), cf. ennombe. kagongolo: -ddugavu kagongolo, very black/ dark. Abaddugavu kagongolo, very dark Africans, cf. eggongolo. kagoogombe (la) thin, emaciated person. cf. Igoogomba. kagoogwa, a- (ka/bu) sisal fiber; piece of sisal fiber, cf. obugoogwa, ekigoogwa. kagoye, a- (ka/bu) small cloth; small garment. cf. olugoye. kagubiiru (la) person with a short, thick neck. kaguboggubo, a- adv. hurriedly; in haste; with urgency. kagugu, a- (ka/bu) small load/bundle; trouble, danger; scandal in a family, shameful secret which a family wishes to be hushed up. Onsombedde akagugu. You have caused me trouble. Balina akagugu mu nju. They have a skeleton in their closet, cf. omugugu. kagugumuko, a- (ka/bu) start, panicky reaction; stampede; rumpus, cf. gugumuka. kagugumusi, a- (ka/bu) black-capped finch. kagula (-kagudde) v.tr. unstop, unclog (a tube or a pipe stem). kaguza (-kaguzizza) v.tr. caus. cause to unstop; unstop with/using. Onkaguza ng’ogenda. Let me know when you are going. Nnamukaguzizza n’atawulira. I tried to get his attention but he did not respond. cf. olukaguzo. kaguli, a- (ka/bu) small cage; ring (for boxingj; dock in a courtroom where the prisoner stands, cf. ekiguli. kagulumbo, a- (ka/bu) turmoil, disturbance, crisis; disagreement, fracas, feud. cf. gulumba. kaguugu (la) with the -a of rel. huge, gigantic. kaguugu w’essajja, a giant of a man. kagwa, a- (ka/bu) small rope; string; tape. cf. omug(u)wa. kajaalaala more commonly jaalaala. with or without the -a of rel. diluted, watered down; insipid, tasteless. kajabangu, a- no plur. (ka/bu) madness, craze; folly. Alimu akajabangu. He is Crazy/mad (but not in the literal sense). kajagalalo, a- (ka/bu) riot; disturbance; uprising; revolt, cf. jagalala. kajanja, a- (ka/bu) insolence, impudence, effrontery; pushiness, aggressiveness, gall; meddlesomeness; nosiness; bumptiousness, kuba na kajanja, to possess some or all of the above attributes, cf. -ejangisa. kajeerejeere: akasajja akajeerejeere, a nondescript/inconsequential /worthless man. cf. omujeerejeere. kajegejege, a- (ka/bu) coin; cent, penny. cf? jjegejege. kajegere, a- (ka/bu) small chain, okwesala akajegere, to go into a rage, ‘blow one’s top.’ cf. olujegere. kajegule, a- var. of akajenjegule, q.v. See also jegulwa. kajenga, a- (ka/bu) rare native umbrella made of banana leaf. kajenjegule, a-: eby’akajenjegule, false statements; nonsense; trivia, okwogera eby’akajenjegule, to make false statements, speak foolishly. kajereje, a- (ka/bu) kind of small bean. kajiijiiri, a- (ka/bu) painful/vice-like grip. as an adv. painfully; with a painful grip; in a heartrending manner, okukaaba akajiijiiri, to cry pitifully, cf. jiijiira. kajiiko, a- (ka/bu) small spoon; teaspoon. cf. ekijiiko. Kajingo pr. n. one of the many names for God. See Katonda (the usual word), Ssewanaku, Nnyinibulamu, Nnyiniggulu, Liisoddene. kajiri, a- var. spelling of akagiri, q.v. kajjala (-kajjadde) v.i. stand firmly; act in a lordly/proud/bumptious manner; -prevail, be in the ascendant, okukajjalira ku muntu owa bulijjo, to lord it over the common man. kajjaza (-kajjazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to stand firmly; strengthen, cause to prevail, etc. Tukajjaze ekibiina ekyo. Let us really make this society into something. -ekajjaza (-ekajjazizza) v.i. caus. refl. act important, show off. kajjalimbira (-kajjalimbidde) v.i. wander, roam about freely; trespass. kajjampuni (la) weed, the leaves of which are used for polishing and cleaning and also for putting on sores and wounds. Yalaba kajjampuni avuuse okubalagala mu bbwa. She saw that the situation had become very bad, lit. the kajjampuni had produced a smarting sensation on the sore. kajjegejjege, a- adv. endlessly, interminably. kajjejjerebu, a- (ka/bu) dancing doll, marionette, puppet, cf. jjejjerebu. kajjolyanjovu, more frequently ekkajolyanjovu, q.v. kajogolo, a- (ka/bu) small spear. kajonjo, a- the sing, of the more frequently used obujonjo, q.v. kajugo, a- (ka/bu) penholder. kajumbi, a- (ka/bu) barkcloth kilt worn by hunters. kajwenge, a- (ka/bu) fringe (e.g., of a garment). cf. ekijwenge, omujwenge. kajwiringi = kayirigombe, q.v. kaka (-kase) v.tr. force, compel. kakibwa (-kakiddwa) v.i. pass, be forced. See kakaabiriza and -ekakaba which are more frequently used. , a-: okuta akaka, to speak forcefully; to speak violently; to make a strong denunciation/criticism; to be very quarrelsome. kakaabiriza (-kakaabirizza) v.tr. force, compel. -ekakaabiriza (-ekakaabirizza) v.i. refl. force oneself; nerve oneself, steel oneself.cf. 1 kaka, -ekakaba. kakaaga, a- numer. six thousand, with the -a of rel. six-thousandth. kakaalukana (-kakaaiukanye) v.i. struggle (with); be encumbered (with); involve oneself (in a trying /arduous task), cf. omukakaalukanyi, enkakaalukanyi. kakaatana (-kakaatanye) v.i. be encumbered; be overburdened; have more than one can handle; become entangled. kakaatika (-kakaatise) v.tr. force (something) into; jam in, cram in; put (something) where it does not belong; impose; attribute, impute falsely. Leka kukakaatika bintu mu mmotoka. Don’t force things into the car. Leka kunkakaatika kye siyogeranga. Don’t attribute to me what 1 have never said. -ekakaatika (-ekakaatise) v.i. & tr. refl. force one’s way into; meddle (with); usurp. kakaayi, a-: okusiba akakaayi, to trip up in wrestling. -ekakaba (-ekakabye) v.i. refl. force oneself; nerve oneself, steel oneself, cf. ^kaka, kakaabiriza. kakadde, a- (ka/bu) million. -kakafu adj. sure; certain; proved; correct; true, confirmed, cf. kakata, obukakafu. kakajja (-kakazze) v.tr. force, compel. -ekakajja (-ekakazze) v.i. refl. nerve oneself, steel oneself, force oneself. kakajjala (-kakajjadde) v.i. be insistent/ demanding. kakakala, o- (ka/bu) kind of plant, osier. kakala (-kakadde) v.i. be thick/dense (e.g., of a forest). Yeetisse bya kakalakakala. He is loaded down with a whole host of things, cf. -kakavu. -kakali adj. fierce; violent; stem, harsh; strong (of drink); spicy (of food); difficult, hard. cf. kaali. kakalu, a- (ka/bu) pledge, assurance; surety; guarantee; bail, awatali bukalu, unconditionally, without conditions, cf. kala. kakamuka (-kakamuse) v.i. rise with effort, struggle to one’s feet. kakamula (-kakamudde) v.tr. cause to rise, make struggle to one’s feet. -ekakamula (-ekakamudde) v.i. refl. make an effort to get up, rise with effort; shake oneself (e.g., a wet animal). kakanda, a- (ka/bu) ceremony performed at the birth of twins, okumenya akakanda, to perform the above ceremony, cf. 20lukanda. kakankula (-kakankudde) v.tr. draw out; pick up (e.g., ba<} habits); be contaminated by; take over, appropriate; get by stealth. cf. papankula, wakankula, wakula. kakanso, a- also akakaasokanso (ka/bu) small shrub with edible berries, Rhus incana; berry of the plant. kakanyala (-kakanyadde) v.i. be or become hard/stiff; become cold (of heated, food); undergo rigor mortis; fig. be difficult; become obstinate/persistent; be rebellious/ recalcitrant, kukakanyala mu byambalo, to stand or walk in a stiff and erect manner. kakanyaza (-kakanyazizza) v.tr. caus. harden, make stiff; fig. kill; make obstinate; cause to be rebellious, kukakanyaza muntu, to kill a person; to question a person with the intent of trapping him. -ekakanyaza (-ekakanyazizza) v.i. caus. refl. harden itself; fig. show off, seek to attract attention. cf. -kakanyavu, obukakanyavu. -kakanyavu adj. hard, stiff; cold (of previously heated food); obstinate, persistent; rebellious, recalcitrant (of an unruly child), cf. kakanyala. kakata (-kakase) v.i. be certain/sure; be confirmed/proved; become assured; be self- reliant. kakasa (-kakasizza) v.tr. caus. prove; confirm; assure; make certain; authenticate, substanti ate. -ekakasa (-ekakasizza) v.i. caus. refl. assure oneself; fortify oneself, feel or be self-assured/confident of oneself. cf. -kakafu, obukakafu. -kakavu adj. thick, dense, cf. kakala. kakedde: buli kakedde, daily, every day, every morning, cf. ^kya, keera, lukedde. kakeedo, a- (ka/bu) strip/fiber obtained from the banana leaf (used esp. in making baskets ). kakenge (la) enjoka za kakenge, throbbing abdominal pain. kakensa plur. bakakensa (la) expert, specialist; with cap. Kakensa, God. kakenyera, a- (ka/bu) reluctance; misgiving; failure to be convinced; regret; defect, ng’asigaddemu akakenyera, and he was not quite convinced, cf. ^kenya, kenyera, enkenyera. kakerenda, a- (ka/bu) pill, tablet, cf. ekkerenda. kakete, a- (ka/bu) apron (worn by a carpenter, a housewife, etc.). cf. enkete. kakiiko, a- (ka/bu) committee, commission, akakiiko akafuzi, executive committee. cf. 2kiika, olukiiko. kakiki (la) dirt; dust. kakinga (la) swampy area full of mukinga trees. kakira (la) kind of very long cooking banana. kakira, a- (ka/bu) small tail (e.g., that of a lizard), cf. omukira. -ekakira (-ekakidde) v.i. & tr. refl., quasi- synonym of-epakira, q.v. gorge oneself; empty one’s glass (of beer) quickly, okwekakira omwenge, to swill down beer. kskiringi, n- (k»/bn) dropping (of a rat. rabbit, goat, etc.). dim. of enkiringi, q.v. kakkakka adv. intens. with kaamulali very hot. Kaamulali yabadde kakkakka. The pepper was very hot. kakkalabya (-kakkalabizza) v.tr. do, carry out, undertake; continue doing, carry on with (an activity), kukakkalabya mirimu, to do one’s work/duties, kukakkalabya mboozi, to carry on a conversation, kukakkalabya musomo, to work hard on one’s studies. kakku adv. fast, quickly; briskly; suddenly. kakkuka (-kakkuse) v.i. walk very fast/in a great hurry. kakkula (-kakkudde) v.tr. lead (someone) away in a hurry. cf. kakku. kakoba, a- (ka/bu) small belt; small strap, ekirevu ky’akakoba, sideburns, side- whiskers. cf. olukoba. kakobe, a- (ka/bu) small or young baboon. dim. of enkobe, q.v. kakobe with the -a of rel. purple, olugoye olwa kakobe, a purple garment/cloth. kakobogo invar, adj. geniune, pure, real (of persons). Ndi Muganda kakobogo. I am a genuine, pure Muganda. kakodyo, a- (ka/bu) ruse, trick; stratagem; device; technique, obukodyo bw’amagye, military tactics. kakokobe, a- (ka/bu) hanger-on, pest; sponge; nuisance, cf. olukokobe. kakokola, a- (ka/bu) small elbow; angle in a wall, akakokola k’entebe, the arm of a chair, okusaako kakokola tondeka nnyuma, to run for one’s life. cf. olukokola. kakoloboze, a- (ka/bu) small line; small scratch, cf. kolobola, olukoloboze. kakololo, a- (ka/bu) cough; tuberculosis. cf. kolola. kakolomooni, a- (ka/bu) trap; trick. kakolwa, a- (ka/bu) banded mongoose. cf. 2etlk0lwa. kakomwakkomwa, a- (ka/bu) crust; end part (of bread, sugarcane, etc., which is usually not eaten); residue. kakondo, a- (ka/bu) small stump, engatto ey’akakondo, a pair of high-heeled shoes, empale ey’obukondo, pants/trousers with suspenders, cf. ekikondo. kakongobo, a-: okutuula akakongobo, to sit around for a long time, stay put. cf. kongoba. kakongolazziga, a- (la) colloq. walagi, a kind of very strong Kiganda liquor, lit. it plucks forth a tear. cf. kongola, ezziga. kakongoliro, a- (ka/bu) stalk of ntula, njagi, q.v.; small cob of corn/maize (stripped of the grains), cf. ekikongoliro, kongola. kakongoowe, a- = akakongoliro, q.v. kakongovvule, a- (ka/bu) ankle. kakonkome, a- (ka/bu) small lizard, dim. of ekkonkome, q.v. kakono, a- (ka/bu) small hand/arm; trunk of an elephant; consumption, tuberculosis. cf. omukono. kakonsokonso, a- var. of akakansokanso, q.v. kakookolo, a- (ka/bu) mask. cf. ekikookolo. kakoolakoola, a- with the -a of rel. halfcooked, insufficiently cooked. Emmere ya kakoolakoola. The food is half-cooked. kakoota invar, adj. drastic, severe, stern, enkyukakyuka kakoota, drastic changes. kaku, a- (ka/bu) small piece of firewood. cf. oluku. See also tyaba. kakubampanga lit. strike-the cock, a kindof hawk which frequently preys on chickens. cf. kuba, empanga. kakubansiri, a- (ka/bu) lit. strike-mosquito, a kind of plant which has medicinal uses. cf. kuba, ensiri. kakubo, a- (ka/bu) path, narrow road. akakubo ak’ab’ebigere, footwalk, sidewalk. cf. ekkubo. kakubye lit. it has struck. 1 am in luck. Things are going my way. cf. kuba. kakuku, a- (ka/bu) small bit of mold. cf. obukuku. kakukufa, a- (ka/bu) small hard lump on the skin; wart; com on the toe. kakukuuzi, a- (ka/bu) source/cause of grief or woe. kakula (-kakudde) v.tr. grab, snatch away. cf. nyakula. kakule, a- (ka/bu) a burst of laughter (often scornful in character), okukuba akakule, to burst out laughing, okutema akakule, to laugh loudly and scornfully at (with a personal object), okufuna bya kakule, to obtain for nothing; to buy at a price far below the normal. kakuli, a- (ka/bu) also enkuli. kind of grass used fcr thatching and making Leeu kakulwe, a- (ka/bu) tadpole. kakumemme invar, adj. hard; firm, solid; compact, thick, dense. Alina enviiri ez’akaku- memme. He has very thick hair. kakumi, a- numer. (ka/bu) ten-thousand, with the -a of rel. ten thousandth, cf. -kumi. kakumirizi, a- (ka/bu) plant used for making brooms. kakundiiri always sing, (la) lit. protruding structure, something huge/gigantic/sensational. kakundiiri w’olubuto, a huge stomach, kakundiiri w’ennyindo, an enormous nose. Eri embaga yabadde kakundiiri. That wedding reception was a magnificent event. kakungo invar, adj. big, huge; important, olukunnaana kakungo, tremendous meeting/ gathering. kakunizo, a- (ka/bu) small, cramped inclosure in which movement is difficult; snare, trap. Yabadde ayam badde ekiteeteeyi kakunizo bulala. She was wearing a very tight dress. Tuli mu kakunizo. We are jammed in like sardines or We are in a difficult position. cf. kunira. kakunku, a- (ka/bu) small stump (of a bodily limb), cf. ekikunku. kakunkumuka, a- (ka/bu) crumb, scrap, cf. kunkumuka. kakunkuna, a- noun of limited occurrence doubt; lack of conviction. Sisigaddeemu kakunkuna. I have no (remaining) doubt, okuggwaamu akakunkuna, to become completely convinced, have one’s doubts removed. cf. kunkuna. kakupe, a- with the -a of rei. knotted, coarse, kinky (of hair), enviiri ez’akakupe, coarse, kinky hair. kakutiya, a- ( ka/bu) piece of jute material; small jute bag; fig. stomach. Kakutiya amuli bubi or Kakutiya amuluma. He is very hungry, cf. ekkutiya. kakutubba, a- (ka/bu) speck, small particle of matter; lint. kakuubagano, a- (ka/bu) quarrel, struggle, feud, fight, clash; hostility, enmity, cf. kuuba, kuubagana. kakuubo, a- (ka/bu) small corridor/passage; small stripe, cf. ekikuubo, ekkuubo, olu- kuubo. kakuukuulu, a- (ka/bu) small group; cluster; small crowd; clique; caucus, cf. eki- kuukuulu. kakuuse also kakuzzi invar, adj. extraordinary, great, enormous; famous, olukunnaana kakuzzi, a huge meeting, olutalo kakuzzi, a fierce battle. kakwe, a- (ka/bu) deceitful act, dirty trick. Okusibaakakwe, to play a dirty trick, cf. olukwe. kakwiina, a- (ka/bu) rag, tatter. kakyamu, a- (ka/bu) mistake, error, cf. 1 kyama. kakyo, a- also written akaco (ka/bu) time, period, interval, mu kakyo kano, at this time, at present. kakyu, a- (ka/bu) chaff of malt floating on fermenting beer, okwemala akakya, to drink to excess. kala (-kaze) v.i. become dry; dry up; wither; waste away; stiffen, grow rigid; euph. die; become well established (of a practice); be firm/resolute; stand up for oneself, okukala amaaso, be be brazen-faced, erinnya ne likala, and the name ‘stuck.’ Bw’otokala tolya. If you don’t stand up for yourself, you will never get ahead. kalira (-kalidde) v.i. appl. dry up at/in, etc. (See kala.) okukalira mu muntu, to stand up to a person, take a firm attitude towards a person (e.g., one who has overcharged you or imposed on you). Enseko zankalira ku matama. The smile disappeared from my face (on hearing something unpleasant), lit. the laughter dried on the cheeks. Yamusindirira n’akalirawo. He fired at him and he died instantly/on the spot. kaliza (-kalizizza) v.tr. appl. caus. dry, dry up. Ekyamukaliza enseko ku mutama kwe kulaba... What really disconcerted him was to see..., lit. what dried up the laughter on his cheeks. kalirira (-kaliridde) v.tr. appl. 2 smoke (meat); dry out (e.g., tobacco leaves). v.i. dry up (of a scab). kaliriza (-kalirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. use for smoking (meat), etc.; stress, emphasize, be firm about; affirm confidently, assert; be hard on, put pressure on. okukaliriza amaaso, to look intently, okukaliriza amatu, to listen intently, okukaliriza olutalo, to prolong a battle. -ekaliriza (-ekalirizza) v.i. & tr. appl. 2 caus. refl. look at closely, stare at; examine/inspect carefully; give close attention to; devote oneself to, stay at for a long time, omulamuzi ne yeekaliriza Mugwanya, and the judge looked at Mugwanya intently. kaza (-kazizza) v.tr. caus. make dry, cause to dry; make firm; fig. make certain of; confirm, affirm; know well; pronounce well; name, nickname, dub. okukaza amaaso, to harden one’s gaze; to be watchful, okukaza ekkubo, lit. to dry a path, i.e., to frequent, habituate. Omusajja oyo eya- kazibwako erya Kapere, this man who was nicknamed (erya implies erinnya, name) Kapere. Oluganda alinga alukazizza. He seems to have learned Luganda very well. Omwezi gukazizza bulungi. The moon is shining brightly. -ekaza (-ekazizza) v.i. caus. refl. stiffen up; put on an innocent look; be boldly defiant; become obstinate. kazakkaza (-kazakkazizza) v.tr. caus. redup. kill (with an impersonal subject, such as olumbe, sickness, the name of a weapon, etc.). cf. -kalu, akakalu, ekkalizo, olukalu, omu- kalo, omukalukalu, enkaliriza. kalaabiriza (-kalaabirizza) v.tr. urge on (workers) to do a job, keep (workers) at \vork; urge on; be hard on; keep pounding (a drum), cf. enkalaabirizi. kalaaca, a-: okukuba akalaaca, to talk loudly, talk one’s head off, talk for the sake of talking. kalaakalana (-kalaakalanye) v.i. be dressed (in a formal way, in all one’s regalia). kalaako adv. kugenda kalaako, to go in a hurry /in a rush/with great urgency. kalaalankoma, a- (ka/bu) kind of insect resembling a wasp which has a very sharp sting, cf. kabaalankoma. kalaani see kkalaani. kalaatira (-kalaatidde) v.tr. call upon; appeal to; exhort, urge. -kalabakalaba adj. shrewd, clever, cunning, ‘sharp.’ cf. obukalabakalaba. kalabalaba (la) master of ceremonies; chairman; bodyguard, kalabalaba w’omugole omusajja, best man (at a wedding). kalabalaba w’omugole omukazi, maid of honor. cf. laba. kalabba, a- (ka/bu) scaffold; gallows, cf. omulabba. kalabiriza-bazaana lit. it diverts/distracts the maidservants, the period immediately before dark. cf. labiriza, omuzaana. kalabo, a- (ka/bu) small gift. cf. ^ekirabo. kalabo, a- (ka/bu) small tavern/bar. cf. ^ekirabo. kalabuka (-kalabuse) v.i. make a rustling/ scratching sound. -ekalaga (-ekalaze) v.i. become furious; become very hot (of the sun). kalagala, a- (ka/bu) small plantain/banana leaf; small amount of medicine. Emmere eno ya kalagala. This food is not overly well done. cf. eddagala, 1 kiragala, olulagala. kalaggalagga: kukuba kalaggalagga, to drink to the last drop, finish one’s drink without stopping. -ekalakaasa (-ekalakaasizza) v.i. refl. strut around in a pompous and self-important manner; pol. demonstrate, carry out a riemnncjtratinrr mil. march in review, nass in review, cf. omwekalakaasi. kalakalana (-kalakalanye) v.i. struggle along ("e.g., with a heavy burden). kalakata (-kalakase) v.tr. scrape, scrape off; scratch; fig. upbraid, criticize severely. cf. walakata. kalala (-kaladde) v.i. be or become angry/ irascible/surly; become obstinate/reluctant. kalalira (-kalalidde) v.tr. appl. be irascible with. kalaza (-kalazizza) v.tr. caus. anger, make irascible; irritate. cf. -kalavu. kalali, a- (ka/bu) a loud laugh, loud laughter. okutema obulali, to roar with laughter, burst out laughing. kalali (la) pepper; hot pepper, var. of kaamulali, q.v. kalambala (-kalambadde) v.i. grow hard; become stiff, stiffen, cf. -kalambavu. -kalambavu adj. hard; stiff, cf. kalambala. kalambira (-kalambidde) v.i. refuse; be obstinate; persist, become heated, empaka n’ekalambira, and the argument became hot and heavy, kukalambira na muntu, to quarrel with a person. Obudde bukalambidde. The situation has become serious. kalambiza (-kalambizza) v.tr. caus. cause to be obstinate, etc.; magnify (e.g., the seriousness of a situation), kukalambiza mpaka, to persist in arguing, remain adamant, kalamuka (-kalamuse) v.i. speak loudly in anger, dispute loudly. kalamula (-kalamudde) v.tr. cause to speak loudly. -ekalamula (-ekalamudde) v.i. refl. raise one’s voice in anger, speak in a loud/quarrelsome voice. kalandaggo, a- (ka/bu) wandering far afield, long journey; discoursing at length, cf. landagga. kalandalugo (la) pale mauve convolvulus, a kind of creeping plant found in old cattle kraals, Ipomea tenuirostris. enkalu kalandalugo, a technique used in wrestling. cf. llanda, lolugo. kalandira, a- (ka/bu) small root; relationship / of blood, friends hip or association), cf. ^landa, omulandira. kalanduko, a- adv. quickly, while moving quickly; hastily, cf. ^landa, landuka. kalanga (-kalanze) v.tr. fry; roast; burn, okukalanga amalusu, to waste one’s time/ breath. -ekalanga (-ekalanze) v.i. refl. roast oneself; go without food/eating; fig. struggle, work hard, okwekalangu mu kasana, to expose oneself to the sun for a long time. cf. ekikalango. kalanga (n/n) [Sw. ] peanut(s). kalanga, a- (ka/bu) mouth organ, harmonica. cf. lennanga. kalanga, a- (ka/bu) kind of small insect found in corn cobs. -kalangufu adj. dry, dried up; fig. sharp, clear, distinct (of the voice); bold, audacious. cf. kalanguka. kalanguka (-kalanguse) v.i. be or become dry/brittle, dry up; harden; fig. be bold/ daring; be cunning/clever; speak out boldly/ clearly. kalangula (-kalangudde) v.tr. dry, dry up; harden; inure, okukalangula ebigambo, to speak firmly and with assurance. -ekalangula (-ekalangudde) v.i. refl. become emboldened; speak out clearly and boldly. kalangusa (-kalangusizza) v.tr. caus. cause to become dry, etc. cf. -kalangufu. kalannanya (-kalannanye or-kalannanyizza) v.i. & tr. discuss vigorously/heatedly; argue (about). kalasamayanzi, a- no plur. period from about nine to ten in the morning, when the sun begins to get warm, lit., the grasshoppers (mayanzi) become active (lasa). kalasano, a- (ka/bu) loud talk; wrangling, quarreling, cf. lasana, endasano. kalasira, a- (la or ka/bu) very weak pulse. Asigaddeko kalasira. He is in very serious condition/on the point of death, cf. lasira. kalata var. spelling of kkalata, q.v. kalatu or kalatukalatu adv. quickly, hastily. -kalavu adj. irascible; surly; obstinate, rigid, cf. kalala. kalaza caus. of kalala, q.v. kale interj. expres sing assent very well, all right, certainly. Occasionally the forms mukale (2nd pers. plur.) and bakale (3rd pers. plur.) are used. Abo nabo oba te- baagala kulonda bakale. As far as they are concerned, if they don't want to make a choice it is all right. e, a- (ka/bu) small cloud, obuleerere, small, scattered clouds, cf. ekire. kalebule, a-: eby’akalebule, untruth; false statements; libel, cf. lebula. kalebuzo, a- also akalibuzo (ka/bu) small piece of calabash used to smooth soft pottery. kalebwerebwe, a- (ka/bu) loose flesh adhering to a wound; hangnail; fig. edge; brink. Obulamu bwabwe bull ku kalebwerebwe. Their lives are in the balance. Bali ku kalebwerebwe k’okutandika emizannyo. They are on the point/verge of starting the games. kaleebo, a- usually plur. (ka/bu) tiny fragments and liquid spray which splash off of barkcloth when it is being beaten. kaleega, a- (ka/bu, brassiere, bra; a device used for tightening the spokes of a bicycle. cf. leega. kalege, a- (ka/bu) kind of small rattle (esp. of the type placed on the legs of small children who are learning to walk), cf. endege. kalegete, a- (ka/bu) small package; calf of the leg. akalegete k’omusajja, a short, stocky man. kalegete, a- (ka/bu) a piece of bluing tied inside of a small cloth. kaleka, a-: ekyalo ekigudde akaleka, a village having many extensive, well-cultivated and fertile banana gardens. kalekende, a- (ka/bu) pleasant aroma, pleasing smell; perfume, cf. eddekende. kaleku, a- (ka/bu) small gourd, cf. endeku. Kalema also spelled Karema (la) [from Fr. Careme] Lent. kalemanjovu, a- (ka/bu) lit. one-which-de- feats-the-elephant. a kind of small tree, Gardenia thurnbergia. It is so supple in nature that it bends instead of breaking. kalemba, a- (ka/bu) handkerchief; scarf. cf. ekiremba. kalembe, a- also akalembereza. no plur. (ka/bu) respite, a little bit of peace. cf. eddembe. kalende, a- (ka/bu) young mudfish (mmale, q.v.). cf. ekirende. kalenga, a- (ka/bu) tree frog. kalenge, a- (ka/bu) small whistle, cf. eddenge, ^ekirenge. kalenge, a- (ka/bu) edge/hem of a garment. c f. lekirenge. kalenge (la) mist; fog. kalenziwe (la) variety of grass commonly used to spread on the floors of native shrines (ssabo). kalere, a- (ka/bu) small strip; small layer; string of a musical instrument; shoelace; fringe; shred, cf. olulere. kalere, a- (ka/bu) small flute; small horn. cf. omulere, endere. kalerwe, a- (ka/bu) tern. kalerya, a- (ka/bu) something insignificant/ trivial; something light/of little weight. cf. ekirerya. kalevu, a- (ka/bu) chin, goatee, cf. ekirevu. kaliba (la) umbrella tree, Uusanga smithii. It is deciduous and grows to 9Q- feet. kaliba, a- (ka/bu) small skin/hide. cf. eddiba. kalibattanya (la) lit. it-will-cause-them-to- kill-each-other. cause of dispute/dissension; sweetheart, darling, beloved, cf. kabattanya. kalibobbo, a- (ka/bu) with the -a of rel. (something) hard/durable, akalibobbo k’essanduuko, a heavy, durable box. kalibujoozi (la) bully, ruffian, cf. jooga. kalidaali no plur. (la) [Siv.,dr.] mustard, akaweke ka kalidaali, a mustard seed. kaliddalu plur. bakaliddalu (la) a stubborn/ recalcitrant/unruly person. kalidduvu (la) gluttonous/greedy person. cf. -luvu. kalifuwa no plur. (la) kind of grass with a pleasant scent which is often used to improve the flavor of coffee; lemon grass; perfume. kaliga, a- (ka/bu) lamb, small sheep, cf. endiga. kaliga (-kalize) v.tr. tie, tie up. kaligirigi, a- adv. with great effort. kaliira (la) heavy eater, one with an enormous appetite, cf. lya, liira. See also jabagira. kali isa, a- (ka/bu) kind of bird, lark, pipit, yellow wagtail, cf. ^endiisa. kaliisoliiso plur. bakalii soli iso (la) one who sees all, one who doesn’t miss a trick, cf. liiso. kalikonda, a- also akalikondo (ka/bu) corner; remote/dark corner. kalimaawa, a- (ka/bu) small lime fruit, cf. ennimaawa. kalimagezi (la) wise man. cf. -gezi, ama- gezi. kalimbira plur. bakalitnbira (la) liar. cf. limba. kalitnbwe no plur. (la) excrement of birds, guano, cf. eddimbwe. kalimi, a- (ka/bu) small tongue; hand (of a clock or watch), kukaza kalimi, to be all talk, to talk when action is required, kukuba muntu kalimi, to coax/sweet-talk someone. Era akalimi bwe kaalumvi'...And when the time finally arrived... 'lit. When the small tongue bit. cf. olulimi. kalimingobya (la) double-talker, deceitful person, cf. olulimi, gobya. kalimintake plur. bakalimintake (la) rumor- monger; gossip; chatterbox. kalimiro, a- (ka/bu) small garden, akalimiro ak’ebimuli, flower garden, cf. lima, obu- limiro, ennimiro. kalimirwa (n/n) kind of monkey. kalimu, a- also akalimo. (ka/bu) task, chore, small job. obulimulimu, various little chores/ tasks, cf. ^mulimu. kalinaabiri also kalina. (n/n) two-story house, with the -a of rel. having two stories, enju eya kalina empya, a new two-story house. Agenze mu kalina abiri, He has gone upstairs. kalinaasatu (n/n) three-story house. kalindabazaana (la) lit. it-waits-for-the maidservants, twilight (on the Equator the period immediately preceding and following six P.M.). cf. linda, omuzaana; kalabiri- zabazaana. Kalindaluzzi or Kalinda pr. n. the title of an official whose function was to care for the well from which the Kabaka obtained water, cf. linda, oluzzi. kalindaminyira, a- (ka/bu) the indentation between the center of the nose and the upper lip. cf. linda, eminyira. kalingolingo, a- (ka/bu) remote corner; dark little corner. kalippo, a-: kukwata kalippo, to be filthy/extremely dirty; to be tightly closed; to be tightly packed/jammed together. Essaati ye ekutte kalippo. His shirt is filthy. kalippo, a- (ka/bu) rare bunch (esp. of fruit). kalira, a- (ka/bu) umbilical cord, cf, ekirira, olulira. kalirugambo plur. bakalirugambo (la) gossip, rumormonger. cf. gamba. kalittunsi (la) [Eng.'] eucalyptus, eucalyptus tree, emiti gya kalittunsi, eucalyptus trees. kalo, a- (ka/bu) finger millet, cf. obulo. kalobo, a- (ka/bu) small pail/bucket. cf. ^endobo. kalobo, a- (ka/bu) small hook. cf. eddobo. kaloboozi, a- (ka/bu) small voice, cf. eddoboozi. kaloddo, a- (ka/bu) with the -a of rel. heavy, weighty, omuggo ogw’akaloddo, cudgel, club with a knob at the end. kalogojjo, a- plur. rare (ka/bu) delirium; crazy/erratic behavior, okwesuulamu aka- logojjo, to act in a crazy manner, put on a scene, cf. logojjana. kalogoyi, a- (ka/bu) small donkey, cf. endogoyi. kalombolombo, a- usually in the plur. obu- lombolombo (ka/bu) tradition(s); folk belief. kalonda no plur. (la) miscellany; variety; wide assortment/mixture; jumble; abundance; item, detail, kalonda w’obuzibu, all sorts of difficulties. Emmere y’Omu- zungu ebeera ya kalonda nnyo. The diet of the European is very varied, cf. londa. kalondwalondwa, a- (ka/bu) debris, litter (consisting of very small pieces), cf. londa, londalonda. kaloobe, a- (ka/bu) small loincloth, cf. endoobe. kaloolo, a- (ka/bu) tiny fowl flea, okutwala ssente buloolo, to be very expensive, require a great deal of money. Ku mbaga kwabaddeko abantu buloolo. There were a great many people at the wedding. kaloosa, a- (ka/bu) scent, fragrance, pleasant smell, eby’akaloosa, perfume. -kalu adj. dry; stiff, hard; arid (of ground); clear, distinct (of a voice). ensimbi enkalu, (hard) cash, kaawa omukalu, coffee without cream or sugar, omwana omukalu, an outgoing, confiding child, ebintu ebikalu, concrete things, real property, ebikalu ebi- wanvu, long trousers (ekikalu can also be used to signify a woman’s dress). Olunge- reza lwabwe si lukalu. Their English is not very good. Baasi oluusi zibadde zigenda nkalu. Sometimes the buses ran empty. Nnamusimba eriiso kkalu. I looked at him sternly, cf. kala, -kalukalu. kaluba (-kalubye) v.i. be hard (of an object); be tough (of meat); be obstinate; be difficult. kaluubirira (-kaluubiridde) v.i. & tr. appl. 2 be hard/difficult for; give trouble to; puzzle. kaluubirirwa (-kaluubiriddwa) v.i. appl. 2 pass, be troubled; be hard up. kaluubiriza (-kaluubirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. make hard/difficult for. kalubya (-kalubizza) v.tr. caus. make hard/difficult, etc. cf. -kalubo, obukalubo. -kalubo adj. hard (of a material object); hard, difficult, cf. kaluba. -kalukalu adj. clever, shrewd; cunning, cf. kala, -kalu, omukalukalu. kalula (-kaludde) v.tr. clutch; carry along, draw along; carry off. kaluli, a- (ka/bu) hemp seed. cf. edduli, akaduli. kaluli, a- (ka/bu) small stump/stem (of a tree, plant), cf. enduli. kalulu, a- (ka/bu) lot; lottery; vote, omukubi w’akalulu, voter, akalulu k’omukisa, raffle, akalulu k’eggwanga, national lottery, okukuba akalulu, to vote; to hold a lottery., kalulwe, a- (ka/bu) gallbladder; fig. bitterness; hostility. kalumabalunda, a- (ka/bu) lit. it bites (luma) the herdsmen (balunda), a kind of poisonous, lizard-like reptile. kalumannywera no plur. (la) trouble, difficulty; problem; obstacle; dilemma. kalumba, a- (ka/bu) end seat in a canoe. cf. ekirumba, omulumba. kalunginsanvu, a- (ka/bu) kind of tree or 1 shrub, Syzygium cordatum. cf. omulunginsanvu. kalungu, a- (ka/bu) small deserted area, wasteland, cf. eddungu. kalunsambulira (la) troublemaker; source/ cause of trouble. Zimuleese kalunsambulira. Here comes a troublemaker, lit. (the winds; empewo is implied by zi-) have j brought him. kalusejjera (ka/bu) very small/very young i locust, cf. sejjera, lusejjera. kalusu (la) very contagious disease which afflicts cattle, cf. eddusu, amalusu. kaluulu, a- (ka/bu) a warning sound or a sound made to attract attention (as in greeting a person at a distance) which is produced by patting the mouth repeatedly with the palm of the hand, okukuba obuluulu, to make the sound described above. cf. enduulu. kalwaliro, a- (ka/bu) small hospital, dispensary, clinic, cf. eddwaliro, ^lwala. kalyokawulire (la) poison placed in food, lit. eat it and you will feel it. cf. lya, wulira. kalyolyongo, a- adv. sullenly; glumly; in a nasty mood; dimly, glimmeringly (of light or fire), okutunula kalyolyongo ng’embwa eyota ekikoomi, to sit sullenly like a dog basking in front of a fire. Ekiiaala kyali kyaka akalyolyongo. The light was burning feebly. kama (-kamye) v.tr. milk (the direct object may be either amata milk, or the name of the animal being milked). kamira (-kamidde) v.tr. appl. milk for/in, etc. v.i. stop (of bleeding), ensanke n’ekamira, and the bleeding stopped. kamiza (-kamizza) v.i. appl. cans, go dry, cease giving milk (of a cow). kamirira (-kamiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 keep milking, milk all the time; ply a person (with liquor, beer, etc.). -ekamirira (-ekamiridde) v.i. appl. 2 refl. drink down completely; drain to the dregs, okwekamirira entabaazabakadde, to guzzle liquor. kamya (-kamizza), kamisa (kamisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 make milk, cause to milk; milk by means of/using. kamaanya (la) difficult/intractable/self-willed person; rogue, rascal. (Kamaanya is the name of a former Kabaka.) kamagu, a- no plur. (ka/bu) craziness, madness; devilishness (e.g., of children); distracted look; tendency to distraction. cf. 1-maga. kamagumagu, a- (ka/bu) restiessness; inattention; distraction, cf. maga, magamaga. kamala (-kamaze) v.i. act to excess, do to extremes (in a bad sense). Ng’okamaze! You have really botched things up! In a more frequent usage kamala follows another verb and is translated by the English adverbs: extremely, very much, to a high degree. Omukyala yeraliikirira n’akamala. The lady was extremely worried. kamalabyonna (la) lit. finishes-all-things. premier, prime minister. The more frequently used term is Katikkiro. kamal(ir)izo, a- with the -a of rel. last, final (often in the sense of being decisive). empaka ez’akamalirizo, the final games/ contests, okubuuza okw’akamalirizo, the final examination, cf. ^mala, maliriza. kamansuka, a- (ka/bu) spark. Emmotoka yagenda eriko n’obumansuka. The car started off at a terrific speed, cf. mansuka. kamanzi, a- no plur. (ka/bu) insolence, impertinence; touchiness. kamasu, a- (ka/bu) rattrap, mousetrap. cf. emmasu. -ekamata (-ekamase) v.i. refl. behave in a grouchy/surly/rude manner; be harsh/stern. kamba (-kambye) v.i. urinate, cf. ekikambo. kambagga (-kambazze) v.i. be sour/acid/bit- ter; fig. be arrogant; be conceited, put on airs. Amaaso gankambagga. My eyes are sleepy. 1 feel tired. kambaggirwa (-kambaggiddwa) v.i. appl. pass. Omulwadde akambaggirwa emmere. A sick person finds food bitter/unpleasant. kambazza (-kambazzizza) v.tr. make sour/ bitter; cause to be arrogant/cantankerous. -ekambazza (-ekambazzizza) v.i. caus. refl. make oneself uncooperative/difficult; put on airs. kambakamba (-kambyekambye) v.i. become partially dry; scab over (of pustules); become convalescent. kambayaaya, a- (ka/bu) insolence, impudence. kambe, a- plur. obwambe (ka/bu) knife (usually locally made and not used as a table knife); orig. curved Kiganda knife. cf. lyambe (eryambe), omwambe. kambiriza (-kambirizza) v.i. & tr. appl. caus. force oneself/make an effort (often with reference to eating or drinking). kambugu, a- (ka/bu) kind of grass with far- spreading roots. kambuka (-kambuse) v.i. talk in a condescending/patronizing/snobbish manner. kambula (-kambudde) v.tr. rob, plunder, despoil; demolish, destroy, ruin; pull apart; tear to pieces with the teeth. -ekambula (-ekambudde) v.i. refl. go very quickly, rush. kambuza (-kambuzizza) v.tr. caus. cause to plunder, etc. kambuwala (-kambuwadde) v.i. be fierce; be cruel; be furious/angry. kambuwalira (-kambuwalidde) v.i. <£ tr. appl. become fierce/cruel/furious in/at, etc. kambuwaza (-kambuwazizza) v.tr. caus. make fierce/cruel, etc. cf. -kambwe. -ekambuza (-ekambuzizza) v.i. refl. bluster; speak angrily and rudely (esp. to a superior). kambwano adv. up to now. kambwawala rare var. of kambuwala, q.v. -kambwe adj. fierce, violent, cruel. eby’okunywa ebikambwe, strong drinks. cf. kambuwala, obukambwe. kameka adv. how often? how many times? cf. -meka. kamenke (la) kind of very strong homemade beer which is fermented in calabashes. kamenya, a- no plur. (la) cramp; rheumatism. cf. menya. kamenyambazzi (la) kind of tree with finegrained wood of pale color, lit. it breaks the ax. cf. menya, embazzi. kamese-tambula lit. small-mouse-walks. The name of a children’s game. Pulaani ze zirabika nga kamese-tambula. Hisplans seem to be proceeding at a snail’s pace. kamiimo invar, adj. tight, tight-fitting, empale kamiimo, very tight-fitting pants, cf. miima. kamiro, a- (ka/bu) uvula, cf. mira, omumiro. kammooni see kimmuuni. kammunguluze no plur. (la) dizziness, giddiness. kukwatibwa kammunguluze, to become giddy. kamogo, a- (ka/bu) blemish, stain, spot; defect; grudge, rancor. Omulungi tabulako kamogo. (prov.) A beautiful person does not lack a blemish. Nobody is perfect. kamonde, a- (ka/bu) akamonde akazungu, kamooli, a- (ka/bu) ventilator. kamoome, a- (ka/bu) kind of termite hill; fig. large amount (usually of money), akamoome k’ensimbi, a great deal of money. -ekampa (-ekampye) v.i. & tr. refl. dress oneself, be dressed (in a uniform/formal clothes/garments for an official or special occasion); be dressed in tight-fitting garments. cf. -ekapika. kampegaano, kampegawano adv. up until now; by now; as of now; all this time, okuiuusa kampegaano, up until now. cf. mpegaano. kampindi (la) kind of tree of the genus Ficus. kampwerenda or kamperenda: kulya kampwe- renda, to eat one’s fill, kamu, a- lit. one (little thing, akantu is implied). The phrase n’akamu is used with neg. verbs and is translated not at all. ebigambo ebitasanyusa n’akamu, words which are not pleasing at all. cf. ^-mu. kamuka (-kamuse) v.i, be squeezed out; be drained; be dried up/exhausted. kamula (-kamudde) v.tr. squeeze out (juice from fruit, pus from a boil, wet clothes, etc.). okukamula amziga, to provoke/elicit tears. kamulira (-kamulidde) v.tr. appl. squeeze out/press out for/in, etc. kamuliza (-kamulizza) v. tr. appl. caus. cause to squeeze/^ress out for/in, etc. kamuuliriza (-kamuulirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. try to get considerable liquid from; fig. try to get money from (e.g., for charity), kamuza (-kamuzizza) v.tr. caus. make flow, cause to squeeze, etc. cf. ekikamulo; kama. kamukene (ka/bu) kind of small silvery fish. cf. mukene. Kamulu pr. n. the name of a nightclub, kwessa mu bwa Kamulu, to showoff, put oneself in the limelight. kamulya, a- (ka/bu) kind of bird, lourie, gray plantain-eater. cf. mulya. kamunye (la) kind of wild plant resembling a lily. It produces a reddish-orange flower and has white carrot-like roots. kamunye, a- also akamunyi (ka/bu or la) kind of hawk, yellow-billed African kite. Ebikolimo bya wankoko tebitta kamunye. (prov.) The curses of Mr. Fowl do not kill the kite. Mere words are useless unless they can be backed up with force. kamwa, a- (ka/bu) mouth, kamwa koogera or nze kamwa koogera, I the speaker, I myself, kuta kamwa, to be quarrelsome. Mba sinnaggya bigambo mu kamwa emmotoka n’egwa. I hardly got the words out of my mouth when the car turned over. Tonjasa- miza akamwa! Shut up! (See yasama.) cf. omumwa. kamwano, a- (ka/bu) razor, cf. mwa. kamwanyimwanyi, a- (ka/bu) kind of shrub producing berries like coffee, cf. emmwanyi kamwenyumwenyu, a- (ka/bu) continual/constant smile, cf. mwenya. kamweso, a- (ka/bu) razor, cf. mwa. kamya, a- "rvnlly pl„r obumyc. (t„ 4,,,) spot(s); speckle(s). Kamya pr. n. the name of a child born next after twins, contr. Kizza. kamyozo, a- (ka/bu) wildness, erratic behavior, craziness. kamyu, a- (ka/bu) rabbit, hare. kamyu (la) kind of plant resembling poison ivy which produces itching on the skin. kana (-kanye) v.tr. force, compel. kana, a-: okubuuza akana n’akataano, lit. to ask the fourth and the fifth, to interrogate in detail, question at length. kanaaluzaala plur. bakanaaluzaala (la) cause of trouble; one who is responsible for a bad situation, instigator; bringer of bad luck, kanaaluzaala w’olutalo olwo, the instigator of that war, the cause of that war. See olumbe (implied, by -lu-/ and zaala. kanaana, a- numer. eight thousand, with the -a of rel. eight-thousandth, cf. -naana. kanaayokyaani (la) lit. it will bum (-naayo- ka) whom? (ani). crisis, emergency, dangerous period/situation, mu kiseera kino ekya kanaayokyaani, in this period of crisis. kanabba (la) drum beaten when the grandson of the Kabaka dies. kanakanaka, a- (la) kind of mushroom growing in an area where nnaka (a kind of termite) occur. -ekanama (-ekanamye) v.i. refl. become angry/sullen; glare furiously. -ekanamya (-ekanamizza) v.tr. caus. refl. anger, make angry. kanansa (-kanansizza) v.tr. vex, annoy; disturb, upset. -ekanasa (-ekanasizza) v.i. refl. be finicky/ fussy; be fastidious; be touchy, cf. -ekanasi, omwekanasi. -ekanasi adj. finicky, fussy; fastidious; touchy, cf. -ekanasa. kanda (-kanze) v.tr. knead (dough); thread/ weave (grass or sticks), kukanda muntu, to compel/force a person. kanda (-kanze) v.i. persist in, do insistently, keep on (followed by the inf. of another verb). Nnakanda kulinda nga tajja. I kept waiting but he did not come. Nnakanda kwegayirira nga bwereere. I kept pleading but all in vain. kandaalira (-kandaalidde) v.i. appl. kandaalirira (-kandaaliridde) v.i. appl. 2 (emph.) be kept waiting, wait around a long time; linger; delay; spend a long time; languish. kandaaliza (-kandaalizizza) v.tr. caus. make wait around, keep (someone) waiting; be slow with; cause to languish. -ekandagga (-ekandazze) v.i. walk heavily, stomp about. Y'eekandagga n’afuluma mu Lukiiko. He stormed out of the Assembly. kandi (la) kind of yam. kandolindoli, a-: okwogera akandolindoli, to speak nonsense, drone on and on in a confused, unintelligible way. kanduka (-kanduse) v.i. be pulled up (e.g., of weeds); become exhausted (of land, soil); become old/decrepit (of persons, animals); walk hurriedly. kandula (-kandudde) v.tr. pull up (weeds); clear (land); rip off; tear away. -ekandula (-ekandudde) v.i. refl. hurry off; go off in a rage. kanduza (-kanduzizza) v.tr. caus. tear away/clear with/using, etc. kandulikika (-kandulikise) v.i. neut. 2 be easy to pull up, be clearable (of land), etc. kaneene, a- (ka/bu) a small animal related to the otter which lives near water and is very skillful in catching mudfish (mmale); the second totem of the Otter Clan. Oddizza kaneene mmale. lit. You have given the otter a fish, i.e., you have given something (usually food) to someone who has a great hunger for it/who will appreciate it very much. kanenero, a- (ka/bu) cheekbone. kanga (-kanze) v.tr. scare, frighten, startle; thre aten. -ekanga (-ekanze) v.i. & tr. be startled/ shocked (at); be dismayed (at); be alarmed (by); be astonished at; feel a revulsion (toward). kangisa (-kangisizza) v.tr. caus. intimidate; threaten. -ekanza (-ekanze), -ekangisa (-ekangisizza) v.tr. caus. refl. dismay; cause to be shocked; disquiet; scare, frighten. cf. -kanga, ekyekango, omukanzi, kangaza. -kanga adj. gripping; terrible; violent, cf. kanga. Kangaawo pr. n. the title of the chief of Bulemeezi County. kangabala (-kangabadde) v.i. stand erect/in a stiff position; be stiff/erect/rigid. Omu- jaasi akangabadde n’omugemerawala ku mulyango. The soldier stood stiffly at the door with his gun. kangabaza (-kangabazizza) v.tr. caus. stiffen; make erect, okukangabaza omutwe, to raise the head, hold the head stiffly in an alert position. cf. -kangabavu. -kangabavu. adj. stiff, hard, coarse, cf. kangabala. -ekangabiriza (-ekangabirizza) v.i. refl. deny one’s guilt with vehemence; refuse to take blame; be adamant/unyielding. kangalala (-kangaladde) v.i. stand on tiptoe; fig. act important, be cocky; be self-confident. kangaluk(uk)a (-kangalukuse) v.i., rare be excessive (of prices); be very hot (of the sun ). kangaluia (-kangaludde) v.tr. raise (a price) excessively. c f. obukanga. kangavvula (-kangavvudde) v.tr. punish, chastise; discipline, correct; deal harshly with. kangawala (-kangawadde) v.i. become fierce/ violent (of animals and people); become exorbitant (of prices). kangaza (-kangazizza) v.tr. caus. threaten, defy, menace, cf. kanga. kangodera, a- (ka/bu) corner, recess, nook (built into the inside wall of a house). -kangufu adj. eddoboozi ekkangugu, a loud voice; a voice which is clear and distinct. cf. kanguka. kanguka (-kanguse) v.i. be or become loud and hostile (of the voice); speak loudly and menacingly; less commonly go up (of prices). kangula (-kangudde) v.tr. raise (the voice); disturb, put in an uproar; raise (a price). okukangula ku ddoboozi, to raise the voice. kanguza (-kanguzizza) v.tr. caus. = kangula. okukanguza eddoboozi, to raise the voice, okukanguza olulimi, to be able to speak a foreign language well. -ekangula (-ekangudde) v.i. refl. rebuff, spurn, withdraw from in loathing. cf. -kangufu, obukanga. kanigguusa, a- (ka/bu) something interesting/ worthwhile/appealing. amawulire omutali kanigguusa, very uninteresting news. Ebyo temuli kanigguusa. All this is just nonsense. There is nothing of any value in this. kanika (-kanise) v.tr. exaggerate; raise, increase ( esp. prices). -ekanika (-ekanise) v.i. refl. go up, be high/exorbitant (of prices); become furious; go off half-cocked, attempt what one cannot do. cf. wanika. kanika (-kanise) v.tr. [from Eng. mechanic] repair, fix up. Nkanika ebidduka ebya buli ngeri. I give mechanical treatment to vehicles of every type. cf. makanika. kaniki no plur. (la) [S».] dark blue calico or cotton cloth. -ekanikirira (-ekanikiridde) v.i. refl. attempt something beyond one’s capacities. kankabuka (-kankabuse) v.i. become loose and shaky (e.g., a mechanism through constant use); rare form, take form (of fruit). kankabula (-kankabudde) v.i. & tr. do in outline, do roughly. Obudde bukankabudde. Daylight has appeared. -ekankabula (-ekankabudde) v.i. refl. strive, make an effort (esp. of one who tends to be lazy). -kankada adj. old and shriveled. kankamuka (-kankamuse) v.i. dry up; fig. ease, become better (of an illness). Enkuba yakankamuka. The rain stopped. Obulwadde bukankamuse. The illness has eased. kankamula (-kankamudde) v.tr. dry up; make better, heal. -ekankamula (-ekankamudde) v.i. refl. shake oneself; rear up (of a horse); get better, feel better. kankana (-kankanye) v.i. tremble; shake; shiver. kankanira (-kankanidde) v.i. appl. tremble in/for, etc. kankanya (-kankanyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to tremble, etc. kankanyiza (-kankanyizizza) v.tr. appl. caus. cause to tremble at/for, etc. cf. ekikankano. kankanuka (-kankanuse) v.i. tremble/shake with excitement. kankanula (-kankanudde) v.tr. affect greatly. kannabwala adv. with an all-out effort, with all one’s might. Omulimu guno bagukutte kannabwala. They have put their full effort into this task. kannagguluba adv. on the run, in a hurry. kujja kannagguluba, to come on the run, come in a hurry (to a place where one’s presence is required), cf. guluba. kannamuntawu adv., arch, without rest. kannasswi or kannassi (ka/bu) little finger. cf. nnasswi. kannya, a- (ka/bi) small hole/pit. kuwanda mu kannya, to swear not to do something again (esp. something evil), lit. to spit in a hole. cf. ekinnya. -ekannyamuza (-ekannyamuzizza) v.i. refl. grumble, complain; answer in a harsh/rude manner when one is corrected. kannyazaala (ka/bu) little girl; poor little girl. kannyina plur. bwannyina (ka/bu) her little brother; his little sister, dim. o/mwannyina, q.v. kannyo, a- (ka/bu) small tooth, cf. linnyo (erinnyo). kano plur. buno near demons, adj. Sr pron. for nouns of the ka/bu class, this/these. kansa (-kansizza) v.tr. offer to buy at a high price, bargain for. Waaliwo kopi ya ... emu ne ngikansa ngigule. There was one copy of ... left and I offered to pay a good price for it. -ekansa (-ekansizza) v.i. refl. be extremely sure of oneself, have great self- confidence; overrate oneself; be outstanding/competent/good (at performing an action). Mu kuzina yekansa. He is a very good dancer. cf. wansa. kansambwe, a- (ka/bu) various species of hibiscus. Akansambwe akasajja, Vrena lobata. cf. ekinsambwe. kansira (-kansidde) v.tr. perform cleansing rites for (a person guilty of adultery or a child of an adulterous union). kansubi, a- also akensubi (ka/bu) bottom row of a bunch of bananas; one banana from this bunch, cf. ekyensubi. -kansufu adj. worn out, in tatters, cf. kansuka. kansuka (-kansuse) v.i. become worn out (of a garment); become tatters. kansula (-kansudde) v.tr. wear out; reduce to rags/tatters. cf. -kansufu. kantimba: kusasula kantimba, to pay cash for a purchase; to make a purchase in large quantity at one time and pay cash. kantindiggwa, a- adv. hurriedly; quickly; at a trot. Twagenze kantindiggwa. We went in a great hurry, cf. tindigga. kantiriza (-kantirizza) v.tr. soothe, calm down. kantoolooze no plur. (la) giddiness, dizziness, vertigo. Kantoolooze ankutte. 1 feel dizzy, cf. tooloola. kantu, a- (ka/bu) small thing; (after a neg.) anything. Situnze kantu olwa leero. [ have not sold anything today TnynesanmH kantu. He did not hesitate, cf. ekintu. kantuntunu, a- (ka/bu) cloth placed over the eyes; game of blindman’s buff, okusiba abantu kantuntunu, to pull the wool over people’s eyes, deceive people. -kanufu adj. dear, expensive; wide-open (of eyes, in anger, excitement, etc.). cf, kanuka. kanuka (-kanuse) v.i. protrude, project (of eyes); be or become wide open (of eyes, expressing rage, fright, etc.); be on the point of death (suggested by the action of the eyes); be overwhelmed; go up (of prices), amaaso, eyes is frequently used in association with kanuka and kanula. Akanuse amaaso. His eyes are open (with rage, etc.). kanula (-kanudde) v.tr. open wide (the eyes, in rage, etc.); overwhelm; kill. Baamukanuliranga amaaso. They looked at him with wide-open eyes/in anger. Obusungu bwali bwagala kumukanula. Rage almost overwhelmed him. Okumubuuza ng’akanula maaso. On being questioned he could only stare vacantly. cf. -kanufu, obukanu, enkanu. kanuulo, a- (ka/bu) small hoof; paw of an animal, okulambuza obunuulo, to walk barefooted. cf. ekinuulo. kanuunansowera, a- (ka/bu) small, deep wound; open sore. cf. nuuna, ensowera. kanuunansubi, a- (ka/bu) sunbird. cf. nuuna, ensubi. kanuunu, a- (ka/bu) tiny flower of embryo plantain; nectar on flowers. kanya (-kanye) v.i. increase; abound; be abundant Prolific. Ewamm-e enkuba. yakanyeeyo? Did it rain a great deal at your place? Bw’agaana ggw’okanya kukaaba. If he refuses, you just keep crying all the more. (mod. form -kanyizza) v.tr. produce in abundance, okukanya emirimu, to work very much, produce a lot of work, okukanya ebigambo, to have a lot to say, keep talking. Olusuku lukanya emmere. The plantain garden produces a great deal of food. kanyisa (-kanyisizza) v.tr. cause to abound, etc. kanyiza (-kanyizza) v.tr. appl. provide/ produce in abundance for/in, etc. kanya (la) hernia. kanyaaga, a-: okusiba akanyaaga, to talk too much, engage in annoying/incessant chatter, oku siba akanyaaga ku muntu, to pester/nag/ behave in a domineering manner towards someone. kanyaala, a- (ka/bu) akatooke akanyaala, a small, immature banana, akaana akanyaala, small, frail child, cf. omunyaala. kanyale (la) lint, soot, small particles of dust that float in the air. cf. munyale. kanyamberege, a- (ka/bu) fiber-producing plant, Hibiscus diversifolius; crisis, difficulty, trouble. Awo akanyamberege we kajjira. That is when the trouble started, akanyamberege akaazaala ekkula, lit. a woman of low estate who brought forth a jewel (formerly used of a commoner whose son became a Kabaka, and later used in a more general sense), cf. ennyamberege. kanyata a- (ka/bu) tongue-tied in infants kanyeenya (la) palsy, cf. nyeenya. kanyeenyenkule, a- (ka/bu) kind of small cricket; small cricket (in general). kanyeenyo, a- (ka/bu) movement, motion. cf. nyeenya. kanyeenyu, a- (ka/bu) small hole/opening (in a wall or any solid substanc e). kanyegenyo, a- (ka/bu) small hole in a calabash/gourd. kanyego, a- (ka/bu) sound of a voice; response, reply, cf. nyega. kanyere, a- (ka/bu) wire bracelet; bracelet. cf. ekinyere. kanyereketo, a- (ka/bu) glitter, shine, polish; kind of shrub, false Physalis. The seeds (nsiiti) are used in games by children. cf. nyereketa. kanyigano, a- (ka/bu) pushing, jostling, pressing together, cf. nyiga. kanyigo, a- (ka/bu) narrow pass; fig. tight situation, ekkubo ery’akanyigo a narrow road, n’ekubo eridda kanzungu no plur. (la) dizziness, giddiness. Kanzungu yankwata. I became dizzy. kaŋŋama (-kaŋŋamye) v.i. sit whereone is not entitled to sit. Leka kukaŋŋama mu ntebe ya mukama wo. Don’t occupy your master’s seat. kaŋŋanta (-kaŋŋanse) v.i. refuse flatly; resist firmly, okukaŋŋanta emiggo, to beat (with sticks), administer a beating, cf. enkaŋŋansi. kapa (la) kind of creeper and its fruit, Clitandra orientalis; kind of coarse fungus. kapa (-kapye) v.i. be or become hard/tough/ coarse (of meat, of the skin). Baagenze okuntuukako nga amaaso gankapye. By the time they reached me 1 was completely bewildered/confused. -ekapa (-ekapye) v.i. refl. be grim/resolute/determined. kapya (-kapizza) v.tr. caus. toughen; harden. cf. -kapa. -kapa adj. thin, lean; coarse, tough; hardened. c f. ^kapa, kapaapiiro adv. hurriedly, in a hurry; quickly. cf. paapiira. kapapajjo, a- (ka/bu) small piece, fragment, okutuuza akapapajjo, to sit on the edge (e.g., of a chair) or on the carrier of a bicycle, cf. ekipapajjo. kapeeka plur. bakapeeka (la) one who begs insistently; one who makes importunate requests, pesterer. cf. peeka. kanyigo, and narrow is the way which leadeth into life (Matth. V.14). cf. nyiga. kanyigoli, a- (ka/bu) small crowded space; small corner; recess; niche; crevice. kanyiikuuli, a- (ka/bu) trifle; something tiny/ insignificant. kanyinyi, a- (ka/bu) small amount of matter which accumulates in the eyes during sleep. cf. ekinyinyi. kanyiriri, a- (ka/bu) short line; short verse. cf. olunyiriri. kanyomero, a- (ka/bu) remote comer (e.g., of 1 a trunk, container, room). kanyonyoogano, a- (ka/bu) debate, disagreement, controversy, quarrel; confusion, commotion. cf. nyonyoogana. kanyoolagano, a- (ka/bu) fight, conflict; argument, cf. nyoola, nyoolagana. kanyoomonyoomo, a- (ka/bu) disparagement, belittlement. cf. nyooma. kanyuga (-kanyuze) v.tr. throw, hurl. -ekanyuga (-ekanyuze) v.i. refl. hurl oneself, throw oneself. kanyula (-kanyudde) v.tr. devour. The var. kaanyuula is more common. kanyunkule (la) savannah bush or tree, Vitex fischeri. kanywa, a- (ka/bu) small tendon. Yansalirira akanywa. He betrayed me. cf. ^ekinywa. kanywa-musenke (la) oxalid sorrel, kind of shrub the leaves of which taste of oxalic acid. kanywe okawulire or kanywokawulire (la) mu bulamu lya poison, lit. drink it and you will feel it. cf. nywa, wulira. kapepecu, a- (ka/bu) small piece. kapere (la) humorous/funny person, clown, essaati ey’akapere, a checkered shirt. -ekapika (-ekapise) dress oneself in full regalia, dress in formal attire (military uniform, etc.); put on a sour face. cf. -ekampa. kapipi, a- no plur. (ka/bu) rancor, resentment. kappotipooti (ka/bu) onomat. motorboat. kappuka ''-kappuse) v.i. walk briskly/ quickly. kapyata plur. zi kapyata (n/n) large, attractive automobile, big beautiful car; limousine. Karema also spelled Kalema (la) [from Fr. Careme] Lent. karibu interj. Come in! (in response to the query kkoodi, May I come in?), cf. Sw. karibu, karibuni. kasaabuuko, a* adv. quickly, hurriedly, c /. saabuuka. kasaagira (la) one who frequently jokes, a person given to joking, cf. saaga. kasaale, a- (ka/bu) arrow, dart; sharp pain in the chest. kasaalimbo, a- adv. hurriedly; hastily; carelessly. cf. saalimba. kasaalu, a- (la) small lake bird, pratincole; small swamp, cf. olusaalu. kasaana, a- (ka/bu) a kind of thomy bush with yellow flowers the leaves of which are used for making a red dye. kasaasaano, a- (ka/bu) scattering, dispersal; split, schism, break-up. cf. saasaana. kasaayiriro, a- adv. hurriedly, with great haste, cf. saawa, saayirira. kasadde: ennyama kasadde, good meat (esp. that with a lot of fat in it). kasagira, a- (ka/bu) case brought against a woman demanding that she return to her abandoned husband. kasagisagi, a- (ka/bu) kind of small ant which nests in trees and inflicts a painful sting. kasajjaffuba (la) scarecrow; kind of banana. kasajjajjobyo, a- (ka/bu) kind of plant, P entaphylla. kasaka, a- (ka/bu) small cooking pot. cf. saka, ensaka. Masaka, a- (ka/bu) small bush. cf. ekisaka. kasalabakesi (la) kind of climbing plant from which a red dye is extracted. kasalabekkya (la) meddler, intruder. kasale, a- (ka/bu) small mark; stroke; dash; comma, cf. sal a. kasalu, a- var. of akasaalu, q.v. kasalwe arch, bya kasalwe, incoherent remarks. kasamamya, a-: emimwa egy’akasamamya, bright red lips (of which the redness may be from pathologic causes). kasambaggano, a- (ka/bu) commotion, disturbance. cf. samba, sambagana. kasambajjo, a- (ka/bu) mess; muddy area, Ekkubo ly’emugga lyonna lifuuse kasambajjo. The entire road which leads to the well has become muddy, cf. sambajja. kasambalyanda (la) cunning/clever/shrewd person, lit. kick (samba) hot coal (lyanda). mu biseera bino ebya kasambalyanda, in this period of danger, in this time of unrest. kasambattuko, a- (ka/bu) riot; disturbance, commotion; strike; turmoil, unrest, cf. sambattuka. kasambula, (ka/bu) July dry season when the land is fallow, less hot season before the rainy season, cf. sambula. kasana, a- no plur. (ka/bu) sunshine. cf. lomusana. kasanda, a- from, essanda sap. Emmere egudde akasanda. The food is cooked, lit. has lost its juice or ‘sap.’ (This phrase is particularly used with reference to sweet potatoes and bananas.) kasandali, a- (ka/bu) serious problem; crisis; bad situation. Tuli ku kasandali. We are in a difficult situation. kasanga, a- (ka/bu) arch, swelling on the neck. kasanke, a- (ka/bu) kind of small red finch, ruddy waxbill. kasanso, a- (ka/bu) top of a tree; tip of a branch; branch top. cf. essanso. kasanvu, a- (ka/bu) small branch/twig; small switch/whip. cf. 2omusanvu. kasanvu, a- numer. seven thousand; corvee, forced labor, okukola akasanvu, to draft men (for communal or forced labor), cf. -sanvu. kasasamalo, a- (ka/bu) riot, disturbance, tumult; uprising, revolt, rebellion, cf. sasamala.- kasasambulabbwa, a- (ka/bu) crisis, great difficulty, lit. it-takes-the-skin-off-of-a- wound. Bino ebiseera bya kasasambulabbwa. These are very difficult times. kasattiro, a- (ka/bu) disturbance, commotion, unrest; Hislocation. cf. sattira. kase, a- (ka/bu) a hundred million; an almost infinitely high number. kaseekende, a- (ka/bu) dry nodal stem of tteete grass, in the plur. buseekende, bunch of dry stems/straw (of a very inflammable nature). kaseemeza (la) seducer; tempter, cf. seemya. kaseera, a- (ka/bu) short time, short period of time; chance, opportunity, cf. lekiseera. kaseese, a- (ka/bu) fire-tailed finch. kasegguusi, a- (ka/bu) the place immediately behind the door in a Kiganda hut. cf. ekisegguusi. kasekere, a- (ka/bu) sty in the eye; small louse, with the -a of rel. fine, delicate, ennukuta ez’akasekere, fine, delicate letters (in reference to handwriting). kasekerezi, a- (ka/bu) kind of very small brownish insect which lives underground. kasekese, a- (ka/bu) small bundle of firewood. cf. olusekese. kasekeso, a- (ka/bu) small opening/hole/ aperture, cf. olusekeso. kasendabazaana, a- = (akasana) akasenda- bazaana, (the sunshine) which attracts (senda) maidens (bazaana), i.e., twilight, the setting sun. See kalabirizabazaana. kasendwe, a- (ka/bu) short post supporting the roof of a hut. cf. ssendwe. kasenge, a- (ka/bu) small room; small wall, amannyo ag’akasenge, teeth which are close together without intervening gaps. cf. ekisenge. kasengejja, a- (ka/bu) small strainer/filter. cf. sengejja. kasennyanku (la) lit. it collects (sennya) firewood (enku), an insect which makes a cocoon like a tiny bundle of firewood and lives inside it. kasennyente, a- (ka/bu) fine particle(s)/ flake(s); crumb; dust, ssukaali wa kasennyente, very fine sugar. kasenso, a- (ka/bu) sieve. kasera, a- (ka/bu) trial, proof, ordeal, obudde bw’akasera, a timeof trial/ordeal. kasera, a- see obusera. kasereekerero, a- (ka/bu) small trap made of grass and used for catching mudfish (mmale). cf. sereekerera. kaserengeto, a- (ka/bu) slope, incline, descending gradient, downhill. cf serengeta, oluserengeto. kasi, a- (ka/bu) small land; small country. c f. ensi. kasiggu invar, adj. huge, enormous; great; very important, olukunnaana kasiggu, a huge meeting, a gigantic rally. kasigirirwa, a- (ka/bu) small seed (e.g., of tobacco or mustard) which has germinated. cf siga. kasiibulo, a- also akasiibulizo (ka/bu) leave taking, farewell; parting gesture. with the -a of rel. final, conclusive. Twabuuse bwe yafuuye firirabi ey’akasiibulo. We jumped when he blew the final whistle. cf subuka, sitbuia. kasiikiro, a- (ka/bu) smell of roasting or frying, cf. 2sjjka. kasiikolindo var. of kasookolindo, q.v. kasiiku (la) craziness, folly; unpredictability. Alimu kasiiku mu mutwe. He is a nut. kasiimo, a- (ka/bu) gift from a suitor to parents of the intended bride; token of thanks, gift of appreciation; reward, gratuity, tip. cf. siima. kasiiro, a- (ka/bu) plaited reed work. cf. lsiira. kasiiro, a- adv. okutambula akasiiro, to walk slowly, stroll casually, cf. ^siira, -esiira. kasiisa (la) kind of tree, Trema guineensis. kasiisira, a- (ka/bu) small hut; small temporary shelter, cf olusiisira. kasiiso, a- adv. gently, calmly, okussa akasiiso, to look over appraisingly/ critically, to give (someone) the once over. kasiitaano, a- (ka/bu) hard work; intensive struggle, cf. siitaana. kasiki, a- (ka/bu) small log; small stump. cf. ekisiki. kasiki, a- (ka/bu) party held for the groom or bride on the night before the wedding. kasikisa plur. bukasikisa (la, plur. bu-) kind of caterpillar. kasikonda, a- (la or ka/bu) hiccup; hiccupping. cf. sikonda, sikondoka. kasikwasikwa, a- (ka/bu) degenerate shoot of a plantain. kasimagizi, a- var. of akasumagizi, q.v. kasimba, a- (ka/bu) genet cat. Ekika ky’Akasimba, the Genet Cat Clan. kasimbaazi, a- (ka/bu) kind of small brown bird which preys on lizards; period very early in the morning. kasimbenkokola = nnabankokola, q.v. kasimooni, a- also akasimuuni (ka/bu) [Sif.] a 50'Cent piece, obusimooni obungi, a great deal of money. Musajja wa busi- mooni. He is a wealthy man. cf. simooni. kasimu, a- (ka/bu) nerve, obusimu obuli mu ngalo, the nerves (which are) in the fingers. kasimu, a- also akasimo (ka/bu) hoe worn down by constant use. okukwata akasimu, to dig, work in the field/garden, cf. ensimu. kasiniino adv. a rather long distance, quite a walk. Okuva. e Kampala okugenda e Mubende kasiniino. It is quite a distance from Kampala to Mubende. kasinsa, a- also akasiisa (ka/bu) kind of deciduous forest tree, Celtis krdussiana. kasirabo, a- (ka/bu) also ensirabo (n/n) oribi antelope. kasiribaggo, a- adv. hurriedly, quickly. kasiriikiriro, a- (ka/bu) quietness, period of silence; truce; lull. cf. sirika. kasiriiro, a- (ka/bu) smell of roasting, cf. si riira. kasiriivu, n ^ka on*? one hundred thousand. obusiiriivu bubiri, two hundred thousand. kasirikitu, a- (ka/bu) tiny/small/minute thing, cf. -sirikitu; katiiriitu. kasirikko, a- (ka/bu) rut in a road, pothole. cf. sirikka, ekisirikko. kasirinza, a- also akasiriza (ka/bu) cinder. cf. siriira, ekisirinza. kasirise, a- adv. silently, quietly, mu ngeri ya kasirise, in a quiet manner; silently. cf. sirika. kasiru plur. bakasiru (la) one who is dumb, a mute. cf. -siru, siriwala, omusiru. kasisi, a- also akasiisi (ka/bu) kind of very small jumping insect found on coffee trees, on the ground and in houses. kasisinkano, a- (ka/bu) crossword puzzle. cf. sisinkana. kasisiwaze, a- adv. suddenly; by surprise; startlingly. cf. sisiwala. kasita conj. so long as, as long as; provided that. kasitula, a- also kasituliro, a- (ka/bu) elevator, lift; hoisting device, cf. situla. kasitu(n)kira, a- ow’akasitunkira, gadabout, capricious person. Ow’akasitunkira, talya nkoko ya mukodo. (prov.) The gadabout does not eat the miser’s chicken. Perhaps = A rolling stone gathers no moss. cf. situka, situnkana. kaso, a- (ka/bu) pith of the raffia palm. cf. obuso. kaso, a- (ka/bu) small knife, obuso obw’oku mmeeza, table knives, cf. ekiso. kasodde (la) [dteso] potato(es) cut into thin slices and dried in the sun. See mutere. kasogobe, a- (ka/bu) premature calf. kasolo, a- (ka/bu) small animal, small mammal, cf. ekisolo, ensolo. kasolo, a- (ka/bu) type of stepladder used in picking coffee or in constructing a house. kasolosozi, a- (ka/bu) kind of small black ant with a sharp sting, cf. ensolosozi. kasolowogani (n/n) colloq. Volkswagen. kasolya, a- (ka/bu) roof of a house; head of a clan. kasombakaddira (la) person who keeps fetching things from a single place; person who keeps stealing from a single place, cf. somba, ddira. kasondamumiro, a- (ka/bu) uvula, cf. sonda, omumiro. kasongezo, a- (ka/bu) extremity; tip; point; pointed end; pointed tooth, canine tooth, obusongezo bw'engalo, the finger tips. cf. songa. kasonso, a- (ka/bu) elephant shrew, cf. omusonso. kasonso interj. It serves you right! (often accompanied by shaking the right wrist.) noun (lu/n) provocation; irritation. Aleeta akasonso. He is provoking, cf. sonsa, olusonso. kasoobo, a- adv. slowly, at a slow pace. cf. sooba. kasooka, kasookedde conj. since, since the time that. cf. sooka, sookera. kasookolindo no plur. (la) excrement of chickens, fowls, etc. cf. kasiikolindo. kasooli no plur. (la) com, maize, cf. ekisoolisooli. kasota, a- (ka/bu) small snake. Abaserikale baasimbwa Iwa kasota. The soldiers lined up/formed a line, (lw- = \u- which implies olunyiriri, line.) kasozi, a- (ka/bu) hill. cf. olusozi. kassapatu (ka/bu) also ssapatu (n/n) [Port.] sandal; slipper. kassikonda (ka/bu) [png.] second (of time). kassukussuku, a- also akasukusuku (ka/bu) kind of mushroom found in plantain gardens, cf. olusuku. kasubi, a- (ka/bu) blade of grass. Oyo mutono ng’akasubi. He is as thin as a rail. as a pr.n. Kasubi, a place in Kampala where the tombs of the Kings of Buganda are located, cf. essubi. kasuka (-kasuse) v. tr. throw, hurl. Akasuka ly’ali nalyo taba muti. (prov.) lit. He who throws (the spear, effumu) which he has is not a coward. A person who does what he can is worthy of praise. kasuukirira (-kasuukiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 throw/hurl with vigor. cf. sawuka. kasukwasukwa, a- var. of akasikwasikwa, q.v. kasulu or kasulubbana (la) elephant snout fish, Mormyrus kannume. cf. ombegedde- (matono). kasumagizi, a- (ka/bu) a small purple king- Mr. Sandman, okulwala akasumagizi or okuba ng’ eyalya akasumagizi, to be drowsy/ sleepy (particularly when there is something which needs to be done), cf. sumagira. kasumbi, a- (ka/bu) small pitcher, cf. ensumbi. kasumbyo, a- (ka/bu) conical fish trap for catching mudfish. kasunduba, a- (ka/bu) corrugation; wrinkle; fold (e.g., in a rock), cf. essunduba. kasunguyira, a- (ka/bu) quick temper, cf. -sunguwavu, sunguwala. kasunsu, a- (ka/bu) tuft of hair left when the rest of the hair is shaved or combed down. kasuususu, a- with the -a of rel. lukewarm, warmish (of a liquid). Amazzi ga kasuususu. The water is lukewarm. kasuuwe, a- (ka/bu) kind of lake plant. kasuyuuyo, a- (ka/bu) (the act of) working hard; trudging to and fro, bustling about. kaswa invar, adj. real, genuine, authentic; pure. Omuganda kaswa, a real Muganda. cf. enswa. kaswanyu, a- (ka/bu) small stick/rod/switch (used in administering punishment), cf. swanyula. kata adv. almost. (The verb in a clause containing kata is in the subjunctive. This is usually rendered by an English past tense. Ensonyi kata zibatte. They almost died of shame, lit. shame almost killed them. See katono. kata, a- (ka/bu) small gourd, cf. ekita. kalaago, B- (ka/bu) Spleen. kataala, a- (ka/bu) electric bulb, kwessa mu butaaia, to show off, put oneself in the limelight. cf. ekitaala, ettaala. kataali, a- also akataalitaali (ka/bu) deserted area. kataano, a-: okubuuza akana n’akataano. lit. to ask four and five, i.e., to interrogate in detail, question at length, cf. -na, -taano. kataasa, a- (ka/bu) kind of small brown lake bird, lily-trotter. kataasa, a- (ka/bu) small basin of water used for washing the hands before eating. kataayi, a- (ka/bu) swallow, awatali na kataayi kusala, lit. without a swallow crossing, i.e., in the twinkle of an eye, in no time at all. cf. entaayi. kataayi, a- (ka/bu) [Eng.] small necktie, akataayi aka kawojjolo, bow tie. cf. ttaayi. katabalika, a- (ka/bu) millions; an enormously large number, lit. that which is not easily counted, cf. ^bala. katabanguko, a- (ka/bu) disturbance; riot; uprising, okulangirira ebiseera eby’aka- tabanguko, to proclaim a state of emergency. cf. tabanguka. katabo, a- (ka/bu) small book; booklet, aka- tabo ak’amawulire, newspaper, news magazine. kukuba katabo, colloq., to lie, tell untruths, cf. kitabo. katadooba (ka/bu) small kerosine lamp. cf. tadooba. katagali, a- see butagali. katagga (-katazze) v.i. (in association with a previous verb) be extreme; do to extremes; do very well. Yalidde n’akatagga. He ate too much. Yayogedde n’akatagga. He gave a very fine speech. -katagga adj. slow-witted, slow to understand. cf. omukatagga. katakata ideo. okunywa katakata, to drink down without taking the cup from the lips, drink and produce a gurgling sound in the throat. katakke or katakketakke with the -a of rel. brown, light-skinned, neither very dark nor very light, omuwala owa katakketakke, a light-skinned girl. katakku, a- adv. endlessly, incessantly. katakkuluze, a- (ka/bu) hangnail, bit of skin hanging from the base of the fingernail. cf. takkuluza. katakuliramuliro (la) participant in a game who dresses like a sorcerer or witch, carries torches and scares his companions; the name of the game itself, lit. scratches (takulira) fire (muliro). katala (-katadde) v.i. [Sto.] refuse completely; misfire (of a gun). Emmotoka yange ekatadde. My automobile has stalled. katalabuusi, a- (ka/bu) small white cap worn by Muslims. katale, a- (ka/bu) market, akatale ak’awamu, common market, akatale k’ebirime, produce market, akatale ak’omubuulo, open public market held at regular intervals, usually monthly. katambaala, a- (ka/bu) small cloth; napkin; handerchief. akatambaala ak’omu ngalo, handerchief. akatambaala k’oku mutwe, head scarf, cf. ekitambaala. katamu, a- (ka/bu) small pot/sauce pan. cf. ^entamu. katamyaboosi (la) period of heat between 10 A.M. and noon, lit. it disgusts (tamya) those who bask in the sun (boosi). katanda, a- (ka/bu) carrier on the top of a vehicle, akatanda k’omwana, a baby’s crib. cf. ekitanda. katandaalo, a- (ka/bu) table or platform on which coffee is dried; rack on which plates and cups are dried. katanga, a- (ka/bu) kind of wild gourd. It is inedible and characterized by extreme hardness. katankira or -ekatankira (-ekantankidde) v.i. refl. swig, drink down, okwekatankira omwenge, to guzzle beer, drink a lot of beer. katawaano, a- (ka/bu) business; trouble; disturbance, commotion, cf. tawaana. katawala (-katawadde) v.i. retrogress, decline from a better to worse state (esp. in behavior); be a stay-at-home; be restricted to one area for a long time. Yakyala n’akatawala. He overstayed his visit. cf. takawala. katawuko, a- (ka/bu) business; bustle; agitation. cf: tawuka. katayiro, a- (ka/bu) commotion; restlessness. katazamiti (la) briar, a kind of tree yielding charcoal auu fiicwuod, Bridelia rr.icrzr.tha. It is the host for the wild silkworm. katazi, a- (ka/bu) dangerous/very evil person; phenomenon, wonder. kate, a- (ka/bu) small cow; calf. cf. ente. kate rare var. o f 1 kata, q.v. katebe, a- (ka/bu) small chair; small stool. Nnazaalibwa mu njala ‘ani amuwadde a katebe.’ I was born during the great famine of the early 1940’s, lit. the famine ‘who has given him a chair (so that he can sit down and eat our food)?’ cf. ekitebe, entebe. katebulanya (la) troublemaker; cheat, deceitful person. kateebe, a- (ka/bu) boggy field; quagmire, soft miry land that yields under the foot. cf. ekiteebe. kateeteeyi, a- (ka/bu) small/short skirt, obuteeteeyi obumpi, miniskirts, cf. ekiteeteeyi. kateetera, a- no plur. (ka/bu) faint breathing of a dying person. Yasangibwa mu nju ye ng’aliko kateetera. He was found in his house on the point of death, cf. teetera. kateketwe, a- with the -a of rel. sprouting, budding (of trees); scarce (of food). katemankonge, a- (ka/bu) hoe, lit. it chops (lema) the stumps (nkonge). katemba (la) play, drama; performance. cf. ^temba. katemerero, a- (ka/bu) rush, hurry; a rather long distance, as adv. hurriedly, in a hurry. katemyo, a- (ka/bu) top ring in the roof of a thatched hut; fig. pinnacle, acme. Atuuse mu katemyo. He has now reached the pinnacle of success. katengotengo, a- (ka/bu) variety of colocynth plant, with fruit something like egg-fruit. cf. entengo. katengu, a- (ka/bu) kilt, short skirt. katente, a- path/ridge of earth before the doorway of a hut. kateregenya, a- rare var. of akatiriginya, q. v. kati adv. now, at present, na buli kati, even up to the present time, even now. cf. kaakati. kati, a- (ka/bu) small tree; small stick, okukola ekintu n’odda ne mu kati, to do something excessively/to an extreme degree; to do something wonderfully/efficiently. Yayimba n’adda ne mu kati. He sang wonderfully. Twalya ne lukubyako kati. We ate excessively and still had plenty left over. cf. omuti. katiiko, a- var. of katinko, q.v. katiininya, a- also spelled katinninya (ka/bu) something very small/tiny/insignificant. katiiriitu, a- (ka/bu) something very small/ tiny/insignificant, cf. -tiiriitu. katiiro, a- no plur. insolence; undue familiarity. See olutiiro which is more common. katiisa: - akantu akatiisa, lit. a small thing which frightens, kukolawo katiisa, to do something startling/amazing/exciting/far out of the ordinary; to show off, try to draw attention to oneself, cf. tya, tiisa. katiiti, a- (ka/bu) small bead. katiiyiiko a- excessive, Afumbye bya katiiyiiko. She has cooked too much. cf. tiiyiika. katikitiki, a- (ka/bu) second (unit of time). katikkiro plur. bakatikkiro (la) prime minister, premier; chief minister of an important chief, cf. tikka. katiko, a- (ka/bu) mushroom (in general). Ekika ky’obutiko, the Mushroom Clan. cf. ekitiko. katima, a- (ka/bu) small heart; small rubber hose for pumping air into a tire, akatima k’eggaali, tire tube (of a bicycle), cf. omutima. katimatima, a- no plur. (ka/bu) hatefulness; rancor. Alina akatimatima. He is filled with rancor, cf. omutima. katimba, a- (ka/bu) small net; small netting; fishing net; mosquito net. akatimba mu ddirisa, window screen, akatimba k’ensiri, mosquito net. cf. ekitimba. katindiggo also kitindiggo adv. hurriedly. cf. tindigga. katinkizo, a- = akatinko, q.v. katinko, a- (ka/bu) infatuation, intense (but often short-lived) interest or enthusiasm; eagerness, ow’akatinko, a doting type of person, cf. tinka. katiriginya, a- also akateregenya (ka/bu) drop, tiny amount, ‘dash.’ with the -a of rel. tiny, very small. kato (la) boy who is the younger of twins. with cap. the personal name of such a twin. See wasswa, babirye, nnakato. katogo, a- (ka/bu) stew (of plantains, beans, peanuts, etc., or a combination of these); fig. cramped quarters, confined space; difficult/messy situation. Tuli mu katogo. We are in cramped quarters/crowded together or We are in a difficult fix. -katolika adj. Catholic. Omukatoliki, a Catholic. katoloba (la) a quarrelsome person, cf. to lob a. katolobojjo, a- (ka/bu) dot; spot; speck. Katonda pr. n. (la) God; the Creator, an important lubaale in the Kiganda pantheon. (Katonda) ky’aterekera omulamu, tekivunda. (prov.) What God lays in store for a person does not spoil, cf. tonda, Obwakatonda. katongolekkungu plur. bakatongolekkungu (la) an extremely vain and conceited person; great boaster/braggart. katonnyeze, a- (ka/bu) point, dot; period; drop. cf. tonnya, tonnyeza. katono, a- as an adv. a little, a little bit; slightly. Yatambulako katono. He walked a short distance (or a short time). After a neg. verb, n’akatono means not at all, not in the least. Simukkiriza n'akatono. I do not believe him at all. Before a verb in the subjunctive it means nearly, almost. Katono afe. He nearly died, katono is also the form of the adj. -tono used before sing, nouns of the ka/bu class, cf. -tono, ^kata. katonsa, a- (ka/bu) kind of small mushroom. katoola no plur. (la) large amount, large quantity, katoola w’ebintu, a lot of things, a whole conglomeration of things. katottolima. a- (ka/bu) knob/bulge on the end of a stick, cf. ekitolima, ettolima. kattabuteme (la) tenacious couch grass. katto, a- (ka/bu) small pillow/cushion, cf. omutto. kattu, a- (ka/bu) small bundle, small packet. as an adv. close together. Ffenna twali tutudde kattu. We all sat jammed together. Tukolera wamu mu kattu. We work together/ as a unit /not necessarily in close physical proximity). cf. ettu. kattuka (-kattuse) v.i. walk hurriedly. katubidde: katunula katubidde (ng’ow’ekirevu ageregeza), to look filthy (like a person with a beard who is dribbling). katugu, a- (ka/bu) sand fly. katula (-katudde) v.tr. snatch; grab; pilfer; beat, strike, okukatula emiggo, to beat severely with sticks, cf. omukatuzi. katulume, a- (ka/bu) banded mongoose. katulututtu, a- (ka/bu) pimple; blister; small sore; rash. cf. 2butuka, butula. katumbugulu, a- (ka/bu) akatumbugulu k’enkoko, a chicken leg. katunda, a- (ka/bu) grenadilla, fruit of the passion flower. katundatunda, a- (ka/bu) kind of edible mushroom. katundwe, a- (ka/bu) edible flower of the pumpkin, with the -a of rel. plump. katungulu, a- (ka/bu) onion, katunguluccumu (la) garlic, cf. ekitungulu, ettungulu. katunku, a- (ka/bu) edible red berry from the mutunku tree, q.v. katunkuma, a- (ka/bu) kind of very bitter wild fruit of the ntula type. katunkutunku, a- (ka/bu) body odor caused by excessive perspiration. katunnumba, a- (ka/bu) upper part of a hill/ mountain. katuubagiro, a-: okubeera ku katuubagiro, to be tired of waiting; to be frustrated by not getting what one wants, cf. tuubagira. katuubo, a-: Used in the proverb: Ow’akatuubo tabuulirwa bugenyi. A glutton should never be told of the dainty food awaiting him. cf. 1 tuuba. katuugo, a- (ka/bu) African fan palm, Borassus flabellifer. katuuka (la) orchitis. katuulituuli, a- (ka/bu) small swelling; blister; in the plur. rash. cf. ekituulituuli. katuuso (la) formerly food for the Kabaka; currently specially prepared food, sumptuous food. katuuti, a- (ka/bu) platform; pulpit, cf. ekituuti. katuyiro, a- (ka/bi) difficult situation, a ‘fix.’ katwalo (la) kind of beer banana; kind of roasting gonja banana. katwekasa adv., lit. with nothing on the head. Yajja katwekasa. He came empty- handed. cf. omutwe, -sa. katwewungu no plur. (la) foolishness, folly; madness. Alimu katwewungu. He is empty- headed. cf. omutwe, wungutuka. katyabaga, a- (ka/bu) trouble, difficulty, disturbance. katyazi, a- (ka/bu) danger; trouble. kavangata, a- (ka/bu) a large sum, a sizable amount (esp. of money) . akavangata k’ensimbi, a large amount of money. cf. omuvangata. kavumbo, a- (ka/bu) wad, bunch, ball (of string, hair, fibers, etc.). cf. ekivumbo. j. as long as, so long as. kavunvu, a- (ka/bu) kind of plant whose leaves are used for medicinal purposes. cf. oluvunvu. kavuvuŋŋano, a- (ka/bu) confusion, disturbance; scuffle, cf. vuvuŋŋana. kavvu, a- (ka/bu) large amount; large quantity, akawu k’ensimbi, a great deal of money. kavvula (-kavvudde) v.tr. devour, eat ravenously. kavvunkano, a- (ka/bu) confusion, confused state, muddle, cf. vvunkana. kawaali no plur. (la) smallpox, cf. waala. kawaayiro, a- (ka/bu) something added on, supplement, cf. waayira. Kawagga pr.n. the name of a lubaale associated with bubonic plague, kawumpuli, q.v. kawago, a- (ka/bu) small bladder; tubelike part of a bicycle pump; inner tube of a ball. cf. Svaga, ekiwago, oluwago. kawakata, a- (ka/bu) small sheaf, small bundle (of firewood), cf. omuwakata. kawakatirwa, a- (ka/bu) shoot on a plant. L /. wakalita. kawala, a- dim. of muwala, q.v. Tosala gwa kawala nga tonnawulira gwa kalenzi. (prov.) Don’t judge (the case, omusango is implied by gwa) of the girl before you hear the one of the boy. Don’t pass judgment without hearing both sides. kawale, a- (ka/bu) pair of short pants; shorts, cf. empale. kawalucocco invar, adj. very small, tiny (of persons, animals, fowls). Ampadde akakoko kawalucocco. He has given me a very small chicken. kawambo, a- (ka/bu) amulet, fetish. Kawamigero rarely Kawamigereko (la) God, lit. the giver of portions/allotments, i.e., the dispenser of fate. cf. wa, ^gera, gereka. kawammansi (la) after-pains of labor, with the -a of rel. -a kawammansi, hard to obtain, difficult to get. cf. wammanta. kawanika, a- (ka/bu) small cupboard/shelf. cf. eggwanika. kawannaku (la) person in hardship/misery. cf. -naku. kawansazi, a- no plur. (ka/bu) spasm; exhaustion. Olunaku olwo lwatandika n'akasana akayinza n’okusuula omuntu kawansazi. That day started off with sunshine which was capable of throwing a person into a state of exhaustion. kawatwa, a- (ka/bu) indentation. kawawa (la, collective), akawawa (ka/bu) gadfly. kawawa, a- (ka/bu) rare kind of edible mushroom. kawayi, a- also akawayiro (ka/bu) scrap; slice; piece, akawayi k’omugaati, a slice of bread, akawayi ak’olupapula, a piece of paper. kaweefube (la) campaign; concerted effort. cf. fuba, -efuba. Kaweekwa pr.n. Guno omusana ogwaka ennaku zino guzuukusa ne Kaweekwa e Ggangu, The sun has been very hot these days, lit. it would awaken Kaweekwa in Ggangu. kaweewo, a- (ka/bu) kind of antelope, bush duiker, cf. empeewo. kaweke, a- (ka/bu) small seed; pill, tablet; grain, akaweke k’omusenyu, a grain of sand, enviiri ez’akaweke, curly/kinky hair. cf. empeke. kawemba, a- with the -a of rel. reddish-brown, of the color of millet, enviiri ez’aka- wemba, reddish-brown hair. cf. omuwemba. kawembe, a- (ka/bu) [Sw.] razor blade, akawembe akamwa, razor blade, akawembe akasala enjala, fingernail clipper, cf. wembe. kawene (la) rogue, rascal. kawenge, a- (ka/bu) comer/edge of cloth. Oluggi lwaggulwawo akawenge. The door was slightly open/ajar. cf. ekiwenge. kawenkene (la) (used in association with another noun) a person or animal that is fierce/formidable/deadly/huge, kawenkene w’omukessi, a dangerous spy. kawenkene w’essota, a deadly snake, kawenkene w’emmese, a monstrous rat. kawenkene w’empologoma, a fierce lion. kawere, a- (ka/bu) infant, newborn baby. kawere, a- usually plur. obuwere (ka/bu) scabies. kawerette invar, adj. & adv. with the head or beard cleanly/completely shaven; smooth, without blemish (of the skin). Amwedde omutwe kawerette. He has shaved his head completely. kaweta, a- (ka/bu) small ring. cf. empeta. kawewa, a- adv. crammed full, full to the brim. kawewo, a- (ka/bu) slight wind, breeze. cf. empewo. kawewuko, a- adv. rapidly, swiftly. okudduka embiro za kawewuko, to run very fast. cf. wewuka. kawo (la) peas. When a contrast between sing, and plur. is necessary the forms kakawo/bukawo (pea/peas) are used. kawojjolo, a- (ka/bu) small butterfly, aka- taayi ak’akawojjolo, bow tie. cf. eki- wojjolo. kawola also kawolampola adv. slowly; gently, cf. empola. kawolongojjo (la) depths, deep place, as adv. very deep, to a great depth. kawome, a- no plur. (ka/bu) jail, prison. kawompo, o- (ka/bu) fontanel, top of the head, part of the head which is soft in early childhood but becomes hard with maturity. kawondoliro, a- (ka/bu) anus. kawonvu, a- (ka/bu) small valley. Sijja ku- menya kawonvu na kagga ku ntambula yange, i will not gp into details about my trip, lit. I will not mention the little valley and the little river, cf. ekiwonvu. kawoomerabalezi, a- adj. with akasana (sunshine) implied, period from about 7:30 to 8-30 A-M. cf. woomera, omulezi. kawoowo, a- (ka/bu) pleasant smell, fragrant odor, aroma; perfume. Ayogeza kawoowo. He speaks pleasingly. His voice has a pleasant sound, eddoboozi ery’akawoowo, a pleasant/attractive voice, cf. eggwoowo. kawozamasiga, a- (ka/bu) lit. it cools the cooking stones, the time from about 9:30 P.M. to midnight, cf. ^wola, woza, essiga. kawubyo, a- (ka/bu) cheating; deceit; fraud. cf. ^wuba, wubya. kawujjo, a- (ka/bu) scoop formed from a banana leaf used for drinking soup; scoopful (of paraffin, cooking oil, etc.). cf. ekiwujjo. kawuka, a- (ka/bu) small insect; bug, small bug; germ; microbe; colloq. gonorrhea. cf. ekiwuka. Kawuka pr.n. the title of the chief goatherd of the Kabaka. kawule (la) kind of creeper with thorns found near marshes. kawulugumo, a- adv. at a great speed, very rapidly, cf. wulugutna. kawulukusi (la) rare, runner; courier. cf. wulukuka. kawulukutu (la) swelling in the ear, often fatal, cf. okutu. kawuiula, a- (ka/bu) kind of small green frog. kawumbi, a- (ka/bu) ten million. kawummunta (la) vagabond; beggar; sponger. cf. wummunta. kawumpo, a- var. of akawompo, q.v. kawumpuli no plur. (la) bubonic plague; serious disease; fig. plague, curse; with caps, the name of a lubaale who caused plague. His temple was in Bulemezi. cf. kiwumpuli. kawuna, a- (ka/bu) game of tag. okukuba akawuna, to tag; to deceive; to distract the attention of. kawundo, a- (ka/bu) kind of insect-eating bat; bat (in general). kawunga, a- (ka/bu) cornmeal; flour meal. cf. obuwunga. kawungeezi, a- (ka/bu) evening, (la) kind of sweet potato, rather hard and with a dark red color, cf. wungeera. kawungu, a- (ka/bu) eaglet, young eagle, enkoko ey’akawungu, chicken with plumage resembling that of an eagle, cf. empungu. kawunguko adv. quickly, swiftly (referring to motion), cf. wunguka, oluwunguko. kawuukuumi (la) kind of tiny insect which eats into beans, grain, etc. okulya kawuukuumi, colloq. to become pregnant. cf. wuukuuma. Kawuula pr.n. title of one of the two officials at the court of the Kabaka entrusted with the keeping and playing of the royal drums, known collectively as Mujaguzo. cf. 2Wuula. Kawuuta pr.n. title of the chief cook of the Kabaka. cf. wuuta. kawuuwo, a- (ka/bu) tail of a snake or lizard; plantain leaf used for covering a pot of ma- tooke which is cooking, kuggyako kawuuwo, to begin serving a meal; to begin a discussion; to kick off fin soccer), cf. wuuwa. kawuuzi, a- (ka/bu) a kind of insect which is found on sweet potatoes, (la, sing, only) a disease afflicting sweet potatoes. kaya (-kaye) v.i. be or become weary/ tired/exhausted. kaya (-kayizza) v.tr. beat, thrash. kayaaye, a- (ka/bu) partition in the porch of a hut. kayaayu, a- (ka/bu) wild cat. cf. omuyaayu. kayaggula (-kayaggudde) v.tr. devour; fig. overwhelm. Enjala ebakayaggula. They are ravenously hungry. kayakkaya (-kayekkaye) v.i. trot/run with difficulty; limp along. kayamba, a- (ka/bu) kind of small fish, dimin. of ejjamba, q.v. Akayamba kaka- lubye omutwe. Matters have become difficult/serious. kayana, a- (ka/bu) calf; small calf. cf. ennyana. kayanja, a- (ka/bu) small lake. cf. yanja, obuyanja, ennyanja. kayanja, a- (ka/bu) kind of grass, relatively uncommon, considered desirable for spreading on the floors of houses. kayanzi, a- (ka/bu) small grasshopper, cf. ejjanzi. kayaya (-kayayizza) v.tr. inflict torture on (of pam, disease). Walumbe amukayaya. He has a grueling ailment. kayeeke: kukaaba kayeeke, to cry piteously. kayege adv. tightly, firmly in one’s grasp. Nkirina kayege. 1 have it firmly in my grasp. Nnasanga byonna biri kayege. I found everything in complete readiness/ completely under control. kayembe, a- (ka/bu) small horn. cf. -^ejjembe. kayibakalangira (ka/bu) kind of bird resembling a dove, hoopoe. kayibamukuukulu, a- (ka/bu) kind of bird resembling a small dove. If it flies into a house it is considered a bad omen. kayiifuyiifu, a- = ekiyiifuyiifu, q.v. kayiiyi (la) kind of plant. kayiiyi, a- (ka/bu) resentment, rancor; animosity. kayindiyindi, a- (ka/bu) a kind of bean which resembles a lima bean but is much smaller, butter bean. Abantu ba kuno baamutwala teyeesibidde na kayindi. The people here sent him packing or (in a political context) they threw him out of office, lit. took him, he did not tie up beans for himself. (Formerly travelers used to take beans of this sort with them on long trips. The person referred to in the example left so quickly that he could not make the usual preparation.) kayindo, a- (ka/bu) small nose. cf. ennyindo. kayingo invar, adj. excellent, first-rate, omuyimbi kayingo, a very talented singer, omuzinyi kayingo, a great dancer, omusambi w’omupiira kayingo, an outstanding football player, cf. yinga. kayingo, a- (ka/bu) small joint, cf. olu- yingo, ennyingo. kayinja, a- (ka/bu) small stone, pebble, plur. obuyinja, small stones; sidewalk, cf. ejjinja. kayirigombe, a- adv. okukaaba akayirigombe, to cry piteously, make heartrending cries. kayiringito, a- (ka/bu) inclination; descent; rolling down, going down. cf. yiringita, oluyiringito. kayisanyo, a- (ka/bu) intersecting; passing of individuals or groups moving in opposite directions, as an adv. in the opposite direction/opposite way. Kaabadde kayisanyo ka malusu na ddookooli. People (or vehicles, moving objects, etc.) were moving in opposite directions. There was a great commotion/total pandemonium, lit. there was an intersecting of saliva and the adam’s apple, cf. 2yita. kayiso, a- (ka/bu) small needle, cf. empiso. kayongo (la) kind of fern. kayovu, a- (ka/bu) small elephant; corn weevil, kind of very small insect with a proboscis resembling that of an elephant, cf. enjovu. kayovu, a- (ka/bu) small bubble, cf. ejjovu. kayovu, a- (ka/bu) kind of medium-sized tree. kayozi, a- (ka/bu) jumping rat, kangaroo rat, jerboa. Ekika ky’Akayozi, the Jumping Rat Clan. kayu, a- (ka/bu) small house; latrine, lavatory. akayu k'abasajja, men's room. cf. enju. -kayufu adj. ill-tempered; angered. cf. ^kayuka. kayuka (-kayuse) v.i. become furious/ angry; be harsh. Eddoboozi lye lyali limaze okukayuka olw’obusungu. His voice had become strident with anger. kayukira (-kayukidde) v.tr. appl. be angry with; speak harshly to, shout at in anger. kayula (-kayudde) v.tr. anger. -ekayula (-ekayudde) v.i. refl. allow oneself to become angry; go off in a rage. cf. -kayufu, ekkayu. kayuka (-kayuse) v.i. begin to grow old; lose one’s beauty. kayuki, a- (ka/bu) small bee; swarm of bees; small insect which resembles a bee. cf. enjuki. kayulu, a- (ka/bu) small reed, omukyala omutono kayulu nnalunyonga, a slim, beautiful woman. kayumba, a- (ka/bu) small house; bathroom. akayumba k'embwa, dog house, akayumba k’enkoko, chicken coop, akayumba ka penitensia, relig. confessional. Ennaku zanzimba akayumba ku mutwe. I have nothing but sorrow/trouble, lit. troubles have built a little house on my head. cf. ennyumba. kayungirizi (la) one who overtakes another (esp. in running); one who puts things together/joins things (e.g., the parts of a mechanical device); arch, messenger, runner carrying official news. cf. yunga. kayungiro, a- (ka/bu) joint, seam. cf. yunga. kayungo, a- (ka/bu) stilt; neck of land, isthmus. cf. yunga. kayunzi, a- (ka/bu) gramm. conjunction, akagambo akayunzi, iden. cf. yunga, -yunzi. kayuuguumo, a- (ka/bu) commotion; turmoil; state of unrest, cf. yuuguuma. kayuukiyuuki, a- (ka/bu) kind of mint with a flower like that of the heliotrope. kaza, kazakkaza caus. forms of kala, q.v. kazaalabulwa (la) source of trouble, cause of trouble; troublemaker. kazambi no plur. (la) filth, dirt; trash; fig. corruption; foul actions, immorality. kazana (-kazanye) v.i. struggle, try hard. kazannyirizi also kazannyikirizi (la) actor; performer, jester, kazannyirizi mu bifaana- nyi, movie star. cf. zannya. -kazi adj. female; feminine, empologoma enkazi, lioness, omukono omukazi, the left hand, omwezi omukazi (= ttoggo, q.v.), the rainy season between February and June. cf. kaziwala, omukazi. kazigizigi (la) extreme darkness/blackness / esp. that immediately preceding a storm), as an adv. as black as pitch, with the -a of rel. jet black; pitch dark, agale aga kazigizigi, huge, pitch black clouds. Wabweru kazigizigi yali akutte okufa. It had become completely dark outside, cf. zigizigi. kazigo, a- (ka/bu) dim. o/^omuzigo, butter, q.v. kusiiga kazigo ku maaso, to lie using soothing/jdeasing words, to sweet-talk, lit. to rub butter on the face, kiiha akalimu akazigo, to be rude/insolent. kazigo, a- (ka/bu) dim. of%omuzigo, doorway, q.v. small doorway; small rented room/apartment; small opening/gap (e.g., between teeth). kaziina, a- usually in plur. buziina (ka/bu) rag(s); ragged clothes, cf. oluziina, omu- ziina. kazimeera (la) dark place. Nnatuuse nga obudde bwa kazimeera. I arrived just about dark. cf. zimeera. kazimirizo, a- (ka/bu) accent (written on a letter), diacritical mark; stop on an organ. cf. Izima, zimiriza. kazimu, a- (ka/bu) evil spirit; circular wind, whirlwind (caused by a spirit), cf. omuzimu. kazingirizi, a- var. of akazungirizi, q.v. kazinnoonyo, a- (ka/bu) mid-rib of a plantain leaf. kaziwala (-kaziwadde) v.i. become effeminate; mature into womanhood, cf. -kazi, omukazi. kazoole, a- also akazoolezoole no plur. (ka/bu) madness, insanity; queemess; viciousness; fit of bad temper, kugwa ka- zoole, to lose one’s head, go berserk. cf. ^zoola, omuzoole. kazungirizi, a- (ka/bu) kind of small gnat found over bodies of water, cf. zunga, zungirira, ekizungirizi. kazunnano, a- (ka/bu) moving, stirring; commotion; tumult, cf. zunnana. kazzi adv. perhaps, maybe, cf. mpozzi. keba (kebye) v.tr. trap; circumvent cf. enkebe. -ekebejja (-ekebezze) v.i. refl. look oneself over carefully (e.g., to see if one is properly dressed), v.tr. refl. examine carefully, inspect with care. cf. otnweke- bezzi; kebera. kebera (-kebedde) v.tr. examine/inspect closely, scrutinize, investigate. kebereerera (-kebereeredde) v.tr. appl. 2 intens. examine/watch with the greatest care. cf. omukebezi; kebejja. kebuka (-kebuse) v.i. look back over the shoulder, look around. kebusa (-kebusizza) v.tr. caus. cause to look back over the shoulder. keebindu, a- plur. obwebindu (ka/bu) shoot(s) of the jjuuni, a plant of the arum family, Colocasia antiquorum, kumerako bwebindu, to put on airs, make oneself important, lit. to grow shoots. keebugo, a- (ka/bu) bustle of activity, flurry, business. Baali mu kaebugo. They were very busy/in a bustle of activity. cf. buga, -ebuga. keediimo, a- (ka/bu) strike (of workers); riot. cf. -ediima. keefunyiriro, a- (ka/bu) fuss and bother; intense effort, cf. Ifunya, funyirira. keenyoolo, a- (ka/bu) strife, fight; argument; debate, cf. nyoola, -enyoola. keera, keerera, keesa, keeza, etc. see ^kya. keererezi. a- tka/but small clearing small open space, cf. ekyererezi, -yereere. keerewa (-keereye) also kyerewa v.i.[>.] be late. keeru, a-: akeeru k’eriiso, the white of the eye. cf. -(y)eru. keesedde, a- (ka/bu) large amount, large quantity, akeesedde k’abantu, a large number of people, akeesedde ka ssente, a great deal of money. keeta (-keese) v.i. & tr. produce heartburn, cause a sickening feeling (of food); be harsh; fig. bother, disturb, trouble. Ki ekikukeeta? What is bothering you? keetwa (-keeteddwa) v.i. pass, be sickened (by food); feel a distaste for. keetalo, a- plur. rare (ka/bu) unrest, turmoil, disturbed/uneasy state; hubbub; extreme business, cf. -etala. keetawulo, a- (ka/bu) business; bustle; agitation, cf. tawuka. keetereekerero, a- (ka/bu) anxious/worried preparation, cf. -etereekerera. keewa (-keeye) v.i. become few/scarce; diminish, grow less. keeya (-keeyezza) v.tr. caus. cause to diminish, lessen. keewatnala, a- no plur. (ka/bu) food. keewaniko, a- (ka/bu) pride, cf. wanika, -ewanika. keeyamo, a- (ka/bu) vow, promise, cf. -eyama. keeveevo. a- (ka/bu) a kind of small bush producing yellow flowers. Parts of the bush are used for making brooms. keeyerera (-keeyeredde) v.i. breathe painfully; feel oppressed, okukeeyererwa emmeeme, to be anxious/worried; to feel nervous. keeyereza (-keeyerezza) v.tr. caus. cause anxiety to. kegugungo, a- (ka/bu) panic; riot; upheaval; disturbance, commotion, cf. -egugunga. keja (-keze) v.i. jump about; jump for joy; dance. -ekeja (-ekeze) v.i. refl. prepare, get ready; busy oneself; be busy; be wholehearted in one’s effort. kejjebera (-kejjebedde) v.i. speak affectedly; speak in a high-pitched voice. -ekeka (-ekese) v.tr. refl. suspect, be suspicious of, mistrust; guard oneself against; beware of. kekeera (-kekedde) v.i. rare gird oneself tightly. kekejjana (-kekejjanye) v.i. do with great difficulty, struggle (with); be unable to go on. -Waaliwo akekejjanya oluggi lwa sitowa ye. There was somebody trying to force the door of his storeroom. kekejjuka (-kekejjuse) v.i. be depressed; toil, struggle. kekema (-kekemye) v.i. cackle; fig. moan, complain. Okekema ki? What are you complaining about? kekemya (-kekemezza) v.tr. caus. cause to cackle; cause to suffer; cause to concede defeat, kukekemya bukoko, to make suffer, lit. cause to cackle like a chicken. kekera (-kekedde) v.i. creak, make a creaking sound; resound. kekeza (-kekezza) v.tr. caus. cause to creak/resound, kukekeza nnyago, to fight, engage in battle/war. kukekeza miggo, to beat, beat up (a person). keketa (-kekese) v.tr. gnaw, gnaw at, nibble. kekeeterera (-kekeeteredde) v.tr. appl. 2 eat away slowly; gnaw at for a period of time. Omutwe gunkekeeterera. 1 have a dull, steady headache. kekeya (-kekeye) v.tr. bore, drill. kekkera (-kekkedde) v.i. make light of matters, treat lightly; joke, joke around; trifle, dawdle. -ekekkera (-ekekkedde) v.i. refl. act helpless, pretend to be unable to work; be overly casual; treat lightly. kekkereza (-kekkerezza) v.tr. save, put aside as a reserve; use sparingly, banka ez’okukekkereza, savings banks, cf. omukekkereza. kema (-kemye) v.tr. try; test, put to the test; tempt. kemebvva (-kemeddwa) v.i. pass, be tempted, etc. kemya (-kemezza), kemesa (-kemesezza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to tempt; tempt with. kemereza (-kemerezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. question closely/insistently, cross-examine.cf. ekikemo, omukemi. kema (-kemye) v.i. whine; groan; grunt. kemaakema (-kemyekemye) v.i. redup. keep whining/groaning. kemya (-kemezza) v.tr. caus. make whine, etc. kemba (-kembye) v.i. strut about in a proud and pompous manner. -ekemba (-ekembye) v.i. <£ tr. gird oneself; ready oneself (for a difficult or dangerous undertaking); make a great effort, try resolutely; double one’s effort. kembakemba (-kembyekembye) v.i. redup. walk with one’s shoulders bent downwards (as one who is carrying a heavy load). kemekkereza (-kemekkerezza) v.tr. question/ interrogate intensively; pump, sound out. kemereza see ^kema. kena (-kenye) v.tr. give too little (e.g., food, money, wages). Abakozi babakena emisaala. They give the workers very poor wages, cf. -kene. kenda, a- numer. nine thousand; with the -a of rel. nine-thousandth, cf. -(y)enda. kenda (-kenze) v.i. rare walk painfully/ with difficulty. kendeera (-kendedde) v.i. decrease, diminish, lessen, become less. kendeeza (-kendeezezza) v.tr. caus. decrease, etc. kendo, a- (ka/bu) small gourd used as a ladle or cup; cup. okunywamu akendo, to excel, win, come out on top. Eky’okunywa mu Uganda yonna akendo, kyaamufunyisa sikaala. The fact that he came out first in all Uganda enabled him to get a scholarship. cf. olwendo. -kendufu adj. thin, thin-waisted. cf. kenduka. kenduka (-kenduse) v.i. be thin; have a thin waist, be thin-waisted. kendula (-kendudde) v.tr. make thin, cause to have a thin waist. cf. -kendufu. -kene adj. too little. Emisaala gy’abawa mikene bukenyi. The salaries which he gives them are very small, cf. kena. kenena (-kenenye) v.i. be or become very thin; melt (as butter by heat); dribble, drool, okukenena endusu, to drool/dribble saliva. Bajja kukenena ennyo emitima. They will become heartsick/very sad. -ekenenkula (-ekenenkudde) v.i. refl. be diffident, hold oneself back (from appropriate action); try to avoid involvement. Leka kwekenenkula otyo, genda oyoze engoye. Don’t keep stalling like that, go and wash the clothes. kenenuka (-kenenuse) v.i. drip; trickle; flow. kenenula (-kenenudde) v.tr. pour out carefully; sift out; fig. compare, weigh. kenga (-kenze) v.tr. perceive, note, notice; suspect, be suspicious of; scent, smell. kengeera (-kengedde) v.tr. examine, scrutinize. v.i. look around; be careful/watchful. -ekengera (-ekengedde) v.tr. refl. be suspicious of, suspect; be on guard against; beware of. -ekengerwa (-ekengeddwa) v.i. pass. refl. be suspected; be an object ot suspicion/ mistrust. -ekengeragana (-ekengeraganye) v.i. recip. be suspicious of one another, mistrust one another. -kenkufu adj. well-informed; trained; expert, skilled, abasomesa baffe abakenkufu, our trained teachers, cf. kenkuka. kenkuka (-kenkuse) v.i. become well-informed; become trained; become an expert. kenkusa (-kenkusizza) v.tr. caus. make well-informed; train; make into an expert. cf. -kenkufu. kenkula (-kenkudde) v.i. become fat/o/ani- mals); become spoiled (of beer). kenneenya (-kenneenyezza) v.tr. search diligently; examine carefully, check carefully. -ekenneenya (-ekenneenyezza) v.tr. refl. examine carefully; investigate thoroughly; check completely. kennemba (-kennembye) v.i. proceed/go/ walk slowly, cf. enkennembi. kennyini emph. pron. -self, ggwe kennyini, you yourself, nange kennyini, and 1 myself. kenya (-kenye) v.i. be reluctant; act with reluctance, act ungraciously. kenyera (-kenyedde) v.tr. appl. be reluctant about; be unsure about; complain about; worry about. cf. akakenyera, enkenyera. kenya (-kenyezza) v.tr. okukenya ekigwo, to hurl (someone) to the ground violently. kenyigaanyo, a- (ka/bu) press, crowd, crowding. cf. nyiga, nyigana. kenyula (-kenyudde) v.tr. devour. keŋŋenterera (-keŋŋenteredde) v.i. worry, become worried/troubled; become down- hearted/discouraged. -ekerebenda (-ekerebenze) v.i. refl. busy oneself, work very hard, occupy oneself intensively. kereketa (-kerekese) v.i. melt; drip; flow; run, run down (of a liquid), emmeeme n’emukereketa, and he was worried. kerekesa (-kerekesezza) v.tr. caus. cause to melt/drip, etc. kereziya, e- var. of eklezia, q.v. kesa (-kesezza) v.tr. cut down for harvest (e.g., millet with a knife or sickle). -kessi adj. relating to spying or detective work. Ekitongole (kya Poliisi) ekikessi, Ekibiina ekikessi, The Criminal Investigation Department of the Police Force (C.I.D.). cf. ketta. kesula (-kesudde) v.tr. gnaw to bits cf. ekkesula. keta (-kese) rare cut off. See ketula. ketta (-kesse) v.tr. spy, spy out; investigate (of detectives); explore. kettera (-kettedde) v.tr. appl. spy for/in/ at, etc. cf. -kessi, obukessi, omukessi. ketula (-ketudde) v.tr. cut off, cut down; snap in two; bite off (esp. someti. tg hard and brittle). ki plur. biki interrog. pron. & adj. what? which? Kino ki? What is this? Yagendayo mu mwaka ki era yali wa ggwanga ki? What year did he go there and from what country was he? ne bwe kinaaba ki, no matter what happens. The form baki (plur.) who? whom? sometimes occurs, cf. kiki, lwaki. kiba, e- (ki/bi) stripe, streak; strand (in plaiting). kibaaga as invar, adj. with effumu. effumu kibaaga, a sharp, broad spear, cf. baaga. kibaala, e- (ki/bi) hill of mbaala termites, obutiko obubaala, mushrooms which grow on a kibaala. kibaate, e- also ekibaato (ki/bi) bogeyman, ogre; wonder, marvel. kibaaze, e- adv. rare right away, without delay. kibabu, e- (ki/bi) something awesome; something terrible, misfortune, lit. something which produces a burning sensation, as an adv. at a great speed, ekibabu kya musisi, a catastrophic earthquake. Yagenda kibabu. He went off in a great hurry, cf. babuka, olubabu. kibagubagu, e- adv. hurriedly; urgently, with the -a of rel. hasty, hurried, okuteesa okw’ekibagubagu, a hasty decision. kibajjagalo, e- var. of ekibejjagalo, q.v. kibajje, e- (ki/bi) piece of carpentry work; piece of wooden furniture, cf. bajja. kibajjo, e- (ki/bi) strip of wood; chip of wood: SDlinter. shaving, cf. baiia. olu- bajjo. kibala, e- (ki/bi) fruit; agricultural product/ produce, cf. ^bala. kibala, e- (ki/bi) spot, stain; type, kind; species, cf. ebbala. kibalaaju, e- (ki/bi) side; flank. kibalangulo, e- (ki/bi) whetstone; strop; thick stick (used in beating), cf. balangula. kibamba, e- (ki/bi) plight, predicament, difficulty, dilemma, cf. bamba. kibambulira, e- (ki/bi) terrible thing or happening; terror, horror, obulumi obw’eki- bambulira, terrible, burning pain. Omwana oyo nno naye kibambulira. The child is a hellion, cf. bamba, bambula. kibambya, e- (ki/bi) stain, smear; scar of a burn. kibanda, e- (ki/bi) moment; space, interval, distance; shed in which bricks are made. Olumbe lumubuusa ebibanda. He is seriously ill. Bamubuusizza ebibanda. They are chasing him. kibandwa, e- (ki/bi) kind of reed roofing used for conical huts. kibangali, e- (ki/bi) a wide and shallow metallic plate/tray. kibangirizi, e- (ki/bi) open space, open area; patch of land. cf. banga. kibangulo, e- (ki/bi) var. of ekibalangulo, q.v. kibanja, e- (ki/bi) building site, plot of ground/land. kibano, e- (ki/bi) load, heavy load, ekibano kv’omukazi, ill-tempered, irascible woman. Kino nno kibano! This is incredible/unbelievable! kibanubanu, e- adv. unexpectedly. kibanvu, e- (ki/bi) old wooden trough/vat. pej. of emmanvu, q.v. kibanyi, e- (ki/bi) rack/net on which bananas are stored while ripening. It is usually built above the fireplace. Olwa leero ekibanyi lwe kigwa n’amenvu. Today is the day! cf. akabanyi, olubanyi. kibatu, e- (ki/bi) palm of the hand, ekibatu ky’ebinyeebwa, a handful of peanuts, cf. olubatu. kibaya, e- (ki/bi) basket-like structure made of papyrus which serves as a crib for babies; crib. kibazzi (la) grasshopper with reddish patches on the back and wings. kibbiitu, e- (ki/bi) abundance (of food, meat); celebration; rejoicing. kibbo, e- (ki/bi) type of basket made of papyrus, palm leaves or osiers and lined with the stems of plantain leaves, in the plur. baskets; food, meal, okuba mu bibbo, to be eating. Atulinnyidde mu bibbo. He has interrupted our meal/eating, cf. akabbo, olubbobbo, enzibo. kibe, e- (ki/bi) jackal. Ekika ky’Ekibe, the Jackal Clan. (The jackal is considered an animal of ill omen.) cf. akabe. kibebenu, e- (ki/bi) cartilage; gristle, cf. bebena, akabebenu. kibeere, e- (ki/bi) udder, cf. ebbeere. kibeere, e- (ki/bi) kind of thorny tree. kibegabega, e- (ki/bi) shoulder. Oggye ku mutwe otadde ku kibegabega. All right, very well. I have understood, you don’t have to say anything further, cf. begabega, akabe ga. kibejjagalo, e- (ki/bi) belch, okukuba eki- bejjagalo, to belch, cf. bejjagala. kibejjo, e- (ki/bi) something unusual/outside of the ordinary; an extraordinary happening. Kino kibejjo. This is horrible/terrible. kibembe, e- (ki/bi) crust (on burnt food); burnt portion adhering to the pan. ebibembe by’omusaayi, clots of blood, cf. bemba. kiberengeru, e- (ki/bi) wonder; marvel. Kino kiberengeru! This is unbelievable/terrible! kiberengu, e- no plur. (ki/bi) danger; trouble. kibi, e- (ki/bi) evil, evil thing; evil action; sin. cf. -bi. kibibi, e- (ki/bi) mound of earth (esp. that on which sweet potatoes are planted). kibibiro, e- (ki/bi) dam; embankment, cf. bibira. kibigiya, e- (ki/bi) rejoicing, merrymaking; great celebration. kibiina, e- (ki/bi) class (in school); crowd, gathering; association, society; organization; group; (political) party, ekibiina ky’abakozi, labor union, ekibiina ky’obu- fuzi, political party, cf. munnakibiina. kibijjigiri: kutunula kibijjigiri, to look exasperated; to look to be on the verge of crying. kibijjuko, e- (ki/bi) marvel, wonder; jubilant occasion, celebration. kibitnbijjukano, e- (ki/bi) mob; throng, cf. biiiibijjukana. kibindi, e- (ki/bi) big pipe (for smoking); ugly pipe. cf. emtnindi. kibinja, e- (ki/bi) group; crowd; flock; swarm. kibinuko, e- (ki/bi) feast; celebration; major social event, cf. ^binuka. kibinuzo, e- (ki/bi) lever, cf. binuka, binula. kibira, e- (ki/bi) forest, cf. Wabira. kibiribiri, e-: Nnalwalamu ekibiribiri. I felt weak all over. I felt feverish all over. cf. omubiri. kibiriiti, e- (ki/bi) [Su;. ] match; box of matches, cf. akabiriiti. kibo, e- (ki/bi) bug. kibo, e- (ki/bi) rib of Raffia monbuttorum palm leaf. cf. embo. kibobe, e- (ki/bi) disease of the nose characterized by an abnormal accumulation of mucus, rhinitis. kibogwe, e- with the -a of rel. partly ripened (of fruit); not completely done (of food); light colored (of Africans), empafu ey’eki- bogwe, a partially ripened mpafu fruit. Abantu abasinga obungi mu bitundu bino balina obugunjufu bwa kibogwe. Most of the people in these areas have a defective/ poor culture. kibombo, e- (ki/bi) kind of very strong beer (Buddu); kind of medicinal herb; grass used for cleaning the hands after peeling matooke. omulungi kibombo, a very beautiful girl. cf. ebbombo. kibombya mbwa adv. in a sneaky/furtive manner, lit. it causes the dog to flee. Wano yatuyiseeko kibombya mbwa nga n’okulabi- rira alabirira. He passed by us here in a very sneaky way, glancing from side to side. cf. bomba, embwa. kibonde with the -a of rel. docile; quiet; peaceful; bashful. Ente ya kibonde y’eyiwa amata. (prov.) The docile cow spills the milk. (Used in describing an aggressive act by someone who is considered shy and retiring.) cf. bondeera. i kibondo, e- (ki/bi) sac, sheath; fig. source; focal point, center; congested nose, eki- bondo ky’obujeemu, the source/focal point of the rebellion. kibonerezo, e- (ki/bi) punishment, cf. bona, bonereza. kibongoya (la) coma; sleeping sickness. cf. bongoya. kibonoobono, e- (ki/bi) suffering, cf. bona, bonaabona. kibonoomu plur. bakibonoomu (la) [Lunyorof) meteor, shooting star, comet, lit. something which is seen (bona) by only one person (omu). cf. bona. kibonyoobonyo, e- (ki/bi) suffering; torture. cf. bona, bonyaabonya. kiboobo, e- (ki/bi) kind of palm tree. kibooko, e- (ki/bi) [Stt>. ] whip of hippopotamus hide; whip; whipping; lash of the whip. kibowabowa, e- (ki/bi) kind of climbing plant, convolvulus. kibu, e- (ki/bi) time, period; mealtime; meal. kibubiro, e- (ki/bi) bleeding cup. cf. bubira. kibuga, e- (ki/bi) town, city, ekibuga eki- kulu, capital, okukuba ekibuga, to found a city. cf. embuga. kibugga (la) nettle. kibukuta (la) edible lily kibukutu, e- (ki/bi) piece of barkcloth; bark- cloth used as a bed covering; sackcloth, cloth worn as a sign of mourning. cf. ^bukuta. kibuli, e- (ki/bi) kukuba kibuli, to dodge (in soccer). kibulira: ekkundi lya kibulira, involuted/receding navel, cf. bula, bulira. kibululu, e- (ki/bi) darkness (inside of a building). kibumba, e- (ki/bi) liver. kibumbe, e- (ki/bi) piece of pottery, pottery product, something formed in clay. cf. bumba. kibumbuli, e- with the -a of rel. round and short; rotund, fat. kibundaaza adv. kutunula kibundaaza, to hang the head, look down, look sheepish. cf. bundaala, bundaaza. kibundibundi, e- (ki/bi) short-necked calabash. amazina ag’ekibundibundi, mock/ humorous dancing. kibundu, e- (ki/bi) crude, homemade gun. Also called magezigabaganda, q.v. cf. emmundu. kibundubundu, e- (ki/bi) kind of deciduous savannah tree, Steganotaenia araliacea. kibundugulu, e- (ki/bi) darkness; secrecy. 05 an adv. at an unusually late hour. Buli bye bakola babikolera eyo mu kibundugulu nze tebambuulira. Everything they do, they do in secrecy (or darkness) and don’t tell me about it. kibungu, e- (ki/bi) gum, gums, with the -a of rel. toothless, ow’ekibungu, a toothless person. kibuno, e- (ki/bi) gum, the tissue adjoining the teeth; palate, cf. akabuno. kibutamu, e- (ki/bi) incline, stretch of low- lying land. cf. butama. kibuto, e- (ki/bi) large stomach, cf. olubuto. kibutongululu (la) one who eats to excess, a ‘pig’ (very insulting). Kibuuka pr.n. war god, the name of a lubaale associated with war. kibuuliriro, e- (ki/bi) admonition, exhortation, admonishment, cf. buulirira. kibuutabuuta, e- (ki/bi) something which is wide and short; something which is flattened. kibuuzo, e- (ki/bi) question, interrogation; examination, kugwa bibuuzo, to fail examinations. cf. buuza. kibuyaga (la) storm, storm wind (over land areas), cf. embuyaga, ^omuyaga, Nnakayaga. kibuzi (la) kind of plantain. kibwatukira, e- adv. suddenly; unexpectedly. with the -a of rel. sudden; unexpected. Yafa kibwatukira. He died suddenly. cf. bwatuka. kibya, e- (ki/bi) bowl; vessel; plate. Gy’otosula tosalirayo bibya. (prov.) lit. Where you do not live, you do not serve the dishes (of food). You are master only in your own home or your own sphere of activity, cf. obubya. kicwamugusa, e- also kiryamugusa. usually plur. (ki/bi) kind of grasshopper (nseenene, q.v.). kidaaga, e- (ki/bi) kind of mushroom. kidaala, e- (ki/bi) temporary outdoor structure with open sides and a canopy, usually constructed with banana leaves. It is used for social events, wedding parties, etc. kidaali, e- (ki/bi) lining of a buttonhole of a kkanzu. kidde, e- more frequently ekiddedde no plur. (ki/bi) cloudy/overcast weather. kiddoddo, e- (ki/bi) weed. kidduka, e- (ki/bi) vehicle; motor vehicle; car. okufuga ekidduka, to be a good driver; to keep a car under control, ekidduka eky’omuliro, motor vehicle, cf. dduka. kiddukano, e- (ki/bi) diarrhea, ekiddukano ky’omusaayi, dysentery, cf. dduka, ddukana. kiddukiro, e- (ki/bi) place to flee, refuge, sanctuary, cf. dduka, ddukira. kidduko, e- (ki/bi) flight; retreat, cf. dduka. kide, e- (ki/bi) bell, okukuba ekide, to ring a bell. kidiba, e- (ki/bi) pool, pond, ekidiba eki- swimming pool. kidibundi, e- (ki/bi) broad and short-necked cal abash. kidikya, e- (ki/bi) jargon/slang used mostly by the young, cf. dikya, oludikya. kidima (n/n) hoe. kidodwe (la) kind of fig tree, Vallis choudae Del. kidoli, e- (ki/bi) bed pan. kidoma, e- (ki/bi) barrel, drum. cf. doomoola. kidondi, e- (ki/bi) point, tip; spool, ekidondi ky’ ewuzi, a spool of thread, cf. akadondi. kidongo, e- (ki/bi) guitar, banjo; stringed instrument, abakubi b’ebidongo, players of musical instruments; players in a band, okusuna ekidongo, to play a guitar; to play a guitar very well. cf. omudongo, endongo. kiduduli, e- (ki/bi) large shapeless mass; something as long as it is wide. Ntege yagejja kati alinga kiduduli. Ntege has become so fat that he looks like a piece of putty, cf. nnamududuli. kidumo, e- (ki/bi) dregs in unstrained beer. kidumusi, e- (ki/bi) diarrhea; dysentery, okugwamu ekidumusi, to get diarrhea. cf. dumuka. kidundu, e- (ki/bi) rough piece of barkcloth from the nseerere tree. cf. ddundu. kiduula, e- (ki/bi) party, social gathering; drinking party; gang. kidyeri, e- (ki/bi) fLusoga] ferry, ferryboat; raft. cf. akadyeri. kifaalu (n/n) patrol wagon, paddy wagon. kifaalu (n/n) [Stv. ] whip (made of rhinoceros skin); lash. Wa kuku.bwa kifaalu taano. He is to beaten with five lashes. kifaananyi, e- (ki/bi) image, likeness; picture; photograph; painting, ekifaananyi ekibumbe, statue, omusiizi w’ebifaananyi, artist, ebifaananyi ebisiige, paintings, omukubi w’ebifaananyi, photographer, okukuba ebifaananyi bya..., to take pictures of, photograph. okukukuba ekifaananyi, to imagine. c f. faanana. kifabakazi, e- (ki/bi) tulip tree, Nandi flame tree, Spathodea nilotica & Spathodea cam- panulata. It grows up to forty feet tall and is often planted as an avenue and shade tree. kifaggulo plur. bakifaggulo (la) heavy sleeper, one who goes into a deep sleep upon retiring, lit. (one who) dies in the evening, cf. fa, ggulo. kifamukokko, e- usually with the -a of rel. useless; wasted; of no purpose; not being fully utilized. Omulimu guno gwali gwa kifamukokko. This job was a waste of time. Ekifo kiri awo kya kifamukokko. The place is there going to waste/serving no purpose. eby'ekifamukokko, things acquired without any effort; useless things. kifeetete, e- rare sing, of ebifeetete, q.v. kifenesi, e-: [Siv.] jack-fruit. omuti gw’eki- fenensi (= Sw. mfenesi), jack-fruit tree. kifi, e- (ki/bi) piece/slice of meat; piece of flesh, ekifi ky’ennyama, a piece of meat. kifiirizi, e- no plur. (ki/bi) bad luck, misfortune; impotence, cf. Ifa, firiiza. kifikkirizi with the -a of rel. excess, more than enough. Emmere afunye ya kifikkirizi. He has got more than enough food. cf. fikka. kifo, e- (ki/bi) place, spot; relig. parish, mu kifo kya, instead of, in place of. ebifo eby’okusomesa ebyereere, vacant teaching positions, cf. obufo, enfo. kifu, e- (ki/bi) fog, mist; poor sight; cataract. kifuba, e- (ki/bi) chest; breast; bosom; measure of length (from the center of the chest to the end of the arm); cough, cold in the chest, flu. okwekuba mu kifuba, to repent; to reconsider one’s position, cf. ^akafuba, olufuba. kifudu (la) kind of plant resembling a bean plant; bean produced by the plant. kifugi, e- (ki/bi) porch, veranda. kifuko, e- crowdedness, usually as an adv. or with the -a of rel. close together, crowded; abundant, plentiful. Ejinaano ya kifuko. The wheat is thickly sown. Aba- karamoja bazimba kifuko. The Karamoja build (their houses) close together, cf. fuka. kifulugunyu (la) drab/unattractive/objectionable person. kifulukwa, e- (ki/bi) deserted house; deserted place. Omukadde akira ekifulukwa. (prov.) An old feeble tenant is better than an empty house. Half a loaf is better than no bread, cf. fuluka. kifumbamutuku see mutuku. kifumu, e- (ki/bi) tool for digging holes in the ground. cf. effumu. kifumufumu, e- (ki/bi) kind of plant, marshmallow. kifundikwa, e- (ki/bi) knot; end, conclusion. The synonyms ekifundikizo and ekifundikiro occur with much less frequency, cf. fundika, fundikira. kifunfugu, (ki/bi) a solid lump of soil. kifunvu, e- (ki/bi) mound, embankment; molehill. kifunvuba, e- (ki/bi) swelling/knot on a tree. kifuta, e- with the -a of rel. oily, omubiri ogw’ekifuta, oily body/complexion. cf. amafuta. kifuufu more commonly kafuufu, q.v. quickly; without stopping. kifuula (la) fiber plant, Abutilon indicum. kifuulannenge: mu ngeri ya kifuulannenge, upside down, reversed, cf. fuula, olulenge. kifuumuulampawu see kafuumuulampawu. kifuutiiko adv. in a crowded manner. Baali batudde kifuutiiko. They were sitting all crowded together, cf. fuutiika. kifuuyi, e- (ki/bi) sudd, mass of floating vegetation which obstructs the course of a river (esp. the Nile). kifuvu, e- (ki/bi) piece of barkcloth (lubugo) used for tying things. kiga (-kize) v.i., arch dance (at a ceremony after the birth of twins). kigaaga, e- (ki/bi) something flattened out /esp. of food, such as a boiled plantain which has been flattened out, a flat broad a grandchild. kigaali, e- (ki/bi) [Sie., Hind.f\ large vehicle; railroad car; trailer; cart; ugly old bicycle, kugalangatana nga kigaali kya muyiga, to walk unsteadily; to be unsteady or clumsy in what one is doing, lit., to be unsteady like the bicycle of one who is learning (to ride), cf. eggaali, akagaali. kigaga, e- (ki/bi) variety of papyrus. kigagamba, e- (ki/bi) scale (of a fish or reptile). cf.. gagambuka, eggamba, eggagamba. kigagi, e- (ki/bi) kind of wild aloe. kigala, e- (ki/bi) stock/butt of a gun. eki- gala ky’emmundu, stock of a gun. kigalabi, e- (ki/bi) snout (of a hog). kigalagamba, e- (ki/bi) scale (e.g., of a fish); scab; crust, cf. eggalagamba; eggamba, ekigagamba. kigalala, e- (ki/bi) house without a partition. kigalanga, e- see ebigalanga. kigali (ki/bi) camel-foot tree, Bauhinia thonningii, from which dye and a substitute for soap are obtained. kigali, e- (ki/bi) gift (usually money) offered to a lubaale; basket in which the money is placed. kigalubira, e- also ekigalulira (ki/bi) root of a yam while still young. kigambo, e- (ki/bi) word; saying; matter, affair. Si kigambo. It doesn’t matter, cf. gamba, akagambo, amagambo. kiganda, e- with the -a of rel. of or in the Kiganda style, manner or fashion, empisa ez'ekiganga, Kiganda customs. Ayambadde kiganda. He is dressed in the Kiganda fashion, cf. -ganda, Obuganda, Omuganda. kiganda, e- (ki/bi) large bundle; large heap. c f. omuganda. kigangali, e- (ki/bi) wide-mouthed gourd. kigango, e- (ki/bi) unwalled or partially walled enclosure used for meetings, meals, etc.; audience hall. kiganja, e- (ki/bi) hoof. kigaya, e- (ki/bi) gray monkey. kigazigazi, e- also kyaziyazi adv. crosswise. okntuula ekigazigazi, to sit sprawled out, sit in a very relaxed manner; to feel at ease in the company of others. Atuula kyaziyazi omugumba ky’atuula ku mbaga. She takes up a lot of space like a childless woman at a wedding party, cf. -gazi. kigembe, e- (ki/bi) trap for large animals. kigendabusa, e- (ki/bi) euph. snake, python, lit. it goes naked. kigendererwa, e- (ki/bi) that which is intended, intention, purpose, aim. cf. genda, genderera. kigenekere, e-: omunnyu ogw’ekigenekere, salt extracted from vegetable cinders. cf. geneka. kigeneko, e- (ki/bi) filter for straining salt from ashes; cinders of burnt plants which are used for washing, cf. geneka. kigenge, e- see ebigenge. kigenyi, e-: kwekola kigenyi, to have a wonderful time, enjoy oneself thoroughly. cf. -genyi. kigere, e- (ki/bi) foot; paw; footstep; footprint. ekigere ekisajja, big toe. ow’ebi- gere, pedestrian, okudda mu bigere bya..., to follow in the steps of; to replace, kulya kintu ne musenza bigere, to eat one’s fill, lit. to eat something and you push away with the feet. cf. obugeregere, eggere, akagere, olugere. kigerekyanvubu (la) kind of cooking banana; large round metal plate. kigero, e- (ki/bi) measure, measurement; size; build; extent, with the -a of rel. moderate. Kirungi omwenge onywenga gwa kigero. You should drink beer in moderation. Obuyivu bwabwe si bwa kigero eki- bayinzisa okusoma ebitabo bino. Their education is not sufficient to enable them to read these books, cf. ^gera. kigezo, e- (ki/bi) test; trial; temptation; usually in the plur. (school) examination. cf. Igera. kiggala plur. bakiggala (la) deaf person. cf. ^ggala. kiggu, e- (ki/bi) castanet of a sorcerer. cf. enjasabiggu. kiggwa, e- (ki/bi) shrine of a lubaale; place of burial for elders of a clan. See essabo. kiggya, e- (ki/bi) grave site; family graveyard; graveyard. kiggya, e- (ki/bi) something which is new, new one, novelty, cf. -ggya. kiggyo, e- (ki/bi) piece of a broken pot, potsherd. cf. oluggyo. kigi, e- (ki/bi) spoiled egg. cf. eggi. kigimusa, e- (ki/bi) fertilizer, ekkolero ly’ebi- gimusa, fertilizer factory, cf. - gimu, gimusa. kigingi, e- (ki/bi) block placed under the wheel of a vehicle to prevent it from rolling; fig. stumbling block. kigo, e- (ki/bi) fenced enclosure; stockade, yard; fort; relig. parish. kigobero, e- (ki/bi) gain; winnings; end, terminus, cf. goba. kigodo, e- (ki/bi) thick layer of skin below the hair (of pigs and similar animals). kigogo, e- (ki/bi) fresh plantain fiber, used as a sponge, cf. olugogo, omugogo. kigojja, e- (ki/bi) kind of small basket trap for catching small fish (nkejje). The traps were tied together in pairs by a cord three or four feet long. (Roscoe ). kigologonjo: enkuufiira ya kigologonjo, fez. kigomba, e- (ki/bi) mash made from dried plantains, consumed particularly in time of famine. Kigongo pr.n. name of child bom before twins. See Kizza. kigongo, e- (ki/bi) back; backbone; meat from the back of a game animal, cf. ^omugongo. kigoogwa, e- (ki/bi) sisal plant; piece of sisal (before being processed); area where sisal grows, cf. obugoogwa, akagoogwa. kigooko, e- (ki/bi) calamity, catastrophe. kigotta, e- (ki/bi) lit. that which pounds, masher; pestle, cf. gotta. kigoyeweezinge (la) complication, difficulty, ‘hitch.’ Eby’ol ugendo Iwange byajjamu kigoyeweezinge. A problem developed about my trip. Ebintu byajjamu kigoyeweezinge. Things did not work out very well. Complications developed. kigu, e- (ki/bi) trap for capturing larger animals; drop-trap. kigugu, e- (ki/bi) cushion, pillow (made of grass or banana fibers), mu ngeri eteri ya kusimba lukokola ku kigugu, in a very industrious way, without showing any laziness, lit. in a way which is not that of planting the elbow on the pillow. kiguju, e- (ki/bi) small dried slice of young pumpkin or squash. kiguli, e- (ki/bi) large cage; animal cage. cf. akaguli. kigulumu, e- also ekigulumo (ki/bi) embankment, mound of earth, slope, cf. eggulumu. kigulumusu (la) kind of edible mushroom. kigumbo, e- (ki/bi) mustering place of cows. cf. gumba. kiguniya, e- (ki/bi) sheet of burlap/canvas; large gunny sack. cf. egguniya. kiguude, e- (ki/bi) gruel of crushed green beans, okulya ekiguude, to insult grossly, slander maliciously. kiguuna, e- (ki/bi) scalp disease; area from which the hair has disappeared because of the disease. kigwagwa, e- (ki/bi) stupid/foolish/idiotic person, eby’ekigwagwa, foolishness stupidity, cf. -gwagwa. kigwo, e- (ki/bi) trip, fall; throw in wrestling; wrestling; wrestling match, kukuba kigwo. to throw (in wrestling), kukwata kigwo, to wrestle, omukubi w’ekigwo, wrestler. Ngudde kigwo. I have fallen/tripped, kugwa kigwo, to be wasted/squandered. Essente ze nnawaayo okusomesa omwana oyo zaagwa kigwo. The money I spent to educate that child was utterly wasted, cf. gwa. kiiba (-kiibye) v.tr. go alongside of, skirt. kiibiriza (-kiibirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. go alongside of; sneak alongside of. kiika (-kiise) v.tr. put across, place sideways, place horizontally. -ekiika (-ekiise) v.i. refl. place oneself sideways; take position across; block, okwekiika mu kkkubo lya..., to stand in the way of, block the way of. kiikira (-kiikidde) v.tr. appl. place across/ sidewise in/for, etc., place by the side, place alongside; interpose. Yankiikira ensingo. He is vexed/irritated at me. kiikiriza (-kiikirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. interpose. -ekiikiriza (-ekiikirizza) v.i. & tr. appl. 2 caus. refl. go along side of, skirt along; put oneself in the path (of); block with one’s body; interpose oneself, cf. obukiika, amakiikakiika, omukiikiro. kiika (-ki ise) v.i. attend court or council; call formally on a chief; have a formal audience. kiikira (-kiikidde) v.tr. appl. have an audience with; pay an official visit to. Yayagala nnyo okukiikira Kabaka George V. mu Bungereza. He very much wanted to have an audience with King George V. in England. kiikirira (-kiikiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 represent, serve as a representative for fan administrative unit in a country), ebitundu bye bakiikirira, the sections which they represent. kiikulula (-kiikuludde) v.tr. conv. 2 dismiss those attending an audience; end a session. kiikulukuka (-kiikulukuse) v.i. conv. 2 be dismissed (of an audience); end, be disbanded (of a session). cf. akakiiko, olukiiko, omukiise. kiikino (plur. biibino) Here it is! (Here they are!) (Used in reference to nouns of the ki/bi class.) kiina (-kiinye) v.tr. deride, sneer at, taunt, be sarcastic to. -ekiina (-ekiinye) v.i. refl. deceive oneself; brag. cf. ekikiino, makiinekiine. -ekiinya (-ekiinyizza) v.i. refl. strut, walk in a strutting/pompous manner. kiisi invar, adj. each, every, kiisi mulenzi yenna ayagala okugula ekitabo, any boy at all who wishes to buy the book. kiiso, e- pej. augm. of liiso, eye. Kiiso kya mbuzi kirekera omussi ne kitunuulira omu- baazi. (prov.) The eye of the goat turns away from the one who is killing it and looks at the one who will skin it. Perhaps this means that we do not always realize who our real enemies are. kiisooso, e-: okutunula ekiisooso, to avert one’s gaze; to look askance, cast an uneasy/suspicious glance, cf, ekiiso, eriiso. kiiya (-kiiye, -kiiyizza) v.tr. disdain, view superciliously, view with contempt. kiiyagana (-kiiyaganye) v.i. recip. despise one another. cf. -kiiyi. -kiiyi adj. hateful, spiteful, contemptuous. cf. kiiya. kijagali, e- (ki/bi) skin cloak or mat made of several skins sewn together. kijaguzo, e- (ki/bi) celebration; festival; jubilee; party; rejoicing, exultation. Bampi- se ku kijaguzo kyabwe eky’emyaka 25 mu bufumbo. They have invited me to their 25th wedding anniversary celebratiob. c/. j aguza. kijanjaalo, e- (ki/bi) bean, kukkuta bijanjaalo,’ colloq. to be pregnant, cf. janjaala. kijeero, e- (ki/bi) trailing robe. kijegera, e- with the -a of rel. of long duration (esp. of talk), omuntu ow’ekijegera, an incessant talker, cf. jegera. kijiiko, e- (ki/bi) spoon, kukuba kijiiko, to fry. cf. akajiiko. kijja (-kizze) v.tr. loathe, hate, detest. kijjakijjana (-kijjakijjanye), kijjagana (-kijjaganye) v.i. recip. hate each other, loathe one another, kijjakijjana also has a non-reciprocal use: aggravate, be obnoxious to, molest. kijjaggulwe, e- no plur. (ki/bi) gloomy, threatening weather (usually in the evening). Kyali kijjaggulwe It was threatening to rain. kijja(na)nnenge also kijjamalenge (la) baby bom with feet first. (Formerly it was thought that such a child would grow up to he a criminal. It was often strangled and buried at the crossroads. Hence the word sometimes has the meaning of unknown corpse.) cf. olulenge. kijjankunene, e- also amajjankunene (ki/bi) prodigy, marvel; something amazing. kijjanya (-kijjanyizza) v.tr. harass, bother; persecute, cf. kijja. kijjiro, e- (ki/bi) clay pit. kijjobi, e- (ki/bi) great commotion/confusion; large feast/banquet. kijjolooto, e- also ekijjo (ki/bi) marvel; prodigy; strange thing; sensation. kijjukizo, e- (ki/bi) memorial; reminder. cf. jjukira, jjukiza. kijjulo, e- (ki/bi) banquet, feast; meal to which one is invited. Taggwa ku bijjulo. He never misses an event (banquet, sports event, etc.). He goes to everything. cf. ^jjula. kijoga (la) common brown bird about the size of a weaver. kijonjoli, e- also ejjonjoli (ki/bi) kind of bird resembling a bulbul. kijuujulu, e- (ki/bi) young cockerel, pullet; young person (from the age of about 16 to 20); pretty girl. kijwenge, e- (ki/bi) fringe; mane, long hair. cf. akajwenge. kika, e- (ki/bi) clan; family; type, kind; form. t or sub-divisions of the clan see ~essiga, omutuba and olunyiriri. kikaabugo, e- (ki/bi) temporary enclosure/ shelter made of grass, reeds and small trees, cf. kaabuga. kikaali, e- (ki/bi) fence; arch, royal or chief’s enclosure (among the Banyoro). kikaayi, e- (ki/bi) piece of gourd used as a scoop. kikafuuwe or kafuuwe God forbid! Don’t say things like that! cf. fuuwa. kikajjo, e- (ki/bi) sugarcane. kikakampa, e- (ki/bi) scab on a sore. kikakka, e- (ki/bi) overgrown piece of land, land that is uncultivable or difficult to cultivate. kikalango, e- (ki/bi) arch, frying pan. cf. ^kalanga. kikalappwa, e- (ki/bi) dry scale; scab (e.g., on a wound); pupa, cocoon. kikambi, e- (ki/bi) honeycomb after the honey has been removed. kikambo, e- (ki/bi) urinal, cf. kamba. kikami, e- (ki/bi) kind of lemur, potto, Perodieticus potto. kikamulo, e- (ki/bi) leavings of grass and bananas which remain after the pressing process used in making beer, ebikamulo bya caayi, tea leavings, tea leaves after the substance has been pressed out of them. cf. kamula. kikande, e- (ki/bi) deserted stretch of land; wasteland, ekkubo ery’ekikande, a road in a deserted or barren place. kikangabwa, e- (ki/bi) shock; terror; terrifying event; something appalling, akabenje ak’ekikangabwa, a shocking accident, kukuba kikangabwa, to shock, terrify. Ekikangabwa tekimanya muzira. (prov.) A terrifying event does not recognize a hero, i.e., it elicits the same response from brave men and cowards. kikanja, e- (ki/bi) usually in plur. ebikanja. strains/dregs/residuum of beer, tea, coffee or something squeezed or strained; malt grains, cf. enkanja. kikankano, e- (ki/bi) shaking; trembling; earthquake, cf. kankana. kikankanyiga, e- (ki/bi) something useless, piece of junk; empty bundle from which simsim/sesame seeds have been removed. kikapu, e- (ki/bi) bag made of dried palm leaves; shopping basket. kikasa, e- (ki/bi) rare beating of drums in honor of Mukasa (the lubaale). kikata, e- (ki/bi) large head pad; large pot pad; ridge of earth dug for planting potatoes. cf. ekkata, enkata. kikeerezi, e- also ekikeererezi adv. late; belatedly, cf. ^kya, keerera. kikeesa, e- (ki/bi) colloq. nightclub. cf. ^kya, keera. kikeke, e- (ki/bi) skin rash. kikekenke, e- (ki/bi) monster; freak. kikemo, e- (ki/bi) trial, test; temptation. cf. ^kema. kikennembi, e- (ki/bi) kind of very large ant which is fond of sugar. kikere, e- (ki/bi) frog; toad. cf. ekkere. kikerejje, e-: okusala ekikerejje, to make a circuit. kiki plur. biki interrog. pron. what? which? Kino kiki? What is this? Bino biki? What are these? cf. ki. kikiino, e- (ki/bi) sneer; derision; taunt; sarcasm, cf. kiina. kikiitana (-kikiitanye) v.i. move/act unsteadily; act clumsily, fumble, fumble around, flounder about. kikijjama, e- adv. crosswise; obliquely. kikijjana (-kikijjanye) v.i. struggle (withJ; be bothered (with); fuss (with); be restless, thrash about. kikinala (-kikinadde) v.i. stick up; stick out, project, protrude; fig. become disrespectful; become unruly. Tonkikinalako. Don’t become insolent with me. kikinaza (-kikinazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to stick out, etc. cf. bibinala, giginala. kikindu, e- (ki/bi) small palm tree. cf. olukindu. kikingizzi adv. forcefully, with force. Omu- bbi baamututte kikingizzi. The thief was forcefully dragged away. kikko, e- (ki/bi) slope of a hill; descent; trough, low point; escarpment; valley. cf. kka, olukko. kikkowe, e- (ki/bi) sigh, okussa ekikkowe, to sigh, okussa ku kikkowe, to take a rest/ a breather. kiko, e- (ki/bi) obscenity, ekigambo eky’ekiko, an indecent/obscene word. cf. ebiko, ekko. kikobo, e- rare var. of olukobo, q.v. kikokko, e- also kikokkyo, kikokyo (ki/bi) riddle; mystery, enigma, cf. kokka (under kokya). kikokkolizo, e- also ekikwakkulizo (ki/bi) trap; snare. kikokkyo, kikokyo see ekikokko. kikoligo, e- (ki/bi) yoke. cf. ekkoligo, enkoligo. kikolimo, e- (ki/bi) curse, imprecation; abomination, evil thing, cf. kolima. kikolo, e- (ki/bi) root; base of a tree. cf. enkolo. kikolobero, e- (ki/bi) disgrace, shame; abomination; corruption; deceit, ebikolwa eby’ekikolobero, shameful acts. cf. atna- kolobero. kikolokomba, e- (ki/bi) stem of a bunch of plantains. kikolokonda, e- (ki/bi) knife blade without a handle. kikololo, e- (ki/bi) cough, cf. kolola. kikolwa, e- (ki/bi) act, action, deed, kikolwa kya ssapule, decade of the rosary. Ebikolwa by’Abatume, the Acts of the Apostles, cf. kola. kikombooza also kikomboozo (la) a person who makes off with/takes things which do not belong to him. cf. kombooza. kikome, e-: obudde bw’ekikome, cloudy weather, cloudy day. kikomo, e- (ki/bi) copper; bracelet, cf. olukomo. kikompe, e- (ki/bi) cup, mug; relig. chalice; ciborium. kikona, e- (ki/bi) fruit which is slow in ripening, cf. kona. kikonde, e- (ki/bi) fist, omukubi w’ebikonde, boxer, ebikonde, fists; boxing, okusekera mu kikonde, to laugh inwardly, suppress a laugh, cf. ekkonde. kikondo, e- (ki/bi) post, pole; large peg. ekikondo kya mailo, milepost, cf. aka- kondo, enkondo. kikondoolo, e- (ki/bi) lap; bosom. kikonge, e- (ki/bi) tree stump; colloq. dignitary; high official, ‘big shot.’ cf. obu- konge, ^enkonge. kikongo, e- (ki/bi) kind of very hard yam. kikongoliro, e- (ki/bi) corn/maize cob from which the kernels have been removed. cf. kongola, akakongoliro. kikongoolo, e- (ki/bi) grimace, facial expression of disgust. Ebikongoolo tebitta nnume. (prov.) lit. Grimaces do not kill a bull. Sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me. cf. kongoola. kikonjobole, e- (ki/bi) cut; scratch, cf. konjobola. kikono, e- (ki/bi) arm of lake/sea, cove, estuary, inlet; bay. cf. omukono. kikoodo, e- (ki/bi) [Lunyoro] bunch, bundle of grain kikookolo, e-: okusibira okukookolo, to play a trick on. cf. akakookolo. kikookooma, e- (ki/bi) plant with large, soft leaves which are used as toilet paper. kikoola, e- (ki/bi) leaf of a tree. kikoomi, e- (ki/bi) bonfire; burning of trash or grass, ekikoomi ky’omukka, a cloud of smoke, cf. enkoomi. kikoowukoowu, e- adv. very tired, exhausted. cf. koowa. kikooyi, e- (ki/bi) piece of cloth, about three or four yards, wom by Baganda women under the busuuti, q.v. kikopo, e- (ki/bi) [£ng.] cup. kikowe, e- (ki/bi) eyelid, okutemya ekikowe, to wink; to blink, nga kutemya kikowe, in an instant, cf. olukowe. kiku, e- (ki/bi) bedbug. kiku, e- (ki/bi) large piece of dead wood; old piece of firewood, cf. oluku. kikubagizo, e- (ki/bi) sympathy; consolation; comfort, cf. kubagiza. kikubira, e- (ki/bi) fold, pleat (in a garment), c f. Ikuba. kikubiro, e- (ki/bi) heap of grass and soil piled on the border of a garden to separate it from another garden, cf. ^kuba. kikudumu, e- also ekikudumo (ki/bi) dregs in unstrained beer. kikufiri, e- (ki/bi) rare small tuft of hair. kikufuffu, e- (ki/bi) kind of large owl. kikuggu, c with the c. of rel. cropped, docked, omukira ogw'ekikuggu, a docked tail. cf. enkuggu. kikugunyu, e- (ki/bi) hip. cf. ekkugunyu, olukugunyu. kikujjuko, e- (ki/bi) marvel, wonder, wonderful thing. kikukku adv. alone. kikuku, e- no plur. (ki/bi) kind of skin disease characterized by a rash and excessive itching, kukuba muntu kikuku, to infect a person with a disease by the use of charms/witchcraft, cf. olukuku. kikukumo, e- (ki/bi) hiding place; lair. cf. kukuma. kikula, e* (ki/bi) form, structure, build; stature; make-up, appearance; type, kind. cf. kula, ^enkula. kikulejje, e- (ki/bi) marvel, prodigy, something that causes wonder or astonishment. kikulekule, e- (ki/bi) wonder; marvel; prodigy; freak; monster. kikulukuto, e- (ki/bi) flow, ekikulukuto ky’omusaayi, issue of blood, hemorrhage. cf. kulukuta. kikulukuunyo, e- (ki/bi) den, lair. cf. kulukuunya. kikulumu, e- also ekikulumo (ki/bi) spleen. kikulungujjo (la) mound, hillock. kikulwa, e- (ki/bi) red earth/ocher used in painting canoes. kikumi, e- numer. (ki/bi) hundred, with the -a of rel. hundredth, ekitabo eky’ekikumi, the hundredth book. cf. -kumi. kikumule, e- (ki/bi) collection; abundance. kikungo, e- (ki/bi) raid, foray; roundup (e.g., of suspects); gathering together, akalulu ak’ekikungo, referendum, plebiscite. c f. ^kunga. kikungu, e- with the -a of rel. pertaining to the office or person of a high-ranking official or a chief, also as adv. okwambala ekikungu, to dress like a chief, cf. omu- kungu. kikunku, e- (ki/bi) stump of a limb, truncated limb, omukono ogw’ebikunku, a hand without fingers, cf. akakunku. kikunta, e- (ki/bi) blanket; barkcloth covering. in the plur. bedding, okwekuba eki- kunta, to go to bed. kikunta also kikunnunta (la) storm; squall; strong wind, gale. cf. kunta, ^kunnunta. kikunnunta, e- (ki/bi) sieve, cf. ^kunnunta. kikuta, e- (ki/bi) skin; peel; rind; husk, ebinyeebwa eby’ebikuta, peanuts/groundnuts in the shell, cf. olukuta. kikutuko, e-: okufa okw’ekikutuko, sudden death, okufa ekikutuko, to die suddenly. cf. kutuka. kikutukutu adv. rapidly, in a hurry. kikutuzi, e- (ki/bi) kind of small moth which is very destructive to clothing,»-it also gets into beds and sucks the blood of human beings. kikuubo, e- (ki/bi) large passage/corridor; large stripe, olugoye olw’ebikuubo, striped garment, cf. akakuubo, ekkuubo, olukuubo. kikuubuuko, e- (ki/bi) enlarged spleen; intestinal ailment common among children. kikuuku, e- rare var. of ekikunku, q.v. kikuukuulu, e- (ki/bi) cluster; group; crowd; gang; concentration, ekikuukuulu ky’abantu, a group of people (concentrated in one area). cf. akakuukuulu. kikuuma, e- with the -a of rel. hard, solid (e.g., of potatoes). kikuuno, e- (ki/bi) wonder, marvel, amazing thing; amazement. kikuusikuusi, e- with the -a of rel. pale red, having the color of red earth (lukuusi, q.v.). kikuute, e- (ki/bi) well-trodden path, beaten track (esp. of the sort produced by large animals), cf. kuuta. kikuyiro, e- (ki/bi) dirty mark, stain, cf. kuya. kikuzzi, e- (ki/bi) mane, long hair (of an animal). kikwa, e- (ki/bi) bad luck, bit of hard luck. Leka kutuleetera kikwa. Don’t bring us bad luck. kikwakkuzi, e- (ki/bi) snatching; pilferage, tendency towards theft; thief, pilferer. cf. kwakkula. kikwalo, e- (ki/bi) skin of an animal, particularly that which is prepared arid used as food (e.g., of a buffalo); skin of an animal where the hair has been scraped off. kikwanga, e- (ki/bi) sort; category; group; class; sect. kikwangala, e- with the -a of rel. fake, sham; fraudulent; counterfeit, ensimbi ez’eki- kwangala, counterfeit money. kikwasi, e- (ki/bi) burr. cf. kwata. kikwaso, e- (ki/bi) safety pin; brooch; clasp, cf. kwata. kikwate, e- (ki/bi) a selection given to students by a teacher for memorization, cf. kwata. kikwekweto, e- (ki/bi) raid, foray; scouting patrol, ekikwekweto ekikessi, scouting expedition, reconnaissance mission, cf. kwekweta. kikwembe, e- (ki/bi) long garment/cloth worn over the shoulder. kima (-kimye) v.tr. fetch, go to get, go for. kimira (-kimidde) v.tr. appl. fetch for/in, etc. kimya (-kimizza) v.tr. caus. make fetch, cause to go for. -ekimya (-ekimizza) v.tr. caus. refl. pretend to go to get. Kamya bwe yawulira amaloboozi mu ddiiro ne yeekimya amawu- lire alabe baani abo. When Kamya heard voices in the living room he pretended to fetch the newspaper so that he might see who they were. kimaka, e- adv. okutunula ekimaka, to stare hard/fixedly. kimala, e- adv. enough, sufficiently. cf. ^mala. kimama, e- adv. inattentively, without paying attention. Yavuza kimama. He drove carelessly. kimba (-kimbye) v.i. have a look of disgust. v.tr. view with disgust/scorn; look at threateningly; be rude/insolent toward. cf. kimbuula. kimbagaya (la) kind of bird, ground hornbill. kimba] a, e- (ki/bi) goliath heron. kimbe, e- (ki/bi) bad disease, serious illness. cf. olumbe. Kimbugwe (la) the title of the keeper of the Kabaka’s umbilical cord, formerly the chief of Buluuli County. kimbuula (-kimbudde) v.tr. treat rudely, be rude to; view with hostility /contempt. cf. kimba. kimbuyege (la) short person who is the object of contempt, contemptible little fellow. kimenyoomenyo, e- no plur. (ki/bi) rheumatism; aching/stiffness of the limbs, cf. menya. kimererezi, e- (ki/bi) self-sown seeds; plant/ crop from self-sown seeds, cf. mera. kimiirimiiri, e- no plur. (ki/bi) resentment, anger. kimiro, e- (ki/bi) trachea, windpipe, okukuba ekimiro, to yodel, sing by tapping the throat in a manner formerly practiced by goatherds, cf. mira, omumiro. kimmooni var. of kimmuuni, q.v. kimmuuni also kimmooni and kammooni. kukuba kimmuuni, to evade, dodge, give (someone) the slip; to trick. kimogo, e-: okutunula ekimogo, to cast a furtive/coy/shy glance. Saamukubako kimogo. I did not catch a glimpse of him. cf. moga. kimogoti, e- (ki/bi) kind of large mpindi bean. kimommo, e- (ki/bi) kind of large ant. Ebi- nyeebwa ebikutte ekimommo, thick peanut/ groundnut soup. kimomozo, e- adv. secretly; furtively; quietly. Ayogeza kimomozo. She is soft spoken. kimote with the -a of rel. olubugo olwa ki- mote, a high-quality barkcloth which is deep brown in color and very soft. kimpatiira, e- adv. mu ngeri ey’ekimpatiira, suddenly, spontaneously. kimpoowooze, e- no plur. (ki/bi) with the -a of rel. calm; gentle, as an adv. calmly, gently. Ayogera kimpoowooze. He talks in a very calm manner. Obudde bwa kimpoowooze. The weather is pleasant, olutalo olw’ekimpoowooze, the cold war. kimpukumpuku (ki/bi) beer which is brewed privately and hidden away by the owner. kimpumpuli, e- var. of ekibumbuli, q.v. kimu, e- (plur. ebimu) numer. one (in the plur. some). Used with nouns of the ki/bi class or when no specific noun is referred to. buli kimu, everything, kye kimu, the same (thing), in the same way/manner. Ekyo kye k imu n’okugamba nti toogende. This is the same thing as saying that you will not go. okussa ekimu, to be in agreement; to receive Holy Communion, lit. to breathe (as) one. cf. ^-mu. kimugunyu, e- adv. quietly, silently, mu kimugunyu, in silence, silently (often of eating), olutalo olw’ekimugunyu, cold war; underground hostilities, cf. mugunya. kimuli, e- (ki/bi) flower, okulya ekimuli, to interrupt; to cut in on. n’atulya ekimuli, and he interrupted us. kimunye, e- (ki/bi) pupil of the eye. okukuba ekimun'’e, to see °ef a D‘limnse of. Olwfl- kubwako ekimunye nga akwatibwa. As soon as he was spotted he was apprehended. cf. emmunye. kimwege: kuseka kimwege, to laugh in a restrained manner, smother one’s laughter; chuckle, cf. ^mwega. kimyanso, e- (ki/bi) flash, gleam; lightning. cf. myansa. kimyu, e- (ki/bi) a large band/piece of cloth tied around the waist as a sign of mourning; in the plur. loins, okusiba (or okwesiba) ekimyu, to gird the loins, take a resolute stand, become very determined. kimyula, e- (ki/bi) kind of yellow flower, resembling a sunflower, from which a reddish dye is obtained; fig. something beautiful/ resplendent. Omwana omuwala oli si kimyula kitalo butalo. That girl is not just beautiful, she is ravishing. kinaabiro, e- (ki/bi) bathroom, washroom. cf. naaba. kinaana, e- numer. eighty, with the -a of rel, eightieth, cf. -naana. kinaawuuzi, e- (ki/bi) evil urge/compulsion. Kinaawuuzi ki ekyamukozesa kityo? What ever made him act in this horribLe manner? kinagguka (-kinagguse) v.i. be derisive/ scornful; act/talk mockingly; sneer, cf. amakinaggule. kinakkina var. of tinattina, q.v. kinda (-kinze) v. tr. sew; stitch. kindirira (-kindiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 sew in many places; sew quickly; embroider. kindulula t-kinduluddel v.tr. conv. 2 un- sew; unstitch. kinduka (-kinduse) v.i. conv. become unsewn/unstitched. cf. olukindo, enkinzo. kindikira (-kindikidde) v.tr. tuck in fa garment at the waist). kineene, e- (ki/bi) calamity, catastrophe. kinejjulira (la) bachelor, lit. one who serves (food) for himself, cf. ^jjula. kinenyo, e- (ki/bi) criticism; blame, ebi- nenyo ebizimba, constructive criticism. cf. nenya. kinfiira, a-: kuba n’essanyu ery’akinfiira, to experience a momentary happiness followed by grief, cf. fa, fiira. kiniga, e- no plur. (ki/bi) jealousy, jealous anger, jealous rage. Ekiniga kyankwata. I was seized with jealousy. -ekinika (-ekinise) v.i. refl. be fastidious; show a reluctance to do work or do what one is supposed to do; spare/pamper oneself; act in a silly manner, trifle, cf. -eginika. kininkuka (-kininkuse) v.i. -ekininkula (-ekininkudde) v.i. refl. be lax in the performance of one’s duties; baby oneself. kininni, e- with the -a of rel. reserved, reticent; cool, cold (in manner), ow’ekininni, a reserved person; a person of cold demeanor. kinjagali, e- (ki/bi) arch, thigh. kinkuliti, e- (ki/bi) space under the bed. kinkumu, e- (ki/bi) thumb, ebinkumu by’engalo, fingerprints. kinna- the stem of distributive numeral adverbs. The following relate to nouns of the mu/ba (personal) class: kinnoomu, one by one. kinnababirye, two by two, kinna- basatwe, three by three, three at a time. cf. munna-. kinnaggayaaza: kwesiba kinnaggayaaza, to be dressed well/elegantly (in native dress, of women). kinnaginnagi: kutwala kinnaginnagi, to drive away hurriedly; to forcibly eject/throw out (a person). kinnakimu numer. adv. one by one (of things). Bino ka tubikwate kinnakimu tulabe obulimba gye buli. Let us consider these (matters) one by one to see where the falsehood lies. cf. kinna-. kinnamuguma, e- (ki/bi) fear, fright, terror. kinnamugwengu, e- (ki/bi) booby, idiot; slovenly person. kinnanga, e- (ki/bi) exhausted potato patch (ready for clearing for another crop), cf. omunnanga. kinnansi, e- used with the -a of rel. native, indigenous, eddagala ly’ekinnansi, native medicine, cf. munnansi, nsi. kinnawadda adv. in the old fashioned way; like old times; diligently; effectively, well; intensively. Omulimu baguddusa kinnawadda. They are doing the job effectively. kinnawattaka, e- (ki/bi) tunnel, underground road. kinnimba (-kinnimbye) also kinnimbuka (-kinnimbuse) v.i. strut, swagger. kinnonoggo, e- (ki/bi) delicacy, very tasty food; thick sauce. kinnoomu see kinna-. kinnya, e- (ki/bi) hole; pit. Yasulanga kinnya na mpindi okuva ku kkolero. He used to live very near the factory, lit. hole and bean from the factory, cf. obunnya, akannya, olunnya. kinnyaalo, e- (ki/bi) urinal, cf. nnyaala. kinnyi, e- (ki/bi) pubic region. kinnyikaggobe, e-: obudde obw’ekinnyikaggo- be, damp, cloudy weather, cf. nnyika, eggobe. kinnyindwa, e- no plur. (ki/bi) nasal twang, nasal tone of voice, as adv. nasally, okwogeza ekinnyindwa, to speak with a nasal tone, ow’ekinnyindwa, a person with a nasal toneof voice, cf. ennyindo. kinnyogoga, e- (ki/bi) cold drink; soft drink. cf. nnyogoga. kino plur. bino near demons, adj. & pron. for nouns of the ki/bi class, this/these. kinogezi, e- (ki/bi) savor, good flavor; pleasant sound (e.g., of songs), cf. ^noga. kinogolerwa, e- (ki/bi) flower stalk. cf. ^noga, nogola. kinonko, e- (ki/bi) noise produced by cracking the knuckles. kinoso, e- (ki/bi) bloodsucking worm, leech. kinsatnbwe, e- (ki/bi) kind of shrub, Trium- feta tomentosa. Cord or rope, esp. that used for stitching the reeds in the roofs of houses, is made from the bark of this shrub, cf. akansambwe. kinsuti, e- var. of ekyensuti, q.v. kintabuli, e- (ki/bi) mixture; jumble, hodgepodge. as an adv. confusedly, with the -a of rel. mixed, essomero ery’ekintabuli, a coeducational school; a multiracial school. Omwana wa kintabuli. The child is of mixed parentage, cf. tabula. Kintu pr.n. the name of the first Kabaka and the founder of the Kingdom of Buganda. He was married to Nnambi who was the daughter of Ggulu (Heaven) and the sister of Walumbe (Death). kintu, e- (ki/bi) thing (physical object); thing, matter, affair, plur. ebintu things; belongings, possessions, wealth. Si kintu. It doesn’t matter, okusala ebintu ku muwala, to set a dowry for one’s daughter, i.e., the amount given by the groom to the parents of the bride, okugwa mu bintu, to hit it lucky, have a streak of good luck (by acquiring position, wealth, etc.). cf. obuntuntu, akantu, oluntu. kintukiramu, e-: eby’ekintukiramu, kind/humane actions, mu ngeri ya kintukiramu, in a kind way. cf. obuntubulamu, omuntumulamu. kinu, e- (ki/bi) [Su>. ] mortar (usually made of wood). kinubbi, e- (ki/bi) scabies; syphilitic rash. kinunulo, e- (ki/bi) ransom; ransom money. cf. nunula. kinuubule, e- (ki/bi) bruise, scratch; wound; injury, cf. nuubuka. kinuulo, e- (ki/bi) hoof. rf sikanmiln. kinvinvi plur. bakinvinvi (la) old person; young person who has prematurely gray hair. cf. oluvi. kinya, e- (ki/bi) kind of large lizard often found near or in houses, cf. omunya. Kinyaanyimbe, E- no plur. (ki/bi) colloq. English, the English language, okuyiwa Ekinyaanyimbe, to speak English well, lit. to pour English. kinyaganyaga, e- (ki/bi) uncouth person; slob; boor. cf. omunyaga. kinyago, e- (ki/bi) rectum, cf. nya. kinyeebwa, e- also kinywebwa (ki/bi) peanut, groundnut, omuzigo gw’ebinyeebwa, peanut butter. kinyegenyege, e- no plur. (ki/bi) irresistible urge/impulse; excited state, elation. Eki- nyegenyege kyankwata. I got the urge. kinyere, e- (ki/bi) large bracelet. Bambadde ebinyere mu matu. They are wearing earrings. cf. akanyere. kinyiigo, e- (ki/bi) irritation; feeling of annoyance; complaint. Kinyiigo tekiyuza lubugo. (prov.) Complaining does not tear the barkcloth. Mere complaining does not achieve anything, cf. nyiiga. kinyiirikisi, e- less commonly ekinyiinyinsi (ki/bi) scrapings of the pith of a plantain tree used as a sponge. kitiyinyi, e- (ki/bi) usually plur. pus formation in a sore eye; matter which accumulates in the eyes during sleep; colloq. miserable, hateful wretch, \bantu abaali eyo ow’enjo- gcra in hi ug’abayiia binyinyi. Tnere were an enormous number of people there, lit. one who uses bad language would call them binyinyi. cf. akanyinyi. kinyira, e- (ki/bi) large fruit bat; large bat fin general, as opposed to kawundo, small bat), cf. obunyira. kinyisi, e- (ki/bi) core; core of a boil. Bye yayogedde temwabaddemu kinyisi. There wasn’t anything at all to what he said. kinyo, e- (ki/bi) anus. cf. nya. kinyololo, e- (ki/bi) young bean pod; French bean. kinyomo, e- (ki/bi) kind of large black ant. Ekika ky’Ekinyomo, the Black Ant Clan. Nze sisiika binyomo. colloq. I am not just joking, lit. frying ants. kinyonyi, e- (ki/bi) bird; large bird. cf. ennyonyi. kinyoozi plur. bakinyoozi (la) [S«o.3 barber. kinyulwa (la) kind of common edible mushroom. kinyumu, e- (ki/bi) amusement; entertainment; sport; social gathering, party; celebration, okukoza ekinyumu, to do (something) just for the sake of being sociable, cf. nyuma. kinyusi, e- (ki/bi) kernel; core of a boil. By’oyogera temuli kinyusi. There is nothing at all to what you say. cf. ekinyisi. kinyuzi, e- (ki/bi) pith of a reed/gourd. kinyuzi, e- (ki/bi) rubber device on the brakes of a bicycle which presses against the tire when the brakes are applied. kinywa, e- (ki/bi) tendon; sinew; ligament. cf. akanywa. kinywa, e- (ki/bi) fagot, bundle of firewood, ekinywa ky’emmuli, bundle of reeds. kinywabwino, e- (ki/bi) blotter, blotting paper, lit. drinks-ink. cf. nywa, bwino. kinywambogo adv. very early in the morning, lit. buffalo-drink. cf. nywa, embogo. kinywamunte, e- (ki/bi) tick bird, lit. it- drinks-in-the-cow. cf. nywa, ente. kinywebwa, e- var. of kinyeebwa, q.v. kinywebwa, e- (ki/bi) drink, beverage, lit. that which is drunk, cf. nywa. kinywi, e- (ki/bi) drinking party; friendship; bond (between individuals), okulya ekinywi, to make a common cause. Ba kinywi kimu. They are close friends, cf. nywa. kinywi, e- (ki/bi) kind, type. Olukiiko lwa Bungereza n’endala ez’ekinywi ekyo, the Parliament of England and others of this type. kipaalo or kipaapaalo adv. at breakneck speed; in great haste; in panic, wildly. cf. paala. kipaapi, e- (ki/bi) strip of cloth or piantain bark used as a patch, ekipaapi ky’ekibatu, palm of the hand (esp. One larger than the usual size). kipaku, e- adv. quickly, rapidly; hastily and in a slipshod manner, in a slapdash way. with the -a of rel. hasty, impulsive. Omwa- na oyo wa kipaku nnyo. | That child is very hasty/does not follow instructions. kipamira plur. bakipamira (la) impetuous/ hasty person kipande, e- (ki/bi) sign; placard; billboard; chart, ekipande ky’ennukuta, ABC chart; med. eye chart, ekipande ky’ennamba, license plate; numberplate. kipapajjo, e- (ki/bi) piece; fragment, eki- papajjo ky’oluku, apiece of firewood. kipayoppayo, e- adv. hurriedly, in a rush. kipeccu, e- (ki/bi) amazing sight/spectacle; something of great interest; something out of the ordinary. kipempe, e- (ki/bi) thick/coagulated mass; crust; scab, with the -a of rel. thick, hard. kipimo, e- (ki/bi) size, measurement, oku- kuba ekipimo, to conduct an orchestra/a choir; to beat time (to music). Fukamu amazzi ga kipimo. Pour in enough water. cf. pitna. kipooli, e- (ki/bi) thick sauce made of pounded termites, peanuts, etc.; fig. solid, compact mass. Obudde bukntte ekipooli. slang It has become pitch dark outside. kipumpuli, e- var. of ekiwumpuli, q.v. kira (-kize) v.tr. surpass, exceed, be more than; be superior to. Asuubira, akira aloota. (prov.) He who hopes is superior to the person who merely dreams (presumably because hope is followed by action). kirwa (-kiriddwa) v.i. pass, be surpassed, etc. kiza (-kizizza) v.tr. caus. cause to surpass, etc.; (more frequently) excel/surpass in. okukiza amaanyi, to excel in strength. kirana (-kiranye) v.i. recip. excel each Oilier; vie wiili each ulhei. G'uusajja buki- rana. (prov.) Every man has his betters. cf. enkizo. kira adv. all the time, all the while. See bakira. kiraalo, e- (ki/bi) kraal, enclosure for cattle. kiraamo, e- (ki/bi) will, final testament. cf. l]aama. kiraato, e- (ki/bi) sheath for a sword or dagger; shoe, boot. Kiraaya, E- with the -a of rel. European, Western /styles, dress, songs, etc.). okwambala Ekiraaya, to dress in European clothing, cf. Obulaaya. kirabo, e- (ki/bi) gift, present; prize; reward. cf. laba, akalabo. kirabo, e- (ki/bi) [from Eng. club.] bar, barroom, saloon; restaurant, ekirabo ky’emmere, restaurant, cf. akalabo. kiragaano, e- (ki/bi) oath; covenant. Eki- ragaano Ekiggya, Rom. Cath. The New Testament. Endagaano Empya, Prot., Iden. cf. lagaana, endagaano. kiragala with the -a of rel. green, of the color green, olugoye olwa kiragala, a green garment, cf. eddagala, akalagala, olulagala. kiragala, e- (ki/bi) fishing net. kiragiriro, e- (ki/bi) indication; direction (as on a street sign), cf. lagirira, enda- giriro. kiragiro, e- (ki/bi) command, order; rule, regulation; direction; relig. commandment. cf. lagira kirago, e- (ki/bi) [Lunyoromat used by itinerant laborers, olumbe lw’ekirago, source of much trouble; terror; abomination. kiraka, e- (ki/bi) patch, piece of material used to mend or cover a weak spot, okukuba ekiraka, to patch up (e.g., a pair of trousers); to kick a soccer ball and strike (someone); to repair (a tire), okwekubamu ekiraka, to do something to compensate for one’s bad behavior, make amends. kiralu, e- (ki/bi) mental institution, insane asylum, cf. -lalu. kiramago, e- (ki/bi) pilgrimage; long journey; arch, day’s march, cf. lamaga. kiramu, e- (ki/bi) something useful/worthwhile/vital. Tewali kiramu kye baateesa. There is nothing vital which they discussed. cf. -lamu. kirandalanda, e- (ki/bi) kind of creeping grass/weed. cf. ^landa, ennanda. kirandalu'go, e- = kalandalugo, q.v. kirangiriro, e- (ki/bi) announcement, notice; proclamation, cf. ^langa, langirira. kirango, e- (ki/bi) announcement; advertisement. cf. ^langa. kiraso, e- also ekirasi (ki/bi) bleeding at the nose. cf. lasa. kirawuli, e- (ki/bi) [Su>., /Jr.] glass covering/shade for a lamp or light; arch, glass, tumbler; arch., in the plur. glasses, spectacles. kirayiro, e- (ki/bi) oath, vow. cf. layira. kire. e- (ki/bi) cloud, cf. ogulc, akalc. kirebe, e- (ki/bi) old tin can (pej. of eddebe, q.v.). kireebereebe, e- (ki/bi) lit. something hanging in space, fig. indecisive, incapable of deciding which side to take or which course to follow, kusigala awo kireebereebe, to be a fence-sitter, be betwixt and between. cf. leeba. kireebwe, e- (ki/bi) kind of water lily. kireere, e- (ki/bi) gourd with a wide neck at the top. kireereese (la) wanderer, vagabond; loafer, omukazi kireereese, a loose woman. kireereetu, e- (ki/bi) kindof shrub, elder; hollowness, with the -a of rel. hollow. Omulenzi oyo kireereetu. There is no substance to that boy. kireeya often with prec eding (o)wa or (a)ba person of no fixed abode, vagabond. Wa kireeya. He is a vagabond, cf. ^leeya. kireka, e- (ki/bi) banana leaf turning yellow. kiremba, e- (ki/bi) turban, headdress worn by Muslims; headcloth; scarf; handkerchief. cf. akalemba. kirembwe, e- (ki/bi) kind of large ant., cf. eddembwe, ssekirembwe. kiremya (la) stumbling block, that which prevents accomplishment; bottleneck; difficulty. cf. lema, Iemya. kirende, e- (ki/bi) young mudfish (mmale, q. v.). cf. akalende. kirenge, e- (ki/bi) [Lunyoro] edge/side/hem of a cloth or garment; hoof. cf. akalenge, olulenge kirenge, e- (ki/bi) bamboo whistle; whistle formed by folding the hands and placing them against the mouth, cf. eddenge, ^akalenge. kirerya, e- (ki/bi) chaff of sesame/wheat/ corn, etc.; fig. something as light as a feather, cf. akalerya. kirevu, e- (ki/bi) beard; moustache; whiskers, kukwata mu kirevu, lit. to grab by the beard, i.e., to be insolent towards, to tease (of a child towards an adult), cf. akalevu, amalevu. kirezi, e- (ki/bi) medicine, ebirezi ebi- nnansi, native medicines, cf. lera. kiriba, e- (ki/bi) large hide/skin. cf. eddiba. kiriisa, e- (ki/bi) nourishment; vitamin(s). cf. lya, Iiisa. kirijja, e- adv. in a haphazard/untidy/ slovenly way. Yesiba empina ekirijja. He dresses in a slovenly way. kirima, e- (ki/bi) beak of a canoe. -kirimaanyi adj. powerful; strong, amawanga gakirimaanyi, powerful nations, cf. amaanyi. kirimba, e- (ki/bi) cluster (of grapes); bunch (of fruit), ekirimba ky’ejinaano, a sheaf of wheat. kirime, e- (ki/bi) that which is cultivated, crop, ebirime ebivaamu ensimbi, cash crops, akatale k’ebirime, produce market. cf. lima. -kirimegga adj. gigantic, huge, agasozi gakirimegga, huge mountains, essajja likirimegga, burly/husky man. kinmi, c- (ki/bi) fro— cluhm:, tongue, q.v. Alina ekirimi or Ayogeza kirimi. He talks with a lisp, ow'ekirimi, a person with a lisp. Yamusala ekirimi. He interrupted him. kirimulaala adj. calm, quiet, peaceful, eriyanja li-kirimulaala, the calm, quiet ocean, cf. mulaala. kirimululu (la) onomat. emerald cuckoo; cuckoo. kirindi, e- (ki/bi) group, flock, band, crowd, throng. kirindizo, e- (ki/bi) something which cannot be used by the owner, a ‘white elephant;’ reserve, something held in reserve. cf. linda. kirinnimuko, e- (ki/bi) tramping of feet; rush of a crowd; abundance, as an adv. in a crowd. Bagenze kirinnimuko. They have all gone in a group/crowd, cf. linnimuka. kirinnyamutikka adv. very quickly, kutwala kirinnyamutikka, to follow in hot pursuit; to chase away. kirira, e- (ki/bi) umbilical cord. cf. akalira, olulira. kiriri, e- (ki/bi) bed; temporary bed made up on the floor, cf. obuliri, ndiri. kiriro, e- (ki/bi) large fire, ebiriro eby’oku- tulisa, fireworks, cf. omuliro. kiro, e- (ki/bi) night, nighttime, adv. at night, in the plur. period, era, times, mu biro bino, these days, in the present period. Akutwala ekiro omusiima bukedde. fprov.J He rouses you to effort at night but you are thankful to him in the morning, cf. kaakiro, ekyekiro. kirobe, e- (ki/bi) something which has been hooked fas in fishing); kind of shrub with hook-like thorns, cf. loba. kirogamutuubo (la) tall drinking glass. cf. loga, omutuubo. kirogologo, e- (ki/bi) nettle rash, urticaria. kirokitwala-omunaku: plur. bikirokitwala- omunaku (la) anonymous, inflammatory leaflets usually distributed at night; blackmail note. The lit. meaning is: night (kiro) takes (-kitwala) the poor man (omunaku). kirombe, e- (ki/bi) pit; mine; insect hole, ekirombe ky'ensanafu, termite hole, ekirombe ky'enjuki, bees’ nest, ekirombe ky'amatofaali, kiln, place where bricks are made, ekirombe ky’amafuta, oil well. cf. ennombe. kirooto, e- (ki/bi) dream, cf. loota. kirowoozo, e- (ki/bi) thought, idea; opinion. cf. lowooza. kiruli, e- (ki/bi) log; trunk, cf. ebiruliruli, enduli. kirumba, e- (ki/bi) poop, stern, cf. akalumba, omulumba. kirumbirumbi, e- (ki/bi) young sugarcane/ elephant grass. kirumiko, e- (ki/bi) cupping horn, instrument or vessel used for cupping/bleeding, cf. lumika. kirundu, e- (ki/bi) kind of very tall softwood tree whose bark yields a strong white cloth, Antiaris toxic aria, kirungo, e- (ki/bi) flavor, flavoring; seasoning; delicacy, cf. lunga. kirungu, e- (ki/bi) usually plur. ebirungu weeds. kiruyi, e- no plur. (ki/bi) wrath, fury, great anger; rancor, grudge. kirwanire, e- (ki/bi) skirmish, eby’ekirwanire, hostility, hostilities, cf. ^Iwana, lwanira. kiryo, e- (ki/bi) pumpkin vine, gourd vine, L agenaria vulgaris. kiryose = ki + lyose, the mod. form of lyoka, q. v. kisa (-kisizza) v.tr. hide, conceal, okukisa omukono, to die, lit. to hide one’s hand (usually employed with reference to a Kabaka). Bw’akolola engabi yeekisa mu kisaka. When he coughs the bushbuck hides in the bush (i.e., he has a very loud cough). Bw’aseka empisi yeekisa ku ki- kande. When he laughs the hyena hides in a deserted place (i.e., he has a loud and boisterous laugh). kisibwa (-kisiddwa) v.i. pass, be hidden. kisisa (-kisisizza) v.tr. caus. make hide, cause to hide. cf. enkiso. kisa, e- (ki/bi) kindness; mercy; generosity. Frequently used with the -a of rel. as the equivalent of the Eng. adjectives: kind, nice; merciful, etc. Yandeeta ekisa. He made me feel sorry for him. Ekisa kya- mbuukako. I am through with being kind, lit. kindness has flown from me. Yali wa kisa nnyo gye nai. lie very kind to me. Ekisa kitta, n’enge etta. (prov.) Kindness kills, hostility kills. Extremes are bad. kisa, e- (ki/bi) labor pain. See ebisa. kisaabagi re, e- adv. suddenly, precipitously; unexpectedly; in a sloppy/messy manner. kisaabo, e- (ki/bi) gourd used as a churn; churn. kisaabuuko, e- adv. quickly, hurriedly. cf. saabuuka. kisaaganda, e- (ki/bi) bunch; bundle. kisaakaate, e- (ki/bi) reed fence; fence (in general); chief’s inclosure/compound; inclosure made of reeds for washing or for use as an outhouse. Types of fencing include: kigombe, crosswise in diamond shapes; kya kasiira, upright and close together; kya nnakabanda, grouped in columns. (Sn., LeV.) kisaalu, e- (ki/bi) kind of marsh grass, rush; patch of rushes; marsh, swamp, cf. olusaalu, essaalu. kisaalugumba, e- (ki/bi) kind of large marsh plant. kisaaniiko, e- usually plur. (ki/bi) litter, trash, cf. omusaaniiko. kisaanikira, e- less frequently ekisaanikizo (ki/bi) lid, cover (of a container); cork, stopper, cf. saanikira. kisaanyi, e- (ki/bi) hairy caterpillar; cater- pillar (general term). kisaanyizo, e- (ki/bi) qualification, competency; requisite, requirement, cf. ^saana. kisaasaazi, e- also ekisaasizi no plur. (ki/bi) pity, compassion, sympathy, mu ngeri ey’ekisaasizi, in a compassionate manner, compassionately, cf. saasira. kisaawa (la) arch, very strong wind on Lake Victoria, cf. saawa. kisaawe, e- (ki/bi) clearing (in the jungle); field; football field; airport, airfield, ekisaawe ky’ennyonyi, airport, airfield, cf. saawa. kisaazisaazi, e-: eby’ekisaazisaazi, things which are done casually/without any serious purpose in mind, cf. saaga. kisagazi, e- (ki/bi) tall grass, elephant grass; reeds, cf. olusagazi. kisaggo, e- (ki/bi) ekisaggo ky’ensirobi string of cowries worn as a necklace/a bracelet/an anklet. kisago, e- (ki/bi) wound, physical injury, okugendera ku kisago, to be injured (in an accident), kisaka, e- (ki/bi) thicket; bush, okuzimba nga kisaka, lit. to swell up like a bush = to become sullen/gloomy/morose/uncom- municative. cf. ^akasaka. kisakiro, e- also ekisakizo (ki/bi) gizzard, crop of a bird. cf. saka. kisakkuluba adv. in an extreme rush, with great urgency. kisalale, e- (ki/bi) dry, fibrous potato. kisalamulyango, e- (ki/bi) a bunch of reeds forming the top of the door of a hut, lit. cuts/crosses the doorway, cf. sala, omulyango. kisale, e- (ki/bi) cutting, something cut. in the plur. ebisale, school tuition; subscription fees; fees; charges, cf. sala. kisamasama, e- (ki/bi) idiot, simpleton. kisamba, e- (ki/bi) floating vegetable matter that forms obstructive masses in a body of water. kisambandege, e- (ki/bi) kind of twining plant, large yellow vetch, cf. samba, endege. kisambi, e- (ki/bi) thigh, cf. samba. kisambiro, e- (ki/bi) football field. cf. samba, essambiro. kisambu, e- (ki/bi) overgrown patch of weeds; area under stubble, cf. sambula. kisanirizo, e- (ki/bi) hair comb. cf. sanirira. kisanja, e- (ki/bi) shift, rotation, turn, okukola ebisanja, to work in rotation, mu bisanja, in shifts, ekisanja ky’emmale, a load of smoked mmale fish. kisanja, e- (ki/bi) dry/withered plantain leaves used in making packages, containers, pillows, etc., and in thatching huts. cf. essanja. kisansa (la) kind of cooking plantain. kisasi, e- (ki/bi) projection from the roof; porch. kisasiro, e- (ki/bi) grass spread on the floor; in the plur. trash, litter, rubbish, cf. sasa. kisassalala, e- (ki/bi) lit. something empty or emptied; empty cell of honeycomb; husk; fig. an empty, shallow person; one who has become totally depraved, ebisassalala by'omupunga, rice husks, ne nsigala kisassalala, and I remained petrified, all the strength and stamina had gone from me. cf. -sa. kisebe, e- (ki/bi) kind of large soft yam. kiseera, e- (ki/bi) time; period of time, ekiseera ekinene, a long time, ebiseera eby’eddembe, leisure time, ebiseera eby’omu maaso, the future, abakozi ab’eki- seera, temporary employees, gavumenti ey’ekiseera, provisional government, ebiseera eby’akabenje, period of emergency, okukuuma ebiseera, to be on time, okumala ebiseera, to waste time. cf. akaseera. kiseera, e- (ki/bi) line, wrinkle; segment (e-S-> of a caterpillar). Omusomo gummaze ebiseera mu bulago. The course was extremely difficult, lit. finished up the wrinkles on my neck. kisega, e- (ki/bi) soft canker. kisegguusi, e- (ki/bi) crevice; remote corner; recess; side of a porch, ebisegguusi by’omutima, the depths of the heart, cf. akasegguusi. kisejja, e- (ki/bi) scum/debris floating on a liquid. kisejjere, e- (ki/bi) hill of nsejjere termites. kiseke, e- (ki/bi) wrist. kisekeseke, e- (ki/bi) large umbelliferous plant (Peucedanum grantii) from which nseke (straws, pipestems, etc.) are made. cf. oluseke. kisembe, e- (ki/bi) diaphragm. kisenge, e- (ki/bi) wall; partition; room; cell, ebisenge by’enjuki, honeycomb, cells built by bees in their nest. cf. akasenge. kisenyi, e- (ki/bi) swamp, lowland marsh. kiserebetu, e- adv. furtively, on the sly; imperceptibly. okugenda ekiserebetu, to slip away, sneak away. cf. sereba. kiserinnyabbi, e- (ki/bi) also sserinnyabbi (la) kind of plant resembling a cactus. kisero, e- (ki/bi) large plaited basket. Entongooli y’emu ku bivuga bye bayita ebizibu okukuba, naye abaana baffe abo bayisa mukka mu kisero. The entongooli is one of the instruments which is described as difficult to play, but our children play it without any trouble at all, lit. they pass air through the basket. kisesemye, e- rare sing, of ebisesemye, q.v. kisiba, e- (ki/bi) lit. that which fastens; bolt; bar. cf. siba. kisibo, e- (ki/bi) sheep/goat pen; enclosure for cattle; chicken coop, okuyingira mu kisibo ky’obufumbo, to join the ranks of the married, cf. siba. kisibosibo, e- see ebisibosibo. kisigala, e- (ki/bi) remainder, that which is left over; relig. relic, cf. sigala. kisige, e- (ki/bi) eyebrow, cf. ensige. kisiibo, e- (ki/bi) fast, fasting; time of fasting, Lent; year. cf. siiba. kisiikirize, e- (ki/bi) shade, shadow, cf. siikiriza. kisiisa, e- (ki/bi) arch, kind of caterpillar. kisikampale, e- lit. that which pulls (sika) the trousers (mpale). ebiraato eby’eki- sikampale, high boots. kisiki, e- (ki/bi) log, stump, okutema ebisiki, to nod, doze, doze off. cf. ^akasiki. kisimbe, e- (ki/bi) plant, shrub, young tree. cf. simba. kisimbira, e- (ki/bi) ekisimbira kya taaba, tobacco plantation, cf. simba, simbira. kisimule, e- (ki/bi) excavation, cf. sima, Simula. kisinde, e- (ki/bi) track; path; company on the march, expedition, cf. omusinde. kisinde, e- (ki/bi) Rom. Cath. morning prayers; evening prayers. kisinja, e- (ki/bi) kind of large fish, barbel, Barbus radcliffi; half of a bunch of bananas broken off. See enkuyu & enkwekwe. kisinziiro, e- (ki/bi) heel. cf. sinziira. kisiraani, e- (ki/bi) bad luck, misfortune. kisirikko, e- (ki/bi) hole/bump in a road; fig. hardship, cf. sirikka, akasirikko. kisirinza, e- also kisiriiza (ki/bi) charred wood; cinder, cf. siriira, akasirinza. kisisimuka, e- (ki/bi) watch of the night; sleep, okukwata ekisisimuka, to sleep. Ali mu kisisimuka. Heis asleep. E Bu- ngereza twakubayo ebisisimuka bibiri nga tugenda mu America. We spent two nights in England on our way to America, cf. sisimuka. kisisiro, e- (ki/bi) combination of grass and bananas which cover the vat when beer is fermenting, kuwunya nga kisisiro, to smell like a brewery. kisittaka, e- (ki/bi) kind of insect which has the coloring of soil (ettaka, q.v.)-, rare term for any earthenware pot. kisituliro, e- (ki/bi) litter in which a sick person is placed, a stretcher, okuba ku kisituliro, to be very sick; to be bedridden. cf. si tula. kiso, e- (ki/bi) knife, kukuba muntu kiso, to knife a person (esp. in the chest or stomach), cf. akaso. kisobu, e- (ki/bi) error, flaw, wrong (of a more permanent nature than that expres sed by kisobyo). Enkola ey’okusosola mu bantu eriko ebisobu bingi. The practice of discrimination against people has many evil aspects, cf. sobya. kisobyo, e- (ki/bi) mistake, error; wrong, wrongdoing; foul (in football), cf. sobya. kisokkondo, e- also ekissokondo (ki/bi) kind of beetle. kisoko, e- (ki/bi) idiom (in language); metaphor; refrain (in a song); variation on a theme; improvisation, cf. soka. kisoko, e- (ki/bi) cape, headland. kisokomi, e- (ki/bi) large white earthworm. Alya ng’ekisokomi. He eats like a pig. kisolo, e- (ki/bi) animal, mammal. cf. ^-akasolo, ensolo. kisombi, e- (ki/bi) gonorrhea. kisotnerezi, e- with the -a of rel. tasty, savory. kisonga, e- (ki/bi) sharp pain (as of pleurisy). cf. songa. kisonono, e- (ki/bi) [Sw. ] gonorrhea. kisonyiwo, e- (ki/bi) pardon, forgiveness. cf. sonyiwa. kisoobooza, e- (ki/bi) bean leaf (often used as a food). kisookondwe, e- (ki/bi) kind of small insect. kisoolisooli, e- (ki/bi) com/maize stalk (after the ears havp been removed), cf. kasooli. kisooto, e- (ki/bi) piece of mud, mud; mud on the foot/shoe. cf. sootola. kisosolye (la) kind of bird, bulbul, cf. ssossolye. kisosonkoie, e- (ki/bi) shell, ebisosonkole by’amagi, eggshells, cf. -esosonkola, -esusunkula. kisotta, e- (ki/bi) pestle used for grinding flour or mashing vegetables, cf. sotta. kissi,'e- (ki/bi) bait; weapon, ekintu ekissi, lethal thing; lethal weapon, cf. tta, ssa. kisu, e- (ki/bi) nest (usually of a bird). kisubi, e- (ki/bi) grass, n’ekisubi ku liiso, unprepared (of persons), okutwala n’ekisubi ku liiso, to hustle (someone) away. cf. essubi. kisubi no plur. (la) kindof banana used for making beer. kisugga, e- with the -a of rel. dark green, obukoola obwa kisugga, dark green leaves. cf. nnakasugga, ensugga. kisula: kulya kisula, to spend the night. Nnagendayo ne ndya ekisula, I went there and spent the night/stayed all night, cf. sula. kisula, e- (ki/bi) omunnyu ogw’ekisula, salt in rock/lump form. kisulo, e- (ki/bi) dormitory; place of stay, ekisulo ky’abagenyi, hostel, lodging place. Baatambula olugendo lwa bisulo bibiri. They made a trip which required stopovers for two nights, cf. sula. kisulo, e- (ki/bi) twitch(ing) in the eye. kisuma, e- (ki/bi) elephant-snout fish, Gnathonemus longibarbis. kisumuluzo, e- (ki/bi) key. cf. sumulula. kisungwa, e- (ki/bi) placenta, afterbirth. kisunsu, e- (ki/bi) patch of hair left unshaven on the top of the head; hair combed to stand up. cf. sunsumala. kisunsulo, e- (ki/bi) ekisunsulo kya ppamba, cotton ginnery, cf. sunsula, essunsuliro. kisunsuzo, e- (ki/bi) comb (for the hair). cf. sunsula. kisununu, e- with the -a of rel. fresh (of milk ). kisunyi, e- (ki/bi) itch, itching, cf. ^suna. kisusunku, e- usually plur. ebisusunku (ki/bi) chaff; fig. disreputable people, riffraff. kisuubizo, e- (ki/bi) promise, cf. suubira, suubiza. kisuutnwa, e- (ki/bi) piece of plantain stem used as a sponge; beer drunk after a burial. cf. essuumwa. kisuuwa, e- with the -a of rel. having the shape of a water pitcher (nsuwa), round. Ennyumba yaaki? Ya kisuuwa. What sort of a house is this? A round one. kisuuyi, e- (ki/bi) trap for large animals. kisuwa, e- (ki/bi) large water jar/|)ot/pitcher. cf. ensuwa. kisuyu, e- (ki/bi) blister in the corner of the mouth (usually the result of a fever). kiswa, e- (ki/bi) termite hill, enju ey’ekiswa, conicai-shapeu nut. cf. euswu, iiuamuusna. kita, e- (ki/bi) large calabash/gourd. c f. ^akata. kita- plur. bakita- (la) father. The posses- sives are suffixed directly to the stem: kitange, kitaawo, kitaawe, kitaffe, kitammwe, kitaabwe; bakitaffe, etc. kitange omuto, my paternal uncle. kitaakule, e- (ki/bi) lit. it-will-not-grow-up (from kula), kind of insect which bores into dry wood. Kitaakule kizimba mu lumuli. (prov.) The kitaakule builds in a reed (and will soon perish when the reeds are burnt). kitaala, e- (ki/bi) large light; traffic light. cf. akataala, ettaala. kitaani (la) [Sm., dr.] flax; a thick, heavy- duty linen (e.g., of the sort used for police uniforms). kitaasa, e- (ki/bi) kind of tree, Bridelia micrantha. kitaba, e- (ki/bi) puddle, temporary gathering of water; stagnant water after rain. cf. olutaba, amataba, ettaba. kitabaazi, e-: okulya ekitabaazi, to eat hurriedly; to eat while standing up, lit. like a warrior ready for battle, cf. tabaala. kitabo, e- (ki/bi) [Su>., At. ] book, ekitabo ekiwandiikibwamu, notebook, exercise book, omukubi w’ebitabo, book publisher, cf. akatabo. kitaka, e- also ekitakataka from ettaka, earth, with the -a of rel. brown, earth- colored. kitakata, e- (ki/bi) hot spring, kukka kita- kata, to have a narrow/luckv escape. kitakita (-kisekise) v.i. redup. run; skip; hustle along (as children going to schoxrl). kitakkirizaganya, e- (ki/bi) exception, that which is contrary to or conflicts with the usual, cf. kkiriza, kkirizaganya. kitala, e- (ki/bi) sword. kitalankuba (la) kind of plant, large groundsel, Senecio multicorymhosus. kitaliri, e- (ki/bi) large strainer of sticks and grass used in making beer. kitalo, e- (ki/bi) wonder; marvel, as adv. wonderfully; amazingly, eky’ekitalo, amazingly enough, wondrous to behold, with the -a of rel. -a kitalo, wonderful; awesome; strange; remarkable. kitambaala, e- (ki/bi) cloth; towel; duster; napkin; handerchief; turban, ekitambaala ky’okummeeza, tablecloth, ekitambaala ky’omutwe, head scarf, cf. akatambaala. kitambi, e- (ki/bi) kind of kikooyi, q.v. kitambiro, e- (ki/bi) sacrifice, sacrificial slaying, cf. tamba. kitambo, e- (ki/bi) spirit possession. Aliko ekitambo. He is possessed by a spirit. cf. tambulula. kitamiiza, e- (ki/bi) intoxicating drink, intoxicant, cf. tamiira. kitanda, e- (ki/bi) bed. cf. akatanda. kitangaala, e- (ki/bi) light; brightness; transparency, okutambulira mu kitangaala, to walk in the light, cf. tangaala. kitanyi, e- (ki/bi) placenta, afterbirth. kitawe plur. bakitawe (la) poor old fellow, poor guy, poor man. kakitawe, the poor little boy. kitawuliro, e- (ki/bi) torch; bunch of grass or piece of firewood/paper, etc., which is set on fire and carried about. kitawuluzi, e- (ki/bi) muluka court, cf. tawulula. kitebe, e- (ki/bi) seat; site; base, ekitebe ekikulu, headquarters, cf. akatebe, entebe. kiteebe, e- (ki/bi) bog. cf. akateebe. kiteekerero, e- (ki/bi) clump of plantains; place where rubbish is collected for burning. cf. teekera. kiteeko, e- (ki/bi) place for a waterpot in a hut. cf. ^teeka. kiteerera, e- (ki/bi) place for disposal of children's feces (e.g., in a hole dug at the base of a plantain tree). kiteeso, e- (ki/bi) resolution, proposal, bill. c f. ^teesa. kiteete, e- (ki/bi) kind of fine grass placed on the floors of old-styled houses, cf. oluteete, etteete. kiteeteeyi, e- (ki/bi) dress, skirt, ennyumba ey’ekiteeteeyi, round hut with thatched, sloping roof. cf. akateeteeyi. kiteewuluza, e- (ki/bi) expression of appreciation to one who has cooked a good meal (e.g., by loosening one’s belt), cf. teewuluza. kitema, e- with the -a of rel. of medium stature. Mukasa wa kitema. Mukasa is of medium stature. kitembe, e- (ki/bi) wild plantain, Musa ensete. cf. olutembe, nnakitembe, ttembe. kitembejja, e- (ki/bi) clot, ekitembejja ky’omusaayi, a blood clot. kiteme, e- plur. amateme an insect resembling a caterpillar which attacks young shoots, esp. those of the cotton plant. kitenduka no plur. (la) sleeping sickness. cf. tenduka. kitengejja (la) kind of small water lily. cf. tengejja. kitengetenge = ttengetenge, q.v. kitengi, e- (ki/bi) African print cloth or any similarly patterned material. kitengo, e- (ki/bi) trembling; shiver; chill (from a fever, cold, etc.). kitentebere, e- (ki/bi) simpleton, easy mark. kitentegere, e- (ki/bi) rough bark (the first to be taken off of the barkcloth treej used for burials and other purposes which do not require a finer type of cloth). kitereke, e- (ki/bi) package, packet, parcel. cf. tereka. kiteretebbwa, e- (ki/bi) large packet/parcel. kiteteme, e- (ki/bi) root of plantain after the stem has been cut off; stump of a plantain. cf. omuteteme. kiti, e- (ki/bi) old, desicated tree; wooden handle; score in the game of mweso. Akyukira mu kiti nga mbazzi. He is likely to turn against people. He cannot be trusted. Twayogeramu ebiti bibiri n'Omuzungu. We spoke with the European for a short time. cf. lomuti. kiti, e- var. spelling of ekityi, q.v. cf. tya, -omuti. kiti, e- (ki/bi) category, type, kind, classification. kitigi, e- no plur. (ki/bi) insolence, effrontery, impudence, okutiiriisa ekitigi, to be insolent, cf. ettigi. kitiibwa, e- (ki/bi) lit. that which is feared, honor, glory; prestige, dignity; respect; reverence; pomp. None of the preceding equivalents expresses the full meaning of kitiibwa which is perhaps the greatest ideal and the most sought after attribute of the Baganda. It has an importune e comparable to that of ‘face’ in the Orient, kufa kitiibwa, to feel shame/be ashamed (because of the actions or speech of another). cf. tya. kitiiri, e- (ki/bi) rectum. kitiiriiso, e- (ki/bi) syringe, cf. tiiriika. kitiiyo, e- (ki/bi) spade, shovel. kitikkiro, e- (ki/bi) top; height; pinnacle; pointed roof; spire; steeple, cf. tikka. kitiko, e- (ki/bi) mushroom bed; large mushroom. cf. akatiko. kitimba, e- (ki/bi) net trap used in hunting large animals; curtain, cf. timba, akatimba, olutimba. Kitinda pr.n. the name of a lubaale associated with crocodiles. kitindigga also katindigga adv. hurriedly. cf ti ndi gga. kitindiro, e- (ki/bi) framework for climbing plants; shelf, cf tinda. kitinti, e- (ki/bi) kind of flat-tailed rat often found among bunches of bananas. kitissaali, e- (ki/bi) ferryboat, lighter. kitittiriri, e- (ki/bi) log; dead branch detached from a tree; old piece of wood. cf. lekiti, ^omuti. kitiza (-kitizizza) v.i. be infatuated; be in love/enamored. Akitiza n’omurvala. He is infatuated with the girl. cf. tinka, tinkiza. kito, e- with the -a of rel. childish, eby’ekito, childish things, childish actions. Nnali nkola bya kito. I was acting childishly. cf. -to. kitobeko, e- (ki/bi) mixture, variegated pattern. cf. tobeka. kitole, e- (ki/bi) lump; mass; piece; portion, ekitole ky’emmere, a morsel of food, ekitole ky’omusaayi, a blood clot, ekitole kya ssabbuuni, a bar of soap, okulondera mu kitole, indirect election. kitolima, e- (ki/bi) knob/bulge on the end of a stick or club. cf. akatottolima, ettolima. kitoliro, e-: okunyiga ekitoliro, to overwhelm (an opponent in wrestling); to exploit, treat ruthlessly/despotically. kitonde, e- (ki/bi) created thing, created being, creature, cf. tonda, omutonde. kitone, e- (ki/bi) gift, present; talent, natural ability, cf. ^tona. kitongole, e- (ki/bi) arch, office of position of mutongole (q.v.); bibl. unit of soldiers, omwami w’ekitongole Omulumi, Roman centurion (Matth. VIII, 5); current usage government department; department, office. cf. tongola. kitonto, e- also ekitontogolo (ki/bi) kind of tree of the genus Ficus, cf. omutonto, entonto. kitoobero, e- (ki/bi) good thick sauce. kitoogi, e- (ki/bi) roll of fat around the neck; collar, ekitoogi ky’essaati, the collar of a shirt. kitoogo, e- (ki/bi) stalk of papyrus, cf. bwantoogo, olutoogo. kitooke, e- (ki/bi) banana tree, Musa sapien- tum; plantain tree, Musa paradisiaca. ow’omu bitooke, a rustic, greenhorn, okukyala n'osimba ekilooke, to overstay a visit, lit. visit and you plant a banana tree, bitooke bye bigwa, the plantain trees fall, a phrase used to intensify a preceding neg. verb and give it a positive meaning. Talya bitooke bye bigwa. He is a tremendous eater. Tadduka bitooke bye bigwa. He is a great runner, cf. ettooke. kitooke-kizungu (ki/bi) kind of banana tree producing a grayish-blue fruit. kitooletoole, e- (ki/bi) stupid/foolish person, boob, idiot, cf. -toole, obutooletoole, omu- tooletoole. kitoomi, e- usually plur. (ki/bi) mud, slush; mud-on the feet. cf. omutoomi, ettoomi. kitoro: no plur. the section of a town or city occupied by Batoro. kittavvu, e- (ki/bi) place for depositing ashes; pile of ashes/cinders, lit. that which kills (tta) ashes (wu). kitto, e- with the -a of rel. cold; damp (of the weather). Leero, bwa kitto. It (obudde, weather, is implied) is cold today. kittuluze, e- (ki/bi) shade. kitubalu, e- (ki/bi) wild fig tree, Ficus kitu- balu. kituku, e- no plur. (ki/bi) colloq. English, the English language. kitujagala, e- (ki/bi) rare first growth after a bush fire. kitulazi, e- (ki/bi) pullet which has begun to lay. kituli, e- (ki/bi) hole; opening, aperture, kukwatira mu kituli, to catch tn the act, catch red-handed, cf. omutuli. kitundu, e- (ki/bi) part; portion; section; half; district, region; role, part, amazima ag’ekitundu, partial truth, a half truth, ekitundu eky’okuna, one fourth. Okkirizi- bwa okusasula mu bitundutundu. You are allowed to pay in installments, cf. entundu. kitundwe, e- (ki/bi) umbilical cord. kitungulu, e- (ki/bi) plant which bears ttungulu (a kind of onion); onion patch. cf. akatungulu, ettungulu. kituntugulu, e- (ki/bi) plant which produces tall straw stalks; large straw used for drinking beer. kituttwa, e- (ki/bi) knot; tassel; notch; bud. kitutu, e- (ki/bi) tip of a blade of ssenke grass, cf. ettutu. kitutuli, e- (ki/bi) something which is short and thick; short thick bundle. Omwana oyo kitutuli. This child is short and stocky. kituulituuli, e- (ki/bi) blister; sore spot. cf. akatuulituuli. kituuti, e- (ki/bi) platform of earth; platform; pulpit; pedestal, cf. akatuuti. kituuza, e- (ki/bi) toll or fee imposed on a vendor setting up a stall in a market; preliminary. Ekyo kikyali ekituuza. This is only the beginning (e.g., of a parent threatening even sterner punishment for a recalcitrant child), cf. tuula, tuuza. kituyu, e- (ki/bi) asphyxia, cf. tuya. kitwaggu, e- (ki/bi) hot-temperedly. cf. twagga. kitwalotwalo, e- (ki/bi) small package/parcel. cf. twala. kitwavvu, e- (ki/bi) fool. cf. twagga. kitwekankima, e- (ki/bi) kind of tree, Conopharyngia holstii. kityi, e- (ki/bi) coward, cf. tya, ^omuti. kiviiri, e- (ki/bi) ekiviiri ekigule, wig. cf. oluviiri, enviiri. kivu, e- (ki/bi) tsetse fly, Glossina spp. kivuga, e- (ki/bi) musical instrument. cf. 2Vuga. kivumbo, e- (ki/bi) cluster (e. g., of fruit); swarm (e.g., of bees), ekivumbo ky’enjuki, a swarm of bees. cf. akavumbo, omuvumbo. kivumo, e- (ki/bi) insult, reproach; abuse; curse, cf. vuma. kivundu, e- (ki/bi) stink, bad smell, strong odor. cf. vunda, -vundu. kivuvvu (la) kind of beer banana of grayish color, with the -a of rel. grayish. Yali ayambadde ekkooti ya kivuvvu. He had put on a grayish-colored coat. cf. evvu. kivve, e- (ki/bi) evil, abomination; sin, wickedness; incest; something which is forbidden/taboo. kivvulu, e- (ki/bi) parade; demonstration; rally; display. kiwa, e- (ki/bi) whistling sound expressing surprise. Yafuuwa ekiwa. He whistled in surprise, cf. oluwa. kiwaama, e- with the -a of rel. omukazi ow'ekiwaama, a woman with withered breasts; a woman who cannot shed tears. kiwaata, e- var. of ekiwata, q.v. kiwaawaalo, e- adv. in panic; with great haste, cf. muwaawaalo. kiwaawaatiro, e- (ki/bi) Ensimbi ng’ozi- funye leka zireme kukumezaako biwaawaa- tiro. When you have obtained the money don’t let it go to your head, lit. grow wings for you. kiwaawo, e- (ki/bi) large open calabash; piece of calabash used by potters to smooth clay; fig. foolish/stupid person. cf. oluwaawo, empaawo. kiwaayiro, e- (ki/bi) something which is added on; patch; graft; appendix, supplement (e.g., of a hook); slander, calumny. cf. waayira, akawaayiro. kiwabyo, e- (ki/bi) sickle/knife for pruning / first used by the Basoga). kiwago, e- with the -a of rel. sturdy, well- built. ow'ekiwago, a strong/robust/husky person. Muli nnali nneewulira ekiwago. Inwardly I felt strong and powerful. cf. ^vvaga, akawago, oluwago. kiwagu, e- (ki/bi) small bunch of plantains/ bananas, hand of bananas. See enkota. c f. waguka. kiwalaata, e- (ki/bi) baldness; bald head, ow’ekiwalaata, bald-headed person, oku- kutuka ekiwalaata, to become bald. cf. empalaata. kiwalakate, e- (ki/bi) parched/arid place; bald patch on the head, kukaaba kiwalakate, to go through the motions and sentiments of weeping without actually shedding tears, cf. walakata. kiwalaŋŋanna, e- (ki/bi) skull, cf. ^ekiwanga. kiwalattule, e- (ki/bi) as an attrib. with or without the -a of rel. wild, undisciplined; obnoxious (of people), ekiwalattule ky’omwana, a brat. Omusajja ekiwalattule! What a wild, wicked man! kiwalazima, e- adv. aimlessly; in confusion; with great effort, kukaaba kiwalazima, to weep hysterically. kiwaluko, e- (ki/bi) diarrhea, ekiwaluko ky'omusaayi, dysentery, cf. waluka. kiwandiika, e- (ki/bi) something written, document, written statement; inscription. Ekiwandiiko Ekitukuvu, Holy Writ. cf. wandiika. kiwando, e- also ekiwandiro (ki/bi) urinal. c f. wanda. kiwandulo, e- (ki/bi) spit, spittle, cf. .wandula. kiwanga, e- (ki/bi) skull, cranium, n’eki- wanga katono kimuveeko olw’essanyu, and he became overcome by joy, lit. and (his) skull almost went away from him for joy. cf. oluwanga; ekiwalannanna. kiwanga, e- (ki/bi) large, healthy cock/ rooster. Yavaarau ebiwanga musanvu. He had seven children, lit. there issued from him seven roosters, cf. -empauga. Kiwanuka pr.n. the name of a lubaale. He was the son of Ggulu (sky, heaven) and was associated with thunder and lightening. Kiwanuka is also a common name for men. kiwata, e- (ki/bi) banana/plantain peels (often fed to domestic animals as supplementary food). Enjuba yagenda okutya ebi- wata. colloq. The sun set, lit. went to eat banana peels, cf. waata. kiwato, e- (ki/bi) waist; hip; flank, loin. kiwawa, e- (ki/bi) wing. See ekiwaawaatiro which is more common. See also the proverb under oluwawa. kiwawangulo, e- (ki/bi) hollow stem; empty shell/container. Tewali linnya Gganda eriri awo nga kiwawangulo oba ekisusunku ekyereere. There is no Kiganda name which is without significance or history, lit. an empty container or shell. kiwayi, e- (ki/bi) part; piece; portion; slice. cf. oluwayi. Kiweewa pr.n. (la) title of the firstborn son of the Kabaka; the name of a former Kabaka. kiwempe, e- (ki/bi) coarse mat made of plantain or papyrus fibers. This is one of the oldest type of mats known among the Baganda. cf. oluwempe. kiwenda, e- (ki/bi) stem, rear end of a ship or boat. kiwendo, e- (ki/bi) decree to seize and put to death; manhunt; raid, expedition; campaign. ekiwendo ky’abasuubuzi b’abaddu, expedition of slave traders. kiwenge, e- (ki/bu) edge of cloth, okulaga ekiwenge, to go, go away. cj. akawenge. kiwenge, e- (ki/bi) crest, tuft (of a bird). kiweno, e- (ki/bi) wonder, marvel. kiwere, e- (ki/bi) kind of plant from which a red dye is obtained. kiweriya, e- (ki/bi) kind of large water lily, Nymphaea alba. kiwero, e- (ki/bi) piece of cloth; rag; duster; patch; bandage. Ate linda ggwe, bino bi- kyali biwero. But just wait, this is only the beginning (of what I have to tell you). kuba biwero buwero, to be nothing, be far inferior to the person or thing with which comparison is being made, lit. be mere rags. kiwewa, e- (ki/bi) implement for winnowing, winnowing tray. cf. wewa. kiwo, e- (ki/bi) septic dermatitis, cf. omuwo. kiwoggya, e- (ki/bi) kind of shrub growing in water. The stems float and are used for spearing lungfish. kiwojjolo, e- (ki/bi) butterfly; moth. cf. akawoj jolo. kiwoko (la) kind of sweet potato. kiwoko (ki/bi) kind of evergreen shrub. More commonly oluwoko, q.v. kiwombe (la) as invar, adj. calm, quiet, omusajja kiwombe, a calm, quiet man. kiwombo, e- (ki/bi) a banana leaf that is carefully smoked over the fire and used as a container for locally made medicine; plume of banana leaves for ornamenting beer gourds of important people, cf. ol li worn ho. kiwompogoma, e- (ki/bi) empty/hollow place; hole in a termite hill. cf. oluwompogoma, empompogoma. kiwondowondo, e- (ki/bi) kind of shrub/tree which grows to 30 ft., Maesa lanceolata Forsk. kiwongole, e- (ki/bi) \Lunyankole~\ separate area in a kraal where calves are kept apart from their mothers. kiwonko, e- (ki/bi) ravine, valley, depression. cf. oluwonko. kiwonvu, e- (ki/bi) valley, cf. akawonvu, oluwonvu. kiwoobe, e- (ki/bi) lament, lamentation; moan; mourning, okukuba ekiwoobe or ebi- woobe, to lament, moan, cry mournfully. cf. wooba. kiwoomereze, e- (ki/bi) sweetness, sweet taste, cf. wooma, woomereza. See also enkenku. kiwottonono (ki/bi) layer of the mpummumpu, q.v. kiwowongole, e- (ki/bi) cavity, hollow, something which has been hollowed out; small hut in which calves are kept; fig. (as n. or adj.) stupid, unreliable (person), cf. wowongoka, wowongola. kiwu, e- (ki/bi) cushion, seat; carpet made of skins; middle seat in a canoe where a man sits to bale water. kiwubiro, e- (ki/bi) root of a young yam. kiwuduwudu, e- (ki/bi) headless corpse. kiwuggwe, e- no plur. (ki/bi) breathlessness; panting; nervousness, flutter, cf. egguggwe. kiwugiro, e- (ki/bi) dust bath (for birds). ekiwugiro ky’ ennyonyi, iden. cf. ^wuga. kiwujjo, e- (ki/bi) fan; tennis racket; propeller. ekiwujjo kya tenesi, tennis racket. cf. wujja, akawujjo. kiwuka, e- (ki/bi) insect; bug. Alimu ekiwuka. He acts as if he is touched in the head. cf. akawuka. kiwuku, e- also ekiwukuwuku (ki/bi) shallow cave/cavern, cf. empuku. kiwukyu, e- also spelled ekiwucu (ki/bi) kind of grass, cf. cuucu. kiwuliriza, e- (ki/bi) stethoscope, cf. wulira, wuliriza. kiwulu, e- (ki/bi) rare hole, orifice, cf. empuliru. kiwulugumo, e- (kibi) roar, roaring, cf. wuluguma. kiwulungwa, e- (ki/bi) something which is rounded; something which is moulded. cf. wulunga. kiwumi, e- (ki/bi) lump, mass; piece. kiwumi, e- (ki/bi) large protruding forehead. cf. empumi. kiwummulo, ki- (ki/bi) place of rest, place of repose; halt, break, rest. cf. wummula. kiwumpuli also kipumpuli (la) disease of cattle cause by the tsetse fly, trypanosomiasis; epidemic among chickens, cf. kawutnpuli. kiwundu, e- (ki/bi) wound. Ekiwundu kyasamba eddagala. The situation is very serious/bad lit. the wound kicked the medicine cf. sseziwundu. kiwutta, e- (ki/bi) watery, inedible potatoes which have been left too long in the ground; fig. dullard, stupid person; senile person, dotard, cf. wutta, emputta. kiwuubaalo, e- no plur. (ki/bi) loneliness; solitude; sadness, cf. wuubaala. kiwuubiiro, e- (ki/bi) bleeding cup, cupping horn, ekiwuubiiro ky’essimu, telephone receiver. okunyoola ekiwuubiiro, to drive a motorcycle, cf. wuubiira. kiwuuga, e- (ki/bi) patch; spot, embuzi y’ebiwuuga, a spotted goat. kiwuugulu, e- (ki/bi) owl (considered a bird of ill omen), cf. wuugula. kiwuukirizi, e- (ki/bi) syphilitic rhagade on the foot. cf. wuukiira. kiwuulowuulo, e- (ki/bi) swelling; numbness. kiwuumo, e- (ki/bi) whirring; buzzing; rumbling, muffled roar. cf. ^wuuma. kiwuuwa, e- (ki/bi) water reed. kiyabayaba, e- with the -a of rel. mediocre; moderate. Embaga yaabwe yabadde ya kiyabayaba. Their wedding was a mediocre (affair), mu ngeri ya kiyabayaba, in a mediocre manner, imperfectly, cf. -yabaya- ba. kiyagguka var. of kinagguka, q.v. kiyegu (ki/bi) [from Eng. ague] severe cold, influenza, cf. yegu. kiyengo, e- (ki/bi) domestic animal/fowl. kiyi, e- (ki/bi) double handful. kiyigganyizo, e- (ki/bi) persecution; period of persecution, cf. yigga, yigganya. kiyigo, e- (ki/bi) toilet, latrine. kiyiifuyiifu, e- adv. with all one’s might; wholeheartedly, with great gusto, with great rancor/hostility, cf. ^yiika. kiyinda, e- (ki/bi) prow of a canoe. kiyingula, e- (ki/bi) large piece of meat. Kiyini pr.n. the title of the Kabaka’s tanner. kiyiniggi, e- (ki/bi) wooden handle, ekiyi- niggi ky’enkumbi, a hoe handle. kiyinzeyinze, e- (ki/bi) shadow. Kiyira pr.n. Nile. Omugga Kiyira, the River Nile. cf. yira. kiyirigi, e- (ki/bi) bean. kiyiriitira, e- adv. breathing one’s last, on the point of death. Baamulaba ng’asigad- deko kiyiriitira. They found him unconscious/almost dead. cf. yiriitira. kiyiriitiro, e- (ki/bi) wheeze, wheezing; choking sound, cf. yiriitira. kiyirikiti, e- (ki/bi) kind of tree which produces a red blossom, Erythrina abyssinica. cf. eggirikiti, omuyirikiti. kiyiriza (-kiyirizza) v.tr. skirt, go along the side of. kiyiro, e- also ekiyiriro (ki/bi) waterfall; rapids; cascade, cf. yira, Kiyira. kiyitirirwa, e- (ki/bi) arch; triumphal arch; passageway, cf. 2yjta, yitirirwa. kiyobyo, e- (ki/bi) eczema. kiyondo, e- (ki/bi) kind of plant, wild aloe. kjyonga, e- (ki/bi) spark from a fire (esp. a grass fire); piece of burnt paper flying in the air. cf. omuyonga, nnakayonga. kiyonjo, e- (ki/bi) cage, coop for fowl. cf. omuyonjo, ennyonjo. kiyoyo, e- (ki/bi) kind of water bird, teal. kiyubwe, e- (ki/bi) slough, the cast-off skin of a snake, cf. yubuka. kiyulu, e- (ki/bi) patch of rushes, cf. oluyulu. kiyulu, e- (ki/bi) plant which produces njulu, q.v. kiyumbaanaagwa adv. swiftly, with great speed, in no time at all. kiyungiro, e- (ki/bi) splice; joining; setting of broken limb. cf. yunga. kiyungu, e- (ki/bi) kitchen detached from the main living quarters. kiyunja:. kutunula kiyunja rare to scowl at, look fiercely at. kiza, e- (ki/bi) pubic hair. kiza caus. of kira, q.v. kizaalaggumba, e-: ow’ekizaalaggumba, a woman whose children are spaced at long intervals, cf. zaala, -gumba. kizaana, e- (ki/bi) burning torch kept through the night (esp. in a chief’s compound) for easy provision of fire in emergencies or at the beginning of the day. kizannyiro, e- (ki/bi) playing field for sports; playground; gymnasium, cf. zannya. kizeezengere, e- (ki/bi) kind of cricket. kizibaawo, e- (ki/bi) coat; suit. kizibik(ir)o, e- (ki/bi) stopper; cork. cf. zi ba, zi biki ra. kizibiti, e- (ki/bi) [Eng. ] exhibit, physical evidence presented at a court trial; bribe. kizibwe plur. bakizibwe (la) cousin of the opposite sex on the father’s side. kizigiro, e- (ki/bi) spot (on cloth); blemish, defect. Aleetedde eggwanga ekizigiro. He has brought shame on the country. cf. ziga. kizigo, e- (ki/bi) oil; ointment; lotion. cf. 2ziga, lomuzigo. kizigo, e- (ki/bi) place where game animals are cornered by hunters, hunting ground. cf. Iziga. kiziimuuziimu, e- adv. with a contemptuous look, contemptuously, mockingly, kutunuu- lira kiziimuziimu, to look askance at, look at with contempt/raised eyebrows, cf. ziitnuula. kizikiza, e- (ki/bi) darkness, cf. zikira, zikiza. kizima: kuddugala kizima, to be of dark maroon color like a ripe mpafu fruit, cf. omuzima. kizimba, e- (ki/bi) swelling; tumor; boil. cf. 2zjjuba. kizimbagatana, e- (ki/bi) swelling, cf. zimbagatana. kizimbe, e- (ki/bi) building, edifice. cf. Izimba. kizimbulukusa, e- (ki/bi) yeast; leaven; baking powder, cf. zimbulukuka, zimbulukusa. kizimiira with the -a of rel. dark, overcast (of the weather). Obudde bwa kizimiira. The sky is overcast, cf. -^zima, zimiira. kizimu, e- (ki/bi) dust devil, whirlwind. cf. omuzimu. kizimugulu (la) swelling of the legs. kizindo, e- (ki/bi) raid; foray, cf. zinda. kizinga, e- (ki/bi) island. kizingiiti, e- (ki/bi) wooden plank (e.g., one used to hold the door). kiziri (la) prolapsed piles; prolapse of the rectum. Kizito pr.n. the name of a lubaale; the name of one of the Uganda Martyrs; a common name for men. kiziyiro, e- (ki/bi) blockage; congestion; suffocation; constipation, ekiziyiro mu buta- ssa, asphyxia, interruption of breathing, kufa kiziyiro, to be overcome by the lack of fresh air; to die from lack of air. cf. ziyira. kiziyiza, e- usually plur. (ki/bi) brake (of a vehicle), okulinnya ebiziyiza, to put on the brakes, cf. ziyiza. kiziyizo, e- (ki/bi) hindrance; restriction. cf. ziyiza. kizizi, e- adv. kutta kizizi, to massacre, kill (defenseless people or animals), kufa kizizi, to die in mass; to die in an accident or catastrophe in which many are killed. cf. zzizi. kizizi, e- (ki/bi) bundle of reeds placed under the ceiling of a house. kizungirizi, e- (ki/bi) space vehicle, satellite '-'7* t./juagimu, MivuziUUgiiiZJi. kizungu, e- the section of a town or city occupied by Europeans/Westerners, with the -a of rel. of the European manner or style, ennyimba ez’ekizungu, European songs; Western songs, amannyo ag’ekizungu, false teeth, cf. -zungu, Omuzungu. kizuuzi (la) arch, a diviner who specializes in finding lost objects, cf. ^zuuka, zuula. Kizza pr.n. name of a child born immediately after twins, cf. Kigongo. kizzikezzike, e- with the -a of rel. dark, gloomy (of the weather). -kka exclusive enumerative pron. & adj. only, alone, by (one.’s) self. The forms with the disjunctive pronouns are: nzekka, 1 alone, only I; wekka (2nd sing.); yekka (3rd sing.); ffekka / 1st plur.); mwekka (2nd plur.); bokka (3rd plur.). Also used with the pronominal concordants. ekitabo kimu kyokka, just one book, wano wokka, only here, just here, kyokka is also used as a conj. meaning however, nevertheless, contr. -nna. kka (-sse, nzise) v.i. go down, come down, descend; sink. Omuwendo gusse. The price has gone down, kukka ntuuyo, to sweat profusely, kukka maziga, to weep silently, kukka kitakata, to have a lucky/ narrow escape, kukka bbeeyi, to go down in price; (of people) to become a has-been/ a nobody. kkira (-kkidde) v.i. & tr. appl. go down in/ at, etc.; descend upon; begin. Bwe yajja yakkira ku kunvuma. When he came the first thing he did was to insult me. Omanyi ebintu gye byakkira? Do you know how the matters were settled? kkirira (-kkiridde) v.i. appl. 2 keep coming down/descending; slope downwards. Omwaka gukkiridde. The rainy season has begun. ssa (-ssizza) v.tr. caus. (listed separately under s). kkiriza (-kkirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. cause to go down in/at. Note: the much more common meaning of kkiriza is believe. This kkiriza, together with its derivatives, is perhaps related to kka, but because of the sharp divergence in meanings it is listed separately. cf. ekikko, olukko, ssa; kkakkana, kkalira, Ikkata, kkatira, kkiriza. kkaalaala invar, adj. beautiful; attractive, omuwala kkaalaala, a beautiful girl. kkaanya (-kkaanyizza) v.i. agree, come to an agreement, v.tr. agree on, come to an agreement on. Twakkaanyizza omuwendo. We agreed on a price. -ekkaanya (-ekkaanyizza) v.i. & tr. refl. examine closely, look at carefully, inspect with care. Wekkaanye! Pay attention! kkaaze, e- no plur. (li/ma) rudeness, harshness; ill temper. kkabba, e- (n/n) [Stu., dr.] lining of back of kkanzu, shirt, busuuti, etc.; back of kkanzu, etc. Yamulaga kkabba. He turned his back on him. kkabi, e- (li/ma) many-pronged spear; fork of a tree. kkabyo, e- no plur. (ti/ma) sternness; dour- ness; moroseness, omuntu ow’ekkabyo, irritable person, grouch. Atunuza kkabyo. He has a grim look about him. kkajolyanjovu, e- (li/ma) kind of tree, Dracaena steudneri. kkakka: ku genda kkakka, to hurry, rush, travel at a fast rate (esp. when chased). akka: okutambula be kkakka, to walk slowly but with great assurance and deliberation. -kkakkamu adj. humble; meek, docile; peaceful; mild, calm. cf. kkakkana, obukkakkamu. kkakkana (-kkakkanye, nzikakkanye) v.i. sit down, take a seat; come down, move to a lower position; become mild; calm down, subside (of an illness, a difficult situation). kkakkanya (-kkakkanyizza) v.tr. caus. make sit; cause to go down; ease; calm; pacify. cf. kka, -kkakkamu. kkala (n/n) \_Eng. ] color; kind, sort, em- yenge egya buli kkala, beers of all kinds. kkalaamu, e- (n/n) [Stu., dr.] pencil; pen. ekkalaamu eya bwino, pen. ekkalaamu en- kalu, lead pencil, pencil, ekkalaamu ezi- siiga, crayons. kkalaani plur. bakkalaani (la) [St^., dr.] clerk, clerical worker, cf. obvvakkalaani. kkalakita plur. kkalakita or zi kkalakita (n/n) [Eng.] tractor. kkalalume, e- no plur. (li/ma) musky odor, smell produced by goats, deer, snakes, etc. kkalata (n/n) [S’'>. 1 playing cards okuba kkalata, to play cards; to gamble (often in a manner which does not require cards). kkalira (-kkalidde) v.i. sit down, take a seat; sit at one’s ease; settle down. -ekkalira (-ekkalidde) v.i. refl. seat oneself, sit down; settle down. cf. kka. kkaliya, e- (n/n) [Eng.] separate seat of a bicycle or motorcycle for a passenger; carrier, trailer. kkalizo, e- (li/ma) ekkalizo lya taaba, place where tobacco is dried, cf. kala. kkalwe, e- (li/ma) iron; steel, ekyuma ekya kkalwe, steel. kkalwekkalwe: essota erya kkalwekkalwe, a very venomous snake which has the same coloration as dry leaves. kkanda, e- (li/ma) trap for animals. See the plur. amakan da for additional meanings. kkandwa, e- (li/ma) kind of shrub with hard wood. cf. olukandwa. kkangala (n/n) [Su>. ] kind of beer/intoxicant formerly used in making nguuli, q.v. kkanisa, e- (n/n) [Sw., dr.] Protestant church. kkanyi, e- (li/ma) arch, sharpened stick for hunting edible rats (misu). kkanzu, e- (li/ma or n/n) [Stt>., dr.] long gown worn by African males. kkaŋŋango, e- (li/ma) kind of mushroom. kkapa (n/n) [Sw. ] cat. Tukyawoza gwa kkapa kuzaala mbwa, ng’ate endiga ewa- lampa enju. (prov.) We are still pleading the case (omusango implied) of a cat giving birth to a dog, and then a sheep climbs up on the house. It never rains but it pours. kkata (-kkase, nzikase) v.tr. press down. -ekkata (-ekkase) v.i. refl. set oneself down; sit down; fall heavily, kwekkatu mu kkubo, to reach the road, arrive at the road. kkata is the contactive of kka, q.v. kkata, e- (li/ma) coil of snake/serpent, okuzinga ekkata, to coil oneself up. cf. enkata, ekikata. kkatala, e- (li/ma) chore, task, job, assignment. kkatira (-kkatidde, nzikatidde) v.i. & impress down, weigh down; pack tightly; cram tightly. -ekkatira (-ekkatidde) v.i. <£ tr. refl. be packed together tightly, be crammed together. okwekkatira emmere, to gorge oneself with food. kkaatiriza (-kkaatirizza) v.tr. appl. caus. press down; wedge down; pack/cram tightly (often with the implication of adding additional material). c f. kka. kkato, e- (li/ma) large needle; injection, inoculation, okukuba ekkato, to inoculate. cf. olukato. kkatukkatu adv. very rapidly, with great speed. kkayu, e- no plur. (li/ma) ill temper; bad disposition; sourness, cf. ^kayuka. kke, e- (li/ma) pleasant smell, sweet odor; pleasant taste. kkejenge: obudde (be) kkejenge, all through the night, until morning/the next day. kkekwa, e- (li/ma) shortage; lack; scarcity. with the -a of rel. rare, scarce. Amayinja g’omuwendo ga kkekwa. Precious stones are scarce. -ekkema (-ekkemye) v.i. refl. bear down (at work or at stool j. kkenda, e- (li/ma) soldier ant. kkengere, e- (n/n) electric bell, ekkengere z’obugaali, bicycle bells. kkere, e- (li/ma) large frog. (Awantu) awampi waalema ekkere okubuuka. (prov.) A short distance proved too much for the big frog to jump. Beware, you may be beaten by a trifle. (Asht.) Basammula ekkere ng'amazzi banywa. They splash away the big ugly frog but drink the water (it has been in). (Said o f hypocrites.) cf. ekikere. kkerenda, e- (li/ma) lump; clump; mass; large pill/tablet. Emboozi yagwa amakerenda. They (or we) had a long and pleasant conversation. Kkerenda liva ku lubaya. (prov.) lit. The lump comes fnom the large packet. Like father, like son. cf. akakerenda. kkerere [from Sw. kelele] noise, tumult, kukuba kk erere, to be extremely talkative; to be all talk and no action. kkereziya, e- (n/n) a (Roman Catholic) church. See eklezia. kkesula, e- (li/ma) strong poison, cf. kesula. kkinyi, e- no plur. excess, with the -a of rel. excessive, kukola bya kkinyi, to act mischievously, do things to excess. kkira, kkirira appl forms of kka, q.v. kkira, e- (li/ma) large tail, kusiba kkira, be the last one, be at the tail end (of one’s class), cf. omukira. kkiravvi, e- no plur. (li/ma) water on the knee, synovitis, cf. evvi. -ekkiriranya see kkiriza. kkiriza (-kkirizza, nzikirizza) v.i. agree, consent; be willing; approve, v.tr. believe; allow; agree to; approve of; accept. kkirizisa (-kkirizisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to believe, etc. kkirizaganya (-kkirizaganyizza) v.i. recip. agree with each other, come to an agreement. -ekkiriranya (-ekkiriranyizza) v.i. appl. 2 caus. refl. be overly agreeable, say yes to everybody; be easy to convince; vacillate. cf. ekitakkirizaganya, omwekkiriranya, enzikiriza, enzikirizaganya. kko, e- no plur. (li/ma) dirt, filth (particularly used of dirt on the body), cf. ekiko. kkoba, e- (li/ma) large belt, ekkoba eryelikka amasasi cartridge belt. cf. olukoba. kkobe, e- (li/ma) -fruit of the mukobe q.v. (It has a thin skin, a texture resembling that of the potato and is eaten boiled.) Ekika ky’Ekkobe, the Kkobe Clan, kukomba ku kya kkobe eky’ettungulu kiwoomerera, to be frustrated in accomplishing one’s objective; fail to obtain what one wants, lit. to lick at the skin (kikuta is implied, by kya) of the kkobe, (whereas) the skin of the ttungulu is the one that is sweet. kkokkoliko, e- rare. See obukokkoliko. kkolero, e- (li/ma) factory; workshop, ek- kolero ly’engoye, textile mill. Minista w’Obusuubuzi n’Amakolero, the Minister of Commerce and Industries, cf. kola. kkoligo, e- (li/ma) yoke; trip (in wrestling). kukuba kkoligo, to trip/throw (an opponent in wrestling), cf. ekikoligo. kkolokooni, e- (li/ma) [Sto.] jail; guardhouse. kkoloto invar, adj. large, huge; obstinate, intractable. kkomagiro, e- (li/ma) place where barkcloth is beaten (it resembles a shed but has open sides), cf. komaga. kkomamawanga, e- (li/ma) pomegranate. kkomante, e- (li/ma) kind of large black caterpillar. kkomba, e- (li/ma) castor-oil plant. kkomekkome, e- finally, as a finish. Kkome- kkome ng’eridda emugga (or e Bubebbere). It is as much of a dead end as (the road) which leads to the well (or to Bubebbere). cf. koma. kkomera, e- (li/ma) prison, jail. cf. koma, komera, olukomera. kkomo, e- (li/ma) limit; end. cf. koma. kkonda, e- no plur. (li/ma) ill will, rancor, enmity; rare heartburn. Amulinako ekkonda. He has a feeling of bitterness towards him. kkonde, e- (li/ina) large fist; heavy punch/ blow. cf. ekikonde. kkondeete, e- (li/ma) trumpet, horn. cf. omukondeere. kkondo plur. bakkondo (la) burglar, armed robber ( a neologism which is much stronger than omubbi). kukuba kkondo (or bwakkondo), to commit armed robbery (esp. at night), cf. obwakkondo. kkonero, e- (li/ma) arch, stone used for beating out native sponges. kkongojjo, e- (li/ma) hopscotch, kuyimirira ku kkongojjo, to stand on one foot. cf. Ikongojja. kkongolijjo, e- (li/ma) protuberance, knot, knob (on a stick, a tree). kkonkome, e- also ekkonkomi (li/ma) kind of large multicolored lizard. It was believed that the spirit of the lubaale Lubanga resided in this lizard. kkono (la) usually with the -a of rel. expressed or implied, left (as opposed to right); left hand; left side; the (political) left. omukono ogwa kkono, the left hand. Wa kkono. He is left-handed, obukiika obwa kkono, north, kugwa kkono, to miss, miss out on. Kyangwa kkono. I missed it. It escaped me. Yangwa kkono. I missed him (i.e., he wasn’t there when I arrived) or I was never successful in my dealings with him. See ddyo. kkooba, e- (li/ma) large spear. kkoodi interj. May 1 come in? (said before entering a house/a room), kukuba kkoodi, to call kkoodi, ask for admission. The reply is karibu. cf. Sw. hodi. kkooko, e- (li/ma) useless, rejected log (in wood cutting). kkookootezi, e- (li/ma') common gray plantain- eater bird, Schizoris zonura. kkookoowe, e- (li/ma) kind of barkcloth tree which yields very coarse barkcloth. kkoolaasi (la) [from Eng. coal ash] macadam broken stone used in paving, kukuba kkoolaasi, to macadamize/pave (a road). kkoona, e- (li/ma) [Eng.] corner. kkoona, e- also ekkoonezi (li/ma) kind of large termite. kkooti, e- (n/n) [Eng.'] coat. kkooti, e- (n/n) [Eng. ] court; ekkooti en- kulu, senior court, high court, ekkooti ento, junior court. kko si, e- (li/ma) rare back of the neck. kkotoggo: be kkotoggo, ideo. in vain, without profit, cf. kotoggera. kkovu, e- (li/ma) snail, slug. kkowe, e- (li/ma) mesh of a net; link (in a chain), mu kkowe lino, in this regard, in this respect. kkoyi interj. See kokya. kkubiro, e-: kukuba kuleka mu kkubiro, to beat severely, cf. ^kuba. kkubo, e- (li/ma) road; street; path; way; fig. method, way. cf. akakubo. -kkufu adj. sated, satisfied, full (with reference to food), cf. kkuta, obukkufu. kkufufu, e- (li/ma) kind of 1 arge owl. kkufulu, e- (formerly ekkufuli) (n/n) [Sto., Ar.] lock; padlock. kkugunyu, e- (li/ma) hip; thigh; thigh bone. cf. ekikugunyu, olukugunyu. kkukuuzi, e- no plur. (li/ma) dust, residue of crushed grass, kulonda bwoya mu kkukuuzi, to be occupied in an extremely difficult task, lit. pick up little hairs from the dust. cf. olukukuuzi. kkula, e- (1 i/ma) something very precious/ valuable/rare. For meanings of the plural see ^amakula. kkulira (-kkulidde) v.i. begin to sprout. kkulu: okwessaamu ekkulu, to act important, put on airs. cf. -kulu. kkuluba, e- (li/ma) swelling, bulge; knot (in a tree); tumor. kkulumbisi: enseenene kkulumbisi, green grasshopper. kkulunkalu: enseenene kkulunkalu, pale red grasshopper. kkumbi, e- (li/ma) elephant-snout fish, Gnathonemus longibarbis. See ekisuma. kkumi, e- numer. (li/ma) ten. with the -a of rel. tenth, ekitabo eky’ekkumi, the tenth book. Ekkumi terikyawa omu. (prov.) Ten do not hate one. No one is hated by everybody. cf. -kumi. kkundi, e- (1 i/ma) navel, umbilicus, ekkundi lya kibulira, hollow navel, cf. omukundi, nnamukundi. kkungu: kwessaamu kkungu, to be proud, act important, behave like a mukungu (q.v.). kkungwa or (less frequently) kungwa invar, adj. expert, accomplished, outstanding, omuzinnyi kkungwa, a great dancer, omulimba kkungwa, an inveterate liar. kkunikkuni: be kkunikkuni, ideo. expressing intense darkness of the sky kunidde be kkunikkuni. It has grown terribly dark. cf. kunira. kkunsu, e- (li/ma) young boar, young hog; fig. child, kid. kkuŋŋaaniro, e- (li/ma) place of gathering, place of assembly, meeting place, cf. kuŋŋaana. kkuŋŋaanyizo, e- (li/ma) gathering place, place of storage, ekkuŋŋaanyizo ly’ebisolo, zoo. cf. kuŋŋaana. kkuta (-kusse, nzikuse) v.i. & tr. be satisfied/sated/full (esp. with reference to food and drink), kukkuta bijanjaalo, colloq. to be pregnant, kukkuta muntu, to be disgusted/fed up with a person, kukkuta kintu, to be disgusted with something; to understand something clearly. kkusa (-kkusizza) v.tr. caus. satisfy, satiate. -ekkusa (-ekkusizza) v.i. caus. refl. sate oneself, satisfy oneself. cf. -kkufu, obukkufu, omukkuto. kkutiya, e- (li/ma or n/n) jute bag, jute sack. cf. akakutiya. kkutu: be kkutu, ideo. representing the sound of something being broken or snapped in half. cf. kutuka. kkuubo, e- (li/ma) passage, corridor; large stripe. ,cf. akakuubo, ekikuubo, olukuubo. kkuulaamalungi invar, adj. huge, enormous; tremendous; magnificent, grand, unparalleled, omwoleso gw’obusuubuzi kkuulaamalungi, a gigantic trade exhibition, olukwe kkuulaamalungi, a monstrous plot, enjala kkuulaamalungi, a horrible famine. Okubuulira kwabadde kkuulaamalungi. The sermon was magnificent, cf. kuula, -lungi. kkuuli, e- (ekkwiiri in Buddu): kusimba kkuuli, to tackle/trip (in soccer). kkuumi, e- (li/n) area in the upper part of the back, kufunya makuumi, to be proud, act important. kkuumiro, e- (li/ma) ekkuumiro ly’ebisolo, game preserve, cf. kuuma. kkuutwe adv. quickly, in a hurry; briefly; without stopping. Twabayitako kkuutwe. We passed by them quickly without stopping. kkuzimu no plur. (n/n) the world of spirits, the world of the dead, kuggya kkuzimu, to rescue from dire straits; to save from death/ great illness, cf. omuzimu. kkwa: be kkwa (bekkwa) ideo. expressing the sound of a blow. Omusajja yamukubye ennume y'ekigwo be kkwa. The man gave him a terrific blow (in wrestling). kkwaba, e- (li/ma) high grasses which block the road in the rainy season. kkwanzi, e- (1 i/ma) [Sw.] fish eagle. Kkweba pr.n. title of the County Chief of the Ssese Islands. kkwemmembekedde (n/n) the ring finger; fig. one whose presence is either unnecessary or undesired, a ‘fifth wheel.’ kkwenya: kusibira kkwenya, to have a good time/enjoy oneself on a visit. kkwete no plur. (la) a beer made from corn which is very popular among the tribes of Northern Uganda. kkwiiri, e- see ekkuuli. (k)kwini (la) queen. Essaawa ya Kwini, Queen’s Tower clock (in Kampala), -ekkya (-ekkizza) v.i. refl. stop; do to excess so that continuation is difficult or impossible. The specific act involved is expressed by a preceding verb. Yalya ne yeekkya. He ate until he could eat no more. Yayogera ne yekkya. He talked himself out. klezia, e- also ekleziya, ekkereziya (n/n) [from Lat. ecclesia] a Roman Catholic church, eklezia enkulu, cathedral. The initial e- is sometimes treated as part of the word, sometimes as the l.V. (initial vowel J. The spelling klezia is in violation of the rules of the orthography but is in common use. ko adv. Sc conj. (before a quotation) then, thereupon, ko ye nti..., then he said... (between two substantives) and, in addition. Abasajja babiri ko n’abakazi basatu batti- bwa. Two men and three women were killed. -ko enclitic corresponding to the independent form ku (q.v.). One of its uses is to diminish the force of verbs, nouns and adjectives to which it is suffixed. Often it is the equivalent of a partitive. Olugendo lunene? Is the journey long? Ee luneneko. Yes,it is rather long. Twalako! Take some! koba (-kobye) v.tr. combine, put together; concoct (a story), v.i. act together/in concert. -ekoba (-ekobye) v.i. join together, act together, collude; agree to do together, conspire, jjiul. v.ir. plot against. -ekobera (-ekobedde) v.tr. appl. plot, conspire for/against, etc. -ekobaakoba (-ekobyekobye) = ekoba but less forceful and sometimes implying the activity of more people. -ekobereza (-ekoberezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. shift blame onto (someone else). kobaana (-kobaanye) v.i. recip. combine together. -ekobaana (-ekobaanye) v.i. recip. refl. = -ekoba. cf. -kobe, obwekobi, ekyekobo. -kobe adj. obtained by joint action, ente enkobe, a cow purchased by two or more people who combine their resources. cf. koba. -ekobogoza (-ekobogozezza) v.i. complain; make a futile complaint. kobojjana (-kobojjanye) v.i. dispute; quarrel. koboka (-kobose) v.i. speak harshly, snap at someone. kobonko adv., arch, at one draft. koboza (-kobozezza) v.i. answer defiantly/ harshly; be defiant; turn up one’s nose. -kodo adj. stingy, miserly, niggardly, cf. kodowala, obukodo, omukodo. kodowala (-kodowadde) v. i. become stingy/ parsimonious/miserly, cf. -kodo, obukodo, omukodo. kogga (-kozze) v.i. become thin; become emaciated. kozza (-kozzezza) v.tr. caus. make thin; emaciate.cf. -kovvu, obukovvu, omugogge, omukogge. koggoka (-koggose) v.i. go away rebuffed/ dejected/empty-handed, cf. kottoka. kojja (la) maternal uncle, mother’s brother. cf. obukojja. kojoba (-kojobye) v.i. urinate. koka (-kose) clean by scraping (the ground, the floor, the body); clean away, sweep away. Mukoka yakoka ebisasiro byonna. The pools of rainwater swept away all the trash, cf. mukoka. -ekokkola (-ekokkodde) v.tr. refl. decry, speak evil of; express amazement/shock/ disbelief at (e.g., the evil conduct of a person). kokkwa v.i. pass, do to a high degree (used in association with a previous verb. Often rendered in English by very much or a similar adverbial phrase.) Yeebaza n’akokkwa. He expressed very profuse thanks. kokoj jola (-kokoj jodde) v. tr. peel badly/ clumsily; cut off. kokola (-kokodde) v.tr. remove the spell from; exorcise; purify (by ritualistic procedures). kokota (-kokose) v.tr. scrape, scrape off. c /. kolokota. kokya (-kokezza) v.i. ask riddles. The propounder says: Kkoyi! Guess! The guesser replies: Lya! kokka, with the same meaning, is rare. Note the following usages of kkoyi: Omuzungu kkoyi! The European is wonderful! Omusajja oyo kkoyi! What a terrible person that man is1 cf. ekiknkko kola (-koze) v.i. work; function, operate; act (as). Essimu yali tekola. The telephone was out of order. Akola ng’omu- wandiisi w’ ekibiina ky’abakozi. He is working as secretary of the labor union. v.tr. do; make, okukola omulimu, to do a job, to work, okukola emmere, to prepare food, okukola lumonde, to peel sweet potatoes. okukola ebigezo, to take examinations. -kozeeko, used, second-hand, emmotoka ezikozeeko, used cars. kolwa, kolebwa (-koleddwa) v.i. pass, be done/made, etc. Abalwadde balabika oku- kolwako eddagala lino. The sick people seem to be favorably affected by this medicine. -ekola (-ekoze) v.i. & tr. refl. have high regard/esteem for; swear by (in the sense of to endorse heartily). kwekola kigenyi, to have a wonderful time, enjoy oneself thoroughly, kukyekola, to have a feeling of regret; less commonly to be delighted/overjoyed (e.g., at getting what one wants). kolera (-koledde) v.tr. appl. work in/at/ for, etc.; act for, do for the benefit of; do a disservice to, spoil things for. -ekolera (-ekoledde) v.i. & tr. appl. refl. do for oneself; make for oneself; work for oneself; make trouble for oneself; get oneself into a fix; hurt oneself. kolerera (-koleredde) v.tr. appl. 2 work for/on behalf of (another person); work for (pay); botch up, mess up. -ekolerera (-ekoleredde) v.i. appl. 2 refl. work for oneself. Buli muntu yeekolerera. Everybody works for his own benefit. koza ( kozczza) u.ii. caus. cause to work; work or make using/with. kozesa (-kozesezza) v.tr. caus. 2 use, employ (in the most general sense); employ (workers). okukozesa amaanyi, to use force (against opposition); to work with vigor. -ekozesa (-ekozesezza) v.i. caus. 2 refl. employ oneself, be self-employed. koleka (-kolese) v.i. neut. be doable; be easy to do. kolagana (-kolganye) v.i. recip. work together, cooperate. cf. -kole, -kolerere, -kozi, ekikolwa, ekkolero, omukoza, omukozesa, omukozi, enkola, enkolagana, lenkolwa. Kolamalyo pr.n. title of the gourd-grower of the Kabaka. -kole adj. done; made. cf. kola. koleera (-koledde) v.i. be lit/lighted; be ignited, okukoleera omuliro, to catch fire. koleeza (-koleezezza) v.tr. caus. light (a lamp, candle, etc.); ignite, okukoleeza emboozi, to strike up a conversation, okukoleeza emmotoka, to start an automobile. -kolerere adj. homemade, not constructed by experts; crudely made, artificial, emmundu enkolerere, a homemade gun. liiri omuko- lerere, artificial silk. cf. kola, kolerera. kolijja or kkolijja adv. wholesale, at wholesale prices, with the -a of rel. wholesale, emiwendo egya kolijja, wholesale prices. contr. lejjalejja. kolima (-kolimye) v.i. curse, utter curses. kolimira (-kolimidde) v.tr. appl. curse. kolimirwa (-kolimiddwa) v.i. appl. pass. be cursed; be accursed; be disgraced. cf. ekikolimo. kolobba rare var. of kul'ubba, q.v. koloboka (-kolobose) v.i. be scratched. kolobola (-kolobodde) v.tr. scratch; scrape; graze; fig. criticize, assail verbally. -ekolobola (-ekolobodde) v.i. refl. scratch itself; fig. become furious; be no longer manageable. koloboza (-kolobozezza) v.tr. caus. cause to scratch; draw (a line). cf. akakoloboze, olukoloboze; konjobola. kologa (-koloze) v.tr. mix, mix up, blend; stir. kolokota (-kolokose) v.tr. scrape; scrape off; scratch; grate; fig. upbraid, reproach; criticize. cf. kokota. kolola (-kolodde) v.i. cough, okukolola be kkejenge, to cough all night. koloza (-kolozezza) v.tr. caus. cause to cough. -ekoloza (-ekolozezza) v.i. caus. refl. make oneself cough; pretend to cough. cf. akakololo, ekikololo, omukoloze. kolombojja (-kolombozze) v.tr. lop off (branches); draw down (from a tree with the aid of a stick). kolondola (-kolondodde) v.i. bring up phlegm, spit up. kolonga (-kolonze) v. tr. set in a line, arrange in a line. -ekolonga (-ekolonze) v.i. refl. align oneself; stretch out in a line. kolongoka (-kolongose) v.i. be elongated/ lengthened/stretched out. kolongola (-kolongodde) v.tr, elongate; stretch out; lay at full length. -ekolongola (-ekolongodde) v.i. refl. march in file. cf. -kolongofu, olukolongo, omukolongo. -kolongofu adj. elongated; long and slender. cf. kolongoka. -kolya adj. ignorant; inexperienced (esp. of dogs). Embwa enjizzi ezaala enkolya. (prov.) lit. A (good) hunting dog may give birth to a defective (one). Superior parents may have inferior offspring. koma (-komye) v.i. cease, stop, come to an end, go as far as, reach. Wakoma wa? How far did you get/go? Awo we nkomye. That is all. That is all I have to say (said after recounting an event or story). Nkomye. I have had enough (said when declining an additional portion of food). Yakoma. She has stopped bearing children, kukoma awo, to stop, let matters rest. Erinnya Kayaga lyakomanga ku bawala bokka. The name Kayaga was restricted to girls. Note the additional meanings 0/koma with the enclitics. komawo (-komyewo) v.i. come back, return. Komawo! Come back here! komako (-komyeko) v.tr. touch; scold, rebuke; come up to. -ekomako (-ekomyeko) v.i. refl. touch oneself lightly; stop/pause and reconsider. komayo (-komyeyo) v.i. recover from a very serious illness, have a close brush with death. komera (-komedde) v.tr. appl. fence in; barricade. komerwa (-komeddwa) v.i. appl. pass. be fenced in/enclosed. komeza (-komezezza) v.tr. appl. caus. enclose, shut in; finish, end at/for, etc. komerera (-komeredde) v.i. appl. 2 be at the end; be last/final; border (on), be adjacent (to). v.tr. put nails into, nail; nail down; press, press down, okukomerera ku musaalaba. to crucify. komereza (-komerezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. place at the end; cause to end at; cause to nail; nail with/using give grudgingly. Ekiwandiiko kyakomerezaayo kunnyonnyola nfaanana yange. The document ended with a description of my appearance. komya (-komezza) v.tr. caus.; also komyawo end, cease; stop, cause to stop; bring back; cause to return; restore, okukomya mu kiwato, up to the waist, as far as the waist. Nfukiramu caayi okukomya mu makkati. Pour out some tea for me up to the middle of the glass. Yankomya ku ssomero. He accompanied me to school, gye -komya + inf... gye -komya + inf., the more...the more. Gye tukomya okuyiga ennyo gye tu- komya n’okufuna obubonero obulungi. The more we concentrate on our studies the better our grades will be. \bamu gye baakomyanga okutendereza omwami naye gye yakomya n’okwenyumiriza. The more some people praised the chief, the prouder he became. -ekomya (-ekomezza) v.tr. caus. refl. kwekomya kintu, appropriate something, keep something and refuse to give it up. komesaako & komesaawo v.tr. caus. 2 = komyako & komyawo. komeka (-komese) v.i. neut. Omwana oyo takomekako. That child cannot be controlled/is insubordinate. cf. obukomera, kkomekkome, ekkomera, ekkoma, olukomera, olutaakome, amakoma, amakomawo, Omukomerere, enkomeredde, enkomerero, enkomyo. komaga (-komaze) v.i. beat barkcloth. v.tr. beat (barkcloth); fig. strike, beat with blows. komagira (-komagidde) v.i. & tr. appl. beat (barkcloth) for/in, etc. komaza (komazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to beat barkcloth. cf. ekkomagiro, omukomago, omukomazi. komba (-kombye) v.tr. lick; lap; kiss. okukomba kw’erima, to refuse flatly, lit. to lick that which digs (enkumbi, hoe, is implied). okukomba obulamu, colloq., to enjoy life, have a good time, okukomba amazzi, colloq., to drink a great deal of beer, okukomba amannyo ng’embwa, to lick one’s chops in anticipation of food or (more frequently) drink, okukomba ssente, to acquire money without much effort, to ‘clean up.’ okukomba ku kantu, to eat a little bit, taste a little bit; to drink a little bit. Ge balira ge bakomba. They are in great distress, lit. The tears (amaziga is implied) they weep they lick. Yasula takombye ku mpeke ya tulo. He didn’t get a wink of sleep all night. -ekomba (-ekombye) v.i. refl. lick oneself, okwekomba ebinkumu, to suck one’s thumb, do nothing. -ekombakomba (-ekombyekombye) v.i. redup, refl. lick oneself continually; lick oneself all over. komberera (-komberedde) v.tr. appl. 2. lick intensively; lick all the time. kombya (-kombezza) v.tr. caus. cause to lick. cf. omukombi. kombooza (-komboozezza) v.tr. collect, gather; pick up; search all over to get; contract ( a disease); pick up (a woman of ill repute), cf. kikombooza, kikomboozo. komeka (-komese) v.tr. set side by side; align, line up; arrange; stack; fill; put in compact form. v.i. get into line. -ekomeka (-ekomese) v.i. refl. align oneself. komekkereza (-komekkerezza) v. tr. finish, conclude, bring to an end. v.i. come to an end. komera see koma. komereza (-komerezza) v.tr. admonish; reproach; taunt, ‘needle.’ kommonta (-kommonse) v.tr. beat, pound, okukommonta taaba, to smoke tobacco, okukommonta empewo, to be very proud. Empewo enkommonta. The wind is blowing against me .okukommonta oluwa, to whistle, okukommonta eŋŋombe y’emmotoka, to blow the horn of an automobile. komola (-komodde) v.tr. cut; cut around the edge (cloth, paper, wood, etc.); trim; cir- cumcize. cf. omukomozi. -ekomomma (-ekomommye) v.i. refl. huddle up (from the cold or from fear); be stunned, be in a daze. kompola (-kompodde) v.tr. knock, strike, hit. kona (-konye) v.i. refuse to cook, be slow in cooking; refuse to ripen (of fruit); be stunted in growth (of persons); be silent, refuse to answer; remain motionless (when expected to act); sulk, okukona ku musomo, to fail a course and be obliged to repeat. Embooge ekonye. lit. The mbooge (a green vegetable which cooks easily) has refused to cook. Things have gone completely wrong. konera (-konedde) v.i. appl., identical with the above, v.tr. frustrate, block; incapacitate. okukonera oluggi, to refuse to answer the door. Mmukonedde ebigenge ngalo. I have frustrated his efforts. I have blocked him (as leprosy does to fingers). cf. konoona. kona (-konye) v.tr., arch, cobble, make (shoes), cf. omukonyi. kondekera (-kondekedde) v.tr. block, bar, shut up (e.g., a hole). kondoba (-kondobye) v.i. grow thin, become emaciated, cf. yondoba. kondogga (-kondozze) v.i. beg incessantly, plead (often in vain). kondoola ( kondodde) v.i., arch, squat, sit on the haunches. konera mod. form of kona, q.v. konga (-konze) v.tr. sniff, scent, get the scent of. -ekonga (-ekonze) v.i. make funny faces, play the clown; waste one’s time on attempting the impossible. kongeera (-kongedde) v.i. become dirty/ filthy; get dusty. kongeeza (-kongeezezza) v.tr. caus. make dirty, cause to become filthy. kongoba (-kongobye) v.i. be kept waiting; misfire. kongobya (-kongobezza) v.tr. caus. keep wai ting. cf. akakongobo. kongobala (-kongobadde) v.i. be deformed; be stiff and bent. cf. gongobala. kongojja (-kongozze) v.i. hop on one foot. cf. ekkongojjo. kongojja (-kongozze) v.tr. carry (another person) on one’s shoulders; drive for or serve as chauffeur for (the Kabaka). cf. omukongozzi. kongojjola (-kongojjodde) v.tr. prune. kongoka (-kongose) v.i. drop off, fall down (as fruit from a stalk); become detached. kongola (-kongodde) v.tr. pick (e.g., fruit); pluck; snap off, snatch off; disconnect. v.i. loaf, kill time instead of working. -ekongola (-^kongedde) v.tr. refl. pluck off of oneself (hair, feathers, insects, etc.). v.i. cut oneself off, stay alone. kongosa (-kongosezza) v.tr. caus. cause to fall/drop off. cf. -kongole, akakongoliro, ekikongoliro. -kongole adj. omukongole w'amatu, a person whose ears have been cropped, cf. kongoka, kongola. -ekongolobojja (-ekongolobozze) v.i. refl. attempt something beyond one’s ability/ capacity. kongoola (-kongodde) v.tr. make faces at, grimace at. kongooza (-kongoozezza) v.tr. caus. cause to grimace. Yankongooza ebigere. lit. He made a gesture of contempt at me with his feet. He viewed me with contempt. cf. ekikongoolo. kongovvula (-kongovvudde) v.tr., rare prune. See kongojjola. konja (-konze) v.tr. cut, cut up; peel (e.g., matooke); block up (a hole), okwekonjera amatooke, to peel matooke for oneself. konjera (-konjedde) v.tr. slander, cf. omukonjezi. konjobola (-konjobodde) v.tr. tear, tear up, tear off; scratch; scrape; fig. assail verbally, excoriate/reproach, cf. ekikonjobole; kolobola. konkomala (-konkomadde) v.i. be kept waiting; mope about, look dejected. konkona (-konkonye) v.tr. knock, rap; tap, strike, konkona ku luggi, to knock on the door. cf. nkonkonamuti. konoona (-konoonye) v.i. be underdone (of food); be unripe; be stunted in growth (of persons), cf. ^kona. kontana (-kontanye) v.i. recip. fight, argue, dispute; struggle, etteeka erikontana n’empisa z’abantu, a law which conflicts with the customs of the people, cf. omu- kontanyi. kontola (-kontodde) v.i. click, make a clicking sound in the throat as a sign of sorrow or disapprobation, v.tr. make a clicking sound at. kontolera (-kontoledde) v.tr. click at. konvuba (-konvubye) v.i. become emaciated, waste away from illness; suffer from an incurable disease. konvubya (-konvubizza) v.tr. caus. emaciate. cf. olukonvuba. konziba (-konzibye) v.i. be or become physically retarded/stunted; become emaciated, waste away; fail to achieve progress/ growth. konzibya (-konzibizza) v.tr. caus. retard, stunt, etc. konnonta (-konnonse) v.tr. blow (a horn, a bugle). konnontera (-konnontedde) v.i. become stuck; stay in one position; stagnate; become blunt; become frustrated; fail. konnonteza (-konnontezza or konnontezezza) make blunt; cause to fail; bring to a dead end. cf. -konnontevu. -konnontevu adj. blunt, blunted, cf. konnontera. koobera (-koobedde) v.i. come last, be at the end, be last in line. Omwana wange ye yakoobedde mu kibiina. My child was at the bottom of his class, cf. omukoobero. kooka (-koose) v.i. cry, cry aloud, make a high-pitched sound with the voice; sing. Yayimba n’akooka. He sang in a loud, clear voice, cf. enkooka. kookera (-kookedde) v.tr. expand, enlarge; build in addition to; add to; amend (e.g., a law). kookola (-kookodde) v.i. contract cancer. cf. kookolo. kookolima (-kookolimye) v.i. crow, make the sound characteristic of a cock; fail to grow (of a banana tree). N’ezikookolima, gaali magi, (prov.) The(chickens) which are crowing were (formerly) eggs. From little acorns great oaks grow. kookolimya (-kookolimizza) v.tr. cause to crow; fig. cause to cry out in pain/displeasure. cf. kookolirooko. kookolirooko onomat. the cry of a cock, cock- a-doodle-doo. cf. kookolima. kookolo no plur. (la) cancer; fig. great evil. Obutamiivu y'endwadde ya kookolo. Drunkenness is a hideous disease, cf. kookola, omukookolo. kookoonya (-kookoonyezza) v.tr. tantalize; tempt, make a gesture of offering something without intending to do so, tease by -ekookoota (-ekookoose) v.i. refl. go stealthily; be shy/diffident/evasive; be aloof; avoid being seen; avoid taking a position. koola (-kodde) v.tr. uproot; weed out. Tugenda kukoola muddo mu luggya. We are going to weed the yard. kooloobya (-kooloobezza) v.tr. sing, okukooloobya oluyimba, to sing a song. -ekooloobya (-ekooloobezza) v.tr. make a detour around; avoid, v.i. make a detour; be evasive, okwekooloobya eri n’eri, to beat around the bush. -ekoolya (-ekoolyezza) v.tr. refl. approach indirectly/in a roundabout way (from fear, etc.); creep up to, stalk (game in hunting), v.i. have a guilty look. koomekera (-koomekedde) v.tr. stuff, cram, pack; pile. Ensawo bagikoomekeddemu ppamba. They have stuffed the bag with cotton. -ekoomekera (-ekoomekedde) v.i. refl. be packed/stuffed. Baali bekoomekedde bbaasi. They were packed in the bus. koomoola (-koomodde) v.i. detonate loudly; go off (of a gun). koona (-koonye) v.tr. knock; tap; strike; hit. kukoona ku kigambo, to touch lightly on a subject, mention in passing, hint at. Ebi- gam bo ebyo byankoona. These words offended me/hurt my feelings/came to me as a shock. koonakoona (-koonyekoonye) v.tr. redup. knock all the time/repeatedly; knock all over. -ekoona (-ekoonye) v.i. refl. knock oneself; stumble. Bwe twabadde tujja twe- koonyeeko e Masaka. When we were coming back we stopped off for a while at Masaka. koonya (-koonyezza) v.tr. caus. cause to knock; knock with/using. koonagana (-koonaganye) v.i. recip. knock against each other; clash, quarrel, come into conflict. cf. enkoonamasonko. -koonofu adj. bent; arched; broken off (e.g., of a branch of a tree), cf. koonoka. koonoka (-koonose) v.i. droop, bend, bend over; snap; break. koonola (-koonodde) v.tr. bend; break off, snap; fig. obtain, acquire (a position). Bakoonodde ebifo ebya waggulu. They have gotten good jobs/high positions. cf. -koonofu. koosi (n/n) [Eng.] course (of study). koota (-koose), usually kootakoota (-koose- koose) v.i. (redup.) be bent/bent over; walk with a stoop, okukootakoota mu ga lumonde, lit. to bend over in the sweet- potato leaves (ga implies malagala, leaves), i.e., to try to hide, but to be found out; to want to do something but to fail because of the wrong approach/technique. koosakoosa (-koosezzakoosezza) v.tr. caus. cause to stoop/bend. -ekoota (-ekoose) or -ekootakoota (-ekoosekoose) v.i. (redup.) be bent; be round-shouldered; stoop, v.tr. refl. elude, clip by. Abaiujju bagezezzako okuyigga goonya eno kyokka n’okutuusa kati ekyabeekoota. The hunters have tried to hunt down this crocodile but until now it has still eluded them. cf. olukooto. koota (-koose) v.i. have an acrid/irritating taste, v.tr. irritate, itch (of the throat). Obulago bunkoota. My throat itches. Omukazi ono yalina eyamukoota. There was somebody whom this woman liked very much. cf. olukoota. kootola (-kootodde) v.tr. tearaway; tear off; snatch away. koowa (-kooye) v.i. become tired/fatigued; become weary; get fed up. Akooye. He is tired or (colloq.) He is drunk. kooya (-kooyezza), kooyesa (-kooyesezza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 tire, make tired; weary. -ekooyakooya (-ekooyezzakooyezza) v.i. redup. refl. tire oneself; pretend to be tired. -ekooyera (-ekooyedde) v.i. <£ tr. appl. refl. feel tired; be tired of, be fed up with. koowolokoka (-koowolokose) v.i. conv. 2 be refreshed, lose the feeling of tiredness. cf. -koowu, obukoowu, ekikoowukoowu, mwamyakooye; toowolokoka. koowoola (-koowodde) v.i. call to; call upon, make an appeal to. -koowu adj. tired, weary, fatigued, cf. koowa. kooya, a- (ka/bu) single hair; small hair; small feather, plur. obwoya, body hair; hairs; lint (on clothing); fur. cf. ekyoya, olwoya. kooza (-koozezza) v.tr. tear, tear off (e.g., a banana leaf, a sheet of paper). See akagiri. koozimba (-koozimbye) v.i. become emaciated, waste away from illness; become atrophied. koozimbya (-koozimbizza) v.tr. caus. vitiate, weaken, cause to waste away. kopawala, kopowala or kopiwala (-kopawadde) v.i. be or act like a peasant/a common per- son/a vulgar person. kopawaza (-kopawazizza) v.tr. caus. make peasant-like; make common, vulgarize. cf. -kopi, kopokopo, omukopi. -kopi adj. characteristic of a peasant; common; vulgar, cf. kopawala, kopokopo, omukopi. kopokopo intens. used with -kopi, q.v. koppa (-koppye) also koppolola (-koppolodde) v.tr. copy, imitate. (Note: tkis is one of the few verbs borrowed from English.) -ekoppa (-ekoppye) v.tr. refl. [S«v.] borrow ( money); get on credit. kosa (-kosezza) v.tr. hurt; injure; pain; fig. offend. -ekosa (-ekosezza) v.i. hurt oneself. koseka (-kosese) v.i. neut. be in pain (used much more rarely than its derivative -kosefu, q.v.) -kosefu adj. sick, ill. cf. kosa, koseka, obukosefu. kotama, kotamya, kotaamulukuka variants of kutama, kutamya, kutaamulukuka, q.v. kotamira var. of kutamira, q.v. koteka (-kotese) v.tr. hang down, okuko- teka omutwe, to hang one’s head, bow one's head. -ekoteka (-ekotese) v.i. refl. hang down, be bent over. kotesa (-kotesezza) v.tr. caus. cause to hang; bend. Ekikukotesezza omutwe, kiki? What has caused you to hang your head? cf. ssekkoteka. kotera (-kotedde) v.i. be or become empty/ vacated (of a termite hill). kotoggera (-kotoggedde) v.tr. block, hinder; frustrate; sabotage, subvert; spoil; arch. bewitch, cf. kkotoggo. kottoka (-kottose) v.i. work futilely/in vain; go away dejectedly/rebuffed/empty-handed. cf. koggoka; sottoka. kotyonka (-kotyonse) v.i. cough all the time, have a severe cough. -kovvu adj. thin, lean. cf. kogga. koza, kozesa caus. forms of kola, q.v. koza (-kozezza) v.tr. dip (a morsel of food in relish or gravy J. koleza (-kolezza) v.tr. appl. caus. dip for/ in, etc. -kozi adj. hard-working, industrious, cf. kola, koza. kozza caus. of kogga, q.v. kozzi adv. by the way, incidentally, I say. Kristu (used by Catholics), Kristo (used by Protestants) pr.n. Christ. ku as a prep, to; at; among (of place, time and other relationships), ku mmeeza, on the table, ku lunaku luno, on this day. to express the partitive okulya emmere, to eat food; okulya ku mmere, to eat some food/ some of the food, ku lwa (before an infinitive), because of, on account of. Ku Iw'oku- beera omulwadde teyajja. Because he was sick (= because of being sick) he did not come, ku lwa (before a substantive), on behalf of. ku lwange, on my behalf, ku lwa Gavumenti, on behalf of the Government. Ali ku bwa Katonda. He is very seriously ill, lit. he is in the (obuyinza, power, implied) of God. Nze siri ku muntu ayagala okunywa omwenge. I do not care for a person who likes to drink beer. In form and function ku is related to the enclitic -ko, q. v. kuba (-kuby^e) v.tr. strike; beat; hit. Akaato kaffe kaali kakubyeko abantu. Our little boat was full of people. Akuba mu buli kasenge konna obwenyi. He pokes his head into every room. Yali ankubye ama- bega. He turned his back on me. Kati eby’okusoma mbikubye amabega. 1 have now finished my studies. Munnaffe Kampala amukubye amabega. Our friend has left Kampala. Yanneekubako ndyeko katono. He implored me to eat a little. Kakubye. I am in luck. Things are going my way. Kawundo kakubye eddirisa. lit. The bat has struck against the windowpane (used in reference to a woman who is carrying nn an illicit affair). Mu nju temuli kakuba. The house is completely silent/deserted. There isn’t a soul stirring in the house, lit. there is nothing which is striking. kuba is also used as the first element of hundreds of verb-noun phrases in which it loses its primary meaning and serves merely to give verbal force to the following noun. A few illustrative examples are given here, but since a complete listing would be unwieldy, even if possible, the compounds are listed under their final or noun element. akalulu, vote; okukuba akalulu, to vote, ekikonde, fist; okukuba ebikonde, to box. kubwa, kubibwa (-kubiddwa) v.i. pass, be struck/beaten, etc. kubaakuba (-kubyeekubye) v.tr. redup. to strike/beat repeatedly, okukubaakuba ama- tu, to be convalescent, recover from an illness. Yabakubaakubako okujja mu mbaga ye. He urged them to come to his wedding feast. -ekuba (-ekubye) v.i. & tr. refl. hit/strike oneself; go off (of a gun); enter quickly, rush into. Yeekuba ensiko. He rushed into the bush. Yeekuba mu nju. He rushed into the house, okwekubako, to implore. Yanneekubako ndyeko katono era ne jinaana.bHe implored me to eat a little but I refused. kubira (-kubidde) v.tr. appl. strike/knock in/at/for, etc. okukubira omusango/ensonga, to sum up a case/a matter, okukubirako, to add; to make up; to complete, okukubiramu, to give over and above. Tonkubiramu kirala? Aren’t you going to give me anything more? empapula z’amawulire ezikubirwa mu Afrika, newspapers which are published in Africa. kubiza t-kubizzal v.tr. appl. caus. cause to strike in/at, etc. kubirira (-kubiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 beat continually; beat at intervals; beat (birds or animals in hunting); botch up, bungle (a piece of work), okukubirira emimiro, to make a clicking sound in the throat (to express disappointment or an unpleasant surprise). Ekyazze, okubirira kijja. (prov.) lit. (The animal, ekisolo implied) which has come, it comes (although) you try to drive it away. One cannot alter destiny. kubiriza (-kubirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. urge, stress; exhort; charge; be chairman of, chair (a meeting). -ekubiriza (-ekubirizza) v.i. appl. 2 caus. urge oneself on; discipline oneself. kubya (-kubizza), kubisa (-kubisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to strike/beat, etc.; strike/beat with/using. kubagana (-kubaganye) v.i. recip. beat/ strike each other. kubaganya (-kubaganyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. cause to beat/strike each other, okukubaganya ebirowoozo, to have an exchange of ideas, have a discussion. kubika (-kubise) v.i. neut. beeasytohit. olugoye olutakubikamu liiso, very beautiful dress material, omukyala atakubikamu liiso, a very beautiful woman. cf. obukubirire, ekikubira, ekikubiro, ekkubiro, omukube, omukubi, omukubiriza, omukubi rizi, omukubiza, 2 enkuba. kubanga, olw’okubanga conj. because, since. kubagiza (-kubagizza) v.tr. console; sympathize. Omukubagiza Comforter, the Holy Spirit. -ekubagiza (-ekubagizza) v.i. refl. console oneself. cf. ekikubagizo. kubeera, -o the appl. inf. of ba, be. as a conj. because of, on account of, on account of being. Ekyo yakikola lwa kubeera mwami. He did this (= he got away with this) because he was a chief/on account of being a chief. kubiira (-kubidde) v.tr. cause to lean to the side, bend to the side, okukubiira ensingo, to turn one’s neck to the side (to express unhappiness, disapproval or irritation). -ekubiira (-ekubidde) v.i. refl. lean to one side; list (of a ship); toss about; fig. be partial/biased/prejudiced. Yali yeeku- bidde ku balasoma. He had become biased in favor of the non-believers. cf. ekyekubiira. kubiri, o- the form o/-biri (2) used to form the ordinal, ekitabo eky’okubiri, the second book. cf. -biri. kubya caus. of kuba, q.v. kudaala (-kudadde) v.tr. mock, make fun of, scorn, laugh to scorn, cf. obukudaaze, omukudaazi. kuga (-kuze) v.i. roar; growl; bellow. -ekugga (-ekuzze) v.tr. refl. be obsequious to, kowtow to; try to wheedle out of by flattery; be strongly dependent on (a personj; kugira (-kugidde) v.tr. tuck, hem (cloth); restrict, limit; border; hinder; prohibit, forbid, okukugira ennyumba, to put a fence around a house, cf. olukugiro, omukugiro. -kugu adj. expert; skilled, skillful; highly qualified, cf. kuguka, obukugu. kuguka (-kuguse) v.i. become expert/skilled/ proficient. kugula (-kugudde) v.tr. make/enable (someone) to become expert/skilled/ftrofi- cient. kugusa (-kugusizza) v.tr. caus. cause to become an expert, make proficient, etc. cf. -kugu, obukugu, omukugu. kugulu, o- plur. amagulu (ku/ma) leg. amagulu g’enjuba, the rays of the sun. cf. guluka. -kujjukujju adj. crafty, shrewd, clever. cf. obukujjukujju. kukkuliza (-kukkulizizza) v.i. cluck, make a clucking sound. kukujjala (-kukujjadde) v.i. hump the back; project, stick out; jut up; rise up. kukujjaza (-kukujjazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to hump the back, etc. kukula (-kukudde) v.i. mildew; become moldy. kukuza (-kukuzizza) v.tr. caus. cause to mildew; make mouldy. cf. obukuku. kukulira (-kukulidde) v.tr. hide, conceal (an object). -ekukulira (-ekukulidde) v.i. refl. hide oneself. kukuma f'-kukumve) not used in the simple form. -ekukuma (-ekukumye) v.i. refl. hide, hide oneself. -ekukumya (-ekukumizza) v.tr. caus. refl. cause to hide. cf. ekikukumo, olukukumo. kukumba (-kukumbye) v.tr. scoop up, gather up; gather, bring together; rob; fig. apprehend, ‘pick up’ (e.g., suspects). -ekukumba (-ekukumbye) v.i. refl. congregate, assemble; gather together all one’s resources; pledge all one's goods. kukumbiriza (-kukumbirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. push along together (as sweepings). cf. nnamunkukumbo. kukumuka (-kukumuse) v.i. shiver; shudder, tremble; start, start up; give a jump, jump up. okukukumuka olutiko, to have goose- flesh. kukumula (-kukumudde) v.tr. cause to start; shake out, frighten off (e.g., birds from a bush). kukunala (-kukunadde) v.i. project, stick out, protrude, cf. enkukunala. kukunika (-kukunise) v.tr. shove/put inside, stick in (without care); put partially inside. kukunuka (-kukunuse) v.i. emerge, come forth (e.g., from water, from the bush, from a hiding place). kukunula (-kukunudde) v.tr. bring forth, cause to emerge/come forth; take out; pull out, drag out; get, obtain. kukuta (-kukuse) v.i. be evasive; hide; slink, move stealthily; shuffle, scuffle, make a scuffling noise. kukusa (-kukusizza) v.tr. caus. hide, conceal. kukuutana (-kukuutanye) v.i. recip. = kukuta. kukuutanya (-kukuutanyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. = kukusa. kukuutira (-kukuutidde) v.tr. urge, appeal to. -ekukuutiriza (-ekukuutirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. refl. follow closely behind; keep close to, stick to; press oneself on/against. -kukuutivu less common var. of -kuukuutivu q. v. kula (-kuze) v.i. grow, grow up, mature. Awakula ennume tewakula emu. (prov.) lit. Where bulls grow up, there does not grow (just) one. Perhaps ~ Troubles never occur singly, okukula nga, to be formed like; to resemble. Nnalonda akafo akaakula ng’ekisu ky’akasanke. 1 selected a small place which resembled a finch’s nest. Obudde bukuze. The situation is very bad. There is trouble. kulira (-kulidde) v.t. appl. grow up at/in, etc. v.tr. appl. be in charge of fa department, an organization); be older than. Ankulira. He is older than I or He is my boss, kukuliramu engalo, to have the habit of petty theft/pilfering. kulirwa (-kuliddwa) v.i. appl. pass, be surpassed by; be directed/led by. Ekitongole kino kikulirwa Mwami Kalyango. This department is under the direction of Mr. Kalyango. kulirira (-kuliridde) v.i. appl. 2 Ffembi butukuliridde. Both of us are in deep trouble, (bu- implies obudde, used explicitly in the final example under kula.) kuza (-kuzizza) v.tr. caus. grow, make grow; bring up, rear; be a guardian to; promote, advance (in rank); develop; celebrate, emikolo gy’okukuza olunaku Iw'Amawanga Amagatte, ceremonies for celebrating United Nations Day. kukuza mpaka, to be argumentative. -ekuza (-ekuzizza) v.tr. caus. refl. boast; exalt oneself; promote oneself, kwekuza ku nnyama nzibe, be proud/boastful without any justification, lit. for stolen meat. kulaakulana (-kulaakulanye) v.i. redup. grow; develop; advance, go forward (e.g., in one’s career). kulaakulanya (-kulaakulanyizza) v.tr. redup. caus. develop; cause to grow. kulanya (-kulanyizza) v.i. recip. caus. (rare) grow up with. cf. -kulu, obukulu, obukuza, obwekuzi, ekikula, amakulu, omukulu, omukuza, omwekuza, omwekuzo, ^enkula, enkulaakulana. -ekulaata (-ekulaase) v.i. refl. be proud/ haughty/conceited. kulebba (-kulebbye) v.i. go; go away, leave. kulembera (-kulembedde) v.i. go first, go ahead, be at the head; lead. v.tr. lead; guide; precede. Mu wiiki eyakulembera okwefuga kwa Uganda, during the week which preceded the independence of Uganda. kulembeza (-kulembezza) v.tr. caus. appoint as leader; put first; cause to go ahead. Mu bulamu bwaffe kiki kye tusaana okukulembeza ensimbi? In our life what should we put ahead of/regard as more important than money? cf. obukulembeze, omukulembeze. kuli adv. there. Eddalu limuyisa kuli. He is a very crazy/stubborn person, lit. madness makes him pass beyond. kulika (-kulise) restricted to the imperative in the simple form Kulika! {plur. Mukulike!) Congratulations! Well done! kulisa (-kul isizza) v.tr. caus. congratulate. -ekulisa (-ekulisizza) v.i. & tr. caus. congratulate oneself; celebrate (an occasion). Omuseveni bwe yadda eka yekulisa olutalo. When the serviceman came home he celebrated (his return from) the war. kulisiza (-kulisizizza) v.tr. appl. caus. congratulate for/on behalf of. kuliko: nga kuliko, including, lit. there being there, abantu musanvu nga kuliko omubaka w’olukiiko, seven people including a representative of the assembly, cf. -li (under ba). kulira (-kulidde) v.tr. polish; smooth; decorate. (Not to be confused with kulira, the appl. form of kula, q.v.) kulisa caus. of kulika, q.v. -kulu adj. adult; grown-up; mature; older; important; chief, main. Missa enkulu, High Mass. enviiri enkulu, long hair. Eklezia enkulu, cathedral (Catholic), kkooti enkulu, senior/high court, cf. kula, obukulu, ekkulu, omukulu, amakulu. kulubala (-kulubadde) v.i. be underdone (of food). kulubba (-kulubbye) v.i. leave, go away. Olwamala okulya ne tukulubba. As soon as we finished eating we left. kulubbya (-kulubbizza) v.tr. caus. take away, carry away, carry off. kulubeesa (-kulubeesezza) v.tr. pull, draw, drag, drag along. kulubuka (-kulubuse) v.i. be scratched, get scratched. kulubula (-kulubudde) v.tr. scratch. cf. lunkulubuse. kulubuuta (-kulubuuse) v.tr. rub, rub forcefully. okukulubuuta ebbaluwa, to dash off a letter, cf. kulukuuta, kuuta. kulugguka (-kulugguse) v.i. roll, flow, flow away (often with force, as a body of water); fig. pass by in large numbers (of people); pass, flow by (of periods of time). kuluggusa (-kuluggusizza) v.tr. caus. cause to flow; cause to flow away, wash away, okukuluggusibwa kw’ettaka, erosion of the soil. cf. kulukuta. kulukumba (-kulukumbye) v.i., rare strut. c f. kumba. kulukuta (-kulukuse) v.i. flow, flow down, run down (usually, but not always of liquids); fig. pass (of time), okukulukuta kw’ettaka, erosion of the soil. kulukusa (-kulukusizza) v.tr. cause to flow; pour out; drain, okukulukusa amaziga, to pour forth tears. Katonda atukulukusiz- zamu ennema. God has poured forth his grace on us. cf. ekilpilukuto, olukulukuse, Nkuluku- santungo; kulugguka. kulukuunya (-kulukuunyizza) v.tr. roll/rub in the dirt; soil, mess up; trample; crumple/ fold roughly; be harsh/hard on. -ekulukuunya (-ekulukuunyizza) v.i. refl. roll about; wallow; grovel. cf. ekikulukuunyo, enkulukuunya. kulukuuta (-kulukuuse) v.tr. rub vigorously. cf. kulubuuta, kuuta. kulula (-kuludde) v.tr. pull, drag, draw. -ekulula (-ekuludde) v.i. refl. drag oneself; creep; crawl. Ensimbi ze zekulula. He is stingy /tight. cf. omukululo. kululiza (-kululizza) v.i. drawl, drag out one’s speech. -ekuluma (-ekulumye) v.i. refl. chew the cud, ruminate, cf. obwekulumu. kulumbala (-kulumbadde) v.i. be prominent, stand out (lit. & fig.); jut out; expand, broaden; fig. be proud/conceited. kulumbaza (-kulumbazizza) v.tr. caus. make prominent; cause to stand out; fig. exaggerate; make proud/conceited. -ekulumbaza (-ekulumbazizza) v.i. caus. refl. cause oneself to stand out; fig. be proud/conceited/haughty. cf. -kulumbavu; kumbala. -kulumbavu adj. lofty; outstanding, prominent; proud, conceited, cf. kulumbala. kulumbuka (-kulumbuse) v.i. gather together/ mCVC 1 n H crO'.vd /horrl A arffA kulunga (-kulunze) v.tr. mold; make round; knead; roll/rub along; spend, pass (time). kukulunga kirevu wansi, to rub one’s beard on the ground, i.e., to be obsequious/ highly deferential, okukulunga amalusu ng’enkuyege ey’ekyanda, to roll saliva like termites in the dry season, i.e., to waste one’s time/breath. -ekulunga (-ekulunze) v.i. refl. make a circle; revolve, turn; roll; roll on the ground; roll by, pass (of time). Emyaka gyekulunga mukaaga mulamba nga tetumu- labako. Six full years passed before we saw him. kulungirira (-kulungiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 make round. -ekulungirira (-ekulungiridde) v.i. appl. 2 refl. be or become round/spherical. -ekulungiriza (-ekulungirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. refl. make round/spherical. cf. -kulungirivu, -ekulungirivu, enkulungo; kulungula, wulunga. -kulungirivu also -ekulungirivu adj. round, spherical, cf. kulunga, -ekulungirira. kulungula (-kulungudde) v.tr. roll, rollover, roll along; spend (time), okukulungula ebigambo, to spend a yarn. -ekulungula (-ekulungudde) v.i. refl. roll; roll around; spin around; rotate; pass (of time); waddle, walk in the manner of a very obese person. cf. kulunga. kulungutana (-kulungutanye) v.i. fuss around, bustle around, bustle about; move restlessly; be needlessly busy; be anxious/preoccupied. kulungutanya (-kulungutanyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to bustle about; preoccupy; make anxious; conceal, okukulungutanya ebigambo, to be deceptive/evasive in one’s speech, engage in double-talk. cf. omukulungutano, omukulungutanya, enkulungutanyi. -ekuluntaza (-ekuluntazizza) v.i. show off, act in a vain and boastful manner, be filled with self-conceit. kuluumulukuka (-kuluumulukuse) v.i. assemble in large numbers, crowd together. kuluumulula (-kuluumuludde) v.tr. gather together, group, assemble; pile, pile on; burden, overwhelm. Nze tonkuluumulira bigambo bye sisobole. Don’t burden me with things which I can’t manage. -ekuluumulula (-ekuluumuludde) v.i. refl. gather, assemble in mass; pile up (e.g., of clouds), kwekuluumulula nga ttimba, to waddle, walk like one who is fat or overfed. kuluunya' var. of kulukuunya, q.v. kuluusana (-kuluusanye) v.i. work hard, toil, labor; tire oneself. kuluusanya (-kuluusanyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to work hard/engage in hard labor, etc. kulwa, more properly ku lwa prep, phrase on behalf of; for the sake of; because of. kulwa ddaaki, also lwa ddaaki adv. finally; at last; eventually; after a while, cf. ddaaki. kuma (-kumye) v.tr. heap up; pile together; gather together, v.i. become concentrated/ localized. -ekuma (-ekumye) v.i. refl. be piled together; cluster together; become concentrated. kumirira (-kumiridde) v.tr. appl. 2, kumiriza (-kumirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. keep together, hold together. kuumulukuka (-kuumulukuse) v.i. conv. 2 disperse, scatter, break up (e.g., of a crowd). cf. enkumu. kuma (-kumye) v.tr. okukuma omuliro, to make a fire; to blow on a fire to keep it going. Ennyonyi baagikumyemu omuliro n’esimbula. They started the airplane and it took off. kumirira (-kumiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 to work continually at building (a fire); to blow on (a fire) constantly to keep it going. kumba (-kumbye) v.i. march; march off, go away; swagger; strut around, emiggo egi- kumba, walking sticks. kumbira (-kumbidde) v.tr. appl. march in/ for, etc. Baagezaako okumukumbira. They tried to court/woo her. cf. omukumbi; kulukumba. kumbala, -kumbavu rare var. of kulumbala, -kulumbavu, q.v. kumbi, e- (n/n) = ekisuma, q.v. elephant- snout fish, Gnathonemus longibarbis. kumeka, o- indef. interrog. ordinal which in relative order? which ‘oneth?’ (a word which unfortunately does not exist in English). ekitabo eky’okumeka? which book? The appropriate reply would contain an ordinal such as first, third, etc. cf. -meka. -kkumi numeral stem from which the following are formed: (e)kkumi, ten; (e)kikumi, hundred; (o)lukumi, thousand; (a)kakumi, ten thousand. kumpanya (-kumpanyizza) v.tr. cheat, deceive, defraud; embezzle, steal, cf. omukumpanya; kupaakupanya. kumpi, o- adv. near, nearby; almost, nearly. followed by ne = near, close to. okumpi n’ennynmba ye, near his house. Kumpi kikakafu nti..., It is almost certain that... kumpimpi adv. rather near, quite close. cf. -mpi, wampi. kumuka . (-kumuse) v.i. assemble in large numbers; mill about, move along (of a crowd) cf. enkumu. kumukumu, o- adv. close together, right next to each other, one after another; in crowds, in great numbers, ebibuuzo eby’omukumu- kumu, a barrage of questions, one question after another. kuna, o- the form of -na (4) used to form the ordinal, ekitabo eky’okuna, the fourth book. kunama (-kunamye) v.i. expose oneself indecently; utter taunting words, gibe, jeer. kunamira (-kunamidde) v.tr. appl. gibe at, taunt, etc. kunaamiriza (-kunaamirizza) v.i. appl. 2 caus. lean over, bend over (so that the head is lower than the knees); beg everywhere. kunamya (-kunamizza) v.tr. caus. expose (someone) immodestly. kundugga (-kunduzze) v.i. remain stunted, fail to develop; grow thin; fail to become well cooked, cf. omukunduggu. kunga (-kunze) v.tr. assemble, collect, bring together. -ekunga (-ekunze) v.i. refl. assemble, come together. cf. ekikungo; kunnaana. kunga (-kunze) v.tr. be amazed at (esp. in a negative way); be disgusted with; express one’s amazement at. kungiriza (-kungirizza) v.i. & tr. appl. 2 caus. make repeated exclamations of astonishment; express amazement (at); marvel (at); admire. -ekungiriza (-ekungirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. refl. be amazed at. kungubaga (-kungubaze) v.i. mourn, lament, wail. kungubagira (-kungubagidde) v.tr. appl. mourn for, lament. kungubaza (-kungubazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to mourn, etc. cf. omukungubazi. kungubala (-kungubadde) v.i. stand out, be conspicuous; stand motionless, remain, Still exist (as a building after a flood); resist, hold out. Nnalengera mmoloka eku- ngubadde wansi w’emiti. I saw a car standing motionless under the trees. kungujja (-kunguzze) v.i. walk away sadly (often with a preceding verb of motion such as genda, tambula). kunguzza (-kunguzzizza) v.tr. caus. take away, lead away, spirit away (with a personal object). cf. mukungujjo. kungula (-kungudde) v.tr. harvest; reap; bring bad luck to (by violating a taboo), v.i. desert, abscond, run away. cf. -kunguzi, amakungula, omukunguzi. kungulu adv. above; on top; on the surface, kungulu ku, prep, phrase on, on the surface of. kungulu ku buliri, on the bed, on the surface of the bed. eby’okungulu* the ones on top. cf. eggulu, engulu, waggulu. kunguvvu (la or n/n) whydah finch. kunguvvula = kongovvula, q.v. kunguyira (-kunguyidde) v.i. lose sharpness; become worn down/blunted; be curtailed. kunguyiza (-kunguyizizza) v.tr. caus. crop; wear down; curtail. kunguyiriza (-kunguyirizza) v.tr. appl. caus. wear down completely; exhaust completely. -kunguzi adj. bringing bad luck, ennyonyi enkunguzi, birds of ill omen, owls. cf. kungula. kungwa var. of kkungwa, q.v. kunira (-kunidde) v.i. be dark, grow dark; be obscured; be thick/luxuriant; be blocked/ impeded, okukunira amaaso, to go blind; to be blind. Obudde bukunidde. It has grown dark. kuniza (-kunizza) v.tr. caus. obscure, make dark; block, impede. cf. -kunivu, akakunizo, kkunikkuni. -kunivu adj. dark. cf. kunira. kunja (-kunze) v.tr. finish dressing (a hide, skin ), kunza (-kunzizza), kunjisa (-kunjisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 dress (a hide) with/using. kunjubuka (-kunjubuse) v.i. peel (of skin); moult (of skin, feathers); come out (of hair); come off, drop off (pieces of wool, etc., from an article of clothing). kunjubula (-kunjubudde) v.tr. peel, peel off; cause to moult, etc. kunkumuka (-kunkumuse) v.i. shake; be shaken off; crumble; fall in flakes; decay, decompose (of a corpse). Ettooke likunku- muka. The bunch of plantains has ripened to the point that the fruit is almost falling off. Akunkumuka ng’aseka. He is doubled up with laughter. kunkumula (-kunkumudde) v.tr. caus. shake; shake off; shake down; shake away. v.i.- urinate, kukunkumula mazina, to dance a great deal, kukunkumula kidduka, to drive a vehicle very fast, kukunkumula mpaawo, to finish up one’s drink (usually of beer or liquor), kukunkumula nsawo, to empty out one's pocket/bag. kukunkumula kutu, to listen. cf. akakunkumuka, olukunkumuli. kunkuna (-kunkunye) v.i. clatter; shake about (as two objects in a container striking against each other); walk/go in a dejected manner, cf. akakunkuna. kunnumba (-kunnutnbye) v.i. strut around, walk around haughtily/with an air of arrogant indifference. kunnurabira (-kunnumbidde) v.i. appl. strut around in/at, etc. kunnuuna t-kiinnuunve) v.i. be stunted/slow in growth. kuno adv. here, around here (of a larger area). kunta (-kunse) v.i. blow (of the wind); go away, depart. kunsa (-kunsizza) v.tr. caus. cause to blow; blow away; chase; pursue, okukunsa olubimbi, to dig up/cultivate a large patch of ground, okukunsa omulimu, to do a job. cf. ^kikunta, ^kunnunta. kunukkira (-kunukkidde) also kununkira v.i. be far away; pass beyond, go beyond. Ng’olugoye 1 wo lukunukkidde! Your dress looks/is lopsided! kununkiriza (-kununkirizza) also occurs as kunuukiriza & kunukkiriza v.i. & tr. appl. caus. be near (to); approach; reach out (for). Nnalumansi kati akununkiriza emyaka essatu. N. is now almost three years old. kunya (-kunye or -kunyizza) v.tr. rub; rub together, kukunya misinde, to race away, kukunya mubisi, colloq. to brew beer. Enseko zaabakunya. They laughed themselves sick. -ekunya (-ekunye, -ekunyizza) v.i. refl. be slow, take one’s time, tarry, delay; hesitate. kunyammuka (-kunyammuse) v.i. go off, run away. kuŋŋaana (-kuŋŋannye) v.i. gather, assemble; come together; convene; meet. kuŋŋaanya (-kuŋŋaanyizza) v.tr. caus. collect; gather; bring together, assemble. kuŋŋaanyiriza (kuŋŋaanyirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 to cull; gather little by little. cf. ^kunga, ekkunnaaniro, ekkunnaanyizo, olukunnaana, omukunnaanya. kuŋŋunta (-kuŋŋunse) v.i. blow. kuŋŋunsa (-kuŋŋunsizza) v.tr. caus. cause to blow; cause to go; take (a person). cf. kikuŋŋunta (under Trikunta); kunta. kuŋŋunta (-kuŋŋunse) v.tr. sift, oku- kuŋŋunta obuwunga, to sift flour, cf. ekikuŋŋunta. kupaakupanya (-kupaakupanyizza) v.tr. defraud, cheat, cf. kumpanya. Kurani pr.n. the Koran. Kurani Entukuvu, the Holy Koran. kusatu, O- the form -satu (3) used to form the ordinal, ekitabo eky’okusatu, the third book. cf. -satu. kusensa (-kusense, -kusensezza) v.i. contract measles, cf. olukusense. -ekusifu adj. isolated, remote; safe; reliable, amawulire agaavudde mu nsonda enneeku- sifu, news which has come from reliable sources, cf. -ekusika. kusika (-kusise) v.tr. hide, conceal; shelter, treat with care, omwana omukusike, a sheltered child. -ekusika (-ekusise) v.i. refl. hide oneself; shelter oneself; be safe. cf. -ekusifu. kusiwala less common var. of kuusiwala, q.v. kutaano, o- the form of-taano (5) used to form the ordinal, ekitabo eky’okutaano, the fifth book. cf. -taano. kutakkuta ( kuackkuac) v.tr. tret, jog along. kusakkusa (-kusizzakkusizza) v.tr. caus. cause to trot. kutama (-kutamye) v.i. stoop, bend, bend over. kutamya (-kutamizza) v.tr. caus. cause to stoop, etc. okukutamya omutwe, to bow the head. kutaamulukuka (-kutaamulukuse) v.i. conv. straighten up; unbend. cf. kotama. kutamira (-kutamidde) also kotamira v.i. drink, drink up, gulp down (a drink). -kutte mod. form of kwata, q.v. kutu, o- plur. amatu (ku/ma) ear. okumalira amatu wansi, to be sound asleep, be dead to the world, okukuba amatu or okukubaakuba amatu, to become convalescent, kugwa mabeere mu matu, to have a disease of the ear (believed to be caused by the spilling of mother’s milk into the ear); to be obsti- nate/stubborn/pigheaded (esp. of children). okutega amatu, to listen attentively. Amatu agataddemu ebisubi. He is deliberately inattentive/refuses to listen, lit. has placed grass in his ears. -kutufu adj. broken; torn. cf. kutula. kutuka (-kutuse) v.i. break; be broken in two; be split; fig. die. kukutuka na muntu, to quarrel/struggle with a person, okukutuka ekiwalaata, to develop baldness. Obuguzi bukutuka. The deal is settled. The matter is concluded. kutula (-kutudde) v.tr. break; break to pieces; decide, decide on. -ekutula (-ekutudde) v.i. refl. break oneself; ifni]r..i>t>tl hy L-nt to qpppdp from break away from. kutuza (-kutuzizza) v.tr. caus. cause to break, etc. kukutuza mbuzi (or ndiga), to be very ugly, lit. cause a goat (or sheep) to break loose. cf. -kutufu, ekikutuko, (be) kkutu, olutaku- tuka. kuuba (-kuubye) v.tr. smooth, make level; plane; polish; rub; rub against, brush against; fig. show hostility towards. kuubagana (-kuubaganye) v.i. recip. be hostile towards one another, ‘rub each other the wrong way.’ cf. akakuubagano. -kuubuufu, -kuubukuubu adj. rough, harsh (of the skin), cf. kuubuuka. kuubuuka (-kuubuuse) v.i. be or become rough/harsh/chafed (of the skin); become deformed/crippled, cf. -kuubuufu, -kuubukuubu. kuuka (-kuuse) v.i. be extracted; be uprooted; come out (of a handle, a tooth). Yalidde okukuuka. He ate until he could eat no more. kuula (-kudde) v.tr. extract, uproot; pull up; pull out. kukuulawo muntu, to beat out/ excel over (an opponent, competitor). Bwe nnaakukwatako engalo, banaakunkuulako bukuuzi. If I get my hands on you, they will have to drag me away. -ekuula (-ekudde) v.i. refl. extract oneself. obuteekuula mu kifo, to frequent a place, lit. not to drag oneself away from a place. -ekuulira (-ekuulidde) v.i. appl. refl. pull out on/for oneself. Yeekulira embazzi ku kugulu. He has really gone and done it. He has put his foot in it, lit. pulled the ax out on his foot. kuulana (-kuulanye) v.i. recip. compete against each other, be in a neck-and-neck competition. cf. kkuulaamalungi, -^omukuufu. kuukuubira (-kuukuubidde) v.i. be overloaded, be loaded down. Omusajja akuukuu- bidde mu nsawo y’emmwanyi. The man is loaded down with a sack of coffee. -ekuukuubya (-ekuukuubizza) v.i. refl. move about freely, act in a carefree manner, kwekuukuubya mu kifo, to frequent a place, go to a place frequently. kuukuula (-kuukudde) v.tr. dig, dig up; scratch up. cf. kuula, wuukuula, wookoola. kuukuutira (-kuukuutidde) v.i. be flattened out/beaten hard; be well-trodden (of roads)-, be or become well-established through constant use or development, cf. -kuukuu- tivu. -kuukuutivu adj. well-trodden (of a road); fig. well-established, of long standing. enguudo enkuukuulivu, well-trodden roads, omukwano omukuukuulivu, a well-established friendship, cf. kuukuutira. kuula see kuuka. kuuliita (-kuuliise) v.i. go away, gooff, okukuuliita ne (na)..., to make off with. Omubbi yakuuliita n’ekiteeteeyi kyange! The thief made off with my dress. kuuluula (-kuuludde) v.i. flowoff, flow out; overflow; pour forth in numbers (as termites in an anthill). kuuluuza (-kuuluuzizza) v.tr. caus. cause to overflow/flow away. Amazzi gano oluusi gakuuluuza abantu n’ebintu. These waters sometimes carry away people and things. kuuma (-kuumye) v.tr. watch, watch over; guard; protect; maintain, keep, okukuuma ekyama, to keep a secret, okukuuma olu- bugo (nga lubaale mubbe), to guard the bark- cloth (after the lubaale has been stolen), to close the barndoor after the horse has been stolen. Akuuma omwami akira akuuma ente. (prov.) He who looks after a chief is better off than he who looks after a cow. -ekuuma (-ekuumye) v. tr. refl. beware of; watch out for. v.i. refl. guard oneself; take care of oneself, kwekuuma butiribiri, to be very careful about one’s manners/conduct. Njagala okwekuumira ku luguudo. 1 want to keep up with the times. kuumira (-kuumidde) v.tr. appl. guard in/ at, etc. kuumirira (-kuumiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 guard closely; guard continually. kuumiriza (-kuumirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. cause to guard closely. kuumya (-kuumizza), kuumisa (kuumisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 Sc 2 cause to guard, etc.; guard with/using. cf. -kuumi, ekkuumiro, omukuumi. kuuma, a- plur. obuuma (ka/bu) small ma- chine;tool; instrument; device, cf. ekyuma. -kuumi adj. protecting, protective. Gavu- menti Enkuumi, the Protectorate Government. cf. 1 kuuma. kuumiira (-kuumidde) v.i. be proud/conceited/ standoffish. -kuumuufu adj. crumbly, easily broken into crumbs (of sweet potatoes), cf. kuumuuka. kuumuuka (-kuumuuse) v.i. be crumbly /easily broken into crumbs (of sweet potatoes). kuumuula (-kuumudde) v.tr. kukuumuula mmindi, to puff on/smoke a pipe, kukuumuula lumonde, to eat sweet potatoes, kukuumuula magambo, to pour out a torrent of loud and offensive words. Saalina ankuumuulira gu- bindi. I had no one wishing me bad luck, lit. puffing at a big, ugly pipe for me. cf. -kuumuufu. kuuna (-kuunye) v.i. go off; walk off. Ya- kuuna n'ebintu byange. He went off with/ stole my things. Enjala eri mu Buyindi ekuuna. In India famine is stalking the land. kuunya (-kuunyizza) v.tr. beat, kukuunya muggo, to beat severely with a stick, cf. olukuunya. kuunyuuka (-kuunyuuse) v.i. get torn off; be pulled out; run off, slip away. Akuunyuuse ne ssente zange. He has run off with my money. kuunyuula (-kuunyudde) v.tr. tear off; tear out; pull out (esp. with the fingers or teeth). kuusa (-kuusizza) v.i. be hypocritical, be a hypocrite, v.tr. dupe, deceive. (Not to be confused with -ekuusa which is listed under kuuta.) cf. obukuusa, omukuusa(kuusa). kuusiira (-kuusidde) v.i. get dirty, cf. obukuusiivu. kuusiwala (-kuusiwadde) v.i. become dirty/ filthy/soiled. kuuta (-kuuse) v.tr. rub; smear; scrub, kukuuta kalevu ku ttaka, to be obsequious, implore abjectly, lit. rub one’s chin on the ground, kukuuta bigere, to go very fast. -ekuusa (-ekuusizza) v.i. refl. rub oneself; touch; fig. refer (to), relate (to). Mbu nno era mu kitundu ekyo mukyalimu ennyombo ezeekuusa ku ddiini. It would seem that there are still quarrels in this area relating to/due to religion. cf. ekikuute, kulubuuta, kulukuuta. kuutana = kukuutana (listed under kukuta), q. v. kuutira (-kuutidde) v.tr. appeal to, call upon; urge; be insistent with. Yabakuutira omugaso oguli mu kusomesa Olungereza. He impressed on them the value to be derived from teaching English. kuutirira (-kuutiridde) v.tr. appl. (iden.) kuutiza (-kuutizizza) v.tr. caulk, stop up (CL leak). kuya (-kuye) v.tr. make dirty; mess up; crumple, cf. ekikuyiro. kuyenga (-kuyenze) v.tr. winnow, sift, fan (esp. termites in order to detach the wings). The var. forms kuyeeya and kuyuuya areof less frequent occurrence). -ekuyenga (-ekuyenze), -ekuyeeya (-ekuyeeye) v.i. refl. wriggle about (as of termites who have lost their wings); spin around; twist about; fig. be slow in doing something, dally about, shilly-shally. kuza caus. of kula, q.v. kuza adj. ~rcud, boastful, crr.usajjs omwekuza, a proud man. cf. kula, -ekuza. kwabuka (-kwabuse) v.i. walk very fast. kwabula (-kwabudde) v.tr. lead (someone) away in a hurry; rush, do in a hurry, oku- kwabula emirimu, to do one’s work in a hurry. -kwafu adj. dark in color; dense, ekizikiza ekikwafu, extreme darkness, bbululu atali mukwafu, light blue, ekibira ekikwafu, a dense forest, cf. kwata, obukwafu. kwagula (-kwagudde) v. tr. scratch; claw. -ekwagula (-ekwagudde) v.i. refl. scratch oneself. kwaguza (-kwaguzizza) v.tr. caus. cause to scratch; scratch with/using. cf. olukwagulo; yagula. kwajja (-kwazze) v.i. take place, occur; be in progress, progress; operate, function. kwazza (-kwazzizza) v.tr. caus. keep in progress; carry on, do. Kapitani A. gwe nnali ow’okukwazza naye emirimu, Captain A. with whom 1 was to work. -ekwajjula (-ekwajjudde) v.i. refl. walk in an awkward/vulgar/hasty manner. kwakkula (-kwakkudde) v.tr. seize, grasp; snatch away; take away. -ekwakkukula (-ekwakkudde) v.tr. refl. seize for oneself, v.i. refl. walk in a hurry, rush. cf. obukwakku, ekikwakkuzi; enkwakkulizo, nyakula. kwako (= kwata + ko) colloq. Here you are! Take it! cf. kwata. kwakwaba (-kwakwabye) v.i. & tr. do/work hurriedly. kwakwalikana (-kwakwalikanye) v.i. squabble, bicker, wrangle, cf. twatwalikana. kwakwaya (-kwakwaye) v.i. rustle, make a rustling/swishing noise; scuffle. Amala okwekweka ye atenda banne okukwakwaya. (prov.) He who has already hidden himself blames his comrades who come later for making noise (in their efforts to hide themselves). Those who have arrived forget the difficulties of those still on the road. cf. -kwakwayufu, olukwakwayo, enkwakwayo; kwaya. -kwakwayufu adj. (producing the sound of) rustling, eddoboozi ekkwakwayufu, a harsh/ dull/dry voice, cf. kwakwaya. kwana (-kwanye) v.tr. make friends with. v.i. be in harmony/agreement. Ebirowoozo byabwe nga tebikwana na byaffe. Their views are not in agreement with ours. kwanibwa (-kwaniddwa) v.i. pass, be befriended. kwanya (-kwanyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to make friends; befriend; cause to agree; reconcile, harmonize; put in good shape. -ekwanya (-ekwanyizza) v.i. caus. refl. try to act friendly; feign friendship; agree (with); harmonize (with); adapt oneself. kwanyisa (-kwanyisizza) v.tr. caus. 2 = kwanya. kwanagana (-kwanaganye) v.i. recip. make friends with each other; be in harmony/conformity. kwanaganya (-kwanaganyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. cause to make friends with each other; cause to agree, harmonize. cf. -kwanyi, olukwano, omukwano. kwanga (-kwanze) v.tr. give, handover; give (as a present), donate. -kwanyi adj. loving, devoted, omusajja omu- kwanyi w’abakazi, a ladies man. cf. kwana. -kwasi adj. of good memory, able to understand quickly, capable of ‘catching on.’ cf. kwata. kwata (-kutte) v.tr. take; hold; grasp; reach; seize, apprehend; arrest, capture; rape; /ig. comprehend, ‘catch on to.’ v.i. touch; adhere; turn sour (of milk); freeze (of water); coagulate (of blood); be contagious/infectu- ous (of a disease); be intoxicating (of liquor), okukwata omuliro, to catch fire, okukwata wansi ne waggulu, to become furious, hit the ceiling; to become very dangerous/serious (of a situation), okuwata ku mumwa, to be amazed/astonistad. okukwata amateeka, to obey the laws; to memorize the Ten Commandments, emisomo egikwata ku by’obulimi, courses relating to/about/ concerning agriculture, ebintu ebitakukwata- ko, things which do not concern you. obu- lwadde obukwata obukoko obuto, a disease which strikes young chickens. Obulwadde buno bukwata. This disease is contagious. Yakwata lya mu Buyindi. He started off for India, lit. took (kkubo, road, is implied) to India. Obudde bwali bukutte. It had become dark. Omusango gwabakwata. They were found guilty. Ndese bakutte. I have left them eating. Jjangu tukwate. Come and join US in eating, kllkwata eyr. n’pyr, be very large/extensive. Yazimba enju ekwata eyo n’eyo. He built a large house/a house covering a large area. Yankwata mu liiso. He deprived me of something. He did me out of something. Omwami oyo ebyambalo bye bimukutte bulungi. The clothes of that gentleman are very becoming/fit him perfectly. kwatibwa (-kwatiddwa) v.i. pass, be taken, seized, etc. okukwatibwa ensonyi, to feel shame. -ekwata (-ekwase) v.i. & tr. refl. take, seize for oneself; reserve (e.g., a room); adhere (to); be compact. kwatakwata (-kwasekwase) v.tr. redup. finger, handle; caress. -ekwatakwata (-ekwasekwase) v.i. redup. refl. be shy/diffident/reluctant. kwatira (-kwatidde) v.tr. appl. hold for/in, etc. Jjangu onkwatireko. Come and help me. kwatirwa (-kwatiddwa) v.i. appl. pass, be taken in/for, etc. okukwatirwa ensonyi, to feel shame for. Baamukwatirwa ekisa. They felt sorry for him/her. -ekwatira(mu) (-ekwatiddejmuj) v.i. appl. refl. undertake for oneself; do for oneself (something usually done by others). Yateranga okwekwatira mu kukanika mmo- toka ze. He used to repair his cars himself. kwatirira (-kwatiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 keep holding on to/clasping, etc. Kwatirira omulwadde aleme kugwa. Keep holding on to the patient so that he does not fall. kwatiriza (-kwatirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. take hold of, seize; catch (a person). bu 1 i iwe nnakwatirizangayo akaseera, every time I got a chance. kwasa (-kwasizza) v.tr. caus. cause to take/grasp/seize, etc.; take, grasp with/by means of; hand over; trap (an animal); fasten; cause to freeze/curdle, etc. ku- kwasa ensonyi, to shame, put to shame, kukwasa muntu, to catch a person (e.g., in the act of theft); to get hold of a person (who is hard to contact). -ekwasa (-ekwasizza) v.i. caus. refl. make excuses, give excuses. Ekyo kiba kya kwekwasa bwekwasa. This is just an excuse. kwasizaako appl. caus. kukwasizaako muntu, to help a person, give someone a hand. kwatana (-kwatanye) v.i. recip. be clos^ contiguous. kwatakwatana (-kwatakwatanye) v.i. redup. recip. = kwatana. kwatanya (-kwatanyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. cause to meet, put in contact, put together. kwatagana (-kwataganye) v.i. recip. hold each other; seize each other, come to grips; fight; border (on); have a connection/relation (with); have one’s hands full, struggle, okukwatagana na mulimu gwa maanyi, to struggle with a heavy burden/big job. kwataganya (-kwataganyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. unite, join together. kwatika (-kwatise) v.i. neut. be easy to hold/grasp; be easy to apprehend; be easy to memorize. kwasika ( kwasise) v.i. caus. neui. Takwasika. It is hard to find him at home. cf. -kwafu, -kwasi, -kwate, obukwafu, obukwata, ekikwasi, ekikwaso, ekikwate, ekyekwaso, omukwasi, -Unkwaso, enkwata. -kwate adj. seized, grasped, omukwate, detainee, one who has been detained, ekikwate, a selection to be committed to memory. cf. kwata. kwaya (-kwaye) v.i. rustle, make a rustling sound. kwayisa (-kwayisizza) v.tr. caus. make rustle. cf. kwakwaya. kwazza caus. of kwajja, q.v. kwebera (-kwebedde) v.i. crouch; creep; crawl through, cf. omukwebero. kweka (-kwese) v.tr. hide, conceal. kwekakweka (-kwesekwese) v.tr. redup. keep hiding, hide all the time. -ekweka (-ekwese) v.i. refl. hide/conceal oneself, v.tr. refl. hide/conceal oneself from. kwekera (-kwekedde) v.tr. appl. hide in/ at/for, etc. -ekwekera (-ekwekedde) v.i. appl. refl. hide/conceal in/at/under, etc. -ekwekerera (-ekwekeredde) v.tr. appl. 2 refl. hide from; conceal secrets from. kwesa (-kwesezza), kwekesa (-kwekesezza) v.tr. caus. 1 8c 2 make hide. kwekeka (-kwekese) v.i. neut. be capable of being hidden, be easy to hide. Ebintu ebibbe tebikwekeka. It is difficult to hide stolen goods. kwekuka (-kwekuse) v.i. conv. come out of hiding; be revealed. kwekula (-kwekudde) v.tr. conv. bring out of hiding; reveal, bring to light. -ekwekula (-ekwekudde) v.i. conv. refl. come out of hiding/concealment; reveal oneself. kwekagana (-kwekaganye) v.i. recip. hide each other; hide from each other. cf. -ekweke, obwekwekero, omukwekuzi. -ekweke adj. hidden, cf. kweka. kwekwenyuka (-kwekwenyuse) v.i. run away, make off; run fast; do to an intense degree (in association with a prec eding negative verb). Tazina akwekwenyuka. He does not just dance, he dances exceptionally well. kwekwenyula (-kwekwenyudde) v.tr. pilfer, make off with. c f. kwenyuka. kwekweta (-kwekwese) v.i. go on a raid/ foray; go on a scouting patrol; make an exploratory trip; move about furtively. kwekwesa (-kwekwesezza) v.tr. caus. cause to go on a raid, etc.; drag along, move (something) furtively. cf. ekikwekweto, omukwekwesi. kwenyakwenya (-kwenyezzakwenyezza) v.tr. lure; entice; tantalize; make a gesture of offering (something) without intending to do so. kwenyuka (-kwenyuse) v.i. run fast. kwenyula (-kwenyudde) v.tr. takeaway quickly; steal; snatch away. cf. kwekwenyuka. kwetuka (-kwetuse) v.i. slink along; shuffle along; go stealthily; drag oneself along. kwetula (-kwetudde) v.tr. drag along, pull along; push along. -ekwetula (-ekwetudde) v.i. refl. = kwetuka. kweya (-kweye) v.i. drag along the ground, touch the ground; drag the feet, ku genda ng’okweya, to grovel, be obsequious (in making a request), omuvubuka atasiba zikweya, a determined, aggressive young man, lit. who does not wear clothes (engoye is implied by zi-) which drag along, cf. kwe- yenga. kweyenga (-kweyenze) v.i. dawdle, linger; drag along the ground, touch the ground / e.g., a very long garment), cf. kweya. -kya (-kedde) v.i. dawn; let up (of rain); end (of a famine), buli lukya, every morning, lit. every (day, olunaku, implied) which dawns. Obudde okukya nga twatuuse dda. By daybreak we had already arrived. Ennungi tezikya bbiri. (prov.) Two good (days implied) do not dawn in a row. Opportunity only knocks once. Bwe bukya si bwe buziba. (prov.) As (a day) dawns is not how it will end. Ekuba omunaku tekya. (prov.) The rain (e- implies enkuba) which strikes a poor person does not let up. It never rains but it pours. keera (-kedde) v.i. appl. dawn (with obudde as subject); be early; do early; get up early; do all the time; let up (of rain). Obudde bukedde. It has dawned or The time has come (e.g., for an action that has been early in the morning. Nkeera ku mulimu. The first thing I do in the morning is go to work. Enkuba ekedde. The rain has let up. Akeera kunywa mwenge. He does nothing but drink beer. keeza (-keezezza) v.tr. appl. caus. cause to get up early/go early/do early. keerera (-keeredde) v.i. appl. 2 get late. v.tr. appl. 2 do (domething) the first thing in the morning (esp. after having gone to bed. with the intention of doing it). Olugoye lwange teyalumaze naye yagambye nti anaalukeererako. She did not finish my dress, but she said she would do it the first thing in the morning. keereza (-keerezezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. kubukeereza nkokola (-bu- implies obudde), to get up early and start off for work or a on a journey. keererera (-keereredde) v.i. & tr. appl. 3 get late. Nneebase nnyo kati obudde bunkeereredde. I overslept and now I am late/it is late, obudde bunkeererede or simply bukeereredde can also mean: Woe is me! keerereza (-keererezza) v.tr. appl. 3 caus. cause to be late; delay. Tonkeerereza. Don't make me late. keererana (-keereranye) v.i. appl. 2 recip. set simultaneously with the rising of the sun (said of the moon). Leero omwezi gukeererana n’obudde. At this period the moon is beginning to set (is still visible) when the sun is rising. keesa (-keesezza) v.tr. caus. cause to dawn; cause to stop raining; do all night, stay up all night, okukeesa obudde, to make dawn come on. Amazina gaakeesezza obudde. The dancing went on all night/ until dawn. cf. kakedde, kikeererezi, kikeerezi, ekikeesa, ekyenkya, ^lukya, olutakera, lamakeera, amakva, enkeera, enkya, nnawankya. kya, e- the initial element of many nouns (or noun phrases). It is composed of the -a of rel. and the pron. concord. It implies a preceding kintu, thing; matter, ekiro, night; ekyekiro, supper, ennyanja, lake; ekyennyanja, fish, okulabira, to look at; ekyokulabirako, example. The plural ebya is used in a similar manner. Kyabazinga pr.n. formerly the title of the hereditary ruler of Busoga. kyaddaaki adv. after a while; finally; at last; eventually, cf. ddaaki. Kyaddondo pr.n. county of Buganda in which Kampala is located. kyafaayo, e- (ki/bi) past event, incident; occurrence. in the plur. ebyafaayo, past events; history, cf. %a. kyafakirinaki (n/n) purse, pocketbook, lit. he died having what? -kyafu var. spelling of -caafu, q.v. kyaggulo, e- see ekyeggulo. Kyaggwe pr.n. county of Buganda. kyagi, e- (ki/bi) granary, storage place for food raised above the ground and supported by posts. kyaki no plur. (la) type of mat constructed with large strips of palm leaves kyakiro, e- see ekyekiro. kyakkukyakku, e- adv. quickly, hurriedly, rapidly; right away. kyakulabirako, e- see ekyokulabirako. kyala (-kyadde) v.i. visit, make a visit. kyalira (-kyalidde) v.tr. appl. visit; visit at/in. kyaza (-kyazizza) v.tr. caus. receive as a guest/visitor. -ekyaza (-ekyazizza) v.i. caus. refl. go on a visit without having received an invitation/without any real motive. kyazibwa (-kyaziddwa) v.i. caus. pass, be a guest/visitor of. kyazika (-kyazise) v.i. neut. to be the sort of person one likes to have as a visitor. Nnassiwa takyazika. Nnassiwa is a difficult person to have as a visitor. kyaluka (-kyaluse) v.i. conv. end one’s visit, depart (of a visitor). kyalula (-kyaludde) v.tr. conv. send off (a visitor). kyalagana (-kyalaganye) v.i. recip. visit one another. cf. olukyala, omukyaze. kyala, e- (ki/bi) large fingernail. cf. olwala. kyalaalo, e- (ki/bi) vaginitis, cf. yalaala. kyalaani, e- (ki/bi) [Sw., Pers."] sewing machine. kyalakimpadde plur. bakyalakimpadde (la) thief, burglar, lit. the iarge naii (kyala) has given it to me (-kimpadde). kyalakisajja (la) thumb, lit. male fingernail. cf. ^ekyala, -sajja. kyalo, e- (ki/bi) village; large estate; the country (as opposed to the city), cf. akaalo. kyama (-kyamye) v.i. turn, make a turn; turn off; go astray; go wrong, err; go to the bathroom. kyamira (-kyamidde) v.i. appl. turn at/in, etc. akayumba akakyamirwamu, restroom, bathroom. kyamya (-kyamizza), kyamisa (-kyamisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to turn; cause to err, mislead; make crooked/bent, okukyamya ekigambo, to distort the meaning or pronunciation of a word. kyamuka (-kyamuse) v.i. conv. regain the right road; straighten out; be disabused of error; turn away from wrongdoing. kyamula (-kyamudde) v.tr. conv. put back on the right road; straighten out; disabuse; cause to turn away from error/evil. cf. -kyamu, obukyamu, akakyamu. kyama, e- (ki/bi) secret, mu kyama, se- retly. okukuuma ekyama, to keep a secret, obulamu bw’omuntu obw’ekyama, a person’s private/personal life. Yankuba ekyama. He took me aside privately and told me a secret. kyambalizo, e- (ki/bi) strap; brace, cf. yambala, olwambalizo. kyambalo, e- (ki/bi) garment, article of clothing, in the plur. ebyambalo, clothes, clothing, cf. yambala. kyambika, e- (ki/bi) noose, something placed around the neck; fig. yoke, millstone, heavy burden, cf. yambika. kyambo, e- (ki/bi) food offered to a lubaale. kyamisana, e- see ekyemisana. -kyamu adj. crooked/disfigured, bent; false, wrong, incorrect, cf. kyama,^obukyamu. kyamuka var. spelling of camuka, q.v. kyana, e- (ki/bi) plump little child; fat, slovenly youngster; trailer (on a car or truck), ebyana by’ennyaanya, tomato seeds, ebyana by’ebiwuka, eggs of insects. Ebijaguzo bijja kubaako n’ekyana. There will be tremendous celebrations, cf. omwana. kyanda, e- (ki/bi) dry season; drought. kyanga, e- (ki/bi) kind of long spear. Ebyanga byogera. A battle is going on. kyangaala, e- (ki/bi) opening; open area; space; emptiness, as an adv. wide open, completely empty, cf. yangaala, omwangaala. kyangungu adv. quickly. Yatukyalira kyangungu. He called at our home but did not stay long. cf. -yangu. kyangwe, e- (ki/bi) sponge. kyanjo, e- (ki/bi) untanned hide. kyannyanja, e- see ekyennyanja. kyanya, e- no plur. (ki/bi) room, unoccupied area; space; opening, cf. omwanya. kyanzi, e- (ki/bi) container used for milking cows foriginallv aovlied only to those made of wood, calabashes and gourds). kyapa, e- (ki/bi) [5a'., Pers.~\ print, type; printing press; printing establishment; road sign; poster; patch, ekyapa ky’ettaka, land title, ebyapa by’emmotoka, number plates of a car. kuwandiika mu kyapa, to print / as opposed to writing with normal handwriting). kukuba byapa, to patch up clothing; to repair a tire; to survey land. Lipoota eyo teyakubibwa mu kyapa. This report was not printed/published, cf. akaapa. kyasa, e- (ki/bi) a string containing one hundred cowrie shells used for money; one hundred; century, ekyasa eky’ab if it the twentieth century. kyasi, e- (ki/bi) [Sto. ] cartridge, bullet. cf. essasi. kyassanga (la) sores on the feet caused by chiggers. kyawa (-kyaye) v.tr. hate, detest, loathe. kyayibwa (-kyayiddwa) v.i. pass, be hated. -ekyawa (-ekyaye) v.i. refl. become very angry/furious. kyaya (-kyayizza), kyayisa (-kyayisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to hate, make hate. kyawagana (-kyawaganye) v.i. recip. hate one another. kyawaganya (-kyawaganyizza) v.tr. recip. cause to hate each other. cf. obukyawaganyi, obukyayi, omukyawe, omukyayi. kyawamala, e- (ki/bi or la) kind of mat. kyawongo e- (ki/bi) offering made to a lubaale. Ebyo byawongo! This is absolute nonsense! cf. wonga. kyaya, kyayisa caus. forms of kyawa, q.v. kyayi, e- (ki/bi) dried plantain fiber used in making rope, in tying up bundles of food during the cooking process, in tying poles in building, etc. okusala ebyayi, to relieve oneself, cf. olwayi. kyayi more frequently spelled caayi. (la) tea. kyayuuyo, e- (ki/bi) yawn. cf. yayuuya. kyaza caus. of kyala, q.v. kyazira (followed by an infinitive) conj. as soon as. Kyazira mwami we kuvaawo ng’adda mu tulo. A s soon as her husband left she went back to sleep. kyaziyazi = kigazigazi, q.v. kyebaaga (la) sores, cracks in the skin (particularly of the feet) left after the extraction of chiggers. kyebagyo, e- see olwebagyo. kyebereka (la) one who goes where he is not wanted, one who clings to another, parasite. with the -a of rel. parasitic, cf. bereka, -ebereka. kyebikiro, e- (ki/bi) bad omen, evil portent, foreboding, cf. bfka. kyebikkwa, e- plur. ebyebikkwa (ki/bi) covering, something to cover oneself with (as a blanket or a sheet); plur. bedding, blankets and/or sheets, cf. bikka, -ebikka. kyebonere, e- (ki/bi) marvel, amazing thing/ event; oreat omen. rf. bona. kyefuula (la) one who is undependable/fickle; turncoat, traitor, cf. fuuka, fuula, -efuula. kyega, e- no plur. (ki/bi) large quantity, abundance, ebintu kyega or ekyega ky’ ebintu, a large number of things. cf. 2omwega, kyegeneko, e- (ki/bi) menorrhagia, metrorrhagia. kyegezza (la) kind of water lily. kyeggula (la) ekifuba ekya kyegguia, a hollow cough. kyeggulo, e- without the I.V.’s kyaggulo (ki/bi) dinner, cf. eggulo. kyejo, e- no plur. (ki/bi) impertinence, insolence; outrage, okugira ekyejo, to act insolently. okutiiriisa ekyejo, to be insolent, ow’ekyejo, an insolent person. Obagira ekyejo. You are spoiling them (esp. of children ). kyekango, e- (ki/bi) fear, fright, alarm, dread. Ekyekango tekimanya muzira. Even a hero or brave man is subject to fear, lit. Fright does not know a hero.- cf. kanga, -ekanga. kyeke (n/b) [Eng. ] (bank) check. kyekiro, e- without the I. V.’s kyakiro (ki/bi) supper, cf. ekiro. kyekobo, e- (ki/bi) plot; conspiracy; collusion. cf. koba, -ekoba. kyekubiira, e- (ki/bi) leaning to one side, slant; fig. bias, prejudice, awatali kyekubiira, without prejudice, cf. -ekubiira. kyekwaso, e- (ki/bi) excuse, pretext; something temporary/provisional, cf. kwata, -ekwasa. kyembeewo, e- (ki/bi) chisel. kyemeza, e- with the -a of rel. self-sown; wild (of plants). Emmere eno baagisanga mu bibira kuba ya kyemeza. They found this (type of) food in the forests (growing) wild. cf. mera. kyemisana, e- without the I. V.’s kyamisana (ki/bi) midday meal, lunch, cf. lotnusana. kyemmanga, e- adv. below, cf. ^emmanga, wammanga. kyenda, e- numer. ninety, with the -a of rel. ninetieth, omulundi ogw’ekyenda, the ninetieth time. cf. -(y)enda. kyenda, e- usually plur. ebyenda (ki/bi) intestines; bowels; viscera, cf. enda, lwenda. kyenekyene invar, adj. pure, real, genuine. Musajja Mukikuyu kyenekyene. He is a pure Kikuyu. kyengabo, e- (ki/bi) the top bananas on a bunch. They are often much larger than the rest and ripen first. kyengera, e- (ki/ba) season of plenty, time of abundance (of food); overabundance; blessing. cf. yengera. kyenkanyi, e- (ki/bi) equality; fairness. Akolagana n'abantu bonna mu ggwanga mu kyenkanyi. He cooperates with everybody in the country with complete equality, kyenkanyi or kyenkanyinkanyi as adv. equally; on equal terms; alike; level; abreast; cf. yenkana, yenkanankana. kyenkya, e- (ki/bi) breakfast, cf. ^kya, enkya. kyennyanja, e- without the I.V.’s kyannyanja plur. ebyennyanja (byannyanja) (ki/bi) fish, lit. (thing)of the sea. cf. ennyanja. kyennyumannyuma, e- adv. backwards, aback, cf. ennyuma. kyensubi, e- (ki/bi) bottom row of a bunch of bananas, cf. akansubi. kyensuti, e- (ki/bi) tail feather; tail (of an airplane); extreme rear end (of an automobile). kyenunulo, e- (ki/bi) salvation, redemption. cf. nunula. kyenvu, e- no plur. (ki/bi) the color yellow, yellowness, with the -a of rel. yellow. cf. lyenvu. kyenyi, e- (ki/bi) forehead, brow. Ekibaawo kimala, ennyindo y’enkoko kye kyenyi. (prov.) lit. That which is available is sufficient, the nose of a chicken is (his) forehead. Make the best of what you have. cf. obwenyi. kyenyinyalo, e- also ekyenyinyalwa (ki/bi) object of disgust, disgusting thing; disgrace; abomination, cf. -enyinyala. kyepukulu, e- (ki/bi) festive gathering; exciting event. kyere, e- no plur. (ki/bi) opening, clearing. as an adv. openly, clearly. Ayogera kyere. He speaks openly/without reservations. cf. l-(y)ere. kyereeta plur. bakyereeta (la) uninvited guest, interloper, lit. it-brings-itself. cf. Ieeta. kyererezi, e- (ki/bi) clearing, open space, nnpn appa. cf. -(y)crccrc, akceicicz,*. kyerero, e- (ki/bi) shallow water, sandbank. kyerewa (-kyereye) also spelled ceerewa v.i. [Su>.] be late/delayed. kyereyesa (-kyereyesezza) v.tr. caus. cause to be late. kyerinzo, e- (ki/bi) reserve, something held in reserve, cf. linda, -erinda. kyerolerwa, e- (ki/bi) spectacle, sight; marvel, cf. -erolera (under loola). kyeruppe plur. bakyeruppe (la) white person; in the plur. white people. kyesero, e- also ekyeserero (ki/bi) watering place for cattle, cf. -(y)esera. kyesimba (la) comet. kyesittazo, e- (ki/bi) stumbling block, cause of scandal, cause of offense, hindrance. cf. -esittala. kyetaago, e- (ki/bi) need, requirement, cf. -etaaga. kyeteeso, e- adv. of one’s own accord; independently, on one’s own; after due consideration. cf. ^teesa, -eteesa. kyetere, e- (ki/bi) prodigy; something which is very unusual/strange/weird. kyetogoli, e- (ki/bi) confusion, confused state. kyetutumula (la) kind of yam. kyetwala (la) one who is independent (often in an obstinate and self-assertive sense), with the -a of rel. (in political context) republic, republican. Eggwanga lino li- fuulibwa lya kyetwala. This country is becoming a republic, cf. twala, -etwala. kyewaggula plur. bakyewaggula (la) rebel, revolutionary; solitary, solitary one; kind of plantain, cf. -ewaggula. kyewago, e- (ki/bi) showing off, swaggering. cf. ^waga, -ewaga. kyewongo, e- = ekyawongo, q.v. kyewuunyo, e- (ki/bi) wonder, marvel; miracle. eky’ekyewuunyo, amazingly enough. cf wuuna,-ewuunya. kyeya, e- (ki/bi) drought; dry season; summer. kyeyagalire: mu ngeri eya kyeyagalire, voluntarily, of one’s own accord, cf. yagala, -eyagala. kyeyago, e- (ki/bi) disease of cattle and goats. kyeyendere, e- [Lunyoro~\ something done of one’s own volition, voluntary act. kyeyitabya, e- (ki/bi) echo, (la) one who speaks without being addressed, one who butts into a conversation, cf. yitaba. kyobeera, e- no plur. (ki/bi) loneliness, lonesomeness; sadness, depression, gloom: anxiety, concern, cf. yobeera. kyocce also spelled cocce: kugoba kyocce, to pursue slowly but without letting the person followed get away. kyogero, e- (ki/bi) basin in which a baby is washed. It was originally madeaf clay hat the word is now also applied to metal basins. kyoka, e- (ki/bi) rare stomach ailment. cf. enjoka. kyokerere, e- (ki/bi) anything which has been constructed by welding parts, cf. yokya, yokerera. kyokerezi, e- (ki/bi) act of arson /always of houses), cf. yokya, yokerera. kyokero, e- (ki/bi) furnace; kiln, ekyokero ky’amatofaali, a brick kiln. Tuli nno ku kyokero. We are in trouble/danger, cf. yokya, yokera. kyokka as a conj. nevertheless, however, but; only, as exclusive pron. & adj. for sing, nouns of the ki/bi class, it alone, by itself, ekitabo kimu kyokka, just one book, only one book. cf. -kka. kyokoola, e- (ki/bi) evil spirit controlled by a living person and employed for a variety of nefarious purposes. kyokulabirako, e- without the I. V.’s kyaku- labirako (ki/bi) example; sample, cf. laba, labira. kyokulya, e- (ki/bi) without the I.V.’s kyakulya (ki/bi) food. cf. lya. kyokya, e- (ki/bi) lit. something which burns, kugwa ku kyokya, to get into a terrible situation, get into a ‘hot’ spot. cf. yokya. kyokyankowe adv. in such a way as to bum the eyelashes. Ettaala yali yeememula kyokyankowe. The (kerosine) lamp was burning very brightly, cf. yokya, olukowe. kyole, e- (ki/bi) trail of an edible rat (musu). kyolezo, e- (ki/bi) place where clothes are washed, cf. yoza, yoleza, 2eggwolezo. kyolooni, e- (ki/bi) [Su'-l toilet, latrine kyombo, e- (ki/bi) ship, boat; dhow. kyondo, e- (ki/bi) a large bay, gulf; peninsula; cape; point. kyonga, e- (ki/bi) kind of large poisonous hairy caterpillar. kyonoono, e- (ki/bi) sin, wrongdoing, cf. yonoona. kyonziira, e- (ki/bi) sacrifice (often in a religious sense); victim, butt; despicable person or thing; scapegoat, animal or fowl to which sickness is transferred. kyosi, e- (ki/bi) respite, time off. Akabimbi akatono, kakira ekyosi. (prov.) A little bit of cultivating is better than doing nothing. cf. yosa. kyotezo, e- also kyoterezo, e- (ki/bi) framework for holding barkcloth to be fumigated; relig. censer, boat-like vessel in which incense is kept. cf. lyota, yotereza. kyoto, e- (ki/bi) fireplace, hearth, ekyoto ky’eggaali, railroad engine, okulinnya mu kyoto. to refuse angrily, ‘put one’s foot down.’ okusula ku kyoto, to sit up all night with a sick person. Ennyonyi erina ebyoto bina. The airplane has four motors. ?cf. yota. kyovu, e- (ki/bi) foam, suds, okukomba ekyovu, colloq. to drink beer. cf. ejjovu, eryovu. kyoya, e- (ki/bi) feather; (single) hair (on the body); plur. ebyoya, feathers; fur; body hair; abundance of body hair, kuba byoya bya nswa, to be utterly useless/unprofitable, lit. the wings of a drone termite, cf. akooya, olwoya. kyoyo, e- (ki/bi) desire, hankering, craving. cf. yoya, omwoyo. kyoyooyo, e- (ki/bi) bad attitude, ekyoyooyo ekibi, an evil disposition, cf. omwoyo. kyuka (-kyuse) v.i. turn around; turn; change; be converted, okukyuka mu ddiini, to change one's religion, okukyuka nga ssaawa, to be as changeable as a chameleon (lit. clock). Yali akyuseeko ku bwongo. He was mentally disturbed/insane. kyukakyuka (-kyusekyuse) v.i. redup. change continually, keep changing. kyukira (-kyukidde) v.tr. appl. turn to. okukyukira omuntu, to turn from one person (to talk to another); to turn against a person, have a change of feelings towards a person. kyusa (-kyusizza) v.tr. caus. turn; change; convert; transfer (from one job to another); translate, okukyusa obuwufu, to retrace one’s steps, okukyusa ebigambo, to twist the meaning of words. kyusibwa (-kyusiddwa) v.i. caus. pass, be turned, etc. -ekyusa (-ekyusizza) v.i. caus. refl. turn oneself; change one’s attitude/outlook; change sides. kyusiza (-kyusizza), also kyukiza (-kyukizza) v.tr. appl. caus. turn towards/ for, etc. kyusika (-kyusise) v.i. neut. be convertible; be capable of being changed; be translatable. kyukiragana (-kyukiraganye) v.i. recip. turn to each other. cf. obwekyusizo, omukyufu, omukyusi, enkyuka, enkyukira, nnabikyusa. kyukyu var. spelling of cuucu, q.v. kyuma, e- (ki/bi) [Stf.] iron; metal; factory; machinery; machine; tool; device, ekyuma ekikuba ebifaananyi, camera, ekyuma eki- yimbisa amavinja, record player, ebyuma ebirima, farm machinery, ploughs, tractors, ekyuma kya ppamba, cotton ginnery, ebyuma ebikuba ebitabo, printing presses. Ngudde ebyuma or Ebyuma binsaze. colloq. I am completely out of money. I am broke. cf. 2akuuma, oluuma. kyunga (-kyunze) also spelled cunga v.tr. [Ste./j order around, boss around, give commands to. kyusa caus. of kyuka, q.v. laagira (-laagidde, ndaagidde) v.tr. beseech, entreat, v.i. mourn; be contented with the little one has. cf. daagira. laajana (-laajanye, ndaajanye) v.i. wail; whimper; cry; plead, beg pitifully. laakalaaka (-laaselaase, ndaaselaase) v.i. be thirsty; pant from thirst; move about hastily/in a hurry, cf. lakasira. laakiira (-laakidde, ndaakidde) v.i. gasp; wheeze; become choked up. ekifuba eki- raakiira or ekikololo ekiraakiira, whooping cough. laala (-ladde, -radde) v.i. be or become calm/fc>eaceful/settled. Eradde? lit. Is it calm/f>eaceful? The meaning is lost and the word is used as the first of a series of greetings, equivalent to How are you? The reply may be Maamu! Maamu, mirembe! etc. cf. mulaala. laalaasa (-laalaasizza, ndaalaasizza) v.tr. divulge, reveal; blab, spread (a rum or); pass on (news), cf. laasa. laaliira var. of laliira, q.v. laalika (-laalise, ndaalise) v.tr. appoint, assign (a person to a task)\ designate. laalira (-laalidde) v.i. get stuck; stick, adhere; be blocked/hindered; hang suspended. Eggumba limulaalidde mu mumiro. A bone has got stuck in his throat, cf. emiraalira. laaluka (-laaluse) v.i. become tall; grow tall and stately; shoot up. laama (-laamye, nnaamye) v.i. make a will/ final testament; vow, promise, v.tr. will, dispose of by means of a final testament. laamira (-laamidde) v.tr. appl. will to. laamya (-laamizza) v.tr. caus. have... make a will. laamika (-laamise) v.i. neut. Ettaka teriraamika. It is difficult to dispose of land in a will. cf. obulaame, eddaame, ekiraamo, omulaami, omulaamire. laama (-laamye, nnaamye) v.i. cry, cry out; implore; insist. laama (n/n) line, empapula eziriko laama, ruled paper. laamiriza (-laamirizza, nnaamirizza) v.i.&tr. speak in oracles; speak to someone at a distance (particularly words of warning, advice, good wishes, etc.). laasa (-laasizza, ndaasizza) v.tr. divulge, reveal, blurt out, blab. cf. laalaasa. laatiri; eraatiri (n/n) \Sw.,Ar.2 pound (unit of weight). laawa (-laaye, ndaaye) v.tr. castrate. cf. -laawo, omulaawe. -laawo adj. castrated, embuzi endaawo, castrated goat, ente endaawo, bullock. cf. laawa. laba (-labye, ndabye) v.tr. see; perceive; find; get; greet, v.i. be conscious; be alive; be awake; be alert/perceptive, kulaba nnaku, to suffer greatly, experience hardships, kulaba binene to experience major troubles/difficulties, butaiaba muntu, to be proudly contemptuous of someone. kutuuka walaba, to attain a high station, get oneself in the limelight, kwessa lalaba, to showoff, put oneself in the limelight. Laba erikuleese. Go away. Get out of here, lit. See (the road, ekkubo is implied by eri-) which brought you. Gundi oyo talaba! So-and-so is very proud/putting on airs. Ng’olabye. I am sorry for you now. I sympathize with you. Nkukubye nga ndaba. I have hit you on purpose/intentionally. Obalaba. Say hello to them for us. En- nyumba yaabwe eraba buvanjuba. Their house faces east. Bwali tebunnalaba. It was before dawn (bu- implies obudde). Ndaba ku ki? lit. What do I see? (A friendly greeting to a guest, particularly an unexpected one). Bo bakola nga bwe balabye. They do just as they please, mu kulaba kwange, in my view, according to the way 1 see it. Tandabamu kantu. He despises me/ has no respect for me. Onookiraba. You will be sorry. You will find out, lit. you will see it. labwa, labibwa (-labiddwa) v.i. pass, be seen/noticed; be visited. Talabwa ekisa. He is extremely kind. -eraba (-erabye) v.i. refl. see oneself; look at oneself, weeraba (plur. mweraba) goodbye. labira (-labidde) v.tr. appl. see for/in, etc.; get for, provide; give greetings for another. Omundabira. Give him my regards. kulabira mu maddu, to be overjoyed to see (something, somebody). okulabira ku..., judging from, compared with. Kino kitono nnyo okulabira ku nkuba etonnya wano mu K. This is very little compared with the rain that falls here in K. kulabira awo (a high-frequency phrase which is difficult to reduce to any simple English equivalent): to get or see something by surprise or unintentionally; to do something without having made plans. Simanyi oba nga nnaagenda, leero nnaalabira awo. I do not know if I am going, I shall have to see/I really have no definite plans. Nnaalabira awo nga bandeetedde ku kamere. I was surprised when they brought me a little food. Baalabiraawo nga bazannya. They happened to be playing. Ndabira awo ekitabo kyange. You see that book of mine over there, give it to me. awo nga nkulabira or awo we nnalabira (stylized ending for a fable or tale). So the tale endeth. -erabira (-erabidde) v.tr. appl. refl. see for oneself, (-erabira, forget, is listed separately). labirira (-labiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 look after, tend to; take care of; watch over; supervise, oversee. -erabirira (-erabiridde) v.i. appl. 2 refl. look after oneself, manage. labiriza (-labirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. cause to look after, etc. (See also labiriza under labirirwa.) labya (-labizza) v.tr. caus. make see, cause to see; cause to experience (often with the object ennaku, grief, pain); see with/using, butalabya ku njuba, to use up quickly, finish off quickly. labisa (-labisizza) v.tr. caus. 2 show, point out to; see with/using. labika (-labise, ndabise) v.i. neut. be seen; be visible; be found, be available; seem, appear, okubuuza ekirabika, to ask the obvious, lit. that which appears, kirabika nti..., it seems that, omuwala alabika obulungi, a nice-looking girl. Mwami olabikako? 1 am glad to see you, sir. labikira (-labikidde) v.i. neut. appl. be seen/appear at/in, etc. labagana (-labaganye) v.i. recip. see each other; visit each other; confront each other (often in a hostile sense). Tebalaba- gana. They are at odds with each other. labaganya (-labaganyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to see each other, etc. labaalabana (-labaalabanye) v.i. redup. recip. be distracted, look this way and labaalabanya (-labaalabanyizza) v.tr. redup. recip. caus. distract. cf. obulabe, obulabirizi, kalabalaba, akalabo, ^ekirabo, ekyokulabirako, -labalaba, omulabe, omulabi, oraulabirizi, endaba, endabika, endabirira, endabirwamu, ndabiso, nnalulaba, nnantalabikalabika, ssaabalabirizi. -labalaba adj. bright, clever, cf. laba. labankana (-labankanye, ndabankanye) v.i. be inattentive, look around in a distracted way. -erabira (-erabidde) v.tr. refl. forget. Bw’ogwa awabi, eyali munno akwerabira. (prov.) When you get into a bad situation, he who was your friend forgets you. -erabirwa (-erabiddwa) v.i. pass. refl. be/ become forgotten. -erabiza (-erabizizza) v.tr. caus. refl. make forget, cause to forget. cf. obwerabize. For verbs of similar form but different meaning see -erabira (under laba) and -erabiriza (under labirirwa). labirirwa (-labiriddwa) v.i. appl. 2 pass, be late; be delayed/held up. labiriza (-labirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. delay, hold up; distract, divert the attention of. v.i. hesitate, delay. Ebyo byonna bye byabalabirizanga. All these things kept distracting them. -erabiriza (-erabirizza) v.i. appl. 2 caus. make oneself be distracted; cause oneself to be delayed; be late on purpose. cf. kalabiriza bazaar,a. -labufu adj. well-informed; aware; alert, on one’s guard, cf. labuka. labuka (-labuse, ndabuse) v.i. be warned; be forewarned; become aware; be on the alert; be on one’s guard. labuukirira (-laabuukiridde) v.i. & tr. appl. 2 ‘wise up,’ become wise to; become aware of. labula (-labudde) v.tr. warn; forewarn; alert. labulwa (-labuliddwa) v.i. refl. be warned, etc. labuza (-labuzizza) v.tr. caus. cause to warn, etc. labulikika (-labulikise) v.i. neut. Talabulikika. He is someone who cannot take a warning. labulaŋŋana (-labulaŋŋanye) v.i. recip. warn one another. cf. -labufu; ^wabula. laddu; eraddu no plur. (n/n) [Sw.,Ar. ] lightning; thunder; electricity. Eraddu yamukubye. He was struck by lightning. lafuubana (-lafuubanye, ndafuubanye) v.i. work hard, struggle intensively, put forth great efforts (in the achievement of an objective) . laga (-laze, ndaze) v.i. go, go away. v.tr. show, indicate, point out; take leave of, indicate one’s intention to depart; announce one's arrival, indicate one’s intention to arrive. Kirungi okulaga bakadde bo ng’olina gy’ogenda. It is a good idea to tell your parents if you are going anywhere. Vauuagamu oiunwe. He pointed his finger at me. He pointed me out. olunaku olulage, the appointed day. -eraga (-eraze), -eragaalaga (-erazeeraze) v.i. (redup.) refl. show off. laza (-lazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to go; cause to show; show/indicate by means of. lagaana (-lagaanye) rarely lazaana v.i. recip. agree; make an agreement/bargain/ contract/covenant; make an appointment; promise mutually. lagaanira (-lagaanidde) v.i. & tr. recip. appl. make an agreement in/for, etc. lagaanya (-lagaanyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. make an agreement with. Andagaanyizza okuntwalayo. He has agreed/promised to take me there, ensi endagaanye, the promised land. lagaanyisa (-lagaanyisizza) v.tr. recip. caus. 2 cause to make an agreement/compact, etc. lagaalagaanya (lagaalagaanyizza) v.i. redup. recip. caus. delay, procrastinate; put off a promise; keep breaking a promise. lazaalazaanya = lagaalagaanya. cf. obwerazi, ekiragaano, olulaga, endagaano. lagajjala (-lagajjadde, ndagajjadde) v.i. be careless/negligent; be indifferent; be ab- sentminded. lagajjalira (-lagajjalidde) v.tr. appl. be careless about; neglect; ignore. cf. -lagajjavu, obulagajjavu. -lagajjavu adj. careless; negligent; indifferent; absentminded, inattentive, cf. lagajjala. lagama var. of legama, q.v. lagaya (-lagaye) v.i. be loose; swing/hang loose; fig. be very tired/exhausted. Olubuto lundagaye. I am hungry, lit. my stomach is hanging loose. Note: lagira and the forms listed under it seem to be parts of laga. They are listed separately because of the divergence of meaning. lagira (-lagidde, ndagidde) v.tr. command, order; instruct; charge; prescribe. lagirira (-lagiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 show, show how; direct, instruct; give instructions to (a person who is lost). Nnakola omulimu nga bwe yandagirira. I did the job as he instructed me. lagiriza (-lagirizza) v.tr. appi. 2 caus. send for (a person); order (merchandise); speak to (someone) from a distance; pursue ( with cries, mis sile s, shots, etc.). Emboozi endagirize egwana bayomba. (prov.) A conversation carried on from a distance is suitable only for people who are quarreling. Baalagiriza engoye e Bungereza. They ordered clothes from England. lagiririza (-lagiririzza) v.tr. appl. 3 caus. send for (something for someone). cf. ekiragiro, ekiragiriro, omulagirizi, endagiriro. See the note at the end of laga. lagula (-lagudde, ndagudde) v.i. prophesy, predict, foretell. Yatuuka wano ng’ensawo ye eragula. He arrived here without any money. lagulwa, laguiibwa (-laguliddwa) v.i. pass. be prophesied; be advised/warned/told (by a diviner, prophet). laguza (-laguzizza) v.tr. caus. cause to prophesy; prophesy by means of. laguuliriza (laguulirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. consult an oracle/prophet for, etc. -eraguuliriza (-eraguulirizza) v.i. appl. 2 caus. refl. consult an oracle/prophet/soothsayer o’n one’s own behalf. cf. obulaguzi, omulagulwa, omulaguzi, endagu. lajja (-lazze) v.tr., rare disturb. laka (-lase) v.i. take effect, be effective (e.g., of a medicine.); come to pass, turn out to be true. Ebigambo by’omulaguzi byalaka bulungi. The predictions {lit. words) of the seer actually came to pass. Omulimu gulase. The work has reached the point where it is producing results. lakasira (-lakasidde, ndakasidde) v.i. become very thirsty, be parched with thirst. lakasiza (-lakasizza) v.tr. caus. make thirsty, cause to be thirsty. cf. laakalaaka, obulakasiwavu. lakira (-lakidde) v.tr. choke. lakirwa (-lakiddwa) v.i. pass, be choked. -lala adj. other, different. abalala...abalala, some (people)...others, ensi endala, other countries, cf. obulala, olulala, awalala. lala (-laze) v.i. be in anguish; suffer. Omwoyo gundaze. I am in anguish; suffer. laza (-lazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to be in anguish. Kiraza mwoyo ng’ebbwa eridda mu nkovu. (prov.) It causes anguish to the heart, like a sore recurring in a scar. lala (-laze) v.i. be prolonged; last a long time. lalagga (-lalazze, ndalazze) v.i. wander about, roam about. lalama (-lalamye, ndalamye) v.i. look up; raise the head; throw the head back. lalamira (-lalamidde) v.tr. appl. look up at. lalamya (-lalamizza) v.tr. caus. cause to look up; cause to raise the head; raise. cf. mulalama; galama. lalambala (-lalambadde, ndal am badde) v.i. be/look erect and stiff; be warped; fig. be recalcitrant/rebellious; be haughty. lalambaza (-lalambazizza) v.tr. caus. stiffen; warp; make rebellious/recalcitrant; lead astray, mislead.cf. -lalambavu. -lalambavu adj. warped; stiff; fig. recalcitrant; haughty, cf. lalambala. lalanga (-lalanze, ndalanze) v.i. be indifferent/lazy/unconcerned about consequences; be reckless. lalankana (-lalankanye, ndalankanye) v.i. allow one’s mind to wander, become distracted. -eraliikirira (-eraliikiridde) v.i. refl. be worried, worry, be anxious/troubled, v.tr. -eraliikiriza (-eraliikirizza) v.tr. caus. refl. cause to be anxious, worry, trouble. cf. -eraliikirivu, obweraliikirivu. -eraliikirivu adj. worried, anxious, troubled; nervous; disturbed, cf. -eraliikirira. laliira (-lalidde, ndalidde) v.i. leap, bound, jump, jump up; go up; rise to a great height. lalika (-lalise) v. tr. raise, lift up. oku- lalika ebigere, to raise the feet; to be scornful be indifferent. -eralika (-eralise) v.i. refl. amagulu ne geeralika, and (his) feet went sprawling. -lalu adj. mad, crazy, insane flit. & fig.). cf. laluka, obulalu, eddalu, ekiralu, omu- lalu. laluka (-laluse, ndaluse) v.i. be or become crazy/mad (lit. <£ fig.); become wildly rebellious. lalusa (-lalusizza) v.tr. caus. madden, craze. -eralusa (-eralusizza) v.i. caus. refl. pretend to be crazy/mad/insane. cf. -lalu, obulalu, eddalu, ekiralu, omulalu. lama (-lamye, nnamye) v.i. be in good health; live, survive (after an illness); flourish; come out well, turn out well (e.g., an object which is being constructed). lamya (-lamizza) v.tr. caus. bring health to, heal; cause to come out well, do a competent job with (a piece of work), v.i. pay a visit to (a chief, the king). cf. -lamu, lamuka. lamaga (-lamaze, nnamaze) v.i. make a pilgrimage; journey, go on a long trip. cf. ekiramago, omulamazi. -lamba adj. whole; full; entire, wiiki en- namba, a complete week. Oyo musawo mu- lamba. He is a full-fledged doctor, cf. obulambalamba, -lambirira. lamba (-lambye, nnambye) v.tr. mark, place a mark on; underline. lambira (-lambidde) v.tr. appl. mark in/at, etc.; prescribe for. Yamulambira eddagala. He prescribed medicine for him. lambya (-lambizza) v.tr. caus. mark with/ using. lambaala (-lambadde, nnambadde) v.i. be stiff; lie stiff; lie still; lie stretched out. lambaaza (-lambaazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to stiffen; stretch out. cf. omulambaalo. lambika (-lambise, nnambise) v.i. go straight ahead, v.tr. stretch out, lay out straight; keep/bold straight. Omusota baagusse ne bagulambika mu kkubo. They killed the snake and stretched it out in the road, okulambika ebigambo, to state matters as they are, set matters straight. -erambika (-erambise) v.i. refl. be stretched out; stick out; face straight ahead, proceed straight ahead. lambiikiriza (-lambiikirizza) v.i. appl. 2 caus. stretch out the legs (while seated); stretch out, extend. -lambirira adj. intens. full; whole; complete; entire, cf. -lamba. lambula (-lambudde, nnambudde) v.tr. call on, visit; tour; inspect (during the course of an official trip), eby’okulambula, tourism. lambulwa (-lambuddwa) v.i. pass, be visited, etc. lambuza (-lambuzizza) v.tr. caus. tour, take on a tour, show around. cf. obulambuzi, omulambuzi. lambulukuka (-latnbulukuse) v.i. conv. 2 become straightened out/unraveled/disentangled. lambulula (-lambuludde) v.tr. conv. 2 straighten out; unravel; untangle; fig. start. Nnali nnambulula olugendo. I was starting my joumey. -erambulula (-erambuludde) v.i. conv. 2 refl. unravel itself; stretch out (of a person). lambya (-lambizza, nnambizza) v.i. be casual, act in a lazy /halfhearted way. Ayogera alambya. He talks in a lazy way. -lamu adj. alive, living; healthy, physically sound. Abalamu magoma, gavugira aliwo. (prov.) lit. The living are (like) drums, they beat for the one who is alive. Perhaps similar to Out of sight, out of mind. cf. lama, lamuka, obulamu, omulamu. lamuka (-lamuse, nnamuse) v.i. be or become healthy; revive, recover, regain one’s health. Emmotoka eramuse. The automobile is in good condition again. lamusa (-lamusizza) v.tr. caus. bring back to life; bring health to; repair; greet, salute. lamusiza (-lamusizza) v.tr. apol. caus. greet for. Munnamusize nnyo! Give him greetings from me! lamuusiriza (lamuusirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. keep greeting, continually greet. lamusaganya (-lamusaganyizza) v.i. recip. caus. greet one another. cf. ennamusa; lama. lamula (-lamudde, nnamudde) v.tr. judge; arbitrate; set a price (on the part of the seller). Bwe bagenda okukola kawungeezi y’alamula. When they go to work they do not come home until evening. lamulwa (-lamuddwa) v.i. pass, be judged, etc. Akanyego kaalamulwa akasiriikiriro. It was very quiet, lit. noise was judged by silence. -eramula (-eramudde) v.i. refl. demand a high price (for a product). lamulira (-lamulidde) v.tr. appl. judge for/ in, etc.; make an appraisal/estimate/evaluation for. lamuza (-lamuzizza) v.tr. caus. ask the price of. lamuuliriza (-lamuulirizza) v.i. appl. 2 caus. bargain, haggle. lamuzaganya (-lamuzaganyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. okulamuzaganya omuwendo, to bargain on a price. cf. -lamule, -lamuzi, obulamuzi, eddamula, omulamuzi, nnamula. -lamule adj. okulya ebitali biramule, to use things which were acquired illegally or stolen, lit. for which a price had not been stated, c/. lamina. lamuzi adj. judicial, ekitongole ekiramuzi, judicial department, cf. lamula. landa (-lanze, nnanze) v.tr. climb; creep; spread (of creeping plants, fire, etc.); wander, travel all around; flourish. landira (-landidde) v.tr. appl. climb/creep in/on, etc. landiza (-landizza) v.tr. appl. caus. cause to climb/creep in/on, etc.; train (creeping plants); tack (needlework), okulandiza ennukuta, to write slanting/spidery letters, okulandiza ebigambo, to spread rumors; to betray confidences. -erandiza (-erandizza) v.i. appl. caus. refl. become a self-made man. landuka (-landuse) v.i. go quickly. landukira (-landukidde) v.i. appl. Tonnandukirako! Don’t bother me with that! landuukirira (-landuukiridde) v.i. appl. 2 spread, spread out; keep spreading. landula (-landudde), landulula (-landuludde) v.tr. conv. 1 Sc 2 pull down, tear down; unwind, unravel. cf. akalandalugo, akalandira, akalanduko, ekirandalanda, ekirandalugo, olulanda, omulanda, omulandira, nnamulanda, ennanda; landagga. landa (-lanze) v.tr. [Stv. ] plane, smooth down with a carpenter’s plane, cf. ^landa. landa; eranda (n/n) [Sw. ] carpenter’s plane, cf. ^landa. landagga (-landazze, nnandazze) v.i. wander all over; go a long way; discourse at length, be iong-winded. landaggira (-landaggidde) v.i. appl. wander all over in/at, etc. Abamu ne batuuka n’okuva ku mulamwa gw’ensonga ne balan- daggira ku birala. Some even get away from the point under discussion and go on at length about other (unrelated) things. landazza (-landazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to wander all over; cause to discourse at length, etc. cf. akalandaggo, olulandagge; ^landa. langa (-lanze, nnanze) v.tr. announce, give notice of; advertise; blame, accuse; prophesy, predict. -eranga (-eranze) v.i. refl. announce oneself. Lwakujja naye yazze yeeranga. She came but unwillingly/with a halfhearted attitude. langira (-langidde) v.tr. appl. announce, proclaim; charge, accuse (someone) of. langirira (-langiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 proclaim, give public notice of. okulangirira olutalo, to declare war. lanza (-lanzizza) v.tr. caus. have...announced, etc. cf. ekirango, ekirangiriro, omulanzi. langa (-lanze, nnanze) v.tr. plait; twist; weave; reel, wind, okuianga ensingo, to twist the neck as a sign of reluctance or unwillingness. lanza (-lanzizza) v.tr. caus. cause to plait/twist, etc.; use in plaiting, etc. langulukuka (-luugulukuse) v.i. CvnV. be come unplaited; become untwisted; become unwound; lose curl (of the hair). langulula (-languludde) v.tr. conv. unplait; untwist, etc. cf. sansulukuka, sansulula. langaala (-langadde, nnangadde) v.i. stand motionless; stand idle. cf. obulanga, nnangaazi. langajja (-langazze, nnangazze) v.i. stand by idly; loiter; loaf; be tall; be slim. -langavvu adv. tall and thin. langi; erangi (n/n) [Sw. ] color; paint; dye. -langira adj. princely, royal, omusaayi omulangira, royal blood, olulyo olulangira, noble/royal family, cf. omulangira. -langufu adj. insipid, tasteless; harsh, discordant. eddoboozi eddangufu, a harsh voice, cf. languka. languka (-languse) v.i. be insipid/tasteless; have a bad taste; be harsh/discordant. langula (-langudde) v.tr. make insipid. cf. -langufu. lannama (-lannamye, nnanamye) v.i. sit with the legs extended, stretch out the legs while sitting. lannamya (-lannamizza) v.tr. caus. stretch out (the legs), ennyama ey’akalannamye, meat of an animal which has died a natural death. Olumbe lulannamya omuntu (oba ebisolo). Disease kills men (or animals). lannamuka (-lannamuse) v.i. stretch out the legs. lanya (-lanyizza, nnanyizza) v.i. pay a formal call on a chief, attend court. lasa (-lasizza, ndasizza) v.tr. shoot (an arrow); hit (with an arrow); fire (a shot, a gun); flick, flick away (with the finger); kick with the back legs (of a locust), okulasa eki- faananyi, to take a photograph, okulasa emboozi, to converse, okulasa entula, to press ntula fruit to make the seeds come out. okulasa akasolya, to bend the reeds of a roof to the frame (in building a house). lasisa (-lasisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to shoot/fire, etc.; shoot/fire with/using. cf. kalasamayanzi, ekiraso, omulasi. lasana (-lasanye, ndasanye) v.i. speak loudly, shout; make a lot of noise; quarrel. cf. akalasano, endasano. lasira (-lasidde) v.i. beat; throb. Omutima gundasira. My heart is beating or My heart is beating fast. Omutwe gundasira. My head is throbbing, cf. akalasira. latta (-lasse) also lattalatta (-lasselasse) v.i. (redup.) keep aloof, take no notice; be carefree/unconcerned. lawa (-laye) v.i. beat, sound (of drums); sound an alarm. Ennpma ezirawa ezo zaaki? What are those drums beating for? Ebigambo bikira ejinoma okulawa. (prov.) Words travel more quickly than the sound of drums. laya (-layizza) v.tr. caus. okulaya ejinoma, to sound a drum, okulaya enduulu, to sound an alarm. layisa (-layisizza) v.tr. caus. 2 cause to oour.d an alarm; sound an alarm using/.vith. lawuna (-lawunye, ndawunye) v.i. [from Eng. round] patrol, make one’s rounds, cf. omulawunyi. layira (-layidde) v.i. swear; vow. v.tr. swear by; prevent, hinder; defeat (an opponent in the game of mweso). okulayira Katonda. to swear by God. Nze sijja ku- mulayira kukola ky’agambye. I will not prevent him from doing what he said (he would do). layirwa (-layiddwa) v.i. pass, be prevented; be sworn. layiza (-layizza) v.tr. caus. cause to swear; adjure; swear in (e.g., a newly appointed official). cf. ekirayiro. layisensi also layisinsi (n/n) [fug.] license. layisi also laisi no plur. (la) [Siu. ] sale, selling at bargain prices, as an adv. cheap(ly), at reduced price, omukazi owa layisi, a woman of ill repute. laza caus. of laga, q.v. lazaana rare var. of lagaana, q.v. under laga. lazima (-lazimye, ndazimye) v.i. make a long journey. lebaleba (-lebyelebye) v.i. redup. be soft and pliable, cf. lebera. lebba (-lebbye) v.i. argue (with). lebera (-lebedde, ndebedde) v.i. feel weak; be exhausted/tired; be loose/slack; be soft/viscous. lebeza (-lebezezza) v.tr. caus. weaken; tire; make loose. cf. -lebevu, obulebevu; lebaleba. lebetterera (-lebetteredde) v.i., rare speak indistinctly. lebettuka (-lebettuse) v.i. be exhausted/ tired out; cling tenaciously. -lebevu adj. weak; tired, exhausted; loose, slack; soft, viscous, gelatinous, cf. lebera. lebula (-lebudde) v.tr. libel, defame, cf. akalebule. leeba (-leebye) v.i. bend; overhang; droop; become limp. cf. kireebereebe; leebeeta. leebeeta (-leebeese) v.i. hang, hang down, hang suspended, dangle. leebeetera (-leebeetedde) v.i. appl. hang, hang loose at/in, etc. leebeesa (-leebeesezza) v.tr. caus. cause to hang down; suspend; display. cf. endeebeeso; leeba. leeberera (-Ieeberedde, ndeeberedde) v.tr. urge, importune, press with persistence. leebuuka or leebuukana (-leebuukanye, ndeebuukanye) v.i. move about constantly; take trouble (with); bother (with). okuleebuukana n’emirimu, to tend to chores. leebuukanya (-leebuukanyizza) v.tr. caus. keep (someone) constantly on the move. leega (-leeze, ndeeze) v.tr. tighten; strain; draw taut; stretch, extend; aim. okuleega ennoma, to stretch the cover on a drum, okuleega omutego, to set a trap, okuleega e:r.a""», to ?tr'nD,/tnnp a ham or other stringed instrument. Yamuleegamu ekiso. He aimed a knife at him. -ereega (-ereeze) v.i. refl. become taut/ tightened/stretched; quarrel; be insolent; make a fuss. leegera (-leegedde) v.tr. appl. tighten for/ in, etc.; face towards; aim at; head for (a destination ). leeza (-leezezza) v.tr. caus. cause to tighten/strain, etc. leeguka (-leeguse) v.i. conv. become slack/loose, etc. leegula (-leegudde) v.tr. conv. slacken, loosen, unstring, etc. leeguula (-leegudde) v.i. place the legs apart. cf. akaleega, omuleego, omuleezi. leekaana (-leekaanye, ndeekaanye) v.i. shout, yell, make noise. leekaanira (-leekaanidde) v.i. appl. shout for/at, etc. leekaanya (-leekaanyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to shout. leekaanyiza (-leekaanyizizza) v.tr. appl. caus. cause to shout at/for, etc. cf. omuleekaanyi, emireekaano. leekeema (-leekeemye, ndeekeemye) v.i. cavil; wrangle, bicker; talk in a loud voice. leekeeza (-leekeezezza, ndeekeezezza) v.tr. provoke; tease; cause to get worked up. v.i. become loud and excited, make a noisy fuss. Engeri gye yaleekeezamu nzibu okutenda. It is difficult to describe the noisy and excited way in winch she behaved. leenya (la) trouble(s), difficulties, kusuula ku leenya, to get (someone) into trouble. leenya (-leenye, nneenye) v.i. shine (like oil, fat); fester, be inflamed (of a wound); be covered with flakes; be tired. leereeta (-leereese, ndeereese) v.i. wander, wander around. leero adv. today, conj. in fact, as a matter of fact, so then, well now, I suppose. -leeruufu adj. ennyindo endeeruufu, dilated/ distended nostrils, cf. leeruuka. leeruuka (-leeruuse) v.i. be distended/dilated (of the nostrils), cf. -leeruufu. leerwe (n/n) [Eng.] railway. leesu (n/n) [S«i., Port.f\ colored cloth worn by women on the head or shoulders. leeta (-leese, ndeese) v.tr. bring; conduct; cause, produce. Ssengaawe zireese. His aunt has arrived, unfortunately, lit. the winds (empewo is implied by zi-) have brought his aunt. Akyogerako si ye akireeta. (prov.) The person who talks about it is not the one who causes (the misfortune) to happen. Kaakati obireese! Now you have really done it! Now you have started something bad. (-bi- of obireese implies ebi- gambo, matters). leetebwa (-leeteddwa) v.i. pass, be brought, etc. leetera (-leetedde) v.tr. appl. bring for/ in, etc. Yatuleetedde eminyira. He has caused us trouble. -ereetera (-ereetedde) v.tr. appl. refl. bring for oneself; bring upon oneself. leetereza (-leeterezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. bring; cause; start, initiate. -ereetereza (-ereeterezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. refl. bring upon oneself. Emitawaana agyereetereza. He brings trouble upon himself. leesa (-leesezza) v.tr. caus. cause to bring; bring with/by means of. cf. kyereeta, omuleesi. leeya (-leeye, ndeeye) v.i. be lazy/idle; loaf. cf. kireeya. leeya: engoye eza leeya, civilian clothes; ordinary clothes (as opposed to a uniform). lega or legako (-leze, ndeze) v.i. & tr. taste; try. Teyalega ku nnaku za Lubiri. He did not experience any of the sufferings of the Palace. legama (-legamye) v.i. make puddles; lie in pools; get trapped (of liquids, such as rain | in holes, openings, etc.). Amazzi galegama mu binnya mu makubo. The water remains in holes in the roads. legejja (-legezze, ndegezze) v.i. prattle, chatter; gossip, cf. lejja. legesa v.i. talk too much, make too much noise. Possibly related to ndegeya, weaver finch, q.v. legga rare var. of legguka, q.v. legguka (-legguse, ndegguse) v.i. roam about, wander about; loiter about. leggusa (-leggusizza) v.tr. caus. cause to roam about, etc. lejja (-lezze, ndezze) v.i. talk incessantly, chatter, gossip, cf. legejja. lejjalejja adv. one at a time; at retail, oku- tunda lejjalejja, to sell at retail, omutunzi wa lejjalejja, a retail merchant, abapakasi aba lejjalejja, temporary workers, workers who do odd jobs, contr. kolijja. leka (-lese, ndese) v.tr. permit, allow; leave, abandon, leka has the following uses as an auxiliary verb: 1) followed by the infinitive it means stop, leave off, refrain from. Leka kusoma, Stop reading. 2) followed by the subjunctive it exp res ses a request or exhortation. Leka tugambe nti... Let us say that... lekebwa, lekwa (-lekeddwa) v.i. pass, be left/abandoned, etc. lekera (-lekedde) v.tr. appl. leave, let in/ at, etc. Lekera awo! Stop! Stop it! -erekera (-erekedde) v.i. appl. refl. leave off, desist; rest, repose; stop. Weerekere, si nsonga. Never mind, it does not matter. Yalaba omukazi tawuuna ne yeerekerayo. He saw that the woman made no reply so he gave up/desisted. lekeza (-lekezza) v.tr. appl. caus. leave over at/in, etc. lekerera (-lekeredde) v.tr. appl. 2 leave off; leave to; keep leaving/abandoning, etc. -erekereza (-erekerezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. refl. sacrifice, deny oneself, abstain from; postpone, put off. lesa (-lesezza), lekesa (-iekesezza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to leave/let, etc. Omubbi baamulesa emmundu. They caused the thief to leave the gun behind. Tulekese! Leave us alone! -eresa (-eresezza) v.tr. caus, refl. give up, sacrifice, abandon; deprive oneself of; get rid of. okweresa amasanyu, to give up pleasures, okweresa ebitiibwa, to renounce honors. lekagana (-lekaganye) less frequently lekana (-lekanye) v.i. recip. leave each other; separate from each other. lekeka (-lekese) v.i. neut. be capable of being left/abandoned, etc. ebintu ebitale- keka, indispensable things, omulimu ogu- talekeka, an essential task, a job which cannot be left undone. cf. mulekwa; lekulira. lekulira (-lekulidde) v.i. & tr. leave/resign a position). Yalekulira. He resigned. Yalekulira ekifo kye. He resigned his position. cf. leka. lema (-lemye, nnemye) v.i. & tr. fail; be too much for. Talirema kujja. He will not fail to come. He will certainly come. Ekyo kyamulema okukola. He failed to do that. That proved too much for him. Eby’obufuzi bimulemye. He has been a failure in politics. As an aux. verb lema is used in the neg. imper. and in the neg. subj. Tuleme kwerabira. Let US not forget. Kwata ekitabo kyo kireme okugwa. Hold on to your book so that it does not fall. lemwa (-lemeddwa) v.i. & tr. pass, fail in; be overcome by; be unable to deal with, experience difficulty in dealing with. Talina ky’alemwa. There is nothing he cannot do. Nnemeddwa omulimu. I cannot do/I have failed to do the job. -erema (-eremye) v.i. refl. refuse (to reply, to act). Embwa obwedda ngiyita naye yeeremye. I kept calling the dog but he refused (to come). lemera (-lemedde) v.i. appl. remain stalled/at a standstill; refuse to budge; get stuck; refuse to go. Yalemera ewa kitaawe. She refused to leave her father’s place. Ekisumuluzo kiremedde mu luggi. The key is stuck in the door. lemerera (-lemeredde) v.tr. appl. 2 be impossible/extremely difficult for; be utterly too much for. lemererwa (-lemereddwa) v.i. appl. 2 caus. be completely overcome; be unable to do/to carry on. Ng’amalako amadaala, yalemerer- wa n’agwa nga yeevuunise. Just as he was at the top of the stairs he was unable to go on and collapsed/fell over. lemereza (-lemerezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. cause to fail in/at, etc. lemya (-lemezza), lemesa (-lemesezza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to fail; cause to give up/despair; be too much for, be too great a burden/task for; make powerless; hold back, hinder. lemeseza (-lemesezza) v.tr. caus. fanomyl- ous) cause to fail in/at, etc. lemagana (-lemaganye) v.i. recip. be deadlocked, come to a stalemate; (in sports) be tied, result in a draw. cf. -lema, lemala, obulema, kiremya, omulema. -lema adj. lame; crippled. Amagezi aba awadde malema. He has given bad/wrong advice. cf. lema, lemala. lemala (-lemadde) v.i. become crippled; become lame. Eyali afudde bw’olemala to- gamba nti Kalonda yankolera? (prov.) (You) who are dying, when you become crippled (instead), don’t you say God did me a good turn? Be grateful that things are not as bad as they could be. cf Iema, obulema, omulema. lemaza (-lemazizza) v.tr. caus. cripple; make lame. -eremaza (-eremazizza) v.i. caus. refl. make oneself lame/crippled; pretend to be lame/crippled. cf. Iema, obulema, omulema. lemba (-lembye, nnembye) v.i. stroll, walk leisurely, walk slowly, okulemba olw’e Kaganga, to die. lembya (-lembezza) v.tr. caus. cause to walk leisurely; do slowly/cautiously. lembereza (-lemberezezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. approach cautiously/slowly; deal carefully with. -erembereza (-eremberezezza) v.i. & tr. appl. 2 caus. refl. approach cautiously/ carefully/slowly; be deliberate and slow in one’s actions (towards). cf. olulemba. lembeera (-lembedde) v.i. & tr. be burdened down with (as a tree with fruit); be covered; be all over. lembegga (-lembezze, nnembezze) v.i. talk very slowly, drawl. lembeggerera (-lembeggeredde) v.i. appl. 2 = intens. form of lembegga. lembeka (-lembese, nnembese) v.tr. place, put (a vessel in position to catch a liauid): catch (a liquid) in a vessel, okulembeka engalo, to cup the hands. lembekera (-lembekedde) v.i. appl. = lembeka. cf. ennembeko. lendera (-lendedde) v.i. stroll; go slowly; be lazy. cf. omulendo. lenduka (-lenduse) v.i. be top-heavy; be upset/turned over. lendula (-lendudde) v.tr. upset, turnover. lenga (-lenze, nnenze) v.tr. measure, measure out, apportion; arrange in groups or piles for subsequent sale. lengeka (-lengese) v.i. neut. be easy to measure/measure out, etc. cf. omulenganda, omulenganjuba, omulengo. lengejja (-lengezze, nnengezze) v.i. hover; hang in the air, be suspended above the ground; dangle; droop. lengera (-lengedde, nnengedde) v.i. & tr. see (from afar), okulengera ewala, farsightedness. lengeza (-lengezezza) v.tr. caus., cause to see (at a distance); point out to, show, bring to the attention of. lengerekeka (-lengerekese) v.i. neut. 2 be visible at a distance. cf. omulengezi. leppa (-leppye) more frequently leppuka (-leppuse, ndeppuse) v.i. move around a great deal; travel much; move from place to place. Buli muntu wa ddembe okuleppuka mu azikiriza Everyone is free to change his beliefs/to switch from one faith to another. lera (-leze, ndeze) v.tr. nurse (a child); bring up, rear. Omwana bw’omulera era bw’akula. (prov.) lit. As you bring up a child, so he grows. An adult is the product of his childhood training, okulera engalo, to twiddle one’s thumbs, be lazy. leza (-lezezza) v.tr. caus. cause to nurse/ rear, etc. cf. ekirezi, omulezi, endera. leregga (-lerezze, nderezze) v.i. wander aimlessly, go here and there. lerejja (-lerezze, nderezza) v.i. talk; talk a great deal/too much. lerembuka (-lerembuse, nderembuse) v.i. be broken/split; fig. burst out laughing; talk loudly, be noisy; quarrel; walk a long way. lerembula (-lerembudde) v.tr. break, break to pieces; split; fig. blurt out, blab out. -ererembula (-ererembudde) v.i. refl. break, get cracked; cry, raise one’s voice; break into laughter; make a fuss. leruka (-leruse) v.i. tumble, topple over; (after another verb) do to extremes. Yasese n’okuleruka n’aleruka. She laughed herself sick. cf. teruka. lesa, -eresa caus. form of leka, q.v. -li defective verbal form used to replace the missing parts of ba, q. v. libata (-libase) v.i. & tr. [Lunyoro^ walk, tread; step on. libuggala (la) rascal, bad person. libuka (-libuse) v.i. be notched/chipped. libula (-Iibudde) v.tr. chip, put a dent in; smooth off (a pot before it dries). liga (-lize, ndize) v.tr. knock over; throw, throw down. ligana (-liganye) v.i. recip. throw each other down; wrestle. -eriga (-erize) v.i. refl. wrestle; grapple with each other; fig. argue, assail each other verbally. -erigisa (-erigisizza) v.i. caus. 2 refl. frolic, play, wrestle playfully. cf. omuligano. ligajjula (-ligajjudde, ndigajjudde) v.tr. throw/hurl to the ground; fig. bear (a fine healthy baby). ligguula (-liggudde, ndiggudde) v.tr. dig up; dig out. liggwa; eriggwa (li/ma) thorn; spike; spine. ligita (-ligise, ndigise) also ligijja (-ligizze) v.i. play, romp, frolic, cf. entaligita. -erigomba (-erigombye) also -erigoya (-erigoye) v.i. refl. act silly; carry on in a foolish or reprehensible manner; act lazy; be affected/overly coy. -erigoosola (-erigoosodde) v.i. refl. gyrate, make contorted motions. liibwa pass, of lya, q.v. Liijenti also Lijjenti, Riijenti (la) [Eng. ] Regent. liika (-liise, ndiise) v.tr. exact payment from; demand fulfillment of a commitment by; put pressure on. cf. obuliika, liwa. liika be edible, v.i. neut. of lya, q.v. liikiriza see under lya. liima (-liimye, nniimye) v.tr. lie in wait for. liimisa (-liimisizza) v.tr. caus. lie in wait for; spy on; watch secretly. cf. omuliimi. liira, liirira mod. forms of lya, q.v. liiri; aliiri (n/n) [Sn>., Ar. ] silk. liisa caus. of lya, q.v. liiso; eriiso (li/ma) eye. in the plur. atnaaso eyes; face, mu maaso ga..., in front of... mu maaso gaffe, in front of us. kugenda mu maaso, to go forward, progress. Okubuuli- riza kukyagenda mu maaso. The investigation is still going on. ebiseera eby’omu maaso, the future, kukuba maaso ku muntu, to see/catch sight of a person. Yakubayo eriiso limu. He gave one glance, cf. akaaso, kaliisoliiso, ekiiso, Liisoddene, oluuso. Liisoddene pr.n. God, lit. big-eye. liita (-liise, ndiise) v.tr. ensnare, cf. omu- liiti. lijja (-lizze, ndizze) v.tr. tie, tie up; fasten, okulijja ekigwo, to trip, throw to the ground. lima (-litnye, nnimye) v.i. & tr. cultivate, farm, dig; fig. backbite, slander behind one’s back, eby’okulima, agriculture. -erima (-erimye) v.i. refl. okwerima (empanvu), to scratch oneself very much. limibwa (-limiddwa) v.i. pass, be cultivated, etc. limira (-limidde) v.i. & tr. appl. cultivate for/in/at, etc. limirira (-limiridde) v.i. & tr. appl. 2. cultivate in an indifferent or incompetent manner; clear up, weed; fig. backbite, slander. limya (-limizza), limisa (-limisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to cultivate; cultivate by means of. okulimisa ebyuma, to use machinery in farming. cf. obulime, obulimi, obulimiro, eddimwa, akalimiro, ekirime, ennima, ennimiro, ennimisa. limanda (n/n) [Eng.] remand, return to custody pending a trial. limba (-limbye, nnimbye) v.tr. lie to; cheat, deceive, v.i. lie; fail in an objective. Owange Ssemutikke, otulimba ki ebiro bino? colloq. Well, S., what do you have to tell us? Vvaawo olimba! colloq. Go on! You must be joking foften implying that what has been said is perhaps true). limbalimba (-limbyelimbye) v.tr. redup. keep on lying/cheating, etc. kulimbalimba muntu na bintu, to keep promising to give a person something without doing so. limbira (-limbidde) v.i. & tr. appl. lie/ cheat in/for, etc. limbiriza (-limbirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. cause to cheat/lie for/in, etc.; impute falsely. limbikiriza (-limbikirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. accuse falsely of lying/cheating. -erimba (-erimbye) v.i. refl. lie to oneself; cheat oneself (not to be confused with the homonymous -erimba, cling, which follows this pnt.rv ). limbya (-limbizza), limbisa (-limbisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to lie/cheat, etc.; lie/cheat by means of/using. limbagana (-limbaganye) v.i. recip. lie to each other; deceive/cheat each other. limbulula (-limbuludde) v.tr. conv. 2 undeceive, set straight. cf. obulimba, eddimbo, kalimbira, omulimba. -erimba (-erimbye) v.i. refl. cling (to); be dependent (on); lean (on), ne mpalampa ne nnerimba ku muti ogumu, and I climbed up and held on to a tree. Nkwerimbyeko. I am dependent on you. cf. limbika. limbika (-limbise) v.tr. cause to overlap; put on top of. -erimbika (-erimbise) v.i. refl. attach oneself; become attached. cf. -erimba. limbo plur. iden. (n/n) cemetery. limu, erimu: ow’erimu, a person with one (eye, eriiso is implied), ow’erimu atemye ku w’abiri, the one with one eye has winked at the one with two (a common expression to signify that an event or incident is of great interest, surprising, fascinating, etc.). linda (-linze, nninze) v.i. wait. v.tr. wait for, await. -erinda (-erinze) v.i. refl. be cautious, be on one’s guard, v.tr. refl. be on one’s guard against; defend oneself against. Minista w’eby’okwerinda, minister of defense. Okwerinda si buti. (prov.) Caution (or a defensive attitude) is not cowardice. lindira Mir.didde' v.tr. cppl. wait for/at/ in, etc. lindirira (-lindiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 wait; keep waiting; wait around for. lindiza (-lindizza) v.tr. appl. caus. postpone; defer till later. lindiriza (-lindirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. cause to wait for/in, etc. linza (-linzizza), linzisa (-linzisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to wait; cause to guard; guard with/by means of. -erinza (-erinzizza) v.i. & tr. caus. refl. protect/defend oneself (with); have or keep in reserve for oneself. Kirungi okuba n'ensimbi ez’okwerinza ebiseera ebizibu. It is desirable to have money in reserve for hard times, eby’okwerinza, defense matters; protective/preventive measures. cf. eddindirizi, kalindabazaana, kalinda- luzzi, kalindaminyira, ekirindizo, ekyerinzo. lindigga (-lindizze) more usually lindiggula (-Iindiggudde, nnindiggudde) v.tr. throw down; hurl to the ground; drop heavily; pour down. -erindiggula (-erindiggudde) v.i. refl. be thrown/burled down; fall heavily. Yeerindig- gula ekigwo eky’amaanyi. He fell down with a great thud. lindimuka rare var. of linnimuka, q.v. linga (-linze, nninze) v.tr. spy out; look for, go in search of (nseenene, grasshoppers). -eringa (-erinze) v.i. refl. kutambula nga weerin-ga, to walk slowly looking from side to side. ling(ir)iza (-lingirizza) v.i. & tr. appl. (2) caus. glance (at); peep (at), bwe nningizza mu kisenge, when I glanced/peeped into the room. linnimuka (-linnimuse, nninimuse) v.i. go/move along (in a crowd); rush (in), flood (in); make a tramping/rumbling noise. linnimula (-linnimudde) v.tr. drive along (a herd, crowd); pour/throw down heavily; bestow in abundance; swamp, overwhelm, okulinnimula emisinde, chase, chase after. Nnatandika okukabassana n'olugandu lw’ebintu ebyatulinnimulirwako okuyiga. I began to struggle with the mass of things which were poured on us to learn (or with which we were swamped/overwhelmed). -erinnimula (-erinnimudde) v.i. refl. okwerinnimula ennume y’ekigwo, fall down heavily/with a crash. cf. ekirinnimuko; lindimuka. linnya; erinnya plur. amannya (li/ma) name; reputation, okwegulira erinnya, to make a reputation for oneself. Erinnya lyo ggwe ani? What is your name. cf. sserinnya. linnya (-linnye, nninye) v.tr. step on; tread on; ascend; climb; mount, v.i. go up; increase (of price), kulinnya nnyonyi, to board an airplane, kulinnya mu kyoto, to refuse flatly, butalinnya wa muntu, to stay away from a person’s house, kulinnya mu mboozi, to interrupt/butt in on a conversation. kulinnya gye gava, lit. to step on it (i.e., amazzi, water, implied by ga-) where it comes from, to cut off something good at the source, to spoil one’s chances, ruin an opportunity, uw'aliiiuju mu mm ere nuya buli. I like him (her) very much, lit. even if he (or she) steps in the food, I will eat it anyway. linnyira (-linnyidde) v.tr. appl. tread on, trample on, etc. okulinnyira omuntu mu bigere, to accompany someone a short distance. linnyirira (-linnyiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 keep trampling on; ride roughshod over (the views or proposals of other people). linnyisa (-linnyisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to step on; cause to ascend, raise, hoist; trample on with/using. linnyika (-linnyise) v.i. neut. be easy to step on; be easy to climb, omuntu ata- linnyikako, a person who is exceedingly vain/proud. linnyuka (-linnyuse) v.tr. go up, ascend; climb up. Yalinnyuka akasozi. He went up the hill. linnyo; erinnyo (li/ma) tooth, amannyo ama- zungu, false teeth, dentures. (Amannyo) agali awamu ge galuma ennyama. (prov.) (Teeth) which are together bite the meat. In unity there is strength, cf. akannyo, olunnyo, olunnyonnyo. lipoota, a- (n/n) \jfng. ] report. lippa (-lippye) v.tr. hurl, trip (in wrestling and in the game of nziga). Yandippiramu enkalu. He tripped me/gave me a fall. -erippa (-erippye) v.i. hold on (to); cling (to). -erippulula (-erippuludde) v.i. conv. 2 refl. unhook oneself; let oneself loose; detach oneself. cf. eddippo. lira (-lize, ndize) v.i. weep, cry; mourn. lirira (-liridde) v.tr. appl. cry over, weep for; mourn, mourn for. lirirwa (-liriddwa) v.i. pass, be mourned/ lamented. liza (-lizizza) v.tr. caus. cause to weep; make moum. cf. -lizi, endizabawuulu. liraana (-liraanye, ndiraanye) v.i. be adjacent to/next to; adjoin; neighbor. Okuliraana ennyanja si kuliira. (prov.) To be next to a lake is not to eat (relishes). Shoemakers are the worst shod. liraanya (-liraanyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to be adjacent; put next to each other; place side by side. liraannyisa (-liraanyisizza) v.tr. caus. 2 cause to set side by side, make place adjacent. liraanyizibwa (-liraanyiziddwa) v.i. caus. appl. pass, be placed side by side, be made adjacent. liraanyizika (-liraanyizise) v.i. neut. be capable of being put side by side; be easy to make adjacent. liraanagana (-liraanaganye) v.i. be next to each other, be adjacent; be neighbors. cf. omuliraano, omuliraanwa. lirika (-lirise, ndirise) v.tr. hurl down, throw down (esp. in wrestling). liwa (-liye, ndi ye) v.tr. pay (damages); compensate. iiyira (-iiyiaae) v.ir. pay damages 10; compensate; reimburse. liyisa (-liyisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to pay damages, etc. cf. lliika. liwuggwe; eriwuggwe var. of egguggwe, q.v. liyumba; eriyumba (1 i/ma) large house, mansion. cf. ennyumba. -lizi adj. having a tendency to weep, tearful. cf. lira. lizzi; erizzi from amazzi, water, okukuba erizzi, colloq. to drink beer/liquor, okutema erizzi, colloq. to swim. loba (-lobye, ndobye) v.tr. hook; fish (with a hook). lobya (-Iobezza), lobesa (lobesezza) v.tr. caus. 1 8c 2 cause to hook/fish, okulobesa eddobo, to fish with a hook. cf. eddobo, ekirobe, omulobi. lobera (-lobedde, ndobedde) v.tr. hinder, prevent. lobola (-lobodde, ndobodde) j v.tr. pick out; take out one’s share; levy (money); subtract (in mathematics). -eroboza (-erobozezza) v.tr. caus. refl. pick out for oneself; choose for oneself; prefer. cf. endobolo. loga (-loze) v.tr. charm, bewitch, place a a spell on, put a hex on. okuloga obulwa- dde, to cure of sickness, okuloga ennyon- ta, to assuage thirst. Nzija kukukuba nkuloge eddalu eryo erikuli mu mutwe. I’ll give you a beating that will knock that nonsense out of your head. Akuloze mukazi Muyima? Has a Muhima woman bewitched you? What has paralysed your efforts? Why are you there doing nothing (when work must be done or when danger must be avoided)? cf. -loge, obulogo, eddogo, omuloge, omulogo. -loge adj. bewitched, cf. loga. logojjana (-logojjanye, ndogojjanye) v.i. be delirious, rave; be crazed. -eroggozza (-eroggozzezza) v.i. caus. refl. be delirious, rave; act/talk in a crazy way. cf. obulogovvu, eddogojjo, akalogojjo; logootana. logootana (-logootanye, ndogootanye) v.i. rave; talk nonsense; talk in one’s sleep (as the result of a nightmare), cf. logojjana. lojja (-lozze, ndozze) v.tr. tell, recount, narrate, okulojja omukwano, to declare/express one’s love. Kye nnalaba mu ... ndi fa nkirojja. What I saw in ... I will remember as long as I live, lit. I will die recounting it. Amulojja temumala. He is really amazed at him (in either a good or bad sense). Buli omu alulojja bubwe. Everyone tells it/describes it from his own point of view (said when different people give different reports of the same incident). lojjera (-lojjedde) v.tr. appl. tell for, etc. lojjeka (-lojjese) v.i. neut. be easy to tell; be possible to narrate. Mu bulungi talojjeka. It (he, or she) is incredibly beautiful. Ekiri mu ... tekirojjeka. What is (happening) in ... is unspeakable/indescribable. cf. lombojja. loka (-lose) v.i. sprout, put up shoots; strike root. cf. obulokwalokwa, endoko. lokoka (-lokose, ndokose) v.i. be rescued/ saved; relig. be saved. lokola (-lokodde) v.tr. rescue; relig. save, give salvation to. Abalokole, members of a religious sect, lit. the saved onefe. cf. obulokofu, obulokozi, otnulokole, omulokozi. lokompoka (-lokompose) v.i. talk on and on, talk tediously and with little relevance to the issue at hand. cf. omulokompofu. -erokopya (-erokopezza) v.i. refl. brag, boast at great length. -erolera see loola. lolobala (-lolobadde, ndolobadde) v.i. - lozoolera. stare vacantly/stupidly/idiotic- ally; sit like a bump on a log. cf. omulolo. loma (-lomye, nnomye) v.i. blab out; rant; use invectives/curses, v.tr. blurt out. lomera (-lomedde) v.tr. appl. revile; curse, invoke a curse against. cf. emiromyo. lomba (-lombye, nnombye) v.i. beg; ask for charity. lombojja (-lombozze, nnombozze) v.tr. tell, recount, narrate; mention; enumerate, cf. lojja. londa (-lonze, nnonze) v.tr. gather up, pick up; pick out; select, choose; elect; describe completely. Kuno si kutta kulonda. This is a great bargain, lit. it is not killing (a game CtTtl TTl al) but merely picking it up (from the ground), okulonda mu bangi, lit. to select from among many, to choose (a wife). Baabu)onda. They had a fight or They went running after each other, lit. picked up the footsteps (abuwuufu is implied by -bu-). Ekibiina kyakubidde waggulu mu kulonda. The party won an overwhelming victory in the elections. -eronda (-eronze) v.i. refl. quarrel over small things; volunteer; busy oneself. Yeeronda ku kino na kiri. He busied himself with this and that. londalonda (-lonzelonze) v.tr. redup. glean, gather one by one. londera (-londedde) v.tr. appl. pick up for/ at/in, etc. londerera (-londeredde) v.tr. appl. 2 keep picking up; pick up all the time. Awagwa ekku tewabula bulondererwa. (prov.) Where a large piece of firewood falls there is no lack of little pieces to pick up. lonza (-lonzezza) v.tr. caus. cause to pick up; cause to choose/select, etc.; pick up with/by means of. cf. -londe, kalonda, akalondwalondwa, omulonzi, ennonda, entalondwa; londoba. -londe adj. elected; selected, chosen, eggwanga eddonde, the chosen people. cf. londa. londoba (-londobye, nnondobye) v.i. select, choose, pick out; enumerate, cf. londa. londobala (-londobadde, nnondobadde) v.i. stare stupidly, look around in a foolish manner; sit with a vacant look. Ekibuga kyali kirondobadde. The city had a hopeless look. londobereza (-iondoberezza, nnondoberezza) v.i. ramble on, chatter, talk incessantly. londoola (-londodde, nnondodde) v.tr. track, track down, follow, pursue, hurry. -longo adj. twin, born with another at birth. cf. lomulongo, ssaalongo, ssaabalongo, nnaalongo, nnaabalongo. -longoofu adj. clean; pure; in good order. cf. longooka. longooka (-longoose) v.i. be put to rights; be straightened out; be corrected; become clean; improve, get better; turn out well. longookera (-longookedde) v.i. appl. be straightened out for/in/at, etc. longoosa (-Iongoosezza) v.tr. caus. straighten out; make ready; correct; cause to improve; make better; med. operate on ( a patient). Kirungi okulongoosa ennimiro nga tonnaba kusimbamu kintu kyonna. It is a good idea to clear up the fields before planting anything there. longoos(er)eza (-longooserezza) v.tr. appl. (2) caus. have corrected/straightened out/ prepared for/in, etc. cf. -longoofu, eddongooserezo, omulongoosa, omulongoose. longoola (-longodde) v.tr., rare remunerate; give a gratuity to; do a service for. lonkoma (-lonkomye, nnonkomye) v.tr. accuse, denounce, expose (an evil doer). lonzalonza (-lonzezzalonzezza, nnonzezza- lonzezza) v.i. hesitate, vacillate, stall; be indifferent; make idle excuses. looka (-loose, ndoose) v.i., also lookalooka (-looseloose) v.i. redup. pulsate in the throat (as a frog, lizard, chicken); be out of hrpath nant ffacn loola (-lodde, ndodde) v.i. [from Lunyoro roora] look coy/shy (as a bride at her wedding). -erolera (-eroledde) v.tr. refl. look at; look at with interest or concern; get a view of, get a look at; see for oneself, erolera is also used intransitively in as sociation with ku. okwerolera ku raajjankunene, to get a look at the amazing spectacle. cf. ekyerolerwa, omulolo. loole (n/n) [Eng'.] lorry, truck. loopa (-loopye, ndoopye) v.tr. accuse; denounce; slander; tattle on; expose, reveal, mu ddoboozi eryaloopa obweraliikirivu, in a voice which showed anxiety. Guno nagwo musango muloope. This is a terrible situation. -eroopa (-eroopye) v.i. refl. accuse oneself; give oneself away. loopera (-loopedde) v.tr. appl. denounce for/m, etc. loopya (-loopyezza), loopesa (-loopesezza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to accuse/denounce, etc. cf. omuloopi. loota (-loose, ndoose) v.i. dream. lootera (-lootedde) v.i. appl. dream in, etc. loosa (-loosezza) v.tr. caus. make dream, cause to dream. lootolola (-lootolodde) v.tr. conv. 2 tell a dream to, recount a dream to. lootologana (-lootologanye) v.i. recip. tell each other (their) dreams. cf. ekirooto, ssekalootera. looti (n/n) [Sui., Hind.f, unit of measure for cloth (about four yards). looya plur. balooya (la) [Eng-] lawyer. lowooza (-lowoozezza, ndowoozezza) v.i. & tr. think, opine, suppose, be of the opinion that. lowoozebwa (-lowoozeddwa) v.i. pass, be thought, etc. -erowozza (-erowoozezza) v.i. refl. think to oneself; reflect; think things over; reconsider. lowoozesa (-lowoozesezza) v.tr. caus. cause to think, etc. lowooleza (-lowoolezza) v.tr. appl. caus. think of; think in terms of. Tebalowooleza mu mawanga. They are not tribally minded. lowoolereza (-lowoolerezza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. think of/about; figure out; try to remember; consider. -erowoolereza (-erowoolerezza) v.i. appl. 2 caus. refl. think for oneself. cf. ekirowoozo, endowooza. loza (-lozezza) v.tr. taste; try. lozesa (-lozesezza) v.tr. caus. make taste/ try. lozoolera (-lozooledde) v.i. = lolobala stare vacantly/stupidly/idiotically; sit like a bump on a log. luba, o- plur. emba (lu/n) jaw. abantu abatakyalina we bassa luba, people who no longer have any place to sleep/anywhere to take refuge, lit. where they put the j aw. olvuluiuu cmbu, to "lit thD ^eeth embabbaiala. lubaale plur. balubaale (la) ndtive god/ deity; space, sky, heavens. Lubaale mbeera nga n’embiro kw’otadde. (prov.) Lubaale help me (you say) as you put forth speed. God helps those who help themselves. cf, omulubaale. lubaawo, o- plur. embaawo (lu/n) plank, board; blackboard; bench (e.g., in a schoolroom); bench (of parliament), olubaawo oluddugavu, blackboard. Yali musajja musazi wa mbaawo. He was a carpenter, lit. cutter of boards. lubabi, o- (lu/n) [Lunyoro] young plantain leaf. lubabu, o- (lu/n) something very hot/boiling; extreme heat; fig. very difficult situation, predicament, olubabu lw’amazzi, very hot water, olubabu lw’omwana, intractable child, brat, hellion, cf. babuka, ekibabu. lubajjo, o- (lu/n) chip; shaving; piece. cf. bajja, ekibajjo. lubalaaju, o- (lu/n) side. lubalamo, o- (lu/n) coast, shore, bank, edge (of a body of water), cf. balama. lubalaza, o- (lu/n) [_Sw. ] porch, veranda. cf. bbalaza. lubale, o- (lu/n) wound, scar or cut on the head received as a result of fighting. Baana na baana, ng’omu tannatema munne lubale. (prov.) lit. Children and children, as long as one does not inflict a wound on his companion. Friendship and good relations can continue as long as both parties treat each other with decency and respect. lubaluba adv. rapidly, very quickly (esp. of walking ). lubambo, o- plur. emmambo (lu/n) wooden peg used for stretching a skin/hide; tent peg. kussaako mmambo (with amaaso as indirect object), to look/watch intently. Amaaso yagassaako emmambo. He watched intently, cf. bamba. lubandaasi, o- with the -a of rel. scattered, spread out; sporadic. Ekyalo kya lubandaasi. The village is spread out. Yeebaka twa lubandaasi. He slept fitfully, lit. a sporadic (sleep, otulo, implied by twa). cf. bandaala. Lubanga pr.n. the name of a lubaale associated with the Gray Monkey Clan and the Oribi Antelope Clan. lubanga, o- (lu/n) seat of a paddler in a canoe. lubango, o- (lu/n) [Lunyoro] shaft of a spear. lubanyi, o- (lu/n) scaffolding; elevated shelf in the kitchen for storing firewood, bananas, etc.; counter; bar (of a tavern), cf. ekibanyi. lubasi, o- (lu/n) violent kick, with the -a of rel. big and powerful, olubasi I w’omusajja, a big powerful man. lubatu, o- (lu/n) handful; few, a few. cf. ekibatu. lubaya, o- (lu/n) large packet of salt, kusi- tula lubaya, to lift a very heavy load; to attempt a very difficult task (esp. something in which others have failed). Anti laba, zitutte olubaya! Look who has just passed by (esp. of somebody disliked- zitutte = empewo zitutte, the winds have taken). See also ekkerenda. lubbira: eryato li-lubbira, submarine, boat capable of undersea operations, cf. ^bbira. lubbobba, o- with the -a of rel. (something) very big/large, olubbobba lw’essanduuko, a very large box. lubbobbo, o- plur. etizibobbo (lu/n) old worn-out basket, basket whose bottom has fallen out. cf. ekibbo. lubbulo, o- (lu/n) kind of floating plant. lube, o-: okukuba olube, to shout at, shout down, boo, jeer. lubeerebeere (la) mastitis, cf. ^ebbeere. lubeerera, o- no plur. (lu/n) with the -a of rel. permanent; steady; lasting, omuwandii- si olw’olubeerera, permanent secretary, cf. ba, beerera. lubeete, o-: olubeete lw’embwa, a mad/vicious dog. lubega, o- also olubego (n/n) helping of food, serving of food. cf. ^bega. lubege, o- adv. leaning to one side; askew; awry, okugwa olubege, to lean to one side, tilt. Omusajja alina olubege. The man has one shoulder higher than the other. lubenge, o- (lu/n) great heat. lubengo, o- plur. emmengo (lu/n) lower millstone; grindstone; kind of large scale for weighing sacks of coffee, sugar, etc. okuteeka ... ku lubengo ne, to place ... on the scale with, i.e., to compare ... with. cf. benga, Mmengo. lubereberye, o- also luberyeberye, o- adv. in the beginning, at first, with the -a of rel. first, ekigambo eky’oluber(y)eberye, the first word, with cap. Oluberyeberye, The Book of Genesis, cf. -ber(y)eberye. lubibiro, o- (lu/n) dam; embankment, cf. bi bi ra. Lubigi pr.n. the name of a river near Kampala. Abantu baali bateefu nga ga Lubigi. The people were as calm as (the waters of) Lubigi, i.e., the people were calm and collected. lubimbi, o- plur. emmimbi (lu/n) day's cultivation. lubindi, o- (lu/n) long pipe (for smoking), cf. emmindi. lubirango, o- (lu/n) kind of plant; kind of very long snake. lubiri, o- (lu/n) palace, royal palace. lubiriizi, o- plur. embiriizi (lu/n) rib; side (usually of the body). lubobbo, o- adv. okwogera olubobbo, to jabber, cf. bobba. lubobya, o- (lu/n) also embobya (n/n) kind of small white termite. luboje invar, adj. lazy; weak. lubombwe, o- with the -a of rel. striped, ente eya lubombwe, a striped cow. lubona, o- adv. red-handed, in the act. kukwata lubona, to catch in the act. cf. bona. lubongo, o- (lu/n) large leaf on which tops (enje) are spun. cf. bonga. luboobooye, o- (lu/n) with or without the -a of rel. very long, oluboobooye lw'omugwa or omugwa oluboobooye, a very long rope. lubooni, a- (la) down payment; deposit given to a merchant to hold an item until full payment is made. luboozi, o- (lu/n) long conversation, okukuba oluboozi, to carry on a long conversation, ow’oluboozi or ow'olubooziboozi, a very talkative person, cf. emboozi. lubosi, o- (lu/n) precipitate at the bottom of beer. luboyera, o- (lu/n) one who is a pest/hanger- on/nuisance. cf. boyera. lubu, o- (lu/n) row; line; list; category, class. Akoowoola bantu bonna okuyisaako olubu lw’ebigere e Nsambya mulabe aba- kyala bye bakoze. She asks that you all go to/pay a visit to (lit. pass a series of steps to) Nsambya and see what the women have done, olubu lwa ssapule, relig., the (prayers of the) rosary. lububi, o- (lu/n) layer of cream which collects on milk; scum on the top of a liquid. cf. akabubi. Lubuga (la) the title of the queen sister ( Nnaalinnya) during the lifetime of the Kabaka. She also has the title of Kabaka. As a common noun sister and co-heir of an important person. lubugabuga, o- (lu/n) kind of bird, nightjar. lubugirizo, o- (lu/n) side, edge. cf. bugiriza. lubugo, o- plur. embugo (lu/n) barkcloth; barkcloth clothing, barkcloth clothes, cf. ebbugo, amabugo. lubugumu, o- (lu/n) warmth, warmness; heat. cf. buguma, ebbugumu. lubumbiro, o- (lu/n) potter’s wheel, cf. bumba. lubungo, o- (lu/n) [Lunyoro] dunghill. lubungu, o- also olubungubungu with the -a of rel. having no (or few) teeth, ow’olu- bungu, a person with no teeth, ow’olubungu- bungu, a person with only a few teeth (esp. at the side of the mouth). lubuti, o- adv. indefinitely, ku tuula lubuti, to sit on/stay indefinitely. lubuto, o- plur. embuto (lu/n) stomach; abdomen; womb, okuba olubu to, to be pregnant. okufuna olubuto, to become pregnant, omukazi ow'ofubuto, a pregnant woman, okukuba olubuto, to be delighted at the prospect of eating (esp. of children), lit. to beat the stomach. Olubuto lundi ku mugongo. I am very hungry/famished, lit. my stomach is on my back. Olubuto lundi mu mannyo. I am completely full, lit. my stomach is in my teeth. Olubuto kyoto, akisennyera enku y’akoowa. (prov.) The stomach is a fireplace, he who gets wood for it gets tired. Whatever else happens, one must eat. Oyo omusajja lubuto kyoto. That man is a very heavy eater, cf. ebbuto, akabutobuto, ekibuto, amabutobuto. lubuubuuto, o- (Iu/n) edge, border; shore embuubuuto z’ennyanja, the shores of the lake lubuuya, o- (lu/h) kind of fish. lubwa, o- no plur. (lu/n) misfortune; bad luck. o- (lu/n) large, sickly, half-starved dog. cf. lembwa. o- (lu/h) kind of insect. lubyalubya (-Iubizzalubizza) v.i., rare chatter. cf. amalubya lubyamira no plur. (la) pneumonia. lucoolo (la) very poor person, omusajja lucoolo, a very poor man. cf. coola ludangadi, o- (lu/n) shallow trough; rim of a bicycle wheel. ludda, o- no plur. (lu/n) direction; side; party, faction, ku ludda olulala, on the other hand, viewing things from a different point of view, amawanga agatalina ludda, the unaligned nations, nze nga nnyimiridde erudda ne munnange erudda, and I was standing on one side and my friend on the other. Ali ludda wa? Where is he? -ludde mod. form of lwa, q.v. ludduka, o- plur. enziruka (lu/h) race, running contest; automobile race. cf. dduka. ludiidi, o-: kuleetako ludiidi, to show undue familiarity (towardsJ. ludikya, o- no plur. (lu/n) a jargon similar in principle to pig Latin (used mostly by children and young adolescents), cf. dikya, ekidikya. ludoli: kwogera ludoli, to talk on and on. kuku- bira ku muntu ludoli, to tell a person a lot of nonsense. ludongo, o-: kukuba ludongo, to talk nonsense/ foolishness. lufaaya adv. in unison, all together (from the Eng. military command all fire!). Abaana ba kubonereza lufaaya. The children are to be punished without exception. Lufalansa, 0 (lu/h) French, the French language. lufansonyi, o- no plur. (lu/n) shame; feeling of shame; bashfulness, shyness, cf. fa, ensonyi. lufeesa (la) nose, lit. sniffer, cf. feesa. lufu, o- no plur. (lu/h) mist, fog. lufuba, o- no plur. (lu/n) asthma; bronchitis. cf. ekifuba lufufugge, o- (lu/n) dust; powder; dirt, with the -a of rel. powdery, in powdered form, ssukaali ow’olufufugge, powdered/very fine sugar, olu- fufugge lw’amagumba, bones which have decayed and turned to dust. cf. effufugge. lufugo, o- (lu/n) kind of tree, from 60 to 100 feet in height, Celtis mildbraedii, Celtis soyauxii. lufula (la) slaughterhouse. lufulenge, o- (lu/n) colloq. liquor, beer. lufulube or lufulubenje, o- no plur. (lu/n) large number, multitude, crowd, olufulubenje lw’ebi- buuzo, a large number of questions, olufulu- benje lw’abaana, a great many children. lufumbirwa, o- marriage (of a woman). The word is used most often with an accompanying ordinal. olufumbirwa lwe olw’okusatu, her third marriage. cf. fumba, fumbirwa. lufumbo, o- also olufumbofumbo (lu/n) a kind of grass which produces a substance resembling silk. cf. 20bufumbo. lufumbofumbo, o- (lu/n) arch, smell of cooking. cf. fumba. lufumo, o- (lu/n) legend; tradition; epic; long tale. cf. Ifuma. lufunyiro, o- (lu/n) fold (esp. in cloth), cf. lfunya, funyira. lufuubanja, o- no plur. (lu/h) large amount, great quantity, olufuubanja lw’abantu, a multitude of people, olufuubanja lw’en- simbi, a great deal of money. lufuutifuuti: kwogera lufuutifuuti, to speak thickly, slur one’s speech (as one drunk). lufuuwa, o- (lu/h) goat traditionally eaten by the children of the deceased at a funeral. lufuuzi, o- (lu/n) wick (e.g., of a lamp): Less common than olutambi, q.v. cf. ^enfuuzi. lufuvu, o- (lu/h) sash (of cloth, usually of barkcloth). okwesiba olufuvu, to be in mourning for someone who has died, lit. to tie a sash around oneself, cf. effuvu. luga, o- (lu/n) cane, walking stick; cane used for administering a beating. luga, o- (lu/n) kind of creeping plant. lugaaga, o- (lu/n) bracelet of copper wire. lugaayu, o-: okulyamu olugaayu or okuyisaa- mu olugaayu, to lift one’s leg and pass it over someone sitting down. This was commonly done by children as a sign of disrespect. It was believed that the person over whom the leg was passed would never grow any taller. The phrase may be used figuratively in the sense of look down on, show contempt for, defy. cf. gaayula. Lugaba pr.n. [LunyoroJ God. lugabanguzi, o- no plur. (lu/n) excessive liberality/generosity; prodigality, cf. gabangula, omugabanguzi. lugalaamiriro, o-: entebe ey’olugalaamiriro, easy chair, cf. galamira. lugali, o- (lu/n) flat tray (made from the fibers of papyrus or other plants; often used for winnowing). Emimwa gye gya lugali. His lips are flat and spread out (as opposed to thick and protruding). Wa lugali. He has a ‘big mouth.’ Nzigyako olugali. Shut your big mouth, cf. walugali. lugalo, o- (lu/n) finger, cf. engalo. lugambo, o- plur. ennambo (lu/n) rumor; idle talk; gossip, cf. gamba. lugana, o- (lu/n) rare long flock/herd (esp. of cattle or other domestic animals/, cf. eggana. Luganda, 0- (lu/n) Luganda, the language of Buganda; without caps, brotherhood; relationship. ow’oluganda, relative, relation; member of a brotherhood, amawanga agali mu luganda olumu ne Bungereza, the British Commonwealth, plur. ejinanda, relations, relatives. Ab’oluganda bita, bikonagana ne bitayatika. (prov.) Relatives are like calabashes, they knock together but do not break. Blood is thicker than water, cf. Obuganda, Omuganda, sseruganda. lugangayira, a- adv. okugwa olugangayira, to gorge oneself with food. cf. gangayira. lugave, o- (lu/n) kind of anteater, pangolin. Ekika kyUlugave, the Anteater Clan. luge, o- (lu/n) ok umwa oluge, to shave all but the crown of the head. cf. omuge. lugegge, o- (lu/n) with the -a of rel. huge, enormous, very large, olugegge lw’eki- zimbe, an enormous building. lugeja, o- no plur. (lu/n) annual festival held in the villages in which there were competitions in dancing, singing, etc. lugenderezo, o- adv. ceaselessly, unendingly. cf. genda, gendereza. lugendo, o- plur. ennendo (lu/n) trip, voyage, journey, cf. genda. lugere, o- (lu/n) long foot, okusikambula engere, also okusaawa engere, to walk fast. Baamulonda engere, they followed him/tailed him. cf. ekigere. lugero, o- (lu/n) measure, measurement, c /. lgera. lugero, o- (lu/n) story; fable; parable; proverb; saying, cf. 3gera. lugezigezi, o- no plur. (Iu/n) cunning, shrewdness, cf. -gezi, amagezi. luggi, o- plur. enzigi (lu/n) door. luggube, o- no plur. (lu/n) large number, multitude, oluggube lw’ensiri, a swarm of mosquitoes. luggumuggumu, o- no plur. (lu/n) false bravery, pretended show of bravery, cf. -gumu. luggya, o- plur. empya (lu/n) yard; courtyard. -a kiyita mu luggya, short, brief; temporary, not permanent, lit. passing through the courtyard. Olugendo lwe luno lujja kuba lwa kuyita mu luggya. This trip of his will be a very brief one. Omukulu takulira mpya bbiri. (prov.) A chief is not a chief of two compounds. Even those with great authority have limitations. luggyo, o- plur. enzigyo (lu/n) fragment of pottery, potsherd, okwetakuza oluggyo, to be very poor, lit. to scratch oneself with a piece of a pot. cf. akaggyo, ekiggyo. lugingirima, o- (lu/n) mane of a horse. lugirigimbi, o- (lu/n) fin (of a fish); long line (e.g., of ants, of mountains). lugo. O- (lu/n) enclosure; enclosure for cattle, kraal; fence of cattle inclosure. lugo, o- from engo, leopard, oiugo olumanyi embuzi emponge, lit. the leopard who knows the sacrificial goat, i.e. someone who knows his way around. Ye munnaffe yali lugo olumanyi embuzi emponge mu bitundu bino. Our companion knew his way around in these parts. lugoba, o- (lu/n) defeat (in sports); forward line (in soccer), oludda olugobe, the defeated team, oludda olugoba, the winning team, ow’oku lugoba olwa ddyo, right wing (in soccer), cf. goba. lugogo, o- (lu/n) fresh plantain fiber (as opposed to that which is dried, known as kyayi). cf. ekigogo, omugogo. lugogoma invar, adj. very long; very large, huge, ekiwandiiko lugogoma, a lengthy document, emmotoka lugogoma, a long, impressive looking car. lugologombo, o- (lu/n) long list/string/series; long line (of persons, animals), olugolo- gombo lw’ebibuuzo, a long series of questions. olugongogongo lw'olwazi, ridge in a rock. cf. lomugongo. lugonja, o- = olugaayu, q.v. lugono, o- no plur. (lu/n) quarrelsomeness, pugnacity (in a physical sense), ow’olu- gono, a pugnacious person. Alina olugono- gono. He is the sort of person who gets into fights, cf. eggono. lugonwa invar, adj. very long; huge, enkobe lugonwa, a huge/monstrous ape. lugoye, o- (lu/n) cloth; fabric, material; garment; dress; hunting net (= lutuula, q.v.). in the plur. clothes, clothing, cf. eggoye, akagoye. lugufa, o- usually plur. engufa (lu/n) bones of the dead. cf. eggufa. luguje, o-: okuzinya oluguje, to bother, pester, give (a person) no peace, keep after. lugula, o- (lu/n) time for buying; buying season, cf. gula. lugulegule, o- (lu/n) wattles. lugulungujjo, o- (lu/n) slope, incline (e.g., of a hill). lugumaguma, o- (lu/n) kind of shrub from which canes are made. lugunju, o- (lu/n) kind of large mongoose. luguudo, o- (lu/n) street, road, highway. luguve, o- (lu/n) gizzard. lugwanyu, o- (lu/n) pole used to support a hunting net. kuyita ku lungwanyu, to have a narrow escape. lujeejeemo, o- (lu/n) gossip; false accusations; murmurings; rumor, cf. jeejeema. lujegera adv. incessantly (referring to rain), as an invar, adj. incessant. Enkuba etonnya lujegera. It rains incessantly. lujegere, o- (lu/n) chain, fetter, cf. aka- jegere. lujjudde: mu lujjudde, in public, publicly. cf. 2jjula. lujjukira (la) kind of beer banana. lujjula, o- (lu/n) the unwrapping of food (preparatory to serving); removing/removal of bricks (from a kiln), cf. ^jjula. lujjula (la) kind of climbing plant the leaves of which are used as a medicine to cure colic pains. lujjuliro, o- plur. enzijuliro (lu/n) place where food is spread/served, cf. 2 jjula. lujjulungu with the -a of rel. diluted, watered down; fig. lacking in substance. Obujulizi bwe yawadde bwabadde bwa lujjulungu ddala. The evidence which he provided was utterly unconvincing. lujongojongo, o- (lu/n) tall, thin person. lujoogo, o- or olujoogerezo no plur. (lu/n) defiance, provocation, mu ngeri y’olujoogo, defiantly, disrespectfully, cf. jooga. lujugira (la) kind of cooking banana. lujumba, o- with the -a of rel. brown, brown- colored. enkoko eya lujumba, a brown- colored hen/cock. lujuuju plur. balujuuju (la) heavy drinker, drunkard. luka (-luse, nduse) v.tr. weave, plait. cf. -luke, omulusi. luka, -o (lu/n) kind of small net for catching guinea fowl, etc. lukaaga, o- numer. six hundred, with the -a of rel. six hundredth, omulundi ogw’olu- kaaga, the six-hundredth time. cf. -kaaga. lukaayano, o- (lu/n) argument, dispute, cf. kaayana. lukabattu, o- with the -a of rel. dried up and elongated (of the breasts). lukabazzi, o- (lu/n) wooden framework for transporting objects; reeds woven together to make a kind of coarse wrapper. lukaguzo, o- (lu/n) pipe cleaner, cf. kagula. lukakaba, o- with the -a of rel. thick, dense, olukakaba Iw’ensiko, dense jungle. lukakajja (la) shrivelled-up person. lukalabule, o- (lu/n) excess of salt; fig. quarrelsome person. lukalajje, o- (lu/n) dry unfertile land. lukalala, o- (lu/n) list; roll; line; string; skewer, olukalala lw’ebirowoozo, a series of thoughts, olukalala lw’ensimbi, a strand of cowrie shells (used as money), olukalala lw’amannya, a list of names. lukale (la) something which is public/communal. mu lukale, in public, openly, ekiyigo ekya lukale, public restroom. lukalu, o- (lu/n) land, dry land; continent, amagye ag’oku lukalu, ground forces, cf. kala, -kalu. lukampa, o- (lu/n) stocking; nylon (stocking); glove, enkampa ennyimpi, socks. lukamu, o- no plur. (lu/n) improvement (from illness). Aliko olukamu. He is getting better. lukamyo, o- (lu/n) laugh. Taggyikako lu- kamyo. It is impossible to get a laugh out of him. lukanaga, o- (lu/n) kind of small tree with sharp thorns. The poles formed from this tree are used in building, cf. omukanaga, enkanaga. lukanda, o- (lu/n) olukanda lw’enkejje, a load of nkejje (a small fish) consisting of about 30 skewers woven together. lukanda, o- (lu/n) ceremony performed at the birth of twins, okumenya olukanda, to perform the ceremony at the birth of twins. cf. akakanda. lukandwa, o- (lu/n) kind of tree producing white edible berries, Flueggea virosa. cf. ekkandwa. lukangaga, o- (lu/n) frame on which bunches of sesame are dried. Also used as a synonym for entongooli, Busoga harp, q.v. lukanyanya, o- (lu/n) wrinkle on the skin. lukato, o- (lu/n) awl, sharp puncturing instrument; pointed instrument resembling a needle used in weaving baskets; injection, inoculation, okutuula ku nkato, to be in a very difficult situation, cf. ekkato. lukawuule, o- with the -a of rel. aggressive, enterprising; old and withered (of an old woman), olukawuule lw’omusajja, an aggressive, enterprising man. -luke adj. woven, plaited, ebiruke, woven goods, cf. ^luka. lukende, o- also olukendegere (lu/n) thin waist. Alina olukende. She has a narrow waist. Anyiga olukende ng’olwa Wambwa. colloq. She walks with an elegant gait. cf. obukende, amakendegere, enkende. lukenene, o- (lu/n) wild raspberry plant. cf. enkenene. lukenke, o- (lu/n) dense growth, dense patch of brambles. lukennembi, o- (lu/n) less frequent var. of kikennembi (kind of large ant), q.v. lukeremete, o- adv. incessantly, continually. cf. enkeremete. lukiiko, o- (lu/n) assembly, parliament; representative body; council; congress, olukiiko lw’abamawulire, press conference. cf. ^kiika, akakiiko. lukiina, o- (lu/n) kind of plantain. lukiiya, o- (lu/n) area above the forehead and temples from which the hair has been shaven, cf. enkiiya. lukikimbo, o- (lu/h) kind of small tree growing near water. It may be used as firewood. lukindo, o- (lu/n) seam in cloth; scar; crack which has been repaired; patched-up part. Ekita ekitava ku ssengejjero ye wankindo. (prov.) lit. The gourd which does not leave the place where beer is strained is the one with the scars. The best way to avoid trouble is to stay out of harm’s way. cf. kinda. lukindu, o- (lu/n) wild date palm, Phoenix reclinata. Ssande ey’Enkindu, Palm Sunday. For the use of the leaves see oiusansa. cf. ekikindu. lukingirizi, o- also olukingizzi (lu/n) edge; border; margin, okutambula olukingirizi, to walk around the edge, skirt. lukinyikinyi, o- (lu/n) small intestine. lukira, o- (lu/n) long tail, emmunyeenye ez’enkira, shooting stars, comets, cf. omukira. lukisa, o- (lu/n) talisman, charm, amulet. lukko, o- (lu/n) long valley, cf. kka, ekikko. lukkokkere, o- adv. incurably, with the -a of rel. incurable (of a disease), obulwadde obw’olukkokkere, an incurable disease. luko, o- (lu/n) cutting/slip of the sweet-po- tato vine. cf. lomuko. lukoba, o- (lu/n) belt; strap; bootlace; complexion, appearance, olukoba lw’embwa, leash for a dog (usually made of leather). olukoba olupima, tape measure, enkoba za ggita, the strings of a guitar, omuserikale ow’olukoba, a high-ranking police officer {here olukoba = braid), cf. akakoba, ekkoba. lukobe, o- (lu/n) kind of creeping plant. See ekkobe and ornukobe which are much more common. lukobo, o- adv. slowly, in a dilatory manner, ow’olukobo, a person who is slow in his movements and takes forever to accomplish a task. Ayogera lukobo. He talks long and tediously. lukokobe, o- (lu/n) one who constantly hangs around, hanger-on, pest; sponger, cf. aka- kokobe. lukokola, o- (lu/n) elbow, okubukeereza enkokola (-bu- = obudde), to wake up bright and early, to begin (a taskj or start (a journey) early in the morning, olukokola lw’entebe, the arm of a chair, cf. akako- kola, nnabankokola. lukoloboze, o- (lu/n) line; scratch, cf. kolo- bola, akakoloboze. lukoloddoli, o- with or without the -a of rel. (something) very long, olukoloddoli lw’eki- wandiiko, a very long document, ekiwandii- ko kyaii lukoloddoli. the document was a very long one. lukolokolo, o- (lu/n) kind of thorny creeper used to bind reeds. lukolongo, o- (lu/n) long line, with the -a of rel. long, olukolongo lw’abantu, a long line of people, olukolongo lw’omusota, a long snake, cf. kolonga. lukoma, o- (lu/n) palm pole; trunk of a wild date palm (lukindu) when felled; sometimes used for the palm tree itself. lukomera, o- (lu/n) fence; hedge; palisade; barricade; barrier, cf. koma, komera, ek- komera. lukomo, o- (lu/n) copper wire; per ext. telephone; microphone. Yamukuba olukomo. He telephoned him. cf. ekikomo. lukongobe, o- (lu/n) someone who stays too long; something unpleasant which persists; nuisance. Obulwadde bufuuse bwa lukongobe. The disease has become chronic, cf. kongoba. lukongoolo, 0-: okuteekako olukongoolo or okussaako olukongoolo, to point at, point out; to point the finger of accusation against, okusimba olukongoolo, to stress, emphasize, place emphasis on. lukoni, o- (lu/n) pipe-stem euphorbia tree; colloq. milk. Yatuwa caayi ng'alimu n’olukoni. He gave us tea with milk. cf. enkoni. lukonko, o- (lu/n) ravine, crevasse, rift; division, separation; gap. lukono, o- (lu/n) long arm. olukono lw’en- nyanja, inlet, estuary, okusimba olukono, to lean on the arms with palms out-stretched; to sit doing nothing expecting others to do everything for one. cf. omukono. lukonvuba, o- no plur. (lu/n) usually with -a of rel. incurable disease; fatal illness, obulwadde obw’olukonvuba, incurable disease, cf. konvuba. lukonzikonzi, o- (lu/n) kind of tall grass. cf. mukonzikonzi. lukoola, o- (lu/n) uninhabited country; wasteland; wilderness; desert, cf. munnalukoola. lukoota, o- (lu/n) kind of mushroom. cf. 2 koota. lukooto, o- (lu/n) edge (e.g., of a hill, of a village); boundary; coast. lukowe, o- also olukowekowe (1 u/n) eyelash. Aliko olukowe. He is feeling better. His health has improved, cf. ekikowe. luku, o- (lu/n) piece of firewood; in the plur. firewood, okukuba oluku mu mutwe, to succeed in, get what one is after. Omusomo yagukuba oluku mu mutwe. He passed the course with flying colors. Omusango yagukuba oluku mu mutwe. He won the lawsuit. cf. obukuukuku, akaku, 2ekiku, olukukku, enkukku. lukubakuba, o- no plur. (lu/n) drizzle, drizzling rain. cf. ^enkuba. lukubansi, o- (lu/n) kind of mushroom. lukugiro, o- (lu/n) tuck; hem of a garment; boundary; edge. cf. kugira. lukugunyu, o- (lu/n) thin, emaciated hip. cf. ekkugunyu. lukukku, o- (lu/n) picuc uf firewood, cf. oluku. lukuku, o- no plur. (lu/n) a disease of the skin which causes excessive itching (esp. of dogs), cf. ekikuku. lukukumo, o- (lu/n) hiding place; lair. cf. kukuma. lukukuuzi, o- no plur. (lu/n) dust. cf. ekkukuuzi. lukulembe, o- (lu/n) long-necked drinking gourd; tall, skinny person. lukulo, o- gen. plur. enkulo (lu/n) scrapings from a hide in curing/dressing. lukulukumbi, o- (lu/n) rare ridge; sharp edge. lukulukumbo, o- no plur. (lu/n) odor of sweat. lukulukuse, o- (lu/n) stream of dripping liquid (e.g., tears running down the face, a liquid spilled on a table, etc.); mark/stain left by a liquid, cf. kulukuta. lukulutokota: kufumba lukulutokota, to cook slowly, take forever to cook (with a personal subject). lukulwe plur. balukulwe (la) used most fre quently as an attributive to another noun outstanding,distinguished, renowned; clever; champion, expert; notorious, abayizzi lukulwe, great/highly skilled hunters, omubbi lukulwe, notorious thief. lukumi, o- numer. (lu/n) thousand, with the -a of rel. thousandth, ekitabo eky'olukumi, the thousandth book. cf. -kumi. lukunkumuli, o- (lu/n) used with the -a of rel. cascade, olunkukumuli lw’ebigambo, a torrent of words, olukunkumuli lw'abantu, a great many people, cf. kunkumuka, kunku- mula. lukunyu, o- with the -a of rel. yellowish- brown, yellowish-red. ente eya lukunyu, a yellow cow. lukunyukunyu, o- also olukunyukkunyu (lu/n) kind of bird, lesser hornbill. lukuŋŋaana, o- (lu/n) meeting, gathering, okukuba olukuŋŋaana, to hold a meeting. cf. kuŋŋaana. lukusa, o- (lu/n) [Stu., dr.] permission; permit; leave, authorization for temporary departure from duty. lukusakusa, o- (lu/n) bark from the mu ku sa- kusa tree used for making rope. lukusense, o- no plur. (lu/n) measles; case of measles, cf. kusensa. lukuta, o- (lu/n) skin; rind; peel, okwerya enkutakuta z’emimwa, to eat the skins of one’s lips, i.e., to be very hungry, cf. ekikuta. lukuube (la) rare poor wretched person. lukuubo, o- (lu/n) long corridor/passage; stripe; streak, kukuba luguudo (mu mutwe), to part one’s hair, put a part in one’s hair. cf. akakuubo, ekikuubo, ekkuubo. lukuuma also Iukuumawaka (la) gonorrhea. cf. kuuma, awaka. lukuunya, o- (lu/n) the damaging/ruining of plantain trees by stripping off most of the leaves; the tendency to beat/bully other people. Alina olukuunya. Heisabully. cf. kuunya. lukuusi, o- (lu/n) red earth, red soil; fig. the grave fbecause it is dug at least as deep as the red soil), okulannamira olu- kuusi, euph. to be dead and buried, cf. ekikuusikuusi. lukwagulo, o- (lu/n) scratch. Omusajja oyo simulinako lukwagulo. I have no quarrel with that fellow, cf. kwagula, yagula. lukwakwayo, o- adv. rapidly; hastily; cursorily. cf. kwakwaya. lukwano, o- no plur. (lu/n) false friendship, pretended friendship, cf. kwana, omu- kwano. lukwanzi, o- (lu/n) string of beads; necklace. cf. enkwanzi- lukwata (la) lake monster, sea monster, monster of the deep; whale; kind of weed. lukwayo or lukwakwayo adv. in a flash, like lightning, very quickly, cf. kwaya, kwakwaya. lukwe, o- (lu/n) plot; stratagem; betrayal, okulyamu olukwe, to betray, plot against. cf. akakwe. lukwedenge, o- (lu/n) with the -a of rel. tall, high; long, olukwedenge olw'omu- sajja, a tall man. lukya: buli lukya (= buli olunaku olukya), every day (that dawns), kukeesa lukya, to live by the day; to have no security/hopes; to be seriously ill. cf. ^kya, enkya. a, o- (lu/n) stiff neck. Ekiri waggulu kirwaza enkoko olukya. (prov.) What is above causes the fowl to be sick with a stiff neck. Curiosity killed the cat. cf. ebikya. lukyala, o- (lu/n) visit; round of visits; itinerary, cf. ^kyala. lukyamunya, o-: okulya olukyamunya, to eat slowly and deliberately. lukyolo var. spelling of lucoolo, q.v. lula (-luze, nduze) v.i. have a lucky escape. Eribbi eryo nno lirula. That thief is lucky to have escaped. lula (-luze, nduze) v.i., rare, develop an appetite. Alya y’alula. (prov.) He develops an appetite as he eats. The more you have the more you want. cf. -lulu, -luvu, ^omululu. lulaga, o- (lu/n) showing (e.g., of a movie), c f. 1 aga. lulaga]a, o- plur. endagala (lu/n) banana leaf, plantain leaf. cf. eddagala, akala- gala, kiragala. lulago, o- (lu/n) reed of bulrush. lulago, o- (lu/n) long neck/throat, as an adv. incessantly (with verbs of speaking). Ayogera olulago. He talks interminably. Omukazi oyo alina olulago. That woman has the gift of gab. cf. obulago. lulala, o- adv. at another time, on another occasion, cf. -lal a. lulanda, o- plur. ennanda (lu/n) trailing shoot, cf. llanda, omulanda. lulandagge, o- adv. far afield, for a long distance; for a long time (of a tedious speechJ. cf. landagga. lulanga, o- (lu/n) fame, renown; furrow in the center of the forehead. lulangalanga (la) with the -a of rel. very tall, lulangalanga w’omusajja, a very tall man. lulango, o- with the -a of rel. regular, steady, permanent, abasomi ab’olulango, regular readers (of a newspaper). lulata, o- no plur. (lu/n) excellently cooked mash of plantains. Lulatini, 0- no plur. (lu/n) Latin, the Latin language. lule, o- (lu/n) light cloud; scattered cloud(s); with cap. the name of a lubaale associated with rain; a personal name. cf. ekire. luleeba, o- (lu/n) plantain leaf placed in a hole in the ground which may be used as a bath or as a place to keep beer. luleekereeke, o- adv. incessantly. luleereetu, o- (lu/n) kind of plant with a hollow stem which is used for making tubes for drinking. lulembe, o- no plur. (lu/n) listlessness, slowness, as an adv. lazily, in a listless way. ow’olulembe, a slow-moving person. cf. lemba. lulenge, o- plur. ennenge (lu/n) edge, side; hem (esp. of a cloth or garment). Olugoye Iwe lujjudde ennenge. Her dress has uneven edges, olubugo Iw’ennenge, barkcloth trimmed ready for use. Omwana yajja kijja- nannenge. The child was bom feet first. cf. lekirenge; kijjanannenge. lulere, o- plur. endere (lu/n) string (of a musical instrument); thong; long, thin strip; bootlace, cf. lakalere. luli adv., lit. that (day, olunaku implied). the day before yesterday; previously, on a previous occasion; the day after tomorrow (In a future context), enkys ob® I”'’, tnmnr- row or the next day. luli edda ennyo, a long time ago, quite some time ago. lulimi, o- (lu/n) tongue; language, ow’ennimi (plur. ab’ennimi), gossip, rumormonger. kuggya muntu nnimi, to provoke someone to the point where he becomes angry and makes slanderous statements, cf. akalimi, ekirimi, nnannimibbirye. lulira, o- (lu/n) umbilical cord before cut, cf. akalira, ekirira. luliri, o- adv. all, all together, in a group, one and all. Baagenda luliri. They all went together. lulondakambe, o- adv. endlessly, okwogera olulondakambe, to talk on and on. cf. londa, akambe. -lulu adj. greedy; gluttonous, cf. -luvu, lulunkana, \imululu. luluma (-lulumye, ndulumye) v.i. comeback among the living (of a ghost or spirit). lulumira (-lulumidde) v.tr. appl. haunt; obsess (of a spirit). luluumirira (-luluumiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 haunt all the time, keep haunting. lulundulunduli, o- also olulundulirunduli, olulundilundi (lu/n) shin; tibia. lulunkana (-lulunkanye, ndulunkanye) v.i. be greedy. lulunkanira (-lulunkanidde) v.i. & tr. be greedy for; have an avid interest in. lulunkanya (-lulunkanyizza) v.tr. caus. make greedy. cf. -lulu, lula. lulusu, o- (lu/n) long flaw of spit, kufujja muntu lulusu, to be disgusted/fed up with a person, kuwanda muntu lulusu, to be shocked at a person because of his actions. cf. eddusu. lulya, o- (lu/n) meal, meal time. cf. lya. lulyo, o- plur. endyo (lu/n) family; race; genealogy, lineage, pedigree, olulyo olulangira, a noble/royal family, ab’olulyo, the members of the family, endyo z’abantu, the races of man; ancestry of man. luma (-lumye, nnumye) v.tr. bite; pinch; hurt; pain; ache; fig. accuse, charge with a fault, kuluma bugigi, to grit the teeth (in pain). kuluma mba, to clench the teeth (in anger), kuluma munno, to accuse your companion/the other person of wrong doing, kuluma kiwanvuwanvu, to eat on the run; to eat hurriedly/while standing up. Embwa ennumye. The dog has bitten me. Ennyonta ennuma. I am thirsty. Enjala ennuma. I am hungry. Akalimi k’essaawa kalumye. The hour (hand, on the clock) has just struck. lumwa, lumibwa (-lumiddwa) v.i. pass. be bitten; be hurt (lit. <£ fig.); feel labor pains; be concerned/preoccupied. -eruma (-erumye) v.i. refl. bite oneself. lumaaluma (-lumyeelumye) v.tr. redup. bite at everything; nibble; gnaw; hurt slightly. Iumira (-lumidde) v.tr. appl. bite for/in, etc. v.i. be gritty (of food). lumizibwa (-lumizibbwa) v.i. appl. caus. pass, be injured, suffer an injury. lumirira (-lumiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 keep biting at; nibble; gnaw; hurt slightly. lumirirwa (-lumiriddwa) v.i. appl. 2 pass. be gnawed, etc.; be greatly concerned/preoccupied. lumiriza (-lumirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. accuse; indict, convict, bring evidence against; cause anguish to; take relish with the main dish. lumya (-lumizza) v.tr. caus. cause to bite/ hurt, etc.; hurt with/by; injure; worry; disappoint. Ekyo kinnumya nnyo omwoyo. This worries me a great deal, ebigezo ebyalumya buli oma ogw’engulu, very difficult examinations, lit. which made everyone bite the upper (lip, omumwa implied). lumisa (-lumisizza) v.tr. caus. 2 s lumya. lumagana (-lumaganye) v.i. recip. bite each other; hurt/injure each other; quarrel, be at each other’s throats; accuse each other, make recriminations against each other. lumaganya (-lumaganyizza) v.tr. recip. caus. cause to bite each other, etc. lumika (-lumise) v.i. neut. be biteable, be easy to bite. Ennyama terumika. The meat is difficult to bite/is hard to bite into. cf. obulumi, obulumiriza, omulumyo, nnadduma. lumaama, o- (lu/n) kind of weed. Its flowers, dried and powdered, are used in making snuff. Lumaama pr.n. the title of the Chief of Kabula County (Ssaza). lumaamiro, o- also olumaamize adv. like a cackling hen. okukaaba olumaamiro, to cackle like a hen sitting on her eggs. cf. maamira. lumagga, o- (Iu/n) interval, space, olumagga- magga, as an adv. or with the -a of rel. scattered, widely spaced; few. Emiti gyali gya lumaggamagga. The trees were scattered/widely spaced. Enkuba etonnya olu- maggamagga. It rains sporadically. lumaka, o- (lu/n) rope stretched across a body of water to aid in crossing. lumamya, o- (lu/n) arch, skin rash; syphilis. lumanyo, o- (lu/n) kind of tree; cleverness (esp. in finding something which has been hidden), cf. manya. -erumata (-erumasse) v.i. refl. scowl; frown; look glum/angry. lumba (-lumbye) v.tr. attack, assault; assail verbally; go to a place to obtain. Emirimu ennaku zino tugirumba Kampala. We go to Kampala these days to get jobs. lumbwa (-lumbiddwa) v.i. pass, be attacked. lumbya (-lumbizza) v.tr. caus. cause to attack; attack with/by means of. lumbagana (-lumbaganye) v.i. recip attack one another. cf. omulumbi, omulumbaganyi, entalumbwa. lumbe, o- plur. ennyimbe (lu/n) disease, illness; death; scourge; ceremony of distributing the goods and installing the heir of the deceased, olumbe lw’omusajja, a revolting/disgusting/obnoxious man. cf. ekimbe, Walumbe. lumbugu, o- no plur. (lu/n) couch grass. -lume adj. male (of animals), ente ennume, bull. Yansimba ennume y’ekigwo. He threw me right down. He caused me to take a serious fail (as in wrestling), cj. eddume, sseddume. lume, O- no plur. (Iu/n) [Lunyoro] mist; dew. lumenku, o- adv. okulya olumenku, to eat slowly and deliberately, cf. menkula. lumenyere, o- adv. endlessly, ceaselessly. lumika (-lumise) v.tr. bleed, bleed by cupping; fig. eavesdrop on, spy on. kulumika muntu bigambo, to slander a person, falsely attribute words or actions to a person. -erumika (-erumise) v.i. bleed at the nose, have a nosebleed. cf. ekirumiko, omulumisi, omwerumisi. lummanyimmanyi, o- no plur. (lu/n) overconfidence; undue familiarity, cf. manya. lumokko, o- no plur. (lu/n) endless talk; long conversation, okukuba olumokko, to talk endlessly, okulya olumokko, to eat very slowly. lumonde (a/so the arch, and dialectal lumonge) (la) sweet potatoes, omunwe gwa lumonde, one/a single sweet potato. Zinsanze ezaasanga lumonde mu ttaka. I am extremely depressed/dejected/frustrated, cf. akamonde, nnammonde. lumoonyere, o- adv. incessantly, all the time. with the -a of rel. incessant, okwogera olumoonyere, to talk incessantly. lumoonyere ng’omulere gwa Ssuuna, endless, lit. like the flute of (Kabaka) Ssuuna. lumottole, o- with the -a of rel. blurted out, indiscreet, amagambo ag’olumoltole, indiscreet words, cf. mottola. lumu, o- lit. one (ctay, oiunaku, implied), at one time; once, on one occasion, one day. lwali lumu nga..., once upon a time; on one occasion (used at the beginning of a narration of a past event), lumu is the normal form for one with nou-ns of the lu/n class. olulimi lumu, one language, cf. 2.mu, lumuli, o- (lu/n) reed, okutangaala ng’eky’ emmuli, to be amazed/stupefied, stand dumbfounded, lit. be transparent like a reed (fence, ekisaakaate is implied by ekya). cf. lomumuli. lunaana, o- numer. eight hundred, with the -a of rel. eight-hundredth, cf. -naana. lunaanu, o- (lu/n) slime (e.g., left in the trail of a slug); sticky saliva, cf. ennaanu. lunaba, o- (lu/n) false or African nutmeg tree, Pycanthus ion bo. lunaku, o- (lu/n) day. ennaku zino, these days, at present. Ennaku ennungi tezikya bbiri. (prov.) Two good days do not dawn (successively ). lunda (-ltfnze, nnunze) v.tr. herd, tend (cattle); fig. keep in view; keep following around (someone who does not want to be followed ). lundwa, lundibwa (-lundiddwa) v.i. pass. be herded, etc. lundira (-lundidde) v.tr. appl. herd for/at/ in, etc. lundirira (-lundiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 keep herding; herd all the time. lunza (-lunzizza), lundisa (-lundisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to herd; herd with/ using. Lekerawo okulunza omwana omuggo otyo. Stop beating the child with a stick like that. lundika (-lundise) v.i. neut. be capable of being herded; be easy to herd. cf. obulunzi, Ddunda, eddundiro, Mulundirawala, omulunzi, ^ennunda. lundayandaya, o- adv. okutambula olundaya- ndaya, to go by an indirect route, take the long way around, okwogera olundayandaya, to avoid getting to the point (in a discussion ), beat around the bush. lunderebu, o- no plur. (lu/n) idle chatter; gossip; undue familiarity, ow'olunderebu, busybody. lundi, o- adv. at another time, on another occasion; sometimes, cf. ^-ndi. lundokoobyo, o- also olundokooli adv. incessantly, unceasingly, okwogera olutido- koobyo, to talk incessantly. lundugga (-lunduzze) v.i. rut, be in heat (of mammals, esp. dogs). lunduka (-lunduse) v.i. fall; be upset; spill. lunga (-lunze, nnunze) v.tr. season, flavor, add flavor to; salt, okulunga taba mu mmindi, to fill a pipe with tobacco, okulunga kintu mu mmindi, to lose out on, fail to get., Bw’otoolime nnyo pikipiki gy’osuubira oku- gula ojja kugirunga mu mmindi. If you are not diligent with your cultivating you can forget about the motorcycle you were hoping to buy. lungulukuka (-lungulukuse) v.i. conv. 2 lose flavor; fig. be insipid/empty. lungulula (-lunguludde) v.tr. appl. 2 take the flavor from. cf. ekirungirn. Lungereza, 0- no plur. (lu/n) English, the English language, cf. -ngereza. -lungi adj. beautiful; handsome; good; desirable; right, cf. lungiwa, obulungi, omu- lungi, nnalulungi. lungiwa (-lungiye, nnungiye) v.i. be or become beautiful/handsome. lungiya (-lungiyizza) v.tr. caus. make beautiful/handsome, beautify. -erungiya (-erungiyizza), -erungiyisa (-erungiyisizza) v.i. caus. 1 & 2 refl. make oneself beautiful, beautify oneself; beautify oneself using/with, eby’okwerungiya, cosmetics. cf. -lungi, obulungi, ebyerungiya, omulungi, nnalulungi. lungubala (-lungubadde, nnungubadde) v.i. be or look gloomy/sullen (of persons). lungubanguba, o- no plur. (Iu/n) strength, energy; good health, okuddamu olungu- banguba, to regain one’s strength, recover one’s health. Ndimu olungubanguba. I am in good health. Lungujja pr.n. Zanzibar; a village on the outskirts of Kampala between Namirembe and Nateete. lunguuba, o- with the -a of rel. superficial, lacking profundity. Amagezi g’alina ga lunguuba. He is stupid. lunguuka (-lunguuse) v.i. be black and blue, become bruised and swollen (of a bodily part). lunguula (-lungudde) v.tr. bruise, make blade and blue. lunguusa (-lunguusizza) v.tr. caus. cause to be bruised. lunkulu, o- no plur. (lu/n) boasting, conceit, pride, self-centeredness, ow olunkulu, a proud, boastful person. lunkulubuse (la) pale person; very poor person. cf. kulubuka. lunkupe plur. balunkupe (la) very poor/indigent person. lunnabe, o- with the -a of rel. horrible; hideous; loathsome, olunnabe lw’omukazi, a witch of a woman, olunnabe lw’embwa, a vicious dog. olunnabe Iw’obwavu, hideous poverty. lunnya, o- plur. ennyinya or ezinnya (lu/n) deep and narrow hole/pit/trench, cf. ekinnya. lunnyo, o- (lu/n) long tooth; drying rack (for coffee, cotton, etc.); stretcher; bier. cf. linnyo (erinnyo). lunnyo, o- = olunnyu, q.v. lunnyonnyo, o- (Iu/n) sharp/jagged edge (from, linnyo, tooth). lunnyu, o- also lunnyo (lu/n) stretch of barren soil, olunnyunnyu, scattered area of barren soil, with the -a of rel. infertile. Ekitundu ekimu kigimu, ekirala nga kya lunnyu (or lunnyo). One area is fertile, whereas the other is barren, cf. omunnyu. luno demons tr. adj. with nouns of the lu/n class, olulimi luno, this langauge. as an adv. now, at this time. Iu tali luno, quickly, hurriedly; at once, immediately. luntu, O- plur. ennvintu. rarely e^int'J (lu/n) long, thin thing; tall, thin person, cf. ekintu. lunwe, o- (lu/n) index finger. Yamusongamu olunwe. He pointed his finger at him. cf. oraunwe. lunyaafa, o- (lu/n) crack, fissure, fault (in rock, pot, etc.). lunyago, o- (lu/n) shaft of a spear. Lunyankole, 0- no plur. (lu/n) Lunyankole, the language of Ankole. lunyata, o- (lu/n) smoldering embers; burning charcoal mixed with ash, used for keeping food warm. Baamuyiwako olunyata. They excoriated him. They rebuked him unmercifully. lunye, o- adv. repeatedly, constantly, all the time. lunyeenyeegere, o- adv. incessantly, insistently. okulira olunyeenyeegere, to cry all the time. cf. nyeenyeegera. lunyere, o- (lu/n) wire. lunyiigo, o- (lu/n) complaint; objection; annoyance. cf. nyiiga. lunyiinyiigiri, o- var. of olunyeenyeegere, q.v. lunyiriri, o- (lu/n) line; row; verse of the Bible; smallest subdivision of a clan, okusimba olunyiriri, to line up, form a line. cf. akanyiriri. See also ekika, lessiga, omutuba. Lunyoro, 0- no plur. (lu/n) Lunyoro, the language of Bunyoro. lunywa, o- (lu/h) tendon in the lower rear part of the foot. lunvwamunte. o- (ln/n) white tailed mongoose. cf. nywa, ente. lunywankoko, o- (lu/n) drizzle, slight rain. cf. nywa, enkoko. luŋŋama (-luŋŋamye, nnuŋŋamye) v.i. be straight; go straight. luŋŋamya (-luŋŋamizza) v.tr. caus. straighten; correct; guide, lead. cf. obuluŋŋamu. lupaalanga (la) with the -a of rel. mischievous, unruly, ba lupaalanga, rascals. lupanka, o- (lu/n) piece of metal in the form of a hoop or ring; rim of a bicycle or automobile wheel. lupapula, o- (lu/n) [£ng. ] paper; sheet of paper; page, olupapula lw’amawulire, newspaper, empapula z’ensimbi, paper money, paper bills. lupepenu, o- (lu/n) edge. lupiiya (n/n) [5w., Ind.2 rupee; in the plur. money. lupimo, o- (lu/n) scale; tape measure; measurement, cf. pima. lusa, o- (lu/n) kind of marsh grass; marsh, marshy area. lusaago, o- (lu/n) jest, joke. cf. saaga. lusaagosaago, o- no plur. (lu/n) tendency to jest. Olina olusaagosaago. You joke too much. cf. saaga. lusaala, o- (lu/n) kind of tree the wood of which is used for making the shafts of spears. iusaalu, o- (iu/'nj swamp, marshy area covered with ssaalu (mace-reeds). cf. akasaalu, ekisaalu, essaalu. lusagazi, o- (lu/n) very tall grass, elephant grass, cf. ekisagazi. lusajja, o- (lu/n) tall, thin man. cf. -sajja, omusajja. lusajjalala, o- (lu/n) weakling, flabby man, poor specimen of a man. cf. -sajja, omusajja. lusajjasajja, o- no plur. (lu/n) affected bravery, cf. -sajja. lusalosalo, o- (lu/n) trench; drain; ditch; ditch used as a boundary for a tract of land. cf. sala. lusamba, o- (lu/n) bracelet worn around the legs; necklace; metal collar. lusamba, o- (lu/n) quarter (in soccer), cf. samba. lusambaggere, o- (lu/fa) a kick, a kicking. cf. samba. lusambya, o- (lu/n) kind of hardwood tree with large yellow flowers, Markhamia platycalyx. The wood is durable and is used for making hut poles and furniture. lusandaggo, o- (lu/n) border of a mat. cf. sandagga. lusansa, o- (lu/n) leaf of wild date palm (lukindu), used for plaiting baskets, mats, etc. lusanvu, o- numer. seven hundred, with the -a of rel. seven-hundredth, cf. -sanvu. lusaya, o- (lu/n) jaw. kuta nsaya, to stand .1 1 ’ f. - 1 • - I. uptsii-muuwieu in a i'juiiau umniici. luse, o- (lu/h) family; relationship; group; species; category. Ba luse. They are members of the same family. Nakibuuka, Mukasa amulinako oluse? Is Mukasa related to Nakibuuka? lusebenju, o- (lu/n) side of a house, edge of a house. lusegere, o- (lu/n) side; place at the side, close beside, cf. segera. lusejjera (la, collective) swarm of young locusts. An individual specimen is kalu- sejjera, q.v. engatto za lusejjera, tennis shoes, cf. sejjera. luseke, o- (lu/n) tube; stem (of a pipe); straw (for drinking), kugguka nga luseke, to arrive unexpectedly/by surprise, cf. ekisekeseke. lusekese, o- (lu/n) long bundle of firewood; long bundle, olusekese lw’enku, long bundle of firewood, okufuuka olusekese, to lose weight, become all skin and bones. cf. sekesa, omusekese. lusekeso, o- (lu/n) opening, hole, aperture. cf. akasekeso. lusenke, o- (lu/n) kind of grass used for thatching roofs; patch of this kind of grass. cf. essenke. lusenyi, o- (lu/n) lowland, plain, prairie. luseregende, o- no plur. (lu/n) large number, abundance; long list, oluseregende lw’emmotoka, a long line of cars, oluseregende lw’ebibuuzo, a long list of questions. Yalina oluseregende lw'abaana. He had numerous children. luserengeto, o- (lu/n) more commonly aka- serengeto (ka/bu) slope, incline, descending gradient, downhill, cf. serengeta. luserenguzi, o- no plur. (lu/n) rare dysentery; enteritis. Lusese, 0- no plur. (lu/n) the language of the Ssese Islands. It is closer to Lunyoro than to Luganda. lusiisi, o- (lu/n) rare down (of birds), cf. esiisi. lusiisira, o- (lu/n) camp, encampment, camp site; temporary hut, temporary shelter. cf. siisira, akasiisira. lusiiti, o- (lu/n) more commonly omusiiti, q.v. kind of shrub which bears hard red seeds (nsiiti). cf. lsiita, ensiiti. lusika, o- (lu/n) spit/skewer of nseenene (grasshoppers), cf. 2sj|(a, lusimbo, o- (lu/n) slip, cutting, ensimbo z’emituba, slips of the mutuba tree. cf. simba. the introduction of cowrie shells nsinda were used as currency. lusindirizo, o- (lu/n) ramrod, cf. sindirira. lusinga, o- (lu/n) hair of the tail of an elephant or giraffe; bracelet made from these hairs, additional meaning in plur. fly switch; fiber for the seams of a canoe. lusinzi (n/n) something unusually large/ huge/extraordinary; colloq. a large shot of hard liquor/walagi. lusirika, o- (lu/n) period of quietness; Rom. Cath. religious retreat, cf. sirika. lusirinnanyi, o- (lu/n) earthworm. lusiyaga, o- (lu/n) sodomy, okulya olusi- yaga, to commit sodomy, cf. ebisiyaga. Lusoga, 0- no plur. (lu/n) Lusoga, the language of Busoga. lusoggo, o- (lu/n) a funnel-like structure, originally made of plantain leaves, used for capturing termites (nswa). lusolo, o- (lu/n) rash (on the body) , seborrhea. lusolobyo, o- (lu/n) long shaft with a knife at the end used for pruning plantains; pole used in pole-vaulting, okubuusa olusolobyo, to pole-vault, cf. solobya. lusoma, o- (lu/n) school term, semester. cf. soma. lusomisomi, o- no plur. (lu/n) religiosity, pretended concern for religion, cf. soma. lusomyo, o- (lu/n) arch, swelling of the fingers. lusonso, o-(lu/n) spite spitefulness irritation; provocation, kugenza lusonso, to go somewhere in a provocative mood/with a chip on one’s shoulder, cf. sonsa, 2 akasonso. lusooka, o-: Olusookoomwaka or Oiusooka omwaka, New Year’s Day. cf. sooka. lusooso, o-: okutunula olusooso, to stare. cf. oluuso. lusoove, o- (lu/n) small black cormorant, darter. lusozi, u- (Iu/n) lull, mountain, cf. akasozi. lussa, o- plur. enzisa (lu/h) (time of the) budding of bananas; breath, way of breathing. cf. Issa. lusu, o- (lu/n) body odor; foul smell, stink. lusubi, o- (lu/n) with the -a of rel. hay- colored. Enkoko ya lusubi. The fowl is hay-colored, cf. essubi. lusuku, o- (lu/n) garden or plantation on which plantains/bananas are grown. cf. akassukussuku. lusuluugi, o- with the -a of rel. few, small in number; scant, little; scattered. Abantu baabadde ba lusuluugi. There was only a scattering of people. There were only a few people. lusumba (la) kind of cooking banana. lusumbwa (lu/n) kind of lake plant resembling rushes. lusununu, o- (lu/n) trickles/drops of rain on trees or roofs. lususu, o- (lu/n) skin. on which objects are stored out of the reach of rats, etc. cf. suuba. lusuusuuto, o- no plur. (lu/n) pampering; familiarity; impudence, with the -a of rel. very temporary, flimsy, frivolous. Omukwano gwabwe gwa lusuusuuto. Their love affair is a passing thing/built on sand. cf. suusuuta. Luswayiri, 0- no plur. (lu/n) Swahili, the Swahili language. luta, o- (lu/n) span, distance from the thumb to the middle finger, okuggyamu enta, to give up, lose hope. lutaakome-, o- adv. endlessly, without stopping, all the time. cf. koma. lutaasa, o- (lu/n) arch, loss of a baby through premature birth, cf. ^taasa. lutaba, o- (lu/n) long pool/puddle of stagnant water, cf. ekitaba, amataba, ettaba. lutabaalo, o- (lu/n) military engagement, battle; war. cf. tabaala; olutalo. lutabirizo, o- adv. confusedly, in a mixed-up way. cf. tabika. lutabu, o- (lu/n) soft, mushy mixture (often, but not always, of food), cf. tabuka. lutafuka, o- (lu/n) sausage-shaped calabash in which articles are kept. lutagajjo, o- with the -a of rel. wide-mouthed (of calabashes). lutaggwa, o- adv. all the time, constantly, incessantly, endlessly, cf. ggwa. lutakera, o- adv. ceaselessly, all the time, okuyomba olutakera, to quarrel all the time. cf. Ikya, keera. lutakku, o- adv. for a long time, endlessly. lutakutuka, o- adv. uninterruptedly, without a break, okwogera olutakutuka, to talk without stopping, cf. kutuka. lutala, o- (lu/n) package; load; bunch, pile, entala z'ebyennyanja, loads of fish. lutali luno adv. phr. quickly; at once. cf.v-li, luno. lutalo, o- (lu/n) battle; war. Minista w’eby’ entalo, minister of war. Olutalo si luto. The matter under consideration is very serious/is not to be taken lightly, lit. the battle is not small, cf. tala, ssematalo; tabaala. lutambi, o- (lu/h) lampwick; tape; tape recording. cf. obutambi. lutanda, o- (lu/n) arch, crack, chink, rent. lutankute, o- adv. endlessly, ceaselessly. lutata, o- also olutatadde adv. ceaselessly, continually, without stopping, cf. ta. lutayo, o- (lu/n) kind of fish trap for catching mmale. luteega, o- (lu/n) tendon at the back of the knee or ankle, cf. olutegetege. luteererezo, o- (lu/n) dawdling, dallying, slowness, tardiness. Alina oluteererezo. He dawdles/lingers\too much. luteete, o- (lu/n) net made of kiteete (a kind of grass) for catching ssami (edible gnats, lakeflies); a patch of kiteete grass, cf. ekiteete, etteete. luteeteru, o- adv. incessantly; breathlessly. cf. teetera. lutegetege, o- plur. entege or entegetege (lu/n) tendon at the back of the knee, kukwata ntege na magulu, to implore earnestly, lit. to grasp the tendons and the legs. Yayimiriranga entegetege zimufamba. He stood trembling, cf. oluteega. lutembe, o- (lu/n) necklace made of the seeds of the kitembe (a kind of wild banana plant), q.v. lutente, o- (lu/n) basket net for catching lakeflie? (ssami). lutentezi, o- with the -a of rel. persistent; constant; repeated, mu ngeri ey’olutentezi, persistently; repeatedly. luti, o- (lu/n) long stick; peg; skewer; blackhead. kuyita ku luti, to have a narrow escape. cf. ^omuti. lutiba, o- (lu/n) wooden bowl; round flat papyrus basket; mold (for bricks). lutigitigi, o- no plur. (lu/n) insolence, impudence. lutiiro, o- no plur. (Iu/n) insolence; undue familiarity, cf. akatiiro. lutiiyiiko with the -a of rel. excessive. Anywedde gwa lutiiyiiko. He has drunk too much (gwa implies a preceding omwenge). cf. tiiyiika. luti kko: ekkanisa lutikko, cathedral (Protestant). cf. tikka. lutiko, o- no plur. (lu/n) goose pimples, okumera olutiko, to break out in goose pimples. lutimba, o- (lu/n) net. Bino byonna byali mazzi ku lutimba. I was wasting my breath trying to talk to him, lit. All this was water in the net. cf. timba, akatimba, ekitimba, olutimba. lutimbe, o- (lu/n) curtain; drape; screen; television or motion-picture screen, cf. timba. lutindo, o- (lu/n) bridge, cf. tinda. lutinkizo, o- also olutinko no plur. (lu/n) infatuation, omukwano ogw’olutinkizo, mad infatuation, mad love. cf. tinka, tinkiza. lutitti, o- ilu/r.i thin, long stick. lutitti. He is as thin as a rail. cf. ^omuti. luto, o- emph. olutototo adv. childishly, in a childish manner, cf. -to. lutobazzi, o- (lu/n) swamp, marsh, marshy area; kind of creeper found in marshes. lutonnyezi, o- (lu/n) shower of rain. cf. tonnya. lutoogo, o- (lu/n) wide area of papyrus; papyrus patch, cf. bwantoogo, ekitoogo. lutotto, o- no plur. (lu/n) a large number, a large quantity; very many, olutotto lw’ebi- buuzo, a great many questions, okwogera olutotto, to talk endlessly, ramble on and on. lutubatuba, o- (lu/n) strip of bark from the barkcloth tree. cf. omutuba. lutuletule, o- (lu/n) plover. lutungotungo, o- (lu/n) wild plant resembling sesame, cf. entungo. lutuula, o- (lu/n) net for catching animals. lutuula, o- (lu/n) sitting, session of a meeting, cf. tuula. lutwe, o- (lu/n) long head, kwetikka lutwe, to put the blame on, accuse falsely, kutwala lutwe, to accuse, blame, ab’olutwe olusuffu, scapegoats, those who get blamed for everything, cf. omutwe. lutyatya, o- (lu/n) trench in which bananas are crushed preliminary to making beer from them. luubirira (-luubiridde, nduubiridde) v.tr. strive, try hard, exert oneself. luubiragana (-luubiraganye) v.tr. recip. contend with one another; compete with one another. luulu; eruulu (n/n) [Su/.J pearl, eruulu ennungi, the pearl of great price (Matth.Xlll, 45)- cf. eddulu. luuma, o- (lu/n) metal wire, oluuma olubaka, aerial (of a radio or television set). abajja bagoba oluuma, immigrant workers, lit. those who come following the telephone cable lines, cf. ekyuma. -luusi adj. female (of ruminants), ente enduusi, cow. contr. -wala. luusi, o- adv. sometimes, oluusi n’oluusi, occasionally, once in a while. luuso, o- plur. enziso (lu/n) long glance; sharp look. cf. liiso (eriiso), olusooso. luuta (-luuse, nduuse) v.tr. beat (a drum); pursue vigorously. luuta (-luuse, nduuse) v.i. become greedy. luuyi, o- plur. enjuyi (lu/n) side; faction, eruuyi n’eruuyi, on all sides, on both sides, eruuyi w’ejjinja, the reverse side of the phonograph record. Asula eruuyi eyo. He lives over in that direction. Enjuyi zombi zaawa ebirowoozo byazo. Both groups have their opinion. luva, o- (lu/n) vegetable leaf; edible herb. cf. enva. luvannyuma, o- adv. afterwards; later; (before a following inf.) after, oluvannyuma lw’oku- funa amawulire gano, after receiving this news, with the -a of rel. last, final, mu ssaawa ez’oluvannyuma, in the final hours. Mukasa y’abeera wa luvannyuma mu mugigi. Mukasa is at the tail end of the class. cf. -vannyuma, va, nnyuma. luveera, o- (lu/n) arch, garment of goatskins; current thin/flimsy/transparent wrapper or cover. oluveera lw’ekiteeteeyi, a flimsy, transparent dress; a long, flowing dress. luvenge, o- adv. okwogera oluvenge, to talk on and on/endlessly. luvi, o- (lu/n) (a) gray hair; in the plur. gray hair, ab’envi, elders, old people. luviiri, o- (Iu/n) (a) hair. plur. (the) hair. Ebyo byamuyita ku nviiri. These things passed over his head/made no impression on him at all. cf. ekiviiri. luvookwaya with or without the -a of rel. very long; huge, luvookwaya wa loole, a huge truck, emmundu luvookwaya, a long gun. luvu, o- (lu/n) from evvu, ashes, q.v. omunnyu gw’oluvu Iw’obuwata bw’amatooke, salt (extracted) from ashes of plantain peels (used in making soap). -luvu adj. gluttonous; greedy; avaricious. cf. kalidduvu, luvuwala, omuluvu, nnaddu- vu, ssedduvu, ssedduvutto; ^lula, -lulu. luvuluugiriro, o- with the -a of rel. successive, repetitive, following one another. luvunvu, o- (lu/n) fiber-producing plant, kind . of broom, Sida urens or rhombifolia; fig. a very tenacious person (because the plant is very difficult to uproot), luvunvu lukazi, Sida cordifolia, cf. akavunvu. luvunyu, o- (lu/n) long maggot, cf. envunyu. luvuutu, o- with the -a of rel. very well Cooked (of bananas /plantains). oluvuutu ulrv'ciuuke, ct very well-cooked banana. luvuuvuumo, o- (lu/n) murmur, murmuring; buzzing; gossip; rumor, cf. vuuvuuma. luvuwala (-luvuwadde, nduvuwadde) v.i. be or become gluttonous/greedy. luvuwaza (-luvuwazizza) v.tr. caus. make gluttonous/greedy. cf. -luvu. luwa, o- plur. empa (lu/n) whistle, whistling sound produced by the lips, okufuuwa oluwa, to whistle, cf. ekiwa. luwaanyi, o- plur. empwanyi (lu/n) strychnia plant, Dracoena fragrans, used for making fences. luwaata, o- no plur. (lu/n) rare rheumatic pains. luwaawo, o- (lu/n) open calabash or gourd used as a tumbler for drinking, kwemalamu ng’ogw’oluwa a wo, to act to excess (often used of talking or laughing), lit. empty oneself like the beer(omwenge implied by ogwa) of a tumbler, cf. ekiwaawo, empaawo. Luwaga pr.n. a title of the Kabaka. as a common noun prop; post, empagi luwaga, main supporting post in a hut; fig. staunch supporter, stalwart, omulandira luwaga, taproot, cf. lwaga, empagi. luwagala, o- plur. empagala (lu/n) bunch of bananas split down the middle. luwagaliro, o- (lu/n) whetstone, cf. wagala. luwago, o- plur. empago (lu/n) large bladder; bladder (of a soccer ball), cf. 2 Waga, akawago, ekiwago. luwajjangwa, o- (lu/n) crevice/cavity/crack in the ground caused by a long spell of drought. luwala, o- plur. empala (lu/n) tall girl (often in a pej. sense), cf. omuwala. Luwalabu, 0- no plur. (lu/n) the Arabic language, cf. Omuwalabu. luwale, o- (lu/n) long (pair of) pants, cf. empale. luwalo, o- plur. empalo (lu/h) turn; shift, okukola oluwalo, to take one’s turn (esp. in corvee labor, public works). luwampa no plur. (la) rare blood pudding = kafecce, q.v. luwandaggirize, o- plur. empandaggirize (lu/n) light rain, drizzle, cf. wandaggirira. luwande, o- plur. empande (lu/h) piece; portion; strip; strip of cloth. luwande, o- (lu/n) kind of nut resembling a peanut/groundnut; kind of plant producing these nuts. cf. empande. luwanga, o- plur. empanga (lu/n) jawbone of the Kabaka or other important person which was traditionally removed at death and preserved, cf. lekiwanga. luwangi, o- plur. empangi (lu/n) long ditch; furrow, in the plur. plot of ground in the process of cultivation, oluwangiwangi, border of cultivated area. Luwangula pr.n. The Conqueror (title of the Kabaka, also used to designate a great chief or a major calamity such as death, famine, etc.). cf. wangula (under Iwanguka). luwasiwasi, o- (lu/n) rare something huge/ gigantic. luwawa, o- plur. empawa (lu/n) wings. Ebibuuka bitalagaanye bikubagana empawa. (prov.) (Birds which) fly together without previous consultation knock their wings against each other, cf. ekiwawa. luwawu, o- (lu/n) rough leaf of Ficus exas- perata (omuwawu, q.v.) used as sandpaper. cf. wawula. luwayi, o- (lu/n) piece; portion; slice, cf. ekiwayi. luwazo, o- with the -a of rel. hard, unbending, exacting (of persons), omuntu ow’olu- wazo, a hard exacting person, kukwasa luwazo, to rule harshly/with an iron hand. luwe, o- plur. empe (lu/n) perch; hen roost. with the -a of rel. short (of hair). Enviiri nsala za luwe. Cut my hair short. Luweekula pr.n. the title of the chief of Buweekula County (Ssaza). luweesa, o- plur. empeesa (lu/n) shift of work in a forge/blacksmith’s shop. cf. Iweesa. luwejjowejjo, o- (lu/n) panting, puffing, hard breathing, cf. wejjawejja. luwempe, o- plur. empempe (lu/n) very thin mat. cf. ekiwempe. luwenda, o- plur. empenda (lu/n) path; border strip between two pieces of land; way, means, method; plan; opportunity, okutema empenda, to devise means, draw up a plan. luwerewere, o- (lu/n) stem of leaf of basket wattle (jjerengesa) used for making fish traps. luwero, o- plur. empero (lu/n) top board/ strip of canoe. luwewere, o- (lu/n) with the -a of rel. thin, slender, obupapula obw’oluwewere, thin papers. Amagezi ge ga luwewere. He is stupid. luwewowewo, o- no plur. (lu/n) breeze, cf. empewo. luwoko, o- (lu/n) kind of evergreen shrub, the leaves of which are highly poisonous. cf. 3skiwoko. luwombo, o- plur. empombo (lu/n) a young leaf of the banana plant which, after being softened by exposure to the sun, is used in cooking vegetable sauces. The sauce is inserted into about four layers of empombo and then steamed in the pot along with the main food dishes. Amagezi luwombo, bwe luyulika ng’osala olulala. (prov.) Wisdom is a luwombo; when it gets torn you can always cut another one. If one method fails, a wise person will adopt an alternative solution. oluwombo okulufumitamu akati, lit. to pierce a luwombo with a stick, i.e., throw cold water on someone’s plans, ideas, etc. cf. ekiwombo. luwompogoma, o- (lu/n) hollow/empty place (esp. in trees, between rocks); hole; pit. cf. ekiwompogoma, empompogoma. luwonko, o- (lu/n) ravine, valley, depression. cf. ekiwonko. luwonvu, o- (lu/n) valley, cf. ekiwonvu. luwonzi, o- (lu/n) comb of a cock, okubojja ku luwonzi, to humble, bring (someone) down a peg. okulinnya ku luwonzi, to defeat, overcome, win over. luwookowooko, o- plur. empookowooko; also oluwonkowonko (lu/n) opening, cavity, something which has been dug out. olu- wookowooko mu jjinja, an opening in the rock. cf. wool a. luwoomerambuzi, o- (lu/n) lit. it is pleasing to goats, a kind of weed, common in newly- dug earth, which is eaten by goats, cf. wooma, woomera, embuzi. luwufu, o- (lu/n) trail (esp. of wild animals), cf. obuwufu. luwugge, o- no plur. (lu/n) thin dusty substance; sawdust; ash-like dust on young plantain leaves, okuwunya oluwugge, to have the smell of a new pot/calabash. luwujja, o- no plur. (lu/n) rare passion; anger; thirst. luwummula, o- plur. empummula (lu/n) holiday; holidays, vacation, cf. Iwummula. luwumu, o- (lu/n) ringworm, Taenia versi- color. luwunguko, o- adv. hurriedly; briefly, for a brief period, cf. wunguka. luyala, o- (lu/n) great hunger. Oluyala lunso- kota. I am extremely hungry, cf. lenjala. luyange, o- plur. ennyange (lu/n) flower of the com/maize plant, cf. ejjange. luyeeke, o- no plur. (lu/n) huge amount, immense quantity. luyi, o- plur. empi (lu/n) slap, blow with the open hand, okukuba oluyi (empi), to slap. luyiira, o- plur. empiira (lu/n) grass fire; forest fire; grassy area which has been burned out. cf. ^ggya. luyijja, o- plur. empijja (lu/n) stone anvil. luyiki, o- (lu/n) kind of thorny bush whose seeds (mpiki) are used in the game of mweso, q.v. cf. omuyiki. luyimba, o- plur. ennyimba (lu/n) song; hymn, okufumba ennyimba, to compose songs. Ow’ennyimba mbi, ayimbira mu babe. (prov.) A poor singer sings only among his own people, cf. lyimba, ennyimba. luyimbiro, o- no plur. (lu/n) rare chronic bronchitis. luyina, o- plur, empina (lu/n) strand of a banana leaf tied around the top of a gourd to prevent the beer from overflowing. It may also be used to tie around other banana leaves on a cooking pot to provide additional strength. It is also worn around the waist in certain dances and ceremonies. Luyindi, 0- no plur. (lu/n) Hindi, the Hindi language, cf. Obuyindi. luyingi, o- (lu/n) trap for birds and small animals. luyingo, o- plur. ennyingo (lu/n) joint of the body, okuddamu oluyingo, to regain one’s strength, recover, recuperate. Nnali seewuliramu luyingo. I was utterly exhausted, lit. I felt that there was not a joint in me. cf. ennyingo. luyiringito, o- (lu/n) slope; incline; decline. cf. yiringita, akayiringito. luyirira (-luyiridde) v.tr. make tired. luyirirwa (-luyiriddwa, nduyiriddwa) v.i. pass, become tired/fatigued. luyiro, o- no plur. (lu/n) asthmatic wheeze; asthma. luyola, o- plur. enjola (lu/n) groove; nick; carving, cutting; tribal marking, in the plur. thread of a screw, omusumaali gw’enjola, screw, cf. yola. luyombo, o- plur. ennyombo (lu/n) quarreling, quarrel, strife, contention, cf. yomba. Luyonaani, 0- no plur. (lu/n) Greek, the Greek language, cf. Obuyonaani. luyonjoyonjo, o- no plur. (lu/n) outward cleanliness, superficial cleanliness. Alina luyonjoyonjo, sso si buyonjo bwa namadda- la. He gives the appearance of being clean, but he really isn’t, cf. -yonjo, obuyonjo. luyonkante, o- (lu/n) lit. it sucks (yonka) cows (nte). kind of bird, lesser bustard. luyoogaano, o- (lu/n) din, shouting, uproar. cf. yoogaana. luyovuyovu, o- no plur. (lu/n) a small amount of foam. Amaanyi nnina ga luyovuyovu. I just have a little bit of strength, cf. ejjovu. luyulu, o- (lu/n) kind of rush/reed used in making baskets. Oyo mulungi ng’oluyulu. She is as pretty as a picture, cf. ^ekiyulu. luza caus. of lula, q.v. luzaala, o- (lu/n) confinement; childbirth; birth, act of giving birth, cf. zaala. luzaalo, o- (lu/n) charm/native medicine to produce childbirth, cf. zaala. luzaalwa, o- (lu/n) generation, cf. zaala. luzannya, o- (lu/n) game, athletic contest. cf. zatiii ya. luzibaziba, o- (lu/n) kind of tree, Alchornea cordi folia. luziina, o- (lu/n) shred of barkcloth, barkcloth rag; (any) rag. in the plur. enziina, rags; ragged clothes, cf. akaziina, omu- ziina. luzira, o- (lu/n) arch, unit of measure of approximately one meter used by herdsman. cf. nzira. luzizi, o- (lu/n) cross reeds/sticks on the wall or ceiling; seam of a garment, cf. ssezzizi. luzungazunga (la) clumsy, disjointed person. cf. zunga. Luzungu, 0- no plur. (lu/n) (any) European language; English, the English language. cf. -zungu, ekizungu, Omuzungu. luzunzo, o- with the -a of rel. half full (esp. of containers of water or beer). Omwenge yaleela gwa luzunzo. He brought a halffilled calabash of beer. cf. zunga. luzzi, o- plur. enzizi (lu/n) well, spring. luzzizzi, o- no plur. (lu/n) small or limited amount of water; discharge after childbirth; watery substance in the white of an egg. cf. amazzi. lwa (-ludde, ndudde) v.i. delay; tarry, linger; be a long time; be late. lwira (-lwiridde) v.i. appl. delay at, etc. lwisa (-lwisizza) v.tr. caus. delay, hold up. lwisibwa (-lwisiddwa) v.i. caus. pass, be delayed/held nn lwisaganya (-lwisaganyizza), lwisanya (-lwisanyizza) v.i. recip. caus. delay each other. cf. kulwa ddaaki, lwaddaaki. lwa, o- as a prep, because of, by reason of, on account of. olw’ekyo, for this reason, therefore. lwaddaaki adv. after a while; after that; finally. -lwadde adj. sick, ill. Omuwala ono si mulungi mulwadde. This girl is very beautiful, lit. she is not beautiful she is sick. cf. llwala, obulwadde, endwadde. Lwajjali pr.n. large river dividing Kyaggwe and Bulemeezi Counties. lwaki interrog. adv. why? for what purpose? cf. ki. lwakiwumpuli = (olumbe) lwa kiwumpuli, trypanosomiasis. See kiwumpuli. lwako, o- plur. enjako (lu/n) ravine. lwala (-lwadde, ndwadde) v.i. become sick/ill; be sick/ill. lwalalwala (-lwaddelwadde) v.i. redup. be rather sickly; be sick from time to time. lwalira (-lwalidde) v.i. appl. be sick in/ at, etc. lwaliza (-lwalizizza) v.tr. appl. caus. make sick in/at, etc. Omulwadde yamulwa- liza mu ddwaliro ly’e Mmengo. He kept the patient in Mmengo Hospital. lwaliriza (-lwalirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. make (someone) out to be sick; permit to linger on in illness. lwaza (-lwazizza) v.tr. caus. make ill, cause to get sick; keep (a sick person) at. -erwaza (-erwazizza) v.i. caus. refl. make oneself sick; pretend to be sick. lwalika (-Iwalise) v.i. neut. Omusujja gw’ensiri tegulwalika. Malaria is a terrible disease to be sick with. cf. -lwadde, obulwadde, eddwaliro, omulwadde, endwadde. lwala, o- plur. enjala (lu/n) nail, fingernail, toenail; talon; claw. cf. akaala, 2ekyala, eryala (lyala). lwali: kukuba lwali, to talk on and on without regard to the passage of time or the pressure of work. lwaliiro, o- plur. enjaliiro (lu/n) banana leaf in which bananas are wrapped before cooking; strips of banana stems laid in the area where bananas are crushed into juice. cf. 2yala, yaliira. lwambalizo, o- plur. ennyambalizo (lu/n) sling for carrying a bundle on the shoulder. cf. yambala, ekyambalizo. lwana (-lwanye, nnwanye) v.i. fight; struggle; war, make war. -erwana(ko) (-erwanye) v.i. refl. fight for oneself, defend oneself. lwanira (-Iwanidde) v.i. & tr. appl. fight for/about; fight in/at, etc. lwanirira (-lwaniridde) v.tr. appl. 2 fight for/on behalf of. lwanya (-lwanyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to fight. lwanyisa (-lwanyisizza) v.tr. caus. 2 cause to fight; fight with/using; fight against, eby’okulwanyisa, arms, armaments. lwanyika (-lwanyise) v.i. neut. be capable of being fought; he easy to fight (of a battle). lwanagana (-lwanaganye) v.i. recip. fight each other; war with one another; conflict, be in opposition. cf. -lwauyi, eddwaniro, ekirwanire, omulwanyi, omulwanirizi, ennwana. lwana, o- plur. ezaana (lu/n) tall, thin child, cf. omwana. lwaniko, o- plur. ennyaniko (lu/n) rare place where coffee, clothing, etc., are placed in the sun to dry. cf. yanika. -lwanyi adj. pugnacious, given to fighting, ennyonyi ennwanyi, fighter airplane, eryato eddwanyi, warship, cf. ^Iwana. lwanyiyanyi, o- no plur. (lu/n) slight amount of strength, cf. amaanyi. lwasamayinja invar, adj. mighty, powerful, lit. splits (-yasa) rocks (-mayinja). emmundu lwasamayinja, a big gun. lwataata, o- no plur. (Iu/n) something large/ immense, with the -a of rel. large, immense, huge, olwataata lw’eddiba ly’empologoma, a huge lion skin. lwatika, o- plur. enjatika (lu/n) crack, narrow break, cf. lyatika. lwatu or mu Iwatu adv. openly, publicly. lwayi, o- plur. rare (Iu/n) long, thin dry banana fiber on which money (in the form of coins with holes in the middle) could be strung, cf. xekyayi. lwayo, o- (Iu/n) clamor; bad smell, okuwu- nya olwayo, to smell bad, have a foul smell (e.g., like rotten fish), cf. ejjayo, akaayo. lwayo, o- (lu/n) loot, plunder; food taken as an offering to a lubaale shrine, cf. yaya. lwaza caus. of lwala, q.v. lwazi, o- plur. enjazi (lu/n) rock. cf. ebyaziyazi. lwebagyo, o- plur. enneebagyo (lu/n) sash, strip of cloth used as a belt. It is now considered rather old-fashioned, cf. baga, -ebaga. lw’ebbiri, o- adv. phrase with olunaku implied. some other day, on another day, on another occasion. Lwebbulaniya, 0- (lu/n) Hebrew, the Hebrew language, cf. Omwebbulaniya. lwebeeya, o- no plur. (lu/n) crowd, multitude, large number. lwegeenya, o- no plur. (lu/n) large quantity, great amount. Olwegeenya lw’abantu, crowd of people. lweggulo, o- see eggulo. lweje, o- no plur. hot tea. as an attribute very hot (of a liquid), ekikopo ky’olweje, a cup of hot tea. Amazzi g’ompadde oku- naaba nga lweje bulala. The water you have given me to bathe in is too hot. lwekiika (la) inflammation of the groin. lwenda, o- numer. nine hundred, with the -a of rel. nine-hundredth, cf. -(y)enda. lwenda (n/n) pyjama trousers (so called because the cord, which holds them up resembles a portion of the intestine, ^kyenda, q.v.). lwendo, o- plur. ennyendo (Iu/n) gourd used as a ladle for scooping water or as a cup. cf. akendo. lwenge, o- with the -a of rel. reddish, amaaso ag’olwenge, bloodshot eyes (as those of a drunkard). lwera: ekikomo kya lwera, copper. lwesibyo, o- plur. enneesibyo (lu/n) belt; sash; girdle, cf. siba, -esiba. lwetatankirizo, o- (lu/n) tendency to boast/ make unjustifiable claims; tendency to be intrusive/intrude oneself, cf. -etatan- kiriza. lwetumbu, o- no plur. (lu/n) presumption; vanity; showing off; tendency to attempt what is beyond one’s power, okukola ebintu eby’olwetumbu, to bite off more than one can chew. cf. tumbuka. lwewuliro, o- no plur. (lu/n) pride; showing off. cf. wulira, -ewulira. lwewunzika (la) kind of plantain tree which inclines to one side. cf. wunzika, -ewunzika. lweyo, o- plur. enjeyo (lu/n) broom; brush, cf. lyera. lwisa caus. of lwa, q.v. lwogoolo, o- no plur. (lu/n) uproar; rumpus, okukuba olwogoolo, to boo, shout derision at. lwogooma, o~ no plur. (lu/n) uproar, din. lwoka, o- (lu/n) any internal pain; parasitic worm. The plur. enjoka (q-v.j signifies internal pains and occurs with a muc( ..... ;? lwokano, o- no plur. (lu/n) hubbub, tumult, commotion, noise. Lwokubiri, o- without the l.V.’s Lwakubiri Tuesday, lit. the second (day, olunaku). cf. -biri. Lwokuna, o- without the l.V.’s Lwakuna Thursday, lit. the fourth (day, olunaku). cf. -na. Lwokusatu, o- without the l.V.’s Lwakusatu Wednesday, lit. the third (day, olunaku). cf. -satu. Lwokutaano, o- without the l.V.’s Lwaku- taano Friday, lit. the fifth (day, olunaku). cf. -taano. lwokyo, o- adv. fast, quickly, in a hurry, in a flash, cf. yokya. Lwomukaaga, o- without the l.V.’s Lwamu- kaaga. Saturday, lit. the sixth (day, olunaku). cf. -kaaga, omukaaga. lwosa, o- plur. enjosa (lu/n) day of absence, day missed, day off (from work, study, etc.). cf. yosa. lwoya, o- no plur. (lu/n) long hair/bristle (but not on the head), cf. akooya, ekyoya. lya (-lidde) v.tr. eat; consume; take office (of chief, king, etc.). eby’okulya, food, okulya obwami, to assume the chieftainship, kulya mu ndago, to sing, kulyamu luyi, to slap, kulyamu kikonde, to punch with the fist, kulya mazzi, euph. to drink a lot of beer, lit. water, kulyamu lukwe, to plot, conspire, kulya kijaja or kigagga, to eat very well/in great style, kulya muntu kimuli, to interrupt a person in bi? conversation. kulya nkoko bbiri, to give one’s sister in marriage to two men (thereby receiving the gift of two chickens), kulya misinde, to run very fast, kulya butaaia, to roam at large, be on the loose (e.g., of an escaped prisoner), kulya bulamu, to enjoy life, have a good time, kulya eki- banja/emmayiro, to come into land/an estate, okulya ebbanja, to incur a debt, okulya obugenyi, to receive food or presents while a guest, okulya enguzi, to take a bribe, okulya engere, to walk fast, okulya ensimbi, to steal money, okulya ensowole, to take something (e.g., the chieftainship) when one is incompetent or unprepared. Genda olye enkoko yo. You have had a lucky escape/a narrow escape, lit. go and eat your chicken. Omuwala yamulyamu omwoyo. The girl won/stole his heart. Obusungu bwandya. I was consumed with anger. Mwana muwala, oyo andya omutwe! I am completely enamored of that girl, lit. she eats my head. Baagala kumulyamu maaso. They wanted to bawl him out/upbraid him severely. Okulya ennyingi si kuggwa maddu. (prov.) To eat a lot is not to get rid of one’s appetite. The more you have, the more you want. Amaanyi sigalya. (prov.) Force does not prevail. Physical strength alone does not accomplish things. Ky’otonnalya tokyesunga. (prov.) What you have not yet eaten, do not anticipate. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. Kye walyanga bw’olaba ennaku olekayo. (prov.) What you used to eat — when you experience hard times — you give up. One must adjust to circumstances/ calamaties. liibwa (-liiriddvva) v.i. pass, be eaten, etc. -erya (-eridde) v.i. & tr- refl? lit. pretend to eat. kwerya nkuta za mimwa, to have nothing to eat, be hungry, lit. eat the skins of one’s lips. Seerya ntama. I am not one who jokes around, I am to be taken seriously, lit. I do not suck my cheeks. liira (-liiridde) v.tr. appl. eat in/at/with, etc.; eat as sauce/relish, okuliira omuntu empinga, to frustrate a person, make obstacles for a person, okuliira amaluma, to eat a meal without sauce or relish. Leeta enva ze tunaaliira emmere. Bring some vegetable relish which we can eat with the main dish. Naye nga ebyo byonna bibaliira ki emilwe? But why should all this worry/ bother you? -eriira (-eridde) v.tr. appl. refl. eat (for oneself), kweriira mpinga, to neglect oneself, make things difficult for oneself. liirira (-liiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 keep eating. liisa (-liisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to eat; feed; eat with/using, kuliisa bijanjaalo mpiso, to be careless/indifferent about things, kuliisa bujiiko, to be high and mighty, be ostentatiously rich, be ‘highbrow,’ lit. to eat with (European) teaspoons, kuliisa maaso, to look at carefully, kuliisa ngalo, to eat with one’s fingers, kuliisa njala, to eat ravenously. Jjangu ondiiseliise. Come and keep company with me while I eat. lyannana (-lyajinanye) v.i. recip. eat one another; cheat one another. liika (-liise) v.i. neut. be edible. liikiriza (-liikirizza, ndiikirizza) v.tr. appl. eat with (someone), join (someone in a meaij; keep company with (someone who is eating); eat (a relish or supplement with the main meal); accuse falsely of taking. Ngu- lirayo ez’okuliikiriza emmere. Buy me some relish to go with the main meal. Yandiiki- riza ensimbi. He accused me of taking the money. cf. ebiriibwa, eddiiro, eddya, kaliira, ekiriisa, ekyokulya, olulya, lamalya, amalye, lomuli, omuliibwampogola, omu- liirize, omulyo, endiiro, endiirwa, ^endiisa, endya, endyabagole, endyabalangira, endyambi, endyamenvu. lyakula (-lyakudde, ndyakudde) v.tr. cheat, defraud, cf. omulyakuzi, obulyake, omu- lyake. lyala; eryala plur. amaala (li/ma) huge talon, big claw, big nail, amaala ga Walumbe, the talons of death, cf. lyambe; eryambe (li/ma) kind of large knife (augm. of akambe, q.v.). lyana from omwana, child, kutiiriisa lyana, to be insolent. lyanda; eryanda plur. amanda (li/ma) piece of charcoal; piece of coal, in the plur. charcoal; coal; battery, batteries, ekirombe ky’amanda, coal mine; furnace in which charcoal is made. -eryanya (-eryanyizza) v.i. refl. put on an innocent look, pretend to be innocent. lyanyi; eryanyi (li/ma) great amount of strength/power, okubbisa eryanyi, to steal by force, commit armed robbery. Note: the gramm. plur. amaanyi (q.v.) lacks the augm. force of eryanyi. lyato; eryato plur. amaato (li/ma) canoe; boat; ship; steamer; brewing vat. cf. akaato, nnakaato. lyazaamaanya (-lyazaamaanye or -lyazaa- maanyizza, ndya...) v.i. & tr. cheat; defraud; deceive; fail to pay. cf. omu- lyazaamaanyi. lyebuka (-lyebuse) v.i. split in half. lyebula (-lyebudde) v.tr. split in half; divide down the middle, divide in half. lyenvu; eryenvu plur. amenvu (li/ma) ripe banana. Agonda nga menvu. He is as tame as a lamb, lit. he is as soft as ripe bananas, cf. ekyenvu. lyoka (-lyose) also lyokka aux. verb (defective). It is used 1) after ne (the marker of the narrative tense) in the second of two. lyolyoma (-lyolyomye, ndyolyomye) v.tr. accuse in secret; denounce; undermine. cf. Omulyolyomi. lyovu, eryovu rare var. of ekyovu, q.v. lyowa (-lyoye, ndyoye) v.tr. oblige; do a favor for; benefit, abaana abalyowe embuga, children sent to the court of the Kabaka or a major chief to perform services. maadamaada (-maazemaaze) v.i. struggle in vain. maala (-madde) v.tr. smear, smear on; pi aster on. -emaala (-emadde) v.i. & tr. refl. smear oneself (with), plaster oneself (with). consecutive clauses when the second action is performed only after the conclusion of the first. Twamaze kunywa caayi ne tulyoka tusamba omupiira. We first finished drinking tea and then we played football. 2) to signify that the action of a following verb is right or desirable. Bakadde be baalyoka ne bagendayo nga tannafa. His parents did right to go there before he died. Kiryose nfe! I would rather die! It would be better for me to die! 3) to introduce a subordinate clause in the subjunctive, corresponding to the English conjunctions so that, in order that. Bw’otuukangayo otuwandiikiranga tulyoke tutegeere nga bwe bali. When you arrive there write to us so that we may know how they are. (Asht.) maama (la) mother, maama omuto, aunt, mother’s sister, interj. expressing surprise or enthusiasm my goodness! gee! boy! Maama ng’olabye! Gee, I am sorry about what has happened to you! Note also that a mother may address her daughter as maama wange, my mother. Maameeya (la) [from Fr. ma mere] relig. mother superior. maamira (-maamidde) v.tr. sit on, hatch (eggs); incubate; extend over, spread over, cover. Twalengedde olufu nga lumaamidde ekiwonvu kyonna. We saw that the fog had spread over the entire valley. Yali akyamaamidde ku bukulu bw’essomero. He was still the principal of the school, lit. covering the head position. Eggaali emaamidde. The bicycle has a flat tire, kumaumira ga butembetembe, to remain in a place without budging. maamuka (-maamuse) v.i. conv. leave off sitting (of a hen); go away (of an illness); become unstuck, come off; peel. maamula (-maamudde) v.tr. conv. cause to become unstuck; remove forcibly (as an official from his position). Empewo yamu- maamula enkuufiira ku mutwe. The wind blew the hat off of his head. maamulukuka (-maamulukuse) v.i. conv. 2 peel off, get unstuck. maamulula (-maamuludde) v.tr. conv. 2 - maamula. cf. olumaamiro, olumaamize. maamu inter), response to a greeting. See eradde under laala. maauya (-maanyizza) v.tr. pluck off, pluck out (feathers, hair), okumaanya enkoko, to pluck a chicken. -emaanya (-emaanyizza) v.i. refl. pluck oneself; walk in a wild or excited manner. cf. maanyuuka. maanyi, a- plur. (li/ma) strength; power;potency; force; violence, with the -a of rel. strong; powerful, omusajja ow’amaanyi, a strong, powerful man. Kizzaamu amaanyi okulaba nga..., It is encouraging/heartening to see that... Amaanyi tegalya. (prov.) Strength (alone) does not prevail. Perhaps the opposite of Might makes right, cf. kiri- maanyi, olwanyiyanyi, lyanyi (eryanyi), sseryanyi, otwanyi. maanyuuka (-maanyuuse) v.i. come off (of feathers, hair}- run. very fast; run away, okumaanyuuka emisinde, to run off at great speed; to travel at a great speed (e.g., of a train). maanyuula (-maanyudde) v.tr. pluck, pluck off. okumaanyuula emiggo, to strike, beat. -emaanyuula (-emaanyudde) v.i. & tr. refl. pluck from oneself; pluck one’s feathers or hair; walk off/go off in a rapid and excited manner. cf. maanya. maapu (n/n) feng.3 map. kukuba maapu, to wet the bed (of a child). maasammeeme less common var. of kaasa- mmeeme, q.v. maaso, a- plur. of liiso (eriiso), q.v. maato, a- plur. of lyato (eryato), q.v. mabaga, a- always plur. (li/ma) the initial stages of an operation, the beginning. Gakyali mabaga. Things have only begun. We still have a great deal to do. cf. baga. mabbabbanyi, a* plur. (li/ma) dilemma, predicament. kussa mabbabbanyi, to perplex, place in a dilemma, kufa mabbabbanyi, to be unable to come to a decision, be faced with a choice between equally desirable (or undesirable) alternatives. mabbali, e- adv. at the side, to the side; sideways, ku mabbali g’olubiri, at the side of the palace, okudda emabbali, to pull over to the side, go to the side. cf. ebbali, wabbali. mabega, a- (li/ma) back, in the form emabega ai art adv. back; behind, emabega w’oluggi, behind the door, emabega wange, behind me. emabegako katono, a little while back, little farther back (in space). ku Lwokutaano olwa wiiki eku- biddwa amabega, on Friday of last week. cf. bbega. mabende, a- always plur. (li/ma) fat (particularly on the hips), okubinnla amabende, to put on weight. mabomboola, a- plur. (li/ma) spots (e.g., of a leopard). maboneka, a- always plur. (li/ma) amabo- neka g’omwezi, the new moon. cf. boneka (under bona). mabugo, a- always plur. (li/ma) burial garment, grave clothes, shroud; gift (usually of money) to the family of the deceased. cf. olubugo. mabutobuto, a- always plur. (li/ma) sides of the stomach; middle, center; middle of a container. Amazzi yataddemu ga mu mabutobuto. He only half filled it with water. cf. olubuto. macco, a- adv. descriptive of manner of jumping. okubuuka amaeco, to jump completely up with both (or all) feet, as a frog. cf. ccoppa. madaala, a- plur. of eddaala, q.v. madalya, a- plur. (li/ma) proud/boastful/ cocky manner or behavior, cf. dalya. madamada (-mazemaze) v.i. redup., rare. stroll about, roam around. madda, a- plur. (li/ma) return, return trip. as an adv. on the way back, amagenda n’amadda, round trip. cf. ^dda. maddira, a- plur. (li/ma) return (to get something, to do something), cf. ^dda, ddira. maddu, a- plur. (li/ma) yearning, craving, strong desire, passion. maddu, a- plur. (li/ma) ulcer of the outer ear. madinda, a- plur. (li/ma) musical instrument made of wood resembling a xylophone or dulcimer, cf. budinda, eddinda. maduudu, a- plur. (li/ma) the datura plant. The poisonous drug extracted from the fruit was formerly used in trials by ordeal. Also, because of its intoxicating effect on guinea fowls, it is used as bait to trap these birds. cf. omuduudu. mafaaya: kufa mafaaya, to go for nought, be wasted. Ensimbi ze zaafa mafaaya. His money just went down the drain. mafembe (la) very fat person, extremely obese person. mafondogolo, a- plur. (li/tna) obesity, corpulence, excessive fatness. mafuta, a- plur. (li/ma) gasoline; kerosine; oil; grease, amafuta g’omubiri, ointment/ lotion for bodily use. cf. ekifuta. mafuukuule, a-: okwogerera amafuukuule, to upbraid, rebuke, revile, cf. fuukuuka, fuukuula. maga (-maze) v.i. look about, glance from side to side (in a single or sudden movement). magamaga (-mazemaze) v. i. redup. keep glancing from side to side, look about; be in doubt. Kino nkyogera awatali kumagamaga. 1 say this with all certainty /without reservation. Ayogera omu amagamaga. lit. He who speaks alone looks sideways, i.e., the testimony of two is better than that of one. mazamaza (-mazizzamazizza) v.tr. caus. redup. cause to glance from side to side; distract. cf. akamagu, akamagumagu; -emagaza, maggula, maguka. maga, a- plur. (Ii/ma) cracks on the feet due to syphilis. magabali (la) kind of sweet potato. magabo, a- (li/ma) ente ey’amagabo, a cow marked with lateral stripes. Magala pr.n. the name of a young boy in a well-known story. His father struggled hard to get him a skin garment, ekinaagu- lira Magala eddiba, money, lit. that which will buy a skin for Magala. magalala (-magaladde) v.i. start; become startled; run riot, go wild; revolt. Omwana amagalala bulaia. The child is restless/ stubborn/willfully inattentive. magalaza (-magalazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to start; startle; cause to run riot, okumagalaza omutwe, to jerk the head in surprise or amazement. cf. -magalavu. magalaugajjo, a- also amagalangajja adv. in a sprawling position; in confusion, cf. -egal angajja. magalanju, a- adv. okwebaka amagalanju, to sleep on one’s back/in a sprawled-out position. okuleka ebintu amagalanju, to leave things strewn about/unattended, cf. galanjuka. magalanjula, a- plur. (li/ma) period/time for turning up the soil preparatory to planting. cf. galanjuka, galanjula. -magalavu adj. startled; wild, riotous, amatu amagalavu, protruding ears. cf. m agal al a. magalikwa (mod. form rare) v.i. be inattentive/scatterbrained/careless. magalo, a- (li/ma) pincers, pliers, as the plur. o/eggalo, ugly, fat, dirty fingers. cf. engalo, nnamagalo. magambo, a- plur. (li/ma) news (which one person tells another as opposed to news in a newspaper), cf. gamba, eggambo, eki- gambo. Maganda, A- adv. in the Kiganda manner. Yeeyanza Amaganda. He gave thanks in the Kiganda manner, i.e., by prostrating himself on the ground, cf. -ganda. magandaazi, a- plur. (li/ma) overgrown elephant grass which has fallen to the ground; half-burned reeds after a grass fire. -emagaza (-emagazizza) v.i. refl. be at a loss; look hopeless/nonplussed; be left staring dejectedly into space, cf. ^maga. mageege, a- plur. of eggeege, q.v. magejjo, a- plur. (li/ma) tonic of herbs placed in a baby’s bath. cf. gejja. magembe, a-: okutema amagembe, to tell lies. magemu, a-: plur. of ggemu, q.v. magenda, a- plur. (li/ma) going, going away, traveling away. adv. on the way going, while going away. cf. genda. magendere, a- plur. (li/ma) whereabouts; state (of matters, affairs). Tetwamanya magendere ge. We did not know where he had gone, kubulako magendere, to disappear without a trace, cf. genda. magengere, a- usually plur. (li/ma) liquor, beer, alcoholic drink, cf. eggengere. magera (la) mash of beans, bean soup, bean sauce. mageregankoko (la) kind of grass with prickly seeds, lit. big feet (magere) of a chicken (nkoko). magero, a- usually plur. (li/ma) wonders, marvels. Often preceded by eky(a) or eby(a). eby'amagero, marvels, miracles. Ye kino nga kya magero. This is indeed a miracle/a wonder/something marvelous. magezi, a- plur. (li/ma) wisdom; knowledge; device, stratagem; advice; wit; skill, amagezi ga bnlijjo, common sense, everyday knowledge, omuwi w’amagezi, advisor, okusala amagezi, to devise a plan. Yasa- langa gonna (gonna here = amagezi gonna). He used every expedient. He did everything he could. Amagezi tegaba g’omu. (prov.) Wisdom/cleverness is not the monopoly of one person. Okwagala kulya amagezi. (prov.) Love benumbs (lit. eats) the senses. Love is blind. Note: the gramm. sing, eggezi (q.v.) differs in meaning from the plur. cf. -gezi, kalimagezi, olugezigezi. magezigabaganda (la) crude, homemade gun, lit. wisdom of the Baganda. See ekibundu. magga, e- (laorn/n) black-shouldered kite. maggula (-maggudde) okumaggula amaaso, to shift one’s gaze rapidly, move the eyes quickly from side to side. cf.maga. maggwa, a- plur. of liggwa (eriggwa), q.v. magi, a- plur. of eggi, q.v. magoba, a- plur. (li/ma) profit, profits; interest on money, cf. goba, gobol(ol)a. magombe, a- (li/ma) the place of the dead; the other world; hell, as an adv. emagombe. okukkirira emagombe, to die, lit. to go down to magombe. okusumattuka amagombe, to be sick and almost die. magomo, a- plur. of eggomo, q.v. magonyagonya, a- plur. (li/ma) coils; spirals. maguka (-maguse) v.i. turn the head, look around suddenly. magula (-magudde) v.tr. cause to look around suddenly; distract the attention of. cf. lmaga. magula, a- plur. (li/ma) buying season. cf. gula. magulu, a- plur. of okugulu, q.v. magulumpaali, a- plur. (li/ma) long, skinny legs. Magulunnyondo lit. legs (magulu) like a hammer (ennyondo), formerly a title of the Kabaka. maguzi, a- see egguzi. mairo, mailo var. spellings of mayiro, q.v. majaani, a- plur. (li/ma) tea leaves. majaga, a- adv. loosely. 2 majaga (la) kind of long gonja plantain. majalya, a- plur. (li/ma) willfulness, self- will; boastfulness, pride. majamba rare, intens. of the adj. -bi, bad. Majanja pr.n. embaga ya Majanja, a magnificent feast/banquet. majeemulukufu, a- lit. in a manner expressing cessation of rebellion or opposition. Yaseka busesi majeemulukufu. He just laughed sheepishly (indicating that he had been bested), cf. jeema and its conv. jeemulukuka. majenjeeke, a- adv. loosely; slackly, oku- siba amajenjeeke, to tie loosely, cf. jenjeeka. majjankunene, a- plur. (li /ma) hideous event; something monstrous. majjolobera, a- plur. (li/ma) jewelry; decorations; ornaments. Yessaako amajjolobera. He puts on airs. He is proud. majwajwa (la) joker, jester. maka, a- plur. (li/ma) household, house, home, amaka ge, his home, eby’omu maka, things in the house, household furnishings, furniture, cf. eka, ssemaka, awaka. makajja, a- plur. (li/ma) deep-seated abscess in muscle tissue; swelling of the legs. makakaba invar, adj. huge, tremendous, ekita ky’omwenge makakaba, a huge gourd of beer. makanda, a- plur. (li/ma) establishment; permanent or long-term location, kusimbn: makanda, to settle (in); to make one’s headquarters or regular base (at), kusimbu- la makanda, depart from a place where one has been for a long time, ‘pull up stakes.’ makanika plur. bamakanika (la) mechanic cf. ^kanikc., makansi (n/n) [5u).,/4r.] pair of scissors. makaŋŋango, a- plur. of ekkaŋŋango, q.v. makaya [Lusoga] kusula makaya, to go to bed hungry. makazi, a- adv. like a woman, cf. -kazi, omukazi. makebe, a- plur. (1 i/ma) East Coast fever, a disease of calves. makeera. a- plur. (li/ma) early morning. cf. likya, keera. makeera, a- plur. (li/ma) liver of an edible rat (musu). makeete, a- plur. (li/ma) rare rough edges (of barkcloth). okusala amakeete, to beat about the bush. makeke invar, adj. wonderful, magnificent; exciting; huge, embaga makeke, a sumptuous banquet/wedding. makendegere, a- plur. (li/ma) waist, waistline. cf. olukende(gere). makerekete, a- plur. (li/ma) colloq. beer, liquor, alcoholic drink(s). Mukasa n’ajja ng’ amakerekete g’akombye gooza lumonde. When M. arrived he was as drunk as a lord, lit. had lapped liquor which would wash sweet potatoes. makiikakiika, a- adv. crosswise; across; obliquely, cf. ^kiika. makiinekiine adv. mockingly, in a mocking/ jeering manner, cf. kiina. makijjama adv. crosswise. makinaggule, a-: okwogera amakinaggule, to mock, jeer. cf. kinagguka. makakiru, a- piur. (ii/ma) illness ol children thought to be caused by specific types of adulterous behavior by either of the parents. cf. kansira. makkalikkali, a- plur. (1 i/ma) beer drunk at the celebration of a birth. makkati, a- plur. (li/ma) middle, middle part, mu makkati ga, in the middle of. cf. amassekati, wakati. makkete, a-: okuseka amakkete, to laugh happily/contentedly. makolobero, a- plur. (li/ma) Alina amakolo- bero. He is deceitful/a cheat, cf. eki- kolobero. makoma, a- plur. (li/ma) end, point of stopping. cf. koma. makoma wo, a- plur. (li/ma) return; homecoming. cf. koma. makoola, a- plur. (li/ma) leaves, foliage; period/time for weeding. makubuggu with the -a of rel. half-cooked; hastily cooked. Emmere ya makubuggu. The food is half-cooked. makudde, a- plur. (li/ma) folds of skin about the waist; buttock muscles. makuge invar, adj. wonderful, magnificent; amazing, akasiki makuge, a very fine bachelor’s party. makula (-makudde) v.tr. snatch away; handle, take in the hand, grasp. -emakula (-emakudde) v.i. refl. meddle; have restless fingers, have the habit of picking up things, okwemakulira ku bintu ebitali bibyo, to tamper with things which are not your own. cf. omwemakuze. makula, a- (li/ma) formerly food presented to the Kabaka; wonderful thing, now used mostly as an attribute of another noun wonderful, magnificent, ebintu bingi eby’amakula, many wonderful things, mu- kazi makula, a gorgeous woman, cf. ekkula. makulejje, a- plur. (li/ma) marvel, something wonderful/extraordinary. makulu, a- plur. (li/ma) sense, meaning, significance, cf. kula, -kulu. makulubiru, a- (1 i/ma) worker termites. makumi, a- plur. (li/ma) shoulder blades. makunale, a- (li/ma) wonder, marvel, something unusual, as an attributive wonderful, marvelous; unusual, ekintu makunale, a very unusual thing. makungula, a- plur. (li/ma) harvest; harvest time. cf. kungula. makuti, a- plur. (li/ma) precious stone; precious thing. makutu, a- plur. (li/ma) shortcut; indirect route, ekkubo ery’amakutu, shortcut. makuumuule, a-: okwogera amakuumuule, to speak in a hostile manner; to blurt out anything without regard to consequences. makwekansaamu, a- adv. pretendedly, in pretence. makya, a- plur. (li/ma) early morning, mu makya g’obudde, at daybreak, cf. kya. mal- initial element of the plur. of many nouns having singulars beginning with dd-. ddiba, skin; maliba, skins. mala (-maze) v.tr. finish, complete; use up, consume; spend (time); satisfy, be sufficient for. v.i. suffice, be sufficient; be adequate; be enough. As an auxiliary verb mala has the following uses (adapted from Ashton’s Luganda Grammar): 1) To denote completed action mala is followed by the main verb in the inf. Twamaze okusamba omupiira ng’obudde buzibye. We finished playing ball by the end of the day. 2) Followed by an inf. without the I.V., mala stresses the completion of an action before another action begins. Onoomala kuleeta mazzi. You will first bring water. 3) Followed by ga- and a verbal stem, mala expresses inevitability, obligation or simple carelessness. Tumaze gagendayo. We simply had to go there. Bamala gakomaga mbugo zityo. They just beat out the bark in any old way. 4) Followed by the neg. of the ne tense, mala indicates a reversal of decision. Mmaze ne sigenda. I have changed my mind and am not going. 5) 1Vhen used in the subj. and followed by another verb in the subj. mala introduces a climax. Ya- seerera bw’ati n’agwa amale amenyeke amagulu. He skidded like this and fell and ended up by breaking his leg. 6) Note the uses o/olumala and olwamala: Olumala okukola genda eka. When you finish (after finishing) work, go home. Olwamala okukola ne nnenda eka. After finishing work I went home. kumala mpaka, to settle a dispute. Ekimala empaka kusirika. The way to settle a dispute is to keep silent or On points of dispute it is best to wait and see kumala bwoya ku n turn be, to keep (someone) running ragged, annoy (someone) by keeping him on the go all the time, lit. finish off the hair on the calves of the leg. kumala mmya, to put (someone) in his place, take down a peg. kumala muntu maanyi, to take the wind out of someone’s sails, kukamala, to cause trouble (ka = akabi or akabaate). Okamaze. Now you have gone and done it. Note that in the following phrases mala has a postclitic (-mu, -ko or -wo), kumalamu kyeso, to win at the game of mweso. kumalamu musolo, to flee, run off at a great speed, kumalamu kigwo, to throw (in wresting); to prevail (e.g., in an argument). Olumbe lwamumalamu amazzi. He died of illness, lit. disease finished up the water in him. kumalako kisa, to give up on (a person). Ommazeeko ekisa. You have worn out my kindness (because of your lack of appreciation), okumalawo obwe- taavu, to meet a need. -emala (-emaze) v.i. £ tr. ref I. be self- sufficent; be independent, kwemala ggoga, to do to one’s heart’s content, kwemala kintu, to appropriate something for one’s own use. kwemala mpiiyi (ku mwoyo), to work off one’s hostilities, take out one’s resentment on. kwemala kiniga ku mwoyo = the preceding. Yeemalamu. He brought disrespect on himself/brought himself into disrepute. -emalaamala (-emazeemaze) v.i. refl. carry on/work at a reduced level of activity (as of a sick person who has not yet resumed his normal routine). malira (-malidde) v.tr. appl. finish/complete in/at, etc.; decide/resolve for. malirira (-maliridde) v.i. & tr. appl. 2 be determined/resolved/resolute. -emalirira (-emaliridde) v.i. appl. 2 refl. be self- supporting/sel f- sufficient. maliriza (-malirizza) v.tr. appl. 2 caus. finish completely. maza (-mazizza) v.tr. cause to finish/complete, etc. kumaza mraere, to kill, lit. cause to finish food. cf. -malirivu, obumalirivu, obwannakyema- lira, akamal(ir)izo, ekimala, nnakyemalira. 2 mala, a- plur. (li/ma) instep; sole of the foot. malaalo, a- plur. (li/ma) grave, tomb. malaaya plur. bamalaaya (la) [Sw., Ar.[\ prostitute, harlot, cf. obwamalaaya. malagala, a- plur. of eddagala, q.v. malagolago, a- plur. (li/ma) husky, deep voice; change of voice in an adolescent boy as he approaches maturity, as an adv. huskily, in a deep voice. Alina amalago- lago. His voice is changing (of an adolescent). cf. obulago. malaka, a- plur. (li/ma) neck, throat area. Alina amalaka. He is a boaster/braggart. Yamugwa mu malaka. He seized him by the throat. malala, a- also amalalalala always plur. (li/ma) pride. malangaata, a- plur. (li/ma) isolation, solitude, a deserted place; wilds, wilderness. malangalanga, a- plur. (li/ma) rays of the sun. Malayika (la) pa/., Ar.J angel, okusoma Malayika, to recite the Angels. maleere, a- plur. (li/ma) kind of fungus growing on tree stumps; the second totem of the Anteater (Olugave) Clan. maleeto plur. bamaleeto (la) mulatto. malekebu arch. Luganda version of Swahili merikebu, ship. malenge, a- plur. of eddenge, q.v. malevu, a- (li/ma) extremely large beard. cf. ekirevu. mali also malimali [Lunyoro] exactly, perfectly, completely. malibuttole (la) person missing some teeth (esp. a child). maliiri, a- plur. (li/ma) early morning, dawn. malikaani (n/n) [Eng., Sw. ] unbleached calico, type of glossy, hard cloth. The variant amerikaani is archaic. malikupu [Lunyoro] in Luganda usually balikkupu, q.v. malimu, a- plur. of eddimu, q.v. malindi (la) kind of beer banana. malinnya, a-: from linnya, ascend, q.v. Used in the phrase: Olabye malinnya amakka ga- naabula. You have managed to climb up, but you will have a hard time coming down. It is easier to get into trouble than to get out of it. maliri, a-: okugwa amaliri, to fall together/at the same time (as two wrestlers); to tie, reach a tie (of two teams in an athletic contest). -malirivu adj. resolute, determined. cf. lmala, malirira. malobo, a- plur. of eddobo, q.v. malogo, a- plur. of eddogo, q.v. malonda, a- plur. (li/ma) testicles. malongojje, a-: amaaso amalongojje, inflammation of the eyes; conjunctivitis. maluguya, o- less commonly amalubya plur. chatter, excessive talk, ow’amalubya, chatterbox, cf. lubyalubya. maluma, a-: okulya amaluma, to eat one’s food without sauce or relish. malungu, a- plur. of eddungu, q.v. malunya, a- plur. (li/ma) fuss; trouble. malusu, a- plur. of eddusu, q.v. malwa, a- plur. (li/ma) beer made from millet, particularly popular among the Itesot and other tribes of Northern Uganda. malwaliro, a- plur. of eddwaliro, q.v. malya, a- plur. (li/ma) mealtime, mu malya g’emisana, during the lunch hour, at lunch time. cf. lya. malya, a- plur. of eddya, q.v. malye, a- plur. (li/ma) place/spot which contains the remains of elephant grass or other grass after rats, rabbits, etc., have eaten, kusigala mu malye, to be deserted (e.g., a husband by a wife), cf. lya. mamaala (-mamadde) less commonly mantaala (-mantadde) v.i. romp about and unintentionally damage things (of children), be a bull in a china shop. mamagga (-mamazze) v.i. be inattentive; be absentminded; grope about; fail to see. mamanyika, a- plur. (li/ma) knowing, knowledge, cf. manya, manyika. mambuka, a- (li/ma) as an adv. emambuka (the) going up; uphill; north, northern part. c f. vambuka. mambulugga, a- plur. (li/ma) mumps. mamera, a- plur. (li/ma) period of growth; period of sprouting of seeds. Aka- kyama amamera tekagolokokeka. (prov.) The little tree (aka- implies akati) which is crooked when it grows does not straighten up. Evil habits acquired in childhood are not usually eradicated in adulthood. c f, mera. mamiima, a- plur. (li/ma) pride, conceit, cockiness. mamirira (-mamiridde) v.tr. sprinkle, sprinkle on (e.g., salt, powder, etc.). mampaati, a- plur. (li/ma) arrogance, cockiness; pride. mancoolo, a- adv. badly; wrongly. Ebigambo biyinza okugenda amancoolo. Matters may go badly. manda, a- plur. of lyanda (eryanda), q.v. mandaala: kugwa mandaala, to become very tired. mandaazi, a- plur. a mixture of wheat flour, yeast and sugar fried into small balls. A single specimen is erindaazi or ekindaazi. manege, a- plur. (li/ma) testicles and scrotum. mangalanju, a- var. of amagalanju, q.v. mangota, a- adv. with a gulp, okumira amangota, 10 gulp, guip down, swaiiow with a gulp. mangu, a- adv. quickly; soon; at once; early, ensonga ez’amangu, urgent matters, amangu nga bwe kisoboka, as soon as possible, amangu ddala nga, just as soon as. mangu ago, immediately, at once. cf. -yangu, amangwago. manjaaya (la) kind of large roasting plantain (gonja)* manjo also mwanjo: ku manjo, in front; in advance, ekifo eky’oku manjo, the foremost place/position. mankatabbu, a- adv. together, kukwata mankatabbu, to take/catch in the act (two or more people). mankwetu, a- noun of limited occurrence secrecy; secretiveness, mu mankwetu, in secret, secretly, with the -a of rel. secret; secretive, mu ngeri ey’amankwetu, in a secret manner. mannya, a- plur. of linnya (erinnya), q.v. mannyo, a- plur. of linnyo (erinnyo), q.v. mannyowenu see wenu. manoolo adv., arch, empty-handed. manooti (la) [from Eng. (bank) notes)] a very rich person. mansa (-mansizza) v.tr. scatter; sprinkle; pour; arch, show sympathy/compassion for. mansira (-mansidde) v.tr. appl. scatter, sprinkle, pour in/on, etc. mansonvinsonvi a- n/»r. (li/ma) shyness. Amansonyinsonyi gassa olugave. (prov.) Shyness caused the death of the anteater. Perhaps similar in sense to Nothing ventured, nothing gained, cf. ensonyi. mansuka (-mansuse) v.i. fly up, fly off (as a spark); slip, slip off, slip down; shoot up (as a star). mansula (-mansudde) v.tr. cause to shoot up; cause to slip; throw off; get rid of. -emansula (-emansudde) v.tr. refl. shake off/away from oneself; avoid, shun. cf. akamansuka; masuka. -emanta (-emanse) v.i. refl. act in a vain and ostentatious manner, put on airs. mantambutambu, a- plur. (li/ma) property of others (esp. of a chief). manti interj. of sympathy or sorrow I'm sorry, alas. manu, a- adv. okugwa amanu, to fall with a thud; to be worsted, cf. ekinu. manvuuli (n/n) [Stu. ] umbrella. manya (-manyi) v.tr. know; know how to; find out, learn about; learn how to. okumanya nga, just to get an idea of how..., just to show how... manyibwa (-manyiddwa) v.i. pass, be/become known. -emanya (-emanyi) v.i. refl. know oneself; be conceited/proud. manyisa (-manyisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to know, inform. manyiira (-manyidde) v.tr. appl. get used to, become accustomed to; become experienced with; be unduly familiar with. manyiiza (-manyiizizza) v.tr. appl. caus. habituate; familiarize; make (someone) used to. -emanyiiza (-emanyiizizza) v.i. & tr. appl. caus. refl. accustom oneself (to); habituate oneself (with); acquaint oneself (with); familiarize oneself (with); gain practice (in). manyirira (-manyiridde) v.tr. appl. 2 know very well. Nkoze nga simanyiridde. I did it without knowing. I did not do it on purpose. manyagana or manyigana (-manyiganye) v.i. recip. know each other; get to know each other, become acquainted. manyika (-manyise) v.i. neut. be knowable. -emanyiikiriza (-emanyiikirizizza) v.i. neut. appl. 2 caus. become overly familiar with (a person). cf. -manyi, -manyifu, -manyirivu, obumanyi, obumanyirivu, olumanyo, olummanyimmanyi, amamanyika, omumanyi, omumanyibwa. -manyi adj. known; well-known; notorious. c f. manya. -manyifu adj. well-known; famous, cf. manya. -manyirivu adj. experienced; knowledgeable, munnamawulire omumanyirivu mu mulimu gwe, a newspaperman experienced in his work. cf. manya, manyirira, obumanyirivu. manzaali, a-: okuyiikirwa amanzaali, lit. to be spilled upon by curry powder, i.e., to have a great feast, dine sumptuously, c.f. ebinzaali. manzambu, a- plur. (li/ma) [Suj., Ar.fj belt; cartridge belt. Mapeera pr.n. [from, Fr. mon pere] the Ki- ganda name of Pere Lourdel, the first Roman Catholic priest to come to Uganda(1879 ). Masaaba pr.n. Mount Elgon. masadde, a- with the -a of rel. wavy, curly (of hair), euviiri ez’amasadde, curly/wavy hair. masagasaga, a-: ennyama ey’amasagasaga, meat cut from the shoulders of an animal. -emasagga (-emasazze) v.i. refl. misbehave; behave in a rather indecent manner. masajja, a- adv. manfully, in a manly way, bravely, cf. -sajja. masamasa (-masamasizza) v.i. shine, glitter, sparkle. masanda, a- plur. (li/ma) latex, rubber in its original state; sap. See the sing. essanda. masandasanda (la) kind of plant, Symphania globulifolia, masane plur. (li/ma) wonder, marvel. masannyalaze, a- plur. (li/ma) numbness; paralysis; per ext. electricity, cf. sannyalala. masaŋŋanzira, a- plur. (li/ma) crossroads, intersection. masasula, a- plur. (li/ma) time of payment, period of payment, cf. sasula. masavu, a- plur. (li/ma) fat. See the sing. essavu. maseeneeko, a- adv. for the sake of appearances; as a bluff. Effumu akntte lya maseeneeko. He has taken a spear (in his hand) just to make an impression. He is holding a spear just as a bluff, cf. seeneeka. masejjere, a- plur. (li/ma) time when the nsejjere appear, kubinuka masejjere, to have a wonderful time/a celebration. Masengere plur. (li/ma) formerly hall of justice of the Kabaka; as a common noun tribunal; court, amasengere ga Katonda, the tribunal of God. masengere, a- plur. (li/ma) slag, waste from smelting; kind of reddish-brown rock found in barren areas. maserengeta, a- plur. (li/ma) going down; downhill; descent, slope; south, southern part. cf. serengeta. masiga, a- (li/ma) planting season, cf. siga. masiikiini plur. bamasiikiini (la) [Sw,Ar] beggar; very poor person. masiira, a- plur. (li/ma) embroidery. cf. lsiira. masika (n/n) [Su>.] the great rainy season ( approx. April-May). masiko, a- plur. (li/ma) hope, expectation, okuggyayo amasiko, to give up hope. masira, a- plur. (li/ma) pus. masiro, a- plur. (li/ma) royal cemetery, burial place of kabakas and princes. Masiya nr. n. the Messiah of Christ. masoggola, a- plur. (li/ma) season/time for digging up potatoes (or other foods which grow near the surface of the ground), cf. soggola. masogola, a- plur. (li/ina) time of brewing beer; period of pressing bananas for the purpose of making mubisi(banana juice). cf. sogola. masosso, a- plur. (li/ma) remoteness; remote part; outskirts; solitude, as an adv. far off, far away. massekati, a- plur. (li/ma) (the) very center. Afrika ey’amassekali, Central Africa, as an adv. right in the middle, cf. amakkati, wakati. masubbaawa (li/ma) Muslim prayer beads. masuka (-masuse) v.i. go off (of a trap or spring); jump up, spring up; dart away, speed away, okumasuka obutnyu, to dart away like a hare. masula (-masudde) v.tr. cause to go off, set off (a trap or spring); snap; shoot (an arrow); eject, cause to fly off. cf. mansuka. masulubu, a- plur. (li/ma) moustache. masumba, a-: amagi amasumba, unfertilized eggs. masumi, a- plur. (li/ma) reappearance; return, amasumi g’omwezi, the period of the new moon. mata, a- plur. (li/ma) milk. cf. otuta. mataaba, a- plur. (li/ma) tobacco smoked at a funeral; gift of money made to the bereaved. cf. taaba. Mataali, A- plur. (li/ma) drums used by Muslims in their religious ceremonies. mataba, a- (li/ma) flood. The grammatical sing, ettaba means large pool, large puddle. cf. ekitaba, olutaba. matalaga, a- also amatalagatalaga plur. spaces; intervals, as an adv. at intervals; separately, amannyo ag’amatalaga, teeth with spaces between. Ennyumba zaazimbi- bwa amatalagatalaga. The houses were built over a scattered area/were put up at intervals, cf. entalaga. matale, a- plur. (li/ma) [Lunyoro] iron ore; waste from the smelting of iron ore. matalisi plur. bamatalisi (la) postal runner; messenger, cf. talika. matama, a- plur. of ettama, q.v. matamabbuuku invar, adj. fat-cheeked; chubby; very large. Ekijanjaalo matamabbuuku! What a large bean! matambulire, a- plur. (li/ma) whereabouts. Tombuuza matambulire ge. Don’t ask me about his whereabouts, cf. tambula. matana (la) [5 to. ] rare leprosy; period when a wound/injury becomes worse. matandiiko, a- plur. (li/ma) saddle; harness. cf tandiika. matandika, a- plur. (li/ma) beginning, cf. tandika. matankane (la) person of mixed racial origin. as an invar, adj. empale matankane, pants of an intermediate length, neither long nor short (such as those worn by returning war veterans), cf tankana. matanta, a- plur. (li/ma) pride; arrogance, insolence. mate, a- adv. on all fours, okwavula amate, to creep on all fours. matendo, a- see ettendo. matenist or mateniti (n/n) [Eng.'] maternity (hospital). matereke: kulya matereke, to fight furiously; to play/compete furiously (e.g., of two opposing teams ). matigga, a- plur. (li/ma) kind of drumming, kusuula mu matigga, to get (someone) into trou ble. matiitiiri, a- adv. okufukamira amatiitiiri, to kneel on one’s haunches, okutuula amatiitiiri, to sit on one’s haunches; to be uneasy/anxious, be on pins and needles. Twasuze matiitiiri. We spent an anxious night. matikkirwa, a- plur. (li/ma) crowning, coronation. cf. tikka. matira (-matidde) v.i. be satisfied. matiza (-matizza) v.tr. caus. satisfy. -ematiza (-ematizza) v.i. caus. refl. satisfy oneself. matiribona, a- plur. (li/ma) decorations; ornaments. The sing, ttiribona is rare. matobo, a- also amatobotobo adv. superficially; in a rush; in a hasty and careless manner. cf. entobo. matongo, a- plur. (li/ma) deserted village; deserted area. matooke, a- plur. of ettooke, q.v. mattansejjere, a- plur. (li/ma) the time between midnight and dawn, lit. the time for killing (tta) nspiiof* (a kind of termite which comes out at about midnight or slightly later). All mu mattansejjere. He is sound asleep. matu, a- ears. plur. of okutu, q.v. matugamukadde (li/ma) kind of large mushroom, lit. ears of an old man. cf. tuga, omukadde. matugutugu, a- adv. in a fumbling/unsteady manner. matulutulu, a- plur. (li/ma) early dawn, mu matulutulu, at early dawn. matunnunsi, a- adv. hastily, without proper consideration. Lipoota baagisembya matunnunsi. They supported the report without giving it proper consideration, cf. entunnunsi. matwale, a- plur. of ettwale, q.v. maviire, a- plur. (li/ma) place of origin, place where one comes from; place from which one has arrived. Ggwe wategedde amaviire ge? Do you know where he comes from? cf. va, viira. mavumbavutnba, a- adv. okukwata amavumba- vumba, to hold tightly; to apprehend swiftly (someone unprepared to resist), cf. vumba. mavumiro, a- plur. (li/ma) okwekuba ama- vumiro, to be dejected/sad; to come to grief. cf. vutna. maw- the initial element of the plur. of many nouns with singulars in ggw-: ggwanga — mawanga, nation-s. mawa, a- plur. (li/ma) kind of very strong beer which is fermented in a calabash inside of the house. mawaggali, a- plur. (li/ma) obstinacy; pride, conceit; self-centeredness, with the -a of rel. obstinate; proud, cf. eggwaggali. mawale (la) stubborn/intractible/rebellious person. mawangwa, a- adv. naturally; properly. cf. obuwangwa. mawano, a- plur. of ejjano, q.v. mawanvuwanvu, a- adv. lengthwise, cf. -wanvu. mawemu, a- plur. (li/ma) rare shame, shamefulness. cf. -wemu, wemuka. mawemuukirano, a- plur. (li/ma) shame, disgrace (particularly that associated with illegitimate birth), embuzi y’amawemuuki- rano, a goat offered by the seducer to the parents of the girl in expiation for his offense. cf. -wemu, wemuka. mawennange, a- plur. (li/ma) pain in the bones caused by syphilis. maweno interj. of surprise, cf. amawano (under ejjano). mawogo: from omuwogo, cassava. Enda mawogo ezaala omulungi n'omubi. fprov.J lit, The womb is like mawogo which produces both good and bad. Parents can have both good and bad children. mawolu, a- plur, of eggwolu, q.v. mawuggwe, a- plur. of egguggwe, q.v. mawujju, a- see amawunjuwunju. Mawuledi, A- pr.n. Muslim festival celebrating the birth of the Prophet. mamulire, a- plur. (ii/ma) news; report; information. olupapula lw’amawulire, newspaper, ow’amawulire (plur. ab’amawulire), journalist; newspaperman, reporter, eby’amawu- lire, journalism, cf. wulira, eggulire, munnamawulire. mawunjuwunju, a- also amawujju(wujju) adv. by the side, with the -a of rel. remote, akakubo ak’amawunjuwunju, out-of-the-way path; shortcut, cf. wunja. mawuuno invar, adj. amazing, incredible, unbelievable. ekyeya mawuuno, a period of incredible drought. may- the initial element of the plural of many nouns b eginning in jj-: jjinja — mayinja, rock-s. In cases of this sort the stem begins with y- as do other derivatives: -yinja, kayinja, guyinja, etc. Mayanja pr.n. river dividing Ssingo and Bulemeezi Counties. mayengo, a- plur. of ejjengo, q.v. mayenje, a- plur. of ejjenje, q.v. mayenje, a-: enkoko ey’amayenje, speckled fowl. mayingo, a- plur. (li/ma) trap/hole for catching mmale fish. mayinja, a- plur. of ejjinja, q.v. mayiŋŋaanyi, a- plur. (li/ma) portion of meat (eight ribs) given to the third spearer on a hunt. cf. yiŋŋaanya. mayira, a-: used in phrases of the following pattern: Emmeeme yansala mayira. I became nervou s/worried/distraught. mayiro spelled mairo, mailo (n/'n) mile, ekikondo kya mayiro, mile post. contr. emmayiro. mayisa, a- plur. (li/ma) manners, behavior; bad behavior, amayisa amalungi, good conduct. AI * ku kibonerezo kya mayisa. He is serving a sentence of life imprisonment. cf. ^yita, yisa, empisa. mayitire, a- plur. (li/ma) whereabouts. Simanyi mayitire ge. I don’t know his whereabouts. I don’t know where he is. o cf. yita, yitira. mayumba, a- plur. of ennyumba, q.v. mayute, a- plur. of ejjute, q.v. mayuuga, a- plur. of ejjuuga, q.v. maza caus. of mala, q.v. mazaalibwa, a- plur. (li/ma) birthday, cf. zaala. mazi, a- plur. (li/ma) excrement; dung. maziika, a- plur. (li/ma) funeral, burial. cf. ziika. mazima, a- plur. (li/ma) truth, as an adv. actually, truly, in truth. mazimba, a- plur. (li/ma) period of construction, time of construction; process of building. Yaleka ennvumba eri wakati mu mazimba. He left the house when it was half built/in the middle of construction. cf. Izimba. mazina, a- plur. (li/ma) dance(s); dancing; time of dancing, cf. zina. mazirampewo, a- plur. (li/ma) mu mazirampe- *10 ag’oku makya, in the very early hours of the morning, cf. zira, empewo. mazuukira, a- plur. (li/ma) resurrection (from the dead); with cap. Easter, cf. zuukira. mazuuku, a- plur. (li/ma) something wonderful/extraordinary. mazzi, a- plur. (li/ma) water; colloq. liquor, beer, okukuba amazzi, to drink beer, oku- komba amazzi, to drink large quantities of beer or liquor, cf. lizzi (erizzi), oluzzizzi, otuzzi. mbaala, e- (n/n) kind of termite, cf. aka- baala, ekibaala. mbaale, e- (n/n) wedge. mbaalebaale, e- (n/n) flintiness, hardness. mbaata, e- (n/n) duck, mbaatakabuzi, goose, cf. baatabaata. mbabbalala, e- plur. (n/n) side of the face. cf. oluba. mbaga, e- (n/n) wedding; feast, banquet, embaga ez'omu maka, house parties, entertaining at home, embaga y’obugole, wedding party, c f. akabaga. mbaggubaggu, e- with the -a of rel. tough, aggressive, indomitable, hard-boiled. embaggubaggu y'omusajja, an aggressive man. mbagirawo, e- adv. suddenly, with the -a of rel. sudden, olumbe olw’embagirawo, sudden illness. Mbaguta pr.n. the name of an Ankole kingknown for his severity, okukuba egya mbaguta, to beat/whip severely. mbajjo, e- (n/n) chisel. mbaki, e- (n/n) kind of large yellow wild cat; wild/uncontrollable person, very skilled goalkeeper (in soccer). mbala, e- (n/n) way of counting, way of reckoning, cf. ^bala. mbala, e- (n/n) kind; type; sort; appearance. cf. ebbala, ^ekibala. mbalaasi, e- (n/n) [Ar., Sw.2 horse, emba- laasi ez’empaka, race horses. mbalabaasa, e- t>or. of embalasaasa, q.v. mbalabala, e- (n/n) kind of spotted tick which is far more dangerous to cattle than the usual ticks. mbalabe, e- (n/n) pimple on the face; acne. mbalakaso, e- (n/n) groin, hollow of the thigh. mbalangu, e- (n/n) often as attrib. to another substantive, intrepid/bold person; brusque person, embalangu y’omusajja or omusajja embalangu, intrepid man. cf. balangula. mbalasaasa, e- also embalabaasa (n/n) kind of small poisonous snake. Mmwe emisota, abaana b’embalasaasa. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers (Matth. XXIII, 33). mbalaza, e- plur. of olubalaza, q.v. mbale, e- see -bale. mbaliga, e- (n/n) splayfootedness; fig. nonconformity, deviation from an accepted pattern of action, ow’embaliga, one who walks with both feet pointed outwards, okusaawa ku mbaliga, colloq. to walk. Yandeeta embaliga mu mwoyo. He caused me to change my attitude towards him (for the worse). Ebintu bigenda mbaliga Things are going wretchedly. , Alima embaliga. He is unconventional/does the opposite of what other people do. cf. baliga. mbalirira, e- (n/n) way of counting/reckoning. embalirira y’ensimbi, budget. cf. ^bala, balirira. mbaluka, e- (n/n) syphilitic chancre. mbalule, e- (n/n) beer bananas which are not fully ripe. mbalwa, e- (n/n) kind of small rodent with longitudinal stripes and a very unpleasant smell. mbaso, e- (n/n) stones used in playing a children’s game. cf. baka. mbavu, e- (n/n) strength; power, with the -a of rel. strong, powerful. Nnali sinoonya wa kwegera naye mbavu. I was not looking for anyone to measure my strength with/to fight with, abasajja ab'embavu bataano, five strong/powerful men. Okutya kwazika embavu. Fear makes one strong, lit. lends strength. mbazuulu, e- (n/n) unruliness, wild behavior; erratic behavior. mbazzi, e- (n/n) ax. cf. bajja. mbebere, e-: okutunula embebere, to look sheepish/embarrassed/ashamed. mbeebo, e- (n/n) small skin cape worn over the shoulders. mbeekuulo, e- (n/n) kukuba mbeekuulo, to shout /as children at play). mbeera, e- (n/n) being; state, condition, embeera y’obudde, weather, climate, okuva mu mbeera, to get out of sorts, to become worked up/disturbed, lit. leave one's (usual) State, eby'embeera z’abantu, community development, public welfare, cf. ba, beera. mbeere, e- (n/n) female edible rat (musu). mbeerera, e- (n/n) virgin. Omuwala Embeere- ra, the Virgin Mary (Prot.). cf. obubeerevu. mbega plur. bambega (la) detective; spy. c f. 3iega. mbegedde = ombegeddematono, q.v. mberebezi, e- (n/n) bad luck, misfortune; mishap. mberege, e- (n/n) small reddish-colored pig; fig. intrepid/bold person. mbereko, e- (n/n) deposit of money to hold an article for future purchase, cf. bereka. mberenge, e- (n/n) dry com/maize; dried ear of corn; popcorn; the natural juice which comes out during the initial processes of preparing banana beer. Oli omwana mberenge bulala! That child is very bright/ intelligent. mberi, e- (n/n) [Sw.J front, mu mberi, adv. in front, cf. wamberi. mbi, e-: eby’embi, unfortunately, cf. -bi. -mbi, -mbiriri inclusive enumerative pron. & adj. both, both of. The forms with the disjunctive pronouns are-’ ffembi(riri), both of us; mmwembi(riri), both of you; bombi(riri), both of them. Also used with pronominal concordants. ebitabo byombi, both books. cf. -biri, -nsatule. mbibi, e- (n/n) border, boundary (esp. of gardens j. mbidde, e- (n/n) banana used for making beer. Mbidde ky’ekutuma togaana. (prov.) lit. Beer — what it sends you to do — you do not refuse. Beer determines the acts of the drunkard, cf. ebbidde. mbiga, e- (n/n) native oven. More commonly kabiga, q.v. mbiibi, e- (n/n) malice, ill will, rancor. mbiibya, e- (n/h) way of dancing, okubuza embiibya, to confuse. Yambuza embiibya. He completely confused me. cf. biibya. mbinabina, e-: okukwata mu mbinabina,.to put the hands on the hips. cf. bina, akabina. mbira, e- (n/n) bead. cf. ^akabira. mbiranye, e- (n/n) conflict. Ensi ezo ziri ku mbiranye. These countries are at odds with each other/in a state of conflict, kusuza ku mbiranye, to give a great deal of trouble to. Alina kiyegu kimusuza ku mbiranye. He has a case of the flu which is causing him trouble/keeping him awake all night. mbirigo, e- (n/n) kind of game played by children; one of the sticks used in playing this game. cf. biriga. mbiro, e- (n/n) speed, as an adv. quickly, swiftly, okusala ku mbiro, to cut down one’s speed, okulwala embiro, to have diarrhea, cf. obunnambiro. mbiru, e- (n/n) log to slide a canoe over. mbizzi, e- (n/n) pig, hog. embizzi ey’omu nsiko, wild pig. mbo, e- (n/n) seeds of the raffia palm. cf. ^ekibo. mbobya, e- (n/n) kind of small white termite. cf. olubobya. mboga, e- (n/n) cabbage. mbogo, e- (n/n) buffalo. Ekika ky’Embogo, the Buffalo Clan. cf. kabogo. mbojjanyi, e- (n/n) disagreement, misunderstanding; dispute; quarrel, cf. bojja, bojjana. mboleera: kwebaka mboleera, to sleep soundly and for a long time. mbolo, e- (n/n) penis. mboobo, e- (n/n) tail of an animal; whisk. mbooge, e- (n/n) kind of edible plant, resembling spinach but with smaller leaves. It cooks very rapidly, hence the following idiomatic usage: Embooge teyabuguma nga tutuuse. We arrived in no time at all, lit. the mbooge had not even become warm. mboosa, e- also embooseera (n/n) as an attribute ripe (of fruit); fig. beautiful (e.g., of girls), emboosa y’omuyembe, a beautifully ripe mango, omuwala emboosa, a beautiful girl. cf. booseera. mboozi, e- (n/n) conversation, talk; account, narration; essay. Emboozi yagwa aroake- rendu. The conversation went very smoothly. They (we, you) had a very fine convex sation. cf. oluboozi. mbovu, e- (n/n) kind of catfish = ssemu- tundu, q. v. mbowe, e- (n/n) object held as security for the payment of a debt. cf. bowa, -bowe. mbu conj. to introduce reported speech that, namely. It is similar in function, to nti (q.v.) but implies doubt and unc ertainty. Yagamba nti alijja. He said that he would come. Yagamba mbu alijja. He said that he would come (but I am not at all sure that he will), as an adv. it would seem that, apparently, one might get the impression, they say. Mbu omubbi bamukutte. Apparently (I think, I have heard) they have caught the thief. mbubbu, e- (n/n) tall grass with prickly spicules. mbubu, e- (n/n) indigestion, cf. bubula. mbuga, e- (n/n) court of law; chief’s enclosure. embuga y’okutu, area behind the ear, mastoid process, okubuuza embuga, to vomit, okukuba mu mbuga, to bring (someone) to court, sue. cf. ekibuga. mbugga, e- (n/n) kind of ngege (a freshwater fish, Tilapia esculenta). mbugubugu, e- (n/n) hollow cheeks, drawn cheeks (from old age or loss of teeth). Agudde embugubugu. He has drawn cheeks. mbulabuzi, e- (n/n) wild goat. cf. bula, embuzi. mbulaga, e- adv. on the spot, instantly. mbulakalevu, e- (n/n) youth, lit. lacking (bula) beard on the chin (kalevu). also as an invar, adj. omulenzi embulakalevu, youth. mbulakayu, e- (n/n) homeless person, one who lacks (bula) a little house (akayu). mbulakirevu, e- less common var. of mbulakalevu, q.v. mbutanta, e- (n/n) idler, good-for-nothing; ignorant person, cf. butantala. Mbuubi pr.n. the title of the chief of Buvuma County (Ssaza). mbuukuuli, e- (n/n) club with a large head, embankin'!; y’oBiuggr., i.icn. mbuula, e- (n/n) bachelor; poor boy, poor kid. cf. ^-wuula. mbuulira, e- (n/n) way of telling; way of preaching, kind of preaching, preaching; doctrine, cf. buulira. mbuutu, e- (n/n) drum which is convex at the sides and which is beaten with the hands; rhythm produced by the drum. mbuyaana, e- (n/n) trouble; confusion, chaos. mbuyaga, e- (n/n) stormy wind, okuba mbuyaga ekunta, to die, be dead, lit. be the wind which blows. Ate ddala mba kukikola, singa kati ndi mbuyaga ezikaza engoye. Indeed if I had done it I would be dead by now, lit. would be the wind which dries the clothes, cf. kubuyaga. mbuzekogga, e- also embuzi ekogga (n/n) prison, jail, lit. the goat (mbuzi) gets thin (ekogga). mbuzi, e- (n/n) goat, okusiba amatu g’embuzi ku muntu, to make a scapegoat of a person, lit. pin the ears of the goat on someone. mbwa, e- (n/n) dog. Yadduka za mbwa. He ran very fast. Ekika ky’Embwa, the Dog Clan, kusanga mbwa, to have miserable luck; to go on a trip and fail in one’s objective, lit. to meet a dog (on the way, a bad omen), cf. obubwa, akabwa, ^olubwa, Wambwa. mbwa, e- (n/n) kind of small fly, Simuliam damnosum. mbwagulo, e- (n/n) as an adj. raw, not well done (of potatoes), cf. bwagula. mbwazirume (la) kind of banana. mbwebwe with the -a of rel. half-cooked (chiefly of potatoes). mbyone, e-: ebya mbyone, mischief, improper acts, bad behavior. meere, a- plur. (li/ma) large expanse of water, kusibira ku mmeere, to imprison, send to prison, send ‘down the river.’ This phrase has its origin in the fact that Luzira Prison is near the lake shore. meewola, a- plur. (li/ma) time of making a loan; process of making a loan. cf. 2woIa, -ewola. meeya plur. bameeya (la) [Eng. 3 mayor. megenya (-megenyezza) v.tr. crunch; munch, munch on; chew on. megerera (-megeredde) v.i. smile; have a lively/attractive/healthy appearance (esp. of young girls and brides). megga (-mezze) v.tr. throw in wrestling; defeat; overwhelm. Omulangira ebigezo bya- mumezze. The prince has flunked his examinations. meggebwa (-meggeddwa) v.i. pass. be thrown, etc. okumeggebwa omusango gw’obubbi, to be convictedof the charge of theft. meggana (-megganye) v.i. recip. to wrestle (of one person); to wrestle (with each other); fig. wrestle with, struggle with (e.g., one’s course of studies). cf. omumegganyi; megguza. megguza (-megguzizza) v.tr. knock down; hurl down, hurl to the ground. -emegguza (-emegguzizza) v.i. refl. hurl oneself down. cf. megga. meguka (-meguse) v.i. break, break off; crumble; fall to pieces. megula (-megudde) v.tr. break, break off; cause to crumble. cf. mogoka. -meka interrog. numer. how many? emirundi emeka? how many times? how often? ka- meka? how often? Ssaawa mmeka? What time is it? cf. kameka, okumeka. meketa (-mekese) v.tr. chew (something hard); crunch; nibble at; gnaw. Amagumba gammeketa. My bones ache. -emeketa (-emekese) v.i. refl. act as if one is chewing; smack one’s lips. mema (-memye) v.i. bum; fig. stmt around proudly, show off. cf. -ememula. memeka (-memese) v.tr. accuse, denounce. Leka kummemeka bigambo. Stop accusing me falsely/ascribing words to me that I have not said. memettuka (-memettuse) also mementuka v.i. make a crunching/grinding sound. memettula (-memettudde) also mementula v.tr. crush; crunch; grind with the teeth. memuka (-raemuse) v.i. resound, burst out (of a noise, cry); burn; shine. -ememula (-ememudde) v.i. refl. bum (of light or fire); blaze; shine. Ennyumba twa- girabye nga yememula. We saw the house in flames. cj. mema. menkanyi, a- plur. (li/ma) equality, okugaba amenkanyi, to divide into equal parts, cf. yenkana. menkula (-menkudde) v.tr. munch, chew; eat; ruminate, cf. olumenku. menvu, a- plur. of lyenvu (eryenvu), q.v. menya (-menye) v.tr. break; break into (e.g., a house); destroy; capture (a stronghold); bend at the joint; close (a pocket knife, umbrella); refute, counter; retract; mention, refer to. okumenya akawonvu na kagga, to go into great detail, lit. mention the little valley and the little river, okumenya olu- kanda, to perform the rites at the birth of twins, okumenya emisoso, to give the details. okumenya ku mutwe, to nod the head. Musoke yamenyawo Mayanja mu bugagga. Musoke has now outstripped Mayanja in wealth. -emenya (-emenye) v.i. refl. get broken/ fractured; humble oneself; give in; apologize; admit guilt. Yatwemenyera. He apologized to us. menyera (-menyedde) v.tr. appl. break for/ in, etc. Bannange lubamenyedde busa. My friends, you have come here in vain (-lu- implies lugendo, trip). menyeza (-menyezza) v.tr. appl. caus. kumenyeza mutwe, to nod the head, bend the head down, kumenyeza ppamba, to break off the middle bud of a young cotton plant. menyeka (-menyese) v.i. neut. be broken/ crushed; give in; relax one’s demands/conditions. Obudde bumenvese. The heat of the day has started to diminish (about 3 P.M.). cf. -menye, -menyefu, obumenye, kamenya, kamenyambazzi, kimenyoomenyo, omumenyi. -menye ad), broken, ekiso ekimenye, pocket knife, emmundu emmenye, breachloader. emmotoka emmenye, a convertible (automobile). cf. menya. -menyefu adj. broken. Oluganda olumenye- fumenyefu, very ‘broken’ Luganda. cf. menya, menyeka. mera (-meze) v.i. sprout; grow (of plants); fig. become well established (in a position). kumera ku muntu, to chase after a person, pursue with the purpose of attack. Nnalaba ogusolo emabega waffe nga gutu- mezeeko, I saw a huge animal behind us pursuing us hotly. Maama we olwavaawo woowe (or yaaye) n’amera ku mumwa. As soon as his mother went away he started crying, kumera lutiko, to break out in goose pimples, kumerako bwebindu, to act very important, put on airs, kumerawo, to succeed, come next. mererera (-mereredde) v.i. appl. 2 be self-sown. meza (-mezezza) v.tr. caus. cause to grow; raise, put up. cf. ebimera, ekimererezi, ekyemeza, amamera, emmere; tneruka. meremeenya (-meremeenye) v.i. shine, glisten. meremetta (-meremesse) v.i. shine, glisten. merengula (-merengudde) v.tr. crush, crush to pieces, pulverize. meruka (-meruse) v.i. sprout, sprout up (of seeds ). merula (-merudde) v.tr., merusa (-meru- sizza) v.tr. caus. cause to sprout/grow. cf. mera. metta (-messe) v.tr. put on, plaster on, daub on; smear on to excess ('cosmetics, creams, etc.). mettuka (-mettuse) v.i. be crushed/flattened. mettula (-mettudde) v.tr. crush; hurl, throw; hurl down violently. meza caus. of mera, q.v. Micwa plur. (mu/mi) the period of the reign of Kabaka Daudi Cwa (Chwa). migamba, e- plur. (mu/mi) net of banana fiber in which calabashes are kept. miima (-miimye) v.tr. squeeze; tighten; pinch; compress. Twamusanze mu kirabo ng'amazzi gamumiimye. colloq. We found him intoxicated in a bar, lit. the water had squeezed him. cf. kamiimo. miimuula (-miimudde) v.tr. tie very tightly (e.g., a rope), cf. myumyula. -emiisa (-emiisizza) v.tr. refl. sip, sip at; drink, v.i. put on airs. Mikaabya always plur. (mu/mi) the period of the reign of Kabaka Muteesa 1 (otherwise known as Mukaabya). cf. kaabya, Mu- kaabya. mima (-mimye) v.tr. sip. mimiira (-mimidde) v.i. be surly/churlish; scowl. mineene, e- plur. (mu/mi) troubles, prob- minoko, e- plur. (mu/mi) bad habits. minsa (-minsizza) v.tr. eat slowly and with deliberation; sip (a liquid). minsane, minsani (ri/n) [Eng. J mission, organization devoted to missionary activities. minvuuli (n/n) umbrella, var. of manvuuli, q.v. minyaalika, e-: okufuuwa eminyaalika, to be conceited/indifferent; to have no regard for others. minyira, e- plur. (mu/mi) mucus of the nose; fig. trouble, difficulties, problems. Atu- leetedde eminyira. He has caused us a lot of trouble, cf. akalindaminyira. minzaani, e- (n/n) [Stu., Ar.] scales for weighing. mir- often - mu + 1. Nouns of the mu/mi class with an initial 1- in the stem are affected by this change: mulimu, plur. m i ri m u. mira (-mize) v.tr. swallow, kumira bugobo, to gulp down, bolt; to believe anything one is told, be gullible, kumira maziga, to hold back the tears; to stop crying, kumira ppinu, lit, to swallow a pin, i.e., to be resolute/ determined/brave in the face of impending danger, kumira mangota ng’embuzi, to gulp down noisily, kumira nkambi, to sip. kumira mwoyo, to be brave in the face of pain/danger, keep a ‘stiff upper lip.’ kumira mmwan- yi, lit. to swallow coffee berries, i.e., to make a blood brotherhood pact (with someone). kumira ku ddusu, to experience a feeling of relief (e.g., after a crisis). Bye r.ksgambyc Limire. Keep what 1 have told you to yourself. miza (-mizizza) v.tr. caus. cause to swallow. kumiza mukka (musu) , lit. to cause to swallow (fresh) air, i.e., to kill. cf. akamiro, ekimiro, emmizi, omumiro, omumizi: mirungula. miraalira, e- plur. (mu/mi) congestion in the lungs, difficulty in breathing, cf. laalira. miraatiira, e- plur. of omulaatiira, q.v. mirannamiro, e- plur. of mulannamiro, q.v. mireekaano, e- plur. (mu/mi) shouting; brawling, wrangling, cf. leekaana. mirembe, e- plur. of omulembe, q.v. mirerembe, e- plur. of omulerembe, q.v. miroboli, e- plur. of omuloboli, q.v. miromyo, e- plur. (mu/mi) incessant or pointless talk, blathering, cf. loma. mirungula (-mirungudde), mirungusa (-miru- ngusizza) or miringusa (-miringusizza) v.tr. devour; gobble up; eat with zest. cf. mira. miryango, e- front of the house; living room. plur. of omulyango, q.v. misana, e- plur. of ^omusana, q.v. Misiri pr.n. (n/n) Egypt. Misuuna, e- always plur. (mu/mi) the period of the reign of Kabaka Ssuuna. mitala, e- see omutala. mitawaana, e- plur. of omutawaana, q.v. mitwetwe, e- always plur. (mu/mi) head of the bed, headboards of the bed. also as adv. akasomero akali emitwetwe wa Kampala, a small school which is north of Kampala, cf. omutwe. mivvuunuko, e- adv. emivvuunuko w'olusozi, over/beyond the hill. cf. vvuunuka. miza caus. of mira, q.v. mizi, e- plur. (mu /mi) dung. mm (low or mid tone) interj. expressing agreement or a reply to a greeting. mma (-mtnye, nnyimye) v.tr. refuse to give; grudge; withold. Ebintu ng’ebyo osaana kubimma mazzi. You should never say anything about these matters, lit. you should withhold water from them. mmibwa (-mmiriddwa) v.i. pass, be refused, etc. mmira (-mmidde) v.tr. appl. refuse in/at, etc. mmya (-mmizza), mmisa (-mmisizza) v.tr. caus. 1 & 2 cause to grudge, etc. cf. omummi, ennyima. mmaali, e- (n/n) [Sw., Ar.] wealth; possessions; money. mmaanu, e- (n/h) [Eng., Heb.~] manna. mmaapu also spelled maapu (n/n) [£ng. ] map. mmaaya, e- (n/h or la) ostrich. mmale, e- (n/n) mudfish, Clarias mossambicus. cf. obumale. mmamba, e- (n/h) lungfish (kind of long, eelshaped fish), Protoperus aethiopicus. Ekika ky’Emmamba, the Lungfish Clan. Omulya mmamba aba omu, n’avumaganya ekika. ft>rov.) He who ate the lungfish (and thereby violates a taboo) is one, (but) he brings the whole clan into disrepute. The evil of one can be the undoing of many. cf. aka- bamba. mmamba (la) kind of gonja plantain used particularly in making beer. mmambavu, e- (n/n) swelling of the glands, adenitis. mmambo, e* plur. of olubambo, q.v. mmambya, e- (n/h) dawn. Emmambya yali eri kumpi okusala. It was almost dawn, lit. dawn was near to cutting. mmana, e- (n/n) vagina. mmanda, e- (n/h) chest, bosom. mmanduso, e- (n/n) trigger (of a gun or trap); accelerator (of a car); shutter release (of a camera); switch, cf. banduka. mmandwa, e- (n/n) spirit medium; oracle, person through whom a lubaale speaks, ku- gatta na mmandwa mngugu, to do something risky; to involve oneself with someone who is unreliable. Sigatta na mandwa mugu- gu. I have no dealings with him. I am suspicious of him. cf. bandwa. mmanga, e- adv. below, down below; over there, cf. ekyemmanga, wammanga. mmanga, e- plur. of olubanga, q.v. mmangala, e- (n/n) kind of small edible rat, lesser cane rat. cf. akabangala. mmange (la) my mother, cf. nnyina. mmanju, e- as an adv. at the back of the house; in the rear, behind, emmanju waffe, behind us. emmanju w’olubiri, behind the palace, at the rear of the palace, oluggi •Jin'ciumaiiju, ilic back uuor. cf. enju. mmanvu, e- (n/n) dugout canoe; vat in which beer is kept; bibl. manger, cf. ebbanvu, ekibanvu. mmasu, e- (n/n) trap for larger animals. cf. akamasu. mmayiro, e- also occurs as mailo (n/n) special category of landed property. (The mailo system, providing for the confirmation of ownership and allotment of land, was devised at the beginning of the century), omu- kubi wa mmayiro, surveyor, okukuba emma- yiro, to survey, contr. mayiro. mmeeme, e- (n/n) described in previous dictionaries as: sternum, sternal cartilage; pit of the stomach; internal bodily part. It is now used almost always in a figurative sense: heart, soul, seat of the emotions. It occurs in hundreds of phrases and expressions of which the following is a sampling: mu ngeri ya kawanika mmeeme, in a frightening way. kwekuba mmeeme, to reconsider, emmeeme n’enfa, and my heart sank/I was utterly distressed. Nze emmeeme yangwa wala. I became very depressed. Otukubye wala emmeeme. You have really given us a scare. Emmeeme yamudda mu nteeko. He felt relieved, lit. his heart went back in place, ow’emmeeme etawaana amangu, one who is easily nauseated. Emmeeme entye- muse. 1 am terribly anxious/concerned/ shocked. Kino kyali ng’ekyawanula emmeeme ye. This seemed to relieve him/ calm him down. Emmeeme katale, ky’esiima ky’egula. (prov.) The heart is like going to market — it buys what it wants. Emmeeme gy’esula, ebigere gye bikeera. fprov.J Where the heart sleeps is where the feet- go in the morning, i.e., when you sleep with the intention of doing something, that is what you do. Emmeeme etefumba kigambo ekwo- geza munno ky’atagenda kwerabira. (prov.) lit. The heart which does not fashion well the spoken word makes you say what your friend will never forget. The spoken word can never be retracted. mmeeri, e- (n/n) [Ste., Eng. mail] steamer, steamship; ship. mmeeza, e- (n/n) CSu>., Port.] table. mmekete, e- (n/n) with or without the -a of rel. forceful, strong, aggressive, daring; distinguished, emmekete y omusajja or omusajja emmekete, a daring, aggressive man. mmembe, e- (n/n) crust on burnt food. cf. bemba. mmende, e- (n/n) emmese emmende, pigmy field mouse, cf. olubende. mmende, e- (n/n) kind of banana used for making beer. Mmengo pr.n. one of the seven hills of Kampala; formerly district and political center of the Kingdom of Buganda. cf. benga, olubengo. mmere, e- (n/n) food. Yamumaza emmere. He killed him, lit. made him finish (his) food. Taggya mmere ku mumwa. He is always eating, kutunula ng’emmere eremye abagenyi, to look terrible, appear to be in bad shape (of persons), lit. look like the food left over from the guests, cf. mera, obumere. mntiimo, e- (n/n) kind of small fish net. mmiino, e- (n/n) rare large heap. mmimbiri, e- (n/n) kind of tree which produces a deadly poison, Spondianthus ugandensis; poison (produced by the tree). It is also called muttambuzi, lit. it kills the goats. mmindi, e- (stem-bindi) (n/h) pipe ( for smoking), bukya luba nga luba lwa mmindi, for a very long time, kwogera bikulire nga mmindi, to speak with the wisdom of experience. Omwenge oguli eri n’ow’emmindi asena. There is a tremendous quantity of beer over there, lit. the one with a pipe draws (some). Tolikula olibnmba mmindi/ You are not going to grow up molding pipes, i.e., are you going to behave like a child all your life? cf. akabindi, ekibindi, olubindi. mmira, mmisa appl. & caus. 2 of mma, q.v. Mmissa, E- (n/h) Rom. Cath. mass. mmizi, e- with the -a of rel. quiet; taciturn; withdrawn, introverted; discreet; restrained, temperate, abantu abatalina mitima gya mmizi, people who show no restraint. ebibuuzo ebitaliimu mmizi, meaningless/ pointless question, cf. mira. mmo invar, adj. highly skilled, very proficient, expert. Abaana be bonna mmo mu kuyimba. All of his children are very good at singing. mmoggo, e- (n/n) kind of larva which attacks ntula or njagi fruit. mmomboze, e- (n/n) vagabond, wanderer; stranger; foreigner; homeless/stateless person. cf. bomboka. mmome, e- (n/n) stupid/foolish person, kutta mmome, to kill (a person or animal uiho is incapable of s elf-defens e). mmommololo var. of mmummululu, q.v. mmondo, e- (n/n) serval cat. mmongoota no plur. (la) sleeping sickness, African trypanosomiasis, cf. bongoota. mmotoka, e- (n/n) [Eng. ] automobile, car. nnamba y’emmotoka, license plate. mmu: be mmu ideo. expressing quietness. Twabunira be mmu. We fell completely silent. mmuka (-mmuse, nnyimuse) v.i. be lively/ active; respond/react positively; ooze, flow (particularly of banana juice). Okutuuka mu nju yasanga ssabbuuni amaze okummu- kira mu lubugo. When he arrived in the house he found that the soap was producing suds in the barkcloth, i.e., that things were really happening. mmuli, e- plur. of olumuli, q.v. mmuliso, e- also emmulisiso (n/n) torch; flashlight, cf. 1mul isa. mmuluku (la) kind of plant which has medicinal uses. mmumba, e- (n/n) way/manner of molding; design, form (of a bowl or piece of pottery). cf. bumba. mmumbwa, e- (n/n) a mixture of clay and native medicines formed into a cylindrical shape. It is stored in a dry state and, as the occasion requires, it is mixed with water and used as a medicine, cf. bumba. mmummululu: be mmummululu, adv. alone, bv oneself; uniquely. Bandeka bw’omu be mmummululu. They left me all by myself/ alone. Uganda tezibangako bbiri, eri emu be mmummululu. Uganda never was (divided into) two, it is one and indivisible. mmundu, e- (stem -bundu) (n/n) gun, rifle, okukuba emmundu, to fire a gun. cf. aka- bundu, eki bundu. mmunye, e- (n/n) pupil of the eye; eye. okutunuulira mu mmunye, to look (someone) square in the eye. cf. ekimunye. mmunyeenye, e- (n/n) star; planet; firefly; asterisk; slang beloved, cf. munyeenya. mmunyungu, e- (n/n) enkima emmunyungu, colobus monkey. mmwanyi, e- (n/n) coffee berry; coffee in the natural state. Emmwanyi gye weesiga y’etebaamu mulamwa. (prov.) The coffee berry which you trust may not have a bean in it. Appearances are deceiving, kumira mmwanyi, to make a blood brotherhood pact (with someone), lit. to swallow coffee berries, cf. akamwanyimwanyi, omumwanyi. mmwe disjunctive pers. pron. 2nd. plur. you. mwekka, only you. mwembi, mwembiriri, you two, the two of you. mmya caus. of mma, q.v. mmye: be mmye ideo. expressing complete emptiness Ensawo ya Kintu nkalu be mmye. Kintu has no money at all, lit. his pocket is completely empty. moga (-moze) v.i. look; be awake; be alive, be hale and hearty, kumoga bukofu (from nkofu, guinea fowl), to be still awake, be sleepless, cf. ekimogo. mogo: be mogo, ideo. crack! pop! cf. mogoka. mogoka (-mogose) v.i. break off; be chipped off; crumble; fall to pieces. mogola (-mogodde) v.tr. break off; chip off, etc. cf. meguka, mogo. mokkola (-mokkodde) v.tr. blurt out, utter abruptly and impulsively, cf. mottola. momya (-momezza) v.tr. knock, strike, beat, hit. -emonkoola (-emonkodde) v.i. refl., also -emonsoola play around, kid around; play the clown, make faces; act irresponsibly. Beemonkoolera ku mmotoka yange. They are messing around with my automobile. moola (-modde) v.i. okumooia amaaso, to look coy/shy. -emoola (-emodde) v.i. refl. make faces, grimace; act coy; act foolishly. Tonne* emoolerako! Don’t fool around with me! moozoola (-moozodde) okumoozoola amaaso, to look coy/shy; to be sleepless, have one’s eyes open (in bed). Obudde bumoozoola. It is dawning. Ekiswa kimoozoola. The termites in the termite hill are getting ready to fly. cf. ^zoola. -emosoggola (-emosoggodde) v.i. refl. act in a showy manner, make a spectacle of oneself. mosola (-mosodde) v.tr. steal little by little, filch. motangu (mu/mi) kind of hardwood tree, African blackwood or African ebony, Dalbergia melanoxylon. mottola (-mottodde) v.tr. utter, blurt out. cf. olumottole; mokkola. -emotya Tcmotyczza) -ciiioLya- motya (-emotyezzamotyezza) v.i. redup. be shy/bashful. mpa, e- (n/n) way/manner of giving, empa y’omusolo, the payment of taxes, cf. Iwa. mpa plur. of oluwa, q.v. mpaaba, e- (n/n) leg. charge, complaint, indictment, cf. waaba. mpaabaana (la) ibis, kind of wading bird related to the herons, lit. give me (mpa) the children (baana). mpaabi, e- (n/n) leg. fee paid by a plaintiff before a trial, court fee. cf. waaba. mpaamu there is none, there is hardly any (in there), mpaawo, there is npne (here, there), mpaayo, there is none (there). Mpaawo atalifa. There is no one who will not die. mpaanyisaganya, e- (n/n) manner of exchange; mutual exchange, cf. waanyi- saganya. mpaawa, e- (n/n) colloq., with the -a of rel. buge, powerful, empaawa y’omusajja, a giant of a man, a very powerful man. mpaawo, e- (n/n) bowl-shaped calabash or gourd used as a tumbler for drinking, empaawo enzungu, drinking glass, cf. ekiwaawo, oluwaawo. mpafu, e- (n/n) fruit of the muwafu tree resembling a large dark olive. cf. omuwafu. mpagama, e- (n/n) something which has become Stuck (e.g., in one’s throat), okumira empagama, to get something stuck in one’s throat, cf. wagama. mpaggwa always in the ohrase (aimatu mpaggwa, a person with large protruding ears; a stubborn, obstinate person. mpagi, e- (n/n) pillar, post; pole. Omuwala obulungi bumukubya ku mpagi. The girl is very beautiful, lit. beauty makes her strike at the pillar, kusiba kintu ku mpagi, to endure/put up with something, cf. ^waga, eggwagi. mpago, e- (n/n) narrow passage; gorge, empago y’amatabi, the place of juncture of branches, the area where branches come together, mu mpago z'enjazi, in the crevices of the rocks. mpaguka, e- (n/n) bananas/plantains which have been broken off of the bunch; small bunch of bananas/plantains which have been separated from the main stem; portion of a kiwagu, q.v. cf. waguka. mpaka, e- (n/n) argument; dispute; strife; contest; competition; game, ow’empaka, an argumentative/contentious person, lwa mpaka, by force, forcefully, empaka z’abalungi, beauty contest, empaka z’ebi- konde, boxing match, okuwalaza empaka, to debate, argue, cf. wakana. mpala, e- (n/n) antelope of the genus Hippotragus. mpala, e- plur. of oluwala, q.v. mpalaata, e- (n/n) baldness, ow’empalaata, bald-headed person, cf. ekiwalaata. mpaladdume, o- (n/n) with the-a of rel. big, strong, hulking, husky (person), empaladdume y’omusajja, a giant of a man. mpalakitale, e- with or without the -a of rel. aggressive, vigorous, enterprising; head-strong; brave, bold, fearless. empaiakilaie z’abasajja, bold, aggressive men. mpalamalanga, e- (n/n) ruffian, bully; daredevil; self-assured, aggressive person. often used attrihutively. abasajja babiri empalamalanga, two daredevils. mpalana, e- (n/n) hostility; mutual dislike; feud, empalana y’eddiini, religious persecution. cf. walana. mpale, e- (n/n) pair of pants/trousers/ knickers; underwear, cf. akawale, olu- wale, sseruwale. mpalo, e- plur. of oluwalo, q.v. mpambiiro also mpapiiro with the -a of rel. scarce; hard to get. Mn kitundu kino amazzi ga mpambiiro. In this section water is scarce. mpambo, e- (n/n) seed(s) of a gourd (used as a food in time of famine). mpami, e- (n/n) rare notch at the mouth of a flute; filed gap between teeth. mpampagalu, e- (n/n) kind of thick/rough barkcloth; per ext. mudguard. mpampagama, e- (n/n) cavity, deep hole, empampagama y’omuti, a hole in a tree, empampagama y’ekiswa, a hole in a termite hill. mpanama, e- (n/n) hydrocele. mpande, e- (n/n) kind of nut resembling a peanut/groundnut; fragment, piece (e.g., of stone). Empande emu eyiwa ekisero, (prov.) One (fallen) mpande causes the whole basket to be spilled (because the person carrying the basket stooDs to nick it up). Excessive attention to small things leads to the loss of large things, cf. ^oluwande. mpandiika, e- (n/n) manner/way of writing; orthography, cf. wandiika. mpanga, e- (n/n) cock; kind of large beetle, enkoko empanga, cock. cf. 2ekiwanga, sseggwanga. mpanga, e- plur. of oluwanga, q.v. Mpanga pr. n. part of Luzira Central Prison where hardened criminals are confined; as a common noun solitary confinement. mpangi, e- (n/n) furrow (esp. those made with a hoe); in the plur. plot of ground in the process of cultivation, cf. oluwangi. mpango, e- (n/n) post; pole, empango y’eki- kajjo, stalk of sugarcane; stick of sugarcane. mpano, e- (n/n) wedge. mpanuka, e- (n/n) descent; way of coming down, empanuka yaabwe ku bukulu, their stepping down from/losing their positions of importance, cf. wanika, wanuka. mpapala, e- (n/n) fluttering; way of fluttering. cf. papala. mpape, e- (n/n) madcap, giddy/flighty person. cf. papa. mpapiiro, e- also mpambiiro with the -a of rel. scarce, hard to get. Amazzi ga mpapiiro. Water is hard to get. mpasa, e- (n/n) way of marrying, kind of marriage, cf. wasa. mpataanya, e- (n/n) space(s), opening(s). empataanya z'engalo, the spaces between the fingers, empataanya z’oluggi, the opening in the door, cracks in the door. mpawekaaga also mpa we kaaga = mpa- wekazira, q.v. mpawekazira (etymology uncertain) as inv. adj. very few; very small, little, next to nothing. Yazimba akayumba katono mpawekazira. He built a tiny little house. Ekiseera kyayita mpawekazira. A very short period time passed, abagoberezi mpawebazira, a very few followers (note the replacement of ka by ba). mpawu, e- (n/n) kind of termite. mpawulo, e- (n/n) cowrie shell with the top off. mpayippayi, e- (n/n) cunning/deceitful/ tricky person. mpeefu, e- (n/n) kind of large edible mushroom. mpeera, e- (n/n) pay, salary, wage; reward. cf. ^wa, weera. mpeereza, e- (n/n) service; allegiance; way of sending; sending, cf. Va, weereza. mpeerezi, e- (n/n) vowel, ennukuta empee- rezi, vowel, vowel letter, cf. ^wa, weerera. contr. ensirifu. mpeewo, e- (n/n) oribi antelope. Ekika ky’empeewo, the Oribi Antelope Clan. cf. akaweewo. mpegaano adv. now, as of now. See the more common kampegaano. mpeke, e- (n/n) grain, seed; pill. Bwe nnatuuka ku buliri nnabulwa yadde empeke y’otulo mu liiso. When I went to bed I didn’t get a single wink of sleep, cf. akaweka. mpemba, e- (n/h) kind of red cloth. mpembawemba: kukuba mpembawemba, to get better, recover from illness. mpemenku, e- (n/n) shrewd/clever/quickwitted person; swindler. mpendeke, e- (n/n) invalid. mpenduzo, e- (n/n) long stick with a hook on the end used for grasping things which are out of arm’s reach. Kiri ewala, empenduzo ekireeta. (prov.) lit. That which is far, an empenduzo brings it in. To catch a fish one must have the right bait. cf. wendula. mpengere, e- (n/n) dry sorghum millet eaten when other food is scarce, empengere y'omusajja, a very strong man. Togayiranga mpengere mu kisenge. (prov.) Never pass judgment before you know the facts. mperekeze, e- (n/n) bridesmaid, companion. cf. werekera. mpero, e- plur. (n/n) border, boundary; limit. mpeta, e- (n/n) ring; nut (of a screw), omu- kyala ow’empeta, ring wife, i.e., wife with whom one has been joined in Christian wedlock, as opposed to other wives or concubines. cf. weta, akaweta. mpewere, e- (n/n) kind of very tall timber tree widely used in the construction of canoes, Piptadenia africana. emimwa egy’empewere, thin lips. mpewo, e- (n/n) wind; breeze; draft; air; atmosphere; cold; cold air. okulya ku mpewo, to take a walk, get some air. cf. akawewo, oluwewowewo. -mpi adj. short; brief. For nouns of the n/n class and plur. nouns of the lu/n class the stem is -yimpi. ebbaluwa short, mu bimpi, in short, in a nutshell, ab’emyaka emimpi, young people, cf. bimpimpi, kumpi, omumpi, wampi, -yimpi, yimpawal a. mpi, e- plur. of oluyi, q.v. mpi na min(y)igo: adv. phrase with hardship/difficulty. mpiiga, e- (n/n) envy, jealousy. mpiima, e- (n/n) dagger. mpiira, e- plur. (n/n) disastrous fire, conflagration; forest fire; large fire deliberately started for a constructive purpose (such as clearing a section of land), cf. oluyiira. mpiiyi, e- (n/n) flatulence, gassiness in the stomach; fig. rancor, wrath, okukuba empiiyi, to belch. Akumma ebijanjaa- lo akuwonya mpiiyi. (prov.) He who refuses you beans spares you from being afflicted with a gassy stomach. Perhaps similar to sour grapes. mpiki, e- (n/n) seeds used in playing mweso. kukwata mu lya mpiki, to find something missing, cf. oluyiki. mpimbyi, e- (n/n) kind of tree with dark wood, Maba aby s sinic a. mpina, e- plur. of oluyina, q.v. mpindi, e- (n/n) kind of small bean. Ekika ky’Empindi, the Bean Clan, kuba kinnya na mpindi, to be very close/near, kulima mpindi ku mabega, to slander, backbite. mpindi-kimogoti, e- (n/n) kind of large mpindi. mpindu: kuba ku mpindu na minigo, to be on pins and needles, be full of anxiety/worry mpinga, e-: okuliira empinga, to frustrate, spoil things for. Ebyo byonna byamuliira empinga. All these things ruined his chances. Aba yeeriiridde yekka empinga. He is asking for trouble. He is bringing trouble on himself. mpingu, e- (n/n) fleet of canoes; navy, fleet. mpingu, e- (n/n) (pair of) handcuffs. mpinnamuti, e- (n/n) kind of tree, Gagarius indicus. mpiri, e- (n/n) kind of very poisonous snake. mpiringisabikongoliro: akaserenge.to mpi- ringisabikongoliro, a very steep slope. cf. yiringisa, ekikongoliro. mpirivuma, e- (n/n) fruit of the wild date- palm. mpisa, e- (n/n) conduct, behavior; manners; custom, habit, cf. 2 yita, amayisa. mpisi, e- (n/n) hyena, kuggya mu mannyo ga mpisi, to save (someone who is in danger), lit. remove from the teeth of the hyena, cf. buyisi, Wampisi. mpisiiyisi, e- (n/n) passer-by; traveler; wanderer, transient; vagabond, cf. 2 yita- mpiso, e- (n/n) needle; injection, eddagala ly’empiso, medicine which is administered by injection, kukuba mpiso, to inject with with a needle; fig. to bribe, cf. obuyiso, eggwiso, akayiso. mpitambi, e- (n/n) filth; excrement. cf. -yita, -bi. mpitanya, e- (n/n) spirals of rnnppr hrace- let; special method of sewing barkcloth. cf. 2 yita. mpitiro, e- (n/n) path, passage, cf. 2yita, yitira. mpogo, e- (n/n) bracelet or anklet (sometimes made of ivory). mpogola, e- with the -a of rel. amatooke ag’empogola, plantains cooked without removing the skins, amagi ag’empogola, boiled eggs. cf. muliibwampogola. mpokya (la) kind of small bean. mpola, e- adv. slowly; gently, softly; quietly, mpolampola, gradually, by degrees. Akwata empola atuuka wala. (prov. j Who proceeds slowly goes far. Slow but sure. Mpolampola, ayiisa obu- sera. (prov.) Slowly and carefully, he cooks the porridge. Easy does it. cf. kawola. mpologoma, e- (n/n) lion. Ekika ky’Empo- logoma, the Lion Clan. cf. wologoma, Wampologoma. mpombojjo, e- (n/n) green sorghum millet used as malt. mpomero, e- (n/n) [Lunyankole ] empomero y’omuzigo, lump of butter. mpompogoma, e- (n/n) deep hole; hollow. cf. ekiwompogoma, oluwompogoma. mponga-byoya, e- (n/n) very poor person, unimportant person, a ‘nobody,’ lit. one who can only offer sacrifices (wonga) of termite wings (byoya). mponge, e- (n/n) offering to a lubaale. em- buzi emponge, a sacrificial goat. cf. wonga. See also ^olugo. mpongo, e- (n/n) kind of very small lake fish, THapia variabilis. mponyebuwonyi (n/n) brand-new item of clothing which has never been washed. cf. wona. mpookowooko, e- plur. of oluwookowooko, q.v. mpooma, e- (n/n) way of tasting; tastiness, flavor, cf. wooma. mpootowooto, e- (n/n) with the -a of rel. dried up, withered, cf. wotoka. mpooza, e- (n/n) method of extracting taxes; tax; duty; customs duty; fee; dues. cf. wooza. mpotokwa with the -a of rel. partially dry/ dried, lumonde wa mpotokwa, partially dried sweet potatoes, cf. wotoka. mpotwe, e- (n/n) arch., with the -a of rel. huge, enormous. mpoza, e- (n/n) justification, explanation /e.g., of one’s conduct); leg. plea of the defendant, empoza y’okwetaasa, plea of self-defense, cf. ^woza. mpozzi adv. maybe, perhaps, cf. kazzi, wozzi. mpu, e- (n/n) large package; sack; load. mpujjo, e- (n/n) usually with the -a of rel. squint, amaaso ag’empujjo, squinty eyes. mpuku, e- (n/n) cave, cavern, cf. ekiwuku(wuku). mpulirizo, e- (n/n) auditory duct, ear channel; stethoscope; hearing aid. cf. wulira, wuliriza. mpuliru, e- (n/n) hole; orifice (of the body), cf. omuwuliru. mpulukutu, e- (n/h) place on the face immediately in front of the ear. mpulunguse, e- (n/n) remnants, remains; siftings; larger fragments which remain after grinding; survivors (in war, shipwreck, etc.). cf. wulunguka. mpulunkanya, e- (n/n) rare okutunula empulunkanya, to squint. mpuluttulizo, e- (n/n) slipknot, okusiba empuluttulizo, to tie a bow. cf. wuluttula. mpuluwujju, e- (n/n) kind of rare (or perhaps completely mythological) insect; fig. rumor, gossip; complaint. Simuwulirangako na mpuluwujju. I have heard absolutely nothing/not even a rumor about him. Tamulinako mpuluwujju. He has no complaint about him. mpumbu, e- (n/n) dry rot in wood; dust-like substance produced by worms or boring insects; powdery coating on some fruits and leaves; sawdust, cf. ^wumba, -wumbu. mpumi, e- (n/n) projecting part; projecting mpuuzo, e- (n/n) large mallet for the second beating of barkcloth; flail, heavy stick used to separate grains from husks, cf. 'vvuula. See ensaasi. mpuwuttanya (la) double-talker, cf. wu- wuttanya. mpwali: okusula mmonga mpwali, to spend a sleepless night. mpwangali: kutunula mpwangali ng’embwa esudde ekyuma, to give a look of amazement, be dumbfounded/stunned, lit. like a hunting dog who has thrown off the bell attached to him (used to signal the hunters). mpwanyi, e- plur. of oluwaanyi, q.v. Mpwanyi pr.n. the coast, the area round Mombasa. mpya, e- = n + ggya. Taifa Empya, New Nation (the nameof a Luganda-1 anguage newspaper). mpya, e- plur. of oluggya, q.v. mpyangira, e- (n/n) conceit; deceit. mu prep, in, inside, among (with reference to space, time, manner or other relationships). cf. 1-mu. mu conj., precedes the final digit in numbers higher than twenty, abantu asatu mu babiri, thirty-two people. mu- subj. pref. 2nd pers. plur. you. Mugenda. You go. also as an adv. subj. pref. mulimu, there is/are inside, cf. 2nmli, muno, omwo. mu verbal enclitic with the general meaning of in, inside, within. It is used with verbs, nouns and adjectives. With adjectives it weakens the force of the primary meaning. forehead, ekyenyi ky'empumi, projecting forehead. Wa mpumi. He has a projecting forehead, cf. 2e|tjwumj, mpummumpu, e- (n/n) flower sheath of the plantain; fetus up to the third or fourth month. mpuna: bya mpuna, things of no consequence, trivia. mpunga, e- plur. (n/n) spikes of papyrus. mpungu, e- (n/n) eagle; space, gap, opening. cf. akawungu. mpungula, e-: okwogera ebya mpungula-mumwa, to talk nonsense, say silly things. mpunta, e- (n/n) spicule of mbubbu grass. mpunya, e- (n/n) kind of bird, plover. mpunya, e- (n/n) odor, smell, cf. wunya. mpunyiwunyi, e- (n/n) one who goes all over, one who goes here and there, gadabout. c f. wunya. mputta, e- also emputte (n/n) watery, inedible potatoes which have been left too long in the ground; fig. dullard, stupid person, easy mark. cf. wutta, ekiwutta, omu- wutta. mputtu, e- (n/n) obstinacy, stubborness, recalcitrance. ow’emputtu, obstinate person. mputtululu, e-: okukuba mu mputtululu, to slap on the side of the face, with the -a of rel. Stubborn (but more often mputtu, q.v.). mpuunamalungu, e- (n/n) kind of bird the size ) of a pigeon which produces a droning sound. mpuuta, e- (n/n) [Lunyorof\ kindoffish, Nile perch. olugendo oluwanvumu, a rather long journey. cf. ^mu. -mu numer. one. (in the plur. some/ ekintu kimu, one thing, ebintu ebimu, some things. The phrase -tali -mu (with the appropriate prefixesj means several, various, different, ebintu ebitali bimu, various things, ensi ezitali zimu, various/different countries. Kamu kamu gwe muganda. (prov.) One by one makes a bundle, cf. bumu, bwomu, kamu, kimu, lumu, omu. mubaage, o- (mu/ba) one who undergoes surgery, cf. baaga. mubaazi, o- (mu/ba) butcher; flayer; rare surgeon. Amatu g’omubaazi gawulira kya ‘Embwa etwala ennyama yo.’ (prov.) The ears of the butcher only hear: ‘The Dog is carrying off your meat.’ Possibly = To each his own. cf. baaga. mubabiro, 0-: okukwata omubabiro, to interest, be of great interest to, be very pleasing to. ekitabo ekyali kinkutte omubabiro, a book which I was very enthusiastic about. cf. babira. mubadazi, o- (mu/ba) person who is indifferent/ unconcerned; flippant person; happy-go- lucky person, one who enjoys a good time. cf. badala. mubajjangabo, o- (mu/mi) kind of tall tree found in swampy forests, Erythrina excelsa. cf. bajja, engabo. mubajjangalabi, o- (mu/mi) kindof tree producing light wood, Rauwolfia vomitoria. cf. bajja, engalabi. occurring on the edge of forests, Morinda lucida. .The root yields a yellow dye. cf. bajja. mubaka, o- (mu/ba) messenger; representative; member (of a legislative assembly); envoy; diplomat; ambassador, cf. obubaka. mubakampungu, o- (mu/mi) kindof tall forest tree, chrysophyllum perpulchrum. The leaves are purple-red on the under side. mubala, o- (mu/mi) a traditional kind of drum beat which is performed in the villages on various ceremonial occasions. (Each clan has its own characteristic mubala.) also motto, slogan. mubazi, o- (mu/ba) counter, one who counts; bookkeeper, accountant, omubazi w’ebitabo, bookkeeper, accountant. cf. ^bala. mubazi, o- (mu/mi) a pustular rash on the leg. mubazzi, o- (mu/ba) carpenter, cf. bajja. mubbeere, o- (mu/ba) half-brother, half- sister (sharing a common mother), cf. ebbeere. mubbi, o- (mu/ba) thief, cf. ^bba. mubbirizi, o- (mu/ba) cheat, cheater; sneak; petty thief, cf. ^bba, bbirira. mubbizi, o- (mu/ba) one who cheats, cheat. cf. l bba, bbira. mubbizi, o- (mu/ba) diver, one who goes under water, cf. bbira. mubeezi, o- (mu/ba) helper, assistant. cf. 2 beera. mubengeya, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, wild , sour-sop or custard apple, Annona chrysophylla. mubiikira, o- (mu/ba) [Su\, Ar. ] Rom. Cath. nun, sister, cf. Bikira, obubiikira, omunna- biikira. mubiito, o- (mu/ba) favorite, a person who is especially pleasing. Ekika ky’Ababiito b’e Kkooki, the Prince of Kkooki Clan. cf. biita. mubinikiro, o- (mu/mi) funnel. cf. ebbinikiro. mubiri, o- (mu/mi) body (human or animal); body (thickness, substance). Ekiteeteeyi ( kye yayambadde nga tekirina mubiri. The dress she wore was very light/had no body. cf. 2ebbiri, ekibiribiri. Mubirigi, o- (mu/ba) (a) Belgian. mubisi, o- (mu/mi) sweet banana juice, omubisi gw’enjuki, honey of the bee. cf. akabisi. mubombi, o- (mu/ba) escaped prisoner, esca- 1 pee, fugitive, cf. bomba. mubonerevu, o- (mu/ba) one who repents, penitent, cf. bona, bonereza. Muboobi, 0- (mu/ba) Ekika ky’Ababoobi, the Rainwater Clan (so called, because of their taboo against drinking rainwater or using it for any purpose whatsoever; the related word ekiboobi, is a kind of millipede, which is the second totem of the Clan). muboole, o- (mu/ba) outcast, someone who I has been expelled from his clan, religion or social group, cf. boola. mubootongo, o- (mu/ba) a syphilitic, cf. bootonga, kabootongo. muboyi, o- (mu/ba) one who holds or appropriates merchandise (esp. as surety for a bill or debt); one who confiscates, cf. bowa. mubudami, o- (mu/ba) refugee, cf. budama. mubuguyavu, o- (mu/ba) ignorant/naive/ stupid person. mubumbi, o- (mu/ba) potter, one who works with clay. cf. bumba. mubumbu, o- (mu/mi) young banana leaf not yet unrolled. mubundwa with the -a of rel. small in quantity; inadequate. Emmere yabanga ya mubundwa. Food used to be scarce. mubunzi, o- (mu/ba) one who roams/moves from place to place; hawker, cf. bunga. mubuulirizi, o- (mu/ba) one who gives advice, adviser, one who admonishes, cf. buulira, buuliriza. mubuulizi, o- (mu/ba) preacher, omubuulizi w’enjiri, preacher of the Gospel, evangelist. cf. buulira. mubuulo, o- (mu/mi) mass; large quantities, akatale ak’omubuulo, open public market held at regular intervals, cf. buula, -ewuula. mubuusi, o- (mu/ba) jumper; flier; astronaut. c f. buuka. mubuyabuya, o- (mu/ba) stupid/silly person. cf. -buya, buyaabuyana. mubuze, o- (mu/ba) one who has disappeared. cf. bula. mucakalo, o- (mu/mi) good time, enjoyment, fun. cf. cakala. muceere, o- (mu/mi) rice. mucondwa, o- also spelled, omukyondwa (mu/ba) bone setter. mucotala, o- (mu/ba) [jSw.3 half-breed, person of mixed blood. mucumuliru, o- (mu/mi) with the -a of rel. horrible, hideous, obnoxious, omucumuliru gw’omukazi, a horrible woman. mucungwa, o- (mu/mi) {jStf.3 orange, cf. eccungwa, ssecungwa. mucuula, o- var. of mukyula, q.v. mucuuzi, o- also spelled omukyuzi (mu/mt) 05u>.] gravy. Mudaaki, 0- (mu/ba) (a) German, cf. Obu- daaki. mudaala, o- (mu/mi) stand in a market, omu- daala gw’emboga, cabbage stand. mudaali, o- (mu/mi) ffing. ] medal, medallion, ab’omudaali, colloq. Catholics. mudaalimbi, o- (mu/ba) one who takes things easy; one who is casual and indifferent; shirker, cf. daalimba. mudabazi, o- (mu/ba) var. of omudibazi, q.v. mudalizo, o- (mu/mi) embroidery; binding on the edge of cloth; ornamental decoration on the edge of-a sari, bboodingi, etc. cf. daliza. mudankamu, o- (mu/ba) foolish person. muddinnano, o- no plur. (mu/mi) going habitually, returning again and again, cf. dda, ddinnana. muddinnanwa, o- no plur. (mu/mi) with the -a of rel. frequent, constant, reiterated, repeated. okulabulwa okw’omuddinnanwa, repeated warning. e_nnendo ez’omuddinnanwa, constant trips, cf. ^dda, ddinnana. muddirirwa, o- = omuddinnanwa, q.v. muddo, o- (mu/mi) grass, turf; weeds, cf. obuddo, akaddo. muddu, o- (mu/ba) male slave, cf. obuddu, Ssaabaddu. Muddugavu, 0- (mu/ba) Negro (usually restricted to African Negroes). Omuddugavu wa katakke(takke), a light-colored African. Omuddugavu wa kagongolo, very dark colored African, cf. -ddugavu, ddugala. mudduse, o- (mu/ba) fugitive, cf. dduka. muddusi, o- (mu/ba) runner; one who runs in a race. cf. dduka. mudduukirizi, o- (mu/ba) one who runs to help, one who comes to the rescue, cf. dduka, dduukirira. mudembe, o- (mu/ba) boor, unrefined person; clumsy person; stupid person. Omndembe akolera enkoko olunnyo ng’abaana basula wansi. /prov.) A stupid person builds a wooden frame for the chickens while his children sleep on the floor. mudibazi, o- (mu/ba) bungler, one who spoils/messes up. cf. dihaga. mudidi, o- (mu/mi) large sum, large amount. omudidi gw’ensimbi, a large sum of money. mudokolo, o- (mu/ba) member of any of the Northern tribes (very insulting). mudongo, o- (mu/ba) harp player, musician. cf. ekidongo, endongo. mudumi, o- (mu/ba) fumbler, one who fumbles (esp. in soccer). mudumu, o- (mu/mi) jug; pipe; barrel (of a gun), omudumu ogw'omn ttaka, underground pipe. muduudu, o- (mu/ini) kind of small tree, Thylachium africanum. The leaves produce a poison which was formerly used in trials by ordeal, cf. amaduudu. muduumi, o- (mu/ba) one who grows rapidly (e.g., a child, young adolescent). c f. Iduuma. muduumiz,i, o- (mu/ba) commander; commanding officer. omuduumizi w’amagye, the commander of the army. cf. ^duuma. muduuzi, o- also omuduuze (mu/ba) scoffer, one who is scornful, cf. duula. mufaadanga, o- (mu/ba) worthless person. mufaafaaganyi, o- (mu/ba) wrecker; bungler. cf. faafaagana. Mufalisaayo, 0- (mu/ba) Pharisee. mufaliso, o- (mu/mi) [Su>.] mattress. mufettefette, o- (mu/ba) weak/lazy/cowardly person. mufiirwa, o- (mu/ba) impotent man. cf. ^fa, fiirwa. mufiisa, o- (mu/ba) a woman whose children die when they are babies, cf. ffa. mufu, o- (mu/ba) dead person, cf. lfa, -fu, ssemufu. mufuge, o- (mu/ba) one who is ruled, subject. cf. fuga. mufuka (la) kind of banana used for making beer. mufuko, o- (mu/mi) case for carrying arrows; bag; purse, cf. fuka. mufulejje, o- (mu/mi) [Su>. 3 gutter, water pipe, drain. mufuluusi, o- (mu/ba) one who snores, snorer. cf. fuluuta. mufumbakafu (la) one who cooks too little, stingy cook. cf. fumba, akafu. mufumbi, o- (mu/ba) one who cooks, omu- tumbi v.1ki-, colioq. wife, cf, Iumba. mufumbi, o- (mu/mi) back muscle, erector spinae. mufumbiro, o- (mu/ba) cook. cf. fumba. mufumbo, o- (mu/ba) married person, cf. fumba. Mufumbyagganda or Mufumbyannanda a title of the Kabaka, lit. one who cooks (fumba) with a large bundle (egganda) of firewood. mufumisi, o- (mu/ba) spearman, one who spears in hunting, cf. fumita. mufumite, o- (mu/ba) one who has been wounded with a spear or knife, cf. fumita. mufumu, o- (mu/ba) [Lunyoro~\ magician; medicine man; doctor. mufundeefo: kulya mufundeero, to gorge oneself. cf. fundeera. mufundi, o- (mu/ba) [Sw. J artisan; skilled workman; repairman, cf. effundi. mufunyi, o- (mu/ba) getter, one who gets/obtains. cf. funa. mufuta, o- (mu/ba) miserly/selfish person. cf. futaafutana. mufuubeeto, o- (mu/mi) doorpost, post on either side of the door constructed of reeds or some other material. mufuulo, o- adv. upside down, reversed. cf. fuula. mufuusa, o- (mu/ba) magician, conjurer. cf. fuuka, fuusa. mufuuyi, o- (mu/ba) lit. blower, one who blows, omufuuyi w’amazzi, beer drinker, liquor drinker, omufuuyi w’omulere, Trumpet/clarinet player. omufuuyi w'omupiira, referee (in football). cf. fuuwa. mufuuyiro, o- (mu/mi) good luck; the smoking of medicine for the purpose of producing good (or sometimes bad) effects on others, c f. fuuwa. mufuuzi, o- (mu/ba) orphan, person who has lost both of his parents. See enfuuzi which is much more common. mufuzi, o- (mu/ba) ruler, sovereign; government official; administrator; director, executive. abafuzi b’amatwale, colonial rulers. cf. fuga. muga, o- (mu/mi) arch, perfume; smell. mugaabe, o- (mu/mi) kind of long, slender drum. mugaaga, o- (mu/mi) arch, headband of plantain bark alleged to cure headaches. mugaati, o- (mu/mi) [_Sw. bread; loaf, ebifo eby’omugaati omunene, high-paying positions. mugabagaba, o- (mu/mi) cabbage tree, Anthocleista schweinfurthii. generous giver; one who gives wastefully or to excess, cf. gaba, gabangula. mugabanyi, o- (mu/ba) sharer; partaker. cf. gaba, gabanya. mugabe, o- (mu/ba) general, commander, one who has been assigned to head a military expedition; with cap. formerly the tide of the hereditary ruler of Ankole. cf. gaba. mugabi, o- (mu/ba) generous person, liberal person; one who distributes, distributor. omugabo w'awata, milk distributor (mu/mi) divisor in arithmetic, cf. gaba. mugabo, o- (mu/mi) share, portion; part; stock; quotient (in arithmetic), cf. gaba. mugabuzi, o- (mu/ba) giver of a feast; lavish host/entertainer; generous giver; master of ceremonies, cf. gaba, gabula. mugagga, o- (mu/ba) rich person, cf. -gagga. mugala, o- (mu/mi) framework structure built around an anthill to help in the catching and collecting of nswa. Thick materials, such as banana leaves, are placed over the structure so that the nswa will not fly away but will collect in holes dug for the purpose. See nvubo. mugalabi, o- (mu/mi) kind of long, slender drum. cf. engalabi. mugalagala, o- (mu/ba) formerly page, boy residing in the palace and serving the Kabaka. mugalambi, o- (mu/ba) careless/indifferent/ negligent person, cf. galamba. mugalangatano, o- (mu/mi) trouble; unsettled condition, cf. galangatana. kamu gwe muganda. (prov.) lit. One by one (kati, stick, implied) makes a bundle. Little by little fills the measure, cf. 2 ekiganda. muganda, o- (mu/ba) colloq. terror, something terrible, omuganda w’obulwadde, a terrible disease, omuganda w’enkula, a monstrous rhinoceros. muganda (mu/ba) sibling of the same sex, brother or sister (of the same sex as the person speaking or spoken of); cousin. Note that this noun never has the initial vowel and must be followed by a possessive adjective or a noun with which it is connected by the -a of rel. Muganda, O- (mu/ba) native of Buganda. Omuganda agamba nti... The Muganda says... (a stylized introduction to the telling of a proverb), cf. Obuganda, ^ekiganda, Oluganda. mugandu, o- usually plur. emigandu (mu/mi) trouble, problem, difficulty. muganga, o- (mu/ba) doctor, physician; witch doctor, cf. Iganga. mugangatika, o- (mu/mi) usually in association with another noun worn out; wretched; crippled, omugangatika gw'omusajja, a wretched man; a man who is all skin and bones. Emmotoka yagula mugangatika. He bought an old beaten-up car. cf. gangatika. muganirizi, o- (mu/ba) stingy/parsimonious/ frugal person, cf. ganira, ganiriza. mugano, o- (mu/mi) swarming (of termites); period/time when termites or grasshoppers swarm in great abundance, cf. eggana, olugana. muganyulo, o- (mu/mi) profit, benefit, advantage, use. cf. ganyula. muganzi, o- (mu/ba) favorite, favorite person; sweetheart, lover, darling, cf. ganja, Ssaabaganzi. mugaso, o- (mu/mi) use, profit; advantage. with the -a of rel. profitable, advantageous. c f. gasa. mugassi, o- (mu/ba) mediator, cf. gatta. mugavu. o- fmu/mi) kind of tall hardwood tree, Albizzia coriaria; fragrance imparted to barkcloth when fumigated with the smoke produced by this tree. (Sn.) See mu- ttampindi. mugaya, o- (mu/mi) kind of small bush the roots of which are chewed raw. mugayi, o- also mugayizi (mu/ba) scornful/ contemptuous person, cf. gaya, gayira. muge, o- (mu/mi) headband worn by warriors; wreath; ribbon; band supporting the veil of a bride, cf. oluge. mugejjo, o- (mu/mi) corpulence, fatness. cf- gejja. Mugema pr.n. formerly the title of a chief “called the King’s father (Nnakazadde), who was the ‘Katikkiro of the Dead,’ and governed Busiro [County].” (J. Roscoe) mugemerawala, o- (mu/mi) rifle; shotgun. mugemuzi, o- (mu/ba) lavish giver; one who entertains; arch, one who brings food from the country, cf. gemula. mugendo, o- (mu/mi) track, trail (of animals, esp. ants). Eyawukuna ku mugendo y’efuuka kaasa. (prov.) lit. (The nsanafu, a kind of soldier ant) which leaves the track becomes a kaasa (an even fiercer kind of soldier ant). Yayawukana ku mugendo. He left the beaten track. He struck out on his own. cf. genda. mugenge, o- (mu/ba) leper, cf. -genge, gengewala, ebi genge. mugenyi, o- (mu/ba) guest, visitor; stranger. Omugenyi omuyite ajja avunja. (prop.) An invited guest arrives noisily, i.e., without reservation/inhibition, cf. -genyi. mugenzi, o- (mu/ba) deceased person, (the) deceased, (the) late. cf. genda. mugereko, o- (mu/mi) portion, allotment, share, cf. Igereka. mugerengejjo, o- (mu/mi) riddle, obscure/ enigmatic speech, cf. gerenjula. mugerengetanya, o- (mu/mi) ingenious/resourceful person, cf. gerengetanya. mugerenjuzi, o- (mu/ba) maker of riddles, one who speaks in riddles, cf. gerenjula. mugeresi, o- (mu/ba) one who apportions/ allots; assessor, cf. Igereka. mugezi, o- (mu/ba) smart/clever person; wise person, cf. -gezi. mugga, o- (mu/mi) river, large stream; well, kubuuza ligenda mugga, to ask the obvious, lit. ask about (the road, ekkubo is implied by li-) which goes to the well. cf. akagga. muggalanda, o- (mu/ba) youngest child, last born of the family, lit. close-womb. cf. lggala, enda. contr. muggulanda. deaf person, lit. one whose ears are shut. cf. l ggala, -ggavu. muggazi, o- (mu/mi) doorkeeper, gatekeeper. cf. lggala. muggo, o- (mu/mi) stick; walking stick, cane; crutch. Katonda ankubye omuggo. Something bad has happened to me. God has chastised me. cf. obuggo, kaggoggo. muggulanda, o- (mu/ba) eldest child, first born, lit. open-womb. cf. ggula, enda. cotnr. muggaianda. muggumiro, o- (mu/mi) stress, emphasis; firmness, eddoboozi ery’omuggumiro, a firm voice, okulya n’owuliramu omuggu- miro, to eat and feel full/satisfied, cf. ggumira. muggundu, o- no plur. (mu/tni) north wind; very strong wind. mugguukiriro, o- (mu/tni) approach, entrance, place of encounter, cf. Igguka. muggya (mu/ba) second wife, new wife (in a household); concubine, mukazi muggya, fellow-wife. muggya, o- (n/n) newcomer; recruit, cf. -ggya. mugigi, o- (mu/mi) level, stage; layer, stratum (e.g., of clouds); class (in school). mugiini, o- (mu/mi) inn, rest house, hostel. mugina, o- (mu/mi) back; tail of a pig; large number of chiggers; nits, louse eggs. cf. eggina, akagina. muginga, o- (mu/ba) [Sto. J stupid person, fool. mugo, o- (mu/mi) brink, edge, rim. mugoba, o- (mu/ba) driver (of a vehicle); steersman; beater (on a hunting expedition), omugoba w’ennyonyi, pilot of an airplane. cf. goba. mugoma, o- (mu/ba) drummer, cf. ejinoma. mugomba, o- (mu/ba) clumsy/awkward person; bungler. mugomba, o- (mu/mi) with the -a of rel. big and ugly, omugomba gw’ennyindo, a big, ugly nose. mugomo, o- (mu/mi) trap for catching fish (esp. nsonzi); peninsula. mugondoli, o- (mu/mi) a banana fiber laid on top of food placed in a cooking pot and used to remove the food from the pot when the food is cooked. Both the food and mugondoli are covered with banana leaves and the ends of the mugondoli are lifted from both sides and tied together at the top. The purpose is to avoid burning oneself. mugongo, o- (mu/mi) back (of the body); keel of a canoe; ridge. Alina olubuto olu- mugudde ku mugongo. He is extremely hungry, lit. he has a stomach which has fallen into his back. cf. ekigongo, olu- gongo. mugongo, o- (mu/mi) female of certain animals, ente y’omugongo, cow. embuzi y’omugongo, (female) goat. mugongobavu, o- (mu/ba) cripple, crippled person, cf. gongobala, -gongobavu. mugobante, o- (mu/mi) cane, stick for prodding cattle, cf. goba, ente. mugoberezi, o- (mu/ba) follower, adherent, abagoberezi b’ensolo, those who follow/|)ur- sue game (in a hunt), cf. goba, gobereza. mugobole, o- (mu/ba) arch, slave. mugobya, o- also mugobyagobya (mu/ba) cheat, swindler, fraud, cf. goba, gobya. mugogge, o- (mu/ba) thin, emaciated person, person who is as thin as a rail. cf. kogga. mugogo, o- (mu/mi) stem/stalk of a plantain tree; type of necklace made from the flowering stem of the plantain; collar; one afflicted with congenital paralysis (of the spine); yoke (of oxen); pair, couple, omugogo gw’engatto, a pair of shoes, okulwanirira ettooke nga likyali ku mugogo, to fight over a bunch of plantains which is still on the stalk; i.e., to count ones chickens before they are hatched, cf. ggogolo, eki go go, olugogo. mugogolo, o- (mu/mi) confusion; untidiness', mess; distress; trouble, cf. gogologolo. mugole, o- (mu/ba) bride; mistress of the house; newly appointed official; new member; newly ordained priest or minister; new- 2 comer, recent arrival, omugole omusajja, bridegroom, omugole omukazi, bride. cf. obugole. mugolomozi, o- (mu/mi) roller for launching a canoe/boat, etc. cf. golomola. approximately twenty feet in length, used in shallow water, with large hooks fastened on at regular intervals. mugolozi, o- (mu/ba) one who straighens out, examiner, corrector of examinations, omugolozi w’ebigezo, Hen. omugolozi w’emmotoka, one who removes dents from an automobile, omugolozi w’enviiri, hairdresser. omugolozi w’engoye, dry cleaner. cf. golola. mugonnoonyo, o- (mu/mi) mid-rib of a plantain leaf. mugoogombe, o- (mu/ba) thin, emaciated person. cf. Igoogomba. mugoonya, o- (mu/ba) head canoe builder., mugoonyo, o- (mu/mi) spite. mugoosoola, o- (mu/mi) kind of medicinal plant applied externally to young children who are ill. mugootaano, o- also omugoziita (mu/mi) trouble, confusion, chaos. mugoya plur. bimugoya (la) blindworm, a limbless reptile with tiny eyes. Also nnamugoya. mugoyo, o- (mu/mi) mash of sweet potatoes and beans; hodgepodge, heterogeneous mixture; mess. cf. goya. mugozoobano, o- (mu/mi) trouble, difficulty; ailment; problem, cf. gozoobana. mugudo, o- (mu/mi) battery of drums; the sound of a battery of drums; the sound of drums. mugugu, o- (mu/mi) load, burden; package, bundle; fig. burden, heavy responsibility. in the plur. luggage (in addition to the above meaningsj. cf. akagugu, eggugu, engugu. mugulirizi, o- (mu/ba) hirer; recruiter; briber. cf. gula, gulirira. muguluka adv. kusuula muguluka, to neglect, pay no attention to. Ensi eno tesaanidde kusuula miti gyayo mito muguluka. This country should not neglect its youth, lit. young trees. mugulungu, o- (mu/mi) mob, rabble; swarm. Omugenyi asooka, y' ayita banne emigulungu. (prov.) The first guest calls his fellow guests rabble. muguma, o- (mu/mi) haft of a spear (with a ferrule) used as a walking stick; walking stick; sharpened stick used in killing lungfish (mmamba). mugunga, o- (mu/mi) giant yellow mulberry, Myrianthus arboreus. mugunjuzi, o- (mu/ba) instructor, cf. gunjula. mugunya (-mugunye) v.tr. munch, chew, champ on. -emugunya (-emugunye) v.i. & tr. refl. munch, chew on with the lips closed. Teyemugunya ntama. He does not just kid around. He means what he says. cf. kimugunyu; munkunya. mugunzi, o- (mu/ba) inventor; founder, originator, cf. gunja. muguunwa, o- (mu/mi) with the -a of rel. big, huge, omuguunwa gw’embwa, a huge dog. muguwa, o- also mugwa (mu/mi) rope, okusika omugwa, to have a tug-of-war; to steal a goat. cf. akagwa. muguya, o- (mu/mi) = kabamba, a young lungfish (emmamba). It is the second totem of the Lungfish Clan. muguzi, o- (mu/ba) buyer, purchaser, customer. cf. gula. mugwa, o- var. of omuguvva (mu/mi) rope. mugwabi, o- (mu/mi) hookah, pipe for smoking hemp. mugwagwa, o- (mu/ba) immoral/licentious/ indecent person, cf. -gwagwa. mugwanya plur. iden. or zi mugwanya (n/n) latrine, toilet. (named after Stanislaus Mugwanya because of his efforts to disseminate knowledge of sanitation throughout the country.) mugwi, o- (mu/ba) omugwi w’eddalu, madman, omugwi w’ensimbu, epileptic, person with epilepsy, cf. gwa. mugwira, o- (mu/ba) foreigner, cf. gwa. mujaaja, o- (mu/mi) kind of shrub, the leaves of which are used for flavoring tea and for medicinal purposes. mujaasi, o- (mu/ba) soldier; policeman; courageous fighter; arch, commander-in- chief. cf. obujaasi. mujagalaze, o- (mu/ba) rioter; striker; rebel. cf. jagalala. mujagujagu, o- (mu/ba) adroit/clever/skillful person, cf. -jagujagu. mujaguzo (la) set of 9 3 royal drums beaten on important occasions (e.g., the coronation of a Kabaka, a death in the royal family, a declaration of war, etc.). cf. jaguza. mujajjassi, o- (mu/ba) flatterer, cf. jajjatta. Mujaluo, o- (mu/ba) a member of the Luo tribe. mujama, o- (mu/ba) filthy/dirty person, cf. jama. mujambula, o- (mu/ba) strong, aggressive person; rascal, rogue; terrorist; rebel. mujeemu, o- (mu/ba) rebel, insurgent, cf. jeema. mujeemusi, o- (mu/ba) subdued rebel, one who has given up efforts at rebellion, cf. jeema, jeemuka. mujeerejeere, o- (mu/ba) very poor person; insignificant person, person of no account. cf. akajeerejeere. mujega, o- (mu/ba) weakling; coward; naive/ gullible person, person who is easily influenced. cf. jegeka, obujega. mujenje: kusamba mujenje, to jump for joy. mujjama, o- (mu/ba) also jjama [At.] member of the Muslim faith; fellow Muslim. mujjanjabi, o- (mu/ba) one who cares for the sick, nurse, cf. jjanjaba. mujjirano, o- (mu/mi) lit. coming together. with the -a of rel. constant, continuous, steady, unending, frequent, obusambattuko bw’eby’obufuzi obw’omujjirano, constant political crises, cf. jja, jjira. mujjonkezi, o- (mu/mi) kind of bird, coly. cf. jjonkera. mujjuzo, o- less frequently omujjuzi (mu/mi) flood, deluge, inundation, cf. jjula, jjuza. mujjwa, o- (mu/ba) man’s sister’s child, nephew or niece (who is the child of a man’s sister). mujobozi, o- (mu/ba) jabberer, one who talks unintelligibly; stutterer, cf. joboja. mujogo, o- (mu/mi) kind of forest tree, crabwood, Carapa grandiflora. mujolo, o- (mu/ini) kind of small bird, merops, bee- eater. Mujoobe pr.n. the name of a lubaale. mujoona, o- (mu/ba) potter in the service of the Kabaka. mujoozi, o- (mu/ba) offensively domineering/aggressive person, bully; aggressor. cf. jooga. mujoozi, o- (mu/mi) [Eng. ] jersey, pullover. mujugo, o- (mu/mi) a small bell used as an ornament on the neck or on drums. mujulirwa, o- (mu/ba) witness; martyr. cf. ljula, julira. mujulizi, o- (mu/ba) witness; martyr, omu- julizi omukazi, maid of honor, omujulizi omusajja, best man. cf. ^jula. mujumbi, o- (mu/mi) omujumbi gw’enkuba, a torrent of rain. mujumbi, o- (mu/mi) rag. okwetimba emijumbi, to wear rags/tom clothes. mujunga, o- also omujwenge (mu/mi) tassel, cf. akajwenge, ekijwenge. mujwetesi, o- (mu/ba) omujwetesi w’ebigambo, one who makes up stories/lies. cf. jweteka. muka no I.V. and never used with the -a of rel. (mu/ba) wife, muka Mukasa, Mukasa’s wife, baka abaami, the wives of the chiefs. mukaabira, o- (mu/mi) kind of shrub or tree, also called mulirira, q.v. mukaabu, o- (mu/mi) kind of gourd, cf. enkaabu. Mukaabya pr.n. a name given to Kabaka Muteesa I, lit. he who causes to weep. cf. kaaba. mukaafiiri, o- (mu/ba) [Sw.,Ar.2 pagan, heathen; non-believer; atheist, cf. obu- kaafiiri. mukaafu, o- shortened form of mukaafiiri, q.v. mukaaga, o- reamer, (mu/mi) six. with the -a of rel. sixth, omulundi ogiv’omukaaga, the sixth time. cf. -kaaga, Olwomukaaga. Mukaajanga pr.re. the title of a very cruel executioner who held office during the reigns of Muteesa 1 and Mwanga II; royal executioner; rascal, cruel person, cf. -ekaajanga. mukaaku, o- (mu/mi) a barkcloth tree (mutuba) from which the bark has not yet been removed; the first bark to be removed from the tree. mukaamwana, o- (mu/ba) daughter-in-law, lit. the wife (muka) of one’s child (omwana). cf. -ekaamwana. mukaatakaata, o- (mu/ba) deceitful/crafty/ shrewd/unscrupulous person. mukaba, o- (mu/ba) immoral/profligate/li- centious person, cf. -kaba. mukabbulu, o- (mu/ba) person utterly lacking in character, uncouth person. mukabusi, o- (mu/ba) one who speaks in a hostile/irritable/snappish manner, cf. kabuka. mukadde, o- (mu/ba) old person, elderly person; parent, omukadde w’ekkanisa, elder of the church; minister, cf. -kadde. mukagiriza, o- (mu/ba) frugal, economical person, cf. kagiriza. mukago, o- (mu/mi) Wood brotherhood; coalition; alliance, okutta omukago, to establish a relationship of blood brotherhood, gavu- menti ey’omukago, a coalition government, ab’omukago, very close friends. mukakaalukanyi, o- (mu/ba) intrepid person; aggressive person, abakakaalukanyi b’eby’obufuzi, politicians, cf. kakaalu- kana, enkakaalukanyi. mukala, o- (mu/mi) kind of rough-textured cloth. mukalaati, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, Sideroxy- lon brevipes. mukalabanda, o- also omutalabanda (mu/mi) heavy wooden slipper or sandal. mukalo, o- (mu/mi) dried/smoked meat, biltong. c f. kala. mukalukalu, o- (mu/ba) a shrewd/crafty person; clever person, cf. kala, -kalukalu. mukalwe, o- (mu/mi) rainless interval during the rainy season. Obudde bwali bwa mu- kal we. It was not raining. There was a period when there was no rain. mukama, o- (mu/ba) master; employer, boss; with cap. the Lord (God); formerly the title of the hereditary rulers of Bunyoro and Toro. mukanaga, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, Hymeno- cardia acida, producing a wood used in making mallets and pestles, cf. olukanaga, enkanaga. mukandala, o- (mu/mi) belt, girdle. mukandwa, o- (mu/mi) mangrove tree. mukanzi, o- (mu/ba) one who terrifies/ scares; terrorist, cf. kanga. mukaŋŋanka (la) peahen. mukapa, o- (mu/mi) kind of rubber tree, Clitandra orientalis, Mukasa pr.n. (la) the name of a lubaale associated with Lake Victoria and the Ssese Islands. Mukasa and the feminine variant Nnamukasa are now extensively used as personal names. mukata, o- (mu/ba) child slow in learning to walk. mukatagga, o- (mu/ba) incompetent person, person with no experience; greenhorn. cf. -katagga. Mukatoliki, O- (mu/ba) a Roman Catholic. cf. Obukatoliki. mukatuzi, o- (mu/ba) pilferer; swindler. cf. katula. mukaya, o- (mu /ba) [L uvumal arch, expert diver. mukazi, o- (mu/ba) woman; wife (less respectful than mukyala). omukazi ow’omu- kono, a woman who is always successful in growing plantains, vegetables, etc., a woman with a‘green thumb.’ cf. -kazi, kaziwala, omukazi, amakazi. mukebe, o- (mu/mi) [Sw. ] can; tin can; cigarette case, ennyama y’emikebe, canned meat. mukebezi, o- (mu/ba) inspector; examiner. cf. kebera. mukebu, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, Cordia abyssinica. mukeeka, o- (mu/mi) mat. okufuna eby’oku mukeeka, to get something for nothing, get something without working for it. mukeeke, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, Podocarpus conifer a. mukekkereza. o- (mu/ba) a thrifty person. cf. kekkereza. muketni, o- (mu/ba) tempter, cf. ^kema. mukene (la) collective noun kind of small silvery fish, okutemagana ng’aga mukene, to sparkle like (the sauce, amazzi is implied) of mukene fa common simile). cf. akamukene. mukessi, o- (mu/ba) spy. cf. ketta. mukiikiro, o- (mu/mi) crossbeam, cf. ^kiika. mukiise, o- (mu/ba) representative, member of a legislative body. cf. ^kiika. mukimba, o- (mu/mi) blacksmith’s charges. mukimba, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree resembling the laburnum, cf. binaabizaamu. mukinga, o- (mu/mi) kind of tall tree, Acacia mildbraedii. cf. kakinga. mukinjaaje, o- (mu/ba) [Sir. ] butcher. mukira, 6- (mu/mi) tail. Linda kiggweeyo afumita mukira, /prov.) lit. Wait until it (ekisolo, animal, implied) comes out, he pierces only the tail (and thereby give the animal an opportunity to run away). Perhaps this is similar to Strike when the iron is hot. cf. akakira, ekkira, olukira. mukisa, o- (mu/mi) luck, good luck; blessing; opportunity, chance, occasion, eky’omukisa, luckily, fortunately, eky’omukisa omubi, unfortunately, amazzi g’omukisa, holy water, cf, munnamukisa, enkisa, nnamu- kisa. mukka, o- (mu/mi) breath; air (which one breathes); smoke; vapor; steam, omudumu gw’omukka, chimney; exhaust pipe (of a car), okussa omukka, to breathe, okussa ku mukka, to take a rest/a breather/a break, okussa omukka ogw’enkomerero, to draw one’s last breath, to die. okumiza omukka omusu, to kill, lit. cause to swallow fresh air. omukka ogubalagala, tear gas. mukkuto (mu/mi) satiety, feeling of fullness after eating; fig. satisfaction. Omukkuto tegusomoka mugga. (prov.) Satisfaction does not (last as long as it takes to) cross the river. Feelings of satisfaction do not last. cf. kkuta. muko, o- (mu/mi) fold; layer; sheet; page; type; kind, omuko gw’amalagala, a cutting or slip of the sweet-potato vine used for replanting, cf. oluko. muko, o- (mu/ba) brother-in-law of a man; son-in-law. in the plur. abako, relatives. cf. ebiko, obuko. mukobe, o- (mu/mi) kind of creeping plant resembling ivy which produces an edible fruit, kkobe, q.v. cf. olukobe. mukoddomi no l.V. (mu/ba) brother-in-law of a man; father-in-law; son-in-law. plur. bakoddomi, in-laws. mukodo, o- (mu/ba) stingy person, miser. cf. -kodo. mukogge, o- more commonly mugogge (mu/ba) thin and emaciated person, someone who is all skin and bones, cf. kogga. mukoka no plur. (la) water which flows in streams during or after the rain. cf. koka. mukokko see ekifamukokko. mukoko adv. kwefuula mukoko, to become intractabl e/incorrigible/impossibl e to handle; to get out of hand. mukokota, o- frau/mi) charm believed to to assist the hunter in luring game into his traps. mukolo, o- (mu/mi) ceremony, formal ceremony, formal occasion. mukoloddoli, o- (mu/mi) with the -a of rel. very tall, omukoloddoli gw’omusajja, a giant of a man. mukolongo, o- = mukoloddoli. See also kolonga. mukoloze, o- (mu/ba) one who has a cough, cougher. cf. kolola. mukoma, o- (mu/mi) small savannah tree, growing up to 50 feet, with yellow flowers, used in making walking-sticks and spear shafts, Grewia mollis, cf. enkomakoma. mukomago, o- (mu/mi) logon which bark- cloth is beaten, cf. komaga. mukomamawanga, o- (mu/mi) kind of fruit tree similar in appearance to the guava but larger and more watery. mukomazi, o- (mu/ba) one who makes bark- cloth, barkcloth maker, cf. komaga. mukomba, o- (mu/mi) pole that goes from the roof of a house down to the floor. mukombi: kubula mukombi, to be magnificent/ wonderful/fascinating (often used in reference to an eventy celebration etc.). Kya- buze omukombi e Lubaga. There was a great celebration at Rubaga. cf. komba. mukomera, o- with the -a of rel. very large; very important, omukomera gw’omusajja, a very important person. Mukomerere, 0- pr.n. the Crucified One, Jesus, cf. komerera. mukomozi, o- (mu/ba) one who cuts, cutter; cloth cutter, tailor, cf. komola. mukonda, o- (mu/mi) handle; spout of a kettle or teapot, cf. enkonda. mukondeere, o- (mu/ba) trumpeter; horn- blower. cf. ekkondeere. mukonga: okulunula omukonga, to stare. mukongoliko, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, African Cutch, Acacia campylacantha. mukongozzi, o- (mu/ba) a person who carries another person on his shoulders; chauffeur of the Kabaka. cf. ^kongojja. mukonjezi, o- (mu/ba) slanderer, maligner. cf. konjera. mukono, o- (mu/mi) hand; arm; sleeve; handwriting; measure of length, arm’s length, omukono omusajja, the right arm/hand, omukono omukazi, the left arm/hand, omukono gwa ddyo, the right side, omukono gwa kkono, the left side, omwoleso gw’eby’emikono, exhibition of handicrafts, omukolo ogw’okussa omukono ku kiwandiiko, the ceremony of signing the document, oku- kunkumula omukono, to strip of office/power/ wealth/prestige (e.g., a high-ranking official). Tewali ankuba ku mukono. Nobody can tell me what to do, lit. strike me on the hand. Yakkiriza okujja okutusuula omukono. He agreed to come and give us (lit. throw us) a hand. Nnamukuba omukono. I flagged him down/stopped (e.g., a car) by the movement of my hand. cf. akakono, ekikono, olukono, enkonokono. mukontanyi, o- (mu/ba) quarrelsome person; blusterer; swashbuckler, cf. kontana. mukonyi. o- fmu/bai arch, shoemaker, cobbler, cf. ^kona. mukonzikonzi (la) kind of tall grass used in making brooms, cf. olukonzikonzi. mukooba, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree with white flowers. mukoobero, o- (mu/mi) end, very end, final position. A1 i ku mukoobero. He is at the end of the line. cf. koobera. mukooge, o- (mu/mi) tamarind tree, Morus lac tea. mukooko, o- (mu/mi) kind of tall timber tree, witch tree of Mubende Hill, Pterygota sp. mukookolo, o- (mu/ba) cancer victim; one who has a hideously disfiguring disease. cf. kookolo. mukookootokwa, o- (mu/mi) with the -a of rel. huge, gigantic. Mukookootokwa gwa musajja. He is a giant of a man. mukookoowe, e- (mu/mi) kind of tall tree with bark resembling that of a mutuba (barkcloth tree). mukoole, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, Dombeya mukole. It is found on the edge of the forest and grows up to 40 feet. mukoonola, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree with blistering sap. mukoosi, o- (mu/mi) trouble, difficulty; bad luck. mukopi, o- (mu/ba) commoner; poor man; person who is low on the social scale; peasant; boor. Mukopi cooloolo. He is an out-and- out peasant, cf. -kopi. mukoza, o- (mu/ba) overseer, headman; foreman. cf. kola, koza. mukozesa, o- (mu/ba) employer, one who hires workers, cf. kola, kozesa. mukozi, o- (ba/mu) doer; worker, laborer; employee, ekibiina kyl abakozi, trade union, labor union, abakozi b’obubi, evildoers. abakozi b’ebya mbyone, mischief- makers. cf. kola, koza. Mukristaayo, o- (mu/ba) Protestant; Christian. Mukristu, o- (mu/ba) Roman Catholic; Christian. muku, o- (mu/mi) time, omuku gumu, once; without any delays or deviations from a route, directly (of a journey). mukubagiza, o- (mu/ba) comforter, one who gives consolation in bereavement. Omukubagiza, the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. cf. kubagiza. mukube, o- (mu/ba) one who is hit/struck; victim (e.g., of a beating), cf, ^kuba. mukubi, o- (mu/ba) lit. one who strikes/hits, omukubi w’ebikonde, boxer, omukubi w’ebi- faananyi, photographer, mukubi is the first element in hundreds of noun phrases. Those included in this dictionary are listed under the final noun. See also the remarks under the entry fkuba. mukubiriza, o- (mu/ba) chairman, presiding officer; president, omukubiriza w’oludda oluwabula gavumenti, the opposition leader (in government), cf. ^kuba, kubiriza. mukubirizi, o- (mu/ba) beater (in hunting). cf. Ikuba, kubiriza. mukubizi, o- (mu/ba) one who sums up/ makes a final resume {e.g.. in a dehn.tr). cf. Ikuba, kubira. mukubyabyayi, o- (mu/ba) lit. one who beats with plantain fibers (hardly an aggressive weapon), softhearted boss, one who is very kind to those whom he rules. cf. kuba, ekyayi. mukubyakkonde (la) kind of plantain producing small bananas, cf. kuba, ekkonde; ndizabawuulu. mukudaazi, o- (mu/ba) mocker, scoffer, jeerer. cf. kudaala. mukugiro, o- (mu/mi) border; edge; side; binding, cloth added to a garment, cf. kugira. mirkugu, o- (mu/ba) expert; professional; highly trained person, cf. -kugu, kuguka. mukukku, o- (mu/mi) with the -a of rel. huge, enormous; excessively long, omukukku gw’ebbaluwa, an extremely long letter. mukulembeze, O- less frequently muku- lembezi (mu/ba) leader; guide; one who goes first, cf. kuletnbera. man; head, superior, person in charge; older brother; older sister, omukulu w’essomero, school principal. Omukulu w’Amatwale, colonial secretary. Lugaba mukulu. God is great (said after something unusually good happens), cf. kula, -kulu. mukulule, o- (mu/mi) arch, door made of reeds or twigs. mukululu, o- also omukululo (mu/mi) trail; track, emikululo egy’emmotoka. tire track? (of an automobile), cf. kulula. mukulungutano, o- (mu/mi) fuss, bustle; confusion. cf. kulungutana. mukulungutanya, o- (mu/ba) one who is deceptive/evasive in speech; secretive person; sly person, cf. kulungutanya. mukumbero, o- (mu/mi) doorpost. mukumbi, o- (mu/ba) one who enjoys strutting around/parading about/showing off. cf. kumba. mukumbo, o- (mu/mi) group; collection; party, troop; side. mukumpanya, o- (mu/ba) embezzler; prevaricator, liar. cf. kumpanya. mukundi, o-( mu/mi) navel, kusunda mukundi,to go where one is not wanted, kusembeza mukundi, to keep going near where there is food (esp. of hungry children), cf. ekkundi, enkundi, nnamukundi. mukunduggu, o- with the -a of rel. stunted, underdeveloped (esp. of animals); tough (of meat), cf. kundugga. mukungu, o- (mu/ba) high-ranking chief; high- ranking official; dignitary. cf. ekikungu, kkungu. mukungubazi, o- (mu/ba) mourner, one who laments, cf. kungubaga. mukungujjo, o- adv. kutambula mukungujjo, to walk straight ahead without turning right or left; to pass a person without greeting him. cf. kungujja. mukunguzi, o- (mu/ba) harvester, reaper; deserter, absconder; bringer of bad luck. cf. kungula. mukunyu, o- (mu/tai) kind of tree, Ficus enaphalncarnn^ Fiscus trzckyphylla, producing edible figs. mukuŋŋaanya, o- (mu/ba) editor (of a newspaper or periodical); collector, cf. kuŋŋaana, kuŋŋaanya. mukupyakupya, o- (mu/ba) cheater, cheat, fraud, cf. kupaakupanya. mukusakusa, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree the bark of which is used for making rope. cf. olukusakusa. mukuseere, o- less common var. of omu- nkuseere, q. v. mukusu, o- (mu/mi) kind of tall forest tree, Uapaca guineensis. mukuti, o- (mu/mi) kind of fig tree. mukutu, o- (mu/mi) strait; canal; channel; trench, drain. mukuufu, o- (mu/ba) omukuufu w'amannyo, someone who has lost some or all of his teeth, cf. kuuka. mukuufu, o- (mu/mi) [Sw. ] chain, omu- kuufu gw’essaawa, watch chain, omukuufu gw’ebisumuluzo, key chain. mukuumi, o- (mu/ba) guard; guardian, omu- kuumi w’ekiro, night watchman, cf. Ikuuma. mukuusa, o- also omukuusakuusa (mu/ba) hypocrite; liar. cf. kuusa. mukuutu, o- (mu/mi) long knife; rascal. mukuyu, o- (mu/mi) kind of sycamore from which are made the keels of beer-making canoes/vats. mukuza, o- (-mu/ba) guardian of a minor; regent (of a hereditary ruler who has not yet come of age), cf. kula, kuza. mukuzannume, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, ITor- burgia ugandensis. mukuzannyana, o- (mu/mi) kind of very tall hardwood tree, lit. it brings up/nurtures (kuza) the calf (nnyana). (Perhaps so called because the tree yields an aperient medicine for cattle.) okukubisa emiku- zannyana, to beat with sticks. mukwakula, o- (mu/mi) kind of thorny bush having heart-shaped leaves and bearing small fruits. mukwano, o- (mu/mi) friendship; romantic love, without the l.V. friend, ow’omu- kwano (plur. ab’omukwano or ab’emikwano) friend, cf. kwana, olukwano. mukwasi, o- (mu/ba) lit. one who grasps/ catches; one who comprehends quickly, omukwasi w’ekigwo, wrestler, abakwasi b’amateeka, law-abiding citizens, cf. kwata. mukwatampola, o- (mu/ba) one who takes (kwata) things slowly (mpola); a calm, deliberate person who does things carefully without rushing. mukwebero, o- (mu/mi) very small space only large enough to crawl through, cf. kwebera. mukwekuzi, o- (mu/ba) one who uncovers what is hidden, cf. kweka, kwekula. mukwekwe, o- (mu/mi) trail/track of something dragged along the ground. mukwekwesi, o- (mu/ba) scout; raider; member of a patrol, cf. kwekweta. Mukwenda pr.n. the title of the Chief of Ssingo Countv (Ssaza). mukwero, o- (mu/mi) main post in the wall of a house, emikwero, framework of a house. mukwesese, o- (mu/mi) trail of a rat. Mukyaddondwa, o- also Munnakyaddondwa (mu/ba) native of Kyaddondo. mukyala, o- (mu/ba) lady; lady of the house; without the initial vowel wife; as a title of address Mrs., Miss. cf. nnakyala. mukyawe, o- (mu/ba) hated one, enemy. Empaka ennemeremu zikubya Mukyawe. (prov.) Incessant arguments result in the beating of the hated (wife). Great troubles have their origins in insignificant events. cf. kyawa. mukyayi, o- (mu/ba) one who hates, hater. cf. kyawa. mukyaze, o- (mu/ba) visitor, cf. ^kyala. mukyondwa, o- also spelled omucondwa (mu/ba) bone setter. mukyufu, o- (mu/ba) one who has changed his outlook/conduct; relig. convert, cf. kyuka. Mukyukuyu, 0- (mu/ba) Kikuyu, a member of the Kikuyu tribe. mukyula, o- also omucuula (mu/mi) powder made from the leaves of a tree (binaabi- zaamu, q.v.) used in divination or as an aperient; also used of the tree itself. mukyusi, o- (mu/ba) fickle person, one who keeps changing, cf. kyuka. mukyuzi, o- also spelled omucuuzi (mu/mi) [Stu. ] gravy. mulaala noun used in pre die ate position calm, calmness. Kiri mulaala. teyeepiilira ngabo. (prov.) lit. It is calm (so) he does not buy himself a shield. Perhaps = In times of plenty one should prepare for times of famine, cf. laala, kirimulaala. mulaalo, o- (mu/ba) herdsman, tender of livestock. mulaami, o- (mu/ba) one who makes a will, testator, cf. laama. mulaamire, o- (mu/ba) heir, one who inherits a part or the whole of the possessions of the deceased, cf, l laama. mulaati(i)ra, o- (mu/mi) with the -a of rel. very tall; very long; gigantic, omulaatira gw’omusajja, a giant of a man. emiraatiira gy’ebigere, very long feet. cf. omulangaatira. mulaawe, o- (mu/ba) eunuch, cf. laawa. mulabba, o- (mu/mi) ridge pole of a house; rafter; beam. cf. akalabba. mulabe, o- (mu/ba) enemy, foe, adversary. cf. laba, obulabe. mulabi, o- (mu/ba) spectator, viewer. cf. laba. mulabirizi, o- (mu/ba) supervisor, superintendent; Protestant bishop, cf. laba, labirira, obulabirizi, ssaabalabirizi. mulagirizi, o- (mu/ba) one who gives instructions or directions; instructor; arch. & bib. teacher, cf. lagirira. mulagulwa, o- (mu/ba) one who consults a seer, one who has his fortune told by a fortune-teller, cf. lagula, omulaguzi. mulaguzi, o- (mu/ba) seer; prophet; oracle; fortune-teller, cf. lagula, omulagulwa. mulaka, o- no plur. (mu/mi) force, drive, vigor; stress; interest, concern; attraction, okussa ku kintu omulaka, to pay particular importance to/give great attention to something. okuggyako omulaka, to lose interest in, pay no attention to, disregard. mulalama no plur. (la) a disease which affects the neck. cf. lalama. mulalu, o- (mu/ba) mad person, insane person; one who acts in a wild and erratic fashion but is not actually insane, cf. -lalu, mulamazi, o- (mu/ba) pilgrim; one who takes a long journey, cf. lamaga. Mulamba pr.n. formerly title of the chief gate-keeper in the palace of the Kabaka. mulantbaalo, o- adv. stiffly; stretched out. okutambula omulambaalo, to walk/proceed straight ahead without looking to either side. cf. lambaala. mulambi, o- (mu/mi) first stretcher/seat in a canoe. mulambo, o- (mu/mi) corpse, dead body. mulambuzt, o- (mu/ba) inspector; tourist. cf. lambula. mulamu, o- (mu/ba) healthy person; living person, okutuusa luno jjo ly abalamu, until recently. Omufu y aliisa omulamu emmere. (prov.) The dead provide food for the living. We profit by the acts of those who have gone before us. cf. -lamu. mulamu (mu/ba) brother-in-law; sister-in-law. mulamula, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree. mulamuzi, o- (mu/ba) judge; arbitrator, omu- lamuzi omuto, junior magistrate, omulamuzi omukulu, chief justice, cf. lamula mulamwa o- (mu/mi) gist; essence. mulanda, o- (mu/mi) trailing shoot /esp. of sweet potatoes), cf. ^landa, olulanda. mulandira, o- (mu/mi) root; fig. connection, relation, cf. ^landa, akalandira. mulanga, o- (mu/ba) one who plays a nnanga (harp, organ, piano). mulanga, o- (mu/mi) outcry, cry, clamor; groan, wail; alarm; appeal, okukka mu miranga, to break into a lament, okutema emiranga, to wail, okukuba omulanga, to appeal to. mulangaatira, o- (mu/mi) with the -a of rel. very tall/high, emirangaatira gy'abasajja, very tall men. emirangaatira gy ensozi, very high mountains, cf. omulaalira. mulangira, o- (mu/ba) prince; euphem, measles. Omwana mulwadde mulangira. The child has the measles, cf. -langira. mulannamiro, o- usually plur. emirannamiro (mu/mi) foot of the bed. adv. at the foot of the bed, cf. lannama. mulanzi, o- (mu/ba) announcer, one who makes an announcement; Rom. Cath. prophet, cf. ^langa. mulasi, o- (mu/ba) archer; one who shoots, rifleman, cf. lasa. mulawo, o- (mu/mi) wooden spatula, large wooden cooking spoon. mulawunyi, o- (mu/ba) policeman on patrol, patrolman, cf. lawuna. muleboolebo, o- (mu/mi) border, edge. cf. endeboolebo, enjegooyego. muleego, o- (mu/mi) difficult situation/job; hardship; a ‘strain.’ cf. leega. muleekaanyi, o- (mu/ba) noisy and boisterous person, cf. leekaana. muleera, o- (mu/mi) embroidered design on the front of a kkanzu. muleesi, o- (mu/ba) one who brings, bringer; one who causes, omuleesi w’ekiteeso, the author of a proposal, cf. leeta. muleezi, o- (mu/ba) one who stretches, stretcher (e.g., of hides), cf. leega. mulega, o- (mu/ba) woman whose pregnancy is overdue, cf. obulega. mulego, o- (mu/mi) lower abdominal swelling. mulekwa plur. bamulekwa (la) orphan. cf. leka. mulema, o- (mu/ba) cripple, crippled person; lame person, cf. lema, lemala. mulemambazzi, o- also omulemampangu kind of tree with very hard wood, Pappea ugandensis. century, with the -a of rel. modern, up-to- date. eby’okulwanyisa eby’omulembe, modern arms/armaments. The plur. emi- rembe has the additional meanings: peace; safety; as adv. safely. Twatuuka mirembe. We arrived safely, emirembe n’emirembe, for ever and ever. Emirembe ngalo. Things come and go, lit. generations are fingers. mulemberembe, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree with soft wood and large leaves. mulemu, o- (mu/mi) rubber vine, Landoiphia florida. cf. eddemu. mulendo, o- (mu/mi) with the -a of rel. minor, insignificant, (something) which can be taken lightly. Ebyo si bya mulendo. These are not minor matters, cf. lendera. mulenganda, o- (mu/ba) stingy cook, woman who rations her guests, cf. lenga. mulenganjuba, o- (mu/mi) kind of sunflower; sundial; clock; watch, cf. lenga, enjuba. mulenge, o- (mu/mi) hollow of a tube; bore of a barrel, cf. eddenge. mulengezi, o- (mu/ba) omulenge.zi w’ewala, far-sighted person; man of foresight. cf. lengera. mulengo, o- (mu/mi) limited amount/quantity; pile, heap; unit (e.g., of nuts, etc.. set out by a merchant for sale), cf. lenga. mulenzi, o- (mu/ba) boy, youth. cf. obulenzi, eddenzi. mulere, o- (mu/ba) flute player, (mu/mi) flute; pipe; horn, omulere omuzungu, trumpet, clarinet. Afuuyira embuzi omulere. He is blowing a horn for the goats (to dance), i.e., he is wasting his breath/talking to someone who is not interested. cf. akalere, endere. mulerembe, o- (mu/mi) quarreling, dispute; vexation; trouble, something bothersome, okuzaala emirerembe, to cause trouble. muleyi, o- (mu/ba) [Su;.] drunkard; good-for- nothing, bum. mulezi, o- (mu/ba) nurse, woman who takes care of a small child, cf. lera. muli, o- (mu/ba) eater; glutton; omuli w’enguzi, taker of bribes, omuli w’olukwe. traitor, cf. lya. muli adv. in there; inside; inwardly, muli beewulira nti..., inwardly they feel that.. cf. muno. muligano, o- (mu /mi) trouble, something to wrestle’ with. cf. liga, ligana. muligo, o- (mu/ba) (physically) dirty/filthy person, cf. obuligo. muliibwampogola (la) kind of plantain which is cooked in the skin. cf. lya, liibwa, empogola. muliimi, o- (mu/ba) lookout; police spy. cf. liima. muliirize, o- (mu/ba) glutton, cf. lya. muliisamaanyi, o- plur. bamuliisamaanyi (la) one who gets his way by using force; bully, cf. lya, liisa, amaanyi. muliiti, o- (mu/mi) snare for trapping antelopes and warthogs. cf. liita. mulimaawa, o- (mu/mi) lime tree. mulimba, o- (mu/ba) liar; deceiver, cf. limba. mulimi, o- (mu/ba) farmer, farm worker; cultivator, cf. lima. mulimu, o- (mu/mi) work; task; job; employment; business, kuggwa mirimu, to be well done; to be dressed beautifully, be dressed ‘fit to kill.’ cf. eddimu, akalimu. mulimu there is/are. ..inside/in it. cf. -li (under ba). mulindi, o- (mu/mi) ambatch tree, Herminiera elaphroxylon. It has very light wood and grows in or near swamps. mulindi, o- (mu/ba) arch, grandson of a deceased chief who participated in the ceremonies at the grave. muliraano, o- (mu/mi) neighborhood, vicinity, environs, ow’omuliraano, neighbor, cf. liraana. muliraanwa nol.V. plur. bamuliraanwa (la) neighbor, cf. liraana. mulirira, o- (mu/mi) kind of medium sized tree, Harungana madagascariensis. It is perhaps called the ‘mourner’ (cf. Iirira) because the sap which comes from it is said to resemble blood. It is also called mukaabira, q.v. muliro, o- (mu/mi) fire, ekidduka eky’omu- liro, motor vehicle, okusala ku muliro, to reduce the speed (of a vehicle), okukwata omuliro, to catch fire, okuwulumula omu- liro, to drive at a great speed, akaato ak’omuliro, motorboat, emmotoka n’agi- ssaamu omuliro, and he started the car. cf. biriroliro, ekiriro. mulisa (-mulisizza) v.tr. light, light up, direct light towards; illuminate; light with a torch; shine (a flashlight). okumulisa enswa, to catch termites (with the aid of torches), cf. emmuliso, emmulisiso. mulisa (-mulisizza) v.i. open out, bud, blossom. mulo, o- no plur. (mu/mi) sleepiness, drowsiness. Omulo gunzijudde. I am very sleepy. Nnasuze ku mulo. 1 spent a sleepless night, cf. lotulo. mulobi, o- (mu/ha) one who fishes with a hook, angler, cf. loba. muloboli, o- usually plur. emiroboli (mu/mi) trouble, hardship; vexation; problem. muloge, o- (mu/ba) one who is bewitched. Wano wafiira muloge. This place is not safe, I (we) have to get away in a hurry, lit. (Only) a person who is bewitched would die here. cf. loga. mulogo, o- (mu/ba) witch, sorcerer, magician; wizard,’ remarkably talented person, cf. loga. mulokole, o- (mu/ba) relig. one who is saved; with caps, member of an envangeli- cal sect who believes in public testimonials and the experience of being saved. cf. lokola. mulokompofu, o- (mu/ba) one who talks on and on; one who is irrelevant or indiscreet in what he says. cf. lokompoka. mulokozi, o- (mu/ba) rescuer; relig. Saviour. cf. lokola. mulolo, o-: okutunula omulolo, to stare; to to have a dull/glazed look; to look flabbergasted. cf. lolobala. mulondo, o- (mu/mi) kind of creeping plant with edible roots. mulongo, o- (mu/ba) twin (used only in reference to human beingsj; umbilical cord (esp. of the Kabaka). cf. -longo. mulongo, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree which has pale wood. mulongoosa, o- (mu/ba) surgeon, cf. longoosa. mulongoose, o- (mu/ba) one who has been operated on. cf. longooka, longoosa. mulesgooti, c (mu/mi) [S«/. j must (of a ship); flagpole. mulonzi, o- (mu/ba) elector, voter, cf. londa. muloodi, o- (mu/ba) [fug.] lord (of the British variety). muloopi, o- (mu/ba) denouncer; tattletale, one who reveals or exposes (the acts of another), cf. loopa. mulubaale, o- (mu/ba) a priest of the native religion, one who is able to communicate with the lubaales (native deities) and the world of spirits and thereby predict the future and produce other paranormal phenomena. cf. lubaale. mulugube, o- (mu/mi) greed, greediness. -emulugunya (-emulugunyizza) v.i. refl. complain; grumble. -emulugunyira (-emulugunyidde) v.i. appl. refl. complain about, etc. -emulugunyiza (-emulugunyizizza) v.tr. appl. caus. refl. complain about; complain to (a person) about (a circumstance, thing). -emulugunyika (-emulugunyise) v.i. neut. Enjogera ye teyeemulugonyika. It is hard to complain about his manner of speech. mulugwa, o- (mu/mi) hollow; hollowed out area; hole; opening; passage. muluka (-muluse) v.i. slip away; glide away; fly away; disappear. mulula (-muludde) v.tr. okumulula amaaso, to turn the eyes coyly/furtively. -emulula (-emuludde) v.i. refl. slip away; creep, creep away; glide away. lyemululira mu ssubi. The large snake slipped away in the grass, kwemulula ng’omusota, sneak away, move stealthily to escape detection, lit. like a snake. cf. -ewulula. muluka, o- plur. emiruka (mu/mi) parish, sub-district, administrative unit immediately below the ggombolola. okulyamu omuluka, to become outstanding/distinguished, earn a name for oneself. mulula see muluka. mululi, o- (mu/mi) carcass of an animal. mululu, o- (mu/mi) greed; great desire/ interest/passion, cf. 2juj8i -lulu. mululu, o- (mu/mi) tall forest tree, with large leaves and brownish-white wood, Chrysophyllum albidum. Its wood is easy to saw and takes a fine polish. mululuuza, o- (mu/mi) iron weed, asterace- OUS shrub, Vernonia amygdalina. Its leaves have a medicinal value. mulumba, o- (mu/ba) rear paddler in a canoe, cf. akalumba, ekirumba. mulumbaganyi, o- (mu/ba) attacker, assailant. cf. lumba, lumbagana. mulumbi, o- (mu/ba) attacker, assailant; aggressor, cf. lumba. mulumisi, o- (mu/ba) cupper, bleeder, one who has the occupation of bleeding others. cf. lumika, omwerumisi. mulumyo, o- (mu/mi) tool heated at one end and used for boring, okussa ku mulumyo, to put (someone) in an agonizing situation. cf. luma. mulunda, o- arch., now replaced by omulunzi, q.v. mulundi, o- (mu/mi) time, occasion; kind, type, category, mulundi gumu, once, emi- rundi mingi, often, emirundi egimu, sometimes. emirundi, multiplication table, ku mulundi guli, on the last occasion, the last time. Mulundirawala pr.n. God, lit. He who herds far and wide. cf. lunda. mulundirundi, o- (mu/mi) more commonly olulundulirunduli (lu/n) shin, shinbone. mulundu, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree from which shields are made. mulungi, o- (mu/ba) beautiful/handsome person; good/virtuous person, cf. -lungi, obulungi. mulunginsanvu, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, Syzygium guineense and Eugenia guineen- sis. It has pale, heavy wood. cf. akalunginsanvu. mulunguka (-mulunguse) v.i. crumble, collapse, break to pieces, fall to dust. mulungula (-mulungudde) v.tr. pulverize; crush; fig. overcome; solve, resolve. mulunnyanja, o- (mu/ba) sailor, seaman. cf. ennyanja. mulunzi, o- (mu/ba) herdsman, shepherd, tender of farm animals, cf. lunda. Muluŋŋaana, o- (mu/ba) person from the coast; foreigner. mulusi, o- (mu/ba) weaver, cf. iluka. muluulu. o- (mu/ba) a member of the Alur tribe of Northern Uganda. Muluumi, 0- (mu/b)a (a) Roman. muluumu, o- (mu/mi) pole used for carrying animals killed by hunters. muluutu, o- (mu/mi) large amount, large mass, omuluutu gw’emmere, a large quantity of food. muluutuluutu tla) [Stu. ] copper sulphate, blue vitriol, bluestone. muluvu, O- (mu/ba) glutton. mulwadde, o- (mu/ba) sick person; patient. cf. Mwala, obulwadde, endwadde. mulwanirizi, o- (mu/ba) fighter, one who fights for a goal, omulwanirizi w'eddembe, freedom fighter, cf. Mwana, lwanirira. mulwanyi, o- (mu/ba) fighter, cf. ^lwana. mulya (la, collective) kind of bird, lourie, gray plantain-eater. An individual specimen is akamulya (plur. zimulya). mulyake, o- (mu/ba) cunning and deceitf ul person; extortioner, cf. obulyake; lya- kula, omulyakuzi. mulyakuzi, o- (mu/ba) cheat, fraud; treacherous person, cf. lyakula; omulyake. mulyammamba, o- see mmamba. mulyango, o- plur. emiryango (mu/mi) doorway; in the plur. front of the house; living room. mulyazaamaanyi, o- (mu/ba) (person who is a) cheat, fraud, cf. lyazaamaanya. mulyo, o- (mu/mi) profitable venture. cf. lva. Mulyolyomi, o- pr.n. Satan, lit. the Accuser (Revelations, Xll, 9-)- cf. lyolyoma. mumanyi, o- also omumanyibwa (mu/ba) acquaintance, a person whom one knows. c f. many a. mumbejja, o- (mu/ba) princess. mumbowa, o- (mu/ba) executioner. mumbuti, o- (mu/ba) dwarf; pigmy. mume: enkuba ya mume, dark, threatening rain clouds. mumegganyi, o- (mu/ba) wrestler, cf. megga. mumenyi, o- (mu/ba) breaker, one who breaks, omumenyi w’amateeka, lawbreaker. cf. menya. muminsani, o- (mu /ba) [Ereg. ] missionary. mumiro, o- (mu/mi) inner throat; windpipe; trachea, omumiro gw’emmere, foodpipe, gullet, okugolola emimiro, to clear the throat, okugogola emimiro, to gargle, okukuba emimiro, to make clicking sounds in the throat to express wonder, amazement, sadness, etc. okuweweeza emimiro, to drink, take a drink. Akasukka omumiro tekabalibwa. (prov.) lit. What has (already) passed the throat (in eating) is not reckoned (as important). The more you have, the more you want. cf. mira, ekimiro. Mumisiri, 0- (mu/ba) [Siv-.Ar.] (an) Egyptian. mumizi, o- (mu/mi) one who swallows, swallower; glutton. Ekizikiza kiyamba mumizi. (prov.) Darkness helps a greedy eater (because no one is watching). Basisinkanye omumizi n’omuwuwuttanya. (prov.) lit, They have met the glutton and the one who gulps hot food. An irresistible force has met an immovable object, cf. mira. mummi, o- (mu/ba) selfish person, one who gives grudgingly. Kya mummi okiriira ku mwana. (prov.) lit. (The food) of a grudging person, you eat it only through the intercession of (his) child, cf. mma. mumonaaki, o- (mu/ba) [Lot.] monk. mumpembe, o- (mu/ba) aggressive/determined/bold person; dangerous person. mumpi, o- (mu/ba) a short person. Omumpi w’akoma w’akwata. (prov.) lit. Where a short person stops (in height) is where he grasps. A person must work within his limitations, cf. -mpi. mumpibigere (la) toddler, very small child, lit. short feet. cf. -mpi, ekigere. mumuli, o- (mu/mi) torch made of reeds. cf. olumuli. mumuli, o- (mu/mi) kind of softwood tree, Holoptelia grandis. mumunku: kuba mumunku, to pass wind. mumunyala (-mumunyadde) v.i. be silent/ taciturn; be at a loss for something to say; fail to express oneself when one is expected to; be dumbfounded; be incommunicative while maintaining a sheepish or foolish expression. mumunyaza (-mumunyazizza) v.tr. caus. reduce to silence, etc. cf. -mumunyavu. -mumunyavu adj. silent, taciturn; uncommunicative. cf. mumunyala. mumuunya (-iuuiiiUunviz.z.aj v.tr. num (e.g., a song), v.i. murmur, mutter. mumwa, o- (mu/mi) lip; beak, omumwa gw’ennyindo, nostril, ow’omumwa, quarrelsome person (esp. a husband who quarrels with his wife), okufuna eky’okuzza eri omumwa, to get something to eat, lit. to bring back to the lip. okubega emirawa, to pucker one’s lips (as one on the brink of tears or who feels an aversion), okukwata ku mumwa, to be amazed/astonished, kuggya mumwa ku muntu, to stop slandering a person, kuggya mu kintu mumwa, to have eaten enough, be surfeited with food. Omumwa gumuli mu nnyindo. He is very angry, lit. his lip is in his nose. Obunyo- nyi tubukwata mimwa. We wake up early in the morning, lit. the little birds we catch them by the beaks, cf. obumwamwa, akamwa. mumwanyi, o- (mu/mi) coffee tree. cf. emmwanyi. mumwenyerekesi, o- (mu/ba) giggler, one who indulges in persistent and foolish laughter, cf. mwenyereketa. one who gives a shave; arch, barber, cf. mwa. mumyuka, o- (mu/ba) deputy, one who is second in command; chief of second rank. cf. 2myuka. munaabo, o- (mu/mi) the washing of on’s hands preparatory to eating. Twakomye ku munaabo. We were disappointed in our expectations. We did not get what we wanted, cf. naaba. munaala, o- ^mu/mi) tower; steeple; minaret; flagpole. munaana, o- numer. (mu/mi) eight, with the -a of rel. eighth, omulundi ogw'omunaana, the eighth time. cf. -naana. munaanaagizi, o- also omunaanagize (mu/ba) stutterer, stammerer, cf. naanaagira. munaanya, o- (mu/ba) lazy person, cf. naanya. munaawuuzi, O- (mu/ba) omunaawuuzi w’entalo, a fomenter/instigator of feuds/ battles/wars. cf. naawuula. munaazi, o- also omunazzi (mu/mi) kind of tall hardwood tree, Parinari excels a. munabbi, o- also nnabbi (mu/ba) relig. prophet, cf. obunnabbi. munaganwa, o- with the -a of rel. scarce, few. Lumonde ow’omunaganwa, few sweet potatoes. munagiro, o- (mu/mi) cloak, robe, wraparound, cape. cf. nagira. munakezi, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, Alsodeia ilicifolia. munaku, o- (mu/ba) poor person; person in misery/wretchedness; disturbed/troubled person. Omunaku kaama. (prov.) A poor person is a yam (he is neglected but can still manage), cf. -naku, nakuwala, obu- naku, ^ennaku. munazi, o- (mu/mi) [Sm. ] coconut tree. cf. ennazi. munda, o- as a noun of limited occurrence inside, interior. Minista w’ensonga rz’c-.ur.da, min iatei of imernai affairs. as an adv. inside, within, cf. enda. mungaala, o- (mu/mi) rare space, var. of omwangaala, q.v. Mungereza, 0- (mu/ba) Englishman, English person, cf. -ngereza. mungu, o- plur. emyungu (mu/mi) a type of vegetable which resembles squash or cucumbers. It is eaten cooked. Ebiyigibwa yalyanga mungu buteesokoola. He did not have the slightest difficulties with his studies, lit. he ate mungu without having to pick his teeth. Mungu (la) [_Sw. 3 God (used by Muslims). munguuba, o- with the -a of rel. insufficient; inadequate; unsatisfactory; few. Ensonga ezireetebwa za munguuba. The reasons given are not satisfactory. Enva zino za munguuba. This sauce is watery. muniino, o- with the -a of rel. trivial, unimportant, of no consequence. Enzonga ezo si za muniino. These are not matters to be treated lightly, cf. niina. munkula or munkuula (-munkudde) v.tr. devour, eat ravenously; eat with zest/ gusto. munkunya (-munkunyizza) v.tr. munch, chew quietly and slowly with the mouth shut. -emunkunya (-emunkunyizza) v.tr. refl. = munkunya. cf. mugunya. munkuseere, o- (mu/ba) poor person, pauper; person without a family, omwana omunku- seere, poor orphan, cf. obunkuseere. munna-(banna-) companion; associate; colleague; friend. This word occurs only with a possessive which is suffixed to the stem: munnange, my companion; munno, your companion; munne, his/her companion; munnaffe, our companion; munnammwe, your companion; munnaabwe, their companion; bannange, my companions, etc. cf. kinna-, Munno. Munna- + place name = native or inhabitant of a place, (la) Munnabuddu, a native of Buddu. Munnakyaggwe, a native of Kyaggwe. munnabbi, o- var. of omunabbi, q.v. munnabiikira, o- (mu/ba) nun. cf. omu- biikira. munnaddiini (mu/ba) cleric, member of the clergy; member of a religious order, cf. eddiini. munnaggagga (mu/ba) very rich person, cf. -gagga. munnaggwanga, o- plur. bannaggwanga or bannamawanga (mu/ba) foreigner. cf. leggwanga. munnakibiina (mu/ba) party member; member of an association; member of a religious order, cf. ekibiina. munnakibuga (la) city dweller, urbanite. cf. ekibuga. munnakinku (la) expert, cf. nnakinku. munnakwale, o- (mu/ba) dwarf. munnakyewa also nnakyewa (mu/ba) volunteer. munnalukoola (mu/ba) bush dweller; inhabitant of a sparsely populated area; one who dwells in the wilderness, cf. olukoola. munnamateeka. o- (mu/ba) lawyer, attorney. cf. etteeka. munnamawanga, o- (mu/ba) foreigner. See munnaggwanga. munnamawulire (mu/ba) journalist, reporter, newspaperman, cf. wulira, amawulire. munnamukisa, o- (mu/ba) successful person; lucky person, cf. omukisa. munnandi, o- (mu/mi) kind of maize/corn with large kernels which is used for making flour. munnanfuusi, o- (mu/ba) hypocrite, cf. fuuka, fuusa, -nnanfuusi. munnanga, o- (mu/mi) sweet potato, cf. ekinnanga. munnansangwa also munnansangwamu (mu/ba) original inhabitant, aborigine; native; long-time resident, cf. sanga. munnansi, o- (mu/ba) native (of a country); citizen, cf. nsi. Munno pr.n.t lit. your friend. The name of the oldest Luganda-language newspaper, founded in 1911. cf. munna-. Munnyambo, 0- (mu/ba) in the plur. the first Arabs to come to Buganda; current usage person with bad manners, uncultured person. munnyinnyi, o- (mu/mi) hole in the wall of a goat pen through which dung is removed. munnyu, o- also munnyo, o- (mu/mi) salt, omunnyu ogw’ensero, salt which is white and crumbly, omunnyu mawewule, salt which is very fine and white, omunnyu kabumba, brownish salt, omunnyu gw’olu- kalabule, salt which has a very strong taste, omunnyu gwa magadi, salt which occurs in large chunks, omunnyu gwa kisula, salt characterized by fairly large lumps. Omunnyu gwa biswazzi. The salt is insufficient. There is not enough salt. cf. olunnyu, olunnyunnyu, otunnyu. muno adv. here, in here. cf. 2 muli. munoko, o- (mu/mi) bad habit, okuggya eminoko, to criticize. munoonyereza, o- (mu/ba) researcher, investigator. cf. noonya, noonyereza. munoonyi, o- (mu/ba) seeker, omunoonyi w’obubudamo, refugee, cf. noonya, budama. muntu, o- (mu/ba) person, human being, man; in the plur. abantu people, omuntu obuntu, an ordinary person, the average person, a mere mortal, mu bifo by’abantu bonna, in public places. Bantu mannyo ga mpisi, gaseka kungulu, nga munda mu- limu bussi. (prov.) People are like the teeth of hyenas which outwardly are laughing, but on the inside are filled with murder, cf. obuntu. muntu, o- (mu/mi) the middle part of the upper lip. muntumulamu, o- (mu/ba) well-bred person; humane person, omusajja omuntumulamu, a gentleman in every sense of the word. cf. obuntubulamu, kintukiramu. Munubbi, 0- (mu/ba) (a) Nubian. mununuzi, o- (mu/ba) rescuer; liberator; relig. Redeemer, Saviour. cf• nunula. munwe, o- (mu/mi) normally linked with another noun by the -a of rel. one, a single (one), unit, omunwe gwa lumonde, a sweet potato, eminwe gy’amatooke, several plantains, cf. olunwe. munya, o- (mu/mi) lizard, kusindikira munya mu ssubi, to tell a person to do something he wants to do anyway, lit. to push a lizard into the grass, cf. ekinya. munyaala, o- (mu/mi) first bananas of a young plant; kind of small fish resembling a sprat, cf. -nyaala, akanyaala. munyaga, o- also omunyaganyaga (mu/ba) uncouth person; boor. cf. ekinyaganyaga. munyage, o- (mu/ba) captive, prisoner of war; victim of plunder; one who has been robbed, cf. nyaga. munyago, o- (mu/mi) spoil, booty, plunder; stolen goods, loot. cf. nyaga. munyakuzi, o- (mu/ba) one who snatches; thief. omunyakuzi w’ensawo, pickpocket. cf. nyakula. munyale, o- (la) soot. Nnasanga ekiyumba munyale. I found the house empty/de- serted. cf. kanyale. munyama (la) kind of ant. munyama, o- (mu/mi) kind of large tree with light-brown wood, Uganda Mahogany, Khaya anthotheca. munyampala, o- (mu/ba) headman. Lunyanko- le, omunyampara, Swahili, mnyapara. The word, is rare in Luganda and replaced by nnampala, q.v. Munyani, o- (mu/ba) banyan, one of a caste of Hindu merchants and traders. The ba- in banyan fn Hindi word cf Sanskrit uilgin) was presumably interpreted as the Bantu pluralizing affix ba-, thus producing the anomalous back formation Munyani. This does not occur in Swahili which has banyani. munyazi, o- (mu/ba) plunderer, robber, pirate, raider, cf. nyaga. munyeenya (-munyeenye) v.i. shine, flicker; twinkle; glimmer. munyeenyesa (-munyeenyesezza) v.tr. caus. make shine, cause to flicker. cf. emmunyeenye. munyeera no plur., sing, used collectively (la) kind of tiny ant. They collect in large numbers on uncovered meat, bones, etc. munyeera w’abantu, a huge gathering of people, kuteevuunya nga munyeera, swarm/ be crowded together like ants (said of a crowded gathering of people). cf. obu- nyeera. munyegero, o- (mu/mi) (act of) going; travel. cf. nyegera. munyenge, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree of the Xanthoxylon genus, with grayish-brown wood. munyerere with the -a of rel. smooth, glossy (of hair). Yalina enviiri za munyerere. He has smooth hair. munyinya, o- (mu/mi) kind of savannah tree, Acacia hebecladoides. munyinye (la) sleeping sickness. munyolo, o- (mu/mi) drumstick; door handle. munyongo, o- (mu/ba) contemptuous foreigner. munyonyi, o- (mu/mi) colloq. chicken. cf. skinycnyi, cnnyonyi. Munyoro, 0- more correctly spelled Omunyolo (mu/ba) a native of Bunyoro; loosely a member of any of several Bantu tribes (other than the Baganda) in Uganda. munyoto, o- with the -a of rel. few, few in in number; scarce, rare. Yayogedde ebi- gambo bya munyoto. He only spoke a few words. Ennyama efuuse ya munyoto. Meat has become scarce. munyuli (la) blue starling. munyunguza (-munyunguzizza) v.i. rinse; cleanse; gargle. = nyumunguza, q.v. munyunyunsi, o- (mu/ba) lit. one who sucks; fig. exploiter, oppressor, cf. nyuunyunta. munywamazzi, o- (mu/mi) white pear, kind of tall hardwood tree, Apodytes dimidiata. munywanyi, o- (mu/ba) close friend, omu- nywanyi w’omukago, blood brother. munywi, o- (mu/ba) drinker, habitual drinker, omunywi wa taaba, a smoker, cf. nywa. munzuula var. of muuzuula, q.v. mupaapaali, o- (mu/mi) papaw (or pawpaw) tree. cf. eppaapaali. mupakasi, o- (mu/ba) hired workman, worker; manual worker, laborer; porter; employee. cf. pakasa. mupansi, o- (mu/ba) flatterer, cf. panka. mupeekerezi, o- (mu/ba) begging, importunate person; pesterer. cf. peeka. mupeera, o- (mu/mi) [Sw.,Port.f\ guava tree. cf. eppeera. mupeesi, o- (mu/ba) begging, importunate person. mupiira, o- (mu/mi) ball; football; soccer match; tire; raincoat, omupiira gw’emmotoka, automobile tire, omupiira gw’enkuba, raincoat. mupingo, o- (mu/mi) [Su>.] ebony tree, Dio spyros ebenum, Dalbergia melanoxylon. mupoliisi, o- (mu/ba) [Eng.] policeman, in the plur. abapoliisi, (the) police. Mupolositante, 0- (mu/ba) [Eng.] Protestant. mupunga, o- (mu/mi) [Su>.] rice; rice plant; in the plur. kinds of rice. See omuceere. mupunta, o- (mu/ba) surveyor. musa, o- (mu/mi) tip; blade (of a sword, knife, etc.). omasa gw’ekitala, the blade of a sword. Musa pr.n. Moses. musaabaze, o- (mu/ba) passenger, cf. saabala. musaala, o- (mu/mi) wage, pay, salary. musaalaba, o- (mu/mi) [Sw.,Ar.] cross. musaale, o- (mu/ba) guide; leader; fifth chief in rank; first one, first person. Nze nnali omusaale ku muyiira. I was the first one to arrive at the fire. cf. lsaala. musaali, o- (mu/mi) wild cherry tree, Garcinia buc hananii. musaaniiko, o- (mu/bi) a very large quantity of rubbish/trash, cf. ekisaaniiko. musaasaane (n/n) sandal. musaasaanya, o- (mu/ba) distributor, omu- saasaanya wa ppokopoko, pol. publicity secretary, cf. saasaanya. musaasizi, o- (mu/ba) sympathetic/compassionate person, cf. saasira. musaayi, o- (mu/mi) blood, omusaayi omu- langira, royal blood, enjoka z’omusaayi, gonorrhea. musaayimuto plur. bamusaayimuto (la) youth, teenager, lit. young blood, cf. omusaayi, -to. musaazi, o- (mu/ba) joker, jester; one whose word cannot be taken seriously, cf. saaga. musabi, o- (mu/ba) one who makes a request, one who asks. cf. saba. musabirizi, o- also omusabiriza (mu/ba) beggar, cf. sabiriza. musagga, o- (mu/mi) headband/wreath worn as a symbol of victory; headband worn for reasons of illness. musagguzi, o- (mu/ba) beater, one who flushes a game animal from cover, cf. saggula; omusazzi. musajja, o- (mu/ba) man, adult male; husband. musajja wa Katonda, (often in an ironical sense) the poor fellow, musajjamukulu, old fellow, old man. cf. -sajja, olusajja, nnasajja, ssaabasajja. musala, o- (mu/mi) barkcloth tree from,which the first stripping of bark has been made; barkcloth from any stripping except the first. See kitentegere, mukaaku, nnakabirye, nnakasatwe. musale, o- (mu/mi) tribal marking, mark cut on the body. cf. sal a. musale, o- (mu/ba) person with a bodily part cut off. omusale w’amatu, one whose ears have been cut off. cf. sala. musambi. n- (mu/ba) UrUpr nne who kicks, omusambi w’omupiira, football player. cf. samba. musambwa, o- (mu/mi) nature spirit which frequents trees, brooks, etc., and may appear in various forms, esp. that of a woman. musamize, o- (mu/ba) one who is the vehicle for spirit communications, medium, cf. samira. musana, o- (mu/mi) daylight; daytime; sunlight; sunshine; sun. in the plur. emisana, daylight, middle of the day. Twagala oku- kissa mu musana nti... We should like to make it clear that... Omusana gwaka. The sun is shining, cf. akasana, ekyemisana, essana. musana (la) kwashiorkor, severe malnutrition in infants and children. musangi (la) wife’s sister’s husband. musango, o- (mu/mi) fault; crime; charge, accusation; court case. (Omusango) gu- musinze. He has been found guilty. The verdict is against him. Asinze omusango. He has won the case. He has been acquitted. okuzza omusango, to commit a crime, okusala omusango, to decide a case. okugoba omusango, to dismiss a case. musaniko, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, Clausena anisata. musanvu, o- numer. (mu/mi) seven, with the -a of rel. seventh, omulundi ogw’omu- sanvu, the seventh time. cf. -sanvu. musanvu, o- (mu/mi) branch, part of a tree spread out to block a road or path; obstacle, obstruction, cf. akasanvu. Musanyusammeeza (la) cassava, lit. it makes the table (mmeeza) pleasing (sanyusa). musasa, o- (mu/mi) forest-edge tree, from 40 to 50 feet, with drooping foliage, Sapiurn el- lipticum. The wood is hard and is used for making anvils for beating barkcloth and also for making charcoal. musaserdoti, o- also omusaserdooti, omu- sosodooti (mu/ba) [Fr.,Lat. ] Catholic priest. musasi, o- (mu/ba) one who goes to forage for food, one who travels about to obtain food either by purchase or in exchange for services.' omusasi w’amawulire, newspaper reporter, one who ferrets out news, omusasi w’ejinambo, gossip, gossiper. cf. saka. musawo, o- (mu/ba) doctor, physician, omusawo w’amannyo, dentist, omusawo w’obwongo, psychiatrist, omusawo w’ebisolo, veterinary, veterinarian, cf. sawula, ensawo. musawuzi, o- (mu/ba) rare one who heals, healer; doctor, cf. sawula. musazi, o- (mu/ba) one who cuts, omusazi w’ensawo, pickpocket, omusazi w’empaka, judge of a contest/competition, omusazi w’emisango, judge, court judge, omusazi w’enviiri, barber, omusazi w’ebigambo, one who makes false accusations, abasazi b’eddiiro, members of the legislature who join the other party {lit. crossers of the floor). omusazi w’omupiira, referee of a ball game. cf. sal a. musazzi, o- (mu/ba) beater, one who drives game animals out of hiding; recruiter, cf. sagga; omusagguzi, musebeyi, o- (mu/ba) arch, a woman who travels with the Kabaka, a chief or her husband on military expeditions or on a long journey, cf. sebeya. museegu, o- (mu/ba) dissolute/profligate/ shameless person, cf. -seegu, seeguka. museemi, o- also omuseemya (mu/ba) seducer, tempter, cf. seemya. museenene, o- (mu/mi) kind of very tall tree, Podo or East African yellowwood, Podo- carpus gracilior and Podoc arpus milanjianus. museenene, o- (mu/mi) period from November to December when the nseenene (type of grasshoppers) appear. museera, o- (mu/mi) full-grown chicken which has not yet produced eggs. cf. enseera. museese, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, Rhus natalensis. museetwe, o- (mu/mi) plain; plateau; level area, with the -a of rel. flat, level. Ensi yali ya museetwe. The country was flat/ level, cf. seeteera. charges, one who sells at exorbitant prices; swindler, cf. ^seera. musege, o- (mu/mi) wild dog; wolf, with the -a of rel. wild, unruly; fierce, emisege gy’abaana, wild, bad-mannered children, emisege gy'agabwa, huge, fierce-looking dogs. musegula, o- = omusege, q.v. musekerannyuma, o- (mu/mi) kind of long drum. musekere, o- (mu/mi) swarm of lice. cf. ensekere. musekese, o- (mu/mi) large load/bundle of firewood, omusekese gw'enju, a long house, cf. sekesa, olusekese. musekuzo, o- (mu/mi) wooden pestle, cf. sekula. musenene, o- (mu/mi) giant swamp rat. musenero, o- (mu/ba) brewer, cf. sena, essenerG. musenguse, o- (mu/ba) one who has moved away/emigrated, cf. ^senga, senguka. musenyu, o- (mu/mi) sand. musenze, o- (mu/ba) tenant; temporary resident; newcomer, recent inhabitant; emigrant; new member; servant. Basenze were originally people who lived on the private lands of a chief for whom they worked or fought in exchange for the land which they tenanted, cf. Isenga. musera, o- (mu/mi) full serving, full portion, emisera ebiri egy’omwenge, two glasses of beer full to the brim, as an adv. brimful, to the brim. Endeku yali ejjudde musera be ddu. The gourd was full right up to the brim. cf. lensera. muserebende, o- (mu/mi) flat rump, emmotoka ey’omuserebende, sedan, saloon car. muserengu, o- = museegu, q.v. museresi, o- (mu/ba) thatcher; roofer, one who constructs a roof for a house, cf. sereka. muserikale, o- (mu/ba) [_Sw. ,Ar.~] soldier. Musese o- (mu/ba) of the SseseIslands. museveni, o- (mu/ba) war veteran. The Ugandans who took part in World War 2 belonged to the 7th Army. The number ‘seven’ used to appear on the sleeves of their uniforms, cf. sevena. musezi, o- (mu/ba) one who practices a form of black magic characterized by wild dancing, raising the bodies of the newly-dead and eating portions thereof. These activities occur at night, cf. sera, obusezi. musi, o- (mu/ba) one who grinds grain, miller, cf. sa. musibe, o- (mu/ba) prisoner, cf. siba. musibi, o- (mu/ba) lit. one who ties, omu- sibi w’abagole, bride dresser, one whose occupation is making wedding clothes for brides, cf. siba. musibira-mu-bbwa, o- (mu/ba) policeman. cf. siba, ebbwa. musigire, o- (mu/ba) assistant, deputy. cf. sigira, obusigire. musiguzi, o- also omusiguze (mu/ba) one who entices another away from the path of duty or virtue, tempter; seducer; adulterer. cf. sigula. musiige, o- (mu/ba) boy or girl serving as a page in the palace of the Kabaka. cf. 2siiga. musiikuuzi, o- (mu/ba) one who stires up trouble, troublemaker. Oli musiikuuzi wa nkukunyi. You are trying to cause trouble. cf. siikuula. musiiti, o- (mu/mi) kind of shrub which bears hard red seeds (nsiiti). cf. ^siita, olusiiti ensiiti musiizi, o- (mu/ba) painter, omusiizi w’ebi- faananyi, painter (of pictures), artist, omusiizi w’ennyumba, house painter. cf. Isiiga. musika, o- (mu/ba) heir; successor. cf. Isika. musimbalaala, o- with the -a of rel. straight, direct; vertical; precipitous, olukoloboze olw’omusimbalaala, a straight/vertical line. musimbi, o- (mu/mi) large amount of money. cf. ehsimbi. musimbu, o- (mu/ba) epileptic, person with epilepsy, cf. ensimbu. musimi, o- (mu/ba) digger, excavator. omusimi w’amanda, coal miner, cf. sima. musinde, o- (mu/mi) the type of noise produced by the tramping of feet, the firing of a gun, the detonation of explosives; thumping; (the sound of) footsteps, emi- sinde is also used as an adverb with the meaning very fast, at great speed, okuta emisinde, okudduka emisinde, okusiikuula emisinde, okutyekula emisinde, all of which mean to move at a great speed. cf. leki sinde. musinga, o- (mu/mi) pig iron. Tukyakuba r misinga. We are just starting. musingi, o- (mu/mi) foundation (of a house); f fig' foundation, basis, ejjinja ly'omusingi, cornerstone, okutema omusingi, to lay the foundation. musingo, o- (mu/mi) pledge, something given as security; deposit, down payment; guarantee; hostage, cf. 2 singa. musino, o- (mu/mi) clitoris. Musiraamu, 0- (mu/ba) Muslim, Moslem. cf. siramuka. musiri, o- (mu/mi) cultivated field, cultivated plot, garden. musirise, o- (mu/ba) quiet/taciturn person. cf. sirika. musiru, o- also omusirusiru (mu/ba) fool, foolish/silly person, cf. -siru, siriwala, obusiru, kasiru. musisi no plur. (la) earthquake. Musisi is ! the name of a lubaale associated with earthquakes, cf. sisiwala. musito, o- (mu/mi) skewer (usually made of wood) used for roasting or storing meat. musittale, o- (mu/mi) [Sw.] ruled line. musituka, o- with the -a of rel. tall, of good build, evvubuka ery'omusituka, a big strapping youth, cf. situka. musituliro, o- (mu/mi) pole used for raising j the frame of a house, cf. situla. musiwa, o- (mu/mi) artery; vein. cf.( omusuwa. seed. Musizi is the name of an important Luganda-language magazine, cf. siga. musizi, o- (mu/mi) kind of timber tree, Maesopis eminii. musobya, o- (mu/ba) person at fault, person who has done wrong, cf. soba, sobya. musobyo, o- (mu/mi) surplus, excess, emyaka kkumi n’omusobyo, more than ten years, cf. soba, sobya. Musodookisi, 0- (mu/ba) [£ng.J a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Musoga, 0- (mu/ba) a native of Busoga. musogasoga, o- (mu/mi) castor-oil plant. cf. ensogasoga. musoggozi, o- {mu/ba) one who digs up potatoes, cf. soggola. musogozi, o- (mu/ba) one who makes beer, brewer, cf. sogola. Musoke (la) lubaale associated with the rainbow; rainbow; a common surname, ebisige bya musoke, arched eyebrows. musolo, o- (mu/mi) tax; tribute, omuwi w’omusolo, taxpayer, cf. solooza. musolooza, o- (mu/ba) collector (of taxes, rent, money, etc.) cf. solooza. musoma, o- also omusomo (mu/mi) cape; peninsula. musomaali, o- var. of omusumaali, q.v. musomaawa, o- var. of musumaawa, q.v. musombi, o- (mu/ba) lit. one who collects. Akabi tekabula musombi. Trouble is not lacking a cause, cf. somba. musomi, o- (mu/ba) reader; student; one who practices a religion, a believer, cf. soma. musomo, o- (mu/mi) narrow neck of land. musomo, o- (mu/mi) course of study, cf. soma. musomoko, o- (mu/mi) ford, place of passage over a body of water, cf. somoka, ensomo- ko. musono, o- (mu/mi) style, fashion, design; fad. cf. sona. musonso, o- (mu/mi) elephant shrew. cf. lakasonso. musontwa, o- (mu/mi) kind of weevil. musonyi, o- (mu/ba) arch, maker of mats or barkcloth clothing, omusonyi w’engoye, tailor, cf. sona. musonyiwe, o- (mu/ba) one who is forgiven, penitent, cf. sonyiwa. musonyiyi, o- (mu/ba) forgiver, one who forgives. cf. sonyiwa. musonzi, o- (mu/ba) teller of stories/^a fables/)3ro verbs. musonzi, o- (mu/ba) contributor (esp. of money), cf. sonda. musoolesoole, o- adv. one by one, one at a time, singly, individually, mu ngeri ey’omu- soolesoole, one by one, individually. musoosi, o- (mu/ba) originator, author; the first one (to perform an action), cf. sooka. musoso, o- (mu/mi) detail(s); peculiarity, characteristic; requisite, requirement, condition. Alina emisoso, He is a demanding person/a stickler for details, kumenya misoso, to give/state the details. musosolandaggu (la) first, lit. pick out the yam. Giwunyeko eno musosolandaggu! Smell this fist! (a common challenge to a fistfight used by boys.) musosoze, o- also omusosozi (mu/ba) one who practices discrimination (in a bad sense), cf. sosola. musota, o- (mu/mi) snake, cf. akasota. musowera, o- also omuswera (mu/mi) swarm of flies, cf. ensowera. mussa, o- (mu/mi) sausage-tree, Kigelia moos a, mussi, o- (mu/ba) killer, murderer, cf. tta. mussukundu, o- (mu/mi or la) kind of mushroom found near dried-up tree stumps. musu, o- (mu/mi) edible rat, cane-rat, an animal slightly larger than a rabbit, Thryonomys swinderianus. Ekika ky'Omu- su, The Edible Rat Clan, kusigala omu nga musu, to be left alone, be abandoned by one’s friends or associates (esp. in time of trouble), kukuba nga misu, to be numerous/abundant, cf. Wamusu. musubbaawa, o- also omusumaawa (mu/mi) l>.] candle. musubi, o- (mu/mi) large amount of grass; grassy area, okwokya omusubi, to run away; to race away at great speed (of a vehicle), lit. burn the grass, okumalamu omusubi, to flee, run away, okukuba omusubi, to strike the air (when using a stick); to miss the target, fail in one’s aim. cf. essubi. musugga, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree with pale wood. musujja, o- (mu/mi) fever, omusujja gw’ensiri, malaria, omusujja gw'omu byenda, typhoid fever. musukaano, o- (mu/mi) [Sw.J rare carpenter’s brace. musukko, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, Dawea ugandens is. musukumi, o- (mu/mi) one who dresses very well, elegant dresser, cf. sukuma. musulo, o- no plur. (mu/mi) dew. okuma- lamu omusulo, to run away; to leave/disappear quickly. musumaali, o- (mu/mi) \j>w.,Ar.f\ nail, omu- sumaali gw’enjola, screw, okunyoola omu- sumaali, colloq. to ride a bicycle, lit., to twist a nail. musumaami, o- (mu/ba) [Sw.ff waiter, one who waits on tables, cf. sumaama. musumaawa, o- also omusubbaawa (mu/mi)] candle. musumba, o- (mu/ba) shepherd; herdsman; relig. pastor; bishop, cf. sumba, Ssaaba- sumba. musumeeno, o- (mu/mi) [Str. ] saw. musumisi, o- (mu/ba) formerly one responsible for the clothing of the Kabaka, valet. cf. sumika. musumugumba plur. bamusumugumba (lat solitary person, one who keeps to himself. musune, o- (mu/ba) one who has been pinched, kutunula ng’omusune, to look angry, have an angry look. cf. kuna. musunku, o- (mu/mi) tall jungle growth. musununu, o- with the -a of rel. fresh (of milk). Amata ga musununu. The milk is fresh. musunzi, o- (mu/ba) omusunzi w’amata or musundamata, one who sells milk from house to house with a bicycle, cf. sunda. musunzi, o- (mu/ba) jeerer, one who mocks/ scorns, cf. sunga. mususa, o- (mu/mi) kind of small tree the leaves ot which are very bitter and have medicinal uses, ebigambo ebikawa ng’omu- susa, harsh, bitter words. mususi, o- (mu/ba) peeler, one who peels; one who husks; one who shells, cf. susa. mususu, o- (mu/mi) kind of mouse with a long snout. musuubuzi, o- (mu/ba) trader, merchant, dealer, cf. suubula. musuununwa, o- (mu/mi) also ensuununwa (n/n) young mushroom. musuusi, o- (mu/ba) flatterer; praiser, glori- fier; pamperer. cf. suuta. musuutwa, o- (mu/ba) favorite person; beloved person, cf. suuta. musuuzi, o- (mu/ba) loser, one who has lost something, omusuuzi wa gavumenti, one who overthrows a government, cf. suula. musuwa, o- also omusiwa (mu/mi) vein, artery. muswaba, o- with the -a of rel. scarce; very few; insufficient. Abayindi ab’omu- swaba, a very small number of Indians. muswaddi, o- (mu^ni) = omugwabi hookah, pipe for smoking hemp. muswaki, o- (mu/mi) [Su).,/lr. J a piece of twig used for cleaning the teeth; toothbrush. muswaswaggule, o- (mu/mi) with the -a of rel. wild, intractable, omuswaswaggule gw’omusajja, a ruffian. Muswayiri, 0- (mu/ba) a Swahili. mutaafu, o- (mu/mi) wrinkle/line on the forehead (often of a temporary character, re- mutaayi (mu/ba) close friend. mutabaazi, o- (mu/ba) warrior; fighter, combatant. cf. tabaala. mutabaganya, o- (mu/ba) one who reconciles, mediator, cf. Itaba, tabaganya. mutabanguzi, o- (mu/ba) agitator, cf. tabangula. mutabani (mu/ba) son. mutabufu, o- (mu/ba) omutabufu w’obwongo, lit. one whose brain is mixed up, mentally disturbed/insane person, cf. tabuka. mutabuzi, o- (mu/ba) mixer; troublemaker, omutabuzi w’eddagala, pharmacist, druggist. cf. tabula. mutaka, o- (mu/ba) head of a clan (ekika) or of any of the sub-divisions of a clan (essiga, omutuba, olunyiriri). The bataka formerly possessed large areas of land, kuba mutaka (mu kifo), to be an old-timer/ a long-time resident (in a place). Paapa mutaka mu Butuluki. The Pope has already arrived in Turkey, cf. ttaka, takawala. mutala, o- (mu/mi) village; newly acquired land; land between two streams or swamps used as a measure of distance, emitala wa..., over, across, on the other side of. emitala w’omugga, across the river, emitala w'amayanja, overseas, abroad, emitala w’eno, on this side, emitala w’eri, on the far side. mutalabanda, o- var. of omukalabanda, q.v. mutalira, o- var. of omutattira, q.v. mutalisi, o- (mu/ba) one who wanders about/ goes from place to place; woman who goes from one man to another; man who goes from one woman to another, cf. talika, matalisi. mutambizi, o- (mu/ba) one who offers sacrifice; relig. celebrant, one who says mass; arch, executioner, cf. tamba. mutambo, o- (mu/mi) [Su>. ] spring; trigger; in the plur. steering wheel, steering device; controls; helm; leadership, looya ajja okuba mu mitambo gy’omusango, the lawyer who will be in charge of the case. Ali mu mitambo. He is in the driver’s seat. The direction of the matter is in his hands. mutambuze, o- rarely omutambuzi (mu/ba) walker; pedestrian; traveler; faithless husband; faithless wife. cf. tambula. mutamiivu, o- (mu/ba) drunkard. Omutamiivu tabaaga mbwa. (prov.) A drunkard does not kill a dog (thus violating a taboo). Even a drunkard has moments of lucidity and truth, cf. tamiira. mutanda, o- (mu/mi) strip of cloth; measurement of length, the distance covered by the two arms when fully stretched out. emitanda gy’embugo, strips of barkcloth. Mutanda, 0- (mu/ba) a title of the Kabaka. mutandisi, o- (mu/ba) founder, originator. cf. tandika. mutango, o- (mu/mi) fine, sum imposed as punishment for an offense; arch, propitiatory offering, cf. tanga. mutaputa, o- (mu/ba) \_Eng.~] interpreter. cf. taputa. mutasalanjala, o- (mu/mi) chicken, lit. the one which does not cut (its) nails, cf. sala, olwala. mutasi, o- (mu/ba) [Lunyoro] spy, scout. c f. tata. mutattira, o- (mu/mi) tall, lanky person. Usually in association with another noun, with or without the -a of rel. abasajja emitattira, tall, lanky men. omutattira gw’omusajja, a tall, lanky man. mutawaana, o- (mu/mi) trouble, difficulty; problem; preoccupation; chore. Alina emitawaana mingi. He is very busy. cf. tawaana. mutawu, o- (mu/mi) large laddie used to scoop up beer from the vat. mutayimbwa, o- (mu/mi) iron/steel bar; in the plur. bars; bars (of a jail). mutayirire, o- (mu/ba) a circumcised person. cf. tayirira (under tawa). mutayirizi, o- (mu/ba) nagger, pesterer; importunate person; one who circumcises. cf. tawa, tayirira. mute, o- (mu/ba) one who has been released/ freed (from prison, captivity, etc.). cf. ta. mutebe, o- (mu/ba) chair-bearer. cf. entebe. muteebi, o- (mu/ba) marksman; shooter; one who shoots for a goal (in football), cf. teeba. muteego, o- (mu/mi) hex, evil spell. cf. Iteega. muteeguya plur. bamuteeguya (la) indifferent /nnf-nncemed,dndcpcadent person. cf. -eguya. muteeko, o- (mu/mi) heap, pile. cf. ^teeka. muteeru, o- (mu/mi) trouble, difficulty; chore, daily task; problem. Gyebale emi- teeru. Gyebale emirimu. Thank you for the work you are doing. (These phrases are used almost in the nature of a greeting.) Muteesa pr.n. the name of two former Ka- bakas; he title of the chief of Mawogola County (Ssaza). cf. lteesa. muteesa, o- (mu/ba) one who consults/confers, conferee; councillor, cf. ^teesa. muteesiteesi, o- (mu/ba) master of ceremonies; planner, organizer, omuteesi- teesi w’embaga, one who is in charge of arrangements for a wedding, cf. ^teeka, teekateeka. muteete, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree from which knife handles are made, Allophylus sub- coriac eus. muteeteema, o- with the -a of rel. expansive, extensive, omuteeteema gw’ekyalo, an extensive village. muteetuzi, o- (mu/ba) constant talker, omu- teetuzi w’olugambo, gossip, gossiper. cf. teetula. muteezi, o- (mu/ba) one who lies in ambush, one who ambushes; one who is offside in football, cf. Iteega. muteezi, o- (mu/mi) headache (in the forehead); migraine headache, omutwe omu- teezi, iden. mutegansowera (la) kkanzu, long gown worn by Africans, lit. it traps (tega) flies (n.oo- wera). mutegesi, o- (mu/ba) arranger, one who makes arrangements, cf. tegeka. mutego, o- trap; bow; fig. trap, snare, pitfall. Akateeyanira ke kafa omutego. (prov.) lit. (The little animal) which does not cry out dies in the trap. Survival is granted only to those who fight for it. cf. tega, obutego. mutemampola, o- no plur. (mu/mi) hunger, lit. (that which) cuts slowly, cf. tema, mpola. mutembeeyi, o- (mu/ba) [Su>. 3 hawker, itinerant merchant, peddler, cf. tembeeya. mutembo, o- (mu/mi) twine net for carrying small water pots or milk pots; fig. spider’s web. mutemu, o- also omutemuzi (mu/ba) assassin; murderer, killer; armed criminal, criminal with murderous intent, cf. temula. mutemwa, o- (mu/mi) allocation; allotment of money; assessment; apportionment. cf. tema. step, degree (in a process or development), emitala n’emitendera, everywhere, all over. mutendesi, o- (mu/ba) instructor, cf. ^tendeka. mutene, o- (mu/ba) weakling, weak person (either physically weak or deficient in will or character). Mukasa si mutene. Mukasa is not a weak person, cf. -tene. mutenga, o- (mu/ba) one who plays the ntenga, a type of drum, q.v. Mutengaggulu (la) earthquake, lit. it shakes the sky. See musisi. mutere, o- (mu/mi) starchy food (such as bananas, sweet potatoes, cassava, etc.) which is chopped into small pieces and dried for future use. It was consumed during times of famine, mutere wa lumonde, potato(es) cut into thin slices and dried in the sun. cf. kasodde. muteregga, o- (mu/ba) prince of high rank who was a potential candidate for the Kabakaship. mutete, o- (mu/ba) formerly the title of the chief who supervised older men who guarded the area in the rear of the palace and cared for the plantain gardens of the Kabaka’s womenfolk. muteteme, o- (mu/mi) ciit banana/plantain stem. cf. ekiteteme. mutetere, o- (mu/mi) layer immediately under the bark of a barkcloth tree. mutezi, o- (mu/ba) omutezi w’obusolo, trapper (of animals), cf. tega. muti, o- (mu/mi) tree; wood, piece of wood; fig. child, young ‘sprout.’ ekijiiko eky’omu- ti, a wooden spoon, omuti gw’essimu, telephone pole, emiti egya zaabu, gold bars, emiti gy’ettaala, light poles (in the streets), emiti okuwanikibwa ettawulo, towel racks. Emiti emito gye giggumiza ekibira. (prov.I The young people are the hope of the future, lit. young trees strengthen the forest, cf. akati, lekiti, oluti, olu- titti. muti, o- more frequently spelled omutyi,^.f. mutiini, o- (mu/mi) [S«'.,^r.] fig tree. cf. ettiini. mutiiti, o- (mu/mi) abundance, large amount, omutiiti gw'ensimbi, a great deal of money. mutiitiizi, o- (mu/ba) timid/scary person; coward, cf. tiitiira. mutikke (la) kind of plantain with large clusters. mutikke (la, collective) kind of bean. A single specimen is kimutikke, plur. bimu- tikke. mutikko, o- (mu/mi) arch, strip of plantain bark for tying a parcel. mutima, o- (mu/mi) heart; fig. pluck, courage; spirit; mind. Ekika ky’Omutima, the Heart Clan. Omutima Omutukuvu, relig. The Sacred Heart. Omutima ogwa mpa nkuwe, the spirit of give and take, lit. you give me, I give you. cf. akatima, akatimatima, ettima. mutindo, o- (mu/mi) standard, degree, level (e.g., of education); quality, grade (of produce); kind, sort. mutinti, o- var. of omutiiti, q.v. mutiri, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, same as omusaali, q.v. mutiriba, o- (mu/mi) with the -a of rel. very long, omutiriba gw’effumu, a very long spear. mutiti, o- no p(ar. (mu/mi) extreme cold/ chilliness, cf. obutiti, tiitiwala. muto, o- (mu/ba) child; young person; younger brother. Omugole yabadde muto. The bride was a virgin. Muto anyumya ne muto munne. (prov.) lit. A child converses with a fellow child. Birds of a feather flock together, cf. mutoke, o- (mu/mi) kind of forest tree, Baphiopsis stuhlmannii. mutomi, o- (mu/ba) ungrateful/unappreciative person; complainer. cf. ^toma. mutonde, o- (mu/ba) one who is created, human creature, human being, cf. tonda. mutongole, o- (mu/ba) official, officeholder: formerly chief appointed directly by the Kabaka. cf. tongola, ekitongole. mutonto, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, Ficus asperifolia. cf. ekitonto, entonto. mutonyi, o- (mu/ba) giver, one who gives a gift. cf. ^tona. mutonyi, o- (mu/ba) one who tints/colors/ paints/decorates, cf. ^tona. mutonzi, o- (mu/ba) creator, cf. tonda. mutoogo, o- (mu/mi) ebony tree, Dalbergia melanoxylon. mutooletoole, o- (mu/ba) stupid/empty-headed person, cf. -toole, obutooletoole, eki- tooletoole. mutoomi, o- (mu/mi) thick mud, a great deal of mud. cf. ekitoomi. muttambuzi, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, lit, it kills the goats. See emmimbiri. mutlampindi, o- (mu/mi) kind of hardwood tree, Albizzia coriacea. Also called omugavu, q.v. Mullanzige pr.n. Lake Albert, lit. it kills (tta) the locusts (nzige). mutto, o- (mu/mi) pillow, cushion, cf. akatto. muttunta, o- (mu/mi) down; soft hair. mutuba, o- (mu/mi) barkcloth tree, a tree of the genus Ficus possessing a strong, fibrous inner bark from which barkcloth is made; one of the sub-divisions of a clan; a rank of chieftainship, cf. olutubatuba. See also ekika, olunyiriri, lessiga. mutugunda, o- mulberry tree, Vangueria to~ mentosa and apiculata. cf. ettugunda. mutujju, o- (mu/ba) elephant hunter; government hunter; wild-game hunter; gunman. cf. tujjuka. mutuku: kifumba mutuku (or Mutuku), it is magnificent/spectacular/extraordinary /usually of a social event, a celebration, etc.). Mutuku is supposed to be the name of a rascal who was ultimately apprehended and literally cooked. E Namirembe kya- fumbye mutuku. There has been a great celebration at Namirembe. mutula, o- (mu/mi) = omuyagi, the tree which bears ntula fruit (q-v.). mutuli, o- (mu/mi) big hole. cf. ekituli. Mutuluki, 0- (mu/ba) a Turk. cf. Ohutuluki. mutulumbi, o- (mu/mi) coipse; carcass, dead body of an animal; carrion. mutumba, o- (mu/mi) [Su>. ] bundle (of cloth); burden, load (for a porter to carry). mutumbiikano, o- (mu/mi) quarrel, fight; heated dispute; tumult, cf. lumbiikana. mutume, o- (mu/ba) one who is sent, messenger, relig. apostle, cf. luma. mutumi, o- (mu/ba) one who habitually sends others to get things for him or do things for him. cf. tuma, obutumi. mutunda, o- (mu/mi) rain of mid-August followed by a clear period of several days. mutundabikadde, o- (mu/mi) second-hand dealer, seller of old things, cf. lunda, -kadde. mutundanziina, o- (mu/ba) seller of clothing of low-quality. cf. tunda, enziina. mutundugo, o- (mu/mi) kind of mushroom. mutunga, o- (mu/mi) flood, inundation. mutunku, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, Alberia macrocalix. cf. akalunku. mutunsi, o- (mu/mi) bud, shoot; core of a boil. mutunuulizi, o- (mu/ba) observer, beholder, onlooker, abatunuulizi b’eby’obufuzi, political observers, cf. tunuuliza. mutunwa, o- (mu/mi) kind of bird, stone curlew. mutunzi, o- (mu/ba) sewer, one who sews; tailor, cf. tunga. mutunzi, o- (mu/ba) seller, salesman, merchant, trader, dealer, cf. tunda. mututulu, o- (mu/mi) damp, cloudy weather. mulutumba, o- (mu/mi) white pith of the plantain stem, with the -a of rel. large and bulky, massive, omututumba gw'enjovu, a huge elephant. mututuuli, o- (mu/ba) hunchback; dwarf. mutuubo, o- (mu/mi) voracity, greed, cf. tuuba. mutuukirivu, o- (mu/ba) saint, cf. tuuka, tuukirira, -tuukirivu. mutuuze, o- (mu/ba) resident, inhabitant. cf. tuula, tuuza. mutwalabafu, o- (mu/mi) kindof tree the wood of which is used for carrying dead bodies. cf. twale, omufu. mutwalo, o- (mu/mi) load, bundle; ten thousand; payment made by the groom to the family of the bride, cf. twala, akakumi. mutwazi, o- (mu/bn) laker, one who takes or carries; head, person in charge, omutwazi w’obubaka, the bearer of the message, messenger, cf. twala. mutwe, o- (mu/mi) head (in the lit. sense); head, chief, leader; heading, caption, headline. cjinambo ezitalina mutwe na maguiu, baseless/unfounded rumors, kussa mutwe nn maguiu ku bigambo, to make exaggerated statements, kufumba mutwe, to ponder, think intensely, kuba na mutwe mubi, to be unlucky, have bad luck. Tewali amuwa mutwe. There is none who can outsmart him. Omutima (or omwoyo) gundi ku mulwe, I am very worried, lit. my heart is in my head. F>kinlu kino kyamulya omutwe. This (matter) obsessed him, lit. ate at his head. Ya- nninya ku mutwe. He despised me greatly, lit, stepped on my head. Yakuza mutwe nga mmale. He is stupid/empty-headed, cf. olutwe, emjtwelwe, etlwe. mutwegguba (mu/ba) stupid person, blockhead. mutwelwe, o- see emitwetwe. mutyabi, o- (mu/ba) one who searches for or gathers firewood, cf. tyaba. mutyi, o- (mu/ba) coward, timid person, person who is easily frightened, cf. tya. mutyoogo, o- with the -a of rel. wasted, squandered (esp. of money). muumuunya (-muumuunyizza) v.i. mutter, murmur; hum. muunyamuunya (-muunyizzamuunyizza) t-.i. & v.tr. munch, munch on, chew. -emuunyamuunya (-emuunyizzamuunyizza) v.i. refl. grumble, murmur, mutter. muuzuula (muuzudde) also munzuula v.i. break (of day); open the eyes slightly; open the eyes after sleep, era obudde olwamuu- zuulamu, and when day dawned. muvangata, o- (mu/mi) sizable amount, considerable sum. omuvangata gw’ensimbi, a considerable amount of money, cf. akavanga- ta. muvubi, o- (mu/ba) fisherman, cf. vuba. muvubo, o- (mu/mi) bellows (instrument used by a blacksmith). muvubo: ettooke erya muvubo, kind of Jong plantain. muvubuka, o- (mu/ba) youth, young man; young person, cf. vubuka. muvuga, o- (mu/ba) driver; paddler; oarsman, omuvuga w’ennyonyi, airplane pilot. cf. ^vuga, omuvuzi. muvuganyi, o- (mu/ba) rival; competitor. c f. Ivuga, vuganya. muvule, o- (mu/mi) iroko, a kind of very large timber tree the wood of which is highly resistant to termite attack and often used as a substitute for teak, Chlorophora excelsa. muvuluugiriro, o- adv. at random, in a mixed- up/unplanned way. Ennyumba enzungu tezi- zimbibwa muvuluugiriro. European houses are not built in an unplanned fashion. muvuluya, o- (mu/mi) gown, robe, long dress/ garment. Muvuma, 0- (mu/ba) a native of Buvuma Island. muvumbo, o- (mu/mi) bunch; cluster, cf. ekivumbo. muvumbuzi, o- (mu/ba) inventor; discoverer; explorer, cf. vumbula. muvundu, o- see -vundu. muvunja, o- (mu/ba) arch, paddler in the middle of a canoe. muvuuma, o- with the -a of rel. young, immature (of bananas, plantains). muvuyo, o- (mu/mi) confusion, mess. cf. vuya. muvuzi, o- (mu/ba) driver, cf. ^vuga, omuvuga. muvvoozi, o- (mu/ba) blasphemer, cf. vvoola. muvvuunuzi, o- (mu/ba) interpreter; translator. cf. wuunula. muwaabi, o- (mu/ba) accuser; leg. plaintiff, complainant; prosecutor, cf. waaba. muwaabirwa, o- more commonly omuwawaa- birwa (mu/ba) defendant, one charged/accused. cf. waaba. muwaanyirizi, o- also omuwaanirizi (mu/ba) one who engages in constant flattery. cf. waana. muwaatwa, o- (mu/mi) space, room; opening; gap, breach; (mountain) pass. muwaawa, o- (mu/mi) kind of savannah tree, Acacia sieberiana, muwaawaalo adv. in a panic; with great haste. muwaayirizi, o- (mu/ba) one who makes accusations, slanderer, c.f. waayira waayiriza. muwabo, o- usually in the plur. (mu/mi) dispersion. okubuna emiwabo, to scatter in all directions, cf. waba. muwabutwa, o- (mu/ba) poisoner; witch, lit. a-give-poison. Avanjaza amagalo ng’omu- wabutwa. He is handling things with his dirty fingers, cf. wa, obutwa. Muwadi, o- (mu/ba) Muslim, cf. wadimuka. muwafu, o- (mu/mi) incense tree, Canarium schweinfurthii. The fruit is called empafu, q. v. muwagizi, o- (mu/ba) supporter, backer, adherent. cf. lwaga, wagira. muwakanya: omwezi gwa muwakanya, August- September, lit. the month of the struggle (between the rain and the sun), cf. wakana. muwakanyi, o- (mu/ba) disputant; contender, competitor; adversary; one who protests, protester, cf. wakana. muwakata, o- (mu/mi) faggot, bundle (of firewood). cf. akawakata. muwakuzi, o- (mu/ba) provocative person, one who starts fights, abawakuzi b’entalo, warmongers. cf. wakula. muwala, o- (mu/ba) girl; without the I.V. daughter, cf. -wala, obuwala, eggwala, akawala, oluwala. Muwalabu, 0- (mu/ba) (an) Arab. cf. Oluwalabu. muwaladdume, o- (mu/ba) tomboy; amazon; corpulent person; giant, cf. omuwala, -iume. muwalajjana, o- (mu/ba) attractive, well- developed teen-age girl. muwalanyi, o- (mu/ba) persecutor, harasser, tormentor, cf. walana. muwalimu, o- (mu/ba) [_Sw.,Ar.^ teacher; Muslim teacher; a title of respect given to men of learning or distinction. muwambe, o- (mu/ba) prisoner, captive. c f. wamba. muwambi, o- (mu/ba) one who captures, captor; one who confiscates; one who asks a merchant to reserve an item which will be paid for and claimed at a later date. Omu- wambi si muguzi. (prov.) One who has an article set aside is not necessarily the one who buys it. cf. wamba. muwambira, o- (mu/mi) trail made in the grass by an animal. muwambiro, o- (mu/mi) handle of a shield. muwambo, o- (mu/mi) booty taken in war. cf. wamba. muwandiisi, o- (mu/ba) writer; secretary; scribe, clerk, omuwandiisi w’amawulire. reporter, journalist, cf. wandiika. Muwanga pr.n. the name of a lubaale. muwanguzi, o- (mu/ba) conqueror, victor; winner, cf. ^wanguka, wangula. muwanika, o- (mu/ba) treasurer; arch. steward, cf. wanika. muwanika, o- (mu/mi) acacia-like shrub or tree, Dichrostachys glomerata. muwaŋŋanguse, o- (mu/ba) exile; one who has been banished from his country; wanderer; nomad; vagabond, cf. waŋŋanguka. muwatanyi, o- (mu/ba) schemer; crafty/conniving person. cf. watanya. muwawa adv. aimlessly, without paying attention. muwawaabirwa, o- (mu/ba) leg. defendant, one who is charged/accused, cf. waaba. muwawu, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree, Ficus exasperata. cf. wawula, oluwawu. muwazi, o- (mu/ba) tanner, one who tans hides; one who planes boards, cf. 2 Wala. muwazi, o- (mu/mi) track of a wild animal. muweereza, o- (mu/ba) one who serves, servant; attendant; waiter; waitress, cf. ^wa, weereza. muweesi, o- (mu/ba) worker in metal, smith, blacksmith, cf. ^weesa. muwejjere, o- (mu/ba) poor person; common man, ordinary person, cf. obuwejjere. muwemba, o- (mu/mi) sorghum or millet used for making beer. cf. akawemba. muwempe, o- (mu/mi) okumwa omuwempe, to shave the hair completely off of the head. muwemu, o- (mu/ba) shameless person, one who acts shamelessly, cf. -wemu, wemuka, obuwemu. muwendo, o- (mu/mi) number; price; value; sum. amayinja ag’omuwendo, precious stones. muwere, o- (mu/ba) infant, newborn child. cf. 2obuwere, nnakawere. muwi. o- (mn/ba) giver, one who given, omuwi w’amagezi, adviser, omuwi w’omusolo, taxpayer, cf. I wa. muwo, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree with medicinal properties, cf. ekiwo. muwoggo, o- (mu/mi) rare passion, predilection, avidity. muwogo (la) cassava; manioc, cf. mawogo. muwogo, o- (mu/mi) partial opening (esp. indoor). as adv. ajar, slightly open. Nnasuuliza eriiso mu muwogo ogwali mu luggi. I cast a glance through the slight opening in the door. cf. omwogo. muwolereza, o- (mu/ba) advocate, lawyer; intercessor, relig. patron, patron saint. cf. Iwoza, wolereza. muwooza, o- (mu/ba) tax collector; bibl. publican. cf. wooza. muwotokwa, o- with the -a of rel. partially dried. Ekyennyanja kya muwotokwa. The fish is partially dried, cf. wotoka. muwowogganyi, o- (mu/ba) one who shouts/ yells, cf. wowoggana. muwowongole, o- (mu/mi) hollow, hollowed- out area. muwozi, o- (mu/ba) pleader (in a legal case). omuwozi w'omusango, pleader of a case, lawyer, cf. ^woza. muwozi, o- (mu/ba) lender, cf. 2wola. muwuda, o- (mu/ba) (a) deaf-mute; dumb/ stupid person. muwugguwuggu, o- (mu/ba) idiot, stupid person. muwugulavu, o- (mu/ba) absentminded/inat- tentive/careless person. muwula, o- (mu/mi) nut; kernel, core; piece of boneless meat. Adidde ggi kwesubya muwula. (prov.) He has eaten the egg and missed the meat (of the chicken). He prefers small present advantages to large future gains. muwulenge, o- (mu/mi) emptiness, hollow. Ennyumba yonna baagireka muwulenge. They left the whole house empty. Oyo omwana muwulenge mwereere. That child is empty-headed. muwuliru, o- (mu/mi) opening, aperture; channel, cf. empuliru. muwulukwa, o- (mu/mi) hollow; gap; cave. muwuluwulu, o- (mu/mi) group; in the plur. groups; volley, shots, emiwululu gy’abaana,' groups of children, emiwululu gy’obubundu obutono, shots from small arms. muwumbo, o- (mu/mi) mound, heap, mass (esp. of matooke and other food); large quantity of food placed in a banana leaf for cooking. Kino kyandibadde kuva ku muwumbo n’odda ku kitole. This would be preferring a crumb to the loaf. cf. ^wumba. muyaga, o- rarely plur. (mu/mi) storm, tempest (over a body of water); typhoon. cf. kibuyaga. muyaga, o- (mu/ba) smoker of bhang/lndian hemp; user of narcotics, cf. enjaga. muyagi, o- (mu/mi) plant which produces njagi fruit, q.v. muyala, o- (mu/ba) hungry person; starving person, cf. oluyala, lenjala. muyamba, O- (mu/mi) file. See the var. omwamba. muyambi, o- (mu/ba) helper, assistant. cf. yamba. muyanja (la) wind from the south of Lake Victoria, cf. yanja, ennyanja. muyanja, o- (mu/ba) The members of the Heart Clan (Ekika ky’Omutima) are sometimes called Abayanja. It is thought that they came originally from the Ssese Islands. cf. ennyanja. muyanja, o- (mu/mi) kind of very tall forest tree, Symphonia gabonensis macrantha. muyebe, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree. cf. ejjebe. muyeekera, o- also omuyeekezi (mu/ba) incendiary, arsonist; revolutionary, rebel. cf. yeekera, obuyeekera. muyeeye, o- (mu/mi) swarm (of insects); line (of people). muyegooyego, o- (mu/mi) edge, border, side, rim, brink. muyembe, o- (mu/mi) mango tree; mango. cf. 2 ejjembe. muyemberera, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree (Busoga), Croton macroslaachys. muwunda, o- (mu/mi) goad; spike (e.g., at the end of a pole, used for killing mmale fish). muwunguzi, o- (mu/ba) one who ferries over, ferryman, cf. wungula. muwutta, o- (mu/mi) watery/inedible/old potato; fig. stupid person, cf. wutta, emputta. muwuulo, o- (mu/mi) with the -a of rel. swollen, bloated (from pathological causes), omuwuulo gw’okugulu, a swollen, bloated leg. muwuulu, o* (mu/ba) bachelor; widower; man who is separated from his wife. cf. ^wuula, obuwuulu. muwuulu-awuluguma (la) kind of sweet potato (lumonde), lit. the bachelor roars. cf. omuwuulu, wuluguma. muwuuzi, o- (mu/ba) hunter who is second to 3 spear a hunted animal, cf. 2wuula. muwuya, o- less commonly omuwuuya (mu/ba) abductor, cf. wuuya. muwuzi, o- (mu/ba) swimmer, cf. ^-wuga. muya, o- (mu/mi) kind of fishing basket with which to trap fish. Ssemuto w’attira eggege w’azza omuya. (prov.) The youth brings back his fishing basket to the place where he caught a large ngege (type of fish). muyaaka, o- (mu/ba) new tenant; new arrival; newcomer. muyaayu, o- (mu/mi) kind of wild cat which is somewhat larger than a house cat. cf. akayaayu. muyi, o- (mu/ba) extremely sick person. Omulwadde muyi. The patient is extremely sick/ls in a critical condition. muyiggo, o- (mu/mi) hunt, hunting expedition; prey, spoil, fruit of the hunt; quarry, cf. yigga muyigiriza, o- (mu/l>a) teacher; teacher of religion, cf. yiga, yigiriza. muyigirizwa, o- (mu/ba) lit. one who is taught; disciple, follower (of a religious leader), cf. yiga, vigiriza. muyiira, o- (mu/mi) fire, conflagration. c.f. ggya. muyiiro, o- (mu/mi) omuyiiro gw’omwenge, new batch of beer; quantity of beer brewed at one time. cf. ^ggya, yiisa. muyiisa, o- (mu/ba) one who makes beer, brewer, cf. ggya, yiisa. muyiito, o- (mu/ini) fad, current vogue. Mubakira buli muyiito. You grasp at every new thing that appears on the horizon. cf. yiita. muyiiya, o- (mu/ba) inventor; composer; originator, omuyiiya w’ennyimba, a composer (of songs), cf. yiiya. muyiki, o- (mu/mi) kind of creeping plant, the seeds of which are used in the game of mweso. cf. oluyiki. muyima, o- (mu/ba) one who stands up for another, sponsor, patron, omuyima w’omu- goie omukazi, maid of honor, omuyima w'omugole omusajja, best man. cf. yima. Muyima, 0- (mu/ba) A Muhima (the Bahima are o pastoral people who live in Ankole). Akuloze mukazi Muyima? Has the Muhima woman bewitched you? What has made you unaware of impending danger? muyimbi, o- (mu/ba) singer, cf. ^yimba. muyimbirizi, o- (mu/ba) propagandist. cf. lyimba, yimbirira. Muyindi, 0- (mu/ba) an Indian, cf. Obuyindi. muyini, o- (mu/mi) handle (of a hoe, shovel or spade). muyinike, o- (mu/ba) a person who is sad/ pccr/miocrablc/irnpuvcitslieu. cf. obuyintke. muyinja, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree. Possibly var. o/3omuyanja, q.v. muyinnamuti, o- (mu/mi) kindof shrub = enkoolimbo, q.v. muyinooyino, o- (mu/mi) carefreeness; abandon, yielding to impulse; disregard (e.g., of danger), cf. yinaayina. muyinza, o- (mu/ba) lit. one who is able, one who is capable. Katonda omuyinza wa byonna, God Almighty, cf. yina, obuyinza. muyirikiti, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree which produces red blossoms and has hook-like thorns on the trunk and branches, cf. ekiyirikiti. muyise, o- (mu/ba) passer-by. cf. 2yita. Muyisiraamu, 0- les frequent var. of Musiraamu (mu/ba) Muslim, Moslem. Muyitale, 0- (mu/ba) an Italian. muyivu, o- (mu/ba) educated person, learned person, cf. yiga, omuyizi. muyizi, o- (mu/ba) learner, student, pupil. cf. yiga. muyizzitasubvva (la) mason wasp, lit. the hunter does not miss. Used as an amulet by hunters and fishermen, cf. yigga, subwa. muyoka, o- (mu/mi) person suffering from gonorrhea, cf. enjoka. Muyonaani, 0- (mu/ba) a Greek, cf. Obu- yonaani. muyondo, o- (mu/mi) lace; braid; girdle. cf. yonda. muyonga, o- (nrn/mil burned-out remains, charred remains, cf. ekiyonga. muyonjo, o- (mu/mi) chicken basket, basket for carrying chickens, cf. ekiyonjo, ennyonjo. muyonta, o- (mu/ba) thirsty person, cf. ennyonta. muyoolerero, o- with the -a of rel. inferior; of any old kind, picked up at random, ebyambalo eby’omuyoolerero, nondescript clothes, cf. yoola. muyovu, o- (mu/mi) species of very tall mahogany tree including Entandro cylindricum, trade name Sapele, and Entandro utile, trade name Mufumbi or Budongo. (Sn.) cf. enjovu. Muyudaaya, 0- (mu/ba) Jew. muyunzi, o- (mu/ba) bonesetter, person skilled in the Kiganda art of setting broken or dislocated bones, cf. yunga, obuyunzi. muyuuganyi, o- (mu/ba) unstable person, fickle person, cf. yuugana. muzaaliranwa, o- (mu/ba) native, original/ indigenous inhabitant, cf. zaala. muzaana, o- (mu/ba) female slave; maidservant in a royal or princely household. muzaazi, o- (mu/ba) rare one who begets, one who gives birth, cf. zaala. muzabbibu, o- (mu/mi) DStu.,Xr. ] vine, grapevine; grape, ennimiro y’emizabbibu, vineyard. muzadde, o- (mu/ba) parent, omuzadde w’omwana mu Batiisimu, godparent. Omuzadde tafa. Comv l A parent does not die (because he lives on in his children). cf. zaala. muzannyi, o- (mu/ba) player, one who participates in a game; actor; actress, cf. zannya. muzannyirizi, o- (mu/ba) also kazannyirizi entertainer, performer, cf. zannya, zannyirira. muzannyo, o- (mu/ba) game, sport; play; amusement; drama, play, eby’emizannyo, athletics, sports, games, cf. zannya. muze, o- (mu/ba) bad habit, evil custom; fig. addiction, kuggya muntu mize, to find fault with a person, dwell on someone’s bad habits. muzeeyi, o- (mu/ba) J elder, elder person, older person, cf. zeeyuka. muzeyituuni, o- (mu/mi) [Sw.,Ar.[] olive tree. muzi, o- (mu/mi) small root, initial root of a plant or bush. Talina mizi. He is a shallow person. He is lacking in depth. muzibe plur. bamuzibe (la) blind person, lit. one who is stopped up. muzibe w'amaaso, blind person, muzibe w’amatu, deaf person. cf. ziba. muzibo, o- (mu/mi) [Lunyoro~\ frontier, border of a country. muziga, o- (mu/mi) cramp; rheumatism. muzigiti, o- (mu/mi) [Siii.,/4r.] mosque. muzigo, o- (mu/mi) butter; oil; fat; lotion, omuzigo gw’ebinyweebwa, peanut butter, cf. lakazigo, ^ekizigo, otuzigo. muzigo, o- (mu/mi) door; doorway; small rented room or apartment, cf. 2a]tazigo. muzigu, o- (mu/ba) fugitive, one who is being pursued/tracked down; scoundrel. muziina, o- (mu/mi) rag, rags; ragged clothes. cf. akaziina, oluziina. muziiro, o- (mu/mi) bone at the base of the vertebral column, coccyx. muziisa, o- (mu/mi) tendon of the back. muzikiriza, o- (mu/ba) omuzikiriza w’omuliro, fireman, cf. zikira, zikiriza. muzima, o- (mu/mi) ripe mpafu, ripe fruit of the muwafu tree. cf. ekizima. See also eggu. muzimbagatano, o- (mu/mi) swelling (esp. one which occurs suddenly), cf. zimbaga- tana. muzimbandegeya, o- (la or mu/mi) fiber plant used for making rope, Sebania aculeata. cf. Izimba, endegeya. muzimbi, o- (mu/ba) builder; architect. cf. ^zimba. muzimu, o- (mu/mi) spirit, spook, ghost, enjoka z’emizimu, acute illness of the stomach, cf. akazimu, ekizimu, kkuzimu, zimuiula. muzimya-mwoto plur. bazimya-mwoto (mu/ba) [Stc.J fireman; in the plur. firemen, fire brigade, cf. zimya (under ^zima). muzinda, o- (mu/mi) kind of tall forest tree, African bread-fruit, Treculia africana. muzindaalo, o- (mu/mi) funnel; loudspeaker; microphone; fig. mouthpiece, spokesman. cf. zindaala. muzindo, o- (mu/mi) raid, foray, with the -a of rel. large number; large mass. Amasasi ag'omuzindo paaiiiiiwa A volley of bullets was fired, cf. zinda. muzinga, o- (mu/mi) cannon, large gun; cylindrical beehive; abscess on the rump of a fowl. muzinge plur. bamuzinge (la) king of the birds, peacock. muzingo, o- (mu/mi) roll; scroll; volume (of a book), omuzingo gw’empapula, roll of paper(s). cf. zinga. muzinyi, o- (mu/ba) dancer, cf. zina. muzinzi, o- no plur. (mu/mi) strength, vigor, okuwuliramu omuzinzi, to feel invigorated/ satisfied (after eating); to feel elated (after drinking intoxicants). muzinzi, o- (mu/ba) raider; invader, cf. zinda. muziŋŋamu, o- (mu/ba) one who is paralyzed in the legs (esp. a child); one who is stunted/retarded, cf. ziŋŋama. muziŋŋoonyo, o- (mu/mi) middle rib of a banana leaf. muzira, o- (mu/mi) shout of approval, oku- kuba emizira, to cheer. Awo emizira ne gitta. The cheers were deafening, lit. killing. muzira, o- (m«Aa) brave man, hero, endwadde y’abazira, gonorrhea, cf. -zira. muzirakisa, o- (mu/ba) a kind/good/charitable person, lit. one who makes a totem or fetish (zira) out of kindness (ekisa). muziro, o- (mu/mi) totem, taboo, eky’omuziro, something which is taboo, specific food which cannot be eaten because of the traditions of the clan. cf. zira, omuzizo. muziru, o- (mu/mi) kind of hardwood tree, Pseudospondias microcarpa. It has black fruit, resembling olives, which are not eaten under ordinary circumstances, cf. enziru. muzisa, o- (mu/ba) one who lets his garden go unweeded; exterminator, devastator. cf. zika, nnamuzisa. muzizi, o- (mu/ba) tracker, one who locates game for those who follow, cf. ziga. muzizi, o- (mu/mi) bruise. muziziko, o- (mu/mi) log used to bank up earth; log at the entrance of a house used as a step; threshold; fig. stumbling block, obstacle. muzizima, o- (mu/mi) bruise. muzizizizi, o- (mu/ba) balky person, one who constantly refuses requests, despises gifts, etc. cf. zira. muzizo, o- (mu/mi) taboo, prohibition imposed by custom or law. with the -a of rel. taboo, forbidden, cf. zira, omuziro. muzoole, o- (mu/ba) madman, crazy person. cf. ^zoola, kazoole. Muzungu, 0- (mu/ba) white man; European; person of European extraction, cf. -zungu, ekizungu, Oluzungu. muzuukizi (la) kind of plant from which a dark purple dye is obtained. muzzannanda, o- (mu/ba) kind/generous person whose door is open to everyone, cf. zza (under ^dda), oluganda. muzzi, o- (mu/ba) omuzzi w’omusango or omuzzi w’emisango, criminal,offender. cf. 2dda, zza. muzzi, o- (mu/ba) used in the combination omuzzi obuzzi (plur abazzi obuzzi), outsider; one who is not a member of the group. cf- jja. muzzukulu, o- (mu/ba) grandchild; descendant. cf. zzukuza. mwa (-mwedde) v.tr. shave. mwebwa (-mwereddwa) v.i. pass, be shaved. -emwa (-emwedde) v.i. refl. shave oneself. mwera (-mwedde, -mweredde) v.tr. appl. shave in/at/for, etc. mwerwa (mwereddwa) v.i. appl. pass, be shaved in, etc. mwesa (-mwesezza) v.tr. caus. make shave; shave with/using. mweka (-mwese) v.i. neut. be easy to shave; be capable of being shaved. cf. akamwano, akamweso, omumwi. mwagaanya, o- (mu/mi) crack, fissure, opening; space, room. cf. wagaanya. mwagalwa, o- (mu/ba) (one who is) beloved. cf. yagala, yagalwa. mwagazi, o- (mu/ba) one who loves, lover. cf. yagala. mwage, o- (mu/ba) poor person. mwaka, o- plur. (mu/mi) year; season (for sowing, harvesting, etc.). omwaka ogw’ama- kungula, the harvesting season, omwaka giili, last year, lit. that yeai. ulukunnaana olwa buli mwaka, annual meeting. mwala, o- (mu/mi) muscle. mwala, o- (mu/mi) stream; water channel; drain. mwalaalo, o- (mu/mi) flood, cf. yalaala. mwali, o- (mu/mi) unbaked cooking pot. Bakuba emyali. (prov.) They break unbaked pots. Only the wealthy can afford great extravagance. mwaliiro, o- (mu/mi) floor; story; floor covering; arch, floor covering of native shrine. cf. 2 yala, yaliira. mwalo, o- (mu/mi) harbor, port, landing place. mwamba, o- (mu/mi) file (the tool), with the -a of rel. rectangular (of a house). ennyumba eya mwamba, a rectangular house. mwambazi, o- (mu/ba) good dresser, one who dresses well. cf. yambala. mwambe, o- (mu/mi) large curved knife, cf. akambe. mwambo, o- (mu/mi) kind of fetish. title of address corresponding to English ‘Mr.’ Mw. Kiwanuka, Mr. Kiwanuka. Ekwata omwami tereka muganzi. (prov.) lit. The habit of speech (e- of ekwata implies eŋŋombo) which affects the chief does not leave his favorite wife (uninfluenced). We are affected by those with whom we associate. cf. obwami. mwami’akooye or mwamyakooye (n/n) rocking chair, easy chair, lit. the master is tired, cf. koowa. mwami-ali-mu-nnimiro vn/n; a snort Knee- length tunic worn by farmers when they are at work, lit. the master is in the garden. mwamyanaakyala (n/n) lit. the master will go a-visiting (-anaakyala). ekkuufiira li- mwanyanaakyala, a kind of broad-rimmed hat worn by missionaries, chiefs, etc. mwana, o- plur. abaana (mu/ba) child. When referring to the young of animals mwana is sometimes, but not always, shifted to the mu/mi class, omwana gw’endiga, lamb, but omwana w’embuzi, goat, kid. mwana wattu, friend, my friend/pal (often used as a term of address), cf. akaana, ekyana, olwana, lyana, nnabaana. mwanakuffe (la) kind of large plantain. mwandu, o- (mu/mi) booty/plunder taken in war, particularly women. Mwanga pr.n. name of a former Kabaka of Buganda. mwangaala, o- (mu/mi) opening; open space; emptiness, as an adv. completely empty, wide open. cf. yangaala, ekyangaala. mwango, o- (mu/mi) frame of a door or window. cf. omulyango. mwanguka, o- as an adv. loudly, with the -a of rel. loud, eddoboozi ery’omwanguka, a loud voice. mwanirizi, o- (mu/ba) one who greets/welcomes guests; receptionist, omwanirizi w’abasaabaze b’omu nnyonyi, airline hostess, cf. yaniriza. mwanjo also manjo. ku mwanjo, in front; in the front seai.(»), in advance position, ebito eby’oku mwanjo mu Gavumenti, top positions in the Government, ekifo eky’oku manjo, the foremost place/position. mwanjuzi, o- (mu/ba) announcer; usher; one who makes introductions; master of ceremonies. cf. yanjula. mwannyi- plur. bannyi- (used only with the possessive suffixes) sister, brother (of the same mother, hut of the opposite sex of the person spoken of), mwannyinaze, my sister/ brother, mwannyoko(wo), your sister/brother, mwannyina, his or her sister/brother, cf. nnyina, kannyina. mwanusi, o- (mu/ba) highwayman, cf. yanuka. mwanya, o- (mu/mi) space, room; outlet. cf. ekyanya. mwasa, o- (mu/mi) kind of tall forest tree, Tylostemon ugandensis. -mwasajjute lit. which-split-a-boil. katebe kamwasajjute {plur. butebe bumwasajjute), a small, hard and uncomfortable chair or Stool (esp. one which folds), cf. yasa, ejjute. mwasanjala (la) lit. it-splits-the-toenails. formerly Kampala-Fort Portal road; currently rocky road, unpaved road; (any) road. cf. yasa, olwala. mwasi, o- (mu/mi) sneeze; bad omen (it is considered bad luck to sneeze at the beginning of a trip or on undertaking a new enterprise). okutema omwasi, to sneeze. Ya- vuddemu omwasi. He (finally) said something. He (finally) made a statement. Ba- nkuulamu omwasi. They got a response from me. They got a reaction out of me. cf. yasimula. mwasirizi, o- (mu/ba) backer, one who gives encouragement, advice and support to another; cheerer (e.g., at a fight); one who shoos away dangerous animals and birds from domestic fowl. cf. yasira. mwattu please (plur.). See wattu. mwavu, o- (mu/ba) poor person. Enkoko y'omwavu teggwa meebaza. (prov.) lit. A poor man’s chicken has no end of thanks. If a poor man gives you something he wants to be thanked for it repeatedy. cf. -yavu, yavuwala, obwavu. mwawule, o- (mu/ba) Protestant minister. cf. yawula. mwayi, o- (mu/ba) marauder, plunderer, pillager, cf. yaya. mwe adv. of place in there; in which; wherein; from which. mwebagazi, o- rider, horseman, cf. -ebagala. mwebasi, o- (mu/ba) one who sleeps, sleeper. cf. -ebaka. Mwebbulaniya, 0- (mu/ba) (a) Hebrew. cf. Olwebbulaniya. mwebe (n/n) kind of bright red grasshopper (nseenene). -mwedde mod. form of mwa, q.v. mwega (-raweze) v.i. smile slightly; grin; laugh (of a baby) cf. kimwege. mwega, o- (mu/mi) rare abundance, cf. ekyega. mweganza, o- (mu/mi) kind of tree commonly found in marshy areas, Macaranga schwein- furthii. mwegendereza, o- (mu/ba) careful/cautious person, cf. genda, -egendereza. mweginzi, o- (mu/ba) clown, clownish person, one who makes funny faces, cf. ginga, -eginga. mwegooyego, o- (mu/mi) limit; edge; brink; confines, cf. enjegooyego. mwegugunzi, o- (mu/ba) one who participates in a disturbance, rioter, cf. -egugunga. mwekalakaasi, o- (mu/ba) demonstrator, one who participates in a protest demonstration. cf. -ekalakaasa. mwekanasi, o- (mu/ba) finicky/fussy/fastidious person, cf. -ekanasa. mwekebezzi, o- (mu/ba) examiner, inspector. cf. -ekebejja. mwekkiriranya, o- (mu/ba) person who is overly agreeable/overly anxious to conform and please, cf. kkiriza, -ekkiriranya. mwekuza, o- (mu/ba) boastful/conceited person. cf. kula, -ekuza. mwekuzo, o- (mu/mi) boasting, bragging. cf. kula, -ekuza. mwemakuze, o- also omwemakuzi (mu/ba) meddlesome person, meddler, cf. ^makula, -emakula. mwemwetuka (-mwemwetuse) v.i. burst out laughing; pop, crack. mwemwetula (-mwemwetudde) v.tr., mwemwetuza (-mwemwetuzizza) v.tr. caus. cause to burst out laughing. cf. mwetuka. mwenanazzi, o- (mu/ba) finicky/dainty person. mwenda, o- numer. (mu/mi) nine, with the -a of rel. ninth, omulundi ogw’omwenda, the ninth time. cf. -(y)enda. mwene emphatic pron. used with personal pronouns and personal nouns, -self, nze mwene, I myself. Katonda mwene, God himself, cf. -ene. mwene, o- (mu/mi) kind of edible rat (omusu, q.v.). mwenge, o- (mu/mi) beer made from the juice of a special type of banana (such as mbidde, gonja or kisubi) and fermented with sorghum; beer (in general); liquor, intoxicating drink. cf. obwenge, ebyenge, Ssegamwenge, otwenge. mwenkano, o- also omwenkanonkano (mu/mi) equality, cf. yenkanankana. mwennyango, o- (mu/mi) kind of coarse grass, nettle. mwenya (-mwenye) v.i. smile. mwenyamwenya (-mwenyemwenye) v.i. redup. keep on smiling. mwenyera (-mwenyedde) v.i. & tr. appl. smile at. mwenyesa (-mwenyesezza) v.tr. caus. make smile, cause to smile. cf. akamwenyumwenyu. mwenyereketa (-mwenyerekese) v.i. laugh constantly; laugh in a silly manner, giggle. mwenyerekesa (-mwenyerekesezza) v.tr. caus. make laugh, cause to laugh. cf. mwenya, omumwenyerekesi. mwenyuka (-mwenyuse) v.i. appear, come into view Kemp, te Ke seer., mwenzi, o- (nuAaj adulterer; fornicator. c f. yenda. mwepankopanko, o- usually plur. emye- pankopanko (mu/mi) bragging, boasting. cf. panka, -epanka. mwepansi, o- (mu/ba) pompous, self-important person; show-off. cf. panka, -epanka. mwepiskoopi, o- (mu/ba) CEng. ] bishop. mwera, o- with the -a of rel. loose (of grains of coffee, etc.); unstrung (of the type of coins which had holes in the middle). emmwanyi ez’omwera, loose grains of coffee. ensimbi ez’omwera, unstrung coins. mweramannyo, o- (mu/mi) kind of thorny acacia tree. mwerango, o- (mu/mi) kind of thorny tree. mwero, o- usually with the -a of rel. abundant, profuse. Enkuba yali ya mwero mu biseera ebyo. The rain was very abundant during that period, omwero gwa kasooli, abundance of corn. cf. 2yera. Mweru, 0- (mu/ba) white person, cf. -(y)eru. mwerumisi, o- (mu/ba) cupper, bleeder, one who bleeds himself, cf. lumika, oniulumisi. mwesengeze, o- (mu/ba) tenant (on a piece of land ). mwesi, o- (mu/ba) player of the game of mweso /q. v.). mwesiimi, o- (mu/ba) relig. (one of the) blessed, cf. siima, -esiima. mweso, o- (mu/ba) the name of a game common throughout Africa. It is played on a board with holes in it cut in four rows; two persons sit on opposite sides of the board; they have a number of seeds (mpiki) or smooth stones, which they play into holes. Oluganda alumanyi nga mweso. He knows Luganda perfectly, cf. vesa, obweso, omwesi. mwetakuzitakuzi, o- (mu/ba) one who is busy without accomplishing much; busybody. cf. takula, -etakuza. mwetango, o- (mu/mi) kind of wild plant used by women to clean their hands after peeling plantains. mwetiriboosi, o- (mu/ba) spoiled person; mischievous person; imp, brat. cf. -etiriboosa. mwetissi, o- (mu/ba) porter; carrier; one who carries something on the head. cf. tikka, -etikka. mwetoozi, o- also omwetoozitoozi (mu/ba) petty thief, pilferer, cf. toola, -etoolatoola. mwettanirwa, o- (mu/ba) darling, favorite. cf. -ettanirwa. mwetuka (-mwetuse) v.i. laugh; burst out laughing. mwetukira (-mwetukidde) v.tr, appl. laugh at. mwetula (-mwetudde) v.tr. cause to burst out laughing. -emwetula (-emwetudde) v.tr. reft, burst out laughing; laugh at the wrong time. cf. mwemwetuka. mwetulinkirize, o- (mu/ba) presumptuous person; usurper, interloper; self-appointed person. cf. -etulinkiriza. mwewaniko, o- usually plur. emyewaniko (mu/mi) okuleeta emyewaniko, to act proud/self-important, cf. wanika, -ewanika. mwewozi, o- (mu/ba) borrower, cf. ^wola, -ewola. mweyagazi, o- (mu/ba) person who enjoys himself; person who has a high opinion of himself, cf. yagala, -eyagaza. mweyazisi, o- (mu/ba) borrower. mweyimirizi, o- (mu/ba) one who vouches for another person; one who pays bail for another; stand-in; godparent, omweyimirizi w'omugole omukazi, maid of honor, omweyimirizi w’omugole omusajja, best man. cf. yima. mweyogereze, o- (mu/ba) wheedler, coaxer. Omweyogereze takusuuza kayanzi ko. (prov.) The coaxer does not make you throw your little grasshopper away. A person cannot be talked out of what he holds dear. cf. yogera. mwezi, o- (mu/mi) moon; month, omwezi omuto, the new moon, okulwala omwezi, to be in a menstruation period, omwezi omukazi (- ttoggo, q.v.), the rainy season between February and June, lit. the feminine month, omwezi omusajja (= ddumbi, q.v.), the rainy season between August and November. The Luganda names of the months are: Gatonnya, January; Mukutulansanja, February;. Mukulukusabitungolungo, March; Mugulansigo, April; Muzigo, May; Ssebaaseka, June; Kasambula, July; Mwaka musajja, Muwakanya, August; Mutunda, September; Kafuumuulampawu, October; Museenene, November; Ntenvu, December. mwezi, o- (ms/ba) one who sweeps, sweeper. cf. lyera. mwiko, o- (mu/mi) plaster; mason’s trowl. okukuba omwiko, to plaster. mwogereza, o- also omwogerezi (mu/ba) one who woos/courts, suitor; fiance, cf. yogera, yogereza. mwogezakisa, e- (mu/ba) pleasant/kind person, lit. one who speaks with kindness (ekisa), mwogezi, o- (mu/ba) speaker, talker; spokesman. cf. yogera. mwogo, o- (mu/mi) space; opening; channel. Oluggi luggaddwawo mwogo. The door was ajar. cf. ^-omuwogo. mwokerezi, o- (mu/ba) arsonist, incendiary. cf. yokya, yokerera. mwoki, o- (mu/ba) lit. one who burns/roasts, omwoki w’enviiri, hairdresser, omwoki wa ggonja, roaster of gonja plantains, abooki b’amanda, charcoal burners, those who bum wood to obtain charcoal, omwoki w’omutwe, one who is too smart for his own good. cf. yokya. mwoko, o- (mu/mi) arch, a punting pole used for propelling a canoe. See siirula. mwolesa, o- (mu/ba) exhibitor, one who exhibits, cf. yoleka, yolesa. mwoleso, o- (mu/mi) show, performance; exhibit, exhibition; fair. cf. yoleka. mwolo, o- (mu/ba) very poor/poverty-stricken person; destitute wretch, cf. obwolo. mwoloola. o- (mu/mit kind of acacia tree mwome, o- (mu/ba) arch, rich person, cf. obwome. mwonoonyi, o- (mu/ba) one who ruins/spoils; evildoer, sinner, cf. yonoona. mwosi, o- (mu/ba) one who warms oneself by the fire; one who basks, cf. ^yota. mwoto, o- usually plur. emyoto (mu/mi) woolen materials, woolen clothing. mwoyo, o- (mu/mi) spirit, soul; temperament; mind; fig. heart, eby’omwoyo, spiritual matters, spiritual affairs. Mwoyo Mutuukiri- vu, the Holy Spirit, okusoma n'omwoyo ogumu, to read with care/carefully. Saalimu mwoyo. I was depressed/disspirited. Eki- tongole kijja kussaako omwoyo okufuna ente ennungi. The Department will do its best/ will make a great effort to get good cattle. Ekyo kyantwala omwoyo. I liked this best of all, lit. this took my heart, cf. ekyoyo, ekyoyooyo. mwoyogwaggwanga (la) nationalist, patriot. cf. omwoyo, eggwanga. mwozi, o- (mu/ba) one who washes/cleans; launderer. aboozi b'engoye, dry cleaners, aboozi b’emmotoka, car washers, cf. yoza. mwozo, o- (mu/mi) wash water, dirty water which remains after washing clothes, dishes, etc. cf. yoza. myamyamya ideo. brilliantly, with brilliance. cf. myansa, myamyansa. myamyansa (-myamyansizza) v.i. gleam, glitter; flash; shine; pulsate, cf. myansa, myamyamya. Myanga always plur. (mu/mi) The period of the reign of Kabaka Mwanga. myansa (-myansizza) v.i. flash (of lightning)-, throw off sparks, sparkle; shoot (of pain); dart away, make off like a flash. Eggulu limyansa. It is lightning. myansisa (-myansisizza) v.tr. caus. cause to flash, etc. cf. ekimyanso, myamyamya, myamyansa. myu: be myu also myu myu myu (myumyumyu) ideo. expressing redness, olupapula olu- myufu be myu, bright red paper, cf. -myufu, Imyuka. -myufu adj. red; reddish brown; scarlet, crimson, -myufu myumyumyu, extremely red. cf. 1 myuka, myu. myuka (-myuse) v.i. be or become red/red- dish-brown/tan; get tanned (from the sun); redden (with anger), become angry; become discolored (of a bruised body part), oku- myuka amaaso, to become disturbed/upset (of persons). myusa (-myusizza) v.tr. caus. make red, etc. cf. myu, -myufu, -myukirivu. myuka (-myuse) v.i. & tr. be second in command (to), be a deputy (to), cf. obumyuka, tightly, cf. mumuula. omumyuka. myumyula (-myumyudde) v.i. tighten, tie -myukirivu adj. reddish, cf. -myufu, ^myuka. myumyumyu see myu. na (n’ before a vowel) conj. and prep, with (denoting instrument or association), adv. also, too. na is also regularly suffixed to -ii, is, are, io express possession. Alina ensimbi. He has money, na sometimes alternates with ne (q.v.). When na means with it is replaced by ne if the verb is positive. Genda ne Kapere. Go with K. Togenda na Kapere. Do not go with K. The disjunctive pronouns are regularly suffixed to na. nange, and I, I also, naawe (2nd. sing.), naye (3rd sing.), naffe (1st plur.), nammwe (2nd plur.), nabo (3rd plur.). -na numeral stem four. Initial modifications are made according to the class of the noun to which the numeral refers. Note that nnya is used in counting as well as with plural nouns of the lu/n and n/n classes. Under certain circumstances (for which see the grammars) amakumi ana (40) is abbreviated to ana. cf. okuna, Olwokuna. naaba (-naabye) v.i. wash oneself, clean up; colloq. get easy money, ‘clean up.’ oku- naaba mu ngalo, to wash one’s hands. Annaabamu. He makes fun of me. naabibwa (-naabiddwa) v.i. pass. be washed. naabira (-naabidde) v.tr. appl. wash oneself in/at, etc. okunaabira mu maaso, to wash one’s hands of. Mw. Katende muzibu, mwannyina amunaabidde mu maaso, era amugobye. Mr. Katende is a harsh person; he has washed his hands of his sister and has sent her away. Balina emyenge egya buli kika ne batuuka n’okuginaabiramu ebigere. They have beers of every type in great abundance, lit. they even wash their feet in it. naaza (-naazizza) v.tr. caus. wash; make (someone) get washed; wash with/using. naaliza (-naalizizza) v.tr. appl. caus. wash for/in, etc. naabuka (-naabuse) v.i. conv. wash off; wear off; come off, fail to adhere; fade. Okuttibwa kwe kwandekera enkovu mu mwoyo eterinaabuka. His murder left a scar in my heart which will not go away. naabula (-naabudde) v.tr. conv. wash off; cause to come off; drive sickness out of (a person by using magical formulae). -enaabula (-enaabudde) v.i. & tr. refl. wash off from oneself, cleanse oneself from; divest oneself of. cf. ekinaabiro, omunaabo. -naana numeral stem from which the following are formed: (o)munaana, eight; (e)kinaana,eighty; (o)lunaana, eight hundred; (a)ka- naana, eight thousand. naanaagira (-naanaagidde) v.i. stutter, stammer. cf. otnunaanaagize, omunaanaagizi. naanika (-naanise) v.tr. put on, wear (shoes, rings, bracelets, etc.) Bakanaanise akaagala. They have put a bracelet (aka- komo is implied by -ka-) on one who wants it. The expression is used when a person is told to do what he wants to do or would do anvwav. naanuka (-naanuse) v.i. come off (of shoes, rings, etc.). naanula (-naanudde) v.tr. conv. take off (shoes, rings, bracelets, etc.); fig. depose, oust, remove (from office). naaninga (-naaninze) v.i. talk slowly, drawl. naanuuka (-naanuuse) v.i. stretch; be elastic/extensile; be slimy. naanuula (-naanuudde) v.tr. cause to stretch, make elastic. naanya (-naanyizza) v.i. be or become lazy/ idle/indolent. -enaanya (-enaanyizza) v.i. refl. be fastidious/finicky/demanding; pretend to be overly delicate/weak. cf. obunaanya, omunaanya, nnalwenaanya. naawa (-naaye) v.tr. attack; fig. go after, be at the throat of; strike, afflict (of an illness ). naawe = na + ggwe, q.v. you (sing.) too, you also, and you. naawuuka (-naawuuse) v.i. spring forth with determination; start off/out; emerge. naawuula (-naawudde) v.tr. incite, provoke, instigate, okunaawuula olutalo, to start a war; to provoke a feud/battle. cf. omunaawuuzi. naayira (-naayidde) v.tr. usurp, appropriate. naayiza (-naayizza) v.tr. cause, involve oneself in, meddle in; become involved with. Lwaki onaayiza ebitakukwatako? Why do you involve yourself in matters which do not concern you"> naaza caus. of naaba, q.v. nabo = na + bo, q.v. they too, they also, and they. naddala (= na + ddala) adv. especially, particularly. naffe = na + ffe, q.v; we too, we also, and we. -nafu adj. weak, feeble; idle, lazy. cf. nafuwa. nafuwa (-nafuye), nafuwala (-nafuwadde) v.i. become weak/feeble; become lazy. nafuya (-tvafuyizza), nafuwaza (-nafu- wazizza) v.tr. caus. cause to be weak, weaken; make lazy; discourage. cf. -nafu. naga (-naze) v.tr. strike/seize in flight; catch on the wing. -enaga (-enaze) also -enagiriza (-enagirizza) v.i. refl. walk proudly, strut. nagira (-nagidde) v.tr. toss around the shoulders, wear around the shoulders. Yanagira omunagiro gw’eddiba ly’engo. He wore a leopard-skin cape. cf. omunagiro. nagunogujwa: usually written na guno gujwa. See gujwa. nagunogwaka adv. right up to now, right up until the present, even now. -naku adj. poor; wretched, miserable; distressed; sorrowful, cf. nakuwala, obunaku, omunaku, ^ennaku. nakuno see nnakuno. nakuwala (-nakuwadde) v.i. become miser- ableAroubled/disturbed; be sorry: be sorrowful; be poor/in great need. nakuwalira (-nakuwalidde) v.i. & tr. appl. be in misery in/at, etc.; be sorry for. nakuwaza (-nakuwazza or nakuwazizza) v.tr. caus. make miserable/wretched/poor, etc. cf. nakuwala, -nakuwavu, obunaku, obu- nakuwavu, omunaku, ^ennaku. -nakuwavu adj. sad, sorrowful, unhappy. cf. -naku, nakuwala. nammwe = na + mmwe, q.v. you (plur.) too, you also, and you. nana (-nanye) v.i. look attractive/smart; be very suitable (of clothing); be well dressed; be spruced up/prettied up; be well done. Ng’onanye! How nice you look! Yayoza engoye ne zinana bulungi. She washed the clothes and they came out very well. nanira (-nanidde) v.i. appl. look nice/attractive in/for, etc.; be very suitable for; be well dressed for. okunanira olunaku, to be dressed up (especially) for the day/oc- casion. nanya (-nanyizza) v.tr. caus. cause to look attractive; cause to come out well. Yatunga olugoye n’alunanya. She made a dress and did a very good job of it. nandiki see nnandiki. nange - na + nge, q.v. I too, I also, and I. nanka var. of nnanka, q.v. nantiki see nnandiki. nasula (-nasudde) v.tr. unsnap; release (a trap); pull (a trigger), akanasula ebifaananyi, shutter release of a camera. nate conj. moreover, and also. adv. again, nate era, moreover. Yagamba ki nate? And what else did he say? naye conj. but, however. naye = na + ye, q.v. he/she too, he/she also, and he/she. nazikuno see nnazikuno. ncaakaali: kukuba ncaakaali, to talk too much; to be noisy/boisterous. ncukwe, e- (n/n) terror, kukuba ncukwe, to terrify. ncwampa, e- (n/n) cheat; fraud; crook. nda, e- (n/n) womb; inside of the stomach, enda yange, my children, enda yaffe, our family /not necessarily the immediate family), ab’enda emu, children who have the same mother, ab’enda ye, his relatives. cf. 2 ekyenda, nnyininda, omunda. ndaala, e-: kukuba ndaala, to greet; to have an interesting conversation. ndaba, e- (n/n) way of seeing; view, judgment, opinion, okusinziira ku ndaba ye, according to his view/outlook, cf. laba. ndabada, e-: empale endabada, oversized trousers/pants. ndabi, e- (n/n) small basket for coffee berries. ndabi, e- (n/n) kind of animal supposedly having very keen sight, kulaba nga ndabi, lit, see like an ndabi. Used mostly in sentenc es of the following pattern: Yandaba nga ndabi n’atandika okunvuma. The minute he saw me/as soon as I came he started to insult me. ndabika, e- (n/n) way of appearing; appearance. cf. laba, labika. ndabirira, e- (h/n) way of looking after/caring for; superintendence, cf. laba, labirira. ndabirwarnu, e- (n/n) mirror, looking glass. cf. laba, labira. ndabiso, e- (n/n) mirror, cf. laba, labisa. ndagaano, e- (n/n) agreement; compact; contract; treaty. Endagaano Empya, Prot. the New Testament, cf. laga, lagaana, eki- ragaano. ndagala, e- plur. of olulagala, q.v. ndaggu, e- (n/n) kind of yam. ndagi, e- (n/n) netting/rack on which clusters of beer bananas are placed to ripen before they are used in brewing. ndagiriro, e- (n/n) address, place where a person or organization may be reached; index; directory; guide lines, endagiriro y’ekitabo, the table of contents of a book. cf. lagirira. ndago: okulya mu ndago, to sing; to crow (of a rooster); to bark (of a dog), emmundu ne zirya mu ndago, and the guns went off/ made a resounding noise, cf. obulago. ndagu, e- (n/n) seer, oracle, diviner, fortuneteller. cf. lagula. ndaka, e- (n/n) gills. ndali, e- (n/n) squint; crossed eyes. ow'endali, person with a squint, cross-eyed person, kufuula ndali, to flash one’s eyes in anger, become furious. nadasano, e- (n/n) wrangling, quarreling, quarrel, cf. las an a, akalasano. ndasi, e- (n/n) energy, strength (of a person or animal, not of an inanimate object). okuddamu endasi, to recover one’s strength. ndasiiraasi, e- (n/n) rumormonger, one who spreads rumors. ndawa, e- (n/n) kind of tree, Combretum g ueinzii. ndazikuno var. of nnazikuno, q.v. ndebe, e- (n/n) (Sw. ,H ind.2 large tin can, 4-gallon tin container used for storing kero- sine. cf. eddebe. ndebesa, e- (n/n) kind of tree found in Bu- SOga, Stereo spermum kunthianum. ndeboolebo, e- (n/n) border, edge, okuba ku ndeboolebo y'oku..., to be on the point of, be about to... cf. omuleboolebo, enjegoo- yego. ndeebeeso, e- (n/n) fringe of barkcloth hung over another barkcloth. cf. leebeeta. ndeegabwenyi, e- with the -a of rel. hard to get; scarce; few, lit. stretch (leega) the forehead (bwenyi). Kati amazzi ewaffe ga ndeegabwenyi. Water is now very scarce where we live. ndeerwe, e- (n/n) kind of white mushroom. It is the secondary totem of the Buffalo Clan. ndege, e- (n/n) small bell-like ornament. Endege ziba nnyingi ne ziyoogaana. (prov.) The bells are many (on the hunting dogs) and they make a lot of noise. In unity there is strength, kuba na maaso ga ndege, to have large round eyes (this is regarded, as a compliment), cf. akalege. ndegeya, e- (n/n) weaver bird, weaver finch. ndekamwoyo: kukuba ndekamwoyo, to try to regain/win back one’s lost love; (less commonly) to try to make up with a friend. cf. leka, omwoyo. ndeku, e- (n/n) gourd; cup. kubuuza Ssaa- longo ndeku, to ask the obvious, cf. akaleku. ndekuyamukungu (n/n) kind of large mushroom of calabash shape on a short stalk, lit. chief’s gourd. ndera, e- (n/n) endera y’omwana, (the act of) serving as a nurse to a child, cf. lera. ndere, e- (n/n) flute, pipe. Omwana oyo ndere. This child is impossible/hopelessly wiLd. cf. lakalere, omulere. nderema, e- (n/n) kind of plant with edible leaves. nderendete, e- (n/n) trouble, difficulty. ^-ndi other. It is restricted to the following forms: omundi, somebody else, abandi others, other people, olundi, sometimes; at another time, awandi, somewhere else. -ndi pron. root denoting indefiniteness. See gundi and gindi. ndiba, e- from eddiba, skin, hide, okucanga endiba, colloq. to play soccer. ndiboota, e- (n/n) [Sto. ] bale (of cotton). ndibu, e- no plur. (n/n) grudge, rancor, feeling of hostility. Tamulinaako ndibu. He has no grudge against him. ndiga, e- (n/n) sheep; ram; ewe. Ekika ky'Endiga. the Sheep C!an. kusulika mutwe nga ndiga, to pretend to understand what is said when one really doesn’t, lit. nod the head like a sheep, cf. ^akaliga, Wakaliga. ndiima, e- (n/n) extreme speed, kukuba ndiima, to run fast; to speed away; to give a good kick (in soccer). ndiiro, e- (n/n) flat basket in which food is placed and offered to guests, cf. ]ya, liira. ndiirwa, e- (n/n) condiments, relish, enva endiirwa, sauce, cooked vegetables, meats, etc., used as a relish, cf. lya, liira. ndiisa, e- (n/n) feeding; way of feeding. cf. lya, liisa. ndiisa, e- (n/n) kind of small bird found near cattle, lark, pipit, cf. akaliisa. ndiizi plur. bundiizi kind of small yellow banana which is eaten ripe (as opposed to other types which are employed for making beer). ndingidi, e- (n/n) kind of stringed instrument resembling a fiddle. ndira, e- (n/n) umbilical region; lower abdomen. ndiri, e- (n/n) bed; sleeping place, okuba ku ndiri, to be in bed (usually with reference to sick persons). Ali ku ndiri. He is sick in bed. cf. obuliri, ekiriri. ndiwulira (la) lit. I will hear, maggot, insect (the subject of a familiar tale); an obstinate person, one who will not listen to good advice. ndizaala, e- (n/n) kind of small ground frog which discharges an offensive secretion "'hen threatened. ndizabawuulu, e- (n/n or la) kind of plantain whose units grow very close together, lit. it-makes-the-bachelors-weep. cf. lira, omuwuulu; mukubyakkonde. ndobo, e- (n/n) bucket, pail. cf. ^akalobo. ndobo, e-: okukuba endobo, to kick with the leg in wrestling or football, okwekuba endobo, to contradict oneself, okukuba ennanda endobo, to cultivate. ndobolo, e- (n/n) arch, share of plunder; child dedicated for service in the temple of Kibuka, a lubaale associated with war; present usage fee, levy; church contributions, regular church offering, cf. lobola. ndoddo, e- (n/n) large club with a knob at the end; large log; tree trunk used for lumber. ndogo, e- (n/n) kind of very dark barkcloth. ndogoyi, e- (n/n) donkey, cf. akalogoyi. ndoko, e- (n/n) sprout, shoot for transplanting. cf. loka. ndola, e-i kufuna bya ndola, to obtain for nothing; to buy at a price far below the normal. ndola originally referred either to ‘1) a woman given by her father to a man in return for his labor, or 2) a child taken by its grandfather and redeemed by its father on the payment of money.’ (Sn.) ndongo, e- (n/n) kind of harp, = ntongooli, q.v. cf. ekidongo, omudongo. ndoobe, e- (n/n) loincloth, cf. akaloobe. ndoolo, e- (n/n) sleep. Yali mu ndoolo. He was asleep. ndoolooto, e- (n/n) trouble; worry; fuss; ndowooza, e- (n/n) way of thinking; thinking, thought, idea, concept; point of view. cf. lowooza. ndu, e- (n/n) young shoot; young banana/ plantain shoot, endu y’ekitooke, young plantain shoot. ndukusa, e- more commonly ensukusa (n/n) young plantain ready for transplanting. nduli, e- (n/n) stump; trunk; stem, enduli y’etti, the trunk of a large tree, enduli y’omusajja, a big, strapping man. cf. ebiruliruli, akaluli, ekiruli. ndulumba, e- (n/n) kind of small fish similar to nkejje, q.v. ndulundu, e- (n/n) heap; pile; large number; abundance, endulundu y’enkuba, a large amount of rain. Akulungudde emyaka ndulundu mu mirimu gya bbaala. He has spent many years in the tavern business. ndulwe, e- (n/n) bile, ensawo y’endulwe, gall bladder. nduulu, e- (n/n) a warning sound or a sound made to attract attention which is produced by patting the mouth repeatedly with the palm of the hand, okukuba enduulu, to sound the alarm, okwekubira enduulu, to present one’s proposals/grievances/demands. cf. akaluulu. nduusi = n + luusi, q.v. nduyiro, 6- (n/n) edge, border. ndwadde, e- (n/n) sickness; disease, endwadde z’obukaba, venereal diseases. cf. 1 lwala, -lwadde, obulwadde, omulwadde. ndya, e- (n/n) act or manner of eating. cf. lya. ndyabagole, e- (n/n) kind of trefoil plant, lit. eats the newlyweds, cf. lya, omugole. ndyabalangira, e- (n/n) kind of banana; kind of insect, lit. eats the princes, cf. lya, omulangira. ndyamaggwa, e- (n/n) lit. thorn-eater. Used in the proverb: Endyamaggwa y’emanya bw’egakyusa. lit. The thorn-eater knows how to digest them. One man’s meat is another man's poison. ndyambi, e- (n/n) bad eating habits; poor table manners, cf. lya, -bi. ndyamenvu, e- (n/n) golden floral beetle which feeds on ripe bananas, lit. eats bananas, cf. lya, lyenvu. ndyanga, e- (n/n) leather bag; bag; pocket; purse. ne (n’ before a vowel) conj. and prep. with. In some of its uses ne alternates with na (q.v.), ne bwe, conj. even if, even in the event that, ne is regularly used to introduce what is called the ne tense or the narrative tense. Twagula emmere ne tulya ne tukkuta. We bought food and we ate and we were satisfied. nedda interj. no; not at all. neguka (-neguse) v.i. slip; drop; fall, fall off; be broken off. negula (-negudde) v.tr. cause to fall; break off; fig. depose, remove (from office). kisa kinegula, it is tremendous/exciting/ magnificent/sensational (used to describe a sports event or any major happening). nekaaneka (-neseenese) v.i. shine; be resplendent/radiant. nekera (-nekedde) v.i. be well dressed, be attractively dressed, be ‘dolled up.’ nekeza (-nekezezza) v.tr. caus, cause to be attractively dressed; give a good appearance to, smarten up; beautify. -enekeza (-enekezezza) v.i. caus. refl. dress well; become smart in appearance. -enekya (-enekezza) v.tr. refl. be fastidious about. nena (-nenye) v.tr. [Lunyoro~\ eat; chew. cf. nenenkereza. -nene adj. large, big. okumala ebbanga ddene, for a long (period of) time, mu bbanga si ddene eryakayita, not long ago. omunene (plur. abanene) an important person, a ‘big shot.’ kwessa mu ddene, to start out on a trip, lit. put oneself in the big (road, ekkubo is implied), cf. nene- wala, neneya, obunene, Liisoddene. neneka (-nenese) v.tr. accuse falsely. nenenkereza (-nenenkerezezza) v.tr. crunch. cf. nena. nenennana (-nenennanye) v.i. growl; snarl; argue/haggle with each other; quarrel. nenewala (-nenewadde) v.i. become large, grow big. nenewaza (-nenewazizza) v.tr. caus. make large. cf. -nene, neneya. neneya (-neneyezza) v.tr. caus. make large; enlarge, cf. -nene, nenewala. nenuka (-nenuse) v.i. open out (of a seed, flower). nenula (-nenudde) v.tr. caus. cause to open out; reveal. -enenula (-enenudde) v.i. refl. brag, talk excessively about oneself. nenya (-nenye, -nenyezza) v.tr. blame; reproach; criticize. -enenya (-enenye, -enenyezza) v.i. refl. blame oneself; repent. nenyeza (-nenyezezza) v.tr. appl. caus. blame for, reproach with. nenyezebwa (-nenyezeddwa) v.i. appl. caus. pass, be blamed/criticized/reproached. nenyesa (-nenyesezza) v.tr. caus. cause to blame. cf. ekinenyo. newaakubadde or newaakubadde nga conj. although, even though (before a clause); nor, not even (before a noun or noun phrase), cf. newandibadde, nnaakubadde, nnandi- badde. newandibadde nga (from the conditional form of ba) conj. although, cf. newaakubadde nga. nfaafa, e- (n/n) great number, large amount, enormous quantity. nfaakaali, e- (n/n) abundance, large amount. nfaana, e- (n/n) tapeworm. nfaanana, e- (n/n) appearance, looks; likeness. cf. faanana. nfabusa, e- (n/n) third haul of a dragnet. nfamba, e- (n/n) idler; lazy person. nfampewo (ia) cuckoo, lit. 1 am dying (nfa) of cold (mpewo). nfeete, e- (n/n) upper part of the back, oku- linnya ku nfeete or okutuula ku nfeete, to defeat, triumph over; to cause to fail. nfiirabulago, e- (n/n) very good friend. nfissi, e- (n/n) remainder; surplus, with the -a of rel. surplus, spare, emmere ey* en- fissi, surplus food, ebiseera byo eby’enfis- si, your spare time. cf. fikka. nfo, e- (n/n) den, lair; hideout; haunt, cf. ekifo. nfudu, e- (n/n) tortoise, turtle. nfuga, e- (n/n) way of ruling, way of governing; rule, government, enfuga ey’ekibiina ekimu, one-party rule, eby’enfuga, governmental matters, enkola yaffe ey’eby’enfuga, our system of government, cf. fuga. nfuka, e- (n/n) half-throw in wrestling, ku- kuba nfuka, to repel, repulse (but not to defeat conclusively), cf. fuka. nfukaamirizi, e-: enfukaamirizi z’ekyalo, the outskirts of a village, ennyumba enfukaamirizi, outlying houses. cf. fukamira. nfukulo, e- (n/n) area which has been dug up (e.g., by a small animal), burrow, cf. fukula. nfula, e- (n/n) a fine/generous/hospitable/ well-behaved person. nfuli, e- (n/n) labia minora. nfulubiru, e- (n/n) black rail; water-hen. nfumbi, e- (n/n) disease of the eustachian tube. nfumbiriganwa e- (n/n) way of marrying, kind of marriage, cf. fumbirigana. nfumo, e- (n/n) myth; legend; tale; fable; tradition, cf. ^fuma. nfuna, e- (n/n) way of getting; income, omu- solo gw’enfuna, income tax. eby’enfuna, economy; economics, cf. funa. nfunda, e- (n/n) time, occasion, enfunda nnyingi, many times, often, enfunda bbiri, twice. nfungo, e- (n/n) suspensory bandage (e.g., as worn by a person with a broken arm), c f. funga. nfuufu, e- no plur. (n/n) dust. nfuukafuuka, e- (n/n) change(s); develop- ment(s). cf. fuuka. nfuuyirizi, e- (n/n) kind of insect, ant lion; loss of hair caused by ringworm, cf. fuuwa. nfuuzi, e- (n/n) orphan, one who has lost both parents, kubuulira nfuuzi kwennya- raira, to tell someone to do what he wants to do or what he is experienced in doing, lit. to tell an orphan to grieve, cf. obu- fuuzi, omufuuzi. nfuuzi, e- (n/n) string made of barkcloth used as a small torch to light fires, cf. olufuuzi. nfuvu, e- (n/n) piece of barkcloth formed into a cord to tie a corpse before burial; also worn by women around the waist as a sign of mourning. nga (high tone) particle used: 1) as a preposition meaning like. Alya nga nsolo. He eats like an animal. 2) before a relative form of the verb. Yalabika ng’afumba. She seemed to be cooking, lit. like one who cooks. This is identical in form with 1), differing only in English rendition. 3) in the sense of about, approximately, abantu nga makumi abiri, about twenty people. 4) in conjunction with bwe, corresponding to the English conjunctions how or as. Kola nga (nze) bwe nkola. Do as (lit. like how) I do. 5) os an initial element in an exclamatory clause. Nga bayimba bulungi! How well they sing! (E.O.A.) nga (low tone) particle used: 1) as the introductory element in the second of two closely related clauses. The corresponding English may be a verbal participle; in other cases nga may be rendered how, how much. Mbalaba nga batambula mu kkubo. I see them walking in the road. Bwe yalaba ng’akooye n'asaba okuwummula. When he saw how tired he was, he asked to rest. 2) as the equivalent of the English conjunction if. Nga tebatuuse ku ssaawa bbiri, tobalindirira. If they have not arrived by eight o’clock, do not wait for them. 3) as the equivalent of the English conjunction when. Ng’otuuse obandabiranga. When you arrive give them my regards. 4) in conjunction with bwe, meaning while, as. Tunyumye nga bwe tuwaata. Let us converse as/while we are peeling. 5) as the introductory element in a ‘not yet’ clause (= neg. + -nna-). Toweereza bbaluwa ezo nga sinnakugamba. Do not send off the letters before I tell you. 6) as an untranslatable element in some compound tenses. Babadde nga bayimba we nnagendeddeyo. They were singing when I went there. (E.O.A.) -nga 1) suffixed to the imperative or simple past indicates renetitive or habitual action. Temugabanga bitali byammwe. Never give away what is not yours. Nga mukyali bato, mwalwananga awatali nsonga. When you were young, you used to fight without reason. 2) suffixed to -li (be) it expresses probability and may be followed by any tense. Alinga alima. He seems to be cultivating. Enkuba eringa eneetonnya. It looks like rain, lit. the rain is like it will fall. Note that alinga nga is often pronounced and written alinna nga. Nninnanga ali mu kirooto. I am just like one who is in a dream. (E.O.A.) ngaabe, e- (n/n) = engalabi long drum beaten with the hands. ngabi, e- (n/n) bushbuck. Ekika ky’Engabi, the Bushbuck Clan. cf. walugabi. ngabo, e- (n/n) shield, okuggya omukono mu ngabo, to die (of the Kabaka), lit. to take one’s hand off of the shield. Tosuula ngabo ogira owazaako. Don’t give up, keep on trying, lit. don’t throw away the shield, etc. ngadala, e- (n/n) large white-breasted cormorant. ngaga, e- (n/n) brass bracelet. ngagalana, e- (n/n) engagalana y’ebintu, jumble, disordered assortment of things. ngagize, e- (n/n) saliva; slaver; dribble. cf. engeregeze. ngajaba, e- (n/n) lazy/careless/useless person. with the -a of rel. lazy, useless, engajaba y’omukazi, a lazy,careless woman. cf. gajaba. ngala, e- (n/n) mouth of a fish trap. ngalabi, e- (n/n) long ceremonial drum which is beaten with the hands, cf. omugalabi. ngalama, e- with the -a of rel. far apart, wide-spreading, amayembe ag’engalama, wide-spreading horns, cf. galamira. ngalo, e- (n/n) finger; hand, engalo ensajja, thumb. Yankutte mu ngalo. He shook hands with me or He took me by the hand. Baamukubira mu ngalo. They applauded him. Alina engalo. He is light-fingered, omuntu ow’engalo, thief, ow’eggalo, expert thief, kufunyira ngalo, to spoil (someone’s) chances; to ruin (someone’s) plans; to refuse (someone’s) requests, cf. eggalo, akagalo, olugalo, amagalo, nnamagalo. ngalobunani (la) a very lazy person, one who does not wish to dirty his fingers by doing work, lit. pretty-fingers. cf. engalo, nana. ngassi, e- (n/n) fine; damages, compensation; recompense, cf. gatta. ngatto, e- (n/n) shoe; boot; sandal, kukuba ngatto ddagala, to shine shoes, eddagala ly’engatto, shoe polish. Bw'ova ku byange ogenda ku wa ngatto. If you don’t listen to my advice you won’t succeed in your endeavor, lit. if you depart from mine you go to the cobbler. Yabissaamu engatto n’agenda. He went off, lit. he put his shoes into them (-bi- implies bigere, feet) and went. nge, e- (n/n) malice, maliciousness, spite, ill will, churlishness. ngege, e- (n/n) kind of fish resembling a small perch, Tilapia esculenta. cf. obugege. ngera, e-: akambe ak'engera, a knife the handle of which has been broken or removed, kuzir.ys r.gcra, to pester, annoy, persecute. ngeregeze, e- (n/n) hardened saliva, dry saliva; slobber, cf. 2gera, geregeza; engagize. ngereka, e- (n/n) way of alloting; estimate, assessment, cf. 1 gereka. ngereka, e- (n/n) ow’engereka, a person with overlapping teeth, cf. 2 gereka. -ngereza adj. English. Bungereza, England. Omungereza, an Englishman. Olungereza, English, the English language. ngeri, e- (n/h) sort, kind; manner; way. Muntu wa ngeri ki? What sort of a person is he? eby’okulya ebya buli ngeri, food of every type, mu ngeri eno, in this way. mu ngeri y’emu, in the same way. ngeri is extensively used in the formation of phrases corresponding to English adverbs, mu ngeri ey’okusaaga, jokingly, in a joking way. mu ngeri ey’amaanyi, forcefully, with great force. ngeru, e- (n/n) white coating on the tongue. ngeye, e- (n/n) colobus monkey. Ekika ky’Engeye, the Colobus Monkey Clan (one of the most ancient clans of B Uganda). ngezi, e- (n/n) current (of a body of water). cf. 2 gera. -ngi adj. much; many. Note the expanded form nnyingi which occurs with nouns of the n/n class: ensi nnyingi, many countries. cf. -yingi, yinga, bangi, obungi, nnamungi, ^awangi. ngiri, e- (n/n) warthog; rare wild boar. ngo, e- (n/n) leopard. Ekika ky’Engo, the Leopard Clan. Bwe nnamusanga, nnali ?dde ku n~c crikc sm-.vsna. When I •met him he was in a furious state of mind, lit. 1 was like one who had fallen upon a leopard with a cub. Ekitta engo kigiyinga buzito. (prov.) That which kills the leopards is heavier than the leopard, cf. Wango. ngojoba, e- (n/n) lazy/languid/earless person. cf. gojoba. ngolo, e- (n/n) gorilla; bogey, monstrous imaginary figure. ngozi, e- (n/n) cloth used to cover an infant, swaddling clothes; piece of barkcloth used for carrying an infant on the back. Mwana mugimu ava ku ngozi. (prov.) The potentialities of a person are present in early childhood. ngozoobana, e- (n/n) trouble, disturbance; difficulty, cf. gozoobana. ngubo, e- (n/n) tracks made by the continual passage of animals, children, etc., over an area of ground. ngudi, e- (n/n) arch, grass ornament on the prow of a canoe. ngugo, e- (n/n) kind of edible earthen salt. cf. guga. ngugu, e- (n/n) personal belongings of a traveler, baggage, luggage, cf. omugugu. nguju, e- with the -a of rel. hard and black (of plantains attacked by a kind of parasite). ngulansigo, e-: enkuba engulansigo, the first rain after the dry season, so called because it is the time for buying (gula) seeds (nsigo) for planting. ngule, e- (n/n) crown, royal headdress, okutikkira engule, to crown. nguli inv. adj. deceased, departed, nguli jjajjange, my late grandfather. See omugenzi. ngulu, e- adv. up, above, okudda engulu, to regain consciousness. Afrika ey’engulu, northern Africa, upper Africa, engulu ku lusozi, up on the hill, okuluma n’ogw’engu- lu, lit. to bite with the upper (lip, omumwa, implied), to be determined/resolved, cf. eggulu, kungulu, waggulu. ngululu, e- (n/n) rare heap; vast amount. ngumyamutwe var. spelling of nnumyamutwe, q. v. nguuli, e- (n/n) huge elephant; something huge/monstrous; now most commonly walagi, a very strong liquor resembling gin. nguuwo, e- (n/n) [Sin.3 loincloth. nguzi, e- (n/n) bribe, okulya enguzi, to take a bribe, cf. gula. ngwabuzito, e- (n/n) kind of tall forest tree. cf. gyabazito. ngwira, e-: ettooke ery'engwira, bunch of bananas which has fallen or been knocked down by a storm, strong wind, etc. cf. gwa, gwira. ngwizi, e- (n/n) paradise flycatcher. nigga (-nizze) v.i., also nigguuka (-nigguuse) v.i. be haughty; be flippant; be scornful. niigiina (-niigiinye) v.i. be flippant, turn up the nose; take things lightly; be indifferent/ carefree. niigiinira (-niigiinidde) v.tr. appl. be flippant towards, etc. niigiinya (-niigiinyizza) v.tr. cans, cause to he flinnanf eto niina (-niinye) v.i. be casual, take matters lightly, treat things as a joke.\cf. omuniino. niya see nya. njaaye, e- (n/n) type of narcotic, bhang. See enjaga. njaba, e- (n/n) scorpion, enjaba ey’obusagwa, scorpion. njaga, e- (n/n) Indian hemp, bhang; dope, narcotic, okunywa enjaga, to use bhang; to take dope. cf. omuyaga. njagi, e- (n/n) = entula. fruit of the muyagi, egg fruit. njala, e- no plur. (n/n) hunger; famine. Enjala ennuma (= e + n + luma). I am hungry. Enjala yagwa. Famine struck. Enjala esaza amagezi. (prov.) Hunger makes one use one’s wits. Necessity is the mother of invention, cf. oluyala, omuyala, enjalayagwa. njala, e- plur. of olwala, q.v. njala, e- (n/n) way of spreading out. enjala y'ekitanda, the way of making a bed.c f. nyala. njala (la) kind of tiny insect found on stagnant water in banana gardens. njalayagwa, e- (n/n) a kind of broad elastic belt, lit. famine (njala) struck (yagwa). njaliiro, e- (n/n) rafter, beam; long pieces of firewood to form the base on which other firewood is placed; banana leaves used as a covering or lining (see olwaliiro). ...laba, enjaliiro ekyali ku liiso lyo....and behold, a beam which is in thine own eye. (Matth. 7; 4). cf. ^yala, valiira. njangwa, e- (n/n) cat; wild cat. njasabiggu, e- (n/n) usually an attribute to another substantive bold, intrepid; aggressive; resourceful, possessing initiative. omusajja enjasabiggu, a bold, resolute man, a daredevil, cf. yasa, ekiggu. njatula, e- (n/n) pronunciation; way of uttering/expressing; with cap. the official prayer book of the Church of Uganda. cf. yatula. njatuza, e- (n/n) vowel, cf. yatula, yatuza. njawukana, e- (n/n) way of separating; separation, division; difference; disagreement. cf. yawuka, yawukana. njawula, e- (n/n) way of separating/distinguishing; way of subtracting (in arithmetic). njawulo, e- (n/n) difference, with the -a of rel. different; special, obwegendereza obw’enjawulo, special care/attention. cf. yawula. njaza, e- (n/n) reedbuck. Ekika ky’Enjaza, the Reedbuck Clan. njazi, o- plur. of olwazi, q.v. nje, e- (n/n) seed of the empafu fruit used as a spinning top. okubonga enje, to spin nje. njeejeebe, e- (n/n) weak, lazy person. njega, e- (n/n) trouble, difficulty, problem. njegooyego, e- (n/n) edge; brink; limit; shore; outskirts, cf. omwegooyego; omuleboolebo, endeboolebo. njeruka, e- (n/n) kind of barkcloth tree. njeyo, e- plur. of olweyo, q.v. njiga, e- (n/n) way of learning, cf. yiga. njigiriza, e- (n/n) way/manner of teaching; relig. way of preaching; (religious) doctrine. eby’enjigiriza, education, cf. yiga, yigiriza. njiibwa, e- (n/n) pigeon. njiiya, e- (n/n) way of originating/devising, enjiiya empya, a new design, cf. yiiya. njiri, e- (n/n) CSta.,/lr. ] Gospel (used by Protestants). See vanjili. njiyiro, e- (n/n) mouth (of a river); outflow (of a drain), cf. yiwa, yiira. njobe, e- (n/n) marsh antelope, Limnotragus spekei. njoga, e- (n/n) dim. akayoga (ka/bu) kind of small mammal, hyrax, commonly called rock-rabbit, coney. njogera, e- (n/n) manner of speaking, way of talking; saying, dictum; speech; pronunciation. cf. yogera. njogeza, e- (n/n) spokesman; publicity secretary (of a political party); verb. cf. yogera, yogeza. njogeziyogezi, e- (n/n) chatterbox. Enjogezi- yogezi etuuka nnyinimu ku muze. (prov.) The chatterbox gets to the point (where he reveals) the bad habits of the owner of the house, cf. yogera. njoka, e- plur. of olwoka, q.v. (lu/n) internal pains, enjoka z’ebigalanga, dyspepsia, dyspeptic pains, enjoka za kakenge, throbbing abdominal pain, enjoka ensaa- nuusi, colic, enjoka ensajja, enjoka z’omusaayi, gonorrhea, enjoka z’okutuula, entail ^’ebv.'er’j, diarrhea, dysentery, enjoka z’eddumi, pains before and after menstruation, periodic cramps, enjoka za kawammansi, pains after childbirth, enjoka enjeru, tapeworm, enjoka eza nnatnumwa, roundworm, omwana w’omu njoka ze, her very own child, the child of her flesh. cf. ekyoka, omuyoka. njokyo, e- plur. tribal marking(s) (e.g., those produced by burning with a red-hot iron), cf. yokya. njola, e- (n/n) groove; nick; carving, cutting; tribal marking; in the plur. thread of a screw, omusumaali gw’enjola, screw. c f. yol a. njole, e- (n/n) corpse, enjole y’essubi, bundle of grass, okunyeenya ku galiba enjole, colloq. to dance, lit. to shake some of (the bones, amagumba is implied) which will become a corpse. njolo, e- (n/n) kind of banana used for making beer. njolo, e- (n/n) as an attributive to other nouns a large quantity, much, many, ebisolo njolo, a large number of animals, ensimbi njolo, a great deal of money. njota, e- (n/n) lightning; thunderbolt; great flash. njota, e- (n/n) epaulet, omuserikale ow’enjota, military officer; police inspector. njovu, e- (n/n) elephant, endwadde y'enjovu, elephantiasis. Ekika ky’Enjovu, the Elephant Clan. cf. lakayovu, omuyovu. njoya, e- (n/n) kind of plantain. nju, e- plur. amayu or enju (li/ma or n/n) house, cf. ak av 11 fmmanju. njuba, e- (n/n) sun. enjuba y’eggi, the yolk of an egg. kusuula njuba, to work until dusk; to work very hard; to do to an extreme degree. njujju, e- (n/n) foliotocole, dric-dric bird. njuki, e- (n/n) bee. Omwana oyo njuki. That child is uncontrollable. He gets into one situation after another, kugwa njuki mu mutwe, to act in a wild/mischievous/ headstrong manner (esp. of youngsters). cf. akayuki. njulu (n/n) osier, used for making baskets. cf. 2ekiyulu. njuyi, e- plur. of oluuyi, q.v. njwanjwa: ebya njwanjwa, unfounded asser- tion(s), untruth; shameful things. nkaabu, e- (n/n) bitter gourd, cf. omukaabu. nkaaga, e- numer. sixty, with the -a of rel. sixtieth, omulundi ogw’enkaaga, the sixtieth time, kugobya nkaaga, to dismiss summarily, send packing, drive away. cf. -kaaga. nkaajumbe, e- (n/n) old straw spread on the floor of a house. It is also used for thatching. nkaatu, e- (n/n) beer which has gone sour; vinegar, cf. kaatuuka. nkaawo, e- (n/n) kind of bamboo, brown in color, as opposed to bbanda which is black. nkaayana, e- (n/n) controversy, dispute. cf. kaayana. nkaayi, e- (n/n) kind of gourd used by men as a tumbler for drinking beer; beer. Musoke mukwasi wa nkaayi. Musoke is addicted to the bottle. nkabala, e- (n/n) piece of ground recently turned up in preparation for cultivation, omusiri ogw’enkabala, plot/garden which has recently been tilled. nkago,